College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized














DSC_0986_master DSC_3492 Dt5Dgj8XQAAKU35 

          Unusual dream. First, I’m in a church. Don’t know why I’m there because I never go to church any more– can’t recall the service except being there. The church is medium-large, seats maybe one thousand at most, seems fairly plain but not totally, has some familiar Christian embellishments.


          *(CHURCH, DON’T GO ANY MORE: Me: MomGod, I’m already stumped. Have no idea what this could mean – help!

          She: A Church is a meeting or gathering place of like-minded people or those who believe the same.


          CHRISTIAN EMBELLISHMENTS, FAMILIAR: This is your regular work where you teach or preach the things Jesus taught, the basic principles in all good religion including Jesus’ source, Buddhism.


I get the feeling that this describes three different audiences you have ON THE INTERNET. You’ve just been talking to the Lithuanian JOURNALIST who wants to do a story on you. You shared your LINKS with him – all the ways you reach people. This might be showing the different reactions different people have to your work.)*


          The scene changes. The entire church fills up with MEN—every seat taken, they are all around me, many close to me, all eagerly looking at the altar. Some of these men are handsome—they are all bathed – the entire church – in a dim grey/blue light, almost like a mist, a dreamy feeling. The unusual thing is their facial expressions of EAGERNESS, & also, they all seem GAY, even those who appear masculine, somehow I sense this is an all-gay audience. I ask one man what this is about, & he says,


          “It’s because of a BOOK.”


birds-butterflies-and-a-frog-among-plants-and-fungi-melchior-dhondecoeter 1895.90 Buster-as-General-Wellington BvZ93J C0aEJbgWQAAHioH c5c4fc06e218885f700976418890cabc

          *(GAY MEN, ENTIRE CHURCH FILLED WITH THEM: The gay is not homos, it refers to happy, they are happy, in harmony or agreement about something.


          CHURCH FILLED, ALL SEATS TAKEN: This is a unanimous agreement. My feeling is this has to do with my You Tube videos. I get hundreds of comments, many new ones a day, of males infatuated with me–& there are huge numbers of hits. This shows them in a dreamy state, having fantasies. This is how men feel about me. {I never expected this as I am much older now, but for some reason they adore me.}*


          This audience disappears & a third one appears. Women are close to me, so close, they are practically taking up my space–& all the women are BLACK & it’s a religious meeting, camp meeting, revival, something like that. This is not dreamy like the men were – the vision is clear, sharp & colorful. The women are all wearing bright colors, hats. This is not all seats taken as the men’s deal was – only about a quarter of the seats are full, mostly crowded toward the front, it is a totally different feel.

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          But as they crowd into my space I decide to leave. I take my purse (thank God no one stole it) & some type of soft blue suede leather jacket, which I wrap around myself & then head out. I’m very respectful of God & on my way out I walk before the altar, from the area of the exit, I kneel in reverence. But somehow the women persuade me to stay longer – I do, but can’t recall anything else.


          *(THIRD AUDIENCE, ALL WOMEN: This is so TELLING! Yes, I figured what this is about – various audiences, how they respond to me.


          This is the new work I’m doing on my website, as well as my blog with William Bond. Here is presented THE NEW RELIGION, FOR WOMEN ONLY – ‘WOMAN, THOU ART GOD!’

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          This audience, of women only – not many because there aren’t that many hits (not much promotion) – are women who agree with me totally & are, here depicted, INSPIRED, like a REVIVAL MEETING or Pentecostal—Pentecostal meaning the Holy Spirit has hit them.


          They are black because it is their flesh, their bodies are revived, they are happy to be WOMEN—in other words, not just for their souls, but their gender because I am saying their gender is God.

 eeaba34e3d3407aaeb6d1b3c92c0657f Een-pelikaan-en-ander-gevogelte-bij-een-waterbassin-bekend-als-8216Het-drijvend-veertje8217-R0073 Eldar-Zakirov-2012-Cat-for-Hermitage-Mag-6_o english-elegance-roses-in-a-silver-vase-albert-williams Equestrian_Portrait_of_Catharina_of_Wurttemberg_grande Equestrian_Portrait_of_Prince_Boris_Yusupov equestrian-portrait-of-mademoiselle-croizette-charles-emile-auguste-carolus-duran

          WEARING BRIGHT COLORS & HATS: This is their EMOTIONS being revived, their feelings are good, bright, positive, the

HATS: are POSITIONS they now see themselves in, as LEADERS, being important, superior & autonomous. I suggest we women LEAVE MEN & create our own society, agenda, point of view, religion—everything according to our own needs & wishes. This is most definitely a REVIVAL FOR WOMEN & the fact that they are SO CLOSE TO ME I have to move is how much in favor they are of what I’m saying—so much so that they are asking me to STAY LONGER which means they want to hear more from me about this new religion!

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College of God & Love, College of Love Making, College of Matriarchal Love, Uncategorized








          There was a MOVIE SET I am present at & it is SCARY.


          *(MOVIE SET I AM IN: Theater of life, my life.)*

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          It has something suspended way in the air, as if not attached to anything – a vehicle. Later I see it as attached, & on top is a truck (like you use for hauling, two or three times as big as a pickup truck, its open in back, its painted red, the rest is grey & black. Its suspended way up & precariously angled at a 90 degree downward.


          I think to myself that some crazy guy might get into it & drive it with dire consequences & suddenly someone does. He is in it, gets it started & drives down some kind of ramp—fortunately no accidents occur.

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          *(VEHICLE, TRUCK, PRECARIOUS 90 DEGREE ANGLE: A way given, possibly from Heaven (high above, seemed not attached to the earth but then later you see is attached), that seems scary & dangerous – a way of doing something one needs to do – possibly getting out of a bad situation. It has to do with a male you are concerned about – could be lover Peter who is in dire straits, & it’s scary for him to MAKE A MOVE—but HE DOES IT.


RED TRUCK BEING DRIVEN: person is in a scary, painful situation but boldly makes a move & comes out OK.)*


          This entire thing is a MOVIE SET. What am I doing here? Guess I’m in it. The company has taken over a huge mansion like a palace with ornate interiors – besides the scary contraption we are all in this ornately furnished mansion.

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          *(HUGE MANSION COMPANY HAS TAKEN OVER: Residence is a PLACE OF CONSCIOUSNESS, where one’s mind & heart are – good or bad. To be in a mansion like this is SPIRITUAL GREATNESS or being in a good state – your state. Extreme stress moves one closer to God, we are closer to God when suffering. The


          SCARY CONTRAPTION: is what does one have to do in this time to survive? This Pandemic? Where people are thrown on their ass, without work or money or security? What do they do?)*


          Right now I am outside in a kind of yard, looking into the great mansion as well as an old mansion to the left which is completely decrepit on the outside, falling down walls, roof, all caving in, all made of dark wood, two floors high. It’s on a lot with buildings within 10-15’ of it on all sides with fences or walls up to the second floor – no one seems to notice it but myself.

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          *(DECREPIT MANSION: This is the past relationship between you & lover Peter—it is decrepit, fallen apart, the way it used to be is over, finished. You aren’t ‘there’ any more. 


          WALLS, FENCES HIGH ALL AROUND IT: & no one seems to notice but me, means that no one knew or understood all the great things you had in mind for him, they were & are hidden.)*


          Outside a window is a strange sight – like fifty chairs all fitted into each other sticking out of a window, all completely rusted. I jokingly say to a friend nearby, do you need any chairs?—pointing them out.


         One standout thing is the

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          *(CHAIRS, ALL RUSTY, ABOUT 50, ALL FITTED ONE INTO THE OTHER: Chairs are positions, seats like thrones, places of rest or comfort. They represent the things you wanted for Peter – the accomplishments you would help him attain, the kudos, laurels, successes, all now


          OUT THE WINDOW: meaning over, finished, will not be. It seems like a joke – all you wished for him – as you speak of it to a friend. ‘Rusty’ means it hasn’t been used, didn’t happen.)*

          Another window had other items sticking out, can’t recall what.


        But INSIDE I see ornately carved bureaus, hand carved, some goldeny colored, some darker brown, like new, so ornate I know they would cost a fortune.

663bcd9f35d228706f5aecf3573ee8e1 700full 731bf2edc191b938213b073e719a7940 (1) 

          I think to myself why are those bureaus there, & how could a person get them – valuable, & I don’t understand why they’re in this crumbling, broken down, falling down mansion.


          *(VALUABLE, ORNATE, HAND CARVED BUREAUS, SOME GOLDENY, SOME BROWN: What is LEFT of that relationship is not the outside ambitions you had for him but what was inside, the inner value of the love.


          Bureaus would be things that hold things – these are


CHESTS OF DRAWERS: Chest refers to heart, & the drawers hold many things. This evokes the heart holding many ways of love, the desires to see another happy, whatever it takes. In other words, your heart held for him many ambitions, desires that you thought would bring him the things he wanted – but he did not cooperate, those things are gone. He will not be a ‘somebody,’ in the eyes of the world – he will not ‘succeed’ at any great career, finding fame or recognition.

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But the valuable love is still there wishing to heal him of his maladies, so he can be happy. This you want to retrieve from the failures – take out of that affair what had the deeper meaning.

HAND CARVED: Hands refer to the giving of love.

GOLDENY CHESTS OR BUREAUS: True love, gold is love.

SOME DARKER, BROWN: The dark spots you went through for love have great value, suffering is all we have to give to God – She gives us everything else. {Words of St. Francis of Assisi.})*


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College of God & Love, College of Love Making, College of Matriarchal Love, Uncategorized







          dream interpreted for a friend

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          I had a best friend, Steven, who I loved & he loved me, for ten years. Then he had a misunderstanding about me—suspected me of doing something I didn’t do & because of it, dropped being my friend.


          *(STEVEN: This is the man you love. He misunderstood something he thought you did years ago & turned against you, moved in with another woman, but now he’s back or will be momentarily.)*


          Now I see him again. I am outside in a yard & see his head beyond a tall fence – just his head on the other side while he talks to someone—the house he lives in vaguely is behind him.

4c443ecb355a9d413254a2cd2add0727 4cffbeaef5f4276bbd179c3e962ff966 4e0a4704e21ed4a0d5e2a2bd876aa5ca 4e6d3a0c80ff173a94d516ddf42dc2ee 4e8b1a16d8cfd696d9645d69fb19d1b6--pre-raphaelite-fairytale 4f0a00c4061b2e378a2971f6ed4e0772 

I’m not attracted to him any more, & think how if we got together I would be loathe to have sex with him. In fact, I guess he’s my HUSBAND & yes I did love him but now he’s sort of repulsive to me. I look at his head & somehow both his head & dick seem small.


*(SMALL HEAD & DICK, REPULSIVE: His head is the attitude, way of thinking, his stupidity, & the dick part is if you no longer like his ways, you don’t like his dick either. You recall all the cruel, revengeful & cold hearted things he did to you over the years.


TALL FENCE, HE’S ON OTHER SIDE: This is he’s with another woman, part of the reason you hate him, the


TALKING: means relating, he’s relating to another woman.)*

6e993edcc6c94125de87bb800dcadc79 6VvuHGsoU2QBt9MXeXNdDuyd4Bmd63j7zJymDTWgdcJjnzjzFG8H5Aa1PR21uBzx8aGCiDQLp97LEvruQJcmWyQrNRae3P4oSr4LjKAFCYd95m6crhqyCBW6MBWwiW 7ec62bf29090112ce1bcc5a2dd690699_stunning-antique-bird-clip-art-victorian-die-cut-of-pics-for-mynah-_1523-1101 8a1bd884729cc978cd53982002e17c03 9b1bc03564ab7221c49c53a83b33f14a 9f9d217c04e15adb11ca79fd1c32a27b 

Then things happen. It’s like we go to dinner somewhere & we’re being feted—I don’t know why. Things have CHANGED.


*(CHANGED: This is saying he is not with the other woman, he’s returned to you & someone, somehow, is BLESSING, NOURISHING, giving you HAPPINESS.)*


As we sit a waitress appears who is SPECIAL. We’ve been already given food, but her appearance is extra. I tell people about it later, how she appeared, what a boon it was.


She makes food for us during this time of GREAT NEED. She cooks & serves us, & it’s grand.


*(SPECIAL WAITRESS, COOKING FOR US GREAT FOOD, A BOON: This woman represents the Heavenly Mother or God. She has visited us, brought us together, has granted happiness to us. Her visit is her blessings, Power & Love.)*

l2ekdkK LD688_1_large Leonora-Carrington-Pastoral-1 

Then I see a dish she made which is HUGE—it is one of those small pools I have outside to feed the animals, about 3.5’ across, a foot deep. This plastic bowl is filled with a dish she made where the top of it is like pizza or lasagna, it’s a thick sauce, red, like tomato on top, but the tomato is dark & thick & has something in it-not sure what-that makes it ‘meaty.’ She already made it but it has to sit, some type chemicalization, & we ask about when it can be eaten & she says IN TWO DAYS. Wow, what have we deserved to get all this?


*(IN TWO DAYS: You asked when something would happen where he would contact you & the affair would resume. Could this be the answer? Does two days mean two days, two weeks, two months or even two years? There is no TIME in the afterlife & so it’s difficult to gage a prediction here.


What I do know is the

HUGE BOWL filled with a dish: big enough to be a pool for a few ducks or a couple geese. It means HUGE BENEFIT, BOON, BLESSING, GIFT or JOY.

 xebaa1-Adolphe_Millot_oeufs-fixed xxl-pieces-woodland-forest-friends-jigsaw-puzzle-300-pieces.80257-1.fs Yana Movchan Young Girl with Lamb zebra-in-meditation

MEATY TOMATO SAUCE TOP (not real wet, medium dry, something substantial which has to become more substantial by sitting: This gift is not ready today but will be in the time called ‘two days.’ Perhaps you will get a SIGN in two days—like the messages he’s been leaving on social media—messages that can be taken more than one way but he knows you know it’s to you {his live-in is too dumb to understand.}


Me: Momgod I’m stumped. Need your help. This could say a lot, but what specifically? I know there are big clues.


She: I suspect that in a couple days the conditions are ‘stewing’, ‘brewing’ or ‘gestating’ to be ENJOYED by him & you, so what would please both of you more than anything is if his affair with Stefania ended & yours would begin.

unnamed (30) unnamed (31) unnamed (32) unnamed (33) unnamed (34) unnamed (35) unnamed (36) unnamed (37) 

The huge dish might be a BIG FIGHT. There is reason to believe she covered all the bills—even food–& he gave nothing. Now she has no money & is desperate to keep the family under the roof with food on the table, including diapers & formula for their child, but he refuses to fork over his salary. One can see how this would drive her ape shit & she would turn on him.


The symbols point to both bad & good—sometimes what is bad for one person is good for another—the pool/bowl is


BLACK: nothingness {no color}, depression, ending, funeral—their liaison ends.


RED, MEATY TOMATO SAUCE ON TOP: Red is pain, suffering,

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MEATY: would be weighty, serious, and strong. {A spiritual child can only have milk {consolation}, but when you grow up you can consume the ‘strong meat’ God gives of suffering.} This symbol is common in Mystical Theology. The


HUGENESS: of this dish is the hugeness of the event, a relationship that went on for years, that you have prayed about so long – will suddenly cease. That is your GIFT from the SPECIAL WAITRESS who is Mother God, who has ORCHESTRATED or PREPARED this event for you two.


Me: Mother God, people will say this is cruel to Stefania, will wish me bad luck rather than good. How do you explain that their breakup is from God, which leaves her & their child in poverty?


She: She has to find the road out of poverty that is not the devil & Hell—there are means of survival for her—family, friends & social welfare agencies. He did not help financially anyway–& is still unable to do so.

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The relationship was wrong. He was in desperate need, God sent him a woman to love who could save him, but he chose the path of Satan – he even said he had ‘sold his soul to the devil’ for ‘party lifestyle & popularity’ – he listened to lowlife drug addicts, abusive family & ignorant ‘friends,’ –you have suffered terribly for this.


It was God’s will from the beginning that you two be together– neither one of you can be happy any other way. Being apart was being outside the Will of God.

 SAAM-1986.85_1 Schine-Brown-bear Screen_Shot_2017_02_11_at_14_29_53_l sheepandrabbits sheep-by-the-sea-rosa-bonheur sheep-rosa-bonheur sissi-wedding-dress-royal-bride-2017-03-1

During these years of deprivation you never gave up & continually prayed for him. Your prayers saved his life from an overdose. She has nothing to give him but the flesh & more substances – she cannot heal him of his afflictions & the need for medication – your prayers have begun his healing.


If people cannot understand this then it’s too bad – it’s none of their business anyway. It’s your lives, not theirs, let them take care of their own lives & stay out of yours. You are doing God’s will & that’s all that matters, the popularity contest is over, the public opinion is irrelevant.)*

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College of Love Making, College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Uncategorized










for a friend, her dream


          There is some ‘to-do’ about my apt – I have had trouble finding a suitable one in previous dreams, seems I have a decent one now except for one thing – the devil is in it, my roommate.  Other than that I can’t place the apt as any I’ve ever lived in.

3dc16d9c09555cf3e6db5a44b0068f8c 4. Mice Pulling Cracker 4c252d40d83c0126d5be4854015b19fd 

          *(APT LIKE NONE I’VE EVER LIVED IN:  This I already sense is not about me/you – you are seeing in the skin of another person, & the devil is ‘Jake the lover.’  You will now see from the eyes of Jake’s roommate, Priscilla, what she’s experiencing from him now—his other side.  He’s been putting up a ‘front / act’ with her to get what he needed but the façade has dropped, she now sees his truly evil self.)*


          I come home & set to opening the door & there are FIVE LOCKS.  The demon {in the form of a man I used to know} helps open the door.  Why five locks? I wonder.  I ask him, do we really need five locks?  They are all types, some large–deadlocks.  When he came to the door he was a bit flustered that I might not get in promptly.


          *(FIVE LOCKS:  Momgod, help, I haven’t a clue.

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          She:  The five locks, what do locks do?  They keep people from getting in, they keep one’s place safe, secret, locked in.  Don’t look at this physically but MENTALLY.


          The many locks preserve the safety / secrecy of what is going on here but you, in a moment,  will see the truth of what you always suspected.  And by


          MAKING SURE YOU GET IN:  he wants you to know what you believed is correct.  It’s time.  In particular, he wants you to know he did not love this woman, he used her, – because now that this stint is over, he wants you back.


          His clothing says:

16cbce0ba2ed80ac7a456380f97d45bb 18e186fc0baeb91e0756875fc58bfa30 21ace135d282d1d392edf8a45e22e375 23-570x779 24aff75ec4b17a1bc435e94dd45bc87d 37ae9f90b1068cc0dd108f1a780bc207

          BLACK PANTS:  the fact that you will not have sex with him any more bothers him.  Black is absence or end or ‘funeral.’


          RED PULL-ON TOP:  He is hurting for lack of your love, he is in pain {red is fresh blood, the shirt goes over his torso & heart, it’s emotional pain.}


          DEMON, HE IS THE DEMON:  Because he used this woman, you are in her skin now, &– late this year will be five years – his secret remained all that time—five locks.  {The reason he USED HER is because he did not love her & did not contribute to her & their child with any of his resources.}  This will be revealed to her now, she sees it, because of what is happening or about to happen.  {you did tell her but she refused to believe, she was hoping/imagining the affair would some day be ‘wine & roses,’ but all that happened was lies & deception – now she has no money & the truth will be clear.})*

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The apt is fine, it’s ok, nothing bad; except for one thing—he’s here.  But he’s getting ready to go out & as soon as he does I can relax & be happy.


*(HIS BEING HERE IS THE ONLY BAD THING:  He is the worst thing in her life.  She has to make it now for herself & the child, he is redundant, he is superfluous, just another burden & he contributes nothing.  She anticipates relief & happiness when he’s gone–or when this evil personality changes {not a chance.})*


He look exactly like the demonic guy I used to live with in my early 20’s {he was a professional con man, lived off people, lived off me for a while.}  He’s pulling on black pants with a bright red jersey top, like a pull-on top.  His middle is filled in, there is no waist indentation.  He has a look on his face that shows nothing, maybe ‘anything goes’ or ‘whatever.’  I can’t wait for him to leave.


*(IN HER EARLY 20’s:  Priscilla is young

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PROFESSIONAL CON MAN, LIVES OFF PEOPLE INCLUDING ME:  Indeed, his pattern—You told her, she didn’t listen.

I explained the meaning of his outfit already.


NO WAIST, STRAIGHT UP & DOWN:  He is at no loss for his own needs, not hungry or thin, feeds himself with his money, buys what he needs – mainly substances & habits.)*


          NEXT SCENE


In the next scene I am in my B’klyn apt but it is different in that it has a staircase off to the left as I’m facing it, & people who I don’t know are gathering. weird-vintage-holiday-new-year-cards-22 white-raven2 wicca-ladyAvalon wild-cat-rosa-bonheur wingatestudio_walton_ford_bird_etchings-7-1 witchesdance_forbidden ws_Woman_Dark_Dress_Dandelion_1920x1200 

*(B’KLYN APT:  This was a place of great changes, highs & lows, where I saw God face to face but also martyred by the Divine Interior Stigmata.  It hearkens to monumental change, in the end, all turning out good.


STAIRCASE TO THE LEFT:  There was no floor above me, this would be going to the roof.  This sounds like ‘staircase to Heaven’ but also ‘the Cross of Our Lord’—indeed, his Cross led to Heaven, as He paid for our sins.  Therefore, this staircase is a great death, salvation & resurrection, death of one leading to life for someone else.


It seems like what is unfolding is the end of Priscilla {shown again & again in dreams} but a resurrection for me & ‘Jake the lover.’  {Yes we see his evil side here, but he isn’t all evil.  He was severely damaged, trying to survive, making bad decisions.  We are young & dumb before we get old & wise. People do make mistakes – they learn by them, they change.  He’s written poems, posts, begged about making mistakes, repented about her a hundred times on social media–praying I would see it.  She was too dumb to catch on or if she did, did nothing about it.  I just ignored him & let him keep suffering to learn his lessons.})*

victorian-engraving-of-a-country-home-1897-D1B2MP victorian-era_01_a5cb097b8d5d13a44e9fdc35499fea5a Victorian-Winter-Fashion Wain4 walton_ford_7424_3634429537_1024x768 waterhouse-john-william-echo-and-narcissus-jigsaw-puzzle-1000-pieces.53802-1.fs 

On the staircase on one step is one of my iron barbells & the same on another step.  Someone is sitting on the steps & I want to remove the barbells so they can be more comfortable – maybe another person might want to sit there.


*(BARBELLS ON ONE STEP & ANOTHER:  barbells are iron; metal to me is usually the nails they put into Jesus—which represents the WILL OF GOD.  This indicates what is to happen is THE WILL OF GOD.  She must end, I must begin.  I was told this in years, in hundreds of dreams—it was hard to believe but I kept my faith.  Now here it is, about to happen.


SOMEONE SITTING HERE:  Sounds like the person to be crucified – her.  I do not see the person’s identity, but I’m trying to help them, make them more comfortable, means I have charity for them, not animosity.)*

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I see a female come in, then another & another.  They are all GAUNT, thin, with gaunt faces like I have an image a painting of a gaunt, dark haired woman with short hair with a gaunt child in her lap – they all look the same – I don’t know them.  I get the feeling this is more their apt than mine – they don’t even see me I don’t think, they don’t look at me or speak to me.


GENESIS 41:   When two full years had passed, Pharaoh had a dream: He was standing by the Nile,


when out of the river there came up seven cows, sleek and fat, and they grazed among the reeds.


After them, seven other cows, ugly and gaunt, came up out of the Nile and stood beside those on the riverbank.


And the cows that were ugly and gaunt ate up the seven sleek, fat cows. Then Pharaoh woke up.



*(GAUNT WOMEN-SEVERAL-MAYBE FIVE:  First, the gauntness.  This is hunger, in Pharaoh’s dream, famine, which is to us an economic crash, bankruptcy.  Now mind you, they lived a good life but week to week.  They wanted for nothing, she gave all, she supported him.  I suffered because of my love–they didn’t care, she hated me.  Then her years of ‘plenty’ceased, her famine begins, my famine ends, my years of plenty begin – isn’t karma wonderful?

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Now as you stand here, it seems you are like the ‘fly on the wall’—the women don’t see you but you see them, it’s your vision of what’s happening to her/them, not their vision of what’s happening to you.  This says the woman/women are in the state called ‘famine.’


By contrast, you see the demon, lover Jake again, going to the rest room, & he is FAT because he has no famine, he’s feeding himself—not his family.


Why several women?  It can be interpreted more than one way.  One way, it’s been several years where she got no resources from him.  Second, it could be a prediction that this famine / bankruptcy will continue for a while.  Could be five weeks, months, could be more if she does not work.


And third, possibly the most likely, is she is reaching out to her female friends, but they are all in the same boat, gaunt, all experiencing financial loss, cannot give her safe harbor, all discussing how to survive.  She might be asking if she can move in with a lady friend – several of them have infants.  But if they are all out of work how do they survive?  These things are probably being discussed—reaching out to social services is a must—applying to Catholic Charities & other agencies could work.

Siamese Pig, 19th century Chinese hog, 19th-century artwork 900_2430792HighRes 1111px-George_Stubbs_-_A_Saddled_Bay_Hunter_-_Google_Art_Project-1024x830 1600s-woman-riding-sidesaddle-painting-vintage-images 2001_CKS_06506_0034_000() 2017_CKS_15544_0121_000(archibald_thorburn_a_pair_of_pheasant_on_the_base_of_a_moss_covered_oa) 2017_NYR_14141_0079_rosa_bonheur_a_white_horse) 

NOTE:  It’s worth explaining that during these last few years, not a one of them cared about me.  They stole him from me, he was all I had.  They lived off ‘the fat of the land.’  They had enough money; they lived well & happy while I suffered, to the point of having five heart attacks, temporarily dying.  It’s a wonder I came back – they did not care a whit, only made fun of me because of my age.


Now it’s their turn to suffer.  Is turnabout fair play?  Tables turned, shoe on the other foot?  Karma is a bitch?  I am impervious to the economic crash & I have gotten over the obsession with lover Jake.  I can take him or leave him, would rather take him but not having him won’t kill me—before it could & did kill me.


Now this woman who scorned me & deprived me, looked down on me, turned her friends against me, has dust in her mouth.  They all said it was impossible for him to love me because of my age—now they will eat their words & curse their fate.)*     

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          Then I see a man who reminds of the demon in my apt – like him, he is straight up & down, no waist, his middle is full, he’s unattractive, even ugly, & I see him going to the rest room, somewhat half dressed so I see his up & down body.


          *(NO WAIST:  Explained before, he feeds himself, deprives his family of support.


          Everything I told the people who knew us will now be made obvious to them.  Jake is a gigolo—he never loved the woman he used.  He never used me, never asked me for anything, because he wanted me to admire him, think high of him, not low.  If you don’t care what a person thinks of you you can use them, & if they find out, they find out, you’ve lost nothing.  He doesn’t want me to think he’s a user, a gigolo, so he has not done to me what he did to her.  It will all come out in the wash now.)*

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College of God & Love, College of Love Making, College of Matriarchal Love, Uncategorized





interpreted for a friend

unnamed (12) 

        I am with my boy friend Jackson, outside, standing in a place that reminds me of the old ‘drive in’ theaters. His female roommate is standing here also – the three of us.


        The movie screen is way up high, maybe 30’ on a wall before us, we all three look at it talking about it. John is tall, she seems short. She’s wearing clothes that have plants pictured on the material—mostly green with splashes of other colors on top of white, it’s loose clothing.

5b208c2c593863900097d62b1047fce6--rolf-armstrong-retro-art 5bb4effffd4e69ebba8fe1c8b54f8e2e 

        *(HE IS TALL: He’s important to me.


        SHE IS SHORT: She’s not important to me.


        HER TOP, WHITE WITH PLANTS ON IT, GREEN, OTHER COLORS: She has PLANS for this relationship to nurture & grow—{Plants are like your garden, it grows, it bears food, nourishment, could be plants you eat or flowers, flowers mean love.}


MOVIE SCREEN, LIKE DRIVE-IN THEATERS: This is the ‘theater of life,’ the three of you are facing & thinking about what is to come?

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HIGH UP, MAYBE 30’:   High up is like reaching to the sky or God, asking what is the future? What does the theater of life bode for us, what is the next scene?)*


He is talking a lot, I am trying to talk to him but having trouble, as he keeps DEFERRING TO HER like she’s more important, he has to keep up this relationship with her moreso than with me. I do not know which way to go – keep talking or walk away & forget it? If I continue this will that keep us together or if I walk away will that end us? I’m in a dilemma as he ignores me a lot when I’m talking, turns his back on me.


*(IGNORES ME FOR HER, MY DILEMMA TO TALK TO HIM OR NOT: This is a review how it was. ‘Talking’ refers to ‘being,’ relating, having a relationship as well as sex. You don’t know which way to go.

ALL THREE TALKING: A triangle or he is relating to two women at the same time but SHE IS MORE IMPORTANT TO HIM AT. THIS TIME.)*

sir-edwin-landseer-queen-victoria-and-the-duke-of-wellington-horse-print-14 spitalfields-market-london-england-engraving-19th-century-litz-collection stubbs096 Photograph of Julian Mackintosh riding a horse 1930s by Eileen Agar 1899-1991 The Hayloft        

Jackson is wearing a black jacket made of pea-coat material, thick, & it’s shaped kind of draping off the shoulders almost like a cape to his waist or lower – not quite a cape, a bit like a bell coming down, the bottom not tight but loose.


*(BLACK PEA COAT: Navy, ‘a girl in every port,’ sailor’s are notorious for having females wherever they go, so this sounds like ‘what is the next port?–the next woman?’ Being black, it portends the END of something – his present roommate – shaped like a

BELL: ‘Ding dong’ is like a reminder, a notice, an announcement like bells in a Church say time to go there or bells at a wedding saying ‘It is consummated.’ This announces the end of them, beginning of a new relationship with you. You all see the ‘writing on the wall,’ the portent, the prophecy, the next part of life.)*

the-crystal-gazer_beatrice-offor__94276__13452.1556815491 (c) Paintings Collection; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation The-Frugal-Meal-John-Frederick-Herring-Sr-Oil-Painting-1 The-Midday-Meal-John-Frederick-Herring-Sr-Oil-Painting Thomas Edwin Mostyn, The jeweled casket 

He seems ANIMATED, I feel uncertain.


        *(HE SEEMS ANIMATED, I AM UNCERTAIN: This is a big change for him, he’s excited, you were not sure what to do, stay with him or leave.)*




The scene changes. Now we’re in a car where his female is driving,

unnamed (2) unnamed (3) unnamed (4) unnamed (5) unnamed (6) unnamed (7) 

*(HIS FEMALE DRIVING US: This is pivotal, because the situation with his female changes so that he has to or will switch from her to you—she MAKES or DRIVES the two of you to be together.)*


Jackson & I are in the back seat with his son to the right of us sitting. Jackson is in front of me, like across my lap, almost taking up the entire back seat in the position he’s in, facing me.




IN YOUR LAP: means submissive to you, like a lapdog, like a pet or child.


HIS SON TO THE RIGHT: This is probably not a separate person but the child within him being present. It might be a reconciliation or agreement between his Higher Self—in my lap–& his flesh going along or in agreement. Prior to this there had been conflicts (higher conscience vs lower self rebelling.)*

Owls pet-portrait-paintings-mantelpiece-masterpiece-5 pet-portrait-paintings-mantelpiece-masterpiece-10 picking-the-grapes-fox-dog-19th-century-english-school portrait-of-lucie-reading-jacques-emile-blanche ql_c_140515_1479_1024x1024 queen-victoria-on-her-favourite-horse-mary-evans-picture-library

He’s wearing a long-sleeved white cotton shirt & we’re real intimate, myself kissing his arm/body/torso. The feeling of the kisses is DEEP like we are melded, united or like melting into each other, the way you do when you are really close, the energy flowing back & forth like he’s me, I’m him sort of thing. His cotton shirt is designed with these little holes that look like tiny hourglasses, one on top of each other separated by a tiny waist the way an hourglass would have, the holes are only a quarter inch wide – they are embroidered, like having little frames around them. Jackson seems LARGE like he was in the first scene, animated.


*(DEEP, HE’S ME I’M HIM: We are now UNITED in spiritual wedlock, energies interchanged, wills in unison.


WHITE COTTON SHIRT: nuptial garment


HOURGLASSES EMBROIDERED ALL OVER: The time has come, finally. The design being holes rather than something placed on top of the material, say pics of hourglasses, could be saying ‘no sand, it has run out.’)*


household-washing-laundresses-engraving-18th-century-18th-century-DB14JT hunting-with-the-leopard-from-a-16th-ken-welsh images img2124 John_Frederick_Herring_HEJ009 john-frederick-herring-jr-cf9c9dce-ffbd-4e11-8dba-fa2af69943c-resize-750 Julius Anton 

He’s talking about some OUTRAGEOUS action that someone ought to do. I scoff at it. I tell him,


“Would you have your son do that? Would you do it yourself?”


When I suggest that it shows how ridiculous this action is but I cannot recall what it was—like a joke but crazy.


*(CRAZY ACTION: Seems like a hint about ‘crazy love,’ which is love so intense it doesn’t ‘make sense.’ I was there in the past but I got over it—it might be his turn to feel that way. I am telling him to ‘cool it’ & be rational. He would tell people I was ‘obsessed,’ now it’s his turn maybe.)*


Where we’re going is a little mall that has a restaurant. We’re all hungry & looking forward to a meal.


*(GOING TO RESTAURANT, ALL HUNGRY: We all need love & emotional nourishment. This little mall reminds me of the one I go to by me – the spot is a grocery store. This symbolizes he will be with me for love/nourishment—she has driven him to me, brought us together by whatever happens to her—her bankruptcy most likely.)*

grenadiervictoria Hampel-68243001 Herring-After-Work1 herring-sr-the-squires-pets-arabian-scottish-deerhounds horses-eating-from-a-manger-with-pigs-and-chickens-in-a-farmyard-john-frederick-herring-jr horsesfarmyard_Herringjnr 

As his gf drives, she’s small in front—he doesn’t talk to her or pay attention to her, only me. I get the feeling that the car is made of a teal color – which is a type of green.


*(SHE’S SMALL HE ONLY PAYS ATTENTION TO ME: She’s no longer important to him, I am. He has his


BACK TO HER, FACING ME: He is finished with her, she’s behind him, but he’s facing me, in my lap even– which means she is done, he’s with me.


TEAL CAR: Teal is green mixed with blue. Her financial condition has crashed, sadness {blue} mixed in to the finances–their situation ends, ours begins—it was predicted a long time, from one POV, survival, but from another, love victorious.)*

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College of God & Love, College of Love Making, College of Matriarchal Love, Uncategorized





Dream interpreted for a friend



                     I am in a bank when John & his friend walk in & through it & both go to the rest room area—somehow although I’m standing right there, they don’t see me. The area they go into is behind a door where both the men’s & women’s rooms are, I believe, & I’m waiting for them to come out & see me—but they never come out.


          The layout of the bank is completely PLAIN & so is my outfit. The room of it is about 40-60’ long & maybe 15-20’ wide. The teller is in front behind a waist-high partition. Everything is PLAIN. There is NOTHING in the long room, nothing on the walls – it’s all light colored & that is it.


          *(BANK: Place where money is.


LONG ROOM: shape, length of room is like a hall or a tunnel.  Notice in this dream, the room is a symbol of a TUNNEL & when John walks through this tunnel–which is darkness & limitation–he doesn’t see THE LIGHT.  But when he enters the rest room, I open the door, there is THE LIGHT.  He-his mind-is closed, fettered until THE END OF THE TUNNEL & only then does he understand that THIS WOMAN IS THE ANSWER.


PLAIN: everything is plain means it is ‘plain as day,’ not ‘complicated’, easy to see, simple, easy to understand.)*


          I’m sort of pacing back & forth. I have on a pure white turtleneck top & dark, maybe black fitted pants. My body is thin & shapely, I have on a nice plain bra, I look good.

In my hands are two things, one, my PURSE which I always carry & two, a spade or hoe {I was messing with these tools yesterday} that is about 1.5’ long & is POINTED.





WHITE TOP: I am or should be John’s WIFE who will put a roof over his head. The turtleneck & long sleeves means I am completely covered or protected from his hurting me by using me for sex—as I won’t let him have it any more.

BLACK PANTS: not give him sex {or support, money} unless he is with me. {black as in absence or funeral} and I’m in possession of money–


PURSE: possession of money, which I always ‘carry,’ means I always have it, &


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SPADE, HOE for GARDENING: this tool is for digging a garden, planting, harvesting, increasing food, resources. It’s a symbol here of INCREASING MONEY. The fact that this is


POINTED: refers to it’s power, effectiveness, like a knife or a tooth, being pointed can GET THROUGH, PIERCE, PENETRATE, where one needs to go or ‘take a bite out of life’. Literally, this spade pierces through the earth to prepare for planting or to take out weeds, but what it stands for is my effectiveness in GAINING MONEY.


BRA, BREASTS: refers to love, the love I have for John.


Everything here is plain to see, obvious, but John walked through here without seeing me which means he did not see what I represent – the remedy to his woes.

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PACING BACK & FORTH: frustrated, tired of waiting for him to see me –means this situation–that I can help him in this time of need {if we were together}.)*


          I walk, pace, back & forth waiting for John to come out & see me. Finally I open the door in the back to see the area of the rest rooms & all I see is LOTS OF LIGHT coming in through a huge window back there—like daylight, that is it, don’t see John & friend, as if they disappeared. I ponder; did they find a back door there & leave? But then I think that’s not possible, the bank would not have that sort of arrangement as someone could rob the bank & escape easily that way.


          *(LIGHT STREAMING IN LIKE DAYLIGHT: This is the ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ which means what, MomGod? Because I see it, but I don’t see him & the friend here, pondering if he left by a back door.


          MomGod: No, he did not leave out the back door as you suspected or feared because THERE IS NO BACK DOOR TO A BANK.

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          BACK DOOR: Escape route, usually represents a secret way of getting into or out of a place or situation {back door lover, doing business ‘back door}. He has no hidden, secret way of getting out of his FINANCIAL CRISIS. A bank is ‘iron clad’ as far as escape routes – there’s only one way in or out, through the front.


          Me: Then the Light streaming in here,


          LIGHT, AT END OF TUNNEL: A ‘tunnel’ means RESTRICTED, hemmed in, limited, but seeing a light at the end is being saved from something, reprieved, or great hope of it—in this dream it refers to financial salvation, saved from poverty or bankruptcy. John & his friend went to the back to the


          REST ROOM AREA: ‘place of rest or relief’ – getting rid of things you don’t want & need, taking a bath or shower, getting clean, brushing teeth—represents hygiene, cleansing & relief–he was looking for REST & RELIEF money wise because THIS IS IN A BANK.

Farm-Scene-with-Horses-John-Frederick-Herring-Sr-Oil-Painting giandomenico-tiepolo-minuet-in-villa_u-l-ppbagc0 Hampel-68243001 horses-eating-from-a-manger-with-pigs-and-chickens-in-a-farmyard-john-frederick-herring-jr John_Frederick_Herring_HEJ009 la_belle_dame 

For John, this is the ‘end of the line’ or ‘tunnel,’ he’s in a bank searching for answers – in the dream he doesn’t see you, there is no back door or escape route, but where he went is {as you open the door} flooded with light like


DAYLIGHT, FLOODING IN LIKE: Seeing ‘daylight’ mean becoming aware. Night, darkness, is when you can’t see, but daylight is when all is revealed—you see & understand the situation.


John went here & he did not leave. He SAW THIS LIGHT, this truth, that you are the answer to his dilemma.


Me: But MomGod I did not see John & his friend back here, why not? And who is his FRIEND?

unnamed (5) unnamed (6) unwritten-tale-by-melissa-nucera wicca-ladyAvalon ws_Woman_Dark_Dress_Dandelion_1920x1200

It wasn’t necessary, you saw where he went, where he ended up & there was no other way {back door}—he has no escape route from where he is except you.


FRIEND: The only friend he has is his Guardian Angel, the rest of his friends are demonics, or if not demonics just ordinary people who don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground. It is his guardian angel, to whom you’ve prayed hundreds of times, who’s showing him this vision.)*


{NOTE: This has been predicted for years, but none of us knew how it would transpire. One of my channelers said,

‘He will come to you where he has no place else to go.’

Another psychic said

ROSSETTI, DANTE GABRIEL, Monna Vanna, 1866 the-courtship-celestial-images the-golden-knight-and-his-lady-daniel-eskridge tumblr_n3k8p6InKJ1soh31po1_500 unnamed (1) 

‘Before he comes to you he has to hit rock bottom.’

None of us knew what rock bottom was.


It’s never been ‘just sex’ I wanted him for – I desired a relationship, I told him so. But he beguiled me for sex while he gave a relationship to someone else. This female he presented on social media as his mate – I got no recognition; he even stopped saying ‘I love you-I want to marry you’ which he did the first few years to me & in front of others. Some people didn’t even believe we were having sex. It hurt, so finally, through some supernatural power I stopped it & then the thing that had also been predicted for years came true, what the Light said was,


“The tables will be turned. He will chase you as you chased him.”

marcfishmanlabelledamsansmerci maxresdefault new-gainsborough-charity-from-gainsborough-s-house-copy o1AJ9qDyyJNSpZWhUgGYc3MngFqoAMwLrq5WsSKyhr5Yt7HPk original 

His chase was like ‘guerrilla warfare,’ shooting messages on social media that could be taken more than one way. I knew they were about me, to me, confessions, apologies, regrets, requests, provocations—all to let me know he wanted me, missed me, was sorry & desperate, but he did not do the ONE THING        necessary – call me on the phone, like a man, not a mouse, tell me he loved me & wanted to see me, tell me he was planning, preparing for our relationship, that he’d leave the fake one he’d been with for years – a liaison based on partying & popularity—this one crucial thing HE DID NOT DO.


But God works in MYSTERIOUS WAYS. None of us figured on this Pandemic & economic crash. I even asked God if She did this entire crash for me, to bring him to his knees—I asked her as a joke, it seemed so convenient for ME.  I was impervious to the crash, but for him it was ‘no more roof over my head.’


This dream explains how God or karma has brought him where he always needed to be but failed to do so instead of listening to God, he obeyed the world, the flesh & the devil. He listened to family & friends who are not of God, may of whom are addicted—some are criminals—some have traumatized him—they tempted him like demons suggesting a bad road, he was deceived, then trapped.}

horses-eating-from-a-manger-with-pigs-and-chickens-in-a-farmyard-john-frederick-herring-jr la_belle_dame lady-of-the-lake-shanina-conway large Lempertz-1046-16-Paintings-and-Drawings-15th-19th-C-German-School-mid-18th-century-A-Courtship-in-the-Park

For years I prayed, did exorcisms for him, said Masses—sent him love for which I got DEMONS bouncing at me. This work exhausted my mind & body. I felt it was finished & LET GO. But how, when, would he ever get out of his situation, that he was entrenched in for YEARS? I could not figure it out, it perplexed my tired brain. I knew he loved me, but WHEN?


Enter the economic catastrophe – something none of us expected. The frail thread that held him & the other female has broken, it was not love, but her support that kept him there—no more support—the place she worked has shut down & when it reopens it might not provide for her–the house of cards is about to collapse.


Interpreted for a friend.


original (5) original (6) original original PHO-63848-COMP PhotoGrid_1563036043297-1 playing-cats-henriette-ronner-knip Playing-Kittens-Henriette-Ronner-Knip-Oil-Painting-1 playtime-henriette-ronner-knip



College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized





                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         William-Powell-Frith-Madame-Jourdain-Finds-Her-Husband-Entertaining-Dorimene-and-Dorante william-ward-i-the-fisherman´s-hut-(after-george-morland) Willie and His Papa                                                                                                                                                        SUMMARY OF A PEOPLES HISTORY OF THE



unnamed (48) unnamed (52) unnamed (54) unnamed 



the MESSAGE IS: Keep fighting against the oppressive demons—all Patriarchal govt’s—or else they will turn us all into slaves like animals in factory farms—use us up, work us to death, the way Simon LeGree used up his slaves in ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’………………………………………


the SUMMARY:   In A People’s History of the United States, Zinn aims to write an account of American history from the perspective of persecuted, powerless, marginalized people, rather than the usual pantheon of heroes and elites. He begins by studying  HYPERLINK “” Christopher Columbus’s conquest of the New World in 1492; over the following century, European explorers wiped out entire Native American tribes and brought tremendous wealth back to their own countries. English settlers came to North America in the early 1600s, and soon afterwards, they were involved in a series of wars with the Native American tribes, during which they used terrorist tactics to assert their domination.

u-g-P56KKU0 u-g-PHYCVI0 4 T uncle-tom-and-little-eva-im-going-there-to-the-spirits-bright-tom-by-currier-ives uncle-tom-and-little-eva-robert-scott-duncanson uncle-toms-cabin-illustrated-and-free-audiobook-link

Another important feature of early colonial life in North America was slavery. English settlers used slaves kidnapped from their homes in Africa for free labor, and they also hired indentured servants—poor white people who were forced to spend years paying off their debts. Slaves frequently staged revolts and uprisings against their white masters; indeed, many elites in early colonial America were frightened that black slaves would unite with poor whites and take control over the colonies. Elites instituted policies designed to drive poor whites, Native Americans, and black slaves apart, and use them as “a check upon one another.”

In the late 18th century, the Founding Fathers were responsible for organizing a revolution against the British. However, these figures weren’t particularly radical in their vision of the future—rather, they were wealthy, powerful people who saw an opportunity to become even more powerful by manipulating the working classes against an external enemy, Britain. It was during the Revolutionary War that American leaders developed the rhetoric of freedom and equality, which is, to this day, one of the most important tools that leaders use to control their people. In the 1780s, the Founding Fathers drew up the Constitution, which provided for a strong federal government, largely so that they would have a way of protecting their own property and interests.

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In the 18th and 19th centuries, American women of all classes and backgrounds asserted their radicalism again and again, in spite of the pervasive sexism of their society. After it became more common for women to attend college in the early 19th century, educated women became more active in feminist causes.


In the early 19th century, America became a major imperialist power, first by expelling Native Americans from their ancestral lands (violating treaties that the American government had signed), and then by annexing Mexican territory in the Southwest. The Mexican-American War of the 1840s set a paradigm for American militarism: again and again, the American government would find a flimsy pretext for starting a war, and then use this pretext to acquire new territory and resources.


The Civil War is often remembered as the event that prompted the federal government to intervene and end slavery forever. But in fact, the federal government only did so because it had been pressured by generations of radical Americans who staged uprisings, slave revolts, and exercised their right to petition the government. When the government finally did free the slaves, it did so in a way that gave African-Americans minimal support. Indeed, in the years following the Civil War (the period known as Reconstruction) the federal government provided some financial and military support for African-Americans in the South. However, following 1876, the federal government backed away from supporting African-Americans and instead aligned itself with the interests of Southern business elites. In the second half of the 19th century, the federal government became bolder about cooperating with business; indeed, it supported military interventions, especially in Latin America, that were designed to strengthen American business. Nevertheless, there was widespread resistance to America’s aggressive, imperialist foreign policy.

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The 19th century was also a time of widespread labor and union activity. Faced with the fact that the law and the government didn’t even pretend to protect the common American worker, laborers went on strike, protested in the streets, and demanded better wages and shorter hours. In response, the federal government again and again showed its support for the business establishment by deploying troops to break up strikes and enforcing business as usual. When the government did help the common worker, it was careful to provide modest, superficial reforms to the system, which were designed to satisfy the American people without helping them in any profound way. In the face of the government’s dismissive attitude, laborers embraced Anarchism,  HYPERLINK “″ Socialism, and  HYPERLINK “” Communism—ideologies that questioned the  HYPERLINK “″ capitalist premise that private business should own production and manufacturing.

the-three-witches-from-macbeth-daniel-gardner The-Trysting-Tree-by-Asher-Brown-Durand the-woodman-s-children thm_Naschkatzen Thomas_Cole_-_The_Voyage_of_Life_Childhood,_1842_(National_Gallery_of_Art) Thomas_Dance_Hall_Girls

During World War One, the American government sent its poorest citizens to die in a conflict that had nothing to do with them. It also passed a series of laws preventing citizens from speaking out against the war in any way. Indeed, many Socialist activists of the era were imprisoned for daring to state the obvious—World War One was a corrupt, imperialist conflict. During the Great Depression, the federal government continued its policies of moderation and pacification: it passed some policies that benefited workers, but did nothing to fundamentally challenge capitalism or the American business elite.

During World War Two, the U.S. claimed to be fighting for purely moral reasons: to end Fascism in Europe. In fact, Zinn argues, the government fought in World War Two because it saw the chance to make America the world’s leading power. By the time the war was over, America had made inroads with leaders around the world, ensuring that its own businesses would be granted free trade rights abroad. The war ended when the American government detonated two atomic bombs in Japan that killed massive numbers of civilians, a decision made largely to assert America’s new status as the world’s leading superpower.

the-fair-toxophilites-william-powell-frith the-lesson-james-cole the-lord-is-my-shepherd_painter-thomas-hart-benton__01516__17886__95541.1566784927 the-new-baby The-Quiraing-Skye The-Reading-Lesson-Evert-Pieters-oil-painting-1

During the Cold War—the standoff between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R., the world’s other leading superpower—the U.S. government tried to frighten the American people by warning of a global Communist takeover. The government funded coups and right-wing dictatorships around the world, often deposing democratically-elected Socialist leaders in the process, always with the claim of protecting democracy and fighting Communism. In reality, the Establishment was trying to protect its own business interests, ensuring that the world’s leaders would continue to cooperate with American corporations.


During the 1960s, America experienced an outpouring of pent-up radical frustration. The people fought for civil rights, women’s rights, gay rights, environmental protection, Native American reparations, and hundreds of other radical populist causes. In many cases, the government’s response to its people’s actions was to institute tepid, superficial reforms that didn’t address the root causes of the problem. For example, the government reformed the voting process to protect African-Americans’ voting rights, but did nothing about the systematic poverty and racism that many black people faced every day.

The Oxbow The Print Cellar the_fates-large The_Fountain_of_Vaucluse_by_Thomas_Cole the_storm The-Afterglow---FE-CHURCH---OL1981-48-SCAN the-catskill-valley-asher-brown-durand-1863-226cce70 The-Course-Of-The-Empire-The-Savage-State

In the 1970s, 80s, and 90s, radicalism seemed to die down in America. But in large part, this was because the media stopped reporting on popular protests. Meanwhile, the American government, despite shifting back and forth between Republican and Democratic leaders, enforced a virtually consistent political agenda, in which welfare was cut back and the military budget increased. Even after the end of the Cold War, America’s military budget continued to grow. Americans joined together in record numbers to protest the meeting of the World Trade Organization in Seattle in 1999, a sign that radicalism wasn’t dead in America.

In the final chapter of the book, Zinn discusses the “war on terror,” during which the government deployed troops to the Middle East, supposedly to fight Muslim terrorists. Zinn concludes that, while it’s too soon to see what the American reaction to the war on terror will be, the American people need to decide if they stand on the side of morality and decency, or if they support imperialism and military aggression.

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Lesson from Rasa Von Werder: Keep fighting on all fronts – animal rights, women’s rights, the rights of the poor, the marginalized, the forgotten, the hated, the downtrodden – Fight for prostitutes, for instance – let them do their trade the same as doctors, lawyers, social workers, waitresses, dancers, actors, clerks, accountants – anyone. It is THERAPY WORK for adults the same as psychologists & social workers.


The only difference is the brainwashed hatred of those who are not in the business, against them. They become SCAPEGOATS for a hypocritical, judgmental, hysterical, confused society which projects their own fears onto women who do sex. Leave them alone; no legalization, no herding into corrals, no licenses, no oppressive rules, leave them as you would leave be a person in a farmer’s market selling tomatoes & cabbages. LEAVE THEM ALONE—STOP CALLING THEM NAMES!


And stop calling anyone bad names! STOP HATING RATS! STOP CALLING MEN PIGS BEAUSE PIGS ARE NICE! The men we hate are not human, THEY ARE DEMONICS, they have been taken over by demons so thoroughly there is no vestige of human-ness in them—wake up to how evil Patriarchs are.

MariuszLewandowski-07 matheson maud maxresdefault mckinley-cartoon-1900-granger medium-036 michael-peter-ancher 138_37033_1b 003 

We need a Mother God, & we need her back in our hearts, minds, & on altars in our homes. She needs to lead us, guide us back to sanity. To work for Matriarchy is the umbrella on all fronts – Matriarchy is the answer to all our problems.

Nenry_John_Boddington_BOD040 NEPE-HI-2808 Neue Freunde (New Friends). 1881 Newsletter_Translation Nicolas-Poussin-Landscape-with-St-Matthew-and-the-angel NPN727-thunderbird-turq-cleveland-1 OC-BHL-2 OL-1981-32-AB-Aft-small-2 opper06 


God does not need men.

Animals do not need men.

Men do not need men.

Men are redundant, unnecessary & dangerous.

We can do all the hard work by ourselves, with the help of machines. They no longer do it all by hand anyway. 

Long ago we wanted them for physical strength. No more.

Good bye men, you are going extinct, no soon enough.

God, nature, the world, the animals & women HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU.

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College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, Uncategorized






3-27-20-Breakthrough-Escape-Heavenly Garden



for a friend


I break through his prison window – We escape & hide (2) They try to assassinate me, I escape far away (3) My Dad mows & prepares a HeavenlyGarden on our property


          My Lover Samuel is in prison, & he can be visited & seen through a thick prison window. A lady is there on this side looking at him & speaking to him through the window.


          *(SAMUEL: Is a person you love who is helpless or imprisoned by circumstances he cannot get out of. After reviewing the entire dream it’s his MIND SET, PERCEPTION & FEAR OF PEOPLE AROUND HIM which have imprisoned him.)*


          I go over there & out of my anger {not sure why} begin kicking the window. The female there went away.


          *(WINDOW: Of opportunity. There’s a way you can free him & you use some kind of spiritual power. (Legs are mystical travel.) The lady on this side is your flesh who can do nothing to liberate him, it has to be God Power. He has been waiting for your help, he cannot free himself.

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          MY ANGER, KICKING OUT OF MY ANGER: After figuring out the entire dream my anger is against the people who imprisoned my lover, turning him against me. I am breaking down our separation, making our relationship possible. The hint of HOW is in the waves of the window, how it’s closed in size{opportunity} & the waves {of trouble.} This trouble, not shown here, is the loss of money in his life due to this ‘Pandemic.’)*


          The scene changes so the place seems more off to the side, the window is smaller & prettier – the first one was large & plain. This one is made of leaded glass, like a stained glass window with pieces leaded in horizontal waves of all different sizes, but the glass is transparent, not colored. Before the window was about 4’ X 4’ but now it’s about 2.5’ X 2.5’ & he’s been standing there waiting on the other side.


          *(WINDOW, LEADED GLASS IN PIECES, HORIZONTAL WAVES, TRANSPARENT, SMALLER THAN THE OTHER:       His ‘window of opportunity’ has shut down in size, diminished, which means he has less opportunity now than before. The WAVES are problems {‘don’t make waves’}—His problems are now YOUR OPPORTUNITIES because you can & will BREAK THIS WINDOW or get through to him, you can reach him in this mental / emotional prison & he will get out.

Dupre_Julien_A_Milkmaid_With_Her_Cows_On_A_Summer_Day Durand_Kindred_Spirits_L Dust-storm-Texas-1935-1200x730 DzSTn5lWkAUgmEr e1a8d5363a7854473ede43fa2026b6a3 e3c7aff8680a5c0cc3f3fbf9051951e7 e7bcb637066b9673f5d2ddae2cc32588 

TRANSPARENT: is obvious or easily seen. His problems are easily seen, this is an opportunity as he is desperate.)*


          I continue kicking hard & to my surprise & his, a small piece of the window falls out. I continue kicking as this small opening reveals the window can be broken. I must kick all of it in as for him to climb through; he mustn’t cut himself by the space being too small with jagged glass edges. I kick until all of it is broke through, he climbs out quickly, we run off together before anyone would notice he is out.


          *(BREAK THROUGH WINDOW, ALL OF IT: This problem/opportunity is used by the Higher or God Self to get him out of his self-imposed confinement. He will come to you now, a situation you have prayed about for years. You knew he had to reach ROCK BOTTOM before he’d give you a proper relationship & THIS IS IT—this predicts what will happen.)*

gettyimages-590130968-1024x1024 gettyimages-596954858-1024x1024 GettyImages-596954858-jpg gioachin-giuseppe-serangeli-orphée-et-eurydice-quittant-les-enfers giphy gipsy-encampment_george-morland__95069.1556882456 girl_on_path girl-holding-a-cat-philippe-mercier girl-in-a-blue-dress-william-verelst Lemoyne, Francois, 1688-1737; Hercules and Omphale

          Now I guide our escape. We must not travel the main roads – they will find us there. I find my woods. The road is to the left, about 50’ on a higher level—they can’t see us from the road. Where we walk is beautiful, many brown leaves on the ground, the trees are big, tall, & straight. I hope we walk this path we don’t come across the INTERLOPERS I have seen before, who encroached upon my property in many dreams, trespassing on it I suspect, taking over some of what I own. We’re on our way on a long journey.


          *(MAIN ROAD: A public place. This warns that do not advertise you two being together, stay off the main road – don’t tell the people who know him as they will put him into ‘imprisonment’ again. This shows he has been imprisoned by public opinion, his friends & family – those who know him, their opinions, have kept him away from you—he feared these people.


          LONG JOURNEY: Predicts once we get together it’s a long journey or our being together will be a long time.

Frederic_Edwin_Church_CHF027 Frederick_Dielman_-_Hetty_Sorrel friar-lawrence-at-capulets-tomb-romeo-and-juliet-act-v-scene-3-james-northcote friedrich-heinrich-füger-orpheus-und-eurydike from-paris-to-new-york-13-638 'Fuel for the Fire'. 1895 

          MY WOODS, BEAUTIFUL BIG, TALL, STRAIGHT TREES, BROWN LEAVES ON THE GROUND: This is ‘my way, my truth, my life’ – like Jesus said, the same path as his, the right one, it is righteousness. We must walk this path together to get away from the ignorant, the confused, those in darkness—who are not for God & her Truth. Don’t advertise to them what we’re doing – stay away from them as they will infiltrate your business, interfere with Samuel, try & take him away again.)*


          Next scene we’re in a ROOMING HOUSE that is plain—everywhere nice brown wood paneling, the halls, the rooms. In our room the door is open to the hall, {we’re on the second or third floor} & Samuel has turned into Tommy, my cat & showing typical male behavior.


          *(TOMMY MY CAT, HE TURNS INTO HIM, TYPICAL MALE BEHAVIOR: His instinct will be to know what’s going on in his own world, to be somewhat involved, possibly with his former crowd.)*

 l-allegro-italian-sunset-thomas-cole-1845-c665ef51 Dell, John Henry, 1836-1888; Cottagers Ländliches_Idyll_England_19c-1024x786 landscape-with-diogenes-nicolas-poussin-1648-bf6de010 landscape-with-man-pursued-by-a-snake-nicolas-poussin large laura-sava-7d62cbe5aa708625c8882dc6c354735015426dc0

          He sits in the hall because we hear sounds in the building – he wants to see whatever action is going on. But I take him, pull him into the room & close the door. I tell him he’ll be found out & they will take him. We must keep a low profile.


          *(DOOR, CLOSED, STAY INSIDE, LOW PROFILE: Keep your relationship secret, keep to yourselves, do not allow him to get involved with his old cronies, friends & family – they are bad for him.)*


          A sort of small female {is it my daughter?} is also here. They are sitting on the floor, maybe playing cards. I tell them to whisper – they must not hear us. Quiet, secrecy is of the utmost importance if he wants to remain free.

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          *(REMAIN FREE, STAY QUIET & SECRET: Interference from those who kept him a prisoner before is deadly to your relationship. By all means, stay apart from them – they want to keep you two separate. They want to keep him low minded, drugged up, the same way they are. Most of his friends & family are addicts, lowlifes, it’s their mentality & lifestyle, they don’t want to ‘lose one of their own.’





          Next, there’s a group of men who want to assassinate me, they want to do it officially & publicly. We are in a very large square in the middle of a village. It’s more than 100’ in all directions.


          One of them, who’s carrying a large sword like the ones where I have a pic of like 7-8 guys in India displaying their 5-6’ swords all in a row – tell me to go up on this balcony at the right edge of a building – it’s about 3 floors high, stand there & they’ll shoot me. I say ‘ok’ & go there.


          I see that behind me is the wide-open sky so instead of waiting for them to shoot me, I take off & fly, & I go far, far away, through many areas, completely escaping them, many miles away, possibly to another country.

orpheas-kai-eyridiki orphee-orfeo-dossier-classiquenews-monteverdi-rossi-orphee-a-l-opera-dossier-classiquenews orpheus-and-eurydice-emil-neide Paul_Thumann_-_The_Betrothal_Ring 

          *(ASSASSINS: These are demons & demonics whom I have escaped, they are men. These are the PEERS or associates of Samuel who INFLUENCED him not to be with me. Their desire to KILL or ASSASSINATE me was to kill our relationship.


The fact that they wanted to do this PUBLICLY (on the balcony) rather than privately gives the hint WHY. They did not want me to get the credit or recognition for being LOVED by Samuel, his LOVE for me was a THREAT to them – it went against their beliefs & lifestyle. They are of the world, the flesh & the devil – I am of God. Satan is the enemy of God. They would rather he go to Hell with them than Heaven with me.)*





Paul-Prickett paul-seignac-drying-off-by-the-fire Peder_Balke-Fra_Hammerfest persephone-300x439 pheasant-shooting-george-morland-1763-1804-litz-collection

          I’m at the old farm house, leaving through the kitchen. It’s dusk or twilight – going to be dark soon. I didn’t want my Dad to go outside to work, as it’s late, but he INSISTED.


          *(DAD: In many dreams, Dad is the symbol of the man who gives me away to my husband. It probably has nothing to do with my flesh & blood Dad, he’s just a symbolic personality.


WORK, HE INSISTED ON WORKING: He wants to show me something, a vision or understanding. ‘It’s late’ means it’s almost time for something, a phase is ending for another one to begin.)*


          As I walk outside toward the back fields first I notice it’s gotten CHILLY. I have on short shorts, but also a thick black sweater that zips up in front—I zip it up & soon feel warm. I keep walking.


          *(CHILLY, THICK BLACK SWEATER ZIPS UP I GET WARM, SHORT SHORTS: This black sweater & chilliness portends the END of something – a funeral – ‘blacked out,’ an ending. It’s the end of a certain part of your life. The short shorts might say ‘in a short time,’ better yet, my mystical power {legs} revealed.)*


via hoopskirtsociety tumblr view-of-cleve-mill-on-the-thames-henry-john-boddington VigeeLabrun_LadyHamiltonAsABacchante Vigée-Lebrun_-_Du_Barry Vigee-Lebrun-Julie-Lebrun-as-Flora-1799-773x1024 vouet 

          To the left it’s hilly. Dad is up there busily mowing on the riding mower, he might be finished before dark. There are thick weeds here—he’s making up for lost time as for a long time he hasn’t been here & hasn’t been able to work, he wants to get these old dry weeds all down.


          *(THE WORK, GET OLD DRY WEEDS DOWN, MAKE UP FOR LOST TIME, BEFORE DARK, HASN’T BEEN HERE FOR A WHILE: This all points to the man who wants to bring me to the new husband wants to HURRY—get this phase over with for the next one. This is the PAST & the present separation from Samuel. He wants to get this phase, on the hill of Golgotha or suffering, mowed down, finished, before dark or before the next phase {of happiness} begins. )*  


          I continue walking straight ahead & come to a remarkable area Dad has mowed already. Strangely, it is bright daylight here. It’s our lawn, but it’s a garden. The grass is super thick, in clusters. He mowed it but not like a crew cut, the grass is clumps that seem to burst out in a beautiful fashion although it is mowed.

William Powell Frith - John Knox Reproving Mary, Queen of Scots 1844 RISDM 54-195 William+Powell+Frith-Poverty+And+Wealth William-Powell-Frith-Madame-Jourdain-Finds-Her-Husband-Entertaining-Dorimene-and-Dorante william-ward-i-the-fisherman´s-hut-(after-george-morland) winter-farmyard-george-morland  

          He mowed AROUND clumps of wild flowers & pretty bushes – there are some small trees here & there, the place is now like a GARDEN, not a lawn, a wonderful feeling.


         I am amazed by one area where there are rows of wildflowers. Somehow he’s mowed IN BETWEEN, an area of less than a foot. How did he do it? Have no idea.

This garden is HEAVENLY in its beauty & feeling. The light is broad daylight but soft, & yet elsewhere it was dusk. The color of the vegetation is saturated, brilliant.

unnamed (10) unnamed (11) unnamed (12) unnamed (13) unnamed (14) 

*(HEAVENLY GARDEN DAD PREPARED: This is the FUTURE with Samuel, it’s HAPPINESS. The old, dried up weeds in the past – Dad is hurrying to mow it down, get rid of it. The future is ready. It is soft but bright daylight – the Light of God is in it.


The flowers are love. They are WILD which means they were PLANTED BY GOD, it is God’s love between us, heavenly love, not lust or of the world, flesh & devil, it is OF GOD.


When I was a child, 5-6-7 years old, I used to draw endless pictures of gardens like this, with ornamental bushes & small trees. This is those images coming to life, my heaven on earth.


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          Two STRONG/CLEAR dreams. Amazing that I can dream this well when after I do all my work, I watch TV now for hours & it no longer CLUTTERS my mind.


Dream: the DOCTOR:


          It was the middle of the night, in my upper back yard, more toward the back road,—feeling a type of whimsical bliss, so happy being alone—seem to be looking up I see an airplane in the sky getting ready to land in my yard. I suddenly remember, it’s the DOCTOR I called I wanted to see! But now I have changed my mind – don’t want to see him or anyone.


          *(DOCTOR: Is ‘Doctor Feelgood,’ the lover Laren. I know this from studying the entire dream, not at first.


MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT: Breaking through a darkness of understand, getting a revelation.)*


          And so I wave him off like,

          “Changed my mind – please go away.”


          *(UPSETS HIM, WANTS TO SEE ME: Notice how happy I am alone, but he isn’t. He wants to see me & is upset I don’t want to see him. ‘Doctor, I reached out to you before, but now I don’t need you’ – but he needs me.)*


          This upsets him greatly & he wants to land & see me. My hand waving has the power to move his plane, accidentally I wave him over to my broken-down shed by the creek, the side of the shed next to the path to the house – the shed is about 40’ from the house on the lower yard, & his plane crashes there & a bit of an explosion – fire – & the shed catches on fire!


          *(SHED: Shed is broken down, contains junk & clutter. No longer has anything I need. This sounds like OUR RELATIONSHIP AS IT WAS –ghastly. He related to me only to HURT ME. He would ‘make love’ to me when he felt like it, refuse to give me his phone, would never call me, just tap on my shoulder when he saw me. Would praise his new live-in on social media {not sincerely, he uses her also} & never told me he loved me any more. It became more painful than joyful over the years. I knew I was breaking my own rule ‘No sex until the relationship’ & he knew I was TOO WEAK TO RESIST, LOVED HIM TOO MUCH IN THE FLESH. But I got closer to my MomGod within & that freed me, so now Dr. Feelgood needs me more than I need him.)*


          Nothing happens to the doc, he is fine, he got out & I join him in the shed. The fire is burning slowly on the edge of the shed, he stoops down to go through my things, to sort them out & remove them before they burn up.

 1 (1) 1f72e9dfdd7aec51f05e17090cb0b4bd--pony-style-painted-horses 2.Demaciadas-Leyes 2a374efbb23b1ea947217ab11a287529 2c44033ea987f08a96200d0b7664751c 2f46e3d9f8206f6b8bf6e3e92c21eb9c 3a8bd58478073edd8c36f8773fd6a724

          I go to him & as I enter I call,


          in case there are any cats hiding in the shed – but I know there aren’t—it was a precaution.


          *(PRECAUTION CALLING KITTIES: These are inner senses, as most animals have some superior senses to us. I am asking the inner self if there is any danger here of something meaningful being destroyed – there isn’t.

          In other words, I have stopped doing sex with Laren because he’s not given me a relationship – he’s been ghastly. No relationship–no sex was my rule. When I broke it he got sex & I got hurt.


          So now I am saying is there anything I need to receive or get out of having sex with him again? Should I have sex with him again even though there’s no relationship? The answer is NO.)*


          As he goes through the stuff here I tell the doc,


          “Don’t worry, I have removed all the things that were needed from this shed – the rest of this can perish.”


*(WHAT WAS NEEDED REMOVED: There is nothing in the sex-only relationship that is needed. All that was good in this liaison has been removed, nothing left to hold onto. Let it burn up, be destroyed.)*


          But my male friend in a few moments find some things that have not burned up or will not as they are on the edges or margins of this shed somewhere – ancient rug runners, ordinary things. He’s helping & he’ll take this stuff to a bonfire & destroy it – we’re making a clean sweep!

Thomas-Hart-Benton-Discussion Thomas-Hart-Benton-Flood Thomas-Hart-Benton-Negro-Soldier Thomas-Hart-Benton-Poker-Night-from-A-Streetcar-Named-Desire-1948 Thomas-Hart-Benton-Rice-Threshing thomas-hart-benton-shipping-out-282468 Kentuckian 

*(MALE HELPER: Could be a guardian angel—I have three. He is helping remove the ‘fringe residual energy’s’ or other clutter, junk, that lingers IN MY MIND OR PSYCHE pertaining to this.)*


          The doc reminds me or makes me think of the dentist, whose appt with me was cancelled due to the ‘pandemic.’ He really wanted to see me, & this doc was extremely upset when I wanted to wave him off.


   *(DOC UPSET: This again confirms Laren is upset for not seeing me, perhaps because neither of us can go downtown & hook up, possibly he’s suffering from the ‘pandemic’ rules. But it does not bother me, I am free, he is not.

I’ve been told for years by my inner voice & channelers, ‘He will come to you when he hits rock bottom.’ Apparently my absence, plus the rules of the pandemic, plus going bankrupt have brought him to his knees.)*





          I am with this man I later realize is old. We are by a small lake on a pleasure trip and cross to the other side, in a raft I see later.


          *(OLD MAN: Once again, the same lover, Laren. {Husband, Wife are ‘old man, old lady’} In my dreams often I have ‘parallel dreams’ which tell the story I want to know from more than one perspective.


          RAFT: Something that enables you to get somewhere, a vehicle, a ‘life raft’ that keeps you AFLOAT. Being ‘afloat’ sometimes refers to finances, ‘this extra job kept us afloat.’)*


          There I find a tree with many trunks. I climb it, making sure I get off this one trunk that is unstable. I actually pull it away from the tree & let it fall – it’s rubbery, kind of big, you would not expect it to be unstable. Had I hung onto it I would have fallen with it. I’m on a good branch now, way up, maybe 20’.


          *(UP A TREE: This is about some hard times, being ‘up’ including up a tree is usually hardship or suffering. This might refer to MY FINANCES because one way or one branch {path, action} WAS LIKE RUBBER – rubber means ‘bounced check’—I avoided some financial shrinking, kept half my money out of the stock market & kept it safe—So I am good during this drop.)*


          I look down at my friend who is lying on his back on our raft which is right at the edge of the water. He’s fallen asleep with his mouth open. The raft has food here & there. The animals, seeing him not conscious, have taken advantage & are all over the raft – raccoons & other medium, not dangerous, but all hungry animals all over the raft rummaging the food.


          *(ON HIS BACK, ASLEEP: Helpless, unaware. {on your back means submissive or helpless} This refers to financial as I see where this dream is going.


          MOUTH OPEN: This is needing to be fed (like the baby bird), nourished or sustained.


          WATER COMES UP, FILLING HIS MOUTH: Instead of sustenance he’s getting ruin. Water means many things, in this scene it is ruin & might destroy him. When water causes FLOOD or DROWNING it’s not the grace of the Holy Spirit, its disaster, often associated with loss of resources. Floods destroy crops, property & lives. Drowning takes away your life.  ‘Drowning in debt.’

haynes-king-mothers-pet hb_43.159.1 hd henry-john-boddington-4537903 henry-john-boddington-a-game-by-the-river henry-john-boddington-dipping-the-sheep henry-john-boddington-sheep-being-ferried-across-a-river horn-of-plenty-cornucopia-autumn-thanksgiving-harvest-landscape-oil-painting-food-abundance-walt-curlee Cobbett, Edward John, 1815-1899; Child with Kitten i Seth Eastman (American artist, 1808-1875) Medicine Dance of the Dakota or Sioux Indians m 

Water is like AIR. Air can be beautiful, but it can be a hurricane or tornado & destroy. Sun can be a delight, but it can burn up vegetation or give cancer.


ANIMALS RUMMAGING FOOD WHILE HE SLEEPS: MomGod, I am stumped. Animals mean inner senses usually. How is his ‘food’ or resources being rummaged while he is asleep or unaware?


          She: He is not aware of what’s going on in the world regarding the govt use of the Pandemic to send people into poverty. Most people see society in a subjective, myopic way, their own limited human experience. But knowledge is power, so if you understand what is being done you aren’t confused.)*


          Then I see the water has risen, & as small waves appear, it goes into his mouth. At this rate, if he doesn’t wake up he’ll drown. I quickly get down from the tree, rush over to him, sit him up & as he sits up he vomits again & again, at least three times, & the quantity is huge – like 3 big meals.


         *(WATER RISES: Danger to resources, water causes floods, damage to property & life.


          SMALL WAVES: Small problems or events that are negative, ‘don’t make waves,’ here even small things can drown him—like minor bills when he has no money.


          IF HE DOESN’T WAKE UP: If he doesn’t become aware he will perish.


          WATER GOES INTO HIS MOUTH: He is in danger of financial breakdown or bankruptcy.

473ad48e620875668e964f916f524eff 0501f07f9731c8c35aa9ed9927fd7fbf 528ecf7ebf4eb 528ed33ec0818 528ed226bf869 528ee89b6a845 539w 543bdc456a535704fe021e4dd97e353e 

          SIT HIM UP {AWAKEN HIM ALSO} & HE VOMITS: Vomiting is getting rid of something or having a revulsion to something that makes you vomit—a horrible taste, smell, reality or sight can make you upchuck. What I show him – the truth– is repulsive to him but saves him.


          Me: MomGod, what saves him if I tell him the truth about the govt doing this on purpose?


          She: He might give up waiting on those around him for help & come to you. He knows scant few people who even if they could, would truly help him. His friends are mostly in the same boat. When half the world is perishing you cannot expect the non-perishing half to save them. They will help a few. But even in families, now that people are losing their jobs they go to relatives for help & the relatives say ‘I have my own problems.’ These are the situations he’s surrounded by. Many of his friends have no jobs, or else low paying ones. Many have lost their jobs due to so many venues being closed—hair salons, gyms, nail places, theaters, bars, restaurants, churches, yoga centers, etc. This is a recipe for the poor to get poorer while the rich gain control. He has to see the big picture, it isn’t going to go away fast.)*


         The first two vomits are like mashed potatoes, a huge amount, the third vomit is like chop suey, a whole plate full. When did he eat all this? He must have been starving.


          *(FIRST TWO VOMITS LIKE MASHED POTATOES: Stumped again MomGod. Any ideas?


          She: This happens in three increments. Think that way. First vomit is the big amount of something like mashed potatoes. This is bad stuff happening financially. It could be the spouse he is with—the place where she worked is shut down.

The symbol of ‘like mashed potatoes’ – potatoes are a STAPLE, a basic like ‘meat & potatoes.’ It’s COMFORT FOOD & something one depends on, like the Irish once depended on their potato crop & when the blight made it fail, they experienced ruin. Losing one’s ‘meat & potatoes’ is ruin.


          The second vomit could be them reaching for money elsewhere–some other disappointment, failure or reversal. Could be welfare, unemployment, another job, seeking loans or help from relatives & friends. The third thing,


          CHOP SUEY: Sounds like ‘chopped’ which means eliminated. There’s a TV show called ‘Chopped’ where chefs fail with their dishes & get eliminated. This could mean BEING FIRED or prevented from working. It could be her situation or his or both, you can only guess but it’s a bad omen.)*


          We then return to the other side & the movements of the water have made his vomited food float over here – the animals have followed the food & want to consume it. It isn’t disgusting as it wasn’t even digested, it’s edible to them.

IMG_0684 IMG_2113 IMG_3128-lo-res Indian-Mode-of-Transportation-Seth-Eastman-oil-painting-2 InterWar-Bernard-Partridge-Cartoons-Punch-Magazine-1937-06-30-717 InterWar-Cartoons-Punch-Magazine-Raven-Hill-1929-01-16-71 iphone-case-autmn-wheat-harvest-farm-folk-art-landscape-walt-curlee iphone-case--shucking-corn-til-sunset--folk-art-farm-landscape--americana-walt-curlee ix001153_600x 

          *(FOOD FLOATS HERE, ANIMALS FOLLOW IT: Again the animals are the senses pointing us to something. The food is resources or possibility of gaining money. It COMES BACK TO US; it is still edible or viable.


          THE OTHER SIDE, RETURN TO IT: This refers to him & me. He left me – he went to the other side of the lake, he chose to be with another female. The ‘pandemic’ came about, we both found concern but he faced TOTAL RUIN, BANKRUPTCY.

And so, he returns to WHERE WE STARTED, WHEN WE WERE TOGETHER, in this dream we are on a pleasure trip but then cross the water to the other side – which leads to failure. With me, the resources that were a calamity RETURN TO HIM as I have enough money for everything.)*  


          We then go into the building by the water. It seems we have been at a ‘resort’ or ‘vacation.’ But I did not enter the building until now.


          When I do, it is a neat school room, not huge, average size, rows of small dark desks for about twenty young people {don’t see many kids, 5 or 6 right now}– the walls are painted light blue. A teacher in front speaks to me.


          *(SCHOOL ROOM: Lessons we must learn before we find happiness.


          SMALL DARK DESKS: Dark, depressing or dreary experiences we must have before we learn.


          DESKS NOT ALL OCCUPIED OUT OF 20, 5-6 STUDENTS: Only a fraction of people, one out of four, might learn their lessons which lead to success.)*


          The teacher says to me,


          “This used to be A GREAT MANSION.”

EVCHISL045EC759H__47861.1541901139 f5b5c504912ab658ff9865e62284760a--penelope-th-century f9b34edecbba79eaaf6328837978679f F86-48_Benton-FarmSalePopBoys_front-850x1024 f330aca2907b4902203414984bxi fa6cc92332300450b986166bceec560a fairy_tale_houses_05 fairy_tale_houses_26 Family on farm family-vegetable-garden-farm-landscape-gardening-childhood-memories-flashback-homestead-walt-curlee fb48ca0013adab7f5c6818e108e419f1 fc725ef0695f48c07d2a20865b72d602 feb6_processional900x652

          *(USED TO BE A GREAT MANSION: I will describe the mansion as bliss. At one time, Laren & I were in bliss. But things went wrong & we lost it.)*


          {Ah, I think, just as I SUSPECTED—this used to be the Victorian mansion of Waccabuc!}


          *(MANSION IN WACCABUC: Forebodes having all a person wants; happiness.)*


          This school room is modest & not big – unlike the premises long ago. It’s like an ‘anteroom/foyer’ to the mansion, a small first floor you go through before you see the beauty above, with the bliss it brings.       


          Then I say to everyone,


          “Oh yes, I thought this was the old mansion in Waccabuc. I used to go there in summers as a child.


          My aunt & uncle were the caretakers of the place – he took care of the grounds, she took care of the house & two boys.


          A & U had the entire THIRD FLOOR to live in. It was furnished with EXQUISITE contemporary furniture of a light beige color, in the best taste. It had a round wall with windows lining it & a balcony.


          The rest of the house was furnished traditional, perhaps Victorian & other elegant old-fashioned furniture. It had EIGHT BEDROOMS & four baths– the hallway walls decorated with wild boars in the woods {which I gazed at a lot}. There was a library with books, a grand piano, & the most INCREDIBLE LAUNDRY. The laundry room, {this was 1952-53-54} had not one washer & dryer, but two washers, two dryers, which in those days were exorbitantly expensive. The room was huge, neat, with a wooden floor – you had plenty of space to hang up delicates.


          They had horses which my uncle tended, even shoed them.”


          I explain all these details to the teacher & class & then tell them I’m going into the house now to look around, to see how it’s changed. I tell them Waccabuc was heaven to me & I feel that heavenly feeling now being here again.


          *(WACCABUC MANSION, THE DESCRIPTION: What I am explaining is the happiness I had in this place, which parallels the bliss I had when I was with Laren.


          All that I describe gives me joy. This means that Laren & I have returned to our original relationship, from long ago, when it was blissful. We entered through the portal of ‘school of hard knocks,’ our lessons bore fruit.


          We are in Waccabuc—joy, bliss, happiness. We are together again. This is a prediction.



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College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, Uncategorized








Interpreted for a friend


Unusual dream. I somehow stumble upon a video which features Errol Flynn ‘behind the scenes’—what he does in preparing for roles.


*(ERROL FLYNN: This is your lover/husband Brandon who this dream says is preparing to be with you. It’s his next role.)


The first thing I see is him in a gym, lying on a table doing leg raises. He’s wearing some kind of shorts that really must be low cut as I can see his whole ass & the bottom of it—straight across & going downward–is covered with thick hair.


          *(HAIRY BOTTOM OF THE ASS: To have a hairy ass is like moss on a rock, ‘a rolling stone gathers no moss.’ This is saying he’s gathered moss a long time—been inactive or ‘sitting on his ass—not rolling, not moving, not getting anywhere’.

          But now he’s moving, doing leg raises, really getting into shape for the next role. The hairiness is exposed or revealed, to others as well as himself, like ‘WTF have you been doing? You have not accomplished anything in the last years.’

          His next role is being with you.)*

women-taking-tea-albert-lynch word-image-48 wtf-book-titles-2 x510

He’s buff & muscular, tight body, nothing like a body builder, no bulging muscles, just tight & hard. I glanced at this & a few other scenes, then I wanted to find it to go back to see it again & show some people.


*(TIGHT & HARD, BUFF BODY: Dreams are usually symbols of the non-physical so this is not about his body but his psychological, spiritual state. He’s in shape to move on, go to the next step.)*


The other scene that stood out was him in a large room. He’s sitting at a higher up chair, the rest of his cast of ‘Robin Hood & his merry men’ are all at what looks like blonde school desks. These men are a ‘chorus’ rehearsing before they film, because their singing is heard in the background of the movie.

unnamed (43) unnamed unnamed unnamed UrKoujpp 

          *(HIGHER CHAIR: This means two things; one higher up is higher level of suffering but also higher understanding. ‘God whispers to us in our pleasures & shouts to us in our pain – pain is the megaphone of God.’ Higher is sometimes the Cross of Jesus – He was lifted up on it, it was his greatest pain. But through these Crosses we’re also lifted up spiritually & gain wisdom.


          This indicates he’s now on a higher level than his peers, those he hangs with to ‘have fun,’ called ‘merry men.’ The men are all learning because they’re sitting at


          SCHOOL DESKS: learning.

unnamed (37) unnamed (38) unnamed (39) unnamed (40) unnamed (41) unnamed (42) 

REHEARSING: Preparing for next stages in life.


SINGING: When all is lost {like on the Titanic the band played on while they sank} & the only account of Jesus IN SONG was at the Last Supper – when He was about to face his Crucifixion. Singing is like an expression of calling out to the Absolute, when one is about to face a major disaster or dilemma, or about to embark upon a great work, it might be compared to ‘psyching oneself up.’


This is a group effort or chorus, so it looks like all his friends are ‘in the same boat,’ which in this case like the Titanic—they’re all sinking—all crying out together. It sounds like he & friends are affected—probably financially—by this CoronaVirus ‘Pandemic.’)*

 unnamed (20) unnamed (21) unnamed (22) unnamed (23) unnamed (24) unnamed (25)

ROBIN HOOD: Why is Errol here portrayed in this role with merry men? Robin Hood was an endearing thief, who ‘stole from the rich, gave to the poor;’ he & his men were part of the poor. This forthcoming role might be like that, your lover & all his friends need money, he must leave his present situation & be with you because of the desperate need of security.)*


Errol is the star so he doesn’t have to sing, but he’s doing his part & once in a while sings a few lines, blending in. I am amazed at the elaborate rehearsal behind the scenes—really thorough.


Errol is wearing a pale green short cape {to the waist, but he’s sitting, I don’t see the garment over the rest of him} over a medieval loose white shirt. His hair is to the shoulders; the way the ancient men wore, possibly a ‘page boy’ which curls under, the hairdo is honey blonde, soft & very neat. He has a beatific look on his face, like an angel. I have never seen more handsome.


SANDBLOM_KHeddon16 sarahcolegrave-1326010 sarahcolegrave-1326027 Sarmasik-Guller-867c Saunders_WAC_2_l Saunders_WAC_3_l

*(HANDSOME LIKE AN ANGEL, BEATIFIC: This says he has evolved & risen up spiritually, his attitude, thoughts & feelings are now righteous—he’s ready to appreciate you, humble himself, be with God & you.

HONEY BLONDE BEAUTIFUL HAIR: The thoughts of Errol are sweet & beautiful—the thoughts of my Brandon.


PALE GREEN SHORT CAPE OVER A WHITE SHIRT, MEDIEVAL: This is several things, one, medieval is ‘old fashioned’ or ‘back in the day’ which means traditional. Marriage is a tradition, which is about being ready for it. The pale green cape is green, which means ‘life,’ it might say ‘ready for the way, the truth & the life’ getting off the broad highway to Hell. The white shirt being his undergarment is marriage, this is next to his heart, & being ‘pure in heart shall see God. He has turned around from being a thug to receiving God & you.)*

original (7) original (8) original (9) original (10) original (11) original (12) original (13) original 

As I said I stumbled upon this by accident, there’s a gay man to the right behind me, & there’s other people in the room – it’s a gathering. Most of them are not near me, doing other things, I see a few people higher up from me to the left front, working on something. I passed by the scenes but now I want to retrieve them & describe the one where he does leg raises & half his rear end is covered with hair.


As I explain this a man to my left back{he’s round}—wearing a slightly yellow/vanilla robe which has elaborate markings, lots black & other dark colors, in twirling designs all over it—I didn’t know he was interested in men—jumps up away from his desk to see. Since he goes this way I say,


*(ROBE WITH TWIRLY BLACK DESIGNS: His funeral, end of their relationship.)*

the-fine-art-america-‘couple-embracing-she-with-flowers-in-her-hair’-by-55089580 the-fine-art-america-henri-regnault-salomé-1870-1715x2694-55109641 the-flight-into-egypt-abraham-bloemaert the-four-seasons-winter-by-francois-boucher-xzendor7 the-judgement-of-paris-abraham-bloemaert the-lovers-pal-szinyei-merse

‘I think his anus is also hairy, you can lick it.’ {I am referring through the screen.}


          *(LICK ASS, YOU CAN: This is being a wise guy saying, ‘You can kiss his ass good bye, through the screen. You’ll not get to see him again.’)*


(I’m referring to his imagination, not real life, as Errol is unattainable. It’s all fantasy.)

retrotimber-holzhaus-altholz-franz-habisreutinger-gmbh--co-kg__a93ee3ff-8525-4a86-bdeb-0ab66ac6f3aa retrotimber-holzhaus-landhausstil-altholz-franz-habisreutinger-gmbh--co-kg__d6a5671d-c917-4c33-8d06-c30ec981fdce Exif_JPEG_PICTURE rinaldo-and-armida_francois-boucher__82466__44241.1565895747 road-town-paved-old-town romantic-bedroom-ideas-floral-wallpaper Rosa_Da_Tivoli,_Scena_bucolica_con_torre,_pecore_e_cane,_cm_146_x_121,_in_collezione_privata 

*(GAY MEN, ONE TO MY RIGHT BACK, ONE TO MY LEFT BACK, THE SECOND I DID NOT KNOW WENT THAT WAY: These are men infatuated with Brandon. They are alerted – especially the second one – who is more relevant – that Brandon is getting ready to make a change, he’s going to leave their company. You have been intervening between him & these guys for a while, in fear of dire consequences & his disappointment when their promises go bust.

This symbol is you showing them ‘The relationships you had with Brandon will come to an end’—see, he’s ‘moving off his ass,’ preparing to be with me like I always said.)*


I then try to replay the video of what I saw. It was black & white. But these videos are two hours each, & finding the spot takes time.

N0802380-Rosa-Santana- natural Never+Have+I+Ever+With+a+Duke+AMAZON nicky_haslam_09 nymph-abducted-by-a-faun-alexandre-cabanel nymph-and-butterfly-robert-fowler 

          *(FINDING THE SPOT: Searching for the answers takes time, one has to go through mental files again & again, I was meditating on this for say two hours or more.)*


I take the entire video out & I see it’s covered with some sort of silver on one side, kind of torn up, but lots of it. I put it back in, scroll & play, scroll & play, various scenes in color come up & it is musicals. Men & women playing parts & singing, on & on, none of it interests me & I ask a lady standing there if she likes musicals & she says no.


*(MUSICAL, PEOPLE ACTING & SINGING: What I said about the Merry Men singing applies here. These are people in real life who are now crying out—the drama of life is getting strong—this does not say ‘happiness’ but the opposite because the lady standing near me, who I ask if she likes musicals – these activities – says no. She is likely the ex of Brandon, who he’s leaving—this would be disagreeable to her, even traumatic.

Mist on River Ystwyth sm mnm-couture-white-Long-Sleeve-Peplum-Gown m-oakes-files-as-seen-on-linenandlavender-net-1 Modern-And-Traditional-Fireplace-Design-Ideas-7-758x606 modprC moose-at-sunset-john-fery mosertone-hell-detail-dirk-ends-_-1450-palace-of-fine-arts-61997310 mothers-day-presents-bedding-sets-tricia-guild-2 (1) 

          This video is in color while when momentarily the tape is turned over & it is in black & white. This gave me clues to the meaning like so:


          VIDEO, ONE SIDE IN COLOR: This is the ‘here & now’, what is going on, the drama. It is showing on HER SIDE, the woman he lives with now;

anxiety (drama/anxiety usually go together).


          VIDEO, OTHER SIDE, THE ONE I MOSTLY WANT TO SEE, BLACK & WHITE: Black & white usually means ‘the writing on the wall,’ or ‘clear as the written word’—this would be prophecy, what is going to happen. You were meditating on the near future yesterday & this is showing you what’s happening with her, with him, & what will happen. For her there’s drama, unhappiness. For him he’s seen the Light, leaving her, coming to you, which he should have done long ago but it took time for him to get it.

b62c502eaa47fb60d7d01b68120530d6 b67cb50ac5905a6a0748b6b506d6603a b431f916015865a4f8ef44feb760f009 b578ce9302c7e625fca0048fdf83bfc2 b622b2f241c258aca750338eabe3ba79 b836e0ada192de58cd0b2a9865abc848 b6265be5f9bd2307feedf2c61cc7bd0e

SILVER ON ONE SIDE, LOTS OF IT, TORN UP: This is my relationship with Brandon. It says it’s permanent but got ‘torn up,’ which means stop & go, we got torn up a few times & got back together.)*


I then turn the video to the other side (not logical but it’s a dream) & it’s black & white & I see other scenes of RH & his merry men—riding through the woods perhaps with Maid Marion on a horse wearing a long medieval dress with ornate dark twirly designs all over it.


          *(MAID MARION: Has the same funeral twirly design over her dress as the gay guy on his robe—the end of both of them, it’s his soon-to-be ex. Why on a horse?

Chinese-Foot-Binding-rugs-and-more-santa-barbara-design-center-design-santa-barbara-mark-of-beauty-12 christmas-cottage-284 citotel-vendome cjp-cotswold-private CkzI9KEUYAAolca 1152201_Heath_Overall0005 cool-stone-fireplace-design-living-room-ideas

          HORSE: Horse means work—‘work-horse.’ He was with her because she paid all the bills, he used his money for himself. It’s a ‘marriage of convenience’ –no convenience, no marriage.)*

I exclaim,

“Oh, this is it – I recognize it by the music. {I was familiar with the music of Robin Hood movies.} Now I’ll find the scenes.


And so I go on the search for the scenes mentioned, especially the one with the hairy ass, for friends to see.

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                     This dream explains in no uncertain terms what God has been telling you for months: Their breakup will be because of finances, they will go bankrupt, the thread that kept them together will break.

          You told her yourself she could not afford him, he was with her for resources; she chose not to believe it, now she’ll have to.

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          Besides the finances, this says he’s always loved you but could not step up to the plate, it took a lot of hardship to wake & shake him up. Before he was blind, but now he can see, Amazing Grace. He stated himself he ‘sold out’ to the devil for partying & popularity. No more partying, he can’t afford popularity, if he wants to survive & be happy, he has to chose the right path. You & God are the package deal, take it or leave it, he’s ready to take it.

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