College of God & Love, Core Tenets

What is Important?

What is Important?


A Soul – A Town – My Movie  3 22 24


         First, I go to someone’s room with a friend. There’s something sad or forlorn abut this, like did someone have a bad accident, are they dying? They must be attended to.

         It’s a medium sized room, white walls, a white sheer curtain blowing in the wind from a window left as I look around. Is the person – a man – there? Did he leave? If he did we can’t help him.

         Then I look in this bed against the wall – somehow it looks like a child’s crib. And a man’s head peeps out from under the covers – I only see the top of his head – honey blonde with streaks of light blonde hair, cut straight across, a bit tousled.

         He’s there – we’re going to take care of him. It’s a feeling of his being a prisoner in the room.

         *{This sounds like a Soul in Purgatory. One hint is the window with VEIL blowing in the wind – & the fact that he’s a PRISONER. The veil is what separates us from the side where God is – Heaven. Being a prisoner is you can’t get out of here just because you want to. If someone helps, it can be done faster, & here I am with someone who is probably my Guardian Angel, going to help this man.

Why is he under the cover, only the top of his head shows? His identity is secret, I see only a small part of him. Head & HAIR in this context are his thoughts – I see his thoughts.

The crib is because these clients are at times seen as children, a spiritual child to me. His state is not bad, he might be ascending soon.}*

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         Later things get different. I go to a foreign town. I don’t think it’s Purgatory as I see I’m outside, there’s a sky. I examine every street, the mall; look in the windows at the shops & residences. I don’t see many people, just a few.

         Was in a store, it had food & other things. This town is remote & I sense they are lacking in some amenities, but they have a lot anyway. Some children – girls – are in the street. One of them calls back to me from ahead, saying she found the most delicious caramel in this store {where I’d been} & wants to go there for it. Sounds like she’s tempting me, but I didn’t care for any caramel. These kids are around 11-12.

         Then I met in succession, the three Tony’s. Go into one Italian place, the manager is Tony – young & handsome. Go to another, same thing. He mentions his brother’s name is Tony, very strange. Then the third one it’s BINGO. The manager Tony is so handsome, so tall, so sexy. I stroke his face. He has a 2 day beard. His face is so manly, hard to explain someone’s beauty, but it’s very masculine. And he likes my attention, we might be friends.

         He asks about me, I say,

         “I just travel, see places – I don’t have to work any more.”

         There were dozens of details I will not record as it’s too much time. Not sure what I was doing here. Maybe just “a change is as good as a rest,” – I’ve been burned out from work.

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         *{This ones got me, Mother God, need help. If it’s not Purgatory, what is it? Lately I’ve had a couple dreams of romantic touches like this – I did not record the one of Jean Claude Van Damme, where our eyes met & I felt love.

         Is this a vacation, where I visit males who might be amenable to me & exchange love? Is it my way of resting? Am I traveling with my soul or what? Who are these Tony’s especially the last one? Who was jean Claude?

         MG: To make an educated guess, I’d say the 3 Tony’s are your Guardian Angels, here to give you love. They know you’re worn out – true Love is an elixir, like Sacred Water, which refreshes the Soul. A Celestial Being can take on any form – you recall the Angel who appeared as your beautiful blonde maid, ironing the vest of Tom S {Jesus} when He visited you? And you remember when you appeared to Juana the first night as a male, the second night as a female? The hint here is they are 3 with the same name – all your Guardian Angels, all Tony, & one says ‘his brother’ which denotes kinship. And they are similar but the last one is spectacular. A spiritual Being has no gender, neither does your soul, neither do I, your Mother God.   We can manifest any which way. Here they came to make you happy. You have CHOSEN not to ask for any man on earth – St. Charbel warned you if you did, he would leave so you chose to remain celibate & without romance. The same with Jean Claude, it could have been Saint St. Charbel appearing so beautiful to give you pleasure.

         ME: Who are the girls tempting me with ‘caramel’ & what is this town?

         MG: Sounds like ‘Mount Carmel’- a spiritual destiny as you are born on Our Lady of Mt.Carmel Day. This is God has taken you to a spiritual place for a vacation, ‘Carmel’ is here. The girls are probably angels, all the people here should be Celestials or members of Heaven, it’s pleasant. Your Guardian Angels brought you here for spiritual refreshment, notice they are managers of restaurants {spiritual nourishment} – they are in authority. It’s a great thrill for you to know abut these Angels of yours & what they have done on your behalf.


                 MEANING OF RAIN


         Oh yes, lately had a dream abut rain but didn’t write it down, confused as to what it meant. But had another dream about rain so I figured it out. I have here 4 volumes of ‘The City of God.’ I’m indoors but there’s drizzle & one of my volumes to the right, on a table, is speaking to me pointing out it’s getting wet – all of them are. I take them lovingly into my arms to dry them, protect them, & am going to put them into my bed under the covers, get them dry, keep them close to me.


         *{It’s THE RAIN ON MY PARADE. An impediment, something is stopping the fun or the desired activity. In this case, it’s my dreams. I’ve been distracted perhaps or too tired to write them down, I’m therefore losing valuable articles & books. MysticalCity of God is the account of the experiences of Mary of Agreda, who saw visions & Our Lady spoke to her & dictated her life. So on a smaller scale it is with me – my mystical writings which must go on – this is saying. And I’m taking the situation under my wings.}*

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         The other dream was I was in my house on the second floor & it rained on & on until outside was flooded & the floor I’m standing on also is, up to my ankles of crystal clear water. My husband Rich is with me. But then all the water recedes, everything is alright.

         Richard stands next to me on my right, tall & dependable as he was. We look across the field from us, as if there’s no wall, & there, on the other side is Pablo, an evil guy I was in love with. This person is looking at us & seeing how devoted Richard is to me & I’m glad he sees it.


         *{PABLO is the OLD GUY Nick, when I was relating to him as a living person / drug addict, totally shameless in his lifestyle, wasting his life with the other hoodlums in town. He was extremely cruel to me, to the point of my having anxiety attacks which led to heart attacks. Yes he was evil.

         Now he looks at himself on ‘the other side’ or as he was in life from the vantage point of today. He has changed into the good, dependable husband as Rich was, devoted to me, at my side, dependable, helpful. He sees the truth now & I’m glad he does.}*

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My Movie & the Rag Doll


         I was working on something with others when I noticed there was something I could obtain that I wanted – like crockery, pots & pans – this is vague. I got a huge cloth slick vanilla colored bag I have here – it’s so big it would hold several coats, & I take this bag on my way.

         When I get there it’s on the street. There’s a theater with a marquee I assume advertising a movie. In front of the place, closer to me as I’m to the left of the theater, is a large sign covered with icons, not pictures, but representations of things like on a board. There’s a ‘rag doll’ of sorts, at least 2 or more huge oranges like I have here {with very thick skins} – one statue of a rosy flesh-colored head & face, {which I put no value on – hold it I my hands & put it back – don’t want to take it} – & in front of this poster or presentation I see a large number of heads of people, all close together, staring at this sign.

         I ask someone why are these people staring like that – this is nothing unusual, just regular things & they say,

         “It’s the way they’re put together, all in one place, that makes it seem important.”

         As I’m inspecting this display – all I want is the rag doll, & I take it, put it in my bag & am going back to my house. It had no price tag on it – it’s like the Good Will are selling this but it has no price, so I can’t pay it, & I’m just slightly nervous they’ll come after me & say since I didn’t pay for it, it isn’t mine & they want it back.

         Anyway, I take a chance, & it’s strange having this small rag doll – about a foot high – in this huge bag & nothing else that I expected to pick up.

         I’m aware of a couple women standing there {they’re in front of the theater facing the street} who are really strange, as they say they wanted that rag doll, but they knew they couldn’t get it because they didn’t even try. But they saw the value of it after I took it. They’re just standing there complaining they wanted it. One of these women has a square face like this advertisement where a man is wearing a costume with a huge square head, I’ve seen recently. These women are sort of ‘slow’, like no zeal or energy, just wanting things but not doing anything to get them.

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                 *{This regards the MOVIE of your life coming to pass. The POSTER shows the elements of your life, the parts of it which are relevant. The FRUITS are the victories you won – happy fulfillment of efforts. The face statue is you as a glamour doll – you put no value on this & don’t take it. You pick it up, disdain it & put it back. You choose nothing else to take with you except the rag doll, the only thing you value.

         The RAG DOLL represents your SUFFERINGS. It hearkens to St. Francis of Assisi who said he climbed Mt.Alverno to see his Lady Love & when he got there all he saw was LADY POVERTY dressed in rags! That was his spouse!

         And here you affirm the same, the most meaningful part of your life was the sufferings.

         Who are the women standing there coveting my rag doll, but they do nothing to obtain something like that?

         They remind you of this mannequin with a huge square head. They are FAKE in the service of God & God’s spiritual precepts. They DESIRE what you received THROUGH POVERTY but they aren’t willing to PRACTICE IT. Someone having a BIG HEAD, SQUARE, means what? It’s ego – one considering oneself big or significant rather than being humble before God, saying ‘I am important.’

         Why do I have this very large slick vanilla cloth bag & I think I’ll get large utensils but I only get the rag doll?

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         St. Francis said,

“God gives us all that is good. All we have to give to God is OUR SUFFERINGS.”    

Is there anything else important here?

The dream is saying that your life is UNUSUAL in that there are many elements, which many have had. But in putting together these elements, it’s rare that one life would have such a combination.

What specifically, Mother God are these elements?

MG: the spiritual & physical, Heaven & earth in combination. Most people’s lives lean in one direction or another – yours goes equal both ways.

You read the lives of the Saints. The have specific qualities, Gifts & experiences, which you also have.

Then you look at show business people, & they have certain distinctions such as their looks, talents, abilities, accomplishments like winning beauty contests, being in movies & TV, getting attention & publicity.

But your life is a hybrid between two elements, which most people think are incompatible.. Spirituality & sexuality usually don’t go together, but in you they do.

ME: Why is the white bag so large but the only thing in it the rag doll?

MG: You once thought there were so many important things in life, but now you know only what we suffer in Love {spiritual Poverty} is important – Jesus & His Cross. {end}’5568_135688813626_552573626_3207720_4614065_n 35953_1569692963703_1276841585_1572032_8133353_n 36849_1508430432178_1276841585_1413743_3024799_n 38769_423459272557_573227557_4591572_6609023_n 38838_145385485487957_100000495181499_373849_4098464_n 39173_1560147245066_1276841585_1546798_2469172_n 39824_129077217137531_100001057605792_187544_1821352_n 40633_145385472154625_100000495181499_373847_117001_n 40646_428149557557_573227557_4708837_7344614_n 40649_428146017557_573227557_4708758_1354646_n 41319_1427190436596_1137858908_31121378_6846983_n 45668_1169753021773_1766421610_301104_4255103_n



College of God & Love, Core Tenets

Channel Mother Cabrini

I Channel Mother Cabrini 3-18-24


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         ME: Mother Cabrini, you opened up 67 institutions to help the poor, orphans, the sick, during your lifetime – a miraculous accomplishment. You faced tremendous hardships & obstacles, but by the Grace of God, you did it. Everyone knows you are a saint & you are admired & loved greatly by many including me.

         I’d like to get your counsel on my work, as I am fighting Patriarchy to establish a Matriarchal religion & Order – for women & their children. I have also had hardships & obstacles, different from yours but nevertheless, hard to conquer. By the Grace of God I have done many things to obey Her precepts & further the cause of Mother God on Earth. How would you describe my mission, & my goal – & what abilities, skills & virtues do I need to fulfill my work? Yes, I am old – But I still have ambitions. Speak to me.

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         Mother Cabrini {MC}:

         Your fight is Ideological. Your enemies are not physical; they are psychological, spiritual & metaphysical. However, these enemies are housed in the minds of men & women – Spirits of deception, delusion, lying spirits, spirits not of God but the devil. You are opposing them; you are putting forth ideas that are the opposite.

         ME: Yes I’m preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the opposite of what Patriarchy purports. And I want to write down everything I propose for the new Religion & Order. Right now all I can do is write. Do you have any advice how I should proceed? Do you think I can actually start this Order during my lifetime that is left – which is about 13 more years if I’m lucky. Or do you think I should just write & hope to put down all the ideas/instructions for the religion & Order?

         MC: Try not to worry or hurry. It will all come out of you in good time, & if God wants you to do anything physical as you hope – she will put forth Her Magic Wand, wave it over your property & it will begin.

         ME: Did you ever think about the prejudice & evil I am facing which is Patriarchy? Did you ever pray for it to end?

         MC: Of course, most women if not all, think about these issues – we all face them. Each woman activist can only do so much in her lifetime, in her skin. She hopes to lay stones of work down upon which other women can build. Don’t fret about whether you start physical building or not, jut concern yourself now about writing it all down & what happens, happens. If you don’t start building or organizing this lifetime, the next generation of women will follow your footsteps & proceed.

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         ME: What do you think of my New Religion?

         MC: Why not? It’s about time someone kicked their asses. Those priests & prelates, I had a lot to suffer from them – they were obnoxious to the core, presumptuous, self righteous & all misogynists. I knew they were abusers but there was nothing I could do about it, I just had to proceed the best I could. A lot had to happen before other women came along & feminism was born, & then Female Empowerment with you.

         ME: As I was sitting just now meditating she spoke to me thus, words approximate:

         MC: Now is the time to do what you’re doing. When you first started on the internet, in 2004, it was a time of relative stability where the patriarchs felt secure. When you preached as you do they fought viciously against you, even death threats. But now, when you return to Face Book, you won’t get that. They will leave you mostly alone because now is the time of CHAOS. During chaos is when new ideas can be ingested & people are so confused, so focused on what to do next, they will not fight new ideas, especially this one which is Matriarchy. Men have noticed that their world is crumbling, all the misconceptions they had of themselves being Kings & Captain Marvels & Strong Leading men, dominating everything, are evaporating like the morning dew. Their illusions have for the most part, have been shattered by the results of male rule, where the chickens have come to roost, & by the behavior of women with their demands for equal rights, opportunities, & now you with Matriarchy. They know they’re finished – the writing is on the wall to those who are aware, educated & informed. There are still some that are ignorant, but they are ignorant of all things even Patriarchy itself, they are basically not riveted anywhere, they just live – either badly or well, just live for the day ahead, don’t know what’s going on outside.

         ME: So far, so good. Sounds like you’re on board with my program. What do you think of my focusing on women & mostly excluding men except for what WE want – not to dominate us, but we are sexually free & cohabit with them when we wish, but there’s no domination of us by them nor do they dominate our children. That’s the Order I’m setting up.

         MC: Everything you’re doing & thinking it’s about time. I like it all. If I was back on earth I’d join your Order & help. Maybe go out & set up new branches for us. For women to be sexually free has part way started, but you’re taking it to the limit, making it official, which is humorous in a way. It’s like a laugh in their face. Not being revengeful, just merely showing them like it is – their karma for thousands of years of abuse. They used women as breeders for their nefarious schemes, now you use them only for sperm & a bit of affection. Like William Bond says, they don’t know how to love. They know how to take love from women. They have needs, but they’re slow to give. They only give when they can get something out of it – like giving women money for sex – which they will do. But giving for charity is not their nature.

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         ME: How many books will it take & how many years, to get this all into writing? I have to put down the Order, its rules, its setup, housing, management, education. Then I have to write out all the religious doctrine & beliefs – A lot of writing.

MC: It will take 5 books & 2 years – not much for you. You did 9 books in 2 years when you were Graced by God. God will Grace you again for this.

You will be helped by Pete & William, each in his own way. Their writings support yours. When you include the work of William regarding males are the submissive sex & all the other things he writes, people will be impressed. Pete also writes well – he has his own smarts & vision which will give your work credibility. Together the 3 of you will make great strides.

ME: What do you think of my past work – Stripping for God, body building, female domination, cougering, preaching in front of the White House which caused Our Lady’s of Fatima Power to manifest – all of that. And also the Graces I received – the infused virtues from Jesus {Faith, Hope & Charity} & Mary {Poverty, Chastity, Obedience} – this Christmas I received KEYS from Jesus & a Mantle with among other colors, GOLDEN ROSES made of Gold Thread from Mary – dozens of other Graces over the years, the Holy Interior Stigmata & all the special favors from them as well as Saints. I have 7 spiritual husbands, 6 of them known Saints.

MC: You have the right to stand with the best of them, some day people will know it & believe, & pray to you & get favors. Many miracles will occur. This isn’t to be known in your lifetime as you’d be hounded & it would impede your work. But people will come to your grave to ask for favors. They will clamor for relics of you. There will be more favors & miracles than normal to prove yourself to the people – God will grant that. You who were despised {including by your family even now}, ridiculed, scoffed at, put aside in life because of your profession – all that will change. Those who are in the same boat as you will come to you with confidence – women of the adult trade, those who are shunned.

Your life is coming to a close but you have much to look forward to in Eternity. What a future you will have!

ME: When I go to the other side will there be many animals to greet me? And what abut Souls in Purgatory I helped?

MC: It’ll be beyond what you ever imagined. Words cannot say. All the pain gone, all the joy realized – A Heaven that not many can enjoy. It’s all because of your Heart because your love has been True.

ME: What in Heaven most impressed or surprised you?

MC: Everything. Hard to describe. What is most shocking I suppose is those who are in Heaven one didn’t expect – & those who likewise went to long Purgatories or even Hell who one also did not expect.

ME: What about all those Priests & male clergy? – Their pedophilia & all the other sins. Did you know abut that & how many of these guys made it to Heaven & did many go to Hell or long Purgatories?

MC: All kids. Some of them were sick you – They’d been abused by their Dad or other men. We suspected some were like that but had no proof. All kinds, some Heaven, some Hell overall not because of any particular sin but because they shut God out of their lives.

ME: Many saints say the majority go to Hell, the minority to Heaven, & that more women gain Heaven, & more poor people than rich.

MC: The Broad Highway to Hell is common among the people. They have no idea they are headed there, but they are. And as Jesus said, ‘Many go there.’

ME: Do you have any advice or parting words for me & the people out there?

MC: Take it day by day. Stop worrying & work on your Faith. Believe in the Good & good will happen. Believe in the bad & it draws bad to you. Clean your heart out periodically by forgiving all who ever hurt you & ask them to forgive what you did to hurt them, & receive their forgiveness even if you have no proof of it. Keep struggling each day to be a better person for yourself & others. You must love yourself as you do others, don’t blame yourself for so many things especially little things, forgive yourself for your faults. That is all for now.

ME: Thanks to Mother Cabrini   {end}

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From Wikipedia:

On September 1887, St. Cabrini went to seek the pope’s approval to establish missions in China. Instead, he urged that she go to the United States to help the Italian immigrants who were flooding to that nation, mostly in great poverty. “Not to the East, but to the West” was his advice.[7]

Cabrini left for the United States, arriving in New York City on March 31, 1889, along with six other sisters.[8] In New York she encountered disappointment and difficulties.[7][2] Archbishop Michael Corrigan, who was not immediately supportive, found them housing at the convent of the Sisters of Charity. She obtained the archbishop’s permission to found the Sacred Heart Orphan Asylum in rural West Park, New York, later renamed Saint Cabrini Home.

Cabrini organized catechism and education classes for the Italian immigrants and provided for many orphans’ needs. She established schools and orphanages despite tremendous odds. She was as resourceful as she was prayerful, finding people who would donate what she needed in money, time, labor, and support.[9] In New York City, she founded ColumbusHospital, which merged with ItalianHospital to become Cabrini Medical Center from 1973 until its closure in 2008.[10][11]

In Chicago, Illinois, the sisters opened ColumbusHospital in Lincoln Park and ColumbusExtensionHospital (later renamed Saint Cabrini Hospital) in the heart of the city’s Italian neighborhood on the Near West Side. Both hospitals eventually closed.[12][2] Their foundress’s name lives on in Chicago’s Cabrini Street.

She founded 67 missionary institutions to serve the sick and poor, long before government agencies provided extensive social services – in New York; Chicago and Des Plaines, Illinois; Seattle; New OrleansDenver and Golden, ColoradoLos AngelesPhiladelphia; and in countries throughout Latin America and Europe.[6] In 1926, nine years after her death, the Missionary Sisters achieved Cabrini’s original goal of becoming missionaries to China.[13]

Cabrini was naturalized as a United States citizen in 1909.[6]

Death[edit source]

Cabrini died of complications from malaria at age 67 in Columbus Hospital in Chicago on December 22, 1917,[3] while preparing Christmas candy for local children.

Her body was initially interred at what became Saint Cabrini Home, the orphanage she founded in West ParkUlster County, New York.

Veneration[edit source]

In 1933, her body was exhumed and divided as part of the process toward sainthood. At that time, her head was removed and is preserved in the chapel of the congregation’s international motherhouse in Rome. Her heart is preserved in Codogno, where she founded her missionary order. An arm bone is at her national shrine in Chicago. Most of the rest of her body is at her major shrine in New York.[14]

Cabrini was beatified on November 13, 1938, by Pope Pius XI, and canonized on July 7, 1946, by Pope Pius XII.[9][2] Her beatification miracle involved purportedly restoring the sight of a day-old baby who had been blinded by a 50% silver nitrate solution instead of the normal 1% solution in the child’s eyes. The child, named Peter Smith (1921–2002), would later be present at her beatification and become a priest.[15] Her canonization miracle involved the purported healing of a terminally ill member of her congregation. When Cabrini was canonized, an estimated 120,000 people filled Chicago’s Soldier Field for a Mass of thanksgiving.[16]

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College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets

Serving Poor Souls with Nick

Serving Poor Souls with Nick

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3-16-24 Arnold-Success-Running


         Some startup scenes that are now vague, but what stands out strongly is I am jogging hard over this dirt road that goes up a slowly sloping tall hill, it’s a long way, & the road is glistening but not muddy in the least. I am running with all my might – Arnold is right behind me & trying to go as fast as me & overtake me, but so far he can’t. There’s a third person behind Arnold who’s keeping up but has no chance of beating us.


         *{Dirt road over hill is the road of CALVARY or carrying the Cross, & the road GLISTENING is the dew of the Holy Spirit – important that it’s NOT muddy, just glistening to show Grace.

         It features to effort of my HEART which means LOVE, shows great love. The successful person behind me {Arnold is always success} is NICK trying his best to love as much as I am, but he cannot overtake me. And the third person behind us both is either the Holy Lady present with us, or else my Guardian Angel {one of the 3} – or then again my Mother God within me. {But then who am I? One of my multiple personalities?} the Holy Lady, like Our Lord, could be the manifestation of a Being like her which has come to exist within my myriad of ‘multiple personalities.’}

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         I sense myself going with all my might again & again, the strength seems to come from my heart & I’m thinking my heart has improved. Arnold wants to be as good as me, I sense his trying harder again & again but he can’t beat me. I don’t know why this is so important, but it is, that I must be the front runner.

         Then we come to a sharp right-bend in the road. To the right of it is an Apricot-colored stone staircase of about 3-4 tiers, beyond that maybe a stone monument. In front of this edifice is a small bush, the trunk about 4’ then a kind of pyramidal shape evergreen maybe 3 ½’ tall. There’s a narrow path between the building & the bush, & the question is, will I run across this path or stay on the bigger road? I do the path but then at that moment both Arnold & I stop & both agree it’s time for a break! We’ve run what seems like an hour, we’ve crossed the top of the hill.


         *{This sounds like a choice between the ‘narrow’ road – ‘few who go there,’ & the ‘broad road’ – the two ways of operating , working or living, the narrow being the mystical plane, the broad being the earthly. And I am on the mystical plane, serving Souls in Purgatory.

         To the right of this narrow road is a monument or mausoleum to the Dead, & in front the Evergreen of Eternal Life. This is where I am, where I work, where I belong – my happy place.

         Here we ‘take a break’ or rest – we have done enough for a time – God rested on the 7th day, so must we. After all, we went over ‘the hump’ or the top of the hill.}*j

         Now Arnold & I hug warmly. He’s got his back to the road, I’m on the left side facing him, & he’s much taller. He’s wearing a dull grey/blue top clinging to him, his abdomen is sticking somewhat past his chest, & I kiss the area just below his neck joyfully with my arms around him warmly. The third person with us apparently is a lady & she’s sitting to our left, a large person, observing us. I am slightly afraid of her.

Arnold says something makes me laugh,

         “Do you want a shave?”

         I know he doesn’t mean face he means the pubic hair growing down my thighs. I tell him it isn’t like it used to be, most of it is grey or white, you can’t see it much.  But he finds a golden {blonde} lump like a locket, & holds it up to me & says,

“What’s this?”

         I smile & give it back to him saying,

         “I wouldn’t give this to anyone but you.”

        Then as we sit I find another blonde clump like that & another, totaling 3 or 4 & now there’s a pile of pubic hair next to us with those lumps inside.  I was happy abut that, my pubic presence is not over like I thought, lol.

         *{PUBIC HAIR:  Represents fertility, an abundance of it if there’s a lot of hair, as the vagina is the beginning of life/birth.  It begins in the vagina with intercourse, a symbol of Union with God, & this comes to completion with the birth as the child exits the vagina-symbol of being born into God’s world.

         I’m kind of saying to Arnold/Nick that I’m not fertile any more & he points out a golden locket of hair which says otherwise – this represents a child born out of our love – one of the Souls arisen!  And I’m saying to him that it was both of us who did it – I give him credit, I would not ‘give’ this credit to anyone but him.  I am enlivened by his discovery & I find more children that we begot from Purgatory into Heaven – the gold lockets of hair, born out of Love.

         *{The fact that I feel a slight fear of her shows me this is my Mother God – as we had a serious conflict when I was obsessed with Nick on earth – she threatened to kill me if I didn’t give up my earthly obsession, leave him alone & allow her to have him! At the time it didn’t make sense, but in light of future events it does. I had to get over the earthly addiction to Nick & step aside for Mother God who must be dominant. In time I did – by 2019. I never feel fear for Our Holy Lady or my Guardian Angel. And yet, consider, Mother God within me is FOLLOWING Nick & me, not me following her, which shows that what person or personality is evident here? Oh, things get nuanced! My mortal self had to be spiritualized & surrendered to God, not obsessed by addiction to the feel good feeling of being with him!

         My hugging & the kiss is kissing his heart, by which he tried so hard to love as strongly as me, tried with all his ight – I am grateful. His protruding abdomen means ‘pregnancy’ & tat means nurturing a soul the way a Mom nurtures a fetus – a Soul that will be born into Heaven. All this gives me great joy.

         And his shirt is one of sorrow – he feels earthly sorrows as do I, all of which translate into Grace for Souls.}*


         There were scenes after that but they’ve faded too much. I was coming over the hill with a man, both running but not concertedly, casually. We seem to have accomplished something & getting ready to do something else. I see a medium beige knitted sweater & flowers knitted of the same on the right shoulder of the sweater, it’s all vague.

Oh yes, here’s a scene. I know Arnold loves me, he proved it on our run, & this is permanent. But I am told he was with another woman before me, & this man way to the right knew them both. For some reason I aim impelled to go to him & ask him about it. He’s working on something as he sits, & it’s in front of him like before his lap. I bend to him & say,

“You knew my husband when he was with this other woman. Could you tell me about it?”

He just sits there saying nothing. I ask him again, he says nothing. So I just walk away. This man reminds me of my neighbor who helps me around the landscaping & lawn mowing. He’s not articulate, just a working class guy.

*{Who is this guy who new them both & I want to ask him about her? It seems to be Nick himself, as he was then, his mind set. He does not want to talk about her. Means he doesn’t want to recall her or go back there. Means he was not happy there, as if something gave you joy you’d want to return, if it was painful, you want to forget.}* {end}

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3-15-24    Elvis several dreams


I dreamed of Elvis several times in the last week which is not the usual. I had no idea who Elvis represented but in one dream I mused abut being madly in love with him from age 10 to 12, & now, here he is. But this last dream he came to me & kissed me & it was so real & ecstatic after thinking I know its NICK, my spiritual husband. I began to wonder, is Nick a reincarnation of Elvis? I doubt it, Elvis is but a symbol because I loved him so much & then that love fell into Nick.

Nick died of an overdose of drugs – I believe it was suicide after I gave him an ultimatum he couldn’t keep – leave his drug partner, go into rehab. We both knew – I explained it to him – that we’d be united forever in life & in death – we were mystically married & it was forever. He knew he’d be with me as soon as he died, he wanted to be with me & here he is.

He’s living an unusual lifestyle united to me, as he is enjoying my spiritual heights but also my earthly sufferings. It’s his Heaven but also his Purgatory. And he is assisting me, to my surprise, with getting Souls consoled & lifted out of Purgatory – this is unusual as I don’t yet consider him a ‘Saint’ where only Saints or souls in Heaven can use my portal to deliver Souls – but there it is. I guess it proves that anyone who has at least one foot in Heaven can assist me this way.

3-12-24 Helping Poor Souls


In the midst of these dreams there was one where I for sure was helping the Poor Souls.

I’m to go on a big TV show & there’s lots of rigmarole about that – Like I have to qualify as a guest to be interviewed or to perform.

In the end I know I succeed. I see a fancy skirt made of fluffy layers, split in the middle, where I’m dancing. Then there’s a luminous violet metallic piece of material I think about taking but realize it isn’t mine so I can’t. Clothing like this – costumes & metallic cloth – represents Gifts & Lights for Souls.

I also find my purse intact, filled with money & all my valuables, on a table where I feared some strangers at the show might have stolen. Purse means value of what I have.

The rest has faded out of memory. {end}

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College of the Gender War, Core Tenets

Females Future–the New Order


Females Future – the New Order from Pete Jackson & Rasa Von Werder

Position Statement Pete Jackson 3-8-24

Responses from Rasa Von Werder

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The following is a list of questions and answers about the positions that I, Ajax the Great (Pete Jackson) take on various issues.  Opinions expressed herein are personal and not necessarily those of the Matriarchy movement as a whole or any of its members, including Guru Rasa Von Werder and William Bond.  Unless otherwise noted, my views and those of my own True Spirit of America Party (TSAP) are basically equivalent.  And it should go without saying that the answers to all of these questions will ultimately be decided by the Women of the future.

(Last updated March 2024)

Q1)  Why do you believe that Women are the superior gender overall?

A1)  Because it is largely self-evident.  Ashley Montagu discussed it in detail in his 1953 bombshell of a book, The Natural Superiority of Women, which has been updated several times since then and never successfully refuted.  And he is by no means the only one to have made such observations.  Deep down, we all kinda know as much even if we don’t want to admit it.

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Rasa says: Indeed, men know it & are in terror of women. Just the mention of women’s rights makes their shackles rise up & they go into ‘fight or fight’ mode. I have had revenge taken on me for speaking the subject, both in person & on the internet, including death threats. Friends with a husband-wife, the husband told me ‘You won’t be welcome here any more if you talk like that.’ {It was MILD stuff – Other men locally, when I was talking to their wives & girlfriends, – one of them pretending to shake my hand, as usual tried to break it in a squeeze. But results were gotten, each woman got things out of him they had asked for for years – one got a new refrigerator, the other a 3k sound system to practice her music} Why so extreme? Because they take it as a personal attack on them, their manhood, their RIGHT to be dominant & deep inside they FEAR female dominance because they KNOW the woman is the BOSS – the MOTHER – & she WILL take over if not held down by all means necessary. As William Bond says: “When the cork is not held down it rises up” – as women have when the strongholds against them have loosened.

Pete Jackson continues:   Q2)  What kind of government do you think Women should create upon taking over?

A2)  I believe that Women will make that decision themselves, and have faith that they will make the right one, but if they want my advice I would recommend social democracy, democratic socialism, or something in between to start with.  From there on, I would recommend moving towards what Riane Eisler calls the “partnership” model as well as for the future.


Rasa continues: OK this is a DEEP & TRICKY question & there are important nuances here, factors that NO ONE ever speaks of to my hearing.

In the New Religion-Order I am starting – it’s aimed at WOMEN – not men, NOT equality or any kind of ‘egalitarianism’ Riane Eisler or Heidi GotNerd not withstanding. It is ‘safe space’ – female sequestered, protected & secure, female standing on her own two feet, no man need apply except learning our religion from the OUTSIDE, or for the most part, donating their sperm as we breed for our own community. There might be some relationships, close knit, even marriage, but this will not be the norm, the norm is the Order is the second ‘parent’ of the child begotten here & we provide all that is necessary for them. We’ll suggest to ur females of breeding age not to ook for the traditional husband hook up, but to see men as subordinate – providing NOT security but love, affection if any, & sperm if the female wants kids. They can ‘come & go’ or if they stay, we’ll talk about how they wan to work it. Do they want nighty visits like the Mosuos? Or once a week dates? Or do they want to live with the guy – in one of our Villages or completely off premises? Whatever she does, the order, if she remains in good standing, backs her up. If anything GOES WRONG she has the order for a safe haven.

{We anticipate men getting bent out of shape when she spends more time with us than with him, but for her to receive all the benefits, it will take time. What is he going to do for her, sitting in the house, waiting on him? Nothing, except ‘do this, do that – keep the house clean & organized, provide me love & affection & sex, support my needs.’ When he goes on the computer he’ll be looking for other women, chatting with them – he has his slave working, he can have fun. Or else he goes to the bars or hookers looking for diversion & leaves her alone or TIED TO THE CHILDREN.

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But at the Order, she has SISTERHOOD-STRENGTH – & this is one of the most important features of the Order; total CHILD CARE SERVICES! There is nothing that more chains a woman to the house than her children – men planned it that way {been there, done that.}. In the days of Matriarchy, with extensive families dominated by women – there were sisters, Aunts, Moms & Grandmas around. One could do whatever they had to do without fear of leaving children alone. But with a man as the head of the household – no women around – she has no help except cumbersome child care, where usually it’s daytime only. And it’s expensive – & unreliable or could be dangerous. Our services will be FREE from other members who volunteer, including a surrogate Mom who is there for overnight & protracted absences. This is a TREMENDOUS CROSS off the backs of the Mothers!

There is more. The woman can HAVE FUN with us – outdoor & indoor recreation. When the weather’s fine we have basketball, badminton, croquet, horseshoes, hiking in the ‘wilderness’ Villages, sitting around meditating in Nature – indoor sports when weather’s not good or after dark:, table tennis, chess, checkers, cards, all the usual indoor games.

Besides that, each facility will have one hour DANCING nightly for all ages including those with infirmities {they can sit in a chair for dancing – which I’m doing right now} & after that, sitting by the large fireplace having a group discussion or reading – one hour with kids, one without.

We can have a ‘movie night’ once a week with a large screen – where we make popcorn, grill hot dogs & cheese sandwiches at the fireplace while we watch. {No microwave ovens ever – they cause cancer.}

The Order offers meaningful work – paid & volunteer – plus camaraderie, a shoulder to lean on, a roof over her head, a religion that makes sense – FREEDOM.

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Given all this a husband will be jealous & demand,

“You married me, not the Order. What are you doing over there? Your place is at home, taking care of me & the kids!”

Yes, there will be a CONFLICT especially if the wife is at the Order every day. Even if she goes there one day a week – you can bet your bottom dollar he will protest! I know women who wanted one night a week ‘girl’s night out’ & the guys complained SO MUCH they finally gave up. And yet guys often go, after work, to a bar or a friend’s house, or to see other women – you name it, they act like they are free as a bird – you’re not – ESPECIALLY if you have kids – you MUST STAY HOME!

For years I wondered why single women are not invited to married people’s homes. Then finally figured out – single women ae Sisters / supporters / a way out, for the married woman. They offer a backup – they give a shoulder to lean on – they even have a place you can stay after he beats you up. They can give financial support. For all these reasons, married women are not supposed to have female friends, unless they are MARRIED & presumed to be owned by another man – kept under his control. {You’d be surprised how automatic & sub-rosa that control is!}

But single men ARE invited to married households because they give support to the man! I’ve witnessed married men, backed up with their friends, intimidate & sass their wives. Men work IN GANGS, but women aren’t supposed to! The gang is your little army!

But THERE IS MORE & it is important. Lots of men are pleased by the idea of equal partnership rather than women going off on their own terms. But LISTEN:

Women need REHABILITATION. They have been INJURED for thousands of years, beaten, demoralized; they have been robbed of their IDENTITY!

That’s why God gave me the dictum: Woman, Thou Art God, to get them back on track, on their own two feet, their own identity, their Source, which is God.

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They have been told that God is a Man, the Son of God is a man, & the Holy Spirit is neither male nor female. That means women are not a part of the ‘Holy Trinity.’ They have been left out of the Kingdom of God! The Catholic Church gives the impression that woman is only of use as An instrument for bringing a MAN into the world – the Son of God. All her prerogatives, her greatness, beauty & superiority comes from HIM – she has nothing of God ON HER OWN – it’s all HIM.

And so, although she’s the Greatest Woman on Earth – she’s only a reflection of a man, she does not stand on her own two feet! This is the doctrine the Catholic Church proclaims, Protestants notwithstanding – they say Catholics WORSHIP Mary but the CC FORBIDS IT! {We in the New Religion worship Mary equal to Jesus.}

That’s one issue, there’s more.

I’ve just been watching videos of horse rehabilitation. They are malnourished; you can see the bones sticking out from the sides. Hair on the sides is falling off in clumps. They are infested with parasites & worms in their guts. Some are so dehydrated & starved weak, they collapse, can’t even stand up. Some have hoofs that need trimming badly, they have trouble walking. One had abscesses in his teeth; he had trouble eating & was suffering. Horses are depressed, forlorn, given up hope, afraid. They need rehab because they’ve been abused, neglected, their needs were not met by the ‘owners’ or those in control.

Also saw a dog-rehab center. A man who gets into the pen with new dogs makes videos. There’s a sweet medium size black dog- he’s scared – most of them are scared when he gets into the pen & sits with them. The man says,

“A dog like this, when he’s adopted, needs time. If he wants to go under the bed & stay there let him. Don’t expect him to behave warm & bubbly like a regular dog, let him adjust. He might want to sit in a corner, be alone. Leave him be. Give him all the time he needs.”

Again, reading about the orphan kids in Romania, there were thousands – so many they didn’t have enough care givers, & the kids were neglected. They were sent off to adopting parents in the West & in America. I saw a documentary 40 years ago re one of them. He couldn’t get along with anyone – he’d have fits. Neaighor kids were driven away & didn’t want to come back. No one could control, appease or help him in any normal way. This rehab expert said,

“All you can do is whoever is in the house, adults, grab him & restrain him, lie on top of him for as long as he takes to quiet & calm down.”

This abnormal therapy did help, & he was finally able to part time get along with neighbor kids & play.


I’ve met many abused people in my farm area community. The’e now grown & told me their stories. Some adjusted – some did not so well. It depends how bad it was & their own disposition. One young gys you can’t leave aloe with his young brother – he was abut 26 whe I met them, his bro maybe 24. If they were alone, the oder one would beat up bis brother, every time. JuWhy? It was his reaction to the rage he felt at a stepdad his Mm brought home from a bar. This man got drunk every night, came back to the house, sodomized BOTH boys & raped their sister. During the day, as ‘man of the house,’ he fed them DOG FOOD. The social services finally came over & straightened the mess out.

Both these young men could not live alone – had a care giver lady who looked out for them, all lived in a large apt. I visited as one of the bys worked for me. She also told her story of being sexually abused age 6 by their neighbor, when she complained to her Dad he said,

“all men do that.”

And he was abusing the neighbor’s little girl 6 years old.

Another example is slaves. People that have been slaves for generations cannot be expected to act like the aristocrats who managed them as serfs, slaves & peasants.

I put it to you that women have been abused. They need time to recover. You assume, because women are genetically & other ways superior, they can right now take positions of authority leadership, dominion over men, over family, over businesses, governments, all that.

Horses are way stronger than men but men have contraptions {the bit}, guns, whips, all kinds weapons to keep horses in check. Those that fight back end up in the bone yard.

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Bulls are way stronger than men but the ring in their nose renders them docile.

Elephants are stronger than men. But they kill the parents right in front of the baby. They take the baby & use cymbals & cans & make loud noises for days until he doesn’t know right from left, back to front up or down, he’s disoriented. They make him so confused, so afraid, he obeys whatever he’s led to do.

I tell you anyone who thinks women can take charge of the family & the world without an Order such as this is a fool Women have been injured, they need time to adjust, to find themselves & regain their identity, their relationship with God, who is within them.

I’m not going to get into all the symptoms women portray as reactions to their abuse, but there are many, mostly based on fear, confusion & brainwashing.

Our New Religion, Order needs time to ease their fears & give them Faith in themselves & their God, to unconfuse them with the Truth – & de-program them from all the brainwashing.

To have the enemy with them at this time delays their rehab. The enemy is the smiling assassin, filled with lies – the false promises, & this enemy reminds them of where they have been – the memories haunt them & attach them to the sinister past. They need to SEPARATE & find themselves, they need time – years in fact. My goal for the Order is 120 years – 4 generations – before women gain what they need to stand tall without a doubt they can do it.

Egalitarian my foot. Before that can even begin to happen much has to occur. Besides, in the end, it will be a woman-dominant word. Take note of William Bond’s writing on how men cannot deal with equality – they either lead or you lead them. With men slowly going extinct – hopefully not blowing up the planet before then – there is no question on which gender has to be in charge.  {end}   Rasa Von Werder

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College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets

Male Female Relations in our New Order

Mosuos vs Us Part 4 3-4-24 How we differ, how we compare


Rasa to Pete Jackson:

Just wondering – are you WISHING all my rules will change or be revoked? {Re Part 3}

Pete Jackson speaks:

No, not in the near future, and probably not in my lifetime either.  But in the distant future, generations from now, I am hoping that things would eventually evolve to the point where at least some of the rules could perhaps be relaxed a bit, especially for congenital Members (those who were born into the Order).  That is all I will say in that regard. 

Rasa responds:

    Oh that’s a good thought.  What becomes of those who are born into the Order, rules & all.  They will have to abide by them, as it’s in our ‘culture’ by then the way things are taken for granted once a culture is set.  For instance, consider the Mosuos having girls available for sex by age 13.  {It doesn’t say what age boys are allowed to visit & have sex}  Puberty for a boy would be somewhat later…..In their culture it’s accepted, but in America they’d all be ARRESTED, – the adults – And kids put in foster homes.

    A lot is left unsaid in the Wiki explanation of the Mosuos which I will address – especially re sex, dates.


    Much of this has to  EVOLVE.  ‘Theory of evolution.’  But we have a BEGINNING & idea of what is our GOAL?  At some point I will have to describe our ultimate goal & which rules can change, which are stable {with no stable rules the Order will fall apart.}

    And how the males born into our Order evolve as MATRIARCHS is a good question.  If they decide to become Patriarchs for whatever reason – there’s the door.  They would injure the Order by being in it – influencing others. 

  PS  I do sense a slight feeling of hostility from you re the Order, what I’m saying.  What is it that’s bothering you?  The fact that we want to be left alone?  At first, you agreed, which was so different from someone else who kept talking about ‘femdom men’ & helping them.  You said several times in defense of the Order, & the New Religion, that you agreed women must do this & to do otherwise would be counterproductive to what we want.  The other friend couldn’t take it & withdrew.

    The average man or even way above average – has gone berserk when I speak like this – they are IMPOSSIBLE to discuss these issues with.  I’ve had revenge including death threats for JUST TALKING either on internet or in person.

    Your reaction is MILD but it’s there.  When you approve of something or like it you’re very talkative, filled with ideas.  But now you’ve become somewhat silent, like a person gets when they disapprove but don’t want to say so or don’t want to criticize to make the other person mad – they bite their tongue.


    You are HELPING when you voice your TRUE FEELINGS.  It’s kind of like Lt. Col Gxxx – I wrote him wanting to work together.  He was gung ho until he discovered that I wanted women to rule the family & the world.  He stopped writing then.  I channeled his mind & he said,

    “The thought of women dominating the world including myself gives me a feeling of revulsion.”  

    And so my main question to you is if things bother you that I propose, why is that?  And what would be your alternative suggestion or rule re keeping this Order together & keeping women & children safe?

    If you drop out of this discussion {which I trust you won’t} I’ll have to just keep going alone – as there isn’t any man I can converse with on this & no woman.  One lady friend’ of mine told me my work for Matriarchy is IRRELEVANT. 

    In your articles you’ve said often ‘Let the healing begin’ – ‘this has to change yesterday’ & you are as aware of male transgressions in running the world as I have.  How does the healing begin?  What has to change, then?  If you don’t like what I propose, what is your proposition?  How do you see the world changing?


That is one of the problems.  We all complain.  The MAJORITY of people who say anything, who are educated in what is actually going on, or even uneducated but are unhappy with things – complain & criticize.  But NO SOLUTION.

    Fr. Groeshel once gave a talk on EWTN about Saints.  He said the difference between Saints & other people is Saints DO SOMETHING.  He then spoke of Mother Theresa of Calcutta how her first act was she found a woman on the street, very ill, took her to her own apt, gave her her own bed & slept on the floor – & there it started.

    You know how evil men have been.  How do we begin Matriarchy? We can all talk the talk. But what is the walk? When & how do we walk the walk? {no pun intended, Walking Marriage is next}     Rasa


From Wikipedia:   Walking marriages[edit source]

One of the best known aspects of Mosuo culture is its practice of “walking marriage” (走婚 zǒu hūn in Chinese), although this practice remains poorly understood.[16] Walking marriages are the most prominent form of marriage in Mosuo culture; however, it is not unheard of for women in Mosuo culture to marry outside of their culture, therefore participating in marriages other than walking marriages. In a walking marriage, both partners live under the roof of their respective extended families during the day; however, at night it is common for the man to visit and stay at the woman’s house (if given permission) until sunrise. Therefore, they do not technically live in the same household, but they are free to visit when granted permission. Children of parents in a walking marriage are not raised by their father. The brothers of the mother (maternal uncles) in the marriage take on the responsibilities of the father since the father is not typically around during the daytime. Due to the separation of the father and mother, it is crucial for the uncle(s) to play a large role in the development of the child.

       Rasa says: Why is it ‘crucial for the uncle{s} to play a role in the development of the child.’ It’s NICE to have both a Mother & a Father if the Father is a good person – but in the absence of a Dad our Order is the second parent, it does not have to be a physical male. The things a child would seek from a good Dad will be provided. After all, what is it a child needs? Love, comfort when in need, security, food & shelter, an example, a teacher who shows the right path of virtue – being kind to oneself & others. Kids need skills for survival & ordinary daily life – keeping the body & one’s environment clean, organizing a schedule, working, exercising, studying, recreating, enjoying Creation. To receive such things one does not need an Uncle or Dad or any male, in their absence, women can provide. Not saying we push away all men – some will be around here & there, but they are not mandatory for the child’s welfare. {I might add they’ve done studies of adoptive parents, both hetero & lesbian, & there was never ONE CASE of abuse from the lesbians.}


Shih (2010) offers the most sophisticated anthropological account of Mosuo practices of sexual union. “All on-going sexual relationships in Mosuo culture are called “walking marriages.” These bonds are “based on mutual affection.”[15] “When a Mosuo woman or man expresses interest in a potential partner, it is the woman who may give the man permission to visit her. These visits are usually kept secret, with the man visiting the woman’s house after dark, spending the night, and returning to his own home in the morning.”

Rasa says: Nothing wrong with that. But does he carry a candle? Then people will know there’s a fox after the chickens. Does he meet any of those other guys along the way? Then it’s not too secret.

There a lot here they leave out. A female is permitted to start having visitors – any age up to very old? Do they have visitors for sex? And males what age are they considered men who can visit? Is it also 13 or older? What about older men wanting to visit a teenager? How is that looked upon? What about older women who want to date younger men – even teens – is that accepted? Each woman has her own room where males climb to the second floor – in one documentary they said after he climbs the stairs he has to cut some indentations with his knife before climbing thrugh the window. That’s it – no more explanation. They climb into windows? Don’t these rooms have doors to the outside or balcony? It seems there’s a wrap-around balcony on the second floor, where all the women’s rooms are. Might not a male bump into another gonna-be lover?

If I had more information it might expand my ideas of how to have our females meet their lovers. We cannot start at puberty because of our laws. It’s 17 in most states. Sometimes, if people the same age are caught having sex they write it off as the ‘Romeo & Juliet clause’ but if someone say over 18 cohabits with someone under 17 they can be prosecuted. Therefore we must not condone such liaisons. But you can’t stop love. Those of any age can love anyone of any age & tokens of affection can be exchanged without being sex.


The Amish {some sects} have an interesting solution to the problem. One Amish guy says teens are allowed to be in bed together – starting age 16 ½ or so – making out but not sex. He does not say if they’re dressed or naked. This will bring some doubt into our minds if the teens keep to the rules. Maybe some do – some don’t. There’s also the ‘rocking chair’ deal where the girl sits in the boy’s lap – they rock back & forth – again, is this in the living room or bedroom? The parents do not interfere – they know about it & stay in their own room. Here the boy visits the girl, not the other way around. I’d like to know more abut these situations & how many abide by the rues, & how many pregnancies occur? This indicates to me at least the Amish are trying to face reality than simply repressing & scaring the kids into guilt trips. The way most of Patriarchy does including from the Christian pulpits. The idea that sex is ‘dirty’ & abstinence is ‘purity’ still persists.

But how will we handle the need young people – or any people – have for love, affection, warm hugs & touch, sex – how do we face the natural needs of animals?

The only thing I can think of off hand is we neither condone nor condemn. We will not repress or put anyone on a guilt trip, nor will be say ‘go for it’ if they are under age. We might be neutral or even approving of affection, including publicly, between the youth or any age – at appropriate times, not on the street but at friendly dance gatherings, Holidays, etc. Within our religion we will definitely explain our view that neither nudity or sex are sins – it’s between them & God, & they decide in their own conscience what to do. This does not mean ‘anything goes,’ like a man cannot expose himself to a female, or a male for that matter, especially not to a child – that would be a crime. And of course abuse & rape, or using a person are sins.

 Wikipedia continues:

After the birth of the child, the man has no moral, cultural, or legal obligation to take care of the child. However, the child will be raised with adequate care and attention. The overwhelming support from the woman’s extended family allows both the man and woman to engage in sexual relations with whomever they please.

         Rasa says: This suits me fine. We prefer that the males do not interfere with the children, if they become demanding upon a female who wants to be let alone – usually to demonstrate their wrath or us the children against her this man will be expelled from the community {if he’s in it}, an Order of Protection made against him & whatever measures we need to ensure safety for the female & the child/children will be applied.

         The Mosuos have a Patriarchal element, however, where in a large family that has males, some of the men involve with the children of their nieces, etc. We won’t have that element.

General practice[edit source]

“The Mosuo have large extended families, and several generations (great-grandparents, grandparents, parents, children, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, etc.) live together in the same house. Everyone lives in communal quarters, and there are no private bedrooms or living areas, except for women between certain ages (see the section on “coming of age”, below) who may have their own private rooms.”

         Rasa says: Aha, “women of certain age” have those private visiting rooms upstairs – the rest live communally. We shall see about that.



“While a pairing may be long-term, the man never lives with the woman’s family, or vice versa. Mosuo men and women continue to live with and be responsible to their respective families. The couple does not share property. The father usually has little responsibility for his offspring.”[16] However, this does not mean that men can wipe their hands free of responsibilities and spend every night participating in shenanigans. After work, they are obligated to go home and help raise their nieces and nephews. The children rely on the collective effort of the extended family rather than that of the biological father.[17]

“A father may indicate an interest in the upbringing of his children by bringing gifts to the mother’s family. This gives him status within the mother’s family, while not actually making him part of the family.”[16]

Matrilineal society[edit source]

Unlike other cultures, women in the Mosuo society dominate the household and family. They are responsible for housework, agricultural duties, and taking care of children. In a walking marriage, the ancestral line is most important on the wife’s side of the family and the children of the couple reside and belong to the wife’s family household.[16] Considering women are responsible for most domestic jobs, they have a larger role in the walking marriage and are viewed with more respect and importance in this society.[18]

Husbands in walking marriages have a much less involved role than wives. The husbands in these relationships are generally the figures who are in charge of all religious and political decisions for the family.[19] Regarding the family responsibilities, the father or husband in the family does not have nearly as many responsibilities regarding the family as the wife does. In fact, the male relatives of the mother’s side of the family, such as uncles and cousins, are generally the “father figure” to the husband’s children.[16] The mother’s brothers occupy a central role in the household. Their roles include disciplining children, caring for them, and supporting the children financially.[16] Since the husband and wife live with their separate immediate families, they help take care of the families’ children and issues regarding their household. Even though fathers are involved in their sister’s children’s lives, they are not necessarily involved in their biological children’s life. In walking marriages, the involvement of a father in his child’s life is optional.[16] If a father decides to be involved in the upbringing of his own biological child, he can bring gifts and help with work around the woman’s household. This relationship can be performed regardless if the woman and man are still in the walking marriage and it gives the man a type of “official status” among the family without being fully involved.

Rasa responds:

We may have an element of that, the Fathers of children volunteering, bringing gifts, doing favors. But they will have no legal rights in many cases – & can never take a child away or see them alone. We will be careful about this, as for instance, a man is not living with or no longer involved with his ‘wife’ but she wants or needs him to drive her somewhere. We recommend the child not go on this trip, as situations could occur where the child is alone with the man, it would be difficult to monitor. He may be even be laying a trap or snare to be alone with the child to do harm. The Order helps its Members to avoid over-dependence on any man.


Wikipedia: Advantages to a walking marriage[edit source]

Other than the child receiving exceptional care and attention from the extended family, there are many inconspicuous advantages for participating in a walking marriage. For example: divorce is never an issue because the man and woman are not legally bound together, thus sharing very few of the same responsibilities. There are also never any disputes over who owns custody of the child since the child belongs to the mother’s extended family and takes the mother’s last name. In the case of a parent’s death, the child still has a prodigious amount of care and affection from the extended family.

Rasa: the extended family in this case is the Order. Each child will also have a surrogate Mother if the Mom is working or absent substantially. It’s not just ‘baby sitting’ – it’s loving the child. Child care centers have little love involved, many are abusive by neglect. I just saw a documentary of abuse where infants & toddlers were kept in a dark cellar:

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – A Colorado woman accused of hiding 26 children behind a false wall at her daycare center was arrested for investigation of misdemeanor child abuse, police said Thursday.

Carla Faith, 58, was arrested Monday in Colorado Springs on suspicion of two counts of reckless child abuse without injury and a single count of trying to influence a public servant, the El Paso County court records show.

Three employees – Katelynne Nelson, 31, Christina Swauger, 35, and Valerie Fresquez, 24 – were arrested on related charges.

Faith was arrested after a six-week investigation by the city police department’s Crimes Against Children Unit, Lt. James Sokolik said in a statement. She posted $3,000 bond Wednesday. Her next court appearance was set for Jan. 2.

Police went to the Play Mountain Place site on Nov. 13 after receiving complaints that the business was housing more children than its license allowed.”

         This woman was given SIX YEARS.


         My personal experience: I KNOW what it’s like to raise a child by myself, without family or husband -that’s part of the reason I am aware of the desperation of a Mother for adequate, safe child care. I had a husband who was far from good. I was going to leave him & when he found out, he tried to kill me twice by strangulation. I escaped with our baby, then about a year old, lived in a motel & earned a living as a model. A woman in the motel cared for the baby when I was gone. My husband searched for me & found me & told me he had a recurrence of cancer, could I take care of him. I went back & took care of him for 6 months, when he died. Little did I know he’d cancelled his life insurance, out of revenge, & rendered the baby & I penniless. Then I had to work & child care was imperative & I saw the frustration & desperation of it. I did finally find a great lady who was perfect, thank God.

        I have seen reports that most of these centers are strictly business. They give as little care as possible for the price. They hire extra people just in those hours when people drop off or pick up the child – in between the children suffer neglect.

         Our Order worships God, not the Almighty dollar.

Wikipedia:   Myths and controversies[edit source]

Outsiders often believe the following myths:

Mosuo women have many partners[edit source]

“While it is possible for a Mosuo woman to change partners as often as she likes, few Mosuo women have more than one partner at a time. Anthropologists call this system “serial monogamy.” Most Mosuo form long-term relationships and do not change partners frequently.[5] Some of these pairings may even last a lifetime.”

But, in other anthropologists’ views, it is a more recent change, “in the face of political campaigns and cultural integration with the Han Chinese“, and “previous generations often continued with multiple partners even after a child was born. Some older Na report having upwards of 30, 40, even 50 partners throughout their lifetime”[15] and despite these changes, “notions of exclusivity are not entrenched, and the Na language has no word for ‘jealousy’.”

Rasa says: There will be no slut shaming or any kind of guilt trip put on females whatever they desire to do re sex. In our religion sex is a private matter – the old traditions re sex come out of the patriarchal mentality, their religion & culture, to hold the woman down – look at the double standard. Our females are free. Even those who want t pursue sainthood will not be criticized for sex, as I know that in my experience I have been One with God, Enlightened, since many years ago. And it was God who told me to quit my celibacy after 31 years, drink, go out & have fun. I did not want to do this buy obeyed. After some time I got really tired of it & longed to be intimate with God again – as this lifestyle deadens one’s spirituality. {Not because of sin but because of consciousness.} And so, I knew it was alright with the Almighty – I quit. Sex did not impede my Union with God & I-we shall judge no woman for it.

Wikipedia:   Fathers of children are commonly not known[edit source]

“The large majority of women know their children’s fathers; it is actually a source of embarrassment if a mother cannot identify a child’s father.[15] But, “unlike many cultures which castigate mothers and children without clear paternity, Na children induce no such censure”.[15] The father of a child born from a walking marriage will not see his child during the day, but rather at night time. The father doesn’t play as large a role in the development of the child. “At a child’s birth, the father, his mother and sisters come to celebrate, and bring gifts. On New Year’s Day, a child visits the father to pay respect to him and his household. A father also participates in the coming-of-age ceremony. Though he does not have an everyday role, the father is nevertheless an important partner.”

Rasa: The role of SOME Fathers could be substantial, but I suspect many will be ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ – due to the nature of American men, the POV of our Order, & the wishes of some female members. The participation of the Fathers that remain with us, will be determined as the Order progresses. It could be just the regular American family, it could be less than that or more than that, depending on what the Mom wants & what he wants. It might get complicated of there’s legal marriage; we’ll recommend not going there. In some cases it might be good for social security benefits & pensions, including any inheritance – it all depends on the case. The Order will provide Sacramental marriage for those who wish it.

To be continued – Rasa Von Werder

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College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets

Separate Beds

Separate Beds–A Surprise Ending  2-27-24


         This dream was so vivid had trouble going back to sleep.

         Somehow I have a date with an old friend – a wonderful man, who was my best friend for 10 years, then for some unknown reason he dropped me.

         Our date is at a fancy bar-restaurant {where we originally met} & as we sit at this small table he says,

         “You’ve changed.”

         I say,

         “I’ve quit drinking”

         but alas, he’s not only ordered me a drink, but a HUGE one in a huge glass & there is a part of it in a bottle on the floor to my left – like the drink has 2 parts.

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         Not wanting to be rude {I see the waiter behind us & he looks like my old buddy Jack, who was the most fantastic ‘slave’ & Jack served the drink. He gives me a look like the drink is expensive or something like that.} – So I say I WILL drink this just this one time.

         I shall call my date ‘Joe.’ Joe’s wearing a traditional black suit with gray quiet vertical pin stripes.

         I was about to start drinking this drink when there’s some kind of ‘call’ {BTW the glass is shaped similar to the glass Kathryn Hepburn bought from Rossano Brazzi in ‘Summertime’ which she thought was a one-of-a-kind goblet – but turned out it was a fake – she felt cheated – he argued it was authentic but she suspected-that glass was rose, but this is clear & similar not exact to that.}

         The call is saying this part of the restaurant is NOW CLOSING & we all must go back to the main part of it. We are suddenly in the MIDDLE OF A FIELD, huge expanses all around us, like say a 10 minute or more walk back to the main road & town.

         And as the call comes, everyone here lines up like a herd of sheep or whatever, walk several people deep, long line of HUNDREDS of people – male & female, & they’re walking fast!

         But I stand there looking back at our little table because I’m not sure, but I think I brought my PURSE with me. It’s twice as large as a normal purse, not round or fat, about 5” or so deep, but it’s a foot & a half tall & wide, & it’s exquisite. It has indented stripes all over it, not vertical or horizontal, slanted from left to right downward – The color kind of in between, party dark, partly light, the stripes darker than the background – tasteful design.

         I am staring & staring as to where did I put the purse, {as it has all valuable stuff in it}. I bend down to see if it’s under the table but can’t find it. Then I think, maybe I brought just the little purse that went inside this big one – that’s it – I left the big purse in his car.

         Meanwhile he kept calling me & calling me, telling me to come on, while I looked. Finally, he just LEFT ME THERE while I was searching, & he & all the other people DISAPPEAR!

         Now I must walk, all alone, back to where we came, in my HIGH HEELS which are not too comfortable. And I realize Joe is NOT a gentleman to leave me here like this. There’s an indented walk, like cut out in the field, so the ground is a foot higher on both sides of this dirt road. As I walk I think of Joe, how he looks, wondering how we got together again & in my vision he becomes my first husband Stan, who was a very evil man. I feel REPULSED at the thought that we’re back together & he’s courting me & I absolutely DO NOT WANT HIM.

         I finally get back to the bar/restaurant where we originally met & had just been. Look in the bar where we sat – he’s not there. Walk into the front bar – he’s not there either & I hope people don’t know he abandoned me & are laughing at me as these people saw me with him now without {these people look like the local yokels I hung with recently trying to start the Church but of course it couldn’t work. They’re wearing their type clothes- lots of checks.}

         I then go out in front to the sidewalk & try to recall where he parked. Oh yes, right around the corner. There he is in a black car next to a small tree, & he’s on the phone. I wonder WHO IS HE CALLING? As I don’t have a cell phone on me & should he not be looking for me instead of calling someone else? It’s a feeling of betrayal.

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         The next dream is I’m with a Jehovah’s Witness who’s reading from a book. She’s giving the teaching on Jesus & its WAY DIFFERENT than tradition. It interests me & I want to know more.

         She’s sitting with her back to the wall, on the floor. I go to her & say,

         “Tell me the page number as I want to look it up myself.”

         She tells me something like,


which is unlikely for a book to be that big but I write it down.

         Now in this room is a boy, about 7-8 years old who’s some kind of disciple of whatever is going on. He’s been taught. And there’s a grown man to the left, is he the mentor?

         The boy wanted to take this book & show it to someone but I tell him no, it’s a secret teaching of ours. If you take it to someone who’s traditional it’ll be like shooting them, they will be in such shock.

         Where does this boy suddenly get a large handgun & he aims it at that man, his mentor. I try to stop him but too late – he shoots the man in the head. Then he puts the gun to his head & shoots himself twice.

         We must get them to the hospital immediately. I think the mentor will be alright but I doubt the boy will survive with the 2 shots. He did it to himself.

         The mentor speaks to me, he will recover. He tells me lately he’s been shaky on his feet & this is just part of it, but we both sense he’ll recover as the bullet did not penetrate him fatally.


         *{Mother God, to start with, I know who it is, an associate of mine I shall call Sam. In the scenes there are several symbols of ghosting & rejection. First, he’s Joe. Joe was the greatest best friend for 10 years & suddenly dropped me & I didn’t know why. There’s also Jack {the waiter} who was a dear buddy/’slave’ – he moved but sent cards every Holiday, suddenly one year the cards stopped. I called him but no return call, feared he was dead – then one more card & nothing. – So, another ghost.

         And in the end, when I go back to the original bar, I see the local yokels who I tried to get to help me start a Church – no go – not a single one was interested – another rejection or ghosting.

         I do finally find Joe there in his black car {this car reminds me of a long-ago boyfriend, Richard, the half Chinese, half English stunner, who dated me but tried to get sex & I was celibate. Finally he gave up & dropped me – this looks like his car.

         He’s in the shade of a small tree. Tree could be tree of life or it might mean ‘Cross.’ The black car, if it’s like the guy mentioned, could mean two things, one, he drops me for not getting what he wants, & two, black is a funeral, so end of relationship. Now that I think of it, it’s like the car has slightly jumped the curb, see the spokes of the wheel SHINING – right under the tree the right tire on the curb on some grass.

         He CALLING SOMEONE ELSE rather than trying to find me is definitely he’s deserted me, seeking someone else.

         But our bar area turning into a huge field – What is that? And the drink? Huge drink – I have quit but will down just this one but don’t even start when they make a ‘call’ which means ‘last call for alcohol’ as they do in the bars before closing.

         The DRINK seems to be something that here is compared to the goblet where Kathryn Hepburn got screwed or cheated. And the one who SERVES it {waiter} is another GOOD friend who’s stopped communicating! This is a drink of something in the past – I USED TO DRINK {in real life have quit} but no more – Sounds like FEMDOM as I used to be in it as a BUSINESS but no more. He wants me to continue, but I don’t even start. WHO wants me to continue? It’s obvious; the subject of this dream is a FEMDOM MAN – Sam, who has now abandoned me, because of the Femdom Issue – He’s wants it – I don’t.

         Comparing Sam to my first husband is the LAST STRAW. This evil man tried to kill me twice & in the end, after I went back to him & took care of him for 6 months, he secretly canceled his life insurance & left the baby & I penniless. Literally 5 bucks to my name. And he paid for being who he was – 55 years in Purgatory, getting out WITH MY HELP!

         And so, this breakup is not a friendly one, it’s BRUTAL or HEARTLESS. And IN MY EYES or vision, when I see who & what he really is, he repulses me. And like Kathryn with the rip-off goblet, I felt cheated by him as he came off so SINCERE re Matriarchy. {BUT his version is not mine!}

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         Now what is the HERD of people filing out fast while our seating is suddenly way out there in the midst of a field? The call comes – they all run including Sam & he wants me to exit pronto but I DON’T. He leaves me. And I am all alone, & WHAT is my PURSE?

         My purse is the NEW ORDER. Here is the crossroads where Sam & I will go our separate ways! The order is FOR WOMEN ONLY for the most part, & the men who are ‘faint of heart’ cannot take it. Only the MOST HUMBLE & SUBMISSIVE to MOTHER GOD will remain! As I said before, Patriarchal Femdom men are NOT SINCERE – they TOP FROM THE BOTTOM & here is a prime example! Sam is topping from the bottom!

         He is INSISTING that Femdom Men be part of the Order – NOT supporting me/us in what Mother God is telling me to do – as I am Her handmaid – She explains to me how we must separate. He will NOT swallow this & is concerned with & focused on FEMDOM MEN instead of Mother God – all the while professing he is ONE with Her & so on, when he ISN’T. Because the bottom line, I, the woman sent by God, am the LEADER, & the HOLY SPIRIT is speaking to ME, what women must do. He is a man, albeit a good one, but in this FINAL STEP of SEPARATION he will not obey & is holding on to his human desires & flesh! And he cannot see ME, personally, as his leader who he must follow & obey, he wants me to follow HIM – topping from the bottom – which is so predictable natural, & common, a daily occurrence in Patriarchy. Here it is, the fox in the hen yard – he would devour us by telling US what to do! He is saying, “I want to submit, DOMINATE ME!’

         We are saying,

         “We don’t want to dominate you, we want to be left alone. We need to find ourselves, the identity we have lost from thousands of years of men dominating us. We need time,- to commune with nature, our own nature & the God Within. Stop bothering us. The only thing you CAN’T DO is to leave us alone!”

         Now being in this field suddenly, far apart from the town, is the NEW ORDER being ‘way out there’ like ‘left field’ or way away from the normal ordinary thinking. And so the bugle calls & everyone in the world, including Sam, runs back to safety, to the common ground, to PATRIARCHY!

         My PURSE is what I carry of VALUE. In it there is money, keys, ID, all imp stuff. This purse is BIG. The idea of the New Religion/ Order is a BIG THING to bring to the world! That is what I am concerned about, not going like a sheep with the rest of them to the safety of old ways, the familiar, we’ve been complaining about – everyone talking, no one walking, no one working for Matriarchy including female separation from men – they are AFRAID! {That’s why in the last two days of dreams, the dance troupe conflict, the dancers were all in YELLOW. I alone had a dress made of pure gold sequins. My Jesus, the One within me, was so afraid we’d be shut down He cried. This told me that the Jesus within me is the author of this project; it is HIS, not mine. I’m only the servant.}

         The design of the stripes over my purse? Not up & down or across, but 90 degree slant. What is that? Might be ‘a new slant on life’. Up & down is PRISON, like the SUIT Sam is wearing – he is a prisoner to Femdom, to his flesh. Stripes across would be THE WORLD as it doesn’t go UP to Heaven, just stays here.

         But SLANTED reaches THE TOP & comes DOWN to Earth, something from Heaven to us. And bigness here means importance.


I do not go with the herd, I’m looking at this vision of the New Order.

            Back to his car. He’s in the driver seat looking for something/someone new – one of his dominatrixes? Our first argument was over that – he said “I have to go with the majority,”

Meaning the majority of women – they were all Mistresses trying to get money out of men – I was the only Woman of God, & Sam said because there were more of them, I was only one, he had to side with them. He quit me – ignored me – & it took me a couple years to get back into his graces – I worked hard at it.

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         The next dream: This woman here is speaking A NEW RELIGION, which is a strong departure from Christianity. It interests me; I’m studying the alternative ideas & have incorporated them into the New Order.

         The two males here – one a small boy, the other grown up, his mentor {‘Steve’}, & the boy wants to tell this doctrine to traditional people. I tell him no but he doesn’t listen.

         This is Sam applying the doctrine & lifestyle I presented here to the REST OF THE WORLD. But it is only a sect right now, a small beginning. It won’t do to tell everyone about it – they’ll only be SHOCKED – we must be selective who we choose, like Christianity in the beginning – they were greatly persecuted for a long time, in fact, until Constantine, the Emperor of Rome, finally made it legal {Edict of Milan, year 313}.

But ALAS, he HIMSELF is gobsmacked by the ideas – he reacts immaturely. The small boy is a symbol of his immaturity & the temporary immaturity or lack of open mindedness from the other guy Steve, who’s seen as mentor or superior to the little twerp.       He gets hold of a gun, shoots his mentor in the head – from which he will recover & himself in the head twice, where I suspect he will not recover.

         Mother God, clue me in on this. I might get it wrong.

         MG: OK your new doctrine is a shock to traditional people including Christians. But the two people represented here as SHOCKED LIKE SHOT IN THE HEAD are the two males, one little, one grown. They represent Sam & Steve, another friend.

         The little guy is IMMATURE & INCAPABLE of actually submitting to women &/or Mother God!. This is Sam – he can’t rise up to it, it’s beyond his capacity – so he ‘kills himself’ or removes himself from our fellowship. He’s ‘dead to it.’

         The other associate is more mature. He was also shocked like a ‘shot in the head’ but he can handle it & is recovering & seeing why it has to be. He’s a ‘bigger person’ as they say, ‘you have to be a big person to handle this,’ & because of his ability he’s seen as MENTOR to the little guy.

It’s all about HUMILITY.

         The BIGGEST PERSON is the one who can humble himself & allow God to take over. The less there is of my will, the more there will be of God’s. Let God’s will be yours. But the immature person cannot humble themselves to God, they hold on to what they know – their flesh – & give no room to God, so they remain spiritually small, weak & incapable of obedience.

         Jesus spoke constantly especially in ‘John,’ of how He & the Father were One, that it was this union that facilitated His work. He had given all of Himself to God, He did not think in the lower ways of the flesh, whereupon He got His Power. And conversely, those who hold on to the lower things have not God & Her Power.

The chickens have come to roost, lol. {end}

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College of God & Love, Core Tenets

New Order vs Mosuos

New Order vs. Mosuos


How we measure up with the Mosuos of China2-26-24 – similarities & differences

From Wikipedia:

The Mosuo are often referred to as China’s “last matrilineal society.”[4] The Mosuo themselves may also often use the description matriarchal, which they believe increases interest in their culture and thus attracts tourism.[5] However, the terms matrilineal and matriarchal do not reflect the full complexity of their social organization. In fact, it is not easy to categorize Mosuo culture within traditional Western definitions. They have aspects of a matriarchal culture: women are often the head of the house, inheritance is through the female line, and women make business decisions. However, unlike a matriarchy, the political power tends to be in the hands of males.[5] For instance, a man named Ge Ze A Che is the political leader of Luoshui village.[6] However, according to an article by NPR, there was once a time when the political leaders of Mosuo villages were in fact female.[7] The anthropologist Peggy Reeves Sanday has argued that the Musuo should be considered a matriarchy.[8] Further, scholars have argued that while matrilineal arrangements are the normative pattern, domestic arrangements still vary geographically and by family circumstance.

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Rasa says: We will have NO male leadership anywhere. This trend of now having male leaders in matriarchal societies is the influence of Patriarchy creeping in on them. In America when men took over the Matriarchal American Indians they saw men as leaders & therefore negotiated with men & later gave appropriations to CHIEFS rather than the Female Elders. Some A.I. tribes still maintain female leadership, thank God.

         Matriarchies are NOT ‘egalitarian,’ which means equality.

With women the top bananas, it’s Matriarchy. 

Daily life

Mosuo culture is primarily agrarian, with work based on farming tasks such as raising livestock (yak, water buffalo, sheep, goats, poultry) and growing crops, including grains and potatoes. The people are largely self-sufficient in diet, raising enough for their daily needs. Meat is an important part of their diet and, since they lack refrigeration, is preserved through salting or smoking. The Mosuo are renowned for their preserved pork, which may be kept for 10 years or more. They produce a local alcoholic beverage made from grain, called sulima, which is similar to strong wine. Sulima is drunk regularly and usually offered to guests and at ceremonies and festivals.

Local economies tend to be barter-based. However, increased interaction with the outside world brings greater use of a cash-based trade system. Average incomes are low (US$150–200 per year), causing financial restrictions when cash is needed for activities such as education or travel. Electricity has been introduced in most Mosuo communities, but some villages still lack electric power.[9]

Mosuo homes consist of four rectangular structures arranged in a square, around a central courtyard. The first floor houses livestock, including water buffalo, horses, geese, and poultry. The main cooking, eating and visiting areas are also on the first floor. The second floor is commonly used for storage and for the bedrooms.

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 Rasa says:

There will be VARIETY in our housing, homesteads & support system. For instance, I have a house with 50 beautiful acres. We could start by females simply bringing caravans to live on my property… We could buy a house & start with 3 or 4 females there… We could buy a motel & have women live in the rooms like studio apartments – for a start…

But eventually I want to have a ‘Mother House’ with apartments surrounding a large courtyard, all enclosed, Temple to


Mother God within, no men permitted except for services such as plumbers, electricians, repairmen, & those will be chaperoned. That’s a beginning.

I also want separate, different style housing – one would be tiny but exquisite homes for each female & children – designed by me. The houses will be all stone & wood inside & out, fireplaces, not luxurious but rustic in perfect taste, sort of like the old English ‘Men’s Club’ inside with all wood walls in designs, many of the windows greatly indented to sit in. These would be ‘on the grid & as with all housing developments, have its own headquarters. This large main house would be the gathering place where religious services, home schooling, entertainments & meetings would be held.

The women most suitable for this development would be those who work in regular jobs. Each house has a privacy fenced in yard & dogs are allowed, but this will not contain farm animals or farm work. Small gardens would work. Thinking 15 such houses make a village.

The community most fascinating is the ‘off the grid homestead’ one. These will be a rugged lifestyle with farming. Each house will be comfortable but unless we figure out a way there will be no hot water – or ‘central heating’ – as these work off electricity. I know how terrible that could be as I grew up on such a farm for 7 years. There will be plenty heat fueled by wood – a large iron wood stove in the kitchen, a fireplace in the living room plus another iron stove downstairs if needed. There will be one bedroom downstairs & an ‘open walled’ loft upstairs with room for several persons—the heat rising up should keep the loft warm. Each house will have an outdoor washing machine {these are a lot of work!} for the summer – in cold weather the Mother House has several washing machines & dryers. The Mother House will also have bathrooms with tub & showers as taking a bath in a place with no hot water is difficult. You have to heat the water & sit in a tub. The washing machines & bathrooms with facilities will get lots of use from the 15 or so homesteads all winter! – even summer. The Main House is ON THE GRID so it’ll have all the conveniences including computers.

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This building will be the religious, home schooling, entertainment & meeting area, & also have kitchen facilities, large table for community meals. It will be furnished with all that is needed for most activities. It will also have a large fireplace surrounded by couches for cozy discussions & book readings- all to be monitored by an Elder or Officer.

For all the content of what we wish to do, you could call these ‘Long Houses’ as they will have to be at least 80’ long if not more. You’re talking space for a stage for religion & entertainment, then kitchen/dining area, then fireplace with seating around it, then recreation like table tennis. And there will be side rooms for storage of food, a cold room & regular room, for which only Elders & Officers have keys. Each thing mentioned having 20’ that makes 80’. The fireplace should be in the middle, not that we need it for heat, it’s on the grid, but in case the electric goes off, there it is.

The Long House will be welcomed in heavy rain & all winter: table tennis, dancing, stretching, weight lifting & the like. Games could be utilized: cards, chess & checkers, monopoly, etc. We will have dance teachers & regular dance nights – later this can segue into putting on shows with paid tickets.

This will be important for the Homestead lifestyle. There will be a large barn where the animals for all the families will be kept: cows for milk, butter, yogurt & cheese; ditto goats. Then there’s chickens for eggs & meat. The residents must learn the skills that correspond to animal husbandry & children will be given chores & responsibilities from an early age.

Now the gardens. There will be fields for growing crops – we’ll need hay for the cows, goats & horses if any. For plowing the fields we will have to use a horse, or a bull. Skills will be developed, the Amish will have these & many other implements we’ll need. We can also hire a tractor or buy one – the Elders will decide.

There will also be a large area where we have gardening for anyone. People can also have small private gardens by their houses.

All our members will practice the use of herbs – learning what they are, harvesting & preserving them – knowing what each herbs is good for. We also pick berries & mushrooms. The women will use all kind of methods to preserve food – canning, smoking, & freezers can be in the Mother house. We’ll have a smoke house & an outdoor sauna.

This facility will have a lot of land which in the summer we’ll use for the scouts of not only our own village but that of others. We’ll learn to build our own tepees or shelters & cook in the outdoors, practice many scouting, self reliance & survival skills. These could be Gaia Scouts. If a river or lake is nearby, all the members especially kids, will learn to swim.

I also plan to provide facilities for women who want to be hermits for the sake of God’s Kingdom. Monasteries provide food once a day to such hermits. They could try it temporarily or permanently like St. Charbel, one of my spiritual husbands.

Role of women

Main article: Mosuo women

As soon as a Mosuo girl becomes old enough, she learns the tasks that she will perform for the rest of her life. Mosuo women do all the housework, including cleaning, tending the fire, cooking, gathering firewood, feeding the livestock, and spinning and weaving.[10][11] In the past, due to isolation, Mosuo women produced all their own household goods. Today, due to increased trade with surrounding villages and cities, it is easier to obtain goods. Nevertheless, some Mosuo women, especially those of older generations, know how to use looms to produce cloth goods.

Rasa says:

         Here in the modern U.S.A. we will provide rides for women who don’t have cars one day a week, to go to the stores they need. We will be familiar with venues that are the most economical & also frequent places like the Salvation Army. We’ll encourage thriftiness in spending & economy in use. No food will be discarded – it will be put into the woods for wild animals.

         Sharing of resources, such as special pots & pans (like say a Dutch Oven) will be encouraged – tools, appliances can be borrowed which are not used daily – each household doesn’t have to have every appliance for itself. We can also have a large brick bread-baking oven outside {or inside} for the community.

We will teach children to work, be industrious from age 5 onward, in little things, & by the time they are 10 they should be good at many simple chores. By 15 we expect females to be responsible, hard working & skillful at many tasks. We’ll do what we can to teach girls carpentry, repairs on house & machines, operating a tractor or using a horse or bull to do plowing, scything the field, riding horses if we have them, skillful house painting, overall handywomen. Not to mention we will educate them in the arts – singing if they have a voice, musical instruments, dancing, & we will also stretch their intellectual capacities with paid & volunteer teachers & encourage them to spend spare time studying on their own or communing with nature, prayer, & the like…. Rasa Von Werder     To be continued

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College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets

Moving to a Higher Level of Work

2-23-24    Dance Group Conflict – Moving to the next level where the other women can’t go

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This dream was extremely stressful as I dreamed it.

I’m in a dance group. It’s easy – so easy you don’t have to repeat the steps again & again to learn them, you just know the steps as soon as you see them.

There’s about 15 of us dancers with a female manager. We’re wearing yellow costumes, like fancy 60’s style bright shiny, thin yellow pants with matching tops that are revealing, with other decorations like on head & arms. We dance again & again to a large audience of thousands. I love my job but then something terrible happens.

A man owns our company but he has to go away on business. While he’s away the manager lady has me on the stage with all the others & says to me,

“You have large breasts, but all the rest are flat chested – you make them look bad.”

I’m outraged that she says that to me & I exclaim loudly,

“Are you saying because of this I’m fired?”

I assume she says yes although I don’t hear it. I go out into the audience, protesting to them, saying how unfair this is. The entire audience disappears but a new one enters, & they are ALL GREY.

It’s like the old audience slides out {they were all regular colors} & the new one slides in – they went out me facing them to the right & the new one also comes from there. The new audience is not as huge so far, it’s a beginning.

As I’m in the audience I come across a Mom with her little son about 7 years old. He says to me,

“When the man called us boys to dance, he did not call on me, but I wanted to dance. Please tell him next time to pick me to dance also. He’s referring to the man that owns this company.

He’s a sweet little boy wearing a light green sweater with designs, soft grey & other pastel designs, & I tell him I will tell the man. I don’t know who the boy is or how to describe him to the owner.

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OK, the man returns. I have something to tell him. I get up on the stage, the man is to my left – I don’t see him but know he’s there. The company has gotten a whole new set of costumes, they are all bright, tropical colors, with spangled headdresses, very fancy. The manager is standing there wearing the most plain white cotton top, form fitting crisp material. She has dark brown medium short hair, somehow reminds me of Rev. Verna who exploited me.

I exclaim to the man, in an outraged manner, pointing at the manager, exactly what she said,

“She said, you have large breasts & you make the rest of us look bad,”

“And then SHE FIRED ME!”

I see myself off somewhere, maybe talking to myself,

“That was the most happy I ever was – dancing with that troupe.”

Have no idea what then transpires as the dream ends.


*{ME: I’ll need help Mother God. All I can think of is my first large group of videos where I mostly tell my life & my breasts are exposed, sometimes to an extreme degree. I worked it this way because I was representing myself for the most part in the adult trade – Kellie Everts, rather than me as Guru Rasa, & of course I knew I’d get a larger audience that way. I’ve been planning a new playlist as Guru Rasa with all plain, conservative clothing, teaching & preaching.

MG: That’s exactly what it’s about as you’ve been gathering a new wardrobe, checking some of the old clothes you’ve never worn, planning a new slicked-down hairdo, maybe the new very light sunglasses {not sure about that}. Your mind’s been on it.

ME: But who is that lady firing me, & who is the man that owns the company?

MG: the lady could be Mother God or Holy Mary, who is seen as manager. Don’t take the ‘firing’ so seriously & so ominous, it’s merely a transition from that playlist to this conservative one.

The man who owns the company is Jesus, & he was figuratively ‘gone’ as you spoke more re secular things than spiritual, but now He’s back!

The audience is first, the regular people who are of the world. But the new audience beaming, streaming or sliding in, are those of the mind & spirit seen as grey for ‘grey matter’ of the brain – There won’t be as many.

Who is the little boy? That’s someone who’d like to be included in your work, but he hasn’t been ‘called’ or invited. It’s as if Jesus has to approve him, but you have to ask or tell Jesus to do so. All I can think of is friend Pete. Pete seems unhappy today, it could be because he feels ‘left out’ from this new Order.

And so according to this new dream, it isn’t just videos but your entire outlook, focus of work, has now shifted to the Matriarchal Order & spirituality – this would gel with the recent dream you had of a new place or orientation. You couldn’t figure out, what is the new place? Before it was your life, now it’s moving ahead in preaching, teaching, & conceiving the New Order.

ME: the breasts – How do I make the other women look bad – what does this mean?

MG: Those were the old days of show business, glamour & the like. Your calling is way beyond that, that was only a phase of your identity & work. You are BIGGER than that – your REAL SELF is about GOD LOVE – breasts being love. You leave behind the smaller place {flat chested} to your bigger calling.

ME: How do I recommend Pete to Jesus? He wants to be chosen to dance is he wants to be a part of this work – {Dancing, performing is work in my vocabulary.} But he is a part of it. What does he feel left out of?

MG: The community of Matriarchal women. Both Pete & William want to feel they are a part of this, & they are, but they need to feel wanted or needed. So tell them they belong to the community off premises, & if it ever starts, Pete can come to the dances & gatherings to which men are allowed. And he can continue doing computer work for the Order. Even if you’re dead but there’s a community, Pete can be a part of it because he’s been your associate. Leave behind the invitation in your writing.

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ME: The new very colorful artsy show biz costumes – what do they represent? They’ve moved on without me, & who are THEY, the flat chested women?

MG: The flat chested women are the phonies – they have no LOVE & therefore they’re not ANOINTED to do God’s work. They were called, but not chosen. All the women who profess Female Superiority / Domination / Matriarchy – not a one of them has offered to join up, to help, to be helped, to form Sisterhood even when you reached out to them, or when they saw your work – except for Freyja Derrickson, who has now abandoned you.

ME: What is their problem? Why can’t they work with me instead of against me? They don’t have the capacity to make it on their own, God is not with them. Logic might tell them joining with an Anointed person would be good. But instead they’re hostile to me, or just ignore me & think ‘I will be Queen.’ Like the Princess from Snow White & the seven dwarfs: ‘Mirror mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? When they find out another female is more beautiful, they turn into ugly hags, bring her a poison apple & give it to her.

MG: To be Anointed you have to humble yourself & step aside for God. Divest yourself of human nature & its desires & obey Her. They can’t do that, they’re working from human nature & its competitiveness, its egomania, its selfishness, a path that is short lived. But you must all on your Faith strongly, trust the God that got you through all things & will bear you up through this work. Just remember how She got you through everything & carry on with this Faith. Not even knowing what is ahead, but believing it will happen as God plans.

In the dream it shows them carrying on as usual with all the colors of the earth – bright, flashy, tropical. But your audience coming in is grey/drab in color but represents the MIND. Mother God/Mary knows you did your stint here – you had to – but now you go to Higher Ground because of the Anointing – a place where – get this – THEY CAN’T GO. ‘Water reaches its own level’ means it follows the path of least resistance. ‘Dead bodies float downstream,’ lol. They have not the Power to go against the current – you have, because you’re ONE WITH GOD.  {end}

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College of God & Love, Core Tenets

Non–Christian Ascends to Heaven

Non Christian rises up to Heaven-HUGE party-2-18-24


This might be a Muslim {Ascending} but am not sure


         If there was ever proof non-Christians go to Heaven, this is it.

         I’m in this unusual place that I usually don’t rub shoulders with. My community group is on one side of this area, indoors, large rooms {like 40’ square}, while another community/family is to the other side. There are NO BARRIERS like a fence, wall, divider – nothing. It’s just an invisible line & I find myself crossing it to the other side.

         There in the corner is a TREE kind of like a Christmas tree but has few leaves. It has HUGE THORNS like 4” long! But it also is loaded with large PLUMS {we consume most of them}. I decide to try them, & my friends on my side join me & we all partake of these fruits. Only one is bad, I open it & inside a person has placed their GARBAGE – like a red & white checkered tablecloth & other items that are to be thrown out. Disgusted, I throw this piece into the nearby garbage can – also thinking like so,

“I’m availing myself of my neighbor’s trash can to discard stuff, I hope they won’t mind.

*{“Only one is bad.” “By their fruits ye shall know them.” These FRUITS are the ACTIONS that are borne from the beliefs of a person. The only thing I would despise from the Muslims would be their treatment of women – which this might pertain to as the tablecloth –women prepare & serve the food. So this belief system disgusts me & I throw it in the ash can.}*

There’s a point where I must go up a stairs, which I do, & am uneasy as a man who is ‘shook up’ is following me – the man is some kind of nervous wreck.

As I climb up I come to a balcony where there are semi-see through large wooden-framed shades before the street, it makes me uncomfortable as the man enters also & I don’t know what he’ll do – is he dangerous? His appearance is thin, average in light brown clothes, short hair, a worried man.

*{This worried, nervous wreck would be a man in Purgatory. ^The THORNS on the tree might be what he endured in life. ^ I am with him, as I’m his MINISTER but he makes me uncomfortable as Muslims look down on women. But he does nothing evil. He & me with him are in an in-between place, still in Purgatory, but some of the Light is shining through where he’ll soon be released ^the shades letting in some light from the street. ^}*


Then it gets sketchy. Things happen so vague between both communities, I can’t explain. But we all end up IN THE STREET & as I walk here, there are SO MANY PEOPLE lining this one street, on both sides, you could not cross to the other side & get where you want to go as the people are like sardines. At the same time, the curb across us & air are filled with big yellow & white balloons, like some kind of celebration. {the yellow balloons remind me of ‘smiley’ faces they usually print that way.}

*{Ah, this is his ASCENSION! The STREET is the dividing line between earth & Heaven. On the other side are members of the Heavenly realm, all happy, receiving him. Myself & others on this side could not go there & get to another place as one must DIE to go there lol. My best friend Rudy was also seen in this symbol, while we walked on the sidewalk, came to a street, I stopped, but he RAN across – which was the Other Side – & he ascended in 18 days!}*

I’m standing in a lovely dress – it’s soft, silky yellow, chest seems flat, & my hair is fixed nicely, short, straight but puffed up. I am very aware of myself – thinking ‘How do I look? Will the people notice me? Lol – no one does.

Some of my own people are close to me & in fact, standing slightly in front of me. I tell them,

“Step aside – I am a star. You must not cover me, I must be in front.”

They move away from blocking me.

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*{ME: Mother God I need help with this, as it sounds extremely vain & I don’t want to judge myself. What does it indicate?

MG: It’s simply to show you, in the dream, that you’re responsible for this man’s Ascension – he was your client. You had him rise up with you, follow you, up the stairs where there was semi-light & then there was his Ascension.

ME: The yellow silky dress, straight but puffy hair & why is my chest almost flat? That would mean ‘no love.’

MG: You’re dressed for a PARTY, you’re celebrating – got your hair done, put on this festive dress, chest flat might mean the opposite of what you think. Could be saing ‘I’m not advertising my love, no one SEES me or looks at me means these people don’t give me CREDIT for their associate being liberated. So it’s OK, not a bad symbol. If your chest was PUFFED UP you know what that mean – wanting credit. So you deserve credit, but his people don’t even know who you are!}*

After this outdoor scene we seem to be back inside & I wish I could recall details but it felt like a party – & my neighbors are the host. I recall eating but what? The feeling is although we are vastly different from the neighbors, all is overlooked & we are affable.

*{This is a terrific dream of an Ascension!}*


JUST BEFORE I WAKE UP I sense a woman deeply sad. The phone rings – I hear her voice, downhearted. My greeting is,

“What’s wrong?”

She says,

“My health.”

I asked her name, she said it several times, but I could not understand it or identify her. It sounded like ‘Lorelei’.

I start praying for her.  It has to be a living woman as she mentions health. {end}


2-16-24 Wet kisses-Not pleasant–Mickey Hargitay Visits

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         There’s a man I approached for help but am not hopeful. I have a low table – it’s round & has a round bench around it. It’s been worked so much, has so many screws & nails in it & been out in the air so long, it’s falling apart. I study it, where can I drive another nail to hold it together? It’s splitting apart; it’s rotted through in spots. Reminds me of the picnic table I had so many years, which finally just collapsed. There was no place on this item where I could put a screw or a nail to fix it left.

         I show this table to this man & he doesn’t seem to care. Later we’re going somewhere & he’s to my right holding my arms. We pause & he wants to kiss me. It isn’t pleasant, his kisses are wet & I now recall we did this some time before, was also not pleasant.

         Suddenly two people appear before us, working. They are not to see us kissing & I caution him to stop.


         *{This is probably a man in Purgatory because his kisses are unpleasant. When James Brown came to me & kissed me it was unpleasant because he was still in Purgatory – therefore his soul was unclean. I thught he was rising up to heaven then, but that was still years far off – so I was perplexed why the kiss was unpleasant. His soul was yet unclean – this is the same thing I reckon.

         I’m asking him for help to fix a table. What does a table symbolize? It’s the breaking of brad, camaraderie unity, friendship. You have to have a table to sit down like a family or friends. But if the table has been nailed & screwed so many times, it can’t take another hit – that is myself, having been hurt so many times. Being screwed, nailed, nails going into one are tortures. Here I see the top of one screw that is HUGE, with a round top covering it. This is someone hurt me deeply – this man no doubt. And being out in the open, the weather has made it rot. That’s being out in the world, no protection or help – no consolation like a home to go to where one is sheltered.

         Therefore this man & I cannot sit down at table, be reconciled, be close or have love. There is no way unless he makes reparation, but he doesn’t. He did not care in real life; he still has not the contrition for what he did.

         But in kissing me he seeks union – love – that he wants from me. He is unclean, it’s unpleasant. “He’s all wet” is a negative term, meaning someone isn’t ready – immature, unprepared.

         But I can’t figure out who he is & who are the two men who would be disturbed if they saw us kissing? They would be those who love me or protect me – possible Gurus or Guardian Angels, or even souls in Purgatory. Ah, they are carrying a table right in front of us, from left to right.

         So the table figures again – why? It’s all about that. This soul is not ready to go forward but he’s trying to get love out of me. Mother God, who is it?

         MG: There are so many men who hurt you, where do we start? I’m trying to pick up from the appearance bet that would be an indication of his state of soul, not how he looked on earth. His looks are like his kiss – unpleasant. The worst thing about him is when you show him the table he doesn’t care. He has no empathy, he’s not sorry for the pain he caused you. I need time to think who it could be. The table is the relationship – it was hopeless.

         Could this be Nick? Maybe. It would show he’s not ready to ascend into Heaven, he’s doing his Purgatory with you here on earth, suffering with you, but sometimes getting glimpse of Heaven as you do.}*


         Earlier I recall my upper yard. Time had passed, not long, but a new season. The terrain now had trees where there were none {Christmas trees, pyramidal!} before but parts of the ground were barren & made a path like a low bridge, you could walk on this bare-earth bridge across from side to side on the hill, as I was doing & enjoying the scenery. Am I barefoot, enjoying the dry sandy soil here? There were bushes & evergreens, but sparse so you get sunshine & light. It’s like a new season brought new vegetation, not like many years had passed, it was just a season. This isn’t logical, but there it is.

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         *{New season would be time to do something different, new situation, new lifestyle. Like first I was dancing, then ran a business, then got married, then was a widow. All new seasons.

         What do the symbols in this season say?

         The new path is a ridge, dry, sandy, it appeared by itself – I did nothing. Sand is the sand of time. {Sand on the beach was once huge rocks eons broke it down to sand, the sand running through an hour glass.} Time created this ridge, which is a new path or new way to go.

         What do you see? A Christmas tree & other bushes & evergreens, like a lovely garden. The Christmas tree is blessings & gifts. Something has been given you. It could be mental, emotional, physical or spiritual. We shall see as the days progress, I can’t discern it now.

This predicts some kind of happiness, maybe that dream of Jan 27 with Jesus kissing your hand, the bears of suffering approaching you from all angles, maybe that season of suffering will be over.}* 


         Then the thing about Mickey Hargitay. He suddenly appeared in my premises, a sort of extensive house, where a few people are milling about – it’s more like an office or business than a residence.

         He’s suddenly there – just like the image in my Life Story, part 9. He doesn’t know about my praising/promoting him in my book. I want to show him. I tell him about it, that I said he’s “The world’s Greatest Lover,” then I look for the book. There was a stack of them; about 6 in a row on a table/shelf, with one on top the other, all the covers glossy back & white. But they’re gone. I search everywhere. There’s a person here, a man I guess, who more or less supervises the place & I ask him if he knows where they are. He seems to & tells me he put them such a place he thinks – but I don’t recall where, & that’s it.   {End}


         *{This is a blast from the past – I was 21-22. Baffled. Is this really him or a symbol of someone else Mother God?

         MG: This seems to go with ‘new season.’ Time has certainly passed from then to now. But what does it mean? He’s come to you, who is he? Himself or a symbol?

         He can’t be the wet kisser for two reasons. One, he never hurt you. Two, he was a good person as far as we could tell; he would not be in Purgatory 18 years.

         Is this a message about books?

       Why would he appear to you from Heaven? Valentine’s Day?

         Let’s put this on hold & think about it.

         The book covers being in ‘black & white’ meaning its news like a newspaper {used to be}, & it’s clear, as ‘black & white’ is clear. Your books are clear & honest, they are factual. You did not lie or exaggerate anything, nor diminish it.

         You want to prove or show what you said about Mickey to him – but the books are missing. Is there someone who wants to know about him? Another person, not him? This person is thinking about him? A friend, his daughter Mariska, his son Zoltan? Mariska is mentioned in his chapter. Maybe someone told her about your book. Maybe she sees an angle in it for a TV movie on her Dad’s life? This is hard to understand.}*   {end}

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College of God & Love, Core Tenets

Purgatory for Murder

2-13-24    Frightening Dream Re a Murder


  Purgatory for Murder


This frightened me so badly, it was so real, I didn’t want to record it – thinking for sure they would get me for murder {lol.}

After I calmed down, realized it was not about me at all, but as happened before, I was in the skin of another experiencing their reality, in this case, a woman was guilty of murder on some level.

There was a preamble but it’s been a day since the dream, I’ve forgotten it.

I was with this woman & there were two men – One, a handsome, strong, broad-bodied man – kind of like my Uncle Henry, athletic, vibrant. Let’s call him ‘Hank.’

He was here, near us – this woman & myself. And a second man, who’s also handsome, younger, thinner, rounder of feature but smaller head & body, somehow reminds me of a criminal, is also near us.

I don’t know why, but this woman decides to KILL Hank, & I seem to be in her skin so I’m as guilty as she, her accomplice.

But it is the criminal who does the actual murder but this doesn’t explain HOW.

We are all together, physically close, in some sort of attic that extends as long as 5 houses. The strangest thing is that HANK agrees to his own murder! He wants to die!

In this attic then the murder is committed & the cover-up begins. The lady & I do not want to be caught – we want to escape arrest & punishment. We’re planning the leave the attic, the scene of the crime, & go far away where no one knows us. They’ll find his body in the attic & look for us but not be able to find us.

Hank is DEAD but yet alive talking to us but after a while he faints & collapses. He’s lying on his back. And a bit later we see just his arm lying on a table, & we ominously say to one another,

         “That’s the table we ate on.”

         How gruesome.

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         We now plot how to get out of the attic & make our escape, being sure no one sees us. We head downstairs, but there in the middle of the house our mutual friend Rudy is on the phone, loudly talking. The bathroom is across from us. We think Rudy might pass through this area exiting the house, so we go into the bathroom {my suggestion} & close the door, standing there, she to my right. She’s a whole head taller than I, seems to be wearing pale blue diaphanous clothes.

As Rudy passes this area he stops before the door of the bath & he can see right through the door & wall. But he only looks at the other lady, just gazes in a blank way – doesn’t look at me.

Then he’s gone & the door & wall were but a wheat-colored curtain, like soft thin burlap, & it’s been moved aside. I say to her,

“Who moved the curtain?”   {end}


         *{The end tells the meaning. I had two good friends, both of whom died, one Rudy, who spent only 18 days in Purgatory & about the same time a lady who I shall call Betty Ann, also died, & she’s still in Purgatory. She knew Rudy also & had utter contempt for him & spoke against him many times, but I was of a different opinion. I knew Rudy had a good heart, & one time when he had no place to live, I allowed him to stay I my house for over a year – he paid a small rent & got so much done for me, it was more than anyone had ever done to help me with my house needs & landscaping. It was he personally who did it, even though he was disabled, & he got his friends to do the rest for reasonable fees. In the last years of his life he couldn’t drive & no one visited him at the senior citizens housing but me. I took him to dinner about once every 2-3 weeks. {All those ‘friends’ he’d had were like Face Book friends – they all vanished when he could no longer drive & thereby be a ‘go-fer’ for them & kibbitz at their regular coffee shop.}

Betty Ann was a contemptuous person & besides Rudy she also hated blacks – for no reason except prejudice, & often spoke against them. That may be ‘beside the point’ or maybe not – it shows her lack of empathy, which this dream also reveals.

A couple months ago I reconciled Betty Ann with Rudy, saw it in a dream. I had to help her move her hand to shake his, but it was done.

Now Betty Ann’s husband got caner. She had to go with him to numerous appointments as the disease progressed & not knowing the whole picture, I was kind of mad that she was being used this way & felt it would exhaust her & maybe affect her health. I guess it was after he died my inner voice said,

“She worked him to death.”

I was not able to see it that way, as I only knew her & him very little. She was helpful & supportive of me although I noticed the flaw of greed & materialism. And also that he worked various jobs even while he had the cancer, in order to pay for his insurance. I felt it was a lot to ask for a sick person, but what did I know? How could they pay for the insurance, then? I suppose out of her salary, which would have made them poor – but it could be done.

This dream supports the statement that ‘she worked him to death.’ And for what?

After he died, only then did she & I go out together a few times, to dinner. She had the time but she was also diagnosed with fatal cancer! Woe to Betty Jane! But it would not hit her for a long time – a year or two until she was grounded.

It was then she told me about her jewelry – he’d bought her expensive jewelry with real diamonds & emeralds. {My own opinion is these are a waste of money.} And she had more nice THINGS in her house than anyone I’d ever known! {No U-haul behind the hearse when she died.}

OK she died. Now I’m seeing in this dream, inside her skin, why she’s so long in Purgatory. Rudy ‘sees through’ the wall where we are. The ‘rest room’ represents Purgatory. He’s looking at her. At the end, he MOVES THE VEIL between himself & her. And he reveals to me indeed, she worked her husband to death. He’s not looking at me because I’m not there!

The other man – the criminal, must be Satan.

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And that might very well be the principle sin of why she’s so long in Purgatory {not as long as some, but for a person who seemed decent otherwise it could be called long. It’s 2 years 3 months so far, average person – like Elvis Presley – is 5 years.}

Why did she work him ‘to death?’

For THINGS, those unnecessary, ridiculous things of the world – gadgets, nice things, a life bordering on luxury which he killed himself for. And suicide? He agreed to her terms, he wanted to please her.

And the arm on the table? She often said to me, that he said,

“What does this person bring to the table?”

He brought his arm – the arm of his strength & labor. And it was sacrificed as he was. Gruesome.   {end}

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2-14-24    Asian in the Sacred Room


         I was in some sort of building, have forgotten all else but this. As I meander down the stairs of this huge building I go toward a room to the left which has no door.

         I see only part of it, imagine the rest & the man sitting at this desk. What I see is two exquisite armed chairs with many planks up & down the back of them. They aren’t tall, kind of low like the back to one’s shoulders, a dark blonde or light brown color, highly polished. And in front of the I don’t really see but know there’ s a beautiful desk, & behind that desk is an Asian man who’s so special I don’t dare walk in there to see him. This is his office, but he’s private & Sacred. I back up & go my way back to find my way wherever I was going.

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