Miracle Healing St. Charbel & Mystical Sex with Nick

By Rasa Von Werder, July 20th, 2023

More Birthday Gifts – Mystical Sex with Husband Nick – Takes me to his dead friends in Purgatory

St Charbel cured the cancer of someone I prayed for  7-17-23

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         A man appears in my apt in B’klyn. He’s some kind of spiritual entity, like he was in charge of something religious, but what I don’t know. He appears as a special favor, to comfort me I think.

         He sits by my door & I’m on a stool or chair lower than his & am resting my head on him & holding his right hand. As I sit I’m in a deep mystical mood & I say to him,

         “This is like Heaven to me.

         He knew I loved him spiritually, I’m in a trance.

         Then we go into my bedroom & there’s a porch outside my window where the fire escape was.

         I feel I have to check the porch as I see a slight bit of smoke coming out of something, just a tiny bit but I must check to make sure it doesn’t start a fire. It’s like something in a pot. 


Below is my lover  for 11 years – Nicholas Anthony Van Dunk.  I photographed him when he was 22.   We are now united forever Soul to Soul.


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         I worry about opening up the ‘fire escape window’ because it has a lock. Do I have the key?

         But when I stand before it, it’s only a white screen which I easily take off & climb through the open window to check the porch.

         Here I see a mother cat with its kitten, lying calmly. She isn’t scared of me as I stoop by her to check the pot. It must have been an optical illusion as there is nothing burning, I see smoke far off. But something is hoping inside a clear glass jar, where it has rained & there is water. I turn the jar over to let the creature out, it’s a little cute frog. So it wasn’t hurt in the water.

         I think there are other small creatures around, maybe another cat, but this is vague. I also pull two large fluffy pillows off the porch, saying,

“What are these pillows doing here?”

My mission done, I climb back into my room.

         I tell the ‘counselor’,

         Isn’t it great that I have a porch like this?”

         Now as he stands by the wall across from me, his appearance is so:


  Nick wrote ‘Cocaine & Broken Bottles’ as a way of reconciliation with me when I had avoided him a  while.  In it he said ‘Take my heart’ among other poignant things.  It’s still on Sound Cloud https://soundcloud.com/nick-lambo13 – I forgave him for his wicked ways – It was the only song he ever performed live.  But alas, I could not save him & he died from cocaine August, 2022

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         He’s not as tall as me & slight of build, so like he’s maybe 5’5” to my 5’7” & he’s thin & seems young. But his skin appears in a strange way, that he has alopecia, & part of it is light, part somewhat darker rose/beige, like a map.

         And he says something strange as I was not thinking this way:

         “I suppose you expect sex now?”

         I was startled as I was not thinking of sex at all. But now that he mentions it, why not?

         So I say,

         “If you want to, we can do it. If you don’t I’ll be sad but I’ll get over it in a day or two. I am aware that I’m not fixed up to seduce a man, wearing ordinary clothes, no makeup. And I feared maybe he doesn’t want to do sex, but thinks I’m expecting it. And I let him know I’ve not had sex for four years.

         Now he’s sitting in the window & his left arm is folded where I’m sitting beneath him, my face close to his arm so I think he needs some encouragement so I tenderly kiss his arm, which is covered by a soft light blue sleeve at the top of his shoulder. As I’m doing this he says something like,

         “That’s good”

         And I realize my hand is on his penis inside his loose pants, & the size of it, it’s so big it bends {not in real life} & I think,

         “If I had known he had a penis like this, I would have immediately thought of sex, lol.”

         I then physically pick him up & lay him down on the floor – carrying him so easily like he weighed nothing.

         And we then have sex. It’s mystical, but it feels real. It’s ecstasy. And I know there is sex in Heaven & we can have sex with a saint or a person on earth through spiritual means, this is proof. Because Nick would appear to me while he was still living, in dreams, & make love to me, & it also felt real then. When he thought of me he’d send his Soul to make love.

         But I did not realize right away this was my previous lover Nick, who I was spiritually wedded to before his death {April 21, 2019}, so he is united to my soul forever. But when I thought of his penis & then the feeling while we made love I suspected it was him. And the trancelike state I went into as soon as he appeared & I was resting my head on him & holding his hand was the same as always happened to me in his presence. For eleven years when we were together on & off, this trance always occurred.

         And to top it all off, he was given to me for my birthday on July 10, 2011, when we met. He approached me. Then we disappeared from each other, but in 2014 we found each other again, he approached me, & from then on until 2019, he would appear for sure the week of my birthday to make love to me. There were many other times as well, but my birthday he always appeared until I stopped going downtown. So putting all this together I know this is Nick anointing me for my birthday!


The landscapes in this article are by Thomas Cole, the Father of the Hudson River Valley Style of Art

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         And there is more – a great surprise Gift. This dream happened first, before his arrival as ‘counselor.’ And I am amazed that Nick, together with his Guardian Angel, had the power to take me down to Purgatory to help all his friends who died of drug overdoses! They’re all in the same place because they were birds of a feather – all thought the same, believed the same & behaved the same. This has happened with many souls – those very similar appear to me together, like my Mom & brother are in Heaven together. {They were alike, he was the only person she ever loved.} Rudolf Nureyef appeared to me with my gay friend Rojer. Dean Martin appeared with Frank Sinatra.

         So Nick was the ‘ringleader’ of sorts, or ‘life of the party’ with all his drug addict friends who were dying like flies, one every few weeks. Mostly guys, half of them black, just a few girls.

This dream will explain:

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Nick & his Guardian Angel take me to Purgatory to help his Friends


                 A young man I like comes over with a tall male friend of his, visiting. I live in the city. There is a building nearby, across from me, that fascinates me. It’s made of all wood, beautiful, 3 stories tall. And in it is some sort of club or gathering place where young people go – part of these guys’s crowd. You have to be invited here, & they invite me & take me to this building.

         I am fascinated by it – everything is beautiful wood. It has staircases that are 15’-20’ wide, but they leadd to nothing, no room, just a dead end, but then the staircase veers to the right, also wide, & you go down. The whole place is filled with these staircases & many rooms, wood from floor to ceiling.

         My friends, I greet them, & one of the males turns into a kitten which I hold & kiss repeatedly & feel great love for it.

         But then these guys disappear & I spend some time looking for them. I ask everyone where did they go, & they tell me the name of the place which I can’t recall, I think it’s another club. I keep asking & looking, as I don’t feel so comfortable here, as I don’t know anyone. I go outside & there’s a yard that looks like a playground of sorts, for kids. It’s surrounded by a white wire fence, the wires up & across. I don’t see anyone here but workers. One lady comes toward me from the right. She works here or serves the people inside, & she says something like,

         “The people inside are hopeless.”

         At one point, I was seated at a table & someone had presented me with food, Hindu style where you eat with the tips of your fingers from flat bowls. There were several dishes, all unusual to my taste but delicious, they are like sauces, creamy. And I have a slight fear that this isn’t for me but the members here, but keep eating, & a person near me says,

         “These are expensive.”

         And I sensed this stuff was extremely expensive.

Notice 4 pictures down, the red padded jacket?  He had it when I met him.  In the dream 

this is one of the ‘ugly’ layers of clothes I have on & take them all , representing the vision I gave for his dead friends in Purgatory – All drug addicts no doubt

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         Notice how sad he looks the 3 images from the bottom up – This was the time he didn’t speak to me for 9 months


I am inside & look around & the place is strange, as no one is doing anything or drinking or dancing or talking. They’re all just sitting doing nothing in many different chairs, couches, all throughout these large room, mostly males in their 20’s, half of them black. All wear the same kind of clothes, baggy, in layers, ugly.

         I’m wearing ugly clothes too. My navy blue oversized sweat pants. Then at first I only had one layer but then I see layer upon layer which I will take off as I rise into the air & dance.

         None of these people looks at me or talks to me. What can I do? I decide to do something drastic. I just begin doing the things I was famous for downtown, like splits. And when I do one, I get some attention. Then I rise into the air doing steps & I take off so many layers of clothes including the jacket Nick used to have when I first met him that they stole from him – shiny red.

         Yes, I get the attention I was looking for & one guy really stares – he’s handsome & has on a wide-brimmed bright green hat. I look at him pointedly also, our eyes acknowledging each other, & I hear a female behind me warning,

         “Don’t touch him.”

         Have no idea why? Did he have leprosy was a thought. Are all these people sick with some kind of disease?



Meaning of all this


         For someone to take me to Purgatory is a phenomenon & a rare occurrence, & I had no idea Nick had the spiritual Power to do this, even with his Guardian Angel. But Angels do have great Power.

         Understanding Purgatory, you know why these guys are sitting there doing nothing. They are helpless. They cannot gain merit, they can only wait for their cleansing to end. Most souls sit there forgotten & forlorn. These don’t seem to be suffering like some precincts or spots in Purgatory would be, but they have no joy.  Their prayers for themselves have no effect, it’s too late. Gaining merit happens only on earth.

         And this crowd of people were all about the world, people & drugs. They were not religious or spiritual; they probably did not pray much, if ever. Why were they saved? I don’t know, but they must have done something for God to show mercy.

         I asked Nick why he took me here, & he said,

         “So you would help them.”

         “Did I?”

         He says yes.

         Now why did I do the splits, rise in the air & take off many layers of ugly clothing? Some of which were not my clothes, but Nick’s.

         You appeared like them at first. But then, you revealed to them your true character, who you are – a Light of God come to bring them relief.

         Their clothes all being ugly like what they wore on earth are the layers of sin & obscurity that prevent them from seeing God.

         The male in the green hat was impressed. It seems he has a jealous girl friend. She must have died of an overdose also.

         Why did Nick become a precious kitten I was kissing, & why did he & his Angel leave?

         You loved him like a child as well as a man – your spiritual son, your pet.   They left because they weren’t needed there, they did what they had to do & their mission was over. You did the rest.


The Mystical Sex Dream


         Why did Nick appear as a man of religion on some kind of mission, a counselor?

         It was a great mission for him, to take you to Purgatory to help his friends. So here he exerted himself fully to do this, it was probably the most important thing he’d ever done.

         What was going on – on my porch?

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         I need to think about that – don’t get the symbols yet, except the pillows. They represent sex for you & Nick. Two pillows, two heads.

         Why did Nick say what he said, that I probably expect sex now & his skin showed alopecia? It was on his bare chest.

         His skin looks like a map. Maybe he’s saying

“This is where we are on the map. It’s your birthday so I always provided love to you at that time, we even met for your birthday. It’s significant. I am giving you Souls in Purgatory, who, & I’m also giving you myself, the man you loved so much. You were praying & telling the Saints your birthday is coming up & one of the things you wanted most was to help Souls in Purgatory. You did not dream I could provide some for you. And you have not had sex with anyone since we were last together – four years ago, so you deserve this happiness.”

Me: Why did you want me to initiate the sex, like ask for it, not in so many words, but by kissing your arm?

“To show you I was always insecure, & here I’m a submissive to you, your underling, & you the dominant person. You pick me up by your spiritual strength & lay me down. Me on my back is subordinate position. I saw you as a Mother as well as a woman, you know that.

God gave me to you as a gift. Because you obeyed God when you didn’t want to, when She told you to

“Go out & have fun”

And all this happened, & look at the good results. None of us listened to you when you were alive & speaking to us. We all kept taking the drugs, & we all died. But you reached us after death. And I’m a part of your ministry now, just as your great Gurus have been, the great Saints. I feel very good about this.”

What was the food I was eating, which looked like the finger foods Hindus eat during Feasts, like wedding Feasts? And they are super expensive.

I think it’s the spiritual delight/nourishment you are getting from this experience, so delicious you feel guilty, but it came at a great price of suffering. Which sufferings? Could be what you went through with Nick, trying to get him off drugs & into proper living & acting right with you – which never happened. The stress gave you heart attacks.


St. Charbel cures cancer! The Next Day dream a husband brings me food 7-19-23


         I now have SEVEN spiritual husbands attached to my soul & more than one of them has appeared as my good husband Richard. And unless there is some other sign I don’t know which husband is appearing!

The husbands are: Our Lord Jesus Christ {gave me rings on Jan. 1978}, Bhagawan Nityananda-the Apostle of Bliss {gave me a sparkling silver wedding dress}, my earthly lover of eleven years–Nicholas Anthony Van Dunk {gave me a white dress & veil after he died…on the second date we had in 2014, he told me ‘I want to marry you}, miracle workers Sri Kaleshwar, Sri Shirdi Sai Baba, a living Protestant minister who I shall not name & St. Charbel. The latter ones appeared in dreams as my husbands, as if we were mated automatically! The newest Guru-husbands are appearing lately, St. Charbel seems eager to relate to me, it might be him.

This night had a dream. I was speaking to a female who recently had a miracle occur due to my prayers. Her daughter’s Dad had cancer in his mouth. She asked me to pray June 3, 2023—It’s in writing –I received 15 prayer requests in writing. His doctor confirmed he was cancer free on June 24.

Now I am talking to this female about an important man – I am in show business in this dream, trying to make it, meeting people who will help. And this one man has a great position & I’ve been dealing with him favorably.

So this young, beautiful lady friend of mine – appearing as the female who asked for the cancer cure – is speaking to me & I tell her about this man,

“He can help you do whatever you wish for – get you jobs, put you in movies, anything you want – he can do it.”

I see her standing next to him looking lovely & her breasts for some strange reason are pushed up out of her dress. They’re not big but cute.

I then change into a sexy outfit, the kind I don’t wear any more, skintight pink pants & a low-cut flowery pink top. I have a tiny waist, & the top flares out below the waist in ruffles.

I am now at my house & a bus stops in the front. I go to see. The door has opened & I climb into the bus standing by the driver. My husband has brought me a large cardboard box full of food! I see a round loaf of bakery bread. I sense it has a cross engraved on top. I know there are other things there, but I just see the bread. How kind of him!

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Meaning: I believe this says that St. Charbel facilitated the cure! He’s been quite active appearing to me, & here he is again. The food obviously is spiritual gifts, spiritual nourishment. The bread is ‘the bread of life,’ or Holy Eucharist – Charbel was a Priest.

Why am I saying I’m in show business & this man – who is really the Saint – is an important man who can do anything to help someone get ahead, put them in movies, etc.?

It’s just a way of underscoring that St. Charbel is very Powerful in Heaven, he can do anything, & you recommend him to this young lady, she’s with him, her breasts are showing means she has love – & the Saint answers her request, your prayer.

You being dressed provocatively means you appear spiritually beautiful & he is bringing you spiritual gifts.


Earlier, about a week ago, he appeared to me like so:


I met a young, handsome male who was very nice to me, helped me put my groceries into my car. We had a short chat. When we parted I thought, maybe I could ask God if he could be my boyfriend? I thought about it & pondered, would it be God’s will or not? The only answer I got was that I am free to do as I like.         But that night my husband Richard appeared to me & it was St. Charbel. He said to me,

“I gave you $10,000 & if you ask for this & start an affair with this man you will be using me & I will leave you.”

When I woke up I told St. Charbel,

“I will not ask God for him. I’d rather have you than him.”

And he said then he would not leave me.

The 10k represents something spiritual he gave me – could be the cure of this man’s cancer.


The Next Day Nick {7-19-23} appeared to me as he was – 6’3”

to me being much shorter, very masculine embraced me with the most intense love I ever felt from him. He is completely transformed spiritually from how he was – he can express True Love instead of beating around the bush. In the last years of our affair he denied, to my face, that I was the main woman he loved, & kept saying he loved ‘everyone’ which is a bunch of crap. But on his Face Books & rap songs he would express the truth & spoke about ‘the woman I love the most that I haven’t seen for a year.’

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