By Rasa Von Werder, March 10th, 2020









          In this dream there’s a long, complicated preparation for me to go on stage again.


          *(PERFORMANCE, ON STAGE:  In this dream, something that I will reveal to the public.  It isn’t myself per se, it is the New Religion – a product of my mind.)*


          I have helpers, attendants, & we are extremely busy every day.  It seems that I have gotten into great shape & I’m in a room with people helping me dress.  Someone standing by who never thought about my age before is looking at me – I am impressive – & asks how old I am.


          I know I am 73, {actually 74 but this dream wants me to be 73} but an attendant/friends feels I look much younger & wants to avoid any conflicts about my age, & says to the man,


          “She’s 43”



*(AGE 43:  This was about the year I started a business venture that became meaningful & successful.  This could be making a parallel:  ‘As the business went, so will this.’)*


          and the man believes it.  They were both stooping on the floor, my friend assisting with my dress, not sure what the other guy is doing.  But the other guy is younger & seems to be wearing a fancy grey suit like the guys in suits I just downloaded, a very thin expensive grey, with maybe even a top hat he’s planning to wear.  {The guys in the images were dressed for weddings.}  He was really curious about this for the first time; he knew me but never thought about it.


          *(MALE ATTENDANT HELPING WITH DRESS:  This might be William Bond as he wrote some significant chapters in this book.  I had dreams when we first started about his contribution as well as that of Ajax the Great.  We were symbolized by a tree with three trunks that were intertwined, twisting together, & it was an great omen of  great success.


  My attendants are seen as helping me get ready to perform, with the dress, the hair, the promotion, etc.

7438fa45dfb3536f9f42817bd692aa11--victorian-art-victorian-christmas 45833 49356b92981de8a8ffee6a41773646b4

          YOUNGER MAN: dressed in fancy grey suit maybe with top hat, like the grooms recently I downloaded:  Sounds like my lover & that somehow my publication of this book, new religion, will somehow connect with our marriage.  I don’t think this dream is about the marriage itself because of the last part, the women gathering.  Why he is here I’ve not yet ascertained.  Why is he here, Mother God?

MomGod:  Notice he is STOOPING OR KNEELING: at your feet.  This shows a change of attitude where you are in charge.  The connection could be that you put him on hold during this—the writing of the New Religion—you sacrificed seeing him so you could focus on God’s work, & God, since you took care of Her business, took care of yours.  She put this man, who had previously abused you, at your feet.)*

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          Me going to perform is a huge event because I’ve not been on stage for over thirty years.  The preparations are hair, dress, shoes, the right presentation, music, venue for act, promotion to get an audience, etc.


          *(PREPARATIONS:  It took many elements to pull together the ideas of the religion & write its articles, & its illustration.  This is saying that not since thirty years have I done anything as meaningful or important as this.  That is a huge prediction!)*


          It seems that now I’m ready & waiting to go on backstage.  My dress is puffed out, the kind you’d wear for a ball in the old days; it’s combo of medium dark sparkly blue & gold, an old-fashioned design, like the kind that opens like curtains in front, the blue is on the outside, the gold inside.  The blue is not sequins but gives a semi-glow like them, like sparkle chips.


          *(BACKSTAGE, WAITING:  Something imminent you’re going to do, about to happen.  Obviously your performance does not have to be physical, ‘in the flesh,’ you presenting a project is like you yourself being presented, the project is a part of you going out before the public.


          DRESS, PUFFED OUT LIKE FOR A BALL, LIKE THE OLD DAYS:  This signifies importance, something striking, like a peacock strutting out, showing its tail, it’s beautiful & is an event—like a ball where people gather, they take it as meaningful or important.  It definitely foretells ‘public event, gathering, festivity.’


          BLUE & GOLD, SPARKLY, DESIGN LIKE CURTAINS OPENED:  The curtains opening again spells ‘public event’ & this event, like the dress, is striking, it makes a mark.  Gold is love; it is a product & gathering of love, for love, in this case, the love of God.  Blue is one of the colors of Our Lady, the sparkle denotes something that shines, light coming off it, reflecting.  In this case it is God’s Love & Light.)* 

          My hair is medium honey blonde, bouffant, but I complain to my attendants that it must be teased more on top, it’s too flat.  But where are my attendants?  I don’t see them around any more as I wait in the room to go on.


*(ATTENDANTS:  Those helping with the project—they were three—William Bond, Ajax the Great & my web-man.  They aren’t here any more because the work is finished, which is a good sign.


HONEY BLONDE HAIR:  Sweet thoughts of Love.)*  

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 At the last minute I find in my hair on top of my head a white plastic thing that somewhat resembles a ukulele—I don’t see strings or anything, it’s like its just all-white plastic resembling that shape, maybe 10” or so long, not a full foot, smaller than a real ukulele.  I take it out as I cannot dance with it.


          *(UKULELE:  A musical instrument of this nature means frolic, joy, mirth.  A ukulele is small & cute, like a child’s toy, it’s music is cute.  This is fun, laughter, being jolly & happy.  This on top of your head, in your hair, is your thoughts & feelings related to this project, & most likely the project itself gives a sense of joy.


          HAIR, FLAT:  You did not want this religion, project, book of it to be ‘flat’ which would mean ordinary, like a plateau, not dramatic.  You want it to have a lively, fun sense to it.  It is not to be taken a tongue-in-cheek, either, so you do not present it as such, you do not ‘advertise’ the fun of it—you ‘take it out of your hair because you cannot dance with it’ but it remains there in spirit, in the underlying idea.)* 


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          When I first got there it seemed like there were only five people in the audience.  At first I was wondering if that’s enough, but then I thought,


          “So what, if only five people are there {they all seem like women} I start with that.  It’s an event, I can do this no matter what.


          *(AUDIENCE, SMALL, I DON’T CARE:  You did not do this for popularity but for the long run.  You hope the religion will catch on & continue after your death.  And so, if only five women accept it now, you still wanted to write it.  It’s for the future generations.)*

weekend-in-the-ski-country WK6_LeftTile_1920x1879_1 Woman in White Holding Irises women-taking-tea-albert-lynch

          But strangely, as I wait, I hear more & more people – it seems like all women – fill the place.  I don’t see them, just hear them.  I hear music & its familiar music for English people – stuff they love, & it’s charming.  I guess they’re playing tapes of an orchestra.  Then I hear a woman talking loudly, like making statements in an English accent, a speech or introduction of some sort. They’re getting ready for my performance, getting into the mood – someone is helping them get ready – get in the mood – is it a man associate of mine?


          *(MORE & MORE PEOPLE GATHERING, WOMEN:  This might be saying that there will be no immediate audience, but after a time, they will gather, & it appears there is an important man here who helps.  I believe that man is William Bond—his work prepares the women for this religion, because he is a man & agrees with it, he gives them confidence.  And ‘being familiar,’ the music, is that when someone ‘you know’ agrees with something, it helps you accept it. That could be why I hear English music & the woman speaking in an English accent.  These women are they who hear William {he has chapters in the religion}, this makes them comfortable, sounds right, ‘music to their ears’.  It is not a prediction that only English woman will catch onto this – it says that he, being a man, will help women accept this.  Why?  Because they are afraid of men, & so he takes away that fear, & also men have traditionally been in charge, so it’s like the dear old Dad saying, ‘OK girls, it’s a new day, time to change, go ahead, do it, you have my approval.’)*


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 In this dream, something that I will reveal to the public.  It isn’t myself per -, it is the New Religion – a product of my mind.

          In other dreams, anything you PRESENT to the public could be seen as performance.)*

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 *(AGE 43: This was about the year I started a business venture that became meaningful & successful.  This could be making a parallel:  ‘As the business went, so will this.’)*



  This might be William Bond as he wrote some significant chapters in this book distinctly explaining why women must take over.  This ratifies all that I say.  I had dreams when we first started about his contribution as well as that of Ajax the Great.  We were symbolized by a tree with three trunks that were intertwined, twisting together, & it was an great omen of great success.

  My attendants are seen as helping me get ready to perform, with the dress, the hair, the promotion, etc.

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          YOUNGER MAN: dressed in fancy grey suit maybe with top hat, like the grooms recently I downloaded:  Sounds like my lover & that somehow my publication of this book, new religion, will somehow connect with our marriage.  I don’t think this dream is about the marriage itself, but why he is here I’ve not yet ascertained.  Why is he here, Mother God?


MomGod:  Notice he is STOOPING OR KNEELING: at your feet.  This shows a change of attitude where you are in charge.  The connection could be that you put him on hold during this—the writing of the New Religion—you sacrificed seeing him so you could focus on God’s work, & God, since you took care of Her business, took care of yours.  She put this man, who had previously abused you, at your feet.)*

*(PREPARATIONS:  It took many elements to pull together the ideas of the religion & write its articles, & its illustration.  This is saying that not since thirty years have I done anything as meaningful or important as this.  That is a huge prediction!)*

Cottage in Snowshill 526915_0920203e 603018_9e379aad 820264f8d2f32ea9c436fc1f9cf69a1b 902442_4682baab 929125-bigthumbnail 1070596 

*(BACKSTAGE, WAITING:  Something imminent you’re going to do, about to happen.  Obviously your performance does not have to be physical, ‘in the flesh,’ you presenting a project is like you yourself being presented, the project is a part of you going out before the public, & we know it’s the book ‘Woman, Thou Art God.’


          DRESS, PUFFED OUT LIKE FOR A BALL, LIKE THE OLD DAYS:  This signifies importance, something striking, like a peacock strutting out, showing its tail, it’s beautiful & is an event—like a ball where people gather, they take it as meaningful or important.  It definitely foretells ‘public event, gathering, festivity.’


          BLUE & GOLD, SPARKLY, DESIGN LIKE CURTAINS OPENED:  The curtains opening again spells ‘public event’ & this event, like the dress, is striking, it makes a mark.  Gold is love; it is a product & gathering of love, for love, in this case, the love of God.  Blue is one of the colors of Our Lady, the sparkle denotes something that shines, light coming off it, reflecting.  In this case it is God’s Love & Light.)*

unnamed (8) unnamed (9) unnamed (10) unnamed (11) unnamed (12) 

*(ATTENDANTS:  Those helping with the project—they were three—William Bond, Ajax the Great & my web man.  They aren’t here any more because the work is finished, which is a good sign.


HONEY BLONDE HAIR:  Sweet thoughts of Love.)*


*(MORE & MORE PEOPLE GATHERING, WOMEN:  This might be saying that there will be no immediate audience, but after a time, they will gather, & it appears there is an important man here who helps.  I believe that person is William Bond—his work prepares the women for this religion, because he is a man & agrees with it, he gives them confidence.  And ‘being familiar,’ the music, is that when someone ‘you know’ agrees with something, it helps you accept it. That could be why I hear English music & the woman speaking in an English accent.  These women are they who hear William {he has chapters in the religion}, this makes them comfortable, sounds right, ‘music to their ears’.  It is not a prediction that only English woman will catch onto this – it says that he, being a man, will help women accept this.  Why?  Because they are afraid of men, & so he takes away that fear, & also men have traditionally been in charge, so it’s like the dear old Dad saying, ‘OK girls, it’s a new day, time to change, go ahead, do it, you have my approval.’)*




3-7-20-VEILED LADY and TATTOOS–complete


          I go some place to get a tattoo – have no idea why as I am not into them at all.  I am in the office which I see later is a veiled lady who gives them.


          *(TATTOO:  An insignia, a mark that can have meaning—for instance, people sometimes put the names of those they love, sometimes in secret or intimate places like on or near the vagina.  When back in the day sailors put ‘Mother’ it was because they loved & missed her.  In this dream, as if unfolds, the tattoo is an insignia from a special Woman representing Mother God.)*


          I am sitting waiting thinking what in the world will I ask for a tattoo?  The only thing I might remotely see myself doing is an image of Our Lady.  I see in this room & in the waiting room beyond there are like 15 females waiting for tattoos.  I know it takes time to make each one & so I say to the lady,


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          “I’ll come back some other time.  I see you have so many customers waiting.”


          *(WOMEN WAITING, FIFTEEN:  I had to know what this dream means before I could guess the symbolism.  This dream announces the publication of the first book on the New Religion, {I’m almost ready to publish, one or two more days of work with web-man} ‘Woman, Thou Art God.’  It declares that there will be a good amount of females responding to the call, who will want to embrace this, the tattoo is a mark or insignia from Mother God showing their bond.


          What these women will ingest is the idea, the religion, that God is within them, & She is a Mother, not a Father God.  They will want to enter into this science or discipline – the tattoo will be a ratification of NONDUALITY – ‘God is not elsewhere, God is here within me, & I have become One with Her.”

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          This dream heralds SUCCESS for the New Religion.)*


          Then for the first time I actually look at her.  She has on a translucent veil that seems red on top, on her scalp, like a red sun with rays coming out of it cascading over her head, the rest is white.  It goes over her shoulders, torso, up to her elbows, & her arms from the elbows down are exposed in front of her.


          *(VEIL, HEAD COVERED IN:  This is the Mother God within all of us this religion worships.  This God is partially HIDDEN or veiled, but the women in this dream are waiting to get her mark or ratification when they see her completely.

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          VEIL, TRANSLUCENT:  Something seen in part, hidden in part, in this dream, the God Within. What part of Her is hidden, what exposed?  Her Highest Parts are hidden—for those who have not yet reached the Sahasrara, entered into total Nonduality.


          Her shoulders, arms & torso mostly covered are her strength, her shoulders & upper arms {biceps} mean strength—this is her Power—Her Heart is also the center of her Power—the ability to Love. 


          RED SUN with RAYS:  This is the Passion required to reach the top, the Sahasrara, it is not for the faint of heart.  One must give up ALL THINGS, ALL PEOPLE to find union with God.  Put another way, nothing can waylay, delay, sabotage, distract or in any way interfere with your dedication to God.  If it does, you will not reach Her.)* 

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          I bend to her, kiss her hand & depart.


          *(KISS HAND:  A sign of the greatest respect.  The fact that I kiss this woman’s hand shows that she is of God, in fact, She is the symbol of Mother God.)*    





unnamed (8) unnamed (9) unnamed (10) unnamed (11) unnamed (12) unnamed 

*(TATTOO:  An insignia, a mark that can have meaning—for instance, people sometimes put the names of those they love, sometimes in secret or intimate places like on or near the vagina.  When back in the day sailors put ‘Mother’ it was because they loved & missed her.  In this dream, as if unfolds, the tattoo is an insignia from a special Woman representing Mother God.)*



  I had to know what this dream means before I could guess the symbolism.  This dream announces the publication of the first book on the New Religion, {I’m almost ready to publish, one or two more days of work with web-man} ‘Woman, Thou Art God.’  It declares that there will be a good amount of females responding to the call, who will want to embrace this, the tattoo is a mark or insignia from Mother God showing their bond.

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          What these women will ingest is the idea, the religion, that God is within them, & She is a Mother, not a Father God, & that she will unite with Her.  They will want to enter into this science or discipline – the tattoo will be a ratification of NONDUALITY – ‘God is not elsewhere, God is here within me, & I have become One with her.”


          This dream heralds SUCCESS for the New Religion.)*



  This is the Mother God within all of us this religion worships.  This God is partially HIDDEN or veiled, but the women in this dream are waiting to get her mark or ratification when they see her completely.


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          VEIL, TRANSLUCENT:  Something seen in part, hidden in part, in this dream, the God Within. What part of Her is hidden, what exposed?  Her Highest Parts are hidden—for those who have not yet reached the Sahasrara, entered into total Nonduality.


          It is notable, this veil covers her body mostly from the heart up—which indicates THIS IS WHERE GOD IS.  To be more precise, when we reach the HEART CHAKRA is the beginning of true spirituality, sainthood & holiness.  The avatar Ramakrishna explained this, & the Guru Rajneesh or ‘Osho said the HEART is a the vital energy center for spirituality.  This veil COVERS THE HEART ON UP.


          Her shoulders, arms & torso mostly covered are her strength, her shoulders & upper arms {biceps} mean strength—this is her Power—Her Heart is also the center of her Power—the ability to Love. 

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          RED SUN with RAYS:  This is the Passion required to reach the top, the Sahasrara, it is symbolic of the great energy center of the Sahasrara, like a RED SUN with all its many rays.

  One must give up ALL THINGS, ALL PEOPLE to find union with God.  Put another way, nothing can waylay, delay, sabotage, distract or in any way interfere with your dedication to God.  If it does, you will not reach Her.)* 


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