Great Gifts from God

By Rasa Von Werder, July 17th, 2023
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           Great Gifts from God

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Wish me Happy Birthday guys, today I turned 78…..God has blessed me.  I went to Annie’s to get my once a week hamburger with onion, tomato, lettuce & pickle. {Stomach shrank so much could only eat half!}  Saw Chris & there’s been a big healing of cancer!  She told me her daughter’s Dad had cancer of the mouth.  I prayed.  And a short time later he was checked by his doctor & the cancer is GONE.  GOD IS GOOD!

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        Also Friday was Saint Kateri Tekakwitha’s holiday.  I urge friends to pray to the Saint on their holiday; because that’s the day they’re most likely to grant your request. So in view of that, I had great faith she would answer me.  There is a lady I gave a whole household of goods to – 5 & a half carloads of necessary items as their house burned down.  These were some of the BEST things I owned – nothing decrepit.  This lady is the receptionist at my chiropractors & I was going there every week for months.  And – she is named Teki after the Saint!  {She’s part American Indian}.  I said to Saint Kateri,


    “In view of the charity I gave to your namesake, please grant me a favor due to it being your Holiday.  I will leave it up to you what the gift would be.”


    As I slept that night I appeared in the bed of a dying man.  He had a light blue covering over his head made of material that looks like those masks they handed out free at all the medical facilities.  I sensed this man was dying.  I saw light outlining his body, yellow, then blue.  Then his arm fell off the bed as he died.  And I saw a white thick blanket covering both of us – it was shining like white light.

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    I believe this was a Mantle of  Light given him by Saint Kateri through me {Saints work like that, they use us on earth to help their client in Purgatory or on their way there.  I think the action delivered him from having to go to Purgatory – he must have been saintly – & he ascended straight to Heaven.  This was a great privilege for me to be a part of.


    The head covering was to show me he died of something to do with his head – maybe an accident or an operation.  God is good.

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    Then this past night I was shown that I have an extended ‘apartment’ with one of my Guru-husbands.  A neighbor wanted to see it & I took her & her mother {her Mother is her God Self} through it, room to room.  It was more extended than I realized, there were rooms we had not yet used.  I knew this ‘husband’ of mine had a house elsewhere, & I also had my own house besides this, but this was an apt we shared.  The rooms were not luxurious but charming & cozy  & had lots of sleeping spaces.  What did this mean?

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    It has something to do with an ‘office’ or place of work, a spiritual location this Guru & I share, where we reach Souls together.  It could be we pull them up out of Purgatory into this place, then they ascend.  I can only guess which Guru or Saint this is – God did not show me who.  But this revelation was one of my birthday gifts, to be sure.

I just realized who the Saint is – St. Charbel.  Why?  Because my new Gurus, Sri Kaleshwar & Sri Shirdi Sai Baba already lifted 130 Souls recently with me, & I kept reminding St. Charbel that he can do likewise, so I think he wants me to see he’s planning it!  The visitors might be the beginning of clients.  Showing them a preview.  Like saying “We will get you up to Heaven soon, through this spiritual place.”

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