The Religion Which Teaches Women to Worship the God Within Themselves – 8 – 21 – 19
Woman, thou art God. Does that mean you need another person or persons to hold you up all the time?
Recently I had been obsessed with my lover / husband – He absented himself from me & this gave me grief. But then God stepped in & there was a Mystical Marriage (to be explained elsewhere) & by this marriage I knew he was mine forever, physical absence did not separate us, when the time came, we would be together – according to God’s will.
The obsession LEFT MY MIND & I was AT PEACE. No more turmoil, anxiety, grief, I STAYED ALONE. I did not go ‘downtown’ (clubs, bars) to see people, I did nothing in particular, just ordinary life.
Pretty soon I noticed that I WAS IN A STATE OF BLISS. What happened? I had been plagued with anxiety for five years, going from that to frustration, confusion, every sort of mental / emotional turmoil. Once it stopped & I STAYED ALONE why did BLISS appear?
Then I remembered something I read years ago, was it from Baba Muktananda? He said,
“Bliss is the NATURAL STATE of our minds.”
Oh yes, of course. A child (unless they’re abused or neglected) is in perpetual bliss. You see them playing, not a care in the world, living in the moment, doesn’t matter what they do, they’re happy.
Why can’t we be that way?–Because we are PLAGUED by people, things & fears thereof. We can’t be happy by ORDINARY THINGS like a child on swings in the park or the sand box or jungle gym, we have to think, imagine, fantasize about WHAT WE WANT & it’s all that WE DON’T HAVE, we plan a million things to do to get what we want. These things bog down our mind, pull us into the flesh, a quicksand of time & space, & we LOSE ETERNITY.
Instead of WISHING FOR WHAT WE DON’T HAVE would it not be better to adjust to what we have & be satisfied with it?
This statement is not to be taken at face value all the time, in every case. Some things you have to plan for, strive for, wish for & accomplish. But there has to come a time in everyone’s life when they find PEACE & TAKE A REST, enjoy exactly WHAT IS, like God who ‘created the Universe & rested on the seventh day.’
I also read somewhere, a minister explaining that in the bible God teaches that every eight years one must leave their fields fallow, let them rest, don’t do any work – let everything go, prepare those seven years, then take a whole year off, or else, you will not be in sync with the Will of God.
This must be my EIGHTH YEAR.
I also remember, on the side of ‘lack of ambition can be a good thing’ a story I read in a book.
A man was speaking to a pundit about the path to Holiness. The man told him,
“Go to such & such a corner on the street, there you will see a man & talk to him. He’s in a state of perfection.”
The man, curious, went where he was told, saw a beggar. He approached him & said,
“Good day, sir.”
The man answered,
“Every day is a good day.”
He then said,
“The weather is fine today,”
The beggar said,
“It’s always fine.”
The conversation continued this way with the beggar exhibiting perfect happiness about all things – he was in a state of bliss, he wanted no more than what he had, no nice home, no three meals a day, no nothing. He had accepted his state & longed for nothing, nothing on the outside took his spirit down, he was always up.
Woman, you are TOLD what will make you happy. You are TOLD you must GET MARRIED, HAVE CHILDREN, it is the normal, natural thing to do, no woman CAN BE HAPPY WITHOUT IT.
This is BRAINWASHING, this is INDOCTRINATION, this is PATRIARCHY telling you,
“You have reproductive power, therefore you must reproduce, (& they don’t say FOR US but they mean it.) They, (collectively, through men & brainwashed women) are telling you this & it’s FOR THEIR AGENDA. What do I mean?
Different men have different agendas, but it is always TO BENEFIT THEM, NOT YOU.
First, & this is the worst: they need men for war, ‘cannon fodder’ it’s called. They take your sons before their brains develop, (their brains are not mature until twenty five), before they can vote, before they can make an intelligent decision, & they take the men who are ‘slaves of poverty’ in times of peace, in times of war, no one except the rich can get out of it.
These men go out in UNJUST WARS to kill & be killed, wars started by WARMONGER BANKSTERS, the RICH WHO WILL BENEFIT, the poor will get wounded, killed, mental emotional scars, PTSD & LUCKY if they are taken care of as veterans.
It’s well known that after every major war when so many males were killed or brutalized there was a step-up campaign for women TO BE FEMININE, to go back to the home, quit your job, be a WOMAN, fulfill your duty & START BREEDING AS FAST AS YOU CAN.
Second, many of the major religions – Muslim & Catholic to wit, but many others, if their anti-condom policies were revoked, if women stopped SERIAL BREEDING, the religions would SHRINK DOWN TO NOTHING; it is the serial breeding that makes these religions grow, NOT ANY INTELLIGENT CHOICE OR DECISION.
The idea of NOT TO USE CONDOMS is men’s.
What are you doing when you obey the laws of such religions? You are PRODUCING CHILDREN FOR UNJUST, MISOGYNISTIC SOCIETIES THAT ENSLAVE YOU & YOUR CHILDREN, generation after generation. Each progeny tells the lies to the next one, the lies keep living.
That is precisely what this religion is about—what to do, why you do it.
For starts, create your own society, a subculture of women. Right now, there is no such thing, because if it existed, I’d be in it.
The only female ‘subculture’ I know of is that of gay women & it’s not RELIGION BASED. (Yes there are tiny offshoots from Patriarchs in Africa, all-woman communities, I’m delighted with them. The men they left behind are failing, they are doing well.)
(A matriarchy in China – the MOSUO – is run in a logical, efficient way. Males visit females in their homes, leave in the morning, children stay with the Mom’s family. Great – have sex with them & get rid of them where they can’t abuse you or the children. You had your love/fun, that’s all they’re good for, you control the rest – the resources are in your hands, you don’t have to compromise your life to get money out of a man.)
We have to start somewhere, & anywhere we start is good. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, take it. I have done what I can, now I pass it on to you.
“Without a vision, the people perish.”
This is our vision: God lives in the Sahasrara, the energy center in the head, in the middle of the brain. Siddha Yoga calls this ‘the blue pearl.’ I have a book where the Dalai Lama says God is there as an energy center in the middle of the brain.
When you see images of saints with gold circling their heads it means that this energy center is radiating.
Yoga describes the energy centers through the body, along the spine called the ‘Sushumna Canal’. It starts with the Muladhara, near the reproductive organs. When this ‘lights up’ you are ‘born again’ or it’s the beginning. When the Power goes to the heart or Ajna center, Ramakrishna said it’s the beginning of true spirituality—true spirituality is sainthood.
When it goes higher than that, you are getting the ‘betrothal’ to Christ or God, when it hits the topmost point; you are Enlightened or Self Realized, married to God – She has given Herself to you, you have given yourself to Her.
This is when you, Woman, become God. This is what God was telling me for many years, when I saw Her outside myself, in a vision she showed me my writings, & She said,
“These are the writings of God.”
I did not understand. In 1971 I heard a Voice, clear as a bell, talking to me, guiding, directing me. I had been in a place of solitude, meditation for a full year – I even quit work for this. (I did that again in 1980, quit work for a full year to meditate & pray – wow, was I happy! – & in early 1981 I saw God face to face, first in February, then in March.) After a year, being disengaged or abstracted from people & things, my mind cleared up & as I said, I heard a Voice. I asked,
“Who are you?”
And the Voice said,
“I am YOU.”
And I said,
“You can’t be me, I’m me.”
The Voice did not explain.
This was 1971 – I was twenty six years old.
The Voice could have told me that God was inside me, I had contacted that God, She was speaking to me from another level, higher than my flesh. But for some reason, I would not have understood – Years of brainwashing, that God was in outer space must have blocked my mind.
Woman, Thou Art God. If you have reached the God within you, & She appears before your mind, your heart, your ears, do not listen to any other voice.
I made that mistake later in the year when getting away from a Bogi Yogi – (a pot-bellied Hindu phony who got curioser & curioser—I ran for my life) & was helped by a lady minister named Verna Talbot.
Now she was not a phony, but a flawed person –not flawed a little, flawed a lot.
Here’s the story: She got me under her clutches. She helped me, then she hurt me. Her Power was an Anointing – no mistake about that. I saw she was flawed, I would find out how much. My reasoning was that if God Anointed her, & I wanted to learn about God, I just had to take her as she was. If I said she wasn’t ‘good enough for me’ then would I be judging God, who Anointed her? It would be sort of like saying to one’s Mother – she’s flawed, I don’t want her.
Here was a catch. I was channeling my Voice, which had been talking to me past the Bogi Yogi, releasing me from him, showing me how to escape, presenting a Power above him, the Power intimidating him, then when I saw how dangerous he was (he told me if I could put a hatpin through my hand & make an instant healing/repair then I was ready to leave him), I had to run, & Verna helped me pack up, took only the barest necessities, left all else behind, & moved in with her.
But she didn’t like my Voice! She told me that yes, my Voice was guiding me, helping me, but she, Verna, was much older, wiser, more mature & HIGHER UP. This went on for weeks. She hounded me.
I had to make a decision, listen to the Voice or to her? Finally, it was hard, I said I would listen to her.
I recall that sad day when my Voice said,
“If you listen to her, I have to stop. And I heard a door close – no more Voice.”
Now I was no longer being protected from HER – the woman supposed to be my savior. She was nuts of course, but she did have some God Power. How nuts? By her words, she was HIGHER THAN JESUS CHRIST. She was in the Kathryn Kuhlman choir, but it was her healing power that was authentic, not Kathryn Kuhlman’s – Kathryn Kuhlman was USING HER ENERGY.
She declared to me that SHE WASN’T EVIL like the Bogi Yogi: “I’m not using you for sex.”
No, indeed, she was using me for money.
And when it stopped, she used her Power – the negative end of it, to try to have me killed. I am not making this up, I am telling the truth. (I explain it in my You Tube videos.)
I was giving Verna a good deal of money proportionate to what I had – she demanded it.
On her birthday we threw a party, financed by yours truly. A dozen friends were there. She did a trance thingy, where in the trance, she told us her plans for the future, including the land she told me WAS FOR THE CHURCH WHICH I PAID FOR. She declared that ALL SHE CARED ABOUT WAS HER SONS & LEAVING THEM EVERYTHING, INCLUDING THE LAND.
I then realized I was duped & told her the next day I was leaving, packed up, got a cab. She physically stood in my way, but I just walked around her & out.
I checked into a motel. Shortly after that, a young man began stalking me, attacked me with a knife to try & rape me – but I won the fight & he ran. But that wasn’t the end. He called me again & again at the motel, threatening to kill me if I didn’t let him, & said he’d rape me dead or alive. The police got involved & spent hours tracing the call. They found the 19 year old black boy calling from a coffee shop, they arrested him.
My solution to the problem was to leave California. A police detective friend drove me to the airport (not without trying to get me to go to his apt.) I had had enough of phonies, users & killers. Good bye California, there I go, back to New York & my father’s place.
I called Verna to tell her what had happened, by her reaction I KNEW WITHOUT A DOUBT SHE HAD CAUSED IT, she tried to hide her glee but it was there.
But Verna Talbot was not finished. She had said ‘beware of ministers, they have abilities, they can hurt you’ & she was the worst one.
I got involved with her again, then again I quit because of the financial drain.
Sure enough, a second male after that got involved with me on the pretext of doing a documentary. He was black also – his name was Jay thirty six years old. He hung around me while I was talking to the youth I had collected for the ministry – I was never alone with him.
The minute I was alone with him he was going to rape me—he grabbed me to start but I begged off saying I had to go to the rest room – & I found out later from God, if he had raped me he would have killed me. HE HAD BEEN SENT BY VERNA TALBOT, her God Power gone amuck, using it to kill a disciple because she stopped donating.
I was saved from this man by a miracle. A young black male, 6’4”, who I used to play basketball with, saw us walking down the street. He said God told him,
“Do not leave her alone with him. Follow her, knock on her door.”
As I ran to my door & pulled it open (Mr Rapist was 20 feet away,) there was Bruce ready to knock on the door – God had saved me again.
Eventually I did escape Verna Talbot with the assistance of a woman psychic – who gave me the courage & spiritual support to end it. I wrote Verna an official letter of resignation from her Church. She called to ‘bust my chops’ but I didn’t answer.
The last note on that is she died three years later, appearing to me in Light & giving me her ‘mantle.’ I was the only one who could wear it.
My point in all this: Had I listened to my Voice, not her, all of this would have been avoided. Verna persuaded me to ‘shut down’ my own God Guide, so she could preside over me. Bad idea. Whenever anyone else controls you, it will be THEIR AGENDA – I don’t care who it is, unless they are a great saint without flaws, people will take from you what they want & need, you need to protect yourself.
I make the analogy here with you giving yourself to men & breeding. I do understand, that you might be stuck in a Muslim society where you are so enslaved to disobey could be death. But in a Catholic world, they can’t kill you, if you are railroaded into marriage make sure it’s what you want, & if you don’t want children or too many, use condoms.
I also know other sects, like the marginal Mormon cults, can be brutal to women – I have interviewed two of their women for hours – these women escaped. You can’t do much in these repressive sects except to escape.
As far as your mind & soul in terrible communities – take care of it when you can—pray, meditate, to the God within you; stay alone when you can, be with like-minded sisters if you find any.
If you are NOT FORCED to take care of men, reproduce & nurture children you never asked for – don’t do it.
I will repeat once again: Woman, Thou Art God, the world depends on you to save it. You cannot save it unless you save yourself. You save yourself by finding the God within you, worshiping Her, gaining Self Realization, receiving Her Power, using Her Power to help others; spreading the truth, freeing the captives.
The Patriarchy CAN GET NOWHERE WITHOUT YOU, the woman. It thrives & works by YOUR COOPERATION. If you stop COOPERATING it COLLAPSES.
Males can do NOTHING – NOTHING WITHOUT WOMEN – they have no world without women, they are dependents on women, parasites actually, says Dr. Bryan Sykes, geneticist, & Ashley Montagu, anthropologist.
Woman, Thou Art God. Save the world by saving yourself, like in the airplane they tell you in an emergency, put your oxygen on first, then help the others. Unless YOU ARE EMPOWERED YOU CANNOT HELP THE OTHERS, THIS RELIGION WILL SAVE YOU, THEN YOU SAVE THE REST.
To be continued 8-21 -19 Rasa Von Werder