College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Shrine to Shakti, Uncategorized











        Most people think that prayer is effortless, that it doesn’t take time & energy, it isn’t work.  What they do – moving rocks on a chain gang or sitting endlessly at a computer formatting jargon is real work – prayer is just an afterthought, a mosquito in the air – a pathetic whimper or irritating drone when one is suffering.


    They think that way because that’s how they pray & that’s why their prayers aren’t answered – these prayers have no POWER.



“The fervent prayer of a righteous woman availeth much.”


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    When they say to someone ‘I’ll pray’ – the person is dying of cancer – they mean they will do some lip service, speak a few words to the Almighty as if they were the right hand of God, & God doesn’t even hear them because they aren’t CONNECTED.  God does not respond to EMPTY WORDS but the HEART, ENERGY, VIRTUE & PASSION of the pray-er.  The effort & time they put into it also counts.



    (This changes when a Soul becomes Holy or enters ‘nonduality’.  Then everything is different.  To be explained elsewhere.)

    But these people say ‘I don’t have TIME to pray.’



    While they walk to work they could be praying (rosaries, mantras, Our Mother who art in Heaven, supplications, anything).  They stand in line at the DMV, the Post Office, the bank, the airport, busy stores—time for prayer.  They could be holding a small book in their hands waiting for the order in the restaurant or under the dryer at the hair dresser.  (Right now I’m reading for the fourth time, ‘Imitation of Christ’ by Thomas A Kempis.)




They could be praying (not when driving) in the car or reading while waiting for kids to come out of school, choir or sports.  They could pray when the phone puts them on hold for minutes at a time – they could pray when there’s a storm, lights go out, no phone, no TV, no internet – time for prayer.




  They could pray during insomnia, instead of counting sheep, say ‘I’m not attached to anyone or anything’ hundreds of times – IT WORKS.




Prayer trains, directs the mind to where you want it to go.  Without it your mind wanders from thing to thing, person to person – it can be Hell.  Don’t allow people & things to grab hold of your mind & take it into shallow places, meaningless roads, dungeons, cellars, monstrosities of worry.  Knock all the negatives out of your mind with positive prayers & mantras, control your mind.




Instead, what do people do at the places they linger?

These days, anyone that has an ‘I-phone’ stares at it endlessly.  I don’t know what they’re looking at, as I don’t have one, I don’t want one, I have enough of the computer at home.  I suspect they’re looking at social media – that can be addictive.  (Been there, done that, addicted to face book hours a day.  Collecting pictures mostly!–which I’m using now effectively for my website!)


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Other than that they (including me in my bad times) look at the signs & pics on the walls & the people around thinking dumb or meaningless things or shit like:



    I wish I was home watching TV or movies – I’m bored – This situation is wasting my time. (Then don’t waste it, use it for prayer.)




People are bored when they have no interior life – no intellectual life – their brains are dead from lack of use.  How can you be bored when God inside you is INFINITE & you have access to Infinity if you try?




You’re bored because you’re like an insect – flitting from blossom to blossom collecting nectar or stimulation from outside things.

    Your life is filled with BAD HABITS of focusing outside instead of inside on people, things & events, & gossip thereof, instead of looking inside through prayer & meditation – that being done, the inner senses & unconscious mind will reveal to you the workings of your soul – it’s progress, how you’re growing, the scorecard of your salvation—your EVOLUTION.



    Prayer is WORK, prayer is discipline – prayer is galvanizing ENERGY. (But the results are worth way more than you put in it, every time!)




  When you pray constantly it prevents evil & ‘bad luck’ – it brings blessings & good fortune.  (Truly when you pray for protection it prevents accidents, injuries & illness for you & loved ones.)  Miracles of success happen with prayer warriors.  Prayer is WORK, but not awful work, Jesus said something like ‘My yoke is sweet, my burden light.’  Don’t be afraid of it.





    Smith Wigglesworth of England brought twenty four people back from the dead!



 He would go to a dying person’s house & after dismissing the tear-jerking family (Oral Roberts also did that – tears don’t help, they hinder—faith & confidence do the job) – he knelt & prayed all night – fervently.  If they died he picked them up & threw them against the wall shouting,

        “LIVE! – LIVE!”

    And they returned.




Interesting story about him –  I LOVE it.

    When he went to his faith-healing crusades there would be a conference room where the elders of the church & ministers would gather before service.




   It so happened that none of these men – none – could bear the HOLY ENERGY emanating from him & they would all leave the room until he was alone.

    He was coming to this one church – his reputation preceded him – a proud, cocky minister said,

    “I will NOT walk out of that room!”




  Time came – he kept his promise.  Everyone walked out of that room but him.  He did not.  He fell to his knees & CRAWLED out! 

            YOU & THE WORLD



    I want to explain two things about prayer – One – what prayers do to you and two, what prayers do to the world.

    For you, prayers & all that is connected to it – changes you from living in the temporal time zone, here & now mentality – all that is temporary – into the eternal, above the world above strife & worry, above people/ things consciousness.

    When you pray enough you’re lifted into another zone where you can see the picture objectively, a reality that is TRUE. 




When you do not pray, do not meditate – your mind remains in the ‘shallows & wastes of human sense,’ (my words after the Divine Stigmata experience) – where you’re ‘in your skin’ seeing only through subjective experience, you cannot see ‘the forest for the trees.’


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In this state, you’re more or less helpless – You can’t see from that darkness of limited thoughts & feelings, you’re encased in a cocoon of ego, (sense of time, space), the larvae who cannot fly.

    The larvae sheds its cocoon, its outer casing, then the wings are released – it flies – & also it’s beautiful.




If you do not ascend through habitual prayer you’ll never leave the cocoon & you’ll forever live within LIMITATION.

    What prayer does FOR THE WORLD is magical.  Those who pray can change the world sitting right there in their room – prayer is energy, it is POWER, it changes things!  Prayer warriors are warriors, they are not NOODLES, they change the world, they are the SALT OF THE EARTH.



  Activists are wonderful, those who do nothing but pray hard are just as wonderful, it all depends how much they pray, how fervently.  They can be even greater than those who fight battles in the world.

  Example – saints like Padre Pio – he did almost nothing but pray, he will NEVER be forgotten, he wrought miracles right there from his little town in Italy, San Giovanni Rotundo.  It’s not a little town any more, long after his death, it’s a mecca of healing, health & Holiness.




    I know some of you will be bored & irritated as I preach this message for many reasons.  One, religion has never helped women in a wholesale way (how could it when it’s all Patriarchal?)



    Religion, for many women is a thorn in their side, including Christianity, especially this religion that caused their holocaust.  Patriarchy abuses women through religion; they’ve given it a bad name.



    But we’re not preaching Patriarchal religion – Jesus didn’t do it – don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.  (Jesus was on our side, he was a revolutionary when he walked with women—which was not allowed in Orthodox Judaism—he walked in public with his Holy Mother, Mary Magdalene & JoAnna Chusa.  He dined with ‘sinners’ (those the hypocrites looked at as sinners.) He was a Matriarch preaching it’s principles of love, kindness & gentleness.  He described himself as a Mother Hen who wanted to keep her chicks under her wings.  He was totally pro-women, loved everyone & of course, was tortured & crucified by Patriarchs.  How could we be against him?)




As I said elsewhere – remove the Patriarchal agenda from the religion you’re in & keep practicing if you wish.  Remove the:

•    Hate of women

•    Violence, murder, holy wars, terrorism, suicide bombings

•    Hate & discrimination against homosexuals



•    Illogical repression of women’s sexuality & making sex between consenting adults a sin.  (In women’s religion sex is sacred, the womb is Holy, sex is a way of Love & worship of God & veneration of women & even men.  The yoni (vagina) & lingam (penis) are both sacred.)

•    Denigration of nature & animals, abusing them, disregarding their Sacred nature.  (In women’s religions animals & nature are reverenced.  All of God’s Creation is revered, respected & venerated.)




Take all the evil out of it & you have a template for good – Prayer, fasting positive rituals, spells, Sacraments, meditation, holidays honoring nature & saints, etc.



Questions to be answered:

•    Why do we need prayer to make this religion successful?

•    Why do we need prayer to save ourselves, other souls & the planet?

•    Why do we need prayer to save us from men & their Patriarchy?


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  To be continued  Rasa Von Werder  10-12-19


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College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Shrine to Shakti, Uncategorized

XXIII – How do we find the God Within?



XXIII – How do we find the God Within? & where did

we lose Her?   The New Religion – Woman Thou Art

God - the Religion of Women where men are not

allowed on our premises





Woman, thou art God & yet – most women don’t know It, can’t find It & NEVER WILL.

    That means they will never access the POWER of this Great God – Her Wisdom & Understanding, Her ability to save souls & our planet.

    This situation is deplorable & must stop for our good & everyone’s.



    Who do we blame for us not finding ourselves – God – Which is within us?  It is THIS WORLD – Patriarchy – rule by the ‘father’ or man – & how does he do it?  These ways:



•    DISTRACTION (our minds, attention, drawn to this world)

•    EXHAUSTION (Keeping us busy through a serial pregnancy breeding program – these children are taken away from us not always physically but MENTALLY with brainwashing – Which includes in it ALL THE LIES OF MALE HIS-STORY – His educational agenda which excludes THE EVIL HE HAS DONE & includes HIS VERSION    of what is important & EXCLUDES HER VERSION.



{HER VERSION OF EDUCATION would be strong in biology, nature, herbs, health & metaphysics.

Metaphysics would include psychology (the source of happiness & mental health)

& SPIRITUALITY– the science of understanding a Higher Power & that we are connected to It – (It’s NOT FAR AWAY but WITHIN US – How to access this Power through the revelations of those who achieved Oneness, the ways of such as prayer, meditation, inner senses ESP, channeling, dreams & visions, etc.)



Since public education must be secular, the spiritual part would be an addendum for those who choose it.  In other words, we would exercise our freedom of religion which is lawfully attached to the school system.

(This spiritual education is the most important facet of our growth because it’s about True Identity & Eternal Life, all education regarding other things is temporal – the physical world which ENDS.)

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Another neglected subject is the study of nature – biology, in the proper way, with REVERENCE as God’s creation.

Maria Gimbutas explains how even in her childhood she saw the Lithuanian farmers kiss the  ground on which crops were planted & it was kissed again during harvest.  Mother Nature was worshipped as God & thanked for Her bounty.


Patriarchy teaches biology & nature as if it was an inanimate, unfeeling thing to be used by us – even animals.  They taught children, in my day, through the 4H cub, to raise an animal to its maturity & then value it by its worth of money BY THE POUND.      Happily I do not see 4H around anymore.


Patriarchy told Rachel Carson, author of the great ‘Silent Spring’,

“We don’t need nature but we need business.”

Men have gone INSANE.


All our LIFE & well being – food & water, shelter, come from nature.  Without it we’ll all be homeless & starve to death.

Our use of & dependence on animals in a horrific Patriarchal way is depicted in ‘Earthlings’ – I have not seen it for fear of nightmares – Those who saw it said it affected them greatly.



The third way we’re prevented from reaching God Within is:

•    LIES (brainwashing, indoctrination & propaganda which perpetuates Patriarchy & its AGENDA through all the media – Media of entertainment, the spoken & written word, movies, television, male-agenda internet work.  This media tells us WHAT IS IMPORTANT, WHAT IS NOT.



They say what is important is what men are doing in politics (Tweedle de de & Tweedle de dum), (women are there at last but not in the forefront just yet.

They are saying important are the struggles of men vs. men, which includes lots of violence, men’s perpetual preoccupation with competition & physical prowess.


Technology of all types is meaningful to them because men cannot reproduce – they can only kill or intimidate, injure & threaten.  This is done with machines, tools & weapons, from the beginning of swords to today’s nuclear monstrosities & bio-chemical warfare.



The entire outer space research came out of war – their need to control everything, even that, & wish to spy on other countries from above. (Indeed, good has come out of it as well as evil, such as the Hubble telescope seeing there are a BILLION galaxies past the Milky Way – This tells us our physical Universe is Infinite as well as is Spirit.  How we see the Power of our Mighty God from that!)


Technology, physical might are the obsessions of men for conquest & imperialism – rule over others.  In this project women are only objects to be STOLEN – like everything else they take in war – & ENSLAVED.


And so the creation of this technology which they ALWAYS SAY WILL BENEFIT MANKIND is important TO THEIR AGENDA, not to women – WE ARE NOT WARMONGERS.  We are FORCED to finance this agenda if we want to or not through the tax dollars–The meaty portion for military, the crumbs for human welfare & happiness.


In their media they’re still fighting to keep women ‘in their place,’ which is domestics, diamond rings, cosmetics, interior decoration, cooking, fashion, gardening, child care, shopping for the house & home, taking care of hubby, etc., although this has been soundly denounced by Betty Friedan in her book ‘The Feminine Mystique’ – (which set off the second wave of the women’s movement) & all the feminists.


They strain to keep us out of government, politics, leadership, the financial world, big-time sports, anything where there’s money & power – they try to exclude us, but we are slipping through their fingers, we are the cork they cannot hold down any more (words of William Bond) & we’re beating them at their game whenever we can get in it.

Yes, they wanted to keep the chickens in the hen house but we have escaped & are tearing the place apart – we make the eggs, we make the people, they can’t create, their game isn’t working any more for many reasons & they have lost their grip.


A lot has happened for women that’s good but not for men.  Yes they still have their feet in the mud, still stealing, killing & destroying, but they themselves are being killed from within, from pollution which affects their manhood & most of all, by the crumbling of the Y chromosome.  No more Y, no more men.  And no woman did it – it was the Higher Power that said this (words from Dr. Bryan Sykes, world’s leading geneticist, I change the words around sarcastically )




    “OK, we tried.  We built men.  But they didn’t work out.  What do we do now?


It seemed like a good idea in the beginning.  It was work raising children, gathering food with Mothras & Godzilla’s chasing us.  We built a pea-brained person out of our wombs for a helpmate & toy boy.  He’s a muscle-head for work, takes terrible risks so he’ll jump between us & the bear-horse, he thinks with his little head so we can have fun. There’s no way he could ever dominate us as he isn’t smart enough.




Oh no, they’re attacking us!  They’re having sex with the children!  Mother God, help, they’re out of control!  They’re physically stronger than us & now they have swords!  What do we do?”





And Mother God put the hex on them & they will be no more – in




    I have stated DISTRACTION, EXHAUSTION & LIES as the three main things by which we are taken away from OUR POWER.



  That is why I suggest to women again & again that if you can, DON’T GET MARRIED, DON’T HAVE CHILDREN unless they’re yours & yours alone & you can educate them yourself.  In creating these Patriarchal families you increase Patriarchy – the kids are mostly taken away from you by indoctrination.  We need your energy to work in the field of female empowerment – not to increase the planetary burden of seven

billion with more pollution & torture for animals.





        Women ALONE have done a great deal of good.  Before Jesus & into the medieval days women had no place to go outside of marriage except ‘to a nunnery.’


  I found most of my life’s guidelines from the women of religious seclusion – why their writings have survived could be because they were careful not to offend Patriarchs (priests) so not all their material was burned.  Also, these women had TIME to attend to THE GOD WITHIN    & opportunity to write things down—they were not being used up by family – they prayed, meditated & read – their intellectual life flourished.  Of course they did not write as I do, they did not make revolutionary statements against Patriarchy – to do so would have meant, for many, being tortured to death or burned at the stake.



They had to be careful, humble to the dust, often claiming they were NOTHINGS, uneducated (very well educated) – ignorant (not at all) & incapable of any original thought or important action (to the contrary) or their writings would not have got past censors.




What did get through was their her-story of the God Within, whom they called Father God, Jesus Christ, or many other names that are celestial but approved by the Catholic or whatever they were in Church.



I followed along with them & did all that saints do & found Enlightenment – but later, after studying Yoga realized it was the God within, not in outer space, I was at One with.  God kept trying to tell me that, but I didn’t understand, I was brainwashed.


You find Yourself-God when you are ALONE, this is not accomplished when distracted, exhausted, diverted & used up by others.



You have to UNDERSTAND that YOU ARE SACRED, your body is sacred, your soul is sacred, your time/energy are precious to be used for Self Realization, not to be twittered away, sucked out & drained by others.



The great women saints had an instinct for this.  Many of them went into convents because it was the only place to get away from Patriarchy (of course there is always the problem of priests.  There are convents where Mother Superiors give over the nuns for sexual abuse to priests, convents where girls are used as slaves, convents where boys are given to priests for pedophilia.  Not all convents are safe space.)  If they were in a warm climate indeed they could hide in the forests (I heard of female yogi saints in India living in the wilderness), or the hills, or become hermits, but there’s always the problem of food & clothing.  Depending on where you are, cold places could kill you – somewhere there has to be a roof & food & convents were the most logical places.



This is a BIG SUBJECT I will broach later on in more detail – where to go, how to escape Patriarchy, how to work on one’s private spiritual life where you have to be ALONE, UNFETTERED, UNTROUBLED.  I made it, but it wasn’t easy.  Anything can be done, ‘where there’s a will, there’s a way.’  Keep in mind that you do not have to attain God by being alone for untold years.  You can do it in spurts – a few years here, a few years there.  That’s how I did it.



How Saint Catherine of Sienna succeeded.

St. Catherine of Sienna was slated for marriage, in order to avoid this repulsive prospect & pursue her spiritual attainment she swam into hot springs to get burns all over her body (on purpose.)  This made her, for the time being, ineligible to a man.



She then shut herself in her room in the family villa to find God (for two years, I did the same), & found Her.  Later she dictated a marvelous book (all done within three days; she was illiterate, monks wrote it down – they must have been fast writers), which I have read.  I read her life & this material so long ago (40 years) I remember few things, but know she was given many rings. (I received three rings from Jesus during one of my sadhanas.  I actually saw them made of Light – they were the infused virtues of Faith, Hope & Charity, the last on the second finger for engagement or marriage.  We became One.)



Many women (& men such as Padre Pio, St. Francis of Assisi, St. John of the Cross, others) saints, as I said, were my mentors.  I was close to St. Gertrude the Great, the Herald of Divine Love, and Ven. Mary of Agreda, possibly the greatest mystic of all time, who wrote the ‘Mystical City of God,’—I’m in awe of her, & when I found her volumes read on You Tube I shook with excitement. 



I read the life & revelations of Anne Catherine Emmerich, from the 1800’s – she has a big volume of work – her words written down by Clemens Brentano.  Mel Gibson directed the movie based on her accounts, ‘The Passion’ – Sadly, she was not given credit.


My education has been favored by hundreds of books on theology, spirituality, lives of saints & their writings.



The point I am making here is these women avoided the secular life including family–& this isolation bore much fruit.  (St. Teresa of Avila said that even talking to family & friends ‘through the grille’ was disfavorable to the spiritual life.)



I am suggesting that those of you who can, spend as much time as possible alone WITH GOD.  Whether you have family or not, remember, that you have God within you & God s more important than anyone or anything.  If you do not honor this God, spend time with Her, give Her your love, it is your fault & no one elses.  Make this time possible.  I know you can do this, START NOW.



To be continued  Rasa Von Werder  10-11-19


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College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Shrine to Shakti, Uncategorized








 While they play video games & wank off to porn we take over the world.  Them being superman is comic book bullshit.  Faster than a locomotive?  Able to leap tall buildings my ass.


    Last installment we spoke about why this new religion was needed.  The answer was because women have been so demoralized by Patriarchy they need their confidence boosted.  This episode I’m going to discuss with my Holy Mother what has specifically wounded women. 



    Me:  Mother God, where are they hurting, where are they wounded, damaged, broken?  Where have they been shut down?



    Mother God:  “I told you last installment, in their Divine Nature, their True Self, they have been robbed of their Identity by the male domination.




Help them with this – give them confidence.”



    Me:  OK – to the women:

    Woman, don’t you know who you are?  You are a creation of God who LIVES inside you in the middle of the brain (as well as your entire body, but that is the epicenter), the energy chakra (wheel) known as the Sahasrara.  God wants to be recognized here as such.  God says:












    I never change.  I always was & always will be.  I am in union with you, that is, we are One, but you aren’t conscious of it (in most cases.)

    I am the One who loves you the most.  My love is unconditional,  unhampered, has no bounds, does not judge or condemn you, always sees your side with understanding – knows why you blunder & fail, forgives you in all ways–ever seeking you to find your way & do better, I am the good Mother to whom you are always a child,


I know you are small & weak while I am great & strong – my strength & wisdom are always available to you if you ask, I know all the pitfalls of life & how to avoid them–get around them or recover from them, I understand all the temptations of the world, the flesh & the devil, & most of all I KNOW YOUR FEARS.


    I, the one who loves you completely, more than anyone else can or ever will – will never let you down.  I love you more than family does, more than a earthly lover or spouse, more than do your children.  Humans are not capable of the kind of love I have for you unless they are great Saints who love God more than the flesh.


    I want you to have faith, hope & love for me, trust me, have confidence in me, believe that I love you always & will always be here, through thick or thin, rain or shine, when things go wrong, when things are right – when you’re in sin or not, when you have fallen as low as you can go – I am there waiting to pick you up.


    You might fail in every way.  You might have ‘sold your soul to the devil’ by giving into him – you might be down on your luck, drug addicted, homeless & helpless, ready for jail or the looney bin – I am here waiting for you to cry for help.  Only you can save yourself through this cry – no one can save you against your will, no one can oust your demons (in most cases but some can be removed even without your request as they were put there against your will – example – child abuse, other kinds of abuse) me, crying out for God’s help.  It is your WILL that is the key to salvation, you must want out of the dungeon, you must ask to get out, you must repent if there are any sins, renounce the devil & seek help.


    When you do ask I answer instantly.  The Almighty is in control of the entire Universe & you are connected to That & you are One with That.  When you call out in supplication that Universe fires up all the answers needed for you – the time & place & persons (if needed) for your salvation & in the right moments each thing appears, each item lifts you out of despair.


    You might not be homeless or imprisoned or down & out, but you might be stuck in a meaningless relationship or job, miserable, lost in mediocrity, no more joy, have lost hope.  You settled for security or survival, you got caught in a net of no return; you don’t know what to do to find happiness.  Where is your soul?  Do you still have one? You think.


    There you have LOST CONTACT WITH ME, known as ‘intimacy with God.’  In your pursuit of worldly survival or achievement, you forgot YOURSELF, the priceless treasure, the ‘pearl of great price’ while you sought the lower things – all the things BENEATH GOD are lower, & even though they are needed, their pursuit must never blot out THE ONE THING NECESSARY – which is your eternal life, your True Self, which is the only thing that can make you perfectly happy.

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In other words, you got LOST UPON THE WAY, ‘the Way, the Truth & the Life’ without which there is no going, no knowing, & you got stuck in the mud, plodding along, you can’t fly, your energy is a worm.  You keep expecting that happiness you thought would happen when you got this spouse or job, had kids, did all required – aren’t you fulfilling what this world teaches you have to do?  Haven’t you been good?



No, you’ve been good to the world, but not to YOURSELF – which is GOD – YOU & GOD ARE ONE.  Unless you are in relationship the GOD WITHIN you are lost.  You might even have ‘all the kingdoms of the world & their glory’ but you are lost to blissfulness.  There is no happiness in people, things, fame & fortune, there is only happiness in THE GOD WITHIN & ETERNAL LIFE – don’t forfeit this.



I, the God inside, am always waiting for your return whether it be from the abject point of failure, from mediocrity, or the state of earthly glory—if you aren’t with me YOU ARE LOST.


I know it probably isn’t all YOUR FAULT. I know it’s ignorance, lack of spiritual education, lack of guidance, lack of encouragement, bad influence from the world & its people including injuries, temptations from the devil, & fear of hardship, crosses & poverty that led to this.


But now the TRUTH is here.  Shake off that ignorance, be enlightened, illuminated by the Truth – that God & Her Power are within you.  Be guided by these words, take heed to them & make resolutions, listen to what is right because in your heart you know it is.


Shake off the world, the flesh & the devil.  The world is temporary, its ways are bad while we live in an unloving society.  This is the Culture of Death, Necrophilia, it’s teachings lies.  It says that you must be important, well off, respected & respectable – that the uneducated, the poor, the weak, the helpless are to be spit upon, used up, laughed at & disregarded.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.



“Whatever you do to the least of these, you do to Me” says God.

    Would you like to be stomped by an Alien that is one hundred feet tall, just putting it’s foot on you & smashing you because you’re small?


    Jesus Himself came into the world teaching POVERTY.  Born in a cave, he was sought for assassination (but was honored by the wise) –was rejected, almost thrown off a cliff, laughed & jeered at, went through a ministry of great persecution to be tortured & killed.  But his Power & Glory lived ever after; to this day we are healed by Him & all those who are like Him.




This God in Jesus is in you.  You have the same Power to Bless, Guide, Heal, perform Miracles & save souls.  This is not a hangup on the name ‘Jesus’.  You can give God any name you want.  You can call God by your own name – Betty God, Jane God or Mary God. 


Here is a beginning, a prayer to start:

“My God within me (give God a name if you wish, using your own or whatever sounds comfortable, or save that naming for later) I acknowledge YOU.



I know you are there, hearing my every thought, word & desire.  From now on I will think of you every day.  You are the most important thing in my life.  You are the Power that makes my life worth living, that fuels me with energy, inspiration, & Light that illuminates my brain.  You are the One that guides me, shows me what to do, where to go, how to act, what to say, who to be friends with, who to depart from.  You care about every facet of my life, the spiritual, eternal part & the here & now.  You want to protect me as your child, you want me to do well, stay well, live well & have a beautiful Eternity.



From now on, dear God, I will acknowledge your Presence & speak to you every day, asking you for what I need, confessing my fears, explaining my doubts, begging pardon for sins, thanking you for all you do.



  I will ask you for Miracles daily because your Power has no bounds, Miracles are your Nature, they are effortless to you.  I honor your Power this way.



  This is my resolution–dear God from this day forward, to know, love & serve you on earth, to be happy with you here & in Eternity.  I will never forget you – who you are – that you are Me & I am You. I might not yet understand & experience this, but I believe it, & trust you to eventually give me the sense of it.



  I believe in you, hope in you, trust in you & know you have heard me & will ratify my prayer—I thank you for it with all my heart.  Goddess Bless me.”


The males have done this & do it EVERY DAY & brainwashed women take part in it. Like the women in China bound up the feet of the little girls because men demanded it – the women in Africa & Muslim countries take part in genital mutilation of girls (removing their clitoris), women in Europe & America abase women when they PUT WOMEN DOWN & FAIL TO DEFEND, HONOR & RESPECT THEM.


If women everywhere honored & defended other women it would be DIFFICULT for men to injure them – but they don’t.  They are catty toward sisters, they fail to stand up for them – they follow the rules of Patriarchy by SLUT SHAMING, refusing women honor & credit where it is due (both in the present day & in history), they gang up on women instead of ganging up on men who hurt them, they criticize, always hoping to hold their heads higher than their competitors, – & why do they do all this, hurting themselves as well as their sisters?



This is called the SLAVE MENTALITY, pleasing ‘Massah’ so Massah will give them perks – let the other slave be flogged & ruined, but let me, Massah, live in the house comfortably to serve you.

But although the slave mentality is DEPLORABLE & worthy of shame, the slaves did not create slavery – Women did not create Patriarchy, men did.  Yes some women cooperate with it to an evil degree but they are going along, they are accessories to the crime, not usually the main criminals, the main criminals should be nailed the hardest.



There are NUMEROUS WAYS males through Patriarchy have wounded & sometimes ruined women, & this is what is being healed by Woman Thou Art God—the Religion.

Wherever a woman turns in this world, she has ‘nowhere to lay her head’ meaning to ‘rest her mind.’


Yes there have been great strides made in the workplace.  A big corporation where my husband worked, subsidized by the government, toward the end of his tenure was hiring more women than men, & they got larger salaries.  Whereas the ‘old men’ were still making 60k per year, the ladies took in 90k.  The government has cracked down on wage discrimination, it’s a big step.


Left to be abolished is discrimination in numerous areas of society – show business (mostly movies where female stars are no longer wanted after forty while males are considered hot into 60’s) – female-interest scripts are swept aside while male-interest scripts with violence get top preference.  Although show business can’t live without women & women stars, & they do make big money, the mentality of most movies produced is pro-men. 

The news also favors the interests of men, like sports, & sports itself is strongly anti-women & pro-men.


In the government women are making strides but those who get in are having trouble putting a Matriarchal agenda into a Patriarchal world. It isn’t easy to bring Love, Compassion & Peace into a war mongering, dog eat dog, devil may care, fuck nature-love business, exploit the poor, kill the weak & take their money & property mentality.  Yes, women are mothers & they care for others, but our mentality needs to be in a world run by women with men either a sideline or completely out.  Them being out is the best solution—that’s what we here are fighting for.


Now the worst place for women is in religion.  Religion holds up a loving God, but they hate us with a passion.  They go back to thousands of years ago when Patriarchy was more repressive & women had almost no rights.  Their only rights were to do as they were told by men, to have sex with them, breed & take care of children demanded by men. 



Yes, it was a super-repressive time & these religions still hold up the words of those days, by those men, as if they were sacred.  They twist even the life of Jesus saying he chose no women.  He chose plenty of women, the Holy Women, with Mary Magdalene & his Mother as the heads.  But these women were ousted by the men – not by Jesus.  So of course, the men wrote their history in the four gospels – their version of the truth & all the Acts of the Apostles, their side of events.

    What happened to the story


of women?  They finally found the Mary Magdalene Gospel & it tells a different account.  The Holy Women joined the Essenes, they must have been doing Holy work, but where is their literature?


    Most of it probably got burned as males have had a habit of destroying, hiding everything to do with women & their part in our development.  They were hysterical that we would  know the world was once run by women, & women have always had an important part in it.  They pretended we did nothing except work as background slaves to them – the heroes.  History is a pack of lies.  They were zeros, not heroes.


Now to everyday life, how they demoralize us.  Where do we begin?

Every conversation with a man & woman (unless maybe she looks like a wart hog) ends up on sex – by his choice.  It isn’t that they are great lovers, it’s just that their minds lack intellectual, spiritual capacity.  It’s been proven recently, no argument, absolute fact, the frontal lobes of their brains are asleep while the primitive back parts are active.  Dr. Daniel Amen recently did over 60k brain scans to demonstrate this.


Sadly as women growing up, we took this personally, & until I read this study I was somewhat perplexed.  Now I know for sure what I suspected, that they are BRAIN DEAD in the areas that count, the spots where women are active – the civilized, intellectual, spiritual, compassion oriented, responsibility, control of impulses spheres.  They also lack the connections to various parts of the brain that women have, they cannot think with all areas at the same time.  And this is the creature that runs the family& the world?  No wonder we’re in trouble.



This brain deficiency explains why all their conversations devolve to sex – only the primitive parts of their brains are awake.

Now this & treating us as ‘sex objects’ all the time – nothing counts but our looks & sex appeal – is WOUNDING when THEY ARE IN CHARGE.  If women  ran the family & world this would not matter.  We make the decisions, we tell them what to do, they work, they appear when it’s time for companionship, recreation & sex.  Then they can talk about sex, we can dismiss them if we’re bored or annoyed, but in a society where MEN RULE it becomes aggravating & intimidating.


When, in every facet of social interaction – work – getting things done – doing things that we have to – to some degree when we’re AT THEIR MERCY  & all they do is judge us by looks, sex appeal, & if we’re willing to do sex – then it’s troublesome.  It’s a bother if we’re young & beautiful because they harass us more than anyone, it’s a bother when we’re old & ugly because they dismiss us as having no value – & we can’t get the thing done that we want to do (like getting a job, getting a script produced, getting a project launched, even sometimes they won’t work for us unless we’re attractive!).


Being judged perpetually by LOOKS & SEX APPEAL & being spoken to about sex all the time tells us that WE ARE NOTHING BUT THAT.  It brings us down to THEIR LEVEL OF PRIMITIVE BRAIN THINKING & if they were under our charge instead of us at their mercy it wouldn’t matter.  But when they rule the world, they run religion, they decide what we should think & believe—, they are saying again & again ‘YOU ARE NOTHING BUT THAT’ this is serious brain assault & abuse.  The TRUTH IS THEY ARE NOTHING BUT THAT, they cannot think & feel in the advanced way AS WE CAN & they are speaking from their limited brain, not ours.


This being SUBJECT to a creature that is so limited, so primitive, who got to be above us through murder & unjust laws has wounded us, because not only has he turned us into slaves, but has brainwashed & tormented us since infancy, through his demonic educational system both secular & religious, to believe we have no other purpose than to SERVE HIM, be HIS HELPMATE, we are not autonomous Godly beings who created him for the purpose of HELPING US.


Perpetuating these lies he has torn women down into lack of belief in themselves, made them think less of themselves & each other, even made them dislike themselves & sisters, giving honor & precedence to men,  given them a distorted image of what it means to be female– all of this has been strategically & systematically worked out through Patriarchy — after attacking the female communities with murder & threats of further violence, keeping the women quiet & inactive by violence, over thousands of years indoctrinating & brainwashing them to believe AGAINST THEMSELVES SO THEY WOULD NOT FIGHT BACK.


    Now, woman, you can understand why Mother God has had to take the DRASTIC MEASURE of rendering human males EXTINCT – apparently there is no way to stop them except killing all of them, removing them from the planet they are destroying.


But there is still WORK TO BE DONE.  They will be around for 100k years give or take 25k, (happily diminishing in their bodies & decreasing in their numbers) we still have to take over & stop them from further planetary destruction & even human souls.

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Be aware that it is more than the physical that Patriarchy affects, it has destroyed souls.  We fight enemies besides flesh & blood; there are spirits of evil that have dragged souls into Hell.  Hell is a world AGAINST LOVE.  They have turned our society into a Hellish, hateful, perverted, murderous one, & many people they perverted lost their souls, & lost their place in the Eternal Bliss of God.  This also we fight to prevent, we are saving souls from demonic spirits.


It is said, it is known, that no male Power or God could save the planet from Patriarchy – the big Demon of this world.  It’s up to you, women, to save the planet, but you cannot save the slaves by being one.  You must rise up out of your slavery to the ideas of men & their demands.  You must know you are God, you have the Powers of God.  You must use those Powers for yourself & others.  You must teach your children these truths & not let them be swallowed up by Patriarchs.


Woman, thou art God.  Start believing that today & start acting upon it, live with that Realization & spread the word.  Your rewards are eternal.



To be continued  Rasa Von Werder  10-10-19







College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Shrine to Shakti, Uncategorized

XXI The New Religion Woman Thou Art God


Woman Thou Art God




The New Religion Which Teaches Women to Worship the God Within Themselves

XXI  Installment Twenty One     Why This Religion is Needed Right Now   10-9-19 


Woman thou art God!  But why am I preaching this to you right now, why do you need this religion now?  Don’t you know that you are God?  Aren’t you aware you have supernatural powers, that you are a Divine Being?  Unfortunately, most of you no longer know or remember these things, so I have to remind you!

What happened to make you forget?

Here is the sad truth:   The woman has been so long demoralized, abused, put down, degraded & lied to; intimidated, browbeaten, physically, mentally, emotionally torn down, that she must be reminded of her greatness, her God-hood, her Divine Nature, her Majesty & her Spirit.


I make these statements after having a chat with Mother God within me.  I asked her why do we need this religion.  She said:

“Because women need confidence.  This religion will restore it.  They need to believe in themselves again.”



This was a sort of new point of view for me, I had not seen it in exactly that way.  I had many questions to my Higher Self – (the two of us are often on different levels, you can understand, Mother God is in the Highest Realm while I, a mortal, am faced daily with my earthly existence–same as you & all of us).  Therefore, I must consult with her from time to time, shut down my conscious mind to some degree, open  up the unconscious, the deeper, higher, more intelligent Me & see what ‘we’ have to say.



She tells me that I, the conscious self, have been looking at women in a different way than She has.  So let me just ask, Mother how do you see them?  I see women as simply unaware, diverted, lacking in virtue to some degree, being timid & cowardly, absorbed in material things, mixed up, & distant from their True Nature.  How do you see it?

Mother God says:  “You’re partially right, but also, you are blaming women for what’s been done to them.  Please see them as having been victims for thousands of years.  You’ve been sent to empower them, don’t be so hard on them.


You’ve also been abused by women a lot, & they have hurt you instead of helping you–this brings resentment– & I now need you to show mercy as I explain it in a better way.”


Could it be LaBelle Otero?  She had five kings at her 30th birthday celebration in her apt, where she danced naked on the table – with them all staring up at her – She had a movie done of her life in Spain, she died age 97

Me:  You are saying it’s for me to empower them.  I have suffered, I have endured & at my own risk to safety I have fought for women all my life.  Why is it on me?  It seems I am being asked for a lot, too much maybe.

Mother God:  “You don’t fully understand who you are yourself.  You suspect in part but you don’t know for sure.  Believe me, were it not for the grace of God you could have done nothing.  God prepared you from before you were born to do what you’re doing.  You are an Avatar -  I told you that.  Everything that happened to you was for a reason.  Born on the day you were, to the parents that you had, in the place you were born, schooled as you were – every tiniest detail of your life was planned & anticipated by God to have you serve a Higher Purpose.  Your part in it was to cooperate & obey & that you did.  That is the part you will be crowned in Heaven for.”



Me:  I have so many questions now, obviously I am a dunder-brain about many things.  I think too much about myself, how people have hurt & hindered me & been ungrateful.   I must turn over a new leaf & see how fortunate I am & how God has gotten me out of every jam, pain, failure, danger–everything evil in my life was turned around by God & brought to good.  I must focus on that, not the ‘why me’ stuff.  Let me ask this.  Most of my endeavors have been to empower women, & usually, I had to play the role, do it myself or empower myself.  I keep thinking how hard it was, but I did it.  What is the main reason, you already told me but I ask again, that I am able to help women?




Mother God:  “The main reason you are able to help women is because you reached Enlightenment or Self Realization.  By doing this you ascended past the world & the flesh & the devil – you overcame the earth.  All the misery, the abuse happens on the earth/flesh plane, & so by ascending you went above it, you rose up to God – you saw God face to face.  This gave you enormous confidence, Supernatural confidence, no demon could thereafter fool you, browbeat you, twist your mind or intimidate you.



Unfortunately most women are not there yet, & they are susceptible to the abuse I have mentioned, & most of all they are AFRAID.  You must help them see the truth about men, help them get One with God, & help them not to be afraid.  This is a tall order & you have done well so far – trust in Mother God & all will be accomplished.”



Me:  Indeed I have been looking at it in my mind accusing them of pusillanimity, lack of love & zeal for God, lack of caring for their sisters, lack of virtue, lack of commitment to the cause of women & God–I have not felt much mercy for them, although I am working I have given up on trying to get any of them to join or help me.  But I see what you mean.  It isn’t that they don’t want to have courage, they have been so demoralized they can’t stand up in the face of it.  Unless the turn to God – not the way Patriarchs want them to do but the way God wants them to – they cannot find the courage to do what is right, even for themselves………..



But so few women can achieve Enlightenment, Self Realization.  This requires a super-human effort – it means Sainthood.  How many can do it?  Before my Enlightenment indeed I was doing God’s work for women through the body building as well as Stripping for God, not counting the prayers & sacrifices.  Why was I able to do this work before I was raised up?


Mother God:  “You were on your way to being a saint, a fledgling spiritual big shot lol.  Consider the Beloved Saint Padre Pio.  Even as a boy they called him ‘holy’ & there were healings.  As a young man before the Divine Stigmata – the whole area where he resided  venerated him.  When the chief priest was going to take him to another town they rioted en masse – the women marched to his residence & told the messenger they would not permit them to ‘take our saint away.’  Padre Pio had the earmarks of sainthood, he was on his way there from childhood – & so were you……….Of course people misunderstood you because you were in the adult trade, the way you had to do what was against religious convention threw people – but not everyone misunderstood – some accepted it & believed in you.”



Me:  OK, next question.  I should then curtail my anger, resentment at women when they betray the cause, when they betray myself & other sisters?  The way they judge & look down on adult trade workers, the way they shudder & quake when the word ‘witchcraft’ is spoken – as if what the priests are saying is true, like this is still the Inquisition.  They judge, condemn other women when they should be supporting them………..



Mother God:  “They are afraid.  This entire work toward Matriarchy must be done slowly, laboriously, one step at a time, on the political front, religious, secular, education, government, the arts – everything.  Women must get active in all areas of life, they must do what they can…..Not everyone is a Pankhurst or a Cady Stanton or a Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem or whatever.  They just can’t do it, they have not the Anointing.  They are waiting for someone to ‘kill Goliath.’  Little David came along with his sling.  He had killed a lion & a bear with it – he proved himself, he was Anointed.  His brothers were bigger, stronger, & they were noodles.  David had come to bring them food to the battlefield.  He asked them who was going to take Goliath.  They told him to be quiet & go home.  But he volunteered, he struck Goliath & he fell – then David cut his head off.




Everyone waits for the strong ones to come forward.  They ask you what you’re doing, but thy don’t even help you.  You know they’re waiting for you to succeed, then when you do, they’ll say they helped you – when all they did was annoy & insult you – tell you what to do, their advise ridiculous.” 



Me:  I’m beginning to understand.  Explain to me exactly what are they so afraid of, that they have been abused, demoralized, beat down – the are like whipped dogs.  What do they fear the most?

Mother God:  “What they fear the most is their survival, just having a roof over their heads, food on the table.  Unfortunately too many of them get pregnant with unplanned babies – they don’t have the guts to make men  use condoms……..



Second, they fear failure & poverty – being looked down on, having to work menial jobs, trading their bodies for money in some way or other, they fear being nobodies, where people will not respect them or admire them, they will be unpopular.  They all want to be loved, respected, admired – all the flim flam of this world & people – the fools gold.  But Jesus told us that you cannot be his disciple if you’re not willing to leave your family for him.  Family means caring about people – you can’t even care about family more than God – God being Truth…………………………



But they are forfeiting God-Truth for the things of this world when they are afraid to fight for women’s rights & Matriarchy.”

Me:  What is the worst thing the Patriarchs have done to them to tear them down?




Mother God:  “What the men have done is they have stripped women of belief in themselves, their own IDENTITY, their Godliness, their Divine Nature.  They have led women to believe they were created for men, for men’s pleasure, men’s convenience.  They have destroyed women’s morale by every kind of abuse.”



Me:  Alright Mother God I heard you, & women you heard her.  You must believe in yourselves, your Divine Nature, your Supernatural Life which is your True Identity.  You were not created for the convenience or pleasure of men, but for God.  Take another good long look at yourself in the mirror of God & make a new commitment to follow HER – which is following YOURSELF.






to be continued   Rasa Von Werder   10-10-19


College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Shrine to Shakti, Uncategorized

The New Religion <>XX<>Woman Thou Art God

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    The New Religion  XX  Woman Thou Art God                                                                                                                                           






    I have spoken in detail on Embodiment of God–how the Goddess Durga appeared to eliminate Patriarchy.  The three male Gods TRIED but could do nothing with Maharashtri – a violent monster – symbol of males dominating the world.



    This story is a MYTH & therefore the male Gods are a symbol, so is Durga & her persona as Kali.

    It came to me days ago that those three male Gods could very well be JESUS, BUDDHA & maybe KRISHNA – Krishna symbolizing love to Hindus (although he was also a warrior & taught Arjuna to KILL even his own relatives, the Pandavis!) The number three could also be arbitrary – it could be one, two or three male Gods, the message being ‘no male Gods can do it.’



    Please understand Jesus’ message as an ‘extension’ of Buddhism.  He was a reincarnated Yoga-Buddhist Guru—one so great that the ‘Three Kings’ from the East (India, Tibet) came to honor his birth (guided by a magical star) & bring Princely gifts.  

    When Jesus was twelve, they came for him to be educated, took him to Tibet, returned him to Israel age twenty nine or thirty.



    Jesus did not die on the Cross – he passed out.  Taken to the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, he & Nicodemus later brought huge bags of herbs (including aloe, a healing herb) to revive him—He was taken away the third day to a secret place where He recovered.  When He appeared to the disciples He was a real man, not a ghost.

    After spending some time with the disciples & his loved ones, Jesus departed, to live out the rest of his life, to age eighty one, in Kashmir, a part of Tibet, where He is buried under a Muslim saint.  This is all explained in a BBC documentary, ‘Jesus in Kashmir’ on You Tube.


    Jesus’ life was amazing.  He reached untold millions to teach & save their souls (including mine) – to many of us He’s the greatest thing that ever happened.  But Patriarchy is still here.  He did not save us from it.  It’s gotten worse.

    But Jesus gave a prediction.  They asked him when He was coming back.  He said,




    “When you don’t know the summers from the winters.”

    Global warming!  It’s upon us.  We hear of the arctic ice melting, the glaciers disappearing – the summers are getting cooler, the winters milder, soon it will be as He said.


    But what does it mean ‘He’ returns?  It is his message.  What message?–The message of Love.  Jesus was a Matriarch – not a Patriarch.  He professed & lived True Love, (the opposite of what the Pharisees were doing)—the same religion as Buddhism—Buddha preached against animal sacrifice, violence & the caste system which created ‘untouchables.’ 


    These two streams of thought – Buddhism & Christianity influenced the entire world but could not stop Patriarchy.  Now this philosophy / thought / culture of life is coming back IN A NEW FORM & that form is MATRIARCHY – the society where women rule the family & the world – the society of the gender which nurtures & loves, the religion of Mother God.  This is THE RETURN OF JESUS.

    Now the myth of Durga/Kali comes to fruition.  But there is one important element I’ve not yet broached:  male extinction.


    The myth gives Mother God the onus to remove males off the planet – & it is notable that this be God in the form of the female as it is the male who dies, the female lives on & will procreate a female-only world.

    And so, male can never save the planet, no male ‘God’ like Jesus can remove him, the female God presides because FEMALE POWER MUST RETURN & in order for it to do so the MALES MUST BE REMOVED – they have gone TOO FAR TO BE CHANGED.


    Durga is Mother Nature – biology if you will – & Kali is extinction of males.  Durga slew him but his blood fell on the ground & each drop became a new demon.  That is the proliferation of males – as long as males live, the demon of Patriarchy continues – all men must die.  And so Kali, symbolically with the foot-long tongue, laps up every drop of the demon blood – it is the only way to stop this.  The Y chromosome is crumbling; it cannot repair itself, in 100,000 years or so, male extinction. (Give or take 25,000 Dr. Sykes says)

    The world’s leading geneticist, Dr. Bryan Sykes said that human males are a genetic modification experiment that DID NOT WORK & as a result, nature is removing them.


    There we have it – Woman Thou Art God.  We need a new religion to go with the extinction of males – lol.  This is it, for whatever it’s worth – I’m writing it.  Why the humor?  This is serious?  Not to me.  Let’s have a party.  The end of Patriarchy is a celebration.  It’s not yet here, but it’s coming.  Pass the champagne & slurp the caviar – what we used to do every New Year’s Eve.  A New Age is coming:  Matriarchy.  Mother God has figured it out.


    I used to think WHERE IS GOD?  How could God allow all these wars, genocides & atrocities?  Why doesn’t God stop it, why doesn’t She help us?   Well She is, all along, we didn’t know it.  At some point She touched their Y chromosome to kill them off & this is our salvation.  Glory glory hallelujah!  There IS A GOD!


    It was about 2005 I heard the news re Dr. Bryan Sykes book – ‘Adam’s Curse – A Future without Men’ – published the previous year.  I jumped for joy, I felt peace, closure.  This would stop.  The demon Maharashtri will be no more.  Can’t describe my relief.



    Why did Jesus great religion not work?  And why will we not permit one single man to make one peep in our religion?


    Because as wonderful as Jesus life & words were, it was men who took it over.  It was not Mary Magdalene, as He wished, who became the leader 

    (see the Magdalene gospel) – Peter & the guys ousted her.  {We understand poor Mary, although she was the highest contemplative of the group, could not function in a repressive Patriarchy—No woman can.  The time has to be receptive to a female leader – those days were not.}


    Alright then, again I say, why did Jesus Love religion not save the world from the hate religion of Patriarchy?  Because it was TAKEN OVER BY MEN, PROMULGATED BY MEN – everything run by men sooner or later – no matter how innocent it starts – personifies THEIR AGENDA which is HATRED OF WOMEN, VIOLENCE & EXPLOITATION, & that is what they did with the religion of Poor Jesus.


    The evil within the Catholic Church, for instance, has not yet ALL been revealed – We know about the murderous Crusades & the Holocaust of Women—the Inquisition—millions of casualties. We are only beginning to hear about not only their RAMPANT PEDOPHILIA but now the systematic exploitation & torture of young nuns is coming out –


    The Magdalene Laundries is just the tip of the iceberg – in the years to come it will be revealed how ‘Mother Superiors’ have given over young, innocent nuns to priests for rape—right from the day of their consecration (saying the priest was Jesus, they would now be married to him!), made them STRIP DOWN NAKED in a row for the priests to look over, choose which one he would rape that night, forced to give their CONFESSIONS to the priests weekly, who demanded BLOW JOBS as their ‘penance,’ etc.


    Those nuns who refused to comply were starved, tortured in ways similar to prisoners of war, being in contemplative – enclosed cloisters, separated from parents & family – having signed away all their properties & future inheritance, taken to convents in foreign countries where if they escaped they didn’t know the language—locked into their cells each night—even if they escaped the high rock walls & front gate was locked & chained – some nuns kept in dungeons where they were further starved, deprived of all human decency , driven to a point of insanity until they died.


    What we see & hear of the Catholic Church IS A FRONT.  Jesus has turned in his grave, over there in Kashmir, a million times over.


    It’s important now, to end our allegiance to all Patriarchal Churches, stop funding them, stop volunteering, stop working for them (if we can.)


    We must galvanize our energies & resources for Matriarchy & Woman Thou Art God.  They cannot make it without us – let us make it hard for them by leaving.  Obviously, not every woman will hear this message or if she does, obey it.  But those who can, leave their premises, their lies & their service.


    These men – no matter what we do for them, do not value us.  A case in point, right here in my town.


    There’s a Methodist Church in my town who recently obtained the services of a female Pastor.  I knew one of the elders, & he said this to me,

    “We have to pay her over forty thousand a year & we are not getting our money’s worth, as with a male minister.”


    “Why not?”

    I asked.  He said,

    “When we hire a male minister, we also get the services of his wife for free.  But the female, we only get her.”


    Oh, I thought, women’s services are free.  Women have no value; they have to give for nothing.  But men have to be paid.

    Woman, do not allow them to take you for granted.  We must fight back.  And fighting is easier than we think.  Just withdraw.  They can do nothing without us. 


    But in order to do that, it’s expedient to have our own ‘female clubs,’ ‘female recreation,’ ‘female hotels,’ female everything where females can meet on many levels for camaraderie.  Because they will ostracize us – a woman alone is not welcome in Patriarchy – where every woman has to be OWNED by a man – even in America!


    They make us think & believe that past the age of thirty we must be married – or else there is something wrong with us.  They intimidate & browbeat us into this concept.


    When we go out just to socialize it’s a MEAT MARKET.  Go to bars, usually more men are there than women, on the prowl & looking at us based on face value.  They are dunder-brains & they want us to be so, but available for sex.  If they want us for sex they talk to us, if they don’t, they look the other way.


    We are hard pressed to find places to go for female-based conversations, intelligent ones, not the kind Ladies Home Journal of contented housewives’ wants, but convos about the meaning of life & how we want to change it – How we’re going to overthrow Patriarchy – that’s what I want to hear.


    The last word here is Woman, Thou Art God.  

    You contain all you need, within you for happiness, contentment, a full, meaningful life – You contain GOD.




    Believe in this God, access this God, listen to Her, share  Her with the right people.  Don’t waste Her or your flesh, don’t throw yourself away on Patriarchy or Patriarchs.  Save yourself from them – then you will save others.



    To be continued   Rasa Von Werder   10-6-19


  •  or 

College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Shrine to Shakti, Uncategorized












                        XIX THE NEW RELIGION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

                    Woman Thou Art God   10-6-19




Whatever religion you are in, if you care for it, start practicing Woman Thou Art God along with it!

Woman, simply by REMOVING THE PATRIARCHAL AGENDA, you can continue its practice while at the same time being One with Woman, Thou Art God (The Religion).


Definition of AGENDA:  list, plan, outline, or the like, of things to be done, matters to be acted or voted upon


One:  Hate of women (& discrimination of them) 


Two:  Violence (Crusades, ‘holy wars’, terrorism, suicide bombings)

Three:  Child abuse, pedophilia, child neglect 

Four:  Circumcision of boys & clitoral removal from girls (partial castration, child abuse)


Five:  Animal abuse, species-ism (Inhumane treatment of animals, sacrifice of animals, depriving animals of habitats & food, depriving animals of freedom & happiness)


Six:  Planned poverty (Depriving people of decent wage, ‘untouchable’ caste class, exploitation of the poor, weak & vulnerable)

Seven:  Slavery of people & animals (including wage slaves)





One:  Woman is God, leader of the family & world.  Man is a ‘lesser God’ whom She created as a HELPMATE – He is to work UNDER HER AUTHORITY for whatever She wants or needs – be it to remain single, married, polygamous for her, having children or not.



He works – He tries to please her, keep her happy, whatever She desires.

He can LEAVE but all women in our society demand obedience from the man – The woman DOES NOT OBEY THE MAN.


(There should be a record kept of the relationships, when a man leaves a woman or a woman dismisses a man.  He explains why he left; she explains why she dismissed him.  These records can be accessed by any other woman who is interested.

In this way, males who are unsatisfactory will not get away with what they do – if they are dismissed for transgressions,– they cannot easily bounce around & affect other women.  Women will know ahead of time if there be any risks or detriments.)



The guidelines for men will be written down – counseling can be given through internet, phone, social networks & group classes.  One-on-one sessions of men learning from women will be discouraged for security reasons; we practice SAFE SPACE for women. Usually when men want to be alone it’s to try to get sex, & they can get dangerous.

However women can be alone with a man, of course, if they choose to do so, but no man can demand to be alone with a woman for any purpose.


 Above, the image:  Keep in mind that the women who are accused of abuse it is statutory rape, not sex with babies, infants, toddlers or little pre-puberty children.  They are having sex with sexually mature boys who have penises capable of performance.  But males use their penises to inflict outrage & PAIN on little children including newborn babies.  They insert their penises into the mouths of babies, they rape little children, even murdering them in the process – & they insert their penises into the anus of boys & girl which is dangerous & painful.  These statistics do not include the details.  And in a politically influenced justice system, women are punished much worse than men for breaking the law:  example:  a woman who permitted a 12 year old boy in Las Vegas for touching her breast was given a LIFE SENTENCE by a male judge.  Males who have MURDERED BABIES by raping them are not always executed or given life sentences.

Children:  Males are never to be left alone with a child or children under legal age. Even if they are not abusers, they have not the talent to take care of children; they are not biologically designed for nurturing / compassion / kindness / gentleness.  Nothing wrong with them loving children, let them show affection, recreate with them in public – with matriarchal women present. 


(In the ancient days of Mother God, kids had many mothers.  The grandmas, aunts, single women, all lived in the same premises – this is the proper way to raise children – This made it WAY EASIER for a woman to raise & protect her children.  The nuclear family was created by Patriarchs to give them control over the isolated woman & access to children for sex.)



The mothers & the religion classes will teach children their roles in life:  the female being the leader, the male the obedient one.  Males must help women, they are workers & protectors of women & children, not the abusers too many have become.

Children will be taught THERE IS A GOD & SHE IS OUR MOTHER. 



They will be shown that GOD IS WITHIN US, all of us, but we are not EQUAL in our roles in life.  Men are not EQUAL to women, as they do not have two X chromosomes – they cannot reproduce – & the frontal lobes of their brains are ASLEEP.

Being unequal does not mean we love the less-than- us.  My pets are not equal to me, they were not created as my leaders – I lead them.  But I shelter & feed them & give them love.  I love all animals, although they do not guide & teach me – I am at times their caretaker or benefactor – even so – I never deprive them of life, liberty or the pursuit to happiness (except when I eat meat or fish who I wish were killed in a humane way, but usually they are not, our religion people will work on this.)



Children will be taught all the traditional decent aspects of religion, as taught in the Christian Church & other Churches (they stole these religions from us originally anyway) for example:

***  Who made me?  God made me.

***  Why did God create me?  To know, love & serve Her, & be happy with Her in eternity. 



***  What is the purpose of life?   To live in Love, to Love myself & others & to live in the joy of Love forever in eternity.

***  What is sin?  Sin is the rejection of God, who is Love.  Sin is also offences against God by hurting others or God’s Creation.



 Sin does not look to God as our greatest End, our Goal, our happiness – sinners (those who love sin, not those who commit it & repent) look elsewhere for their satisfaction, & they miss out on that which is the Greatest.

***  Who goes to eternal Heaven, who goes to Hell?  Those who accept God & Her Love go to Heaven; those who reject God & Her Love end up in Hell. 



Hell is of one’s own making, a person implodes upon themselves, where within them, there is nothing to hold onto,  it’s barren, deserted, empty & painful to be without God on earth or in eternity.  When one has a body they might not FEEL HELL because their body camouflages it, but when the body dies, they see where the soul is.  God is our EVERYTHING, all joy, beauty, Truth, serenity, peace, security.  Without all this, we are lost.



This is a small sample of theology children would be taught – the Catechism will be enumerated later on.

Children must be taught about God from an early age – from the time they are born & can understand the simplest things.  They must be taught to meditate, pray, different types of prayer, & they must learn Faith, Hope & Charity, & all the virtues.  They must be encouraged in the virtues daily, bearing their sufferings & frustrations, patience, hope, faith, fortitude, etc.  They must learn to ask God for things & expect results every day – even healing when they or those they love are ill.


They must learn about the ‘Gifts of the Holy Spirit’, the Gifts of devotion, understanding, Power – How God manifests in us.

They should also be taught to love & venerate NATURE, celebrating the seasons the way the agricultural, ancient religions did – Wicca, Pagans, Druids & such.  All the holidays of the seasons can be brought into our religion.  Our religion is not closed-in or closeted, it is open, free, accepting of all loving doctrines from all religions – whichever you choose to worship, go for it.



The MAIN DIFFERENCE in our religion is it goes back to the days of Mother God – female Priestesses – & females leading the family & the world.  And of course, there is no Patriarchal agenda in it, as in the old days before Patriarchy, we had peace – there was no poverty.  Everyone lived close to equal with resources, the Queens included.



Woman, Thou Art God!  Begin thinking how you will practice & promulgate this New Religion & set it into practice – today!


To be continued   Rasa Von Werder   10-6-19

College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Shrine to Shakti, Uncategorized

The New Religion <>Eighteen<>XVIII


The New Religion <> Eighteen <>



Policies re Men & Their Religions 

Channeling Mother God



Me:  Do you want women to continue infiltrating the male-domination churches – those that permit women priests & ministers?

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She:  If it makes them happy.

Me:  Which religions are the right ones for women to practice?  Some of them like their religions, even Muslims.

She:  Tell them to remove all they don’t like & practice it in the clean form they do.

Me:  Should women continue trying to change male domination religions such as the Catholic Church?


She:  Let them suit themselves if it makes them happy.  But what is it they NEED & WANT from the Catholic Church?  Remove what they don’t agree with & let them join Woman Thou Art God & practice, as Priestesses here, what they approve of.  What do they need the male domination church for?–a salary?  That won’t do – don’t sell your soul to them for a salary.


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By continuing to harass them for rights we give them IMPORTANCE to what they have made.  By LEAVING & joining Woman Thou Art God we give importance to the WOMEN’S AGENDA.

Women are the biggest supporters—attendees & therefore donors of the Catholic Church—bring this to our own purposes.



The women’s agenda is:  our autonomy, cosmology, moral compass, opinions, everything OUR OWN – not theirs, disregarding their interference, judgments—they have NOTHING to say about what we do, think, feel or how we behave.

Me:  If a woman is a Muslim & she takes out all the bad from it, what’s left for her to practice?


She:  Praying five times a day, fasting, keeping certain holidays– worship of God called Allah.  Those who study it would know what is of God, what is of evil men.  They can leave their own church, join ours, practice what they believe in & call Allah “Mother God Allah.”

Me:  I know about Catholicism & I’ve said elsewhere, I do practice it partly without going to the Church.  I say Mass at home, to Jesus & Mary, I still study the saints.  



Having entered ‘Nonduality’ in the Yoga tradition I no longer pray to anyone outside, (I used to do the rosary, litanies, many prayers but rarely now, not because I have lost my passion for God, but because my religion has changed)–I pray verbally when I feel like it, my mind is always on God except when distracted by the world.  My religion is what I’m writing, God & I are One, She is Me, I am She. 



I am a Yogi & big on what they call ‘meditation’ (which includes thinking) & ‘contemplation’ (which is suspension of thought, waiting on God) & I do constant channeling of Mother God, like here. 

I am not against the Sacraments—Communion, Confession are great things.  Being married in the Church–Sacraments are good things.  But I recognize the Sacraments of other religions as well, including Wicca.



What I’m against is the hypocrisy of a male homosexual priesthood where men join to be with other men & at the same time, condemn homosexuality from the pulpit, & of course, the sins of the men against children.



I am not against the old-time tradition we had in the Lithuanian Church where men ‘married’ women, against their vows – it’s the rule against marriage that is wrong.  So it’s a transgression of vows, but here I feel God forgives, understands, as men without a female are lost; they become sick mentally, emotionally & physically without a woman.  The old priests called their wife the ‘housekeeper’ & the children they begot were called ‘adopted from a cousin.’


I don’t recall our old priests ranting & raving about these subjects—it is the ranting & raving that offends me when men are doing the things they are ranting about.

(In Woman Thou Art God we do not consider homosexuality or heterosexual activity a sin – we do not condemn sex outside of marriage, masturbation or even sex with someone other than your spouse.  The latter would be judged by God case by case, as all individual sins are anyway – only God & we actually know what is a sin – some things we do are considered sins in the eyes of people but God doesn’t judge them that way. )


{Our purpose in WTAG is not about controlling women, condemning them – as it is in Patriarchy & its churches….This is why they are obsessed with sex behavior, even homosexuality, because they want to restrain women from any lifestyle except breeding, they want men to refrain men from a lifestyle that excludes breeding women & fettering them with children.



Understand the rules against birth control are twofold:  One, to keep women barefoot & pregnant, two, to propagate as many children as possible for the Patriarchal Church.  Anti-birth control & anti-abortion is slavery of women.



Our main purpose is to free women from male-domination, from slavery to men, & from male-domination religions, families & world.}







It was my work & prayers that caused what they call the ‘crisis’ in the Catholic Church – to be explained elsewhere in detail.  But the short explanation is I preached on the street with a megaphone for 2.5 months in winter in my city—when I couldn’t take it any more I switched for one month to one hour a day of prayer, in a loud voice, against the criminals & predators of all types against people.  (If you think an hour a day of this type prayer is not significant, try it, especially in a loud voice.  I had to go where no people heard me as they would have called the police, lol.  I prayed in my house, in the wilderness, even from my car when I was driving in the country, shouting supplications to God.)



Not long after, the Catholic ‘crisis’ began – & God told me it was due to my preaching & prayers.  I am astounded that such a small thing could have caused such a worldwide shakeup.  Even I had no idea of the amount of pedophilia in the CC—we were all amazed at the degree of it & that it had gone on so long undetected, unchecked.



Me:  Mother God, what about Wicca?  The priests are still acting as if it’s of the devil, they condemn it from the pulpits (I watch on the internet & used to on TV) like everyone agrees they are evil – the word is synonymous with ‘demonic’ since their brainwashing.



She:  They succeed in this sort of rhetoric because no one is opposing them–If there was an organization of ‘Anti-defamation of Wiccans’ this could be opposed.  You don’t hear anyone opposing their slander because most women are afraid to speak up, & there isn’t an organization to help.



Me:  It astounds me that it’s been hundreds of years since the Inquisition & its precepts still stand.  Few people speak of the evils of it—their defamation goes on.  The Catholics are a STRONGHOLD OF SATAN against women, are they not?



She:  There you have it – it’s true.  The demonic is without a doubt part of the Catholic Church, the Muslim & many other male-dominated Churches.




Me:  Mother God, another thing which ever-surprises me is how women betray their own self, our cause & other women.





I had a taste of that yesterday when I was speaking in a tiny restaurant run by a woman, who I considered my friend.

I began talking about activist issues & one of the men in the restaurant jumped in with ‘manspeak,’ more or less to show me how he knew more than me.  Of course he didn’t, he was out of his league, & I, without being mean, put him in his place.  



Then a young male spoke with me about issues, he really was interested –a thirteen-year-old relative of the female owner I spoke of.  I answered his questions; he got more & more curious.




The woman, Clara, then sent him off to the nearby store, where he returned in a few minutes while I spoke with her.

The boy once again plied me with questions, then ‘Aunt Clara’ then sent him off on another errand.


It was then that I realized, although Clara was acting like she agreed with all that I had to say –– she did not want her nephew to be INFLUENCED or TAUGHT by me.



I got wise to this & left, realizing Clara was a friend in name only, when it came time to the WOMEN’S AGENDA or MISSION or the true, emancipated women’s POV, she was NOT ON BOARD.  She feigned agreement, but she would not stick her neck out for it, she would not let me teach her young relative, even though it was Truth.



Why would this be?  She didn’t want to LOSE HER SAFETY.  Safety is when you work with Patriarchy to get the things you want/need out of life:  security, position, finances.  You don’t want to ROCK THE BOAT, you don’t want men to see you agreeing with a woman who is pro Matriarchy – anti male domination, as the men might get mad, refuse to be friends or help with security.  It’s all about SECURITY VS. GOD’S TRUTH – security is first, God’s truth can be risky.  This of course is against the teachings of Our Lord or any Lord of Almighty God.



If she allowed me to continue teaching the boy, also, it might go against FAMILY POLICY.  In a family they don’t want you to be greater, different, or against them, they want you to be JUST LIKE THEM & that means with their limitations, opinions, brainwashing, their views.  Yes, they might want you to be successful in the future so you could help them in time of need, but they want you to conform to them, being different might mean separation. 

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And so, Auntie did not want me to brief the boy – Auntie is a sellout to Patriarchy—her safety net.




People also have FEAR about being EMANCIPATED – when freedom means bucking the system.   Example:



The first attempt on the life of Rev Martin Luther King Jr was done by a black woman, during a book signing she stabbed him through his chest. 

Her explanation: she didn’t want Rev. King to ROCK THE BOAT, it would make it worse for other blacks.



Women are also afraid.  They have their SECURITY as well as STATUS & POPULARITY coming from men.  They fear losing these men, losing money, their place in society, & so, not only do they refuse to fight for their rights, they will betray or turn their back on the woman who does so.



But, Woman Thou Art God.  You fight alone, but not for long.  Sooner or later, other women will be at your side.  Do what you can, fight for your rights, declare your religion, & TRUST IN MOTHER GOD.

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If you trust Mother God She will provide.  She will give you security, consolation, love, all that you need if you work faithful to Her.  Remember, 


“Put first the Kingdom (Queen’s Realm) of Mother God, & all shall be added unto you.”


“Put no strange God’s before you (the world, the men) as God is a JEALOUS GOD.”


“If you cannot leave your family for me – you cannot be my disciple.”

“Go, sell all you have, give to the poor, & follow me.”  (This is too hard for most, few can do it.  St. Francis of Assisi set up his order that way, but the Pope would not allow its full execution.  He said it could not work as an organization.)








To be continued   Rasa Von Werder   10-5-19     


College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Shrine to Shakti, The New Religion XVI Sixteen Heal the Men, Uncategorized

The New Religion<>XVII<>Seventeen




The New Religion-XVII-Seventeen-Woman Thou

Art God




Woman, Thou Art God, which means thou must knoweth many things. As I said, if you’re decision is to be with a man or men, & if you have one (it’s likely) that needs help – maybe lots of it – you’ll have to be an expert in many fields. One of your hats will be exorcist. Beyond that, there’s also spiritual awakening & development – you’ll have to be a Guru or spiritual guide.


Then there’s the healing of wounds of trauma, wounds inflicted even before birth, if the parents were planning to abort the fetus—the child knows it on the unconscious level, you’ll have to be a psychologist / therapist. There could be wounds (molestation, being demoralized—belittled–humiliated, being beaten, neglected, abandoned) by either one or both parents. That could be healed in many ways –you have to learn the ways.


Other traumas, not abuse but being involved in front lines of war, seeing violence or the recipient of violence later on, terrible injuries or death, father battering Mom, parents being ill or dying, accidents. You have to be so many things to heal a man. For one thing you cannot be sick yourself, on the mental/emotional level. You should be relatively healthy & quite strong. Then you have to have KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING & WISDOM, such as I’m describing here.


The first thing I addressed is the removal of the demonic. There’s an important thing I did not bring up: When you suspect someone of having demons, being possessed or a serious ‘demonic,’ how do you know when to try to heal, when to try to get away? (I do understand that many women in these Patriarchal cultures CANNOT get away – How can a Muslim woman, without rights, leave her husband & walk away because he’s demonic? How can a woman who has no money leave a man who’s supporting her – when the home she left is abusive? Where does she go? When I write ‘do this-do that’ ‘stay away from men, marriage, having kids if you can, I mean just that—IF YOU CAN. As I explained, you will be OSTRACIZED in a Patriarchal society for being single, you might live in POVERTY compared to a wealthier lifestyle – weigh the pros & cons.



I have lived most of my life ALONE & OSTRACIZED even though I was married twice. My first husband lived only three years after we met before dying. My second husband never lived with me – for sixteen years he spent about thirty days a year with me & when he was about to retire & we would have been together, he died. I never had a cozy home life past childhood – after leaving home age sixteen, I returned to live with Dad age twenty six – he moved to Spain a couple years later to retire. For political reasons, (Mom’s brainwashing) most of my relatives hardly spoke to me. There were sporadic visits, like once every few years, & only one relative speaks to me regularly.



I chose not to acquire a close group of friends because I could not find ‘birds of a feather,’ – it worked both ways, since I was single & have lived in the country for thirty years – most people here are married, the college students adore me, but we have nothing in common for being ‘chillin’’ friends (I’m fifty years older than they) – some married people welcomed me until the man heard me talking about women’s rights & superiority, then I was banned. (The ‘unwritten law’ is that no woman must ever empower another – if she’s married, the husband forbids it—men are really scared of women’s freedom.)


Due to all these circumstances & others I have spent most of my time alone. By ‘others’ my job was, most of my life, a dancer. I got on & off the stage, went from one town to another (in California) for nine years, then was ‘on the road’ from state to state, especially in the later years, Canada. The dancing gigs spanned about twenty one years. In a job like that you meet a lot of people but you come & go – there’s camaraderie a short time, then good bye forever. You don’t get friendly with people in the audience even when they buy you a drink – that’s temporary & shallow. You don’t get close to owners, I didn’t get friendly with radio or talk show hosts or magazine, newspaper writers; it just isn’t done. They do an interview, once in a while a man asks you to have sex, you say no & the end of that. Ditto club owners, when you’re a star, it’s rare they hit on you, they prey on the ‘house girls.’ A star is too valuable to ruffle her feathers, you might lose money.


That being said I also must affirm that being alone a lot IS MY CHOICE. If I was LIKE OTHER PEOPLE I would pursue them more, but I’m not. Most of the folks I chat with are employees, they work, we talk, they get paid, & that’s it. My life is singular since I am a WOMAN OF GOD & therefore, I must spend much of my time alone. I am also a WRITER & a RESEARCHER, writers are notorious introverts (I am both ways, interior or exterior when needs be) & researchers do their research usually alone. This life suits me fine. I need to get away—people in general are not teaching me anything, nor does their energy lift me up, they are a diversion from my own mental universe, something I don’t want invaded too much.


I find my own company to be happy & comfortable. I talk with God through the still, small voice within. I channel other beings if need be, even animals—they being living or dead. I look up things, I compose work such as writing this religion – I could not be absorbed by the world & accomplish what I do.



There are some men you can help – some you can’t or shouldn’t. The one you should help is: One meant to be with you. There’s a reason, in God’s eyes if no one else’s, you should be with him, & he is REDEEMABLE. The one you should NOT bother with is he is NOT MEANT TO BE WITH YOU (you find out through your contact with God—there’s no other way. DON’T LISTEN TO PEOPLE – usually they know nothing but they think they do. They judge by the outside & as soon as they see a flaw, their advise is ‘move on.’ You must have a walk with God to hear God, to have a walk means regular prayer, being intimate with God, understanding what God is saying.) This man might be redeemable, but his path is ELSEWHERE. Second, he must be REDEEMABLE. He cannot be given over to Satan, lock, stock & barrel. He must have some shred of decency within – a heart that can come to life, be capable of Love.


This begs the question, who is unredeemable & how can we know? Not everyone who ‘acts insane’ is insane; they might just be temporarily crazy, waiting to be healed. But some WILL NEVER CHANGE & being with them is dangerous, trying to help is a WASTE OF TIME. First, if any man has tried to kill you or your children don’t even try helping him – he’s too dangerous, you must escape. He might be helped by someone else some day, but don’t take the chance. If a man has killed anyone else, ditto, you must escape—in the time you are helping him he might kill you or someone you love. The same goes for a man who threatens you or your children with violence, or beats you or them savagely, you must escape, it’s not for you to even try to help. Not saying he is unredeemable, but it has to come elsewhere.


The man you could help is not dangerous to you or your children. He might lack responsibility, he may be a substance abuser, he may lie & cheat on you, but make sure HE IS NOT VIOLENT. This man could be greatly wounded, but deep inside, he has a good heart, & you can detect/sense this part of the time. A man who is not redeemable could be shown to you by God.


I had a friend who is a successful businessman, the richest & handsomest man in town. I recall standing in my beaver pond one day, enjoying nature & I thought to myself, “I like John, but he doesn’t know God. I’m willing to suffer for him to help him spiritually.” But God intervened, She protected me. She forced John to reveal himself to me. He spoke:

“Rasa, do not suffer for me. I don’t want to be saved. I live only for this world & the flesh. I don’t care about eternal life, I am only into the things of this world. Your suffering would be wasted on me.”


This meant, of course, that John was destined for Hell. You’d never know it on face value. He was congenial, charming, sometimes helpful. If you studied his behavior, though, you could see he had no love. Since he was rich & handsome, all the females in town would give in to him. He used them but gave them little financially, no gifts, no security. He led them on until they’d give up trying to have a marriage – then he’d move to the next female & use her. I stopped being friends with him based on his being bent for Hell.


I had a revelation like that about a girl friend. We hung out together for years & I knew she was troubled, but I never assume someone is hopeless. I really liked her. Then one day I had a vision. She was holding on to a strong steel cable & I was holding it also so she would not be pulled down. Then some sort of sticky black tar (symbol of Hell) was slathered onto the cable, I could hold it no longer, she slid down the cable. I was unable to help. I asked God, is that Jane going to Hell? Surely she can be helped? And God said, “She will not change.” I argued can’t anything be done? And again, the words, “She will not change.” Now I know my time is better spent elsewhere, to help someone else. Of course, seeing someone lost is always sad. But it’s their decision.


I have done many ‘proxy’ baptisms on people. A baptism works even for those who have already been baptized – it gives them another spurt of spiritual life, so there’s no harm in being baptized more than once. I usually chose three people at one time–got my material ready (plain water, chose a Saint God-Mother & God-Father, chose them a Saint’s name for their baptism, wrote it all down.) Then I pronounced the ritual. (For instructions see my site Woman Thou Art God, How to Build a Church.) That night I would find out who received the grace, who rejected it. I would have a dream like so: Let’s say the three of them are in a building. Two of them go out the door to the outside – they are saved, they received the grace. But one of them heads for the door to the cellar—bad sign. He’s rejected the grace, he’s going downward, a sign of Hell.


Now unfortunately, if you are not intimate with God, if you have no psychic ability, you could not discern such things, & therefore, it would be hard for you to decide who to help, who to keep or who to run away from. But I have faith that if you pray sincerely & persistently, God will reveal to you what you have to know.


There are two other things I must address. One, what is a demon? And two, what is a demonic person? There are a few definitions of what a demon is. The Catholic Church insists that they are fallen angels, those who God created, who turned away from God, followed Satan into the Hell created for them.


I have heard other religions speak of demons but don’t know if any of them explains where they came from. Most ancient religions recognized the existence of the demonic, it’s evil, & people can be possessed by them.


Psychologists say demons are figments of our minds, which we created, which haunt us, more or less. They don’t believe these are separate entities, created by God, which fell from grace.


My best guess is that demons are created by people, mostly men. The myth of Lucifer becoming Satan & beguiling a third of the angels to follow him, is to me the explanation of men turning against Mother God & women, & creating Patriarchy. It says they ‘come to steal, kill & destroy’ & this is Patriarchs. It is said that Lucifer was so beautiful that he admired himself, looked at God, wanted Her prerogatives & said, “I WILL NOT SERVE.”


Lucifer ENVIED GOD the way men envied women, all their privileges – females ran the family & the world – males were second class, they were supposed to serve & obey women & worship God as Mother, but along the way, they began to attack & murder women, eventually enslave them with unjust laws, & changed the image of Mother God to Father, usurped Her religion & made it male dominant.


It is said that demons want to destroy humans, they envy God’s love for them, they want to bring them all into Hell. These is precisely what Patriarchs try to do to us, & were it not for the grace of God, they would consume us, degrade us so badly we would fall into despair & lose our souls. Fortunately, Satan cannot realize all of his agenda even though he did take over the world – as Jesus said, “Satan is the prince of this world.”


This plan of Satan/Patriarchy is coming to a close, the Power of Mother God is coming back & She will be realized again as our God universally & women will rule the world. We are on the cusp or edge of that.


Now to address, what is a demonic? That would be a person who is so taken over, possessed by a demon or demons, that he is no longer viably ‘human’ – there’s nothing ‘human’ left in him except a front. I take some hints from Amy Allen, the great medium from ‘The Dead Files,’ who explains demonic souls & demons, & what they do to people. Some of these entities, be they demonics or demons, possess the living – some of these people they possess are perfectly innocent children. But once possessed, unless the human is separated from them, they can eventually become just like them.


There was a case of a serial killer possessing a child. Left unchecked, this child would become like the serial killer–eventually! They would lose their identity, & become someone else!


Here is an example of how a person becomes demonic. This is an analogy of how it happens. In the tropics there are some giant trees, about a hundred feet tall, stretching all the way to the canopy. But along comes ‘the strangler fig,’ a tree that meanders its way up the giant, & has not only one trunk, but many & winds round & round for years. It is so invasive that eventually it winds completely around the big tree, while itself going to the very top & producing thousands of fruits. After a time, there is no giant tree, the inside of it rots & collapses, & then there’s a hollow inside, only the strangler fig lives.


This can happen to a person. If one is possessed by demons, they must be removed. If they remain & the person keeps living & acting, & doing what the demons say, they get more & more polluted by sin, their souls darkens, they fall farther & farther from God, goodness & grace. As the person gives in again & again to sin & vice, the bad road, they are destroying themselves. The demons are like the strangler fig. There are more & more of them as the situation progresses. After a while, the human does not even remember who they are or were, the demons have taken over their mind & heart, the inside ‘rots out’ or becomes ‘hollow’ – the original human isn’t even there, all their identity is missing. It is at this point the human can no longer be helped– they are ‘gone,’ & choosing to help such a person, living with them, loving them, would be a waste of time & dangerous, their entire energy would be spent (not always overtly) to try to destroy you – to take you into Hell with them.


But woman, thou art God. You can handle this. The Power of God is in you, trust in Her, believe in Her, that She is You, She can do all things through you. Know that She is with you when you become involved with someone, She will guide you if you ask, She will help you deal with it or get away, TRUST MOTHER GOD IN YOU.




13442219_10206513746542294_7917685923329901248_nhaving FUN

To be continued Rasa Von Werder 9-28-19

College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Shrine to Shakti, The New Religion XVI Sixteen Heal the Men

The New Religion – XVI – Heal the Men


The New Religion-XVI-Sixteen-Woman Thou Art God-

Healing Men



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        For Those Women Who Will Not Leave Men:

        How We Must Heal the Men Injured by Patriarchy & Patriarchs




There are many things ‘wrong’ with men as compared to women, genetically, biologically & mentally – right from the start of their creation.  I will talk about these issues later, but right now I want to address what happens with those men that are injured / wounded–mostly by other men (sometimes evil women &  women are accessories with men at times, allowing it) in childhood & other traumas.



    These are the ones we are told ‘It’s your fault, your choice of men.’


    But it isn’t so easy, when the MAJORITY of males are affected by trauma, & scarcely one of them escapes childhood abuse & trauma such as war & when we go into this big world to find male companions we are faced by a mine field of maladies.



These men are not aware they are ‘sick’ or damaged, or wounded, unless it’s physical.  Few, if any, seek professional help, but they do seek women & we are the women they find!

    They usually hide their defects (which they don’t even see as defects, just that they know others might take issues with these traits) in the beginning, it takes a while for them to feel comfortable enough to show their ‘dark side,’ – although as they say many red flags can be raised – we might see them, we might heed or ignore them – sooner or later the truth will out, ‘no lie can live forever.’



We are not talking about small transgressions or ‘venial sins’ – everyone has them, no one is perfect to others (even saints, who were perfect in the eyes of God, were criticized by neighbors), Freud called all of us neurotic, & the saints say that the majority are headed for Hell (many of the rich & more men than women they say.)



Then who am I talking about? Those men who women complain bitterly about, who when they describe them we shake our heads & say ‘hard to believe,’ these are men with PSYCHOTIC & DEMONIC traits, & there are more like that than you can shake a stick at.



Why don’t these men get professional help, say therapy of some sort?  Are you kidding?  They never see their own maladies – everyone else does but not they.  The only time they go for counseling, rehab or therapy is when mandated by a court of law, say, a guy who has an anger management problem & is beating his children – but even when they go they do so gnashing their teeth, saying the kids caused it, the wife & judge got them framed.



    No matter how hard we try, it’s likely that a majority of us will get with ‘the wrong guy’ at least once & the problem will rise when we cannot get rid of him (husband whose support we can’t survive without, being in a cult or Patriarchal religion where we get killed if we leave or try to) or we FALL IN LOVE & don’t want to, WHAT DO WE DO WITH THEM?



    At this point we can become one of these things:  helpless victims, who will get battered again & again, maybe end up killed or die of disease & exhaustion from stress or else, we can help heal them.



    Before I start, let me verify again, that this religion teaches to STAY AWAY FROM MEN if you can (either all or part of the time) – because mostly they are more trouble than they are worth – but if you want to jump into the fray or YOU HAVE TO, do what you have to do, here is my advice:




  Healing them means we will have to take on multiple roles, psychological counselor for one.  We have to find out what’s wrong with them before such healing can occur – with therapists it often takes years of counsel, the wiseo has them ‘on the couch,’ getting them to ‘open up’ & if & when they do, help them face what ails them, see how to get around the problem.


    We’ll also have to know where they stand spiritually, which is a horse of a different color.  Maybe they have no spiritual life at all.  We’d have to work on bringing them to their own greatest good, AKA God.  (This will be a tricky situation, I will give my opinions based on what I know of God.)



    The third hat you might have to wear is that of EXORCIST.  Had enough so far?  Throwing in the towel?  Then keep it moving, like I said, you don’t love him enough, stay away from him, look for another guy or stay alone – it’s your choice.



    The reason I’m writing this treatise on healing them is I have been through it all.  I had enough on my hands when I became celibate on May 27, 1978.  I walked the path of Holiness for God, gave up all attachments, saw God face to face, there were good & bad times, but toward the end of thirty years I was at peace, then the bombshell.



Here comes God, tells me to go back into the world & ‘have fun’, this was the Will of God, & filled with trepidation & fear I did as I was told, knowing there would be trouble (as there always is when getting close to people.)  And trouble I got – God knew I would be in for it & apparently wanted it that way.  The struggles I went through can only be called ‘I was black but beautiful,’ from the Song of Songs.

###GOD WITH YOU IN 2017 

This part of the bible explains how a soul goes out into the world or ‘the fields’ for the sake of God – out of obedience to Her – their skin grows dark, but they are STILL beautiful.  In those days there was prejudice against dark-skinned people as only the servant or poor had to work the fields, & so dark-skinned, tanned people were considered less desirable or beautiful than light-skinned wealthier people.



The spiritual analogy is that when we go into the active life we incur small ‘sins’ or faults – (never a mortal sin as that would separate us from God) – or put another way, we fall from the INTIMACY with God– (closeness to the world & people shuts down intimacy)–& our soul grows DARK or BLACK from this.  The soul here is saying SHE IS STILL BEAUTIFUL ALTHOUGH HER SOUL HAS GROWN ‘DARK’ IN THE VISION OF GOD, SHE LACKS INTIMACY.  BUT THE SOULS STILL LOVES GOD, IS IN THE WILL OF GOD.



    I frequently speak from experience & this, naturally, is what happened to me.  What did I experience with them that I’m addressing here?

    What I saw was the sickness of males – young ones in particular, whom I was dating age eighteen to thirty eight.  I also interviewed during this time of eleven years – many female college students.  I heard their cries & laments about what men were like in general & what some of them were in particular, to date & to live with. 


    I spoke with females age seventeen to forty, mostly college students, but a good share of locals – learned much.  I was told about the behavior of many more men than I could meet, although I met hundreds, but was not intimate with hundreds; the females told me what they did in intimate relationships.  You could chalk some of this up to being young but not all of it.



    What the women told me about was unfaithfulness to a degree of cruelty, selfishness, self centeredness, being used & robbed, being lied to constantly, immaturity & lack of responsibility, being threatened, beaten or punched.  Some of these women cried as they spoke or looked like they were going to.

    But the most I learned about male sickness was through intimacy, when I cared about someone, I had to understand what was wrong.



First – there are the DEMONS.  You can get a synopsis on my website, Woman Thou Art God in the section How to Build a Church– How to do Exorcism.

Woman Thou Art God – How to Do Exorcisms



The very nature of your Love is an exorcism.  The demons ‘saw Jesus coming’ & got noisy because they sensed his LOVE ENERGY.

When you love a male (or anyone) who has demons, here is what to expect:  You send love, his demons react or attack you.  They will attack you either in person, through his words & actions, or from a distance, if you’re not together physically.  Every day you think of him with love, the demons will be sent to you in ‘attack mode.’ Why?  Because love agitates them – scares them – the energy of love is the opposite of what they are, it cancels them out eventually–they know they will be sent away, annihilated, so they fight back.  They figure that if they continue attacking you, you’ll go away, you’ll stop the love—most people will.

Demons – whatever they are – have a negative, unredeemable energy.  They cannot be helped, prayed for, or reasoned with – they can only be removed.  This removal is done by persistence, fortitude & patience, & I have to tell you this – it may take years.  Why years?  If the person holding them inside does nothing to remove them – does not turn to God – does not repent of sin – continues sinning – then he or she is implicitly saying ‘Satan, it’s ok for you to be here.’  You are then not only fighting the demons, but the person holding the demons who is not cooperating.


You are at war, & this war you can only win by the degree of your love.  If you do not love the person you are fighting for enough, you will give up, because a totally lost, demon–consumed person doesn’t help, they will hurt you again & again.  Granted, at lucid times they might be loving & nice to you, but they will fall down a thousand times.  You mustn’t give up (of you feel they are worth it, they are meant to be with you.)



Why did the person get demons in the first place?  It is not always through sin – as most people think.  They think that sinners have demons, the rest of us don’t.  Not true.


People get demons through trauma, wounds, & closeness to other people who have them.  Demons can be transmitted to business associates, spouses, co-workers, friends, & children—anyone one gets close to, even if they are close for a short time.  Demons can be transmitted through a curse on someone.



I will speak about the demons gotten through childhood trauma, when psychological wounds are incurred.

A demon sees a wound as a place to JUMP IN.  Steve Irwin, the late-great crocodile hunter demonstrated how he was feeding a crocodile—he had a wound on his left arm that was bandaged up.  He brought attention to the fact that the crocodile immediately & directly went for the wound – demons are like that.



    A wound is a VULNERABLE, OPEN PLACE.  Demons look for OPENINGS – Sin is an opening, but so are many other ways. I learned about this from exorcist extraordinaire Bob Larsen (no I do not believe in all his ways or his religion, he’s a fundamentalist, but he has done exorcism full time all his life & I bought all his videos one year & studied them.)



The demons I have dealt with much latched on to people because of childhood abuse trauma.


    One young man had been sexually abused by his Dad from age three to thirteen.  The father first forced oral sex on him, then sodomy.  Being painful, the boy went to his mother for help.  She told him to keep quiet about it; she let it continue without preventing it.



These events gave the boy a series of wounds & demons jumped in.  Both the wounds & demons affected him into adulthood, his entire life.  Here’s how it went:

Wound:  I am being injured, made to feel pain by a man I trusted, my father.  I never know when he’s going to attack me & inflict this great pain.  I live in fear.  I have lost my trust in a caregiver I once trusted.  This pain makes me angry but I feel helpless, it turns to rage.


Four wounds, five demons are incurred here:

A wound of RAGE – a demon of rage –

Rage also begets REVENGE – Revenge is the instinct one gets from being hurt; now there is the demon of revenge.



A wound of REJECTION – a demon of rejection. 

(“My Dad does not love me, he is hurting me regularly, there is no love, it is rejection.”)

A wound of MISTRUST – a demon of mistrust of anyone (“no one loves me, they are fakes.”)



A wound of FEAR – a demon of fear

(“I will not feel secure any more, I can be attacked any moment by those I trust.  Fear, anxiety, is strong inside me, I cannot relax.”)


The child then goes to his mother to complain.  She does not protect him, tells him to keep quiet about it, she permits it to go on.

A wound of INSECURITY – demon of insecurity: 

(“The one person I thought I could confide in, who would protect me, my Mom, does not care.  She doesn’t love me; she has in fact REJECTED me.  I am DEVASTATED.  I now have no one to believe in, there is no one to turn to for protection, I am vulnerable, I cannot protect myself, I am at the mercy of forces I cannot control.  The pain will continue, the fear & the rage I feel.”)



Now his Mom has exacerbated his insecurity, his fear & his rage, but she has added a new slant on an old one:

A wound of REJECTION – a demon of rejection. 

  (“Now I will not believe in anyone’s love.  I know they will reject me in the end.  I don’t believe in love.”)



Both parents have given him abuse – one directly, one by neglect.  The mother is an ACCOMPLICE to the crime.  Because both parents have de-valued this child, he feels he has none.  And this causes:

A wound of SELF HATE – a demon of self hate.



(“I am not worth anything.  I have no value; I cannot love myself if I have no value.  If someone acts like they love me I cannot accept it because my heart is closed to love, for myself & others, my heart is shut down to feelings because all I feel is pain.  I am numb to feelings.”)

Bob Larsen says that a person who has the demon of self hate needs no others – Self hate alone will destroy them.



Woman, here I have given only the wee beginning of what happens to a traumatized male, which we would have to deal with if we keep him.  There will be several more chapters on this issue.



People usually say, when it’s discovered you have a wounded male on your hands, ‘You can do better, move on.  He isn’t worth it.’ (But who will heal the broken?)  Only you can decide if he’s worth it or not.  I know a good-looking female, not a drug addict, who is living with a guy under a bridge—(who is an addict)–because she loves him.  She has had several children by him, given up to foster care.  When she shows up at night without enough money (begging) for his drug he gives her a black eye – she showed them to me.  But it’s her choice to stay with him, summer & winter, homeless, under the bridge, when she could find a solvent man & live properly (not saying a male is the only answer, but if she regained her several children he might be.   If she got her head on straight she could work – but her head is not straight & she can’t go home as she was abused there, by Dad or Grandpa or someone, it’s rarely Mom as it was in my case.) But I am not her judge; love is more valuable than comfort.



There are some males you should pass by, many of us have been infatuated with losers we later saw were totally wrong for us – you cannot accept all comers – you cannot heal all cases – choose your battles, the ones God tells you are worth it, will bring success in the end.



Now I spoke about the male who has demons.  As I said this might not be an easy exorcism, it might take a while, & the punishment you get from them could eat you up inside, wear you out, deprive you of sleep, give you anxiety, depression, terrible stress.  This great stress could wear you down, you could get sick, you might even die – it’s a great risk.



If you see Amy Allen at work on “The Dead Files” you see how negative entities affect people.  They wear them down; they can consume a person & eventually destroy them.  Amy Allen discovers their identities & gives the victims advice how to get rid of the negative souls.


Sometimes she says use salt water (I bless it as well) which is placed around the haunted house & every corner inside.  (If you are doing a ritual for a person, do the same, the energy will reach them.) Sometimes she says burn sage (the smoke is wafted all through the house) & at times she gives them a kind of tar that gets rid of the dead.



She often advises getting shamans & ministers for rituals against these forces (usually dead people not demons), while for demons again it’s ministers & priests with exorcism.  Ditto on the victims who have been infested or possessed by the demons in the house – they have to have exorcisms done on them.


For those whose health & chakras (energy centers) have been compromised she advises getting Reiki masters to balance them out.  She also recommends Yogi exercises & meditation for peace of mind.

There are other remedies, if you have access, check You Tube for ‘The Dead Files.’



However, as a woman who is dealing with a wounded, possessed male – none of these people will come to help you out.  You will have to use your own resources & that’s what I’ll be discussing for a while.


If you believe in Jesus & Mary, then saying the Holy Mass for those you love will deliver them from all evil.  When I say the Mass I include Mary equal to Jesus,  & when I am on a ‘Mass binge’ for months I usually say two a day–one for Souls in Purgatory, one for those I care about–saying the Holy Mass for the one you are concerned with will do wonders for him.



All that you do for yourself in bringing you closer to God will also bring your loved ones closer, remember that.  Your prayers, good works, saying Masses, your meditation / contemplation, channeling, being with nature, being alone for God, reading spiritual literature, sacrifices, good deeds, charity – all that you do which is dedicated to God will help other souls.



I must add here & warn you that if you are dealing with a ‘bad case’ man he may take all the energy & psychological strength you have while you fight his demons.  You might not be able to do anything else that is creative, you might not even feel the presence or intimacy with God – that is how drained you will be.


But if you endure you will annihilate the demons, the loved one is delivered, & you go back to normal & beyond.

Pray this for the one who needs it:

This starts with Psalm 67

“Let God arise! Let His enemies be scattered! Let all that hate Him flee before him! As smoke drifts away, so drive them away! As wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish before the presence of God. Behold the Cross of the Lord, flee bands of enemies. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Offspring of David.


Who is like God?!

Who is like God?!

Who is like God?!

Who is like Christ, True God and True Man.

Who is like the blessed virgin Mary, our Queen, who gave birth to the Eternal Word, a virgin before and after?!


Be gone Satan in the name of Jesus!

Be gone Satan in the name of Mary!

Be gone Satan in the name of everything that is Holy & Righteous!

Be gone Satan in the name of all the Saints! Be gone all ye demons and go to the pit!


To the pit!

To the pit!

To the pit!

Jesus Christ commands you!

Saint Michael the Archangel commands you!

Holy Mary commands you!


Go to the pit and never return! Do not harm the human race anymore. I command you to reveal who you are, what kind you are, when you entered, why you entered, what you have done, and what you plan to do, and then be gone forever to the pit never to return!


Be gone Satan! (say this while sprinkling Holy Water)

Be gone Satan!

Be gone Satan!

Be gone Satan in the name of Jesus!

When you succeed in getting the demons to leave him, you will also be freed of the battle, return to better health & the intimacy with God.


    Woman Thou Art God!  You can do anything!

To be continued    Rasa Von Werder    9-23-19

College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Shrine to Shakti, The New Religion XVI Sixteen Heal the Men, Uncategorized

The New Religion – XV – Fifteen









By Guru Rasa Von Werder, 3 26 14

My comments based on the studies of Dr. James W. Prescott, Dr. John Bowlby, Dr. Ashley Montagu, Dr. Dale Glaebach and others.





The New Religion – XV – Fifteen




(1)    NO Separation from Mother through infancy, up to age six years old, is best for the infant.  Pre school is BAD, child must be with a LOVING Mother, have intimacy with her.  Intimacy means close physical contact, an infant should have skin-to-skin contact and ROCKING as the Mother CARRIES it.

Child needs sensual/sensory/physical contact with the Mother/ or other Maternal figures in order to grow up normal/natural/ full functional in mental, emotional, physical ways.



(2)  Patriarchs DISTURB the relationship between Mother and child in some cases physically, in other cases, mentally.  In the ancient days of Rome, Greece and Sparta, boys were removed from their mothers at age seven to twelve to dwell with males – for supposed MENTORING.  What males actually did was truncate the BOND between mother and boy and create a SEXUAL, EMOTIONAL, MENTAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL BOND with an older man.


Why would this be?  Not only for the sex pleasure of the man, but to divert the NATURAL LOVE the boy has for Mom and older women onto MEN AND OLDER MEN.  When this occurs, the boys are then INFLUENCED, MENTORED and DIRECTED by men into their culture – Patriarchy – the war mentality, the Culture of Death, and of course DEPRIVING them of Mother Love, woman love, Matriarchy, the Culture of Peace, the Culture of Life.  This is how the good in boys is STIFLED and directed into EVIL and misery for the boys and for everyone else that is affected by males -  This of course includes their female partners, as well as the rest of the planet.


The great Dr. James W. Prescott site: PROOF: love-hunger is stronger than food-hunger.






Deprivation of Physical Affection as a Main Cause of Depression, Aggression and Drug AbuseNTRODUCTION SCIENCE POLITICS LINKS
It is generally known (back to medieval or ancient times) that deprivation of sensory stimuli like voice and vision in the early phases of human life will cause irreversible mental retardation in the child. Also the prevention of child play will cause intellectual deficits in the adult. But eyes, ears and the nose are not the only human sensory systems.


Additionally there are the two body sensor systems, the “somatosensors”. One is the vestibular sensor for maintaining orientation and upright walk. The other one is the skin, for sensing touch.



Notice what he just said:  “The other one is the skin, for sensing touch.”
He is explaining here how the infant child must have all these stimulations including THE SKIN, FOR SENSING TOUCH.

This is one of the greatest defects, I observe, in the males when they make love.  They have no idea how to touch or be touched, they are as if zombies or mechanical machines, with a penis, intent on getting it sucked, or masturbating and then humping.  They seem to draw a blank on the art of touch, as if they never heard of such a thing.  This is a symptom of their deficiency in love, that they have not been tutored properly or touched enough by their Moms – and this lack of touch, intimacy is CAUSED BY PATRIARCHY





Through the work of James W. Prescott, Ph.D. and various others until the mid 1970s it was established that these previously neglected senses are of overwhelming importance for the development of social abilities for adult life. Their deprivation in childhood is a major cause for adult violence.



RASA SAYS:  Notice what he just said.  Deprivation of this touching, loving, intimacy with Mom is the major cause of adult violence.  And of course, as we all know, most violence is caused by males.  ……………………………………………………………………..     …………………………….


James W. Prescott, Ph.D., was a health scientist administrator at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), one of the Institutes of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) from 1966 to 1980. He created and directed the Developmental Behavioral Biology Program at the NICHD where he initiated NICHD supported research programs that documented how the failure of “Mother Love” in infant monkeys adversely affected the biological development of their brains. These astonishing abnormal brain changes underlie the behaviors of depression, impulse dyscontrol and violence that result from mother-infant separations.




RASA SAYS:  People – especially males we notice, are actually BRAIN DAMAGED – THEY HAVE “ASTONISHING ABNORMAL BRAIN CHANGES”     which causes misery for themselves and those who relate to them – all caused by the Patriarchal mother-infant separation!  ………………………………………………………………………………………



These behavioral effects were confirmed in his studies on primitive cultures including the effects of sensory deprivation of human sexual pleasure and affection during adolescence.



RASA SAYS:   Recently was watching “Preacher’s Daughter” reality TV series.  The entire show is based on the Patriarchal parent trying to prevent his daughter from partying and the possibility of having sex.  This corresponds to the global Patriarchal taboo against female sexual freedom – in a study they dug down to the root of fundamentalism and discovered that what it means is CONTROL OF WOMEN (and this of course is firstly sexual control.)  Patriarchy and sexuality means the following:


(1)    Control women to prevent them from having sex with anyone but a husband, so that the husband is tops over the female and knows the children are his.  Make all sex for women outside the marriage taboo.



(2)    This of course, does not apply to men.  They can have sex with anyone – (although it is not written except in Muslim circles) – about a third of Patriarchal males have sex with their children!  One half of females, and a quarter of all boys are molested by their own Dads!  (This comes from military statistics, but if you enter other factors, the statistics are higher.  Consider:  this is DADS ONLY.  Factor in grandpas, brothers, uncles, Priests, clergy, boy scout personnel, choir personnel, family friends, random others, what would that add to the statistics?)



(3)    This repression of female sexuality and female sex during teen years is part of the “double standard.”  Males are sanctioned but rarely regarding sex during their teens – they can’t get pregnant and in the old days, it was hard to hold them accountable for pregnancies.


Dr. James W. Prescott, who studied numerous indigenous tribes, took note that those who kept Patriarchal standards were VIOLENT, but those who did not, were PEACEFUL.


Look at America today – with it’s “Preacher’s Daughter” mentality.  We are the most warmongering country on earth, and we have one of the most extensive prison systems, mostly housing men.  Not saying other countries would not be as violent if they had the power.  I would not like to see the Muslims or Chinese having as much power as America – things could be worse.   ………………………………………………………..


 The results of these scientific studies do not support the many traditional religious and cultural values throughout the world, which deny the importance of “Mothering” and of youth affectional sexual relationships for peaceful and loving behaviors.

RASA SAYS:  Did you notice?  Forfeit these religions which deny the importance of the mother and sexual love between youth.

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The continuation of this research was obstructed and eventually cancelled by the NICHD. Even the existence and results of these NICHD supported research programs was consciously omitted in a recent NIH publication.


RASA SAYS:  Of course they cancelled the studies, because they got what they wanted – they learned that what they are doing breeds violence, and that’s all they had to know.  Keep doing it, to stay in the war mentality, keep breeding the boys for war, as cannon fodder – but don’t tell anyone about it, just keep the studies under our hat.  We want it this way – the more violent, dysfunctional the boys are the better.  God forbid, boys become loving?  Gee whiz, they would love women, settle down, and never go to war!  The world would go to Heaven in a hand basket, no more trillions for the obscenely rich, no more slaves, no more lower class for menial work!  Satan’s kingdom would be truncated and obscured, it would all be over for us (demons)!

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On this web site, you can read the whole story. Here you can read a short history of Dr. Prescott’s research and the full text of the groundbreaking article “Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence”, watch the complete Time Life video documentary Rock A Bye Baby, browse the comprehensive archive of scientific papers and visit related websites from our list of selected links.

RASA SAYS:  I am doing whatever I can to promote the work of Dr. Prescott.  I published a book which houses a lot of his teachings,
“Breastfeeding is Love Making Between Mother and Child,”
and I speak of him online constantly.     ……………………………………………………………………….


EMPIRICAL PROOF: love-hunger is stronger than food-hunger.



James W. Prescott (born c. 1930) is an American developmental psychologist,[1] whose research focused on the origins of violence, particularly as it relates to a lack of mother-child bonding.


Prescott was a health scientist administrator at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), one of the Institutes of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) from 1966 to 1980. He created and directed the Developmental Behavioral Biology Program at the NICHD where he initiated NICHD-supported research programs to study the relationship between mother-child bonding and the development of social abilities in adult life.


Inspired by Harry Harlow’s famous experiments on rhesus monkeys, which established a link between neurotic behavior and isolation from a care-giving mother, Prescott further proposed that a key component to development comes from the somesthetic processes (body touch) and vestibular-cerebellar processes (body movement) induced by mother-child interactions, and that deprivation of this stimulation causes brain abnormalities. By analogy to the neurotic behavior in monkeys, he suggested that these developmental abnormalities are a major cause of adult violence amongst humans.




Prescott also served as assistant head of the Psychology Branch of the Office of Naval Research (1963 to 1966) and as president of the Maryland Psychological Association (1970 to 1971). In 1973 he was one of the signers of the Humanist Manifesto.




Friends, please pay attention:  Circumcision is partial castration, it is severe child abuse.  It is extremely painful & cruel, & cuts off 28,000 or more nerve endings from the penis which prevent complete sexual pleasure later on.  It is a Patriarchal monstrosity.………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Woman, Thou Art God – as the woman, Mother of Life, as the Superior of the male, these atrocities which males have perpetrated against all of us, from the day we were born, must now be addressed.

It underscores why we must be strong, what we must gear up for, what we have to combat, to heal.

It is up to us not only to heal the SOCIAL ORDER, the social/economic/political system, but the PSYCHOLOGICAL/ SPIRITUAL CONDITION of human beings damaged through Patriarchy.  As the superior God person, the male being, at best, a lesser God, at worst, demonic (& we know women fall into that category also but not as many) you must take it upon yourself to digest this data & other information & put it to work.  You are called by your INNER GOD to live Truth, to be the Truth, to help others live it.  It is our obligation as this Sacred Being – this Mother – to love, protect the children, the weak, the damaged, the ignorant.  Let us begin this work today, think about it, meditate on it, ask Mother God what to do.  Promulgation of a Truth is one of the ways of doing this work – promulgation spreads the word.


In order to be able to do anything big, however, we must ourselves become big, by finding the God Within.  Growth happens through effort – we can’t wait to get there to start – that may take many years.  In working toward righteousness today our spiritual growth develops.  Do what you can.  Pray for strength, pray for Light, how to serve our Mother God, to heal ourselves, our neighbor & future children of God.






to be continued     Rasa Von Werder     9-22-19








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