William Bond is our Matriarchal genius
We live in a world where men rule. Most governments, religions and professions on earth are controlled by men. Yet in our male dominated world we have the curious situation of men who want to worship women and be dominated by them. This desire is so strong, these men have created something called the fem-dom scene, where women are paid or encouraged to dominate men. So why would men want this? If we ask these men, the general answer is,
“I don’t know.”
As a result, most people who comment on the fem-dom scene, both within it and outside it, claim it is just a sexual perversion, a kinky way for men to enjoy sex, and leave it at that.

Let every knee bend to Mother God and let men worship women – It is appropriate and brings blessings – And please be aware that not all women are alike, some are symbols. The woman that is an embodiment of God has the Power of God.
I like the way William digs deeper into things. I was a professional domination / fetish video producer for ten years. At the end of my sojourn I concluded that most of these desires come from wanting to return to the Mother. One can make the inference that the worship of a Mother God can enter into it. In other words, men long to go back to their ROOTS, the roots where we once were RIGHT WITH NATURE, RIGHT WITH OUR INSTINCTS, and these natural longings and bonds were not with other men or Patriarchs, they were with women and Mother God. The “need” to bond most closely with men and a Father God were imposed upon men by other men in various ways, supplanting, usurping the natural instinct.
William Bond continues:
Yet, we have to question just how much is the fem-dom scene is about men’s sexual-enjoyment. Many of these men who go to a Dominatrix get whipped, spanked or buggered with a strap-on dildo, they don’t actually have sex with the Domme. The man might masturbate later on if he sees fem-dom as a sexual fantasy. The men who go beyond the fantasy, and make it a reality in their lives, find they lose control over their sex-lives.
This is because many other fem-dom fantasies and practices seem to deny men sexual pleasure completely. In some fantasies, chastity belts are used on men, so he cannot have sex or even masturbate. There is also the cuckold fantasy, where the dominant woman has sex with many different men but her submissive male partner is denied sex. Another is where the only sex a man has with his dominant partner is cunnilingus. She gets all the sexual enjoyment she likes, he gets nothing. There is also a sexual fantasy were a submissive man is a slave to a lesbian couple and again he is denied sex with either of them.

A woman is mystery to a man but a man is not mystery to a woman. He is like a child to her.
Although these are all fem-dom fantasies, many men and women put them into practice and have relationships based on these fantasies. This also might be why some men refuse to go beyond the fantasy to act out fem-dom in reality.
The ancient Chinese Taoism and Hindu Tantra allowed sex to men with woman on top but no orgasm for him. This off course is a big advantage to the woman, as the man will stay hard as long as she likes and she does not have to worry about getting pregnant. This also shows total female dominance, as the female prevents his ejaculation. You might infer that Taoism and Tantra were an ancient form of fem-dom, perhaps from the last matriarchal age.
If fem-dom is not about sexual enjoyment for the man, then what is it? Why would a man desperately want a woman to dominate him, to the degree of denying himself sexual pleasure? After all, according to what we are taught, a “normal” man would surely want to be in control of his sexuality, and not surrender it to a woman.

Do males want to dedicate their sexuality to a man rather than a woman, even if they are straight, not gay? The males of patriarchy do all they can to steal boys away from women, and their main devise is to molest them as children, thereby confusing their orientation. They want the boys to have allegiance to men instead of women. Patriarchy is a homosexual politic. In ancient Rome, Greece, Sparta, (today the Sambia tribe,) they took boys away from Mothers starting at age six, kept them until it was time for them to marry. They were supposedly “mentors” but it sounds like buggers to me. ( The models on my website are professionals and are not involved with our beliefs or opinions.)
But we have to question just how dominant men are, as the vast majority of men in our world END UP OBEYING OTHER MEN. When boys go to school they are expected to obey their teachers and the same is true when they go to work, they give obedience to those who pay their wages. If he plays a sport he finds himself being bossed around by a coach or team captain. An extreme example of men’s obedience is the military, where soldiers give total and unquestioning obedience to their officers, to the degree if an officer orders his men to do something extremely dangerous, or even suicidal, the soldiers will immediately obey.
I would just like to add an important nuance. Yes, the men do obey, but not easily or instantly. It is done by COERCION, brainwashing, intimidation, peer pressure – all the forces of Patriarchy. In the military, men are forced into a place of “kill or be killed.” Why should they go there? Why not just avoid the theater of punishment and death, stay home with family, enjoy life? Some of these guys are under the age of 21, they have not yet lived, and they are getting ready to die? It is CONSTRAINED. Conscription, enlistment is MANDATORY FOR MEN. You get a letter where Uncle Sam greets you and if you don’t comply YOU GET JAIL TIME, two years last I heard. Only men are forced. Therefore, from the onset, men HAVE LITTLE CHOICE. There are ways of avoiding it, but that is mostly for the rich who have lawyers to figure it out.
Point two, the men are browbeaten by the Sergeant who barks into their faces while they are forced to comply “Yes, sir!” Any disobedience is threatened with the brig. It’s not like they WANT TO OBEY.
The Patriarchs know that men will RESIST getting recruited, resist obeying – and so – the penalty for resistance is JAIL. They have set up their system of FORCE AGAINST MEN and DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN through many years of lies and tyranny.

Men can be coerced to die more easily than females, by other men suggesting they do dangerous and wicked things – Speed car racing, professional fighting, daredevil stunts, dangerous jobs are all more appealing to men than women. Even so, they usually have to be pressured by other men to enter in.
This is not to say that men resist forever, eventually, most of them give in, if not in the military, to Patriarchy in general. Their personal lives, social lives, lifestyle, sexual behavior, becomes a part and parcel of Patriarchal agendas and restrictions.
They go after a certain type of woman for sex (women who like it are called sluts) and another for marriage (the faithful type.) This works for Patriarchy as the woman produces children to be used as “cannon fodder.”
Older women are FORBIDDEN to the boys as they cannot breed, and dangerous as they would teach young men,
“Don’t go out to murder innocent people and get hurt or killed (for the benefit of rich men who make money from war.) Stay home, work for your women, love your women, be gentle, sensitive and kind. The strongest people have the strongest love; they are not tyrants and killers, not zombie violence machines.”
Old women are not allowed to influence young males, they are THE BIGGEST THREAT TO PATRIARCHS, so relationships with them are TABOO.
William Bond continues:
History has seen many cases of mad kings or dictators ruling countries, and in spite of their insanity, they stayed in power for long periods. Well-known insane rulers in the 20th century are Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Po-Pot and Saddam Hussein. But there have been a lot of lesser known mad and despotic dictators in the 20th century like, Nicolae Ceausescu who ruled Romania from 1965-1989, Rafael Trujillo who ruled the Dominican Republic from 1930 to 1938 and 1942 to 1952, Idi Amin Dada the ruler of Uganda from 1971-1979, Yahya Jammeh the ruler of The Gambia since 1994, Francisco Macias Nguema who was ruler of Equatorial Guinea from 1968-1979, Saparmurat Niyazov who was ruler of Turkmenistan from 1990-2006 and Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier was ruler of Haiti from 1957-1971. This is not a modern phenomenon; there have been insane rulers through history, all whom have stayed in power many years.
The reason why mad rulers can rule so long, is men’s total obedience to those in authority. The power of any despotic dictator, comes from an army of young men who will give him unquestioning obedience.

Patriarchy is evil to men as well as to women, and to animals – to all life. The only men who benefit in the short term are the leaders who remain intact from it all, and get richer. But there is a God, and the wicked will see Hell for all eternity.
They obey out of fear. Disobedience is death. It is the system of Patriarchs.
William Bond continues:
Even if the leader of a country is insane and driving the country into ruin, men seem incapable of disobeying him. If these mad leaders are deposed, it is a member of their own family, or the army, or an invasion from another country that makes it happen, not a popular uprising from the people. So if men are naturally obedient to people in authority, is it also true for women?
Here I want to discuss William’s words, “naturally obedient to people in authority.” Are men naturally obedient to those in authority, whoever they are, even the most wicked? Are women the same, or different? Do we all comply when our lives, our security are at stake? This issue is involved, as in some cases, men obey because they fear for their lives and lifestyle, in most cases, (the military) while yet again, they comply because they are bullied, or at the third level, they are unfeeling or even sadistic, so they do violence to others for many reasons. The bottom line, I think, is that MEN OBEY EVIL MORE EASILY THAN WOMEN, and they commit immoral, indecent, criminal acts more easily than women, as William will present in the following words.

the question is not even asked, “Should women rule the world?” in the mainstream. But soon – it will.
William Bond continues:
Men can be indoctrinated to become suicide bombers, and have been successfully used by Islamic terrorists. They have tried to do the same with women, with mixed results. Palestinian terrorists have tried to use female suicide bombers because the Israel military is less likely to suspect a woman of being one. Although some women will go through with this, most will not, as the result, in Israel prisons there are large numbers of failed female suicide bombers. When women are sent on a suicide mission by their male handlers, most prefer to surrender to the Israel police, than go through with it. It seems it is a lot harder to brainwash women to commit suicide, than men.

I, Rasa Von Werder, was born on the day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and also the day of the explosion of the first atom bomb in Los Alamos…..She chose me to preach her message of Fatima in front of the White House, and it prevented World War III
From what I have learned, suicide bombers are coerced into this action. (In a documentary on the Japanese Kamikazes, they were told if they came back, they would do so in dishonor or even imprisonment.) I am not surprised that women back out of it more so than do men, as they are more protective of their lives – by their instinct of Motherhood, where they know they are needed to propagate life and guide it. Statistics are clear that MEN COMMIT SUICIDE AT FAR GREATER RATES THAN DO WOMEN. They want to live less, they fall into despair more deeply, they have a weaker instinct for self preservation, showing behavior that is careless or even reckless. By nature, it seems to me, this indicates knowledge that they are REDUNDANT.
William Bond continues:
The leaders of Islamic countries claim that Allah has given men the right to rule women. The problem is that it has to be enforced by violence. Most Moslem countries have an ‘honour’ system where if a wife disobeys her husband or male relative, this “dishonours” him and he is obliged to beat her up or even murder her. This begs the question; if it is ‘natural’ for women to obey men, why does male-rule have to enforced by extreme violence?

Is it natural for women to obey men? Of course not, it would be Isis obeying Horus, her son
Excellent point. Anything that has to be enforced by extreme violence is not a natural thing. Nature is normal and self preserving. The geese fly South in the winter. No one has to force them. But to get them to stay would take some provocation, feed them or pen them up. When I had domestic geese, not fettered, they discovered the swamp and pond (on my property in the wilderness), – that was “good bye.” The ducks that could fly, Mallards, all flew away. They followed a logic or instinct greater than my wishes. I wanted to keep them as pets, they wanted to follow God’s plan within their genetic code.
Our “culture” has many rules on sexuality, which Patriarchy enforces. Religion and custom tell us that we must have sex only under certain conditions, that is, marriage, and for procreation. Of course this is mostly for women, the double standard. But no person in their right mind obeys these rules, (a few might do so, tempting harm to their natural instinct and physiological health.) Most disobey the rules and stay mum or commit hypocrisy. Breakage of rules is punishable mostly to women, they used to be stoned or even today executed in Muslim countries. (But men in Muslim countries are permitted to have sex with children! Even to cripple an infant by sex has no punishment except to support the child for life!)
The point here is that WOMEN DO NOT WANT TO OBEY MEN, they are punished severely for it. Men obey other men only when they are forced – unless it agrees with their own desires. Rape and child abuse are attractive to some men, perhaps these men go along with Patriarchy for the crime-permission it gives them.

Only women can save the world – No system of men has ever done it – no religion. Anything run by men is doomed with a patriarchal agenda.
William Bond continues:
There used to be a similar system in Western Christianity where a man was considered to be a ‘wimp’ if he couldn’t dominate his wife. Again this domination was enforced by violence. So it seems the only claim by men that it is ‘natural’ for women to obey men, is that men are bigger and stronger than women and can therefore dominate women through physical force.
Ayatollah Khomeini was the political and religious leader of Iran who held the highest office of his country until death. He appeared in 1979 , to bring repression against women – after they had enjoyed a renaissance of liberty for some time. He enforced the barbaric “theo-crazy” until death in 1989. In the aftermath of his “work,” other Patriarchal religions – Christian, Hebrew, also began to delve into their “roots” of fundamentalism, and a deep study of fundamentalism was made. The result? Surprise, surprise, the root foundation of all “fundamentalism” was REPRESSION OF WOMEN.
“If it ain’t repression of women, it ain’t fundamentalism!
William Bond continues:
But now in western countries, violence against women is forbidden. If a man wants to beat-up or murder his wife, he can be put into jail. What is interesting is that once violence to women was forbidden, many men demanded violence from women! Men have extreme fantasies (in femdom) which include violence done them by women!
The problem with the fem-dom scene is that it is instigated by men and not women. Men demand and pay for domination with violence. This is a masculine style of rulership and doesn’t suit most women. For a start, women are smaller and physically weaker than men, so the only way they can use violence on a man is if he agrees not to resist or hit her back. This makes the whole domination scene bogus, because the woman is not dominating the man through violence, but because he wants her to inflict violence onto him. She ends up doing what he wants and not what she wants.

Men suffer under Patriarchy. It is like a gambling casino – some of them think they will win, special favors, fame and fortune, women. But in the end, the odds are against them and they will suffer.
William Bond has brought up relevant issues I have not heard from anyone before. Although I was involved with the femdom scene for ten years, when it came time to represent Matriarchy I ignored it. It seemed that satisfying a man sexually through femdom had nothing to do with female empowerment, except in the money exchange. This made it no different than any other job. The man gave me his script, I produced it or acted it out, he paid me, we were done. I did not even analyze that men wanted a Mother until I left the scene – (that would be relevant to Matriarchy) – and I am rethinking their motives (albeit unconsious) now, seeing how they fit into our Cosmology.
Regarding the “violence,” it is mostly in the fantasy realm, when it came to really dishing it out, they were chickens,
“Don’t hurt me – don’t hurt me”
they would cry. We had to pad our actor / volunteers with thick padding were we ever to lay a hand on them. They dreamed of sodomy but we faked it completely, no dildo even touched their anus, thrust between the legs, camera at an angle looked real. Most everything was faked with femdom volunteers, the real sessions occasionally had a bit of force, but nothing unusual – it was a mental need more than anything.
Why does violence turn them on? To be straightforward, it reminded them of their mother, when she was a giant, they were little, she threatened them with punishment. They feared the big woman then, but they loved her, they needed her, she was all things to a little boy. This beloved woman was feared, but also gave love and security. It is the love, security, safety, going back home, the men cherished at base, that turned them on because it was life giving.
I believe the violence of men toward men, is twofold. On the one hand, it is intimidation for control, it is fighting the way that rams knock horns. But on the other hand, it is also the men wanting to take the place of Mother – the parental authority, (an imitation of her power which they covet) – that they present to the men as security, safety and comfort.
“We will give you what a benevolent parent gives you. Obey us in all things, and you will have it all.”

the patriarchal men send boys out to slaughter – to kill and be killed, to get blinded and blind others, to mutilate, to torture, to do atrocities and genocides and have these done to them – Patriarchy is Satan, Hell and damnation

The entire Patriarchy is an imitation, a tarnished mirror image of Matriarchy, where men pretend to be women – Having their authority, their motherhood, their leadership, while all the time this is a sham, a lie, because it is not natural for men to be women – they cannot hack it! They are not women, they cannot reproduce, they cannot nurture, their imitation of women is a farce.
William Bond continues:
It is true there are women who have been treated badly by men (Guru Rasa: They have ALL been treated badly by men) and want revenge on the whole male sex. For this reason, they are willing to inflict violence onto men who allow it, but only a minority of women feel this way. Women by nature are far less violent than men. They are happy to dominate a man if he makes it clear he wants her to do this, or show by his behaviour he is willing to obey her. But very few women are interested in trying to force a man to obey her against his will. So if women cannot force men to obey them, why would men want and even demand that women dominate them? It could be men’s natural behaviour. (Guru Rasa says: There is the most salient point!)

the leaders of Patriarchy worship Satan, even at special groves or dungeons, they build altars to Molech, the honor Satan and do him service by committing atrocities, genocides, death. Satan is the head of Patriarchy. He chooses his men for how evil they are, how devoid of love and conscience. These type men only care about this world, they have obviously forfeited their eternal salvation. And they control our young men. It is time to take back our boys from the old wicked men.
What we see when we look at patriarchal society is that men are naturally obedient to those in authority. But women do not seem to be so compliant. Obedience has to be enforced on women though violence and intimidation, or rewards of money and security. What we see in all patriarchal societies that everything is done to keep women powerless. Not only have patriarchal societies in the past or in Islamic countries now, inflicted violence onto women, they also deny them money and power. Women were not allowed to earn money for themselves, and forbidden to be put into any position of power.
It is amazing that in so short a time, since the second wave of the feminist movement, women have made such powerful strides. Admittance to Harvard started in 1973 – by 2013 women comprised the majority of the freshman class.
What men have done by violence, women have done with mental power (and the will power to get through). They are now dominating the educational enrollment, (with males as a minority) getting the degrees including doctorates. Once the props for men were knocked out they fell and slid back, while female surged forward. This is the future. The graduates will take over the world, one generation at a time – without violence or bloodshed.

Once women are free, they will take over the family and the world, and they are getting there. Mother God has acted.
William Bond continues:
If women were the natural submissive sex, patriarchal governments and religions would not have to work so hard to keep women powerless. It is like a cork. Yes, you can hold it underwater and it will stay there while you do this, but the moment you let go, it rises to the surface. The same is also true of women, as patriarchs in the West are oppressing women far less than before, women take advantage of this. This is in spite of thousands of years of patriarchal propaganda that undermined women’s confidence in themselves, (example: where they claimed that God made women submissive to men.) Women took the opportunity to empowering themselves when they are given the chance. This again, shows us that submission is not women’s natural behaviour.
Likewise, men are changing. At one time, men were taught they were wimps or sissies if they couldn’t dominate women through violence. (Though in some families in the West today, many men are still taught this) – But now, as less men are taught these things, they are rethinking their role. They are asking; what role should I play? Who is supposed to be the boss?
Men are hierarchal in the way they think. The whole of patriarchy is hierarchal in nature. Men need leaders to work under, and will obey the leader that is established. So obedience to leaders is natural for all men and the whole patriarchal society could not operate without this. As far as men are concerned, if they are not allowed to dominate women, then it means, women should dominate men.

they do not want older women with young males, but that is changing. We are taking over their lives, beginning to teach them the Culture of Life, influencing them toward the good.

Older women should have fun, go out with all the young males they desire, influence them, build up their morale, show them what love it, guide them to the Heaven of Matriarchy – Old men fear this more than anything – they have taken over so much, but this is one thing that will destroy Patriarchy – old women with young men.
Now, the feminists will say that; surely we don’t have to go from one extreme to the other, why can’t women and men be equal? Logically, this makes perfect sense, but men have tried equality. They tried it in the French revolution and many communist revolutions, and all these revolutions completely failed to produce equal societies. In most cases, it made things worse. This is because men cannot work together as equals; they need a leader to tell them what to do.
Men are also hierarchal in the way they view sexual relationships. Men’s sexual fantasies we see in pornography are about men totally dominating women or women totally dominating men. Men do not seem to be interested in any fantasy, of an equal partnership with women. Men seem to want sexual fantasies about dominance and submission. Though in our patriarchal society, men wanting to dominate women is seen as ‘normal’, while men who want women to dominate them are seen as “perverted.”

Patriarchy makes men do what they are not capable of doing – Run the family and the world
Women have a similar way of looking at sexual relationships but in a milder, more subtle form. The two most famous and popular romantic stories for women are, “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austin, and “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Brontë. “Pride and Prejudice” is about a strong minded heroine who takes control of a wealthy nobleman, while “Wuthering Heights” is where the heroine falls in love with a cruel and sadistic man. “Pride and Prejudice” is a mild fem-dom book while “Wuthering Heights” is basically male-dom. Women can also see relationships with men in dominant and submissive terms, but in a more delicate and refined manner.
Also many women do not wish to admit to any interest in dominance and submission probably because male-dom can be so horrendous for them. Feminists have pointed out that the male heroes of the Brontë sister’s romantic stories were all monsters. We have male-dom today in many Islamic countries, where women are beaten up, tortured, raped and murdered, while fem-dom does not seem like a solution when men demand violence. It is understandable why many women want nothing to do with any form of domination through force and violence.
In “Pride and Prejudice,” the heroine didn’t have to use any form of force to make the wealthy nobleman submit to her. He did it through his own freewill. All she did, was showed him she had a dominant personality and he fell in love with her.
In the West today, we are told we have sexual equality, (though many women dispute this). Because of men’s hierarchal thinking, it has become a unstable situation. Men want to know, “who is the boss?” And seem to be confused, when that is not made clear to them. If women fail to take over and establish their dominance, men can be won back to their violent patterns against women.
Western women today have a window of opportunity and could lose everything they have gained, if they fail to take full advantage. Men are willing to obey women, if women can establish in the minds of men, that they are the dominant sex.

Are men the dominant sex? How they wish and hope, but they aren’t. Women have always known they are superior to men, but they had to play a game of docility, feeding the man’s ego, laughing at his lame jokes, admiring him when he does not deserve admiration. All this is changing. Nothing against this sweet little dog, oh, excuse me. There is something against him.
Women as a whole are NOT dragging their heels. They are gaining skills and education, they are starting their own businesses in record numbers, they are surviving without men; the legal marriage is all but obsolete (not because of lack of love, but once women have their own money they can turn their back on the only game in town, the NUCLEAR family…certainly not monogamous marriage; women might begin gathering harems of men or join polymorous groups of men and women sharing relationships.)
William Bond continues:
Fem-dom males have shown that there are men who desperately want women to dominate them. Yes, they got it completely wrong in expecting women will dominate them through violence, so it requires them to listen to women. It should be obvious, but fem-dom should be about what women want, not the other way around. Men who tell women how they want to be dominated, do not understand the true nature of female domination. If men want to make fem-dom work, they have to sell it to women, so they feel comfortable with the whole scene. Telling women they have to dress up in black leather and use a whip is not the way to do it.

See William Bond’s teaching on mermaids – they are real! He discovered that there have been real female divers in Asia for many years – they provided for their families, doing work men cannot do as they don’t have enough body fat to stand the cold water. He is the world expert on mermaids, has extensive work on the internet.

We have to question patriarchal propaganda, that men are the natural dominant sex. I know some women who do this, they actually go up to men they think are submissive and ask them,
“do you like bossy women?”
Once women question the idea that it is ‘natural’ for men to be submissive to women, they will be looking for opportunities to find obedient men, or train them that way. After all, the military finds it easy to train all types of men to be totally obedient.
I like your point, William. It would be rather helpful if I could say to a man,
“If you do not let me dominate you, if you do not obey me, I will have you put into jail.”
William Bond continues:
The secret of military training is that when men first enter the military they are given a large number of pointless orders, where they are ordered to march up and down a parade ground. This gets these men so use to obeying orders, from a sergeant major, that it becomes an automatic response. The same can be true if women are very bossy from the start of a relationship with a man and gives him a large number of orders, until it becomes automatic for him to obey her without question. Fem-dom groups could be a big help to women in doing this, if it was made more acceptable for women.

Women must now learn a new role in life – Ultimate leadership. Congress, Senate, Presidency, owning all the venues of our society. They must give up kow towing to men and take the reigns.

Fem-dom groups gathering? Prostitutes gathering? Political women gathering? It has not been easy for women to gather because of the slave mentality, but once women get past that, they begin to help instead of hinder one another. There is, for instance, perhaps the first Goddess Temple now formed, in Orange County, CA. This required cooperation of women. It could not have happened prior to this time as women could not join hands, they feared empowering another woman, they feared men, they feared the “Master”,
now that “Massah” is floundering women relaxed and cooperated:
“The Goddess Temple of Orange County, a sacred space of spiritual pilgrimage, historical education and event. Goddess spirituality is the original religion of all humanity … a religion we can all share in modern times. Visit The Temple in Irvine near John Wayne Airport and be immersed in an amazing space of power and beauty, a place for your personal devotions and spiritual education and enjoyment. The priestesses of The Temple look forward to meeting you in person—please let us know how we can serve you.”
William Bond continues:
What is surprising is that fem-dom is a growing phenomenon in Islamic countries. The reason could be that not all men like patriarchy. For instance many Islamic men do not want to beat up or murder their wives, daughters or sisters because they have “dishonoured” him, by not being obedient. These men are pressured to do these things, even though most don’t want to do this. And if they cave into this pressure, they may find it hard to forgive themselves for beating up or murdering a woman whom they love.
Muslim countries have brought back the stoning of women. Again, any decent and sensible man would find this appalling, but they are pressured to throw stones and insults at a woman, and watch her slowly being killed. It is not surprising that many Islamic men would rather worship women than assault or murder them.
The point is that men can force women to obey them through physical violence but women cannot force men to obey them in the same way.

Woman will be great in leadership positions, running the world. War will end. Women do not permit war.
This is true in most cases, William, as children certainly cannot protect themselves from being molested by their fathers and other men. (50% of all girls and 25% boys are raped by their Dads. Another reason the nuclear family is convenient for me but not women and children.) A child in diapers, a toddler, a small person cannot prevent a grown man from raping them. Add to this, so many people are vulnerable to attack by males – males as well as females. In the company of men, any place where one is with a man, could be an occasion of violence, they do 99% of it!
However, there could be a percentage of women who arm themselves against attack. It’s not a pleasant thing to anticipate, but I don’t see women doing this, there are a few here and there, but I don’t see women discussing the need to get guns. Why is that?
The main reason could be that when women kill men they are punished seven times more severely than when men kill women, and this includes self defense. In a politicized judicial justice system which favors the male gender, women cannot expect justice, and so, even if they successfully defend themselves by injuring the man or killing him, they may get punished for it.
Male violence is often excused – not so for women. I read somewhere that society “expects women to be good” and men to be bad, the smallest infraction from females gets a hundred pound hammer, while men are excused for “being like men.” I myself have sought justice in a court of law thrice against male violence, and only one of the three gave me a fair hearing. There were several other cases I never reported – knowing what they do to us in court.
This will change when Matriarchy comes to the fore.

the Sambia Tribe in Papua New Guinea takes boys from Mothers age six to twelve, takes them to a remote area to “educate” them in giving blow jobs to the males, later teaches them to kill their tribal enemies and eat their testicles. This type of patriarchal behavior has existed in many societies in various ways, including our own. Except in the nuclear family the Dad does not have to take children away – usually – he molests them in the house when he gets the chance. Never leave children with men – any men.
William Bond continues:
When men are obedient to women, they obey for no other reason than they want to. This suggests it is men’s natural behaviour to be obedient.
Patriarchy has to indoctrinate both women and men that it is ‘natural’ for men to be the dominant sex, to survive. And to do this it has had to control the main-stream media. An example of this was back in the 1930-40s when film moguls were only interested in making money. They soon discovered that films where there was a strong female role were very popular. As the result they began to use actresses who could play these roles, like, Barbara Stanwyck, Katharine Hepburn, Marlene Dietrich, Bette Davis, Joan Crawford and Mae West. Then there was McCarthyism in the late 1940s which although was supposed to be anti-communist, it also had another agenda, because the strong female roles, in Hollywood films, began to disappear at this time.
There was an entire backlash from the Patriarchy when films began to portray life as it really was, spearheaded by the Catholic Church. When I made a movie in 1966 at Paramount, they were still talking about “the code,” like it was some legal thing they had to comply with – ridiculous.
The Catholic Church pressured the movie industry NOT TO SHOW MEN AS THEY REALLY WERE – example, a man pimping his daughter.
There was nudity and sex appearing – they killed it. Patriarchy works to disempower sexual freedom for women, (not men.)
“The Motion Picture Production Code was the set of industry moral censorship guidelines that governed the production of most United States motion pictures released by major studios from 1930 to 1968. It is also popularly known as the Hays Code, after Hollywood’s chief censor of the time, Will H. Hays. The Motion Pictures Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA), which later became the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), adopted the code in 1930, began enforcing it in 1934, and abandoned it in 1968, in favor of the subsequent MPAA film rating system. The Production Code spelled out what was acceptable and what was unacceptable content for motion pictures produced for a public audience in the United States. The office enforcing it was popularly called the Hays Office in reference to Hays, inaccurately so after 1934 when Joseph Breen took over from Hays, creating the Breen Office, which was far more rigid in censoring films than Hays had been.”
When I look at the way women (in movies) kow tow to men after 1930 it makes me sick – literally want to puke.

video, media violence prepares the young males mind for more violence, focuses him on it, even helps him be a crack shot so he can kill innocent people.
William Bond continues:
Today we still have some strong female leads but mostly in violent films like “Kill Bill” or “Tomb Raider” where the female lead is violent. These are not the sort of films most women can relate to, but are popular with men. This may be where the idea of dominant women dressing up in black leather come from. The first violent female character was Honour Blackman who played this role in the British 1960s TV series, “The Avengers”, where she wore a black leather outfit as she beat up male villains. Then not long after this, the black leather dominatrix became part of the fem-dom scene. The role was taken over later by Diana Rigg who wore a black cat-suit, when Honour Blackman left the show, to be in the James Bond film “Goldfinger”. On TV today there are a few strong female leads in police dramas, but the media is still dominated by strong male characters, rather than strong females.
Let us not forget the black women heras of the seventies, most notable being Pam Grier. They sought white women to play these roles, but only the black Americans could play the aggressor effectively, at that time. (So was said in a TV documentary.)
From internet site: BLAXPLOITATION films
“Actresses such as Pam Grier who starred in “Foxy Brown” (1974) and “Coffy” (1973) portrayed a superwoman type character in her movies. She was tough, yet “loose” and would not take any “stuff” from anyone. These movies starring women were also formulaic. Usually, the woman would get revenge for the wrong done to someone dear to her. Naturally, she had to go undercover as prostitute to execute her plan, which entailed providing sexual favors to her enemy in order to get close enough to move in for the kill. With shallow plots and stereotypical characters it was implicit that blaxploitation films were not created for the sake of art or to provide the black community with a voice within the movie industry. So the question then becomes why was there so much support for these stereotypical and negative movies? During the 70′s blacks were starving to see some kind of reflection of themselves on the screen that they could relate to. Hollywood took advantage of this hunger and capitalized on it.
William Bond continues:
Although the mainstream media doesn’t go as far as encouraging women to dominate men through violence (though it has crept in), they do encourage men. “Star villains” kill with no remorse. When young men see their media heroes assert power and authority through force and violence, they are led to do the same to women. Action films also give out the message that women can prevent this, if they are trained martial arts experts, which is not the average woman. The message is that women can be equal to men if she behaves like a man. It is no wonder that fem-dom men expect dominant women to be violent, when they see violent and assertive women on mainstream films.
This has also been the message that feminism has unwittingly given women. Although feminism was a big help to women in the 1960s, it is not so helpful in the 21st century. This is because of its ideas about sexual equality, which say if women are to be equal to men, they have to join the patriarchal establishment and become, “one of the boys”. This makes it difficult for career women to compete against men if they also have to look after children. Though young women are making a success over men in education, this is not reflected in the job market where men on average, still have better paid jobs. (Rasa: we are moving forward on this.)

This is one of my female models in the stance of the domm – She has exceptional legs.

As the result, feminist ideas have become a barrier for women dominating men, because their belief in sexual equality; whereas, if both men and women are exposed to the idea that it is natural for men to be submissive towards women, then it is going to make female empowerment a lot easier.
Men and women are not equal. They are not alike. Equality at base is “equality under the law.” This means the law applies equally to male and female, that females can attend the same schools with men, that females get paid equally for the same work, that females and males get the same opportunities.
However, this being started in the 60’s, there was not an instant platform or manifesto explaining what the word “equality” meant. People began making all sorts of clumsy assumptions and conclusions, like women should open doors for men, help them with their coats, the way men were supposed to do for women, in other words, equality in custom, in manners, as well as “equality under the law.”
But men and women are very different. They have different bodies, brains and desires. Certainly in Patriarchy, we are at cross purposes, there is a gender war. Who dominates? We are now presenting the case for female domination, Matriarchy, women ruling the family and the world, for many reasons. This does not mean that men will be abused, discriminated against by women – it means everyone will find their proper place, do as they are supposed to do the way that God intended.
William Bond continues:
Another problem with feminism is that it doesn’t interest men. Women may see it in terms of sexual equality but men only see it as part of a power-game, where there has to be a winner and loser. This is why men far prefer fem-dom to feminism, because with fem-dom the winner and loser are clearly defined. Men want to know who is going to the boss. So ironically men give very little help to women when they demand equality, but will support women if they want to dominate men.

Clearly we are not going to get this message out on the mainstream media, which is still controlled by patriarchy. It is very unlikely in the near future that the mainstream media will discuss ideas like; “is it natural for men to be submissive towards women,” or “should women rule the world.” This is probably why fem-dom and matriarchy are hardly mentioned by the mainstream media. But now we have the internet, to put out such a message.
Because of thousands of years of patriarchal propaganda, it is hard for women to believe men are the submissive sex. This is why the fem-dom scene needs to be cleaned up to make it more acceptable to women. If fem-dom men can do this and act in the way women want them to behave, then women are going to take fem-dom more seriously, and are more likely to accept the idea, that it is natural for women to dominate men. Few women will be attracted to fem-dom unless they receive proof from men that they sincerely want women to dominate.
People have commented how sheep-like the public is in following fashions, trends and customs. Fortunately there are mavericks in our world who refuse to do this, and it is these people who bring about changes in our world. Dominant women and fem-dom men would be mavericks of today.

Because patriarchy has become the custom of our world, most people follow it without question. But we have seen big changes, where male domination was the custom in the 19th century but this was challenged by feminists in the 20th century. As the result in the 21st century gender equality has been accepted, but it is being challenged by extreme religious Christian and Moslem sects. Feminists have only begun their work, patriarchy has not been defeated and is still a force to be reckoned with, therefore free to reverse all the gains made by feminists.
Not as free as they were. Patriarchal discriminatory laws are falling apart. Not saying they have lost all their power, but they are beginning to – we can see the writing on the wall. All the “futurists” (they study statistics) say “the future belongs to women.”
William Bond continues:
It is activists who change the customs of society. It was feminist activists who changed society to accept the idea of gender equality. And it is religious activists who are trying to reverse this trend, who have been successful within Islamic countries. There was a feminist revolution in Islamic countries but it wasn’t as powerful as we see in the West, the Islamic fundamentalists took it down. The gains Islamic feminists achieved have now disappeared. This should be a warning to Western women because Christian fundamentalists are trying to do the same in Western countries. Fortunately, Western feminism is still strong enough to resist this, but fundamentalism remains a constant threat.

People in general no longer take “Christianity” seriously. The internet has changed all that. The Goddess movement is gaining power, the Mother God’s religions have reappeared on the internet and will soon emerge in our society – mark my words. Give it a few more years, 10-20 – you will see more Goddess Temples in the open. Fundamentalists my foot, people are laughing at them. True, they are trying, and they can be mean as Hell, but their days are numbered.
William Bond continues:
So matriarchal activists have to press forward and make it fashionable for women to dominate men. And as most people are sheep-like, they will follow the trend. Then when people begin to see the advantages of women ruling society, which will be better for both men and women, this trend will become the custom for all to follow.
Men are obedient to patriarchal ideas, so that when they when patriarchal leaders told men they should dominate women through violence, they did as they were told. They would be equally obedient, if they are told that they should allow women to dominate them. So it requires matriarchal people to challenge the patriarchal idea that it is natural for men to dominate women, or feminist beliefs like we need gender equality. Put forward the concept that it is natural for men to obey women.
This will encourage women who want to dominate men but don’t have the confidence to do this. It will also give confidence to men who find bossy women exciting and desirable, to follow their feelings and not resist them.

Movements like this can have a snowball effect. Only mavericks like to join small groups that are different from the status-quo. Most people prefer to be part of large groups, which follow a popular trend; it makes them feel safe – (safety in numbers). Because of this, the larger a group becomes, the more people are likely to join it, the stronger a group becomes, the less likely it can be ignored by the mainstream media. Eventually, the media will have to discuss matriarchal and fem-dom ideas, if it does not want to be accused of bias and censorship.
The whole of recorded history has shown men are useless leaders of the human race. When put into positions of power, they create conflict, war, corruption and poverty. They are equally useless when they try to be the head of families. Patriarchal history is full of stories of men who inflict violence onto wives and children, drink and gamble their wages away, leaving wife and children desolate. To be fair, not all men are like this, but it has been a major problem with patriarchal societies. Men have also suffered under patriarchal rule; they are also assaulted, murdered, forced into poverty and even slavery by other men.
Patriarchy depends for its power the belief that men are the natural dominant sex. If this belief is questioned, and people are told that women are the natural dominant sex, then this undermines the whole foundation of patriarchy. The feminist revolution has not defeated patriarchy, it is still a very powerful force. Therefore patriarchy is still dangerous to female empowerment, as it can at any time reverse all the gains feminists have made as in Islam. For women to be safe from this, they have to completely defeat patriarchal and create a world ruled by women. They can do this with the help of men. Patriarchal power comes from men’s blind obedience to male rulers. Likewise, matriarchy can do the same thing, by teaching men to obey women.

There is an old saying that goes, “the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world,” but this power is useless to a mother if she believes that men are the natural dominant sex, as she will train her children to accept patriarchy. Mothers can assert their power in realizing women are the natural dominant sex – train their sons to be submissive to women and empower their daughters.
William Bond 2 25 14…..Comments by Rasa Von Werder