TV Interview 4 New Religion

By Rasa Von Werder, March 19th, 2022

3-19-22—Religious GATHERING 4 the New Religion

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 Dream predicts the New Religion will start with a TV Show Interview


          This is a meaningful dream. First I had visions of God’s light in the form of fluffy blue & white clouds, that were so thick they were not even translucent, but they were like foam. I sensed I was looking inside my brain or head. This went on & on.

          Then 2 other scenes – not sure which came first. Maybe THIS: I saw & understood more clearly than usual {been thinking of this for days} how our NEW RELIGION is different & what it really SAYS. I felt myself preaching & speaking the tenets of the new religion. One was it was FREEDOM. Freedom from what, well, to be honest, freedom from men. I might add that MEN need freedom from the tyranny of men as well.

          After that, it was freedom from the sex rules & taboos. Except for sex crimes like rape, abuse & exploitation, a person’s sex life is their own business & has nothing to do with authorities or religion. If it’s moral or immoral is between the individual & God. Leave people alone.


          That’s it in a nutshell but then I got really dramatic & saw myself speaking in a Church building, which I built here next to my property, & I’m saying, {I will embroider the sermon a bit now}


          “We are not putting the Cross up here. Why? Because we’ve had enough of the Cross. We don’t need any more of this. The men have crucified us again & again, millions of times. They have forced us to breed & martyred our children over & over. How many billions of times have we to go through this again? Martyrdom is a symbol of Christianity – which we women don’t need. We’ve lived it. No, martyrdom is not our religion – we need FREEDOM. This religion we transfer back TO MEN. It is they who should be martyred, sacrificed, it’s their turn. Again, it’s the Will of God – as a gender they are going extinct.”


          I saw the IDEAS clearly in my head, how I phrase them will take practice, but this is the basics coming to my brain, more clearly / concisely than ever. The thing is, I’ve always been a Christian, I know the religion like the ‘palm of my hand’ – I believe in it, I practice it. I am not against Jesus – He & his Holy Mother both LIVE IN ME alive & well. I am not turning my back on them, forfeiting or denying them. I am simply stepping forward to explain where we have to GO NOW & this is it. We’ve already, as A GENDER, done all that Jesus asked us to do. I have done it personally, individually in receiving His Divine Stigmata. But this is not what we are seeking. Indeed each individual woman has not passed the steps taught by Jesus’ example – but in general AS A GENDER WE HAVE.   Men have not – they have been our persecutors, torturers & crucifiers.

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          Then this was a vivid scene. There’s a department store which in this dream is WOOLWORTH’S – the old ‘Five & Dime’ store now defunct. It’s alive & working & it is night. The store will close in a couple hours. But inside there are many tables – a long, long room, maybe 100’ – {how wide I’m not sure but wide enough} filled with tables everywhere & people at each table, male & female & there are lamps on most tables – bright but soft, so everything is well lighted & the store is still open.


          *** (WOOLWORTH’S 5 & DIME – LONG – MANY TABLES WITH BRIGHT / SOFT LIGHTS STILL OPEN, MALES & FEMALES @ EACH TABLE – WILL CLOSE IN A COUPLE HOURS: First, Woolworth’s jumps out at me because it’s SHEEP & sheep are OUR FOLLOWERS, our audience / believers. This dream is about the people who believe & gather for OUR NEW RELIGION. {‘My sheep hear my Voice’, ‘If you love me, feed my sheep’ words of Jesus.}

          LAMPS / LIGHTS represent Lights of Truth – like ‘I see the Light’ – Seeing is believing. And so, people at these tables see the Truth of the new religion from different POV like one might see the idea of sexual freedom, because they’ve been persecuted for being gay or being in the adult trade, other tables could be those who’ve been beaten down by poverty & all the various precepts of Patriarchal tyranny, the people who see how wrong it is are at different tables.

          The men being present is they are FED UP with Patriarchy & willing to bend the knee to a rulership of women & be our helpmates.) ***


          I am surprised to be here with this gathering, surprised that the owners of the store have let me use it to gather people, surprised they are cooperating & surprised people have appeared – the long room is filled.

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          *** (STORE – ROOM USED, SURPRISES ME THAT THEY ALLOWED US TO USE THIS ROOM: This would be a venue possibly TV show/s, that will allow me to speak on the New Religion – our BEGINNING.) ***


          The people are the average John & Jane Doe. How many men came surprises me. I am amazed at how it all came together, without my doing anything, straining myself or promoting. They’re just here as if they appeared by magic.

          Understandably, the manager of the store, a nice blonde lady with glasses is asking me how we can do this when the store is a commercial venture here to sell things, & we are gathered to hear a new religious message. I told her I was concerned about that also & not sure how it works. We needed a venue, we have no building yet, so we were dependent on someone donating a place & this seems to be it but how it happened & how it works, I don’t know, just grateful for it.


          *** (MGR LADY WITH GLASSES:   This could be the Hostess of a TV show who will INTERVIEW me. A TV show is a business set up to SELL PRODUCTS through advertising, so if they interview me I am on their commercial venue. When would this be? When I’ve settled down from publishing to begin promoting.) ***

          A man is in front of me, wearing a cotton shirt with soft yellow/brown checks. He’s average build, middle aged, light hair – slightly heavier but not fat, just average. He’s pointing something out to me about the wiring / electrical system – to be careful of this or that, not to make the wires misfire by doing the wrong thing. I guess he’s an electrician or technician. I assure him I will not do the wrong thing & at the same time am amazed at how men have shown up & are helping – like this man for example – there’s maybe one man to almost every 3 women, so if there are 30 women here there’s 8-10 men. And the men, like this electrician, are doing things they’re good at that there aren’t too many females doing – like being electricians for instance.


          *** (ELECTRICIAN / TECHNICIAN: This sounds like a man on the media – maybe cameraman, technician, is advising me what to do or not do.  The fact that there are more women than men here is a hint it’s DAYTIME TV which is a women’s audience. More men at work than women even these days – or out gallivanting, lol. After all, it’s still primarily women who take care of the kids!f) ***


          Before I begin to speak there’s some interference. In front of me there’s a small child, maybe 1.5 yrs old, toying with something on the floor & it’s making a clic-clic sound, The store manager points this out to me & I alert the older female, one of 2 kids he’s with – she’s in a seat further up – to take this child to another room. Looking at her, I tell her she’s just a child herself & next time she comes she should bring her grandparents or some adult over them.


          *** (CHILF CLIC CLICKING: Sounds more & more like an audience of different people, different tables, children, men, women, etc, all watching TV or in the proximity of it. Indeed, this tells me that’s how God is going to start the trend for our New Religion.) ***


          Then there’s a man talking in a loud voice. I tell him ‘QUIET’ again & again but he won’t stop as if he hasn’t heard me. He’s in a corner by a table with other people pontificating about his problems. He’s standing, someone I authority is sitting & he has some kind of problem. I have authority here but he doesn’t respond so I decide to just start talking while we can hear him.


*** (MAN KEEPS TALKING, I KEEP TALKING: This could be another guest on the show speaking his piece.) ***

          I begin to speak & amaze myself as when I speak I see how impressive this all is – how these people came together by magic. I say how grateful I am for this gathering. Then I say to them,

          “I shall begin with THEOLOGY. Do you all know what Theology means? It’s the question of Who or What God is.”

          And that’s all I can remember.


          *** (THEOLOGY, I BEGIN WITH WHO OR WHAT GOD IS: Now there’s a good question. We are bringing into question the basic things, Who & What is God? Most people don’t go that far or deep, just accept whatever the official narrative is they are taught & don’t take it apart. Now we do that.) *** 


3-18-22 Fete at Aunties


          This usually means trouble but I don’t feel trouble here. Auntie is the feminine equivalent of ‘Cry Uncle’ which is when you suffer as in wrestling, can’t take any more & cry ‘Uncle.’ It’s my own vocabulary, might not be yours.

          I’m visiting my Aunt. Prior to that I was deprived of pleasure, fun, satisfaction. But now I see she has worked hard, cleaned the house, made a big meal & I’m invited, so are several others.


          *** (MYSELF & SEVERAL OTHERS INVITED: Means this celebration will be shared by others, not a secret thing between Beloved & myself {for a change thank God.}) ***


          There’s something to do with my Rolex watch. I put it down & with it was a list of several men, the last of which I’m going to have sex with. Yes, I’ve been celibate & it’s time to break the fast, but I’m KEEPING IT SECRET.

          So when someone picks up my watch off a table or couch & looks at the list I’m not happy. And then, the LAST PERSON I want to inform of what I’m going to do – my sister, also sees the list & asks me what it is.


          *** (LAST PERSON I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THIS, MY SISTER: She’s usually my PRAGMATIC SELF & so this might be the DOUBTING THOMAS who believes nothing until it’s proven or she sees it happen. So I don’t want to hear any doubts about my marriage to Bob, not even think themf.

          List attached to Rolex watch – two people look at it but they don’t know what it’s about when I finally don’t leave it out there, put it into my pocket. This has to do with TIME. The invisible list says ‘two men first’ which might mean ‘two months go by, then the third month’, you will see your Lover, or have your reunion or ‘marriage.’) ***

          At that point I pick up the watch which has this list attached, but somehow not on paper, like hovering in the air, & put it in my pocket without allowing her to see I’m concealing it. I’m wearing my beautiful brown suede feminine flared jacket – I only wear it on SPECIAL OCCASSIONS. It hangs down gracefully getting wide on the bottom, falling in folds – only a female could wear this.

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          *** (SUEDE LEATHER ONLY A FEMALE COULD WEAR: And I’m hiding this revelation FROM MYSELF {fleshly self} so to speak. I’m being FEMININE about it, not aggressively shouting it from the rooftops as I usually do with things, but putting it inside the jacket pocket which means femininity which means passiveness. Keep it INSIDE MYSELF & only tell one trusted man seen in the next part.

          Why is it a Rolex watch & not any other kind? Probably because the Rolex you have is SILVER – the silver comes up a lot as the permanent relationship.) ***


          I then walk over to a man outside by the door who’s my confidante & I TRUST HIM. I say to him,

          “This list – I have not had any type of sex for 2.5 months {which in the dream is a LONG time, the truth is I have not had sex since mid 2019, last time I did it with Beloved} & I’m going to see two of those guys & then the last one on the list, I’m going to make love with him.”

          This will be a SPECIAL TREAT according to this dream.


          *** (2.5 MONTHS once again makes the same prediction – prior to this you saw the ‘2 men first – then the 3rd I’ll make love with.’ This definitely sounds like two months go by, then in the middle of the third your relationship begins. This would be JUNE 2nd – “22.

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          I look around through this house & go to the rest room. In it I see Aunt has really worked hard – I am IMPRESSED. In the TINY bathroom there’s a white towel hanging on the rack & a white rug on the floor, both of which are not knobby but satiny like plastic texture – she cleaned everything & replaced it & put sparkling amenities. I think HOW HARD she worked & appreciate it. All for me?

          We’re going to have a party – a feast – hosted by her.


          *** (AUNTIE CLEANS HOUSE – PREPARES A FEAST – WHITE TOWEL & RUG NOT KNOBBY BUT SATINY: Blatant symbols of a MARRIAGE FEAST. White & SATIN are both wedding symbols. Many gowns are traditionally satin. And the FEAST is the CELEBRATION.

          I was puzzled by the Auntie symbol. But could be this: Punishment/pain turns into SUCCESS, celebration, I have OVERCOME my Cross – the Cross of waiting for him to be ready for a relationship.         


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          Earlier was an ominous dream about the devil taking away my trip to the altar.

          I pull up to a restaurant to take something ‘out.’ I leave my white Corvette outside parked in a spot that reminds me where I always park at one of the dollar stores.

          In the passenger side is sitting Putz NutOn who ALWAYS represents SATAN. I left him there as I went to shop. The key was in the car.

          But when I went into the restaurant/store I spent along time. Instead of say 15-20 minutes I spent 2 or 3 times as long as I needed to just hanging around, not sure what I was doing but sitting around, maybe talking.

          And when I come outside the parking lot has snow here & there & my vehicle is gone. The evil Putz got tired of waiting, got into the driver seat & took off.

          MEANING:   I know this is THE DEVIL making my Beloved feel frustration / impatience at my not being with him so long & leaves the premises – not wanting or BELIEVING in our relationship any more. But after that follows the good dream, so go figure. It’s a TEMPTATION that was dispelled.

        Second interpretation: it could have been a FEAR of mine that after such a long wait he would tire of waiting & disappear.


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