College of the Gender War, Core Tenets

Alx Uttermann-Great Interview

Report of Rasa re Sri Kaleshwar – Alx Utterman & her video

 letter to Alx Utterman:

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Comment: I have been praying to him {Sri Kaleshwar} daily & he started appearing right away with another man – I did not know who the other man was at first, but then realized it was Sai Shirdi Baba, who always appears with him! They are partners. And they chose me as their partner also & one night, the three of us got a large number of Souls out of Purgatory – their clients, not mine. They also graced me with Sacred Holy Food which was new to me – Shirdi Sai Baba served it to me, while Sri Kaleshwar was pouring something on my head – which I did not understand until I saw the images of him pouring water on the head of Sai Baba! They are with me daily. A friend sent me VIBHUTI of Sai Baba which I kiss every morning {within an envelope.} I am wondering, is there any way I can get one grain of the burnt up Sacred Ash you got from Sri Kaleshwar from his miracle of Christmas 1999? I would like to have you, Alx Utterman, as a spiritual relationship. I will join your center. I am sincere, interested in God & her Glory, not the things of the world. God is All. 

Below is Rasa Von Werder, NOT Alx, in 2015


         Letter to Alx Utterman:

         Can I get one grain of the ash from the miracle of Christmas 1999? Or touch a piece of paper to the ash & send it to me. I would like to be spiritual friends with Alx Utterman. My work for God: Building a Matriarchal Center for women & their children which includes a New Religion that is appropriate for Matriarchy {Includes Christian & Eastern principles – includes Wicca & worship of Mother Nature} – with our own Temple, {off limits to men} – Convent {no sexual repression, they are free to have children} – Community of women outside the convent, some married, some not – Full education in our Community including the Arts & Entertainment classes – etc. A full spectrum living with Culture, Lifestyle of the Highest Standards, etc………I will write it all down & hope to facilitate it before I die, but if not, will leave my legacy, work & resources including money & property, to the Center. {50 wonderful Paradise acres with house, 3 acre yard, wilderness, 5 acre island, riverfront, swamps, creeks, pine glades.} Let me hear from you & your GREAT GOALS FOR GOD & MATRIARCHY! PS Expecting a movie of my life, ‘I Strip for God’ will bring millions for our Order.

                 Note: It’s been a few days since sending the letter & she’s not yet answered 


               Dream:   Sri Kaleshwar & Sirdi Sai Baba appear to me & saw both at more or less the same time:

                 “God wants sex.”

                 “God wants to have sex with you” – Not sure if that was “We want to have sex with you” – as they are Gods.”

                 I know they mean MYSTICAL or SPIRITUAL SEX & that is the essence of sex on earth, it is mystical union AT BEST.

                 At the same time they showed me a huge Shiva Lingam, about 2 feet long, & something else I don’t know – was it the Sacred Yoni? Yes, it’s a whole religion. Is it the worship of Shiva?

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See this video:  This is the best I have seen so far on the subject of Womb Chakra & Feminine Divine, other subjects like sexuality, Jesus sex life, etc.:




The Speaker is Alx Uttermann – Disciple of Sri Kaleshwar & exponent of his teachings


the following are many COMMENTS on the video stated:

BlueStarRising said re the discussion of Jesus being married:

         Whether the Magdalene and Yeshua married or not is wholly irrelevant to the Mystery of the Bridal Chamber. It is not earthly marriage, but the male and female aspects of God and of the inner

and the outer that must be reunited in us. St. John of the Cross wrote on this cosmic union, “Oh night that guided me, Oh, night more lovely than the dawn, Oh, night that joined Beloved with lover, Lover transformed in the Beloved.” —Rosamonde Ikshvàku Miller


I would respectfully contest this statement — on the grounds that to each of us, human beings all, carrying the exact same Christ Consciousness within, need to know that one can lead a ‘normal life’ and simultaneously reach the highest level of consciousness one can carry in a human form. If we suggest that the human life and marriage of Jesus and Mother Magdalene is purely symbolic or esoteric, and not simply human, that again creates more of the illusion of separation between each of us and the Christ inside. Another wall of a belief system to have to break down as we ascend in spiritual awareness and capability. This life is difficult enough, as spiritual characters-in-the-making, without adding more walls of dogma and belief that limit our capacity, is my strong opinion and experience.


Rasa Von Werder’s {Rasa on You tube is Kellie Everts} answer: 

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 @alxuttermann1009  Very well said & I am glad you have the courage to say things other women won’t. Indeed, it is IMPORTANT for us to dispel the Patriarchal teaching which has DEGRADED sex in order to DISEMPOWER WOMEN because women are the citadel of sex. Understand it is the MEN who are dependent on women FOR SEX, they PAID for it from time immemorial {the first profession, lol} not the other way around. In order to disempower, disable women from having this advantage over them, the Patriarchs assaulted the sex act, causing it to be TABOO, SINFUL, DIRTY, LOWLIFE, & because sex was so evil, it had to be CONTROLLED by the male Institution/Religion through Sacramental marriage. No other act of sex is considered legitimate or righteous in Patriarchy – Catholics even laughingly persuade us that masturbation is a MORTAL SIN {deserving of Hell!} And while we women are slut shamed & stoned to death for sex – the males in the past raped & whored with impunity. {What does that tell you? What I just said.}……..Now Mr. BlueStar wants to make a point – that sex can be sacred. Indeed, I do agree. The Sacredness is there when the people conducting it are of God…..Oh yes, one more thing. The first ‘brothels’ were Temples to the Goddess, when sex was recognized as Sacred. In particular, the Sacred Harlots, which included Constantine’s Mom as a young lady – Helen – the Priestesses made TANTRIC SEX available to men FOR A DONATION. It was known that females were SPIRITUALLY SUPERIOR TO MEN & males, by physical sex with the female, while prolonging their orgasm, would receive more & more spiritual energy from them – eventually – after many years – attaining Enlightenment. This POWER women had over males the Patriarchy wanted to eliminate & destroy it they did. Now women in the adult trade are treated as garbage disposals for sperm – all because of a small portion of demonic males who sought to rule the world & so they did. But this age of Kali is ending & Matriarchy is on the cusp.



When Alx tries to explain Ramakrishna she gets so embarrassed she finally gives up & changes the subject. She couldn’t bring herself to say he was a homosexual. It proves you can be an Avatar & homosexual at the same time, lol.


These two comments were not removed, but sent way down the line where few people would see them – I suspect a covert way of making them invisible –



Ramakrishna: How could he want sex with his wife Sarada when he was a homosexual, madly in love with Vivekananda? When V did not visit a while Rama was ripping his hair out with anxiety, & when V appeared, he touched him & put him into a deep trance {so he wouldn’t go away?} V was annoyed with all this & said if it continued he would not return. Then when Rama was dying his homo disciples made a human wall around him, forbidding any females to enter & say good bye. One female did get through by dressing as a male. She was an actress, & she was the only female that got to pay her last respects. Why would the disciples do this except for contempt & hate of females?


@KellieEverts–conductsNightTra {Rasa Von Werder}

Alx says: “SEX IS NOT A SIN” Re Our Lord, ‘being like all men except for sin’. Indeed, I have said this so many times – always alone. Finally someone concurs. I explain that the restrictions on sex were created by Patriarchs in order to CONTROL WOMEN – Proof is the DOUBLE STANDARD. The woman caught in adultery. Where was the man? Their law stated both need to be stoned to death, but he is not there. {Jesus saves the day.} My associate Ajax the Great & I agree, sexual freedom for women is the KILL SWITCH FOR PATRIARCHY. When women do whatever they want sexually & no longer fear men, men will have nothing to fight for. Consider a ram with his harem. The harem runs off & mates with the other guys in the woods. No more head banging, lol. We will end war by being sexually free.


Rasa says:

There are many great insights presented here by Alx Utterman. One must listen to this with an open, eager mind & digest it all. Take time to study her remarks, they are deep. I am impressed by her statements on sexuality & accept them as true. “Kaleshwar said Jesus was married to & had a child or children with Magdalene” {I’m fine with that} “Jesus had children with other women besides Magdalene – women threw themselves at him, saying ‘Bless my Flower,’ “Jesus was happy to oblige” adds Alx. {Lol, fine with me, the more Jesus’s the better! You mean Jesus was human? Why not? I am human, I’ve seen God Face to Face twice, I was celibate 30 years for God but God told me ‘Quit the celibacy, go out & have fun!’ That proves SEX IS NOT A SIN}………Sri Kaleshwar was married & had a child, his wife was sitting right there while they were speaking–Alx was there. That’s fine but I am perturbed as to WHY DID HE LIE TO THE PRESS & SAID HE WOULD NEVER MARRY? The interview is right on You tube. Playing that dayum ‘forever celibate, great saints never have sex or think about it’ bullcrap. Sri Kalesh, you did all the miracles to prove yourself. Now do the miracle of standing up to Patriarchy’s bull shyt & admit to sex!



Re Peter the Apostle: Alx, Ven. Fulton J. Sheen agreed with you. I have his audio from 45 years ago. He said the reason Our Lord called Peter ‘the Rock’ is this: We had a kid in school who was a runt & a wimp, the smallest, weakest in the class, & we called him ‘Hercules.’ And you mention Peter’s unstable ways & Jesus more or less says, “On this ROCK I will build my Church?’ I firmly {like a rock} believe that Jesus wanted Magdalene to be the head of his Church because of all the Apostles, Anne Catherine Emmerich says SHE WAS THE MOST SPIRITUALLY EVOLVED – a great Contemplative. But we live in an evil Patriarchy. They rule by ‘might makes right.’ So of course they ousted the women {Alx said so-would like to see the source} from leadership & took over, & wrote the women out of history. The canonical gospels sound like part of them was written by Peter himself – as he is the STAR. It’s that ole’ gender war. They won but now they are losing, & when the cork is no longer held down, women rise up {analogy made by William Bond.}



Mary Magdalene’s appearance 1:53:00: I believe the visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich–I have all her books – day by day accounts of Jesus & other events in the bible. A literary figure named Clemens Brentano sat by her bedside {she was bedridden with Divine Stigmata} & wrote down every word of her visions: She said – St Magdalene was the child of a ROMAN PRINCE & a Jewess. Magdalene was SO BEAUTIFUL that her mother put her, as a child or young lady, in a window of their home which faced the street, so passers by could admire her. She was the MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN OF HER TIME, more beautiful than the Holy Virgin she says. In my imagination I see the level of Merle Oberon {Mother Hindu, dad Englishman}, Gene Tierney or Hedy Lamarr {Jewish – when she first appeared on the screen in Algiers, the audience GASPED at her beauty.} From sitting in this window being admired, she developed the sins of pride & vanity – she was never a prostitute {who are sacred sex therapists} as the Catholics later wanted us to believe, to degrade her status. Se owned the city of Magdala with her brother Lazarus & she subsequently gave Our Lord a lot of money for the ministry. They persuaded her to go see Jesus preach – she wasn’t interested – but finally she allowed them to carry her there on a palanquin………….Eventually she was madly in love with Jesus, repented her pride & vanity, & during the Passion of Our Lord, she fell apart, while Holy Mary remained serene. Obviously, her love was human as well as Divine, as we go crazy in our flesh when we are in love.



About the Mary Magdalene chanellers or facilitators, who make their career/living off her persona, & a producer was trying to make a documentary on such women. But each one he approached told him she’d be glad to do a documentary, but it would have to be ONLY ABOUT HER & HER VERSION! This goes to prove how women are their own worst enemy. They are trained by Patriarchy to reject sisterhood {because it is POWERFUL!} & work alone, which is a weak position. Men dominate by the brotherhood, albeit it’s a wicked one. The slave mentality is one works to secure status, respect & security through the ‘Massah,’ but does not join with ‘other slaves’ for an uprising. This is ego mentality, all for me, not for them, & it is doomed to failure. And that is why the Matriarchy, which begs for sisterhood, has been slow to rise up, but still, it is rising, albeit slowly. Of all the men & women who gravitated to me while I was on Face book – thousands – only two remain helping the cause, & they are men. When I left Face book, a convenient forum, I still reached out to my women disciples but they were no longer zealous, since I was ‘gone.’ But two men remained steadfast.


BlueStar you mentioned seeing a woman lifting the Eucharist, how moving it was. A female who has female disciples she’s teaching to be Priests. You can see me raising the Holy Eucharist every day & I have an account of why on my site ‘Woman, Thou art God’ inside the ‘How to Build a Church in Your Home,’……I explain how I was working {1981} to bring women into the Catholic Priesthood, calling every convent in New York, but the women shot me down until I got discouraged. Then I asked Jesus, ‘Maybe I am wrong. Do you want women in the priesthood?’ The next day I went to the Cathedral for 8:00am Mass. I was the only one there. A new Priest walks in to celebrate, younger than the others. Time for Communion, I am kneeling, waiting, he doesn’t come. I look up – he beckons me to come forward, then BEHIND THE ALTAR. I walk over there slowly, he gives me the Body, then the Blood of Jesus from his own Chalice. I walked out slowly, in a trance. When I emerge into the light outside, I suddenly realize, this was Our Lord & He called me behind the altar!


Durga turning to Kali is a prediction of the extinction of human men. See the myth of her slaying & removing Maharashtri, which represents Patriarchy. I have written of this untold times. She had the solution before we even knew it; the myth was from ancient days.


Indeed. Can we be human & rise to the highest level? Here’s the formula: At times one sequesters themselves all alone, abstracts themselves from this world & reaches up to God. Buddha did this, Moses, Jesus, all the hermits, many Saints. Some remained celibate by choice, but they DID NOT HAVE TO. God told me that. I could have achieved Self Realization without being celibate, but I didn’t know it, so I practiced celibacy. Now there comes a time when the isolation, abstraction, HAS DONE ITS WORK. If we were to be that way ALL THE TIME we might as well have stayed in Heaven & not been born. But there comes a time when we are allowed, or it’s Kosher so to speak, to be human again, to do human things & have human desires – surprise, surprise. We have been brainwashed by some religions that to be a saint one must be a forever virgin or forever celibate but this is NOT TRUE! It’s simply something taught by certain men for a reason. One reason is to keep women virginally pure & sexually inactive. Another reason might be lack of insight or understanding into Mystical Theology. Ask me, lol, I know.

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College of God & Love, Core Tenets

I Have Reached Nirvana

Startling dream with a big Message 9-3-23


         I woke up in the middle of the night dreaming of Tom Selleck & thought it was a sex dream – I used to be in love with him & met him.

         The dream affected me so strongly; I had insomnia for 2 hours thinking about it. And when I figured out partially what it meant I was startled.

         It was by no means about sex, nor even about Tom Selleck!

         The dream told me about Jesus/God under the guise of Tom, & Tom asks me about the Divine Stigmata, & it portrays my present state being Nirvana {Buddhist} or Nonduality {Hindu.} It announces I have reached that state again. {I was in it for a time in 1981-82 & 2007 for a while, but it always ended when I went back into the world.}

The dream:

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         I am in this hotel – It’s not expensive or luxurious, the most ordinary you can think of, with old furniture, quaint, high, old fashioned metal bedstead {painted yellow} beds with soft, old bedding & bed covers. The one I’m staying in has a mauve thin very soft cotton cover with tiny white flowers all over it. This is the kind of hotel I always sought when I traveled – as cheap as can be, but I am surprised that Tom Selleck would visit anyone here as he is so wealthy, isn’t it beneath him, even if he’s making love with a female? Would he not procure an expensive room to see her in?

         Ok, I see Tom Selleck has chosen to be with a female in the next room. I am madly in love with him so I want to snoop, but I don’t want them to know I’m looking. I crouch down on the floor of my room. My door is closed, there’s a narrow hall between us & their door is closed, but I can see through my door & theirs!

         He’s just finished seeing her & he’s leaving. I see later he’s going to occupy the next room for the night.

        I assume he finished making love to her, but she has clothes on, so how could that be? She’s sitting in a chair like my ‘captains chair’ with arm rests. She has her legs spread open, but on her body is a white girdle – the kind they wore in the 50’s or early 60’s, which is like ARMOR, lol. Her top is satiny dark, shiny.

         Her features are strikingly exotic. She has black hair, medium length, & it looks Asian. It’s smooth, glossy, thick, bangs swept to the side coming down in points to her right. Her eyes are decidedly Asian or a mix.

         Now I know Tom slept in the next room so I want to intercede when he starts to leave, get his attention. I want to wait by the door – he has to go through her room to gain the hallway, then the stairs downward, to exit.

         I don’t want his lover to see me, so I hide behind the wall, in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet. Someone is coming. Is it her or him? I sense the air making a larger disturbance & presence, like that of a man, so I rush out into the hall & catch him halfway down the stairs, calling,


         He welcomes me, loves me, & as soon as we meet, we are close & kissing & he puts his tongue in my mouth & what is amazing is how long & hard it is, like an entire penis, & I’m able to take it all in! I sense his tongue to be like a sort of ‘stone’, mostly grey, with texture on it, strangely.

         Now we’re in an embrace, me below him looking up, arms around hm & what is different & unusual is he’s not in a hurry to leave, like men usually are after they have sex. He is content to linger with me & communicate. I say to,


         “You don’t know what I went through to get to you.”

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         This refers to my trip to Hawaii the first time, the diary 200 pages long I wrote about him & delivered it to his studio, but never got to meet him! This was early 1982.

         Then I was booked to dance in Hawaii 1984 & he called me to come to the studio, he had some Polaroids taken of us, & I got to see him one more time at the studio for a few minutes. Neither one of us mentioned a date, except he was disappointed that I was not there when they came to the club I worked – I was so exhausted from the trip, I was asleep. I sensed he was interested in me but I had been celibate then for 6 years & would remain so for 24 more years, so I did not flirt or hint at a private meeting.

That is why this lady he is visiting is wearing clothes, especially the white girdle, which is like armor – this female is ME – my flesh!

After I make my statement re what I went through, he ays plainly,

“What I would like to know about, you tell me what happened to your brother & his girl friend.”

At the mention of ‘his girlfriend’ I see to the right, as if she was there, the teeth edges of a saw, yellow.

I’m disappointed that he asks about my brother – that situation I didn’t want to talk about; I wanted to talk about Tom & me. But I say, without further explanation,

“Oh, they broke up”

And then my mind blanks out, I can’t even recall what I was going to say about my struggle to get to Tom.

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                 Tom Selleck is a symbol of Jesus/God & this goes back to the time I prayed for the Divine Stigmata. In order to afflict the Grace on me, which is one of total loss/deprivation & spiritual poverty the Lord first had to take me down from the Heavenly place I was in, & cause me to fall in love – to desire a man, which would eventually lead to a total rejection, heartbreak & burnout of my heart charka & the charkas above it, including the Sahasrara, & I would be bereft of the thing I loved the most – the Presence & communication with Almighty God!

What more likely subject to fall in love with than the man everyone was then speaking of, – the tallest, handsomest & sexiest of all the men of Hollywood?

God uses physical people & things or situations we desire as BAIT for a purpose. This purpose was I was to LOSE, not gain, & was to be devastated, deprived, & left spiritually homeless!

         But Tom only got me started on the earthly love path. When I returned to the mainland I was talking to a blonde, blue eyed Marine at the recruiting station, & because Tom was so nice, he would not inflict me with rejection. But this marine, because he was not nice, did so. I started my usual customary chase – as I always do when I’m love, & he ran like Hell, the way James Brown had done, the way others would do later in my life. Men are like wolves. When you run they chase. When you get aggressive they run.

         Because I called every day, he got so scared, he moved from his barracks {which was preposterous – I didn’t even know where the crap the barracks were!} And he stopped returning or answering my calls while I became more & more desperate, going crazy. This always happened with me – God knew this would happen so She led me into this trap, out of my Heaven, into the suffering of human sense.

         Tom here is Jesus/God, & instead of hearing me out how much I love him, he wanted to hear about my bro & his gf – that represents the marine & me!

         Indeed, the Stigmata is not my favorite point of discussion & there is another message here, where, when He asks about this, my mind blanks out.

         Yesterday I made a prayer. I have four female relatives in my family all of whom have no respect, even have contempt & hate toward me. Whenever I think of them, I suffer. And for some reason they come to my mind – probably because it’s so unfair – I’ve never done anything to hurt them! I’ve only done good to them! So I prayed,

        “God, I ask this favor. These women, whenever I think of them, I feel pain. Could you help me to forget them, never think of them? Because I’m in the state of Nirvana & I don’t want it interfered with. {I said this without being totally serious.}”

         And now, when I think of the marine & his gf, who is me, my mind blanks out, as an answer to this prayer, because he hurt me so badly, badly enough that my charkas burned out. Of course, this was the Grace of God in answer to the prayer for the Divine Stigmata, which was granted!

         And so, God is telling me,

         “Rasa, these people persecuting you is a Grace, just like Stigmata was. Do not attempt to erase it, as you erase the memory of Graces, which have done you great spiritual good.”

         And so I rescinded the prayer, but ask God,

         “What good does these four women persecuting me {mentally, emotionally} bring me?”

         And God says,

         “It breaks away your attachment to family. Remember, all the great saints, even Jesus & Buddha, left their families to be with God. Buddha left his wife & children. Jesus taught an important lesson about detachment from one’s family for the sake of God.

         Look at all the Saints, hermits, recluses & anchorites. Family distracts one from God. Consider yourself blessed that they don’t respect you or want to be with you, they have left you alone to be free for the sake of God.”

         Me: Could you explain what the exact meaning is of Tom / Jesus / God giving me that significant kiss? And loving me, wanting to linger with me & his tongue the way it was?

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         Mother God:

         In the past, you gave God your celibacy. Even the most handsome, sexy man in the world could not make you break your vow {nor the richest as the man who proposed marriage to you with his 200 million dollars!}.

         You have arrived & achieved your greatest good, that of being One with God. You want nothing else. There are no desires, no ambitions, no yearnings, except to be with God & do her work. This ends suffering.

         You proved your love for God in no uncertain terms. Now this is a new day. The pain is over; you are not to suffer any more. You have reached the state of Nirvana in Buddhism, in Hinduism, called Nonduality.

         Me: I’ve been here before, Mother God. Do I stay here now or will I sink back down again?

         MG: I predict this is permanent. Even if the movie of your life comes out & you’re besieged with attention, it won’t rock your boat. You are set in your state.

         Me: Why is his tongue like a rock & as long as a penis & I can take it all in?

         MG: To represent solidness & permanence. God has penetrated you or entered you permanently, solidly, for all time.

         Me: Why is this a poor, cheap hotel {but charming to me} – the kind I like, while I am surprised he’d lower himself to be in a place like this?

         MG: It’s about you in your state of spiritual poverty, while He is God, so mighty, so exalted, & He lowers himself to us, so low down compared to him/her.

         Me: Why am I hiding from my own flesh, spying on her, seeing through doors & walls, hiding behind a wall from her in order to meet Tom?

         MG: This is about the Spirit, not the flesh. You sacrificed the flesh to be with God & now you don’t want the lower self to interfere or have any opinions or feelings, lol.

         About the transition of love going from Tom to the marine. As I said, Tom was kind to you. But the marine reacted in a hysterical manner, the way James brown & others did, to your aggressive behavior. And so, out of fear, he rejected you brutally. And this devastated you. So the path you were on had to lead to this, so your love was transferred.

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College of the Gender War, Core Tenets

He writes Myths like they were Facts


Answer to video Sacred Sex on You tube


Glorian: Practical Spirituality to Awaken Consciousness and Liberate it from the Causes of Suffering 

I suggested they check Dr. Bryan Sykes for biological facts re male & female – they removed my comments fast

  The female body building champion in this article is Christa Lou Cormick, daughter of Ozay Rinpoche in Great Britain


Our history is far more incredible than modern science or religion suspect. Rather than being the descendants of apes or of two divinely created people (and the incest of their children), we are the outcome of a very long and slow spiral cycle — evolution and devolution — whose pattern includes the rise and fall of civilizations faintly remembered in myths and scriptures. Most importantly, in that history we learn the truth about the origin of our suffering, and how it is related to sex.”


Rasa’s answers to the video:

All fetuses are FIRST FEMALE. Look at the biology, not myths for that. When the fetus is the size of grapefruit seed, they stop being ‘reproductive’ as females & begin to turn into males, which are NOT REPRODUCTIVE. The sperm of a male is a ‘parasite’ according to scientists & can only present the male DNA to the female to reproduce.


the woman’s clitoris is NOT an ‘atrophied penis’! The penis is an enlarged clitoris. Remember, the female form was first. She might have been a hermaphrodite, but reproduction is in the female, not the male. You are presenting this in the male-supremacy model, a biased male view; obviously we have a Patriarch here. For the facts look to the world’s top geneticist, Dr. Bryan Sykes of Oxford, & his book “Adam’s Curse – a Future Without Men” – human men are going EXTINCT. So much for your version of male as the superior sex! Their y chromosome is crumbing & cannot repair itself. Woman has two X, male only one. When his y crumbles completely in about 100k years, there will be NO MORE HUMAN MALES. Women can reproduce without males in more than one way. See Dr. Sykes.

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Where do you get this information? It is theories, ideas, not facts. You give no origin for your studies. I agree that way long ago the humans were all females/hermaphrodites perhaps. And eventually they created two genders. But I do not pretend these are facts, they are ideas & theories. How do you explain that we share 98% of our genes with apes? Bonobos & Chimpanzees. Yes I believe in myths but you are misinterpreting myths according to male bias. The science of today is PROOF of female superiority, her having two X chromosomes, male an XY, the Y a broken down X that cannot repair itself. And I do agree that in ancient days of Matriarchy, sex was sacred. It was conducted in Temples with the Sacred Harlots, men gave them money. The first ‘brothels’ according the Patriarchy. The Patriarchs degraded sex to become taboo, dirty, unclean subject to control BY MEN, in order to control women. But originally in Tantric sex the FEMALES gave Light & Enlightenment to men through sex, being that women were in all ways superior to men, spiritually included. As men conducted sex with the Sacred Women, withholding their orgasm as taught by women, they eventually gained Enlightenment.

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The degradation of our society occurred through Patriarchy – the rule of men. When this rogue segment of males – a third according to the Myth of Lucifer – took over the world, it was the rule of Satan. Satan is the Prince of this world, he works through men. Women were responsible for males becoming rogue by mating with the most masculine males over the centuries, when eventually, a third of them became so masculine with all its drawbacks {lack of empathy, insensitive, no maternal instinct, born to protect & kill, don’t know how to love but to use & exploit} that they TURNED AGAINST WOMEN & GOD AS A MOTHER & said ‘I will not serve.’ They then attacked, murdered & intimidated women to do their bidding, which is the OPPOSITE of the design of God. We live in an upside down world where the ‘lunatics are running the asylum.’ Males who should be obeying women are obeying their ID {see Freud} which is the lowest nature, the primitive instinct. This instinct is how we describe demons: no redeeming value, cannot be saved. With this instinct they rule the world, they steal, kill & destroy, – check the Old Testament, a crazy tribe that says God told them to do this & that, while the 10 Commandments are only for their own people. They think they are ‘chosen’ – lol – for what, by whom? Then they say God told them to attack communities & steal all their resources, rape their girl children. This is NOT GOD. They invented God in their own image & likeness. Then they imagine God told them to do what they wanted to do, so they are exonerated & sinless – everyone else is sinful & perverted, but not they. Meanwhile they have dozens of wives & hundreds of children, like Gideon. Take the Old Testament with a block of salt.

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The Christian myth of Lucifer & the Hindu myth of Maharashtri with Durga/Kali explains the emergence of Patriarchy, it’s identity, its evil, & finally, its removal through male extinction. See Dr. Bryan Sykes on the extinction of human men. He said they are a ‘genetic experiment that did not work, therefore nature is taking them out.’ He & Dr. Ashley Montagu both said the human male is a parasite on the body of the female.



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College of God & Love, Core Tenets

Paul Takes Jesus off the Cross

Will the Real Jesus Please Get off the Cross 


 Teachings of Paul Anthony Wallis on Jesus in India 1-4


         Talk about answers to prayer. I was just writing the ‘Principles’ of our New Religion when getting to the “Jesus was a reincarnated Buddhist Guru” when I felt inadequate to present the case. Prayed several days during my Holy Mass & then in front of me on You Tube came what I thought was the old BBC documentary from 20 years ago – about Jesus in Kashmir – decided to refresh my memory on it & realized this is a much updated & comprehensive account of “Jesus in India, Parts 1 to 4” by Paul Anthony Wallis.

         As I listened, at first unsure, a few minutes into it & saw this is custom-made for my needs, & answers all the basics for the work at hand.

         First of all – this is imperative – Mr. Wallis explains in detail how Jesus did not die on the Cross.

         He explains the torture of the Roman crucifixion. It’s asphyxiation, not the nails or the scourging or anything else. A person in this position on the cross must pull themselves up again & again to breathe. When they can no longer do so – because of pain, exhaustion or when their legs are broken by the soldiers, they expire. This process takes from 24 hours to several days. He says they often left the crucified for days at a time, lingering, until it was over.

         But this crucifixion was timed so that it coincided with a forthcoming Jewish Festival {he says by design} & here enters a character mentioned in 3 of the canonical accounts – who held an astounding role in Jesus survival of death – Joseph of Arimathea.

         Most of us know his name but not who he was. Mr. Wallis calls him a ‘magnate,’ a big-time businessmen who traveled the world broadly with his interest in TIN {then significant}. He was in the British Isles on this quest {the Romans wanted to conquer Britain for its tin in the West of England – Somerset, Cornwall, etc.}

         He was influential, a member of the Sanhedrin & what’s more, a friend of Pontius Pilate.

         There is a crucial incident in the account of the canonical gospels {Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, – whereas the Gnostic Gospels are Philip, Peter, Thomas & Mary Magdalene}. It is this: Shortly before Jesus cried out that He was giving up the ghost – {“It is finished – Father, into thy hands I commend my Spirit!”} & passed out, He’d been given a drink – vinegar, gall & spices.

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         Paul Wallis  believes this drink expressly given him was to make sure he was in a deep state of unconsciousness so that when the soldiers came by to break legs he appeared so dead it was not necessary. It seems to me that Joseph of Arimathea had anticipated every step of Jesus’ crucifixion survival!

         It was the soldier Longinus that delivered the spear into Jesus’ side, Anne Catherine Emmerich says he was inspired by the Holy Spirit – when the other men were about to break his legs, to say, we shall see if he is dead, & when he thrust the lance into his side {not the heart, not the lungs, between the ribs I surmise} Jesus did not react as one might do if given smelling salts after fainting – & so, thank Heavens, He was presumed to be dead. Saint Emmerich says that the water & blood, splashing onto the face of Longinus, changed him forever, he was reborn & became a Christian. {this paragraph from Rasa, not Mr. Wallis.}

         Now comes a critical part. Joseph of Arimathea goes to his friend, Pontius Pilate, & says, more or less,

         “We need to take those crucified down off the crosses, as a Jewish Festival is imminent, there will be riots if they remain there.” 

Below:  Painting imagining Joseph of Arimathea

2nd_state_-_c1809 Joseph_of_Arimathea_(Pietro_Perugino,_Lamentation_over_the_Dead_Christ)

         But Pilate doubts if Jesus is dead & rightly so. He was only up there six hours, when the minimum usually required for death is 24! But the spear wound convinced him & pressure from Mr. Arimathea plus his wife softened him up.

         He also agrees to release the body of Our Lord to Joseph for burial in his family vault/cave.  {It was his own intended grave!}

         On the third day after death here comes Joseph of Arimathea with the Rabbi Nicodemus {Jesus’ fan & night visitor}, with large bags of herbs. These herbs – Myrrh & Aloe – are used for embalming, but also for healing & to heal wounds.

         Mr. Wallis does not explain how they got into the tomb, as it was guarded by soldiers with a huge stone which would take mighty strength to roll away.

         You can imagine, however, Roman soldiers could be bribed {Joseph had plenty money!} &/or gotten drunk. Maybe they helped roll the stone away. Maybe they passed out from strong wine & Joseph & Nicodemus rolled away the stone, using iron staffs you can move tons.




Britain attacked & conquered part of Tibet – A bloody attack, I saw a documentary

Meeting_with_tibetans Brooklyn_Museum_-_Jesus_Discourses_with_His_Disciples_(Jésus_s'entretient_avec_ses_disciples)_-_James_Tissot Brooklyn_Museum_-_Jesus_Found_in_the_Temple_(Jesus_retrouvé_dans_le_temple)_-_James_Tissot_-_overall

         I was wondering whether these men secreted Jesus somewhere in Jerusalem to recover, but I like Mr. Wallis’s idea better. He says it would have been easy for Joseph to convey Jesus to the nearest Port – where he was familiar with the boats – & whisked him off to a foreign country, out of the way of danger, eventually to the Kashmir he visited in his 20’s & loved, where He would remain for the rest of his life until death at 80.

         Now to answer, in my mind, whether Jesus appeared to his disciples & others – I figured he was in the vicinity & appeared, to their astonishment, in person. But if He was not there, then He must have appeared in bilocation, IMO, the way He walked on the water.


                 Jesus Lost Years 12 to 29 

Below:  Nicholas Notovitch


         Recently I channeled Jesus, asking him about his ‘Lost Years’ where He disappears from the Bible. He told me,

         “Figure it to be 14 to 26 or so I was in India – studying, preaching & doing my usual miracles & healings.”

         And here Paul Wallis confirms my info when he claims Jesus appeared in India age 14, & spent 6 years in ‘Puri’ & other places with his usual activities, & 6 years in Nepal with study of Buddhist scriptures. {It would take a lot of study as there are a hundred times more Buddhist scriptures than the entire bible! Rasa says.}

         That adds up to about the time Jesus referred me to, give or take some traveling in between places he stopped.

         Paul Wallis mentions how Jesus was always loved by the general public but hated by the elites as the obvious problem is elites think they’re superior to everyone & want to control them. Rasa says they want to be venerated & obeyed. And so Jesus, who was always against caste systems or privileged vs poor, would rankle their nerves. I have Nicholas Notovitch’s book, “The Life of Saint Issa” where he describes some of the opposition by the powerful. In one place they wanted to kill him but were afraid to do it outright for fear of the people, but they put him outside the city gates, hoping He’d be devoured by a wild animal. {Rasa says:  Isn’t it the truth that Jesus opposed the hierarchal, exploitative, warlike Patriarchs & professed Matriarchy – the culture of biophilia, life & love? The same as Buddha.}


         Nicholas Notovitch presented his account of the Buddhist files to a Cardinal & a Metropolitan of the ChristianChurches. The Cardinal tried to buy it where he’d make sure if would disappear. Both were against its publication as it challenged the official narrative of the Church of Empire. Notovitch thank God declined both men, published it, when it became an international best seller. But all the tyrannical authority figures opposed his findings & denounced him, & a guy named Muller sent two military men to the Hemet monastery to ask if Jesus had been there & were there manuscripts? They were told no, they came back & from then on it was reported that Notovitch was a fraud, & his reputation greatly tarnished.


         Why would the Hemet monastery honor any request of the English military when they did this {following}? I saw a documentary where they got a Hindu teacher to secretly, stealthily, map the route to Tibet, so they could invade, with modern military equipment & great bloodshed, the people who did not want to invite the outside world. Obviously, the English were enemies to the Tibetans. If they showed or gave them the manuscripts to see, the English might attack them, steal or destroy these manuscripts!


         From Wikipedia:

“The British expedition to Tibet, also known as the Younghusband expedition,[] began in December 1903 and lasted until September 1904. The expedition was effectively a temporary invasion by British Indian Armed Forces under the auspices of the Tibet Frontier Commission, whose purported mission was to establish diplomatic relations and resolve the dispute over the border between Tibet and Sikkim.[3] In the nineteenth century, the British had conquered Burma and Sikkim, with the whole southern flank of Tibet coming under the control of the British Indian Empire.

         The expeditionary force fought its way to Gyantse and eventually reached Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, in August 1904. The Dalai Lama had fled to safety, first to Mongolia and then to China proper. The poorly-trained and equipped Tibetans proved no match for the modern equipment and training of the British Indian forces. At Lhasa, the Commission forced remaining Tibetan officials to sign the Convention of Lhasa, before withdrawing to Sikkim in September, with the understanding the Chinese government would not permit any other country to interfere with the administration of Tibet.

The mission was recognized as a military expedition by the British Indian government, which issued a campaign medal, the Tibet Medal, to all those who took part.”


Back to Paul Wallis. The situation favoring Notovitch’s findings changed in 1922. At that time there were people who also went to Hemet & got a positive response. There was Prof. Nicholas Roerich, two female scholars who took pictures including when the Llama showed them the manuscripts in the light of day. And there was Swami Abhedhananda, disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. These were shown the manuscripts & allowed to translate them. Abhedhananda translated them into several languages & published them.


Jesus in India after the Crucifixion


         Here there is less information from any quarter I can find, except the legends & records of the local people, the indigenous. Of course the official narrative dismisses all this as erroneous. But somewhere, if one digs, one can find these stories.

         Paul & other sources openly describe the place where Jesus is buried in Kashmir. It is a building which outside of it is the name, HAZRAT YOUSA ASIF – Which means ‘Healer – Leader of the Healed. This name is the Koranic version of Issa, which means Jesus.

         This man was of the first century AD, when Jesus lived. He had the same name as Jesus & his ministry was similar. Furthermore, there is a cast in bronze of two feet, where the left foot had been placed on top of the right, & a 7 inch nail driven through it. This man had survived a Roman Crucifixion. If it wasn’t Jesus, who was it? He lived to be 80 & died of natural causes.

         Paul Wallis deplores the narrow mindedness of the present Christian Church, which he said hijacked the PRIMITIVE form of Christianity. The original interpretation of it comes from scholars like Clement of Alexandria & Origen – all of whom believed in reincarnation {it was believed in the canonical accounts as well, where Jesus asked the disciples who do people say I am & one of them says the reincarnated Elijah}. He explains that the official narrative is as if the Jerusalem story lived in a bubble, but the truth is during that time, people traveled far & wide & therefore enjoyed the literature of the ancients & great philosophers like Plato, the Buddhist Sutras & the Hindu Vedas, among other things. He shows St. Paul borrowing from Plato & the Sutras. There were roads crisscrossing the world, caravans going to & fro at all times with trade – Joseph of Arimathea was part of this & Jesus might have traveled with him during his lost years & after the Crucifixion. These roads were good for access as they were monitored & protected by the Roman military! The world of Jesus & some of his disciples was one of much greater intellectual inclusion than the present Church gives them credit.

         The present Church became an Imperialist one, nothing like what Jesus taught. Jesus said our Church is one of brothers {& sisters}, not one which bows to authority. Call no man your Father except the one in Heaven! The Church eventually became religious Feudalism & an organization which strove to hold people in check, & behave as ‘good citizens’.

         Rasa says, it was not for the people, it was for themselves, it deteriorated like every other Patriarchal Institution, corrupted, murderous, cruel, unfair, everything bad.  

P.S.  Paul mentions Mary Magdalene.  He says that the Gnostic gospels place her in a much more favorable light than do the canonical ones.  She was a wealthy woman, who along with JoAnna Chuza, {He says the wife of the Prime Minister or Chancellor of Herod – the bible calls him the Steward, apparently in an attempt to minimize the importance of JoAnna says Rasa} financed Jesus’ ministry.  It is said she was sighted in France with Jesus & their family.  The Gnostic gospels say that Jesus kissed her on the lips.  She was called a ‘Mountain’ & a ‘teacher’ with Jesus.

         According to Anne Catherine Emmerich {the greatest visionary of all time – the movie ‘The Passion’ was based on her account—Mel Gibson did not give her credit, he credited ‘Jesuits’} Magdalene was the daughter of a Roman Prince & a Jewess.  She was so beautiful her Mom put her to sit in a window facing the street so passer bys could gape at her beauty.  This nourished vanity & pride in her – these were her sins she repented after meeting Jesus – NOT prostitution!

         She owned the city of Magdala with her brother Lazarus.  Not sure who Martha was to her, a real sister or cousin.  And yes, they were wealthy.  Saint Emmerich said she gave a lot of money to Jesus & with some of it he bailed many political prisoners out of jail.

         Mary Magdalene was carried to hear Jesus speak on a Palanquin.  But she fell in love with him & through his Passion & Crucifixion was distraught like no one else.

         Anne Catherine also said that Magdalene was the most evolved of all the disciples & tat Jesus wanted her to lead the Church.  But the Apostles, led by Peter, pushed her out, & she retreated to the Essenes, where later, among the caves, her Gospel was discovered.

         I have no problem that she was mated with Jesus, had a family & appeared in France.  Why not?

  Check out Paul Anthony Wallis with his “Jesus in India Parts 1 to 4” on You tube.


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College of God & Love, Core Tenets

Save Nick’s Child

8-17-23 Save an infant’s life & Spiritual Sex

298247884_8640450002647943 JULY 31 22 


Save Nick’s Child 


        Scene One of the dream:

        A man I love is in front of me lying on his back. I hover over him & kiss him deeply, a French kiss. I sense that my tongue touches a sensitive part of the inside of his mouth, like a clitoris.

        We’re on a staircase in a tall hallway, our family or friends are calling us to dinner below to the right & I guess we go.


        Meaning: This is my spiritual husband Nick. I was speaking to him yesterday which is seen as a ‘French kiss.’ It was NOT about sex. I was telling him how much more I respect him now ever since he brought me his dead friends in Purgatory to minister to. I congratulated him on how much he had improved spiritually.

The call to ‘dinner’ is probably me saying the Holy Mass & besides the Souls I say it for, Nick & I also receive its benefits. ***


Scene two: A man I love is near me. He’s handsome but I can’t tell who he is. He’s reading

IMG_5860-Z-FLAT IMG_5932-ZX-CROP-FLAT-266x300 IMG_5934-ZX-CROP-FLAT-1024x924 MAY 15 2022 NOV 26 15 OCT 19

 a book, has on round black rimmed glasses like they wore in the 30’s & has on a lightly checkered summer shirt with short sleeves. The checks are light beige & maybe blue.


Meaning: Nick again. He’s seen as seriously studying. The book is probably a life review, where he went wrong, where he went right. Checks mean ‘the Cross’ so he probably regrets his mistakes – for the most part being a drug addict, staying with the female who provided drugs, not listening to me, not working on our relationship, not being with me except for sporadic sex, not taking my words seriously. The checks on his shirt show suffering for how he lived his life. ***


I say ardently,

“I miss you,”

Kissing his shoulder & face. We’re on a couch & covered by a thick rumpled blanket, & beyond us, a few feet below, is family & friends who don’t see us making out. They are preoccupied with something. One of them is wearing red, which means suffering, so it’s a problem they’re attending to.

Then I slide under the blanket to give my lover fellatio & begin. But I see to the right, a lady walks in. At this he gets out from under the blanket & says to me,

“We must stop.”

The lady comes up to me, hovers over me to congratulate me on something I did. She speaks of it seems I was checking the baggage coming in from an airplane & in a suitcase I heard an infant crying. I opened the suitcase & saved the infant’s life. No one else had heard the crying.

The lady has on a sort of soft bikini bra, I can only see cups in light pale green, don’t see the straps or anything. Strange wardrobe.


Meaning: I’ll need help from you, Mother God, as this is baffling. The dream shows the effect of my conversing with Nick for a short time, telling him consoling things & praising him, this reflects into ‘making love’ with him. Then there’s Holy Mass & a lady who tells me I saved a child’s life. How does it all fit together?

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Mother God: It may fit like this. Nick has a small son, 4 years old. You contacted the Mom of the tyke, & you warned her not to leave him with certain people who are pedophiles. She reacted with threats of violence. But nevertheless, this says you saved his life. He would have had a fate similar to Nick or his brother, who’s been in jail for years. Abuse brings devastation on the person. Although the Mom reacted negatively, you hoped she’d think about it & take a different course, which this suggests she has.

This is the most logical answer I can give on the subject.

Who is the lady & her strange bra? It might be a celestial being or it might be the Mom herself having a change of heart. The breasts represent love. 

Why the airline baggage, child in suitcase?  Airplane could mean a message ‘from above,’ & child in a suitcase is how helpless a baby is, just being put like that, cannot defend itself.  Your prayers for children this way have been constant.  

The people in a group beyond you who do not see your love making, one wearing red, sounds like people discussing the problem facing Nick’s child – being left with a pedophiliac.  The suffering woman is probably the lady who finally got the message to the baby Mamma & was threatened by her.  The child’s Mom refused to speak to you when you tried to contact her {because we were rivals for Nick}, so you asked your friend to convey the message.  She suffered for it with threats.

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College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets

Jesus & Mary Equals

Principles of the New Religion 8-14-23


Principle 1 – That Jesus & Mary are Equals

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        Jesus & Mary are equals. They are both God, as in the attitude of Yoga ‘The Guru is God.’ In Yoga we do not look at the Guru as the flesh but as an Embodiment or Incarnation, we look at the God within the Guru, as he or she is Self Realized or Enlightened.

        Mary created Jesus without participation of a man. The Holy Spirit gave her the ability of parthenogenesis, a skill all women once had which has become vestigial. In one of the Eucharistic miracles, Jesus turned from bread into real flesh. This flesh was sent to three laboratories to analyze, without telling them the source of the flesh. Each one came to the same conclusions:

        “This was the Heart Tissue of a living man! Not a dead man – they asked, how did you obtain this living tissue from a living man?”

     And his DNA had no y chromosome. We need to ask Dr. Bryan Sykes, how could Jesus be a man when He had no y chromosome? Was this a miracle? Dr. Bryan Sykes has determined the y chromosome is crumbling & cannot repair itself. When it disappears, in about 100k years, there will be no more men.

        As Holy Mary created Jesus, She presented us his Body & Blood & it was the same as hers. She was the first Priest & the first Pope.

        In the book of Ven. Mary of Agreda, ‘The Mystical City of God,’ four volumes which are the life of The Bl Virgin, dictated to Mary by our Queen, the following is revealed:

        Before Jesus entered the Garden of Gethsemane to await his arrest, he visited his Holy Mother in her oratory. Standing before her & taking her hands, he stated,

        “Mother, let us begin the work of Salvation.”

        He did not say ‘Let ME begin the work of salvation, he said US.’

        How did Mary tangibly work as partners with Our Lord?

        In a monumental revelation, see ‘Next Level Soul Podcast’, interview of Alex Ferrari with Alx Utterman – She describes her experiences with Sri Kaleshwar, a miracle man of India. Here she tells us that Sri Kaleshwar has revealed that the most powerful charka in the body is the WOMB Chakra, hitherto unknown to the west. It contains the data from all our past lives & their karmas! He also explains that only the female has a Womb Chakra, & the male has to use the Womb Chakra of his Mother if he utilizes it. And then he adds,   

Dictated to Ven. Mary of Agreda (1601-1664) by the Blessed Mother herself, The Mystical City of God is an amazing collection of four books of revelations about the life of Mary and the divine plan for creation and the salvation of souls that has been enthralling readers for centuries.

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        “Jesus had the most powerful Womb Chakra of any living man.”

        Now think. If Jesus employed the Womb Chakra to do his work, his miracles & healings, it was the Chakra of his Holy Mother! Look what this implies! It means She had the most powerful Womb Chakra of all time & Jesus was using it – they were equals. Alx Utterman said she might have reincarnated a million times to have attained her level of evolution.


        Now on another level. We know how a loving Mother bonds with her child so that its every pain is her pain. She suffers with the child when it suffers, she grieves when it grieves, she is totally bonded with her child if she’s a good Mom. Her suffering is equal with his or hers. When Jesus suffered, Mary suffered, every one of his pains was her, in the Passion, She was with him in Spirit in the Garden – She knew He was about to be betrayed. She was with him at the scourging, the entire Passion. Everything done to him was done to her, She felt it & lived it. And when He expired, She expired. When He forgave his enemies, She forgave them.

        There was an absolute Mystical connection with them, She supported him like no one else COULD. Her Holiness was above all.

        And after Jesus left the scene, Holy Mary invented the ‘Way of the Cross’ & relived it every Friday; the beginning of devotion to his Passion. And then, She led the Church, not officially recognized, but unofficially, She was the head of his Church. All the Apostles deferred to her, & St. John lived with her as her Son helping Mary in the absence of Our Lord. Jesus decreed it from the Cross,

        “There is your Mother, Mother, there is your Son.”

        He represented all of us.

        It is also She who appears to the human race so many times to save us from the effects of sin & wars. They are equal partners in the Salvation of mankind.

        When we say the Holy Mass in the New Religion, it is the Body & Blood of Jesus & Mary. Amen.


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College of God & Love, Core Tenets

Value of my Mass

8-7-23    Result of Neglecting to Say Mass

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This dream answered my question. Since I am offering in my prayers daily, all the Masses said throughout the world for the Souls in Purgatory, do the Masses that I say for them have any value or are they a moot point?

This tells me they have great value, they are more important than my prayers concerning all the Masses said on earth.

The dream:

I am performing in a theater. Somehow I did not have all the required or best costume, but I scraped together what I could, several layers of clothing one on top of the other which I will remove – as I’m strip teasing.

There’s a sort of ‘hallway’ with stars that goes up to a loft where the music man works. He puts on the music & I dance. There’s a large audience of men & women, seems equal. They have all heard about me, the seats are full. At least 100 people. And they seem jolly & happy & are well dressed.

After I remove some items they applaud loudly. But the music gets quiet, so much so that I call to the loft,

“Make the music louder!”

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At first, he does make it louder, but after that, it gets so quiet I can’t even hear it & he doesn’t respond to my yelling at him.

I have taken off everything except the top & to them, the breasts are the main thing they want to see. I do recall the last item of clothing covering them is a square light brown fur jacket, short haired fur, like a cat’s but very thick.

And as I’m struggling to get the man to make the music louder, most of the audience just gets up & leaves, they think the show is over. A few to the right, who were sitting facing the direction to the side, facing the audience instead of me, remain.

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Another man says to me,

“The music man heard you but he couldn’t put the music louder because of some school nearby that needs quiet.”

And I cried out in dismay,

“Most of the audience has left!”

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Me performing is conducting my spiritual work, prayer & the Holy Mass. They all applaud when I pray for them. But when I do not say the Holy Mass, that is the equivalent of not showing my breasts, which would be the highlight of mywork.

So it explains that my saying the Mass has great value, it is more important than the prayers.

What is the meaning of the music man in his loft?

Is this Our Lord? I can’t dance without hearing the music, He provides it. In other words, this is a joint venture, a partnership. He provides his Body & Blood, I say the words of consecration & the Mass is delivered to the Souls, I perform. And so if Jesus does not send his Body & Blood into the elements, this love is not received by the Souls – the audience.

What is the fur jacket? Seems to refer to the ‘animal self.’ I needed to remove my lower self {the garment} & do the most charitable thing, but when I failed to ‘take off’ the physical & rise to my higher self by doing the Mass, they received nothing from me & Our Lord.


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College of God & Love, Core Tenets

I was Nefertiti Charbel Says!

7-25-23   Charbel Brings me a Gift – Nick appears for mystical sex   7-23-23

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On his feast day the 24th, St. Charbel did not appear to me in any way & I was disappointed. But I prayed to him the next day telling him even though I was unworthy, I know he blessed other people with healings, miracles & gifts, & I probably didn’t deserve anything as I ad not been watching any more documentaries on him, although I do pray to him daily. So I thanked him for all he did for others.

That night – last night, I had this dream. I believe this was Charbel. I have 7 mystical husbands right now & they at various times appear as my good husband Richard. So I cannot know for sure who they are until I examine the entire dream & other clues.

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I go to a large apt where my husband Richard is waiting for me. Things are not in order & everyone is working to straighten out the large, airy, bright rooms. There are two women here besides me, one’s young & pretty, the other taller, more mature.

Richard & I greet each other & I feel the most intense & sweet love from him. In real life I looked upon him as a good brother & was never ‘in love’ with him & never had sex because I was celibate. But now I feel more romantic toward him.

After a while he is going out the door with the pretty young lady. I assume they’re going to have a meal, or else have sex. I have no right to tell him what to do so I don’t grieve about it.

But within one minute they are back. I see him, then her. So they didn’t do anything.

I look at this table here where things are strewn about & see a flat box, about 4”x4” & about an inch deep. I open it & see it’s filled with small wooden Egyptian carvings. I see the head of ‘Nefertiti’ represented 3 times, two are plain black, the third is painted in light colors just like the original head of hers wearing the Egyptian crown, & this one pops out of the box when I open it. There are other wooden thingies here too, all of which are neatly encased in a cardboard holder lining the box. Her head has a handle on the bottom so you can hold it, just like what I saw in the Martin Luther movie last night, where as a child he watched a marionette show & a man held a demon’s head by the handle & menaced Martin with it.

Then I see a nice piece of printed paper with colorful Egyptian drawings explaining the story of Nefertiti kind of ‘in the air’ & I find it fascinating & want to read it. I sense that Richard put this here for me to see. I intend to read it. It has a series of Egyptian images on top, in a row, going across this about 8” piece of paper, & it’s printed in a style that looks somewhat like ancient scripture, but not hand written, it’s modern printing. The background of the paper is dark, the letters are white.

I now go over to Richard – he’s wearing a white shirt, & ask him

“Have you eaten?”

I have a strong sense of caring about him.

I think he says no & suggests we eat together, but I say,

“I can’t eat until I straighten out this clutter.”

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It seems this is St. Charbel. And he loves me deeply. The other two females, the tall one is someone important to him – probably Our Holy Mother who he was devoted to. The pretty young girl is my thinking that he’d ignored me because & got together with another female & it was not my business. But this shows I mustn’t be jealous, as he was with her only a minute & nothing big took place, no dinner or sex, which would be big spiritual bonuses. In other words, he doesn’t love another woman more than me, he’s spending a good deal of attention to me & a lot of love, & he brought me a Gift.

But I have no idea what this Gift means!

Nefertiti I just looked up. She was an Egyptian Queen who had great power, was even co-Pharoah & then maybe the Pharaoh when her husband died. The art shows her doing things only the Pharaoh does, like smiting the enemy.

She’s famous because of a statue done of her head. There’s also a NUDE statue of her!

She & her husband brought monotheism to Egypt with worship of the Sun God, Atem.

She’s described as “powerful, mysterious, independent, equal to her husband.”

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What do the artifacts in the box tell me? There are 3 heads of Nefertiti. Two of them, charcoal black, stay in the box, the brightly painted one jumps out & it has a handle on the bottom, a stick to hold the head by. But what does this mean?

The only thing I can think of is that Charbel is providing me with a secret, that I am Nefertiti reincarnated. It’s hard to believe.

I was at a gypsy’s in Times Square, who told me

“You were a Queen in a previous lifetime. That’s why you are the way you are.”

I smiled in disbelief but she insisted.

The two heads in the box could be a hint – ‘Charcoal black’ – ‘Saint Charbel’ – it’s him.

It could also be what is long dead & gone, like generations gone by, people died, their remains ‘burned up’ like charcoal.

But one head jumps out at me – it’s Nefertiti with a HANDLE. What is that a clue to?

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handle on:

1. A good physical hold on something. Make sure you’ve got a handle on your end of the couch before we try to lift it.

2. A newfound understanding of a topic or concept. Once I got a handle on how to operate the new system, I found that it made my job much easier.


         Well, if I was Nefertiti then I should have a great deal of confidence in myself!

         If it’s true, St. Charbel has given me a great gift of knowledge!

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         He has given me a HANDLE on my identity & character. Like Jesus was the reincarnation of a great Buddhist Guru – the Magi or Wise Men came to honor their previous Guru. It explains the character & teaching of Jesus – Christianity is exactly the same principles as Buddhism.

         And my desires for Female Rule or authority would coincide with that of Nefertiti.

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Nick visits me for love making 7-23-23

                 He appears as himself, very tall, elegant & thin. I shall keep the details to myself, it being personal.  


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College of God & Love, Core Tenets

Miracle Healing St. Charbel & Mystical Sex with Nick

More Birthday Gifts – Mystical Sex with Husband Nick – Takes me to his dead friends in Purgatory

St Charbel cured the cancer of someone I prayed for  7-17-23

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         A man appears in my apt in B’klyn. He’s some kind of spiritual entity, like he was in charge of something religious, but what I don’t know. He appears as a special favor, to comfort me I think.

         He sits by my door & I’m on a stool or chair lower than his & am resting my head on him & holding his right hand. As I sit I’m in a deep mystical mood & I say to him,

         “This is like Heaven to me.

         He knew I loved him spiritually, I’m in a trance.

         Then we go into my bedroom & there’s a porch outside my window where the fire escape was.

         I feel I have to check the porch as I see a slight bit of smoke coming out of something, just a tiny bit but I must check to make sure it doesn’t start a fire. It’s like something in a pot. 


Below is my lover  for 11 years – Nicholas Anthony Van Dunk.  I photographed him when he was 22.   We are now united forever Soul to Soul.


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         I worry about opening up the ‘fire escape window’ because it has a lock. Do I have the key?

         But when I stand before it, it’s only a white screen which I easily take off & climb through the open window to check the porch.

         Here I see a mother cat with its kitten, lying calmly. She isn’t scared of me as I stoop by her to check the pot. It must have been an optical illusion as there is nothing burning, I see smoke far off. But something is hoping inside a clear glass jar, where it has rained & there is water. I turn the jar over to let the creature out, it’s a little cute frog. So it wasn’t hurt in the water.

         I think there are other small creatures around, maybe another cat, but this is vague. I also pull two large fluffy pillows off the porch, saying,

“What are these pillows doing here?”

My mission done, I climb back into my room.

         I tell the ‘counselor’,

         Isn’t it great that I have a porch like this?”

         Now as he stands by the wall across from me, his appearance is so:


  Nick wrote ‘Cocaine & Broken Bottles’ as a way of reconciliation with me when I had avoided him a  while.  In it he said ‘Take my heart’ among other poignant things.  It’s still on Sound Cloud – I forgave him for his wicked ways – It was the only song he ever performed live.  But alas, I could not save him & he died from cocaine August, 2022

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         He’s not as tall as me & slight of build, so like he’s maybe 5’5” to my 5’7” & he’s thin & seems young. But his skin appears in a strange way, that he has alopecia, & part of it is light, part somewhat darker rose/beige, like a map.

         And he says something strange as I was not thinking this way:

         “I suppose you expect sex now?”

         I was startled as I was not thinking of sex at all. But now that he mentions it, why not?

         So I say,

         “If you want to, we can do it. If you don’t I’ll be sad but I’ll get over it in a day or two. I am aware that I’m not fixed up to seduce a man, wearing ordinary clothes, no makeup. And I feared maybe he doesn’t want to do sex, but thinks I’m expecting it. And I let him know I’ve not had sex for four years.

         Now he’s sitting in the window & his left arm is folded where I’m sitting beneath him, my face close to his arm so I think he needs some encouragement so I tenderly kiss his arm, which is covered by a soft light blue sleeve at the top of his shoulder. As I’m doing this he says something like,

         “That’s good”

         And I realize my hand is on his penis inside his loose pants, & the size of it, it’s so big it bends {not in real life} & I think,

         “If I had known he had a penis like this, I would have immediately thought of sex, lol.”

         I then physically pick him up & lay him down on the floor – carrying him so easily like he weighed nothing.

         And we then have sex. It’s mystical, but it feels real. It’s ecstasy. And I know there is sex in Heaven & we can have sex with a saint or a person on earth through spiritual means, this is proof. Because Nick would appear to me while he was still living, in dreams, & make love to me, & it also felt real then. When he thought of me he’d send his Soul to make love.

         But I did not realize right away this was my previous lover Nick, who I was spiritually wedded to before his death {April 21, 2019}, so he is united to my soul forever. But when I thought of his penis & then the feeling while we made love I suspected it was him. And the trancelike state I went into as soon as he appeared & I was resting my head on him & holding his hand was the same as always happened to me in his presence. For eleven years when we were together on & off, this trance always occurred.

         And to top it all off, he was given to me for my birthday on July 10, 2011, when we met. He approached me. Then we disappeared from each other, but in 2014 we found each other again, he approached me, & from then on until 2019, he would appear for sure the week of my birthday to make love to me. There were many other times as well, but my birthday he always appeared until I stopped going downtown. So putting all this together I know this is Nick anointing me for my birthday!


The landscapes in this article are by Thomas Cole, the Father of the Hudson River Valley Style of Art

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         And there is more – a great surprise Gift. This dream happened first, before his arrival as ‘counselor.’ And I am amazed that Nick, together with his Guardian Angel, had the power to take me down to Purgatory to help all his friends who died of drug overdoses! They’re all in the same place because they were birds of a feather – all thought the same, believed the same & behaved the same. This has happened with many souls – those very similar appear to me together, like my Mom & brother are in Heaven together. {They were alike, he was the only person she ever loved.} Rudolf Nureyef appeared to me with my gay friend Rojer. Dean Martin appeared with Frank Sinatra.

         So Nick was the ‘ringleader’ of sorts, or ‘life of the party’ with all his drug addict friends who were dying like flies, one every few weeks. Mostly guys, half of them black, just a few girls.

This dream will explain:

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Nick & his Guardian Angel take me to Purgatory to help his Friends


                 A young man I like comes over with a tall male friend of his, visiting. I live in the city. There is a building nearby, across from me, that fascinates me. It’s made of all wood, beautiful, 3 stories tall. And in it is some sort of club or gathering place where young people go – part of these guys’s crowd. You have to be invited here, & they invite me & take me to this building.

         I am fascinated by it – everything is beautiful wood. It has staircases that are 15’-20’ wide, but they leadd to nothing, no room, just a dead end, but then the staircase veers to the right, also wide, & you go down. The whole place is filled with these staircases & many rooms, wood from floor to ceiling.

         My friends, I greet them, & one of the males turns into a kitten which I hold & kiss repeatedly & feel great love for it.

         But then these guys disappear & I spend some time looking for them. I ask everyone where did they go, & they tell me the name of the place which I can’t recall, I think it’s another club. I keep asking & looking, as I don’t feel so comfortable here, as I don’t know anyone. I go outside & there’s a yard that looks like a playground of sorts, for kids. It’s surrounded by a white wire fence, the wires up & across. I don’t see anyone here but workers. One lady comes toward me from the right. She works here or serves the people inside, & she says something like,

         “The people inside are hopeless.”

         At one point, I was seated at a table & someone had presented me with food, Hindu style where you eat with the tips of your fingers from flat bowls. There were several dishes, all unusual to my taste but delicious, they are like sauces, creamy. And I have a slight fear that this isn’t for me but the members here, but keep eating, & a person near me says,

         “These are expensive.”

         And I sensed this stuff was extremely expensive.

Notice 4 pictures down, the red padded jacket?  He had it when I met him.  In the dream 

this is one of the ‘ugly’ layers of clothes I have on & take them all , representing the vision I gave for his dead friends in Purgatory – All drug addicts no doubt

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         Notice how sad he looks the 3 images from the bottom up – This was the time he didn’t speak to me for 9 months


I am inside & look around & the place is strange, as no one is doing anything or drinking or dancing or talking. They’re all just sitting doing nothing in many different chairs, couches, all throughout these large room, mostly males in their 20’s, half of them black. All wear the same kind of clothes, baggy, in layers, ugly.

         I’m wearing ugly clothes too. My navy blue oversized sweat pants. Then at first I only had one layer but then I see layer upon layer which I will take off as I rise into the air & dance.

         None of these people looks at me or talks to me. What can I do? I decide to do something drastic. I just begin doing the things I was famous for downtown, like splits. And when I do one, I get some attention. Then I rise into the air doing steps & I take off so many layers of clothes including the jacket Nick used to have when I first met him that they stole from him – shiny red.

         Yes, I get the attention I was looking for & one guy really stares – he’s handsome & has on a wide-brimmed bright green hat. I look at him pointedly also, our eyes acknowledging each other, & I hear a female behind me warning,

         “Don’t touch him.”

         Have no idea why? Did he have leprosy was a thought. Are all these people sick with some kind of disease?



Meaning of all this


         For someone to take me to Purgatory is a phenomenon & a rare occurrence, & I had no idea Nick had the spiritual Power to do this, even with his Guardian Angel. But Angels do have great Power.

         Understanding Purgatory, you know why these guys are sitting there doing nothing. They are helpless. They cannot gain merit, they can only wait for their cleansing to end. Most souls sit there forgotten & forlorn. These don’t seem to be suffering like some precincts or spots in Purgatory would be, but they have no joy.  Their prayers for themselves have no effect, it’s too late. Gaining merit happens only on earth.

         And this crowd of people were all about the world, people & drugs. They were not religious or spiritual; they probably did not pray much, if ever. Why were they saved? I don’t know, but they must have done something for God to show mercy.

         I asked Nick why he took me here, & he said,

         “So you would help them.”

         “Did I?”

         He says yes.

         Now why did I do the splits, rise in the air & take off many layers of ugly clothing? Some of which were not my clothes, but Nick’s.

         You appeared like them at first. But then, you revealed to them your true character, who you are – a Light of God come to bring them relief.

         Their clothes all being ugly like what they wore on earth are the layers of sin & obscurity that prevent them from seeing God.

         The male in the green hat was impressed. It seems he has a jealous girl friend. She must have died of an overdose also.

         Why did Nick become a precious kitten I was kissing, & why did he & his Angel leave?

         You loved him like a child as well as a man – your spiritual son, your pet.   They left because they weren’t needed there, they did what they had to do & their mission was over. You did the rest.


The Mystical Sex Dream


         Why did Nick appear as a man of religion on some kind of mission, a counselor?

         It was a great mission for him, to take you to Purgatory to help his friends. So here he exerted himself fully to do this, it was probably the most important thing he’d ever done.

         What was going on – on my porch?

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         I need to think about that – don’t get the symbols yet, except the pillows. They represent sex for you & Nick. Two pillows, two heads.

         Why did Nick say what he said, that I probably expect sex now & his skin showed alopecia? It was on his bare chest.

         His skin looks like a map. Maybe he’s saying

“This is where we are on the map. It’s your birthday so I always provided love to you at that time, we even met for your birthday. It’s significant. I am giving you Souls in Purgatory, who, & I’m also giving you myself, the man you loved so much. You were praying & telling the Saints your birthday is coming up & one of the things you wanted most was to help Souls in Purgatory. You did not dream I could provide some for you. And you have not had sex with anyone since we were last together – four years ago, so you deserve this happiness.”

Me: Why did you want me to initiate the sex, like ask for it, not in so many words, but by kissing your arm?

“To show you I was always insecure, & here I’m a submissive to you, your underling, & you the dominant person. You pick me up by your spiritual strength & lay me down. Me on my back is subordinate position. I saw you as a Mother as well as a woman, you know that.

God gave me to you as a gift. Because you obeyed God when you didn’t want to, when She told you to

“Go out & have fun”

And all this happened, & look at the good results. None of us listened to you when you were alive & speaking to us. We all kept taking the drugs, & we all died. But you reached us after death. And I’m a part of your ministry now, just as your great Gurus have been, the great Saints. I feel very good about this.”

What was the food I was eating, which looked like the finger foods Hindus eat during Feasts, like wedding Feasts? And they are super expensive.

I think it’s the spiritual delight/nourishment you are getting from this experience, so delicious you feel guilty, but it came at a great price of suffering. Which sufferings? Could be what you went through with Nick, trying to get him off drugs & into proper living & acting right with you – which never happened. The stress gave you heart attacks.


St. Charbel cures cancer! The Next Day dream a husband brings me food 7-19-23


         I now have SEVEN spiritual husbands attached to my soul & more than one of them has appeared as my good husband Richard. And unless there is some other sign I don’t know which husband is appearing!

The husbands are: Our Lord Jesus Christ {gave me rings on Jan. 1978}, Bhagawan Nityananda-the Apostle of Bliss {gave me a sparkling silver wedding dress}, my earthly lover of eleven years–Nicholas Anthony Van Dunk {gave me a white dress & veil after he died…on the second date we had in 2014, he told me ‘I want to marry you}, miracle workers Sri Kaleshwar, Sri Shirdi Sai Baba, a living Protestant minister who I shall not name & St. Charbel. The latter ones appeared in dreams as my husbands, as if we were mated automatically! The newest Guru-husbands are appearing lately, St. Charbel seems eager to relate to me, it might be him.

This night had a dream. I was speaking to a female who recently had a miracle occur due to my prayers. Her daughter’s Dad had cancer in his mouth. She asked me to pray June 3, 2023—It’s in writing –I received 15 prayer requests in writing. His doctor confirmed he was cancer free on June 24.

Now I am talking to this female about an important man – I am in show business in this dream, trying to make it, meeting people who will help. And this one man has a great position & I’ve been dealing with him favorably.

So this young, beautiful lady friend of mine – appearing as the female who asked for the cancer cure – is speaking to me & I tell her about this man,

“He can help you do whatever you wish for – get you jobs, put you in movies, anything you want – he can do it.”

I see her standing next to him looking lovely & her breasts for some strange reason are pushed up out of her dress. They’re not big but cute.

I then change into a sexy outfit, the kind I don’t wear any more, skintight pink pants & a low-cut flowery pink top. I have a tiny waist, & the top flares out below the waist in ruffles.

I am now at my house & a bus stops in the front. I go to see. The door has opened & I climb into the bus standing by the driver. My husband has brought me a large cardboard box full of food! I see a round loaf of bakery bread. I sense it has a cross engraved on top. I know there are other things there, but I just see the bread. How kind of him!

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Meaning: I believe this says that St. Charbel facilitated the cure! He’s been quite active appearing to me, & here he is again. The food obviously is spiritual gifts, spiritual nourishment. The bread is ‘the bread of life,’ or Holy Eucharist – Charbel was a Priest.

Why am I saying I’m in show business & this man – who is really the Saint – is an important man who can do anything to help someone get ahead, put them in movies, etc.?

It’s just a way of underscoring that St. Charbel is very Powerful in Heaven, he can do anything, & you recommend him to this young lady, she’s with him, her breasts are showing means she has love – & the Saint answers her request, your prayer.

You being dressed provocatively means you appear spiritually beautiful & he is bringing you spiritual gifts.


Earlier, about a week ago, he appeared to me like so:


I met a young, handsome male who was very nice to me, helped me put my groceries into my car. We had a short chat. When we parted I thought, maybe I could ask God if he could be my boyfriend? I thought about it & pondered, would it be God’s will or not? The only answer I got was that I am free to do as I like.         But that night my husband Richard appeared to me & it was St. Charbel. He said to me,

“I gave you $10,000 & if you ask for this & start an affair with this man you will be using me & I will leave you.”

When I woke up I told St. Charbel,

“I will not ask God for him. I’d rather have you than him.”

And he said then he would not leave me.

The 10k represents something spiritual he gave me – could be the cure of this man’s cancer.


The Next Day Nick {7-19-23} appeared to me as he was – 6’3”

to me being much shorter, very masculine embraced me with the most intense love I ever felt from him. He is completely transformed spiritually from how he was – he can express True Love instead of beating around the bush. In the last years of our affair he denied, to my face, that I was the main woman he loved, & kept saying he loved ‘everyone’ which is a bunch of crap. But on his Face Books & rap songs he would express the truth & spoke about ‘the woman I love the most that I haven’t seen for a year.’

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College of God & Love, Core Tenets

Great Gifts from God



           Great Gifts from God

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Wish me Happy Birthday guys, today I turned 78…..God has blessed me.  I went to Annie’s to get my once a week hamburger with onion, tomato, lettuce & pickle. {Stomach shrank so much could only eat half!}  Saw Chris & there’s been a big healing of cancer!  She told me her daughter’s Dad had cancer of the mouth.  I prayed.  And a short time later he was checked by his doctor & the cancer is GONE.  GOD IS GOOD!

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        Also Friday was Saint Kateri Tekakwitha’s holiday.  I urge friends to pray to the Saint on their holiday; because that’s the day they’re most likely to grant your request. So in view of that, I had great faith she would answer me.  There is a lady I gave a whole household of goods to – 5 & a half carloads of necessary items as their house burned down.  These were some of the BEST things I owned – nothing decrepit.  This lady is the receptionist at my chiropractors & I was going there every week for months.  And – she is named Teki after the Saint!  {She’s part American Indian}.  I said to Saint Kateri,


    “In view of the charity I gave to your namesake, please grant me a favor due to it being your Holiday.  I will leave it up to you what the gift would be.”


    As I slept that night I appeared in the bed of a dying man.  He had a light blue covering over his head made of material that looks like those masks they handed out free at all the medical facilities.  I sensed this man was dying.  I saw light outlining his body, yellow, then blue.  Then his arm fell off the bed as he died.  And I saw a white thick blanket covering both of us – it was shining like white light.

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    I believe this was a Mantle of  Light given him by Saint Kateri through me {Saints work like that, they use us on earth to help their client in Purgatory or on their way there.  I think the action delivered him from having to go to Purgatory – he must have been saintly – & he ascended straight to Heaven.  This was a great privilege for me to be a part of.


    The head covering was to show me he died of something to do with his head – maybe an accident or an operation.  God is good.

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    Then this past night I was shown that I have an extended ‘apartment’ with one of my Guru-husbands.  A neighbor wanted to see it & I took her & her mother {her Mother is her God Self} through it, room to room.  It was more extended than I realized, there were rooms we had not yet used.  I knew this ‘husband’ of mine had a house elsewhere, & I also had my own house besides this, but this was an apt we shared.  The rooms were not luxurious but charming & cozy  & had lots of sleeping spaces.  What did this mean?

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    It has something to do with an ‘office’ or place of work, a spiritual location this Guru & I share, where we reach Souls together.  It could be we pull them up out of Purgatory into this place, then they ascend.  I can only guess which Guru or Saint this is – God did not show me who.  But this revelation was one of my birthday gifts, to be sure.

I just realized who the Saint is – St. Charbel.  Why?  Because my new Gurus, Sri Kaleshwar & Sri Shirdi Sai Baba already lifted 130 Souls recently with me, & I kept reminding St. Charbel that he can do likewise, so I think he wants me to see he’s planning it!  The visitors might be the beginning of clients.  Showing them a preview.  Like saying “We will get you up to Heaven soon, through this spiritual place.”

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