By Rasa Von Werder, April 27th, 2022



William Bond Espouses Truth  4-23-22


 Divine Goddess

·                         William Bond’s Blog

·                         Mermaids are real!

·                         The Return of Matriarchy

·                         Why Women Should Rule The World

·                         The Aquatic Ape Theory

·                         Matriarchy FAQs

·                         Female Friendly Femdom

·                         Femdom Matriarchy

·                         The Matriarchal Tao

·                         Rasa Von Werder

·                         Mermaids Are Real: Video

·                         Gospel Of The Goddess

·                         Freemasonry And The Hidden Goddess

·                         Scientific Matriarchy


William writes:  I am honoured that Pete wants to write an article about me but to be accurate I just want to point out that my ideas about matriarchy didn’t come just from myself. I first heard about matriarchy in a book called, “The First Sex” by Elizabeth Gould Davis in the 1970s. I then went on to read the works of Robert Graves who also wrote about matriarchy. Then later I read, “When God Was a Woman” by Merlin Stone and finally the books of Marija Gimbutas.  

 Most books about matriarchy have been about matriarchy in ancient civilizations. Whereas I have mostly written that it would be a good idea for women to rule the world now and in the future. This is again not a new idea I have read this in books like “The Return of the Goddess” by Edward C. Whitmont and “Our Own Worst Enemy” by Norman F. Dixon.

So many people have written about matriarchy, though this has mostly been in academic circles there has been few books written about matriarchy for the general public.  The first author credited for writing about matriarchy was Swiss author J.J. Bachofen in the 19th century in his book “Myth, Religion and Mother Right”. Though his book is more about Matrilineal inheritance than matriarchy. Where he points out that in many ancient cultures, inheritance came down the female line because before strict marriage laws men didn’t know for sure whom their children were. This allowed women to gain wealth and power from their mothers. So marriage laws were invented to prevent this happening where women were forced to only have sex with her husband and no other man. This allowed men to inherit wealth and power from their fathers as their fathers could now be fairly sure whom their sons were.

*** Rasa says:  This infuriates me & justifies my ideas about marriage in our society.  I call it ‘the hotbed of abuse’ but this adds fuel to the fire.  Wow, how much men had to do to cripple women, disempower them! *** 

I first wrote about matriarchy in my Book, “Gospel of the Goddess” which I co-authored with Pamela Suffield. We wrote it as a New Age book but couldn’t find a publisher to publish it. It was finally published by a Femdom publisher. Then later on I was encouraged by a professional Dominatrix Dianna Vesta to write articles about matriarchy for her web-site on the internet. Then Rasa Von Werder later took over the role of promoting my writings.

Although femdom people have been helpful in promoting my writings the problem has been that I think that the reason why women should rule our world, is because they are far more caring and loving people than men. So it would be a good idea to have caring and loving women rule our world. The trouble with this, is that femdom fantasies dictate that dominant women have to be cruel and sadistic women.  So femdom people do like the idea of women ruling the world but not if they are kind, loving women. This is where Rasa Von Werder has been helpful, as the idea of loving and caring women ruling our world has not been a problem for her……     William 

More from William,

Most of my writings I have on my blogs. My early writings on the internet is my blog “Divine Goddess”, All my mermaid writing is on “Mermaids are Real”. I was interested in Freemasonry for a while and wrote a book on it which I finally made into a blog at. “Freemasonry and the Hidden Goddess”.  I also put my book, “Gospel of the Goddess” on a blog.

To tell you about my life. I was born in London in 1946. When I was four years old my parents immigrated to Australia and we lived in Western Australia. In 1970 I came back to England and have lived here ever since….   William

I am grateful for the nice things you say about me Rasa but all I have done is point out the obvious. It should be obvious that men do a terrible job in ruling our world but the reason why people go along with it, is because of propaganda and indoctrination.  Male rulers like to fight wars and we are told that war is ‘glorious’ and justified and soldiers in books and films are turned into heroes. Even just violence is glamorized as we see in cowboy and gangster films where violent men are again glamorized.  

Patriarchy also produces a world where there is a large gap between rich and poor. The patriarchal elite get away with this by threatening the people with violence or prison if they complain too much about this. They also use propaganda to glamorize rich and powerful people. Propaganda, indoctrination and intimidation would not be needed to rule people if patriarchal rulers were compassionate people. 

Caring rulers will be loved by the people and would not need indoctrination, propaganda or threats to keep their postilion of power. This is what we are up against, if we want to challenge patriarchy we have to realize we will be fighting a propaganda war. And if we are successful in doing this, then we will be subjected to threats as well. 

All I am is a person with a questioning mind but I’m not sure I know how to fight a propaganda war. I can see that the whole idea of matriarchy does appeal to many people but they are frightened of patriarchy and the methods it uses to control people. Probably showbiz people are better equipped to fight a propaganda war as they know how to attract people’s interest. In the end people will listen to any idea providing they find it entertaining or dramatic. 



Hi William,

                You speak Truth & as long as you keep saying it, people will be attracted to the Truth.  No lie can live forever.  Truth has a God Power behind it – God is Truth.  Lies have the negativity within them, this will eventually turn to dust.  Truth is Infinite, lies are of the dust.  They are temporary.  Yes people are mesmerized by them for a while, but eventually the hypnosis fades away & they awaken to see the Truth.

    Even though many people are enslaved by these lies, it also is temporary.  They shall eventually escape.  It seems like forever – thousands of years – but this will end – they call it ‘Kali Yuga’ which is Patriarchy.  But Matriarchy is coming back.  You spearheaded it on the internet, the first one to preach it.  I came along & followed you – I became your friend because you speak Truth.  You are of Mother God, her Infinite Power, Anointed by her.  If it wasn’t for you I would have been all alone in my Female Empowerment work.  And now Ajax the Great has joined us – we are the Three Musketeers.  Remember when I tried to form the four Musketeers – You, me, Betty & Thomas?  But Betty betrayed us & took Thomas with her – they were not meant to be.  God separates the chaff from the wheat, but it takes time.  We must trust in her.  We do not want people in our midst who are traitors to Mother God.

           *** Re Betty leaving us.  She wanted ‘my position’ as the leader of Matriarchy – she said she was more appropriate.  She got Thomas to serve her by creating a blog where people would PAY for a course on Matriarchy, & even got, by some miracle, to get Thomas to get her the ability to receive credit card payments!  She also had Thomas create a video on Matriarchy for her.  But her efforts completely FAILED.  No one bought her course; she got few You tube views while I got millions.  Why?  Because she was not sincere in her love & service to Mother God.  She wanted to USE Matriarchy to SERVE HER.  She wanted money, fame & fortune.  And so, Mother God did not give her any Grace – not only that, she deserved punishment for injuring me – she wrote letters to many people to get me blocked & blacklisted from places, not only on the internet but in my home town!  {And why?  Because she attacked William & I defended him!  She is psychotic.} She went back to the place she belonged – a village called Nonentity.  And so, many are called but few are chosen.  I saw a few other women on the internet whom God had called – but they resisted obedience to God & they themselves wanted to be served.  Serving God is sacrifice, not exploitation of her. ***

    I follow Mother God, that’s why I help you – because you are her right hand.  You obey her, her Truth.  Truth is blessed, it is virtue to preach it.  To preach lies is doomed – those who do so are not of God.  We leave behind this world of lies & hope in, believe in, & await the Truth to return to our world.  It will – but by the time Mother God’s Monarchy returns, we will be dead.  But our work lives on.  People will benefit by it – we will enjoy our rewards in Eternity.  Think of the incredible good your words, left behind, will do.  These words will flourish, they will be repeated.  They will live on for all time.  I mean Jesus was 2k years ago – his words are all over the place but they Crucified him.  But his Spirit lives on.  So will your Spirit.

    Another thing.  Not all people are mesmerized.  Many are calling out to God in their hearts.  They are persecuted, left behind, impoverished & unhappy.  They are saying where is God?  Then they see your writing, or mine, or Ajax’s.  Then they know somebody is out there speaking Truth.  They are then enlivened & filled with hope.  Some of these people cannot do anything – they are impoverished & have no Voice – maybe some have a tiny voice like Face book, to speak Truth.  But others who are galvanized are also Anointed, Empowered by God, & they will do much.

    Let us continue to give hope, Light & inspiration to the captives of this world & all join hands.  This life is temporary & although we don’t see all the benefits & rewards of our work, someone will.  Two hundred years from now Matriarchy will be well under way & five hundred years from now the majority of the world will be under Female Rulership.  Think of the goodness of that.  We are part of the beginning.

    As far as promotion, show business and all that.  I used whatever way I could to get the attention of the media.  The media would broadcast my Truth – In a sense, I tricked them into being my Voice box.  It was the Grace of God that got me to do female body building, Stripping for God, female domination, & all that I did.  You did not have that kind of opportunity, but you did what you do best – formulating the Doctrine, theology, & Manifesto for Mother God – re women ruling the family & the world – & this is as important as anything else.  You stayed humble & did not have your name in Lights & did not do TV shows & interviews all over the world.  But you were & are effective, all the words you produced – the ideas – will continue.

    Let us praise Mother God for what she has done through us!

    I can see the Light at the end of the tunnel more & more clearly every day.  The Light in me, the clarity, is getting stronger.  I am greatly enlivened as I see the end of the Patriarchal lies & the beginning of Matriarchy……      Rasa


William Bond continues:   I agree Rasa that the best way women can take over and rule our world is through the help and support of MotherGod. As I have said before, because most women only know what the priests of patriarchal religions tell them, and so they are unaware that God is female. Because of this, women today do not know they are closer to God than what men are. Women are better mediums and psychics than men because it is easier for them to become One with MotherGod. This then gives women great power, but are discouraged from using this power by patriarchal priests and religions. 

If we could create a matriarchal religion that worshiped MotherGod and women were taught and encouraged to communicate with MotherGod through mediumship. Then women would be able to use the great power of MotherGod.

If you can use your name, Andrew, to publish a mainstream book about the Great Mother it would be a help. Do you want articles for you book? I could perhaps write an article about the Gaia theory and relate it to the ancient worship of the Great Mother.



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