College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized


8-21-21   From the brilliant friend, a reincarnation of Buckminster Fuller, Ajax the Great. he is one of the smartest, if not the smartest, man I ever met – in a league with the legendary William Bond. His thinking traverses both modern politics as well as Matriarchal thought. Bravo to him a trillion times.



Afghanistan: A War We Lost Before The War Began


The headlines these days about Afghanistan have been quite sobering to say the least.  It looks increasingly likely that this 20 year old quagmire of a war will end the same way as the Vietnam War did.  “Operation Frequent Wind” certainly comes to mind, not least due to the frequent windbag politicians who got us into this inherently unwinnable mess that had literally no practical exit strategy to speak of.

Like Vietnam on crack, this is “a war we lost before the war began”, as Phil Ochs put it in his song “White Boots Marching In A Yellow Land” about that other unwinnable quagmire.  Afghanistan has been called “the graveyard of empires” for a reason, after all.  The moment President Bush decided to force regime change in Afghanistan, as opposed to simply going in to fight al-Qaeda and bring Bin Laden to (rough) justice for 9/11, that was a “mission creep” that created a dangerous power vacuum and basically dug our graves over there.  Yes, the Taliban were and still are backwards, brutal, violent, repressive, theocratic, misogynistic, and even totalitarian, but guess what?  The Taliban was never really a material threat to the USA, and the local “allies” (read: warlords) of ours that de facto replaced them in nearly all of the country outside of Kabul have thus created a chaotic anocracy, which basically translates to “pick your poison”.  Eventually, Afghanistan even became fertile ground for ISIL for a time, who as we have seen is far more evil and dangerous than even the Taliban.  And if and when the weak Kabul government and military finally rolls over and plays dead for the Taliban, remember:  if they do it after 20 years, then no matter how long we stay, whether 10, 20, or even 100+ years, the end result would be the same regardless.  At best, the USA only delayed the inevitable, at a massively unacceptable cost of blood and treasure.

Yes, in both of these wars, our troops technically won every single battle.  But in the long run, as the famous quote says, “Yes, I know.  It’s also irrelevant.”

So yes, the TSAP still, albeit with a heavy heart, fully supports America’s troop withdrawal from Afghanistan.  As a wise man once said recently, if Afghanistan falls to the Taliban after 20 years, it does not mean that we left too early, but that we left 19 years too late.  It is tragic and heartbreaking indeed that it was basically all for naught, as the part about bringing al-Qaeda and Bin Laden to justice would not have required forced regime change in Afghanistan at all.  Bin Laden was hiding out in Pakistan for most of the time, after all, and nearly all of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi nationals.  (That was of course memory-holed as quickly as Bin Laden’s family members were surreptitiously whisked out of the country back to their home country, Saudi Arabia.)

We have said it before, and we will say it again.  There is NO (Western) military solution in Afghanistan, period.  Or Iraq, or Syria, or anywhere else in the region, basically.  The closest thing there is to a solution would be for us to give every *woman* an AK-47 or M-16 and tell them to take over their country and mow down anyone who stands in their way.  Let Allah sort it out.  Problem solved.  But the powers that be over here would of course not be too keen on that idea.  After all they wouldn’t want women in THIS country getting any ideas, now would they?

If and when the Taliban returns to their old tricks of brutal and misogynistic repression, then WOE to any cowardly Afghan men that fail to protect their women and children!  And by rolling over for the forces of evil, they make a mockery of our troops as well.

The best way to support our troops is to bring them home alive, and stop abusing them in these unnecessary quagmires of choice that really only benefit the oligarchs.  The best time to do it was 20 years ago. The second best time to do it is right now.

UPDATE:  On August 15th, the capital Kabul has effectively fallen to the Taliban, and President Ghani has fled the country in fear as his own troops basically rolled over and played dead.  This highly unfortunate turn of events has happened at a much faster pace than anyone had predicted.  But the hypocrisy of those Republicans who blame President Biden for this sad state of affairs is quite rich considering that Biden not only followed the very same troop withdrawal plan set by Trump himself, but actually pushed back Trump’s withdrawal deadline by nearly four months.  Yes, really.  Like Vietnam, as the saying goes, America may have won every battle, but in the end, that’s also irrelevant.

I mean, you KNOW it’s bad when Ron Paul (and/or his son Rand Paul) comes across as the voice of reason!  And whether you love him or hate him, it is clear that throughout all 20 years of this ill-fated war of (mostly) choice, while both Democrats and Republicans alike would mindlessly flip and flop around, Paul has basically been on the right side of history all along.

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Getting out of Afghanistan is the ONE thing that Trump, Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Ron/Rand Paul could ALL agree on.  Even if Trump denies it now.

And finally, as for America’s very clear moral obligation to the Afghan people that we would otherwise leave behind, we believe Emma Lazarus said it best:  “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”  In other words, “refugees welcome“.  The Kabul airport must be secured now to allow safe passage out of the country.  Beyond that, after the current evacuations and rescue operations are complete, that is it.  It’s over. 

After 20 years of this infernal quagmire, C’EST FINI!

As the late, great Major General Smedley Butler famously said, “TO HELL WITH WAR!”






And So We Learn Just How “Leaky” These Vaccines Really Are


The latest data out of the UK, where nearly all new COVID cases have been the Delta variant (albeit notably recently plummeting despite lifting restrictions), illustrate in real time just how “leaky” these vaccines really are in practice:  they are, on average, as low as 17% effective against preventing infection, while 77% effective against preventing death from COVID.  Granted, these data also include the less effective AstraZeneca/Oxford and J&J vaccines along with the more effective Pfizer and Moderna ones, but data from Israel (essentially the world’s largest vaccine study) in which nearly all vaccinations have been Pfizer have also been kinda disappointing as well:  16-75% protection against infection (and waning over time), 80% protection against serious illness, and 90% protection against death.  And what’s true for Pfizer would also be true for Moderna as well, given how they are both essentially the same vaccine.


Compare this to the annual flu vaccines:  for protection against infection, it is as high as 60% effective if a good match and as low as 10% effective if a bad match for whatever virus variants happen to be dominant at a given time, averaging 40-50%.  Yet against serious illness and death, it is generally in the 80-90% range.  Thus, the COVID vaccines appear to be about as “leaky” as flu shots, which were also originally claimed to be 70-90% effective when first developed.  And as we clearly know, if you can still catch a virus, you can also spread it as well.


In fact, the real kicker from the latest British data is that there is really no significant difference in viral load (and thus infectiousness) between vaccinated and unvaccinated people who contract the virus, as evidenced in the fact that they had similar cycle threshold (Ct) levels in PCR testing.  In other words, vaccinated people may be at least somewhat less likely to contract the virus in the first place, but when they do happen to catch it, they are likely just as contagious as if they were not vaccinated.


Let that sink in for a moment.  Oops, maybe the technocrats should have thought that one through!


The implications of this data are quite stark and resounding indeed.  We can thus conclude:

  • These vaccines are NOT the silver bullet that so many had hoped for, and putting all of our eggs into that one basket (at the expense of early treatment and prophylaxis like Ivermectin, HCQ, and budesonide, along with various vitamins and other nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Niacin, Thiamine, Zinc, Selenium, Quercetin, Resveratrol, NAC, and the amino acid Lysine) was the very height of foolishness at best.  Some would even call it mass murder for profit!

  • These vaccines are NOT fit for purpose if the goal is to stop all infections, but might still be fit for purpose if the goal is to protect the vulnerable members of society from serious illness and death.  And by now, they all have either 1) been vaccinated or 2) chose not to receive it, making that purpose largely academic now in nearly all rich countries, who thus now have a moral duty to freely share these now-abundant vaccines and their patents with poorer countries for all who want it, as there are of course plenty of vulnerable people there too.  (As they should have done many months ago, but for corporate greed of Big Pharma.)

  • These vaccines are mainly for self-protection, while any protection of the community is at best a bonus.  Any argument to the contrary is essentially a specious and spurious argument.

  • These vaccines do NOT prevent the evolution or dominance of new virus variants either.  Anyone who still thinks so needs their head examined.

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  • There is ZERO benefit to public health from forcing or coercing people to get these vaccines, restriction of rights for the unvaccinated, and/or segregating the vaccinated and unvaccinated.  And there is ZERO justification for such.

  • If masks actually worked as source control, there would perhaps be some justification for requiring both vaccinated and unvaccinated people alike to wear them in certain high-risk indoor settings when community spread is at “substantial” or “high” levels, per the CDC.

  • But since there is still really no hard evidence that surgical or cloth masks actually work meaningfully as source control at the macro level, even after a year and a half of data, that specious justification also collapses as well.  They sure didn’t work in 1918, and they don’t work now.  Rather, we should instead simply recommend (not require) vulnerable adults to correctly wear N95 (or greater) masks, which are now nearly as available and abundant as toothpicks, in such high-risk settings for self-protection.  (See a pattern here?)

  • When the proverbial fat lady finally sings, it would NOT be because of vaccines, but rather primarily from herd immunity via natural infection, along with perhaps attenuation (weakening) of the virus itself.  In other words, just like every other flu or flu-like pandemic and epidemic in recorded history, essentially. 

  • The Great Barrington Declaration, along with its sister organization PANDA, were therefore quite right all along, by simply following the hard-won wisdom of the ages, and we were very foolish not to listen.  We clearly have paid, and will still continue to pay, a very heavy price for our collective foolishness and hubris.

Thus, while the TSAP has always opposed forcing or coercing anyone to get these vaccines, our opposition applies a fortiori given how leaky these vaccines have turned out to be.  Not only are slopes slipperier than they appear in terms of civil and human rights, and the long-term safety of these vaccines remains unknown, but there is also an even darker reason as well not to vaccinate everybody and their mother.  If nearly everyone received these leaky vaccines, the virus would continue to spread largely under the radar, and by putting strong selective pressure on the virus while reducing symptoms, it will increase the chance that the virus will select for or mutate into more deadly variants, rather than merely more contagious but less deadly ones as would occur naturally in the absence of mass vaccination.  This is not just theory, it has actually happened before with Marek’s disease in chickens, as Karl Denninger has pointed out.  And it is likely the unstated reason why we have historically NOT forced or coerced everyone to get flu shots.  Ironically, for such leaky vaccines, we would actually need a chunk of the population to remain unvaccinated, in order to be a firebreak against such deadly variants.  Hopefully we will NOT foolishly end up pulling the proverbial “black ball from the urn” in that regard and get a truly super-deadly plague that really wipes out the population!


And it should go without saying that all this applies a fortiori to children, who are statistically at less risk from COVID than they are from the flu (as well as car accidents), and are likely at more risk from the vaccines than from the virus (even if we don’t know for certain yet).  And unlike the flu, children are NOT superspreaders of COVID either, and are far more likely to catch it from adults than the other way around.  Forcing or coercing these largely untested vaccines on them is basically criminal at this juncture, and the precautionary principle certainly applies here.  If there was ever a hill to die on, this is the one!


For children and young people under 16, and especially under 12 (!), we should consider all of these COVID vaccines to be absolutely contraindicated until proven otherwise.  (Originally we said under 18, but alas that genie is out of the bottle now in the USA.)  And for everyone else, they should be strictly voluntary without even a hint of coercion.


In other words, to the extent that it even is a pandemic anymore, it is quickly becoming a pandemic of the vaccinated.  And all of these mandates and restrictions are worse than useless, from lockdowns to masks to antisocial distancing to now vaccine mandates and passports as well.  All the more reason to end all of these mandates and restrictions, and yesterday is not soon enough!


Leaky vaccines + leaky masks + leaky lockdowns = illusion of control (at best).  Don’t fall for it!

UPDATE:  We just came across this, maybe a bit hyperbolic, but still largely correct overall.  We are actually pretty damn lucky that all we got from this was Delta so far.  We know Delta is more contagious and it has a partial escape mutation, which is bad, but at least it’s NOT a more deadly variant–yet, that is.  In fact, it actually seems to be LESS deadly than previous strains.  But the next mutation may not leave us so lucky next time.  If this increasingly endemic virus does hopefully continue its long-term trend towards becoming the new common cold (that is, becoming more contagious but less deadly overtime), it would certainly be NO THANKS to these leaky vaccines!





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Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Vision Future Convent/Nunnery

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Above is the Enlightened being Tenzin Palmo today with her convent & in 1973 when she first received a high ordination as a Tibetan Buddhist nun


Big Vision’ on the ‘Future Nunnery’ 8/20/21


                   Third day of insight to my mind, started on the 18th – The first idea was start a magazine/book periodical called ‘Great Woman’ & the next day, after thinking about bequeathing my property with income to Tenzin Palmo for a Buddhist nun convent, MomGod told me ‘Start your own.’ Woke up with this today from Mother God:


          From Mother God – MG:


          You are BAFFLED about starting the convent – what would be required of the nuns, the rules, their behavior, their work, etc.


          Let’s put it on the LOGICAL level. Here you had BUDDHISM & after him have come innumerable male & now female nuns. They adhere to his principles, take him for the exemplar. His ways were POVERTY, LOVE & KINDNESS.          {He was against sacrifice of animals & the cruel caste system, he was not a misogynist, but after men monopolized the religion, they excluded women from being nuns or having any authority/leadership in the Order, what Patriarchs are wont to do in all things.

…It says his Stepmom who raised him asked to join the order & he said no.  People interpret that that he was against women being in the Order & that females could not gain Enlightenment – he said that wasn’t it.  In my opinion could it be he didn’t want Mom doing a Yenta on him?  Breathing down his neck, standing by telling him what to do?  Being a bossy Mom & all that?  And if she scolds him, what can he do?  He’d be red in the face.  No, he wanted his independence from Mom as all kids do, prove himself capable, a grown man – not a Mamma’s boy.}


          They have saved all his scriptures & many ‘pundits’ have written commentaries, all of which become the basis for the behavior & deportment of the followers.


          Now appears Jesus Christ, the Messiah {a reincarnation of a great Buddhist Guru probably from Tibet as he is taken to Tibet at age 12 & returned age 29…after his crucifixion he is resuscitated & returns to Tibet living to the age of 81, dies, buried in Kashmir under a Muslim saint, with a square wooden building, painted green, over the site.}

He comes to ‘save his people’ but it gets more comprehensive & the entire world hears his message with many followers. His way is also POVERTY & LOVE, with great explanations. He & Buddha are identical twins theologically. Jesus is pro women, saving the woman caught in adultery, & he walks with women which Orthodox Jews forbade. He also said, re the poor & animals,


‘Whatever you do to the least of these, you do to me.’

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All his scriptures are saved & many theologians & saints have waxed supreme on the meaning thereof, people adhere to his teachings & behave in a way Christ would like.


His Order says, ‘No longer I live, but Christ in me,’ while the Buddhist aims to become ‘a Buddha’ or acquire the Nature of Buddha. They are following in the footsteps of the Leader, acquiring his behavior, beliefs, & while imitating him they gain his Spirit & that Sanctifies them & expands the work, the Mission.


It is noteworthy that to become a follower of Buddha or Jesus, one must imbibe the scriptures, know & understand them – one must STUDY. And then one must PUT INTO ACTION what the teachings proclaim.


Now we come to you – Rasa Von Werder. You want to start a convent, the beginning of an Order. What did your life represent? What did you preach & teach, what did you do?


Francis of Assisi reads, “Preach the gospel at all times and if necessary, use words.”  Implicit in this saying is the understanding that often the most powerful sermons are unspoken.


Rasa Von Werder, – What is your mission, your gospel?

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You came to liberate women from the tyranny of men, a social order called Patriarchy. This order has permeated the world for thousands of years & is ingrained in the minds of most people, that they are brainwashed, befuddled, unclear, disoriented & confused as to the logical order of things.


Even though you were sent as an Avatar, an Incarnation of God such as Buddha or Jesus, like them, you had to learn, you had to study, to be trained or train yourself to put the work into action.


Buddha suffered in the jungle for years, almost starved to death, until he concluded that was not the way, the way was THE MIDDLE ROAD. His austerities led to this Realization which was a big thing to the religious of that day, who believed you almost had to kill yourself to rise up to God. Indeed, one had to get untangled from attachments & desires & ego, these were the barriers to God & once removed, you & God were ONE. Jesus reiterated that {non-attachment} when his Mother & brothers sought him while He preached :


LUKE 8:21

And He answered and said unto them, “My mother and my brethren are these who hear the Word of God, and do it.”


He also said, ‘Lay up your treasures in Heaven, not on earth.” And also,


“Blessed are the poor”


And also,

“Turn the other cheek…love your enemies…forgive them, for they know not what they do.”


Jesus was trained when taken to Tibet by the Three Wise men, where he underwent study & practice for 17 years. He also had his big retreat of 40 days & nights on the mountain before embarking on the Mission, & He was even baptized or Anointed by St John.


Both Buddha & Jesus had GREAT POWER as they were one with the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus especially is known for his exorcisms, healings & miracles.

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For you, Rasa, it was a lifetime of tribulations & lessons where you did what you could – without seeing the whole picture. You studied with many Gurus, Christian & Yogic, you read thousands of books, you lived a full life of learning to get to the point you are now.


You have been querulous about the behavior of your nuns. Shall they be celibate? If you look at your example, one of the outstanding facets of your life is the great Sex Presence, being in the adult trade, dressing sexy, posing & dancing nude, having lots of sex with men before you gained celibacy, then quit celibacy, became a Cougar & had sex with many young males. So what are you going to do? Tell your nuns to do as you say, not as you did? Would that be fair or what the Mission requires? Would that HELP FREE WOMEN?


No, your Mission is far flung from Buddha or Jesus, although they live in you & all the righteous of all religions – the spirit of God, love & kindness. That is a GIVEN.


The world didn’t need you for that – it is full of those teachings where any human can spend their entire life reading, studying & practicing & never get to the end of it, whereas you have a NEW MESSAGE, & let us begin with SEX.


In your recent channeling of Saint Martin Luther King Jr he showed you that women’s sexual freedom will end Patriarchy & war. What will they fight for?


Dr. Bryan Sykes pointed out in his book ‘Adam’s Curse – a Future Without Men’ that men’s world revolves around control of women, to gain power to access them, & he outlined how the ancient potentates, like say Genghis Kahn, had as many wives or sex partners as they could ravish, in his case, 16 thousand – an entire town consists of his descendants, while one of the Pharaohs, whom he calls a ‘piker’ had only 350.

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The conquest of women is what Patriarchy is all about, & that means CONTROL, & force women to be FAITHFUL. If women then, walk away from the herd stallion, & mate with anyone they choose, it’s game over for the stallion. What will he fight for? And so, you see by logic here, men are but animals who fight for women, all wars are not for men to merely gain wealth & power, it is for men to gain what they need to get women. So, women do what they want, no more war.


Therefore, Rasa, let’s see this as a KEY to your mission. You PERSONIFY SEX, but you are also a Holy Soul, an Avatar, sent by God. Some people believe in you the way others believe in the Dalai Lama or the Pope. But you represent SEX in the minds of many, you still do as your books, movies, images live on.


And so, you represent SEXUAL FREEDOM FOR WOMEN which is the path to end Patriarchy & their wars.


In the past, you saw your career as a STUMBLING BLOCK because no one would believe you were for real, that you represent God. This will take TIME. Jesus mission was not fulfilled in his lifetime, it only started. He had few believers & much persecution by the status quo – so with you. You are ahead of your time, you sow the seeds, they will mature.


Why YOU in particular, were sent to do this message, & not some great academic with a Doctor degree, like Mary Daly? Not anyone who led the feminist movement. In fact, the feminist movement was AGAINST WOMEN BEING IN THE ADULT TRADE SAYING IT WAS DEMEANING. So they could in no way represent women’s sexual freedom & the right to choose what they do. They represented ‘Woman, thou must be an upstanding citizen of the status quo, if you do sex therapy for men, it is beneath your dignity & wrong, wrong, wrong. You must be like us & work in regular work like sit in an office or classroom, or if you’re poor, a factory or service work – but never the therapy of sex – society says sex is dirty & therefore, you must not soil yourself.’


But you, Rasa, got involved in all that means ‘Sex therapy via entertainment for men,’ & yet, you are of God, sent by God on a mission, & the mission is Sexual Freedom for women! There was a purpose why God gave you this body & this ability to dance/entertain but also the Anointing to use these tools to make a point. No academic behind a desk, writing great books, no feminist hiding behind propriety could have done this. It took a woman in the adult trade to prove her point – a point that applies to ALL WOMEN.


So now, the Patriarchal adage, that women are either Madonnas or whores, is dispelled.

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ME: This is well explained, Mother God. It’s getting clearer by the day. Now let’s then talk about the convent or beginning of our Order. I never thought it would come to this, this raises my spirits. I thought my work was over, I write my life & that is it. But this is the next level. OK, what do I do with the female followers who want o be in this Order? How do I find them, choose them, house them, require house rules for them?

I was in the adult trade most of my life – that is not a requirement, but if any female was in that trade, it will by no means exclude them, that would be gross hypocrisy. Many women are there & desire getting out, but have no place to go. Of course, we aren’t going to advertise,


“All women in the adult trade who want to get out come live with us.”


These first few women of the Order are key players that set the foundation. I would like you to outline for me the requirements or qualifications that these original members should have, & what they would do.


MG {Mother God}: Aha, first, you don’t need many, you need one, two or three women. Look what you have done by yourself – one woman, like William Bond, by himself, one man, has done for Matriarchy. It is better to have one, two or three qualified, fervent committed people than a thousand lukewarm ones. It’s like when St. Francis started his order. He even predicted it. At first, the followers were made of gold, then silver, then copper, & lastly iron.


When he absented himself at the Crusades, Brother Elias took over the Order & instituted may items Francis frowned upon, like an extensive library, & regular meals at a big table, better accommodations & so on. Francis preached perfect poverty,

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“Go, sell all you have, give to the poor, & follow me.”

          Your first women have to be GOLD. So what would that mean? Let’s begin with what is important, the no negotiation qualities. Physical talents, such as strong intellect {high IQ}, writing, speaking, promotional talents are vital tools, but without this, they would mean nothing:


A woman has to be ANOINTED or put a better way, moving toward holiness, sainthood or Enlightenment. She might not be there, this is part of her way of getting there. She has to be more than CALLED – she must be chosen, & one is chosen when they answer the call.


{We cannot have secular, atheistic, materialistic, worldly people as our adherents – they are of a different spirit, they will sell out the Order, they will be of no use or advantage, they could be a detriment & like Judas, cruel traitors.}


So first, a woman is in love with God or the Idea of her, no matter what religion she is, & she wants to please God & gain her favor & go to her highest spiritual level.


Second, a woman has to believe in Rasa, just as Buddhists had to believe in Buddha & Christians have to believe in Christ. They must believe she was sent by God on a Mission – they must believe in the mission & be eager to promote it, which means Female Empowerment & Matriarchy.


If they believe, they will study her writings & those Rasa recommends, whatever is needed for the Cause. Some of these writings are scriptures, some are regular work.


{Rasa has encouraged women to start writing their own scriptures, meditate, pray, gather together & write a new song, based on Women’s beliefs, not on men’s. If you want to refer to the Saints of the past, well & good. But do not be beholden or under the power of Patriarchs, to any Pope or Llama, – that is counter-productive. You must stand on your own feet spiritually; you must set the way for a New Order of Women – a Monarchy of Mother God. The beginning of this thesis is in the book ‘Woman, Thou Art God.’}


ME:   OK, Mother God, that makes sense. They must be committed to God & fervent in their love of her, & they must believe I am sent by her & willing to do my work. That sets the foundation. Is there anything else as a basis?


MG: They should have strong character, not mentally ill, not a drug addict or alcoholic, not a criminal. They should have abilities, skills & moral virtues. {We aren’t talking abut sex, we refer to don’t lie, cheat or steal or hurt humans or animals.}


The virtues that are important are many: Zeal for the Monarchy of Mother God, obedience to her agenda, fortitude, patience, endurance, peacefulness, dependability, love work, discipline toward the good, etc. Every virtue counts. {Rasa has these qualities, they are following in her footsteps.}


Other qualities that would be useful are: Intelligence on all & any levels; intellectual ability, writing skill, promotional skill – Can handle herself with media including TV shows, documentaries, interviews, & be presentable & accurate with the answers. {Rasa has these skills; you must have some or all of them.}


There’s more: Keep your word to the Order. If you’re asked to do something, do it. Do not make excuses, or beg out of work or anything slightly difficult. Do not be a complainer, whiner, selfish, weak, undependable, lazy, deluded or a day dreamer. You have to have your feet on the ground but your mind on the stars, be in the world but not of it. You are fixed, focused & centered on God, the Mission, the order, the work.


Remember the goal: Female Empowerment, Matriarchy, women to rule the world & everything in it, from family to government, to religion, to economic, everything. Learn all the precepts that explain why this has to be, why Patriarchy has to end & females take over. This will take some doing as there is a lot to dispel, there will be many arguments & interviews you might face, be prepared with the knowledge.


One or more of the founding Sisters will have to reach out to the media on a regular basis, aggressively & seek interviews in print, TV, any media. They must also saturate the internet with blogs & sites, the way Rasa has done. This must expand, & the women have to be inventive, hard working & resourceful.


These women must be STRONG the way the disciples became strong after the Holy Spirit descended on them with Fire & Doves. There will be mega temptations – often in the form of MEN for women that are heterosexual. The lure of men might be the greatest pitfall for ending one’s commitment to the Cause, because men will want you to SERVE THEM, that is their wish, their instinct, & if they have a strong desire, they might do anything it takes to lure you away from the order. In our society, women are OWNED by men even if it’s a 50/50 deal financially – the women ARE NOT FREE to go out, stay out all night, go on trips alone or with women friends, the males are possessive, selfish & etc, & women who say they are free while married usually have not tested the waters. They think they are free but they’re not. For instance, males don’t permit their wives to have single lady friends – I have tried – because this gives strength to the wife, who can than resist him better when he does wrong. He does NOT want his wife empowered.


Now hear this – No man lured Rasa away from her Mission. Indeed, she had sex with many men before & after her celibacy. No one forced her to be celibate – it was her choice – no one forced her to have sex. But no matter how many times she fell in love, she never wavered from her Cause, her Mission & Beliefs, & the women who get this started must do likewise.


There will be a new baptism of each woman that joins in the name of Mother God, her Creation & the Holy Spirit. Each female will be Anointed by Rasa, & continually Empowered by her grace & prayers. {Rasa is in a state of ‘nonduality’ which means that even when she does not use words, her energy is manifesting for the good of others. You belong to her work – you gain her spiritual energy. You leave her work, the energy stops.}


You must be strong in that when hardships or disagreements appear, you do not fold up & ride out of town. The Order will have a leader, most probably, & she must be respected. No follower will be allowed to razz, sass or talk back to her, argue, complain incessantly or ‘bust her chops.’ There has to be order in the convent – logical, reasonable order. She will have the ability to terminate a follower {in the residence} who seriously breaks the rules, like letting a lover into the convent, for instance. Or if the ‘nun’ makes the lives of the other members incessantly difficult, she will be asked to leave. This would be arguing, criticizing, threatening or any dis-pleasurable communications with other members on a steady basis. Small transgressions or perceived faults that are not really serious will be forgiven. It’s like any household – the head of the family must maintain order.

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Who will be chosen to be our Popess or Llama? Whoever is most qualified, mature, committed, reasonable, dependable, practical – the best leader who is fair but knows when to be strict, when to be soft. This will be a person of wisdom, & it will be decided through the meditations of Rasa, to whom the leadership should fall.


What will she be called, the order be called? The Chief could be called our Queen. A tentative name could be the Order of ‘Rasa Wins.’ That would make the followers ‘Rasa Winners.’

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Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Army Officer & Me

Chapter 2   (8-14-21)


Engaged to the Army Officer


I had completely forgot about him, maybe felt he was ‘top secret’ but now I reconsider because, one, I will not give his name, rank, or identity, or say anything that you could tell who he is, even if you knew him. I try to retain the privacy of people if I feel it is warranted, like criticism could be vented on them. I’m not even sure he’s alive, as if he is, he’d be in his 90’s.


The year I met him was the same year I met my future husband Richard, so it had to be 1989. This was when a psychic – a good one – told me I was to be married, & open my mind up somewhat, as I wasn’t amenable to it. So I opened my psyche to the idea & told eligible bachelors that I was looking for a husband. I had four proposals – One an engineer in Connecticut, who I visited in his house, the second, a 34-year old Jewish doctor from Manhattan, there was Richard, the man I chose {but the event did not happen for 11 years}, & the fourth was this officer in the military, who convinced me to get engaged over the phone. There was a fifth man who did not propose marriage, but became my best friend for 10 years – I call him Saint Esquire. {This last man never in ten years did the slightest thing wrong, except one thing at the end. I shall explain it when I get to his segment.} 

Below, don’t hit the middle ‘play’ – hit the bar on the bottom


The Officer – I shall call him Joe – was my fan for a couple years. He ordered custom-made photos of me, I recall, doing the positions or stands a military person would do – They were traditional positions like when you march. This I fulfilled & what did it cost him? Around 60 bucks or so. When you’re in my business you have many fans, you don’t take most of them seriously. They’re all interested in sex – you aren’t. So they send letters or pictures with wanting to visit. This man I respected as he’d been through a lot, & I took him more seriously than the average Joe Blow. He asked me if I thought his picture was good, he was an average middle aged guy, but I said he was handsome & he reminded me of that later.


He kept me posted on his activities, & I sympathized because the life of a military person in the line of duty is arduous, especially if you’re a Green Beret, – you’re called upon to do the hardest things no one else can or will do. He told me he’d graduated West Point – I believed him but my future husband did not. Rich jealous of my budding relationship with Joe, actually went to West Point & looked into their archives for graduates – said he wasn’t there. When I asked Joe about it he said they gave him a different name, as he was ‘undercover’ or ‘secret’ in his work. Again, I believed him but Richard did not.


Then, after a while, Joe disappeared. He resurfaced telling me he’d spent time in the jungle on a special, dangerous mission, & also, he’d had a serious injury & had spent months at the VA hospital. The accounts he gave me were touching & sorrowful.


First, he said he had to reconnoiter in some God-forsaken wild jungle – all alone. They left him there by helicopter, he had to do something – was it spying? I guess he was casing an area. Where was it? I can’t remember, even if he told me. I know he was in Viet Nam, but that was way before me. Was this Nicaragua?


In the jungle he said he made an altar to me, with my image, with hibiscus flowers ornamenting it. He prayed there every day for me to protect him – & I did. He never had any trouble on any of his scouting missions. But it as not easy, as he frequently ran out of food, a helicopter would arrive occasionally with supplies. I imagine he lived in some sort of tent or shelter.


Finally, that mission was over, but then something horrible happened. He had to do a helicopter stint over enemy territory & needed volunteers. One of the sprightly young men who admired Joe sprang up, said great, he’d do it, they set off in the copter. {His enthusiastic, willing to fight-take risks, attitude, will make what happened even more painful.}

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So they fly out, & the copter gets shot down – a huge explosion from the bottom, the seat Joe is sitting in is blown through, his read end & genital organs are injured, & then – the horror – the innocent 19 year old gets his head blown off, & the head falls right into the Officer’s lap.


He writes me from the hospital of his condition & heartbreak. He was unable to face battles again, even life; he was mentally as well as physically demoralized. He also isn’t sure if he will ever be able to have sex again, he asks me to send him an audio tape of prayer.


I send him an audio tape encouraging him, that God would heal him, everything would be alright.


He says that prayer took him out of his depression; he was healed, & was back, ready to go into action. He looked around the hospital & said ‘What am I doing here?’


That was when he asked that we exchange phone numbers & have some chats.


At this juncture I must say that some of my affairs with men have been at cross purposes. Only one out of many thousand can accept a woman without having sex – Richard Von Werder was one of them, especially chosen by God for me. There have been countless others who were driven, even crazed by their desire to have me as their sex partner, & if they could snag me into a house where I belonged to them, all the better. I will not give accounts of the large number that wanted this – whom I did not want.


I should have known that the affair with Joe would be ill fated, that he ‘just’ wanted sex, or that sex would be a requirement, when I didn’t see him that way at all.

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In fact, after we chatted & he convinced me to get ‘engaged’ by phone {no big deal, years later Mr. Von Werder proposed marriage by phone & I accepted.} And when Rich heard me say I got engaged to the officer, he was downcast, as by now, he was, or always had been in love with me. {He’d been a fan for years.}


Now, on the phone with a man is one thing, in person can be a whole ‘nother color. I should have remembered what all women know – that men want to be near you, with you, in person so they can touch you, persuade you to have sex. It’s not all they want, but it’s paramount, number 1 out of many things.


***So put this under your hat, young woman. If a man wants to go to your residence, alone, or you to his, he only has one thing on his mind. It could also be his office, or a motel or hotel, or any private place – their primary purpose is sex. Just assume that & you will be right every time. And when they don’t get it, there will be repercussions. Some of them will attack you, criticize you, lay out your faults – call you names like frigid, lesbian, man-hater, neurotic or crazy. And if you do give it to them, they might tell their friends you are a SLUT. Some will even strike you or rape you – there could even be murder. Beware of going some place alone with men – EVER – especially if you don’t know them. Just don’t go anywhere alone with them without knowing THEY WILL WANT SEX.***


I TOLD the officer I WAS CELIBATE as I told all the men I potentially dated. But they don’t seem to listen, or believe. Or they think they are THE ONE EXCEPTION that you will break your celibacy for. They ALL think they’re exceptional, different, better than the other guys.


OK, so we talk for hours on the phone every day – he tells me the story of his life, I cry. I tell him the story of mine, he cries. We have both suffered, we have something in common. I respected him more than any man I had known because of his self sacrifice in serving his country. He really believed in our wars, {I had not yet heard the Kay Griggs accounts} as I did then, & he had allowed the military to brainwash him that DEATH DIDN’T MATTER, if someone dies it is NO BIG THING {it bothered me when I heard him say that.} And some of the tortures they put him through, as a Green Beret, were disgusting. I shall get to the ‘chow time’ story after.

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So this was, I guess, 1989 & my vow had taken place May 27, 1978, & I kept it religiously & intended to do so for the rest of my life. I emphasized this to him again & again. Then he persuaded me to allow him for a visit.


OK, I respected him for his intelligence & his accomplishments, but when he showed up, he was repulsive. He’d been average in the photo he sent me where he looked 45, but in person he looked 65, his teeth chattered & he was slightly hunched. Physically his rating would have been a 4.


He brought gifts – don’t laugh. They were army rations. He gave me enough of those to last a year – & I ate them on & off for that long. I learned how men in the army are fed when cooked food is not available. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good – I’m not fussy about food. It was super high in calories, super concentrated dried food in bags, everything from soup to nuts to cakes. Some people would have given it away or thrown it away, but I respect food & the gift of it, so I ate it all over time.


Which brings me to the ‘chow time’ anecdote. When they were training him & the other Green Berets, they had a really hard day, & the guys were getting hungry. The officers kept saying that ‘chow time’ was coming up soon. Hours of exertion went by. Then a truck pulled up, they opened the back gates, & out of them came trotting PIGS. They had to catch them, butcher them, cook them before ‘chow time’ happened. It made my stomach turn to imagine it.


What was the purpose of this exercise? To harden the men, to desensitize them to brutality & killing, so they’d be ready for war. You can’t be sensitive & go out & kill people – especially innocent people & kids, you can’t have a heart. In the process of all this, men lose their ‘souls’, or access to them, but they are still there, unconscious, & if it is allowed to surface they suffer with guilt, shame, regret & grief, they cry, & when the officer told me his stories he cried & I felt grief. He told me one of the things that bothered him most was that he had to kill men FOR THEIR RATION – when he was in the jungle, & ran out of food. What did he mean, I asked? What made you think they had food? And he said,

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“They always carried rice on them.”


Now can you imagine killing a man for the rice he carried? His life for food for you? And officer declared he had KILLED 300 MEN. I began to get uncomfortable. If he had killed that many men, was I safe in the event he felt rejected?


The entire affair ended due to his wanting sex, me not wanting him except for friends, & he couldn’t deal with it.


We had two different weekends together, talking endlessly, me making him great steak dinners, trying to be a friend. He talked about me coming to Washington & he introducing me to Barbara Bush, as George Bush senior was then President. {I thought he wanted to impress people with me.}


This anecdote re a female was telling – that he could not be with a woman without sex. He had a lady friend living with him in one of those tropical places – don’t recall where. One day she went out & stumbled into a ‘born again’ Christian meeting. She came back, & told Joe she had turned over a new leaf, she was not going to fornicate with a man not her husband, & refused sex after that. He made it out like she had become a weirdo, & he ended their affair. So obviously, he’s using her for sex, there is no love. If he loved her he would have married her.


Speaking of marriage, like all the other guys, he laid it on the table for me – what his assets were. He said he had saved up 200k from all the times he was overseas & never even cashed his checks. And we could also shop at the army stores, where everything was like HALF PRICE – you could get anything there & the Freemasons would provide {my God, he had us retired together, & he was about 25 years older than me!} – & to think I would live in some sort of Freemasons old folks home – it revolted me.


Oh & here is a good one. He went to the Vet hospital & had his SPERM COUNT measured to be sure he could get me pregnant. How old was I then? In 1989 I was 44 but might have looked 34 – I didn’t tell him my age. So you see his intentions were to get me ‘barefoot & pregnant,’ introduce me to Barbara Bush as his arm candy, live together for sex & boredom forever & retire into a Freemasons old folks home – all planned out – haha – & I had NOT consented to any of this or to marriage.

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OK, our last night together. We were sitting watching a movie with Mitzi Gaynor – The dancing was marvelous & he insisted that I could dance like that, if I wanted to & practiced enough. I said I didn’t want to, but he insisted again & again I could dance like that. {The strange thing is Mitzi Gaynor’s teacher, Kathryn Etienne, had choreographed a routine for me to Manuel DeFalla’s ‘Ritual Fire Dance,’ but there my resemblance to Mitzi Gaynor ended – I did not want to be her.}


That was mostly all we did – eat dinner, talk & watch TV both weekends – I recall no other activities. He did not suggest we go out & do the town or anything.


So the last straw was when predictably he made a pass at me – something insignificant like touching my neck behind the ear, & I reminded him for the twelfth time that I was celibate & there’s be none of that. That’s when I knew if would be over very soon.


He went to his suitcase, took out a full bottle of whiskey & proceeded to drink. I mean drink, & drink & drink. Now I knew I was in danger, as when men get stinking drunk, they can do anything & not even remember, & say the whiskey made them do it. Men have killed without remembering they killed, the next day they wake up with blood on their hands asking what happened.


I wanted to escape from him but didn’t know how, I was plotting. If I tried to leave while he’s there he’d know what’s up, & try to stop me, maybe get violent. So my best bet was to go into my bedroom, which had a fire escape {no phone, however} & lock the door {I had just made a secure lock} & wait for him to pass out.

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I went to my bedroom & after a while he must have been close to passing out, in he comes into my room {the lock somehow didn’t work – I was stunned}- & plops down next to me & passes out.


I did the wise thing – quickly got dress & hi-tailed it out of there. I even stopped a patrolman on the beat & told him my dilemma. He said not to worry as ‘those guys are really trained well’ & he was not likely to do violence to me.


But I wasn’t sure. There was a wonderful boy named Jose who worked for me – one of the best people I had ever known. He had a car. I went to his apt – he was at work. I asked his Dad if I could wait for him. When he returned I asked him if he would take the officer to the airport. He said OK. I then called Joe at my house, saying it would be convenient for me if he would leave; I had someone who could drive him to the airport. I was glad he picked up the phone – it had been a few hours since he passed out. And so it was, it ended without any harm coming to me.


He did not give up, as the other guys who had proposed also did not. I heard from all of them after breaking up, through letters. Joe wrote me, I can’t recall what he said, but I ignored him, as I did the others, as I had settled on the man that was suitable for me – the one who accepted my celibacy & didn’t push it.

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Oh, just remembered one thing. He was so obsessed with me at the time that he went to his uniform place, told them he’d lost his jacket with name tag & all the medals, needed a replacement. There he got the replacement with my name on it with the rank that he had. It also had a replica of all his medals, about fifteen. It was one of those green bomber jackets. This jacket raised some eyebrows. One time I went into a place to wash my car – I had never been in a car wash before, didn’t know how it worked. A lady I asked about the procedure looked at my jacket, with my name & rank, & all the medals, & said,


          “I will wash your car for you,”

          And she did.

          I don’t make these things up. {End Chapter 2}


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Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Channel A Einstein



Chapter 1 I STRIP FOR GOD Part 5 Begin 8-1-21


Channel Albert Einstein Aug 1, 2021


Saw a documentary on Dr. Einstein last night, decided to channel him, & much good has come out of it. I will replay what we said & continue the interview.


          ME:   There’s something that bothers me that I’ll ask you about. It’s the way no one gives me credit for what I did in front of the White House, the June 16, 1978 speech on Fatima which had monumental results. It caused the three great leaders to be elected – Pope John Paul II, Reagan & Gorbachev, & the repercussions – people praying the rosary for the conversion of Russia – the Holy Father eventually consecrating Russia to her Immaculate Heart {after being shot}, the fall of Communism, the end of the Cold War & the threat of nuclear annihilation. My speech UNLEASHED the Power of Our Lady, like she said, ‘my Immaculate Heart will triumph.’

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But no one has ever given me credit or ‘thanks’ for the speech – Not the Catholic Church, no government, no entity of any kind – I have written the account numerous times in many places but no one believes or responds except one person – {Ajax the Great}. When it was on my Wikipedia page someone disparaged my claims, then it disappeared. Can you explain to me this treatment of what I did, why it’s ignored?


AE {Albert Einstein}:   You are a SECRET WEAPON of God, like a CIA agent, a Power disguised in the body of an adult trade worker & body builder. The roles you portray – stripping & body building – which you are known for – are your disguise & cloak of PROTECTION. The general public or mainstream media do not take you seriously in any role but these – all your works are colored or overshadowed by the image of ‘stripper – body builder.’ {The things you do, such as preaching, are seen as ‘gimmicks’ to promote your stripping career.} Instead of seeing this as a negative, see it for what God intended, it’s your mask, disguise & cloak of PROTECTION.


If the Patriarchy took you seriously, if you were famous to the mainstream as the activist which you are, your life wouldn’t be worth much, they would kill you & you would not be able to finish your work.


Just look at the facts of activists, pacifists. This is a Patriarchal – war-mongering society. All those who are at cross purposes with war are enemies & marked for death – IF THEY BECOME FAMOUS, influential, effective & therefore DANGEROUS TO PATRIARCHY. The reason you have not been nor will be assassinated is because you are seen as a sex symbol & body builder, you are LAUGHED AT the way David Icke is laughed at because of his Reptilian Theory. His Reptilian theory seems insane, makes him a laughing stock, so the mainstream doesn’t take him seriously, & so, he is safe – he’s not effective to the majority of people.


The Patriarchy-Shadow Govt only cares about controlling the majority of people – what the fringe or alternatives do is of no consequence as they cannot change the world or make people do this or that. When a person or constituency becomes Powerful, that’s when they are marked for erasure, whoever they may be, if they buck the system.


Let’s give some examples. Three people who were assassinated or an attempt on their life was made: Saint Martin Luther King, Jr., Mahatma Ghandi & Saint Pope John Paul II.


St. Martin was a powerful leader, extremely influential – the entire Civil Rights Movement rested on him. He was a Pacifist, he spoke against the Viet Nam War & planning to do a huge march on Washington. He was murdered by the Shadow Govt.


Mahatma Ghandi was supposedly shot by a crazed individual, as was the Holy Father –they were assaulted by Shadow Govt agents. Ghandi stopped an imperialistic govt from warlike control over India – his example was a great danger to Patriarchs. The Holy Father, obviously a Pacifist like Jesus Christ, would be against any war, & he would be effective as the Vicar of Christ – his death was prevented by God – He says Our Holy Lady of Fatima saved his life. {He asked that the bullet removed from him be put into her crown.} That would be because She needed him to carry out her wish of having Russia consecrated to her Immaculate Heart, thereby ending Communism & the Cold War.

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They called me the ‘Father’ of the atomic bomb, not because I wanted them to create & use the bomb, but because my revelations on physics helped them build it. Of course, I did write a letter to Pres Roosevelt, which I later regretted, saying they should proceed with creating it to stop Hitler – as it was warned that Hitler might build a nuclear devise. But when I saw what they did with it, I was mighty sorry.


ME: This from Wikipedia:


For Einstein, “war was a disease … [and] he called for resistance to war.” By signing the letter to Roosevelt, some argue he went against his pacifist principles.[137] In 1954, a year before his death, Einstein said to his old friend, Linus Pauling, “I made one great mistake in my life—when I signed the letter to President Roosevelt recommending that atom bombs be made; but there was some justification—the danger that the Germans would make them …”[138] In 1955, Einstein and ten other intellectuals and scientists, including British philosopher Bertrand Russell, signed a manifesto highlighting the danger of nuclear weapons.


AE:   You took note how aggressively J. Edgar Hoover stalked me & tried to frame me for being a ‘Communist.’ Nothing came of it as no matter how hard he tried, he could not get any evidence. That was because of my being a Pacifist. {He did likewise to my friend Charlie Chaplin, who was prevented from re-entering the U.S.}


ME:   OK, I do understand. The world & its Patriarchy & Shadow Govt are not aware, nor would they believe I was sent by God to Empower Women {which means Matriarchy, Peace on Earth.} Also my work toward Matriarchy, they don’t see it as a threat as it isn’t mainstream, it’s not like millions of women believe in me & I’m going to march them to Wash DC to speak there against Patriarchy, pro Matriarchy. In fact, most women repudiate me & divest themselves of me, saying I don’t represent them because of my adult trade status. But the point is, with my female body building as well as Stripping for God, these were effective tools for God & Matriarchy were they not?


AE:   Of course these ideas went into the mainstream, the body building in a huge way, which you’ve explained many times. The Stripping for God theme has yet to make its impact as far as influencing women – this will take time. But it was a great activity. It will manifest after your life story hits the media in movies & TV – it will be big after that, & especially after your death – Then the genuine questions it raises will be asked, not just that ‘gotta’ have a gimmick’ joke.


And as far as your White House speech, years from now, you will be given credit. The world is changing toward Matriarchy, Female Empowerment, it is still far ahead. When those times arrive, they will review the historic validity of your speech & all the facts, which you presented many times, & will acknowledge what you said is true. You don’t want that kind of recognition now. The recognition I got while still young was interesting, but what was it worth? My scientific studies stood by themselves & changed the world of science & physics, but people wanted that pound of flesh. I ignored most of the hundreds of invitations to speak & make public appearances, what was the purpose? If my ideas had been accepted & used in science, that was all that mattered. My making speeches would have just been a waste of time & energy. People just wanted to ask questions & make statements that would not add a hill of beans to my work; they would want pictures with me & say that they met the great genius, Albert Einstein. This is wanting a pound of flesh – just as all these men hounding you wish for. All you ever wanted was to make a living, survive, live a normal life, do God’s work – but you were hounded, stalked, & STILL ARE at an age where you just want to be left alone.


Just remember, that God will give you credit for obedience & all that you did, whatever it was, public & private, & your reward is in Heaven. God knows the Truth. You obeyed God, She will reward you, that is all that counts. The world’s recognition, what is it worth? What has it given you? Happiness? Not at all. The happiest you ever were 1981-1982, the year of seclusion for & Intimacy with God. That was the most joyful time of your life. You had nothing but God, but God was ALL & you had all you needed in spades. It was Heaven on earth.


ME:   Truer words were never spoken. Thank for reminded me! A couple more questions. Do I have much to accomplish left? I saw how you refused – at age 76 – further medical treatments to prolong your life, you said you had done your work, it was enough, and you wanted to go out elegantly. I am now that age, with a not-so-good heart, although I am hanging in there, & it has improved rather than getting worse.

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What do you think I need to accomplish before I die? Do you think writing my life story & any other books, such as those on Purgatory & dream interpretation, are all I need to do? Will that be enough? Is there anything else glaring that I should accomplish?

AE:   No, there is nothing urgent on your agenda, just enjoy life what is left. Remember, God told you She doesn’t want you to suffer any more, just have fun. That means be relaxed, do the little things that make life worth living, which to you means nature & animals. You don’t have to go to far-away places to enjoy life, God gave you all that you have at your fingertips, just be relaxed, without pressure about going here or there, it’s all right here.


         As far as books, you enjoy writing & producing books, it’s fun to you, so keep doing it, & it will help others.

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          Many things will happen to bring you recognition once you finish your life story encyclopedia. There will be more opportunities than you wish to take – so do what you want to do & just ignore the rest.


For you, for life to be interesting or peaceful, all you need to do is what you’re doing now, without large numbers of appointments or pressures which aren’t necessary. You, God, nature, your book production, is all you need to be happy. You might have a companion in the not-too-distant future that might also bring you some comfort. Take it as it comes, trust in God as you always do, don’t worry. Just be yourself, happy within yourself, don’t worry about pleasing others or what others think of you. God loves you is all that matters.


ME:   I guess that answers my questions for this day, Dr. Einstein, thank for your great help & all you have done for our world. {End channeling}


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James Brown & Me

Chapter 16 – The James Brown Story – 7-16-21


 How James Brown looked when I met him in 1966


          There are some stories that are so painful & embarrassing –‘I Was Such a Fool to Fall in Love With You’ that they’re hard to tell. I have a few such memories up my sleeve but something says I should end Part 4 with the James Brown saga. I will save other super-painful face-reddening stories in Parts 5 & 6.


          I was but 21 when I first saw James Brown – at a huge coliseum-type forum, outdoors, in LA. He performed in front of about 16k people. I was impressed. In those days I took everything seriously, like the contest between two of his singers he always ran – who has the most soul – each singing a bit, then the other, whoever gets the most applause wins. I hate such contests, it makes one successful at the defeat of the other – it’s demeaning. {I know that’s a contradiction, as I entered many beauty contests, but when one is in a GROUP it’s less extreme than the one-to-one deals.}


          Then there was the ‘robes’ gimmick. In the end, James supposedly ‘collapses,’ & they put a bright robe over him, but he throws off the robe, keeps singing & dancing, & this is repeated at least three times, with the last robe being solid gold. Later I read he got the idea from a wrestling star {his name & info is on Wikipedia}.



His dancing was AMAZING, which proves you do a thing from the time you’re a kid, you’re bound to get good at it.  He would have gone crazy to see his hair disheveled like this, every hair had to be in place.  I knew one of his hairdressers, Frank, later on, after the thingy with James was over.  He always had a hairdresser, male or female, everything had to be perfect.

James Brown was a model of endurance & good health. {Although the sight of him between shows, with a needles in his arm, administered by a health care worker I presume, his blood soaking up some kind of liquid from a bottle higher up, like in a hospital, – was an eye-opening wonder.}

Don’t know what drugs he took at times to keep going, but I know he smoked grass. I was clean as a whistle before that, but started to smoke it because of him – the habit stayed a year & was brutal to beat. I abhor drugs, always have, and always will. My parents never said one word about it – where I got my hate of drugs I’m not sure, possibly from loving Jesus, the Saints, & their mortification.


Not saying I don’t drink – Jesus first miracle was changing water into wine; wine is part of the Holy Mass, the disciples imbibed wine, it was no sin. But street drugs, they just seem wrong to me.


          So I see James Brown as a great, invincible star & I was with a friend, decide to go downtown LA when he appears next. I stand in the front row. I am the only white woman there. The place is jam packed, everyone screaming when he performs.


          First he comes out & plays the organ – not too well but it’s appreciated. Then the Famous Flames do their thing – they are not so hot, sing an Otis Redding song, I think it was ‘Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa” & they want us to think they, not Otis, made it famous & we’re supposed to applaud forcefully. But they have to tell us to do so. {If you gotta’ tell’m, you ain’t.}


         Finally James comes out & does his hits – it’s pandemonium, & at the end, he gives out souvenirs. I got a cuff link, which I later framed in a gorgeous boxlike setting, professionally done. {Wish I had it now but when you’re young you move so many times, you leave things behind.}

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         How I looked when I dated James Brown,  pics 1965 1966.  I think the last time I saw him was 1969


I ask the attendants that I’d like to meet the star – they keep telling me his wife is there – I don’t believe them & ask again, & again, & again.


          Finally, there is a date. I get to meet the great man in his hotel, he signs an 8×10 for me saying,


          “To Kellie – You are my baby I hope.”


          Then we make love & I spend the night with him. In the morning the maid starts opening the door & he stops her – why wasn’t ‘do not disturb’ or the deadlock put on?


          Two things were striking about seeing him. One, how hard his legs were – they were like iron. And two, every time I saw him I started to bleed – menstrual blood. He even asked me why – I didn’t know, I just knew that each time he came to town, we had a date, I started to bleed. Somewhat embarrassing. It had to be a precursor of the pain I would go through.


          Why did I suffer so much with him? Because I fell in love, & there were two factors that would put me on the Cross. One, I didn’t understand it then, but I was suffering from PTSD from losing Dad, at age ten – when he refused to take me to live with him & left me at the mercy of Mom, who had none. I told him I felt like killing myself but he did nothing, his only advice, a thousand times was, ‘You must study.’ As a result, each time I fell in love – through my entire life – the PTSD kicked in. Of course, every individual took it personally& thought I was ‘obsessed’ with him – but I wasn’t. It was Dad that had broken my heart into smithereens, they were only icons.


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          The second factor was these guys – the black stars from the south – all of them – just wanted to hit multiple white women. They made up for Sherman going through the south burning up plantations, they went through the north & West ‘burning up’ white women.


          My companion through this affair was my black roommate, Ginger Tubbs – {her real name, if anyone could find her, she’d confirm what went on.} I had a house in Beverly Hills & after about 6 months I thought having a roommate might help, & she agreed. Prophetically, there was a framed poster on the inside of the door, life sized, which featured two dancers, a black & a white on, both in skimpy costumes shapely & beautiful, & the white one had her leg draped over the other one’s leg. In Egyptian symbolism if you have two Pharaohs, the one that has their leg or arm over the other one is the dominant person. I invited her, so I was the assertive person. She also complained that everything had to be ‘my way,’ – I wasn’t aware of that & tried to improve.


          Ginger was my twin – height, weight & shape. We earned the exact amount of money as go go dancers, $12 per hour {1967 is $95.66 an hour today,}, plus tips, the top paid in those days.


          Now Ginger & I were treated to a trip by James Brown {what year – 1967?} from LA to Ohio where he was performing. He told me a couple times, when he said,


          “Bring another girl,” he meant WHITE girl.


          But he told Ginger,

          “I’m not usually into white females, but Kellie is different.”

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          BTW I asked all my white gf’s to go with me to see James but none would consent. {In case you aren’t aware, dating blacks in the 60’s was considered demeaning – the civil rights movement & time finally changed that. James contributed with some of his work including the hit song ‘Say it Loud, I’m Black & I’m Proud.’ The term ‘black is beautiful’ also came about – I believed the inspiration came from ‘Song of Songs’ – ‘I am black but beautiful’ is where the Shulamite had to work in the fields & turned dark skinned from it. Having dark skin then was a no-no because slaves / servants worked in the fields – but the point here was that God sent a person to the mission fields, where one acquires faults, but this obedience to God doing Her work, turns the soul beautiful, the faults are overlooked.}


          It wasn’t a BIG affair, just a little one, but the most embarrassing part is my obsession, with the PTSD kicking in. Had I ‘played it cool’ like his associates told me, it would have been lovely. He would have used me as arm candy & ego; we would have had a good time whenever he was in town. But I jumped the gun & wanted more than he could give – because of anxiety.


          I must add that James had the same PTSD – because he was abandoned by his Mom at a young age {can’t find documentation but it was before his 6th grade.} His Dad left him with a wonderful woman, however who encouraged & built him up – this lady, an aunt, who owned a restaurant, entertainment & therapy centers, told him he’d be a star. But still the Mommy thing hurt – some said he was bitter when she showed up years later at a show, calling him ‘my baby,’ but he said, ‘I’m not your baby any more.’


          A sign of his having PTSD was a girl friend of his said he called incessantly – wanting to know what she was doing – like 50 times a day. This shows emotional anxiety & insecurity – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from the loss of a loved one.


          But his condition did not allow him to understand my fears & show any mercy.

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         How we looked when we were dating.  He never allowed pics of us together because for him to be with a white woman publicly would have brought great criticism from his people

I find it not peculiar but typical, that the world explains the story of a life from the outside in, without focusing on psychological & spiritual factors. It’s like all there is is the world & what one does in it. Read his Wikipedia page – it’s long & tedious, all the details, nothing much on what counts – his interior state, the psychology.


          They do the same to the saints, including the stigmatized ones. They speak of the physical characteristics of their wounds; they are riveted on that, not the psychological, spiritual realm. I find that sort of treatment boring, no depth, what does it mean? That’s one reason I’m writing my life myself, with all its ramifications, before they twist it in dastardly ignorance, to what it is not. I’ve seen what they’ve done to my life in the media – they started with jokes. Esquire magazine – I found out later {I called in 1985 asking them to do a retro of the 1975 article & the editor told me ‘We don’t have that same kind of humor today’} – to them a woman with muscles WAS A JOKE.

Then Stripping for God, giving sermons before I danced, WAS A JOKE. They trivialize & demean everything to some sort of hardy har har, you gotta’ have a gimmick, routine. They don’t have the brains to ask the big questions,


          “Why should women lift weights? Why were women forbidden to do so?”

          I would have said it was a Patriarchal lie, that only they had strong muscles & athletic prowess, we were to be feminine, passive & subservient. It was their brainwashing.


          Instead, on the Mike Douglas Show, they had a tent, & a comedian took me by the hand & pulled me into it in front of the camera – to their eyes fukking me. ALL A JOKE. It started that way, but after it took off big time, they stopped laughing. We had infiltrated a stronghold of the Patriarchy – God did it under their very noses, using their own media, to empower women & disempower men.


          Then of course, I was giving sermons & got on all the front pages & News in every town I went. On Real People, one of the biggest breakthroughs, in 1979 – the host kept making eyeballs at my statements, instead of proposing questions like,


          “Aren’t women in the adult trade known to be the biggest SINNERS against God, & so, how could such a woman preach & say she’s saving souls?”


          To which I might have answered,


          “What makes you think nudity & sex outside of marriage is a sin? That’s Patriarchal thinking, not Matriarchal. In the days of Matriarchy nudity was natural & sex was sacred.”


          OK I vaguely recall it was four years after James’ death that I had a significant dream. Some of you know I’ve had a lifelong ministry to Purgatory. I’ve gotten thousands of souls out by being an intermediary between them & the Almighty – it’s a Gift, & one I cherish & worked for.

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          I didn’t even know he was dead – I don’t pay attention to mainstream news. So I’m at a show waiting for him to come out, waiting, waiting – nothing. I go into the building where he’s supposed to enter from & find him in a room. It’s all white squares with huge windows, like many squares put together. {This represents purity & perfection spiritually} – I speak to him. Then a male attendant takes him & me into a private, darkened place, like a hallway by a door & wall.


          The attendant let’s me know there’s supposed to be a kiss. I found that repellant as it reminded me of how much he hurt me, but of course, I kiss him. Then the attendant, who I later realized was his guardian angel, takes him away. James’ parting words to me, which infuriated me at the time, were,


          “Don’t go out with a black man.”


          In those days, for years, I preferred dating black men to white. I thought they were the most handsome, sexy men on earth. So for him to say that took the wind out of my sails & also didn’t make sense as he was black. I shall channel him now, & ask him, what did his statement mean?


          JB {James Brown}: I knew black men would hurt you more than white men, because they were hurt. They take revenge on white women.


          ME:   Is that all? I think they take revenge on black women also, I have seen, heard hundreds of incidents in person & on TV.


          JB:   I was trying to protect you, my advice was ‘words to the wise.’ I knew what would happen again & again, & eventually you got fed up with them & decided to turn around & think another way. I helped you do that.


          ME:   OK, so you were on my side. Now that you are in Heaven, what do you think of our affair & how I suffered of a broken heart?

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          JB:   I was not sorry then as I didn’t realize how much you loved me, I didn’t have time to think about your feelings, I just wanted to get through what I had facing me each day, get my work done, do my slam bam thank you ma’am routine with women & be done with it. I could not analyze their or your feelings.


          ME:   One of the most painful things was the time, after me calling you again & again, you were in LA & invited me to your room. You said bring a friend. I had no one willing to go. I came alone. When I knocked on your door I heard you inside on the phone. Then one of your attendants came up to me & said you could not see me, your wife was arriving. I almost died right there, almost passed out. Did you have the attendant watch me arriving to see if I brought another girl – a white one preferably- & when I did not you cared not to see me?

JB:   Something like that. Why did you love me so much that it was so important? You could have had any man you wanted, white multi millionaires asked you for marriage but you refused. Why was I so important?


ME:   Who can understand falling in love? Why did you resent your Mom abandoning you? Why was she so important? There were so many Aunts willing to take you in?


JB:   Touché. You win. PTSD isn’t logical. A soldier comes back from the war & he thinks there’s a mine in a NYC park, he shudders & shakes. He wakes up with nightmares when nothing is there. He relives the terror of war. And both you & I relived the loss of a beloved parent, I should have understood but did not care enough. My need with you was I wanted you to make me look good, a beautiful white woman gave me prestige.


ME:   So all I was was prestige, arm candy, a status symbol. You were a great star so you could make it with a beautiful young white female. You didn’t love me at all. What about later? Did you ever change your mind when you saw my spiritual accomplishments?


JB:   It did surprise me when I saw your fame as the Stripper for God – right after that I went to the street & had the news cover me ‘preaching’ imitation of you {NYC}. If you could do it, so could I. I didn’t know you had it in you, I didn’t see your inside.


ME:   It really hurt when someone told me you offered Diane McBain $3,500 for sex. You had me for free. Wow was I crushed. Was it true?


JB:   If it was, I didn’t mean it, it was just talk. You were better than her, it’s just that she was famous & her price tag would be high.


ME:  So I had no financial value, no price tag. I was just a desperate female in love, you could treat me anyway you wanted. You could abuse me, I was kind of used to it, but it still hurt.

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JB:   Honesty, now I can see the degree of love you had, then I did not, so I didn’t see how much it would hurt. I do feel sorry for not caring, not being sensitive to your love.


ME:   OK, but God through your guardian Angel, brought you to me for that Sacred Kiss, with which grace you could then ascend into Heaven. How do you see this? Why did you have to receive my kiss to ratify heaven? I mean all the women you knew & loved – dozens of them. Why not go to them for the kiss? Why was I the one for this Sacrament?


JB:   All the women? They were women, not Anointed Beings. They did not minister to Purgatory; they didn’t have that kind of Power. Earthly people have no spiritual power, they could have kissed me a million times but it would not have brought me to Heaven.


          When you kissed me you transmitted Spiritual Power to me. It was God’s Love. By God’s love I ascended.


ME:   On another point, what do you think of my young spiritual husband? Is he a gift from God & when we finally unite as roommates & live together, will we be happy? Do you think it’s a reward or compensation for all my broken heartedness?


JB:   You deserve this love, finally & at long last. You’ve had so much suffering & abuse, it’s about time. Yes, you’ll be happy.


ME:   OK, the time you transported me from LA to Ohio in your private plane – Ginger & myself. Then you left us in the hotel, you checked out. We were baffled. We waited, no phone call, no nothing. We assumed you deserted us there, & we took a plane back home – another broken heart. Why did you leave us there with no message? Then months later I called you when you came to LA & you asked why did we leave? WTF were you doing?


JB:   I was a fool. I should have explained that I would check out, but then check back in, just wait. But I didn’t explain. For some reason I didn’t think you had the bread for a plane out. I should have thought more on this, but I hurt you again & again.


ME:   I did feel special at that time, however. You took me to meet Duke Ellington, & he said,


          “Who is the pretty lady?”


          And you took me to see other shows. It was a good time, but after that, more & more pain. I can hardly think about it.


JB:   It’s your birthday, don’t think about pain any more. Try & relax & think of the good things God has done for you. Write more about this later, you are exhausted.


ME:   OK James Brown in Heaven, over & out until next time. Oh, wait. One more thing. I met Otis Redding & he asked me to make love with him, but I did not. If I had, do you think it would have been a beautiful memory, since he died later that year? As a strange fact, he cancelled a plane to meet me.

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JB:   If I was still alive, I would have been jealous, but now, I’m not. Too bad he died so soon, he was a great star & would have been greater – big competition for me.


          Should you have made love? You can still do so, ask him to make love to you from Heaven, after all, it’s only energy. He’s your friend & hovering around you all the time – ask him for anything.


ME:   OK I will. Thanks for everything. I feel better now. I’ll probably tell the people more later, I just can’t think about this any more. {End channeling.}


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Core Tenets, Uncategorized



Conclusion Chapter 15

 Female Sexual Liberty Will End Patriarchy


          I’m asking St. Martin Luther King, Jr. about sexual liberty for women, & he says it will end Patriarchy, so now we are working out the kinks of why & how.  St. Martin, again, let’s get clarity on this issue – it’s a new idea for many to swallow, we need to prove it.  Why we sound interchangeable at times – because we are.  Our computer/minds are connected, I read his, he reads mine.  We feed off each others knowledge & experience.

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          STM:  {St. Martin Luther King, Jr.}:   I gave you the example of the herd animal or harem collector, where he fights for territory which contains resources.  He risks his life again & again to retain what the harem needs, as well as keep away the other males.  It’s his seed he wants to move on, it’s the other males DNA he wants to prevent –he cares not about the other males & their progeny, only his own.


          It all depends on the female adhering to his desire – that of their being faithful to him.  If they decide to spread out, the females leaving him & going off with males hither & tither, the party’s over – the dominant male has nothing to dominate, nothing to fight for.  This male fighting is a Patriarchal requisite, not a Matriarchal one.


          ME:   Alright, that makes sense.  What about the elephant clans?  They are Matriarchal, but there is one or more dominant males, who keep they young bucks inline.  How does that compare?


          STM:   They are Matriarchal & there are powerful males who do some protecting, & who keep the young ones in line.  At times, the males all go of into their own bachelor quarters –this happens with other animals.  They return to breed with the females.  And the old guys beat up the youngsters when they get out of line & try to breed with all ages elephants, even the ones who are too young.  The young ones hormones then are curbed, they calm down a bit & do as they are told.  Our own society could use this as a model.


          ME:   I’m eager to see how this applies to us & the wars.  I am considered an ‘enemy of the state’ as I am for peace & Matriarchy.  All ‘peaceniks’ are backlisted as ‘enemies of the state’ targeted for punishment.  For example, in the 70’s there was a big ‘hippie’ movement for peace – they protested against the Vietnam War.  That’s when the leaders began the ‘War against drugs’ – which meant they would proliferate drugs & then arrest all who were involved.  That ended the Hippie ‘Make love not war’ movement.  They were destroyed by drugs, through the plan of the government.

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          There are many other examples of the government cracking down on people who demonstrate for peace & form organizations & speak out.  They find ways of stopping them, sometimes by organizing opposite movements & hiring professional speakers for war.  Workings for peace is counter the society that is built on war.  But to end war is a necessity according to God’s plan.  We must have Matriarchy if there is to be peace.  As we both know, there is no ‘man on a white horse’ that will set things straight.  The human male, by his nature, is bred & evolved for violence, conflict & aggression, as opposed to the female who takes care of people.  And so to look for a political man to bring peace is like looking for what?  A man with breasts, a vagina & a caring brain – a woman & Mother.  There is no such man.


          This is explained in the myth of Durga.  There was a demon, Maharashtra, who  plagued the human race & was so powerful, the three males Gods could not put him down.  They called on the Goddess Durga, who appeared as a beautiful woman & ravished him.  After getting into his ‘graces’ she beheaded him,


There is a foretaste of this type Woman Power in the Old Testament, “Using her brains and looks, the widow Judith infiltrated Nebuchadrezzars’s army and slayed its commander, Holofernes.”  This freed her Hebrew people from the Babylonians.


but alas, from his blood, every drop sprang a NEW DEMON!  Then Durga turned herself into ‘blood thirsty Kali,’ lapped up all the blood of Maharashtra – no more demons!

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          This story is Patriarchy personified.  There is no ‘god’ or ‘Divine Man’ who can stop what has been set into motion by Patriarchy.  Buddha tried & failed –so did Jesus.  There is no religion, no matter how Sacred, that can stop Patriarchy – only the WOMAN can.  This woman is a GODDESS or the Divine entering earth through her.  It has layers of meaning.  For one thing, this is the EXTINCTION OF MEN instituted by the power of MOTHER NATURE; his DNA will continue to deteriorate until he is no more.  This is Kali lapping up his blood, as more & more demons are born as long as there are human males – she must end human men.  Second, it is WOMAN POWER – ‘Woman, Thou Art God’ – who takes over the world from males & rules it.  This story underscores from antiquity when it was told, no man can save humanity, only the Feminine Divine & females.


          What do you say about my theory, St. Martin?


          STM:   I agree with your theory.  Look what they did to me as a Ghandi/Buddha/Christlike character.  I came in peace, they crucified me on a bullet.  They will listen to no one, Holy or unholy, man or woman.  They will be defeated by God, & God is a Mother, not a man, who cares for the human race.  Men do not care for all people, they are out for themselves, like the beach master or dominant bull, their instinct is to kill off the competition & herd up the females.  They cannot straighten themselves out just as a corrupt police force, government, or Catholic Church will not.

          What happened after the Catholic pedophilia scandal?  Did they clean up their act?  Did they right their own wrongs?  Did they give priests permission to marry, ending some of the homosexuality & pedophilia?  Did they agree to ordain women?  No, they employed damage control, paying off billions in lawsuits & opening their doors to the third world like India, for new priests, removing the barriers to the Christian sects once marginalized or cut off, puffing up their ranks.  They righted no wrongs, they only fought back & fortified themselves.  Since they are possibly the world’s richest corporation, they could afford to spend the generous donations of millions of mostly women, to fend off punishment.  Few men went to jail for abusing children, only payoffs & not with their hard-earned money but the money of Catholics who love God.  They can pay off for the next hundred years before going bankrupt – sooner or later they will fold, but it will be later, as male extinction is.  Look to no man & no male institution, govt. or religion, for salvation.


          ME:   Now back to clarification.  We have the herd animals & the elephants.  What do we learn from chimps or Bonobos or Gorillas?

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          STM:   Only the chimpanzees stick out parallel to Patriarchs – the males are brutal, unfair, violent & cruel – very dangerous animals, possibly closest to human men.  The Bonobos are true Matriarchs, the Gorillas are benevolent & gentle with their families.  Indeed, look at the Chimpanzees.  If a female dares to leave the dominant male’s area, & just go off on her own to be let off from the male harassment, the males send out signals to the Alpha male.  He, with them, track her down & beat the living shit out of her, possibly even kill her baby.  How dare she leave the confines of his Patriarchy?


          This is a parallel to the male human ‘Kingdom.’  He has RULES & TABOOS for the women, like so:


          No GATHERING for women – sisterhood is powerful, so must be stopped!  That means NO WOMEN’S CLUBS, women’s groups or organizations for WOMEN ONLY.  Men must be included in all that women do, so they can interlope, interfere, sabotage &influence – destroy.  Ditto with the Rockefeller Institute taking over the feminist movement as run by Gloria Steinem.


          No shoulder-to-shoulder chats for women.  If women are caught or seen speaking to one another, the must be interfered with by a man or men –if they’re attractive or desirable.  If they are old, terribly ugly or perceived ‘over the hill’ or ‘outcasts’ they might be left alone, all others must be INTERRPTED so their train of thought runs to a man, not to themselves, as they could be EMPOWERING ONE ANOTHER.


          Women MUST NOT REMAIN SINGLE but must be hitched to a man, where presumably, he owns them, controls them to some degree or another.  If they remain single they are labeled, stigmatized, called names, such as ‘left behind’ {China}, spinster {too ugly to be desired}, lesbian, or man hater. Such women, generally, are like ‘all alone’ in world ruled by men, where women do not befriend sisters once they are married.  Single women are NOT ACCEPTED OR INVITED to get-togethers in society but men are.  Why?  Because single women will influence & empower the married women – who must remain ‘Stepford wives,’ – but single men ARE invited/accepted because it’s alright for men to empower men, but not alright for women to do so with women.


          There are numerous other applications, to the man must be dominant, in control, the woman must not speak out against men or their wrong doing – if they break any of these rules they will be punished.

Tom Tower, Christ Church, Oxford 1792 by Joseph Mallord William Turner 1775-1851 d179bead96b25c30edb01574bd2c5f34 Interior of Galilee Porch, Ely Cathedral 1794 by Joseph Mallord William Turner 1775-1851 Llanthony Abbey from the South null by Joseph Mallord William Turner 1775-1851 Llanthony Abbey 1794 by Joseph Mallord William Turner 1775-1851 Imaginary Landscape with Windsor Castle on a Cliff and a Distant Plain c.1798 by Joseph Mallord William Turner 1775-1851 Scene in the Lake District, near Buttermere circa 1797 by Thomas Girtin 1775-1802 ?View of Windermere, with Belle Isle circa 1800 by Joseph Mallord William Turner 1775-1851 

          And punished they are.  This is why women have been scared to death to cry ‘rape’ –because they will be vilified, in a court of law, their character will come into question, in the earlier times, men could get six guys to swear she was a prostitute, & the she could not be raped.  So is it OK to rape a prostitute?  Is she not human?


          During the Nassar time – the man who abused dozens of Olympic champion girls – you saw a documentary where one Asian girl blocked her experiences out, & when she saw the others come forward she shook with fear, but finally forced herself to go & testify.  When females complain, they are vilified, punished, denounced as liars or exaggerators, etc.  They are not generally supported –like Nassar had a woman coach backing him up all the time, she even told the mothers that his fingering their daughters was a valid medical procedure – which proves she knew what he was doing & still supported him.  {This woman was never brought to justice.}  The University out of which he worked got many complaints but never did right by them, they covered it all up until the explosion, after which they HAD to oust him, but until there is PUBLIC DISCLOSURE & OUTCRY they didn’t have to so they didn’t.  A Patriarchy-run organization allows men to commit cries against women until they are publicly exposed.


          ME:   I can give an example of how I was intimidated by this sort of thing, as an old woman of 66.  I had a young boyfriend, age 26.  He robbed me of $2,400 from my ATM machine while visiting my house.  He jogged there & back.  The bank called me & we discovered he was pulling money out of my bank third day in a row.  I locked all the doors before he’d return from the ‘jog’ & called the police.  They came, arrested him, I found most of the bread in his suitcase in my house – he had $800. of it in his pocket the police confiscated, which was returned to me later.


          Now the DA – a lady – & her asst detective came to my house.  I wasn’t expecting the visit & was startled.  They barged in & after saying hello she said,


          “Do you have many visitors here?”


          It made my blood run cold.  She was accusing me of ‘many visitors’, meaning lots of guys, that I was having multiple sex & therefore had no character.  The DA is supposed to be on my side, I am the victim, not the villain, but she is implying this to me & it scared me, a grown woman.


          When it was nearing time to go to court I got so sick I was vomiting & had severe anxiety attacks, I couldn’t go through with it, probably because I know what they do to women in court.  The DA, the one on my side, already intimidated me, what would the defense do?


          The DA again came to my house.  I told her I could not go through with it as it was making me sick.  She didn’t believe me & said,

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          I could have said ‘You & the politicized Patriarchal judicial justice system’ but I was TOO SCARED TO SPEAK.  She made me write & sign a paper, in my own handwriting {like in my own blood} that ‘in the interest of justice’ I was dropping the case. 


          Another case came up where downtown at the bars, a young male punched me in the jaw & I dropped to the pavement unconscious for a few seconds.  This was in front of hundreds of people milling on the street & the resident cops – not one person came forward as a witness, not even the cop who saw it {he pretended he didn’t} & the next DA told me he would not take the case because after they begin it I AM THE TYPE OF WOMAN WHO DROPS CASES.


          Indeed, a woman faints at the thought of going to court because we know what they will do to us – we will come out worse than the male because they are excused even when they hurt us – we are the ones vilified.  It is getting better, but old ways do die hard.


          I do recall that in 1976 I did win a case against a guy in B’klyn who beat me up with karate kicks & trashed my apt with thousands of dollars in damage.  {He threw a gallon of oil paint all over my walls & furniture & private stuff}  The times were changing for women then in their favor, it was just beginning – the women’s movement was new, alive & fresh.  I got a judgment of $700 which the guy’s Mom paid, I sent it to my spiritual mentor, Rev. Judy Swaggart – It did not make up for my apt damage even if I spent it, I even felt guilty at being recompensed, like somehow it was my fault.  And Rev. Swaggart, that’s another story told elsewhere, in Part 3 at length.  The forces of Hell were turned against me.


          Now St. Martin, back to the Chimps & our discussion.  Explain more to me how women’s sexual liberty will end Patriarchy.


          STM:   We could use a third mind here for some input & fresh perspective.  I have told you when men can no longer control women sexuality, the gig is up.  They will lose all their motivation, their reason for fighting, struggling with other men for resources.  This will end war.  And they will begin doing what you predicted long ago in ‘The Future of Male-Female Relationships’ – they will prepare themselves for female domination.


          For example, they will get fit & trim, lose weight, go to the gym, get cosmetic surgery, fix their hair, wear better clothes, learn social skills like conversation. Learn to listen to women & support their interests, be charming, other graces, work toward being gentlemen; books will spring up on how to improve themselves.  They will now, instead of beating other men violently, beat them at the game of conquest, the way one woman outdoes another in looks, appearance, charm & wit – role reversal.  That will be their game; they will strive to be CHOSEN by women when women are in control.


          When a woman gives a man what he wants, she jumps through his hoops.  When she refuses & holds back, he jumps through hers. 

          ME:  OK let’s see if we get another contribution to this.  Thanks St. Martin.



Wow, I must say, you both pretty much have all bases covered as to the reasons why Women’s sexual freedom will be the kill switch for patriarchy.  Very true indeed.  It would basically be kryptonite and game over for patriarchy when Women can no longer be controlled sexually by men.  Thus I don’t have very much to add here, but I will also note another angle that the “artificial scarcity” of sex that is created by restricting and shaming Women’s sexuality only serves to prop up the patriarchy as well, for the same reason that the “artificial scarcity” of goods and services is what props up (rentier) capitalism, which really should be called “greed patriarchy”, while patriarchy itself would be “sexual capitalism”.  The one thing that neither system can survive is ABUNDANCE.  Liberating Women’s sexuality would of course end that artificial scarcity, while also very importantly replacing male-defined sexuality (which can be quite toxic) with Female-defined sexuality (which is the best antidote to such toxicity).  It would be a win-win for everyone but the patriarchy and oligarchy.  In other words, “make love, not war”.

QED               (You may also give credit to Yuri Alexandrovich for his article as well.)

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Core Tenets, Uncategorized



Chapter 15      Martin Luther King Jr  on

Women’s Sexual Freedom Will End Patriarchy



          Note re channeling:   Channeling is MIND READING. And I am not merely reading the mind of the other person – our two mental computers are connected, & they can see into my mind as I can see into theirs. How do I do it? It’s a GIFT, in my case; I worked on it since early youth, around age 21, & was given Anointings by one guru at that time, & many years later, another guru. Gifts are sometimes bequeathed just like that, without any prior effort, while others are given after some effort. Now when Marilyn Monroe looked into my mind obviously she saw the content of my knowledge & experience, & the same with St. Martin. He knows what I know, I know some of what he knows, so in some parts, it sounds ‘interchangeable’ – because it is.


Recap Chapter 14


          First, I just want to recap Chapter 14, where St. Martin Luther King Jr. explains where people are deprived of their roots – identity – religion – culture – & have imposed on them the oppressor/tyrants ideology – are brainwashed for control. Their past being wiped out, they have nothing to ‘hold onto’ or go back to physically or mentally. They feel LOST & all people need something to anchor them or focus the ‘who am I’ question.


          STM {St. Martin}   Yes, imagine this. You spoke of your Lithuanian Dad, who, having come to America in middle age, could not adjust as easily as did your Mom, who was 16 years younger than him. He had established a meaningful career in Lithuania as a professor & the founder of the first State Teacher’s College. He, upon arrival, was a leader in the Lithuanian Community & once more established a Saturday Lithuanian school in the Church auditorium……later on, when he visited you in California; he sought out the Lithuanians in the most extreme ways, by looking through the phone books for those type names, even visiting strangers. He followed every clue & lead where Lithuanians were, the Churches especially as gathering points, & found their community, & later visited them even when he did not visit you. {Flying in from New York.}

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         What was Dad doing? Seeking his identity, his constituency, his friends, those who gave him meaning to life, who made life worth living. They believed in him, respected him. Whereas to Americans he was just an unknown refugee doing menial jobs, even being a janitor once, who didn’t speak good English. He had little or nothing in common with them. In his old age he did find love with a dark Puerto Rican lady & all her relatives & friends honored him, & life was happy again. You saw how these people gathered around him, they looked up to him so much that when you spoke they even gave you the same sort of reception – they hushed & listened. {You weren’t used to that, your family & their friends had denigrated & ostracized you, you suddenly saw what it felt like to be respected. It was different.}


          In writing your life story you dug back into your roots & spoke of your Grandparents, who they were, what they did. You’re proud of your Cossack Grandmother & Mongolian roots. Your Grandpa was beloved by all around him. You describe the talents of both your parents.


          These are your roots that to some degree, at least as a human, made you what you are. {Indeed, as you underscore, this is your body, your soul no one can claim to have created except God, & no one knows what your previous lifetimes were.}


          Now consider if a tyrant erased for your Dad or yourself your roots, your ancestors, your past culture, your identification. This happens to orphans. They sometimes wonder who they really were; they seek to know their origin. Their present parents did not create them, who made them what they are?


          Again, you’ve seen documentaries of what they did to the Indians, how they stripped them of their heritage. This was traumatizing. They said they were turning ‘savages’ into ‘civilized’ beings, but the tyrants were anything but civilized, they were conquistadors, imperialists who by force, took over peoples, depriving them of their religion, rituals, cultures. They were not allowed to speak the Indian languages, practice their ways, dance as Indians did, etc. They did this to children, when the old folks died out; the children were now old & shared their memories of trauma.


          To be deprived of one’s past is extremely TRAUMATIC & DISEMPOWERS people.


          And then we discussed how WOMEN have been deprived of their MATRIARCHAL ROOTS for thousands of years – on purpose, & in a concerted way, by men. Even to this very day, after Marija Gimbutas presented her monumental works on the Goddess & Matriarchal origins, they’ve tried to trivialize / discredit her works, make them seem less than accurate.

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They always fight back – they never give up, like Satan, who when he attacks & fails, pulls back to retrench himself & seeks an opportune time to appear again. They say ‘Satan never sleeps.’ It is the spirit of those men who are evil – which never sleeps or stops to abuse women in any way they can. For every 3 steps women take forward, they will draw you back two, so it takes a huge effort to get ahead. You have noticed that when the feminist / female empowerment gets really strong, they lash back with HUGE TERRORISM like after Emmeline Pankhurst’s movement, they started World War I, which ended the feminist activities – all was now centered on their terrorism. It’s the same in our day, after Female Empowerment got big, they started the biological warfare to an intensity it’s got ‘stranger & stranger’. {A whole plethora of biological diseases unleashed in particular since 1971 with Aids, then many other unheard of plagues, so now the focus is once again, their terrorism.}

This is the equivalent of when a woman says to an abusive man, ‘I’m leaving you,’ & he starts to yell & scream, rant & rave, throwing furniture around & threatening her. It is EXACTLY the same on a wider scale. When women gain power & the males can’t stop them, they begin to rattle their chains, or else, it’s ‘road rage,’ or else, they’re in a row boat, the man stands up & begins to rock it to intimidate the ‘little woman.’ In the ghetto community, you heard the term, ‘He wants to scare you into fucking him.’


The point is you asked why women don’t gather – you’ve had no luck in gaining a constituency with them – & the answer is their brainwashing & deprivation of identity has been so severe that they can’t manage to get a foothold into ‘themselves.’ Who am I? They can’t break away or out of the Patriarchy the way an animal won’t leave its cage until it knows what it’s getting into. They fear what they will lose – men – family – friends – reprisals – backlash – punishment – ostracism – etc.


You – Rasa – have been trained & prepared by God to take the punishments & also you KNOW your identity – That you are GOD INSIDE. But they don’t, they are unprepared {most of them} & do NOT know they are God inside, they are not ‘realized.’


The Sexuality Issue – The End of Patriarchy!


ME:   OK, thanks for that great recap. Now we move onward. I’ve been asking you about the sexuality issue, & you have said things that opened part of my brain that was not awake before. Let me begin by asking you again: What happens when women become sexually free? I have been working toward that goal, to end the double standard, stop the slut shaming, decriminalize prostitution, stop the prejudice against old women with young men, etc. What happens when women achieve all these liberties & have total sexual freedom?




ME:   That is so startling so ok, explain in detail.


STM:   There are some things you already know, but when you hear it from an expert, it confirms it. So one of those things was how men want to have all the women they can, multiple women, & that hearkens to herd animals, & other animals as well, amassing females into harems. Dr. Bryan Sykes brought this to your attention in his book on male extinction, ‘Adam’s Curse – a Future Without Men.’

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He underscored that when men gain power, what do they do? They amass women. He proves that THIS IS THE BASIC INSTINCT OF MEN, WHAT THEY LIVE FOR, WHAT THEY GAIN POWER & RESOURCES FOR – without the women, there is no purpose to power & resources,s these are the MEANS TO AN END. Like the animal fights for TERRITORY as well as the females. He needs the territory for the females, for resources, for food; to graze, to hunt, the water to drink. So the dominant, strongest, biggest, toughest male fights off the others, defeats them, then controls the territory & females. But the territory has no meaning of itself. What will he do with all that? It’s a means to an end.


And so, with human males, they fight for power & dominance so they can do as they will with women – have them all corralled or at his mercy, where he is free to have them all, but they must obey because he has the power & resources. It’s important to note that wealth, resources, power, for a male, are all TO OBTAIN WOMEN.


The dominance, power, influence of the male all lies in the fact of FEMALE COMPLIANCE. In other words, the female stays in his herd, does not have sex with the other males.


The human equivalent of this is PATRIARCHY – the female stays within the RULES OF THE PATRIARCHS which includes faithfulness to a male, not straying, not being free – She does not have sex with any male she wishes – her sexuality is STRICTLY CONTROLLED & this by religion & custom. What male religion says IS A SIN is usually a sin for HER – not him – the double standard. So the male is free, but the female is fettered, enslaved sexually.


This compliance is ENFORCED by SHAMING the woman who has sex outside of marriage or does prostitution, she is called SLUT, WHORE, TRAMP, an immoral, wicked woman who does not deserve the respect & love of society, in other words, she is ostracized or marginalized for being a slut or a prostitute. This carries a lot of baggage, for instance, in a court of law, when a woman was proven these things, it seemed she did not deserve the respect or mercy of the court – she would be found GUILTY AS CHARGED for breaking SEX TABOOS. She is treated badly by the society in general in many ways, she isn’t welcomed by ‘respectable’ people or those women who comply with Patriarchy, she is socially ostracized. That pertains to any woman in the ADULT TRADE, such as yourself, Rasa, & explains why you get a lot of disrespect by people.


Now take away these SEX TABOOS or standards for women. Say women are free to do whatever they wish – prostitute or give it away for free with all the men they wish. What happens? Men no longer have control. Their society is over. Their lives center around control of women, they fight their WARS – believe it or not – not for oil or resources or territory – THESE ARE A MEANS TO AN END – they are fighting FOR WOMEN.


And when these women NO LONGER OBEY MEN & do sex with anyone they wish, there is no point to fighting, having wars, because whatever a man gains, he cannot use it to obtain women, & so war is a moot point – Just as a stag will not fight for a territory if he has no harem.


And so, sexual freedom, in one leap, takes the power from the hands of men & puts it into the hands of women – Women now rule the world. The purpose of war has come to a stop. Because after a bloody war what does a man have? Nothing but carnage with no reward. Even if he takes all the riches from the other country, what will he do with them. It’s like what good is a hundred million dollars when you’re dying of cancer? You can no longer enjoy the money. What good is 100 million dollars when no woman obeys you? She does whatever she wishes, you cannot control her, your millions mean nothing. In the times when women have freedom of sex they will rule the world, they will make their own resources, they don’t depend on men, & so men are powerless.

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ME:   I need more clarity on this. But if a man gains a large amount of money, can’t he influence a female/s to be with him, no matter what?


STM:   Something changes. When women are sexually free, they have the ability to gain resources as much as men or even more so. Not saying all women will be wealthier than all men, but many will be. When opportunities spring up, it’s been proven women use them better than men – the experiment of the ‘little loans’ in third world countries, they no longer give these to men, who use them for gambling, substances & prostitutes. The women get the small loans & sure enough they increase the money profitably.


ME:   If you compare the ‘small loan’ example to men in the regular countries, how does it compare? I saw a documentary where in this town in Mexico, men are not allowed to do commerce, the women do it all, because the men MISUSE the money. They showed the women working in the town, buying & selling, while the men lounged around – completely useless & untrustworthy. Saw also another documentary called ‘Tribal Wives’ where in this Mexican village the govt also gave handouts, & they had to go into the hands of women as men, once again misused them.


Comment on what men do with billions & trillions of dollars in the wealthy countries. Is there a parallel?


STM:  Yes indeed. A case in point, the big fete hosted by America’s puppet Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi –The event has been described AS THE MOST EXPENSIVE PARTY EVER HELD IN MODERN HISTORY. Wikipedia: {edited by Rasa, unnecessary info removed}


The 2,500-year celebration of the Persian Empire, consisted of an elaborate set of festivities that took place on 12–16 October 1971 to celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the erstwhile Imperial State of Iran and the ancient Achaemenid Empire by Cyrus the Great. The intent of the celebration was to demonstrate Iran’s ancient civilization and history and to showcase its contemporary advances under Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran.

Some later historians came to think that this excessive celebration contributed to events that resulted in the 1979 Iranian Revolution and subsequent replacement of the Persian monarchy with an Islamic republic under the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, {Rasa: A FANATICAL anti woman Muslim Fundamentalist} the leader of the revolution who garnered support from the Iranian people, various leftist and Islamist organizations and student movements to overthrow the Shah and establish the present-day Islamic Republic of Iran. {end Wikipedia}


          ME:   This party was an EXCESS of all EXCESSES, a parallel to the third-world men using resources for egotistical purposes & pleasures, wasting the family funds. The Shah, in an interview, intimated he was CHOSEN BY GOD. He was rather chosen by the West to be our ally against Russia in the Cold War – our eyes were on their oil. Others tried to nationalize the oil resources; they were ousted by Britain & the U.S. so the Shah became the sole power of Iran, whereupon he decided to make this shindig to BUILD HIS EGO.


          He invited the NOBILITY of the entire world, & their Prime Ministers, Presidents, the Pope, Cardinals, every leader & potentate that there was. He built them each pre-fab housing covered by TENTS with gardens, fountains & flowers.

          He then got the MOST EXPENSIVE RESTAURANT IN THE WORLD to feed these people – not the poor – the richest most spoiled humans on earth, this restaurant is called Maxims: Wikipedia:

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           On 14 October, a grand gala dinner took place in the Banqueting Hall in celebration of the birthday of the Shahbanu. Sixty members of royal families and heads of state were assembled at the single large serpentine table in the Banqueting Hall. The official toast was raised with a Dom Perignon Rosé 1959.

The food and the wine for the celebration were provided by the Parisian restaurant Maxim’s. 600 guests dined over five and a half hours, thus making for the longest and most lavish official banquet in modern history as recorded in successive editions of the Guinness Book of World Records.


This fete of the Shah used the funds of THE PEOPLE OF IRAN – THEIR TAX MONEY, which some believe nearly bankrupted the nation for that year.


I will ask St. Martin’s opinion – What do you picture the purpose of all this was & how does it compare to the third world men abusing the funds of their family?


STM:   It was all about his ego, prestige, making himself, wife, family, & heritage, look great. He was not that ancient hero of Persia, Cyrus, he was but a puppet of a large world government. He was a privileged, spoiled brat of a type of aristocracy – He wanted to make himself on an equal level with the greats of the world – & were they impressed? They certainly became aware of his monumental ego, his lavish use of State funds, & the historical greatness of Iran. But did they think he was as great as the other leaders there? It would take more than a party to convince them of that.


How does it compare to the poor men who misused family funds? No difference, it is the same on a larger scale.


ME:   And what about the Patriarchs of the entire world? Is there no parallel?


STM:   You know there is, you want me to say it & say it I will. If you look on the charts of how tax money is spent in this country, for instance – you recall the far largest allocation is military. Indeed, these days most countries need a military. But the amount spent on military as compared to all other uses, say education, health, housing, welfare of the people & other such necessities, is obscenely out of proportion.

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ME:   Check this:   “One indicator of a nation’s priorities lies in its federal budget. And by that logic, America’s budget makes clear that we prioritize defense over all other expenditures — by a wide margin. In 2015, military expenditures accounted for about 54 percent of our discretionary spending, according to The National Priorities Project. In contrast, education accounted for only six percent of the budget.

But must add this:

It’s true — as Forbes’ Erik Kain points out — that state and local governments generally foot the bill when it comes to education spending in America. If you factor those contributions in, the US spent about $880 billion on education in 2011, compared to $966 billion total on defense. And a 2012 report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development found that America invested about $15,500 per student for primary, secondary and tertiary schooling — one of the highest in the world.


Notice they use the euphemism ‘defense.’ Who’s attacking us? No one I know. Who are we attacking? See the news. So what they mean is not defense, but ‘military spending’ including all that they do, plus the corrupt corporations who charge for services they don’t deliver, or charge obscenely more for services than given. What I’m saying, even if we need a defense, & a military, MUCH OF THIS MONEY IS WASTED.        


And so, to speak plainly, MEN ARE ABUSING THE FUNDS, RESOURCES of the taxpayers & planet, for their Patriarchal agenda. Now the next thing we will get into which segues back into the SEXUALITY ISSUE is WHAT IS THE PATRIARCHAL AGENDA?     We started on this, let’s finish it. {To be continued}


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Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Martin Luther King Jr. Part 2


Part 2   Chapter 14 -   Channel Martin Luther King Jr.

ME:   We have gotten quite comprehensive here & I agree with all that you say. Now the difference between women gathering & blacks gathering in order to free themselves, how does it work? Why is it harder for women?


STM:   I began to explain how Africans have appeared here only lately, their freedom has been stolen not so long ago, & so, they still had something to hold onto which was their true identity, or one they were proud of, whereas for women, their culture – that of Matriarchy – existed thousands of years ago. During these many generations, women’s culture has been erased, denigrated, repudiated, swept under the rug, studies non-funded, disrespected, & denied.


Women have been forced into Patriarchal beliefs, religions, ideas, agendas, behaviors, for an incredibly long time. Females were made dependent on males economically – enslaved – & pathways to freedom or opportunity were shut down. Women were intimidated, silenced & murdered just as the blacks were {even after the Civil war, lynching, Ku Klux Klan activities, economic slavery through share cropping & lack of jobs, Jim Crow laws, hate & prejudice, ostracism, marginalization} – women were deprived education until recently, just as blacks were. The top Universities only opened their ranks to women in 1976. {Knowledge is power}

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ME:   OK, then, again, explain why women don’t gather. What do they feel, think & expect when someone invites them to form groups & fight for their rights, fight for Female Supremacy, or fight for their own religion? Why can’t they do it?


STM:   It’s fear, the fear inside them overwhelms their desire for freedom. In the cage they know they’re fed, housed, clothed. That’s how men wanted it. ‘We will take care of you’ they are saying, while at the same time taking away autonomy, choice, everything a human or animal might want.


ME:   But I thought that was far behind us. Women are now earning money, some more than men. Younger women especially, when they are educated & join the work place in big corporate & govt subsidized businesses, such as where my husband worked, get 90k per year while he & other guys who had been there 30 years were still paid 60k for the same work. There are huge advancements; I have said that Matriarchy is here in a vestigial form.


STM:   Vestigial is correct. Yes it is here but like an embryo. The embryo might have to develop for 200 years or more. Indeed, women are way freer than they were, but their brain-waves have not caught up with their opportunities. In their heads they are like the elephant, who, when he was a baby was chained to a stake he could not pull out. The elephant grew & can now pull the stake out, but he believes he can’t, so he doesn’t try.


          When you suggest to a woman to join a group where we will speak about forming the new religion, the first things they think of are what will their boyfriend or husband or family think? If they ask their family – the family is patriarchal – they will ask her what will her boyfriend or husband think? They are if not so much economically, – mentally & emotionally still dependent on men. They fear what men will think of them & do to them – chastise them, scold them, deny them something, forbid them, get angry & even strike them, etc. They know men will not like women setting off & starting something of their own. They want to be liked & loved by men. Only lesbians would be less afraid or not afraid. But even they have some fear. Why? They might not be emotionally dependent on a man but the ones in mainstream or professional work might be dependent on a society which gives jobs in which people network, & if they are ostracized from this society for eccentric behavior, such as helping form a new religion for women only, they might not get the job or lose the job they have. Reputation is important. Look how society ostracizes you for being in the adult trade.

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ME:   But we can do this in secret, can we not? Men conduct many of their behaviors in secret. They cheat on their wives in secret. They do pedophilia in secret. What they do at their men’s clubs is private. They have all kinds of men’s clubs they’ve been habituating for ages. Why don’t women have such clubs?


STM:   For the very same reasons we have been talking about – they are enslaved by men in various ways & it’s going to take a mighty long time for them to get free, way longer than you hope. They don’t have the courage you do. As far as secrecy, it can be done but not easily.


ME:   OK, it has to do with them depriving us of our culture, identity for thousands of years, brainwashing us, intimidating us. We have no place to go, our identity has been stripped, our culture erased so that we don’t even know what a Matriarchal Culture was like – we can only study the archaeological evidence & imagine – other than seeing what a few societies such as Mosuos do. They have stripped us of ourselves.


          But when you guys joined up during the bus strike, you went to your black Churches for strength. They were not African gatherings like with witch doctors; they were mostly Baptist Churches – religions of the white man imposed on you. I know God gave you great strength as you prayed, sang, & gave glory to her. It didn’t matter what religion, it wasn’t the old culture, it was the new culture you were born into, yet with it you succeeded. How was this different than what I’m doing or what I want to do?

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STM:   Not different, in a sense, this is exactly what you want to do. You want to take the women, separate them from the men, & call upon the God within them, then write their own scriptures. You’re doing the same thing we did in a different way – You’re calling on God. This separate religion is a great idea ahead of its time. You write down all that you can & in time, it will catch on. There are many ways women will find freedom; it will just take longer than you wish. It is inevitable. For women, it is ‘manifest destiny,’ like the getting to the end of the continent was for Lewis & Clark. {In 1845, newspaper editor John O’Sullivan coined the term “Manifest Destiny” to describe the ideology of continental expansionism. Though the term was new, the ideas underlying it were much older, dating back to the first colonial contact between Europeans and Native Americans.} The other side of America with its Pacific Ocean was there, we were meant as a nation to traverse the continent & establish our footing.


          In the same way it is inevitable that women will take over the world because human men are gong extinct. It will be a woman-only world – And so, all that you hope & wish for is coming. It just isn’t going to happen in your lifetime. But the work you’ve done is important for the preparation, as this won’t happen over night, it works out, it’s evolution. {End channeling}


ME:   Thank you St. Martin Luther King Jr., it’s been a pleasure.   {End Chapter 14}

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Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Channel St. Martin Luther King Jr.

Chapter 14


Channel St. Martin Luther King Jr   7-7-21



          Channeling St. Martin Luther King, Jr. whom I call ‘St. Martini’ for short. I ask him,


          ME:   I made a comparison of my work to that of Our Lord, now I’d like to compare it to yours. It would be a given to say you fought for blacks & I fought for women. Of course, other applications were made, but that was the focus. However, what was different between your work & mine?


          STM {St. Martini}:   You fought alone, I became the leader of a movement, where Rosa Parks refused to sit in the back of the bus & was arrested, which started the Montgomery bus strike & thereafter the entire Civil Rights Movement.

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          ME:   Indeed. I was a lone wolf & here I see a big difference in my work & yours & I’d like you to tell me, from your point of view, what you see in my work as contrasting yours, my personal struggle/pain – & what you see different in the problems of fighting for female emancipation vs that of blacks. I especially want you to address why women won’t gather, nor employ sisterhood but fight & compete against one another, & I have not been able to get them to join up into a movement.


          STM:   You saw clearly how I suffered, how black people were abused as we fought for our rights. Your pain was a bit different in that you had no constituency – {we need to get more into this}, backup or following. I had a tremendous following, & although the pain was great, I was a respected, admired man all over the world, by my people & millions of others. I knew I was fighting for God’s truth – & so did they, ‘No lie lives forever.’ And so, there was consolation in that, it was bittersweet.


          But you, as you fought, got no accolades as you had no support from those you were fighting for. As soon as you got your foot in the door for women in body building, for instance, they repudiated you, competed with you instead of patting you on the back, saying ‘This is our hera, who opened the door for us.’ Of course, many women who came later didn’t understand because the men who were running the show – Joe Weider & Arnold – did not applaud or promote your legitimate part – in fact, they tried to put someone else as the icon, steal your thunder. {By the grace of God, all that they did with their million-dollar backup didn’t work – God prevailed, Truth came out in the end.}

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          Lisa Lyon was on the Tom Snyder Show with you {promoting body building & posing} in 1981, & there she admitted to you she had seen the Esquire article, July 1975, which started it all. She exclaimed,


          “THAT WAS YOU?”


          You had entered contests since 1972 which was the catalyst for fighting back against the double standard in body building. She entered one contest in 1979 & won – nothing else. She could have spoken about you when she went into the media, saying,


          “Yes, I saw Kellie Everts in Esquire & got the idea from her.”


          But she didn’t, & as she was dating Arnold, Arnold & Joe Weider backed her up, putting her on their magazine covers, getting her a book {not easy to get a book, but you beat her to the punch with your own by the Grace of God!}, helping her in every way to put her on the pedestal as the original body builder. It hurt to be swept under the rug.


          As the body building movement continued & thousands of women entered the field, many on drugs as muscular as men, you appeared on the internet – & there – these druggies jumped on you saying,


          “She does not represent us – she is not the kind of person we want speaking for us. We are genuine professionals, she was ‘tits & ass’ & she posed nude. We are athletes.”


          There is a reason for this which we will discuss later. But the effect on you was one of discouragement & sorrow, it was being betrayed.


          I was not betrayed by those in the know – the ones who loved God & Truth. They were & are forever behind me. But the other forces – those of Hell – came up against me. It was bittersweet, the lovers on one side, the haters on the other.

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          They took me, for instance, in a police van & drove me around in the darkness, handcuffed, for hours. I had no idea where they were taking me or what they would do; they just wanted to terrorize me as they had done to blacks for ages. That was their intent, & after some hours they released me.


          The FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, treated me like an enemy of the state, putting surveillance on me as I dallied in motels with women, then saying they’d expose me, the world would know, so I should commit suicide. The white supremacy Patriarchy wanted me dead.


          In the end I would not go down, even when a crazed black lady stabbed me through the chest. And so, they assassinated me, causing my martyrdom & even greater fame, I represented Jesus Our Lord for sure, dying on the Cross.


          Your path was inner anguish from being alone, criticized on all sides, not only attacked by men but women – the ones you were fighting for. That hurt the most. And that is the issue we must discuss.


          ME:   Yes. How is it that I have not been able to get women to join me in the fight? – Can’t get a group going, backup or support. When I come forward & work hard, they have ganged up on me & caused great stress, as I have to fight against them usually in groups. I expected the hate from men & got it, but when the women came forward, it was dreary. I am not talking only body building but Stripping for God & the Matriarchal movement. {I can’t think of a single woman who has supported me in any of this except Freyja Derrickson.}


          I did explain in my writings it was the ‘slave mentality,’ where slaves abuse other slaves as they obey the master. Master tells them to tie a slave to a post & scourge him, they do it. Master tells them to hang a slave, they comply. But surely, all women can’t be like that, there must be some who will fight? I found only one who fought with me, but she was under the cloak of a false name, under cover. I was & always have been, in front without a shield or cloak of ambiguity, I am just me, the one I say I am.


          And so, I ask you, according to my theory, is it the slave mentality women are under? And yet, the black people rose up against the white supremacy Patriarchy & won. They gathered, they held hands; they supported one another. Women, for the most part, aren’t doing that. I don’t see it anywhere. The feminist movement did get started – the second wave – by Betty Freidan’s book, but then it got taken over by the Rockefeller Foundation. It became mild, mainstream & middle class, it wasn’t chili pepper as it started, it became mayonnaise – no kick or punch.

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          That was when I started my ‘Woman, Thou Art God’ site & preached FEMALE SUPREMACY – FEMALE EMPOWERMENT – which was the next wave of the feminist movement, far ahead of fighting for equal rights. We now had information regards female superiority over men – lots of it – we even had the facts of looming male extinction. It was a whole ‘nother ballgame, picking up the baton where Gloria Steinem left off. My site was instituted in 2004.


          So now I opened the door to another phase & yes, it took off in two big ways. One, Freyja Derrickson helped women build ‘Female Supremacy Now’. It isn’t nationally known, but those in our field are touched by it. And then, in the Ukraine, a group of women took me at my word & began to do the things literally, which I claimed on my site. They jumped on an altar in a German Cathedral, for instance, topless, with ‘I am God’ written on the chest. One of them went to a park & chain sawed down the Cross of Our Lord & put herself in his place. They stormed Muslim cleric meetings & jumped on stage topless; they even invaded Putin’s office & bared their chest. They were combining nudity with revolution for women, claiming woman is God, just as I had said, the nudity alluding to my fame as a nude model & beauty queen.


          However, the dark note to this movement is that never for one moment did these women give me credit – none whatsoever, they wrote my name out of the book & why? You can take from someone else anonymously, mimic what they said, take those words as your own, & no one is any the wiser. They didn’t have to credit me, so they didn’t. But it would have been nice if they had – it would have respect for sisterhood – ‘we are one’. But all you hear is their own names calling for recognition ‘I did this, I did that.’ Again, no words of ‘I got the idea from Rasa Von Werder, her research & thoughts on Female Superiority, ‘Woman, Thou Art God.’


          {BTW my instinct tells me these women are a movement supported by the Ukrainian govt.– there is no way they could get the resources to do what they do by themselves. Not only would they lack the money, women usually lack the ability to gather & get aggressive–this was given them by the power & money of men controlling the Ukrainian govt. – for state purposes. The men got their pointers from my site & pay the women, & tell them what to do, & of course, it expanded into other things, all for a reason. But you notice no women in any other country are taking notice & doing the same –why? No money, resources, ability to gather or aggression. The movement does not contain the heart of a woman, so it isn’t contagious to other women. It is soul-less, the women are puppets of men who are working toward their Patriarchy. Somehow this activity serves their purpose.}


          STM:   This brings us to the important topic we’ve been discussing for two days:   Why you haven’t been able to rally women to the cause & how the fight for women’s rights differs from that of fighting for the rights of blacks.


          I brought out to you that women are far more brainwashed than the black people are. The blacks were brought from Africa to America starting in the 1600’s, many came here as late as the 1800’s, & so, many have retained their identity& culture from their place of origin, there’s still a memory of it, a connection.

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          But women have been brainwashed for thousands of years, it started about 10k ago & the Patriarchy got entrenched since about 6k ago. During this time women have been deprived of their roots, their identity, culture & society. They no longer know who they are –who they were. They have nothing to hold on to, it’s gone from their minds. There are no Matriarchal societies for women to escape to {women all over the world are not going to escape to the Mosuos in China, we’re speaking of easily accessible societies or cultures}, no Temples or Churches, the Wiccans were killed out of existence & defamed, only remnants exist, they are still disrespected. There aren’t any social orders for women to join where they can be themselves.


ME:   Explain what you told me earlier about identity, culture, being a place one can hold onto & when it’s taken away, it’s disempowering.


STM:   When the Africans were brought here they held on to their roots for generations, for some today it was only three generations or so ago. They had culture, religion, like Kunta Kinte {from Alex Haley’s Roots}. He was a warrior from a certain tribe, they had rituals, they had training. His life had identity. His name was his. When he came here as a slave his name was taken away – the original names were not permitted. They named him the way you would name your dog or cat, which took away his IDENTITY. He held onto his identity with all his might, even when they buried him & put his new name on the tombstone one of his friends erased it & put ‘Kunta Kinte.’


          To have identity & culture is to have some form of AUTONOMY. If an OPPRESSOR or any foreigner takes it away, they take away your INDIVIDUALITY, they ERASE who you were. Then they IMPOSE upon you their own stamp, like a brand on cattle, that you belong to them, they try to change what you believe, what you do. They in a sense, eat you up & digest you, there’s nothing left of the original you, you aren’t separate from them.


          This is what they did, for example, with Communism taking over the smaller countries close to it – Latvia, Estonia, Poland, & your country Lithuanian. They make Russian the state tongue, every school child has to learn their lessons in Russian, not Lithuanian, Russia has now become your state to whom you owe allegiance & loyalty. Whatever you had as an individual state is finished, illegal, no Lithuanian flag, no Lithuanian anthem or allegiance to the flag – it’s all swallowed up by Russia now.


The oppressors want to take away any idea you have of a power or influence other than themselves – whatever it may be. They want you to worship the state – the Patriarchy – & believe whatever they tell you.

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And no more religion. On paper the Communists said religion was legal, but in fact, the Churches & Church institutions were closed, {Communists said religion was the ‘opiate of the people,’} people lost their religion, & so the state had more power, they took away the influence the Churches & religion once had. You read a book written by a former thug, an athlete / boxer who was told that these bible belting believers were meeting in private, reading the bible & praying, & THEY WERE ENEMIES OF THE STATE. The thuggy was told they had to go to these meetings & break them up, beat up the participants. One of the members was a little old lady, the thug raised his club to strike her from the back but an invisible force stopped him. Before he left he took a page out of their bible to see what it was about, & going home, read it. He was startled at what it said – it was about love. He said, this is an enemy of the state? He left the govt. employ & eventually fled to America where he wrote his book, expecting to be assassinated.


Personal tyrants also do that – usually men over women, or men over both genders in cults. They separate you from family & friends, cut off all ties & paths to escape. They program & brainwash you to believe only in them, love only them, respect, venerate them, & if you don’t, there are dire consequences. Patriarchal religion also does that.


You, Rasa, know what it felt like to leave the Catholic Church in 1990, you were frightened. They had you brainwashed that so many things were sinful & wrong – all sex outside of marriage was wrong, homosexuality was sin, Wiccans were demons, birth control was a sin, women cannot be religious leaders or Priests – men have to dominate women spiritually – many other items. They make you feel GUILT & FEAR as forms of control, as if they have the right to impose their belief system onto you.


Tyrants can use any means – the state – religion – a cult – or a personal relationship to dominate & control.


But back to the original premise. When a person is FREE they have a CHOICE, at least when they grow into adulthood. They might have been born such a religion but they can change it later on. They might live in a certain place but they can leave it & join a different culture.


Now when culture, religion & the state are all intertwined you have a problem. Such is what you are experiencing with the Patriarchy. No matter how you cut it, what religion or state you are in, what society, men rule, men dominate, men call the shots, men have the advantage, men make war, men makes the laws & impose them on everyone.  {To be continued}


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Core Tenets, Uncategorized

What is an Avatar? Chap 13


What is an Avatar?


          Now we come to the last term I mentioned – Avatars.

This is unfamiliar to Christians, it’s a Yoga term.    It means:

Hindu Mythology. the descent of a deity to the earth in an incarnate form or some manifest shape; the incarnation of a god.


My understanding of Avatar is someone, in Yoga terms, who gained Enlightenment & is in Heaven, & volunteers to return to earth although they don’t have to – {as they are fully evolved & ‘realized’ beings} – to help humanity. The title Avatar applies to Jesus.

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I was told by my God Self that hundreds such persons enter the earth every year, even every day, but most do not succeed in their mission. Why? Because it’s too hard to change an evil world with God’s truth. So they try & give up. The few who succeed, you hear about.


Avatars & Messiahs are the same thing, but we reserve the title Messiah for Jesus, no one else.


The nature of the mission of an Avatar as differing from Prophet or Saint – is that it includes one facet that is especially strong, & that is WARFARE. Indeed, as St. Paul explains, we fight enemies not carnal, but evil spirits which can be in high places {places of leadership.} And of course, we need weapons that are not carnal but spiritual, which are from the Holy Spirit – Righteousness, Truth, Peace, Faith, Discernment of spirits, all the virtues such as Faith, Hope, Trust & Confidence in God, Love, Forgiveness, wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. There are also the Gifts of Power – Healing & Miracles.


All the Saints & Prophets do warfare against the Kingdom of Satan – there are numerous stories of their battles with demons, some metaphysical, others incarnated in humans – St. Padre Pio fought many – they all do. And all the Saints & Prophets were persecuted, even killed. They came, as do Avatars, into an evil world to change it. Saints & Prophets are preachers, teachers, admonishers, exemplars, symbols & voices of God on earth. They are all serving the Monarchy of God in different ways. But Avatar usually denotes a special mission, besides holiness, soul saving & demon smiting, Avatars have to face great human conflicts.


The similarity between Jesus ministry & my own is that we entered into the world to face enemies – Enemies embedded, incarnated in the flesh within Patriarchy. We did battle with humans as well as the evil spirits within them: We came to:

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Correct wrongs

Fix what is false or fake

Chastise the wicked by pointing out their ways

Bring out truth, denounce lies

Confront those who mislead & misinform others

Liberate the captives, set free the oppressed

Teach not to bully, oppress or abuse others, be righteous & fair

We exemplified many other items that bring forth the Monarchy of God & put down the Kingdom of Satan.


I shall explain some of these items point by point, to prove to you my similarity with Jesus & Buddha in the type of work I do – what I am, what I am not, what the meaning of my life has been – Why you cannot discover my meaning by looking into the businesses I have been in – the adult trade, dancing, films, glamour, all that. That is not who I am. That is where I was sent, to dispel many evils in those fields.


The examples below are but one sample or incident of hundreds that occurred.


Let’s take it one by one. Correct wrongs: The wrongs done to women, women in the adult trade in particular. The wrongs done to women in the field of body building. It wasn’t about – people ask me – how much did I bench press? It’s about how did I correct the wrong that men were treated with respect but women like bimbos, in that field. The men hated what I did & only gave in to it when it couldn’t be stopped & they profited by it.


Fix what is false or fake: It was taught by men that women were inferior, that they had to obey men in all things, including religion. Men were the head of the family. Women had to defer to them, laugh at their bad jokes & let the men dominate them. I taught Female Supremacy – which is a known biological fact – not just later in life as a Guru, teacher, writer, publisher, but when still young, became a Dominatrix & alone with that pushed my agenda, appearing on many national & local TV shows & radio preaching Supremacy. In this way I was confronting the male domination Patriarchy, & of course they fought back. It was a war.


Chastise the wicked by pointing out their ways: I had to chastise men for their treatment of women but also women who betrayed other women, who would not treat them like sisters but competitors. I held up sisters wherever I could, built up their self esteem, encouraged them to help other women.


Bring out truth – denounce lies: Lies were & are all around us in this evil Patriarchal world. One lie was that we are either Madonnas or whores. I dispelled that by being a Saintly figure, preaching & teaching, while in the adult trade, as the Stripper for God. No woman had ever done this in history, it was difficult. I was specially gifted to withstand the heat, the calumny, the death threats, the ridicule, in short – the abuse. I was not paid to do this work; it was out of love of God. I did all my own promotion & publicity, hardly anyone helped me – in 21 years, the venues helped me twice.


Confront those who mislead & misinform others: One of those items was fighting for the dignity & respect for prostitutes, whom I call adult therapists. I went on a big press junket, worked out by myself, on about a dozen radio shows & one syndicated TV show, to speak up for them. They could not find a real prostitute who could do it, I had to impersonate one, knowing everyone would recognize me, but I did it for them & all women. I stressed how the system pimps the women, taking their money, by arresting, fining, even jailing them. It should be not legalized but de-criminalized. No one was on my side. They just didn’t get it, they dump on these workers, project all the sins onto them; make it seem they don’t deserve rights, respect or love. I countered that with ‘Prostitutes are people – invite one to dinner.’ I told them street prostitutes get raped once a week, that’s why many take drugs. They are subject to violence, robbery & murder. It’s as dangerous of a job as being on the front lines of war. But people are taught to spit on them & despise them, look upon them as subhuman. They deserve love as much as anyone does; they do what they do out of need or desperation, give them a break. They are therapists just as professionals in offices are, except their job is harder & gains great prejudice.

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Liberate the captives, set free the oppressed:   I was part of the action to liberate women, to set them free from the oppression of men. And so, of course, I was the enemy of men as when I liberated women I took away their slaves, when I empowered women I disempowered men. They fought tooth & nail, including denouncing me in various ways, threatening me, causing great confusion to mix up the facts, denying all their evil, & even saying I should be dead. It was the gender war where they had for thousands of years been the winners, but their power was slipping away with the feminist movement.


I was fighting demons – feminism, female empowerment, & Matriarchy are ideologies against Satan. Satan is a liar from the first, he destroys, & demons fight back. Their first assault is denouncing, degrading the women, saying they are man haters & lesbians. Morton Downey called me ‘a man-hating bitch.’ Why? Because I said the adult trade would not exist unless men demanded it. They demand, we provide. Yet we are blamed for it, they aren’t. Then Downey said, ‘I will show you how I kick the living shit out of a broad,’ throwing a magazine with me on the cover, slamming against the wall. His audience cheered, as they were programmed puppets salivating for hate & violence. He ripped the mike off my chest – I was standing & he pushed me back into my chair. He said ‘She probably has diseases.’ ‘Oh, you saw the Bl. Virgin? You were on drugs.’


Not to bully, oppress or abuse others, be righteous & fair:   Again, since I was in the adult trade, I represented women there, but also women in general who were being abused. One of the main ways the Patriarchy holds women down is by slut shaming. I brought out in my interviews & writings the double standard is wrong. The woman caught in adultery – where was the man? In my Cougar promotion, also, I brought out that women have the right to have fun, just as do men. We don’t want to retire, watch babies, grow flowers & knit. We want to dance, have sex with young men, do all that men do. And for old women sex is easier to get than for old men. Old men have to pay for it, old women don’t. I brought out how young men are naturally attracted to women their mother’s age, but they are ridiculed for it & these type relationships are discouraged. If you left young men alone many of them would marry old women. We have overpopulation anyway; we are destroying the habitats of other animals. Our purpose in life is no longer breeding; we can cut back on that. I explained how young males marrying old women, the old ladies would influence them & there’d be less wars. But the Patriarchy wants war; their world is built on it. So the Patriarchs fought back, after a time refusing to give me promotion & publicity once they understood what I was doing – sweeping away their house of cards.


          I will ask my Mother God to make comment here on how God sent me as an Avatar to be in the places I was, do what I did, & how God managed, prepared & set the stage for me.


          MG:   You were an answer to women, as you said, specifically women oppressed in the adult trade. Who could liberate women in the adult trade? It had to be one of them, so God sent you. It could not be an academic, they weren’t about that. It couldn’t even be the feminists, they opposed you, they said the adult trade was degrading to women & should be abolished. You ran for one of their offices in NOW & had all your lady friends there to vote for you, so they called the election off. They hadn’t the slightest idea about the adult trade, & the way it should be addressed – they couldn’t see liberating women there, decriminalizing it; feminists were ignorant & prejudiced because they were not in the trade. They were regular women with all the delusions about it – all they could see was ‘they are degrading themselves.’ Well, being servants & maids was also degrading – were they going to abolish those jobs also?

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God equipped you especially for what you were to do with a superior body. You could not do the work with an ordinary one. So you won contests & modeled, & were admired & gained recognition for this. This was planned by God.


Then there was the abuse. God wanted you strong. Look at the other members of your family – weaklings. They ganged up on you & betrayed you – you were alone in the household resisting & taking the shit. This prepared you for what was to come, God hardened you, toughened you up. You were going to fight on the largest battlefield of life – the gender war. The first conspiracy was against women, by men, women were enslaved by the creatures they created, who were made to love & serve them. You were to fight these oppressors, & this doesn’t happen without them fighting back.


Look at the others in your family – proud & spoiled. Where did it get them? They had no great role in the theater of life; to set the captives free, to do God’s work, to help humanity. They led regular lives, they were not anointed. They were exercise boys & girls to make you tough & all that they did to you was done later on by various people, men & women. You were disrespected, called names, disparaged, looked down upon, threatened, your life many times at risk but saved by the Guardian Angels. No weak woman could have lived your life – God knew this, if you were to serve God & obey her, you had to be strong, that meant you had to be trained. Jesus was trained from the age of 12 to 29 for his ministry – even a great Guru reincarnated had to go through education & training.


God orchestrated many other things in your life so that you could serve her & do the best for humanity. You could not be ignorant or unlettered to do the work, you had to be educated. And so God made sure you had a Professor Dad who taught you that study was the key, & you studied constantly all your life, which then & now serves you. God gave you brains as well as body, they were equally important in the fight.

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God also infused you with Grace & Virtue – these are the weapons of God. She gave you fantastic Zeal & Obedience for her Monarchy.


In a word, you were sent by God, you did the work of God, you obeyed God, you were armed by God, & you will live with God forever in the most wonderful place in heaven.


What is the meaning of your life? That is it. You are a Woman of God, & on your tombstone all you want is ‘She obeyed God.’ Case closed. That’s who you are.


         Those who see you in part, oh, ‘She’s the dancer,’ ‘Oh, she’s the pornographer,’ ‘Oh, she’s the adult trade worker,’ ‘Oh, she’s an actress,’ Oh, etc., are all wrong. You are a great soul, who became human, to whom God gave a perfect body & brain, who came to earth to help empower women, establish Matriarchy, & bring back worship of Mother God & veneration of women. That’s who you are.


          ME:   Thanks Mother God & Amen.        {End Chapter 13}


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