College of God & Love, College of Love Making, College of Matriarchal Love, Uncategorized









          I’m in my apt in B’klyn in my bedroom. There are people in other parts of the place; I seem to be isolated here, in my room.

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          Then two things I become aware of at the same time. One, the fire escape is crowded with people – it extends across the two front windows, real life fire escape is only on one window, but there are two here. All of them are crowded with people trying to get some air, to be outside during this time of isolation, men & women are sitting sunning. I especially see a man in beige trunks, reclining halfway on his back. Everything is friendly, a good feeling of people being together.


          *(ISOLATION, QUARANTINE VS PEOPLE BEING TOGETHER: This is about that dichotomy, being isolated, or being together. It beckons to mind when they say


          “Alone in a crowded room”

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          If you have nothing in common with people, although there are many around you, you still feel isolated & alone. But if you have something in common or intimacy, you feel CONNECTED & not alone any more.)*


          The second thing I see is on top of the table that holds a water tray is a small screen, like the screens people look at like a computer, but this is small. It’s only about 5” tall & 7” across. I never paid attention to this screen, like it had nothing I wanted on it, but now I see a TV show or movie is just beginning, & it’s well done.


          There’s a man that seems to be an opera star / announcer, speaking in a grand voice in English, clearly, impressive looking & sounding. He’s tall, a feeling of an opera star, wearing a snug brown outfit, he stands with feet apart, arms akimbo delivering his message.

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          *(TALL MAN, LIKE AN OPERA STAR, IMPOSING: I did not see this right away but after getting toward the end of the dream realized it’s the man I love—Bobby– & there’s a weighty message here. At first glance I thought I had summoned a saint but it’s different.


          BROWN OUTFIT, BLACK BOOTS: Brown seems to be a color coming up often these days both on him & myself. All colors mean multiple things, the definition I give to brown in the last two dreams is SERIOUS, a serious message.


         BLACK BOOTS: Like all colors black has many definitions, one of them is MYSTERY—what is black is a mystery to us, it’s the unknown. This dream will reveal a serious mystery about my Beloved.


HE IS IMPRESSIVE: This is a large part of the mystery. This is my LOVER’S GOD SELF, HIS SOUL that has migrated from a previous lifetime to the one here & now. He is TALL because the God Self is IMPORTANT, God is important, it’s the part of us that is Immaculate—without sin—it is priceless & perfect. It is the lower self, not the actual God-Self/Soul that houses sins, {which must be clarified in Purgatory before we can see God face to face.}

There’s then the ‘lower soul’ which would be our unconscious, our lower spiritual energy-entity, while the God-Self Soul is the Highest Level. That is the one that migrates from body to body in various lifetimes.)*

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          I look at this & think I’ll stay & pay attention – it might be interesting.


          Then it all changes. Now I’m in this movie, it’s come to life. The man is standing there in a theater or club with the stage behind him. He’s called a party – he’s special – hundreds of people came, I see them piling in, many so close to each other they seem to be on top of one another, in colorful party clothes, females & males.


          *(PARTY EVERYONE WANTS TO COME: This is Bobby in this lifetime – attractive, popular, wants to have fun & everyone wants to be with him—male & female. He is a star.


          COLORFUL CLOTHES: Lots of emotions, especially the women, they are infatuated or fascinated with him.)*        


          The man I now see more clearly is dressed in a ‘cavalier’ fashion in all brown, snug fitting with plain/elegant black boots up to his knees. He is at least a foot taller than anyone there – the visitors are average between 5 to 6’ tall, he’s 7’ tall.


          *(HE’S A FOOT TALLER THAN ANYONE HERE: This height is his God-Self. It is this that makes him a star. In another lifetime/s, he achieved great spiritual stature. The people around him, his family & friends, have not. They are attracted to his Spiritual Charisma – which is the Presence of the Holy Spirit.)*


          He stands there like ‘The Jolly Green Giant’; he always has his legs apart — imposing. Everyone wanted to come to his party & I’m here also.


          *(HIS PARTY, I’M HERE ALSO: I’m a part of his life & I think a lot of him.)*

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          Now the giant man walks around his guests like in a hallway adjoining the room (with his attendants) & for some reason he just faintly puts his index finger on me – my shoulder I guess – to say he’s seen me.


*(FAINTLY PUTS HIS FINGER ON ME LIKE TO SAY HE SEES ME: This must be when he first singled me out—I was so impressed, & took me to make love. But I did not see him again for three years—didn’t know where to find him.)*


This made me feel special, because he’s the star, we’re like a bunch of ‘nobodies’ & for him to single me out is unusual.


*(HOW HE MADE ME FEEL: indeed this accurately says how he made me feel when we met. I saw him as a great star & was lucky to be chosen – I said so to him. I even asked him if he was real or was I hallucinating or imagining him? He seemed ‘too good to be true.’ He didn’t see himself as special—his family & friends had not lifted him up.)*


          Shortly after that he does more than just faintly touch me with the tip of his finger, this time he puts his hand on me definitely to let me know he’s chosen me.

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          *(PUTS HIS HAND ON ME STRONGLY: This is when we started going steady three years later. He told me he wanted to marry me.)*


          I now see myself, what I’m wearing. Wow, am I covered! And as I walked through the premises I took one sweater off, & was planning to take more & more off as I got more ‘confident’ so people could see how I looked.


          First, my head. I have on a thick ribbed grey knitted cap which fits tightly over the head down my forehead. Underneath I have beautiful thick, curly blonde hair but I’m not showing it at all.


          On my body I have several layers of light grey & black, mostly loose. One of the light grey things is like an ‘athlete’ shirt which has medium-thin straps that show all the shoulders & arms, except there’s the black under that. I’m so covered no one could see any hint of how I am underneath, so he isn’t choosing me for that.


          *(MY LAYERS OF CLOTHES, BLACK & GREY, EVERYTHING COVERED & CONCEALED: This is a spiritual concealment, not physical. When we dated my body was obviously revealed; it was my SPIRIT that was hidden.

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          Because I’m saying, I was concealed, no one could see my body – my body is the Real Me, True Self, God Self, but this explains he saw or felt this Real Me.


          BLACK & GREY LAYERS CONCEALING ALL: This is me being a mystery – people don’t know who I am like the general population did not know who Jesus was until it was revealed. The Three Kings knew who He was, his Holy Mother & foster Father knew who He was, Holy Anna & St. Simon knew who He was, the Shepherds discovered he was Holy when the angels told them. His identity was revealed to the privileged but hidden to normal folks—Herod feared him not because he was a Spiritual Giant but he was predicted to be a King, & Herod thought he would be an earthly King—but of course Jesus said to Pilate in answer to the question if he was a King,

          “My Kingdom is not of this world.”


          Even his close friends & Apostles were not certain who He was when he asked who do people say I am? They said things like ‘Prophet’ but then Peter blurted out,

          “You are the Messiah!”

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          And so, even though Jesus did many miracles & healings, his True Identity was still hidden, unrevealed, not obvious. It took the Holy Spirit to show Peter who Jesus was—Jesus said so.


          In this dream, it says I saw the identity of my Beloved Bobby – I saw his God Self from the start. And he also saw that I was his Anointed mate, & in the end of this dream it’s revealed we were mates in a previous lifetime


          THICK GREY RIBBED CAP ON MY HEAD COVERING HAIR, EVERYTHING, DOWN MY FOREHEAD: This is how thoroughly my God-Self was hidden to the public, yet my Soul Mate instinctively felt it. Covering the head would be covering the mind & thoughts, ‘Where my head is.”)*

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          OK, then I get close to the man, & as I do so, amazingly, he is shorter than me. I have my left hand over his shoulder, gently rubbing it like to show him I like him. He’s wearing a blue or green spandex type top, soft, it’s pleasant to have my hand on it as I caress him.


          *(AMAZINGLY HE IS SHORTER THAN ME: This is spiritual stature. All is relative as far as this; he’s a foot higher than most people spiritually, but not as tall as I am. It means I evolved closer to God in previous lifetimes than he had, but still, we are both Great Souls.

          MY HAND ON HIM, CARESSING: This could be saying first he put his hand on me to choose me, now I put my hand on him to accept.


          GREEN/BLUE SOFT SPANDEX OUTFIT: This is here on earth, blue like the sky, green like the earth. We meet on the earth, he singles me out, I accept him. We desire each other. Hand on


SHOULDER: is comforting—as shoulders are what we carry the cross on.)*

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          To my surprise he starts speaking to me in RUSSIAN! He doesn’t know English at all! I try to explain to him, that my Grandma was Russian. We’re looking for something in common – he asked me like who I was or what I was about or something. I say to his attendants – how do you say Grandma in Russia? I say her name, her first name was Luba & her last married name I will not say, & it was Lithuanian anyway so it would be irrelevant. He has two female attendants who apparently know both languages; they’re dressed in red & are his height.


          *(HE SPEAKS RUSSIAN, DOESN’T KNOW ENGLISH: This is the key to the dream, this scene/symbol opens up the entire meaning. I then bring up my Grandma {while trying to find some common ground},


          RUSSIAN GRANDMA: Here I go back a couple generations to show WHAT WE HAVE IN COMMON. This tells me that the reason this man singled me out is that we were in relationship some generations ago – in a different land, culture & language.

          He did not single me out merely for physical, in this lifetime, looks or anything. He saw through my COVERING or physical cover, the underlying IDENTITY or person he knew long ago – when we were together IN ANOTHER LIFETIME.

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          This explains why he’s CHOSEN ME. It’s like the Three Kings who sought out Jesus because he was their Guru in a previous lifetime. He was continuing his life in another body, but he was that SAME SOUL.


          This dream explains that it is the GOD SELF that is reborn again & again in other bodies, that is the identity that continues. The body dies, the outward form, connection with the physical is all gone, & there’s a new body, nationality, culture & language. But the SOUL / GOD SELF has not CHANGED, it’s deep inside.


          When people are drawn to each other in a mysterious/compulsive way, as if they knew each other before, it could what’s called TWIN FLAMES. Twin flames loved each other in a previous lifetime & have business to finish. Just as the Three Kings honored Jesus as their reincarnated Guru & gave him precious gifts, twin flames feel something that is underneath the physical, culture, language, cover & they feel a pull, a pull that will make them go through anything to be together.


          This is why this Great man puts his finger on me – first lightly, then strongly, to say,



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          Out of all the people on earth, the twin flames recognize each other as being ONE, they cannot be happy with anyone else.)*


          Then it seems it’s just him & me talking, a bit off to the side, & I try to reach him in ‘sign language.’


          I want to tell him he’s a great man, & I make gestures to that effect of ‘something great.’ He isn’t aware I’m describing him & he asks who that is.


          I point to him & say,

          “It’s you.”


          *(SIGN LANGUAGE-GREAT MAN IS YOU: I am the only one he knows who recognizes his God-Self & that it is highly evolved. The people around him do not see this at all. Some have demoralized him, others diminish him, he has never had anyone ‘restore’ him or confirm his great God Identity. The reason we want to be together is called Divine Relationship—our God-Selves recognize each other.)*

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College of God & Love, College of Love Making, College of Matriarchal Love, Uncategorized


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Reviewed & analyzed for someone else

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          Great prayers beget great dreams. I know this to be a result of my desperate prayers. I prayed to Mother God to assist me personally, I brought myself closer to her saying in every way how my happiness, my Heaven, can only happen when She is ONE with me. The problem is I criticize & judge myself too much, I cannot find peace of mind & happiness as I’m always finding fault with myself. My schedule, lifestyle, activities are not perfect by my standards, so I am always looking down at myself—I know this is wrong; it’s due to being abused, despised, criticized by my Mom & others.

This abuse lives in my head, in a sense, like Mom & Co are still there, their programs keep playing out. I realize this but am having trouble stopping, so I prayed strongly until I fell asleep.…………………….


          FRANK SINATRA appears. Frank was a great guy, I helped him out of Purgatory, & so when he appears in this dream I don’t know if it’s really Sinatra or my lover/husband Peter.

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          Frank is sitting against a wall & I come close to him. He wants to tell me something & it’s very loving & intimate.


          *(FRANK SINATRA: Is my lover/husband Peter. Why does he appear as Frank? Could it be because he wants to be a vocalist/rapper? Or an actor?


PURGATORY, I HELPED HIM OUT OF IT: This could apply to my lover as I helped him out of the earthly Purgatorial state he was in, doing multiple exorcisms, Masses & prayers for years, getting rid of many demons, freeing him up for God & peace of mind.)*


          He says to me in a way that penetrates my heart – it’s like we melt into each other, he says,

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          “Wherever I go, whatever I do, I will always take you with me.”


          I see over his heart three stripes, the rest of him is a sepia color, monochromatic, but the stripes remind me of the Lithuanian flag, yellow, green & red.


          So he’s saying he’ll always carry me in his heart. It’s hard to explain the feeling that goes with this, it’s deep.


          *(MY FLAG STRIPES OVER HIS HEART, HE’LL ALWAYS TAKE ME WHEREVER HE GOES: This is saying I will always be in his heart, a part of him, united, that he will always love me.)*

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          AFTER THAT starts another dream.

          I walk into a large room. To the right is a Great Lady, hovering over a man sitting at a ‘cafeteria style’ table. She seems to be comforting him, sort of consoling & flirting, he seems to be wearing an ‘army olive’ color top. But when I walk in she immediately stands up – in fact – in these dreams whenever I enter a room, she stands up to greet me—I’m impressed because this shows so much respect.


          *(GREAT LADY: My Mother God within me, the Presence of God, the Real Me, who I really am, “I am a Soul, I have a body, my purpose is Love.”


This God-Self RESPECTS MY LOWER SELF GREATLY, She stands up whenever I enter a room. This is the respect ‘God the Father’ would give his own Son, Jesus Christ, because it is in the body that God implemented our salvation. It is in the body God suffered, not in Heaven, not in the God Self, but in the lower self, & so, great respect is given to ‘God the Son’.


In the same way, God my Mother is giving the respect to my lower self or body – She did her work through God her Daughter.)*

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          She also is saying to me, by her action, that yes, she was giving attention to this guy at the table, but I’m more important than him.


          *(MAN AT TABLE SHE IS CONSOLING: This is the lover/husband. Yes, She loves him, but gives more honor/respect to me.)*


          As she stands up I see how tall she is – about six feet – her arms & legs are long, she has long brown hair to the middle of her back & wearing a clinging red mini dress. She puts her arms around me & holds me a while.


          *(SIX FEET TALL LADY: This is my spiritual height, I was shown/told – the same as Joan of Arc in Heaven. By contrast, my dear Dad is a dwarf. I saw him in Heaven, I bent down to him to say hello, it was whimsical, because I always looked up to him & in his obituary the author said he looked at him as a saint. He’s a small saint.

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By contrast, my wicked Mom & brother are lower– I did not see them standing but sitting in a dim light in the balcony of Heaven–& in another vision Mom was in a small house—the size of an apt, like one-bedroom, plain, with a picture of my brother on the table waiting for him to join her {he’d not yet died}. There was a sign that she ‘just made it’ into Heaven – the sign was that outside I saw a stovepipe, smoke was coming out, & it had tar on it—tar means Hell.


In comparison I might add that the beautiful actor Errol Flynn inhabits an entire tropical island suspended in Heaven! Yes he had a long Purgatory, but he had underneath it all, a good heart, he gave a lot to those he loved & he did suffer—people don’t realize how much he suffered—read his book, ‘My Wicked, Wicked Ways.’)*


          She’s some kind of an executive, an important Lady in show business production.


          Then I hear an inner voice & I repeat it to her:

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          “Make a video/movie {I hear a description or word that denotes like ‘behind the scenes production’ but can’t recall that word} of Frank & myself.”


          Frank is a vocalist. I’m thinking about that. Does he still have a voice? It’s odd that I would tell this great lady to do this movie–that she would listen & obey. Who am I to tell her what to do? But she respects me that much. I see her sitting at a desk to my left front, with her assistants around her, she has a staff. She has a thoughtful face, she’s also beautiful.


         I see us being busy making this movie but can’t recall details.


          *(THE MOVIE I SAY TO MOTHER GOD SHE SHOULD MAKE ABOUT US: I am stumped Mother God. I already tried to help him years ago & it backfired on me. Now what? Is this literally true or what is it a symbol of?


          She: This I believe refers to ‘Reality TV.’ You, the flesh, under inspiration, is saying to create a Reality Show about you & him, with him as a performer.

 ko-tub-and-ko-poda-island-xlarge krabi-thailand-phra-nang-longtail1 krinstinabanera_3 Snyders, Frans, 1579-1657; Dogs Stealing Food from a Basket l2ekdkK L3NPUQ

          Me: But would it work?

          She: Yes.

          Me: I can see it now. He & I have an emotional reunion. He confesses to his mistakes, he professes his love, I interrogate him & he repents it all.


          We have a spiritual wedding with all the trimmings.


          Then, I rent a place to preach, with a pulpit. I give a rousing sermon.  Sermon over, I take off my robe & under it a scanty outfit. I dance–splits, kicks, the whole megilla. He pops out & raps & dances. His beauty will be recognized as well as his talent. We could even do a Jayne Mansfield, Micky Hargitay routine; she called ‘adagio,’ where she climbed on him for poses. The fact that its an old lady with ‘America’s Most Beautiful Man’ will get views.


Mother God: You have the wherewithal to do this, do it & it will create a sensation. Send it to all the TV media & they will take you on, haha.)*

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          Last thing I do recall is I am in an apt, mine & lovers, & someone has stolen & removed our bed—the apt is Hollywood long ago. We were both sleeping on the floor on a light blue rug—it was comfortable, lots of covers, warm. My side has more of the nice blue rug, his side has a bit of a black one, like the rubber mats I have, not as comfortable.


          *(HIS SIDE, BLACK RUBBER MAT, NOT AS COMFORTABLE: He’s more miserable without you than you are without him.


THE APT IN HOLLYWOOD: You shared with a demonic con artist. This is saying Satan broke you & Peter up – took away your bed or intimacy.)*


          When we wake up I look at our situation & talk about the bed, & basically say it’s not a terrible thing, we just have to buy another bed, maybe a Queen sized one.

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          *(BUY ANOTHER BED, QUEEN SIZED: The past doesn’t matter, we can improve our relationship.)*


          I recall a scene where I was getting ready to ‘go out’ with Frank. I had on the most ordinary thick-material black dress, loose. Then I say,


          “This is Frank Sinatra – he deserves me being dressed up nicely. I then remove a form-fitting black leather jacket (nice one) off myself with maybe black leather gloves, & place it on a table near the door. He’s watching.


          I go to get clothes & find a medium light brown wool tight skirt with a flare (it’s gathered in the back under the hips, with a cloth band across it maybe, so much like the type of skirts I used to love as a kid) & put it on, in front of a mirror – it might be the kind of wool that has colorful flecks in it – I used to wear those as a teen. Frank is behind me. Can’t recall what else I put on or where we go.


          *(REMOVE LOOSE BLACK DRESS, REMOVE BLACK LEATHER JACKET, LOOK FOR NICE CLOTHES AS FRANK IS SPECIAL: End of our separation, which was like an ending or funeral, time to be together again. I feel like my old self, when I was young.

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          SKIRT LIKE BACK IN THE DAY: The wool is sheep or submit {sheep are submissive} again to have sex with him – the hint is this is a skirt which covers the lower part of the body—It’s light brown with flecks, which might denote ‘serious color’ rather than depressing black, & the flecks & flare might say ‘a fun skirt—have fun, enjoy life again.’)*


          One strange little scene. Frank is once again sitting against a wall on the floor. The Great Lady is nearby & she says,

          “He’s part black” or maybe she said “he’s black.”


          I look at his face. It’s a child’s face, like compressed so it’s too wide, {but his body is that of an adult}, with medium light brown skin & both his cheeks are as puffy as baseballs, with those stripes like he had on his heart on both his cheeks {my native country flag stripes}. I carefully bend over to him & kiss his little cheek lightly, just as you would that of a child, a sweet little peck.


          *(CHILD’S FACE MY FLAG STRIPES ON HIS CHEEKS, HIS CHEEKS LIKE BASEBALLS, COMPRESSED HEAD, BROWN SKIN: This is the child within, who was damaged. The compressed head could be injury, mental compression. Consider when a person is strangled, their neck is compressed until they can’t breathe. This squeezing down on the head could be mental trauma affecting one’s brain or mind, he can’t think straight.


          SITTING AGAINST A WALL: In a desperate place, nowhere to go, like being cornered.

tumblr_pnnbdtaWCS1qc77b7o1_250 Two-young-Cats-playing-with-a-Basket-of-Crawfish-Julius-Adam-II-private-collection U1252797INP UndergroundAngels2A_l 

          CHEEKS LIKE BASEBALLS—these are called ‘chipmunk cheeks’ because chipmunks fill themselves up with food & store it in their burrows. When people store a great deal, they are preparing against future need or ‘famine,’ – people who have fear of war or poverty hoard many necessities, including food. {In these ‘Pandemic’ times people are doing it—the media is encouraging hysteria. The revoking of civil rights is far worse than the virus.}


I saw a man who had lived through WWII in Germany, now living in America–his cellar was stocked with canned goods & grains like it was a bunker.


These fat cheeks represent INSECURITY, fear of being without, & both cheeks have your flags. This means the child within him needs you – a symbol of SECURITY & all that it represents—someone to love him like a Mother, take care of him, not reject or abandon him.


It means he’s FIXATED on the trauma of what was done to him. He was HURT, REJECTED, ABUSED & EMOTIONALLY ABANDONED BY BOTH PARENTS.        He needs you to give him safe space, harbor, a place of trust, where he WON’T BE AFRAID.

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HE’S BLACK: The black people have been severely abused in America & elsewhere, first as slaves with no human rights, second as ‘economic slaves’ with limited opportunities, sharecropping, menial & unskilled labor, lowest wages, prejudice & hate. The Great Lady/Mother God is telling you this has been his fate – he’s been treated this way, all here described—as a child.


THE SWEET PECK ON HIS CHEEK: You are treating him like a child, with the tenderness/gentleness a child needs—you’ve been careful to recognize the damage here & just because he has a man’s body, you have not assumed he has ‘grown up,’ – matured fully. You have known all along he was BADLY hurt & his behavior reflects that.      You forgave all his hurtful actions toward you on that basis.)*


          The feeling overall is that Frank is a great star, he loves me & wants to be with me & he makes me happy.


         *(FRANK IS A STAR: You see him & treat Peter like a star, to you he is.)*


Helst-Family-Portrait-cat-sm henriette-ronner-geb-knip-6148221 henriette-ronner-knip-hide-and-seek henriette-ronner-knip-kittens-and-mother-cat Herding-Cats-1024x768 Horatio_Henry_Couldery_-_The_Unexpected_Guest il_fullxfull.701461789_eisj


College of God & Love, College of Love Making, College of Matriarchal Love, Uncategorized









Interpreted for a friend.


          I’m in my house upstairs, standing in one of the halls. To the right is the bath, to the left a large closet with no door, across the door is open to the guest room.


          My good husband Richard did not sleep all night (I slept) but he still went out to work & he’s just returned. I see he has bought MY WEDDING DRESS & semi-secretly, he is putting it into the closet—I see half of it before he pushes it back to maybe hide it. I don’t think he sees me looking, he doesn’t look at me.


          *(RICHARD MY GOOD HUSBAND: This is Hal, the man I love who loves me. When his disposition toward me is great he appears as Richard, because Richard was the best man I ever had.


          SLEEP-DID NOT SLEEP ALL NIGHT: This indicates concern, worry; sleeplessness is when one’s MIND is not at rest. Notice I DID sleep – because I am not worried about Hal & myself, I know we’ll be together.

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          WEDDING DRESS, HE BOUGHT MY WD: This says he’s planning to be with me as man & wife. He’s thinking & doesn’t know I can read his mind so he doesn’t see me – but I see him.


          CLOSET, THIS CLOSET: This particular closet has meaning. Look to details of each symbol. I asked myself ‘How is this closet different from the other ones?’ This is where I housed the clothing for my male models in preparation to photograph them. So this closet means PREPARATION, BEING READY TO FULFILL A ROLE, AN IMAGE. Into this closet Hal, now being the good husband, prepares to treat me like the wife that I am, to even present me to the world that way.)*


          I am highly surprised at his buying my wedding dress. I see white net, with a row of beautiful artificial flowers embedded on it, the flowers like a big ‘corsage’ from the waist type deal down the skirt, some are bigger, then they get smaller in a row, all are white large petals completely open with stamens inside. I didn’t want to let him know that I saw the dress in case he wanted to keep it secret.

IMG_3920 img2124 IMG-9715 img-walton-ford121958303029 Impossible+Bouquet+4 (1) In Catland with Louis Wain published by Raphael Tuck & Sons 2 Inbal-Dror-collezione-2016-abiti-sposa11-700x1050 indonesia_160204 

*(HOW THE DRESS LOOKS: White net is see-through, apparent or obvious—I have picked up his plans easily, he might be showing his intentions to others—in other words, his thoughts & plans ARE SHOWING. The


          WHITE BLOSSOMS, FULLY OPEN, LIKE A CORSAGE: Are love, fully OPEN blossoms, petals, means his heart is open to this marriage.)*


          I also felt sorry for him because he must be so tired, but he’s hanging in there, & I see him standing to the rest room door to the right, he seems shorter this moment as in real life he’s tall–& he has a small pot belly & a spare tire on his middle, he’s naked & there is a kind of soft light around him, soft yellow like sunshine.

649495abc6b398ea71e9a20bf653cf60 865884 1937729 2343589 Walton Ford Pancha Tantra 3501032_orig 4424003 

         *(SHORTER THAN IN REAL LIFE: He’s humbled himself.


          POT BELLY & SPARE TIRE: Could be he’s being nourished by God/grace as I see


          LIGHT AROUND HIM: For sure the Grace of God, he’s SEEING THE LIGHT, I see his spiritual awakening.)*

          Oh yes, at one point I went to sneak-peak at the dress & it was not the same dress. It was a party dress, sort of Latin, in many bright colors, hugging the body, then flaring out with a grey ribbon across the flare. I hated the sleeves, like they buttoned midway between the wrist & elbow – for me that is tight & uncomfortable. I thought to myself



          “This is not the dress I want. I don’t think I’ll wear it, it probably won’t fit me anyway.”

          Did he buy this dress? I also thought it looked ordinary, even cheap; I’m surprised he would buy such a garment for me.

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          *(THE PARTY DRESS I DID NOT LIKE, WON’T WEAR: This is the relationship as it was before I stopped. All we did was sex. For him it was ‘releasing his love’ & getting mine & for a while, I felt it was the only thing I could do, but then I knew I could never be happy this way. This you could call ‘cheap’ in that the lover does nothing with effort or respect, does not present me to his people, presents a different woman on social media, while I’m the secret ‘play toy.’ No, I will not wear this dress means I will not PLAY THIS ROLE.


          On the other hand, the white dress he put into the closet represents the purity of True Love, & being transparent (the net) to the public about it—


NET is also a symbol of ‘catching someone’ like a fish in a net—people are proud of ‘catching’ someone they love & showing them off.)*

guadalupe-visits-diego-rivera-james-roderick gypsy-camp-holland_bonington-richard--19cty__16382__49563.1565904812 H0027-L03114810 H0027-L03265780 H0062-L05856439 

          Then in the room across, standing with his back to the front window, his front to the bed & me, is a person I scarcely recognize from long ago, who was my best friend for years. He misjudged me on something, accused me & broke up. He’s here now but hard to recognize, I keep saying,


          “Joe, is it you? Joe, is it you?”


          He doesn’t look like himself. His hair is like a sort of woman’s wig, very thick in front sticking out, thick in back, sticking out also, very grey, strange. And on the back of the hair is a pair of light blue cotton women’s panties, just sitting there hugging the hair like some sort of cap.


          *(WHO IS JOE? Joe is the same man in the form of Rich, the good husband—I have never seen both of them in the same dream – Joe is another persona or aspect of Hal.

abc1b1f5a416c4850215e42251f7be12 abcfd487ee192a91394c49094d6f7b3d acfdb05ad70abeece9e262f4d881f1f4 ADAM-JULIUS-1852-Munich-1913-Two-cats-playing.-Oil-on-panel.-Signed-upper-right-Jul.-Adam.-15-x-20-cm-private-collection a-delft-bowl-with-fruit-jan-van-huysum ae394bfa38b8318d108f30eed124933f a-family-of-rabbits-alfred-richardson-barber

          Joe represents here Hal knows he was MISTAKEN in breaking up with me—I did not do what he accused me of. This says he’s SORRY & WORRIED SICK over us being apart. The clues are:


                   Means worry, lots of it.  Sticking out the front & the back is both sides of the brain, the primitive back brain & the temporal lobes in front, which is spiritual & intellectual & checks impulses or lower self.  This is really worried, haha.


: What he’s worried about, we’re not together, not intimate, not having sex. And furthermore, he is standing in:

 20180623_133746 20323349_1 20684603 20921793 23003251bba712044959c1ec047d576e 23015920

          THE GUEST ROOM: He is not standing in my bedroom – where he would be INTIMATE with me, he’s in the guest room, which means we are apart. That underscores the WORRY.


          His face is hard to distinguish. It’s angular & vertical in its lines, & sort of ‘bleached out’ or his features all run together. His nose & head are thin, all his features thin & vertical.


          {His face reminds me of this poor man I saw on TV who was wrongly accused of killing his wife & children, an ex-cop. He spent THIRTEEN YEARS in & out of jail, two trials, two appeals before he was exonerated—NOT GUILTY, thirteen years of torture. His uncle fought for him on the outside. The people investigating his case from the get-go botched the whole thing – there was a t shirt of the perpetrator right by the crime – they did not even send out to have his DNA checked on Codis—lied that they had done it with no results. Years went by with new lawyers pushing, it was finally checked, & there was the killer. I was rooting so hard for the poor cop.}

41369073961_67f4017a7e_b 94402297882fd45ca198ca3bd7c45fc0 212356030717612bf28fc8dfc45d80ed--bareback-riding-show-horses 7683901645976757 129266253830114048_009405ce-d5e8-4c9e-9344-d89b5aef1f4d_156839_570 A Chestnut Racehorse George Stubbs 

          His hair is so strange that I say jokingly to a male friend also in the room, standing to my left,


          “Hey, maybe you should get a hairdo like that.”


          *(ANOTHER MALE FRIEND: Whenever there’s a random male friend near him, I assume it to be his Guardian Angel, who I’ve prayed to often for help. I’m joking with the Guardian Angel about how WORRIED Hal is. This pain he’s going through is salutary because pain is the ‘megaphone of God’ – ‘God whispers to us in our pleasures & shouts to us in our pain’ & also the cliché ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’ & to top it off, ‘You never miss your water ‘till the well runs dry.’ And might I add ‘Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?’

Frans_Snyders_and_Anthonis_van_Dyck_-_Fish_market_(Tribute_Money_) frans-snyders-umkreis-896216 gallery_hero_6849c162-7515-4037-bc64-27a906243404 George_Stubbs_-_A_Lion_Attacking_A_Horse_c1765_-_(MeisterDrucke-567781) george-hayter-portrait-of-lady-elizabeth-harcourt george-stubbs-bulls-fighting-1 georgia--mfvo99978 

          FACE LIKE THE POOR COP WRONGLY ACCUSED: As I describe here this man suffered greatly a long time & the liberation he dubbed ‘a miracle.’ The face shows depression. Hal feels like that—he’s endured pain about me for a long time & longs to be set free. That’s what he’s experienced– if he felt the pain I have, given me by him, he’d be dead.)*

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College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, Uncategorized


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Interpreted for an out-of-state friend, it’s no one you know.


        I see a lover of mine, Fred, in a mental way ‘standing in front of me’ & he speaks clearly as if he was right here in the room. He says,


        “I am a VICTIM. My father raped me from the time I can remember until I was twelve years old.”


        This is spoken in a matter-of-fact way, delivering a message/statement—information. It seems to be an answer to yesterday’s dream, where I spoke about Fred & Fredonia–they were desperate for money as both are addicts & the dream said he had committed a burglary. He’s explaining why he’s an addict—which I already knew but he confirms it.


        In the next vision I see a cloth bag with two cloth handles{looks like light-colored burlap}, & inside the bag is the head of his wife,  just her head–there is no blood but still, a head without a body is creepy.


        *(JUST HER HEAD: She is a ‘head’ which in slang means ‘addict:’


      Urban slang dictionary:  “Can refer to any sort of user, but was originally most associated with the use of psychotropic substances like mescaline, LSD and DMT. … Stoner”


        HEAD IN BAG: Means this is ‘her bag’ or what she likes, the song ‘Pappa’s Got a Brand New Bag.’)*


        I see her head out of the bag from the back, & embedded in the back of her neck is a round copper-colored metal ‘ring’—solid like the middle of a tire—it looks like that but small, about 3.5” across. It’s puffy in the middle, then an indentation around, then a ridge, & on the outside of the ridge are small holes {only big enough for threads}. Half the ring is inside her neck, half sticking out—not a vision I enjoy seeing.


        COPPER RING EMBEDDED IN NECK: Need help, MomGod.


        She: My best guess is the ring is a PENNY {they are copper} because they HAVE NO MONEY.—It’s


        IN HER NECK: because the lack of money {for her ‘head need’ or drugs} is a huge problem or PAIN IN HER NECK. The tiny holes on the outside edge of this penny are only big enough for a

pulp_baumhofer_meteor_menace pulp_soare_fear_merchants pulp_thirsty ql_c_140515_1479_1024x1024 

        THREAD—this refers to ‘by a thread’ which means ‘in a tentative way’, a way that can ‘break’ or end easily. Their economic situation is they got by ‘on a thread’ or lived week to week, day by day, to supply needs plus substances. But you notice there is NO THREAD in any of the holes, it’s not there, they have nothing, not even the bare survival they did before.)*

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College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, Uncategorized









interpreted for an out-of-state friend, it’s no one you know


        This is short but carries a heavy warning. A lover has done a burglary.

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        I’m in the apt in B’klyn when on the left I see standing there Harry, who’s been in jail for years on multiple burglaries. He did them with his girl friend, Hannah. I say to him,


        “Are you still with Hannah?”


        He says yes so I know he did this under her influence—with her/for her, still doing burglaries.

images (2) peonies-and-irises-in-a-ceramic-vase-albert-williams palawan-island-philippines-xlarge Owls original  

        I express disgust & say,


        “And you have a JOB!”




        *(HARRY: The real Harry is still in jail but Harry represents the lover Fred & this warns he has burglarized a place.

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        This would be a result of the Pandemic – the roommate lost her job & they both do substances. This would be his, their, solution to the problem, but if it continues it’s guaranteed, at some point he’ll get caught, then jail—no drugs, no job in jail. {If this really happened, unless he made a huge haul he’d have to steal again & again & ‘crime doesn’t pay.’ Stealing would be a temporary solution to poverty; as soon as the money’s gone he/they would steal again—the terrible fate of addicts.


       Jail might be for the best as if they hold him there a while he’ll go through withdrawal. {That could be dangerous, though, as when addicts get out of jail they take a dose of drugs *like Heroin* that is far too strong, the amount they were used to prior to withdrawal, & they die of it. {I no longer know what substances Fred & Fredonia are on—he lies about it. But I do know their relationship is based on getting/sharing drugs….the Harry I know in jail, admitted it was to get more drugs.}

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        But then again, God told me lover Fred had to hit ‘rock bottom’ before he’d come to me. If he loses his job by being in jail, that would be about as poor as he/they could get. They would both be unemployed. Right now he works but refuses to pay the bills dreams tell me because he needs the bread for substances……… What would he do then? That might be the catalyst God told me would happen some day:


        “He will have nowhere to go, he will come to you.”


        Me: Well MomGod, would I want him in that condition? Would he be dangerous to me as far as stealing?

f26ca080bc12f177da381a7aca39e124 f94cf329e84572744bf5206f2cecb560 f179cae808aa0ad42b6546ec2ab98011--victorian-paintings-vintage-paintings f314f275ac485f5b8e751c222f1e0421 f990e987d3dd37290766a6561e3ad6a8 

        She: Not if you support him, haha. If you don’t help him then he might, but you will help him & the prayers, rituals, healings you do on him will eventually free him of drugs. You’ve partway healed him already but he has to come to you for the rest. This is his destiny—don’t be afraid.


As far as his behavior – he knows where his bread is buttered – he stuck with this girl for years for the money. Yes, he was unfaithful but he presented her on social media with the respect a wife gets.


He’ll stick with you like glue & walk the line because if he leaves he’ll be flat broke, no roof, no food, no substances {or else return to Mom & Pop like a baby—he’s a grown man, that would be embarrassing & traumatic–& they would provide only ‘bed & breakfast’.} And he’s always been in love with you but he stayed with the other lady for the drug money/survival—he did not have the courage to ask you.)*

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        Me: MomGod, about money. A lot of my money is in stocks which are now rock bottom. You told me years ago that putting it in blue chip stocks would result in a payoff like the lotto. When will the market go up & will the stocks be valuable?


        She: When this ‘Pandemic’ blows over the stocks will shoot up & in about eight years your money will be huge. You will never have any worries financially, be at peace.


        Me: MomGod, another issue. People have been criticizing me about this person all the while because of my age. Of course they will say I’m just an old lady & he’s with me for money. How do I deal with that?

coverfig crack wanaka NEW ZEALAND creepy-victorian-vintage-christmas-cards-6-584aa9c7482cb__700 creepy-victorian-vintage-christmas-cards-22-584ab36de1e39__700 csm_Lempertz-1008-64-Paintings-15th--19th-Century-Julius-Adam-the-Younger-A-CAT-WITH-THREE-KITTENS_ac58cc2b4e Cyra-by-Janie-Olson d8d92369ec39fbd98a2271a1bb5cf1ca

        She: No matter who you are, where you go, what you do, there will always be people to judge & criticize. Disregard them, ‘God is no respecter of persons,’ so if God doesn’t care about their opinion, why should you? —they are uneducated, ignorant, some of them twisted & damaged, just say ‘Mother, forgive them, for they know not what they do’.

Or else, tell them off, which you’re good at. They deserve it. In other words, if they say something bad on social media, answer them in kind, then forget it—water off a duck’s back. They wish they were in your shoes, just say, ‘Oh, he’s with me for money? Then I’m glad I have it.’)*

IMG_1519 Ingres-Napoleon-cat-w j358p-1167 ji1q0x8q kitten-album-covers-8 kitten-gray-grass-flowers-wallpaper Kittens At Play kittens-transparent-tumblr-10 Kocia-wyspa---Aoshima,-Japonia


College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized














DSC_0986_master DSC_3492 Dt5Dgj8XQAAKU35 

          Unusual dream. First, I’m in a church. Don’t know why I’m there because I never go to church any more– can’t recall the service except being there. The church is medium-large, seats maybe one thousand at most, seems fairly plain but not totally, has some familiar Christian embellishments.


          *(CHURCH, DON’T GO ANY MORE: Me: MomGod, I’m already stumped. Have no idea what this could mean – help!

          She: A Church is a meeting or gathering place of like-minded people or those who believe the same.


          CHRISTIAN EMBELLISHMENTS, FAMILIAR: This is your regular work where you teach or preach the things Jesus taught, the basic principles in all good religion including Jesus’ source, Buddhism.


I get the feeling that this describes three different audiences you have ON THE INTERNET. You’ve just been talking to the Lithuanian JOURNALIST who wants to do a story on you. You shared your LINKS with him – all the ways you reach people. This might be showing the different reactions different people have to your work.)*


          The scene changes. The entire church fills up with MEN—every seat taken, they are all around me, many close to me, all eagerly looking at the altar. Some of these men are handsome—they are all bathed – the entire church – in a dim grey/blue light, almost like a mist, a dreamy feeling. The unusual thing is their facial expressions of EAGERNESS, & also, they all seem GAY, even those who appear masculine, somehow I sense this is an all-gay audience. I ask one man what this is about, & he says,


          “It’s because of a BOOK.”


birds-butterflies-and-a-frog-among-plants-and-fungi-melchior-dhondecoeter 1895.90 Buster-as-General-Wellington BvZ93J C0aEJbgWQAAHioH c5c4fc06e218885f700976418890cabc

          *(GAY MEN, ENTIRE CHURCH FILLED WITH THEM: The gay is not homos, it refers to happy, they are happy, in harmony or agreement about something.


          CHURCH FILLED, ALL SEATS TAKEN: This is a unanimous agreement. My feeling is this has to do with my You Tube videos. I get hundreds of comments, many new ones a day, of males infatuated with me–& there are huge numbers of hits. This shows them in a dreamy state, having fantasies. This is how men feel about me. {I never expected this as I am much older now, but for some reason they adore me.}*


          This audience disappears & a third one appears. Women are close to me, so close, they are practically taking up my space–& all the women are BLACK & it’s a religious meeting, camp meeting, revival, something like that. This is not dreamy like the men were – the vision is clear, sharp & colorful. The women are all wearing bright colors, hats. This is not all seats taken as the men’s deal was – only about a quarter of the seats are full, mostly crowded toward the front, it is a totally different feel.

e4ff9ef2896ce0b44c5f71937b6652c2 e62c8fad48a141c8782fb0483a83ad80 e64a5a003f8cf7f4c585e7d868561946--owl-pictures-owl-art e84efab070fbbbdb224bddcf41523143--girl-reading-post-card e617bfc1820a44ac3f2989e87e2f432e--bird-prints-paons e32291943a44f1035f4f2a8512d0f4da eb18317e-9a9a-4284-aefb-2f73d11ca896-large16x9_IndonesiaSumatranRh_Thee2 EC4KaUkU8AAAZxE ec443518b4bca0c10d1d81c39838d5f7--side-saddle-pretty-horses ecc3bbb9ec556dda281bc70a0bbd970e 

          But as they crowd into my space I decide to leave. I take my purse (thank God no one stole it) & some type of soft blue suede leather jacket, which I wrap around myself & then head out. I’m very respectful of God & on my way out I walk before the altar, from the area of the exit, I kneel in reverence. But somehow the women persuade me to stay longer – I do, but can’t recall anything else.


          *(THIRD AUDIENCE, ALL WOMEN: This is so TELLING! Yes, I figured what this is about – various audiences, how they respond to me.


          This is the new work I’m doing on my website, as well as my blog with William Bond. Here is presented THE NEW RELIGION, FOR WOMEN ONLY – ‘WOMAN, THOU ART GOD!’

f314f275ac485f5b8e751c222f1e0421 f990e987d3dd37290766a6561e3ad6a8 family-life-on-the-frontier Fantasy-magic-3d-flooring-wallpapers-bedrooms-Forest-path-3d-floor-wall-papers-home-decor-living-room Farm-Scene-with-Horses-John-Frederick-Herring-Sr-Oil-Painting 

          This audience, of women only – not many because there aren’t that many hits (not much promotion) – are women who agree with me totally & are, here depicted, INSPIRED, like a REVIVAL MEETING or Pentecostal—Pentecostal meaning the Holy Spirit has hit them.


          They are black because it is their flesh, their bodies are revived, they are happy to be WOMEN—in other words, not just for their souls, but their gender because I am saying their gender is God.

 eeaba34e3d3407aaeb6d1b3c92c0657f Een-pelikaan-en-ander-gevogelte-bij-een-waterbassin-bekend-als-8216Het-drijvend-veertje8217-R0073 Eldar-Zakirov-2012-Cat-for-Hermitage-Mag-6_o english-elegance-roses-in-a-silver-vase-albert-williams Equestrian_Portrait_of_Catharina_of_Wurttemberg_grande Equestrian_Portrait_of_Prince_Boris_Yusupov equestrian-portrait-of-mademoiselle-croizette-charles-emile-auguste-carolus-duran

          WEARING BRIGHT COLORS & HATS: This is their EMOTIONS being revived, their feelings are good, bright, positive, the

HATS: are POSITIONS they now see themselves in, as LEADERS, being important, superior & autonomous. I suggest we women LEAVE MEN & create our own society, agenda, point of view, religion—everything according to our own needs & wishes. This is most definitely a REVIVAL FOR WOMEN & the fact that they are SO CLOSE TO ME I have to move is how much in favor they are of what I’m saying—so much so that they are asking me to STAY LONGER which means they want to hear more from me about this new religion!

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College of God & Love, College of Love Making, College of Matriarchal Love, Uncategorized








          There was a MOVIE SET I am present at & it is SCARY.


          *(MOVIE SET I AM IN: Theater of life, my life.)*

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          It has something suspended way in the air, as if not attached to anything – a vehicle. Later I see it as attached, & on top is a truck (like you use for hauling, two or three times as big as a pickup truck, its open in back, its painted red, the rest is grey & black. Its suspended way up & precariously angled at a 90 degree downward.


          I think to myself that some crazy guy might get into it & drive it with dire consequences & suddenly someone does. He is in it, gets it started & drives down some kind of ramp—fortunately no accidents occur.

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          *(VEHICLE, TRUCK, PRECARIOUS 90 DEGREE ANGLE: A way given, possibly from Heaven (high above, seemed not attached to the earth but then later you see is attached), that seems scary & dangerous – a way of doing something one needs to do – possibly getting out of a bad situation. It has to do with a male you are concerned about – could be lover Peter who is in dire straits, & it’s scary for him to MAKE A MOVE—but HE DOES IT.


RED TRUCK BEING DRIVEN: person is in a scary, painful situation but boldly makes a move & comes out OK.)*


          This entire thing is a MOVIE SET. What am I doing here? Guess I’m in it. The company has taken over a huge mansion like a palace with ornate interiors – besides the scary contraption we are all in this ornately furnished mansion.

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          *(HUGE MANSION COMPANY HAS TAKEN OVER: Residence is a PLACE OF CONSCIOUSNESS, where one’s mind & heart are – good or bad. To be in a mansion like this is SPIRITUAL GREATNESS or being in a good state – your state. Extreme stress moves one closer to God, we are closer to God when suffering. The


          SCARY CONTRAPTION: is what does one have to do in this time to survive? This Pandemic? Where people are thrown on their ass, without work or money or security? What do they do?)*


          Right now I am outside in a kind of yard, looking into the great mansion as well as an old mansion to the left which is completely decrepit on the outside, falling down walls, roof, all caving in, all made of dark wood, two floors high. It’s on a lot with buildings within 10-15’ of it on all sides with fences or walls up to the second floor – no one seems to notice it but myself.

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          *(DECREPIT MANSION: This is the past relationship between you & lover Peter—it is decrepit, fallen apart, the way it used to be is over, finished. You aren’t ‘there’ any more. 


          WALLS, FENCES HIGH ALL AROUND IT: & no one seems to notice but me, means that no one knew or understood all the great things you had in mind for him, they were & are hidden.)*


          Outside a window is a strange sight – like fifty chairs all fitted into each other sticking out of a window, all completely rusted. I jokingly say to a friend nearby, do you need any chairs?—pointing them out.


         One standout thing is the

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          *(CHAIRS, ALL RUSTY, ABOUT 50, ALL FITTED ONE INTO THE OTHER: Chairs are positions, seats like thrones, places of rest or comfort. They represent the things you wanted for Peter – the accomplishments you would help him attain, the kudos, laurels, successes, all now


          OUT THE WINDOW: meaning over, finished, will not be. It seems like a joke – all you wished for him – as you speak of it to a friend. ‘Rusty’ means it hasn’t been used, didn’t happen.)*

          Another window had other items sticking out, can’t recall what.


        But INSIDE I see ornately carved bureaus, hand carved, some goldeny colored, some darker brown, like new, so ornate I know they would cost a fortune.

663bcd9f35d228706f5aecf3573ee8e1 700full 731bf2edc191b938213b073e719a7940 (1) 

          I think to myself why are those bureaus there, & how could a person get them – valuable, & I don’t understand why they’re in this crumbling, broken down, falling down mansion.


          *(VALUABLE, ORNATE, HAND CARVED BUREAUS, SOME GOLDENY, SOME BROWN: What is LEFT of that relationship is not the outside ambitions you had for him but what was inside, the inner value of the love.


          Bureaus would be things that hold things – these are


CHESTS OF DRAWERS: Chest refers to heart, & the drawers hold many things. This evokes the heart holding many ways of love, the desires to see another happy, whatever it takes. In other words, your heart held for him many ambitions, desires that you thought would bring him the things he wanted – but he did not cooperate, those things are gone. He will not be a ‘somebody,’ in the eyes of the world – he will not ‘succeed’ at any great career, finding fame or recognition.

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But the valuable love is still there wishing to heal him of his maladies, so he can be happy. This you want to retrieve from the failures – take out of that affair what had the deeper meaning.

HAND CARVED: Hands refer to the giving of love.

GOLDENY CHESTS OR BUREAUS: True love, gold is love.

SOME DARKER, BROWN: The dark spots you went through for love have great value, suffering is all we have to give to God – She gives us everything else. {Words of St. Francis of Assisi.})*


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College of God & Love, College of Love Making, College of Matriarchal Love, Uncategorized







          dream interpreted for a friend

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          I had a best friend, Steven, who I loved & he loved me, for ten years. Then he had a misunderstanding about me—suspected me of doing something I didn’t do & because of it, dropped being my friend.


          *(STEVEN: This is the man you love. He misunderstood something he thought you did years ago & turned against you, moved in with another woman, but now he’s back or will be momentarily.)*


          Now I see him again. I am outside in a yard & see his head beyond a tall fence – just his head on the other side while he talks to someone—the house he lives in vaguely is behind him.

4c443ecb355a9d413254a2cd2add0727 4cffbeaef5f4276bbd179c3e962ff966 4e0a4704e21ed4a0d5e2a2bd876aa5ca 4e6d3a0c80ff173a94d516ddf42dc2ee 4e8b1a16d8cfd696d9645d69fb19d1b6--pre-raphaelite-fairytale 4f0a00c4061b2e378a2971f6ed4e0772 

I’m not attracted to him any more, & think how if we got together I would be loathe to have sex with him. In fact, I guess he’s my HUSBAND & yes I did love him but now he’s sort of repulsive to me. I look at his head & somehow both his head & dick seem small.


*(SMALL HEAD & DICK, REPULSIVE: His head is the attitude, way of thinking, his stupidity, & the dick part is if you no longer like his ways, you don’t like his dick either. You recall all the cruel, revengeful & cold hearted things he did to you over the years.


TALL FENCE, HE’S ON OTHER SIDE: This is he’s with another woman, part of the reason you hate him, the


TALKING: means relating, he’s relating to another woman.)*

6e993edcc6c94125de87bb800dcadc79 6VvuHGsoU2QBt9MXeXNdDuyd4Bmd63j7zJymDTWgdcJjnzjzFG8H5Aa1PR21uBzx8aGCiDQLp97LEvruQJcmWyQrNRae3P4oSr4LjKAFCYd95m6crhqyCBW6MBWwiW 7ec62bf29090112ce1bcc5a2dd690699_stunning-antique-bird-clip-art-victorian-die-cut-of-pics-for-mynah-_1523-1101 8a1bd884729cc978cd53982002e17c03 9b1bc03564ab7221c49c53a83b33f14a 9f9d217c04e15adb11ca79fd1c32a27b 

Then things happen. It’s like we go to dinner somewhere & we’re being feted—I don’t know why. Things have CHANGED.


*(CHANGED: This is saying he is not with the other woman, he’s returned to you & someone, somehow, is BLESSING, NOURISHING, giving you HAPPINESS.)*


As we sit a waitress appears who is SPECIAL. We’ve been already given food, but her appearance is extra. I tell people about it later, how she appeared, what a boon it was.


She makes food for us during this time of GREAT NEED. She cooks & serves us, & it’s grand.


*(SPECIAL WAITRESS, COOKING FOR US GREAT FOOD, A BOON: This woman represents the Heavenly Mother or God. She has visited us, brought us together, has granted happiness to us. Her visit is her blessings, Power & Love.)*

l2ekdkK LD688_1_large Leonora-Carrington-Pastoral-1 

Then I see a dish she made which is HUGE—it is one of those small pools I have outside to feed the animals, about 3.5’ across, a foot deep. This plastic bowl is filled with a dish she made where the top of it is like pizza or lasagna, it’s a thick sauce, red, like tomato on top, but the tomato is dark & thick & has something in it-not sure what-that makes it ‘meaty.’ She already made it but it has to sit, some type chemicalization, & we ask about when it can be eaten & she says IN TWO DAYS. Wow, what have we deserved to get all this?


*(IN TWO DAYS: You asked when something would happen where he would contact you & the affair would resume. Could this be the answer? Does two days mean two days, two weeks, two months or even two years? There is no TIME in the afterlife & so it’s difficult to gage a prediction here.


What I do know is the

HUGE BOWL filled with a dish: big enough to be a pool for a few ducks or a couple geese. It means HUGE BENEFIT, BOON, BLESSING, GIFT or JOY.

 xebaa1-Adolphe_Millot_oeufs-fixed xxl-pieces-woodland-forest-friends-jigsaw-puzzle-300-pieces.80257-1.fs Yana Movchan Young Girl with Lamb zebra-in-meditation

MEATY TOMATO SAUCE TOP (not real wet, medium dry, something substantial which has to become more substantial by sitting: This gift is not ready today but will be in the time called ‘two days.’ Perhaps you will get a SIGN in two days—like the messages he’s been leaving on social media—messages that can be taken more than one way but he knows you know it’s to you {his live-in is too dumb to understand.}


Me: Momgod I’m stumped. Need your help. This could say a lot, but what specifically? I know there are big clues.


She: I suspect that in a couple days the conditions are ‘stewing’, ‘brewing’ or ‘gestating’ to be ENJOYED by him & you, so what would please both of you more than anything is if his affair with Stefania ended & yours would begin.

unnamed (30) unnamed (31) unnamed (32) unnamed (33) unnamed (34) unnamed (35) unnamed (36) unnamed (37) 

The huge dish might be a BIG FIGHT. There is reason to believe she covered all the bills—even food–& he gave nothing. Now she has no money & is desperate to keep the family under the roof with food on the table, including diapers & formula for their child, but he refuses to fork over his salary. One can see how this would drive her ape shit & she would turn on him.


The symbols point to both bad & good—sometimes what is bad for one person is good for another—the pool/bowl is


BLACK: nothingness {no color}, depression, ending, funeral—their liaison ends.


RED, MEATY TOMATO SAUCE ON TOP: Red is pain, suffering,

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MEATY: would be weighty, serious, and strong. {A spiritual child can only have milk {consolation}, but when you grow up you can consume the ‘strong meat’ God gives of suffering.} This symbol is common in Mystical Theology. The


HUGENESS: of this dish is the hugeness of the event, a relationship that went on for years, that you have prayed about so long – will suddenly cease. That is your GIFT from the SPECIAL WAITRESS who is Mother God, who has ORCHESTRATED or PREPARED this event for you two.


Me: Mother God, people will say this is cruel to Stefania, will wish me bad luck rather than good. How do you explain that their breakup is from God, which leaves her & their child in poverty?


She: She has to find the road out of poverty that is not the devil & Hell—there are means of survival for her—family, friends & social welfare agencies. He did not help financially anyway–& is still unable to do so.

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The relationship was wrong. He was in desperate need, God sent him a woman to love who could save him, but he chose the path of Satan – he even said he had ‘sold his soul to the devil’ for ‘party lifestyle & popularity’ – he listened to lowlife drug addicts, abusive family & ignorant ‘friends,’ –you have suffered terribly for this.


It was God’s will from the beginning that you two be together– neither one of you can be happy any other way. Being apart was being outside the Will of God.

 SAAM-1986.85_1 Schine-Brown-bear Screen_Shot_2017_02_11_at_14_29_53_l sheepandrabbits sheep-by-the-sea-rosa-bonheur sheep-rosa-bonheur sissi-wedding-dress-royal-bride-2017-03-1

During these years of deprivation you never gave up & continually prayed for him. Your prayers saved his life from an overdose. She has nothing to give him but the flesh & more substances – she cannot heal him of his afflictions & the need for medication – your prayers have begun his healing.


If people cannot understand this then it’s too bad – it’s none of their business anyway. It’s your lives, not theirs, let them take care of their own lives & stay out of yours. You are doing God’s will & that’s all that matters, the popularity contest is over, the public opinion is irrelevant.)*

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College of God & Love, College of Love Making, College of Matriarchal Love, Uncategorized





interpreted for a friend

unnamed (12) 

        I am with my boy friend Jackson, outside, standing in a place that reminds me of the old ‘drive in’ theaters. His female roommate is standing here also – the three of us.


        The movie screen is way up high, maybe 30’ on a wall before us, we all three look at it talking about it. John is tall, she seems short. She’s wearing clothes that have plants pictured on the material—mostly green with splashes of other colors on top of white, it’s loose clothing.

5b208c2c593863900097d62b1047fce6--rolf-armstrong-retro-art 5bb4effffd4e69ebba8fe1c8b54f8e2e 

        *(HE IS TALL: He’s important to me.


        SHE IS SHORT: She’s not important to me.


        HER TOP, WHITE WITH PLANTS ON IT, GREEN, OTHER COLORS: She has PLANS for this relationship to nurture & grow—{Plants are like your garden, it grows, it bears food, nourishment, could be plants you eat or flowers, flowers mean love.}


MOVIE SCREEN, LIKE DRIVE-IN THEATERS: This is the ‘theater of life,’ the three of you are facing & thinking about what is to come?

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HIGH UP, MAYBE 30’:   High up is like reaching to the sky or God, asking what is the future? What does the theater of life bode for us, what is the next scene?)*


He is talking a lot, I am trying to talk to him but having trouble, as he keeps DEFERRING TO HER like she’s more important, he has to keep up this relationship with her moreso than with me. I do not know which way to go – keep talking or walk away & forget it? If I continue this will that keep us together or if I walk away will that end us? I’m in a dilemma as he ignores me a lot when I’m talking, turns his back on me.


*(IGNORES ME FOR HER, MY DILEMMA TO TALK TO HIM OR NOT: This is a review how it was. ‘Talking’ refers to ‘being,’ relating, having a relationship as well as sex. You don’t know which way to go.

ALL THREE TALKING: A triangle or he is relating to two women at the same time but SHE IS MORE IMPORTANT TO HIM AT. THIS TIME.)*

sir-edwin-landseer-queen-victoria-and-the-duke-of-wellington-horse-print-14 spitalfields-market-london-england-engraving-19th-century-litz-collection stubbs096 Photograph of Julian Mackintosh riding a horse 1930s by Eileen Agar 1899-1991 The Hayloft        

Jackson is wearing a black jacket made of pea-coat material, thick, & it’s shaped kind of draping off the shoulders almost like a cape to his waist or lower – not quite a cape, a bit like a bell coming down, the bottom not tight but loose.


*(BLACK PEA COAT: Navy, ‘a girl in every port,’ sailor’s are notorious for having females wherever they go, so this sounds like ‘what is the next port?–the next woman?’ Being black, it portends the END of something – his present roommate – shaped like a

BELL: ‘Ding dong’ is like a reminder, a notice, an announcement like bells in a Church say time to go there or bells at a wedding saying ‘It is consummated.’ This announces the end of them, beginning of a new relationship with you. You all see the ‘writing on the wall,’ the portent, the prophecy, the next part of life.)*

the-crystal-gazer_beatrice-offor__94276__13452.1556815491 (c) Paintings Collection; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation The-Frugal-Meal-John-Frederick-Herring-Sr-Oil-Painting-1 The-Midday-Meal-John-Frederick-Herring-Sr-Oil-Painting Thomas Edwin Mostyn, The jeweled casket 

He seems ANIMATED, I feel uncertain.


        *(HE SEEMS ANIMATED, I AM UNCERTAIN: This is a big change for him, he’s excited, you were not sure what to do, stay with him or leave.)*




The scene changes. Now we’re in a car where his female is driving,

unnamed (2) unnamed (3) unnamed (4) unnamed (5) unnamed (6) unnamed (7) 

*(HIS FEMALE DRIVING US: This is pivotal, because the situation with his female changes so that he has to or will switch from her to you—she MAKES or DRIVES the two of you to be together.)*


Jackson & I are in the back seat with his son to the right of us sitting. Jackson is in front of me, like across my lap, almost taking up the entire back seat in the position he’s in, facing me.




IN YOUR LAP: means submissive to you, like a lapdog, like a pet or child.


HIS SON TO THE RIGHT: This is probably not a separate person but the child within him being present. It might be a reconciliation or agreement between his Higher Self—in my lap–& his flesh going along or in agreement. Prior to this there had been conflicts (higher conscience vs lower self rebelling.)*

Owls pet-portrait-paintings-mantelpiece-masterpiece-5 pet-portrait-paintings-mantelpiece-masterpiece-10 picking-the-grapes-fox-dog-19th-century-english-school portrait-of-lucie-reading-jacques-emile-blanche ql_c_140515_1479_1024x1024 queen-victoria-on-her-favourite-horse-mary-evans-picture-library

He’s wearing a long-sleeved white cotton shirt & we’re real intimate, myself kissing his arm/body/torso. The feeling of the kisses is DEEP like we are melded, united or like melting into each other, the way you do when you are really close, the energy flowing back & forth like he’s me, I’m him sort of thing. His cotton shirt is designed with these little holes that look like tiny hourglasses, one on top of each other separated by a tiny waist the way an hourglass would have, the holes are only a quarter inch wide – they are embroidered, like having little frames around them. Jackson seems LARGE like he was in the first scene, animated.


*(DEEP, HE’S ME I’M HIM: We are now UNITED in spiritual wedlock, energies interchanged, wills in unison.


WHITE COTTON SHIRT: nuptial garment


HOURGLASSES EMBROIDERED ALL OVER: The time has come, finally. The design being holes rather than something placed on top of the material, say pics of hourglasses, could be saying ‘no sand, it has run out.’)*


household-washing-laundresses-engraving-18th-century-18th-century-DB14JT hunting-with-the-leopard-from-a-16th-ken-welsh images img2124 John_Frederick_Herring_HEJ009 john-frederick-herring-jr-cf9c9dce-ffbd-4e11-8dba-fa2af69943c-resize-750 Julius Anton 

He’s talking about some OUTRAGEOUS action that someone ought to do. I scoff at it. I tell him,


“Would you have your son do that? Would you do it yourself?”


When I suggest that it shows how ridiculous this action is but I cannot recall what it was—like a joke but crazy.


*(CRAZY ACTION: Seems like a hint about ‘crazy love,’ which is love so intense it doesn’t ‘make sense.’ I was there in the past but I got over it—it might be his turn to feel that way. I am telling him to ‘cool it’ & be rational. He would tell people I was ‘obsessed,’ now it’s his turn maybe.)*


Where we’re going is a little mall that has a restaurant. We’re all hungry & looking forward to a meal.


*(GOING TO RESTAURANT, ALL HUNGRY: We all need love & emotional nourishment. This little mall reminds me of the one I go to by me – the spot is a grocery store. This symbolizes he will be with me for love/nourishment—she has driven him to me, brought us together by whatever happens to her—her bankruptcy most likely.)*

grenadiervictoria Hampel-68243001 Herring-After-Work1 herring-sr-the-squires-pets-arabian-scottish-deerhounds horses-eating-from-a-manger-with-pigs-and-chickens-in-a-farmyard-john-frederick-herring-jr horsesfarmyard_Herringjnr 

As his gf drives, she’s small in front—he doesn’t talk to her or pay attention to her, only me. I get the feeling that the car is made of a teal color – which is a type of green.


*(SHE’S SMALL HE ONLY PAYS ATTENTION TO ME: She’s no longer important to him, I am. He has his


BACK TO HER, FACING ME: He is finished with her, she’s behind him, but he’s facing me, in my lap even– which means she is done, he’s with me.


TEAL CAR: Teal is green mixed with blue. Her financial condition has crashed, sadness {blue} mixed in to the finances–their situation ends, ours begins—it was predicted a long time, from one POV, survival, but from another, love victorious.)*

Julius Anton Julius Anton Julius_Adam_-_Cat_with_her_Kittens julius-adam-1859231 julius-adam-the-younger-katzenfamilie-(the-cat-family) katzenmutter kot



College of God & Love, College of Love Making, College of Matriarchal Love, Uncategorized





Dream interpreted for a friend



                     I am in a bank when John & his friend walk in & through it & both go to the rest room area—somehow although I’m standing right there, they don’t see me. The area they go into is behind a door where both the men’s & women’s rooms are, I believe, & I’m waiting for them to come out & see me—but they never come out.


          The layout of the bank is completely PLAIN & so is my outfit. The room of it is about 40-60’ long & maybe 15-20’ wide. The teller is in front behind a waist-high partition. Everything is PLAIN. There is NOTHING in the long room, nothing on the walls – it’s all light colored & that is it.


          *(BANK: Place where money is.


LONG ROOM: shape, length of room is like a hall or a tunnel.  Notice in this dream, the room is a symbol of a TUNNEL & when John walks through this tunnel–which is darkness & limitation–he doesn’t see THE LIGHT.  But when he enters the rest room, I open the door, there is THE LIGHT.  He-his mind-is closed, fettered until THE END OF THE TUNNEL & only then does he understand that THIS WOMAN IS THE ANSWER.


PLAIN: everything is plain means it is ‘plain as day,’ not ‘complicated’, easy to see, simple, easy to understand.)*


          I’m sort of pacing back & forth. I have on a pure white turtleneck top & dark, maybe black fitted pants. My body is thin & shapely, I have on a nice plain bra, I look good.

In my hands are two things, one, my PURSE which I always carry & two, a spade or hoe {I was messing with these tools yesterday} that is about 1.5’ long & is POINTED.





WHITE TOP: I am or should be John’s WIFE who will put a roof over his head. The turtleneck & long sleeves means I am completely covered or protected from his hurting me by using me for sex—as I won’t let him have it any more.

BLACK PANTS: not give him sex {or support, money} unless he is with me. {black as in absence or funeral} and I’m in possession of money–


PURSE: possession of money, which I always ‘carry,’ means I always have it, &


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SPADE, HOE for GARDENING: this tool is for digging a garden, planting, harvesting, increasing food, resources. It’s a symbol here of INCREASING MONEY. The fact that this is


POINTED: refers to it’s power, effectiveness, like a knife or a tooth, being pointed can GET THROUGH, PIERCE, PENETRATE, where one needs to go or ‘take a bite out of life’. Literally, this spade pierces through the earth to prepare for planting or to take out weeds, but what it stands for is my effectiveness in GAINING MONEY.


BRA, BREASTS: refers to love, the love I have for John.


Everything here is plain to see, obvious, but John walked through here without seeing me which means he did not see what I represent – the remedy to his woes.

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PACING BACK & FORTH: frustrated, tired of waiting for him to see me –means this situation–that I can help him in this time of need {if we were together}.)*


          I walk, pace, back & forth waiting for John to come out & see me. Finally I open the door in the back to see the area of the rest rooms & all I see is LOTS OF LIGHT coming in through a huge window back there—like daylight, that is it, don’t see John & friend, as if they disappeared. I ponder; did they find a back door there & leave? But then I think that’s not possible, the bank would not have that sort of arrangement as someone could rob the bank & escape easily that way.


          *(LIGHT STREAMING IN LIKE DAYLIGHT: This is the ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ which means what, MomGod? Because I see it, but I don’t see him & the friend here, pondering if he left by a back door.


          MomGod: No, he did not leave out the back door as you suspected or feared because THERE IS NO BACK DOOR TO A BANK.

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          BACK DOOR: Escape route, usually represents a secret way of getting into or out of a place or situation {back door lover, doing business ‘back door}. He has no hidden, secret way of getting out of his FINANCIAL CRISIS. A bank is ‘iron clad’ as far as escape routes – there’s only one way in or out, through the front.


          Me: Then the Light streaming in here,


          LIGHT, AT END OF TUNNEL: A ‘tunnel’ means RESTRICTED, hemmed in, limited, but seeing a light at the end is being saved from something, reprieved, or great hope of it—in this dream it refers to financial salvation, saved from poverty or bankruptcy. John & his friend went to the back to the


          REST ROOM AREA: ‘place of rest or relief’ – getting rid of things you don’t want & need, taking a bath or shower, getting clean, brushing teeth—represents hygiene, cleansing & relief–he was looking for REST & RELIEF money wise because THIS IS IN A BANK.

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For John, this is the ‘end of the line’ or ‘tunnel,’ he’s in a bank searching for answers – in the dream he doesn’t see you, there is no back door or escape route, but where he went is {as you open the door} flooded with light like


DAYLIGHT, FLOODING IN LIKE: Seeing ‘daylight’ mean becoming aware. Night, darkness, is when you can’t see, but daylight is when all is revealed—you see & understand the situation.


John went here & he did not leave. He SAW THIS LIGHT, this truth, that you are the answer to his dilemma.


Me: But MomGod I did not see John & his friend back here, why not? And who is his FRIEND?

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It wasn’t necessary, you saw where he went, where he ended up & there was no other way {back door}—he has no escape route from where he is except you.


FRIEND: The only friend he has is his Guardian Angel, the rest of his friends are demonics, or if not demonics just ordinary people who don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground. It is his guardian angel, to whom you’ve prayed hundreds of times, who’s showing him this vision.)*


{NOTE: This has been predicted for years, but none of us knew how it would transpire. One of my channelers said,

‘He will come to you where he has no place else to go.’

Another psychic said

ROSSETTI, DANTE GABRIEL, Monna Vanna, 1866 the-courtship-celestial-images the-golden-knight-and-his-lady-daniel-eskridge tumblr_n3k8p6InKJ1soh31po1_500 unnamed (1) 

‘Before he comes to you he has to hit rock bottom.’

None of us knew what rock bottom was.


It’s never been ‘just sex’ I wanted him for – I desired a relationship, I told him so. But he beguiled me for sex while he gave a relationship to someone else. This female he presented on social media as his mate – I got no recognition; he even stopped saying ‘I love you-I want to marry you’ which he did the first few years to me & in front of others. Some people didn’t even believe we were having sex. It hurt, so finally, through some supernatural power I stopped it & then the thing that had also been predicted for years came true, what the Light said was,


“The tables will be turned. He will chase you as you chased him.”

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His chase was like ‘guerrilla warfare,’ shooting messages on social media that could be taken more than one way. I knew they were about me, to me, confessions, apologies, regrets, requests, provocations—all to let me know he wanted me, missed me, was sorry & desperate, but he did not do the ONE THING        necessary – call me on the phone, like a man, not a mouse, tell me he loved me & wanted to see me, tell me he was planning, preparing for our relationship, that he’d leave the fake one he’d been with for years – a liaison based on partying & popularity—this one crucial thing HE DID NOT DO.


But God works in MYSTERIOUS WAYS. None of us figured on this Pandemic & economic crash. I even asked God if She did this entire crash for me, to bring him to his knees—I asked her as a joke, it seemed so convenient for ME.  I was impervious to the crash, but for him it was ‘no more roof over my head.’


This dream explains how God or karma has brought him where he always needed to be but failed to do so instead of listening to God, he obeyed the world, the flesh & the devil. He listened to family & friends who are not of God, may of whom are addicted—some are criminals—some have traumatized him—they tempted him like demons suggesting a bad road, he was deceived, then trapped.}

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For years I prayed, did exorcisms for him, said Masses—sent him love for which I got DEMONS bouncing at me. This work exhausted my mind & body. I felt it was finished & LET GO. But how, when, would he ever get out of his situation, that he was entrenched in for YEARS? I could not figure it out, it perplexed my tired brain. I knew he loved me, but WHEN?


Enter the economic catastrophe – something none of us expected. The frail thread that held him & the other female has broken, it was not love, but her support that kept him there—no more support—the place she worked has shut down & when it reopens it might not provide for her–the house of cards is about to collapse.


Interpreted for a friend.


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