College of God & Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Women Must Rule the World

Why Women can do a Better Job in Ruling the World, Than Men


If man is so clever and intelligent, why is he incapable of solving fundamental problems like crime, war, injustice, poverty and suffering?

We are so negative about ourselves. Religion teaches us, “we are born in sin”, the scientific ‘Selfish Gene’ theory claims we are all basically selfish. Capitalists tell us that “greed is good”, because man can only be motivated by greed. We are also told that ideals like love and compassion are unrealistic and impracticable in our cruel world.

These beliefs encourage us to fear and hate each other. As we blame, condemn, punish and try to control others in a futile attempt to impose order in our chaotic world. Yet we know human beings are also capable of love and compassion, as well as intelligent and rational behaviour. So why are we not using our great intelligence to create a caring and loving world?

Men cannot claim that the problems of the world are unsolvable because men have the intelligence and problem solving skills to put people into space, invent computers and produce all the wonders of modern technology. So why are not men, who rule our world, using his great intelligence and vast resources to overcome the suffering of our world?

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The problem is that men’s basic instinctive drives, motivate him to compete and fight, bringing about a world of violence, warfare and injustice. Men are emotionally incapable of creating a caring and compassionate world. This is why we need women to rule our world instead.

This Blog explains how and why we have created our insane world of suffering and how we can choose to create a loving and caring planet.

This blog is available as a printed book at. -

Who is William Bond?  4-27-22


          From Rasa Von Werder


When I first got on the Internet in 2004, William Bond was already there, preaching a subject that interested me greatly –Matriarchy.

          By 2005 I had galvanized my work onto a site called “Woman, Thou Art God” which contained all my basic beliefs as well as some galleries portraying myself & other women as “Goddesses.”  I did not include my ‘show business’ name Kellie Everts as this was a new beginning – I had quit dancing & was now embarked on another role, Guru Rasa Von Werder, a spiritual leader & teacher.

          As I searched the web for material on Female Empowerment, female superiority, matriarchy, there was scant little information.  Whatever was there I collected & put onto my site.  I wrote articles.  I thought about the female situation a lot, were women really superior?  Ashley Montague said so in 1953, but he was dead.

          William Bond was alive & kicking.  He did not believe in Female Superiority per se {nor in other things I believed in like good & evil, global warming, male extinction or the devil} but what we agreed on was the glue that would bind us together, at least in my part – he wasn’t as sure about me.

          From then on, as I read the teachings of William Bond, I knew he was sent by the Almighty, that he was Gifted of the Holy Spirit & Anointed, & that we had to have ‘Divine Relationship.’

          After a few years I convinced him of the same.  At first when he saw there was a great conflict from other women toward me he said he had to ‘stick with the majority.’  But I knew most of them were phonies & fakes – not chosen by Her Majesty – & time proved me right – they all fell away when their egos were not gratified.


          William Bond has a way of saying the ‘obvious’ which everyone can believe if they weren’t hypnotized.  He says it & suddenly, the Emperor HAS NO CLOTHES!  And we all know it’s the Truth, AFTER he says it – but no one was saying it!

          Like ‘Men do a terrible job of running the world, their instinct doesn’t permit them to be loving & caring, they have not a Maternal instinct as do women – they are made to have conflicts & wars”  {words approximate.}

          Of course!  We knew it all the time but we were lost in the maze of Patriarch reasons / excuses & LIES about why the world is the way it is, always has been, always will be.

          Patriarchy is a TRAP of taking our minds off the TRUTH  & convincing us if only the Democrats or Republicans win or vice versa – all will be solved.  It’s the wrong party, the wrong man in charge, when the right MAN comes along all will be straightened out.  Right, & I will SELL YOU A BRIDGE.

          William says straight out there is NO RIGHT MAN, it has to be WOMEN {collectively, not ‘dicks in skirts”}.  Just look at the basic instincts & you’ll know the answer – as simple as that.

          And because of William Bond I had a touchstone of who to hang onto who knew the Truth & I would work with him, look at him as my Lighthouse on earth, encourage one another & push each other on in a cruel & twisted world.  {End Rasa Part}


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College of God & Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized




William Bond Espouses Truth  4-23-22


 Divine Goddess

·                         William Bond’s Blog

·                         Mermaids are real!

·                         The Return of Matriarchy

·                         Why Women Should Rule The World

·                         The Aquatic Ape Theory

·                         Matriarchy FAQs

·                         Female Friendly Femdom

·                         Femdom Matriarchy

·                         The Matriarchal Tao

·                         Rasa Von Werder

·                         Mermaids Are Real: Video

·                         Gospel Of The Goddess

·                         Freemasonry And The Hidden Goddess

·                         Scientific Matriarchy


William writes:  I am honoured that Pete wants to write an article about me but to be accurate I just want to point out that my ideas about matriarchy didn’t come just from myself. I first heard about matriarchy in a book called, “The First Sex” by Elizabeth Gould Davis in the 1970s. I then went on to read the works of Robert Graves who also wrote about matriarchy. Then later I read, “When God Was a Woman” by Merlin Stone and finally the books of Marija Gimbutas.  

 Most books about matriarchy have been about matriarchy in ancient civilizations. Whereas I have mostly written that it would be a good idea for women to rule the world now and in the future. This is again not a new idea I have read this in books like “The Return of the Goddess” by Edward C. Whitmont and “Our Own Worst Enemy” by Norman F. Dixon.

So many people have written about matriarchy, though this has mostly been in academic circles there has been few books written about matriarchy for the general public.  The first author credited for writing about matriarchy was Swiss author J.J. Bachofen in the 19th century in his book “Myth, Religion and Mother Right”. Though his book is more about Matrilineal inheritance than matriarchy. Where he points out that in many ancient cultures, inheritance came down the female line because before strict marriage laws men didn’t know for sure whom their children were. This allowed women to gain wealth and power from their mothers. So marriage laws were invented to prevent this happening where women were forced to only have sex with her husband and no other man. This allowed men to inherit wealth and power from their fathers as their fathers could now be fairly sure whom their sons were.

*** Rasa says:  This infuriates me & justifies my ideas about marriage in our society.  I call it ‘the hotbed of abuse’ but this adds fuel to the fire.  Wow, how much men had to do to cripple women, disempower them! *** 

I first wrote about matriarchy in my Book, “Gospel of the Goddess” which I co-authored with Pamela Suffield. We wrote it as a New Age book but couldn’t find a publisher to publish it. It was finally published by a Femdom publisher. Then later on I was encouraged by a professional Dominatrix Dianna Vesta to write articles about matriarchy for her web-site on the internet. Then Rasa Von Werder later took over the role of promoting my writings.

Although femdom people have been helpful in promoting my writings the problem has been that I think that the reason why women should rule our world, is because they are far more caring and loving people than men. So it would be a good idea to have caring and loving women rule our world. The trouble with this, is that femdom fantasies dictate that dominant women have to be cruel and sadistic women.  So femdom people do like the idea of women ruling the world but not if they are kind, loving women. This is where Rasa Von Werder has been helpful, as the idea of loving and caring women ruling our world has not been a problem for her……     William 

More from William,

Most of my writings I have on my blogs. My early writings on the internet is my blog “Divine Goddess”, All my mermaid writing is on “Mermaids are Real”. I was interested in Freemasonry for a while and wrote a book on it which I finally made into a blog at. “Freemasonry and the Hidden Goddess”.  I also put my book, “Gospel of the Goddess” on a blog.

To tell you about my life. I was born in London in 1946. When I was four years old my parents immigrated to Australia and we lived in Western Australia. In 1970 I came back to England and have lived here ever since….   William

I am grateful for the nice things you say about me Rasa but all I have done is point out the obvious. It should be obvious that men do a terrible job in ruling our world but the reason why people go along with it, is because of propaganda and indoctrination.  Male rulers like to fight wars and we are told that war is ‘glorious’ and justified and soldiers in books and films are turned into heroes. Even just violence is glamorized as we see in cowboy and gangster films where violent men are again glamorized.  

Patriarchy also produces a world where there is a large gap between rich and poor. The patriarchal elite get away with this by threatening the people with violence or prison if they complain too much about this. They also use propaganda to glamorize rich and powerful people. Propaganda, indoctrination and intimidation would not be needed to rule people if patriarchal rulers were compassionate people. 

Caring rulers will be loved by the people and would not need indoctrination, propaganda or threats to keep their postilion of power. This is what we are up against, if we want to challenge patriarchy we have to realize we will be fighting a propaganda war. And if we are successful in doing this, then we will be subjected to threats as well. 

All I am is a person with a questioning mind but I’m not sure I know how to fight a propaganda war. I can see that the whole idea of matriarchy does appeal to many people but they are frightened of patriarchy and the methods it uses to control people. Probably showbiz people are better equipped to fight a propaganda war as they know how to attract people’s interest. In the end people will listen to any idea providing they find it entertaining or dramatic. 



Hi William,

                You speak Truth & as long as you keep saying it, people will be attracted to the Truth.  No lie can live forever.  Truth has a God Power behind it – God is Truth.  Lies have the negativity within them, this will eventually turn to dust.  Truth is Infinite, lies are of the dust.  They are temporary.  Yes people are mesmerized by them for a while, but eventually the hypnosis fades away & they awaken to see the Truth.

    Even though many people are enslaved by these lies, it also is temporary.  They shall eventually escape.  It seems like forever – thousands of years – but this will end – they call it ‘Kali Yuga’ which is Patriarchy.  But Matriarchy is coming back.  You spearheaded it on the internet, the first one to preach it.  I came along & followed you – I became your friend because you speak Truth.  You are of Mother God, her Infinite Power, Anointed by her.  If it wasn’t for you I would have been all alone in my Female Empowerment work.  And now Ajax the Great has joined us – we are the Three Musketeers.  Remember when I tried to form the four Musketeers – You, me, Betty & Thomas?  But Betty betrayed us & took Thomas with her – they were not meant to be.  God separates the chaff from the wheat, but it takes time.  We must trust in her.  We do not want people in our midst who are traitors to Mother God.

           *** Re Betty leaving us.  She wanted ‘my position’ as the leader of Matriarchy – she said she was more appropriate.  She got Thomas to serve her by creating a blog where people would PAY for a course on Matriarchy, & even got, by some miracle, to get Thomas to get her the ability to receive credit card payments!  She also had Thomas create a video on Matriarchy for her.  But her efforts completely FAILED.  No one bought her course; she got few You tube views while I got millions.  Why?  Because she was not sincere in her love & service to Mother God.  She wanted to USE Matriarchy to SERVE HER.  She wanted money, fame & fortune.  And so, Mother God did not give her any Grace – not only that, she deserved punishment for injuring me – she wrote letters to many people to get me blocked & blacklisted from places, not only on the internet but in my home town!  {And why?  Because she attacked William & I defended him!  She is psychotic.} She went back to the place she belonged – a village called Nonentity.  And so, many are called but few are chosen.  I saw a few other women on the internet whom God had called – but they resisted obedience to God & they themselves wanted to be served.  Serving God is sacrifice, not exploitation of her. ***

    I follow Mother God, that’s why I help you – because you are her right hand.  You obey her, her Truth.  Truth is blessed, it is virtue to preach it.  To preach lies is doomed – those who do so are not of God.  We leave behind this world of lies & hope in, believe in, & await the Truth to return to our world.  It will – but by the time Mother God’s Monarchy returns, we will be dead.  But our work lives on.  People will benefit by it – we will enjoy our rewards in Eternity.  Think of the incredible good your words, left behind, will do.  These words will flourish, they will be repeated.  They will live on for all time.  I mean Jesus was 2k years ago – his words are all over the place but they Crucified him.  But his Spirit lives on.  So will your Spirit.

    Another thing.  Not all people are mesmerized.  Many are calling out to God in their hearts.  They are persecuted, left behind, impoverished & unhappy.  They are saying where is God?  Then they see your writing, or mine, or Ajax’s.  Then they know somebody is out there speaking Truth.  They are then enlivened & filled with hope.  Some of these people cannot do anything – they are impoverished & have no Voice – maybe some have a tiny voice like Face book, to speak Truth.  But others who are galvanized are also Anointed, Empowered by God, & they will do much.

    Let us continue to give hope, Light & inspiration to the captives of this world & all join hands.  This life is temporary & although we don’t see all the benefits & rewards of our work, someone will.  Two hundred years from now Matriarchy will be well under way & five hundred years from now the majority of the world will be under Female Rulership.  Think of the goodness of that.  We are part of the beginning.

    As far as promotion, show business and all that.  I used whatever way I could to get the attention of the media.  The media would broadcast my Truth – In a sense, I tricked them into being my Voice box.  It was the Grace of God that got me to do female body building, Stripping for God, female domination, & all that I did.  You did not have that kind of opportunity, but you did what you do best – formulating the Doctrine, theology, & Manifesto for Mother God – re women ruling the family & the world – & this is as important as anything else.  You stayed humble & did not have your name in Lights & did not do TV shows & interviews all over the world.  But you were & are effective, all the words you produced – the ideas – will continue.

    Let us praise Mother God for what she has done through us!

    I can see the Light at the end of the tunnel more & more clearly every day.  The Light in me, the clarity, is getting stronger.  I am greatly enlivened as I see the end of the Patriarchal lies & the beginning of Matriarchy……      Rasa


William Bond continues:   I agree Rasa that the best way women can take over and rule our world is through the help and support of MotherGod. As I have said before, because most women only know what the priests of patriarchal religions tell them, and so they are unaware that God is female. Because of this, women today do not know they are closer to God than what men are. Women are better mediums and psychics than men because it is easier for them to become One with MotherGod. This then gives women great power, but are discouraged from using this power by patriarchal priests and religions. 

If we could create a matriarchal religion that worshiped MotherGod and women were taught and encouraged to communicate with MotherGod through mediumship. Then women would be able to use the great power of MotherGod.

If you can use your name, Andrew, to publish a mainstream book about the Great Mother it would be a help. Do you want articles for you book? I could perhaps write an article about the Gaia theory and relate it to the ancient worship of the Great Mother.



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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

4 Movies & NY Law Journal on Rasa

4-23-22 Rasa Life Story Movie Prediction

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Lawsuit against Morton Downey Jr. front page New York Law Journal


          I’m at a movie theater with a female to my right. We’ve been watching this movie in color, & it’s about Bruce Springsteen. After a while I exclaim,

          “This is the FOURTH TIME he’s doing this song!”


          *** (BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN has been chosen to symbolize me, lol. Why? Because he toured coast to coast for many years, an entertainer. But one more quirky similarity I just recalled. Freehold, N.J. He is from around there, & I lived near there for 7 years of my young life! We just put in Wikipedia ‘on a farm near Freehold, NJ!

          But the BIG REVELATION here is FOURTH TIME!           I’ve been praying to God many times – will this be one movie or a series? Because I channeled a dozen souls, all of them keep repeating “You will make big money from this.” I sense REALLY BIG but they don’t tell me how much. I keep asking, will there be one movie or a series? And nobody so far has answered, but this dream does.) ***


          I see a lot of color on the screen, like saturated shades of dull red, brown dark colors, the images & colors blend together, like no separation. He’s on stage with his men, someone playing drums, this & that instruments, all on stage. But like, my God, the same song four times!


          *** (DARK COLORS, RED, BROWN: These colors represent suffering. This has been my life, lots of pain.) ***

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          My lady friend & I both know, somehow, that Bruce is in the house, to the right of us, back a ways, sitting against the wall. Since he’s the subject of this movie plus he’s a celebrity, there’s reason to want to meet him.

          I tell my friend, let’s go speak to him, but she is reluctant, so I tell her,

          “I’m going, even if you don’t.

          So I head in his direction. By way of a joke, I say,

          “It’s a crazed fan”

as I approach.

          He’s sitting, surprisingly, all alone with just one female in the seat behind him – who is affiliated with him. No one is mobbing him, maybe he’s incognito, somehow disguised or didn’t tell anyone he’d be here so all the seats to his right & left & in front are empty.

          The female behind him is young, pleasingly plump, & for some reason, as I approach, she takes a layer of her clothing, white, pulls it up partially covering her face. It’s like saying “Oh my God” or “Wow.”


          *** (WHY IS HE ALONE? Except for one female behind him etc: The behavior of the female is tricky, but I discern this is a hint that the person approaching is God, & there’s a saying that God is so imposing / overwhelming that people might cover their faces at her approach – the Light of God is so Bright it frightens people. {I have heard in writings that when a bad sinner faces God at the immediate judgment the sight of her is so frightening that they ask to be removed & sent to Hell – Because God to them is not a friend, but a judge. They stand condemned. Of course one who is filthy with sin, even thought they are saved, might also want to get to Purgatory fast & get cleaned up.}

          This then tells us that the dreamer is my God Self, while Bruce is my flesh & there is something amazing in this that God kneels to my flesh. It shows incredible intimacy with God – that we are One.

          Why is he ALONE? This might be a hint that there is no one like him, as ‘birds of a feather stick together’ & if one has no birds of like feather, no one sticks to them. But this might give the hint why the movie is being made – individuality – there is no one else like this.

          Who then however is affiliated with Bruce – me? The only human I can think of that’s been behind me all my life is Our Holy Mother – & this is strange that she should be startled by my God Self, but it’s just a symbol.

          Calling myself, the God Self of Rasa, a ‘crazed fan’ as a joke means what?

          I think it’s an analogy that I have been ‘a crazed fan’ of God & now God is my ‘crazed fan.’ It’s a reflection of each other. There is no difference, so to speak, when one enters Nonduality.

          And in this kneeling, God shows to me that She acts toward me the way I have acted toward her – we are the same.) ***

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          OK so now I KNEEL right in front of Bruce like putting my head into his lap & quickly assure him,

          “You KNOW ME, we spent FOUR HOURS speaking to each other one time.”

          And so he is assured it’s not just some random stranger or someone out to do him harm.

          My kneeling there, we are extremely close & affectionate, like if you had a pet in your lap.


          *** (FOUR HOURS TOGETHER! Again the number 4 is saying there will be FOUR MOVIES.

And again, these are but symbols, not to all be taken literally. “I Strip for God” & God acknowledges me the same way.) ***



publication:    Aha, the New York Law Journal re my lawsuit against Morton Downey Jr – front page!


The New York Law Journal Friday Sept. 22, 1989  Front Page


TV Station Faces Libel Trial Over Downey Show


by Alan Kohn


                        After the judge completed his analysis of libel law, public and private figures, and New Jersey’s law on assault and battery, one fact remained:  WWOR-TV must defend itself against a suit by Kellie Everts, a self-proclaimed “stripper for God.”

    Ms. Everts has sued Morton Downey Jr. and numerous persons associated with his former television show and WWOR-TV Channel 9 over her treatment when she appeared as a guest along with another stripper, a belly dancer and some male strippers on a program that was videotaped Oct. 26, 1988, and telecast Nov. 4.

    In his decision in Everts v. Downey in Kings Count, Supreme Court, IA 17, Justice Elliott Golden, after viewing a videotape of the telecast, noted that at the conclusion of the program, Mr. Downey had loosed a “barrage of invectives” against the plaintiff, among which were “slut” and “pig.”

    Among the names he called her during the program was a fat bitch”.  During the “entire program,” Justice Golden stated, Mr.  Downey “singled out plaintiff for his vituperation and abuse, apparently for plaintiff’s claim that she was a “stripper for God.” 

Mr. Downey’s remarks plus allegations of assault and battery, are the basis of Ms. Everts’s suit. The record did not show, the justice stated, whether anyone other than WWOR-TV had been served, so that he was only dealing with the television station’s motion to dismiss, which he denied.

          In his analysis, the justice, after examining case law, stated the decisions led to a “powerful syllogism. A defamation is actionable only if it is false. Opinions cannot be false. Therefore, opinions can never be actionable, even if defamatory.”

          Mr. Downey’s “defamatory language,” the justice continued, could be divided into “separate segments: the statements and charges he uttered during the entire show and the “barrage” at the conclusion.

          Thus, calling Ms. Everts a “fat bitch” during the program, the judge ruled, fell into the category of statements described as “mere opprobriums which are tolerated on the theory that it will be understood to amount to nothing more than vulgar name-calling.”


DJI_0076-2 OIP (7) SWI-Fishing-Aceh-Attractions-Banyak-Islands-017-1Circumstances Weighed


          Mr. Downey’s charge that the plaintiff “must be on drugs or is diseased,” Justice Goldin found, “must be considered in view of the circumstances in which those statements were made. In each instance, the remark was predicated by Downey’s alluding to plaintiff’s assertion that she had a vision from the “Blessed Mother” that she should no longer engage in sexual activity.

          “These statements come under the general principle that statements of underlying fact provide the context in which an opinion maybe be understood to be an opinion.”

          A “more serious question” was presented with respect to “defamatory statements” directed at Ms. Everts at the program’s end, particularly when during the entire program Downey singled out plaintiff for his vituperation and abuse, apparently for plaintiff’s claim that she was a “stripper for God”, the justice found.

          After finding Ms. Everts was a public figure the justice stated this did not preclude her from recovering for the “libelous conduct of Downey” but declared she must prove malice. A finding that WWOR-TV “SHOULD HAVE HAD SOME SERIOUS DOUBT AS TO THE TRUTH OF Downey’s statements may circumstantially be made,” Justice Golden found.

          “Thus, the records shows that there was about a nine-day period between the original live show, which was videotaped, and the telecast – ample time for defendant to have reviewed this tape. This factor becomes relevant when considered in light of defendant’s concession that Downey was known for his loud, combative and provocative style.”


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          As a matter of fact, a review of the tape shows that Downey’s performance was more than just loud, combative and provocative but in certain segments of the program, outright salacious…Downey directed his venomous and oft-time degrading language at plaintiff, although another stripper and a belly dancer were co-guests on the program.

          “All of this should have alerted defendant to the concrete possibility of damaging defamatory statements for which it could be held liable. Suffice it to say there are circumstances here for a jury to ponder and weight to determine if, or to what extent, the defendant showed actual malice in the presentation of this program, in addition to the other issues herein.”

          One of the other issues, Justice Golden stated, was WWOR-TV’s claim that even if the statements at issue were found to be defamatory statements of fact, the complaint still should be dismissed for failure to plead special damages.

          The justice rejected the claim, holding the defamatory meaning was “apparent from the statements themselves. They are statements that held plaintiff up to public contempt, ridicule, aversion and disgrace.

          “Extrinsic facts are unnecessary to explain their defamatory meaning necessary in libel per quod and therefore, there is no need to plaintiff to allege special damages.”

          Ms. Everts was represented by Jack B. Solerwitz, Mineola, L.I. WWOR-TV’s lawyers were Laurence Greenwald and William A. Rome, of Stroock & Stroock & Lavan.


          The decision of the judge not to dismiss this case is long – appears on pg 25, 3rd column, & goes on for many pages, citing the assault and battery {he knocked Kellie Everts down into her chair} and other defamations uttered by Morton Downey Jr. – It is probably about 10 pages typed.

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College of God & Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Kellie Everts – Rasa Von Werder

Life of Kellie Everts aka Rasa Von Werder & WIKIPEDIA


Kellie Everts was born on July 16, 1945 in Calw, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, as Rasa Sofija Jakstas, to Lithuanian parents, Stasys and Regina Jakstas, who had fled Stalin. They ended up in a displaced person’s camp and in 1949, boarded the Navy ship S.S. Heintzelman bound for the U.S.A.

Her parents were sponsored to an ethnic community in Newark, N. Jersey where Dad, a professor, created a Lithuanian school in the Church auditorium, (this on the heels of founding the first State Teacher’s College in Kaunas, Lithuania.)

None of them spoke English – but school, after seeing the drawings of Rasa, age 5, skipped her a grade forward, her drawings were put in a children’s gallery at a museum, & a Christmas card she drew age 6 was mimeographed by school staff and hundreds of copies distributed. She was considered a child prodigy.

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But trouble brewed for Rasa. Her Mom cuckolded Dad with the organist in the Church – he was renting a room with the Jakstas family and the paternity of Regina Jakstas’ next child was disputed. There was a split. Rasa at eight found herself moving with Mom & the organist, Marius Bernotas, to a farm near Freehold, N.J. Dad was supposed to join them but never did, and at age ten Rasa put down her pencil & said ‘I will never draw again’ (but age 15 she picked up her water color brush & made a painting outside her bedroom window called ‘Water Tower’ – this won Second place within a major art contest inside a competition of five schools) and even said ‘Maybe there is no God.’ She was the only person in her family, then, besides Dad, destined to wear glasses and her eyes grew worse as Dad, refusing to take her to live with him, told her,

“the remedy {for your pain} is knowledge. You must study.”

Her Mom, at age ten, began a concerted and constant persecution of Rasa, hating her for loving Dad, and turned the rest of the family against her. Rasa’s morale broke down, she suffered at school and couldn’t concentrate, she broke rules and was expelled. Thereupon Dad had to take her in to finish school and she moved to Brooklyn with him.

But this didn’t last long. Within a year Rasa wanted to make her mark. She met a man from Hollywood – Andre De Dienes, a photographer who’d been close to Marilyn Monroe. Upon seeing her he told her to meet him the next morning at 6 AM at the ChelseaHotel,

“I’ll take you to Hollywood and make you a playmate of the month. You will be ‘Ms Hawaii.’

And so, at age 16, she was on her way by car with Mr De Dienes and days later, saw palm trees swaying in the wind. De Dienes plans for her crashed when Rasa resisted his advances. He gave her the bucks for modeling & dumped her on the street in Venice, CA.

With the money Rasa rented a room, bought a bottle of peroxide and bleached her hair blonde. She put on the second-hand pink checked cotton bikini and headed up the beach – to where she did not know – ending up on top the Santa Monica Pier, looking down at the Muscle Beach volleyball players. One of these men, Stanley Everts, a teacher, walked up to her, asked her on a date, and months later became her husband. She asked for a small loan so she could get her life started there but he refused and said,

“Either marry me or remain homeless.”

This liaison resulted in a daughter named Kellie, born June 20, 1964.

Soon Kellie Everts was offered modeling jobs and movie roles – the husband trashed her pictures & ridiculed the offers, refused to free her for show business work.

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Kellie had sent her photo in to ‘Strength and Health’ and they picked her as ‘Ms Body Beautiful.’ This brought a letter from Mr Universe Vern Weaver, who was arriving to that area and wanted to take her to a body building show. Kellie went in spite of the husband’s objection and there met Bill McCardle, Mr Southern CA and his photographer. This resulted in an offer to be on the cover of “Strength & Health.” Kellie went, the photographer set her up by leaving her alone with McCardle who raped her – sick to her stomach a couple months later she discovers she’s pregnant. It was not her husband Stanley’s child because his recent operation for cancer left him sterile.

This disastrous pregnancy caused a major rift between Kellie and her husband. He did not believe she was raped and tried to strangle her. Somehow she escaped; the second time he knocked her down, sat on her chest & began to strangle her she got away, grabbed the baby & ran, took a cab to a Hollywood motel. This began a full-time modeling career, she joined an agency and was hired by dozens of photographers and movie makers, with images of her splashed all over the country and a few ‘body beautiful’ type movies.

Strangely enough, the Mother who hated her had convinced her she was ugly – she was not allowed to sit at the table with family at the farm – Mom said, ‘You’re not a pretty sight to look at.’ The treatment of her had been so brutal she gained an inferiority complex and suffered from PTSD for years. And yet, soon people would be paying to see her beautiful body, her name in lights at the biggest club in Hollywood – the Classic Cat.

But Kellie’s husband found her and let her known he was given six months to live – the cancer had returned. She pitied him and went back to nurse him, which she did until his death in April 1966.

What a dark day when she discovered that out of revenge, Stanley Everts had cancelled his life insurance and left his child and wife penniless.

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The day after his funeral, with one buck in her pocket, Kellie got a job at a private men’s club in Santa Monica, “The Ball”, dancing topless. It was survival.

A long and colorful career started in show business as well as religion & the academic field. Life for Kellie had just begun.

She’d lived in many places – Germany, cities like Newark and Brooklyn, worked hard on a farm for seven years and now, in middle age, she started a video business, earning the most money she’d ever had. She parlayed it to buy a wilderness near the Catskill Mountains complete with riverfront, five acre island, a swamp, a pond and a creek outside the kitchen door.

But Kellie was not alone for long, someone loved her in true love, Richard Von Werder. After 14 years of betrothal, Kellie finally married him on Oct 28, 2000, but he had a bad heart which he succumbed to on July 7, 2002.

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Their love had been spiritual and true – Kellie was celibate since May 27, 1978 & remained so for another eight years {31 yrs total}. In the year 2004 she began to use the money Richard left her to build the internet ‘University of Mother God Church’ with the flagship site ‘Woman Thou Art God.’ She’s been expanding that theme ever since – She believes that females should run the family and the world.

Her plans for the future are to leave her resources toward building a Temple to Mother God, a convent and Sisterhood of Matriarchal women – a new kind of convent that allows females sexual freedom.

She will bequeath her work to the Sisterhood with guidelines to carry on. There are good prospects for funding this movement, they have found gas and oil under Kellie’s property, “The Marcellus Shale.”


Career: Body Building


          How female body building got started. It took a while for Kellie Everts to get the credit she deserved, officially, for being the instigator of modern competitive female bodybuilding.

          In 2005 she built her Kellie Everts biographical website which included the account of what she did for female body building. There was no such thing as ‘female body building’ when Kellie Everts entered her first contest, ‘Ms Americana,’ in 1972 – an affair put on by the IFBB in tandem with a major event for men.

          Kellie took part in several contests of that sort by the IFBB (International Federation of Body Building) and the WBBG (World Body Building Guild) and did well in all of them. The first one she won 2nd place and BEST BODY. In 1973 she won two trophies, one in New York, 2nd place Ms Body Beautiful U.S.A. & in CA, run by Reg and Shari Lewis, ‘Most Voluptuous’ the IFBB Ms Americana contest. The following year, 1974, she won trophies in two contests, one the title in the WBBG Ms Body Beautiful U.S.A., FIRST place, and the IFBB Mr Olympia event held their Ms Americana on the same stage – the Felt Forum – where Kellie won 2nd place and as usual, BEST BODY.

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          What perturbed Kellie as she participated in these contests is the treatment of women compared to men. The men were held as greater value, with much respect and prize money. The women were considered secondary, a ‘side show’ with no prize money. She wished she could remedy the situation where women who lifted weights – such as she did – could flex, be considered body builders, be given respect and prize money. The opportunity to promote these ideas was about to present itself.

          Dan Lurie asked Kellie to pose for a female body building shoot in a gym for his magazine, Muscle Training Illustrated, she complied – it was 1974.

          Soon thereafter the art editor of Esquire, Jean-Paul Goude, decided to do a pictorial on an ‘Amazonian’ type woman – strong, fit and muscular – for Esquire.

          He called every gym in New York & was told they knew no such woman. He called Dan Lurie asking if he knew any female body builders. Dan told him there was only one – Kellie Everts. He asked what does she look like? Dan said to pick up his magazine on the stand, she was there. Goude did and liked what he saw, Kellie was hired.

          This was the first spark that spearheaded the revolution. No one had heard of this before – female body building, and here it was in a reputable magazine, Esquire.

A plethora of attention followed – radio and TV interviews, more magazine articles. Esquire sent Kellie to Wash DC to do the AM Wash show and other shows – the Esquire pictorial was repeated in Holland.

          She appeared on the national “Mike Douglas” show re the article and “To Tell the Truth” asking which is the woman minister who is also a body builder? When the panel finished Kellie did bench presses. The shock-type host Stanley Siegel had her on three times, there were other shows. When the furor died down about a year had gone by. Kellie wanted to keep the attention going.

          She knew that John Paul Goude was an influential art director, she called him and said let’s get this story into Playboy. He said ‘we can’t’ – they won’t do it. I might be able to get it into Oui {a Playboy publication at the time}. But Kellie said ‘It has to be Playboy, their influence is what I’m after.’

          And so, John Paul Goude produced the article which Playboy dubbed ‘Humping Iron.’ They looked at the piece and weren’t sure. They said

          ‘We’ll pay you half, and if we use it, the other half.’

          And luck did strike soon after – as the movie ‘Pumping Iron’ came out. Here they had this article in their hands, which they called ‘Humping Iron.’ We had it made.

          This article, promulgated by Playboy, did the trick. It was not as sensational as Esquire as people heard of female body building by now – but Playboy gave it its imprimatur, the Seal of Approval. They declared that a female with muscles was sexy and beautiful so the public now had permission to ‘move on with the show’ – ‘To the Barbells, Girls,’ the cried out.

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          Soon after this – within months, someone organized a body building show for women. It wasn’t IFBB or WBBG, it was a strange egg from an eccentric man. Then Sports Illustrated ran a big article – 1979 –Miss Well, WHAT?

          And it was then that the IFBB held its first body building contest, called Ms Fitness and the year after that, 1980, began the official start of female Body Building Contests, the Ms Olympia. And that is how modern female competitive body building got started.

          The IFBB continued promoting female body building for some years but Dan Lurie went into semi retirement. Everyone was busy with the new ladies, Kellie Everts was ignored. But in 2006 Kellie heard about Doug Going and Dan Lurie resurrecting the WBBG. She put together all her material proving her case – that she was the Progenitor -– and distributed them to the bodybuilding world.

          Soon they would have a WBBG shindig in Providence, R.I., invite all the great old stars and give awards and induct people into their Hall of Fame (Sergio Olivia, Harold Poole). Kellie was invited, and the WBBG, after hearing her case, declared her to be the ‘Progenitor’ of female body building – gave her a plaque and recognition – that was February, 2007.


Controversies and Objections to Female Body Building,

present Issues re Drugs


          It is always the new thing that gathers scandal, raises objections, because the ‘old thing’ is in the heads of people. Indeed, the male body builders of the first days were not warmly met – they were an anomaly and made fun of. The average man might have felt intimidated when a ‘freaky muscle monster’ appeared. But within the discipline itself, among their peers, the ‘biggest & the best’ were looked up to.

          There were also norms for female bodies & with it behavior. An ideal woman was Jayne Mansfield, the character she played; in the skin of a perfectly thin, shapely body was a ditsy Marilyn Monroe. Women were not supposed to be smart, aggressive, or dominant toward men. The rules echoed through the 50’s and 60’s everywhere: Laugh at men’s jokes, don’t contradict them, don’t be smarter than them, don’t beat them in sports – if your 60 year old boss {you’re 20} wants a date, DON’T tell him you only see him as your father! What was the bottom line? SUBMISSION.

          The teaching was obey these rules OR ELSE. Or else what? Your boyfriend will leave you, you won’t get a husband, you will not be a harmonious member of our society. If you step out of line you will not succeed with snagging men, holding and keeping JOBS. Men and jobs were almost ‘synonymous’ because in the Patriarchal system, unjust laws & practices kept women paid less for the same work and many jobs were forbidden. Women could not get ‘men’s’ jobs like police, firefighting, construction workers, or truck drivers.

It went farther. If you look at the classical orchestras prior to the feminist uprising of the 60’s – there are NO WOMEN playing instruments. Why? Did women not want to play music? No – the male conductors would not hire them. Of course, all these anathemas toward women had EXCUSES like they weren’t strong enough to be police or firemen – construction could be dangerous and women had no penchant in those areas and women did not LIKE to drive trucks. They did not ask the women what they wanted – they TOLD THEM what they could or could not do.

          Even in the tax-paid schools where boy and girl were supposed to be equal: Boys sports were funded heavily but girls not. Why? We were told girls did not like to play football or any contact sports. They weren’t ‘into’ sports as they were not AGGRESSIVE {meanwhile we were being told it was forbidden to be aggressive!} Females were not ASKED they were TOLD what they wanted. The school inequity resulted in a law called “Title IX” where it was illegal to spend more money on boy sports than girls. {But later, some schools would work around it.}

          Women were also deprived to some degree from HIGHER EDUCATION. The Ivy League schools did not begin to admit them until 1976! Higher education means MORE EARNING CAPACITY – this is well known.

          And because of this discrimination in educational DEVELOPMENT / physical skills starting from grammar school – because of being BARRED from many higher-paying jobs even in the working class, because of being PAID LESS than men when they did finally do the same work – all this rendered women seeking men for subsidies / support in order to live their lives – including lives that had dependents – children.

          If women had an equal share of the societal resources with men, they could even raise families by themselves, as they could hire other women to help care for children. But lacking equal jobs or pay it was arduous for women to both work and raise children – thereby rendering them dependent on men, thereby modifying their behavior to obey standards men imposed –the standards already mentioned; laughing at their jokes, deferring to them, being passive, and giving in to sexual demands.

          Now put all this aside and take a look at a woman now, breaking the barrier to lift weights. A woman enters beauty contests because she’s ‘got what it takes.’ She wins and uses these titles to further her career. Meanwhile she notices the disparities between the men’s and women’s contests. Men treated like heroes – they get money – women treated like subordinates, no money, and they aren’t even recognized for what they have to do to look good – some of them lift weights – certainly Kellie Everts exercised and lifted weights 45 mins each day. But this is not noted. She’s looked upon as ‘beautiful’ & has a great body, but no woman in these contests flexes or ‘shows off’ or poses in any way to demonstrate muscles – later, after the idea is promoted, a lady named Laura Combes does a double bicep pose {1979} at a contest in Warminster, Pa, and she is reprimanded by the contest promoter, George Snyder.

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          But we’re not there yet. Jump back years when Kellie Everts enters the scene. She’s training age 19 but not doing anything public. That’s 1964 and she’s pregnant. She doesn’t want to lose her figure and buys weights – except the IFBB salesman in Santa Monica won’t sell her anything above 2.5 lbs because he notices her belly and says he’s afraid she might hurt herself – she buys 5 lb barbells elsewhere, but still, they aren’t heavy enough and she uses her husband’s weights. But skip all that. Jump to the strong public promotion starting with Kellie’s 1975 Esquire article {Muscle & Grit, Religion & Tit, that’s what Kellie Everts is made of} and culminating in the 1977 Playboy ‘Humping Iron.’

          She’s doing articles & TV for body building. What is the public objection, sometimes critical comment?

Questions: “Why would a woman want to lift weights? Why does she want to look muscular? Why does she want to look like a man? Only lesbians would want to look like men. What is the purpose of this?”

The idea of a muscular, strong or aggressive woman was then a threat to men, including some men who promoted male body building. In their eyes, they saw men as Gods dominant over women. Pictures on covers featured males with bikini clad, shapely females ‘draped’ over them like they were statues of Power, but women clung to their bodies – they were subordinate. It was demeaning. It was another dimension of male domination over women.

Jump ahead now to 1980 and beyond. The women in the contest to the shock and horror of some – are using testosterone {or its derivatives, what they call anabolic steroids and later growth hormone}. One lady is heard complaining she has to shave every day. They are already beginning to look like men – a feature Kellie Everts and Lisa Lyon insisted was impossible, they would never look like men from training because they lack testosterone. But they can look like men if they take testosterone. Yes, the men are taking drugs. And there, Kellie heard them complain at the contest that women are taking ‘male’ hormones. OK, if you have male hormones, then why are you men taking them? And if you are, why can’t the women? Gander and goose.

But things go awry. Indeed, men and women have the right to do whatever they wish with their bodies. They also have the right to smoke. They also have the right to kill themselves.

But the world of body building has gone awry. What was once representative of health is now a freak show. Men have become monsters at their own peril, and the promoters were the biggest hypocrites. They knew these men and some women were taking dangerous drugs – the ones who were the most muscular won yet the promoters were saying they disapproved of drugs.

Most of these people in the contests lost, there would be few winners – but they all had to risk themselves with the drugs – Russian Roulette. Who were the biggest winners? The promoters, those who made money whoever won or lost.

          The body builders were the slaves, most of them made no money. The promoters always made money because they sold images, supplements and weight training equipment. They pretended their supplements & systems made these guys & gals what they were – it was fraud – the illegal drugs made them that way, which the body builders paid for themselves. Very few of them made money. Ronnie Coleman, for instance. But look at him now.

          He became the biggest and the best through drugs, he made big money. But he spent two million on operations trying to put his skeleton back together. He’s not sure he’ll ever walk right again, so in the end, he lost. His X rays show screws throughout his back and hips.

          Some of the women who were the biggest and the best fell apart, like rags of their former selves, looking like aliens for the drugs. The drugs puffed them up for a while, but after quitting all they had left was the cornrow teeth {the drugs expanded their jaws} and tufts of facial hair – Pitiful and pathetic shadows of their former selves. This was the result of excesses, which the promoters mostly, not the body builders, profited from. It’s a sad testament to excess and a thing that was positive in the beginning but ended up wrong.

          Alright, body building was a business. In spite of where it went wrong, the idea of women’s muscles – prowess – fitness – freedom did leak into the entire world, and the image of women as well as behavior changed forever. Although the body building world and their contests for women have mostly collapsed {since 2015 the main events are not even held—there is one by new people that pays 50k} women universally have caught on and it’s OK for women to lift weights and be muscular, even aggressive. It has changed the world for women, indeed & dispelled the notion that they have to be passive toward men. So the work of Kellie Everts was accomplished in spite of the contests getting twisted by drugs.


The Stripper for God[edit]

Initially, Rasa had won the titles of Miss Nude Universe in July, 1967, Miss Americana 2nd place and Best Body in 1972 (on the same stage with Arnold Schwarzenegger), Miss Body Beautiful 2nd place in 1973, Miss Body Beautiful U.S.A. first place in 1974, and Miss Americana 2nd place & Best Body 1974 (the same stage with Arnold Schwarzenegger again). She made nine appearances in Playboy. She first appeared as Miss Nude Universe, hers was the first female body builder as “Humping Iron”, May 1977, predating Lisa Lyon‘s appearance by three years.[6] She had two pages of pictures on her “Stripping for God” in Playboy. Her dancing career went from March 1966 to August 1987, dancing coast to coast and all over Canada as well. She then quit to become a producer of her dancing and female domination videos, making enough money to purchase a large property with island in Upstate New York in 1989, where she has lived ever since.


In Sept. 1973, Everts gave her first spiritual talk (prior to dancing) at the Melody Theater in Times Square as a religious minister. The combination of stripper and evangelical religious conviction led to the creation of what the press called the “Stripper for God”.[7][8][9]

The “Stripping for God” created an obvious controversy about the idea of being both sexual and spiritual at the same time, as oppose to only one or the other, due to the prevailing social norms and constructs. Likewise, by extension the related concept of being both a person of God and also in the adult trade at the same time was controversial as well.

Everts traveled in the United States and Canada, giving over 1,000 sermons in burlesque theaters and nightclubs.[10][page needed][11][page needed][12][page needed][13]

She also travelled several times to Canada, and made one trip to the United Kingdom[14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22] In 1988, she appeared on The Morton Downey, Jr. Show.[23]

Everts later changed the emphasis of her mission to the return of matriarchy and the feminine divine. On June 16, 1978 she preached on the message of Our Lady of Fátima in front of the White House, with the aim of bringing about the conversion of Russia and, by extension, preventing a potential nuclear World War III. The gist of the message was, “Pray the Rosary for the conversion of Russia, or nations will be annihilated.”[24]

Since shifting her focus, she then founded her own church, The University of Mother God Church, which later evolved further into a new religion specifically for women.

As a Guru of the new religious movement she founded, many of her followers believe she is an Avatar, or an incarnation of God, much like Ramakrishna.

Her spiritual beliefs are that she was sent by God to help humanity, primarily via female empowerment and then ultimately matriarchy, which she believes is the only hope for humanity and solving the world’s problems. Her goal is to restore the worship of God as Mother, and female leadership in all areas of life including spirituality, in order to attain a world of biophilia, that is, life and love.


On May 24, 2004, Everts, under her present name Rasa von Werder or Guru Rasa of the Church of MotherGod, started the Woman Thou Art God Website.[25] She has since continued publishing online on her religious beliefs, and has thirty-six (and counting) books published on female empowerment, her biography, matriarchy spirituality and various other subjects, many available on both Amazon and Lulu. Since 2014, Rasa has also had another main website as well, Embodiment of God, that further builds upon the first one. [26] She has also collaborated with other authors as well, most notably including William Bond, who is also featured on that site.

Later Years[edit]

In her later years, after 30 years of celibacy, beginning  age 63 in 2008 {God told her to stop suffering, quit celibacy & have fun – it was ‘the Will of God}, she became a “cougar” and photographer of males, largely in the college town of Binghamton, New York, for the purpose of furthering the cause of female empowerment. At Binghamton University, she was a big hit overall, featured several times on the front page of their student newspaper. She has written about this experience in several books (see Bibliography section).

Rasa has also further expanded upon her new matriarchal religion for women, writing the book Woman, Thou Art God: The New Religion for Women in 2019-2020, and is currently working on several other books.[27]


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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Joe Tex, Jackie Wilson & Richard Pryor


330px-Richard_Pryor_1969 375px-Joe_Tex images (24)Chapter 9   Joe Tex   Jackie Wilson   Richard Pryor   4-7-22


            Thinking about these guys is so dreary,  I procrastinated writing this. If they weren’t famous I wouldn’t.  How can I get through these men as fast as possible? I’m typing a mile a minute, lol. 


            Joe Tex. I met him, like several other stars, at a place called ‘Mambo Maxie’s’ – a club I stumbled upon on my way from one of the go-go jobs 1967. I used to check in there often while going to & fro my job – it was always entertaining even the ones not famous. There I saw Etta James, Little Richard & this clown Joe Tex.


            ‘Mambo Maxie’ was a stout Jewish guy who always stood in front collecting a buck from each entrant. Sometimes he didn’t charge me. Don’t know his background, but it must have been in show biz, he seemed ‘the old carny’ type. He reminded me, personality wise, of Elvis’ manager Col. Parker – a fast talker.  It wasn’t a big place so how could he afford these stars? Probably gave them a bunch of bullshyt about how much money they’d make ‘at the door’ or by percentage or whatever – the way con artists sometimes fooled me into thinking I’d make bread at the door – which you never do when they give you that offer {except once I did for 3 months & made a fortune, but I got over on this wise-guy Lebanese man & made him sign a contract where I checked the cash register every day}.


            So I stumble into the club one day & Joe Tex is performing. I’m seating next to a lovely black lady, thin, elegant & we converse {I never saw another white person in the club, Mambo Maxie & I were the only two.}

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            Joe Tex has a great band, he’s a good performer, we’re impressed. We both decide to go meet him.

            The minute we’re backstage together Joe goes crazy for my breasts. He orders the photo man to take pics of him kissing my chest – dozens of them. They are ridiculous poses, I don’t know how I consented, probably because I was overwhelmed at the moment by his fame & the performance & all that.

            He never took one look at the attractive black lady – only babbled on & on about ‘your titties.’ {Yes, I was wearing a low-cut top, custom made, of a brocade velvet material, it was beautiful – Various colors of brown & light grey & brown custom-made bell-bottoms to match.}

            The black lady, Rhonda, shakes her head & says

            “He’s SIMPLE”,

            meaning Simple Simon, known for his stupidity.

            After 15 minutes of this ordeal, the photo man has processed a dozen stupid, embarrassing photos & Joe Tex disappears, not paying for a single one. I pay the guy, take them into the bathroom, tear them into hundreds of pieces & flush them down the toilet.

            Who he was:


“He went on to have four million-selling hits, “Hold What You’ve Got” (1965), “Skinny Legs and All” (1967), “I Gotcha” (1972), and “Ain’t Gonna Bump No More (With No Big Fat Woman)” (1977).”


            From Wikipedia:


Joe Tex was born Joseph Arrington, Jr. in Rogers, Texas, in Bell County to Joseph Arrington and Cherie Sue (Jackson) Arrington.

In early August, 1982, Tex was found at the bottom of a swimming pool at his home in Navasota, after which he was revived in hospital and sent home. Just a few days later, on August 13, 1982, five days after his 47th birthday, he died at GrimesMemorialHospital in Navasota, following a heart attack.



Next Creep: Jackie Wilson, from Wikipedia:

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            Jack Leroy Wilson Jr. (June 9, 1934 – January 21, 1984) was an American soul and rock and roll singer and performer. Wilson was a prominent figure in the transition of rhythm and blues into soul. He was considered a master showman and one of the most dynamic singers and performers in pop, R&B, and rock and roll history, earning the nickname “Mr. Excitement”.


Lonely Teardrops“, which peaked at No. 7 on the pop charts, ranked No. 1 on the R&B charts in the U.S., and established Wilson as an R&B superstar known for his extraordinary, operatic multi-octave vocal range. Wilson’s “Lonely Teardrops” sold over one million copies.

Due to Wilson’s fervor when performing, with his dynamic dance moves, impassioned singing and fashion sense, he was nicknamed “Mr. Excitement”. His stagecraft in his live shows inspired James BrownTeddy PendergrassMichael Jackson and Elvis Presley, as well as a host of other artists that followed. Presley was so impressed with Wilson that he made it a point to meet him.

Wilson’s powerful, electrifying live performances rarely failed to bring audiences to a state of frenzy. His live performances consisted of knee-drops, splits, spins, back-flips, one-footed across-the-floor slides, removing his tie and jacket and throwing them off the stage, basic boxing steps like advance and retreat shuffling, and one of his favorite routines, getting some of the less attractive women in the audience to come up to the stage and kiss him. Wilson often said “if I get the ugliest girl in the audience to come up and kiss me, they’ll all think they can have me and keep coming back and buying my records.”

Wilson scored hits as he entered the 1960s with the No. 15 “Doggin’ Around”, the No. 4 pop ballad “Night“, another million-seller, and “Baby Workout“, another Top 10 hit (No. 5)

On September 29, 1975, Wilson was one of the featured acts in Dick Clark‘s Good Ol’ Rock and Roll Revue, hosted by the Latin Casino in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. He was in the middle of singing “Lonely Teardrops” when he suffered a massive heart attack. On the words “My heart is crying” he collapsed on stage; audience members applauded as they initially thought it was part of the act. Clark sensed something was wrong, then ordered the musicians to stop the music. Cornell Gunter of the Coasters, who was backstage, noticed Wilson was not breathing. Gunter was able to resuscitate him and Wilson was then rushed to a nearby hospital.

Medical personnel worked to stabilize Wilson’s vital signs, but the lack of oxygen to his brain caused him to slip into a coma. He briefly recovered in early 1976, and was even able to take a few wobbly steps, but slipped back into a semi-comatose state.

Wilson died on January 21, 1984, at the age of 49 from complications of pneumonia. He was initially buried in an unmarked grave at WestlawnCemetery near Detroit. {Rasa says, later someone raised the bread to put him into a Mausoleum – WTF happened to all his money?

‘Nat Tarnopol had taken advantage of Wilson’s naïveté, mismanaging his money since becoming his manager. Tarnopol also had power of attorney over Wilson’s finances.’ This man was later found guilty of fraud & robbing Jackie Wilson of big money but by this time Wilson was in a coma….Rasa says – too bad the FAMILY didn’t sue this creep Tarnopol.}

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Personal Life:

            Wilson had a reputation for being short-tempered and promiscuous. In her autobiography, Patti LaBelle accused Wilson of sexually assaulting her backstage at a Brooklyn theater in the early 1960s.

On February 15, 1961, in Manhattan, Wilson was shot and seriously wounded by a woman named Juanita Jones. However, Jones was one of his girlfriends, and she shot him in a jealous rage after he returned to his Manhattan apartment with another woman, fashion model Harlean Harris, an ex-girlfriend of Sam Cooke. Wilson’s management supposedly concocted the story about her being a zealous fan to protect Wilson’s reputation. They claimed that Jones was an obsessed fan who had threatened to shoot herself, and that Wilson’s intervention resulted in his being shot. Wilson was shot in the stomach; the bullet resulted in the loss of a kidney, and lodged too close to his spine to be removed.

In March 1967, Wilson and his drummer, Jimmy Smith, were arrested in South Carolina on “morals charges”; the two were entertaining two 24-year-old white women in their motel room.


My Account: 

I go to Vegas with my lady friend Marleena & her boyfriend {she was with me when I met O.C. Smith & also Otis Redding}, we go see Jackie’s show. We sit in the front row. He’s dynamic, great, all that they say he is.

Then, to my surprise, his valet comes over to our table after the show & says Jackie would like to meet me, could I go back stage? He was very polite, I went.

OK so it’s assumed we’re going to spend the night together. We go to the slot machines & he hands me a dollar. I put it in & out pops $56. Because he gave me the dollar, I offer it back to him & he takes it – every last bit. $56 in 1966 is $490 today! Wow – he was NOT a gentleman, he just took nearly $500 from me. The least he could have done, if he was short on money, was keep half & give me half, but no, he had to have every penny.

We walk into a lounge where the band sees him & strikes up “Baby Workout”. Can’t recall what happens there but next, we’re in his large hotel room sitting in bed.

We have done nothing – yet. The phone rings. It’s his WIFE! He didn’t tell me he had a wife, I am mortified! Someone must have called her – she’s probably in another state – & told her he went off with a woman, so she calls. He assures her HE’S ALL ALONE. She says she might just come over – he tells her be his guest. Of course, she doesn’t take a plane to Vegas to check it out.

After that I tell him I don’t feel like doing sex. First he robs me, then he doesn’t take me to dinner – now this – the final straw. He says that’s fine – he DOESN’T CARE. Bullcrap, but good work, I don’t have to put out. He did not appeal to me sex wise. Had he been a decent fellow I would have done it, but he wasn’t.

OK the last time I saw him is so ironic. He was on the stage on the floor, in some obscure club in Watts –I’m the only white person there. It’s his antic of asking women to come up & kiss him, so after a few other girls do it, I go up also – actually not up as the stage is level with the audience – & the bastard just stares at me & says no, he won’t kiss me. It has nothing to do with anything but this: black men, when black women are around, – are scared shitless to show attention to a whitey. It’s all it was. He would suffer their wrath if he kissed me.

The exact same thing happened to me with Muhammad Ali. I was at a show with major stars & he was one of them. A bunch of people stood around him to say hi after the show. I was last in line, began to talk to him. And there, from the surroundings, black women began to razz him,

“Ali, Ali,”

which meant,

“You’re not supposed to get chummy with white women,”

and he walked away.

But as we all know it’s the opposite when black women aren’t around. James Brown once told me,

“When I said bring a girl friend I meant bring a WHITE GIRL.”

And he lied to my black best friend – Ginger. He told her he usually didn’t date white women, but I was different. The truth is every time he was in town he dated only white women – one I saw was a hostess from a restaurant. He offered $3,500 for sex with a movie star –beautiful blonde Diane McBain. {She starred in Spinout with Elvis, 1966 } That hurt me as it made it seem he valued her way more than me. Diane did not even take him up on it. {His valet told me about it.}



Creepy Richard Pryor

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Might as well tell the story of the next creep while I’m on a roll.

I met a few famous people at this club I visited – Maverick’s Flats in LA – quite a place.

One night Richard Pryor, the comedian, is there. I don’t know if he did a show or not but he was off by a wall surrounded by people. I sat there & listened to his repartee & at the close of the night he asked me out. Yes, I was flirting with him but so were a dozen other females {all black.}

At that time I had a lovely house rented at 1860 Heather Ct, Beverly Hills, off Heather Rd off Coldwater Canyon Drive. I was driving my white Corvette & he a new Caddy – so he followed me.

We got into bed, I told him let’s skip the sex for now, I’m tired. He snoozed off without complaint.

In the morning I was going to make him a sumptuous breakfast, & had he been nice to me, I might have done sex.

So I get up, go to the kitchen & start putzing around, & there, I see out the window, he’s gone off without saying goodbye, got into his car & just took off. No class.

Strangely, & to his benefit, years later, he appears to me as a client in Purgatory & I help him ascend into Heaven! Can’t recall the details & dates – it’s all written down somewhere, but where?

Richard Pryor explained on Wikipedia


Richard Franklin Lennox Thomas Pryor Sr. (December 1, 1940 – December 10, 2005) was an American stand-up comedian and actor. He reached a broad audience with his trenchant observations and storytelling style and is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential stand-up comedians of all time. Pryor won a Primetime Emmy Award and five Grammy Awards. He received the first Kennedy Center Mark Twain Prize for American Humor in 1998. He won the Writers Guild of America Award in 1974. He was listed at number one on Comedy Central‘s list of all-time greatest stand-up comedians. In 2017, Rolling Stone ranked him first on its list of the 50 best stand-up comics of all time.  


           He grew up in a brothel {Rasa says: adult entertainment/therapy center} run by his grandmother, Marie Carter, where his alcoholic mother, Gertrude L. (née Thomas), was a prostitute. {Rasa says: Let’s call it without insult, adult trade worker or sex therapist} His father, LeRoy “Buck Carter” Pryor (June 7, 1915 – September 27, 1968), was a former boxer, hustler and pimp. After Gertrude abandoned him when he was 10, Pryor was raised primarily by Marie, a tall, violent woman who would beat him for any of his eccentricities. Pryor was one of four children raised in his grandmother’s brothel {Rasa says: Adult entertainment/therapy venue}. He was sexually abused at age seven,and expelled from school at the age of 14. 

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            Rasa remarks re this opening description of Richard Pryor’s life: When they use the words ‘brothel’ – he grew up in a brothel, the writer predicts an assumption from the reader. Ditto ‘prostitute’ – his Mom was one, same thing. I take some pointers from the milestone setter Dale Spender with her thesis ‘Man Made Language.’ She explained how males control/create language & how words describing women have become degraded as women are degraded, for instance, the word ‘Mistress’ once meant ‘Mistress of the house’ & over the years it fell down to a second woman kept by a man. Or today it’s a paid dominant – neither ideas is flattering.

{Then the men who write the dictionaries describe the sexuality of males as ‘virile’ – ‘red blooded’, while women who like sex are called ‘nymphomaniacs’ or if they don’t like sex they are ‘frigid’ – nothing in between. No robust, red blooded, healthy women described. Women who like sex are MANIACS, lol.}

I take issue with these words being used here as the writer ASSUMES the reader will think,

“That explains it. Grew up in a brothel, Mom a prostitute – that’s why he was crazy.”

The thoughts that go with ‘brothel’ & ‘prostitute’ are part of the man-made language which has us believing sexual behavior for women is PROHIBITED & if they engage in sex except where sanctioned they are wicked, evil beings. No such assumption goes to the man – he can frequent adult trade women & remain exempt from the stigma. He’s expected to be ‘virile’ & ‘red blooded.’ And so it’s obvious this double standard is imposed by Patriarchs, not by women or God – we’re at the mercy of their bias, mind control & tyranny.

I insist, first for myself then others, these terms / ideas be rethought. Women in the adult trade are entertainers & therapists & should be given respect as such. They are not wicked evil doers for dancing or posing naked, nor are they immoral because they offer their services on the street or elsewhere {often to the worst of men, the least desirable & sometimes dangerous.}{Think how awful the world would be if no woman did sex for money – increase the numbers of sick & dangerous men when their needs are unmet. Adult therapists should be given MEDALS not malevolence. I have watched men take food out of their child’s mouth so they could use the money for sex.}

And so, remove the notion of ‘bordello’ or ‘prostitute Mother’ caused Pryor to go crazy. There’s violence from a female caregiver, his Dad being a ‘hustler – pimp’, he was sexual abused starting age 7, his Mom abandoned him age 10, *being an alcoholic she might have done him a favor*. Look to these factors for his PTSD. {end Rasa statements}

Pryor served in the U.S. Army from 1958 to 1960, but spent virtually the entire stint in an army prison. According to a 1999 profile about Pryor in The New Yorker, Pryor was incarcerated for an incident that occurred while he was stationed in West Germany. Angered that a white soldier was overly amused at the racially charged scenes of Douglas Sirk‘s film Imitation of Life, Pryor and several other black soldiers beat and stabbed him, although not fatally.

In 2004, Pryor was voted number one on Comedy Central‘s list of the 100 Greatest Stand-ups of All Time. In a 2005 British poll to find “The Comedian’s Comedian,” Pryor was voted the 10th-greatest comedy act ever by fellow comedians and comedy insiders. {End Wikipedia}

Rasa says: My last remarks on him are like so. He was a miserable wretch who needed psychological therapy for his PTSD, instead, like many who become drug addicted, he medicated himself. When I met him he was on a talking streak which was no doubt fueled by Cocaine. By the time morning rolled around, he left without saying good bye because he was a zombie without drugs. Most addicts are zombies when sober – they’re lifeless. I can’t imagine living with him, it would be Hell. People can be talented while still sick. With his brand of comedy, he vented his tortures, perhaps this was his therapy, & could be why he was so good.    {End Chapter 9}


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College of God & Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Second Part Gordian Knot

The Gordian Knot, Second Part  


This article is Chapter 2 of I Strip for God Part 7



Alright, Mother God, back to where we were. Jesus came to earth to teach certain things – we all know what they are, no need to repeat. But now I have appeared & what is my message? What have I exemplified?

Jesus did not in his lifetime build all that was to happen in his religion. He wrote the doctrine, indeed. Christianity was illegal to the point of death, they were thrown to the lions & made sport of at the Coliseum. They hid in the Catacombs.


Jesus did not build a Church. The earliest archeologically identified Christian church is a house church (domus ecclesiae), the Dura-Europos church, founded between 233 and 256. In the second half of the 3rd century AD, the first purpose-built halls for Christian worship (aula ecclesiae) began to be constructed.

Christianity was illegal in Rome until 313 AD, the Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which accepted Christianity: 10 years later, it had become the official religion of the Roman Empire.


But then what did Jesus do that had to be done? Why was his mission so successful, what was done that only He could do? Why did no one else do what He did? After all, there were saints & Prophets before him why didn’t they start a New Religion? All the Prophets were filled with the Holy Ghost, as were the Saints, but what was different about Jesus?


Now to come to me, what is different about me & why can I start a New Religion? What do I represent? What have I lived? OK, the world is filled with women who have done what I did – show business, body building, dominant women & Cougars. What is different about me & why do I alone bring forth this New Religion? Why didn’t another woman claim ‘Woman, Thou Art God’ & suggest we break away from Patriarchs? I ask Mother God.


MG: In a word, Anointing. You were sent. As you said, there’ve been millions of women who did all that you did & do, millions, & yet none of them started a New Religion. Why didn’t Betty Freidan write ‘Woman Thou Art God’ instead of ‘The Feminine Mystique?’ It was not her place, her place was where she was, she was a prophet, but you are Messianic in your fight for women’s rights. You broke the knot that no one could unhinge. {Me: this gives me the shudders}

Gordian knotknot that gave its name to a proverbial term for a problem solvable only by bold action. In 333 BC, Alexander the Great, on his march through Anatolia, reached Gordium, the capital of Phrygia. There he was shown the chariot of the ancient founder of the city, Gordius, with its yoke lashed to the pole by means of an intricate knot with its end hidden. According to tradition, this knot was to be untied only by the future conqueror of Asia. In the popular account, probably invented as appropriate to an impetuous warrior, Alexander sliced through the knot with his sword, but, in earlier versions, he found the ends either by cutting into the knot or by drawing out the pole. The phrase “cutting the Gordian knot” has thus come to denote a bold solution to a complicated problem.

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ME: I’m not sure what this means, Mother God. People don’t see me that way, I never thought of myself that way. I don’t exactly understand.


MG: The KNOT is the STRANGLEHOLD men have against women in holding them in the bondage of SEXUALITY. A few years ago you wrote in an article – about an insight you had, that whoever could figure out how to bring spirituality & sexuality together & break the Madonna-whore complex that men put on women would BREAK PATRIARCHY. Well, you did it. You broke Patriarchy by being the Lady Who Strips for God & Dances to Save Men’s Souls.


ME: I am flabbergasted. So my work then is basically finished? I mean, it’s done? The rest is icing on the cake?


MG: When you ventured out to save souls, you untied the knot of Patriarchy. It proved a woman in the ‘sex trade’ was of God, sent by God, empowered by God. Therefore, she was not a whore, therefore, God works through her. You could not have done what you did unless you were Anointed – no other woman has ever done that & none have come forward to follow in your footsteps. You were sent by God & Anointed by her.


ME: Alright then, it seems to me the results of this work – my life – this Anointing – will take hundreds of years to take hold, will it not? There isn’t much else I can do except sit here & write books. I’m not seeing this clearly, how Matriarchy will be built.


MG: Just you wait. In your lifetime the movie will come out, then you’ll see more action. You untied the knot – it hasn’t been promoted as much as it will be – like let’s face it, in Jesus time the world was not converted to Christianity – it took hundreds of years to really get started – the first Church being built 300 years later. And how long was it before Christianity was practiced all over the world?

“The Roman Empire officially adopted Christianity in AD 380.  During the Early Middle Ages, most of Europe underwent Christianization, a process essentially complete with the Baltic Christianization in the 15th century.”

And so, Jesus religion took over 1k years to take over most of Europe.

ME: Thank you Mother God, I can’t think about this any more today, my head is pounding. The Gorgian knot thingy overwhelmed me.    ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

From William Bond:

 Just a few comments on the Gordian Knot Untied. 

I think any Matriarchal religion or society would make the welfare and protection of children their highest priority and the protection of women their second priority. I think it is a given that if we have a true matriarchal society it will be a far more caring than any patriarchal society. 

In part two you are more or less saying, “Roman wasn’t built in a day”. I personally would like to see some evidence of a Matriarchal society or religion in my own lifetime, but realistically, that will probably not happen. 

Yes it is interesting that patriarchy does do it’s best to discourage or control the sex-trade and you do have to wonder why.  It is known that in ancient Goddess temples there were sexual rituals and patriarchal priests did claim Goddess priestesses were ‘temple prostitutes’.  They also had orgies in these Goddess Temples and the word orgy is an Ancient Greek word meaning “secret worship”. 

So there is something about sexual women that patriarchy fears. They even fear female nudity, we see that today in Islamic countries women are have to cover up completely. It is of interest that Naomi Wolf recently said that masks on children because of Covid is damaging to their social and communication development. So are masks about trying to restrict women communicating, with each other? 

It might be the bonobo ape effect where females bond in a strong sisterhood through sex. Or it could be that sexual women can use their sexual attraction to gain power over men. We know in patriarchal societies of the past that prostitutes have gained great wealth and power. So sex could be a weakness in men that sexual women can exploit. 



 from Rasa:     William, an idea.  For our SECRET RITE, haha, we could have us FOR SISTERS ONLY, Stripping for God, where each sister {who wants to & who is qualified} does a striptease to complete nudity, which would symbolize TOTAL NAKEDNESS TO GOD, open heart, giving God all, baring our soul, vulnerability, trust, etc, all the things that complete nakedness would exemplify.

Then we could let the media know we have secret rites but won’t tell them what they are but maybe just maybePASS THE HINT that there is nudity involved.  Everyone LOVES A MYSTERY -when a thing is UNDERSTOOD people say ok, & move on.  This would forever make them WANT TO SEE OUR SECRET RITUALS!  Except they can’t.  They might PLOT how they could secretly invade or at least get someone with a camera in there to take a look.  It would be some sort of controversy.

I might add that many Orders or cults have secret rituals which when started, no one can enter – our own American Indians, once a ritual started, not even a Chief could enter, it would ruin the vibes or Grace within it.  So there you have it!


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College of God & Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Gordian Knot Untied Part 2

Gordian Knot Untied Part 2 

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Alright, Mother God, back to where we were. Jesus came to earth to teach certain things – we all know what they are, no need to repeat. But now I have appeared & what is my message? What have I exemplified?

Jesus did not in his lifetime build all that was to happen in his religion. He wrote the doctrine, indeed. Christianity was illegal to the point of death, they were thrown to the lions & made sport of at the Coliseum. They hid in the Catacombs.


Jesus did not build a Church. The earliest archeologically identified Christian church is a house church (domus ecclesiae), the Dura-Europos church, founded between 233 and 256. In the second half of the 3rd century AD, the first purpose-built halls for Christian worship (aula ecclesiae) began to be constructed.

Christianity was illegal in Rome until 313 AD, the Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which accepted Christianity: 10 years later, it had become the official religion of the Roman Empire.

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But then what did Jesus do that had to be done? Why was his mission so successful, what was done that only He could do? Why did no one else do what He did? After all, there were saints & Prophets before him why didn’t they start a New Religion? All the Prophets were filled with the Holy Ghost, as were the Saints, but what was different about Jesus?


Now to come to me, what is different about me & why can I start a New Religion? What do I represent? What have I lived? OK, the world is filled with women who have done what I did – show business, body building, dominant women & Cougars. What is different about me & why do I alone bring forth this New Religion? Why didn’t another woman claim ‘Woman, Thou Art God’ & suggest we break away from Patriarchs? I ask Mother God.


MG: In a word, Anointing. You were sent. As you said, there’ve been millions of women who did all that you did & do, millions, & yet none of them started a New Religion. Why didn’t Betty Freidan write ‘Woman Thou Art God’ instead of ‘The Feminine Mystique?’ It was not her place, her place was where she was, she was a prophet, but you are Messianic in your fight for women’s rights. You broke the knot that no one could unhinge. {Me: this gives me the shudders}

Gordian knotknot that gave its name to a proverbial term for a problem solvable only by bold action. In 333 BC, Alexander the Great, on his march through Anatolia, reached Gordium, the capital of Phrygia. There he was shown the chariot of the ancient founder of the city, Gordius, with its yoke lashed to the pole by means of an intricate knot with its end hidden. According to tradition, this knot was to be untied only by the future conqueror of Asia. In the popular account, probably invented as appropriate to an impetuous warrior, Alexander sliced through the knot with his sword, but, in earlier versions, he found the ends either by cutting into the knot or by drawing out the pole. The phrase “cutting the Gordian knot” has thus come to denote a bold solution to a complicated problem.


ME: I’m not sure what this means, Mother God. People don’t see me that way, I never thought of myself that way. I don’t exactly understand.


MG: The KNOT is the STRANGLEHOLD men have against women in holding them in the bondage of SEXUALITY. A few years ago you wrote in an article – about an insight you had, that whoever could figure out how to bring spirituality & sexuality together & break the Madonna-whore complex that men put on women would BREAK PATRIARCHY. Well, you did it. You broke Patriarchy by being the Lady Who Strips for God & Dances to Save Men’s Souls.


ME: I am flabbergasted. So my work then is basically finished? I mean, it’s done? The rest is icing on the cake?


MG: When you ventured out to save souls, you untied the knot of Patriarchy. It proved a woman in the ‘sex trade’ was of God, sent by God, empowered by God. Therefore, she was not a whore, therefore, God works through her. You could not have done what you did unless you were Anointed – no other woman has ever done that & none have come forward to follow in your footsteps. You were sent by God & Anointed by her.

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ME: Alright then, it seems to me the results of this work – my life – this Anointing – will take hundreds of years to take hold, will it not? There isn’t much else I can do except sit here & write books. I’m not seeing this clearly, how Matriarchy will be built.


MG: Just you wait. In your lifetime the movie will come out, then you’ll see more action. You untied the knot – it hasn’t been promoted as much as it will be – like let’s face it, in Jesus time the world was not converted to Christianity – it took hundreds of years to really get started – the first Church being built 300 years later. And how long was it before Christianity was practiced all over the world?

“The Roman Empire officially adopted Christianity in AD 380.  During the Early Middle Ages, most of Europe underwent Christianization, a process essentially complete with the Baltic Christianization in the 15th century.”

And so, Jesus religion took over 1k years to take over most of Europe.

ME: Thank you Mother God, I can’t think about this any more today, my head is pounding. The Gorgian knot thingy overwhelmed me.


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College of God & Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

the Gordian Knot Untied

Chapter 2   Part 7


New Religion Promotion 3-20-22   {The Gordian Knot Untied}


From William Bond:

Read your latest article Rasa and what came to my mind is that you have been for most of your life an entertainer and you have had experience with preaching with your, “I strip for God” shows. I agree a TV interview would be a big boost to publicizing a new Matriarchal religion but perhaps you need to be doing something, at present, for them to want to interview you. 


Perhaps your, “I strip for God” shows, didn’t go anywhere because you were then still promoting the Christian religion. But this might change if you were now preaching about a religion that promotes sexual freedom, a female God and matriarchy.


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Rasa says:

                     William, I was not CAPABLE of preaching Matriarchy, the new religion, sexual freedom, etc. at that time.

What was I doing? I was expressing my love for God & humanity when I preached, that is all. I was trying to SAVE SOULS – save them from sin, from misery, from confusion. The principles I preached were those I understood, as espoused by Jesus Christ, & that was what I knew. I could not represent what I did not {yet} know.

What you are speaking is the analys the day after the game, lol. That’s where I am TODAY. Like they say, one needs DISTANCE to understand some things, now I am beginning to see the Light of WHO I WAS & WHAT I REPRESENT / REPRESENTED.

          And what was & is that?

          What we both just said – How our New Religion is different from ANY OTHER. Think about it. What Patriarchal religion espouses SEXUAL FREEDOM for women – women can have sex with anyone they wish & they can have as many ‘husbands’ as they want & they can have young men when they are old?

Consider – Christianity? Islam? Judaism? Hinduism? The 4 main Patriarchal religions are FANATICALLY OPPOSED to women’s sexual freedom – {in fact I saw a study which explained that religious fundamentalism is measured BY THE OPPRESSION OF WOMEN – the more repressive to them they are – the more ‘fundamental’ they are – that is what they are about.} Then there’s the sects, like say Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Amish, Hutterites – the list goes on, all against women’s sexual freedom. In fact, the significant ideal or agenda of Patriarchal religions is to ROB WOMEN OF THEIR HUMAN RIGHTS including the right to choose their sexual behavior & the right to leadership in family & society.

And so, the counter religion to Patriarchal religion is one in which women have the RIGHT TO DO ANYTHING THEY WANT & decide their own moral behavior which includes sex with anyone they want without interference from men.


William’s statement, Mother God, I need your help to answer it. He said,

your, “I strip for God” shows, didn’t go anywhere because you were then still promoting the Christian religion. But this might change if you were now preaching about a religion that promotes sexual freedom, a female God and matriarchy”

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Mother God, the words ‘didn’t get anywhere’ I also need answered like what does he mean? Does he mean it was a flop or does he mean it did not ESTABLISH A NEW RELIGION OF SEXUAL FREEDOM & MATRIARCHY. Because I got international publicity for ‘Stripping for God,’ appeared on front pages from Canada to New York to California – got on about 150 TV spots, the News & talk shows, not to mention local publicity in magazines & radio. It was a whirlwind of publicity, so much so that Johnny Carson did a skit about ‘the preacher Kellie who appears during ratings week & gets more publicity than the emerging African Nations.” So where is William saying it was supposed to get, that it didn’t get to?


MG {Mother God}: William didn’t mean you got no publicity, he means you did not get a new religion established. Here’s the deal:

The New Religion had to GESTATE. One cannot do all things at once, that is to say a seed has to fall to the ground, the weather has to turn warm, the sun & rain have to hit the ground. The seed must burst open, send out roots, then shoots, appear above & grow into whatever it’s supposed to be.

ME: And so, when I began Stripping for God, giving sermons, would you call that a SEED? Explain the synopsis or evolution of this, why could I not from the very beginning, begin preaching sexual freedom, Matriarchy & a female God? Why did I preach Christianity?


MG: You weren’t READY, in your mind, to preach these tenets, you did not understand them fully – you had to learn & grow in your theology, in the study of Patriarchy vs. Matriarchy, the entire question. This started a LONG TIME AGO – it was 1973 – you were 28 years old. You gave your first speech at the behest of your then-guru, Rev. Judy Swaggart. It was to promote HER & the One World Light Church which she started – You WERE the Church, besides her, no one else was active, all her other disciples were deadbeats. You were the only one with zeal & obedience to the Kingdom of God, whatever way God presented herself.

Your HEART was & always has been in the right place, as you said; you were on a mission to save souls. Your mission had not yet changed into Mother God, Matriarchy, sexual freedom & Female Empowerment.


What you are looking at NOW is the Oak Tree that took root long ago & grew to 100’ tall. It has been nearly 50 years since you gave that first sermon!


ME: Yes, compared to what I know now what I understand & believe is VASTLY DIFFERENT than then. Even going back to the onset of ‘Woman Thou Art God,’ the website that proved Matriarchy is the answer – my mind has evolved. I see & understand things now I had no clue about. Mother God, please explain the evolution that had to take place in my head.


MG: When you emerged onto the scene you were simply a God-loving, zealous promoter of God, you were not on a mission to ‘destroy’ or forfeit Patriarchy. Your mind was on the teachings of Jesus Christ & everything you learned from him & what you had to do to fulfill his image & mission. You did believe in women’s rights & practiced them the best you could – both religiously & secular means – you had body building, dominating men, -women’s rights to be equal in the military.

Only in your old age did all these factors fall into place & you saw the entire forest with the mountain peaks, ranges, the valleys, the rivers flowing through it – the whole picture. – Prior to that you saw pieces of the puzzle. You saw this & that but not all of it at once. Now you see it all, it becomes clear what the New Religion has to be, & you wrote it. {Idea: Let the sisterhood make a chart of this & a puzzle pieces set – all that I mentioned myself & women doing.}

The fact is, the idea that women had to step away from men & create their own Zeitgeist is the New Religion, & that’s it in a nutshell. You NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE YOU WROTE IT in 2020. It never occurred to you the way it suddenly did, that women had to step away from men & start their own religion FROM SCRATCH so to speak – write their own scriptures.


ME: I do recall in 2020 you had to push me kicking & screaming to write this all down because I honestly didn’t know what to write. It was like I will sit down & start typing, & whatever comes to mind I will write. I did not even see the whole picture then, like what the religion should consist of. I just knew we had to leave men – that was it – And then what? Obviously it’s a work in progress where women who start these sisterhoods will have to sit down & devise what they want to do, how to worship, how to think & feel re Mother God & what She wants. The answers are not all there yet, but we do know She wants our FREEDOM!

I think that for the next few years of this end of my life I have to write down everything I can think of for women. That’s a POINT OF DEPARTURE. Then someone starts a sisterhood, & another, & another, & each convent can amend or revise things as they go along – what devotions they want, rituals, activities, rules, areas of study, etc. That’s the way culture, religions & societies evolve.

Each day while I think of this more ideas come to mind – like I want a ‘girl scout’ type of club – camping, bushcraft, survival skills, building our own shelters.

I want to have classes for a variety of subjects & skills. We will cover dance, art, photography, music, gardening / agriculture, botany, {medicinal herbs & substances found in nature including our own back yards – my property has DOZENS}, study groups & fun groups for recreation & sports including body building & marital arts. We should also encourage practical skills like the things handymen or skillful males do – carpentry – basics of vehicle maintenance, basics of house maintenance, etc.

All our sisters must learn the DOCTRINE as taught by me – there are books & hundreds of articles now which I will add to. Why do we espouse Matriarchy? What is wrong with Patriarchy, how did it evolve, how did males become the way they are? What do we do about it? {By ‘we’ I mean the sisterhood.}

As far as religion there should be the whole gamut of practices I know & understand from Christianity & Yoga – Guided meditation & self hypnosis {all the Yogis use it} – from Christianity the Power of Prayer including Pentecost – drawing to us the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.


There must also be social interaction & therefore there must be safe & effective means to meet people. To that effect we might have a get-together of us with the public say once a month, in the context of a party or dance.

There might be a screening facility where men who want to meet us apply. They have to sign up, give their name & address, where they work & references. These will be checked. The reason for this is SAFETY.         We don’t want any Ted Bundy’s or John Wayne Gaceys invading our group, or even someone much less than that who might turn out to be users / abusers.

We want to avoid those that have any record of violence, child abuse, criminal record, psychopaths, those who ‘lie, cheat & steal,’ con artists & the like. We will have courses / lessons I how to recognize such people, avoid & remove them from our lives.

{There will be courses & discussions on how females should maintain safety. For instance, do not help a man if he has his arm in a sling & wants your help to put his bike into his van. That’s how Ted Bundy used to work. Do not ever, for any reason, go into the premises of an unknown man or even woman *as men sometimes use women for decoys – Myra Hindley* – his car, his van, his house, his office, his barn – anything. The first thing they want to do if they want to rape or kill you is get you alone. That’s the first rule. And never ever leave your child with any man for any reason whatsoever – that is an absolute & this includes its Dad or your bf.}

One reason we have to know who the man is, in detail is say he for any reason wants to stalk a sister – bother her incessantly – & she doesn’t want him. It could lead to serious danger. We have to know who he is, where he lives, to stop it, either report him to the police or his job or both. Get a restraining order if needed, then he can be arrested if he approaches her or comes to the convent threatening us.

A sister might get pregnant, but she doesn’t want to marry or be with the man who got her so. She can stay in the convent & raise the child with us, we are family. It’s important that on the birth certificate she put ‘Father unknown’ because if a name is stated he could have rights over the child, he could even restrict her movements as far as travel, he could demand visitation rights, & the right to be ALONE with the child where he could abuse it. Child abuse is RAMPANT & rejected men often rape & injure {‘the burning bed’} or kill children to get even with the Mother. Men are extremely dangerous to women & children – the sisterhood must all be frankly & brutally aware of that by seeing the statistics & case histories. Watching ‘Forensic Files’ has taught me a lot. We will have courses on that.


There will be no restrictions or rules regarding sex – but the details of say, a sister wants to have sex with someone – where she goes for privacy I have not figured out. It seems to me males should not enter our convent. It could compromise the safety of other sisters – once they have ‘cased the joint’ they might figure out how to get in & attempt a break in. For that we will take precautions including guard dogs – I mean BIG guard dogs like Mastiffs & loyal, intelligent ones like German Shepherds. But on the other hand, for a female to go to the premises of a male could be dangerous also, even a motel.

This needs further thought & what comes to my mind now is no sister should go alone with a male anywhere. Maybe we could have a VAN where if a female goes to a motel with a male, another sister could sleep in the van outside the motel until the one with the date is ready to leave –to make sure the man doesn’t harm her. {Check if there’s a window on the other side of the room where he could force her out of it & make an escape to imprison or harm her. Or harm her then climb out the window to escape. His vehicle should be right next to our van in case of any hanky-panky.} Of course, nothing is a guarantee of 100% safety with men – but there are precautions one can take to maximize safety.


Another thing I just thought of today is that any sister who wants to practice being a vegetarian or vegan will get special awards. We could have a party every 6 months for them who kept this diet – With a dinner of all vegetarian, accolades given, then some sort of show.

As an honor one possibility could be that such women will have the privilege of breakfast in bed. She orders what she wants the night before a sister brings it to her, or requests her meal by cell phone. If she prefers to get up & eat with the sisters anyway, coffee could be brought to her as a wake up just for the honor. We will cite how many animals a sister saves by being vegetarian / vegan.

The ‘breakfast in bed’ could be an honor for other good works as well, say, doing something special for the community beyond the call of duty, including some sort of sacrifice. There is also another perk for a sister honored in a big way – she decides what the dinner menu is for one night – their favorite meal. {Mine would be homemade raviolis with cheese &/ or potatoes.}

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As far as entertainment, all our sisters will have the opportunity to learn show business skills, be it acting, dancing, musical instruments, recitation & the like. We could hold presentations for Holidays, maybe 3-4 times a year, the public could or could not be invited – depending on what it is – some shows that are ‘personal to the order’ could be for private only. If anyone is talented they could write a play for us that heralds Female Empowerment, women heroes.

We will not practice veganism or vegetarianism in the Order but be appreciative of those who do – we’ll state how they’re saving animal’s lives. – Understand how factory farms work – with Cows they take the calves away from the mothers at birth – starve them to death for veal or immediate slaughter – & take the mother cow’s milk. The cow suffers incredible grief, the calf torture & its life taken. This is the way it is, but doesn’t have to be – the Patriarchs devised it. {Some of our Orders might want to have animals, like cows for milk, butter, yogurt & cheese. They do not have to be abused. The Mom can keep her calf, part of the milk is taken but enough is left for the calf. I’ve seen this method used by families all over the world.}

Some might want to have chickens for eggs, but they will not be what the Hutterites do, who keep ‘battery’ chickens. They sustain their Order from this it seems, the birds are severely abused. They are kept in a basement where they never see the ground or sunlight. They go into a cage where they lay their egg, confined to it until the egg rolls out. They are harvested aggressively, they sell thousands of chickens. I saw a movie where the Hutterite women were on their hands & knees washing the floors & said they loved the community.

The Order is completely self sufficient & controls the members, some to their detriment. Not all of them love having their human rights taken away, including the right to choose which gender they prefer, the right to go into vocations not endorsed by the Community, the right to dress as they like, listen to music which they prefer & do whatever pleases them that is not partial to the community. They are turned into hypnotized zombies – except a percentage of them long for escape. This is difficult since they are brought up to be dependent on the order & are not given exposure & skills to deal outside.

One gay guy wanted to be who he was so he had to escape, which he did without obstacle as his older sister had already gone – he joined her.

These orders are bizarre; they are restrictive with males as well as females, taking away simple rights, like going to town without permission. Grown men, funny as it is, must report to their elders each time they want to leave the premises – where they’re going, what they will do – it must be necessary trips, no lolly gaggin’ or monkey time allowed. I did not see any females asking for permission to go out for any reason {the movie on them shows an office full of men asking permission, the elders do or do not grant it – saw only men} – maybe they aren’t allowed as the elders fear once out of sight they’ll get snapped up by an outside man. Perhaps the women aren’t taught to learn to drive or get licenses! These are ordinary rights that are taken away, most notably from women, when male rules are established.

This is not to even mention cults of men that lead to murder & suicide – that is discussion for another article. {End Part 1}

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College of God & Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

TV Interview 4 New Religion

3-19-22—Religious GATHERING 4 the New Religion

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 Dream predicts the New Religion will start with a TV Show Interview


          This is a meaningful dream. First I had visions of God’s light in the form of fluffy blue & white clouds, that were so thick they were not even translucent, but they were like foam. I sensed I was looking inside my brain or head. This went on & on.

          Then 2 other scenes – not sure which came first. Maybe THIS: I saw & understood more clearly than usual {been thinking of this for days} how our NEW RELIGION is different & what it really SAYS. I felt myself preaching & speaking the tenets of the new religion. One was it was FREEDOM. Freedom from what, well, to be honest, freedom from men. I might add that MEN need freedom from the tyranny of men as well.

          After that, it was freedom from the sex rules & taboos. Except for sex crimes like rape, abuse & exploitation, a person’s sex life is their own business & has nothing to do with authorities or religion. If it’s moral or immoral is between the individual & God. Leave people alone.


          That’s it in a nutshell but then I got really dramatic & saw myself speaking in a Church building, which I built here next to my property, & I’m saying, {I will embroider the sermon a bit now}


          “We are not putting the Cross up here. Why? Because we’ve had enough of the Cross. We don’t need any more of this. The men have crucified us again & again, millions of times. They have forced us to breed & martyred our children over & over. How many billions of times have we to go through this again? Martyrdom is a symbol of Christianity – which we women don’t need. We’ve lived it. No, martyrdom is not our religion – we need FREEDOM. This religion we transfer back TO MEN. It is they who should be martyred, sacrificed, it’s their turn. Again, it’s the Will of God – as a gender they are going extinct.”


          I saw the IDEAS clearly in my head, how I phrase them will take practice, but this is the basics coming to my brain, more clearly / concisely than ever. The thing is, I’ve always been a Christian, I know the religion like the ‘palm of my hand’ – I believe in it, I practice it. I am not against Jesus – He & his Holy Mother both LIVE IN ME alive & well. I am not turning my back on them, forfeiting or denying them. I am simply stepping forward to explain where we have to GO NOW & this is it. We’ve already, as A GENDER, done all that Jesus asked us to do. I have done it personally, individually in receiving His Divine Stigmata. But this is not what we are seeking. Indeed each individual woman has not passed the steps taught by Jesus’ example – but in general AS A GENDER WE HAVE.   Men have not – they have been our persecutors, torturers & crucifiers.

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          Then this was a vivid scene. There’s a department store which in this dream is WOOLWORTH’S – the old ‘Five & Dime’ store now defunct. It’s alive & working & it is night. The store will close in a couple hours. But inside there are many tables – a long, long room, maybe 100’ – {how wide I’m not sure but wide enough} filled with tables everywhere & people at each table, male & female & there are lamps on most tables – bright but soft, so everything is well lighted & the store is still open.


          *** (WOOLWORTH’S 5 & DIME – LONG – MANY TABLES WITH BRIGHT / SOFT LIGHTS STILL OPEN, MALES & FEMALES @ EACH TABLE – WILL CLOSE IN A COUPLE HOURS: First, Woolworth’s jumps out at me because it’s SHEEP & sheep are OUR FOLLOWERS, our audience / believers. This dream is about the people who believe & gather for OUR NEW RELIGION. {‘My sheep hear my Voice’, ‘If you love me, feed my sheep’ words of Jesus.}

          LAMPS / LIGHTS represent Lights of Truth – like ‘I see the Light’ – Seeing is believing. And so, people at these tables see the Truth of the new religion from different POV like one might see the idea of sexual freedom, because they’ve been persecuted for being gay or being in the adult trade, other tables could be those who’ve been beaten down by poverty & all the various precepts of Patriarchal tyranny, the people who see how wrong it is are at different tables.

          The men being present is they are FED UP with Patriarchy & willing to bend the knee to a rulership of women & be our helpmates.) ***


          I am surprised to be here with this gathering, surprised that the owners of the store have let me use it to gather people, surprised they are cooperating & surprised people have appeared – the long room is filled.

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          *** (STORE – ROOM USED, SURPRISES ME THAT THEY ALLOWED US TO USE THIS ROOM: This would be a venue possibly TV show/s, that will allow me to speak on the New Religion – our BEGINNING.) ***


          The people are the average John & Jane Doe. How many men came surprises me. I am amazed at how it all came together, without my doing anything, straining myself or promoting. They’re just here as if they appeared by magic.

          Understandably, the manager of the store, a nice blonde lady with glasses is asking me how we can do this when the store is a commercial venture here to sell things, & we are gathered to hear a new religious message. I told her I was concerned about that also & not sure how it works. We needed a venue, we have no building yet, so we were dependent on someone donating a place & this seems to be it but how it happened & how it works, I don’t know, just grateful for it.


          *** (MGR LADY WITH GLASSES:   This could be the Hostess of a TV show who will INTERVIEW me. A TV show is a business set up to SELL PRODUCTS through advertising, so if they interview me I am on their commercial venue. When would this be? When I’ve settled down from publishing to begin promoting.) ***

          A man is in front of me, wearing a cotton shirt with soft yellow/brown checks. He’s average build, middle aged, light hair – slightly heavier but not fat, just average. He’s pointing something out to me about the wiring / electrical system – to be careful of this or that, not to make the wires misfire by doing the wrong thing. I guess he’s an electrician or technician. I assure him I will not do the wrong thing & at the same time am amazed at how men have shown up & are helping – like this man for example – there’s maybe one man to almost every 3 women, so if there are 30 women here there’s 8-10 men. And the men, like this electrician, are doing things they’re good at that there aren’t too many females doing – like being electricians for instance.


          *** (ELECTRICIAN / TECHNICIAN: This sounds like a man on the media – maybe cameraman, technician, is advising me what to do or not do.  The fact that there are more women than men here is a hint it’s DAYTIME TV which is a women’s audience. More men at work than women even these days – or out gallivanting, lol. After all, it’s still primarily women who take care of the kids!f) ***


          Before I begin to speak there’s some interference. In front of me there’s a small child, maybe 1.5 yrs old, toying with something on the floor & it’s making a clic-clic sound, The store manager points this out to me & I alert the older female, one of 2 kids he’s with – she’s in a seat further up – to take this child to another room. Looking at her, I tell her she’s just a child herself & next time she comes she should bring her grandparents or some adult over them.


          *** (CHILF CLIC CLICKING: Sounds more & more like an audience of different people, different tables, children, men, women, etc, all watching TV or in the proximity of it. Indeed, this tells me that’s how God is going to start the trend for our New Religion.) ***


          Then there’s a man talking in a loud voice. I tell him ‘QUIET’ again & again but he won’t stop as if he hasn’t heard me. He’s in a corner by a table with other people pontificating about his problems. He’s standing, someone I authority is sitting & he has some kind of problem. I have authority here but he doesn’t respond so I decide to just start talking while we can hear him.


*** (MAN KEEPS TALKING, I KEEP TALKING: This could be another guest on the show speaking his piece.) ***

          I begin to speak & amaze myself as when I speak I see how impressive this all is – how these people came together by magic. I say how grateful I am for this gathering. Then I say to them,

          “I shall begin with THEOLOGY. Do you all know what Theology means? It’s the question of Who or What God is.”

          And that’s all I can remember.


          *** (THEOLOGY, I BEGIN WITH WHO OR WHAT GOD IS: Now there’s a good question. We are bringing into question the basic things, Who & What is God? Most people don’t go that far or deep, just accept whatever the official narrative is they are taught & don’t take it apart. Now we do that.) *** 


3-18-22 Fete at Aunties


          This usually means trouble but I don’t feel trouble here. Auntie is the feminine equivalent of ‘Cry Uncle’ which is when you suffer as in wrestling, can’t take any more & cry ‘Uncle.’ It’s my own vocabulary, might not be yours.

          I’m visiting my Aunt. Prior to that I was deprived of pleasure, fun, satisfaction. But now I see she has worked hard, cleaned the house, made a big meal & I’m invited, so are several others.


          *** (MYSELF & SEVERAL OTHERS INVITED: Means this celebration will be shared by others, not a secret thing between Beloved & myself {for a change thank God.}) ***


          There’s something to do with my Rolex watch. I put it down & with it was a list of several men, the last of which I’m going to have sex with. Yes, I’ve been celibate & it’s time to break the fast, but I’m KEEPING IT SECRET.

          So when someone picks up my watch off a table or couch & looks at the list I’m not happy. And then, the LAST PERSON I want to inform of what I’m going to do – my sister, also sees the list & asks me what it is.


          *** (LAST PERSON I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THIS, MY SISTER: She’s usually my PRAGMATIC SELF & so this might be the DOUBTING THOMAS who believes nothing until it’s proven or she sees it happen. So I don’t want to hear any doubts about my marriage to Bob, not even think themf.

          List attached to Rolex watch – two people look at it but they don’t know what it’s about when I finally don’t leave it out there, put it into my pocket. This has to do with TIME. The invisible list says ‘two men first’ which might mean ‘two months go by, then the third month’, you will see your Lover, or have your reunion or ‘marriage.’) ***

          At that point I pick up the watch which has this list attached, but somehow not on paper, like hovering in the air, & put it in my pocket without allowing her to see I’m concealing it. I’m wearing my beautiful brown suede feminine flared jacket – I only wear it on SPECIAL OCCASSIONS. It hangs down gracefully getting wide on the bottom, falling in folds – only a female could wear this.

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          *** (SUEDE LEATHER ONLY A FEMALE COULD WEAR: And I’m hiding this revelation FROM MYSELF {fleshly self} so to speak. I’m being FEMININE about it, not aggressively shouting it from the rooftops as I usually do with things, but putting it inside the jacket pocket which means femininity which means passiveness. Keep it INSIDE MYSELF & only tell one trusted man seen in the next part.

          Why is it a Rolex watch & not any other kind? Probably because the Rolex you have is SILVER – the silver comes up a lot as the permanent relationship.) ***


          I then walk over to a man outside by the door who’s my confidante & I TRUST HIM. I say to him,

          “This list – I have not had any type of sex for 2.5 months {which in the dream is a LONG time, the truth is I have not had sex since mid 2019, last time I did it with Beloved} & I’m going to see two of those guys & then the last one on the list, I’m going to make love with him.”

          This will be a SPECIAL TREAT according to this dream.


          *** (2.5 MONTHS once again makes the same prediction – prior to this you saw the ‘2 men first – then the 3rd I’ll make love with.’ This definitely sounds like two months go by, then in the middle of the third your relationship begins. This would be JUNE 2nd – “22.

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          I look around through this house & go to the rest room. In it I see Aunt has really worked hard – I am IMPRESSED. In the TINY bathroom there’s a white towel hanging on the rack & a white rug on the floor, both of which are not knobby but satiny like plastic texture – she cleaned everything & replaced it & put sparkling amenities. I think HOW HARD she worked & appreciate it. All for me?

          We’re going to have a party – a feast – hosted by her.


          *** (AUNTIE CLEANS HOUSE – PREPARES A FEAST – WHITE TOWEL & RUG NOT KNOBBY BUT SATINY: Blatant symbols of a MARRIAGE FEAST. White & SATIN are both wedding symbols. Many gowns are traditionally satin. And the FEAST is the CELEBRATION.

          I was puzzled by the Auntie symbol. But could be this: Punishment/pain turns into SUCCESS, celebration, I have OVERCOME my Cross – the Cross of waiting for him to be ready for a relationship.         


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          Earlier was an ominous dream about the devil taking away my trip to the altar.

          I pull up to a restaurant to take something ‘out.’ I leave my white Corvette outside parked in a spot that reminds me where I always park at one of the dollar stores.

          In the passenger side is sitting Putz NutOn who ALWAYS represents SATAN. I left him there as I went to shop. The key was in the car.

          But when I went into the restaurant/store I spent along time. Instead of say 15-20 minutes I spent 2 or 3 times as long as I needed to just hanging around, not sure what I was doing but sitting around, maybe talking.

          And when I come outside the parking lot has snow here & there & my vehicle is gone. The evil Putz got tired of waiting, got into the driver seat & took off.

          MEANING:   I know this is THE DEVIL making my Beloved feel frustration / impatience at my not being with him so long & leaves the premises – not wanting or BELIEVING in our relationship any more. But after that follows the good dream, so go figure. It’s a TEMPTATION that was dispelled.

        Second interpretation: it could have been a FEAR of mine that after such a long wait he would tire of waiting & disappear.


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College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized



The SPIRIT of Matriarchy vs Patriarchy 8-21-21



          It comes to my attention in forming this new ‘Order’ {which tentatively I am calling ‘Rasa Wins’ & the followers are ‘Rasa Winners} that we must define who are friends are & who are not.


          The friends are to be trusted, to be relied on. The non-friends, the indifferent, &/or the wicked who turn out to be enemies, should be avoided.


          The worst thing one can do is accept an enemy into the fold, like say the convent, because they have access to our privacy, computers, personal information, & when they turn on us, they can do damage.

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          So it behooves me to define, as a point of departure, the SPIRIT of a friend of Mother God, vs the SPIRIT of someone who MIGHT BE against her. I might add that not all who disapprove us are against God – some could be religiously brainwashed & programmed to believe a certain way, & think our way is wrong, so they oppose or denounce us, thinking they are doing right. These people out of ignorance could hurt us, they would be confused, & must be forgiven. Their hearts might be with God, but their minds lack understanding. But there are those whose HEARTS are not right with God & who would sell us out because they want to destroy – & THEIR REASONS ARE MANY. Some are jealous, some want money or rewards for hurting us {Judas} – some are just hell-bent & evil, & their evil could be for many demonic & human reasons like selfishness, rewards, egomania, revenge, etc. There are legions of demons, numerous human desires that hurt their own souls & those of others.


          In my work for Matriarchy, in which William Bond is a spiritual partner – we have both been attacked by women. Yes, it hurts the most when someone you are trying to help bites the hand that feeds them. You don’t expect that. And it hurts even more when someone you have been working hard to help turns on you demonically. This has happened to both William & myself.


          Many females, usually young, have appeared on the shores of Matriarchal Empowerment. They assume that because they have a VAGINA it gives them the right to claim all the privileges of a GODDESS. But Goddesses most of them ain’t. Jesus did not change the world with his PENIS & you will not change it with your crotch. Having a vaga-jay does not anoint you to the Highest Heavens of Feminine Divine, you are but a body inhabited by spirit or energy. It is your CHOICE how you handle the potential/spirit/energy within you. You can ignore it, use it for good or evil. You can become a lowlife or a High Hera, you can help or hurt. Your body determines nothing except basic animal instincts; that is its legacy.


          And so, when I was on social media {can’t be in it right now, it’s draining, I am writing the Encyclopedia of my life} I was INUNDATED with attention, many of them young whippin’ snappin’ females declaring this & that, claiming some sort of propriety, why they were special, why they were important – it went on & on. And at some point, if things didn’t go their way, they denounced me, they denounced William or they tried to turn me against him or him against me {will never happen} thinking they would gain some sort of power that way.

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Sure, you get a good couple working positively, feeding off each other mentally, spiritually, gaining ground as a partnership, you turn them against each other & that breaks the power of ‘two is stronger than one,’ & things two can do together are easier than working alone. So what they are planning is a POWER PLAY. They begin by trying to break into the Tower of the Anointed, destabilize them, then they IMAGINE {oh, what folly} that they can take over. These girls can’t take over a dung heap if it was handed to them.


I have had women help me in the past – none of them is helping at the present. It was a rare thing when a young genius female, Freya Derrickson, followed my path & beyond & did & is doing wondrous things for Female Supremacy. She’s on sabbatical right now but I trust her return. She was the only one who stayed the course & heard the Voice of Mother God. The rest came & went their way, like Jesus had hundreds of disciples, but only 12 stayed. {Most of them disappeared when He said in order to belong to him they would have to drink his body & blood…they were baffled, did not get the meaning, did not take time to investigate, so apparently they were surface followers, not in their hearts, so they needed to leave.} And in conclusion to that, Freyja Derrickson has been my one & only true female disciple or friend.


Why do I have two men helping me right now, no one else? They are William Bond & Ajax the Great. There were NUMEROUS men on face book – probably 100 over the years, who declared themselves to be my followers or disciples, they all went their way. I have tried to stay in touch with some of them, they ignore me. They were not committed for the long run. Most of them were damn annoying, they wanted that pound of flesh – time & attention – incessantly. They would talk, talk, talk, how devoted they were, & I would have to talk to them, so for every hour of attention they gave my work I had to give one hour of attention to them. It got tedious. I would rather just work & let them leave me alone to do it.


We cannot accept all women, nor can we reject all men, although in general, we are preaching & practicing ‘safe space for women,’ & our Church will promote the gimmick, if you will, which will fascinate the press: ‘No men allowed.’ Convents are all safe space for women, except for those who must appear to do some work, like fix the furnace, deliver goods, repair the building, work on landscaping, etc. All convents, monasteries have men appear & disappear when their work is done – you don’t have tea or breakfast or supper with them, you don’t go to bed with them – {not in the convent anyway. I am debating how we grant ‘sexual freedom’ to our nuns – they should have it – but we will now allow male friends on the premises – nor in the services & meetings of our Chapel/Church.}


OK if we rejected all men, we would reject Buddha, Jesus, Gandhi, all the saints, William Bond & Ajax the Great – but we don’t. They contain the SPIRIT OF MATRIARCHY – which is True Love – the Love which is God.

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And there are women who kill – they blow away their husbands for money, poison people, they beat a child to death. These are not Matriarchs. There are subtle variations of these types behavior – some will kill with words, beat up with gossip, & squeal or lie to get the Saints into trouble.


A Matriarch – a person who has the Spirit of God, works for the common good cares about people. They have compassion, mercy, which is True Love. An ungodly person works for their flesh, or even serves the demonic, they are cold-hearted, cruel or deadly. They are dead souls inside, not candidates for Heaven, they are dangerous.


We had a female among us I came to call ‘Betty Poop.’ I felt she’d be a great asset to our community because she had intelligence, a good education & talent. I groomed her for Matriarchy for a full year, wasting my time. She seemed to cooperate, she did things with us, wrote articles, she defended me once when I got attacked. We had a foursome – William, Tom, Betty & me. I thought we were going places. I said let’s make an official pact, like the Four Musketeers – all for one, one for all. The two men agreed – she said nothing.


Next thing I know she’s asking me what do I think about Tom, is he a good person? I said yes, he’s the best. And then, he sort of ghosted me because she monopolized him, talking to him every day– incessantly – his wife said their lives weren’t normal any more, with him e mailing her all day.


Her intent was to steal him from me – he was a valuable disciple who served me – & steal him she did. He was weak, so he fell for it. It’s happened before.


A good disciple of mine got seduced by a female who was jealous of me. These transactions all happened by e mails, but the attention brainwashes the male to think he is getting something valuable. This other guy let this out-of-country woman beguile him; she got him to renounce his allegiance to me officially, as his Guru. He was dumb enough to do it. I had a dream that night that his house was empty, the Grace of God had left him, & if he died right then & there he’d be lost. I called him to warn him about it & asked what had he done? And he told me the story. And so he repented & installed me back into his heart, & the Grace came back.


And so this woman Betty Poop was not a team player, she was not on board. The shit hit the fan when she demanded something of William he would not give – taking over one of his face book group. She had no right to ask it of him. She then denounced him, I defended him, then she turned on me.

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Her assaults were so sinister, so insidious, they were scary. The woman was smart as a whip. She wrote a letter to one bar in my town where I hung out – believe it or not, they blocked me – & she’s living in another state. She found out the name of the bar from a post.


She then got me blocked from some of the groups where I posted – have no idea what she said, but for some strange reason, they did as she asked.


But the worst thing she did was get my You Tube site taken down with 400 videos & 4 million plus views. She got her friends to help, mostly Tom I suppose – he betrayed me just for her attention. They wrote every day complaining, reporting, about God knows what, & one day, my site was gone. All my videos were gone forever, a year’s work, because I was foolish enough to delete them off my computer – I was an amateur. I felt they were slowing down my computer, in the absence of my webman, I just deleted them & it was good bye one year of valuable work.


She then wrote on the media that I was not the right leader for Matriarchy, she was, she named the reasons, all bullshit. Then she put Tom to work. She wrote up some sort of course on Matriarchy & put it for sale on a site. Tom got her credit card capability – a thing not easy to get. But not one person bought the course. She was charging like $250 for it – why would anyone buy it?


Then she produced or I should say Tom produced for her, a video on Matriarchy that she put on You Tube. It got a couple hundred views while mine were getting thousands; one video got 450k in one year.


What she was trying to do was find position & money out of Matriarchy & Mother God– a thing I have never tried to go, which is similar to the Televangelists – male & female – who used Jesus, his gospel & his Story, for personal aggrandizement. She & such people are phonies, they are focused on flesh, they are not serving God, they use God to serve them.


My friend said to me ‘But I like so & so – I’ve learned a lot from her & she helped me {a televangelist}.’ Yes, they are good speakers, preachers, salespeople. Con artists are good at what they do, they even speak the truth. Because a preacher speaks the truth about Jesus, does not mean they are like Jesus. Talk is cheap. They are saying the words so they get the money. They live in multi-million dollar mansions & compounds; they live like Sultans or business moguls. They do not do what Jesus did, they just capitalize on his sufferings. They do not go out & preach in the dirty streets to dirty people, they are safe on the TV. They do not walk for miles, they have public transportation, & the worst of them have jet planes & even – believe it or not – fleets of jet planes. They do not suffer like Jesus, they use Jesus life for prosperity, personal gain.

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This is what Betty hoped for on her tiny scale, but it all failed. Why? Because she & other women who were jealous of me, did not have an Anointing. Yes, they had talent, sometimes looks, many had youth & its energy. But they did not have commitment, devotion & virtue. They did not have Zeal for the Monarchy of Mother God & obedience to her. They obeyed their flesh the way a pervert obeys his penis. They thought they could gain all the Kingdoms of the world but they lost their souls.


Alright, so there are men who are Sacred – they hear the Voice of Mother God & obey her – not many, but there are some here & there, they cannot be rejected.


Then there are women who want nothing but to sit on a throne & rule those around them, & be feted & praised & fawned over. They are to be rejected. They cannot be a part of this. Some of these characters come on sneaky – people wear a mask. So you have to know them for a while for the mask to come off. In some instances, this could take years. Look at the couples, married for years, then the man wants to kill the wife, or vice versa, for money. The recent known case is Chris Watts. He seemed on the surface like a perfect guy & father – good front. But then he met a sexy young woman he wanted & he murdered his wife & two tiny children. There are women who do the same to men. It isn’t all gross violence, a lot is done on a more normal scale, but each one tries to get the best of the other, they are not of love, they are hate personified.


And so, we test the Spirit – there has to be discernment. And boy, does one need the help of the Holy Spirit to get by the masks! The devil comes disguised as an Angel of Light!


Final word, there are men who are of Mother God, Matriarchy, who are Saints in her Monarchy. There are women who are wolves in sheep’s clothing, who do not obey Mother God but want to be obeyed & want God to serve their flesh. They live for the world, even though they say they are Matriarchs, Goddesses, because they have vaginas. It is not the body that makes one a person of God or Matriarchy, it is the Spirit. Test the Spirits.

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