College of God & Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Soul Lifting Saving Bonanza

12-9-2023    Got 5 Souls Up – Helping MANY others!

Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing circa 1786 by William Blake 1757-1827

Soul Lifting Saving Bonanza



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I am with my male partner & we’re going to an extended, comprehensive restaurant. There are 2 doors to go through with a large space in between, & we’re walking as if we weren’t together – randomly just appearing at the same time, he several feet from me & he has never walked into a place with me properly. I feel it’s time for him to do the right thing & I say,

“The man is supposed to take the woman into the restaurant.”

And so, he takes my hand, he to the right & says,

“I was trying to hide my tattoo.”

He’s wearing a cotton short-sleeved slightly wrinkled shirt which the sleeves end just past the shoulder, & on his left arm just above the elbow is a tattoo medium blue color – don’t know of what.

It doesn’t make sense, as holding my hand doesn’t change anything, but this is a dream, all symbols.

*{ME: Mother God, OK, I’m certain this is Nick as this is exactly how he treated me. What does it mean, “it’s time to do the right thing?” He’s dead now so how does it make sense?

MG: It is often after death that we learn what we did wrong. Our bodies blind us; the things of the world lead us astray. He was indeed blinded & confused by the world, afraid of it, afraid of people’s opinions, & so he almost never acknowledged you in pubic {out of one time he did acknowledge you as his girl friend or that he loved you, there were ten times he did things to deny that.}. The things he did to you to hide the fact that he loved you were extreme & extremely hurtful.

Now human life is gone. People cannot criticize him, peers cannot ridicule him. He can acknowledge you without fear, so do it, you are saying, & he does.

You are suggesting he do the right thing, but also demanding it because without this UNION of hearts & souls – HE cannot enter into the PORTAL of helping Souls Ascend from Purgatory. It would be IMPOSSIBLE for Nick to reach Souls in Purgatory BY HIMSELF as that is not the protocol – he has to work with a living person to do so –most ascended souls must do it that way {the Holy Virgin doesn’t need this requirement, neither does Jesus.}

ME: The other symbols: Two doors with a hallway between, a foyer. His light blue cotton shirt with short sleeves, his TATTOO in particular, which he was trying to HIDE.

MG: Tattoos are famous for saying ‘Mom’ or some girl they love. He is trying to hide the fact that you are his woman & that you are old enough to be his Mother – he did see you as Mom & loved you for it.

The two doors, with foyer: It’s not easy to get into this PORTAL. It’s another world, & you are of two worlds. He has to go through one door to join with you. There’s a SPACE where you meet, this is the point where he TAKES YOUR HAND because he must have it, or he can’t pass the second door! – the door into Purgatory.

His shirt? Light blue is the color of the sky, of Heaven. His tattoo is NO LONGER COVERED, lol. He cannot, nor does he want to hide the fact that he loves you.}*


When we get in it gets complicated.

This is some sort of emporium that includes female domination along with the food. They have waitresses for food & servers who do domination for a price. I imagine they have private rooms for this.

Somehow, as I’m sitting at this counter – just a small part of this large place, a female dominator sits to the left of me, past the corner of the bar, {she’s about 8’ away from me to the left} & is writing down my ‘order’ for ‘breast domination.’

I am kind of confused by the whole thing. There are a number of folks sitting to my right {about 10’} in regular seats, close together, a row of them, all dressed in white except for one man, Ernest Borgnine, who’s dressed in dark colors.

This ‘domination server’ to my left is writing on a pad, what my requests are. I say out loud {you can hear her or I can, but everyone, especially the row to my right, can hear me},

“Breast domination, what do I want? Well, what I am doing is I work for a magazine. I will write an article about the session for them & they will pay me.”

Ernest Borgnine is the only one who reacts – he CHUCKLES.

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At this, the server disappears because my statement somehow nullifies the request. I see our session as some sort of food dish, now on a shelf in the middle behind the counter. It has 2 parts, one on top seems like pink shredded coconut, the bottom some sort of ice cream, but only half of what was there remains & it’s kind of ‘wilted.’ I pick it up, examine it & take it somewhere.

*{ME: This was tricky but I think I got it. It concerns my forfeit of recognition as the origin of female body building – they {Arnold/Weider} wrote me out of it. This recently came to my attention via Lisa Lyon’s Ascension.}Let’s take the symbols one step at a time. First, this ‘server’ is taking my ‘order’ for ‘breast domination.’

Breasts represent LOVE. A session is something you do – usually paid – to give PLEASURE or satisfaction to a person. Sex therapy, domination therapy are both emotional nourishment. By me being recognized as the Foundress, this would satisfy my emotions, but it’s based on the lower self, the ego or human need for love. So the server, within this portal or restaurant that serves souls, is taking my order of what do I want concerning recognition, so that I can feel love?

My answer NULLIFIES the session because I repudiated my need for universal recognition & specifically said, in my act of the will,

“I do this for the Souls in Purgatory. I give up my desire for this recognition on their behalf.

The symbol here of I will write an article & the magazine will pay me is that what I write is enough. I have & will continue to state the facts, seeking nothing else from anyone, that is all the ‘payment’ or compensation I need. Once the server hears that, she GOES AWAY.

Ernest Borgnine chuckles. This is interesting. I compare it to Marty which won 4 Academy Awards for 1955 – the message within it. Let Mother God explain.

MG: OK, Marty was an average guy, maybe ‘ugly’ to some. He liked a plain girl, his friends made fun of her, calling her ‘a dog.’ They were both lonely & she sat expecting, hoping he’d call, he sat alone with no one because his friends made fun of her. Finally he cries to his Mom who was praising him, “Mom, I’m ugly!’ And goes & calls the girl. {I’m recalling this from memory of many years ago.} The question is, why should an ugly guy pass over a plain girl? Why does he deserve or wait for a beautiful one? He should not. Take what he can get. How does this appy to your repudiation of fame for the origin?

It’s about STATUS & reality. PRIDE makes every man, no matter how he looks, desire a BEAUTIFUL woman. Somehow his inner qualities should make him a 10 when he’s really a 5, but a woman has to be a 10 by appearance, her insides don’t matter, at least, not to the world. So because of pride & a sense of ‘I DESERVE THIS a man demands beauty.

And so, in your PRIDE you wish for respect, recognition, kudos or admiration, for rightfully being the one who brought forth, concocted the idea of females lifting weights, & you did it through the media.. But it was taken away from you by the powers that be – the Arnold/Weider body building industry.

This hurts your PRIDE, it’s not fair, & it deprives you of the kudos – love – admiration you would get if you were honored. So what you have given up is your pride & your need for love from the public – as the server is ready to give you the love – you say, you don’t need it, & that ends the planned session.

Marty is a Soul in Purgatory. He chuckles by recognition of what you did is what Marty did,

“I don’t deserve the love of a beautiful woman; I’m going for this plain girl.”

So you also take what you can get – which is just stating your case, as you have, & leave it at that.

This row of people is also symbolic. The ones all dressed in white might be ready to ascend soon. This one isn’t, he’s still partially dark, which is also like saying,

“I’m not so great I deserve heaven yet.”

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And later when you look at the food or nourishment representative of the ‘session’ or getting this love, it’s like shredded pink coconut on top, bottom some sort of ice cream, now half gone & wilted,& you take it somewhere.

This food is a DESSERT, it’s not something one needs, it’s extra or luxury food. And you rethink how important is this recognition? You did what you did for the sake of female empowerment, & it was accomplished. Through this body building scheme women got freed up to develop their muscles, to be fit, more muscular, more athletic & aggressive. That’s what you did it for & it happened. The body building world never mentions that because they have no idea why God made you do it & they just don’t understand it’s result. They don’t see the forest for the trees – you do. Women’s image was changed, the way they look at themselves was changed, you succeeded, you don’t NEED all this recognition & pubic avowal “She’s the one.”

And here it is – portrayed within this RESTAURANT which is a portal you & Nick entered/presented to help Souls. Here is your sacrifice, it worked, it gave Grace to Poor Souls! You will see the great results in the Souls, all that is happening with them here!

My mate or husband I now see looking different & wearing different clothes. He’s tall, very thin {before he wasn’t this tall or thin}, wearing a darkish hat, strong eyebrows {hair is dark} a dark winter open coat under which might be white, & he is CARRYING sort of plain dark bowls filled with large amounts of delicious food, most notably FRENCH FRIES with cherries on top {wtf?} which I love, & I’m thinking,

“So what if that server cancelled our ‘breast domination’ session. Now hubby & I will be ALONE, much more relaxed, cozy, just the 2 of us, & we can ENJOY all this wonderful food he’s collected! Had she been with us it would have invaded our privacy.”

*{ME: This is very telling also. Look at all the spiritual food Nick gained FOR US! With cherries on top is like ‘icing on the cake,’ yes, it’s French Fries, a favorite for many of us & the cherries represent extra added Graces or Joys.

Us being alone, without that recognition or love I could have gained – is being alone with God, in God’s Kingdom, where true happiness lies. The interference of THE WORLD would have disturbed this inner peace, this interior intimacy & spiritual joy. ‘The Kingdoms of the world & THEIR GLORY applies here. Recognition is GLORY which as explained, was forfeited, but something greater was gained!}*

Then I pass back into a room where people are ‘dining’ only they aren’t dining, they are making BEDS to sleep in – all women, many of them old, over 60. They tell me all the spots are taken – I already knew that, I was just looking. There are two rows of beds with a 5’walk between, right up to each other, two beds next to each other in each space. One I notice is at the end, one lady with white hair looks to be about 70 is fixing her bed, white sheets, light blue cover, & the lady next to her is fixing hers—these beds are joined, no space between, like my twin beds that make on King sized bed. The feeling is,

“Full service restaurant, full house, fully occupied, this place is in demand, a success”

So they provide not only food & domination, but sleeping quarters!

*{SLEEPING QUARTERS, BEDS: Lol. In this portal or within this Grace, we have given a good number of souls REST as in ‘Rest in Peace.’ Notice they are all women, many old, old because most people die when they’re old, these are all dead. This happened right after your renunciation so perhaps it extended to these gals also.}*

So I leave this area & I see 5 black girls {souls not race} dancing about, carrying on. They all have on the same type slinky dresses, made of soft material with a honeycomb design pattern, – colored gold. The dresses are form fitting, slightly different with each one, one I notice her hemline goes partly to the calf, front a bit higher, it isn’t even. As they dance about they also complain about the servers & I agree, I was not pleased with mine either.

*{WITHOUT A DOUBT, THESE ARE SOULS THAT HAVE ASCENDED! I DID SAY 4 Masses yesterday, did not wiggle out of the second two, & here we see magnificent results.

The GOLD, the dancing & reference to honeycomb proves it. Gold is their wedding gowns, honeycomb is not only where they keep their sweet honey, but they also house larvae which are fed & then emerge. They are souls that got fed & emerged from darkness into Heaven. And they are DANCING WITH JOY!}*

I then go to a room I think hubby is in, but I see in the dim light {this room is like a large closet} reclining on a chaise lounge a dark black man. I can hardly see him as his skin is so dark & the room is dark, but when I do I’m slightly startled & excuse myself & back out.

I surmised that this man was a PIMP waiting for those 5 females.

*{ME: Mother God, what is this pimp doing in our portal? Can a demon be here hoping to snatch those 5 females into Hell? He being in a room so small it’s a closet, & it’s dark, is that it’s a hidden thing or secret.

MG: It’s only a symbol, but this is also indicative of how souls close themselves in away from God, they shut themselves up, that is a Hell. God does not make people go to Hell, they do it to themselves, & this is an example.

This says that these 5 females could have been snatched into Hell, but they weren’t. The Grace of God saved them.


Then I’m outside working hard with a man but enjoying it. Its harvest time & we are over a field of straw with a white substance all over it. We must somehow harvest this & put it somewhere, not sure where.

When we get done – it took hours – I ask my mate,

“Didn’t you do some wheat harvesting for farmer X last year, & do you have to do it again? I’ll help.”

Farmer X also has a field of wheat that must be cut down & stored. Not sure if we go there.

Then I see my mate is doing something like rolling a machine or something over the ground & he comes to a corner where he stumbles onto a bump.

I uncover it & see things I put there, a very old hand spade, the oldest I have, & an off-white rock. I say I put them there & hope he isn’t inconvenienced by it.


Matthew 9:37-38 New Living Translation (NLT)
He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”

*{MG: You & Nick are in the fields now, harvesting or bringing souls to God, besides going to Purgatory. Doesn’t give details.

The last scene – an old hand spade & an off-white rock you left, Nick stumbles onto it while working. To be analyzed later.}*



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Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Escape from Bugs Benny

Escape from Bugs Benny – Young man escapes from his Prosperity Preacher Relatives

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Ganesh is the Hindu God of Prosperity & also for removing Great Obstacles


5-12-23          Girl born to Carl {Not his real name}

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I’ve been studying Carl, a minister, for several days & he appeared for the third time in a dream. It’s meaningful.

I go to visit a lady, can’t recall why or other details, & she has a spread-out house, very nice.

She attractive, thin, dressed nicely, businesslike, & she has a husband. But I don’t see the husband until the end.

And so, we have a good visit & she tells me that they have recently had a baby, like maybe two weeks old.

Then as I’m walking to the back of the house I see the husband lying on his right side on something & the man’s upper body is wrapped in a cloth which seems part beige & part red, has numerous folds like the way they wore clothing in the ancient days & makes me think of a Hindu garb.

Inside this garment of folds I see the round outline of a small infant, completely covered & hidden, can’t even see its head.

Then I move closer to the man & he opens his garment & takes the cover off the child’s head. Her face looks like a baby-woman which thick curly platinum blonde hair, and I say,

“She cute. She looks intelligent.”

And the Mom is now nearby & she emphatically says,

“Yes, I know.”

Then I went out. It was some kind of special privilege to be there, I felt the time was up, now I must leave.

As I was leaving there was a delay. I was hungry as I’d not eaten all day. Was it the lady who’d given me the small triangle, like moist bread, on a white napkin? I ate it as I seem to be standing by a phone booth waiting for someone by the exit.

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MEANING: This dream is mysterious. I’ll make a guess. The lady is my God Self, who has married or merged with this minister I’m studying, who I like very much. He has somehow received this spiritual sacrament, of our souls uniting in marriage & the baby is as if I am born again in the flesh. It is little me he carries on his body, hidden at first, then he shows me the face of the baby, & it has some resemblance to me. This is the FRUIT of our union.

This is mysterious because it predicts the future.

All this happened within a short time which shows that in the spiritual, supernatural realm things can move fast. And I’ve not even had any known contact with this man, no responses to comments on his podcasts, nothing.

          His garb: Beige is usually CONTEMPLATION which some call meditation. The red is either suffering or passion. His experience of suffering has brought him to this place where he is, & the place is acceptance of myself & my philosophy. Many folds are many experiences, many ‘ins & outs’ along the road.


Dream of 5-11-23   Carl the Minister {not his real name}


          I was at the old farm house with a young man there, in maybe my bedroom sitting on the headboard of the bed, with a beige blanket over the bed & headboard. I was fiddling with something, not quite ready to greet this visitor when my two lady friends near the bed started singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to him.

I stopped what I was doing & joined in the singing.

After that he goes into the next room.


Meaning: The Happy Birthday song is to rejoice Carl has been born again. This was after he got away from a relative who is a Prosperity Preacher.


I’m attracted to this person & want to be alone with him & I follow him into the next room to see what he’s doing.

He’s stooping near a bureau which is holding some tall books, like 3-4’ tall & 1.5’ wide, & they have paper covers like ordinary brown paper bag paper, loosely but flat over them. He has one of the books in his hands.

I say to him,

“How are you going to spend your day?”

{Because I wanted to see, was he leaving for somewhere or was he going to be around so I could spend time with him?}

He said,

“I’m going to study these books.”

{The books represent the bible}

This made me happy as he’d be here all day.


I then get close to him & rest my face & lips on the back of his neck & now I see him clearly.

He’s my old lover “Buck” & he has tawny skin smooth as silk, beautiful face, very young, curly black hair.

I say to him,

“My previous boyfriend died of a drug overdose, I don’t know if you know that.”

“Is that why you hate sex?”

he says, and I answer,

“I don’t hate sex, I could have sex with you every day.”

{This implies spiritual or mystical union. Sex in my dreams is usually spiritual, in fact, the most spiritual act in a relationship.}

Meaning: This dream is the day before Carl ‘had the baby’ & it implies that I had ‘sex’ with him but of course, it’s spiritual union, not physical sex. And that spiritual union resulted in some kind of birth where I am BORN IN HIM OR FROM HIM. And it means that my God Self penetrated his soul & now I live in his soul. It’s kind of like the saying, ‘No longer I live, but Christ in me,’ which is similar but different. It implies that someone else can merge with my soul – which is a fact of the spiritual sacrament of marriage.




Nightmare about one minister, other dream about a husband-type associate.

The nightmare is that this minister was in my house, asked me for a light before he goes out. It’s a symbol of this man I was studying yesterday, who is an Orthodox Jesus-only type. I’ll call him Roger. I gave him a tiny flashlight. He strangely goes out there & shines that flashlight in my dark yard, which is spooky & weird, & he’s facing my kitchen window & shining the light into it. What is he trying to do?

Then he pulls out a whitish sword & this is like a threat, then he pulls out like a dozen scimitar swords, they are off white in the dim light. There’s a sinister feeling about him.

He’s trying to frighten me & I am uncomfortable.


Meaning: Roger is associated with Carl & was one of the pivotal ministers who hates the Prosperity Preachers & got Carl away from his relative. He has some good & bad points. He speaks some intelligent truth but also things I don’t agree with, & is narrow minded, like a Fundamentalist, a one-way thinker. I did communicate with him, but when he discovered my opinions he turned against me.

I found his vibes to be sinister & some of his comments frightening. Like Buddhists don’t worship God, they are going to Hell! The swords represent intimidation, threats & separation, & since there are many, a lot of this.

{This man preaches fanatically against everyone that does not profess Jesus is the ONE & ONLY GOD – the rest of the folks who believe differently are NOT worshipping God & they will all go to Hell. That includes Buddhists! And Jesus was a reincarnated Buddhist Guru!}

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But then I have a person with me that seems like a husband. He’s just made a purchase of a house for 65k, & I’m asking him about it. It’s a new development of many one-floor houses connected, with yards they are just putting in the fences, the fences are sporadic, not solid, like each fence about 10’ long, 5’ tall, white paint, then there’s maybe a a 20’ gap in between, & these fences surround all the houses in this settlement which just got built.


{New houses & sporadic fences are this is not a ‘fenced in’, ‘hemmed in’ or limited doctrine, he is open minded as I am – not like the sinister minister mentioned before. This will be his new outlook or philosophy somehow influenced by my God Self.}


So this husband tells me about it & I say,

“Good, it’ll be worth twice as much in a few years.”

He’s happy I said that, kind of relieved that he did the right thing. I think he was concerned about security. He seems slightly teary eyed as he sort of reclines on his stomach to my right.

Later he’s driving me back there to those houses to leave some kind of paper work, but we’ll have to walk back. I ask him to leave me here, as the walk back is long & my back & legs hurt. Hell walk back & catch up with me.

We had to pass by one narrow spot where there was a 5 gallon red gasoline holder on the right, resting against a small tree on the edge & it’s so narrow here & it veers sharply to the left leading to the houses, then a drop off I say,

“This is the dangerous spot in the road.”

But we passed OK.


Meaning: This is Carl. In dreams it implies we ‘made love’ spiritually & our souls are united. And here, he purchased a place for us to dwell in, which will have more value in the future or will manifest. The tears in his eyes sound like concern & worry about his future, but also, could be like you cry at weddings, tears of joy. He has been made happy by our union. Amazingly, I have had no physical contact with this man; just put comments on his podcast, that is all.

This dream shows that Carl is INVESTING or believing in our future work. It’s not yet ready – not finished construction. But it’s a COMPOUND like what I wanted to do for the new religion – multiple buildings UNITED or in my mind, a Temple, Convent, School, Dormitories, separate but linked & the FENCES where they are PARTIAL, not completely closing in & closing out are we are OPEN MINDED.

We are SEPARATE partially, we are OPEN to many schools of thought, as we are Christian, Buddhist, Yoga & Wicca. We do not accept Fundamentalists or Orthodox ONE WAY THINKERS. They are NOT US so we must keep any limited, fanatic / lunatic types that think ONLY JESUS SAVES or ONLY ALLAH is a prophet, & here are 6,000 rules to believe in & follow, & WOMEN ARE INFERIOR / only men can preach! Women must be controlled by men, subservient, if they do sex outside our jurisdiction they are sluts & whores to be stoned to death either physically or by the law or by ostracism from society.

And so our religion is closed to many but open to many – the fences are there but they are also open in between each area.

The belief is that God will save anyone who loves God, who practice the basic principles of Love to God & neighbor, do good to themselves & others & these are absolute basic beliefs in Buddhism, Christianity, Yoga & Wicca or Paganism. We do not denounce any of these like they denounce everyone except those who believe Jesus is the ONE & ONLY SON OF GOD & it’s him or Hell. This is fanatical & NOT TRUE. {I have seen Jews, friends & the unknown, in Heaven.} For their PROOF they give you words from the bible, which is written by MEN. Some were Godly, some made mistakes or put the Patriarchal or fanatical spin on things. Saints do make mistakes, no one sees ALL the truth. So they see Jesus is God but they fail to see his Mother as God, Ramakrishna was God, all the AVATARS, Saints, all who are Enlightened or Self Realized are God. What did they realize? They met the God Within & found that they & God are one. {Not talking about the Prosperity Preachers who are FAR FROM GOD but say ‘I’m a little God’ like Paul Crouch & Creflo Dollar. They see THEIR FLESH AS GOD but they have not met THE GOD WITHIN which truly is God. That is what Self Realization is – these guys are not realized, they made their flesh a God.

I honestly do not know why this man has purchased this for US & how this works but all I can say is its SUPERNATURAL. God brought him to my attention, somehow, God has joined us in Divine Relationship – also called Mystical Marriage, & I have been ‘born’ to him somehow – he gave birth to me in another dream, which indicates THE FRUIT OF OUR LOVE! And now he purchases this dwelling for us & I declare it will double in value in a few years, & he has tears in his eyes.


The dangerous spot in the road is some place where there could be trouble in getting to our New Religion or attitude but we get through OK. The gasoline tank signifies ‘there could be fire / explosion which is CONFLICT, hate, fighting.


The best podcasts I have seen on the internet are ‘Next Level Soul’ where Alex Ferrari interviews mostly those that have died & returned, & they give their experiences. Some did experience Jesus, others did not.

These people would be denounced by that sinister, fanatical minister who believes only one way. His holding multiple scimitar swords in his hands like a fan surrounding him are all the spiritual disciplines he separates from.


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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Rosa, Sam & Sam, the Prostitutes

 Rosa, Sam & Sam, the Prostitutes  2-7-23

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          Rosa, Anna’s mother, was a saint. One of the guys who hung out at her General Store suggested she put a sign in front, as all she had was ‘Open’ – lit up in red. He said to name it ‘Rosa’s Café,’ it sounded svelte – after all their gang sat there every day drinking coffee after coffee, but she said, writing something down,

          “Put this up there.”

          He looked at it & took off. He came back with a piece of wood four feet long, two feet wide. It was etched by a wood-burning rod in black – On top,

          “Love thy neighbor”

          and bottom,

          “As thyself.”

          And there is stayed forever more on top of the door. It was her motto.

Copyrighted Rasa Von Werder 2023, all rights reserved. This is part of the book ‘Church of Women’

          Many cases proved Anna’s virtue. One was Samuel. Samuel was a ‘maintenance man’ aka janitor, at the local school. He made decent money but why was his family so hard up? And why was his wife, Samantha, coming into the store & ‘round abut town with a black eye & bruises?

          The guys at the store hated Samuel, labeling him a whoremaster & wife beater, but when he came in, Rosa treated him with the same respect as anyone else.

“Good afternoon, Samuel, what can I do for you?”

He got what was needed. She smiled & said,

“Have a great day,”

and she said it with kindness, not like a machine.



One day he took his cup of coffee & headed toward the potbelly stove where the other guys sat – but their looks were so negative he veered around, went back to the counter & sat.

The guys later said to Rosa,

“Why do you tolerate him? Throw him out; tell him he isn’t wanted here.”

But Rosa said,

“That would be against God. Who am I to judge him? God alone is the judge.”

She was the same with the ones called ‘prostitutes,’ which the fair minded call ‘adult therapists.’

There were three females living nearby who frequented the tiny ‘red light area.’ It was a bar with an adult book store on one side & a diner on the other, all owned by city men & this area had both legit & not-so-legit practices.

These women hung there a lot, sitting in the bar picking up men, standing in front of the bar, walking up to men in the parking lot who stopped there or the adult store, or going into the diner on & off, especially to warm up in the winter.

When they found a customer the main place of practice was the parking lot behind the mall. No one went there except these people & those who worked in the three spots mentioned – the other stores – only the men who owned or worked in them parked or walked back there, the women felt unsafe. It was a large lot, most of the back of it gravel/dirt, large enough for two huge trucks if need be, & past that, wilderness.

These three ladies were friends & came to the Store from time to time together. You could instantly tell they were different. They were ‘poverty’ or ‘working class’ by their manner. Loud, crass & crude, they often chewed gum or smoked as they came in. They were ‘unrestrained.’ They were not beautiful or sexy in the movie star sense of the word, but they sometimes wore low cut tops or ‘pedal pushers’ {pants to the knees} with high heels. Heels were something none of the rural ladies wore except for special occasions like Church. But these females wore super high heels with platforms, a dead giveaway to their profession – perhaps they were advertising. In winter they wore warm thick coats, unzipped, which they would open & flash their bodies to potential customers.

These females would come into the store in the middle of the day. They slept until noon, at night they worked, so when they might amble in it was around two o’clock. The potbelly stove was crackling so they would take their sandwich & coffee & sit by it. They spoke sometimes loud, sometimes quiet, a unique way of conversation unique to them. Whisper, whisper, then loud laughter or exclamation. Quiet, quiet, then a raucous cry, on & on until their wares were done & they had to trudge.

Some of the regulars, both male & female, criticized Rosa for being nice to them. Rosa said,

“To me, they are like anyone else; God’s creatures. Why should anyone look down on them with hate? Doesn’t everyone do sex? Weren’t we born out of sex? If they do sex for money, it’s a business, they work to survive. They put food on the table, they have children.”

The critic would counter with,


“Yes, people have legitimate sex, inside of marriage but sex for money like this is a sin.”

And Rosa said,

“Don’t you have sex with your husband’s for money? Don’t they give you their paycheck, & part of your obligation is sex? If you stopped giving your husband sex, would he still support you?”

At that they were silenced.

“Whether a person sins or not is between them & God. What’s it to do with me? I treat everyone with respect.”


Back Story of the Red Light District – which later we’ll see Samuel Began Visiting


Matt & Bob Ricco had come into town from the city & took over the last three buildings, to the left, at the little mall. There were ten buildings in all – the extreme right housed the ‘redneck’ go-go bar where Anna later worked. The Ricco brothers had the adult book store, ‘sexy’ bar & diner. At first, they had no dancing in the bar. But they visited ‘Mr. Red Fox’ & saw the dancers & thought,

“If they can do it, we can do it better. It might be a good angle to jack up business & bring some hot girls in.”

This is the business setup, the details not yet explained. As I said, sex therapists hung around these three buildings. But the center of the action was the bar. They had an understanding/unofficial agreement with the brothers that went like this:

‘You hang around the bar, go up to a costumer & see if he wants to buy you a drink.’


The drinks could be FAKE or REAL. They cost $15 for the ladies & if the female wanted NO ALCOHOL she’d say to the bartender or waitress,

“Make mine weak.”

If she wanted alcohol in it – two shots, she’d say,

“Make mine strong.”

The bartenders put something with color into the large mug, whatever it was, soda, seltzer, so it would look legit. On the ‘drink menu’ it said 3 shots but it was only 2. The men never ordered these drinks, they were too weird. But if an outsider did, they’d get a real 3 shot whiskey with soda for $15.

If the male wanted to go further with the lady – get some ‘action’ they would go to a booth. Some of the new guys didn’t know the score & they’d sit with the female for a long time at the bar while she kept ordering these special drinks – she’d get $8 for each drink, the house $7. Most professionals did not see this as ‘good money’ & were eager to service the guy, so they would suggest they either go to a booth or, if they had progressed in their negotiations, behind the mall in his vehicle.

The booths were dimly lit. You could trip over your grey cat on the way to one. Each booth had a pack of handi-wipes – the kind you clean your baby’s diaper bottom with – on the table. If an outsider asked why they were there they would be told ‘to clean your hands after the food.’

But in reality it was to wipe up after hand jobs for the female & male. What they charged was what they could

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 get. If they could persuade the guy to give them $50 they did but if he refused they would do one for as low as $20. After the job was done they usually skedaddled as those phony drinks brought little profit, they had to move for money, & mostly the guys were done & left the bar.

          She’d either move toward another likely customer there or go outside to look for candidates. The average female worker could make $300 a night from about 7-8pm to bar closing at 1:00 or 2pm. Weekdays they closed at 1:00, weekends 2pm. Women worked as many nights as they could so based on this, they averaged $1,500 a week – more than minimum wage. It mostly depended on how the female hustled, not how she looked. Men would go blind after a few drinks.

          Now food: They served food but only hamburgers with potato chips or corn chips. They were large, with lettuce, tomato, onion & pickle if you wished. If a person didn’t want the hamburger the other alternative was all cheese – they would put 6 slices of American cheese on the bun, with the lettuce, tomato, onion & pickle. Some men didn’t want anything but the grilled bun & cheese. Whichever you had, it was $10.

          Now if a family came up to the bar to order food & drinks they were told that the food was only for people who worked there – please see the diner next door. Although they could legally have children in the bar as they served food, they didn’t want a child to go there & see a male or female cleaning up after sex, or to spot condoms in the garbage.


          There had to be two rest rooms. One was within the kitchen, back room area, where the dancers changed & any female therapists or employees had lockers they could keep their things. This was used by females & the owners – the other 2 or 3 male employees used the men’s room in the main bar. When females finished with guys in the back area they could return to the bar by the back door & fix up.

The dancers were a separate lot from the therapists, although they could participate in the drink business if they wanted. All the dancers were hounded for ‘drinks’ & then sex. But the average dancer had her mind on dancing & tips. The men could sit around two sides of the stage – not the side that would be facing the main bar area so people could see. These were the guys who tipped the most, some were generous.

          The dancing system was two girls a night, half hour on, half hour off. During the half hour off is when they changed & could sit with a customer for a minute, as time was short they usually got $8 out of the one drink. But to go to the bar they had to put on their street clothes, then come back to change again. This took time & energy, mostly they stayed backstage, rested, refreshed their makeup & had to go back on.

          The outfits of these dancers were much sexier than the redneck bar. The bottoms were sometimes more like ‘thongs’ & the entire bikinis were of material sometimes so thin you could almost see through. They were often custom made, as women wouldn’t wear such deals on the beach. They wore high heels with platforms.

          And their dancing was more suggestive. Matt said to one girl,

          “You ain’t doin’ it right. Jiggle your tits, bump & grind, lick your finger – this ain’t the high School Prom.”

Whereas at the ‘Mr. Red Fox’ they wore normal beach bikinis, bathing suits & halters with cut off shorts, flat shoes or barefoot, their dancing was not suggestive. This suited the type of clientele, all locals, some with family.

There was also the smell of weed coming out of the office. The origin was unknown, only that some of the staff smoked it.

          No, the Ricco brothers did not get ‘free sex.’ That is, they did not demand it. They were decent looking, masculine, wore expensive clothes. So many girls went after them they thought they were the cat’s meow. It was mostly their money & latching onto them for survival, it wasn’t love. Half the time the girls were having sex with them or anyone for work they were thinking of getting home, cooking dinner for kids & family, resting & wiping clean their minds of what they had to do.


          Matt was 5’10”, 39 years old, shiny salt & pepper black hair & dark eyes. He looked rugged. He wore double breasted dark suits with white shirts. Bob was gentle-looking, sweet expression, straight brown hair & brown eyes, a thin mustache, 36, he liked grey double-breasted suits with white shirts.

          Although they looked like ‘gentlemen’ in their suits, when they started to talk you knew they were low-class. The vocabulary & idioms they used gave them away & the crudeness also. They’d use phrases – to the girls – if they were mad like,

          “Sit your ass down over here,”


          “This ain’t your beauty parlor”


          “You ain’t the star here, I am!”

          You can take the boy out of the ghetto, but you can’t take the ghetto out of the boy.        

          The guys were usually not there at the same time, they had businesses back in New York City. What other businesses they ran no one knew.


          The adult book store was a hoot. One local man got a job there. There were booths where men could look at porno & masturbate. Charles had to take the cash till to the office past the booths. As he walked he slid & the cash till went flying. He had stepped on some sperm.

          This is the world Samuel entered when he started to go astray.


When Samuel’s wife Samantha, would come in with a black eye, she would hold the bruised part of her face away from people but the more she tried to hide it, the more obvious it became.

She tried to make ends meet with three children; a one year old baby, eight year old girl & ten year old boy. She shopped for clothes only at the thrift store. She bought most of their needs at the dollar or discount store & she went to the regular grocery only when she had to. In summer she had the greens in their garden, in winter the


General Store would get fresh stuff from an 80 year old lady with a greenhouse.

Their house was a tiny two bedrooms on a postage stamp property, in front of huge fields that belonged to someone else. It was not decrepit or ruined, no holes in the roof, walls were fine, no broken windows. But they had little furniture, most of it came with the house when they

bought it & a couple pieces they got from the Salvation Army, that was it.

          But then, it got worse. About a year prior to the crisis

Samuel began to drink more. His drinking was moderate – he & Samantha watched TV Friday & Saturday nights drinking beer or a bit of whiskey.

          But now he absented himself on the nights he got paid, every two weeks. He’d go to the red light bar & drink. A back room sometimes had a poker game {a con man deal you couldn’t win}; he’d go in & lose a couple hundred bucks. He’d come back in the bar, drink some more. One of the girls there or outside would approach him; he’d give in & take her in his truck to the back lot. He’d come back to the bar & drink some more.

          He’d come home late & Samantha would be waiting for the pay check. But the money was drained, there’d usually be six hundred left out of the nine hundred & fifty cash he would get.

          Bills had to be paid. There was propane gas, electric every month, in winter, the fuel bills were terrible. They had gotten a small wood stove in the living room but the heat didn’t reach the bedrooms. And the wood had to be bought, she’d run out of wood.

          One horrendous incident Samantha was driven to was the theft of baby aspirin. In a discount store she got her items, all necessities, {no luxuries for them}, when she spotted the baby aspirin. But she already had got all she

could afford in the cart. The kids complained of headaches from what was going on. She looked around – no one was looking, she put it in her vest pocket & moved on.

          But a saleslady had seen her & told the manager. He came over when she was checking out & said,

          “Would you like to pay for what you put in your pocket?”

          She took it out & placed it on the counter, saying,

“I’m sorry—but I don’t have enough money for this.”

          This was seen by the customer behind her, it was embarrassing. And the manager added,

“We’d like you to do your shopping elsewhere from now on.”

Dash it – this was one of her favorite discount stores!

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          Luckily, she had two dependable allies – Rosa at the General Store, & Joseph Leon, one of the regulars there, who was deeply in love with her.

          Joseph Leon had his own tale to tell. Ever since he laid eyes on Samantha he loved her. Sam was 33, he was 64 & married. He dared not show his love, he tried to keep his eyes off her when she came into the store. But the more he tried to avert his gaze the more it was noticed, as you could see his conversation stopped when she came in, his mind was diverted.

          His chance to meet her came when Rosa gave him a bag of groceries to take her.

          It was day – Samuel was at work, a good time to chat. Rosa knew better than to send a man there in the evening – husband’s get jealous, or else indignant by some man bringing help.

          But when he brought food she was grateful as the kids never got enough, milk for the baby was urgent, & sweets for the others were snapped up.     


Joseph then got the idea that if Rosa could send a care package, so could he, & that would give him the excuse to visit her. He didn’t tell her it was from him, he pretended it was the store but later she guessed it.

          After a while he told Samantha he was in love with her. He didn’t try anything – they never touched, but she now knew she had someone she could ask for big help. He wasn’t rich, but he was solvent; she wasn’t.

          Over that year he paid several bills for her, food constantly, electric bills, gas bills & even her taxes. They weren’t high as their property poor, but they had to be paid or the house could be taken away. All this was kept under cover, no one knew about it as her house was off to the side where you couldn’t see who parked there – he told no one – she told no one. Although Samantha was grateful she harbored no feelings for Joseph, she saw him as a father figure.

          But Joseph had other ideas. His mind ran to fantasies of Samantha leaving Sam & being with him. He imagined all sorts of setups. Samuel would meet another female – maybe one of the girls at the bars – & runs off with her. Samuel has a car accident & dies. Samuel gets sick & dies. Samantha gets tired of Sam’s shenanigans & wants to leave him & asks Joseph to help.

          Joseph liked his last fantasy the best. He’d find an apt for Samantha in the next state, not terribly far, about fifty miles hence. He’d get a van & quickly move her out while Sam was working. He would support her, could visit once a week & make love. If his wife died before him, he could then marry Samantha & live happily ever after. Anything is possible if you believe.

          But things were boiling over for the couple.

          Again, Samuel wasn’t coming home on pay day. Samantha called the bar – they said he wasn’t there. She didn’t believe them. She decided to do something she’d never done before.

          She couldn’t leave her kinds alone; she took them with her & went to the bar. She had the two older kids hold the baby. She walked into the bar & indeed, he was not there.

          But she knew about the parking lot behind. On a good hunch, she drove back there & there he was – in his truck with a female. At first, she parked discreetly & turned her lights off, spying on him. The light back here weren’t bright but there was a strong moon. She saw just him for a while, the female disappeared. She then saw him talking to her & giving her something. Was it money?

          She didn’t know what came over her, but she turned her car toward his truck – he was parked directed to the woods on the right side of the lot. She got behind him, put her bright lights on, hit the intermittent horn & jumped out of the car screaming, waving her hands & jumping up & down,

          “You beast! You take the food out of our children’s mouth!

          You waste money on other women!


You can get all the sex you want from me!

          I hate you – I hate you – I hate you!”


          There was another man in the lot busy with a female. He pulled out of there fast.

          The woman Sam was with quickly jumped out of his jeep & ran into the back door of the bar.

          And Samuel got out of there as quick as he could, some people were exiting from the buildings to see what was the noise.

          She screamed until he was out of sight, everyone back there heard her, the same tirade over & over. And she was justified. He was wasting all kinds of money on gambling – on alcohol he could drink at home – & sex when he could get it from his wife. What was wrong with him?


          She went home, shaking with rage & fear of what he would do to her. Their fights on Friday nights, Saturday mornings had escalated over the months. He would push her against the wall or hit her & then would stop, go to the bedroom, throw his clothes on the floor & pass out.

          She would then pick up his pants, take out his wallet & find what money was left & hide it under a floor board in the kitchen, a place he wouldn’t look. He’d wake up not

remembering & wondering if he spent the money, a female had rolled him or if his wife cleaned him out.

          But this night was a crisis & she was going to have it out when Sam came home, & she did.

          He arrived around 2:30 Am, she was waiting. As soon as he came in the door she began screaming, the same thing as before. Saying he was the most miserable wretch of a man, she hated him, he wasted their money, she couldn’t feed the kids properly & was late on bills. He was worthless, she was going to leave him.

          At those last words he not only hit her, but knocked her to the floor & jumped on top & began to strangle her. The table fell over as he did this & the kids woke up.

          They ran in screaming, pounding him with their fists but he didn’t seem to feel it. The boy opened a kitchen drawer, got out a hammer & hit him to the back of the head – it knocked him out.

          Samantha got up gasping for air, the kids were relieved she wasn’t dead. But Sam was out.

          They dragged him into the bedroom & left him on the floor. She put her face to his nose to see if he was breathing & he was. So he wasn’t dead. But usually he stayed unconscious from liquor for many hours – the conk on the head would help him stay that way.

          She told the kids,

          “We’re getting out of here.”

          Samantha had one ace in the hole. A sister lived about a hundred miles away, they could make it there. She took the money left in Sam’s wallet – abut $600.

          She took several comforters & pillows from the rooms, & grabbed whatever important things were needed. The marriage certificate on the wall she tore up. Everything else she could leave as her sister had these things.

The car Sam had bought her was a black Cadillac Eldorado, 15 years old. It had rust on the bottom, one of the automatic doors didn’t work, but the engine was fine.

         She felt a great relief as she pulled out of the driveway– the kids fell asleep quickly in the back; they were nestled in comforters & pillows. Samantha was gone.


          When Samuel woke up around 10 am he remembered nothing. But there was a note on the table,

          “Don’t look for me.”

          Samuel knew she had relatives including a sister, but he never met them, didn’t know where they lived or their addresses – & Sam’s sister would not be listed under her own name in the book as she was married.

          But he did look for her nevertheless. He called everyone she knew. He went to every store she shopped & looked inside & in the parking lots. He did this every day. No trace. Finally he went to Rosa’s.

          He walked in looking like a ghost.

          He asked Rosa if he could speak to her privately.

          Rosa asked Anna, her daughter to take over & took him to the kitchen.


          The kitchen was, luckily, far from the prying ears of other folks & they placed themselves at the table against the wall, each at a corner of the table, Sam his back to a wall, Rosa’s back to the door.

          “She left me!”

          Sam exclaimed.


“I can’t live without her! I don’t know what comes over me, but when I start to drink, demons take over & I can’t control myself!”

          He started talking in a mumbly tirade,

          “If she doesn’t come back to me, I’m a dead man. What have I done? Forgive me, God! I’ve sinned so much, so much, not meaning to, not wanting to, but I have, & I deserve punishment!”

          At that he got up & fell to his knees in front of Rosa & put his head in her lap, sobbing.

          Rosa tried to comfort him, not understanding the problem fully. She said,

          “It’ll probably work out. She’ll call you & you will discuss it & she will return.”

          He said,

          “But I don’t know where she went. I know she has a sister but I don’t know her name or where she lives. If she doesn’t come back I’ll die.”

          Rosa said every consoling thing she could think of, that he must keep his faith, not give in to despair, that this is temporary, every cloud has a silver lining, things will change, walk through the valley of death & fear no evil. God is with us & will not allow us to fall into the pit, give God a chance, etc.

          He listened & calmed down. She gave him a napkin to wipe his tears.

          He said thank you & good bye,

“You’re a good woman, Rosa, a friend to everyone. I thank you sincerely”

And he left. As he walked out the people in the store saw his eyes were swollen from crying.

All his efforts to find Sam had failed.


Joseph Leon was worried & angry. He hated Samuel, he now had all his dreams dashed, the dreams that kept him alive. Was his hope of joy finished?

But wait – she spoke of a sister. Maybe Samuel knew where the sister lived or at least her name. Surely, she would go there. If only he had a number, a town or a name, he could find her. He had to go to Sam’s & ask him. He’d get it out of him on the pretext he’d find her & persuade her to come back. So off he went.

The house was dark. He knocked on the door, no answer. Sam’s black pickup was there, so maybe he was asleep, most probably passed out from drink. He banged loudly. He went to every window, peered in, saw nothing. The back door brought no response. Then he saw a mallet – those things that have an iron head weighing a few pounds that you put spikes into a piece of wood to split it into firewood. He picked it up to bang on the door so even a deaf mute could hear it – Nothing. Suddenly, with that mallet in hand, all his unconscious rage shot up. If Sam was passed out cold nothing would wake him, why not just do what I feel like doing & destroy his house; instead of killing him, it’s the next best thing. So Joseph shot through the back windows, then the side windows, then the front. All the windows in the house were goners. No response.

He then went to Sam’s truck, pulled out his pocket knife & stabbed each tire, they all went flat. He then took that mallet & pounded the truck here & there & smashed the front window.


He heard a car coming in this direction; he quickly jumped into his & sped off.

It was the police – lucky for John they didn’t see him.

Sam’s employer had called – he’d not reported to work for days, did not answer his phone.

Seeing the truck & car, the cops immediately suspected fowl play. They had their guns drawn as they broke the front door down & looked around – no one was there. They saw a note on the table,

“I can’t live without her.”

They turned the note to the other side, where it said in different hand writing,

“Don’t look for me.”

They went outside, sifting through the weeds & shrubbery, but nothing.

Then they looked to the field beyond the house, way down, hundreds of yards, & saw vultures flying ahead – many of them. Could be a dead deer or a body, they better look.

They trudged down there & sure enough, there was Sam, lying on his back, arms open, a shotgun by his right hand. He had blown his brains out.


Samantha’s journey


    Samantha indeed, had reached her sister with no impediment. Her sister, June, had said many times

          “Don’t take his shit. The next time he might kill you. Come here & if he doesn’t straighten out, forget him.”

          Sam did love Sam, or thought she did. But the lives of her & her kids seemed more & more precarious. He was getting crazier, more violent.

          And the thing with the strangling was the final straw. He could kill her without even remembering. This she could not risk. Her sister had said,

“Who will take care of the kids if he kills you? They’ll put them in foster care, where they’ll be abused by the male.”

Samantha shuddered at this. It was life or death. That night of the crisis she flew with every fiber of her being to get out of that house. She called her sister to let her know she was coming – it was now about 3am so if she took but one break for coffee & donuts she could be there by 7am & so she was.

She saw Sam’s death in the local paper. It was on the News. People in their town were shocked, everyone babbled at the General store,

“We didn’t know Sam loved Sam – he was such a bastard.”


Samantha was now heir to their house. The real estate lady got an offer for $8k but 2k would go for new windows. It was good enough for Sam, the most money she ever had. The truck could have brought 1k, but in the condition Joseph left it, it was towed to the junk yard. And so Sam began her new life with what to her was a fortune.

It is also peculiar that Joseph, who loved her so much he spent about 3k on her that year, also deprived her of it by the damage he had done. {He went back to his humdrum life when she had disappeared, like the errant suiter of the beautiful married lady in ‘The Cherry Orchard” by Anton Chekhov.}


She settled in with her kids & June. June had three little ones also & a good husband – just a regular guy. There were four bedrooms, two downstairs, two upstairs. They let Sam have one bedroom for herself & the one-year old, while the other bedroom had the eight & ten year olds. Upstairs the husband & wife shared a room with their two year old in a crib, & their six & eight year olds had the other room.

Things worked out perfectly for the sisters financially, emotionally & practically. Samantha got social security death benefits – a check & monthly stipend. It was about $1,200. Now if a female lived alone with three kids this would be poverty. But here, with June, she didn’t have to pay rent, taxes, electric, propane gas & the like. This sum made her feel rich as she could use it for food, clothing & necessities, even tiny luxuries. She no longer felt insecure, or afraid, & that was priceless.

          June benefited equally well. She’d had two years of college; she worked as a receptionist in a large firm & liked it. But she met a man – they fell in love – & when she had kids – no more work.

          It wasn’t the money – they had enough as Ron’s job paid well – it was being stuck in a house with no connection with the outside world.

          At first, she had tried baby sitters but they all turned out unsatisfactory, she stopped looking for work.  

She had seen too much negative stuff on TV & from friends of children being harmed by baby sitters.  There was the twenty three year old female who took on a four year old female & six year old boy. She had a job at a fast-food place; she’d leave the kids with her boyfriend, who was sodomizing the son.

        The sis tried to help the bro but was kicked away. Eventually he had to have surgery on his intestines to fix the damage.

        Then there was the teenage male baby sitter – not abusive but neglectful – watching a five year old boy.  Filled the tub with water, let him bathe himself while he watched TV, the boy drowned.

        Females were not to be trusted either.  There was the nineteen year old Au Pair from Sweden who lit the fireplace, embers fell on the rug, fire started, she ran out of the house while the infant burned to death.  The parents tried to hold her accountable but the court let her go.  She was greeted by a parade in Sweden with her Dad, the FIRE CHIEF leading the crowd.

        She heard of many other cases, enough to make her stay home.

        A wise woman said that in the days of Matriarchy, women banded together in families.  Each knew the other intimately, if they had virtues or faults, if they could be relied upon or not.  But in a man-run world, women were separated, isolated, far apart, they didn’t know each other.  They weren’t families any more, they were strangers.  And so, reaching out to another woman for help did not mean the awareness of who she was or the loyalty that comes with blood.  You could put your hand out to one mentally ill, who appears sane.  You could find one unreliable like the girl who left the kids with her boyfriend.  All kinds of maladies & defects are in humankind & you don’t know if you’re hiring one of these for your children.

          When Samantha came, she took over the care of all the children, & she kept the house spotless & did most of the cooking. June knew she could trust her & she applied at her old job & got it.

          She went on a bit of a diet as she had gained twenty pounds. Bought a new wardrobe of beautiful dresses & business suits, high heels, fixed her hair & makeup, & put her best foot forward to the public. Doing this made her feel like a ‘lady’ again, to be admired & respected, not a frumpy, frazzled housewife always complaining what the kids had done or not done. In fact, Ron was tired of her endless patter of what the kids did.


Not only that, she had extra money & that didn’t hurt. She also had benefits – health insurance & a 401K savings plan.

          Samantha had good instincts. She knew what kids needed & she held both babies as much as she could, they needed rocking & close physical contact, & she also hugged a lot & spoke kindly to them & encouraged them in constructive activities. If they erred she corrected them gently not to frighten them.

          She also knew that couples needed privacy. Saturday weather permitting Ron played golf. It was good exercise for him & a sort of therapy. She & June took that day to kibitz, catch up, all the gossip women love.

          But Sunday Sam made herself scarce. She let June & Ron watch TV by themselves, she got a TV for her own room & set up games for the kids in their rooms or sometimes all together with her. She had a hot plate for coffee or quick snacks & a tiny fridge in the room. In summer she spent much of Sunday in the back yard with the kids. If June & Sam wanted to be there then she’d use the living room or her room – she understood the value of privacy. No matter how much she & June liked each other, she had to be alone with her husband – just her & him. Two is a couple, three is a crowd, & Sam wanted their arrangement to last, not to get broken for people stepping on each other’s toes.


         June & Ron were also free now to take tiny weekend vacations out of town & relax in luxury hotels.  Life got brighter.

Ron was planning to improve the back yard for the now six children, including swings, a slide, a merry-go-round, a sand pit & a baby pool.  He also said he’d get a barbeque out there. 

        Life was enhanced when the sisters united.

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Copyrighted Rasa Von Werder 2023, all rights reserved. This is part of the book ‘Church of Women’

College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Stevie’s Big Challenge

      Stevie’s Big Challenge  2-5-23


Stevie was considered a prodigy within the

Convent {a venue is called a Convent within the Order when it’s a separate homestead with a variety of uses. It has a Temple & education facilities as well as all the amenities a home should have.} 

This article is copyrighted Rasa Von Werder, 2023.  It is to be part of the book ‘Church of Women’

        As explained before, he was a whiz at learning & to the grownups, declared ‘best dancer.’ But the kids – mostly girls – preferred Marjorie. She was their Hera who could dethrone Stevie to be #1.

Conflicts broke out. There were arguments, disputations, declarations of this or that. Why Marjorie was better, why Stevie was, on & on. Finally one day it came to a head.

Marjorie’s Mom was an English teacher & pubic speaker. She’d been published & once toured the country promoting her novel. {It was a young lady tale about her years at Vassar.}

All the kids were encouraged to speak publicly – part of the comprehensive education set up by the Foundress. They were asked from the age six to speak on stage or in front of the class – little things at first, like what they liked to eat, what kind animals they loved, what they did today & what they planned to do tomorrow. This graduated to what they thought about subjects they were studying, how they thought they could become good at their sport or dance, then higher subjects that touched upon the meaning of life & remarks about the doctrine & practices of the Order.

Marjorie’s Mom was especially eager for her to be highly respected & loved. She felt Marge was being

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somewhat cheated out of ‘first place’ in the Convent & on her next opportunity to recite, she should pipe up about that. The Mom coached Marge on the important principles to be voiced & rehearsed her over & over. Now the chance came.

        All had gathered for a dance class, the Elders were there as there were some demonstrations the teacher wanted them to see how the students had progressed. After that was the ‘sit down’ dancing everyone liked so many came early. Most of the fifty inhabitants of the Convent were there.

        Before class started the teacher asked if anyone wished to speak nor make an announcement. Marjorie raised her hand & was given the stage.

        She walked up confidently, even defiantly & began,

        “Our religion is one of female supremacy. Women are loved & respected as superior to men, with good reason.

       And so now, I cannot understand why I must be measured against a male, who in our religion is an inferior, & he is treated as if he is equal to me or even better & I resent being compared to him.

       I want this settled once & for all, that I am better than Stevie, & that is it. I don’t want to be in a contest with him every day.”


        The Members were shocked – this is an eleven-year old girl who had never spoken like this. They had not known she felt this way.

        The C.O. stepped forward & spoke,

        “Stevie, have you anything to say?”



Stevie was as shocked as anyone but as we said, a prodigy. He pulled himself together & said,

        “I agree with all the beliefs of our religion including that females are superior to males because of their two X chromosomes. We all accept that.

        But it doesn’t mean that all females are better than all males in all things.

        Even though Marjorie has two X chromosomes & I only have one, I’m not sure if Marjorie is a better dancer than me.

        We’re both good & to end this conflict, can we have a dance off & whoever wins, wins, & whoever loses takes it in a sportsmanlike fashion? I am ready for the challenge.”

         The C.O. came forward & said,

        “Clear the stage. I declare a contest to see who is #1 – Stevie or Marjorie. I will play the music, which will be unknown to them ahead of time. There will be between two to four minutes each composition & may the best woman or man win.”

        “And whoever wins, wins, & no more disputes. Everyone take your places,”                                  

       & she goes to the computer. The challenger, Marjorie, takes her place. She moans inside when she hears, from Prokofiev’s Romeo & Juliet, a dreary strain called ‘Dance of the Knights.’

        It’s like a drone, you have to be inventive, imaginative to make it interesting. It’s a piece that drags on without


highlights. Stevie does equal time & also strains to make it lively, with great effort. The best part is when she ended it after two minutes – no one knows who won.

        Once again, Marge takes her place. Ah, it’s a thumbs up, from John Strauss II, a type of dance called Czardas, Ritter Pazman, Opus 441. The first half is lyrical, slow, the second half strong & rousing. Teacher plays the entire piece which is over four minutes, so they are both out of breath when finished.

        Marge is exquisite, so graceful, like an angel wafting on clouds in part one, but part two, Stevie begins his leaps & he can jump much higher than her, so it’s apples & oranges.

        Teacher knows they must now recoup, as when people dance on stage, it looks easy to an audience, but they are emoting with every ounce of breath & ballet stars sometimes when leaving the stage, fall to the floor exhausted. She holds off from starting the music for a minute.

        Now the climax. Everyone gasps. It’s the marvelous ‘can can’ from Offenbach’s ‘Orpheus in the Underworld.’

        Both performers know this is short but faster than hell & must pull out all the stops.

        The audience even jumps to the tune, everyone is excited.

        Marjorie begins & she knows there isn’t much time, she starts showing off right away, jumping high in the air & landing in a split! Then she does some wide circle twirls, like big circles that end in fancy leg lifts, & she does her best leap again, & again, & again, always falling into a split, then wide circle leaps, even backward & lifts one leg back & bends it to her head for the exit! The audience cheers & cheers, this is spectacular.

        Can Stevie match or top this? He also puts his best foot forward, running into leaps like Baryshnikov, higher & higher, then stops for the amazing twirls called pirouettes, it seems the twirls will never end & the audience begins to fear for him like he might never stop & get dizzy-sick at the end, but he breaks out of it & does a couple of wild leaps where he does a split in mid air, end of story. Has he won?


        The C.O. comes forward now & says it will be decided by applause. She calls Marjorie forward & there’s wild screams & yells & frantic clapping.

        Then Stevie, the same thing & he gets a reaction just as loud, although, as was said before, the kids prefer Marge, the adults like Stevie.

        Both the Teacher & C.O. can’t figure whose applause was greater.

        They call forward the Chief, who’s sitting in the middle, away from the crowd. They ask for the applause again, she’s listening.

        She comes up on the stage & says,

        “The answer is obvious. From where I sat I could hear a balance from both sides. Neither one is preferred to the other, they are both appreciated equally. It’s a tie.”

        The audience approves, they are satisfied. Both sides did not want to lose, but this is OK, both are winners, neither one loses. Everyone is happy.


     To this lovely conclusion a leader of the ‘Good time Charlene’ ritual comes forward & sits on the edge of the stage. Everyone takes their seats in chairs or leaning on chairs or leaning on the stage. Most younger ones are on the stage, as they don’t mind moving their entire bodies, while some adults need to sit for comfort. And once more, the Charleston begins & all start moving, who said laughter is the best medicine?



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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Old Anna


2-4-23      Anna, Daughter of Rosa – Old Anna

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        When the kids from the Order met Anna she was seventy seven. She called herself ‘half blind,’ not knowing that a remedy was at hand – removal of the cataracts could correct her vision drastically. But she had no one to take her on several appointments needed prior to surgery – so she let it go, just getting by with what she had. She was severally nearsighted & had ‘floaters’ – bits of darkness in front of her retina, trash in the eye that usually gets flushed out, but it wasn’t. When she took off her glasses everything beyond a foot in front of her was blurry. 

Copyrighted by Rasa Von Werder, 2023, all rights reserved.

  This is part of the book being written by Rasa ‘Church of Women’ 

        This is how Stevie & his sister met her, in front of her ‘shack’ which was not really a shack but looked like it from the outside – inside was beautiful & every amenity you could want – it had been repaired & equipped with many what seemed to her ‘luxuries’ {as she had lived with her Mom in relative poverty all her life.} We shall get to her married life later, where the husband of Anna fixed her property to a large degree – he worked in construction.

        Little Stevie was the ‘boy wonder’ of the Order, just ten years old. He now lived in the Mobile Home Park affiliated with the Order – a wonderful place. His Mom continued living at the Convent with his four sisters – all boys upon reaching the age of ten had to leave the Convent & live elsewhere – the Mobile Park was not far, he lived with a Member of the Order who loved him dearly – he was allowed a dog there,

he wanted a ‘Toto’ but they didn’t have one at the shelter – he got a Beagle weighing about 30 pounds, a sweet rascal he named ‘Mover Good Foot’.

The lady he lived with – Theresa – had an apple tree right next to the home & made wonderful pies which she topped with whipped cream for Stevie. The dear boy visited his Mom almost every day, Theresa took him there & brought him back, or he walked alone the 20 min trek.

Stevie was a wonder for two reasons – his talent & his intelligence. The resident Doctor of the Convent – Maude Leena – had a psychology degree & a genius – {never without a book in her hands, the study of psychology, sociology, human & animal behavior & medical remedies – had given him an IQ test which determined the score of 150. He was also the best dancer– that was debatable among the kids but the Elders said he was.

{All the kids & even Elders of the Order danced daily. There was a paid female ballet teacher one day a week, then a volunteer who had been on the stage – she set up various programs where they practiced first one type, say ballroom, for a few months, then what you might call ‘modern dance’ which was pseudo ballet, then a potpourri of contemporary dances starting with the Charleston & ending with rock’n’roll. This volunteer was a Member who lived off premises, she came every day but one to put the Members through their paces. They first had to do the exercises of the ballet Mistress. They were told that they must not only stretch but strengthen every muscle, & you

had to keep this up as long as you wanted to perform. So each & every day saw 20 minutes of this routine & it enabled some to do high leaps & even splits in the air eventually. Little Stevie stood out & he had one brilliant female challenger– eleven year old Marjorie.}

They also did ‘sit down dancing’ many days, especially when it rained or in winter {although they were encouraged not to fear the cold – it’s been said there’s no bad weather – only bad clothes. Bundled up, they braved zero degrees outside for short treks, little kids as well as Elders. Some members prided themselves on their ability to face the cold & worked or played outside in bitter weather for hours. But kids were monitored strictly with super warm clothing, making sure to put thick boots & gloves & cover their heads & necks.} – almost daily the entire Membership sat in chairs or leaned on them or the stage {they used the huge barn @ this point for their home & it had a stage} & music with a good beat was played – often that of the ‘roaring 20’s – & a leader with dance experience would sit in front suggesting moves – they could follow or make up their own – & that way everyone got good exercise even if they were older with arthritis or bad hearts & could not prance around. The kids from any age they could walk were put on the stage – {they had a stage in the huge remodeled barn where this took place} & the grownups sat in their chairs below the stage, with

the leader sitting on the edge facing them, the kids mostly on stage jumped, danced & pranced, some even did somersaults or splits. {This ritual they called ‘Good time Charlene.’ It was practiced after sunset in summer when you could no longer do gardening, weeding, landscaping or play the usual sports.}

Sometimes an individual on stage was ‘on fire’ with the music & lost him or herself & everyone would stand back, let her emote, clapping & cheering. Chair dancing lasted one hour average 6 days a week, not even counting the regular dance class – so many Members were practicing two hours a day or more! If they were busy with other projects it would be skipped – but not often. If two days went by without the chair dance people complained – it was therapeutic. The Elders said it alleviated their stiff joints & muscles & helped their bowels. {If someone loathed it, were preoccupied or tired, they could stay in their room, work in the kitchen, tend to their computer work *some had projects for the Order like Social Media sites as their Journals, or blogs for their Journals or highlights & meaning of the Order, etc.* or do something else. It wasn’t mandatory. Some who already danced one hour might skip it.}

Stevie did not have to go back to the Convent for regular School, as they had that at the MobilePark – but he wanted the extracurricular stuff. And he loved dancing & many other classes, so visiting was not just to hug Mom & tease his sisters.

        On one of these visits it was noticed that their beloved cat Tommy was missing {he was dark tigerish with a heart on the back of his neck} {every family in the Convent was allowed a pet cat but no dogs, as dogs would make too much noise & would also chase the cats & go crazy at the wild animals feeding outside in the ‘Beastaurant’} – & he would stay away for a couple days at a time. Pretty soon he was absent as much as present. This was a mystery no one could solve. Stevie wanted to solve this by following Tommy & asked Mom for permission.

He took his eight year old sister Margie with him & off they went, following Tommy into the woods a good distance away so he wouldn’t get skittish, although he paid them no mind. They walked so far, through so many ups & downs in the wilderness including crossing creeks; the half hour felt like two.

But finally they came to a clearing & saw a dirt road & a sort of shack on its far side, & Tommy meowing loudly outside its door, with an old lady coming out & greeting him warmly.

“Oh, my good Johnnie’ she exclaimed, stooping down as if she wasn’t sure.

“Is it you Johnny?”

She petted him & recognized him after getting close {she had other cat visitors!} & said,

“Come inside, I’ve got some chicken on the stove, it’ll be ready in a few minutes. We’ll eat hearty!”

And they went in.

“So that’s where Tommy goes!”

Exclaimed Stevie & his sister said,

“If she gives him chicken every day & pets him a lot, he must like it here.”

They were trying to figure out if they should knock on the door but were afraid. After a while they stepped closer. They could hear chickens & a rooster in the pen. Behind the shack beautiful Wisterias climbed up the pines to 100 feet. There was a large lilac grove to the side of the place, all emitting a lovely fragrance. They stepped on the porch, which did not have an awning & there were plenty windows in front. They could see plants on the window sills. To knock or not to knock? Finally they did & old Anna opened the door.


She said.

We’re here to see where Tommy goes & we followed him, he’s our cat, we just wondered where he went.”

“Aha, this is your cat? And who might you be? And I apologize if I have kept him at times, but he’s been free to go, he likes to visit. I call him Johnnie. Please come in.”

The kids were a little nervous but Steve put his foot to the door & didn’t want his sis to think him a coward, she followed after him.

They were surprised to see how beautiful it was inside. All huge logs could be seen making up the walls, the ceilings had beams. Windows everywhere, all neat & clean, beautiful brown fur sofa & couch with foot rests, a standing wood furnace in the living room with glass door – must be cozy in winter Stevie

thought. Thick throw rugs, also brown, were here & there.

“Come into the kitchen, I have fresh corn bread with butter & strawberry jelly if you like – And tea or orange juice. Sit at the table.”

Tommy rubbed against their shins as they sat down at table.

They noticed more of the ambience. There was a wood-burning stove for cooking & baking, black iron with white porcelain trim, & a gas-burning stove right next to it. This was neither a shack nor a rugged ‘homestead’ – something in between, all the rustic parts plus today’s conveniences. And as they looked through an open entrance from the kitchen they could see a laundry room which housed a washer & dryer, a table for sorting & a line where some delicates hung.

They glanced at the window sill which sported jars with dandelions, a big aloe vera was on the sink frame reaching its branches to the light, & scallions & a red geranium. All the floors were wood, stained & polished black.

Finally they got to talking.

Stevie & Marge explained their Order in a few sound bytes:

“We live in a religious Order, we believe in a Mother God & we’re different than other people. We have a couple buildings we call ‘The Convent’ & we also have a Mobile Park where some of us live – where I live right now.

It’s a wonderful place. We study all kinds of subjects, we play sports every day & we have dancing lessons. We learn all sorts of things besides regular school; we have a lot of fun.”

“It sounds great,”

Says Anna.

“My name is Anna. I’ve lived here all my life. My Dad was a farmer, my Mom ran a General Store where I helped her & when she died, I ran the store until there was no business. All the people moved away when the new highway was put in. My old friends died or moved to Florida. The houses around me were either abandoned or bought by outsiders who use them for summer – all kinds of city people & foreigners. I don’t know any of them but see them drive by or in town. This road now, I sit on the porch at times & only one car an hour passes by, all strangers.

I have few friends now, mostly Herbert who stops by to check on me. He lives in a little room in his barn, he doesn’t have a phone. I’m kind of isolated so it’s nice to have you guys visit.”

They continued talking, Marge bragged about her sports – she was expert at croquet & was already a cook. She had learned to bake tiny loaves of bread since age six. {Anna was querulous re this but did not voice her doubt.}

Then Stevie jumped in. There was some music on the radio & he exclaimed,

“I’m the best dancer in our group!”

And jumping out of his seat he proceeded to dance in an empty space between the kitchen & living room, doing a small leap & then twirling round a dozen times like Baryshnikov.

Anna was amazed & beginning to believe what these kids said was no hot air.

“How could you do that at such a young age?”

He said,

“We dance every day, not only the kids from the time they can walk but the oldsters like you!”

Anna’s tea was unusual – she gathered red clover & Yellow Dock from the fields all summer, dried them in the bottom of her oven, & would add some peppermint leaves. The kids accepted brown sugar & condensed milk with it; it was delicious. Anna mentioned that she used a sprig of aloe leaf in her salads, as it was as powerful as garlic for health – no bitterness, just a bland taste & sticky, went well with mayonnaise. They ate the aromatic corn bread with butter Anna had received from a neighbor who churned it from her own cow. After their snack Anna took them outside to see her chickens – ten of them with a rooster, fancy breeds, some with colorful plumage. She said her friend Herbert had brought them to her as chicks & said they were special. They had a nice pen which Herbert fixed so you could move the fenced in part to new areas – attached by a tunnel to their house – it wasn’t big but after the hens scratched up the ground completely no grass would grow so by moving it, they got fresh new grass. It was rotated every week or two. Anna told them,

“When Herbert first brought them there were twenty five chicks. But half of them were roosters. And you can’t have more than one rooster to ten hens as they jump on their backs, & tear off all their feathers until there’s only raw skin left. You have to use the roosters for food, which means a chicken in the pot every Sunday, until there’s only one big guy left. And the hens we keep until they can’t lay eggs any more, than they go into the pot. And every summer we let one or two hens lay on their nest {in a special brooding spot where the other chickens won’t bother them} & brood new chicks. And of course that provides new roosters for food every year.

I used to have a cow {& her calf} for milk, butter & cheese, & a couple goats but when Mom died & I ran the store, I had to give them away. I didn’t have time to take them to pasture.”

They exchanged all pleasantries until Steve & Marge had to go. Tommy stayed behind as Anna took out a huge chicken from a 16 quart pot & was cutting a good piece for him into bites.

Stevie & Anna hurried back & when they arrived breathlessly told Mom & friends they had solved the mystery of Tommy. They told them about Anna & her plight & her eye problem, all listened attentively.

Then Dr. Maude said,

“We shall find out where Anna lives so we can get there by road. If you can describe what direction you took I think I can find it on the map. Anna might be a good person to know – if she needs help, we can give it. And she might help us – She might be a good member for our Community.”

And so they did. They found out how to reach Anna by road. The first line of business was the eye condition. Dr. Maude told Anna they would provide the rides to get all the tests done – & that cataract surgery could correct her vision to a point of seeing 20/20 either far away or close up – besides that she’d use glasses. Anna was overjoyed, & so it was, & the adventure with Anna began, & many more things happened which we will relate.


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College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Shrine to Shakti, Uncategorized

Creed-Doctrine New Religion

The Sisterhood Part 4   

The Matriarchal Creed of our New Religion

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written 12-4&5-22



I believe in God, the Mother Almighty, Creator of heaven & Earth

And in Rasa Von Werder, one of Her Daughters, & William Bond, one of Her sons, that they were sent to earth to teach Female Empowerment, Matriarchy, & restore worship of God as Mother.

I believe in Matriarchy, Female Empowerment & women running the family & the world.

From Rasa:

After perusing a series of descriptions of CONTEMPLATIVE FEMALE Catholic convents/monasteries I came to the conclusion that some of them fit into this category:

From Wikipedia:

The Diogenes Club is a fictional gentlemen’s club created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and featured in several Sherlock Holmes stories, such as 1893′s “The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter“. It seems to have been named after Diogenes the Cynic (though this is never explained in the original stories) and was co-founded by Sherlock’s indolent elder brother Mycroft Holmes.

The club as described by Sherlock Holmes in “The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter“:

There are many men in London, you know, who, some from shyness, some from misanthropy, have no wish for the company of their fellows. Yet they are not averse to comfortable chairs and the latest periodicals. It is for the convenience of these that the Diogenes Club was started, and it now contains the most unsociable and unclubbable men in town. No member is permitted to take the least notice of any other one. Save in the Stranger’s Room, no talking is, under any circumstances, allowed, and three offences, if brought to the notice of the committee, render the talker liable to expulsion. My brother was one of the founders, and I have myself found it a very soothing atmosphere. {end Wikipedia part}


          The convents are tiny, usually housing 1 to 9 women at most. They do not reach out to the world, they have no separate doctrine from the Catholic Church & they live under the auspices of it. Often you see an image of the nuns surrounding a Priest, who presumably is their LEADER or the one who authorizes their existence, certainly hearing their confessions & providing them with the HOLY EUCHARIST which they themselves feel they cannot consecrate.

          There is nothing here that can inform me, teach me or inspire me in the work that I must do to empower women & bring forth a religion positive to the female gender & its authority, in fact, they present a sorry example of compliance to Patriarchy. I move on from them.


          About Gerald Gardner, founder of a modern day Wicca movement from Wikipedia:


          Gerald Brosseau Gardner (13 June 1884 – 12 February 1964), also known by the craft name Scire, was an English Wiccan, as well as an author and an amateur anthropologist and archaeologist. He was instrumental in bringing the Contemporary Pagan religion of Wicca to public attention, writing some of its definitive religious texts and founding the tradition of Gardnerian Wicca.   {end Wikipedia part}


          {There are also other forms of Wicca, called Dianic Wicca or by other names}.

          This example exonerates the male gender from participation in the founding of our religion/Sisterhood, pointing out that gender alone is not the criteria for establishing us. We have many men that have helped formed our religion including the likes of Jesus Christ, all his great Saints, Buddha & all his great saints, & many other men who believe/ed in Matriarchy, Female Empowerment & right now, my two best friends, William Bond & Pete Jackson, are of this number.

          It is important to stress the SPIRIT of Matriarchy, as taught by Jesus & others, which is the Spirit of Divine Motherhood, that of loving & caring for others. Whoever espouses this Spirit is a Matriarch, a Christian, a Buddhist, Good Wiccan or Pagan or any other religion that is Good as taught by these Great Souls.

          Jesus taught Matriarchy overtly & distinctly, he even cited he wanted to be a Mother Hen to his followers, the baby chicks under his wings.

          Buddha taught his followers to pray daily for ALL SENTIENT BEINGS & that INCLUDES ANIMALS. I am all for that.

          Gerald Gardner promoted a religion rooted in the ancient days when women ruled the world. He had to scrounge to find traces of Wicca/Paganism not wiped out through the Patriarchy, its Inquisition, & its Patriarchal Academics. All the Patriarchal Institutions – religions & Universities, have been enemies of Female Empowerment & the Matriarchal agenda. They have sought to wipe out all traces of HER-story & those who wish to restore it must dig deep. Gerald studied, researched & participated in ancient cults in order to understand what once had been.

          Yes he was a man, not a woman. Why didn’t a woman do what he did? Shall we blame him for that or simply accept him as a Matriarch?

          Here is a distinction: a Matriarch is recognized not by the body but by the Spirit. Some men are more Matriarchal than some women. I had many women enemies s- believe it or not – trying to separate me from William Bond, claiming he had to submit to THEIR authority! And they disrespected him instead of kneeling at his feet doctrine wise. Here William is the Prophet of Matriarchy, & they were attacking him.

They also, of course, attacked me vehemently out of jealousy, the crazed thought that I was ‘trying to take over’ & they deserved accolades more so than I. These women who attacked either William or myself were NOT Matriarchs. Call them whatever you wish, but they did not assist Female Empowerment.

When it came time to REAL WORK on our agenda, the women became SCARCE. When it was time to take the dole, they were all over the place. They stood in lie when I handed out praise & attention to them. When it came time to do research, write articles, build websites, they disappeared.

One is following in my footsteps, & I am proud of her work. But she has distanced herself from me – I have no idea why.

Bottom line is men can be more Matriarchal than women, they can help, they are helping. But that doesn’t mean that men can, in general or at random, influence this doctrine toward Patriarchy. We make a fine distinction between help & infiltration, between sincere members & agents provocateur.

This will require great discernment & it will come from the Holy Spirit.

There will be men, even agencies, with all kinds of offers. Some of these will be sincere, some not so. Beware of Greeks bearing Gifts. The famous ‘Trojan Horse’ was built with soldiers inside, when the city carted the horse in, the soldiers popped out, attacked & defeated the citizens.

There are those who want to join, infiltrate, suck up, flatter, lie, to get inside our heads, our lives, our Order, with only the intent of using us or even betraying us.

For example, a female who intends to make money from Scandal Sheets might join our Order for a ‘visitor’ status, to see if she wants to be a ‘nun’ or Matriarch.

She stays two weeks only to SPY & find every detail she can to TWIST it against our favor, the minutest molehill will turn into a mountain, ridicule & contempt are her goal.

How do we know such a person before we let her in? Discernment – prayer.

“By their fruits he shall know them”

I have had many people on social media who wanted to be ‘friends’ with me, but these friendships carried a PRICE TAG. In the end, it is THEIR NEEDS not those of the Religion, the Order, the Cause, the Matriarchy they were after. They wanted to use my prestige, fame, status in the community, to build themselves up, for what reason I’m not even sure.

They wanted the so-called GLORY, not the sweat & blood, the REWARDS, not the pain.

What is the sweat & blood & pain & what are the rewards?

They imagined accolades, respect & love. Lol. There is a dearth of that. You work & your rewards are in HEAVEN, the eternal sphere. When you die your radiance in Heaven will be brighter than it would have been. There isn’t any Heaven on Earth, there will always be pain, if you’re waiting for that, you will find dirt in your mouth at the end of the rainbow.


Doctrine of the Matriarch Religion


What we MUST believe even though there is a soft boundary between ourselves & many other religions, there will be points where there is an IRON FENCE between us & them.

Here is where we will not change. In any point of doctrine where Patriarchy assumes leadership or puts women down or stands above women, we reject that completely. Any system which in any way wants to lead women, be above them, have greater rights, claims that God is a man, that the Priests have to be men, etc, we reject all that.

For example, Mormons might be wonderful people & we love them for loving God. But when they say their founder saw some sort of writing that no one could read but him & this writing told him men should be leaders & have multiple wives, forget that. That is against us.

And Jehovah’s Witnesses, they are wonderful people & we love them. But when they say women cannot preach in Kingdom Hall, & all the leaders are men, we defy that doctrine & say this is not for us.

And the cults like Mennonites & Hutterites which are all-male leaders & Patriarchs, some of them might be saints, but we reject Patriarchal Societies.

Then, what does a Matriarch {the name of our New Religion} have to espouse? {BTW, this is written by Rasa Von Werder. Where William Bond has differences of opinion, you choose which one you wish to follow, but the Sisterhood must believe Rasa Von Werder’s version.}


I That God is a Mother God, Her symbol is female & rightfully so because the woman is the egg & reproductive, the sperm is not


2        That females should run the family & the world. That men have done a terrible job of running the world & should step aside.


3        That human men are going extinct. They are a ‘genetic experiment that did not work & nature is removing them.’ It will be a woman-only world in 100k years or so, women will reproduce without men, the offspring all female. {See the teaching of Dr. Bryan Sykes, world’s leading geneticist, on this} {Rasa Von Werder gives her theory elsewhere how men evolved & became negative as shown in the myth of Lucifer-to-Satan with one third of the angels following him into Hell}


4        That animals are Sacred & should not be exploited in a cruel manner or hunted for sport. That vegetarianism & veganism should be encouraged, that humans who eat meat should eat less of it. Animals that are housed for human exploitation will be monitored for good conditions, the most humane housing, feed & treatment. Animals deserve freedom, happiness & fulfillment as much as humans do. We are another species of animal, ‘Whatever you do to the least of these you do to Me’ says God.


5        Children should be breast fed up to 6 years, when the immune system is fully developed. Women should not have a second child until the first is weaned, after six years. To have serial pregnancies causes trauma in a child because they have to be weaned & the mother pays less attention to the first toddler. Serial pregnancies are forced upon women by men, it has caused overpopulation & disastrous consequences to our planet. {See the teachings of Dr. Bryan Sykes on this in his book “Adam’s Curse – A Future Without Men} The care, raising of children should be managed by women only, as they have the instinct for it, they should not surrender the authority over their children to men, – they are designated by God & biology to be the caregivers. Child abuse is primarily caused by males – this must be addressed seriously. Women must have financial independence from men to take care of the children without them if they are abusive to them or the children.


6        Sexuality – In general, sex between consenting adults is not a sin. However, there could be instances of sin during sex, to be decided by God alone, not society, as God knows the hearts & minds & circumstances. Anything, even a biological act, committed to hurt someone can be a sin. Nudity is also perfectly innocent, unless someone is using it unfairly, such as a man exposing himself to a woman or child against their will. Think like a nudist, do not be scandalized by nudity in general, it does not represent immorality.


Let us take note that the sex laws & attitudes have been aimed primarily against women.   Women are free to do with their bodies as they wish, no man can dictate what to do, what is moral or immoral, that she is less of a human because she chooses t have many partners. She is FREE.


7        Reproductive rights are purely the decision of the female. She should use birth control of any type when she wishes to. Abortion is up to her, but to be avoided by using birth control whenever possible, especially condoms. In our Sisterhood, women are sexually free but we want to protect them as parents protect their daughters. We plan to screen the men who want to be in association with us & cohabit with our members, to make sure our Sisters are not hurt. But if Sisters want to ‘have fun’ by having sex with any men they choose, they are allowed. We hope they stay within the community & their children will be a part of our Religion & Sisterhood.


Catholics & Muslims have used child bearing as a way of increasing their numbers, successfully so. The Catholic Church heinously forbids birth control, in an age when AIDS exists & women can be killed by it. We reject their rule. Muslims do not allow birth control at all – there are no condoms sold in Dubai. I have a lady friend who lives there. The lack of using birth control is a strong Patriarchal ploy AGAINST WOMEN. They use it to keep female ‘barefoot & pregnant’ – “from the bedroom to the kitchen’. When women are alone in a nuclear family & they have children, they find it difficult to navigate elsewhere, they are tied down. Child care is expensive. I did it, I raised a child alone while working & paid for child care – we remained in poverty the entire time, it was hard.


When we disregard the ‘nuclear family’ as the idea & try living as Sisters, as both William & I agree, child rearing becomes more easier. Obviously, a woman can leave the community & go out, be it work, shopping or recreation, & leave her children in the care of Sisters. You can’t do this in a nuclear family. The male might be working, he could be dangerous alone with the child, or he could be just incompetent as a care giver. No, in a nuclear setting, the woman is strapped & imprisoned by children. A Sisterhood is strongly empowering to a woman.


8        A woman must believe in HERSELF, that God is within her, that she has authority over herself, her life & her children. She must walk like a Godess, talk like a Godess, act like a Godess. She must have dignity & pride. And she cannot afford to be ‘feminine’ in the bad sense of the word, as that is what they want, for us to be weak, passive, wishy washy, dependent, submissive & soft. If we want to be feminine in the POSITIVE way, gentle, kind & caring, we can only afford to be so in the company of men who are gentlemen or model people, the rest will SLAUGHTER us – like they slaughtered the Indians, Aborigines & Indigenous Peoples.


A woman MUST RESPECT HERSELF & OTHER WOMEN. She must not be in conflict or competition with them – the ‘slave mentality.’ We are NOT slaves of men, we are capable of taking care of ourselves but we must BELIEVE in ourselves & OUR GOD.

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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Sisterhood Pt 3

The Sisterhood 12-3-22

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          From William Bond

Hi Rasa

I agree with what you are trying to achieve but there are a few things I want to say about it. Yes sisterhood is needed but the problem is that a strong sisterhood can be defeated by an army of violent men. So if we want women to rule our world we have to find ways to overcome masculine power. 


Patriarchy v Matriarchy is not the same as men v women. I have pointed out before that men can be very submissive. We not only find this in the femdom scene but also in the military and in slavery. It is easy for the military to brainwash men to fight in wars and sacrifice their lives doing this. And it is men’s submissive nature that allows a few patriarchal rulers to rule society. For instance the power of a dictator depends on an army of young men who will give him total obedience and arrest and murder anyone who resists the power of the dictator. 


So the paradox is that men seem to rule the world not because they are the dominant sex but because they are naturally submissive and will obey whatever patriarchal leaders tell them to do. So the true battle is between women and a small patriarchal ruling elite. Ordinary men are just the soldiers of the patriarchy and do as they are told. 


The point is that if we were to have a Matriarchal world women have to take away the power that the ruling elite have over men and become the rulers of men themselves. The ruling elite control men through propaganda and brainwashing. They indoctrinate men to believe they must be ‘macho’ and that they are the natural dominant sex.  And at the same time they also indoctrinate women to believe they are the natural submissive sex. 


So it is basically a war of mind-control where patriarchy brainwashes people into believing that men should rule the world.  But as in all patriarchal societies it is only and handful of men who rule most men do as they are told. 


This means that if women are to rule our world then women have to find ways of controlling men. I agree sisterhood is very important for this, because if women do not help and support each other they won’t accomplish anything. But women have to accept that men do have a submissive nature and will obey those they believe are in authority over them. Because whomever the majority of men obey, are the rulers of the world.  William


Rasa answers: OK, I understand. Whoever exerts authority, the men will obey. So will the women.

          I am doing what I believe has to be done. I am helping women believe in themselves & other women. I will assist them to hold their head up high, to walk like a Godess, to think like a Godess & act like a Godess. Remember how the Black Muslims trained their men to hold their heads up high with white men & women. I noticed they were cold hearted to me, like when I asked one for subway directions, he ignored me & took his sweet time. He was showing that he was not ‘Mr Nice Guy’, not eager to please, he was trying to ‘stand tall’ & not want to help – this made him feel stronger.

          I will do my best to indoctrinate women to feel God’s Power, to show God’s Power, not to be underlings of men, not to act dependent to men – do all the things the opposite of what patriarchy has taught them. Don’t laugh at their jokes, don’t act submissive or weak. Act strong. You are not dependent on them, they are dependent on you. This is just the beginning, I will write more on it.

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From William, he continues his first letter – Hi Rasa:

I have been thinking more about your sisterhood project and this morning I got another idea about it. Recently I saw a documentary film by Cara Delevingne, called “Planet Sex”. She makes the point that men nearly always achieve orgasm when they have sex but officially 60% of women don’t (Cara Delevingne believes that the true number is a lot less than that). Apparently Cara Delevingne is bi-sexual

and she claims she ends up having more sex with women because sex with women is a lot better as she can always achieve an orgasm with another woman.


She then goes into recent German scientific research where they discovered that when people masturbate or have sex to orgasm the brain is flooded with good feeling chemicals called  Endocannabinoids which are very similar to Cannabis. Now, this is interesting as the one example of sisterhood working is the Bononbo ape who has be called the “make love not war” ape. 


Sex is very important to the Bonobo’s social structure where females bond through sex and use it to defuse  male aggression. Now, what is interesting about patriarchy is that it is anti-sexual. Even today masturbation is still discouraged, and for most of it’s history homosexuality was also discourage and even criminalized. This makes sense because if it is easier for women to achieve sexual satisfaction through lesbian sex, so women like bonobos can use sex to bond with each other and create a powerful sisterhood. 


Another point is that if sex floods the brain with good feeling chemicals then this might be why sex is a way to defuse male aggression. Men only become violent and aggressive when they are upset, but if they have sex then they are going to feel better about everything and not want to go and hurt someone else. This then is probably why patriarchy doesn’t like sex because if they have frequent sex with women or even other men, then they are less likely to became aggressive and violent.


The only problem with this, is that by discouraging men to have sex patriarchy has made men more aggressive and can use these aggressive men to fight wars to conquer other more peaceful countries. But perhaps modern warfare might be a solution to this, as war is increasingly fought with technology and the side that has the better technology is more likely to win which means countries may not need aggressive sex-starved men to fight wars any more.    William


Rasa responds to this previous letter:

          Sex is a huge issue because it means so much in our lives, it is probably 2nd or 3rd in importance for survival, we cannot live without love, & sex is part of physical closeness, which means love.

          In the tests made of Harlow’s monkeys, as explained by Dr. Prescott, when a baby monkey had a choice between food or holding a fake surrogate Mom – an object covered with fur – it chose the object. To cling to the Mother figure was even more important than physical food. How does this relate to sex? Sex & love are similar. ‘Sex’ begins by closeness to care giver. Without it, people become sexually dysfunctional or inept.

          We cannot live without love, we have to get it somewhere. Love is nourishment.

          Sex is that – it is nourishment. It feeds the body, the hormones, as you explain here. Feel good hormones make life livable, without them, people become suicidal.

          As far as the patriarchal attitude toward sex being negative there are 2 factors or more. One is they made sex repressive to control women – double standard proves it. Men have few morals re sex, they don’t give a shyt what the codes are. Women are punished for having sex. And second, whatever is prohibited you can sell – so sex & drugs are ‘illegal’, you make money on them. If sex was a free-for-all they could not make money selling it.

          And it’s important to remember. When sex for women becomes free, when women do whatever they wish re sex, men will lose ALL THERE POWER. There will be nothing to fight for. They will have to obey women.

          Our Sisterhood is just ONE SEED. But it needs to be a perfect seed, a good, healthy one. Jesus ministered a mere 3 years in Israel. His life there was a PERFECT SEED, & see how it grew.

          And nothing about it was easy, neither his life nor the aftermath. My life has been pretty hard & maybe the beginning of our Order will be, but that doesn’t mean it will be defeated. Let us create the perfect seed & it will be watered by our human efforts & God’s Grace. Rasa



From Rasa:


Very good train of thought William.  You have your meditation cap on.


I will respond soon.


I think Pete will be able to respond to these new ideas you’ve presented also.


I am up & about now & eager to move forward.


We will have an Anthem,


America the Beautiful (O Beautiful for Spacious Skies)

Song by Michael W. Smith

… O beautiful for spacious skies
For amber waves of grain
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!

… America! America! God shed His grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea


to ‘The Sisterhood, the Sisterhood, God shed Her Grace on thee - 

& beyond that I need my web man, who I’ll give $100 to, to help write the lyrics.  He’s an expert.  The lyrics are copyrighted but I don’t think you can copyright MELODIES 


Another song we used to sing in Girl Scouts, words changed to the tune of ‘Let me call you sweetheart’


“Let me call you SISTER I’m a MATRIARCH too

Let me hear you whisper all the MATER RULES


And your heart SO PURE

Let me call you SISTER I’m a MATRIARCH too”


As Scouts we said,

Let me call you sister
I’m a Girl Scout too.
Let me hear you whisper
All the Scout Laws through.
Keep your Girl Scout Promise,
In your heart so true,
Let me call you sister,
I’m a Girl Scout too.


We must SING TOGETHER to life our hearts & minds to Mother God & respect for other women     Rasa


From Pete Jackson:

Very well-said as usual, William.  Dr. James W. Prescott made a similar observation if I remember correctly, but I think you articulated it even better IMHO.  The bonobos have the right idea overall.  Prescott notes that the pleasure circuits of the brain are almost entirely mutually exclusive with the violence and pain circuits in the brain, and the patriarchy knows that all too well.  Of course, patriarchy has attempted to hack that as well by deliberately mixing sex with violence to get both men and Women to associate one with the other.  That is where we get various perversions and depravities like rape, sexual assault, violent/coercive sadomasochism, choking, and “rough sex”, and the male-dominated porn that blatantly glorifies these things.  But the patriarchy does not want integrative pleasure, only neurodissociative pleasure at best while sacralizing pain and violence.  Eros is bad, while Thanatos is good, according to their twisted logic.  Pain is a virtue, and pleasure is a vice.  No wonder people who grow up steeped in that evil system are so overwhelmingly messed up!


This logic also carries over to psychoactive drugs as well.  Patriarchy has historically preferred ones that paradoxically promote aggression while also keeping their users stupefied, quiescent, and dependent enough for the powers that be to control them (alcohol, various hard drugs, amphetamines, Ritalin, SSRIs, etc.), all while trying to stamp out any substances that discourage aggression and/or promote thinking for oneself (cannabis, psychedelics, etc.).  And patriarchy has preferred concentrated or synthetic drugs rather than natural botanical drugs.


As the late great Buckminster Fuller said, “either war is obsolete, or man is”.  Most wars today are imperialistic wars of conquest, and with today’s technology (both a blessing and a curse at the same time) we need far less “cannon fodder” than in the past to get the same results.


The film “Planet Sex” by Cara Delevigne I have not seen, but I will check it out.  What first came to my mind was a book that I recently heard about but still have yet to read:  The Pleasure Gap by Katherine Rowland.


Best wishes,  Pete


From Rasa:

OK Pete, I am keeping these letters for further discussion & here is one I just wrote to an amazing female – she has a popular site on You tube called ‘Girl in the Woods’.

If I can get her interested in our Sisterhood it would be a plus.  I will reach out to all likely candidates for participation.  Just like I used to for my work, in the past – & when you reach out to EVERYONE you are bound to get SOMEONE.  She all her life has been active in the rugged outdoor life, even participated in one tough survivalist TV show – Brooke Whipple.  My letter:


Hi there Beautiful Great Women, aka ‘Girl in the Woods’


                I have studied your biographical video & have lots of respect for you.  Thanks for keeping me informed.


                I have been kept busy writing my auto-biography & just published the NINTH volume, ten coming up.


                Am beginning to write all the precepts for a new SISTERHOOD that will be part of our NEW RELIGION FOR WOMEN.  It is a college, ashram, convent, domicile, lifestyle, POV,

Order with our own Temple to Mother God {where males are not admitted except on special days by invite.}


                It is Female Empowerment.  One idea where you ‘fit in’ is we will have Mother God Scouts.  We will learn all we can & practice OUTDOOR LIFE & even survival, like Girl Scouts, & maybe include some Wicca celebrations along with it but not exclusively.  This needs to be thought out, what things we do but camping, campfires, fishing, swimming, hiking, collecting herbs & mushrooms & learning all about outdoor foraging – all that you do is on the agenda.  One of the important precepts here is female COMARADERIE as I experienced in Girl Scouts – {one of the happiest times of my life.}


    Men are not excluded completely even though our focus is on women – We will have shindigs every 2 weeks, dances, where we meet candidates for friends & lovers  -  the females are totally liberated sex wise.  The men are, however, screened for security reasons.  They must have clean backgrounds & straight up characters.


    I have published a book for our New Religion – it’s a START, called ‘Woman Thou Art God’ & have a website by that name which has been active since 2004, used to get a million views a year.


    Here is the link to my books, there are around 30, published on Lulu & dozens of Internet venues:


      The members of our religion are called MATRIARCHS.


      Signing off for now, wishing you God speed & Mother God luck with all your new endeavors.

                            Rasa Von Werder


From Rasa: My continued thoughts, some of which I got yesterday but had no time to write them down.

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Beware of VAMPIRES


You‘ve heard the term ‘psychic vampire?’ – There’s also Narcissist & ego maniac. It needs to be addressed, because as an Order which will now reach out into local & international humanity, we will be confronted by ALL TYPES & one of the types we must AVOID & CANNOT have within our midst, neither up close nor anywhere in our association at all is the VAMPIRE. So what is a vampire & how do we recognize one?


A vampire is one who is PERMANENTLY sunk down in the flesh. The flesh includes ego – & let us make a distinction here between people being TEMPORARILY sunk down & permanently so, where they cannot leave the flesh no matter what the conditions, their brain works in a sort of ‘loop’ where even when the outside status improves, or even if they presumably TRY to think some other way, they end up at the same ballpark or home plate – MYSELF, my body, my needs, my flesh. Mind you – these people CANNOT CHANGE like the devil CANNOT repent. They might be mentally ill or psychotic. What causes this I will not even try to understand because I can’t & I am not a psychiatrist or psychologist who is paid to look into such matters.

I can explain WHAT IT IS, not WHY it is & advise to stay away as far away as possible from these people, not to even think, consider or pray for them as doing so brings them closer to us; they invade our minds like a disease that travels through walls & skulls – I will give examples.

But first, let me explain a few pointers. One, we are or most of us, riveted in the flesh as infants or small kids – We cannot be contemplatives or mind wizards when we’re little. Some might have tendencies, like Jesus age 12 taught the rabbis in the Temple – but they aren’t yet fully developed.

It’s a sign of immaturity to be focused in the flesh – St. Paul said ‘When I was a child, I spake as a child’ & then he grew up & spoke as an adult. This frame of mind is simple, natural immaturity & we mustn’t be hard on the young.

But hopefully we grow out of this, we gain compassion, empathy, caring for others as we do ourselves. But some people don’t grow up, they remain infantile their whole life until the day they die – they cannot think of anything but themselves.

Now mind you, there is TEMPORARY focus in the flesh. When we are TRAUMATIZED or SICK or suffer BEREAVEMENT or any kind of ANXIETY or SORROW we can, for a time, sink down into our lower nature. But we get over it & spring back into our MIND, HIGHER NATURE, contemplation & clear thought.

For examples. I was in contemplation until God told me to go back in the world & have FUN. I DID SO & sunk down into my flesh as I was involved with people with my body & emotions, & it is impossible to stay contemplative while carousing with people & having sex. I notice my mental work suffered. I had been writing hundreds of articles on my blog prior to this & suddenly – boom – nearly NOTHING for years, until I quit going out. It was partially involvement, partially physical exhaustion as if you go to bars Friday & Saturday, involvement of talking, maybe having sex, drinking, you will not recover until the end of Sunday, you might have a few days of clarity, then the murk once again. St. Thomas famously said lust causes blindness of the mind. I am a strong mind, so I was not completely wiped out. For the average person who has no mental abilities they go from plateau to pit, I went from mountain to valley, not the total pit. But when I broke all my ties with ‘downtown’ & ‘lover’ this happened: My emotions stopped dwelling in the physical flesh, my own & that of others. I was released like a balloon to ascend back into Higher Self, the Self of God, the Higher Mind. I regained my peace, serenity, composure & was able to see again not the trees, but the whole forest. My VISION came back; it wasn’t impaired any more. It took more than a year to readjust.

Then there are distractions of days or weeks, even months. Recently I had a couple traumas. One, a female & an accomplice started writing me letters pretending to be my long-lost granddaughter. This upset me so much it was eleven days unable to think or write – that being solved, I returned to work.

And when I had trouble a week ago publishing my last book – not my fault but the system – for a few days I had anxiety that disabled my mind. But that was also temporary.

Like I said, if outside forces tweak us the wrong way, if our emotions are punched out or called upon strongly, we can get focused away from a higher place, only thinking about the trouble. But this will pass; we must excuse & forgive when someone is temporarily troubled & not condemn or reject them for this.

I am NOT talking about youth-immaturity or temporary states, I am talking about people whose character is vampirish & who cannot, will not change. It’s like thieves. People are BORN thieves, they never change. If you see someone is a thief, just know it’s inborn-inbred, & don’t expect them to change their mind & go straight.

OK so let me get to my recent experiences with VAMPIRES.

I know two such females nearby. To show how dangerous & pervasive they are – I have not been friends with either one of them for MANY YEARS. But recently both came to my attention.

One of them, as I checked her social media daily – because I had to – I felt SICK of mind & heart. The feeling stayed in me like a stomach ache. I wasn’t talking to her, just read her media, & the VIBRATION affected me. This is, like I said, like a DISEASE that goes through walls & skulls. I noticed her DELUSIONS & now saw them coming ‘home’ to roost, a living breating TWISTED mind set. To see her psychosis so tangible was a Hellish sight. I felt FEAR like a legion of demons was reaching me.

The other female I have not spoke with for 25 years but she came to my attention. She apparently saw I had written my life – she was always imitating me in the most extreme way – & decided to write hers.

And so I went to see what she had to say through the ‘Look inside’ feature & as I continued to read I felt SICK. ‘Delusions of grandeur’ is a mental illness. And as I read, I got her vibes, they haunted me the rest of the day & night. I had to quit & forget her to cut off the dis-ease reaching me. And I note just now, it also gave me a sense of FEAR, like I was being affected by that LEGION of demons. I didn’t fear the person, in both cases, I feared the demonic reaching me.

This is a lesson that when we meet these VAMPIRES they must not only be prevented from living with us, they cannot be Third Order or affiliated in any way where we have to THINK about them. It has to be a TOTAL SEPARATION, the same as with the demonic – because this IS demonic.

No, we cannot be  FRIENDS with EVERYONE. We must be selective, careful, judicious to who we associate with. The great exorcist Bob Larson teaches a course that I took. He explains that when we associate with people as lovers, friends or business partners we receive all that is in them, including their DEMONS! Take notice of that!

Just a couple snippets & we are done. My lady friend took in foster children to make extra cash. She got this girl who was a total sex maniac, haha, but that was not the main problem. She said the girl would ask her questions from morning to night until she was totally drained. People can, in the guise of being nice, or doing the right thing, can call on your energies so much they drain you of them, it’s vampirism disguised as being good. I had a cleaning lady like that. The minute she walked in she couldn’t just look around & see what had to be done, she kept asking me with every tiny chore, ‘What do you want me to do now?’ I couldn’t get anything done as she was talking to me constantly, I couldn’t write, I couldn’t pray.

That was my problem on the internet with ‘slaves’ or ‘disciples.’ They would do things for me & demand my attention constantly. I was better off with them NOT doing me any ‘favors!’ Then they’d play games like let me see other women they were talking to, trying to make me jealous. It was a total waste of time, attention & energy.

And that brings me to some of the questions William raised, about the needs of men, sexual & otherwise, & when they don’t get these met, they get violent, aggressive & dangerous. I will address those issues inside his letters.

It is VERY IMPORTANT as we build the sisterhood, to beware of VAMPIRES. And be vigilant when they appear in the guise of being good. Anyone that demands INORDINATE amounts of attention is wrong. We are not raising babies or running a lunatic asylum. The closer they are to us, the more mature & together they must be. If they need serious growing up but have potential, put them further away & let them grow. No more questions, lol.


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College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized




written late Nov 2022

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         Pics above:  His crew at a place he was a dishwasher – not saying they were bad guys – I didn’t know them – And the x’d pic, how he saw himself

This is the young husband who loved me & I him. We were mystically married – which I shall explain. He lived two lives. To the world he presented a façade or charade – Living with a woman who was one of many, but portrayed as the ‘one & only’ wife together with a bevy of ‘friends’ – all focused on drugs.


Posted on Face Book under dates stated – 2022


His SoundCloud music under “Nick Lambo13”


Words gleaned from his song, not exact, verses repeated, hard to understand all the words {His words will be in bright blue}:


“Death callin’ my name, they wantin’ my body

doin’ drugs, feelin’ numb

Mentally fucked up

Mind is broken

Devil right beside me

Early grave

My life – you can take it

Havin’ death fantasies

My life – you can take it

Devil keeps talkin’ beside me

My heart’s frozen

No one to lean on”


ME: This is NOT A HAPPY MAN. Look, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the DESPAIR in these words. Why despair? I was gone, he didn’t know what to do, or if he did, he was too weak. And that became obvious when he finally called me June 2, 2022. His crazy ‘friends’ keep all talking now, hundreds of them, about him on his FB. They think they were so important to him. It was surface relationships – I’ve been there. I had thousands of ‘face book’ friends. When I left FB only 3 of them are still my friends. Yes, he saw them in person but it was for things that kids do – playing – & partying with drugs & alcohol & dope. It was a substance-induced charade. They all miss the theater of drugs with Nick – he was their

star. Star gone, no more fun. That’s what they miss. They were not on God’s side, trying to save him, just wanting to have fun with him.


Nicholas Anthony VanDunk

July 25

 Check it out!!!!!

Death Fantasies out now!!!!!!


Nicholas Anthony VanDunk

July 21

Cause if I don’t say it all here I won’t say nothing


Nicholas Anthony VanDunk

July 11

I love that I literally made this for me myself it’s like making a painting that you have no plans on letting go that’s what this basically is just something for myself to go back on and I love it and that’s all that matters about this one!!!!!

Nicholas Anthony VanDunk

 July 8  He says:

“If the devil can’t get close to you he’ll take what mattered most to you so he can watch you fight your demons everyday”


ME: He’s talking about the devil taking me from him – You ask what mattered to him the most? The True Love of a Mother that I gave him – I was the only one he looked to that way. His ‘friends’ wanted to believe how important they were. Yes, he drugged & partied with them, it was substance-induced joy or happiness, not real. The only REAL LOVE he had was from me. Unconditional love, not using him as a drug partner or entertainment object. Just wanted to save him but I was blocked.

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Nicholas Anthony VanDunk

June 25

Pick a side you gotta follow when that casket ride


June 5 & June 9 – May 28 – May 27 – May 24 he announces his SoundCloud rap song:


XoXNicky – Overcame it all


This rap is about how he OVERCAME NOT HAVING ME ANY MORE {I was absent from the scene & he wasn’t man enough to contact me until it was TOO LATE. But he suffered like a dog, his songs say so, my dreams vividly portray it. Instead of doing the right thing – calling me & speaking to me sanely, he mollified himself with MORE DRUGS – which finally killed him. The reason I know this is about me is because after I messaged him on FB through a friend, he said something like, ‘Now she contacts me, after I overcame it all, she should have made her moves sooner, now its too late’ – words approximate. He said this in a post as well as in his songs.}


Nicholas Anthony VanDunk

Dec 18, 2021   He says:

“A psychic said I’d die at 28 in three hours we will cheers to 29 ”


ME: The psychic was not far off, it was 6 months later, Aug 14, 2022, he died.

I told him dozens of times he was on the road to an early death due to drugs. Every person who channeled for me agreed with me – half a dozen people. This would have been averted had he quit drugs. But he was too comfortable with his enabler & all their ‘friends.’

The demons had possessed him. I knew about July 2022, had the strong feeling ‘It’s over. This time was mystically relevant because we met in July & every July – my birthday, by chance or fate, we’d always have a tryst. This ended after 2019. Why? Because it was time for him to stand up to the plate & hit the ball – but he was too slow. Our relationship is over, it’s done. Nothing can be fixed any more.’ It wasn’t just our relationship, his LIFE depended on it – if he did not come to me he was doomed by drugs, & he wasn’t moving toward me although we reconciled, & then it happened.


OK I am worn out from going through hundreds of his FB pages. Now it flipped back to the front & it’ll take 10 minutes to scroll back down, so I’m not going to do it, I have work to do.

Suffice to say that in the last times after he wasn’t seeing me any more, he spoke about the devil & Satan & death a lot. He said, if you’re not happy it’s because you don’t have a soul.’ He said ‘When you sold your soul to the devil he’s going to come for you.’ ‘It’s payback time’ – all these are from many doom & gloom statements.

He knew he was on the broad highway to hell & that highway was ‘Demon drugs.’ I was the one & only person who stood on that highway with the sign ‘STOP’ but he went around me. However, I did save his Soul possibly from Hell or a terrible Purgatory. It showed it in the dreams. His Purgatory was only 10 days because of me & he’s united to God through my Soul for all eternity. He’s happy now but the earth equation didn’t work. I am also reasonably happy as I got over the earthly angst, released him from my flesh, surrendered it to God, & was made free. And so, there wasn’t any notable grief for me at his ‘parting’ because I had already disentangled my ‘flesh’ in favor of ‘spirit – we never parted spiritually.


Here are the words to ‘Cocaine & Broken Bottles’ which is directly about him waiting for me outside my apt, longing for me, & being sorry we weren’t together – fearing he’d never have me again. This was posted April 7, 2019 when we hadn’t seen each other about 5 months. He would wait outside my apt by my 2nd floor window to see if I was there – but I rarely was, so according to this, he was standing in the rain & experienced in this song all the miseries of us being apart.:

Below, he performs, the only time he did so after age 17, rapping our song, his repentence, at a small gathering – because of this song we were mystically married – I accepted his proposal to TAKE HIS HEART



“Wash away my pain

I’m standing in the rain

Waiting for you

Don’t know why

‘Cause some things never change

I have made mistakes

Here’s my heart to take

Not much left ‘cause all it’s ever done is break

Hate to watch you go


You left me on my own

Alone & broken homes

I swear it’s all I know

It’s hard to be me

Especially on TV


Will never see the same

You of all these chains

I’m feeling like a slave

Day by day by day

Soon as night fall hits

It’s alcohol & cocaine

It’s the life I chose

It can’t be how it goes

Cameras all in my face

Make it go away


Wash away my pain

I’m standing in the rain

I’m used to bein’ free

But free I’ll never be

I understand that now

Alone amongst the crowd

Take a look in my face

Tell me what do you see

Little miserable me

Is all I’ll ever be

Shackles all on my feet

Using the same seat

Wish I could be you


And you could be me


No longer winnin’ these games

Wish I was the same

You took all that I gave

Wash away my pain

I’m standin’ in the rain


          He also posted this on Face book on May 7, 2019 {I left the grammar as he wrote it}:


“It’s very rare a person sells their soul for riches if you can’t find happiness it because your soulless you sold your soul for something so cheap like a party lifestyle or community popularity and you got it now the devils here to collect and you don’t even realize it”


We were spiritually married {a sacrament} on Sunday, April 21, 2019 because of his repentance & my continued love for him, forgiveness &

acceptance. It’s like he said ‘I’m sorry” & I said, “I accept you – you said take your heart, OK, I receive it. You said you wish I was you & you were me, OK, here we are as ONE” – as shown in this song {Cocaine & broken Bottles} as well as other posts, such as the one I copy here. There were several posts speaking of the demons haunting him & selling one’s soul to the devil. He ‘sold his soul’ for the party lifestyle, which means drugs & all that it entails – including all the people of the drug mentality. He rejected the opposite – the Godly lifestyle, going into rehab & being with me. He wanted me as his secret lover, to get all that Godly love – in secret. But I knew, once & for all, I could no longer stand being second fiddle, his ‘partner’ being feted in public, going to events together, having dozens of images together. I went nowhere with him, he would not be seen in public with me, he did not permit any images of us together, & he never gave me his phone number, nor told me where he lived. {I did find out some of these items anyway, by my own spying.}

To say this was a somewhat ‘dysfunctional’ relationship would be an understatement. He thought he got what he wanted; an infantile solution to his dilemma, but it brought me great misery. I could not stand it any more at one point. But for the time being, we got spiritually married – which is forever. {What God has joined together, let no man put asunder!}


Now let us understand the sacrament of marriage

According to the writings of the early Church Fathers sacrament signifies a sacred thing which lies concealed. The Greeks often expressed the same idea in their use of the word mysterion (Latin: sacramentum) or literally “mystery.” This meaning we have come to learn from St. Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians (1:9) where it is said: “That he might make known to us the mystery (sacramentum) of his will”; and to Timothy: “…great is the mystery (sacramentum) of godliness” (1 Tim. 3:16); and in the Book of Wisdom: “They knew not the secrets (sacramenta) of God” (Wis. 2:22-24). In these and many passages throughout scripture the word sacrament is perceived and signifies nothing more than a holy thing that lies concealed or hidden.

The Church Fathers, therefore, deemed the word sacrament an appropriate term to express the sensible signs that communicate grace in a tangible way. According to Pope St. Gregory the Great such a sign ought to be called a sacrament, because the divine power secretly carries out our salvation under the veil of sensible things.

There are 7 sacraments instituted by Jesus Christ, they are:

  • Baptism

  • Confirmation

  • Eucharist

  • Penance (reconciliation or confession)

  • Anointing of the Sick

  • Holy Orders

  • Matrimony

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Please understand as I said, he was leading two lives. At some point, after our mystical marriage, I decided to put

my foot down & demand that he make me #1, or at least, I would wait for him to chase me instead of me chasing him. It’s always better to be chased than to chase, you have the advantage.

But this was a new game that he wasn’t ready for – at least with me. He was spoiled. He thought it had been that way & it would continue. But I had gotten stronger, I got over the addiction to him. It was not easy, as hard as rocks, but I did it with the help of God’s grace.

But he did not have the strength to do as he must. He waited & waited for me to contact him, waited & waited. One year, two, then it went into three years. We were both used to absences of months, but this was extreme. And he was going through emotional Hell, I saw it in my dreams. I feared he would take his own life.

At that point, I contacted him through a friend. I was not on Face book, but I had a message sent. Because of that message – he didn’t see it right away, he called me on June 2, 2022 – as God predicted he would, months before.

OK, so we talked over one hour. I would not let him back into my life as it was before, I made demands. He’d have to consider.

But after a month I sensed he could not come up to the plate, it was over – Finished, caput.

And how right I was. He apparently lost the will to live. I sensed it. And on August 14, 2022, he died of some kind of over dose. I don’t know the details. I do know his female partner was with him. It’s all I know. His two lives were over, the façade & the secret one. But his spiritual life had begun. He immediately got closer to myself & God

& we’ve been communicating ever since. Yes, it’s a tragedy of sorts, but one that has a happy spiritual ending, like Jesus & his Cross. Yes, He died, but He lives. So with Nick.

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College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Agatha Christie Channeled


Chapter 2 Channeling Agatha Christie

written 11-28-22

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          ‘Been watching all the main crime movies on You tube, starting with Sherlock Holmes with Basil Rathbone & Nigel Bruce {my fave}, then Jeremy Brett – saw all there is. Then moved to Poirot, saw every one of the 71 episodes including the traumatic {for me} last one & a few items on Miss Marple {don’t like it} & Insp. Dalgliesh.

          I have a chapter in my head about the psychology of these works, saving it for later. Right now it interests me to channel Mrs. Christie, after reading this account of her on Wikipedia:

Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie, Lady MallowanDBE (née Miller; 15 September 1890 – 12 January 1976) was an English writer known for her 66 detective novels and 14 short story collections, particularly those revolving around fictional detectives Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. She also wrote the world’s longest-running play, the murder mystery The Mousetrap, which has been performed in the West End since 1952. A writer during the “Golden Age of Detective Fiction“, Christie has been called the “Queen of Crime”. She also wrote six novels under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott. In 1971, she was made a Dame (DBE) by Queen Elizabeth II for her contributions to literature. Guinness World Records lists Christie as the best-selling fiction writer of all time, her novels having sold more than two billion copies.


Christie was born into a wealthy upper middle class family in Torquay, Devon, and was largely home-schooled. She was initially an unsuccessful writer with six consecutive rejections, but this changed in 1920 when The Mysterious Affair at Styles, featuring detective Hercule Poirot, was published. Her first husband was Archibald Christie; they married in 1914 and had one child before divorcing in 1928. Following the breakdown of her marriage in 1926 she made international headlines by going missing for eleven days. During both World Wars, she served in hospital dispensaries, acquiring a thorough knowledge of the poisons that featured in many of her novels, short stories, and plays. Following her marriage to archaeologist Max Mallowan in 1930, she spent several months each year on digs in the Middle East and used her first-hand knowledge of this profession in her fiction.


According to UNESCO‘s Index Translationum, she remains the most-translated individual author.[1] Her novel And Then There Were None is one of the top-selling books of all time, with approximately 100 million copies sold. Christie’s stage play The Mousetrap holds the world record for the longest initial run. It opened at the Ambassadors Theatre in the West End on 25 November 1952, and by September 2018 there had been more than 27,500 performances. The play was temporarily closed in March 2020 because of COVID-19 lockdowns in London before it reopened in May 2021.

In 1955, Christie was the first recipient of the Mystery Writers of America‘s Grand Master Award. Later that year, Witness for the Prosecution received an Edgar Award for best play. In 2013, she was voted the best crime writer and The Murder of Roger Ackroyd the best crime novel ever by 600 professional novelists of the Crime Writers’ Association. In September 2015, And Then There Were None was named the “World’s Favourite Christie” in a vote sponsored by the author’s estate.[2] Many of Christie’s books and short stories have been adapted for television, radio, video games, and graphic novels. More than 30 feature films are based on her work. {end Wikipedia portion}

          This is but a small fraction of what is written there about her – the rest I find interesting so please avail yourselves of it.

          My speaking to the mind of Agatha Christie, channeling her. It does not mean she is actually ‘talking’ to me – it means, as I have explained before, that I’m READING her mind. So here goes.


          ME: I surmise, Ms Christie, that you were born with the talents which you portray in your writings, which are, to figure out amazing plots using the psychology of characters in a setting, & the ability to sit down & year after year, keep writing it all down. You were gifted, it was inborn to be sure as no one could develop such savant abilities by human effort, no more than Mozart could have taught himself to be who he was. Am I correct so far?


          AC: {Agatha Christie} Of course you are.   


ME: OK then. I would like to ask you to start off, how {if I may} do my abilities compare to yours? What is


inborn in my nature that gave me the abilities to live what I lived & write what I wrote? In what way am I an equivalent to you? Not saying I’m your equal, as I am spiritual but do not claim equality with Jesus Christ, just asking what are the similarities or equivalencies.


          AG: This is an interesting question of psychology.

          I was born with the abilities as you described. You are a different sort of person like so:

          You are a saint {Rasa blushes} & a woman of God whose life revolves around God & how to understand the ways of God, to follow Her, – you taught yourself & now teach others how to find Union with this Divine Person.

          People will forever fail to understand you because they simply aren’t on that level. They see things in worldly ways & spirituality is absent to their minds, so they see you in worldly terms. But you are not worldly, you are spiritual.

          In every facet of your life, included in all the activities you undertook, you sought the meaning of these ventures in the precincts of God. What was sin, what was not, in following your instincts? What regular interpretations on sin did you accept, what did you reject? That took some head work.

Now let’s center on your life story.

Here are the highlights or events that stand out, the things you’ll be remembered for:


1        Your juxtaposition of religion/spirituality & sex

2        Your openness regarding your sex life with accounts & pictures of men

3        The abuse you endured & rose above

4        Your physical beauty

5        The ability to write it all down

6        Your activities – the variety of them – being unusual

7        All the men you encountered & talk about


The word that would best describe how people see you historically would be that you’re an anachronism.

You appear in this world with a mind set, beliefs & behavior that smacks of another time – whether past or future, but it does not coincide with the world you were born into.


ME: That’s a new one on me, no person I channeled ever said that & I do find it challenging to understand & get used to, but it does open a new way of thought.

I shall again ask you what do you see in my future?

AC: I see huge amounts of financial gain, so much money you won’t know what to do with it.

ME: Everyone says that, like it’s usually the first thing that comes out of the minds of those I channel. But no one is telling me exactly or specifically what does it come from. I imagine, & they usually concur, from the books, movies & TV that will emerge out of the Life.

AC: Of course. What else could it be? Yes, you will have money from the gas & or oil under your land, but this other project will be more. 

Below, Agatha Christie as a young lady – After, historical photos 

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Part 9   Contents

        Part 9 is a potpourri of events exciting, challenging, bizarre & macabre, peppered with nude & erotic images of Rasa’s male models & young husband, not to be outdone by Rasa’s nude & glamour pics. Starts with cooking dinner for Dr. Robert Atkins, young husband dies of an overdose & voices regrets, the hard but righteous path that I chose,, world’s greatest lover Miklos Hargitay, Wisdom of the Cross, Charles Keating visits me, Robert Culp & Bill Cosby, Cougering & the wicked ways of young men, the Fuck & Rob Bandits, My neighbors who killed their parents, Strange eggs in my nest – the Rotten Reverend & magician who refuses to vanish, Channel Queen Victoria on mindset of the rich, Ron Van Clief & Jim Brown, Mr. Universe/Mr America lovers & friends – Vern Weaver, Harold Poole, Franco Columbu, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dennis Tinerino, Boyer Coe, Chris Dickerson & Reg Lewis, Prophecies of the future of this Life Story, Pics of me with celebrities – Congresswoman Bella Abzug, Tom Selleck, New York Mayor Abraham Beame, New York Governor Mario Cuomo

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ME: Oh yes, in the first item of what I will be remembered for you mention religion/spirituality, but few people pay attention to this. I wrote most of my books on this subject during my early book creations, on the Beatific Vision, Souls in Purgatory, the Divine Stigmata, Yoga & Christianity & have written many articles on my spiritual experiences. How will this figure in the public’s perception of me in the future, especially, when I’m gone?


AG: It will be a bone of contention. It will be the never-ending dichotomy referred to, some saying you could not be that saintly creature here expressed, others saying you can. It’s like when you Stripped for God, the controversy never ended & will not end. Indeed, your teaching or position on this matter is wholly different than that of society & of course you are right, Patriarchy is wrong. Sex is not sinful, evil or dirty. It can be Sacred when Love is in it – that is what you profess. But it has been so mutilated by this society that few people think of sex in an innocent or even Holy manner, they haven’t risen to that level yet – that sort of idea is long in the future, hundreds of years.

Until society catches up to that idea, this part of your life will not be understood, but argued about. And this controversy will serve to make your story more interesting, as it isn’t like everyone else, it’s weird to some, your life makes new statements that haven’t been made before. A woman in the adult trade also being a bona fide minister of God, a saint, a martyr, an example of virtue – all this is without example prior to you. Usually saints were against

 hedonism, having fun, doing sex – certainly no saint we know of was a Cougar, lol. Saints gave up all these things for the love of God. You did give up some of this for many years – but during that time you produced x rated videos for making money. You did not have sex but the videos catered to the sex desires of men – their fetishes. And then after 31 years you were told by your inner God to go out, drink & have fun, quit your celibacy. This will cause great controversy when it is brought into the open. You’ve seen how people react when you talk to them in bars – Outrage. “God will never tell you to have sex!”

          And here is an important element where you & I are totally different in our lives & in our writings. In my writing, the focus of my life – I am there to ENTERTAIN. Even though you were a professional entertainer, your life is not about that. And your writings are not created to entertain but to TEACH.

          In explaining your life you are trying to explain what you learned, what is the path of righteousness, what is the path to Hell.

          I did not by any means try to teach people to find God, although my hero Poirot & other I created, indeed, were on the side of justice & Truth. You saw how in the last case of Poirot he became a murderer. This upset you terribly. You had a glowing saintly image of him, & for him to kill someone went against your nature, & you were hurt. But I told you then it was entertainment – that I wanted to give him a dramatic sendoff, & this was a good way for him to go – murdering a man who would in future cause others murdered. It was righteous, but then again, Jesus would not have done it personally.

{But it is recorded that all sorts of terrible things happened to his persecutors after the Cross, the Temple curtain was torn from the top to bottom, the dead walked the streets, the high Priest went crazy & Herod got a terrible illness of parasites crawling out of his anus.}

But I convinced you my writing was more for entertainment than teaching religion & spirituality the way you do.


          ME: Yes, that last episode soured me on all the 70 stories I had seen before. I saw Poirot with rose colored glasses before, now the glasses came off. I was disappointed. I took it too seriously you told me, it was entertainment. I could imagine a different response to this case. Like for instance, Poirot would teach that God’s karma would get this man, & we see in some way God causes a righteous accident to happen to him rather than Poirot actually putting a bullet through his forehead. It seemed inconceivable for Poirot to do this.

          AC: But there is the difference between us. None of my characters ever taught karma. You teach karma in some cases, like with your brother who was cruel to you, you show how bad luck dogged him in his life & in the end he died a failure, but strangely, in his school days he was voted ‘Most Likely to Succeed.’


          ME: Alright, you have taught me a lot about both of us, Ms Christie, & I am grateful. Is there anything else you can tell me about my future while we’re at it?

          AC: You will have all your dreams come true. All the things you wished for will happen before you die, you’ll be very happy.

                   ME: What dreams are you referring to? Right now my mind is on the Sisterhood & all that goes with it, like an Order, a Convent of sorts, a Society for women to give them Spiritual Inspiration, emotional & physical security, an education. Like the University of Mother God College campus where only women are allowed with safe space on the campus as well as the Temple to Mother God. This is a dream but I don’t know if I’ll have the ability to pull it off before I die, even the beginnings. Is there any hope for that? Or any other dreams you see fulfilled?

           AC: It’s too difficult to conceive it all right now. Maybe with the great amount of money you’ll have you could purchase a property that in future will be the beginning of the College with Temple. Women would be greatly attracted to a super-fancy mansion of this type, something to feast their imagination on, living there. And so when you die, it goes to the Sisterhood. A vestigial beginning but with a lot of ideas you present to their heads when they look at your life.

         This will gel into your mind later, let is go for now, it will appear to your mind as time goes by.

          ME: Thank you Agatha Christie, I will channel you again in the future.

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College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Why Sex & Have Fun?



Chapter 1 Channel Ramana Maharshi

on why the push to ‘have fun’ – which wasn’t   written 11-25-22

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          I have been puzzled for years, wondering why God ‘forced’ me to quit celibacy & go out & have ‘fun’ – which wasn’t, in the end, but turned out to be as one might suspect, ‘The Other Place.’ 

Just published yesterday!




          Many folks & saints have spoken to me with different answers, the best one by William Bond, who said maybe I was sent not for myself but for others.

          Recently I channeled Ramana Maharshi, one of my Gurus, the last one in fact, who brought me to nonduality in early 2007. That was a big change in my life. And strangely enough, when I did this stint at the bequest of God, I lost the consciousness of nonduality, as Ramana told me later in the game, I’d have to ‘give up’ Nick {spiritual husband} if I wanted to regain the state. When he said it I was still ‘obsessed’ with Nick {2019} & thought it impossible to do so, but eventually I managed, & what a relief.

Ramana gave me the answers which finally quieted my heart, & I shall reproduce the conversation now, asking him anew; he laid to rest my qualms as to why God would do such a thing to me when it was so painful. Here goes:

          ME: Ramana, I am asking again – Here I was in a state of relative peace, my sex drive quieted down, my mind clear as a bell & I have entered the sublime state of nonduality. And now God speaks to me, saying,

          “I want you to quit the celibacy, go out & have fun…….if you do not do this, you will be outside the will of God.”

          Now all is said & done, I did my bit, I cougered, drank, had fun & raised Cain. I was naughty – not nice, did all sorts of crazy, embarrassing & silly things – even put myself in danger from these young men. And I suffered like a dog on a chain when I fell in love & I went to Hell & back. This was fun? And God knew all this would happen, that it would be my

fate to suffer such behavior & I’d make a fool of myself. God knew everything I would experience & then why did God make me do it?

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After all, I was, like I said, in a state of relative peace. It wasn’t Nirvana but in the vicinity & God takes me from peace to chaos & anxiety. And this fails my spiritual logic, as all the masters teach to stay in a place of celibacy & contemplation is the highest arena, to be a missionary is second to that – but this was neither one or the other, it was lowering myself to the shallows & wastes of human sense.

I have thought & thought & questioned & channeled, without getting a satisfactory answer. There have been many good ideas, but nothing absolute & I sense you will show me the facts.

          RAM: Yes I will. The best way to explain this to you is two examples, one of Jesus, then of yourself.

          First, is it not taught that Jesus, the Son of God, came to earth, lowered himself, to reach humanity to save them from their sins? And he suffered & eventually died or passed out on the Cross, & people believed in him, & a whole new huge religion was formed, & untold billions have believed & been saved by Faith & trust in Jesus.

          Now he could have stayed in Heaven & continued to enjoy its benefits, but He chose to return to earth to help us.

          You also claim to be an Avatar, & you said that you were in heaven, & elected coming back to earth for Female Empowerment. You could have stayed where you were & enjoyed the Bliss, but you returned to earth & suffered & you have helped women & will do more.


          And what about the saints who all do good works, missionaries, self-sacrificers? Many of them choose to go into the world, the streets, wherever people are – to save those in need be it physical or spiritual succor. The saints always suffer because people of the earth are not evolved, & those who are un-saintly hurt others, so the bad hurt the good, even when you try to help them.

          So there are your examples of why the saints or Avatars or good souls lower themselves from heaven, or a contemplative peaceful state on earth, to walk the streets, to seek under bridges, alleys & ghettoes, the poor & obscure who are crying out for salvation, & understand this was a call to you to not really ‘have fun’ but to go out there & do something for humanity in the GUISE or FAÇADE of ‘having fun.’

          ME: But God did not explain this to me. Why not? Why was God cagey, as She has been in the past – for instance, when She tricked me into marrying Richard Von Werder when I had resisted him for many years. And

here God explained nothing, just said to quit celibacy, have sex, go drink, have fun. And She left it at that. I was totally confused & uncertain, but I obeyed. It wasn’t easy. And of course people misunderstood & accused me of just wanting to whoop it up & be a hedonist & sex maniac, lol.

          Here’s the rub, – I don’t have to tell you – you & all enlightened people know. When one gets involved with the earth, one’s consciousness sinks down to a lower level & one feels all the emotions which give one anxiety. It’s desires – they form. One has to look good, that becomes a focus. One has to act right to be successful in the dating game. One has to take chances. There is fear of being rejected & the fear is well founded – rejection abounds. Then there’s jealousy, ugly jealousy that one feels constantly in many situations. It brings back all the animal emotions & sinful thoughts & ideas like hate &anger. Even if one doesn’t give into these emotions strongly, one feels them & they’re ugly. It’s suffering, isn’t it?


          And what is the purpose of all this?

          OK the saints leave their contemplation to go out into the streets – where angels fear to tread, or as I said when I stripped, ‘We go where Priests & nuns fear to tread.’

          But I was not a missionary. I did not go with a bible or tracts & stand on the street & give out literature at that time {though I had done that before} but I sat at the bars & drank alcohol & picked men up or had them pick me up & went & made love. That’s not the behavior of any saint I know, lol. Not the ones in the books.

          And so if this is what God wanted, why didn’t She send me out as a missionary? I had once done that before, around 2001, for 3 months up & down the streets with a megaphone preaching. But this was different.

          RAM: If God had sent you as a missionary like before, it would have been a different message. Here God actually wanted you to be a COUGAR – the message was like so,

          “Old woman, get out of your rocking chair. Put aside the knitting & the gardening tools & go out & find a young man & have fun with him. He needs you, you need him. Dispel the myth that old women are over the hill, unattractive for sex. They are viable, alive, they deserve to ‘have fun’ in the earthly sense.

          This ability for old women to have fun has been forbidden, denied them for thousands of years. They have been repressed, shut down & shut up. Loosen old women up, give them confidence, let them give up the myths about being finished, needing to go out to pasture. Let them cut loose.”

Don’t you see that was your missionary message? It wasn’t to repent of sin, this is a different message, it was to repent of repression. Repent of Patriarchy, repent of the double standard. Repent of fear of society.

          And so, as with your other projects, you empowered women. Can you see that now?

          ME: Yes, I see it more clearly. Strange, but I wrote & published two books on it – “Old Woman – Young Man, Why They Belong Together” Parts I & II, & yet, somehow I didn’t connect the dots.

          Now when you say it, I see it more clearly, that that is why I had to go out & drink & literally have sex again.

          I have always shown the world – often women – not only by words but example. I did not just preach to lift weights, I actually did it. Had I merely preached women should lift weights, what would have been the outcome? Who would have listened? It would have still behooved some female to go out there & demonstrate weight lifting, but I was the one that had to do it. I mean mainstream work – Esquire, Playboy, national TV shows. It had to be demonstrated. {Yes some women did it before me but it had not hit the national mainstream level.}

And this is the same token, one has to go out & do the thing one believes in, set an example. OK, I get it now.

          So tell me, did it work? I did it & it made a mark in my college town, but I have not got the national publicity I used to get. And so the time has not yet fully come, I gather, for the fruition of this mission. Will it come out in some mainstream way with my life story, is that what is coming?

          RAM: You have sown the seeds, they will grow. Don’t worry about it. It will indeed be a big part of your life story, as important as anything else you have done. And it will continue to grow & thrive long after you have gone, left the earth. These are seeds that will grow into groves of Oak Trees, big forests, major manifestations. You have left a great example & it isn’t just words, you have proof in your pictures. That’s why God had you not only to do what you did at the bars, but become a photographer so you have documented PROOF of your escapades, as people know, you had intimacy with many of your models, so as pictures say a thousand words, now people will see & believe what you did – lol.

          ME: It all makes sense, falls together. Thank you Ramana Maharshi!

          What about now & the future? Is it finished? Am I to do what now? Does it matter? I can be celibate or I can have sex, it’s all the same to me.


My sex drive does not compel me any more, I have reverted to how I felt when I was celibate, I am free.

          RAM: Like you say, you are free. Whatever you do is alright. You have beaten sex in that you overcame it. You plunged into the morass & then you got out. Wow, was it hard when you fell in love. But you succeeded. It was a great project, congratulations.

          ME: Thanks Ramana. You are a great Guru. {end Chapter 1}

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