College of God & Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized


Ajax the Great is a young genius – his research is on point, his insights brilliant, his writing witty, great, sometimes funny – See below for THREE articles.  To see the illustrative studies, please go here, & see Ajax’s other articles:




Ajax the Great insights on con-vid


Who Are The Real Superspreaders?


DISCLAIMER:  The following article references third-party sources and is intended for general information only, and is NOT intended to provide medical advice or otherwise diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, including (but not limited to) COVID-19.  Consult a qualified physician before beginning any sort of treatment or prophylactic regimen and/or if you know or suspect that you currently have COVID-19.  Anyone who takes or does anything mentioned (or alluded to) in this or any other TSAP article does so entirely at their own risk and liability.  The TSAP thus makes absolutely no warranties, express or implied, and is not liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages resulting from any act or omission on the part of the reader(s) or others. Caveat lector.

See also our previous articles herehereand here as well.  Also, special thanks to Bill Sardi, Dr. Gareth “Gruff” Davies, Dr. Dmitry Kats, Dr. Mikko Panunio, and Swiss Policy Research, et al. whose research this article draws upon and cites in the links throughout.

“You’re the superspreader!” “No, YOU’RE the superspreader!”  Alas, this is what passes for discourse these days, when people are literally now debating who are the biggest superspreaders of the COVID:  the vaccinated or the unvaccinated.  Technically, both can be, since the vaccines are “leaky”, and there are documented examples of both, but it is not clear who is more likely to be.

(Correction:  The CDC’s now-leaked unpublished data, that they are using to push masks once again, is a lot more nuanced than they miscommunicated, and apparently involves a vaccine in India that is not available in the USA, and also a study of a rather unrepresentative sample in Provincetown, Cape Cod.  Thus, while vaccinated people can indeed still spread the virus, they are still signifcantly less likely to do so than if they were not vaccinated, even if only because they are somewhat less likely to become infected in the first place.  And truly asymptomatic transmission, while possible, is not the primary way it spreads.)

Either way, this completely misses the point though.  The vaccines were never designed to prevent all transmission or all infections, just to make the disease less bad if one happens to contract it while vaccinated.  You know, kinda like the flu shot.  That alone is enough to largely defang the virus and reduce it to a mere nuisance like seasonal flu and the common cold, provided enough vulnerable people get vaccinated (which they all either a) already have, or b) they chose not to get it).  For the young and healthy, not so much.  And thus any benefit to the community that results from less transmission of the virus would simply be a bonus, as vaccines are primarily for self-protection.  And now that we are seeing that these vaccines may be just as “leaky” as flu vaccines (funny how no one seems to care about the latter), the whole specious argument for vaccine mandates or passports “to protect others” becomes as threadbare and useless as the most poorly constructed cloth mask.

Now, a nasal vaccine might actually produce “sterilizing” immunity enough to prevent virtually all transmission.  That is because of the mucosal antibodies and other immunological “dark matter” that they would generate at the usual point of entry and exit for the virus, the lining of the nose and throat.  But injections are unlikely to do that, only producing antibodies and T-cells largely in the bloodstream instead.  And while important, it is incomplete since it leaves the nose and throat wide open for a time before enough of an immune response is mounted to knock the virus out quickly.

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But there are no nasal vaccines available currently, except of course the low-tech one, which is…natural exposure to the wild virus.  And the large chunk of the population that has already had the virus and recovered has a very low reinfection rate, much lower than the breakthrough infection rate for vaccinated people.  Yes, even for Delta.  Thus, we already know who the superspreaders are almost certainly NOT:  people who have already had the virus, whether vaccinated or not.  Natural immunity for the win!

So having established who the superspreaders are NOT, do we then know who they actually ARE?  Well, a study of influenza from 2008 provides some excellent clues.  It postulates that Vitamin D not only explains the seasonality of influenza, but also who is most likely to be what we would now call a superspreader, where one person infects dozens of others.  And most curiously, that is postulated to occur in a tiny number of people even in the absence of symptoms!  That is, Vitamin D deficiency can make one much more likely to spread it, and thus it not only endangers the deficient, but also those around them as well, in a sort of “second-hand malnutrition”. This is very likely true for COVID, and also very likely true with other nutrients as well, particularly Vitamin C, thiamine, niacin, zinc, lysine, and selenium.  A deficiency in the latter can even make one a “variant factory”, since selenium stops viruses from mutating.  Fortunately, we can very easily solve this problem even without appealing to (strong) altruism, since the benefits to the individual are at least as great as that to those around them.  Good nutrition and supplementation is a win-win-win for all.

Especially since, for the individual, it is painfully obvious now with COVID:  not enough D and you die.


Vitamin D also seems to be good at fighting that other pandemic that is raging even more these days:  substance abuse, especially opioid addiction.  Vitamin D deficiency apparently leads to exaggerated cravings for opioids and probably other substances as well.  And the same can apparently be said for Niacin as well, as AA founder Bill W. had discovered it as a potential treatment for alcoholism.  With America drowning in the bottom of a bottle thanks in no small part to the long-term after-effects of lockdown, such a rediscovery cannot come soon enough!

And of course, Niacin works wonders for COVID, as Dr. Dmitry Kats had discovered.

So what are we waiting for?

UPDATE:  See also herehere, and here for some good articles from The Daily Sceptic about the nuances of herd immunity.  And yes, it is very nuanced indeed.




If Masks Really Worked…

Once again, the witty Professor hits another homerun right out of the park here: 

That basically explains the TSAP’s evolving position over time.  Originally we were pro-mask since we honestly believed they worked based on some spurious observations in a few East Asian and Eastern European countries, plus a few sketchy studies, and thus they seemed like a safe pathway out of lockdown.  But as time went on, the evidence just kept on mounting against them.  And the past 18 months pretty much answers that question–if they worked, not only would it be so obvious to everyone that no one would have to be forced to wear them, but COVID would have been gone within a few weeks of (near) universal masking as the R value would thus drop well below one and even close to zero, and we would not still be having this debate to this day.

Are you old enough to remember when face masks were initially discouraged by nearly all of the experts as well as “experts”, including Dr. Fauci himself?  And then, seemingly out of the blue, the idea caught on that masks not only work, but work so well that if 80% (or is that 90%, or 95%, or 99%?) or whatever % of the population were to wear them, COVID would be practically wiped out, or at the very least 100,000+ lives would be saved?  Right?  And the logical implication being:  the sooner everyone would wear them for just a few weeks, the sooner no one would ever have to wear them again, because COVID would be gone!

diana-and-callisto-gaetano-gandolfi discover-ideas-about-saint-tattoo-michael-painting-raphael display_image (c) The Fitzwilliam Museum; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation download (1)

Well, that didn’t really pan out, did it?  Look, you can cherry-pick the data all you want, but it’s pretty self-evident that masks made no practical or statistical difference overall in terms of COVID case, hospitalization, or death rates, even with the strictest mandates and/or very high compliance above 90% or 95%.  While no one can completely rule out modest benefits perhaps in very selected instances, the macro-level data supporting universal masking simply isn’t there.  Clearly, after 18 months, if a “signal” still cannot be boosted even with great effort, is was most likely just noise all along.

And all that applies a fortiori to children as well, as we have noted previously.  There is even less evidence in favor, and even stronger arguments against forcing kids to wear them, especially at this juncture.  

Thus, we are re-learning the hard way the painful lessons our ancestors learned in 1918.  There was clearly a reason they stopped wearing masks in 1919, after all.  And no, it wasn’t “selfishness” or “anti-science” sentiment, but a rather a good strong dose of reality that turned even their greatest enthusiasts against them in droves.  They simply didn’t work.

And now with some “experts” wanting to bring back mask mandates yet again at this stage (!), despite the obvious fact that they would even LESS effective still against the MORE contagious Delta variant, beware.  The following Tweet sums it why that is a very bad idea in both theory and practice:

Mask mandates are in fact the THIN end of a very long and thick wedge of coercion.  Slopes are indeed much, much slipperier than they appear.





COVID Is Endemic. “Zero COVID” Is A Pipe Dream. Lockdowns And NPIs Are


The following Tweet really wins the internet:

Pretty much sums it up.  The virus can be defanged and reduced to a nuisance, and indeed it largely has already thanks to herd immunity and attenuation, but it will never be eliminated.  It will continue to ebb and flow to one degree or another indefinitely.  Even smallpox took over 200 years to eradicate after the vaccine.  And it’s time we accept that fact and deal with endemic COVID like we do seasonal flu and the common cold.  That is, learn to live with the virus just like all other endemic viruses.  We know now that lockdowns, masks, social distancing, and stuff like that really make no difference to the course of the virus in the long run, and they come with their own set of problems, ultimately doing more harm than good.  And that applies a fortiori to endemic COVID.

That’s right, these restrictions are all pain and no gain.  And there is a name for doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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We know how to treat this disease now.  We know what to use for prophylaxis as well.  We know that the virus, while bad, was never the apocalyptic Big One that some had predicted.  We know who the risk groups are, and we have already vaccinated them (plus a good chunk of the general population as well) to a greater extent and faster than we have for any other disease in history.  So anyone who says we still somehow can’t go 100% back to normal yesterday because reasons is a LIAR with a hidden or not-so-hidden agenda.  And we thus must completely disregard their bluster.  Yesterday is not soon enough!

And this one as well, to which we would also add “and early treatment and prophylaxis for all who want it”:


UPDATE 2:  See also here and here for some good articles from The Daily Sceptic about the nuances of herd immunity.  And yes, it is very nuanced indeed.



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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized


8-21-21   From the brilliant friend, a reincarnation of Buckminster Fuller, Ajax the Great. he is one of the smartest, if not the smartest, man I ever met – in a league with the legendary William Bond. His thinking traverses both modern politics as well as Matriarchal thought. Bravo to him a trillion times.



Afghanistan: A War We Lost Before The War Began


The headlines these days about Afghanistan have been quite sobering to say the least.  It looks increasingly likely that this 20 year old quagmire of a war will end the same way as the Vietnam War did.  “Operation Frequent Wind” certainly comes to mind, not least due to the frequent windbag politicians who got us into this inherently unwinnable mess that had literally no practical exit strategy to speak of.

Like Vietnam on crack, this is “a war we lost before the war began”, as Phil Ochs put it in his song “White Boots Marching In A Yellow Land” about that other unwinnable quagmire.  Afghanistan has been called “the graveyard of empires” for a reason, after all.  The moment President Bush decided to force regime change in Afghanistan, as opposed to simply going in to fight al-Qaeda and bring Bin Laden to (rough) justice for 9/11, that was a “mission creep” that created a dangerous power vacuum and basically dug our graves over there.  Yes, the Taliban were and still are backwards, brutal, violent, repressive, theocratic, misogynistic, and even totalitarian, but guess what?  The Taliban was never really a material threat to the USA, and the local “allies” (read: warlords) of ours that de facto replaced them in nearly all of the country outside of Kabul have thus created a chaotic anocracy, which basically translates to “pick your poison”.  Eventually, Afghanistan even became fertile ground for ISIL for a time, who as we have seen is far more evil and dangerous than even the Taliban.  And if and when the weak Kabul government and military finally rolls over and plays dead for the Taliban, remember:  if they do it after 20 years, then no matter how long we stay, whether 10, 20, or even 100+ years, the end result would be the same regardless.  At best, the USA only delayed the inevitable, at a massively unacceptable cost of blood and treasure.

Yes, in both of these wars, our troops technically won every single battle.  But in the long run, as the famous quote says, “Yes, I know.  It’s also irrelevant.”

So yes, the TSAP still, albeit with a heavy heart, fully supports America’s troop withdrawal from Afghanistan.  As a wise man once said recently, if Afghanistan falls to the Taliban after 20 years, it does not mean that we left too early, but that we left 19 years too late.  It is tragic and heartbreaking indeed that it was basically all for naught, as the part about bringing al-Qaeda and Bin Laden to justice would not have required forced regime change in Afghanistan at all.  Bin Laden was hiding out in Pakistan for most of the time, after all, and nearly all of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi nationals.  (That was of course memory-holed as quickly as Bin Laden’s family members were surreptitiously whisked out of the country back to their home country, Saudi Arabia.)

We have said it before, and we will say it again.  There is NO (Western) military solution in Afghanistan, period.  Or Iraq, or Syria, or anywhere else in the region, basically.  The closest thing there is to a solution would be for us to give every *woman* an AK-47 or M-16 and tell them to take over their country and mow down anyone who stands in their way.  Let Allah sort it out.  Problem solved.  But the powers that be over here would of course not be too keen on that idea.  After all they wouldn’t want women in THIS country getting any ideas, now would they?

If and when the Taliban returns to their old tricks of brutal and misogynistic repression, then WOE to any cowardly Afghan men that fail to protect their women and children!  And by rolling over for the forces of evil, they make a mockery of our troops as well.

The best way to support our troops is to bring them home alive, and stop abusing them in these unnecessary quagmires of choice that really only benefit the oligarchs.  The best time to do it was 20 years ago. The second best time to do it is right now.

UPDATE:  On August 15th, the capital Kabul has effectively fallen to the Taliban, and President Ghani has fled the country in fear as his own troops basically rolled over and played dead.  This highly unfortunate turn of events has happened at a much faster pace than anyone had predicted.  But the hypocrisy of those Republicans who blame President Biden for this sad state of affairs is quite rich considering that Biden not only followed the very same troop withdrawal plan set by Trump himself, but actually pushed back Trump’s withdrawal deadline by nearly four months.  Yes, really.  Like Vietnam, as the saying goes, America may have won every battle, but in the end, that’s also irrelevant.

I mean, you KNOW it’s bad when Ron Paul (and/or his son Rand Paul) comes across as the voice of reason!  And whether you love him or hate him, it is clear that throughout all 20 years of this ill-fated war of (mostly) choice, while both Democrats and Republicans alike would mindlessly flip and flop around, Paul has basically been on the right side of history all along.

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Getting out of Afghanistan is the ONE thing that Trump, Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Ron/Rand Paul could ALL agree on.  Even if Trump denies it now.

And finally, as for America’s very clear moral obligation to the Afghan people that we would otherwise leave behind, we believe Emma Lazarus said it best:  “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”  In other words, “refugees welcome“.  The Kabul airport must be secured now to allow safe passage out of the country.  Beyond that, after the current evacuations and rescue operations are complete, that is it.  It’s over. 

After 20 years of this infernal quagmire, C’EST FINI!

As the late, great Major General Smedley Butler famously said, “TO HELL WITH WAR!”






And So We Learn Just How “Leaky” These Vaccines Really Are


The latest data out of the UK, where nearly all new COVID cases have been the Delta variant (albeit notably recently plummeting despite lifting restrictions), illustrate in real time just how “leaky” these vaccines really are in practice:  they are, on average, as low as 17% effective against preventing infection, while 77% effective against preventing death from COVID.  Granted, these data also include the less effective AstraZeneca/Oxford and J&J vaccines along with the more effective Pfizer and Moderna ones, but data from Israel (essentially the world’s largest vaccine study) in which nearly all vaccinations have been Pfizer have also been kinda disappointing as well:  16-75% protection against infection (and waning over time), 80% protection against serious illness, and 90% protection against death.  And what’s true for Pfizer would also be true for Moderna as well, given how they are both essentially the same vaccine.


Compare this to the annual flu vaccines:  for protection against infection, it is as high as 60% effective if a good match and as low as 10% effective if a bad match for whatever virus variants happen to be dominant at a given time, averaging 40-50%.  Yet against serious illness and death, it is generally in the 80-90% range.  Thus, the COVID vaccines appear to be about as “leaky” as flu shots, which were also originally claimed to be 70-90% effective when first developed.  And as we clearly know, if you can still catch a virus, you can also spread it as well.


In fact, the real kicker from the latest British data is that there is really no significant difference in viral load (and thus infectiousness) between vaccinated and unvaccinated people who contract the virus, as evidenced in the fact that they had similar cycle threshold (Ct) levels in PCR testing.  In other words, vaccinated people may be at least somewhat less likely to contract the virus in the first place, but when they do happen to catch it, they are likely just as contagious as if they were not vaccinated.


Let that sink in for a moment.  Oops, maybe the technocrats should have thought that one through!


The implications of this data are quite stark and resounding indeed.  We can thus conclude:

  • These vaccines are NOT the silver bullet that so many had hoped for, and putting all of our eggs into that one basket (at the expense of early treatment and prophylaxis like Ivermectin, HCQ, and budesonide, along with various vitamins and other nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Niacin, Thiamine, Zinc, Selenium, Quercetin, Resveratrol, NAC, and the amino acid Lysine) was the very height of foolishness at best.  Some would even call it mass murder for profit!

  • These vaccines are NOT fit for purpose if the goal is to stop all infections, but might still be fit for purpose if the goal is to protect the vulnerable members of society from serious illness and death.  And by now, they all have either 1) been vaccinated or 2) chose not to receive it, making that purpose largely academic now in nearly all rich countries, who thus now have a moral duty to freely share these now-abundant vaccines and their patents with poorer countries for all who want it, as there are of course plenty of vulnerable people there too.  (As they should have done many months ago, but for corporate greed of Big Pharma.)

  • These vaccines are mainly for self-protection, while any protection of the community is at best a bonus.  Any argument to the contrary is essentially a specious and spurious argument.

  • These vaccines do NOT prevent the evolution or dominance of new virus variants either.  Anyone who still thinks so needs their head examined.

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  • There is ZERO benefit to public health from forcing or coercing people to get these vaccines, restriction of rights for the unvaccinated, and/or segregating the vaccinated and unvaccinated.  And there is ZERO justification for such.

  • If masks actually worked as source control, there would perhaps be some justification for requiring both vaccinated and unvaccinated people alike to wear them in certain high-risk indoor settings when community spread is at “substantial” or “high” levels, per the CDC.

  • But since there is still really no hard evidence that surgical or cloth masks actually work meaningfully as source control at the macro level, even after a year and a half of data, that specious justification also collapses as well.  They sure didn’t work in 1918, and they don’t work now.  Rather, we should instead simply recommend (not require) vulnerable adults to correctly wear N95 (or greater) masks, which are now nearly as available and abundant as toothpicks, in such high-risk settings for self-protection.  (See a pattern here?)

  • When the proverbial fat lady finally sings, it would NOT be because of vaccines, but rather primarily from herd immunity via natural infection, along with perhaps attenuation (weakening) of the virus itself.  In other words, just like every other flu or flu-like pandemic and epidemic in recorded history, essentially. 

  • The Great Barrington Declaration, along with its sister organization PANDA, were therefore quite right all along, by simply following the hard-won wisdom of the ages, and we were very foolish not to listen.  We clearly have paid, and will still continue to pay, a very heavy price for our collective foolishness and hubris.

Thus, while the TSAP has always opposed forcing or coercing anyone to get these vaccines, our opposition applies a fortiori given how leaky these vaccines have turned out to be.  Not only are slopes slipperier than they appear in terms of civil and human rights, and the long-term safety of these vaccines remains unknown, but there is also an even darker reason as well not to vaccinate everybody and their mother.  If nearly everyone received these leaky vaccines, the virus would continue to spread largely under the radar, and by putting strong selective pressure on the virus while reducing symptoms, it will increase the chance that the virus will select for or mutate into more deadly variants, rather than merely more contagious but less deadly ones as would occur naturally in the absence of mass vaccination.  This is not just theory, it has actually happened before with Marek’s disease in chickens, as Karl Denninger has pointed out.  And it is likely the unstated reason why we have historically NOT forced or coerced everyone to get flu shots.  Ironically, for such leaky vaccines, we would actually need a chunk of the population to remain unvaccinated, in order to be a firebreak against such deadly variants.  Hopefully we will NOT foolishly end up pulling the proverbial “black ball from the urn” in that regard and get a truly super-deadly plague that really wipes out the population!


And it should go without saying that all this applies a fortiori to children, who are statistically at less risk from COVID than they are from the flu (as well as car accidents), and are likely at more risk from the vaccines than from the virus (even if we don’t know for certain yet).  And unlike the flu, children are NOT superspreaders of COVID either, and are far more likely to catch it from adults than the other way around.  Forcing or coercing these largely untested vaccines on them is basically criminal at this juncture, and the precautionary principle certainly applies here.  If there was ever a hill to die on, this is the one!


For children and young people under 16, and especially under 12 (!), we should consider all of these COVID vaccines to be absolutely contraindicated until proven otherwise.  (Originally we said under 18, but alas that genie is out of the bottle now in the USA.)  And for everyone else, they should be strictly voluntary without even a hint of coercion.


In other words, to the extent that it even is a pandemic anymore, it is quickly becoming a pandemic of the vaccinated.  And all of these mandates and restrictions are worse than useless, from lockdowns to masks to antisocial distancing to now vaccine mandates and passports as well.  All the more reason to end all of these mandates and restrictions, and yesterday is not soon enough!


Leaky vaccines + leaky masks + leaky lockdowns = illusion of control (at best).  Don’t fall for it!

UPDATE:  We just came across this, maybe a bit hyperbolic, but still largely correct overall.  We are actually pretty damn lucky that all we got from this was Delta so far.  We know Delta is more contagious and it has a partial escape mutation, which is bad, but at least it’s NOT a more deadly variant–yet, that is.  In fact, it actually seems to be LESS deadly than previous strains.  But the next mutation may not leave us so lucky next time.  If this increasingly endemic virus does hopefully continue its long-term trend towards becoming the new common cold (that is, becoming more contagious but less deadly overtime), it would certainly be NO THANKS to these leaky vaccines!





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College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized


immaculateose x

Continue Chapter 5   Hell Hath no Fury Like Arnold Scorned -

What Women Endure in the Adult Trade   5-24-21


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Some revenge tactics & pranks of Arnold. There were a couple brothers in the body building world that were popular, Mike Mentzner was always featured in Joe Weider magazines, & his brother Ray was up & coming. Mike was winning contests, featured in the magazines as a star. But he tangled with Arnold in Australia – Mike told him off in front of everyone including Joe Weider. Arnold didn’t say a lot but I noticed Mike & his brother disappeared from the magazines.


If you’re no longer featured in the mags, your body building career is over & so, Arnold ended the careers of these two guys. As I said before, Joe Weider did whatever Arnold told him.


So what did these guys do when they no longer had a spotlight – a place in Joe Weider’s kingdom? – they went from ‘big shots’ to ‘nobodies.’ They couldn’t handle it. They began to drink heavily – I am told by Randy Roach, {the world’s top chronicler of body building, author of the Encyclopedic, ‘Muscle, Smoke & Mirrors’} – and they drank themselves to death.


Arnold told Tom Minichiello he did not want me at the premiere of his first big movie, ‘Pumping Iron,’ even though I was called then the ‘Queen of Body Building’ & Arnold ‘the King.’ He’d never share his spotlight with anyone unless they favored him.


Today I believe he’s pals with Sylvester Stallone, but in the beginning, there was a picture of him & Sylvester they were going to put into Joe’s magazine. Arnold called to say don’t put the image. He’d give no glory or honor to Sylvester.

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But similarly, he told Tom Minichiello {a big shot in body building those days, he had his gym right to the bottom of the Roxy Theater, 42nd St, where I danced, I saw his sign advertising the Ms Americana contest, I walked in & asked if I could compete – he said yes, & that was my beginning} about an image where all the winners of 1972 Brooklyn Academy of Music show were posing – he was there, I was off to the side with my two trophies, second place Ms Americana & Ms Americana BEST BODY, posing with Franco Columbo. He told Tom he wanted no pictures out with him & me, but since the image was already done, his head was close to the upper frame – cut off his head. To my amusement, Tom did it that way, & sold me the image. Of course there were other copies of that picture elsewhere, so I have the one of him with & without his head.


And again, Arnold & I were in another show together – The Mr Universe, Ms Americana contests at the Felt Forum. My picture was featured in the Daily News promoting the show – Arnold complained that the important men were not getting as much publicity as the females.


At the Forum Arnold won his battle against Lou Ferrigno, I won mine. Once again & was second place Ms Americana & Ms Americana BEST BODY. At the end of the show all the winners – usually only men – posed on a platform, a couple feet off the floor, for the press. I wanted equal time for women, after all, I had got two important trophies. I jumped up on that stage, standing next to Arnold, & posed like the men did. Arnold went crazy. He muscled me off the stage – the way guys keep walking closer & closer as they pose & push the other guy off the select position in front of the judges – he did that to me radically, I was at the edge of the stage & had to JUMP OFF. He de facto pushed me off the stage. He knew everyone would see him do this but he didn’t care, he was so desperate NOT to have any pics out there, him & me. I’m sure someone took some pics with him & I standing there. Randy Roach checked with other people about my claim – they told him they saw it.


Once a guy asked Arnold how could he get more success & popularity while doing his poses onstage? Arnold told him to SCREAM after every pose. They guy did it & two men hauled him off the stage, believing he’d gone nuts.

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Another victim asked Arnold how could he get better nutrition & more muscle? Arnold told him get walnuts, & eat not only the nut but the SHELL. The guy did it & it tore up his insides. {How could anyone be so dumb to do that? There’s a limit to genius but none for stupidity.}


I was in the first Ms Olympia contest where Mike Katz was a judge. I heard him say to Harold Poole {the first black Mr. America, also a judge} ‘Check out #1 – She’s good.’ {That was me}


But Arnold was there – so was Joe Weider. Suddenly I went from ‘She’s good’ – to last place. And I have noticed that there are no pictures of me in that contest wherever I looked – like I was photo shopped out. How fanatic can you get, was I that important to ‘get even’ with? Arnold also saw reporters approach me, he quickly ushered them away to other females. If I was so inadequate as a body builder, why did he have to go out of his way to deprive me of attention? Wouldn’t I just fail on my own? He saw me as some kind of a threat, a person who had hurt him & so had to be forever punished.


The Adult Trade – What a Female has to Endure



          It was my destiny or God’s will that I be in the adult trade. I shall go into why later – right now I’m explaining why I needed strength & I got that strength from God plus harsh treatment toughened me up.


          People who are not in it don’t know what a woman goes through in the adult trade. It’s hard enough being a woman where you’re deprived of human rights, paid less than men, looked down upon in many ways – but add to that the greatest taboo in our society being nudity & sex – & you hit the jackpot for abuse.


          Of course it’s changing – right now men are being exposed, vilified & punished for their sex activities & crimes – but when I was growing up, it wasn’t that way – this target on men for sex has only started recently – I was middle aged by then.


          Not saying we women are now off the hook – there still exists prejudice against us.

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          It’s the way we are treated, it goes across all borders, touches all horizons. I will ask Mother God for help as I find it difficult to express myself on this, it triggers pain. Mother God, what did I have to endure being in the adult trade, that required great strength?


          MOTHER GOD:   You are vilified for things you’re not guilty of, there are assumptions, fantasies, projections put on women in the adult trade. You are guilty in the eyes of people for making men lust, that makes you a sinner. You are guilty of sinning with men where you haven’t sinned – maybe you did nothing, maybe sex isn’t a sin.


          In other words, you are condemned without trial, without evidence of wrongdoing.


          The adult trade is just a job. You don’t have to be a bad person to be in it. But society in many cases labels you a bad person. That isn’t fun to bear – when you are seen as ‘bad’ bad things are done to you. You aren’t treated with respect, you aren’t given the same consideration or love as ‘nice’ people get. The same thing is done to you as your family did – you become an outcast of sorts, you aren’t invited to the best places, the places where ‘respectable’ people gather.


          ME:   Mother God, explain how being perceived a ‘sex object’ is a form of abuse. People have great misunderstanding here.


          MOTHER GOD:   When a person is seen as a ‘sex object’ all the time, say, the way Anna Nicole Smith was, it diminishes her. No human is ‘just sex.’ We are not the body, we are an eternal soul that inhabits a body. The body is an instrument, a vehicle & servant of the God within.


          For people to stress only our body, again & again, as if we are nothing but that, is demoralizing, it is abuse. It is your soul or God Self that must be recognized, honored & validated.


          With someone like Anna Nicole or yourself, or any glamour doll, or any woman in the adult trade, people tend to emphasize the physical so much that it hurts. Yes, those in this trade had to get into it for money, in some cases, to validate something, like you being told you were weird & ‘not a nice sight to see’ by your family – they made you feel ugly, they didn’t love you, & so, you wanted to prove you weren’t ugly & validate you’re worthy of love.


          Being nude, dancing, posing nude, being Ms Nude Universe & all that did not mean you were a bad person.

Women in the adult trade are targeted with a lot of bad thoughts, feelings & actions by others. Much of it projection.

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When folks are brainwashed that sex is dirty, unclean, thoughts of sex are dirty, it’s all sin, sin, sin, & you have to be in a profession which magnifies nudity & sex, they project their own fears, frustrations, fantasies & sins onto you. They judge, condemn you as they have already judged & condemned themselves, deep inside the unconscious. Society told them these things are bad, so they feel bad about themselves but somehow they excuse themselves or hide their behaviors, but since you are on stage, you get the blame. It’s like guerilla warfare. They’re behind the bush shooting at you, you in the middle of the field get hit.


ME: Just to cap this convo for now, Mother God, what is the greatest sin of mankind?


MOTHER GOD:   The greatest sin is not caring about others, not loving others. We must love others as we do ourselves, they are just as important. We must have compassion & empathy for all, including animals, including all of God’s creation.


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College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized


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I Strip for God  Part 4


Chapter 5    Triumph over Adversity    5-22-21


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          What I will attempt in this book is to portray how I overcame challenges & adversities by my Faith in God, & strangely enough, how the abuse which my family proffered, trained & prepared me for the future.


          The first challenge was to get over the abuse;byfighting the negatives within it, resisting the urge to internalize their hate.  To do that I had to practice the virtues of Jesus Christ – love thy enemies, do not hate or take revenge on them – forgive them – get over it. 


          But I must say this.  It was all planned, it was for my good, & the abuse started at age ten, not before that.  This is important.  Being severely neglected or abused in infancy causes brain damage. {I’m not sure what is the cutoff point for infancy?  Could it be Freud’s 5 years?  As he said what happens the first 5 years determines the future.} This destiny God protected me from.


 Children who are abused or neglected in infancy, & prior to ‘the age of reason,’ {considered by some to be 8} will probably suffer irreparable harm – their lives will be problematic.   {This is not to say that all failures & losers were abused.  My brother Jim was never abused but pampered, yet he was not a good fellow.  Others I watched suffered not one iota of abuse, but were held up & supported by family but were not angels.  Lack of abuse doesn’t guarantee sainthood.}

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          A man named ‘Harlow’ did extensive & cruel experiments on infant monkeys.  Those who were totally neglected developed lesions on the brain – this cannot be corrected.  In humans we call various forms of this Attachment Disorder {only the most extreme cases have the brain lesions}; it’s pandemic in a Patriarchal society where Mother authority / nurturing is compromised; the worst cases are called Radical Attachment Disorder.  This was only ‘discovered’ or identified recently, the 70’s, after Americans began adopting children from war torn Ukraine, they had developed this malady in orphanages. 


{But I have seen documentaries that evidence this from the 50’s & 60’s on Youtube – what they did to children in experiments is pitiful.  Instead of giving them the love they need, they studied them, which reminds me of the men at the Tuskegee University syphilis experiments – none of them were given remedies but the progress of their illness was studied.}


          I published a book called ‘Breastfeeding is Lovemaking Between Mother & Child’ – which has this article in it, {condensed by me} from Dr. James W. Prescott, PhD:


Alienation of Affection



          Deprived of their mothers, Harry Harlow’s monkeys were at times apathetic, at times hyperactive & given to outbursts of violence.  Raised in isolation, they were socially inept:  they often held themselves & rocked like autistic children.


          What Harlow could not know in the 50’s & 60’s was that these behavioral disturbances were accompanied by brain damage.


          During formative periods of brain growth certain types of sensory deprivation, such as lack of touching & rocking by mother – result in incomplete or damaged neuronal systems that control affection {for instance, the loss of nerve-cell branches called dendrites}.  Since the same systems influence brain centers associated with violence, in a mutually inhibiting mechanism, the deprived infant may have difficulty controlling violent impulses as an adult.


          James W. Prescott has an incredible website called Origins of Peace & Violence:

He is formerly the Health Scientist Administrator, Developmental Behavioral Biology Program, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health.


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          I wanted to make a strong point about abuse – how in infancy, early years it is MOST SERIOUS & has dire consequences, & I was SPARED from this.  My abuse started in a concerted, conscious way by Mom & those she brainwashed at age 10 – by then my brain was developed & so there was no incidence of brain lesions or damage.


          My first ten years went like this:  I was given love & affection by both parents to different degrees.  Mom breastfed all of us – that is important for affection as well as Immune System Development.  She did not single me out for ten years, it started when she & Dad split & not right away – they separated when I was 9 – & the abuse started after the separation.


          My Father was affectionate to me like a Mother.  He was tender, kind & sensitive.  He’d hold me in his lap, take me on walks hand in hand, he paid attention to all my activities & encouraged me – he took the place of the soft, sensitive Mom.  He was the whole world to me.


          Mom was ‘hard.’  In the last book she identified herself, in the way she was to me, as a ‘Monster.’  I can’t argue with her.  I recall her & Dad, him on his hands & knees on the floor, she sitting on his back beating him with her fists.  She was a psychopath – not all bad but to me, after age 10, monstrous.


          However, they gave me a good education & exposure to the Church; the Church gave me meaning to life & the answers.  As Jesus said, ‘I am the Way, the Truth, & the Life.’  This is God speaking through him.  I don’t believe He meant his historical flesh was the only way, truth & life, his example was.  What He taught & lived was.  And He is not the only one who gives us this Spirit, all those who are One with God are of this Spirit, & they also are ‘Living Gods.’


          But I didn’t know all that when I went to Catechism.  I had Catechism in a Gothic Church, taught by contemplative nuns in black robes {who I adored & obeyed.}  They told me to sacrifice candy, I did.  They told me to take the blame for someone else’s wrong doing – I did.  One told me she was married to Jesus Christ – that was one of the knots on the belt of her robe; I from then on aspired to that & it would happen.


          Our week was filled with education:  Regular school, Catechism, Saturday Lithuanian School & Church on Sunday.  I took it all seriously.  My first Holy Confession & Holy Communion were great milestones for me.


          There were also healthy & happy community events, recitals, shows where we kids performed {I recited poetry} & Dad gave speeches {never failed to say we had to release our country from Communism.}

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 We were members of a creative community, all our holidays were feasts shared by a dozen friends.  The singles were invited, some couples.  I recall our gay female photographer, Panele {Miss} Narkailunaite always present; she fat & jolly, smiling, laughing, loveable.


          Never in my life did I neglect prayer, meditation or supplication to God & not only for me, but the whole world.  I recall my child’s prayer constantly was, ‘Dear God, please help everyone.’


          In my grammar school in the country, age 9, there was a field adjacent to our school yard.  I’d write my petitions to the Almighty on slips of paper, release them into the field on the wind, & all my requests were answered.

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          Now to continue my point, that I was not damaged but empowered  by my sufferings.  Yes, it hurt, & it hurt a long time, years & years, like most people do, I kept asking WHY?  And God kept saying, ‘To make you strong.’  But I didn’t get it until recentlyI couldn’t picture what they did to me making me strong, I only felt the pain.


          But the fact is I faced a whole number of abuses & obstacles in my life, & if I had been WEAK I could not have succeeded.  Here’s a list:


                               Being a Woman


          John Lennon said, ‘Women are the niggers of this world.’

          As a woman I had many obstacles men don’t have.  A friend of mine who changed his sex from female to male said that everywhere he went he was treated like a God once he changed genders. {His name is Les Nichols, I made a movie of him when I was producing called ‘Who is Inside Les Nichols?}


          I don’t think I have to explain this deeply – we all know that the 50’s & early 60’s when I began my move to adulthood were frightening times for women.  Everywhere you turned, a man was in control, I mean everywhere.  With the feminist movement things improved & now we’re moving into Matriarchy in leaps & bounds.  My first revelation from God was 1971,


          “Satan rules the world, & he works through men.”


          This disclosure from the Divine predicted my life’s work – Resisting the devil & all his tenets & temptations, his put downs & hatreds – & empowering women.  You can see how God had to arm me for battle with this foe.  The armaments were those described by Paul – the Shield of Faith, the Sword of the Spirit, the Helmet of Salvation, the Breastplate of Righteousness, Girdle of Truth, Sandals of Peace.  More on that:


 Ephesians 6:10–18


For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.


Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

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          And so I demonstrate in this book that I was armored for battle, Our Lord’s battle, Holy Mother’s battle, against the forces of evil, most of which are enmeshed in Patriarchy, & I was given the education, then the suffering to toughen me up.  I could not be a tenderfoot or a wilting flower, I had to have this armor spoken of, & when I entered the adult trade, I needed it.  When I became the Progenitor of Female Body Building I needed it.  When I was the Stripper for God I needed it.  All these projects required faith & what kind of faith?  Not in myself, for the flesh is weak, had I relied in personal self I would have cracked.  No, I had little self esteem as a person or woman, no delusions of grandeur.  But I had total & complete faith, hope; trust & confidence in God, always had & always will have.


Battles I WonFemale BodyBuilding


          Is life a battle?  It certainly is, from time to time.  Just surviving can be a battle; then again, presenting new ideas to the world, representing them so the world improves can be daunting.


          Here is one thing my tough training prepared me to do:  Female bodybuilding.  I was finally given the award, ‘Progenitor of Modern Competitive Female Body Building’ by the World Body Building Guild in Feb, 2007.


          I explained in my book ‘The Origin & Decline of Female BodyBuilding’ is that it wasn’t about bench presses; it was about women’s rights.  On stage men were honored & paid, women were degraded as a ‘side show’, no money, no honor – same ole’ sex symbol stuff.


          My job was to bring forth the idea that women could be serious weight lifters, & they had a right to get muscular & still be respected, not laughed at.  They were not dykes or weirdos if they got muscular; they had muscles just as men did, why not develop them?  It was a taboo to develop our muscles; we were forced to be ‘feminine.’


          I will channel Mother God.  Mother, explain the challenge I was facing – in the beginning I was all alone, it was before Lisa Lyon, who was second {will explain some important dynamics here later}.  Explain in your words what the hardship was to present this idea of women lifting weights.


          MOTHER GOD:   You were storming a bastion of male supremacy; it was one of the enclaves where they reigned supreme.  Yes, men are bigger & have more testosterone by nature, they used this as part of their proof that men should dominate, as if physical strength determines who should lead, because might makes right.

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          It was a dangerous thing to challenge this assumption.  Men were scared, threatened, by the thought of women getting physically POWERFUL.  Everyone respects power – If they were bigger, stronger, had permission to work on this & increase it by any means, such as steroids, well & good.  They were in command.


          You were saying ‘society should permit women a level playing field.  They have muscles as do men, why can’t they develop them to the max?’  So you were frightening men, & they fought back with ridicule, laughter & lies.  At times it was uncomfortable; to break down any taboo or stereotype is a hard job – but you did it.


          ME:   And so, by doing this, presenting the idea to the national media, what exactly was accomplished?


          MOTHER GOD:   You empowered women & disempowered men.  Once they leveled the playing field & at least to some degree gave women as much leverage as men {not completely, several times they tested women for steroids but not men} women body builders shocked the world.  With enough steroids, they could be as muscular as the guys!  No one anticipated this, but we saw it with our own eyes.


          There were repercussions globally – it began a trend for women to become ‘macha’ or play the role of a tough cookie, not all became aggressive like pit bulls, some moved toward assertiveness, but being ‘feminine’ was no longer MANDATORY.  It opened the door for women NOT to be dominated by men. 


          You were accused of various things, such as wanting women to be lesbians & hating men.


 One of their arguments:  The males attacked you on the steroid issue.  They said ‘Hey, testosterone is a male hormone.  Why should women take it?’  You answered that if men had so much testosterone, why were they taking more?  And you pointed out that women also have testosterone, just not as much.  And so, if it’s OK for men to take steroids, it’s ok for the women.


Basically you invaded a male stronghold & broke down the door.  After this opened up, you weren’t needed.  It only takes ONE leader for the rest to follow, they imitate, the movement starts, it changes the entire world.


          When you did the Tom Snyder Show with Lisa Lyon in 1980, you told her about your 1975 Esquire article – the first article on female body building in a national publication.  She was startled & said, ‘That was you?’  This was proof she got the idea from you, the first.  And yes, she did a lot of promotion backed up by Arnold Schwarzenegger & Joe Weider.


  The Book: The Origin and Decline of Female BodyBuilding 

Kellie Everts brought forth Female Bodybuilding by taking the idea to the mainstream media, where it entered into our culture permanently; women will never be the same. Kellie Everts was honored in 2007 as The Progenitor of Female Body Building, the one who got Modern Competitive Female BodyBuilding started, by the World Body Building Guild.


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          ME:   Mother God, shall we mention my ‘battle’ with Arnold, how he tried to steal my thunder by promoting Lisa Lyon as he had a grudge against me?  And do you agree that his treatment of her was at least in part revenge against me, or am I being paranoid?


          MOTHER GOD:   Indeed, he was your adversary.  You were attracted to his best friend, Franco Columbo & were flirting with him.  Arnold came up to you demanding attention & lured you backstage where some hanky panky occurred.  But you weren’t infatuated with Arnold, you liked Franco, so you cuckolded Arnold with Franco.


          This got under his craw, & other things happened where you were lifted up or praised in the media, while he was being put down or ridiculed, & instead of hating them who did it, he, already hostile toward you, took it out on you.


          He did many things later on that were really big for Lisa – he got her a book by a famous author, he took amazing images of him & Lisa cavorting, with the help of Joe Weider, the notable image on Lisa’s back appeared in her book, ‘Body Magic.’


          He didn’t do it just for love, yes, they had an affair he said, but part of it was revenge.  At this point it was time for support & recognition, he used all his power, together with Joe Weider, to award her & deprive you.  At the time it was hurtful – you were swept under the rug by these powerful men, she was held up on a pedestal, it wasn’t about truth or fairness, it was politics.


          We aren’t going to belabor all the details now as you aren’t in the mood.  Suffice to say, in the end, you prospered & prevailed.  All the forces these big men put out for her, while ignoring you, were meant to make you diminish in the eyes of the world & her to be recognized as the number one – except it didn’t work.


          Over the years you did leave body building because you had done your work, what had to be done, it had changed the world.  But one day in 2006 you began to write accounts of your claims to body building recognition.  You gave proof of what you did, all the dates & times, on your ‘Kellie Everts’ website.  No one could refute, after reading that, that you were the first – the facts were there.


          Because of your accounts, the WBBG gave you the award & recognition for getting modern competitive female body building started – they did not give the award to Lisa.  Joe Weider & his International Federation of Body Building awarded her for doing great publicity, but that was not the same – only one woman was recognized as Progenitor – & that was you.

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          It took a lot of perseverance for you to stand up to the likes of Arnold & Joe.  You suspect that someone from their camp kept taking off information from your Wikipedia page, where credit was being given you as the first – but after you got the award – they could not deny the award & there it stayed.  So you stopped Arnold & his friend Joe from DEPRIVING YOU OF THE CREDIT DUE YOU.  That was another project requiring strength.


          ME:   OK, Mother God.  I’m beginning to see where hard training at home, deprivation, being ignored, being despised, made me not only stronger but also more ambitious, so being abused made me able to take more abuse – the world sure does meet it out – & I had ambition to prove myself.  We might talk on this more in the future, right now, I’m OD’d on it.  Thanks.


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College of God & Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized




3-5-21–Lover Big Move–Me Anti Sex



I’m in a building, in a room. There’s a man over me as I’m sitting on the edge of a bed. He wants to have sex – I don’t. He’s wearing a stiff twill cloth covering, like a short cloak, charcoal grey. I look away from him at a couple to my right, who’s going to have sex.

*(HE WANTS SEX – I DON’T: This answers a question I posed to God yesterday, ‘If I don’t want to have sex, what’s the point of having the ex Lover eventually live with me?

The first image shows MY REJECTION OF HIM THE LAST 2 YEARS. His wearing a CHARCOAL GREY STIFF COVERING is a symbol of TERMINATION, ENDING or DEATH, the cloth being hard, stiff, is this is not a SOFT SITUATION but you might say TOUGH LOVE or a HARD PLACE.

Then I LOOK TO MY RIGHT projects the FUTURE of LOVER & MYSELF.)*

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They’re also on the edge of the bed oblivious to us. He’s younger, she’s older. I don’t see him clearly but she seems to be wearing blue denim & reminds me of my long ago female minister, short & overweight, with dark curly short hair. There seems to be this SILVER SQUARE PILLOW they are using somehow. I say something to the effect of ‘how disgusting’ like sex is disgusting.


When I was with this minister lady long ago, she was the DOMINANT PERSON. I obeyed her & paid her, looked up to her for years. Upon her death she passed me her Mantle or Anointing.

This scene answers the question how my REVERSE ON SEX puts me in the DOMINANT POSITION & will result in my being with this spiritual husband PERMANENTLY. {Silver between us. Silver is 25 years, I will not live that long.}

As long as I give in to the sex, he gets what he wants, I don’t get a relationship. But when I no longer desire sex, the shoe’s on the other foot – if he wants to continue with me he has to leave the female he’s with & be with me in a legitimate fashion.

The fact that I’m now the GURU-MINISTER from the old days is I LOOKED UP TO HER – He will LOOK UP TO ME. I PAID HER – he’ll pay me not in money, as he has none, but in love or a permanent relationship – what he can GIVE OF VALUE.)*

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Then I’m somewhere with two men – my good husband Richard & evil ex boyfriend KaHell. They are both helping me move. It’s a huge truck they must fill with everything in the house, & then, they must soon remove it all from this huge truck again.

*(GOOD HUSBAND RICHARD & EVIL GUY KAHELL: These are the TWO SIDES of my ex lover. He will be my GOOD HUSBAND but he still has the DARK SIDE or EVIL part of him.)*

I hear someone say,
“Hurry up, it must be filled by 10 PM, & then all of it emptied & brought back {to where, the house?} as soon as it’s filled.”

*(MOVE EVERYTHING BY 10 PM, THEN MUST ALL BE MOVED BACK AGAIN: This shows two moves, & the ex-lover must do it. But I can’t get what it means, need Mother God’s help.

Mother God: You see HIM moving but it is YOUR STUFF. He is WORKING FOR YOU or doing AS YOU SAY. Two moves could be he has to move out of his present house & he has to do the work to move you out of your apartment. The business of UTILITY STUFF might mean he can help you on this property. This is hard to figure & you might need time for the answers.)*

I’m not helping, just sitting. A big lady in dark clothes is near me & asks me why I’m not working. I tell her,

“I’d like to work, but I can’t. I have a dislocated hip & have had 5 heart attacks.” And significantly I add,



*(NOT WORKING BUT PAYING: This is another level of LEVERAGE you have. He wants sex with you – you refuse, so you hold power there. He will NEED SUPPORT in the future, you can PAY FOR THAT so that is the second leverage. You ‘DON’T HAVE TO WORK’ is saying the onus is on him to do the effort or the chasing, you don’t have to any more.)*

I see the two men carrying things. Inside the truck was everything you can imagine, including smallish black shiny tires on some sort of vehicle or cart? See things made of metal painted with red or orange lacquer. It looks like many things of utility or work are here rather than the usual house furniture. The thing I see most clearly is large open paper bags with dozens of rolls of toilet paper.

*(DOZENS OF ROLLS OF TOILET PAPER they carry: This is like the statement, ‘You need someone some day to WIPE YOUR ASS.’ Wiping the ass means helping you in time of need, such as if you’re ill, they take care of you. You need work done around the house, they do it. They’ll be there for you. This says he’ll be there when you need him.)*

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While ‘they’ were working KaHell said to me, the images of me looked best When N__ K took them. I ponder about how I look. I tell him,

“When I put all my makeup on & fix myself up, I look beautiful.”
But right now I don’t want to bother, I’m plain, without any fixing up & it doesn’t seem to matter.

*(DOESN’T SEEM TO MATTER HOW I LOOK, DON’T WORRY ABOUT ALL THE MAKEUP & ARTIFICIAL FINERY: This is saying that when the woman is dominant & has the POWER her looks are not important. She gets what she wants no matter how she looks. The men in Patriarchy can be less attractive than the women they get, because they have what the women want. So it’ll be that way with you & him. The person who is submissive or needs something from the dominant has to excel in looks.)*


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An Article on Untouchables

India’s “Untouchables” Face Violence, Discrimination


from Rasa Von Werder: There is a parallel between the ‘Untouchables’ of India & the various versions of the poor in the Western World. It is Patriarchy that creates the ‘lower classes,’ the downtrodden, poorest of the poor, those who take the most menial & dirty jobs, those who walk the streets selling adult therapy, – the people who are looked down upon, hated, sneered at, laughed at & USED by those of a ‘higher standing.’

To put a person in a position like that means exactly what I said – that they can be USED. Used for what? Whatever the privileged desire. Sometimes scapegoats, sometimes cheap labor, sometimes therapy, always cheaper than they can get elsewhere.

The Patriarchy wants subjects for EXPLOITATION.

In Matriarchy there was no such class. The poorest lived similar to the Leaders or Queens. It was a social order of LOVE. When women rule the family & the world, people are equal, everyone deserves the same chance. It’s not a dog-eat dog or rat race world, it’s a world of Mothers & children, all people, animals & nature are the children of woman, women see themselves as stewards, not as slave masters. Women do not in general look for others to enslave, use up, exploit, they are not in COMPETITION but in COOPERATION with others. Women never created violence & wars {except in cases of Patriarchy where they had to defend themselves.}

Please understand the untouchables to be a PATRIARCHAL PHENOMENA manifested in all cultures by men to use up & exploit other creatures………{end Rasa comment}


More than 160 million people in India are considered “Untouchable”—people tainted by their birth into a caste system that deems them impure, less than human.




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More than 160 million people in India are considered “Untouchable”—people tainted by their birth into a caste system that deems them impure, less than human.

Human rights abuses against these people, known as Dalits, are legion. A random sampling of headlines in mainstream Indian newspapers tells their story: “Dalit boy beaten to death for plucking flowers”; “Dalit tortured by cops for three days”; “Dalit ‘witch’ paraded naked in Bihar”; “Dalit killed in lock-up at Kurnool”; “7 Dalits burnt alive in caste clash”; “5 Dalits lynched in Haryana”; “Dalit woman gang-raped, paraded naked”; “Police egged on mob to lynch Dalits”.

“Dalits are not allowed to drink from the same wells, attend the same temples, wear shoes in the presence of an upper caste, or drink from the same cups in tea stalls,” said Smita Narula, a senior researcher with Human Rights Watch, and author of Broken People: Caste Violence Against India’s “Untouchables.” Human Rights Watch is a worldwide activist organization based in New York.

India’s Untouchables are relegated to the lowest jobs, and live in constant fear of being publicly humiliated, paraded naked, beaten, and raped with impunity by upper-caste Hindus seeking to keep them in their place. Merely walking through an upper-caste neighborhood is a life-threatening offense.

Nearly 90 percent of all the poor Indians and 95 percent of all the illiterate Indians are Dalits, according to figures presented at the International Dalit Conference that took place May 16 to 18 in Vancouver, Canada.

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Crime Against Dalits

Statistics compiled by India’s National Crime Records Bureau indicate that in the year 2000, the last year for which figures are available, 25,455 crimes were committed against Dalits. Every hour two Dalits are assaulted; every day three Dalit women are raped, two Dalits are murdered, and two Dalit homes are torched.

No one believes these numbers are anywhere close to the reality of crimes committed against Dalits. Because the police, village councils, and government officials often support the caste system, which is based on the religious teachings of Hinduism, many crimes go unreported due to fear of reprisal, intimidation by police, inability to pay bribes demanded by police, or simply the knowledge that the police will do nothing.

“There have been large-scale abuses by the police, acting in collusion with upper castes, including raids, beatings in custody, failure to charge offenders or investigate reported crimes,” said Narula.

That same year, 68,160 complaints were filed against the police for activities ranging from murder, torture, and collusion in acts of atrocity, to refusal to file a complaint. Sixty two percent of the cases were dismissed as unsubstantiated; 26 police officers were convicted in court.

Despite the fact that untouchability was officially banned when India adopted its constitution in 1950, discrimination against Dalits remained so pervasive that in 1989 the government passed legislation known as The Prevention of Atrocities Act. The act specifically made it illegal to parade people naked through the streets, force them to eat feces, take away their land, foul their water, interfere with their right to vote, and burn down their homes.

Since then, the violence has escalated, largely as a result of the emergence of a grassroots human rights movement among Dalits to demand their rights and resist the dictates of untouchability, said Narula.

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Lack of Enforcement, Not Laws


Enforcement of laws designed to protect Dalits is lax if not non-existent in many regions of India. The practice of untouchability is strongest in rural areas, where 80 percent of the country’s population resides. There, the underlying religious principles of Hinduism dominate.

Hindus believe a person is born into one of four castes based on karma and “purity”—how he or she lived their past lives. Those born as Brahmans are priests and teachers; Kshatriyas are rulers and soldiers; Vaisyas are merchants and traders; and Sudras are laborers. Within the four castes, there are thousands of sub-castes, defined by profession, region, dialect, and other factors.

Untouchables are literally outcastes; a fifth group that is so unworthy it doesn’t fall within the caste system.

Although based on religious principles practiced for some 1,500 years, the system persists today for economic as much as religious reasons.

Because they are considered impure from birth, Untouchables perform jobs that are traditionally considered “unclean” or exceedingly menial, and for very little pay. One million Dalits work as manual scavengers, cleaning latrines and sewers by hand and clearing away dead animals. Millions more are agricultural workers trapped in an inescapable cycle of extreme poverty, illiteracy, and oppression.

Although illegal, 40 million people in India, most of them Dalits, are bonded workers, many working to pay off debts that were incurred generations ago, according to a report by Human Rights Watch published in 1999. These people, 15 million of whom are children, work under slave-like conditions hauling rocks, or working in fields or factories for less than U.S. $1 day.

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Crimes Against Women


Dalit women are particularly hard hit. They are frequently raped or beaten as a means of reprisal against male relatives who are thought to have committed some act worthy of upper-caste vengeance. They are also subject to arrest if they have male relatives hiding from the authorities.

A case reported in 1999 illustrates the toxic mix of gender and caste.

A 42-year-old Dalit woman was gang-raped and then burnt alive after she, her husband, and two sons had been held in captivity and tortured for eight days. Her crime? Another son had eloped with the daughter of the higher-caste family doing the torturing. The local police knew the Dalit family was being held, but did nothing because of the higher-caste family’s local influence.

There is very little recourse available to victims.

A report released by Amnesty International in 2001 found an “extremely high” number of sexual assaults on Dalit women, frequently perpetrated by landlords, upper-caste villagers, and police officers. The study estimates that only about 5 percent of attacks are registered, and that police officers dismissed at least 30 percent of rape complaints as false.

The study also found that the police routinely demand bribes, intimidate witnesses, cover up evidence, and beat up the women’s husbands. Little or nothing is done to prevent attacks on rape victims by gangs of upper-caste villagers seeking to prevent a case from being pursued. Sometimes the policemen even join in, the study suggests. Rape victims have also been murdered. Such crimes often go unpunished.

Thousands of pre-teen Dalit girls are forced into prostitution under cover of a religious practice known as devadasis, which means “female servant of god.” The girls are dedicated or “married” to a deity or a temple. Once dedicated, they are unable to marry, forced to have sex with upper-caste community members, and eventually sold to an urban brothel.

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Resistance and Progress


Within India, grassroots efforts to change are emerging, despite retaliation and intimidation by local officials and upper-caste villagers. In some states, caste conflict has escalated to caste warfare, and militia-like vigilante groups have conducted raids on villages, burning homes, raping, and massacring the people. These raids are sometimes conducted with the tacit approval of the police.

In the province Bihar, local Dalits are retaliating, committing atrocities also. Non-aligned Dalits are frequently caught in the middle, victims of both groups.

“There is a growing grassroots movement of activists, trade unions, and other NGOs that are organizing to democratically and peacefully demand their rights, higher wages, and more equitable land distribution,” said Narula. “There has been progress in terms of building a human rights movement within India, and in drawing international attention to the issue.”

In August 2002, the UN Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (UN CERD) approved a resolution condemning caste or descent-based discrimination.

“But at the national level, very little is being done to implement or enforce the laws,” said Narula……………………………………

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Disclaimer:  In Lithuania my Dad’s income was probably above average, his status as a Professor & Founder of  the first State Teacher’s College in Lithuania was ‘elite.’  But arriving in America as immigrants, not speaking the language, was a rough road.  He did the same work he did before but as a volunteer.  Money wise he could only get the lowest jobs for lack of language  & age.  I think he was born in 1906, so arriving in America he was 43 but within ten years 53, so at 53 he was considered ‘over the hill.’  He showed me beautiful work he had done as a draftsman, applying to the city for a job in that field, but they turned him down.  In Newark he worked for a Lithuanian food manufacturer but mostly in this hat factory, which he told me was hard.  Later, moving to Brooklyn, New York, he worked as a custodian or janitor for a while before he got his final  job in the U.S. Post Office  {when someone addressed a letter with a destination that was so obscure no one knew what it was they came to him, & he knew.} In the end he retired with the Post Office pension & spent his last years in Spain – with his Puerto Rican wife in a Polish community {he spoke Polish fluently.} 

When Mom deserted him with Marius he continued to help us right up to the time they expelled me from school {to be explained elsewhere} & I had to move in with Dad to finish school.  He then told Mom he would no longer pay the mortgage {$160. a month money then, today is worth $$1,414.}  He let her know when I was on the bus on my way to New York – she flagged down the bus, haha, got on & told the driver to make me get off for family business – the driver said go talk to me – she did & I refused to get off.  {I had no idea she’d try to make me stay for money because she told everyone Dad contributed nothing.}  I will get into some of these ‘asides’ later, just wanted to make a point that Dad was below average in wages. 

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Were I not writing this book, I would never have thought of this – the reason why Mom hated Dad so much.  I could never figure it out, exactly.  I thought it was this or that, like she was tired of him or lost interest, but the hate was so strong nothing made sense.  But now I think I hit the nail on the head – it was money.  And for this reason, the fact that Dad stinted the family out of money, he was also partially responsible for my abuse.  We covered this already but I want to get more into it.  I figured out a way to know how much he cheated us of.

So here goes:  Dad was relatively poor  {he worked in a hat factory at night when we lived on Delancey St. & Van Buren St.} but we always lived decently – we were never hard up for food.  Marius equivalent of $240 a month I’m sure helped – it was when we lived in what to me seemed a ‘posh’ apartment on Van Buren St., next to the public library, in Newark.  This was on the third floor & it had at least 3 bedrooms because I know Marius had his room on the far end, my parents had a room next to that, I had a room that looked right into the child section of the library – they had a huge picture window – {my love of books started there & then, I was 7} which makes 3 bedrooms but where did my brother sleep?  Were there four bedrooms or did he sleep on the living room couch?  

The living room to me was gorgeous & reminded me of the mansion in Waccabuc, because it had a round wall, covered with multi windows.  We even had a parrot in a cage on a pedestal.

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The place had a space on the stairwell of the apt where Mom kept an airtight pantry for food – stuff that should be cold or cool, but there wasn’t enough room in the fridge.  This applied to holidays especially Christmas, as Mom would cook enough {special} food for a week.  I remember that stairwell smelling so great & feeling we were privileged to have it.  I think there was no 4th floor so it was private, just for us.   OK now that I told you all this let me get to the point.

I figure in today’s wages, 2021 minimum wage in most of New York is $12.50 an hour so the wage a week is $500.  Let’s say Dad earned that.  I channeled {mind read} where he told me he could have given TWICE or more what he gave, than what he did.  Then what did he give, what could he have given I asked, & what I got was that he gave – {when we were at the farm, Mom with Marius)  $20. a week or $80. a month when he could have, should have given $40. – 50. a week. 

In today’s money he gave us $194. a week or $776. a month.  That’s for a family of Mom with 4 kids, never mind the boyfriend who we don’t count.  The fourth child was in dispute, so I don’t know how she was factored, legally his however.  OK  now on a minimum wage job he earns in now money $2K a month, so he would have had 1,224. left over FOR HIMSELF.

Look at the disparity: $776. for 5 people {his family} vs $1,224. for ONE PERSON.

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Mom WAS NOT WORKING, but she worked all day doing the ‘homesteading’ – growing food, trying to sell it {didn’t work!}, canning & preserving the food for winter.

Now what were Dad’s expenses.  I know of one because he told me what his rent was.  He lived with a Lithuanian roommate, {I remember him well, good guy, smoked a pipe, listened to shortwave radio a lot trying to get Lithuania!}  It was a two bedroom apt. going for – get this – $30. a month.  Dad paid for half & so he spent $15. a month on rent, not sure how much electric, gas & such cost, but it was not much on an apt. in Williamsburg, B’klyn, on South 2nd St.   Take out $15. for rent – HIS BIGGEST BILL – out of $1,224.  & you have $1,209. for himself for other bills & food.  He did not nor did he ever drive or have a car.

Now you see where in channeling I got from him that he could have sent us a lot more?  OK if he had sent us $40. a month or equivalent of $1,552. he would only have had the equivalent of $328. for himself.  But let’s go halfway, say instead of the bottom line, 20 a month or the top line 40-50 we go with $30. a month.  That would be today $1,167. a month.  That would leave him $833.

Try it from another angle.  You have a family of 6 people, the salary is $2,000.  Each person gets $333. a month.  So now you see how $833. a month for Dad alone should suffice more than enough, whereas we got cheated – if we are STILL HIS FAMILY WHICH WE WERE.  OK, she ‘did him dirty’ in a sense, but we are still his children, the man she is with makes very little money – minimum wage or less – you cannot expect this man to take care of your children, can you?  Because he can’t.  Maybe if he could he would, but he’s also working at one time two jobs plus the homestead, & we’re still in poverty.  THAT’S I NOW SEE THE MAIN REASON MOM HATED MY DAD & BECAUSE I ADORED HIM, THEREFORE HATED ME & USED ME AS HER WHIPPING POST.  She wanted to destroy HIM so I was marked for death.  Let me ask Dad:

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ME:   Dad, do you now see how you were partially responsible for the abuse I suffered?  Why could you not anticipate this?  Why did you not interview me as to why I wanted to kill myself {which I told you again & again.}

DAD:    Could have, should have – I sinned.  I already explained this.  About the money, about why I did not ask you any details, I even used you as a spy, which added to her hate.  I am now in Heaven & I can only say I gave you my brains, my honor, my study habits, my example.  I brought you to the Catholic Church, I gave you a good education with the Lithuanian School, the Catechism, the love of books.  I failed you in some major ways but please remember the good I did.  When we were together, you a child, I was warm, kind, supportive to you.  You learned what love was from me.

ME:   What about when we lived together in B’klyn?  You were not warm, supportive & kind to me then.  You hurt me several times.  Once you had the Lithuanian guys stay overnight with us – you did not even introduce me to them like you were ashamed of me, you did not even tell me they would be staying there.  I was so embarrassed.  Why did you do that?

DAD:   I admit I was not warm & kind as I should have been.  I felt put upon.  I felt sorry for myself.  I was still grieving about your Mom deserting me.  You reminded me of my grief.  And that incident I was mad at you for something but can’t recall what or else I can recall but you can’t pick it up.  Something to do with Lithuanians & their culture, I felt you weren’t respectful enough to it.

ME:   That would have been the time you could have found out about the abuse – I was now with you.  Didn’t you care what had happened to me?  I was a broken child, disheartened, demoralized, couldn’t you see it?  All you cared about was yourself?  Of course, my Lithuanian language was limited, I would not have been able to explain myself to you in proper terms, even if I understood myself what exactly had happened – which I didn’t, I just knew I was persecuted & hurt.

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DAD:   I was out of my element.  I did not know psychology or advanced child care or care giving.  I knew history, I knew mathematics, I new school subjects.  I knew how to teach, speak.  I had my abilities & defects.  Dealing with you I was defected, I did not cope.  You were mostly on your own, & you went on your own, did what you had to do, you had a destiny like no one else had in our family.  You met your destiny.  You needed terrible lessons, your Guru was pain.  You suffered on the Cross, you died, you rose again & met your fate.  Look how God chose you to give the message of Fatima in front of the White House.  It changed the destiny of mankind.  Because of you Gorbachev was elected with Perestroika.  Reagan was elected because of that speech.  And most of all, the half Lithuanian, half Polish Pope from behind the Iron Curtain.  All this led to the fall of Communism including in our country Lithuania, the end of the Cold War, & the threat of nuclear annihilation in a World War III scenario.  You were destined for this.  You were prepared by education &  pain.  You heard me speak again & again to our community about how we must be free of Communism.  You heard about Fatima from the Church, you suffered pain that made you strong.  All this had to happen for you to be chosen.

ME:   You present a compelling argument against my complaints & in your favor.  You reminded me of the big picture.  Yes, I had to suffer, yes I had to have psychological death take me down, yes, I had to rise again – And that many times, over & over I died this way, that way, rising again to do the things God made me do, & still doing them.  Thanks for showing me Dad, your abandonment & neglect of me now doesn’t seem bad, like it was meant to be.  I should thank you, haha.

to be continued

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Government was never designed to protect public health. It was formed to protect the rights  of the people and to punish those who do evil. Sadly, for the most part, that is out the window and government has its fingers in every pie it can get them in. With the new push and propaganda to persuade the American people to go along with the CONvid-1984 vaccines, it’s wise to take a stroll down memory lane and understand that government has endangered the public health and doesn’t deserve our trust.

THEY MADE ALCOHOL ILLEGAL, CREATING AN UNDERGROUND INDUSTRY WORSE THAN LEGAL ALCOHOL (Ditto with the drug situation today, making it illegal creates huge industry & a huge prison system for the poor)


That’s right, rather than come to the logical conclusion that people should be allowed to decide what’s best for them, the federal government decided in an ill-fated attempt to enforce compliance of state-mandated moral guidelines to “save people from themselves”, to contaminate millions of barrels of alcohol with poison to dissuade people from drinking it.


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This seems outlandish but it is indeed a well-documented historical fact that, as pointed out in a previous article from TFTP, has been entirely scrubbed from the history books. The reason for this historical purge is quite clear when one reads into the consequences of this repulsive policy. As it has been estimated that due to this state-sponsored poisoning campaign, over 10,000 Americans lost their lives as a direct result from being murdered by their government for the “crime” of consuming alcohol.

Just this one instance alone, arguably the most repugnant atrocity the United States government has ever perpetuated on its own citizenry, should be enough for people to realize they should never blindly believe that the bureaucracy is a benevolent figure acting on behalf of their well-being. Unfortunately though, as we will see this is only one of several examples of the predator class purposefully endangering the health of the public that they had been trusted to protect.


Our next example is somewhat better known, yet just as egregious. A project known as the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment. The Tuskegee program ran from 1932 to 1972, conducted out of Tuskegee University in Alabama by the United States Public Health Service & the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

The aim of the program was to observe the natural progression of syphilis in African American men, and while entirely unethical was also deeply rooted in the racist ideologies of the pre-civil rights era. Specifically targeting poor and disenfranchised black communities of Macon County, Alabama as unknowing & unconsenting test subjects.

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The individuals were coerced into the program after being told they were being treated for having “bad blood”, and promised free medical care. Over 600 men were involved in the study, more than half of which had syphilis yet remained undiagnosed despite treatments such as penicillin already being readily available at the time. They were instead treated with placebos.

For 40 years the PHS and CDC intentionally withheld medical care during this program and allowed this disease to ravage people and communities with zero regard for public safety or basic moral standards. And as a result, as one study noted, has had a long-standing and negative psychological impact on American black communities.


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The Tuskegee Study abused public trust, and left many infected men to die and led to the infection of several others including wives and children who could have been saved from contracting the debilitating disease. All under the observation of supposedly trusted public health authorities.


Dishearteningly, however, this is not an isolated incident. As bad as these repugnant practices from the CDC are, they are not the only agency to engage in them. Since the end of the second world war ushered in the age of the military-industrial-complex, and the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency, they too have conducted illegal and unethical experimentations against unconsenting American citizens.

Official documents declassified over the decades exemplify that these projects are innumerable, and a total disregard for public health and safety is government standard practice, despite their cover-up and assertion to the contrary.

A few pertinent examples include —


Operation Sea Spray, a biological warfare experiment carried out by the United States Navy in the San Francisco Bay area in 1950. The Navy released clouds contaminated with the bacteria serratia marcescens & bacillus globigii into a city of 775,000 inhabitants. The aim of the operation was to track the dispersal of biological agents in a major metropolitan area, as initially the Navy believed the bacteria was not harmful to humans. That all changed a week after the initial release however, when residents began flooding hospitals suffering from unknown adverse reactions ranging from the minor to severe. At least one man is officially known to have died. And it has been noted the program likely permanently altered the microbial ecology of the area.


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Operation Large Area Coverage was a mass biological attack simulation carried out by the United States Army Chemical Corps from 1957 to 1958. Throughout the American Midwest from the Gulf of Mexico into Canada, it covered thousands of square miles. The goal of the experiment was to test dispersal patterns of biological agents and involved releasing compounds known to be radioactive and carcinogenic, primarily zinc cadmium sulfide among other harmful bacteria. Tens of thousands of Americans were unknowingly exposed to these compounds. Two cities where these tests were concentrated – St Louis, Missouri and Corpus Christi, Texas – received such heavy plumes of the contaminated aerosols they created an artificial overcast over the cities. To which point military officials deceptively informed the localities that they were merely conducting smokescreen tests. To this day St. Louis residents suffer from adverse health effects allegedly attributed to the experiments they were subjected to, ranging from respiratory illnesses to cancer.

Project MK ULTRA.

This may very well be the most notorious of anything mentioned in this article. Almost anyone may have likely heard of MK Ultra at one point or another. Though it is unlikely that many have done the extensive research necessary to fully grasp the treachery of this infamous operation. Documentation about MK Ultra and its numerous sub-projects is scarce, due to several documents pertaining to it having been ordered destroyed by Director of Central Intelligence Richard Helms under the Nixon Administration. However those that do remain still paint quite grim picture. There were various sub-programs associated with the project that spanned the course of nearly two decades. Some the names being MK Naomi, MK Often, MK Search, MK Delta, and Artichoke, just to name a few. The operations had various goals and aims ranging from behavioral modification, to psychological manipulation, to the development of biological and chemical weapons and much much more. Through their duration the CIA relied heavily on both willing and unwilling participants who were subjected to various methodologies including but not limited to; psychological abuse, electroshock, physical torture, and being subjected to mind altering drugs. At least one death can be attributed to the program, Dr. Frank Olson, who committed suicide by jumping through the window of a high-rise building while on a CIA induced overdose of LSD.


All of the known officially released documents pertaining to MK Ultra and it’s sub programs have been obtained and painstakingly catalogued by the hard work of researcher John Greenwald on his website The Black Vault.

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While one may look to these examples and believe them to be few and far between, in reality that is the farthest thing from the truth. In 1977 an investigation published in the Washington Post confirmed the Military had conducted 239 secret open air germ warfare tests just between 1949 & 1969. These included releasing bacteria in Washington bus terminals and airports, the Pennsylvania Turnpike, and the New York subway system. This is known to be one of the most egregious among them given the sheer volume of people exposed.


The illegality of these experiments is quite clear, as they completely violate the stipulations of the Nuremberg Code, requiring voluntary informed consent for all research participants.


Some others among these tests worthy of mention are Operation Dew I & Dew II, which were similar to Large Area Coverage in that they released large quantities of zinc cadmium sulfide over several states in the southeastern United States; Operation Big Itch, an entomological warfare experiment utilizing weaponized ticks that is suspected to have contributed to the spread of Lyme disease; Operation May Day, Operation Drop Kick, Operation Big Buzz, & Operation Bellwether, all of which were experiments to determine the potentiality to disseminate biological agents via the release of mosquitoes.

Some Army documents claim the released insects were uninfected. However the Army’s long history of research into yellow fever and dengue fever, as well as the subsequent outbreaks of the viruses in the same public areas used as testing grounds has led some researchers to theorize these programs contributed to the spread of these diseases throughout the United States.


*****hundreds of military personnel and their families had contracted infections from the pathogens intentionally released on US military installations*****

This suspicion can be plausibly corroborated in that same article from The Post, when then Senator and future Secretary of Health and Human Services, Richard Schweiker (R-Pa.), testified at a Senate subcommittee hearing saying — “It is very risky indeed to assume that any living organism, reduced to germ warfare size and released in a populated area, is ever safe.”. That same report also confirmed that hundreds of military personnel and their families had contracted infections from the pathogens intentionally released on US military installations.

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Undoubtedly, the reader may look at these numerous examples and say to oneself “but most of these happened in the 60s and 70s. They certainly couldn’t still be endangering the public on such a scale now”. But this is not the case either. As noted in a previous TFTP article, a recent study from 2018 found that these dismal practices are indeed being allowed to continue. —

“While the idea that the U.S. government would willingly poison its own citizens may seem shocking to some, it is not unprecedented. Earlier this year, a study found that the


Pentagon has contaminated more than 40,000 sites across the United States, exposing hundreds of thousands of Americans to dangerous chemicals.

The investigation, which was conducted by ProPublica and Vox, revealed that by testing and disposing of deadly chemical weapons in the United States, the Pentagon has “poisoned drinking water supplies, rendered millions of acres of land unsafe or unusable, and jeopardized the health of often unwitting Americans.”………………………………………..

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And in another piece, this time from 2017, we covered the story of a small Oklahoma town outraged that the Department of Homeland Security announced they would be conducting chemical spraying operations over the town. In what a DHS press release stated would be to —
“gather data that enhances our predictive capabilities in the event of a biological agent attack”. All too reminiscent of disastrous programs of decades past.

At the previous mention of US service members & families also succumbing to these poisons, it brings me to my next point of transition. Despite the dire circumstances alluded to already, the American public are not the only ones utilized as unknowing guinea pigs or sacrificial lambs for the governments unethical experimentations & criminal negligence. Often times it is their own soldiers that are the first to suffer the consequences………………………….

Many of the previous programs mentioned above did involve some degree of testing on military personnel but there have been several specifically dedicated to it. The first that comes to mind is Project112/ SHAD (Shipboard Hazzard and Defense). From 1962 to 1973 the SHAD project was conducted on the number of US Naval vessels to determine their ability to detect and respond to acts of biological chemical warfare. So, naturally, the United States military actually carried out an act of biological warfare against its own sailors.

In 2000, the Department of Defense became required to begin declassifying the documents of the project. These “tests” consisted of exposing approximately 6000 of their fighting men to numerous pathogens via released aerosol. Including sarin gas, and VX. Two of the most dangerous neurological agents known today. Despite numerous veterans filing complaints about the negative health effects they have suffered since, including some developing cancer, the Department of Veterans Affairs still asserts “there is no clear evidence of specific, long-term health problems associated with participation in Project SHAD”.

Sadly enough, this seems to be a regular pattern. As almost identical instances have occurred over the years, particularly in Vietnam with the usage of Agent Orange. While the DoD was comfortable committing war crimes in the South Pacific, they were also totally okay with exposing their own to the same deadly agents simultaneously.


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Agent Orange was a powerful herbicidal chemical weapon, said to be “one of the deadliest concoctions ever created”, used indiscriminately against combatants and civilians alike in Vietnam. The disastrous effects of this toxin have been suffered by victims and administrators alike, who have not only felt the effects themselves but been witness to entire generations of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren born with the biological effect as well. Birth defects, heart conditions, leukemia, cancer, just to name a few have all plagued those and the descendants of those exposed to this ungodly weapon of mass destruction.


Even more disheartening is the fact that the same scenario is still being played out today in similar fashion. The company contracted to create Agent Orange, Monsanto (arguably one of the most dastardly corporations to ever exist), is still alive and well, still canoodling with government officials to maintain their monopoly, and still poisoning people.


In 2018 TFTP reported the landmark verdict in San Francisco which ruled Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide contained carcinogenic additives. What’s more, internal documents released during the trial proved that Monsanto knew the danger this chemical posed to the public, and covered it up regardless. Furthermore, in the same year the company merged with pharmaceutical giant Bayer AG — which has its own sinister history, including intentionally releasing drugs to the public contaminated with HIV………………………..


Newborn babies were injected with radioactive material, mentally challenged children were fed radioactive oatmeal, both in accordance with an experiment carried out by the




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Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Quaker Oats, and the Atomic Energy Commission. Irradiating the testicles of prisoners causing sterility and cancer; Vanderbilt University and the US Public Health Service dosing pregnant women with radiation without their knowledge; patients given high doses of radiation resulting in violent hemorrhaging, cancer, and premature death conducted by the University of Cincinnati Medical School — are but a few examples of the more than 100 experiments carried out on 9,000 subjects mentioned in this 1995 Los Angeles Times exposé.

Overall a total of 4,000 radiation experiments — conducted on an estimated 20,000 unwitting victims had been carried out during this time period, claims the Alliance for Human Research Protection.

As stomach-churning as these revelations are, one must also keep in mind that those cases are only pertaining to radiation experiments. Those numbers still aren’t counting the various other kinds of tests and or mishaps that have occurred and were subsequently covered up………………………….

Other miscellaneous yet no less relevant instances are equally as abominable. One that comes to mind in particular is the ghastly history of eugenics. In short, Eugenics is a ethnically biased selective breeding pseudoscience that originated in the United Kingdom, and found prominence in the United States in the 20th century.


The American eugenics movement was even referenced during the post World War II Nuremberg trials as having played a role in inspiring practices of the Holocaust. Though it has been largely whitewashed from modern American history books, Eugenics was openly accepted and practiced in America’s medical establishment for over 70 years, starting in 1909.


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Having not only played a role in the segregationist policies of the Jim Crow era, but also resulting in the forced sterilization of tens of thousands of American citizens, mostly lower class women, who were deemed “unfit for breeding”. This was carried out not by some fringe group, but as signed and approved by government legislature, and supposedly trusted public health authorities as an openly accepted common practice of the American medical establishment for the better part of a century.

This short section alone doesn’t nearly due the justice of fully elaborating the terrible scope of this obscene chapter of American history. I genuinely implore the reader to read the previous three cited sources to gain a better comprehension it this ignored portion of our not-so-distant past.


However even more grotesque is the documented fact that these practices have carried over into the modern day in a limited capacity. For years stories have emerged of unapproved sterilizations still taking place, particularly in California women’s correctional facilities. And just earlier this year, a whistleblower came forward from one of Georgia’s immigrant detention facilities alleging that ICE had carried out hundreds illegal hysterectomies against detainees.

To close out this chronicling I would like to include just one last item. In my article prior to this I covered the story of a lawsuit involving the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer suing a man who had claimed to be injured by one of their products. In it, for context I also included quite a bit of history of a number of those entities involved highlighting their history of blatant wrong doing.

For relevancy I would like to shortly expand upon that here, as the history of those kind of activities is not a newly recent one. But in fact stretches back as far as many of these previously mentioned instances. For example, 1955 saw what was known as The Cutter Incident. When in San Francisco a mishap occurred in a laboratory developing the first polio vaccine. As a result tens of thousands of children received a jab contaminated with the live polio virus. 40,000 ultimately contracted the disease, hundreds were left paralyzed, and 10 died. This was a tragedy specifically attributed to human error, that may have possibly been avoided had lab workers scrutinized their colleagues just a little more heavily.


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Despite some increases in oversight, this scenario would repeat itself on two more notable occasions. Between 1955 and 1963 once again polio vaccine development saw a horrible mishap occur. Hundreds of thousands of doses of the vaccine had become contaminated with a virus contracted from research macaques, called Simian Virus 40 (SV40) — known to be a probable carcinogen.


Decontamination procedures were not carried out properly, thusly the shot administered to 98 million Americans still carried the SV40 virus. Despite constant reassurance from the CDC that this was harmless, a 1999 study from the National Institute of Health concluded — “Our analysis indicates increased rates of ependymomas (37%), osteogenic sarcomas (26%), other bone tumors (34%) and mesothelioma (90%) among those in the exposed as compared to the unexposed birth cohort.”


Finally, one must bring attention to the 1976 “fiasco”, as The New York Times puts it. In 1976, the Gerald Ford Administration was led to believe they were on the verge of a swine flu pandemic that would kill millions. However the evidence to substantiate this was scarce to say the least — and ultimately, it never happened. However this didn’t stop Ford and Congress from pushing through a mandate requiring a vaccine be rushed into production. In the end the entire campaign did more harm than good; Economically, with its strain on funds. Civilly, what is blatant disregard for civil liberty. And medically, as hundreds were harmed by the vaccine itself. As Discover magazine explained —

“Due to the urgency of creating new immunizations for a novel virus, the government used an attenuated “live virus” for the vaccine instead of a inactivated or “killed” form, increasing the probability of adverse side effects among susceptible groups of people receiving the vaccination. Furthermore, prominent American scientists and health professionals began questioning the campaign’s large expense and its drain on scarce public health resources.

With President Ford’s reelection campaign looming on the horizon, the campaign increasingly appeared politically motivated. The rationale for mass vaccination seemed to stem from only the barest of biological reasoning — it turned out that the flu wasn’t even related to the virus that caused the grisly 1918 epidemic and, indeed, those who were infected with the flu only suffered from a mild illness while the vaccine, for the reasons stated above, resulted in over four-hundred and fifty people developing the paralyzing Guillain-Barré syndrome.”

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Consequently, the original NY Times article said it best — “The blame for such a result will have to fall on the politicians and bureaucrats who formed policy so hastily early this year, scorning the few voices that expressed skepticism and sought to raise questions about the program.”

As I conclude I wish to state even with as extensive as this article is it should be stressed that these are only a fraction of examples of these programs/ incidents. Admittedly, while writing I had a hard time deciding what to include or exclude due to the sheer volume examples found while researching for this piece.

Doing further in-depth study of these subjects indicate examples of public endangerment and criminal negligence like this number in the thousands and span much of our history. Case and point, even just this May, The Free Thought Project shared an article from The Rutherford Institute that provided examples of several more instances itself — including the military’s race-based testing of mustard gas on troops, & FEMA “inadvertently” exposing 10,000 first responders to the deadly compound ricin.

This report was an exhaustive one. And the track record is a repugnant one, but a clear one. Paired with critical analysis it shows perfectly why one would be very wise to always heavily scrutinize any of these institutions, particularly in times when they are demanding blind faith and unquestioning obedience.

We didn’t find out about the heinous acts committed between the 40s & 60s, until the 70s. And another decade to learn about the atrocities committed then. So on & so forth. And in the present day we are only just now learning about the health hazards subjected to the public in the 2000s. Transparency and accountability are not virtues that we can allow it to fall to the wayside. It begs the question that should be seen as a tale of caution — what are we being exposed to now, that they will neglect to tell us for another 20 years?


A word to the wise my friends, always practice due diligence. Healthy skepticism can be your best friend, and perhaps even save your life.

Amen, and amen! Thanks to Sons of Liberty Media, Tim Brown & his associates



Tim Brown
Tim Brown is an author and Editor at,, and


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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

“The Edge” Movie Review


Movie Review of “The Edge” 1-6-21

starring Sir Anthony Hopkins & Alec Baldwin with Elle MacPherson

“Following a plane crash in Alaska’s wilderness, a wealthy intellectual and the fashion

photographer who covets his wife must rely on each other for survival.”

from Rasa Von Werder



One of the most amazing SuperHero movies, the fantasy of a male writer imagining himself as one. In the beginning you have this average looking BILLIONAIRE who has the most beautiful wife on earth – all he wants to do is READ & gather info – he apparently has a photographic memory as he ‘knows everything’. The hotel owner tries to trick him with a question, but he foils him; knows the secret answer. He’s quiet, shy, not imposing, not aggressive, not anything. I was wondering ‘where is this guys claim to fame, he’s the star.’ It is shown to us that naturally EVERYONE WANTS HIM FOR HIS MONEY, including the hotel owner who presents a ‘proposition’ – he doesn’t get mad, just walks away, he’s virtuous. Remember that word, ‘virtuous’ – it will factor in greatly……

Now Alec Baldwin is a photographer featuring his wife – wow is she stunning – who decides they must find this INDIAN CHIEF who is somewhere 80 miles away, they must go get him as the model with the wife. The plot thickens. They (he & a young black guy with dreds) invite Anthony to go with them on this adventure – for some reason, I guess he likes adventure, he accepts. Now in a dramatic scene, the plane crashes & into the water. Alec escapes quickly but Anthony has to cut the black man out of his harness & they both emerge. Then off they go, hoping to find their way home but the two young guys are skittish, negative & confused. Anthony remains POSITIVE, wise & reassuring the entire time. He gives his knife to the dred-man, to make a spear, who quickly gives himself a bad wound on the thigh. Anthony binds him up, then to his alarm, sees his bloody socks hanging on a branch, Anthony screams that he told them to bury these – as the BLOOD could attract a bear – but IT’S TOO LATE. A huge Kodiak comes upon them, after the dred-man, Anthony & Alec try to ward him off with torches, but it’s impossible, you see the bear tearing the poor boy limb to limb, all the others can do is run for their lives……..



Days pass, they try fires, all kinds of adventures, they are starving, cold rain hits, a helicopter comes overhead but misses them……The bear is stalking them & in an improbable situation devised by Anthony they trap him with spears, the bear gets impaled on one, Anthony has the COURAGE OF ST. GEORGE WITH THE DRAGON – now they have food for weeks if needed & fur to wrap themselves in…..By chance they come upon a cabin on stilts, it’s quite wonderful. Inside Alec finds a rifle, lots of bullets. Anthony knows Alec wants to kill him for the wife – he’s been saying it all along. Anthony finds some proof where his wife ordered a watch for Alec engraved with ‘thanks for all the nights.’ OK, Alec makes Anthony go outside, where he’ll shoot him in the back, but instead of turning around, Anthony take some steps toward him. As Alec backs up, he falls into a BEAR HOLE with huge spikes on the bottom – he’s impaled. Now comes the biggest hero part. Anthony turns out to be ANOTHER JESUS CHRIST. Instead of leaving his traitor, would-be assassin in the hole, he FORGIVES HIM, gets in there, gets him off the spike & binds him up, then drags him into the open where a helicopter finally finds them. While Anthony is drawing the attention of the copter, he looks back at Alec, who is dead…..

They get back to the hotel where a hundred people await. The wife is still pretending, Anthony gives her Alec’s watch with the engraving about the ‘nights.’ No recrimination, no revenge, no nothing. This is a superhero of spiritual proportions – saving someone at his own peril, killing a Grizzly bear, forgiving his killer, forgiving his wife, enduring all hardships with aplomb – yes, another Superman for all of us to admire. No man is like that, the one who wrote it imagines himself to be this person, but don’t sweat, you meet a man like this only in your dreams. It’s a good story………………..


000111 00121

About the Grizzly encounters – I wrote these comments as well as the review on the You tube presentation:

My You tube account is under my show biz name

Kellie Everts 48-28-38 conducts Night Train

I’m on 58:00 & this is well done. The plane crash was dramatic, then the bear. The got away but made a mistake. The three of them, one was hurt & the guys did not listen to Anthony & bury his bloody socks – the smell of blood brought back the huge Kodiak bear. He got the wounded guy – the other guys tried with a fire stick to stop him but could not. So far, well done, not what I expected. Yes Anthony is a good actor……………………..

Kellie Everts 48-28-38 conducts Night Train

OK their battle with the bear is dramatic but truthfully unrealistic. They kill him with spears. They have OUTRUN him several times which is impossible because you cannot outrun a bear, even a black bear can run 40 miles an hour. So to kill a Grizzly, two guys with two sharpened sticks, OK it’s just a movie. The bear with one swipe would have knocked their entire bodies over, spear & all, knocked them unconscious. According to this the spear got lodged between rocks & the bear impaled itself on it. OK, nice fantasy for them, not the poor bear. The bear was ‘stalking’ them this ALMOST NEVER happens in real life. I have seen dozens of documentaries of humans going through the wilderness with the biggest Kodiak bears around, not one was stalked. It happens like once in many years. In Alaska I think 3 humans were killed in the last 100 years by Grizzlies. And it doesn’t make sense that the bear had just killed & presumably eaten the other guy – that would have taken him days to consume the entire body, but here he is after a day stalking them, like he has a grudge. Not realistic but OK, it’s a movie……………………..

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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Uncategorized




12-2-20-He Visits Gloating-Time on My Side


The beginning of the dream is I’m here at the farm, but it is a transformed version of the old farmhouse, a great IMPROVEMENT.

*(IMPROVEMENT: This improvement refers to my mental, emotional state. Indeed, my faith has been buoyed up re. my lover & what he’s doing. Yes, there’s a long delay, yes, he’s dilly dallying with another woman/women, but he will eventually come to me.)*

I’m extremely PROUD of a room that was dreary. It was in an in-between area, dull, maybe ugly, but I have put a beautiful Persian-type rug covering the entire floor, vanilla colors with dark nice designs, a pretty bed, some furniture, as I walk in I feel proud & happy that I can SHARE THIS ROOM with someone & they will have pleasure out of it. The room might be the ‘no man’s land’ between my bro’s room & Marius room at the old farmhouse – it had no purpose but storage. This has a WINDOW overlooking THE STREET & the view from here will be FEATURED in the SECOND DREAM.


42419 31894 11004 7474 4832

*(THE ROOM: This is the ‘no man’s land’ I have been in without my Lover, neither here nor there, like a hallway, between my ‘bro’ who might be the Lover, & Marius’ room – which represents ABSENCE or DIVORCE. This gave me a dreary mental state in the past, but I have CHANGED due to an increase of faith God has given me.)*

Several other areas have been improved / transformed as well, both inside & out.

*(AREAS TRANSFORMED: In dreams, areas are often areas of your own inner self. To deteriorate is you become anxious, depressed, or your virtues fall down into negativity. But to improve is to improve in virtues, to rise in a positive frame.)*

Now comes this guy at the FRONT DOOR, standing, waiting to be let in. He’s big & tall, dressed like a HELL’S ANGEL sort of, black motorcycle jacket which covers a lot of his body, past the hips, has some CHAINS hanging on it. His look is not handsome, it’s CRUDE – I’m not interested in him at all.

He says something like,


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(I could care less, I don’t like this guy.)

*(THE HELL’S ANGEL I AM NOT INTERESTED IN: is the Lover Bob – who fails to impress me as a whore master / demon, who just wants to fukk me while showing off a ‘wife’ on social media – {his drug partner who he doesn’t love.}

The CHAINS hanging there are CHAINS TO HELL or the lower, negative world, giving in to his OWN LOWER SELF or the spirit of the demonic.

He’s so arrogant & proud of himself for going his own way that he is BRAGGING about being with other females, at my door – he WANTS ME TO KNOW except, haha, I DON’T CARE!

Me to Mother God: Mother God, is there any significance that he wants to announce, let me know of his doings, or is it just a coincidence to explain this is a revelation?

She: He has been dealing with other women out of his rebellious spirit against God. In his heart / unconscious, he loves you, but he’s too much of a coward still to own up to it & contact you. So he takes the path of least resistance. It’s easy to find girls to fukk – half the ones he knows will ‘suck dick for dope’ – he knows dozens who will comply & all he has to do is talk to them on social media. He’s handsome & sexy & you promoted him, so they look to him as a ‘big deal.’
His COMING TO YOUR DOOR is he CARES WHAT YOU THINK – he wants to smear it in your face, make you jealous, make you aware so you would CHASE HIM, except you won’t. In the hand of God you are safe, you will no longer deteriorate to his level.
The jacket being long, even covering his HIPS is to show his GENITAL ORGANS ARE COVERED BY THE DEMONIC – what he is doing is not of God.  The black in this dream also shows ‘absence’ as in ‘absence of love.’)*


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There are two FEMALES here besides me, one is Jeena, dressed in black, in real-life a mentally ill model I worked with. The other one is a sort of Anna / Carol A female, tall, big, a naive, sort of innocent but gullible sort.

*(JEENA & ATHENA OR CAROL A: These in ‘sense image’ or symbol are two females I knew, but in reality, they are PARTS OF MYSELF that were affected / injured in the past relationship with Lover.
One of these says I WAS MENTALLY ILL. Yes, I was suffering from PTSD. Every time I fell in love I fell down into PTSD that originally came from my Dad’s desertion–I loved him deeply & the bottom fell out of my life when he abandoned me.  Jeena dressed in black in the context of this dream could say ‘black as in the end, a funeral, something depressing, something ends.’

The other part of me was gullible, naive, innocent but foolish, also accurate. A female in love becomes a young girl, not thinking straight, illogical, foolish. I was not in control of myself or what I did, he took advantage of this, he controlled me to my detriment.
Because this dream exhibits these females, but on the other hand, portrays great transformations, says that these damaged, lower parts of myself HAVE BEEN TRANSFORMED.
But Bob is right now NOT TRANSFORMED. He’s going through a DEMONIC PHASE.)*

I was dealing with Jeena about a dress, getting it ready for her, like I’m a seamstress. Anna walks in & is standing at the closet in front of me.

*(DRESS, ROBE, I AM A SEAMSTRESS: The dreamer is the God Self, the dress or robe is the consciousness or ‘mantle’ as explained in the Old Testament, prophets had ‘mantles.’ These were MADE OF LIGHT or their GOD POWER. When a prophet was dead or dying, he would leave his mantle to the next one, which means LEAVE HIS ANOINTING or God Power.

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Me the seamstress, means me the God Woman, giving a mantle of Light to some part of my lower self – that part ascending into the Light, being FREE as this garment suggests, covered in WINGS. But my naive self still isn’t ready or has not ‘paid’ for this privilege. This says I can give an Anointing to any one of my lower personalities but have apparently not chosen one. Which one will be liberated?)*

The dress in question is diaphanous, chiffon, soft, light yellow, completely covered with ‘wings’ or layers of floating panels, from the top to bottom. I say to Anna,

There isn’t any reaction from her.

*(DRESS: This is interesting as again I say, it shows the God Self within me is the Power of God acting in me – it isn’t a God far away in outer space, it is right here, right now, within me.)*

We were all inside the house on the second floor – the characters mentioned – when suddenly an UNINVITED guest walks in. His excuse? He’s come to WARN ME about a guy who came to his house & offered to do some work. He did some work, then got an advance for more work, but left & never came back. This man is wearing a FUZZY FLANNEL CHECKED SHIRT–big checks, he’s about 50 yrs old – I don’t know him but I guess he’s my neighbor. But then I see his wife who is standing between him & me, she’s nice, soft brown hair framing her face to the shoulders, looks familiar, I speak to her. But indeed I am taken aback by this man’s cheek of coming into my house without being asked in. I think he was just curious what we were doing.

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*(UNINVITED NEIGHBOR: There are two male characters in my house, one invited, one not. The invited is Bob as a demon bragging about his ‘conquests,’ the uninvited might also refer to Bob, but he here more STEALTHY, not PROUD OF HIMSELF, reluctantly admitting HE WOULD BE A THIEF if I let him. Has he been a thief? Did he steal my affection, always giving me the sense of coming back but never giving me a relationship? Is that not stealing?

  The fuzzy checked flannel shirt is similar to the second dream where he appears ghoulish–this is the lower self but why?  Depression of the spiritual, a color of the earth, like soft dirt?


The wife I recognize could be a part of myself – my flesh – I recognize her but not him, which means I never saw him as a thief. Her standing ‘between us’ is my flesh stood between me & having a relationship with him. My flesh was a fool by giving in to him, mentally ill. These selves are pictured in this dream.)*



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In the next dreams there’s a lot of ACTIVITY. I am going someplace with people who like me. We’re ‘on the street,’

*(ON THE STREET: This is a travel in vision, to see what’s going on with my Lover – street being busy is he’s busy with people.)*

we go into what looks like a restaurant, bar, convenience shop run by a family. My ‘friends’ go to a room way to the front, are sitting at tables with each other, maybe partying, females sitting in guy’s laps – they have SHUT THE DOOR.

*(SHUT THE DOOR: Lover & friends are behind closed doors but I know what they’re doing – ‘partying’ which means drugs, grass, alcohol, fooling around.)*

I believe I’m going to take my music, which I have in a tiny blue cell phone thingy – it’s some type of flamenco/classical – go there, & dance all over the room. I have on a sleek, form-fitting pants outfit with beautiful sleek boots, I’m thin & look good.

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*(I WILL GO THERE, DANCE, physical description of my legs & boots, sleek, beautiful, my ability to dance: This is my SPIRITUAL POWER as legs represent mystical ability to go places, like the winged feet of mercury. This shows only my legs with the svelte medium green tights & sleek boots – my ability is strong. They cannot hide from me by shutting the door.

I stop at the counter of the foreign family that owns the store – I search for my music box & tell them I will play music THEY LIKE. {I think they’re Latin} We also talk about FOOD & for some reason they think I need food with salt. They put in front of me a large bag of LAY’S POTATO CHIPS, saying it will be good for me. I tell them no, this is not good, as it’s salty & SALT MAKES FAT – I have to say this twice because they don’t get it the first time, then they do.

*(MY MUSIC I THINK THEY’LL LIKE & ‘SALT IS FAT’: My music is my vibration, my consciousness. These people being FOREIGN I believe are from THE OTHER SIDE which is Heaven. They are either ANGELS OR SAINTS & they are bringing me to this vision. Notice it’s in their domain that my Lover & friends go to the far room & close the door. This restaurant / store is a place of nourishment, celestials are feeding me information.

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I plan to show them my consciousness {vibe} & they want to show me Lay’s Potato Chips – maybe I should get laid or have sex. But I protest that ‘salt makes one fat’ – which refers to the flesh getting heavy, morbid, attached, by sex acts. ‘Salty’ talk is gross talk, like cussing – I’m saying these gross physical acts aren’t good for my consciousness, & after a while they get it.)*

I am then in my house, the room mentioned or equivalent thereof, looking onto the St. from the second floor. People are running around, especially ONE GUY CHASING SOMEBODY–He is strangely dressed like in a Halloween costume, all fuzzy light brown from head to toe – even his head is covered, he looks GHOULISH - the feeling is he is a DEGENERATE – & I take out a pendulum, hold it to the window & swing it back & forth. Whoever is looking up does not notice it, so I find a BIGGER PENDULUM, A LARGE WATCH ON A THIN CHAIN about 3″ across, hold it up, let it swing back & forth. I believe it is then noticed. I was making a STATEMENT with this – point is made.

*(THE DEGENERATE CHASING SOMEONE ON THE STREET: Is my lover, Bob. The outfit he’s wearing is similar to the guy who entered my house uninvited, a soft, fuzzy light brown – he looks ghoulish. Instead of being ‘a man’ -  – he has lowered himself to being a ‘whore master’ in other words, just chasing pussy, one in particular it seems. There’s no love in it, he is playing the part of the ghoul, the demonic, just lust.
This similar outfit says,
‘He was a ghoul with you, just using you for sex, now he’s doing the same to someone else.’
I know what’s going on but am undaunted. I hold on the watch as a pendulum – saying ‘Time is on my side…..this will pass….he will be mine.’ I point this out to him, he sees it.

Lust does not go far, it passes. It brings no fruit, no permanent peace, joy or security. It’s like a meal you eat & pretty soon you’re hungry again. Only True Love satisfies.


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