College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized








          There was something to do with my appearing / performing. I was on a street looking through night clubs when finally it focused down to one place. There was a club just opened, & it seemed to be just for me to perform—this is such a privilege.


          I go there & look in a window. Is it big, small? Is it ordinary, because how great could I be, that they open up a club just for me?


          *(PERFORMING IN A CLUB MADE JUST FOR ME: This is a message to me that will be delivered by Holy Mary, concerning the Mass I am saying daily again. She wants to encourage me, she will tell me it works & they (She, Jesus I presume) are pleased.)&

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          Inside I see like three rooms joined into one. There seem to be somehow large beds,{Queen sized}, covered in red covers. Where is the stage? Where are the seats?


          *(BEDS, TWO LARGE WITH RED COVERS: This represents ‘The Body & Blood of Jesus & Mary’—the way I say their Mass. It’s as if they were ‘in bed’ or died their Holy Deaths, covered in ‘blood’ seen as the red of the covers.)*



          I see chairs & tables vaguely. Someone says to me,


          “I can deal with this except for the stage.”


          *(THE STAGE: We are honoring the Death Jesus freely accepted, his Crucifixion, & the participation of Holy Mary which was equal. The stage or how it happened was horrific, someone is saying they ‘could not deal with it.’)*


          I was wondering if the stage was small – I have worked in places where it was like 4’X5’ – like a postage stamp you might say – for someone like me who moves around a lot that’s not comfortable. I look & think I see a table with the rim like an ‘octagon’ with a pretty blue stripe design around the edge {like a mosaic tile design, Moroccan} & it has some chairs by it, maybe silver. Could this be the stage? The entire place is an L shape like my house. But I MUST PREPARE.

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          *(THE STAGE: Is no more than a table. It’s just a medium size kitchen table covered in tiles – the dream refers to tiles.)*


          I have no idea why, but when I prepare I go in with a strong cleaner – like Ajax scouring powder. I take an off-white old rag, cover it with the cleaner & am scouring the back of a refrigerator where there is so much old dry muck-—I have to go over plastic ridges to get it off & it comes off. I worked all over this contraption, front & back, now am on the back.


          A LADY COMES IN to see how I’m doing. I show her my hands, covered in grayish powdery film –


          “My hands should not look like this,”


          *(CLEANING WITH STRONG SCOUR POWDER: This is cleaning Souls in Purgatory – what the Holy Mass does. I am holding the Blood of Jesus & Mary in the ‘martini glass’ in my hand – it is the actual Cleanser – his & her Blood they shed, I now invoke, consume, they receive it. It cleans OLD SINS.

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          MY HANDS SHOULD NOT LOOK LIKE THIS: These are innocent hands invoking Jesus & Mary’s Grace, as if the sins or effects of sins or on my or their hands, & they do the cleaning. My hands should not look like this could mean – I am not a sinner, but I see the effect of sins on ‘my hands’ as if I did it – but it’s on Jesus & Mary’s hands, as if They did it. They stand in for the sinner & cleanse their sins.


          REFRIGERATOR: Is like ‘cold storage’ of sins – they have been there a long time, like ‘cold cases’ of criminals. Here I was cleaning the front, now the back. The back looks like a plastic off-white screen I have on both sides of my attic – a ventilation system. Sins are also forgotten or stored


          IN THE ATTICS of the minds & memories of our lives – we have forgotten them but the karma is still there.)*


          I then notice that she or someone has given me a nice complimentary drink – it looks like water but it’s a cocktail, in a MARTINI GLASS & I’m balancing it in one hand & I guess taking sips while I continue cleaning.

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          *(MARTINI GLASS, holding in one hand, sipping from: This is the KEY to the dream. One you have the KEY it all FALLS INTO PLACE – you know the meaning of the dream, therefore you can deduct the rest of the symbols, it’s easy. This glass is the GLASS I DO THE MASS WITH, WHICH HOLDS WATER, WHICH TURNS INTO THE BODY & BLOOD OF JESUS & MARY. So I instantly know this is about my performing the Holy Mass!)*


          Later this lady who is PREPARING FOR ME TO PERFORM is writing a list on a piece of paper for what I need – I am the star – somehow GREATLY PRIVILEGED – she apparently is going to put materials onto the couches-one of which on I rest in between shows, & ask me what kind of material I want for my couch. What a question, I think. I mean what could I say? Cotton? What kind material? Oh yes,




          I tell her, thinking of a red velvet bed cover I have from long ago – it won’t hurt her, since she has all these materials, to do the velvet instead of another material.


          *(MATERIAL ON MY COUCH HOLY MARY WILL COVER: She / They are honoring me similar to themselves, as a martyr. Like they have beds with red covers, She gives me my couch, where I rest, with a red cover, like I’m one of them. What an honor!)*


          What amazes me is how these people, whoever they are, have prepared a club just for me to star in. It isn’t huge or fancy, but it’s comfortable & accommodates a decent amount of people. I would say 50 could fit, {around the beds, which take up a lot of room!} Good enough! I am so privileged!

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          *(CAN ACCOMMODATE PEOPLE, MAYBE SQUEEZE IN 50: Here Holy Mary is encouraging me not to give up or think of my Mass as trivial. It’s not a huge Cathedral with hundreds of people getting Holy Communion, but it’s my house, my own premises, that Jesus & Mary appear & give themselves to a good number of Souls. She is so kind to encourage me, saying Souls are being helped!)*


          Earlier I had ecstatic experiences of myself dancing with & kissing & making love with men, but can’t recall details. I know these are Souls. Since many years ago I have had such dreams – even of picking up men as a prostitute, taking them some place & having ECSTATIC LOVE. At first I didn’t understand what it meant – but after a while realized it was the transmission of God’s Love from me to Souls in Purgatory & they apparently were lifted into Heaven – thereby the Ecstasy for both of us.


          People should think twice about their ecstatic sex dreams – it could be spiritual love. My disciples, both male & female, have such dreams with me all the time. I tell them not to be ashamed – sometimes they fear telling me the dreams.

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College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized


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Female Friendly Femdom


Femdom is a paradox: Because it should be about Women dominating men. Yet the reality is, that many FemDom men, ‘top from the bottom’. Where, they demand and tell Women how act out their sexual fantasies. True Dominant Women do not like this and for this reason reject FemDom completely. This is why there are far more men within Femdom than Women. So I am advocating true FemDom where men do not make any demands on Women and their role is only to serve and do only what the Women want.


INTRODUCTION                     by WILLIAM BOND



We are today are so use to male domination religions that only worship a male god with an exclusive male priesthood, that most of us don’t question this. As the result, many people would be shocked if we had a religion that only worships a female deity with only a female priesthood.


So to balance this up I thought I’ll write about a female dominated religion and explain what it would be like. I have focused on Christianity because much of the teachings of Jesus seem to be very feminine in nature and would make more sense in a Goddess religion.


Anyway I have written a book of Nine chapters about my ideas on this and published it on this blog.

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It starts off with Jesus’s teachings like “turn the other cheek” as well as they way he allowed himself to be betrayed, whipped and crucified. Pointing out the similarity in his teachings and behaviour with Femdom men.


I then go on to write about Gnostic Gospel, “The Sophia of Jesus Christ” and link the Goddess Sophia with the Ancient Great Mother and the Golden Age. I also link this with the work of the archaeologist Mariji Gimbutas.


I also mention the sacrificial/saviour gods before Jesus like Osiris, Orpheus, Dionysus, Bacchus, Mithras and Odin.


Finally I go into mysticism and the dance between the feminine and masculine. Where the feminine talking us back to a world of Oneness and harmony and the masculine taking us into individuality but also separation, conflict and chaos. Then why it is important for the feminine to dominate and control the masculine to prevent it destroying our world.


Femdom Christainity: Chapter One


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Jesus Meek and Mild


In most ChristianChurches we find main focus is a image of a half naked man called Jesus nailed to a cross. Looking at this objectively without any religious explanations, this is an extremely weird image.


Christians do attempt to explain Jesus’s crucifixion and claimed he died for our sins. Though Christians disagree about what this means. As a child every time I went to church I was told the following.


“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.”


Suggesting that it was God’s idea to have Jesus crucified, though why he had to do this to grant people eternal life, is not made clear. Some Christians claim that Jesus was the Passover Lamb. In this Jewish ritual all the sins of the community was put on the lamb and was then sacrificed. While other Christians claim that Jesus was sacrificed to appease an angry God. Which is not the behaviour of a loving, reasonable or even sensible deity.


Human sacrifice to appease an angry male god is nothing new and was commonplace in ancient times. We see this in the Bible in the book of Genesis where Abraham was commanded by God to sacrifice his son Isaac, but at the last moment God changed his mind and Isaac was saved. After this there was no more human sacrifice in Judaism. So it wouldn’t make sense for Jesus to be sacrificed if he was Jewish. So there has to be another explanation for this.


To try and make sense of all this, we can get from Christians long convoluted explanations like the following.


When we say “Jesus died for our sins,” we are saying that He died because of our sins. Sin leads to death (Romans 6:23). We were sinners consigned to death, and we had no way to stop sinning. Jesus came into our world and lived a perfect life, so death had no hold on Him. Yet, in His grace, Jesus chose to die on our behalf. He took our punishment for us. As He died “for our sins,” as our substitute, He prayed that we would be forgiven. Since our penalty has already been paid, God will forgive all who put their trust in Jesus.”


The behaviour Jesus doesn’t make sense, as he knowing allowed Judas to betray him, he made no resistance to his arrest, he refused to defend himself against any accusation, and finally allowed himself to be whipped, abused and finally crucified. So if we take away all the religious justifications for his behaviour, we are left with a man with that seems to have extreme masochistic tendencies.


We even find this in his in his teachings. As we can see in the following two examples, taken from the King James version of the Bible.


In Matthew chapter 5 verse 38


Ye have heard that it hath been said. And eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth:

But I say unto you. That ye resist not evil: but whosoever she smite thee on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also.

And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.

Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee and not turn not thou away.

Ye have heard that it hath been said. Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.

But I say unto you. Love your enemies, bless them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you:

That ye many be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth the rain on the just and on the unjust.


We can see a similar concept in another Gospel.


Luke chapter 6 verse 27


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But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you.

Bless them that curse you and pray for them which despitefully use you.

And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take away thy coat also.

Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again

And as ye would that man should do to you, do also to them likewise

For if ye love them which love you, what thanks have ye for sinners also, love those that love them.

And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? For sinners also do even the same.

And if ye lend to them of whom you hope to receive, what thank ye? For sinners also lend to sinners, to receive much gain.

But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the highest: For he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.

Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father is merciful.

Judge not and ye shall not be judged: condemn not and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven.


Now for obvious reasons many Christians are embarrassed by such teachings and try to ignore them as it makes Jesus seem like a wimp. This is why many Christians prefer the teachings of the Old Testament with its macho heroes like David, Moses and Samson who stood up for themselves and fought back.


Yet clearly if every man was to follow Jesus’s masochistic teachings we would live in a far more caring, loving and compassionate world.


Jesus also said, “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.” (Matthew 5:5). The joke that goes with this is, “If that’s alright with everyone else”. Suggesting that aggressive and competitive people will always end up ruling the world.

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So this then seems to be the problem. Yes, if would be great if every man was to act and behave like Jesus as it would end conflict, wars and oppression in our world. But in the end he was totally defenceless and unable to fight back when aggressive and violent people decided to arrest him on trumped up charges, then abuse and crucify him.


The Bible has no-answer to this. But we also know that his teachings were probably censored as many versions of the Bible was destroyed when Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire. In the 20th century some of these lost gospels were re-discovered and called the Gnostic Gospels. One of these is the “Sophia of Jesus Christ”. Sophia was the ancient Jewish Goddess of wisdom before Judaism became a monolithic religion. 


In the “Sophia of Jesus Christ” or “Pistis Sophia” she is called, “the Mother of the Universe”. In ancient times people worshipped the Great Mother who gave birth to the universe, so this is telling us that Sophia is the ancient Great Mother. This then gives us a clue for why Jesus voluntary sacrificed himself.


Scholars, points out that the story of Jesus is not original or unique because many pagan gods like Osiris, Orpheus, Dionysus, Bacchus, Mithras, Odin, Bader and Loki also had similar histories. The story of a god-man who performed miracles like healing the sick, then was condemned to death and crucified was commonplace in many pre-Christian religions. Most of these gods died on trees or stakes and some like Dionysus and Jesus died on crosses.


Though Osiris was murdered by his brother Set or Seth and cut up into many pieces, before the Goddess Isis found all pieces and magically brought him back to life so she could conceive her son Horus.


These were called sacrificial/saviour gods, the idea being that humankind is saved by the voluntary sacrifice of these gods. So how can this happen? The biggest cause of all the suffering of our world is that it is ruled by men.

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We can see how the masculine operates in the animal world where male animals fight and even kill each other for access to females and dominance.


Now this is not a big problem when animals fight with horns, teeth or claws but a far bigger problem when we have men fighting each other with spears, swords, rifles, machine guns, bomber aircraft, guided missiles and nuclear bombs. For this reason men today have not only become a danger to himself but to the whole planet.


Not only this, masculine aggression, also leads to oppression and exploitation. In all very masculine societies of the past we find slavery, serfdom, and extreme oppression of women.


The feminine is in total contrast to this, as the instincts of the females, in nearly all animals, is to give birth and nurture her young. So the feminine is maternal, nurturing, loving and caring and for this reason it would make far more sense if compassionate women ruled the world instead of men. This then makes logical sense so why aren’t people clamouring for this?

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In our patriarchal world the feminine is seen as a weakness. Loving men are condemned as wimps and told that they are not ‘real men’. This is why so many Christians ignore the teachings of Jesus as they think they are too wimpy.


As we see in many Hollywood films the masculine is glorified. To the degree that even woman are influenced by this and feel if they wants to gain respect she also has to act and behave like a masculine man. So we live in a world where women are encouraged to act like aggressive, cruel and ruthless men but men are not encouraged to be as loving and nurturing as women.


Because men are encouraged to be macho men, our history shows us a world ruled by macho men is a world of conflict, wars, exploitation and chaos. Even men do not like living in a cruel world like this as men are exploited by other men and used as cannon-fodder on the battlefield.


So did Jesus try to create a Goddess religion where men worshipped women? To many people this might seem preposterous but we accept it as normal to have religions where men dominate women so why not have the reverse of this?

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College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized


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Dream interpreted for a far-off friend

Time for the real wife to step up

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          My lover is here in my apt in the city & he has asked me for $15 which I gladly gave him. He’s been nice to me, our relationship is loving, he’s come to stay with me in the apt – he left his other woman – we’re getting along lovingly. He was suddenly at the head of the stairs, the door halfway covered him – I was upset he might be leaving & quickly went to check, but he was only standing at there waiting.


          The next day or time he needs $20 & again I don’t mind. Both times he stood at the door, waiting for someone to come up & give him something {I know its drugs but I don’t get upset because he’s sick, he can’t get by without them. I will tolerate this for the time being.}


          *(BEING WITH LOVER, SUPPORTING HIM, TOLERATING HIS HABITS: This shows how it would be if he belonged to you. But there are limits. It shows that if he GOES TOO FAR or begins to use you – there would be a problem. That is the symbol of


          LOSING YOUR PURSE: This would mean that someone has ROBBED YOU – he has – & this is not allowed. Using someone is robbing them.)*

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          But this time I’m a little upset because I can’t find my purse. A lady friend is here with me plus the lover, they find a square soft plastic beige purse against the wall on a table – it’s squeezed next to a counter to its right–they say there it is, but it isn’t. Inside are necklaces of pearls.


          I open this purse, my lover looks with me, one of the strands is glowing with light.


          He also looked with me at my ‘treasure’ in another purse – diamonds, earrings, bracelets & the like. He felt they were impressive.


          *(JEWELS, DIAMONDS, PEARLS: These are your spiritual treasures, the gifts God has given you. You will never lose these gifts as God never repents a gift, but you can lose ACCESS to gifts by great stress – as you did during much of the time you were dating lover – he stressed you so badly you lost the God consciousness.

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Diamonds represent Infinite Love—God’s True Love, while pearls represent God’s Wisdom.


          This must not happen again, he CANNOT PULL YOU DOWN as will be demonstrated in the part of the dream where his MOB APPEARS & he cannot have it both ways—he has to forfeit them for you—falsity for Truth.)*


So for a while I am concerned with finding my purse. I tell the friends about my keys, credit cards & money would all be missing.


*(KEYS, CREDIT CARDS, CASH: These represent the ability to access your Gifts or the value thereof. This is when lover gives you so much stress you lose your peace of mind, serenity & therefore contact with God. This is saying then, ‘as long as he behaves, you can support him, but if he goes off with the wicked, you cannot.’ That is what stressed you so badly before that you became ill.)*


          Now on the third time a man appears at the top of the stairs by our door, facing outward. He’s wearing a black shiny jacket.

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          To my dismay my lover goes past this man & down the stairs as if the two of them will go off together—I do not see him in the dream after this. At first I don’t let on, but I walk toward the man & when right in front of him I aggressively grab him by the front of his jacket & into his face I exclaim,


          “Where do you think you’re going with my man? Are you fucking him?”


          His eyes look at the lover with alarm & fear of me – I sense his answer is ‘no’ – my accusation was extreme.


          *(MAN IN SHINY BLACK: This man symbolizes all the evil he is connected to-the whole genre I have described elsewhere. Lover sees this man / mentality as being able to fulfill his dreams – however far fetched – of fame & fortune as some kind of star. It’s an impossible dream, like Satan saying to someone ‘I will give you all the kingdoms of the world & their glory if you will bow down & worship me.’ {I might add the world, the flesh & the devil promise these things to people, but he & they are liars—even if such things are fulfilled, in the end it will be ‘dust in your mouth.’}


          This is why his coat is


SHINY: but black. It is ‘all that glitters is not gold.’ It is a FALSE PROMISE that he believes in – they all do, they reinforce his fantasy that with this man, doing the things they do (show business stuff) will eventually lead to that promised ‘glory’ – but it won’t – it is black & nonexistent.

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This is why I forcibly ask this man if he’s FUCKING my lover – which means DECEIVING him. The man this represents doesn’t know a clue to what he’s doing, he’s possessed himself & deceived by the devil – he’s lost in darkness.


This entire mob represents: False hopes, following the world, the flesh & the devil, being ignorant, unschooled, un-evolved, deceived, confused & zombie-fied.)*


          The stairs beneath us changes into a wide one – where in real life it’s normal width, it becomes like 15-20’ wide & goes straight down, not around like real life.


          *(WIDE STAIRWAY: Stairway to Hell – all the qualities I mentioned is the state of mind these friends are & it leads to Hell or failure.)*


          These stairs fill with a MOB of ‘friends’ of this new man & my lover—these back them up or are on their side rather than mine – but not doing anything aggressive, all just looking up at me & the man.

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          I see FIVE COPS at the bottom of the stairs minding this crowd & if they do anything wrong, they will be stopped by the cops {the cops are watching for this, they intend to check them if they get out of line} – I POINT THIS OUT to them.


          The cops are unusual in that they are all wearing black caps as well as black shirts & pants with badges – the caps are somewhat like ‘motorcycle’ caps.


          I did walk to the bottom of these stairs & it was like I was addressing one or two people but they all heard me, & I emphasized the situation with the lover,




          I repeat this to make sure they get it. They thought he could HANG OUT with them, I suppose, & he could still be supported by me – but that was not going to happen. I am adamant about this; he gets no support if he goes off with these people, hangs with them. And I am prepared not to see him any more if he does this – this is shown by me forcibly.


          *(MOB OF THEIR FRIENDS: The people he hangs with who have a consensus about life – a ghetto low level mentality – they laugh at God, going to Hell, they accept the DRUGGIE LIFESTYLE. Most of them are in conflict with what you stand for—you are pro-God, anti drugs, you love in True Love – they don’t even know what it is.

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HE CANNOT BE WITH THEM & GET ANYTHING OUT OF ME: This dream ends the question of can he be with them & you at the same time? It’s no, because you cannot serve two masters—it is two kingdoms in conflict– you are strictly God & True Love—they are users. It’s like bouncing from Hell to Heaven, back & forth.


THE COPS: Are ANGELS {this is commonly symbolized, cops as angels} They are messengers & enforcers of God, God is obviously ON MY SIDE as shown here– the fact that they are in


BLACK UNIFORMS & CAPS: says ‘the end’ of this crowd – black being ‘funeral.’


Me to MomGod: Why the caps like motorcycle ones?

She: Motorcycles represent ease & speed. It’s like they got here fast, they will take care of business fast—this crowd won’t get away with anything—they will no longer influence him, God’s workers will stop it.)*

witches-circle WHO50_4__12399.1519423704 whispers_of_healing_sample_1 Ballet dancer wearing red dress over grey 

          There’s another strong scene going on at the same time as this. My apt is no longer normal – it has become a HUGE GATHERING PLACE for a hundred or so people who are FANS OF MINE. The apt now has many levels, tables & chairs where people are eating & drinking – the place is beautiful & demonstrates MY WEALTH, that I can afford all this & people can come in to dine – all for free, they are my guests. It’s a beautiful place, with huge picture windows on one wall; almost the entire wall is glass.


*(ENTIRE WALL OF GLASS: This predicts that what you see beyond this glass is a vision from God: foretelling the future, & it’s a direct consequence of the charity you have given in saying the Holy Mass—charity begets VISION or understanding.


MY WEALTH: Spiritual wealth, giving out Grace.)*


          I go back to my place & enjoy the limelight—the lover situation was there but I’m not concentrating on it.


          I will explain the parade momentarily. I’m getting ready to go outside & appear before this parade. It’s the END OF THE DAY & my huge following, half of them leave until tomorrow {it seems we do this daily} – a free-for-all every day compliments of me. As they are gone I see many SILVER METAL CHAIRS empty—on all levels of my huge place.

 NWO50_1 nikas-games-obr1 new-image1-e1442121138107 nemesis-hourglass natures-whispers-oracle-you-are-worth-it

          *(HUGE GATHERING, MY COMPLIMENTS, FREE, PEOPLE COME HERE DAILY: At first I thought this was my work on the internet, but now I know that the most vital part of this is that I’ve been saying THE HOLY MASS DAILY again.


          And so, Souls in Purgatory are with me enjoying the Body & Blood of Jesus & Mary – all those great Graces. Then way second after that are my daily prayers accompanying this as well as my work on the internet – I post articles with images every day which they enjoy for free. These are the MANY LEVELS–it says I’m serving a large number of people, possibly a hundred, each day. These levels are on earth {on earth people receive my work on their own level of ability} & in the next life {ditto on what level of Purgatory they are in}.


          SILVER METAL CHAIRS vacated temporarily until the next day: The chairs are still there is an interesting & mysterious sign. I think it means the prayer I say each day, for God to multiply the prayers/graces infinitely, & the angels to repeat the prayers UNTIL THE END OF TIME. Now that means that those who receive grace now—when they leave & ascend into Heaven—the place or position where others will occupy is ready – then new Souls will receive these benefits. This is a tremendous symbol for me to encourage continuation of these prayers! I wasn’t sure if God would honor them – this says She will! What joy!)*


          There was a female sitting at a table that had their backs to the glass wall – this female interested me & I wanted something from her. As they got up to leave I followed them but didn’t want them to know I wanted something. I ask her friend,


          “She has seeds. Can I have some packets?”


          The friend points to the packets of seeds, mentally, at a store – but I don’t want to PAY for seeds, I want some of hers for free.

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          The lady in question brings me a beautiful pie – it’s sliced open & it’s luminous. I don’t know what it is, but something like golden rhubarb, sweet I imagine–a pie twice as thick as normal – she offers me this – I don’t know what I do.


          *(LADY I WANT PACKETS OF SEEDS FROM, SHE GIVES ME A LUMINOUS PIE: Seeds are a beginning, like eggs, a fetus, a brilliant idea that can come to life, a conception.


          THE GREAT LADY I WANT SOMETHING FROM is Holy Mary, as when I say the Mass I invoke her Body & Blood as well as that of Jesus. I have her statue in front of me during the Mass. She is the one I believe, who therefore, grants me the vision of what is about to come—she sits with her back to the wall of glass—the glass representing what I will see behind it.


          I ask for these Graces for free – a lady friend suggests I pay for them, but I want them as gifts. Then the lady gives me this thick pie with a golden luminous rhubarb-like filling. What is this Mother God?


          She: Instead of seeds, a beginning, She gives you even more – a fulfillment. Wow. All ready, prepared, the Grace you can consume! You are about to receive it in the next scenes of the jealous women & their ‘last supper.’ This revelation will give you great happiness!)*


          I see something unusual outside the glass wall – the wide street is there & a female has been organizing a HUGE PARADE. There are BEIGE BANNERS trimmed with red flowers like carnations hanging over the street – many people are getting ready to parade, & I decide to show my appearance.


          I do not walk on the ground, I float in the air above the parade. The lady who organized it looks at me & feels jealous & threatened – apparently I am beautiful – she thinks so.

mario-wibisono-julia-the-rose-fairy-basic-web-preview main-image magical-snake-goddess-drawing_csp16861245 madre-tierra love-fire 



This I am guessing heralds the reopening of the restaurant ‘Marie Antoinette’ works at. They are friends – Marie probably told this female owner you’re the ‘bad guy’ interloping on her righteous matrimony. This woman feels the same way Marie does – that you’re bad, you’re a threat. What are they celebrating?


          REOPENING OF THIS & OTHER RESTAURANTS, now they can resume their earnings: The beige banners are contemplation – thoughts – how great everything will be.)*


          Going closer to the celebration I see one woman in the middle of a long table – don’t know who she is. She sees me also & feels like the jealous lady. Her looks? She’s like Marie Antoinette with a big piled-up hairdo or blonde wig, bright makeup. She says to me menacingly,


          *(LOOKS LIKE MARIE ANTOINETTE: She had her head chopped off. Revelation her union with John is about to end–just as she celebrates ‘victory.’)*


          “Stay away from Xxxx.”

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          *(MARIE’S ATTITUDE: She is, like the real M.A. was, a prima donna, a queen, where she works. She’s seen as a stellar character – the female owner & some of the staff favor her. They post favorable things on social media about her & the baby every time she posts—she has won their hearts.


          Now about Marie & my Beloved John: She’s been supporting him but this was of course curtailed during the Pandemic. She had to have fallen behind in the bills, he isn’t helping. If this went on forever, she’d lose him as she could not pay the rent, the bills, would have to depend on someone else – he cannot help. She would lose her ‘gigolo.’


          But now, in this prediction, there is a celebration & parade. Her lady friend, the owner, has organized the gala reopening of their venue & all feel a sense of success & victory.


          Marie feels now she is the queen again & she will be able to support my John – He will not leave her, she is safe, I better stay away. She has the CONFIDENCE to bark at me, to order me away.


          But God reveals ‘to the contrary.’


          This ‘Passover celebration’ is the end, it is her ‘last supper,’ – just as she’s thinking she’s safe & all is good, will come the guillotine.

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Me to MomGod: OK MomGod, Holy Mary, you have revealed this to me–further nuance. If the place reopens, she is again employed, she can gain coins, why does the end come suddenly?


She: The things that happened during the Pandemic, the insecurity displayed revealed many things. One of the things was her lack of love for John –he could see it wasn’t true love. Her dark side came out. Remember when you met her & she didn’t like what you said? When he came over she blurted out to him ‘I hate you.’ Her love is conditional & fickle, it turns to hate when things go wrong.


As the reality of the Pandemic played out & he saw what it would be like if she stopped working he knew he has no security with her: Anything happens to her, she can’t work, his survival ends. That’s not something he can hold onto. And why should he remain, then with her, holding onto this straw house, when he has a woman who really loves him in True Love & contains total security?


This situation played out in front of his mind & the reality was etched into his brain – he came to his senses & is ready to make a move.


Me: But why suddenly now, when she celebrates being able to earn money again?


She: The timing of what they just went through. He is also depressed about not seeing you whom he loves. )*


I have no idea who xxx is & can’t even remember it – It’s like LangTon or EnkMan (that’s not it, just something weird) – a name never heard of before. I ask her who is this person?


          Then when meditating on this dream, still in bed, I see a picture to give me a clue about this lady threatening me – I see Jesus at the Last Supper, sitting in the middle—somehow it parallels this.

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          *(JESUS AT HIS LAST SUPPER: This heralds death, but for her, the woman at table, not a holy one. It’s the end of her relationship with your lover John—She threatens you to stay away from him by a strange name.


          Me: Mother God, the strange name I can’t even remember, what does it mean?


          She: It means she doesn’t even know his name, she doesn’t know who he is, his value or worth, his real identity. You know him as a creation of God, an Infinite Being who has taken on a finite body. You know him as a Great Soul who you related to in a previous lifetime, now reunited to continue your Divine Relationship.


          She knows him only in the flesh, which means she doesn’t know him at all, she doesn’t know who he really is.


          Me: Why is she jealous of me when she has hogged him for years & deprived me of him? She gets praise on the internet – I get none. She has all the kudos & perks, I get deprivation & disrespect. What is she jealous of?


          Mother God: She senses by ‘women’s intuition’ that he loves you & you him. She knows it’s something she can’t control or understand but it is solid. She fears you – jealousy is fear. You told her years ago their situation is ‘temporary’ & she fears this is true, deep inside, she knows it is.)*

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College of God & Love, College of Love Making, College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized







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          Two themes, begins one way, segues into another.


          First, I’m here in my house three or more floors up – like in a tower. I look below & see a few people. The idea is that people are showing up to see me in an honorable way – I am some type of respected leader.


          *(TOWER: Isolated height, like Jesus on the Cross. My past martyrdoms give me a spiritual height, which others can access by their respect & humility—such people are gathering below.)*


          I see one of the people below looks like a ‘small saint.’ A female is wearing a long black dress, but not dreary, it’s decorated with a medieval standout collar, white & gold, & has a 6” or so fringe on the bottom with similar colors—might have lace. She’s waiting for me.

 bb514abd6e43c6cc4201b44ba52aa7c9 (1) bc5b55148a0928f65c91bd5d542907c2-700 bc3387c7090fd07280578a04ad1e624e be66eb86d59f8f474fdac1c5bb41550e-700

          *(LITTLE FEMALE ‘SAINT’: This is a female, either living or dead. If dead, the black dress says ‘funeral,’ but it also has white on the


BIG COLLAR: & hem & gold. This could show being a ‘religious’ & that she loved God {gold is love}.


If she is alive, then she’s a relationship I had LONG AGO – the black dress would be ‘ending.’ But she is here ‘below me’ spiritually asking for help. I descend to her level – not in a negative sense, but in the sense that God lowered Herself to become Jesus or another Great Saint – descended into the flesh to help us, save us from our sins. I wonder if this person could be a next-of-kin female who has not spoken to me for 41 years {due to stupid family politics.}?)*


          As I look down I don’t have to go on any stairs, I can do my usual trick of jumping from great heights (I love doing this in dreams, sometimes just for fun, appear on super tall buildings & jump to enjoy floating down & showing everyone what I can do) & not getting hurt. So I jump gleefully, saying to the people & even stopping before I hit the ground, floating in the air,

 5MLeMr 6e478876ffaf9385bc059ec8e47a6d13 6ee54cf3a4a5ac785f3badf6cfe7cced 6f5572f0a3873daf63e1faf0b81a06d9 7cf3e006-ea5f-4b91-a257-b8af91df07c6_570 7f009acb99d75dc99c3bfc78205577b6 8dc05359c5546d78ae040cd78b8477eb

          “See – I don’t get hurt!”


          *(I DON’T GET HURT: Might be a clue this is about forgiveness, as when you forgive you say to the person ‘It’s as if you never hurt me—I remove it, I do not feel the pain.’ This is total forgiveness, & so this might be a clue it is the relative who rejected me for so long.)*


          Then I ask the lady if she’s a ‘little saint’ & don’t know what she says. Around me have gathered a few ‘disciples’ for want of a better word – they are cautious to show respect & don’t come too close or familiar.


          Then from the left comes a black man with a narrow face – he is pitiful looking – I have seen him before. He’s wearing white clothes printed with small designs, mostly blue. The material of the clothes looks puffy & slit up & down the arms – again looks medieval, as in ancient paintings. He comes toward me cautiously, afraid I’ll reject him, but I do not, however repulsive he is. Somehow I greet him & accept him but don’t give him the hug he’d like to get. I am sitting during these communications, in my driveway, like ‘holding court.’


          *(REPULSIVE MAN, CAUTIOUSLY APPROACHES, I DO NOT REJECT HIM BUT HE DOESN’T GET THE HUG HE’D LIKE: Again, don’t know if this is a Soul in Purgatory or a living person. If it’s a Soul then

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          THE HUG: Could be my touching him, the Sacred Touch by which he ascends into Heaven. I have had this happen when I hugged my friend George’s late wife – when she withdrew she was wearing my sweater {my Light} by which she ASCENDED into Heaven.

And when angels brought James Brown {the singer} to me, I had to kiss him with the Sacred Kiss, then the angels withdrew him into Heaven. And so, my TOUCH or CONTACT WITH ME {like the touch of Jesus garment by the woman with the issue of blood, who was thereby healed} transmits God’s Grace into a person, by which they ASCEND. Apparently, this man is not yet ready for the Sacred Touch, he has more cleansing coming up.


          If this is a living person, then it might be John the lawyer – a best friend who turned on me for something I didn’t do – & has hardly spoken to me over ten years. This is saying he’d like to be forgiven. I do forgive him but according to this am not ready to give him the physical closeness he would like. He has become repulsive to me due to judging & punishing me so harshly. But then this might not be about him, might be someone else I have forgotten.)*

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PEOPLE WAITING, DISCIPLES, I AM HOLDING COURT: These are people who need my help in the spiritual sense. I don’t know if they’re living or dead but they are from the ‘long past.’


          MEDIEVAL CLOTHES: Long past, either living people I’ve known or Souls that have been in Purgatory a long time.


          {Because of this dream I started saying the Holy Mass again, which I neglected over a month. I thought these might be Souls in Purgatory asking for help.})*




          Then there’s a scene of a few women in a room. One female to the right is sitting in a corner, she’s pretty, her skin seems brown although she’s Caucasian. My late husband Richard is standing near her, she’s smiling, flirting with him. This annoys me. I tell him,

 Draper_Herbert_The_Pearls_of_Aphrodite DjfYUT5X0AAHdaE DIDp_gYXgAAqvVq dfe808757b636b004a04e25d06f1a7cf DeviantMoonBorderless_11Cups demonnight_hqu6knv6

          *(BROWN SKIN: Can mean different things. Here it means ‘in the flesh’— not spiritual.)*


          “She doesn’t love you – she’s making a fool out of you.”


          But he has a stupid look on his face & keeps talking to her, not even seeing me. There’s another woman to my left facing me, his right that seems to be part of this.


          *(RICHARD, LATE HUSBAND: This is always the present spiritual husband who I call Jack. Richard was good & loved me truly. When he appears it means my present husband has good feelings & thoughts about me, he is behaving like the good husband. {He has not appeared as evil or demonic for many months now, thank Heavens.}


         A woman he’s talking to is not sincere, but messing with him. She is ‘of human nature’. It might be his housemate or it could be someone else. If it’s his housemate this is showing me she has fallen OUT of love with him as one time, she was, I think in love, in her own way. I am warning him this female no longer loves him. Now that I meditate on this I believe the smile gives it away – the smile is fake & looks like that of his housemate – but he doesn’t realize she’s faking. {Like most men, you smile, you put on an act, they fall for it— why? Because they want to. Ditto the other way. The gigolo acts like he loves you, you pay him, you think he has feelings for you.} Why she’s putting on this act is now shown. The only hint might be the

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          OTHER FEMALE IN ROOM: Friend might be advising her to put on an act that she still loves him to offset any repercussions—men do get violent when you reject them, even when they are the guilty party. {My first husband began to strangle me when I was leaving him on two different occasions. God saved me from it. I ran away the second time, left him, too our child & stayed at a motel.}


Hint as to why her love has gone: She lost her job, he didn’t. She was supporting them, now she needs him to put forth his money but he won’t—he needs it for substances. She’s not innocent here, she’s also an addict. You can see where love could turn to hate. {It’s that old situation where two love one another with conditions, conditions deteriorate, they end up hating one another, being bitter, even killing one another. But in true love it never dies, it’s unconditional. That’s what my lover & I have.})*

          My lover Jack has been around. Suddenly he’s in my arms – it’s a reunion of love / intimacy. I can’t recall how, it just happened. He looks like himself.


          *(LOVER JACK: Richard is now Jack. Perhaps my mystical warning about the housemate got through to him. He sees she no longer loves him,–understandably– he turns his mind & emotions toward me & intimacy.)*

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          He’s in my arms & we’re French kissing & it gets so intimate & erotic, I feel ecstasy.


          *(ECSTASY, INTIMACY, FRENCH KISSING: This is what we both lived for & still do. There is nothing to replace this sort of emotion people feel toward another—such pleasure—it lifts you above the world & makes life meaningful. People do all sorts of illogical, criminal, extreme actions to keep feelings of ecstasy going. I know a woman who lives under a bridge with the man she loves—she’s young & pretty. She has a child every year with him which social services takes away–all for that feeling of ‘ecstasy.’


For me, I allowed him to treat me like shit in order to feel the ecstasies once in a while. He would engage me with sex – feel the pleasure – then walk away abruptly & not summon me for 5 weeks—that was his pattern. In the last two years he would praise his housemate on social media but of course I did not exist – People thought I was that forgotten, obsessed old lady. He never appeared in public with me any more because he feared losing the support of the housemate.


He talked ‘double talk’ with me, every time seeing me he’d say he was through with her, but then would add ‘don’t mess up what I have with her.’ He didn’t explain what ‘he had with her’ but I figured it out by seeing his lifelong pattern: Mooch off someone, keep my money for myself for the medications {which he desperately needs.}

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This ECSTASY is similar to the highest drug. It’s the feeling saints live for when they have ecstasy/union/intimacy with God. Saints will go through any torture to feel this Love of God – It not only is spiritual, it’s emotional & physical, it lifts one to the Heavens. Of course, the earthly ecstasies FALL SHORT of the ones with God – you cannot see God face to face with an increase of feel-good hormones, serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin & endorphins. The spiritual ecstasy is beyond the earth & flesh; you leave the flesh in spiritual flights & appear in a Higher World – temporarily or forever. I cannot explain why or how the Spiritual Highs go beyond feel-good hormones, perhaps because logically hormones no longer exist past the flesh, but Spiritual Heights – Heaven, do exist.


This ECSTASY that we are both in is the Union that Jack & I have – it’s in our souls as well as our bodies. This dream indicates that Jack is now awake that his housemate/relationship is over – she no longer loves him as he never loved her – & now he’s mentally/emotionally free for the intimacy with me. {Remember, God is a ‘jealous God,’ – when you give yourself fully to something, someone, besides Her, She will not reveal herself or give you the ecstatic intimacy with Her – So in a sense, it is on the earthly plane. If Jack was divided – saw a reason to be praising Housemate all the time, & putting effort into their relationship, his mind, body, heart & soul were not free to be enjoying intimate union with me—HE’S NOW FREE.})*


          Then after that he carries me around with my legs around his waist – without any strain – like you would a child without effort. And he isn’t ashamed at all to show the world he’s in love with me – he walks openly here & there where people can see.


          *(CARRIES ME, MY LEGS AROUND HIS WAIST, EFFORTLESSLY LIKE A CHILD: ‘To carry’ someone is to support them, to help them get around, get somewhere. My legs around him are full support – nothing held back from him to me, he gives me his all, I don’t even have to make an effort.

 il_570xN.840341360_sflo ib779 Hestia,_goddess_of_the_hearth hands-of-creation-evelyn-patrick Guillemot,_Alexandre_Charles_-_Mars_and_Venus_Surprised_by_Vulcan_-_Google_Art_Project greek-woman-jakab-marastoni goddess-green-taras-face-sue-halstenberg God of Nature

          ISN’T ASHAMED TO SHOW THE WORLD: This reveals he’s gotten over the fear of criticism or disapproval – he said he was with his Housemate for ‘the party life style & popularity – I sold my soul to the devil for it’ he said on social media {he said this in a veiled way, in a poem, did not name names but I understood}.)*


          We talk about setting up a sports center at my house, for wrestling or sports fighting. I will set up a ‘ring’ I tell him,


          “But it has to have a roof in case of rain.”


          He continues to walk with me around him here & there in this place like a village, with small business places scattered about, like tiny restaurants. I tell him,


          “You can have anything you want,”


          (Meaning to eat, I will pay.)


          He walks into this small store – all it sells is candy. There was another customer here {female}, just leaving. The place could only hold at most 5 people in front of the counter.


          *(CANDY STORE: Place of drugs/medications. I surmise the female just leaving is his housemate. This hints they are no longer together—she gets her drugs solo, it’s not a joint project any more. She gets her drugs, leaves, he is holding or carrying me, means he is with me, loves me, & I help him.)*

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          On the counter left is a bowl filled with all colors candy the size of large vitamin capsules, & on the right a bowl of a strange blue sweet that looks like a smooth ocean wave, like taffy but not sticky, about ¾ inch thick, about 6” long in a wave, about 4.5” wide.  I imagine you break pieces off. I tell him,


          “You can have this but I don’t eat candy.”


          *(CANDY, TINY STORE, SOME LIKE VITAMINS, SOME LIKE BLUE TAFFY (but not sticky): I get the feeling this represents substances, but which ones I can’t tell. I don’t do substances I say, but I tell him he can have them. Substances are his self medication due to damage by parents, he suffers from PTSD & attachment disorder, possibly other problems I’m not aware of. He would be desperate & suicidal without them – I want to help him through prayer, therapy & all the mental, emotional, spiritual remedies, medications would be temporary.


MANY BRIGHT COLORS THE SIZE OF VITAMIN CAPSULES: These drugs mimic the feel-good hormones, serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin & endorphins, or in other words, feel-good hormones. Bright colors indicate FEELINGS. Vitamins mean ‘good for you’ & these drugs mimic ‘feel good’ or ‘good for you’ feelings.)*

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College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets, Shrine to Shakti, Uncategorized



“one of the most highly developed souls”


4-18-20-Who is Guru Rasa Von Werder? Recommendation from a Great Lady. Her name is Bianca Maria Cornick – She’s a Guru / Priestess from England. She says on a website in 2017:


Priestess Bianca gave me this spiritual reading on another site: I am blushing, but grateful because this offsets the trash that the wicked & ignorant say about me.

”You are one of the most highly developed souls here on earth. You have arrived in the life way before others are able to reach your level of development, to see your level of development, to understand your level of development. You have a heart so big that it occupies not only the chest but extend outside of the physical body.

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The hurt inflicted upon you especially when you were growing up was intently chosen by you before you took this body before your earthly birth. Your beauty is a tool to highlight the animal nature from which most people walking this earth still live their lives. From a very young age people started feeling more than knowing that you were different and the lower people were in their own development the stronger they would ventilate their fear upon you. This has all helped you to stand strong in the most ferocious storms you have found on your path through life.

Many people will suck up to you in the hope that some of your glitters will fall upon them. Not many people are able to deeply understand and see you for the high being you truly are. And as you have experienced yourself many times: what they do not know they will try to destroy.

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An extremely beautiful woman like yourself is seen by many as a threat, males and females alike. The pain this would bring to an ordinary person living from the mind would make life unbearable. This inflicted pain was a tool to prevent you falling back down into the mind. It has made it possible for you to live from your high level of development which you reached many life times before.

Your presence here on earth will help humanity forward although it might seem that not much is happening when you look what goes on in this world. You have no way of living your life any different than you do. Being so highly developed can make your life feel lonely and empty at times but this is only because you see lower developed beings clinging to another human being for security. This sometimes clouds your vision like sunglasses shade our eyes from the sun. You only have short moments of these feelings.

You are like an elastic, pulled by the human population trying hard to pull you down to their level. But there is just no way you are able to stay there for long. The elastic (the pull of your higher nature) will always catapult you way above the rest.”


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College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, Uncategorized









Interpreted for a friend


          I’m in a CITY – not a big one, a beautiful one like a resort city. Some buildings remind me of ancient Italy, old hotels & such, the streets are lovely – a feeling of grandeur & a touch of luxury.


          *(RESORT CITY: A local city where many hung out or partied. Luxury is because they spent money for fun & pleasure, not necessities.)*

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          Then it starts BURNING here & there – nothing horrible or terrible, but one never knows where a fire will go. I’m near an outdoor faucet & I just doused some flames with a wet towel. I then decide to see if I can help & I have several dry towels here, like the ones in my rag-bag in the kitchen, old pale pink & white. I put them under the faucet (its low, attached to the corner of a building) & see about going into this alley & if there’s any flames there, I’ll put the towels on them.


          *(BURNING HERE & THERE: Many businesses have closed down, fire is destruction, their businesses are destroyed. It’s not all businesses – all what they call ‘non essential, bars, restaurants, hair, nails, etc.)


I gave some help & am thinking of giving more – don’t know what that means. Probably being a patron & giving some places business—but this says it won’t make any difference.)*


         But as I look into the alley, I see thick white columns, square, like 4-5’ thick, they seem to be covered in white plaster, & there are parts of this same material over the top—{it’s impressive & bright here, not a dark alley, a bright one} & I think,

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          “No I must not go in there, as one doesn’t know how the fires are acting, it might make this structure collapse, fall on me – I’d be trapped, could get killed.”


          *(Me: MomGod I haven’t a clue. White can be purity, marriage, plaster could be getting drunk, large columns– they actually look like a STUPA, which is a Buddhist structure to honor the religion:


          The stupa (“stupa” is Sanskrit for heap) is an important form of Buddhist architecture, though it predates Buddhism. It is generally considered to be a sepulchral monument—a place of burial or a receptacle for religious objects.


          She: A sepulcher as this explains is a place of burial. At the end of this dream you see his housemate leaving – the end of their relationship. You felt sorry for them & it occurred to you to even help them because of the child. But that won’t do – not a good idea this says as it might ‘collapse’ or in other words, backfire on you – as many of your good deeds have. This is saying ‘leave it alone,’ – don’t help them, let this take its course, it’s working toward your benefit. )*

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          So I avoid going there thinking also that my small help won’t do anything to the major flareups. But I do go to my apt that I’ve seen in dreams many times. It has a ‘secret entrance’ & half the time I don’t have the key. But this time as I try the front door I see it isn’t locked – possibly because of the emergency situation going on someone left it unlocked for easy access, you don’t want people fumbling for keys during an emergency. Strangely, the door is plain, no handle or knob or anything, a sort of grey with off-pink shade in a ‘swish’ paint pattern, but vague & dull.


          *(MY SECRET APT, DON’T ALWAYS HAVE THE KEY: This is a place of consciousness. Could mean a place where secrets are revealed, so this dream is a revelation. ‘Don’t always have the key’ means I can’t get all the secrets, but this time I do.)*


          As I go up the stairs I hear ‘woosh, woosh.’ Then looking to my right behind some short rail posts I see a woman on her porch {just for one second, I hardly see her but get how she looks—notice this porch is facing the front or the light as light comes from here} & she’s using a broom with short bristles, 2-3” long, like 10” across, brushing her porch, which I think she hosed because of the fires – but now wants to brush the excess off. This must be some sort of business because she says brusquely to me,

WHO50_4__12399.1519423704 whispers_of_healing_sample_1 unnamed unnamed

          “WE’RE CLOSED.”


          I say to her,

          “I don’t want anything.”


          I sensed maybe this was a restaurant, I am not a patron. I was going to check my apt. The woman is ugly, middle aged, with short hair just like her brush, her voice is ugly, emotionless, and brusque – as she brushes the water it goes against those posts, making them dirty –this scene is unattractive.


          *(WE’RE CLOSED, I sensed this was a restaurant, ugly woman, ugly scene, etc:

         This is the

RESTAURANT where my boyfriend’s housemate worked—It’s been closed & could remain so longer than anticipated. Everything about this place being unattractive is a hint that nothing will work out here for those involved.)*


          Then I’m outside on a hill looking down on the city. There is this large building, like a hotel, & its ballroom is completely open on the side, as if it had doors that opened the entire side of the building & I’m looking inside.

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          The ballroom is huge – maybe 100’ across & 50’ wide, the floor is lacquered hardwood—on the side of the room way back is luxurious furniture I vaguely see, places to sit– & someone has taken a hose & is watering the floor to protect against these fires– it’s not like huge blazes – they are small fires, but you don’t know where they’ll end up. But these small fires are causing havoc & people are stressed & querulous where they’re going.


          *(FIRES, TRYING TO PROTECT THE FLOOR, THE LUXURY PLACE: This beautiful place is one I favor, they’re trying to preserve ‘the bottom line,’ (floor is bottom) keeping it going so they don’t go bankrupt—doing ‘takeout’ items.)*


          On this hill as I look down I have a large vista & what I see next is women leaving. They all seem Hispanic, all beautifully dressed & wearing makeup – I have no idea why, it’s like they’re dressed for parties.


          *(HISPANIC, they all seem: These are ordinary people or the poor who work in jobs that have been shut down as they are called ‘non essential.’


          Me: MomGod, why are they all dressed in party dresses & wearing makeup? It doesn’t go with the meaning.


          She: It might mean all the pretty bartenders & waitresses out of jobs—seeking new situations, jobs or moving in with relatives or friends that can help.)*

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          I see women two & two saying goodbyes & leaving, one woman with another. One in particular is wearing a black party dress, with a layer of black lace sticking out on the bottom {about a foot wide}, it’s a mini-skirt, she’s pretty & young. I ask her & others,


          “WHERE ARE YOU GOING?”


          She & the others ignore me – I don’t think they see me or notice me or else think I’m irrelevant.


          I get the feeling those leaving have family out in the country; they will join them to get out of the precarious situation here.

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          *(GIRL IN BLACK, LACK LACE, PARTY DRESS: This is the housemate of my bf Craig. She has no employment, therefore, cannot pay rent & bills & is leaving to go live with others–where I am not given to see. But the black, especially LACE, spells the end of her relationship with Craig. Black lace is the opposite of white lace. White lace is marriage; black lace is end of marriage.


TWO BY TWO: This might be saying she’s moving in with another female.)*

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College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized








The worst men on top could not rule if the men at bottom refused to obey them. Patriarchy works on a hierarchical system. The ones on the bottom do as the ones on top teach, preach & demonstrate – the whole idea of Patriarchy is to hold women down, disempower them, & ordinary men cooperate in this through their day-by-day treatment of women, be it in the work place, dating or family.


Women will finally wake up & do the fighting for themselves – men will not save them, they will save themselves & the world.


4-13-20-THEATER OF NEGATIVES – 2ND DREAM interpreted for a friend, ‘LOVER FEARS CALLING ME’ 4-14-20


          My lawyer friend Kip drops me off at a small theater – it’s run down, nothing fancy, seats maybe 300 in 3 areas. I find a decent seat away from everyone & see the second half.


          Many people leave as they saw the whole thing, I’m hoping they show it again so I can see the beginning, so I stand up looking around, thinking to stay. I am slightly disappointed that Kip left me here rather than staying with me.


          *(KIP THE LAWYER: This is my Beloved. He is seen in the persona of someone I had a disagreement / misunderstanding with, but realized he was wrong & repented—we made up.


          But there’s a larger symbol / meaning here: It’s the good man ABANDONING the woman to Patriarchy. Beloved leaves / deserts me into a world of Patriarchy displayed on the screen, & the audience is all evil men taking their cues from the ‘Stars of Patriarchy’ demonstrating, teaching the ‘man on the street’ how to treat women, IMPRISON WOMEN, use women up. The elites could not control women if the ordinary ‘man on the street’ did not abuse them – if this regular man treated women with respect & dignity & God’s Love, the Patriarchy could not hold them down. These are the men in the theater around me, that I DON’T WANT TO BE CLOSE TO—I need to see this theater objectively, not be hemmed in by a ‘use-her-up’ man—a man BEHIND ME or pretending to LOVE ME who all the while wants to DISEMPOWER me. {This is played out billions of times by males with women, they latch onto them & then tell them what to do.}

witches-circle whispers_of_healing_sample_1 

          LEAVES ME HERE, I am disappointed: Why is he not watching the movie with me? Perhaps because he is’t aware, that this is what’s going on. We are separated this way mentally, by my having vision while he doesn’t—how many people understand the principles preached by William Bond & myself? We’re struggling with few compatriots to bring out the message.)*


          As I look around on the few-occupied seats, I notice they are all black men – seem to be ruffians. I see no women here at all. The movie was about a family, & the black man ran it & was bad, but I don’t recall how or why or any details.


          I want to get a good perspective on the movie, but the problem is I don’t want to sit next to any of these ruffians. I try this seat, that seat – they are too close.


          Finally I am way in front, perhaps too close to the screen, to the right of it, sit & decide to try this spot. There’s a black man right behind me & after a while, I put my arms back to not sure why – rest my head? The way one puts their arms back with the elbows in the air.


          *(THE MOVIE: Describes the evil of Patriarchy, with men running the show, the family & the world. But the men aren’t happy either, the one shown here has a

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          SMALL HEAD: Patriarchs are stupid


          NO HAIR ON HEAD: They are insane


          COMPLETELY BLUE, CLOTHES & SKIN, WITH BITS OF GREEN: They are miserable in all ways & play a miserable part, they do it for money, for here & now, time & space, for this world—not about eternal values.


          TRYING TO FIND A SEAT AWAY FROM THEM: Me trying to live in this world, see what they’re doing, gain understanding, without being affected by them & their evil, criminal, low minded behavior. And so I HAVE NO RELATIONSHIP WITH A MAN BECAUSE I CHOOSE TO BE FREE.)*


          The man behind me then grabs my arms & tries to hold them there. I struggle to get loose & do so. I know these black guys are watching me & will see my muscles as I struggle – a symbol of strength. They are criminals I sense & wanted to overpower me. I take my over-sweater & exit the theater, forgetting my clipboard with notes on the movie. I guess I was doing research. The clipboard is made of a luminous translucent brown & has several pages of notes. I find it embarrassing that I left these notes behind, as some are personal. They get hold of these notes but I know they can’t make heads or tails of them, so no harm is done. I didn’t lose anything.

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          *(ME DOING RESEARCH, NOTES, CLIPBOARD: This is my research & writing explaining how wrong & evil Patriarchy is. No women being here in the audience is women in general aren’t aware of the issues, that it’s a conspiracy of men mostly against women & after that, the rest of the planet—they aren’t here means they aren’t seeing it.


          NO HARM DONE, THEY DON’T UNDERSTAND MY NOTES: The men in general, like the women in general, don’t understand what’s going on, they’re simply working by demon-energy-motivation, their lower selves, their ID’s or primitive impulses. According to this, they don’t see the picture objectively as to what they are doing, they see it subjectively by their evil spirits wanting to do evil, they are like soldiers who obey blindly, not getting it that they are risking their lives so elites can make money, they are also hurting the innocent for the elites.


          MAN BEHIND ME GRABS MY ARMS AS I RAISE THEM to rest on them: This one man is a symbol of Patriarchs trying to imprison women, hold back the strength of their love, de-mobilize or disempower them. I break free.

IN PARTICULAR it might also say how my Beloved disempowered me for a while—I was at his mercy–but then I broke free. A lover who does not/cannot love in a way that is positive can do great harm to another, even if they are in love with that person.)*

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          The theater inside is all black & white, no colors, but the movie was in color. I see this man sitting at a table with family trying to control them, strangely, his whole body is blue, clothes, skin, everything, with some specks of green; he has a small head, no hair. I sense he’s evil & his management of the family is bad, the women are imprisoned by the rule of men.


          *(BLUE EVIL MAN: explained earlier, this is Patriarchy, ‘rule of the father,’ ‘the culture of death.’ He’s sitting at a table of the family, controlling them, the woman is his prisoner, & if the woman is fettered, so are the children. She cannot PROTECT her children from him, from any sort of abuse.


THEATER GRAYSCALE, BLACK & WHITE: NO COLORS: I sense the audience is the population in general, the men – watching what the ‘Big Patriarchs’ are doing on the screen. Black & white means ‘obvious,’ ‘you can see it in black & white’ that these men are merely followers, not leaders. It has always been that way – the bullies, abusers, pick on certain people let’s say the government abuses Jews, then Indians, then Aborigines, then women, then gypsies, then animals, on & on. The general public, called “sheeple”, has no EMOTIONS {emotions would be colorful like coloratura in Opera} but they are SPECTATORS of INDIFFERENCE to evil. They place no opposition to evil – they do nothing or go along with it.


In a speech I heard long ago from Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, he said there were three types of spectators at the Cross: Spectators of Love, spectators of hate, & spectators of INDIFFERENCE. He said it is not hate that is the opposite of love, it is INDIFFERENCE!


This audience here is the spectators of indifference. It for some reason places all the blame on men, possibly because we expect men to FIGHT BACK AGAINST EVIL MEN but they don’t. Women will finally wake up & do the fighting for themselves – men will not save them, they will save themselves & the world. )*

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         I go outside & it’s rough because I can’t recall the road that I was brought here by. Why have they who brought me here, not picked me up to take me back? I need to walk home, but which way? We are in wide open spaces. There’s a highway in front left & right, a road going forward, by the highway left I distantly see a factory of some sort with huge contraptions going upward & horizontally that look like metal ladders, some with criss crosses instead of bars across. Does that mean the town is there beyond that? I must get back to town, civilization.


          *(THE ROAD THAT GOT ME HERE, WHAT IS THE WAY BACK: This is a big question. The road that got me/us here is the road to this disaster called Patriarchy. How did we get here? How do we get back to a civilized, God loving world – a world that makes sense, the Culture of Life? This is a big, hard question for everyone.


          Is it left, right, or forward? Forward I see a shack with women serving family & simple food. It’s staying under the radar, not being noticed by Patriarchs, trying to survive with ‘business as usual.’ They are trying to destroy us with their rules of NO WORK FOR THE POOR, the small business people, those living week to week, day to day, these are the people they are further disempowering, not those in high places, not those who have money. {See the road forward & the shack I pass further down.}


          FACTORY WITH LADDERS UP & ACROSS: To the left I see a factory with ladders going upward & horizontally with metal criss crosses: This might be the stock market & the basic economy. Is this the way back to ‘town-normalcy-civilization-security?” The ladders going up would be stock market going up & down, going across would be a stock market plateau or remaining steady. The criss crosses are the problems or crosses here.)*

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          I decide to try going the road forward. As I do so I pass a sort of shack with a low ceiling. The women there are serving family & whoever might drop by for some food. It’s simple fare, like something fried, on the level of hot dogs & hamburgers. There are rules & laws now for restaurants, no sit downs, but they are breaking this rule because they are so small & obscure they hope no one will notice them. But I’m not interested in stopping here as I don’t know if the food is safe. I continue on the road hoping to find the town.


          *(TOWN, CIVILIZATION: This would be an organized, sane, logical mental state. Where I have been is observing & being a part of the criminal patriarchy. They are in action right now, doing their evil deeds, & we are all affected—trying to survive.)*




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Interpreted for a friend


          Many dreams this night, forgot them all but this: Was driving around when I see a tiny parking spot to the left of a municipal road & in that space I see a white convertible Astin-Martin car, beautiful & expensive, & sitting inside it a gorgeous young male.


          Usually I don’t bother young males any more, not looking for models or dates, but something makes me immediately go up to this guy & ask him,


          “WHO ARE YOU?”


          He stands out so much I’m compelled to do this & he’ll understand. He has a companion male sitting to the right of him who looks smaller, I only see him in my mind’s eye, is he all dark, black? Perhaps it’s a ‘mystery.’

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          *(ASTIN-MARTIN: The car of James Bond, 1964, license JB007—symbol of what? He was a special agent,  for us is basically a DETECTIVE or person sent out to uncover secrets, mysteries.


          LITTLE BLACK MAN next to him: Again says ‘mystery will be here solved or shown.’ This explains ‘it’s about a mystery you want solved.’)*


          The young male thinks I’m talking about his car & I’m not, but I explain,


          “It’s the combination of you & the car. I know you must be special as you’re so handsome & this car is so expensive. You must be a (star?’) not sure what word I use but he’s unusual.


          He seems shy & slightly reluctant to talk. I ask him for his phone # & he gives it to me on a strange piece of paper the size of a postage stamp, & on top of the stamp it says, ‘This is an Astin-Martin’ & the stamp is blue. The phone is a long number, like an internet address. I wanted to check if it was accurate & working & was going to call on my cell phone, went to get it, but then recalled I left it at home.

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          *(POSTAGE-STAMP NUMBER, BLUE: He gives me a message saying he is SAD, unhappy about something. The postage stamp says ‘message,’ or ‘communication.’


          Saying ‘This is an Astin-Martin’ is saying ‘this is a mystery I want you to know, that I am blue, unhappy.’


          He’s giving me his DATA or address or WHERE HE IS & he is in a place of misery. This is without a doubt because WE ARE NOT TOGETHER.)*


          I ask him if he wants my phone & for some reason he says no – don’t know why. Like he’s afraid of something.

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          *(DOES NOT WANT MY PHONE, afraid of something: This explains or confirms the mystery of what I already know – why he doesn’t call me. It’s for fear.)*


          My business finished I then want to exit this spot, go into the street & onward to other business. I have trouble backing up – can’t see. The female companion to my right has been here all along – I ask her to see if there’s anything behind me.


          *(FEMALE COMPANION: I am always with someone, never alone, it’s the two parts of me, flesh & Mother God, so whoever my companion is is the ‘other one,’ perhaps this is Mother God or my flesh, if MG is the dreamer, then it’s my flesh.)*         


          The street I was pulling into was busy & suddenly all the cars clear, I make a quick exit, onto the street, make a right. And then, instead of going home I pull left into a residential area, I saw something to my friend like we’re going to look around at the houses.


          But then I make another left into a driveway of sorts which has a narrow entrance, exit, when I get in wow, it is surrounded by low brick walls, no exit, I struggle to turn the car around & get out of the original entrance, with inches to spare around the car, don’t want to scrape it – finally get out.


          There seems to be somehow another tight spot somewhere. This is a dream about ‘tight spots’ I guess.

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          *(TIGHT SPOTS: Yes, the dream is assuring me that Lover does not, cannot call me for being in a ‘tight spot.’ I know what it is from long before. He relies on his partner to support him, which frees him to use his own money on substances. He’s addicted to so many things that it takes all the money he has to medicate himself. He cannot, does not help or support anyone, so he is afraid of losing his sponsor.


          He believes I will forbid all use of ‘medications’ or substances, so he’s afraid to leave his Sugar Mama for me, not realizing that he would be way more secure with me than with her & I would not be as strict as he believes. I also need him near me to work on his habits, to free him of them.


          He is ‘imprisoned’ by his own mind, his own beliefs & assumptions, many of which are wrong, & he’s being held captive until he sees the Light. But I can’t explain anything to him because he’s afraid to contact me.)*

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College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Uncategorized


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For a friend


          I’m driving my white Corvette from long ago. The parking lot, in fact two or three of them in a row, is on top of my high lawn, but this is twice as high, twice as big as my real lawn. Let’s say my real lawn from where my house sits would be up two stories, this goes up four stories & has a lot of bare hard dirt like a driveway. There are two rows of parking spots here, somehow just like an asphalt parking lot with white stripes showing the spots & writing where it’s for disabled—although there’s no asphalt, just bare driveway-style dirt & patches of low grass here & there.


          *(WHITE CORVETTE: a sign of my wanting to be married to Steven ‘from long ago’ because this wish started years ago–the car only seats two & it’s WHITE. So I’m wishing to be with Steven, be close to him.


          DOWNTOWN: ‘Downtown’ meant mostly to see Steven, although I did not always see him. Here being on the

          HIGH HILL: is that familiar symbol, ‘on the Cross’ where Jesus said, ‘If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me.’ So in a minor sense, I, my hopes are ‘crucified’ or ‘crossed out’ – I cannot go downtown because all bars are closed & there’s a curfew—that cancels out seeing Steve because I either see him there or not at all—{why not at all is too complicated to explain here.}

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          NEXT TO HANDICAPPED: Is where I park, at first I was the row further away but I move closer here. The clue is ‘handicapped’—am I almost, not quite handicapped? That is to say, am I stymied, prevented from doing what I want to do, disabled? This dream is saying ‘partially’ but not really—close to it, but not there.


          GRAVEL or BARE DIRT of parking area: This is some sort of HARDSHIP, a driveway-type gravel is hard like rock, there are only patches of grass, this is saying it’s been hard for me to see Steven, I feel deprived.)*

  dragon-mountain-ray-gilronan dress_worn_by_empress_sisi_ DRINKSHOT-CitizenKane-00 dronning-maud-side2-no DRV5uqDU8AUS9Fw

          I’m looking for a good place to park while I go what seems like downtown but this is right by my house {dreams are not always logical}. But since I have a slight problem walking due to pain, I don’t want to park too far. I pulled into the farther lot at first, now moved to the closer one, I won’t have to walk as far.


          There are only 2-3 cars here & there, I pull into one spot to the left of ‘handicapped’—a good spot.


          *(PAIN: I’m in a slight emotional pain for not being able to go dt & see Steven.)*


          But after I pull in & fix the gear for ‘park’ it doesn’t seem to work, like the gear is broken. I don’t want to take a chance the car rolling downhill, so I drive downhill to the right to check it out. I get out of the car & a strange thing happens: The car turns into a vanilla pretty plastic basket similar to the pink plastic basket in my fancy bathroom {it’s softly ribbed with a design edging on top it goes from a bit smaller on bottom to a bit larger on top, it’s graceful} & the basket has a string on it. And so, amazingly, I hold my entire Corvette in my left hand, its light as can be, in my right hand I carry a bag, & am delighted to be able to do this. Is it some kind of miracle that I can carry my Corvette in one hand?

0eedf145f8aef0fa52623a8ed82a4eb1 0f1806f2-5ad4-4f71-8c78-efb8c1fd419d  

          *(CORVETTE BECOMES LIGHT ENOUGH TO CARRY IN MY LEFT HAND, looks like my fancy basket in the rr only bigger, easy to carry: This is ‘my burden is light, my yoke is sweet,’ will explain why not going dt is no longer a burden or hardship. My mind is ‘at rest’ {rest room} on the issue. The corvette is hope of marriage, the basket being vanilla is the same thing. I’m holding is by a string is ‘strings attached,’ which is like a ring, a harness, the two of us being ‘hitched’ {hitched is another way of saying ‘yoked’ where two oxen or horses are ‘evenly hitched’—another symbol of marriage.}


          The basket/Corvette or concept of marriage being fluted, ribbed, pretty & GRACEFUL {there is the KEY!} is that the GRACE OF GOD is ON MY SIDE! God has spoken to me in hundreds of dreams explaining it is her will & our destiny to be hitched. I am reminded of this & comforted once again although there is no immediate physical manifestation.)*


          I gingerly walk through the lower part of my ‘higher’ yard {the lower yard is like one & a half stories down, say 20’} toward the house.

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          Then I get a crazy feeling. I turn around to the end of the yard where there is in the dream, a tall privacy fence, & this young man who’s always here – he’s part of my family, house, a fixture – is working in a corner of the fence—carpentry work, maybe nailing something. Here I was hoping to go ‘downtown’ as I was lonely, & yet, this guy is always here & I didn’t pay attention to him.


          *(GUY ALWAYS HERE: This is Steven. You are reminded so many times & this dream says you are together now & always. He is by the


          PRIVACY FENCE nailing something in a corner: This says it will be privacy or the two of you will be just you – alone as a couple, no one else, no interference, walled off from others. He is


          WORKING ON THIS, NAILING IT: means he’s preparing, nailing it, ‘fixing it,’ ‘getting it,’ ‘hitting the nail on the head,’ ‘making it secure.’ He has some things to do to make this happen.


HE’S ALWAYS HERE: The two of you are always together because your souls are UNITED. When two people are ONE it means they want to be together; their WILLS are the same, their desires, emotions, hearts are the same, they are together in spirit & that is real togetherness. Whereas roommates can be in the same place body wise, but if the two are not one in spirit, there’s no intimacy, no union. In a real relationship, two become one. You have to always pay attention to that-him, this is saying. You lost sight of that fact for a time.)*


          I go to him suddenly, turn him around to me & kiss him lovingly all over his face. He is surprised but he accepts it like its OK. The thing is I neglected him although he’s always here & I have no reason to be lonely.

Hillman-Books-140-1960-The-Devil-Sword hiroshi-sugimoto-california-condor-960x640 hiroshi-sugimoto-dioramas-108 his-majesty-receives-william-holbrook-beard Hoffmann_Lievre_entoure_de_plantes_Rome_Galleria_Nationale_Tribunedelart holy-gaia-cristina-mcallister 

          *(KISS HIM LOVINGLY: A kiss like this transmits energy. You are communicating metaphysically & he feels it.

          Once a female disciple decided to kiss me before going to sleep. I was in bed & saw Marilyn Monroe lying next to me & giving me the sweetest kiss. This is the energy transmitted & received.


          The dream is saying be aware of his presence & don’t be lonely.)*


          But there’s a caution we must take—I point out to him. There’s someone in the house who mustn’t know we’re together. It’s the middle of the night although it’s bright, we can see like daylight–& so I told him at first no one would see us. Everyone in the house should be fast asleep.


          *(MIDDLE OF NIGHT EVERYONE IN HOUSE SHOULD BE FAST ASLEEP: Night here means all the people associated with us,


          IN THE HOUSE: are not aware that you & I are together. For us, it’s

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         DAYLIGHT, we can see although it’s the middle of the night: We are fully aware we love one another but they are not aware – they cannot see, they are asleep.


          SOMEONE IN THE HOUSE should not know we’re together: We don’t want his other woman to know about us to avoid interference or conflicts presumably.)*


          But then I look toward the house & driveway & I see a black woman I know is his relative – she’s dangerous {I don’t know why} & we mustn’t let her see us.


*(DANGEROUS BLACK WOMAN WE MUST NOT BE SEEN BY HER: This must be my lover’s ‘other woman.’ The dream says do not let her know we’re still in love & de facto married.)*

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To the left I see a group of attractive plastic urns {I used to have a lot, they’re made of plastic but look like something expensive, the way the design is with ribs, they are about 1.5’ tall, smaller on bottom, increase wider on top, about 12” diameter tops, graceful—I no longer have these, gave them away.} This black woman is his cousin maybe, she’s working on these urns, they’re lying in heaps inside each other–she’s in my driveway. I make my young man lie on the ground with me so she won’t spot us & we’re safe.


          *(LIE ON THE GROUND: Stay under the radar. Don’t alarm her jealousy or emotions, she doesn’t want us to be together.


URNS: These urns I ‘gave away’ hold plants. Plants usually represent PLANS for the future – things you hope will GROW, MATURE or MANIFEST. Because her plans contradict mine—we don’t want conflicts.


This also explains—


I GAVE THEM AWAY: I had physical plans for Steven that I gave up – realizing they weren’t necessary for him or us.

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She has plans like that. Him falling in love with her, being together permanently, the house with the picket fence & roses, ‘Just Molly & me, & baby makes three, in my Blue Heaven’ – Fats Domino, haha.

These pots I see are EMPTY & bright-shiny new-they are stacked one into the other in a few piles. Being EMPTY predicts these dreams will not come true. In other words, empty pots, empty dreams, no plants nothing will grow, mature or manifest.


Me: MomGod, this conflict between her & me, she will be livid with rage when she loses him to me. She’s supported him for years. She’s young & pretty, I’m old as the hills. Her friends & some of his will say he’s crazy. What do you say as far as God’s will, destiny & righteousness in this situation?

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She: Man-made plans vs God’s will, God always wins. God knows all, sees all, the flesh doesn’t. The flesh sees bodies, plastic prettiness, being young—the catch word is ‘appropriate.’

What seems appropriate to man—they do not see what God sees, the whole picture.

God sees inside. God saw both of you in another lifetime. God saw that lifetime end & a relationship unfulfilled.

God put you & him in this time & space knowing you would meet. God knew he would suffer trauma & you could heal him – no one else can.

God also knew he was a reward, a gift to you & you alone, but you would suffer, & you could endure that kind of suffering & still love him, you would persevere, & in the end, you would win.

What does the flesh know? The flesh is ignorant, blind, no discernment, not seeing within, not feeling the inside. Love is totally different than the physical eyes; it’s energy,  chemistry, it’s a million things  the flesh doesn’t see. And because none of these people understands,  let them think what they want to think & just ride off into the sunset.

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Don’t worry about them, just be happy, live for each other, leave them, don’t associate with the ones who disapprove, live for yourselves.)*


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College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, Uncategorized


Edmund Blair Leighton Historical Genre English 1852-1922 5 stars [] Abelard and his Pupil Heloise






          Interpreted for a friend


          I am some place indoors when I decide to put my foot down & talk to my lover although he’s not reached out to me. I’m tired of waiting – I’m going to discuss his financial situation. I think he’s in the men’s room in this building. I speak to a male friend of mine & ask him to go into the place & if John is there, tell him I wish to speak to him.


          I understand completely & clearly that he’s with his present female because she supports him but this will soon end as she’s flat broke, will get an eviction notice—it’s the ONLY reason he’s stayed with her. I will let him know that he should make the switch from her to me pronto as I am willing & able to take care of him.


          My friend goes in there & pretty soon John comes out looking a bit sheepish—surprised that I reached out to him.


          He’s wearing a ‘pale’ color small-checked shirt. I have a feeling of strength, confidence, & tell him I want to move off to a private area & have a chat. He then annoys me by walking off somewhere. I see him go next to a door to a picture on the wall, which is hanging amidst some clutter on the walls; one of the images near the bird is a black blob. The picture vaguely seems to be of a bird, maybe red, it has a frame & a see-through glass-like covering on the front. I’m no longer annoyed when he returns with the picture to put it up by the spot we are chatting.

Edmund Blair Leighton Historical Genre English 1852-1922 5 stars [] Abelard and his Pupil Heloise 

          *(PALE SHIRT, HE HAS ON WITH SMALL CHECKS: This means he feels fear. We ‘turn pale’ if we ‘see a ghost.’

          CHECKS: are crosses, crosses are problems. He’s scared due to his problems.


HE WALKS OFF TO THIS PICTURE OF A RED BIRD: Bird here means FREE, FREEDOM. His picture, or he, is


IN A FRAME: like being ‘framed’ means deceived & trapped.


WITH GLASS OVER IT: It’s obvious he’s been trapped—you can see his clearly.


IN A CORNER: Cornered, helpless. It was a series of decisions that were bad – mistakes – that got him into a place he had trouble getting out of.

household-needlework-woman-from-the-vogtland-doing-embroidery-after-DB1473 household-washing-laundresses-engraving-18th-century-18th-century-DB14JT household-washing-woman-washing-the-laundry-in-the-tub-wood-engraving-DB14JE hqdefault 

NEXT TO A DOOR: of opportunity. He got in, he can get out.


AMIDST CLUTTER ON THE WALLS: Clutter is too many things confusing the situation. One needs to ‘clear things out’ before they can ‘think straight.’


BIRD IS RED: Not happy, suffering. Second meaning is passion, could be passionate or strongly emotional about getting out of this (sanguine, face getting red is being emotional. Red is also a color for HATE – he hates being here.

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BLACK BLOB: Confusing the issue is a child he did not ask for. His roommate allowed her pregnancy on purpose, in hopes of trapping him. When the baby was born it looked like a ‘blob,’ with no features {it greatly improved & is now cute} but my ESP tells me what this stands for. This child confuses the issue of his responsibility, if he’s morally tied down here or not. The roommate’s hopes were that the child would force him to stay with her permanently. The ‘blob’ being black it’s like an unknown, a point of confusion, something dark & depressing, not knowing what to do about it.


HE RETURNS, PUTS THE PICTURE WHERE WE ARE CHATTING: This says he returns to his present address, removes himself, & brings himself to me. He declares his freedom,

“Free as a bird.”

Free to leave the one who trapped him, put him in a cage, he put himself in the cage, now removes himself.)*

krinstinabanera_3 Snyders, Frans, 1579-1657; Dogs Stealing Food from a Basket l2ekdkK L3NPUQ la_belle_dame Lady_Stuart_de_Rothesay_and_her_daughters_by_George_Hayter lady-of-the-lake-shanina-conway la-niña-mira-en-el-guardarropa-132487878 

          My personality here is no-nonsense, pragmatic, practical & matter of fact. He goes along with it. It’s like I understand everything & am going to talk to him straight, no beating around the bush.


          For the personality, check Maggie in “Hobson’s Choice” with Charles Laughton, how Laughton tells her she’s ‘past marrying age’ (30) & she then chooses a young cobbler who works in the cellar – a timid soul – tells everyone they’re going to marry {including him}, commandeers all events, even splitting him off from the fiancé he now has, etc. Perfect assertive woman.


Louis_wain_cats Madonna-Galia-Lahav-The-empress-collection-530x794 main-qimg-4e7e34c6120ec9e0e505bb5fb4db4a93 Making Game of the Hunter marcfishmanlabelledamsansmerci market_w Marmots-plate-from-the-Johnsons-Household-book-of-Nature-Containing-Full-and Mary-Musters-On-a-Grey-Horse-Riding-Sidesaddle-Benjamin-Marshall-Oil-Painting maxresdefault (1)


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College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, SHAKTI AND SHIVA, TANTRA SEX, Shrine to Shakti, Shrine to Shiva, Uncategorized


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Friends, those who are on board with Matriarchy, Female Empowerment &

Mother God, please share this article on your face books & other social

media.  Thanks.












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“Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his
many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to
control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control
over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism.

Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic conviction
that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like
willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans.

Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of
India ‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines
(up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the
Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that
paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian
Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and
his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously.

In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that the
global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is
coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in
Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’
vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.


In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV
vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote
Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects,
including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian
government investigations charged that Gates funded researchers
committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village
girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and
refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the
country’s Supreme Court.

In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a trial of a GSK’s experimental
malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious
adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions
to 1,048 of the 5,049 children.

During Gates 2002 MenAfriVac Campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates
operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against
meningitis. Between 50-500 children developed paralysis. South African
newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for drug makers”
Nelson Mandela’s former Senior Economist, Professor Patrick Bond,
describes Gates’ philanthropic practices as “ruthless” and immoral”.

In 2010, Gates committed $ 10 billion to the WHO promising to reduce
population, in part, through new vaccines. A month later Gates told a
Ted Talk that new vaccines “could reduce population”.

tumblr_283540535eea48a18de9c1cac664cd87_ffb0b852_1280 tumblr_mqx0sqrV801rgg81io1_1280 tumblr_mvnhynQaX41qas1mto2_1280 tumblr_n3k8p6InKJ1soh31po1_500

In 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of
chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a phony
“tetanus” vaccine campaign. Independent labs found the sterility
formula in every vaccine tested. After denying the charges, WHO
finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for
over a decade. Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua,
Mexico and the Philippines.

A 2017 study (Morgensen et.Al.2017) showed that WHO’s popular DTP is
killing more African than the disease it pretends to prevent.
Vaccinated girls suffered 10x the death rate of unvaccinated children.

Gates and the WHO refused to recall the lethal vaccine which WHO
forces upon millions of African children annually. Global public
health advocates around the world accuse Gates of – hijacking WHO’s
agenda away from the projects that are proven to curb infectious
diseases; clean water, hygiene, nutrition and economic development.
They say he has diverted agency resources to serve his personal fetish
– that good health only comes in a syringe.


In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and
PATH, Gates funds private pharmaceutical companies that manufacture
vaccines, and a massive network of pharmaceutical -industry front
groups that broadcast deceptive propaganda, develop fraudulent
studies, conduct surveillance and psychological operations against
vaccine hesitancy and use Gates’ power and money to silence dissent
and coerce compliance.

In this recent nonstop Pharmedia appearances, Gates appears gleeful
that the Covid-19 crisis will give him the opportunity to force his
third-world vaccine programs on American children.”

Mature Content

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