College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

I Am the Goddess


Chapter 11  Part  6  2-12-22           I Am the Goddess

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People want to know who I am, what I think, what is that new religion I created? Let me answer in this way.


I am the Goddess. I do not conform to any limited sphere of thinking, nor any one religion. I am Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, Wiccan, Pagan, etct. I take from every religion I study, believe in the Saints of all religions. I studied the Egyptians & took from them, the Santerias are OK by me, every religion that worships God & Nature I am one with – the only thing I reject is anything against God, the Good, Charity, Kindness & Love.


I recognize that people are Creatures of God & all have God within them, as does all life & animals. I believe all animals go to Heaven as they cannot sin. I believe as the saints teach me, the majority of humans go to Hell because they choose to. The path to Hell is simply ignoring God & being uncontrite & unrepentant of sin.


But all those who love God, are the friends of God, are my friends also & I pray for them every day & have charged my Guardian Angels, if God agrees, to pray for the Good & Souls in Purgatory until the end of time. I have designated certain prayers I’ve asked my Guardian Angels to repeat daily this way {for instance, prayers to prevent child abuse} & I believe God will ratify this. I don’t see why not. For angels, prayer requires no effort.


I have obeyed all that I know about God which I have learned from various religions. I have prayed items the average person ignores. For instance, I have made recompense for each child aborted in my family, including the seven my Mom aborted & the one I did {I was raped}. They have heard my prayers – {which I learned from a book.}


I have said the prayers recommended for death long ago – around 1981. I have purchased 1k worth of Holy Masses for my own departed Soul. I certainly will trust no one to do it for me. I have seen how un-responsible people are toward the departed. The dead will be lucky to get a few Masses, sometimes none, no Masses or prayers. I will handle my own Soul.


What I have learned from my long life {76 now} is not to be so naïve & gullible, not to trust people much, not to expect a lot of them, not to depend on them a lot, but to stand on my own two feet as much as I can. This is not easy but I have tried. At times I cannot do it on my own & then I seek God to bring me the help through people or otherwise, but I will not compromise my morals or character to get help from others.


I will not extend hate or prejudice or judgment upon anyone, certainly not those society has designated as ‘untouchables.’ These would be the ‘other’ races people despise or the poorest of the poor, or the unusual / different in lifestyle {homos, lesbians, transgender, etc.} or those in the adult trade, sex therapists, gigolos – which I am one one – certainly don’t despise myself.

My first priority is always to be the woman of God & if that costs plenty so be it. If that makes me a Pariah or weirdo or strangeling, I’m in good company – most of the Saints were thought of that way. No, I struggle not to lower myself to our society – they are the Pharisees Jesus condemned – the ‘Holier than thou’ people. Mind you, if most people are going to Hell & you go along with them, then you will be with them, it’s called ‘the broad Highway to Hell.’



I once was brainwashed but now I’m not. The religion I was born into told me I had to believe a certain way, & that was it. But God told me otherwise.


No one knows & understands God, we see God through a glass darkly & we will never understand Her no matter how hard we try & how much we study. There is no Commandment that says


“Thou Must Understand God’,


it is IMPOSSIBLE. And so for anyone to tell you their religion is the one & only way, they are wrong – don’t listen. God tells us to love Her with ‘all our heart soul & mind,’ but She does not EXPECT us to understand Her no matter how hard we try.


Therefore, all those who follow their God invent or imagine ideas, rituals, holidays & so on, by which they recognize, obey & communicate with God. They pray, make images, totem poles, statues, they dress up, do routines, celebrate holidays, all in the name of God in various ways. Each person does what they consider OK, either they were born into a sect or chose one, & they do it to relate to God. No one is the only one right, no one is all wrong; they do it according to their preference & understanding.


God hears all, receives all, God knows all, & that’s all there is to it.

People have dressed differently in different epochs, none of it was wrong. They wore their hair this way or that, they practiced health rituals – none of this was bad. Religion is the same way.


This does not mean that I believe the doctrine of every religion – because they are at variance, sometimes contradictory. I take from each religion, belief wise, what I think is right & reject what’s wrong. I don’t swallow every word the Catholics teach me nor that of Protestants, but both have great qualities. So I take the good, resist the bad. One example it’s ‘faith & works’ we are saved by, not faith alone, that Martin Luther Sr. ruined by removing ‘& works.’ And the Protestants don’t venerate Holy Mary, but to me, She is the equal of Jesus – not to the CC but to me. It was She who appeared to the human race more times than Jesus to save humans during war & crisis.


And of course, we all hate, unless we’re demons, the great Women’s Holocaust – the Inquisition – perpetrated by the Catholic Church at the height of their power {Indeed, they also tortured & killed mega-many of those whose beliefs differed.} To me this exemplifies WHAT MEN ARE LIKE WHEN THEY HAVE GREAT POWER. I was surprised to learn recently that it was Napoleon Bonaparte who stopped the Inquisition. He confiscated all their documents on the genocide – 13 thousands trunks filled with data. I previously thought Napoleon was just another warlord, but after that, I was grateful to him.


I’m big on the Hindu-Yoga traditions; certainly adore the great Buddha, he is the forerunner or template of Jesus – both of them great Avatars. But of course I deplore the Caste system, as did Buddha & Jesus. Their doctrines I accept wholeheartedly.

         The idea of the Goddess Durga who also turned into Kali to stop Patriarchy also appeals to me. The God’s & Goddesses are figments of our imagination – how we portray God. But God does have Infinite Powers & appears in Infinite ways, & through our finite thinking we model images of God to show Her various traits. Ganesh portrays Power & prosperity, Shiva the Masculine, Shakti the Feminine, these are imagined Faces of God which doesn’t make them wrong, it’s just what we conceive & if we need to see God in physical form, that’s fine, nothing wrong with that.


In America as elsewhere we have many sects, whose beliefs don’t coincide with mine, especially the Patriarchal, misogynistic ones. But I do respect the kind & sincere people who accept these religions – they try their best to follow what they believe, & that’s all God wants of us – to try our best. I don’t believe in some ideas of the Jehovah’s Witnesses or the Mormons but I respect those in it who love God. I don’t believe in the Patriarchal viewpoint of the Amish or Hutterites – the way they hold women down & deprive members of some human rights – but I don’t judge or condemn them & respect the sincere ones. There are many sects I don’t adhere to but that doesn’t mean I dislike the people in them – many are great souls who love God.


To find what I’m pushing today – what I believe the world needs – is to check out ‘Woman, Thou Art God,’’ the ‘new religion for women only.’ I think at this time, we must offset the thousands of years of Patriarchy, its brutal brain washing & lies against women. A future of women-only is moving toward us, this religion coincides with that. You can check my book on Amazon to preview it, in the ‘see inside’ facility; you’ll get the idea what it’s about. It’s ‘safe space’ for women – women dominate all of it from doctrine to rituals, but every activity & routine of the religion is not set in stone, it’s a work in progress, I give mostly the point of departure, women will write their own behavior, Commandments, scriptures, Sacraments, rituals & the like. Maybe there will be different sects of ‘Woman Thou Art God’ where some will lean this way, others that way, but the common ground will be Female Supremacy, females write the rules, the agenda, females meet in the temple where men cannot tread. Men of course can follow our religion without entering our temple – as women do in the Muslim faith. It’s a belief recognizing the God within & seeing we are One with Her, accessing Her & allowing Her to guide us to Salvation.


A word about the Wiccans – Witches to most people. I endorse the Dianic, female-led Wiccans as well as Pagans. They are not UNGODLY as the Patriarchal religions claim, they worship God through Nature.


The great anthropologist Marija Gimbutas said even in her lifetime, the Lithuanians – previously Pagans – would kiss the ground before planting their crops, thanking Mother Nature, & kiss it again when harvesting. That is loving God through nature.


I found out we had a Wiccan sect in my area & joined them. It was a wonderful adventure, like Girl Scouts. We met in the woods – a hundred of us, males & females. We all spoke, danced & shared food. Women designated as Goddesses wore capes & spoke I can’t recall what – but it was good. Everyone had a turn to speak during the ritual – we were all important, not like the bigger-than-thou Priests & Ministers of the Patriarchal sects.


The reason I eventually left was they wanted equal rights – egalitarianism – balance they said. How’s there balance when the lunatics are running the asylum? I wanted Female Supremacy & felt if I couldn’t get it here, where could I? In the ancient days Wiccan women were supreme & dominated the belief system. But if it’s diluted now to give men equal rights that doesn’t satisfy me. Yes I believe in equal rights ‘under the law’ like equal benefits, equal punishments for crimes, but females must run the family & the world & all that is in it including religion. If men want their own religion let them go their way & follow it, – just men & the dicks in skirts who follow them – But we don’t submit to them or their religion.


I might add re the spiritual realm, if one practices a certain religion to the max, there are roadmaps & markers along the way which foretell if one has reached a certain mark, like proficiency or sainthood or consciousness or Oneness or some sort of mystical closeness to God. If you want to reach certain markers in certain religions, you have to follow them zealously with all your heart & cannot flit from one to another at that time, you have to stick to what you’re doing until it’s done, & then you move on. The best example of this was Ramakrishna, a Hindu who practiced various religions like worship of baby Krishna, uniting with Jesus, & entering Nonduality, until he reached the Zenith of each marker, then he moved to the next level. I have done this also in the Catholic religion as well as Yoga. I have most of the Graces the Catholic Church teaches were conferred upon Saints & I accomplished this by imitating the Saint’s lives. {Don’t laugh, there are saints in the adult trade, sex is not a sin unless there’s exploitation or abuse. It’s one of the Patriarchal lies that masturbation, fornication & adultery are always sins – BIG LIES.}


Now as far as judging or evaluating people, we must be very careful not to judge them by their outer lifestyle or profession. A person is not their exterior or their job. They do what they have to do, what they can do, to make a living. They live as they can do best to survive. Do not judge people by their job, profession or lifestyle, what they are, who they are is inside, & this only the Holy Spirit can reveal to you. But if you have no relationship to the Holy Spirit, if you cannot hear the Voice within, cannot see visions or have dreams or intimations from God, then you are blind to the other dimension & you cannot hope to see what’s inside another. You simply have no idea who or what they are, if they are good or bad.


I have noticed that wherever I go & touch people lives are changed, there are healings & answers to prayer. This is because of the Anointing. I know God has sent me & chosen me to do Her work on earth, & I have done it, & it isn’t over although I’m old, my health is not like it used to be, I cannot dance like I used to {although I do a bit}, but I can sit & do many things, including write. It was time to do what I did when I was young, time to do what I do now. If I could still dance, run, & exercise the way I did before I might be hiking average 2 hours a day, exercising like a champ – & 75% of the energy & time I’m now using for writing would be used up. One door closes, another opens.


All that happened in my life, good & bad, was foreseen & permitted by the Grace of God, & God turned bad into good. That applies to everyone, if they have Faith. The best advice I can give to people, now or ever is practice virtue. Have Faith in God / Good, Hope & Charity for all. {except don’t bother with the demonic, if you know they’re enemies of God by the Holy Spirit revealing it to you, or by the negative effect they have on your life, try to stay away from them. Don’t wish them harm, just absent yourself from them.} Learn what the virtues are, read about saints. They persevered, they forgave, they endured, they withstood all hardships to get to where they were going.

They did not rely on the things of the world to bring them happiness, they communicated with God, they prayed / meditated, they sacrificed the lower things for the higher, they cared about others {but did not waste time with reprobates if they knew they chose Hell. And even if they are not reprobates, if they hate you or lack respect for you, if you can, stay as far away from them as much as possible – even your own relatives – especially your relatives as whoever can access your heart can hurt you the most.}


Learn virtues, practice them & that will be the Key & answer to all of life.

That’s what I have done & if I have succeeded it’s by the Grace of God & relating to Her through virtues.

PS I forgive all who have injured me from the day of my conception & accept the forgiveness of all those I have hurt. Amen.

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College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized


TOO BAD FOR MARVIN   Part 3 Chapter 9 – written 2-3-22

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I said the Holy Mass for Marvin last evening, hoping strongly for his improvement – seeking for a spark of spiritual life – but had this dream:


          I am hanging out with an old black boyfriend, one of the first I dated & related to as a Cougar – it must have been 2008 or “09. He was evil {not for what he did but who he was INSIDE}, a former drug pusher who was familiar with jail for that as well as being with an underage girl a while – the Mom of the girl apparently turned him in, he spent a year locked up. Of course I didn’t know this when we first hooked up, people don’t have resumes written on their torso stating their bad traits, in the beginning they put up a front.


          So I’m with this guy & he’s acting just like the one mentioned, whom I’ll call KaSuck. KaSuck is always looking to con somebody out of something. So now he finds out about my friend, a lawyer, who has a trust fund that pays him good money. Somehow he gets hold of paperwork to the trust fund & takes it to the banker who releases it.

          The banker is innocent, doesn’t know the scheme, thinks KaSuck is legit, & runs it through a machine – a small one on the counter against the wall – The machine gives him the name / identity of the recipient to validate it, then doles out the money {come to think of it somewhat like an ATM with credit cards, except these cards are bigger}

          But too bad for the thief, the money won’t come out because his identity cannot be verified, the ‘cards’ the fund is on are wet. KaSuck gives some excuse how he got them wet – smiling – he always has a lie for everything.


          We then leave & there were many scenes that are forgotten, perhaps this will do to illustrate our point.


          MEANING: Wow, Marvin Gaye could not receive the Grace of the Holy Mass.

          There are two possibilities. One, he is in Hell. ‘Abandon Hope, All Ye Who Enter Here’ says Dante’s Divine Comedy. Once a person is confirmed for Hell – a reprobate – there is nothing you can do for them. I have been friendly with several people like this, theyappeared to me in dreams & visions. One of them I was praying for & told God I would make sacrifices for him – as he was doing me favors – & he appeared & said to me

          “Rasa, don’t try to help me, I’m going to Hell. I don’t care about anything except this material world, I don’t care where I go – don’t waste your time.”

          He did me a favor which is not typical of the Hell bent; God must have constrained him to do it.

          A couple other people I was friendly with I stopped because God showed me they were lost & would stay there – they did not want to change.

          It’s a matter of free will. Our life state is based on our will & decisions. God wants us to love out of our own will – we cannot be forced or pushed, because then it isn’t free & is not true love. So if we reject love / God this is permitted – our choice & God will not force a change.


          And so, these people cannot receive grace as they have rejected it by their own decision. You cannot help them, you waste your time praying or sacrificing for them – the Grace of your good deeds would go to someone else perhaps, by the mercy of God. But if you are sensitive to the other world like I am, God speaks to you & explains the situation so your efforts are spent elsewhere.

          The principle of the Holy Mass not working for Marvin can be said this way ‘Dead people can’t eat,’ & Marvin is spiritually dead. Dead people also cannot enter Heaven. Their souls have no Light, they are in darkness. They have bodies & seem alive, but when the body dies the soul, which is unborn, unignited, no spark of life, sinks down into places called Hell, & they live for eternity it is said, in states of misery devoid of Love.

          I must add – it can be hard to tell who these people are. Many reprobates have pleasing personalities, do good deeds, they are even Popes & Pastors, & unless the Holy Spirit shows you, you don’t know what’s inside them.

          And on the other spectrum, some terrible people are actually good inside; they are sick, confused, bewildered & damaged & seem evil & crazy, but they are saved because deep inside they are good. Trust only the Holy Spirit to tell you the inside of a person.


          Now, there is another possibility. It is that although he is in a Hellish state, it’s Purgatory, but he simply isn’t READY for the Holy Mass to be attributed to him.

          Let me explain. You can only receive as much Grace as your karma will permit.

          My husband, Richard Von Werder – a good man – died, & I proceeded to do the Gregorian Masses for him – which is 30 Masses in a row. Then I stopped. {St. Gregory the Great was Pope 540-604 AD, & he decreed this was appropriate for people that passed.}

          When I finished the series I had a dream in which Rich appeared, asking God to have me say more Masses. But God said to him, in so many words, that his karma did not permit any more.

          To show you how good Rich was, at my request, he left 8k worth of Masses for Souls in Purgatory including his family, 2k of it for himself– obviously a great act of charity. And yet, his karma did not permit me to say more than 30 Masses – which I cannot explain.


          And so, the alleviation of pain is determined by God with the karma of the person in mind. In other words, we can only do so much & no more. We cannot take a person in the lowest state of Purgatory & catapult them into Heaven instantly, there is a ‘price’ to pay – which is really not punishment but cleansing, & this cannot all be wiped out faster than karma permits.


          Dear Rich was only in Purgatory about 8 months, which is proof of his goodness. Let me give examples. My Mom was in about 24 years {she was bad} My Dad, 2 years, 9 months {he was good} – my religious mentor, Rev Judy Swaggart, 2 yrs 11 months – Anna Nicole Smith 64 days – a record at that time! Errol Flynn 23 years {not good but better than Mom}- {The celebrities I helped are in my book ‘Theater of Justice – Celebrity Souls Appear’.} Elvis Presley was 5 years, Frank Sinatra, 4 years, Dean Marin, 8 years, Rudolph Nureyev, 9 years, George C. Scott, 4 years, Timothy McVeigh {Oklahoma City FBI headquarters bombing!} ONE YEAR! My first husband was the worst – 55 years, pure evil.


          Now Marvin Gaye has been in 37 years. If he can get out & when, I don’t yet know.


          I like to imagine he is not READY for the Holy Mass, but at some point, he will be & then I can help. I will forget him for the time being & if & when God tells me to act, I will. Meanwhile I continue doing Masses for all the Souls in general as well as daily prayers, & whoever God chooses, they apply to.

          This ministry to Purgatory is SUPERNATURAL. One cannot willy nilly just reach anyone they please – there are untold trillions in that space, reaching them takes some kind of Power. Knowing which ones to help & sending them Grace is SUPERNATURAL. You get this ministry by caring & working at it, which of course, I have.


One more note: The dream portrays an evil con man trying to get something that is not his – stealing. And so, for a person to receive a boon which is not owned them is like stealing. Here, he tries, but the one administering the money / GRACE {an angel, Saint, or Jesus Christ himself} will not release him it. He is not identified or designated to receive this Grace. He desires it – that gives me hope it’s Purgatory, not Hell – because in Hell they DO NOT DESIRE GRACE.


One more question to Mother God. Why is it symbolized that my lawyer friend has this trust fund? What meaning is that?


MG: That has something to do with ‘the law’ or legally he cannot get this Grace, all about karma. Karma is order & justice, you reap what you sow, you cannot get what you don’t deserve you will not be punished outside of justice – there is order to everything in God’s world. The money is value, benefits or blessings.   {End Chapter 9}







College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Marvin Gaye & Me Pt 2



2-2-22      The next day: DREAM / VISION – This was so uncomfortable – I had

forgotten Marvin’s statement he would reveal where he was to me in a

dream. I start dreaming like so:


I’m in a large room with a super-high ceiling. It’s about 25’ across & quite deep, the ceiling is maybe 20’. It has no windows & I have a frightening sensation there is no way out. So I saw Hell only once before & it is frightening, the other vision was way worse than this, I dread to think of it. But this seemed a ‘no escape’ place, a place of total limitation like that, so I was scared to be there.


          In the middle of the room is a stack of boxes intermixed with papers, litter, nothing is organized, it is unkempt like a garbage dump or a room abandoned long ago, junk strewn everywhere, dust & debri, but it’s mostly boxes filled with things – some of them are dull pink - & papers everywhere of all hues, maybe white, light blue, nothing is bright or clean or neat, all is disorder.

          I can’t wait to get out of here & I move out quickly, not knowing why am I here? God please don’t let this be my state.

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MEANING: This is the spiritual state of Marvin Gaye – where he is now. Is it Hell or Purgatory?

          I can’t tell off hand, but it’s one or the other. Hell is a place like this, but usually way worse, like so ugly you feel torture. This is not as bad as that but it could be Purgatory – I hope.

          Purgatory is always a place of limitation, like you cannot see eternity or a huge limitless sky. When you see a sky there, it’s like the sky is limited, it somehow comes to an end, it’s an atmosphere that stops somewhere up there.

          When I bilocated to Purgatory to see my Dad, he was in a cave, lying on a stone slab, no windows, limited, but he was not miserable. I was the only person who had reached / contacted him. The Grace of God lifted him up shortly after my visit.

          When I first saw my husband, Stanley Everts, he was on a throne of flames like the LincolnMonument, his arms on the arm rests, in great torture, crying out – demanding that I helped so many – I should help him. Every time I started praying I would forget, & God told me because he was in ‘Hell.’

          But what is Hell & what is Purgatory? The Catholic Church says there is no way out of Hell, like Dante’s ‘Divine Comedy,’ the sign prior to Hell says ‘Abandon Hope – all Ye Who Enter Here.’

          However, over the years, his state improved. I saw it, but he still unjustly hated me for thirty years – & I said to God not to show me him any more.

          Then, fifty five years after his death, I said to God OK, you can show me him again. That act was apparently charity, & through it, he rose up to Heaven that very day.

          This is proof that a person in Purgatory can be in a Hellish state, but not Hell - & it makes me wonder, is Hell automatically forever, or is it just the lowest sufferings in Purgatory, which can last as long as ‘till the end of the world.’ Maria Simma says she ministered to Souls that had been there for HUNDREDS OF YEARS – some of them Popes!

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          The condition of this room I am in – which represents where Marvin is – reminds me of the rooms in the great movie:


        “Winner of both the Academy Award for best foreign-language film and the Cannes Film Festival’s Palme d’Or, Marcel Camus’ Black Orpheus (Orfeu negro) brings the ancient Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice to the twentieth-century madness of Carnival in Rio de Janeiro.”

          There is a scene in the movie where Orpheus is trying to find Eurydice, of a room that houses all the papers of MISSING PERSONS & there are MILLIONS, so many papers they are strewn from floor to ceiling, they even fall out & are blown here & there. It’s a feeling of ‘lost forever’ – no hope – This reminds me of that, only it’s filthy & ugly.

          I’m going to assume this is Marvin’s Purgatory, that he can get out – in time – & especially if someone helps him, maybe me.

          The lack of windows is lack of opportunity, lack of doors also, to get out – Lack of VISION. And what is vision? Vision is OUR STATE, wherever we are, either one which is closed down, shut up, no escape, like Hell, or a temporary state like that, but still, if someone helps, they can get out – if no one helps they might be there for hundreds of years or even the end of the world.

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          How can I explain vision or lack of it? Vision OPENS UP OUR SOUL to that which is GOOD & that which is ETERNAL, MEANINGFUL & JOYFUL. When I saw God Face to Face the second time, I looked at the horizon & instead of seeing the end of it, it opened up more & more to my vision, it was a miracle. This is INFINITY.

          Consider when something wonderful has happened to you, like someone you love you discover loves you? Or you get an offer for the most perfect job on earth, or a book gets published by a large company you’ve been trying to sell for years, or you get your first starring role in a major movie, or you win the lottery or some great boon or blessing. You are then all fired up & the world seems BEAUTIFUL & you’re filled with hope, joy, inspiration, you think you can do anything – you’re so happy. That’s when the windows & doors to happiness have opened up, but the opposite, they are all closed down, no joy, no love, nothing to look forward to – a void, an emptiness – in Hell, even hate & other monstrous emotions prevail. {I feel no hate or other cruel emotions here & that confirms my sense this is Purgatory, not Hell. But of course, there are those in Purgatory being cleanse of such emotions, example, my husband Stanley.}


          And so I am seeing the lack of joy & vision of Marvin’s state.


          What are the boxes & papers? It reminded me as I said of the files of millions of ‘missing persons’ – in a place they will never be found. I will need help. Mother God, give me a hand on this.


          MG {Mother God, NOT Marvin Gaye}: There is a dead space here, nothing alive, green, living, all deadness. Boxes are filled with such dead matter; dead papers are fallen here & there. No life whatsoever, no greenery, no fruit, no food no drink – nothing.

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          This indicates the inner state of Marvin when he died was devoid of spiritual life. But let’s hope he can be helped – say the Holy Mass for him today, we can only hope. Maybe the Gregorian Masses if we see a spark. I believe we will have results. Can the dead come to life? Let’s find out, sometimes no, sometimes yes. Indeed there are those who were comatose, even declared dead, who lived once again.


          The boxes of huge bunches of papery trash & other papers are what? Some of the boxes dull pink, all kinds of dull colors. This is his life, going from woman to woman {pink} & hit to hit. Nothing touched his soul, it’s ‘just on paper’ like a marriage can be ‘just on paper’ meaning there’s no intimacy, it’s a dead marriage. Or a Priest is a Priest legally, ‘just on paper’ but his heart isn’t in it – he has not given himself to God, he’s just a shell of a Priest, or a minister like Marvin’s Dad, no life of Christ within him, he’s empty, he shows no love.


          If & when a Soul is filled with Grace you see LIFE. When you saw Saint John Paul II in Heaven {the day he died!} you saw him as a boy in the woods & fields & hills, where he was happiest – a beautiful setting like the Elf Boy with a feather in his cap, wearing old-fashioned tights & soft pointed moccasins, in a Maxfield Parrish painting. This is nature, which is life. When you saw God Face to Face, both times, there were no buildings or people, it was SUPERATURAL NATURE with a great deal of WATER – First it was a ton a second of GUSHING WATER exploding from a Mountain – rushing down to a deep canyon as you looked from a balcony. There was snow – you touched it on the banister – you had physical sensations. This water represented the Grace of God exploding from the Source before your eyes & it went from a great height to a great depth – your soul OPENING UP TO GRACE, exploding into the Energy / Life / Presence of God.

          The second time you entered a SUPERNATURAL WOODS OF ALL COLORS & when you cleared the woods, no beach, the INFINITE OCEAN OF GOLDEN LOVE opened up before you & You were It & It was You – It was God – You were God – You were ONE. You had REACHED GOD SAW God Face to Face, as She is, Her Infinite Nature.


          Now the ABSENCE OF GOD is the opposite of all that. No nature, no life, limitation, a shut down, a death. This is where Marvin was & why he wanted to end it, because life was no longer in him & it was unbearable to live in such a state.


          ME: When I got to his section & was gong to write about it, I stalled. I could not get to it for like two weeks, usually the most I get stuck is days, but I just couldn’t face his chapter. Is that because I sensed his awful state & was slow to face it? And now that I know where he is, can he be helped?

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          MG: It is likely you felt his state & I believe you can help him & after you say the Holy Mass you will know.


          ME: OK – Channeling Marvin Gaye again. Do you look forward to my saying the Holy Mass for you?


         MARVIN: Oh yes indeed, bring me the Grace of God, Her love & yours. I look forward to it. Thank you & Amen.

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          ME: Will do. Feel peace, I am with you – Nourishment coming soon, the Body & Blood of Our Blessed Lord & His Holy Mother. Over & out for now.  

{end Amendment Chapter 9} End Chapter 9}


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College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Marvin Gaye & I

Chapter 9   Marvin Gaye & I

   written 2-1-22


          I wish I could remember how I met him or what got me into his hotel room with the club below where he was performing.

          There isn’t much to tell & I debated whether to even include him as nothing much happened. But then again, how many women met Marvin Gaye – one of the top stars of his time – & had him masturbate because of her, in front of her, in his room? That’s all there was.

          Why I met him is I wanted to meet every back star that came into town. Yes, I started an affair with James Brown but he wasn’t treating me right, I was heartbroken & thought maybe there was another star like him I could succeed with. So by meeting them, I was trying them out {except nothing came of it as you’ll see.}

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          So I’m here in this room with him, he asks to have sex, I say no, then he says he’ll masturbate looking at me, I don’t object.

          I was not nude nor did I show him any part of my body. He sat on the bed, I was in a chair across the room at a desk, just looking at him.

          Then comes a knock at the door & a voice I recognize- one of the attendants of James Brown {not a fake or hanger on, a real person working} calls my name & says,

          “Your boyfriend’s out there”

          Meaning James Brown – can’t recall if he said his name but both Marvin & I knew it was him & both of us jumped to it, like he had to get ready for his show which would be witnessed by the Godfather of Soul, I had to skedaddle before James got insulted – maybe he’d want to see me! And I recall being embarrassed that James associate knew I was there with Marvin – he probably told him & James might think wrongly of me.


          OK now what was Marvin like? I was only there with him like an hour but that’s enough to get a person’s vibes. He was not a happy camper it seemed to me, & lacked the ‘joy of living’. Was he depressed? Not sure, as I didn’t know his personality & what to compare his vibes to, like people are sometimes ‘up’ or ‘down’ & you have to know them to know the difference, but he was not vivacious, more ‘down’ than ‘upbeat’ in personality. One of the black guys told me,

          ‘Marvin is afraid of crowds,’

          meaning the audience, a large crowd.

          And I did see him perform when I went downstairs – a sprawling place, & his personality was laid back as he sang, with James brown front row center with his wife!


          Later, many of us would go to this ‘soul food’ place after shows – I somehow knew James would be there, so I went, & popped myself at a table across from him & stared at him incessantly to show I was mad he was with another female {even though it was his wife so this was stupid}. He outsmarted me. He told his attendant to speak to me, for me to go home & he would call me, so I did, & of course he never called, just sucker punched me to get rid of the nuisance.

          So back to Marvin because I was always curious about what happened between him & his Dad – why he got killed by him, & read this in Wikipedia. I think this might warrant some channeling:

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Marvin Gaye April 2, 1939 – April 1, 1984) was an American singer and songwriter. He helped to shape the sound of Motown in the 1960s, first as an in-house session player and later as a solo artist with a string of hits, earning him the nicknames “Prince of Motown” and “Prince of Soul”.

Gaye’s Motown hits include “Ain’t That Peculiar“, “How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)“, and “I Heard It Through the Grapevine

          ME: From Wikipedia on his father – Marvin Gay Sr.:


April 1, 1984: At approximately 12:38 p.m. (PST), minutes after returning to his own bedroom, Gay Sr. came back to his son’s bedroom with the .38 pistol and shot him. The bullet penetrated Marvin’s vital organs, including his heart. Gay Sr. then walked forward and shot him a second time in the shoulder at point-blank range.


According to Gay’s sister, Jeanne, he was someone who never “spared the rod, he was very, very strict” in reference to the saying “spare the rod, spoil the child”. Gay also would question his children on Biblical passages, administering beatings if they answered wrong. All four of Gay’s children had problems with bed wetting, which led to more beatings.

Gay administered most of his harshest punishments on Marvin Jr. According to Marvin’s sister, Jeanne, from the age of seven well into his teenage years, Marvin’s life consisted of “brutal whippings” since Gay Sr. would strike him for any shortcoming, including putting his hair brush in the wrong place or coming home from school a minute late. Marvin would state later, “living with Father was like living with a king, an all-cruel, changeable, cruel and all-powerful king”. He further stated to David Ritz, “if it wasn’t for Mother, who was always there to console me and praise me for my singing, I think I would have been one of those child suicides you read about in the papers.” Alberta Gay later stated that her husband hated Marvin, {emphasis Rasa’s} as she told David Ritz in 1979:

My husband never wanted Marvin, and he never liked him. He used to say he didn’t think he was really his child. I told him that was nonsense. He knew Marvin was his. But for some reason, he didn’t love Marvin, and what’s worse, he didn’t want me to love Marvin either. Marvin wasn’t very old before he understood that. {Emphasis Rasa’s}

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Rasa says: The singer gave his Dad the gun for Xmas!


On Christmas Day 1983 Marvin gave his father an unregistered .38 caliber Smith & Wesson pistol to protect him from intruders and murderers after the younger Gaye, heavily addicted to cocaine, felt someone was seriously plotting to kill him. 


From the Wikipedia article – The Killing of Marvin Gaye:


On Christmas Day, 1983, Marvin gave his father a Smith & Wesson .38 Special pistol so that he could protect himself from intruders. Friends and family members contended that the younger Marvin was often suicidal and paranoid, and by now was afraid of leaving his room and spoke of little besides suicide and death. He sometimes wore three overcoats and put his shoes on the wrong feet.Four days before his death, according to his sister Jeanne, Gaye had tried to kill himself by jumping out of a speeding sports car, suffering only minor bruises.Jeanne contended that “there was no doubt Marvin wanted to die” and that he “couldn’t take any more.” {emphasis Rasa’s}


 It is believed by Gaye’s siblings that his death was a “premeditated suicide“. Jeanne later said that upon forcing his father’s hand in the murder that he had “accomplished three things. He put himself out of his misery. He brought relief to Mother by finally getting her husband out of her life. And he punished Father, by making certain that the rest of his life would be miserable… my brother knew just what he was doing.”


Rasa says: It explains that they had a verbal & physical fight before the shooting – Marvin Jr. kicked his Dad many times, the Dad had said publicly that if any of his children ever laid hands on him, he’d kill them.  


About the brother:   Frankie ran to the house and carefully walked into the hallway to his brother’s room, not knowing if Marvin Sr. still had the gun, whether he was still in the room, or if his brother was dead. After walking into Gaye’s bedroom, an emotional Frankie held him as Gaye bled rapidly. Frankie alleges that Marvin, barely speaking above a whisper, told him, “I got what I wanted… I couldn’t do it myself, so I had him do it… it’s good, I ran my race, there’s no more left in me.”


I, Rasa, channel Marvin Gaye: {Channeling is mind reading. There is no effort on his part, only mine. I am gifted with this ability partly because I worked at it much of my life & I also it’s a Gift from the Holy Spirit. It’s like my Ministry to Purgatory. Yes, I worked at it hard for years, but God stepped in & gifted me with the ability to reach them & help. God often gives us gifts when we work hard to obtain them. I also struggled to become celibate for years then one day the Holy Virgin appeared to me & asked me to take the vow. God helps us when we work on something.}


          ME: Marvin, what was wrong? According to this you had mental / emotional problems that were so deep you wanted to kill yourself. Was it all due to your Father?


          MG {Marvin Gaye}: So I’m to be a chapter in your book? I’m glad I met you.

          Yes, it was mostly – 99% due to my father. Like it said, all four of his kids wet the beds, but I was the target of his most harsh punishments. He hated me & he made me hate myself – made me feel unworthy. You understand abuse.


          ME: Knowing your ad was so evil & crazy, why did you buy him the gun?


          MG: During the last part of my life, I wanted to die, but I couldn’t kill myself, & as they explain, it was my way of having myself killed.


          ME: Did you have nothing to live for? Did you not find your wife & children a reason to be? – Your career such a great success? Your Mom who loved you? What about God? How could you feel so low you wanted to die either by your own hand or someone else’s?

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          MG: No, all that was around me – career – the women who loved me, children, that was all outside. But inside I was empty, like a vacuum. I felt no love, only emptiness. The drugs kept me going for a while. But the drugs eventually weren’t working, as you know, people with mental problems, their depression & thoughts of suicide return after a while, drugs only mask the true feelings. Inside my Dad had already murdered me from a young age – psychologically – like your Mother did you.

          But unlike myself, you forgave your Mother & even prayed for her not to go to Hell whereas I took revenge, I gave into the hate. I hated myself, then like the Wikipedia says, I let my Dad be the hand that killed me & his life would be tainted from then on. I also liberated Mom from him, the woman who kept me from killing myself as a child.


          ME: I know from my wisdom of understanding God & spirituality, that what love of God is parallels love of Oneself. We & God are One, God is within us. In loving god we learn to love ourself. These items are INSEPERABLE. And so, you had the love in you extinguished & in its place was hate. As far as I know, you did not show your hate aggressively, it stayed internal. People who keep hate inside them become depressed. You were depressed.


         MG: You got that all right. I was depressed from childhood, when my Dad hated me. I did not forgive him. I was angry at him. But I never expressed my anger until the very end, when I chose to forcefully fight with him & even kick him again & again, knowing it would invoke his insanity. It was my death blow to myself.


          ME: OK so you were depressed because you held your anger in. I have a friend who is clinically depressed. I told her & her husband that’s its anger from childhood. She has to face that anger, release it and express it. But she isn’t doing that, so she has been her entire lifetime, on & off clinically depressed, seeing psychiatrists & taking all types of medication. She & her husband do not deal with it as I suggested, facing what was done to her by her Dad – it was abuse – which she has bottled up – & release her hate & anger against him. She will probably go to her grave in this condition. So that was your condition? How on earth did your talent & creativity flourish?


          MG: They flourished by an automatic system, like your heart beating, your glands working. But then, when life got harder like getting kind of older, & the juices through my body were not running as fast, I was losing the blush of youth & life was harder, then it overwhelmed me. I couldn’t take it any more, just like the article says.


          ME: Wow, do you have any advice for those in your condition? There are many.


          MG: Listen to Rasa, don’t do as I did. Face your hatred, your anger, let it out. Face yourself, what is in you. Meditate, pray. The world & its glories will not save you. Look at me; I succeeded only to kill myself. ‘What profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul, for what will he exchange for his soul?’ I had the whole world but losing my soul, I was spiritually dead. I needed to work on my soul, to gain eternal life, love & happiness. I did not do that. I did not listen to the Words of God because my Dad represented God – as a minister – & God hated me, so it seemed. I did not understand God, even though Mom loved me, his hate was so strong, so cruel that he overrode Mom’s love.

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          I suppose since Mom saw what he was doing she should have left him & saved us kids from her. But instead, she got a job as a domestic to keep the family running. A mother should not allow a man to do this to her children, but she felt trapped. She did not have the strength to leave, she could have, but she didn’t. There’s a chance that could have saved me. So they were both guilty – he for being cruel, she for not leaving him, taking us away from him. Where there’s a will there’s a way – she could have done it.


          ME: Were you angry then also at your Mom?


          MG: Indeed, I could never admit that. But what I just said holds true. She did to me what your Dad did to you. Your Dad left you to your Mom knowing you were being abused, he didn’t save you or even interview you about it – no one of the elders helped you. But God helped you because you were strong & had a good upbringing as far as religion & you took religion to heart, following the path of Jesus Christ. So you were saved.


          ME: What a sad testimony on your life. I mean what do all those songs mean when you had self hate, how could they bring comfort to your fans now? – If they know what you felt & went through. You were such a great artist, such a wonderful musician, & you were dead inside. It breaks my heart to think of it.


          I will probably not know where you are unless it’s revealed to me. I notice that it is difficult for me to discern. Sometimes souls do appear to me to get help from Purgatory & I see them ascend. Very rarely – only twice – I have had visions of the living, God showing me they were destined for Hell – I could not help them. But I cannot tell where you are. I hope it’s in Heaven or if not yet there, Purgatory.


          MG: I will reveal it to you in a dream tonight.


          ME: Alright Marvin, over & out for now. {End channeling…End Chapter 9}


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College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Mommy Fearest Homestead

Chapter 8 1-22-22 Mommy Fearest & the Homestead Farce

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          Our time in the city {Newark, NJ} was over. Mom & Dad had enjoyed the limelight in our Lithuanian Community, much of it based with the Church. Dad had started a ‘SaturdayCulturalSchool’ for the kids. There were paid teachers, we all met at the Church of the Annunciation auditorium. I loved it. Later it shrank into one class, the kids in my family & a couple other families, that was it – don’t know why – Maybe the fee parents had to pay. Our teacher was not Dad but a nice Lithuanian man, it was like a ‘one room schoolhouse’ where all ages were taught at the same time. The location was a room in the church.

          At the same time my Mom had become a director of the Lithuanian pageant/play for Christmas, with all us kids in the family & teen Lithuanian thespians.

          I had a good part in the play, my bro played a crow, cawing in Lithuanian, ‘Bus maitos, bus maitos’ – his only lines, meaning ‘There will be karma, there will be payback.’

          All I remember mostly – I was 6 – is there’s a Christmas tree on stage with baubles. I get a stool, climb up to one inviting bulb, squeeze it & & break it, look at Mom in the wings if she approves – she nods yes – My attempt at drama. We did our play in two different Lithuanian settings, I recall walking around the audience in pajamas after my scene & a grown man sees me & exclaims “Ahh!”, I get scared & run away.

          I’m not sure who organized our yearly cultural event, where each child was required to prove abilities & talents. Some sang or played musical instruments, I always recited poetry. My best gal pal Ruta read from an adult Lithuanian book, like a 6-year old reading Shakespeare. 


Below myself age 41 enjoying a farm in Connecticutt. Soon after I bought my own acres upstate NY in part a replacement & replica of the farm I enjoyed as a child, except my newfound Paradise is even greater & no family abuse – although there is the socital abuse one suffers by being in the adult trade – ostracism.

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          Time ripened & as it did, all patterns fell into place; Mom had her usual affairs, first with the young priest but threw him over for the Church organist. That was the beginning of the end.

          Mom said the priest ‘denounced her’ from the pulpit. I doubt it sincerely, he probably gave a sermon on adultery or deception – he could not have said her name. She knew she was guilty so felt it. The priest was guilty also, I think the problem was getting cuckolded with the organist, Marius Bernotas, so his shackles were up.

          From then on in I heard Mom & someone else in the family say ‘The Priest is Crazy.’

          I told that to one of my Catechism buddies as a secret, she blurted it out to the Nun Superior, the nun demanded where I got such an idea, I cried & said ‘so & so’ & by the time we got home I was hysterical in tears, blurted it all out to Mom. Now she knew it was public knowledge about her & the priest, there was scandal.

          Wherever Mom went there was drama. She did not get along with people – arguments, fights. Her affairs were legend, getting pregnant four times while still with Dad.

          The older lady & husband who sponsored us from Germany were going to set us up with a house & equivalent of 50k today – a distant relative of Dad. But Mom couldn’t get along with her & forfeited that, we went to live in a little house in Kearny next to the rr track – the wrong side of course, with a tiny garden behind, the 90 yr old man stooped down & showed me his plants under upside down jelly jars. The 5 yr old was impressed.


          It was after that we got involved with the Church in Newark, I recall a storefront in Kearny with us a few floors up, then Delancey St. in Newark, then Van Buren St. 3 floors up, next to the library, my room looking right into the window of the children’s section a floor below. That was the last of our city dwellings, Marius Bernotas had moved in with us & had his own room. There were fights over the paternity of the last baby, a girl. We no longer had much quarter with the Church, but Dad did get a loan from the old Priest for $500 {today would be $5k} to buy a farm. I recall seeing the receipt in his archives, still have it if I dig. Dad kept a lot of things, that’s how I know the teachers in his school were paid.


          OK enough said on that era. Now we move to this farm, which was a quasi-homestead or intended that way, where I believe Mom intended to live out a life like the Old Country, being semi-independent from the fruits of the fields.

          RD #3, Freehold New Jersey, MonmouthCounty, on the corner of a dirt road named {I think} Eli Harmony & the house right up to a paved road whose name I can’t recall.

          The question is, what was Mom’s intention with this quasi-homestead? Family wise, psychologically, she had this new bf/husband, Marius Bernotas, with whom she cuckolded Dad, but being a master manipulator/liar she convinced Dad they were platonic & nothing was going on with him & her at the farm.

          Dad did not move with us to the farm because of employment. Not sure where he worked, if it was still at the awful hat factory laboring nights when we lived at Delancey St.

          It was believed by all – certainly Dad & myself – that he was going to move in with us soon. Mom assured me of this, as he was my everything. He visited periodically {by bus, he never had a car or drove} puttering around here & there, working, helping repair things, reconnoitering in the swamp planning a Boy Scout Camp, & the two arguing incessantly – where I was dismissed each time they chatted like ‘go feed the dogs’ or do this or that. 

Below, Mom on the left, Aunt Ara on the right, Xmas time in the upstairs Uncle Henry built, – it did not have the ambience that the downstairs, furnished by Mrs Grant of Wacabuc, had.  Notice the clutter of house plants.  Mom & Ara are in their 50′s, this was one of Mom’s last Xmases, I wasn’t there. 

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          After much distance & years I’m able to put together the pieces of why, how, what for. I think she kept him ‘on the string’ for two years, placating him & lying about what she wanted. She said he was to move in with us & we would all work together running a profit-earning farm & he could have his Boy Scout Camp.

          (Dad was a Boy Scout leader at the time we were in the Displaced Person’s Camp in Germany. I am told it was not a confined atmosphere; people came & went whenever they wished – we had site-seeing trips to castles & such – & Dad even took the Scouts on a trip to Paris!) 

Below Dad & his Scouts, he’s in the middle with glasses – we who read & study every day end up with glasses,  bro Jimmy is below – he must have been about 4 – We were at the Displaced Person’s Camp then – it wasn’t a prison, we went many places – Here it’s explained how Dad wished to set up a Boy Scout Camp on our land near Freehold – we had 10 acres, a good deal of woods & swamp

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          These were dreams that Mom used to quell Dad & myself: Dad, so he would keep the money coming although there was another man – me, because she knew it would break my heart to lose him. I was 8 when we moved there, by age 10, 5th grade, it became known Dad would never be with us again & I lost all passion for life. I could no longer draw, lost my faith in God temporarily, my vision even went bad. I was the only one in my family other than Dad to ever wear them, & they got worse & worse as I read non stop.

          But to go back to my original intention in this chapter regarding the homestead & what Mom planned, why she thought she could achieve it, why she failed.


          A homestead or farm-for-profit is a business of selling. There are several facets to a business – one is having a product, two is selling the product. You can have a product & it may be great, but if you don’t have step two – a market– your business fails. That’s why Mom’s homestead failed. She could produce the products – fruits, vegetables, berries, eggs, but she was unable to market properly.


          And so, she – with the help of all of us, Marius in particular {he went to the swamp, I went with him at times, to get water – we had a barrel with wheels – it was cumbersome & back breaking} – grew the most wonderful products. Our foods were better than in the market. But what she did not do was go to the markets – whatever they were – outdoor, indoor market’s, farmer’s markets – & arrange sales ahead of time.

And when the food was ripe, from corn to strawberries, peaches, melons, turnips & tomatoes, you name it, she & Marius randomly went to markets & tried to sell them, & most of the foods were rotten before sold. It was such a monumental tragedy to see that waste.

Of course, she canned, dried, preserved enough for our family through the winter, but where was the money you needed – as you always need money for, say, the jars to preserve food in, the sugar to make preserves, etc. You have to have both products & cash.


How a Business Succeeds


          Years went by, as a grown woman I was at loose ends around 1987 when my stripping career was getting rough. I was tired of it, never had any money to spare & I wanted to quit – But what to do next? Most strippers either went into prostitution or got married. I could do neither as I was celibate by 1978, a promise to God.


          By 1985 I was thinking what next – how do I survive? By good luck Annie Sprinkle, the porno lady, hired me for an article for one of her magazines. She took polaroids & gave me a free add & even paid me. That article I could call the beginning of my mail order business, as I got about a hundred letters & got a hundred customers.

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          I’ll make this short as I spoke about this business elsewhere. I gathered a mail-order list of men who wanted to buy my pictures & later videos. It started out with fans, but branched out, because I discovered a place I could advertise for free – in underground domination, fetish publications, newspapers & magazines. They would give you a free ad if you send them an appropriate picture. I did this & the biz began to grow.


          It started with just images of me, which they paid well for, then videos of me dancing. After a year or so I hired other females & males for photos & videos. Then I’d send the pictures to magazines, for free, even big magazines like Hustler Erotic Video & Gent, & the exchange was pictures for free ads.

          This worked. I produced a product. The product was pictures & videos. I obtained a market – the market was men who wanted my product, & by 1995 I had a list of 3k paying customers. This was successful & lucrative & I bought my property upstate NY in 1989 with the money, & I lived high off the hog with this for ten years.


          What Mom failed to fathom was the market. You have to spend almost as much time with marketing as you do with production. They spent 95% production, 5% marketing.


          Again, you could be the world’s greatest actor or singer or dancer, but without promotion, you can’t get a following, you can’t draw a crowd & make money. For all sales, marketing one way or the other is as important as the product. Indeed some people don’t do much marketing, but its word of mouth. They have a product or service so great that people rave about it, & that’s marketing one body to another.

          As I thought about Mom & her wasted efforts I feel pity. During this time, when I was age 10 to 15 when we moved out of there, I knew the greatest poverty & discomfort of my life.

          When Dad was with us, & also Marius moved in, we had all we needed. Never did we suffer or lack money for food. But now I recall with pain, going to this local general store that had groceries, Mom asking the old Jewish man again & again to borrow the money for our stuff. He always obliged, God Bless him. But where was Dad? That’s what they argued about.

          Once Mom gave him the slip, which was about 2 years down the line, he knew they were finished, I think he was stingier with money. Why would Mom have to borrow for food? Dad’s children were now wanting, he could have stepped up to the plate, but he didn’t. I can only surmise as an adult why she hated him so much.

          He might have excused himself with the thought, ‘She left me for another man, let him carry the weight.’ But the weight was too heavy.

          Eventually Marius did less work on the farm & got not one job, but two. I don’t know when he slept. He even found a church to play the organ for Sunday Mass. Mom got a job at Brockway Glass Factory. She took us kids there once. Between the two of them & whatever Dad sent, we barely made ends meet.


                     The Next Man Improves Our Lifestyle


          When Mom broke up with Marius, there had to be another man, there’s always another man to provide. It turned out to be the Chevy salesman in Freehold. They went to buy a car, they bought a balloon for cheaps, which my dumb bro drove into a ditch in the field where it stayed. Then they got a decent car & I recall Marius teaching Mom to drive, & wow, was she daft. He says ‘turn left’ into our driveway & she turns into our wheat field where I feared her going into the 8’ deep garbage hole.


          Anyway, poor exhausted, maddened Marius is gone. First he was thrown out of the house & lived in the garage, then good bye. Now this old, paunchy man named Mr. Riley appears & starts visiting. Because of him our lifestyle improved. Here we now got central heating & all the windows replaced with storm windows. What a difference! The house was warm – no more wood furnace in the living room & coal/wood stove in the kitchen – Everything so convenient. And a big plus – hot water! How awful it is to live without hot water, how do you take a bath? No wonder Tibetans stink, no running water, no hot water, freezing climate.


         And so, despite all her talents at agriculture & homesteading, despite the great help from Marius, Mom could not cut it as a farmer & eventually got a job as a chef with the Salvation Army Retired Officers, & went from there to a life of gastro-success. Dad continued partially supporting us until the day I left the house & went to live with him.

          So much for living off the land. I sincerely believe it takes at least 3 strong & skillful adults to run a homestead or a farm. Two cannot do it. It’s just too hard. Yes you can try, but wow, will you suffer.


Channeling my Mom, who I call Mommy Fearest. My question: Mom, did I get it right about your intentions for this Homestead/farm? Explain in your own words.

MF: {Mommy Fearest} I wanted to find a place where I could be independent, support myself & the family with some help from Marius & your Dad. It was harder than I expected. No matter what I did, how hard I worked, I could not make money from it.

You said it right when you explained the marketing situation.

ME: How did you feel about Dad? Were you lying to him for two years & was it because you wanted to get the max amount of money from him, to keep his hopes up?

MF: You got that right; I had no intention of having him live with us. Picture it this way. I now have a new husband, Marius. I could lie to Dad about what went on because he was not in the house all the time. I could be with Marius when your Dad was at work. But now, he works at home, helping with the farm. And he sleeps with me in the bed.

How am I going to be with Marius unless I was practicing polyandry & they both agreed?

I could not have my cake & eat it too; it had to be one or the other. I didn’t love or desire your Dad any more. He turned me off, I wanted no part of him, but of course I wanted him to support the kids. This is mostly what we fought about. It was stressful lying to him for two years then in the end, the truth had to come out.


ME: Explain why you hated me so much.


MF: It wasn’t just because you loved your Dad. There were two other reasons. One was, you were sexy & desirable to men & they all asked about you & wanted you. So I was jealous. Besides that, you were virtuous, I was not. Those who are less than spiritual hate those who are, as it makes them feel inferior.

ME: From Heaven some months ago you appeared to me offering me something. I’m not sure what it was but I wasn’t that interested. Could you explain that more clearly as it’s nebulous to me, what you wanted?


MF: I wanted to tell you that I was sorry, to offer you my love from Heaven.

ME: I’m glad you’re sorry & I accept your love from Heaven, but I’m not keen on spending any time with you when I get there. I might say hello briefly, that is it. So you will understand.


MF: I do understand, I don’t deserve you wanting to spend any time with me there; you will have other things to do.

ME: Indeed, my ecstasy in Heaven & you don’t seem to blend. I am happy you were saved, of course, I would not wish Hell on anyone.

Now another question. Weren’t you ashamed at any time of trying to frame me for stealing Mr. Riley’s credit card?

MF: As you know, my personality, people like me – psychopaths – we have no shame. We just do what we want to do & that is it – no morals.

ME: OK Mom, over & out. Thanks for the good you did.


PS I recall an anecdote of where I was when finding out Mom had 6 months to live. I was at a theater in Providence, Rhode Island. It was a lonely, desolate place in a large building the owner owned where he had a sort of ‘entertainment center’ with room & billiards, only no one was in it except my two co stars & their ratchet boyfriends. And there were a few rooms – he gave me one of the best, it even had a phone. No one but I got the room with the phone, the ratchet fellows begged me to use it but I refused because it was then super expensive to do long distance, I was the caretaker of the phone, I did not want to incur an expense on the owner. But one of the creeps persuaded me it was an emergency & the call would be local. As soon as he dialed I knew he was a liar as he’d called his Mom in NY – he spoke in Spanish. He threw 5 buck at me, which I later gave to the owner. So maybe I overreacted.


Anyway I was told by a relative Mom had been diagnosed with 6 months to live – she got lung cancer. I always went to Church, including Holy Communion, at every place I worked – even if I had to go without sleep for early bird Services. In this location the Church was but a couple blocks away. Every day after the Matinee there was a service, & every day I went. After the service the place cleared out but I stayed one hour – as I usually did – for prayers.


Those prayers then went like so: Do Not let Mom go to Hell, I will pay for her sins. I received Holy Communion for her every day, said the rosary for her as well.

Years later I had a vision, where I saw her as an infant, dressed in blue & white with a blue & white bonnet, in a baby chair, chubby, bucolic. God said to me,

“Your offer to pay for her sins gave her the Grace to make a final repentance {while she was dying in the hospital}. She was saved from Hell because of it.”

ME: Mother God, did I pay for her sins?

MG: You paid for a lot of people’s sins, lol.

ME: No wonder life’s been so much fun. 

Below I can’t find the article spoken of, I have it in print files but can’t find in the scans, but here’s some articles from my dancing days – as you can read, they are making what I do into a joke.  Oh well, they say no publicity is bad publicity in show business.  And it says ‘West Warwick RI” so this might have been the theater only this is UPI – they contacted me – not the local paper I spoke about.

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          There were other anecdotes. The townspeople of Providence noticed my treks & presence in the Church each day. When the Providence paper interviewed me, they had me down as a saint – The name of the article ‘He said he saw an Angel.”

          The article referred to a local man who maybe worked at the station. He heard about me & asked God was I for real?

          That night he was awakened by a woman standing near his bed & she told him that I was ‘for real.’ Can’t recall her exact words or her description.

          And I have no idea who the lady was as she could have been the Holy Mary, a saint, an angel, or my God Self, but his prayer was answered.


          On the other side of the spectrum when I returned to New York I got a call from my Aunt needing help for something, to get my half sister to sign a paper regarding money from social security, which she refused to sign. I was to persuade her – she still strongly looked up to me – I practically raised her. So, that mission was accomplished.

          While there Aunt Dagmara {Ara} took me to see Mom at the hospital where she was dying. I asked her if I could pray for her, she said alright, & I did pray.

          On the way home in the car, Ara driving, she told me how dare you pray for your Mother? God will not hear you – YOU SELL YOUR BODY.

          She held a cigarette in her right hand & it was shaking from rage.

          I will now channel Aunt Ara. Ara, why were you in such a rage? Did you really believe I sold my body & God wouldn’t hear me?


          AA: {Aunt Ara} We were all ignorant fools & because of this & other reasons, most of us hurt you. Bringing it up is not pleasant for you. Do I apologize? You already know I’m in Heaven & so of course I see the error of my ways. How can our apologies help you now? God saved you from us; you saved yourself by loving God. Just be glad it all ended & you’re safe. You did not become an addict, derelict or failure because of what we did to you, God sustained you but we went to our graves as transgressors & paid for what we did.


          ME: Ara, how do you think my life story & movie of it will fare?

          AA: It will be a joke on us so to speak, because all we did will be like comedy, where Mommy Dearest took the wire hanger & screamed & beat Christina with it. We will be seen as shrews, ignorant bitches, abusers – mostly your Mom but I will get a piece of it. We will all become characters in your life story at whom people will twitter & wince, shake their heads, laugh & cry. Your pains will become your profits, & we gave you the material.


          ME to Mom: What do you now think of my life story & the subsequent movie/movies to be made?


          MF: {Mommy Fearest} You now look at us as clowns, which when much distance passes, the wounds are healed, we were. Ugly clowns who hurt people give some a big laugh, like WTF? What kind of human does that? You have more incidents of our absurdity than Carter’s got pills. But you lived through it all, all done, the past is gone, the future looks bright.

          What do I think of our future films or movies or TV stories? It’ll be a sensation. You will thrive. You will finally get the recognition you deserve, which no one gave you. Prior to this, when they interviewed you they often made fun of you, saying things like, ‘Her elevator doesn’t stop at the top.’ But now, when the entire spectrum of your life is shown, you will be a subject for college courses, book reviews, movie analyses & more books. You will be heralded all over the world for your activities & insights & us? Most of us will be in the lowest places in heaven. When you die your real happiness will begin, you’ve already seen your place & it is glorious, you can’t wait to go there again, it isn’t too long Yes, like Padre Pio said, life is so long. That’s how it feels to you you’ve suffered too long.

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          ME: OK Mommy Fearest, thanks for having us watch ‘Life is Worth Living’ with Bishop Fulton J. Sheen {now venerable} every week. As you know, the last 3 weeks of your Purgatory, he was with me & assisted me in your cleansing & rise up into Heaven So good works do pay off. Over & out.       {End Chapter 8}


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College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

50 Souls lifted with Rev King!


We get FIFTY SOULS up on Rev King’s Day!


1-17-22           This is about Rev. Martin Luther King Jr – it’s his feast day!  See

two other dreams below, both include Purgtory issues, one about my Lover

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I’m recalling this from yesterday. I go to an old haunt – the ‘Italian American Civil Rights League’ where I used to work. As I enter, I’m not a member of their club or clan, but I have permission to be here & I have been given – don’t know by whom – an apt below this level, which has an entrance in the far corner of this room – it’s just big enough for a person to lower themselves in & I suppose there’s a staircase or ladder. Once you go in the place it’s a nice apt, but I don’t actually see myself going in.


          *** {Apt I am given below, although I’m not a member of this org or club: This is my ability to enter Purgatory, which is a level below – given me by God.

          Looking for my wardrobe is looking for my lights or Anointings, {which are tools} which it seems some other workers have stolen. This might not be as bad as it sounds, I have a suspicious this is about a Great friend of Mine, Rev King, whose day this is. I’ve had a couple Souls in Heaven work with me before as partners – I recall Errol Flynn got his last wife & last girl friend – Beverly Aadland – into Heaven in partnership with me.

          This is a great revelation I did not see before until this moment. Here the Rev. King is in the next room – my Anointings symbolically are missing which means they are being used or someone else is performing with them. They are silver & gold, which are lights of great love. {see below} We shall see what happens.

          The men who are here on this level might be Purgatorial Souls as they are super ugly. To put it in other words, I am in Purgatory – there are various levels. I did not enter my spot on the lower level, I’m on this one, whatever it is. A couple guy here are not ready apparently to ascend, their souls are not clean enough, so they are ugly.} ***


          I am somehow concerned with the light grey standing wardrobe in this room which had my costumes for dancing – I’m supposed to perform. But the costumes are gone, all but one, the one left is a plain black low cut mini dress. {Symbol of funeral, Purgatory} The one I have at home has rhinestone strips but can’t recall if this one does. The dresses that are missing are glamorous, like maybe one all silver lame & the other gold – full length with see through robes – & I tell the men sitting here someone has stolen my costumes!

          I look at the men & tell them it isn’t them, it’s gotta’ be the other dancers, who are also booked to perform here. This is EXTREMELY UPSETTING.

          The two men I look at here against the wall on a sort of day bed are grotesque in ugliness. There’s a sense of yellowy skin & Afro frizzy long hair piled not hanging, but standing on their heads, both different but similar, they are like runts in their bodies, just ugly as can be.

          Then I’m sitting on some sort of day bed in the middle of this room & there are two males to my left & they are bowing to their knees, because a personage in the next room is going to walk past here on his way out.

          I ask them who the person is & a guy says,

          “They got the GOVERNOR to come out here!”

          Wow, I think, & I also bow in anticipation of honoring him.

          How did this little place ever get the governor to come out here? I look in the next room & see even though it’s not a big place, they did their best. They set up two huge banquet tables with all kinds of food I believe, each table can sit maybe 25 people – so in this medium room they got about 50 really serious people to honor & fete him, so that it was worth it for him to come out. In other words, it’s not quantity but quality of people honoring him.

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          *** {This is REMARKABLE & thank God I decided to type this out today as when I dreamed it yesterday I didn’t have a clue what it was about & this is wonderful beyond words.

          The governor is Rev King. He is here in Purgatory & so am I, although we’re in separate rooms. I’m in one room with a couple souls not ready to go up, another 2 persons, maybe souls, are sitting to my left bowing in anticipation of his coming by.

          I’m asking how on earth did you get such a big person to come down to Purgatory?

          And then I see what it is. Two banquet tables are the Love Feast or Holy Mass as well as acts of love, prayers, that were transmitted to the Souls. Rev. King USED MY ANOINTINGS – to partner with me in SETTING FREE THESE SOULS or having them rise up into Heaven.

          According to this it seems like we got a good number, 50 or more souls, to rise up into Heaven in honor of his Feast Day! Wow

          These are special clients of Dr King – his not mine – that’s why I’m not in the banquet room but I can see it. These are people who loved him or were dedicated to him! I am so thrilled!} ***


          He’s at the farther table his back to the wall, & wow, is his face hideous. Not only that, it has a fresh BULLET through his head.

          His face looks like that guy who was attacked by two runaway chimpanzees. They bit everything off his face – his nose, ears. They bite off anything that sticks out. And the guy’s face was all swelled up, you could hardly see his features. But the governors face is so swelled it’s even worse than that guy, it’s really swelled to 3 times, like sausages of flesh under his eyes, here & there, all these sausages of swelled flesh & that bullet hole. He’s talking to people.


          *** {His appearance: This bespeaks of his terrible sufferings & final martyrdom. His face destroyed, grotesque, is the calumny, insults, cruelty poured out upon him – his face is his identity – they are smearing his reputation or who he is. The wicked humans who did this were subhuman, like some chimpanzees. The bullet is of course the bullet he took.

          From Wikipedia: “The bullet entered through his right cheek, smashing his jaw,” – I never knew where the bullet/bullets entered his body & just now, a day after the dream, I looked at Wikipedia & find it was exactly as I saw it in the dream – in his cheek.} ***


          I am bowing then waiting for him to exit but he doesn’t come by. I look at the room & he & most people are gone. {Could be the few people still there might be the Guardian Angels of these people, who remain with them in Purgatory, but when they ascend, the job of the angels is over.}

          “Oh,” I said, “He went out the other exit.”

          I see another plain door going from that room he was in.


          *** {Room is empty – he exited out another door, his room, not the one I’m in. The Souls he ministered to her, in partnership with me, exited Purgatory into Heaven! Hallelujah!} ***


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1-18-22-Dreams: He Needs Me Bad – I Win in the end – Saint Martin Luther King Fete!


          I’m on the street at night standing next to a male dressed in black. His jacket looks like vinyl, loose, not tight, & a bit later I see it sticking out or buckling in the middle of his torso. It’s a casual jacket with zipper, thick, might have some kind of winter lining.


          *** {Man in black: I already know from a quick view of this dream this is my Beloved Bob. He is in the deepest depression re me! It can’t get any worse than black. Seeing it buckling or sticking out from his torso later indicates the heart so he’s broken hearted at us not being together.} ***


          I know this person but I have ignored him. He’s never asked me for anything, but this time he asks me to buy him a beer. He seems needy like, forlorn, not expecting me to pay attention to him or give him anything. He thinks I’m a busy/popular lady & I go to the bars having fun but I ignore him because he’s not worthy. This is the FIRST TIME HE REACHES OUT TO ME. I’m not sure if I find a beer some place & give him it but then he adds that it would be nice if in my busy schedule I could take him to the bar & buy him one or more beers there. Its closing time, not much time left, maybe half an hour, so there won’t be much drinking.


          *** {Buy him a beer or beers. First time he ever asked me for anything. The beer or alcohol represents inebriation or a feel good state. He’s asking me to make him feel good. The fact that he never asked me for anything before is because he never had to. It was always there & he took it for granted. Now he no longer takes it for granted. He realizes he has to do something to get back my love – or more precisely, to see a demonstration of my love which is affection & sex!


          Real life: Because of this dream I checked his social media – which I’ve not checked in a week. He wrote a poem that had some telling statements like so:

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          “Make amends – better late than ever”

          “Where you been?”

          “Suicide for the things I did”

          “Trying to get in touch with you” me: {you have my # asshole}

          “You been with everybody” me: {You’re imagining things, it’s in your mind, not mine. I’ve been writing books. Haven’t been out in two years!}

          “I’ve got love four ya” me: {all it takes is repentance & make things right. Not just write poems, do something. I’m not chasing you any more.}

          “You play in the dark” me: {You imagine things. What I do is on my sites & Amazon books.}

          me: This can’t be about his live-in female, it’s about someone who isn’t there. She’s right there with him, he’s calling out to someone that’s missing. Wanting to see her. Thinking she’s with other men, thinking of regret over how he’s been, etc. Saying he loves her. So it’s about a female he loves, not his live in. Unless it’s someone else besides his female, it’s me, but if you look at my dreams as evidence, it’s me.          Mother God, add something:

          MG: Alright, it’s a beginning. He’s getting there slowly but surely. What will it take, emotional dynamite? He can’t get any more depressed this says. So get out of your depression by taking a chance, call the lady you love, try to make amends. Talk to her, not social media.

          You still have that fake wife. You have to do something about this – can’t have it both ways. Not like it used to be.} *** {End real life part & channeling}


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          Before I take one more step I see he’s holding a MUSICAL INSTRUMENT – of what kind, I don’t know. It’s large like a guitar, but it is in the form of a dull goldeny color, the surface worn here & there, underneath a hint of BLUE, & it’s a METAL FOLDING CHAIR that he’s holding folded up.


          *** {Musical instrument, folding chair, large:   Is his penis. He wants to make music or make love with me. Music sets a mood, a feeling, puts a person into a vibe. A chair is a position or seat. It’s a place he’s been occupying or a position he had with me as lover. But now it’s folded up or ended. I see blue where it’s worn out – this is sadness. Goldeny, now dull, is the love that was there.} ***


          It seems, without words, he’s asked me to stay at my apt for the night – which I share with another lady & a male – & for some reason he wants me to take his instrument there first & park it, then later we go there. Perhaps he didn’t want to take it into the bar, I don’t dwell on that.


          *** {Take it to my apt, he wants to spend the night there: It all happened in my apt – He’s asking to be with me again & make love. It’s all he thinks about as far as our relationship but I can no longer do this, in real life, unless we have a genuine, total relationship. He’s longing for our togetherness.

Who is the male & female I’m sharing this apt with? There are no humans living with me – the persons I relate to the most are Jesus & Holy Mary, so it must be them. I am in an exquisite relationship with them right now, saying many prayers & celebrating Holy Communion every day. And this apt is my wonderful present state of consciousness.

My Mom being missing is strange – that would be Mother God within me. This might be saying that when I defer to Jesus & Mary in constant worship I am in their consciousness rather than my own private ‘me & my God’ personal state.

It seems amusing that Jesus is concerned in this dream about Bob – like maybe He’s worried about falling down to his level again? But Holy Mary is not concerned, she knows everything is alright, I won’t fall down again.

Myself wondering where to put him in my apt or consciousness? Somewhere more remote from a higher or lower place? Across from my God Self? In the end I opt for a room fairly intimate, as we share the same rest room. I was afraid it might be too close, but I’m taking that chance. What does this mean? I accept him because he’s reached out to me for th first time – into a fairly intimate state. Not 100%, which would be the same room, but close.

The empty bedrooms in this apt being so cozy, so private, so comfortable & delightful, is the spiritual state I am in & offering to share with my Beloved.} ***


          As we walk toward the bar area, where we’ll stop at the corner & the bar is to the right {everything is blackish around us, no colors of any kind anywhere, a feeling of the streets or buildings glistening from a rain}


*** {the rain, everything black: His state, crying tears & depression.} ***


– my apt is across the street – a thin man stops us. He’s an enemy of this guy & he wants to DISCOURAGE ME from being nice to him. He says something negative, then he disappears like walking through the door & wall to the right. His clothing is he has on a fitted leather jacket that is sort of RUST with some kind of pink hue seeming to radiate from underneath the hem of it, the pants are maybe a dull mustard – it’s vague, but they’re not black, just a dull but matching color. The feeling is he’s dressed like a ‘dandy’ but I tell the young guy,

          “He’s YOUR ENEMY.”

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          *** {‘dandy’ guy: The demonic trying to stop me from loving Bob, perhaps reminding me when Bob was a Casanova the time we were together. He’s anti-Christ, anti forgiveness, & the fact that he goes through walls means he’s spiritual, not a living person. He’s reminding me of the women Bob teased me with like talking to them, giving them his phone & asking them to call him while with me, he refused to give his phone. Things like that which were cruel made me feel great pain – rust is when things get old – he’s reminding me fo the past. The pink hue is vagina. But this is today, not then. I’m not going to hold on to yesterday’s pain when there’s repentance on his part. It’s a temptation.} ***


          I then want to immediately attend to putting the guy’s instrument into my apt & prepare him to be there the night. I see there is my apt, then one beneath it & above it. Where shall I put him? At first I was going to put him in one of the other apts, but then I reconsider & think my place is so huge, has so many beds, it’s wonderful, so why not let him be here? {At least 6 bedrooms}

          To the left of this extended apt I see my male roommate who is kind of hovering as if in the air observing me, concerned. Past him is my Mom’s room – who’s absent right now visiting somewhere. Across from her room is a wonderful out-of-the-way bedroom. These bedrooms tucked away in corners are so neat. The beds are low, they are double & have thick rumpled comforters in nice colors & prints. They are totally private, out of the way, like you could be there & no one notices you. But I decide not to put him in this room & look to the opposite side.

          On the opposite side is an almost identical room & what’s different is that here its right by the bathroom I would also use. It kind of makes him closer to my protection. It seems I was so distant to this guy but suddenly I changed into this – because he reached out to me I guess. The lady who shares this place is approx in the middle of the apt in front of me – having this other guy here doesn’t catch her attention. I don’t see any more after this.

          MEANING: This dream is about his repentance & reaching out to me, & my acceptance, putting him into a good place in my consciousness.


1-17-22—Casanova betrays me but I win in the end


          This was yesterday – let’s see how well I remember.

          There’s a tall, attractive young man I’m talking to who I tell,

          “I can make you a star….there are ways….but you must cooperate.”

          I’m not sure I really want to go to the trouble of all the work it takes to make a person famous, I’m considering it. Perhaps I’m waiting for his reaction to see if he’ll cooperate or appreciate it, but nothing is forthcoming. He’s neutral, like he thinks,

“OK, maybe she can or can’t. But I’m not going to do anything about it”

& he doesn’t. So he fails that test.


Next we’re out in the street, & its daylight, a nice day – a broad horizon. He’s wearing a white t shirt & white Bermuda shorts & carrying a basketball.


*** {Handsome guy I make an offer to but he fails to cooperate. Then he’s in the streets with a ball: This reviews how Bob & I were long ago, when I hoped to help him in a career, but he did nothing to help himself or work with me to help him so it failed.

Instead he worked the streets ‘playing’ or ‘balling.} ***


He meets one young lady who wants him because of his looks, then another. I see like two separate incidents. Each time he passes the ball to a male friend & goes to make love – the second time not one but two females want him, he passes the ball again to a male friend & goes to make love to them.


The next scene I am talking to him & his skin is darker than before. He’s still wearing white, sitting down leaning forward & listening to me. I explain to him I don’t judge him about the two females because I’ve done it with two males. In fact, last time I had two guys in tow – college age – I was so drunk I fell hard & dislocated my hip – & now my dancing days are over, etc….What I didn’t like was another item but I’m not sure what. Was it passing the ball, being deceptive?

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*** {Passing the ball: Not sure what this means but I’m guessing if the ball is balling, he’s lying about the sex he did – says another guy did it, does this twice – being deceptive, as if another guy did the balling, not him.} ***


In the next scene there is something like this: I have a boyfriend, but I’m also interested in the guy mentioned but don’t want him to know, & he’s hanging out at this apt that I now visit. The one I am visiting suspects me of having another boyfriend but he isn’t sure.


*** {The guy I desire plus I have another boyfriend: Is one & the same guy. He suspects, imagines I have another one & I let him think what he wants. This is part of the ‘game of love’ because he’s playing games, so was I.} ***


To get into this place there’s a window higher up & a landing in front of it, covered with some cups & glasses. I have to go on all fours over this white partition & enter the apt, & there I sit down with a lady friend to my left. The guy I desire is sitting left, there’s a few of the local hoods hanging here – 6 or 7. I might add the apt is rather sparse, not like it was before.


I sit there smiling, then say that I must go see what my bf Mike has to say & I exit. When I go to the street I stand in front of a bar or some place but he’s nowhere around.


I return to the apt & at some point I’m telling this guy how even though I can’t dance any more I am flexible as anything. To prove it I stand up & hoist one of my legs up to the ceiling.

As I do so, to my surprise there’s an audience of both males & females, we are IN A NEW PLACE & all these people APPLAUD WARMLY. I’m so pleased I do it again with the other leg, everyone again applauds warmly & I see a female in particular smiling at me. She’s wearing blue, is middle aged. All these people are good people, not like the guy I’m infatuated with & his crowd. Then I decide to go all out & I dance gracefully & beautifully & move down the room like I’m center stage, floor level, & there are more people surrounding the room farther down, all sitting. I dance & even arise into the air & completely go around in the air & land softly on my feet & the music hits a crescendo – mellow music – & I stop with a perfect step to the end & everyone applauds.

I was wearing a top that was very loose on the bottom – it’s translucent & you can see my body through it, the rest of it is translucent also & I’m not sure what kind of shoes I have on, maybe heels. But it seems it wasn’t only my dancing, it was my body they could see as the light shined through my outfit & I have a perfect body. The scene with the guys just evaporates.


*** {The new place: I’m no longer in the old consciousness where I was hanging out downtown as a Cougar, obsessed/in crazy love with Bob. I am now keeping to myself, celibate, writing my life story & ministering to Souls in Purgatory.

This is a place where I am greatly appreciated. People are applauding. They could be those who read my articles about Purgatory, & the Holy Souls themselves, which is totally different than the Purgatory Bob & the people downtown put me into. It’s the difference between being miserable, being abused, &being loved – Hell vs Heaven.

My outfit being see through & they seem to be amazed at my body {they see the breasts especially which is love} as much as the dance, represents my spiritual state as well as ‘performing’ or acting out rituals of love, like the Holy Mass & praying. Possibly the spot where I rise into the air & go around in it without touching the ground is the Holy Mass or Martyrdom – that act of Our Lord being the most difficult, & I recreate it.} ***


c4BuZTg images (30) dce8693b71ee06332f358229f410cad2 cat-dog Funny Kitten GIF • Kitten annoying patient Dad chewing his ears. Play with me! Funny Kitten GIF • Crazy kitty ready to fight in a weird position! Brave and fearful at the same time []



College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Escape Torture 4 Prosperity & Paradise

Chapter 7    Grandma – Germany

Escape Torture, Embrace Prosperity & Paradise    written 1/16/22 


          When we moved to Middletown I was 15; there were 4 bedrooms. Instead of giving me my own room, which anyone would desire, Mom kept one room EMPTY rather than let me have it. Situated in between her room & mine, it was as plain as could be & unless the door was closed you could see into it from the middle floor {split level house had 3 levels} so it wasn’t a great room, but it was a room.

          Her excuse why I could not have it, shoved into a bunk bed with an 8 yr old? It was ‘for Grandma’ she said. How often did Grandma stay with us? Twice in my lifetime for a month.

         Upon her visit to Middletown, occupying that precious room, she sort of ‘cracked up’ almost crying & said she could not stand how Mom & I were & demanded a reconciliation, & forced us to face one another give a hug & tell us we loved one another.

          For me the touch of Mommy Fearest was an ordeal. How would you like to hug someone you know hates you & wants you dead?

          We both went through the motions – Mom had to obey her Mom, me—what else could I do?

          But did it help? Was it what was needed? Of course not.

          What was needed was for Grandma to check into the situation, ask some questions & see why the cold silence. Why would two people not speak to each other?

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          And so, Grandma was looking at the surface of things – that we were silent. But she pulled the same stunt the rest of the adults did – ignore the elephant in the room. As I explained before, I had a Dad who supposedly loved me, who was deserted. I begged to live with him since age 10 – I said I felt suicidal – but he insisted I had to stay with Mom. It’s a long story told elsewhere. There was Auntie Ara, Mom’s sister, who could have figuredwhat was what, but she sided with Mom. And my Uncle, who knew the truth, only once in our lifetime said one sentence to support me, that Mom did not do right by me, but nothing else to anyone else. So no one – not one human in my life – alleviated her abuse, some added to it. {That includes counselors at school she fooled, & I had no way of defending myself, I simply could not articulate the situation.}

I shall channel, first my Mother God. What was the rhyme or reason behind Grandma’s forced reconciliation?

          MG: {Mother God} You were ‘at war’ with your Mother, but it was she who assaulted you, you explained elsewhere how she made a pact with your brother & another soul to help her ‘control’ you – which meant demoralize you, make you a pauper.

          You reacted as any human, after multiple assaults you stopped trying to be nice. She only spoke in the negative, between that there was silence. One could ask why? You explained before it was to do with Dad. The rage she had for him was turned on you.

          Grandma was a witness to hostility, she wanted it stopped. Go ahead & ask her why.


          ME: Grandma what was it about?

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          GRANDMA: I saw & felt the coldness & it was an icy wind blowing through the house; I wanted it stopped for my own comfort. No, I did not question you or her, no, I did not dig deep. Yes I knew Regina was some sort of a psychopath, she was my child.

          I was the one who told you she was like that from day one. She had to have control over things, & if not, there was revenge. She tried to break up your Aunt & Uncle by paying a girl to seduce him. She said she would ‘fix her up like a doll’ with a new wardrobe & accessories. Except it didn’t work & Uncle Henry hated her from then on in.


          ME: Did you have any idea that Mom was abusing me & her reasons for it? Did you suspect but chose to ignore it anyway?


          GRANDMA: Of course I suspected there was more to the drama. It’s obvious there were reasons. But I chose not to dig for my mental safety, just wanted to read my Russian newspaper & dream of other places, help with the dinner, bear out my time in the Circus until I could escape & go back to the paradise of North Salem {her daughter Dagmar & Uncle Henry.}


          ME: OK so now you’re in Heaven & you must tell the truth. Aren’t you sorry you didn’t help me? My sore point is that none of the adults helped. That adds salt to the wounds. Weren’t you being selfish?


          GRANDMA: I wasn’t a firebrand like you. I was a nice person, but that was it. I was more worried about the boy next door trying to feel your breasts than the pain in your heart. I was shallow, like 99% of all people; I was not a saint, a healer, a do-gooder or activist. I wanted to be left alone & live without conflict, at least in my old age.


          ME: On Grandma’s side I can imagine why she wanted no drama. Her eight brothers were killed by the Bolsheviks {the fought with the Czar, Bolsheviks were Communists} & her husband was assassinated in their own home. They fled to Germany, were displaced persons & lived in a camp, & were lucky to passage to America. So that’s enough stress for one lifetime. But does one’s own past pains make them impervious to those of others?


          GRANDMA: I’m sorry I didn’t help, but I wasn’t capable.


          ME: What you did was put a band aid on a wound that was festering, that needed air. You didn’t help heal it, not a word. You didn’t even comfort me against her, you just wanted that fake truce.

         {Is this how women where men are abusing the children, they just let it go, let it be? Sometimes they don’t see it but they suspect, & instead of digging they turn their back. So abuse goes on & on.}

          She mentioned the boy who was trying to feel my breasts. When we moved to that home there was a neighbor with a boy a year younger than me. Being horny like all young males he tried to get to know me. There was a small tree behind our house; he climbed it to see inside my bedroom window. I caught him one day looking outside – that was before I knew him. Somehow we met.

          Yes, we had a garage & yes, we were there alone, Grandma was in the bottom living room where there was a door to it. Every time the boy & I dallied he tried to feel my breasts. And over & over again she opened the door exclaiming,

          “What are you two doing in there?”

          Hanky panky, of course. Old women have been through the deal again & again. Young people think they invented sex but it was old hat right after Adam & Eve.

{A pet peeve of mine on that is the elders of our society are obsessed with preventing sex. Let teens do what they do. OK, pregnancies occur. In Matriarchal days it didn’t matter. Look at the Mosuos in China, a Matriarchal society, where the males visit the female – then go home in the morning. It’s called ‘Walk-in marriage.’ If any child is born, it stays with the Mom’s family. The men are not the leaders of the family but they do have 2nd place. To me, this system works. But here it’s convoluted & so, everyone is up to their gills when a female is on the road to sex because the system is hard on her. It forces marriage from guys who don’t want it – & many women are abandoned, alone, left to poverty – as what do you expect? A woman having a child/children but also having to work full time to support them? How could that be? That’s why our Patriarchal society is filled with orphanages, that’s why the old days of England, the streets were full of ‘waifs,’ thousands of homeless kids, begging, stealing, suffering in the streets.

I just might add here that affection & sex is healing/ comforting. In a Matriarchal setting as described, there is no punishment for affection & sex – It is taken as a natural, inevitable process – the man leaves in the morning, the children are cared for – no poverty, no waifs in the street.


Grandma’s Early Life

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I only knew Grandma as an older lady & she acted the part. Her hair was always in a bun – not because she wanted to look like Grandma Moses but because she had Asian hair to her waist, thick like that, & a bun works. But coupled with the kind of dowdy clothes she wore, she wasn’t a Grandma you take to a posh restaurant & walk in proudly. When she was young she was I am guessing, {she told me she wore tight skirts in the Edwardian era, so tight they split & Grandpa yelled at her for that} attractive & glamorous, but now she looked like a ‘Babushka,’ older women in Eastern Europe who gain weight, wear ugly clothes & a kerchief over their heads. Never do they wear anything stylish or glamorous nor do they ever show their bodies – it’s tradition to look like this. My Aunt Ara once complained of this, that she sometimes wished Grandma would make herself more appealing like the neighbor lady they had. {She dressed smart & her husband made a serious pass at me when I was 14 – already mentioned elsewhere. In the car he was sitting to my right, he got a hardon & put my hand on it, Uncle Henry was driving, he could see it, his wife & Aunt Ara were in the back. Henry said nothing, I did nothing, nothing was ever said……}


This is how she met Grandpa – Vincas Bytautas {so she became Bytautiene}. He wanted to be a doctor, but when he attended medical school in Poland, the guys looked down on him for being Lithuanian – as Poles had this pride thing where they were ‘superior’ – yes, they had more educational opportunities. {One time under Vytautas the Great King we conquered Poland, then we were ‘mightier’, but now Poland was bigger & ‘better’ than us}. So that made him quit medical school. Thin skin I guess.


During the WWI he joined the Red Cross & drove a truck into Russia. His second wife was with him – the first had died. They met Grandma Luba at a medical facility. The wife was pregnant & died in child birth {not sure what happened to that child} & he & Luba thereafter got married, his third wife.

Luba then moved to Lithuania & adjusted to a new language & country {She was great at our language & foods – many flour & potato dishes, like ‘Kugelis’ *Uncle Henry’s fave, it’s finely grated potatoes which turn into ‘mush’ in a casserole with bits of bacon* & Raviolis with meat or cheese – but the Russian culture remained close to her heart. I learned Russian words from her. She never learned one word of English. Not sure what she achieved with the German language while they were there about 5 years {Mom & Dad were OK with it, he read to me from ‘Grimm’s fairy tales in German & translated it into Lithuanian – he also read to us from advanced Lithuanian story books.}

By the way, we did not have a ‘hard time’ in Germany even though war was on. Our family was given the management of a German hotel way out in the country – my Aunt said ‘we did everything.’ I imagine bed making, cooking, cleaning, laundry, errands. This began a lifetime of ‘service’ & minimum-wage jobs for Mom & Dagmar – they got off their elite horses in Lithuania except in their minds they remained superior no matter what {not Dad or Grandma, they were humble}. The hotel workers became Mom, her sister ‘Ara,’ Grandma & Dad – Uncle Henry was with the allied army as a chauffer. Aunt Ara said it was an older lady who owned the hotel; our presence took the weight off her back.

And Ara told me the food was great – no shortages. A disciple I used to call in Germany told me that the Nazis stole the food from countries they occupied & sent it to the native country. I guess that showed up on the store shelves. 

 Below:  Grandma, Aunt Ara age 15, Dad, Mom age 17, Grandpa Vincent…2nd:  Mom, Dad, Me, Grandma me age 7…#3d:  me in Ritzy Waccabuc where Ara, Henry & Grandma lived & were employed…4th:  The boat Gran came here on with Ara & Henry, see Henry in the middle with a checkered shirt

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Grandma came to America on a separate boat than us – she was always with Ara & Henry –they had no children – by now my Mom & Dad had three. They got themselves a different sponsor to the US – as I mentioned in other books, a millionaire lady named Mrs. Grant, who owned Otis Elevators, in Waccabuc wanted them as servants. Ara managed the mansion housework & two boys, Henry took care of the grounds, horses & did maintenance & repairs {he was a genius at many things from horse shoeing to plumbing to construction. He built a small house as a birthday present for one of the sons, named Riddy, – for which he was paid in today’s money, 2k – & later built a 2 car garage, a superb stone-fenced in driveway & second floor on the small house they bought in North Salem NY – Mrs. Grant furnished it from their area of the mansion, it was 1930’s muted ‘art deco’ of sorts, exquisite. When Ara furnished the new upstairs it was hideous. The bedroom with a psychedelic rug of 6 bright colors, the living room no ambiance, Danish style bare-assed furniture I hated.}


I might add a couple things here. Grandma obviously helped with the household chores, as I recall her teaching me the proper way to fold towels, which Mrs. Grant taught her, I assume. I’ve folded towels that way ever since. Hold the towel the long way, fold over each side part way, & then fold it in half to hang on the rack.


Our Life in Germany – the Hotel & Clara Kaiser


There was a lady who got friendly with Uncle Henry, her chauffer, who sponsored him, Ara & Gran to the US. Here’s her obit:


New York Times obituary Nov 4, 1983

Dr Clara A Kaiser dies at 87


* Dr. Clara A. Kaiser, a former teacher and acting dean of the Columbia University School of Social Work, died Tuesday from burns she suffered in an accident several weeks ago at her home in Stamford, Conn. She was 87 years old.

Dr. Kaiser joined the faculty of the New York School of Social Work in 1935 and was appointed a professor five years later. The school later became affiliated with Columbia. She served as acting dean from 1958 to 1960, when she was named professor emeritus.

Dr. Kaiser was born in Rochester. She received bachelor’s degrees from the University of Rochester and the New York School of Social Work, and a doctorate from OhioStateUniversity. She was one of the first professors of group services at Western ReserveUniversity in Cleveland, and became a leader in the theory and practice of social group work, a method based on democratic group action.

At the end of World War II, Dr. Kaiser went to Germany for the World Y.M.- Y.W.C.A. Service to work with displaced persons. Later, she was a consultant in education and cultural affairs to the United States Military Government there. * 

Below, Mom & Dad 

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Mom’s Road to Success


Let me add this: Clara Kaiser also got my Mom on the road to solvency. She was working as a waitress at Thorn’s Milk Bar, a place several members of our family worked, including myself for a time. That was all the professional experience she had. But on the recommendation of Dr. Kaiser, she was awarded a job as Head Chef of the Salvation Army Retired Officer’s Residence, & this got her started on later working for Stouffers, High School Cafeteria manager, & last but not least, manager of the Reader’s Digest plant in Pleasantville, NY. She had great talent & put her nose to it, learning to master recipes of all nations. At the Reader’s Digest Guest House, which she managed, she served the then Governor John D. Rockefeller, who said to o her,

“One of the best meals I ever ate.”

This man had charm. I had a mentor explained in Part 3, Rev. Judy Swaggart, who also met him & yakked a lot – & he said to her,

“I like the way you talk.”

Bottom line – who you know, who gives you a push, means a lot. Talent is one step, but without connections or some kind of exposure, it doesn’t move. Because of Clara Kaiser, my family gained great advantages. {The influence of Mrs. Grant, her Victorian mansion, Waccabuc, the two sons, the older of whom I later had an affair with, inspired me for the rest of my life – that opportunity came from Ms Kaiser – & as I said, she gave Mom a career start years later}…..Mom died knowing she had achieved success in spite of hardships.


Traits I Got from my Kin


A question occurs to me, am I a chip off the old block? In some ways, I am. I gained from the good of both parents, hopefully not the bad. Let me ask Mother God. “In what way do I resemble my parents?”


MG {Mother God within me}: The main thing you got from your Mom – definitely not her cruelty – you have none – but what you did get was her persistence in work, & talent in an artistic way. Her floristry, which she did mail order, she was good at. She was a genius at agriculture; flowers, fruits, veggies, picking mushrooms in the woods, you name it. She knew how to preserve, can, dry, produce all that she gathered, including milking the cow & making all kinds cheeses {you churned the butter}. She knew how to cook from day one & improved tremendously, studying cook books & practicing. She was ambitious to the degree she was able. She joined the ‘Book of the Month Club’ for English, & spoke it fairly well. {Unlike poor Dad who was terrible at English, I believe because he was 17 years older than Mom, was anchored to the old country & its goodness, forever wanting to somehow go back, did not embrace the new world like Mom did.} So from Mom it seems you got an artistic flair & the habit of hard work. 

Below, house where Dad grew up in Lithuania – Store Grandpa owned in Lithuania – Aunt Ara, me, Mom & Dad when we arrived here 1949 – My passport photo, I was almost 5

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As for Dad, he was a consummate intellectual, Mom said he was the smartest man she’d ever known. You recall in B’klyn him sitting at his desk for hours plodding through Polish & Lithuanian books, translating one to the other, writing poetry, studying history in 3 languages.

He was a ‘community leader’ & pubic speaker – they all looked up to him.

He was also a hard worker {geared more to intellectual work on a steady basis but he loved to dabble on the farm! You recall hours of him in the fields & the woods. He took the lingonberry bushes, separating big ones into many smaller ones, as had to be done, to propagate new berries. He was in the swamp working on a ditch with Marius, planning a pond for the future Boy Scouts!}

He liked to have company on all feasts & he & Mom put out the red carpet for friends, every Holiday the table had dozens of gorgeous dishes, wine &whiskey, lots of gay chatter in Lithuanian, everyone having a good time, love for all. {You tried to recreate this when you moved to your house, inviting anyone & everyone to the table, with limited success, as the people were vastly different.}

You got his intellectual habits, here you are sitting for hours a day writing books – as of 2021 written & published 25 books! You never went anywhere ‘on the road’ dancing without a book in possession, you read & studied hours a day your entire life.

You also spoke publicly, mostly as the ‘Stripper for God’ where you gave sermons before dancing. Dad’s example gave a start. Dad was committed to the cause of Lithuania being free of Communism & enlarging their culture, you are dedicated to saving the world from Patriarchy to Matriarchy.

Yes you got lots from both parents.


ME: What if anything did I get from Grandma?


MG: You got her body. She was shapely & athletic when she was young. Her body was better than your Mom’s. You also got that Asian strain due to her, which gave you the edge of being ‘exotic’ in your career.

She was also feisty; remember when she told you how she started an insurrection in her school? In those days one’s respect for teachers was sacrosanct; your Dad showed you that. When teacher entered the room, students stood up. {Look at the movie ‘The Blue Angel,’ Dietrich’s first big hit, the Professor/student relationship. This is how it was in all of Europe}. Students never talked back. And so, when one female teacher addressed your Grandma, ‘Dura’ which means stupid in Russian, she stood up & said,

“I’m not Dura, I’m Luba!”

At that outburst all the girls in the class stood up & marched out, & other classes who saw this also followed.

It wasn’t held against her as later she became the Head Mistress of that school.

You are also feisty as you stand up to authority in favor of human rights. So you got plenty from her……{end channeling}


Memories of Germany

  Below, Displaced Person’s Camps in Germany we stayed at before our departure {this was not days, weeks or months.  Prior to that we ran a hotel & had a good life.}


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I also might mention little memories in Germany – not many as I was a month from my 5th birthday when we came here.

The hotel we worked & lived in – recall being invited to the rooms of a lady, for a snack. As I sat at their table, a bit nervous, the lady reassuring me I was safe – a puppy was nipping at my socks, & I still recall vividly how dramatic that was! This hotel had maybe 3 floors, I know I was up high some place.

I recall also walking with Dad through stone quarries, holding his hand. It seems appropriate that when I bought a house in upstate NY it hearkened to many memories of the past. There is a large stone quarry nearby which I frequented with my dogs. There is a birch tree glade on my property – Dad lovingly spoke of the birches in Lithuania – I see them in pics. {My house is on the same latitude as Lithuania – same frigid winters!} And all over my lawn is Sorrel which Mom & Grandma had us pick bags of for daily soup {in Germany}. Best soup then, best soup now.

I also believe I was molested by one of the members of that hotel – maybe by a soldier as Mom told me an anecdote about soldiers, how she yelled at them for having grenades on a kitchen table & she brushed them off – a no-no obviously as they could explode.

My reason for saying this is when I’m sitting & a man stands around me, like my web man for instance – where his dick is about the same height as my face – it gives me the creepiest uncomfortable feeling. So I wonder if in my pre-memory years a man made me suck his dick where I was short, he was tall, or I was sitting, he was standing. So the memory is gone but the creepiness lingers.

I also recall loving Ara & Henry so much – one time they wee visiting but it was time for them to go. I begged them to stay to no avail, so I went behind the jeep & held onto the bumper with all my might, even as they took off. Everyone screamed for Henry to stop – I did not let go. Bloody knees resulted, I’m glad there are no scars as my dancing & modeling career could have been affected. 

Dad, middle, back, at the University of Vilnius

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So my family came to the US on the SS Heintzelman in 1949 & my Aunt, Uncle & Grandma were on a separate boat. Not sure which was first.


Grandma lived with us one month of that year in Middletown {I was only there less than a year when I transited to Dad} & I never got that spare room.


Their Abuse Intensifies


For me, Middletown seemed to hurt even more than Freehold, because my slave services were no longer needed. I was slightly more tolerated or left alone, it seemed, because I did their share of the work, while they worked outside the house & made money. I was given no allowance & was not supported with new clothes, anything extra, just room & board & work. In the Farm off Eli Harmony Rd we had animals, later all gone but dogs – so it fell to me to 100% care of the dogs, who never came into the house but had to suffer on chains. {It broke my heart when Mom no longer bought dog food – they had to be fed scraps, & sometimes there weren’t many. One of them, a cocker spaniel mix, I think caught the rats under the shed, as there were plenty every night – he never ate the meager scraps.}

{It is amazing to me that no matter how abused or neglected or starved dogs are, they still love us & never become revengeful. They simply don’t know they are being abused.

I might add to that I didn’t know I was being abused. I tried so hard to please Mom, I never put 2 & 2 together. This happens to a lot of abused kids I am told. They think it’s their fault, like what did they do wrong?

For much of my life I tried hard to please Mom, I worked & worked, but nothing I did could stop her from hating me. Why didn’t I catch on? Because there was no distance between myself & the Mother/child bond, it took many years to step away, look back & see what was what. I just felt demoralized, defeated & bewildered like why am I being persecuted? What can I do to fix it? Some relationships you can’t fix – you have to walk away. The thing that would ‘fix’ her from hating me was I had to hate & denounce Dad, & that was impossible.

In Middletown there was much less work to be done so I was sort of like ‘extra weight’ to them. The house & furniture were new, easy to clean. No animals. They treated me, under Mom’s auspices, like I was un-necessary baggage, I was then good for one thing: ridicule & abuse. I was the whipping post, a thing to vent their spleen on, to project all their hateful feelings when they felt like it, all three spit their spleen on me & smirked while doing it. 

Leave Torment – Receive Prosperity & Paradise


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At sixteen I lived with Dad for a year, then escaped to my destiny – Hollywood & show business – & later upon my return, in 1972, age 27, my daughter & I lived with Dad.


Dad had moved out of the apt around 1974 & moved to Torrevieja, Spain, with his new Puerto Rican wife, where he lived happily ever after & died in 1979, months after Mom’s demise. When he passed I took a trip there & stayed a couple weeks with his wife, thank God I got his archives, they are present here.

  Mom & Aunt Ara at the upstairs Uncle Henry built to their small house – it even had a second kitchen {what the heck for?}  I did not like Ara’s new furnishings, she didn’t have Mrs. Grant’s Waccabuc taste.  What year is this?  I guess around 1977.

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In 1986 I started a video business & made the most money I ever had – to my standards I was rich – saved 200k quickly & in 1989 bought my paradise upstate NY {where I am now} – split-level yard with creek below, apple trees on top, a swamp & wilderness with glades of fir & birch trees – 500’ of riverfront & a 5 acre island all my own! I commuted between those two places a couple years before I moved out of Williamsburg, B’klyn 1991. {At that time it was just started to turn from slum to artistic community. It had started long before as fashionable, my building was built then – 356 S.1st St. between Hooper & Keap – & the apt’s that weren’t ruined had good features. But then the middle class moved out & poverty reigned. But someone decided this would be the next Greenwich Village & while I was still there they remodeled all the dingy little parks & started upgrading & uploading stores with higher-class goods. The poor moved out, the stylish moved in, & I was gone. I have not had occasion to visit there again, but people tell me of it.   {End Chapter 7}


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College of God & Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Young Blonde Male Ascends

1-11-22       Young Male Blonde Delivered! I am taken to the abodes of many souls that were delivered!


Mysterious dream I suspect is about Purgatory & at least one soul being delivered, & maybe a retrospect about a whole neighborhood of souls that were taken into Heaven by my Masses – which I either did not record the dreams {I was busy} or else I did not realize dreams were showing me they had been delivered.


This responds to my frustration that the last over two months I have not had any knowledge of souls being delivered, although I’ve said Mass every day for two months & ten days. Usually, in the past, there were 5-10 or more souls delivered every month through the Masses.


I go to a place where there are two young male roommates, a blonde & a brunette. They both seem to be early 20s.

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*** {Roommates in Purgatory means they had something in common, like knowing each other or having a similar lifestyle. I have had this happen before – Rojer, a gay guy who died of AIDS, appeared at the same time as Rudolf Nureyev, the famous ballet dancer who also died of AIDS. Then there was Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin, buddies from show business, appeared at the same time. It does not mean their duration of cleansing will be the same, however.

Being blonde or brunette might not mean anything in particular, just a way of telling them apart. Or maybe in life their hair was like that. Being young males could mean they were.} ***  

I enter their premises, which seems to be a nice apartment, later I see it’s really large. They show me around room to room. After a while I see a balcony & ask them about it, & we go there. It’s not deep, it extends a few feet off the building, but it’s quite long – maybe 10 or more feet. There seems to be a pink hue here & the banister is very plain.


*** {Their premises is the state of Purgatory they are experiencing. From the description it is not a place of great suffering, it’s an intermediate place where one is not far from being delivered.

The balcony could be a vantage point or vision on why the brunette is not yet ready for deliverance. The pink hue might be females.} ***

To my surprise the brunette dons some sort of Halloween outfit, with maybe a top hat like Abe Lincoln wore, & a short black cape which only covers the shoulders – the look is like playing a character. This male then sees what might be a staircase & he starts to go on it but slips, & falls all the way down to the ground, but isn’t hurt – the stairs became a grey slide somehow. And below him I see a couple dozen people dressed just like him with those little black capes, male & female, I see they are ordinary looking & at least one female is overweight & much of her bare body is exposed in spite of the costume.

I see this as some sort of an organization, like fellowship & I tell the young man something like,

“Oh, you & your friends are alike, all wearing the same outfits, & you keep each other company, so life is not as isolated or lonely.”

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*** {This outfit & grey slide give me the reason he isn’t ready for deliverance yet. He is attached to people – he’s in the company of other males & females all of whom are attached to each other & sex, afraid to be alone & lonely. The black top hat & cape are the clothes of a ‘dandy’ or one who like to go out partying – at least, so they dressed in the old days.

The grey slide shows that the mind, when desiring these things, slides down quickly away from spiritual liberty. When one dies & still has these or any other kind of attachments they stay in Purgatory until these are cleansed.} ***


I then attend to the young blonde, who is handsome.


*** {Who is handsome: This denotes spiritual beauty. He’s ready to be delivered, almost there. The more we are cleansed, the more beautiful we become – our souls are pure God, which is total beauty. The result of sin blocks this beauty, like dark clouds on glass, but once removed, you see God.} ***


We just visit for a while & I’m hoping he’d want to make love to me, but he doesn’t do anything. He’s cheerful, though; he just doesn’t say or do much. I keep wondering if I should make a move, but somehow, I don’t think I should unless he shows some interest. We were both sitting on a mat on the inside, near the balcony.


So I say to him, which is dropping a hint,

“Well, I guess I better be going, as you are probably busy. Myself, I have nothing to do & life is kind of alone & lonely…..well, I better go.”

Usually, if a male has you alone & is planning to make a move, when you say you’re leaving, he will proceed, not wanting to lose the chance.

We immediately appear in his bedroom, which is revealing. First, the room is so huge & has no furniture or anything in it except this strange, small mattress which we both appear on. The mattress is narrower on one side, wider on the other, not big, just enough for two people to sit on. It’s shape is like that of a guitar or violin body & on it are medium stripes encircling it in dark colors like dull black, brown, medium brown, maybe dull maroon.


When we sort of ‘landed’ here he was next to me on his back, which is a submissive posture, & I had been thinking the whole time how much I wanted to kiss him, should I?

But before that happens I look at the room, & the floor is maybe 20-25’ across, & 30’ long, & is littered with stuff that I can’t describe. It’s like twigs & leaves or dried out pine needles, but not that nice as it doesn’t seem organic, some kind of litter. The floor is wood.

I say to him,

“I see you’ve not had a woman’s touch round here & I could turn this place into a paradise.

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*** {The trick I pulled on him, that I was leaving, worked. When I said I was leaving I was encouraging him to submit himself to my spiritual love – & he did.

In the next moment we are transported to his bedroom, on his mattress & he’s on his back, which shows he’s ready. I then see the state of his soul, the litter or what needs to be removed. His mattress shows stripes of various sufferings – all these dark hues like black, brown & maroon, show suffering. His sufferings have led him to surrender to God. When I speak of paradise, momentarily he will be transported there. The kiss & the making love represent the Sacred Kiss & the deliverance from this world to Heaven.} ***


Now there seems to be a change into another scene we are in – everything becomes lighter {in his apt it was not bright} & we are outside in a bright place & I vaguely see around us, tropical plants. Then our faces are close to each other & I am wearing thick red lipstick & I am kissing him! Yes I did worry about smearing this lipstick onto him & maybe he did to, but somehow, it doesn’t matter.

I should add – I didn’t explain before – when I wanted to kiss him it was only a preliminary to making love. I felt we should make love for some reason. But I was seeking his willingness to do so, did not want to be forceful.

I believe this kiss tells me my ‘mission’ was accomplished. His face looks bright & beautiful as I kiss him.


*** {We are now in another place. As soon as I spoke of paradise I am kissing him & this scene says I have transmitted to him the Grace he needed for Ascension.

Thick bright red lipstick I’m worried about smearing, maybe he is too: Hard to understand. All I can think of it’s not normal or natural – it’s Supernatural & here it is not a normal kiss or love making, it’s Supernatural Anointing Power.

An important factor was that he had to be submissive to this – had to want it. The brunette was not ready to submit – he was still holding on to human attachments, but the blonde was.} ***


Now things change. I leave this apt, go out into the street. As I look back to it is night & the building looks dark, although it’s attractive. I walk away a bit & then want to go back, but can’t find it.


*** {Can’t find it: In a sense, it isn’t there. The ‘address’ of a soul in Purgatory changes as their spiritual state does. Once they ascend, they don’t live there any more, the state is not there. I might add here, it isn’t easy to access souls in Purgatory, it has to be an Anointing, which is won through love. You have to really love them a lot to contact them. I worked at having contact with the through constant prayer.} ***


Instead, I decide to explore the city since I’m here anyway. As I walk I am astonished by the beauty of the buildings, all next to one another – they are houses in a city. Many of the houses have walls right up to the sidewalks. Everything is white – walls are white, the houses are white, only the vegetation is green & the frames of windows & doors are something dark so you can see them. The houses have railings, maybe silver. Each house has flowers, flowering vines, all the houses are right next to each other, no space in between, & so well kept & beautiful I think,

“This looks like everyone here is wealthy. And this is amazing since our world has so much poverty, yet to have places like this one must have wealth – so many wealthy people!’

There is one flower that is here a lot that strikes my attention. I see it in front of the white walls on the left. Each house that has these kind of white stucco walls they also have these super-tall flowers on thick stalks, with huge mostly pink blossoms on top, like a combination of tulip & lily, but wider, each blossom being about 6” across & just as tall. They’re pink with white stripes. I see these flowers again & again, they are especially decorative walls & I think,

“Wow, this neighborhood wants to be really beautiful. They could have left those white walls plain, it wasn’t necessary to plant these flowers. And yet they planted them there as extra special beauty.”

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*** {Beautiful, wealthy neighborhood: Is Heaven. This answers my prayer of why aren’t the souls appearing to me as a result of the Masses I’ve said every day for a while? This shows me they have Ascended – look how beautiful are their dwellings!

The white is the purity; everything being light & bright is the dazzling Light they are in. The flowers & greens are symbols of love - & the tall pink & white bulb-style plants against the walls, which are a special additions – represent the celibacy many of these souls went through or their detachment from sex, which is a special added grace for some of the souls.

The wealth is spiritual prosperity or abundance, the area is neat, clean & perfect, which is Heaven.

I might add that the reason they appear next to each other, no space hardly in between, is the Masses were day after day & God is saying to me that the souls were lifted day after day. I just wasn’t aware of it then.} ***


I keep walking & this neighborhood goes on for what seems like miles. Finally the city has ended. As I pass through the last beautiful street I see wide open spaces, & way before me, someone is excavating ground & building a huge building with many compartments – it’s like raw clay, very wide, I see the compartments inside of clay which will be worked on. Other things are going on. This is the end of my quest & I move away from here, going back. I actually don’t want to be here. There’s also some kind of SLIDE here like an escalator but much taller, faster, more dangerous, going way way down – I was viewing this area from the air like a drone – & I don’t want to get caught walking & go down that slide.


*** {This other area is not Heaven, it’s the normal world, & I don’t want to get caught on that slide which gets attached to things of the earth – I want to get away from this area pronto.} ***


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College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized



The SPIRIT of Matriarchy vs Patriarchy 8-21-21



          It comes to my attention in forming this new ‘Order’ {which tentatively I am calling ‘Rasa Wins’ & the followers are ‘Rasa Winners} that we must define who are friends are & who are not.


          The friends are to be trusted, to be relied on. The non-friends, the indifferent, &/or the wicked who turn out to be enemies, should be avoided.


          The worst thing one can do is accept an enemy into the fold, like say the convent, because they have access to our privacy, computers, personal information, & when they turn on us, they can do damage.

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          So it behooves me to define, as a point of departure, the SPIRIT of a friend of Mother God, vs the SPIRIT of someone who MIGHT BE against her. I might add that not all who disapprove us are against God – some could be religiously brainwashed & programmed to believe a certain way, & think our way is wrong, so they oppose or denounce us, thinking they are doing right. These people out of ignorance could hurt us, they would be confused, & must be forgiven. Their hearts might be with God, but their minds lack understanding. But there are those whose HEARTS are not right with God & who would sell us out because they want to destroy – & THEIR REASONS ARE MANY. Some are jealous, some want money or rewards for hurting us {Judas} – some are just hell-bent & evil, & their evil could be for many demonic & human reasons like selfishness, rewards, egomania, revenge, etc. There are legions of demons, numerous human desires that hurt their own souls & those of others.


          In my work for Matriarchy, in which William Bond is a spiritual partner – we have both been attacked by women. Yes, it hurts the most when someone you are trying to help bites the hand that feeds them. You don’t expect that. And it hurts even more when someone you have been working hard to help turns on you demonically. This has happened to both William & myself.


          Many females, usually young, have appeared on the shores of Matriarchal Empowerment. They assume that because they have a VAGINA it gives them the right to claim all the privileges of a GODDESS. But Goddesses most of them ain’t. Jesus did not change the world with his PENIS & you will not change it with your crotch. Having a vaga-jay does not anoint you to the Highest Heavens of Feminine Divine, you are but a body inhabited by spirit or energy. It is your CHOICE how you handle the potential/spirit/energy within you. You can ignore it, use it for good or evil. You can become a lowlife or a High Hera, you can help or hurt. Your body determines nothing except basic animal instincts; that is its legacy.


          And so, when I was on social media {can’t be in it right now, it’s draining, I am writing the Encyclopedia of my life} I was INUNDATED with attention, many of them young whippin’ snappin’ females declaring this & that, claiming some sort of propriety, why they were special, why they were important – it went on & on. And at some point, if things didn’t go their way, they denounced me, they denounced William or they tried to turn me against him or him against me {will never happen} thinking they would gain some sort of power that way.

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Sure, you get a good couple working positively, feeding off each other mentally, spiritually, gaining ground as a partnership, you turn them against each other & that breaks the power of ‘two is stronger than one,’ & things two can do together are easier than working alone. So what they are planning is a POWER PLAY. They begin by trying to break into the Tower of the Anointed, destabilize them, then they IMAGINE {oh, what folly} that they can take over. These girls can’t take over a dung heap if it was handed to them.


I have had women help me in the past – none of them is helping at the present. It was a rare thing when a young genius female, Freya Derrickson, followed my path & beyond & did & is doing wondrous things for Female Supremacy. She’s on sabbatical right now but I trust her return. She was the only one who stayed the course & heard the Voice of Mother God. The rest came & went their way, like Jesus had hundreds of disciples, but only 12 stayed. {Most of them disappeared when He said in order to belong to him they would have to drink his body & blood…they were baffled, did not get the meaning, did not take time to investigate, so apparently they were surface followers, not in their hearts, so they needed to leave.} And in conclusion to that, Freyja Derrickson has been my one & only true female disciple or friend.


Why do I have two men helping me right now, no one else? They are William Bond & Ajax the Great. There were NUMEROUS men on face book – probably 100 over the years, who declared themselves to be my followers or disciples, they all went their way. I have tried to stay in touch with some of them, they ignore me. They were not committed for the long run. Most of them were damn annoying, they wanted that pound of flesh – time & attention – incessantly. They would talk, talk, talk, how devoted they were, & I would have to talk to them, so for every hour of attention they gave my work I had to give one hour of attention to them. It got tedious. I would rather just work & let them leave me alone to do it.


We cannot accept all women, nor can we reject all men, although in general, we are preaching & practicing ‘safe space for women,’ & our Church will promote the gimmick, if you will, which will fascinate the press: ‘No men allowed.’ Convents are all safe space for women, except for those who must appear to do some work, like fix the furnace, deliver goods, repair the building, work on landscaping, etc. All convents, monasteries have men appear & disappear when their work is done – you don’t have tea or breakfast or supper with them, you don’t go to bed with them – {not in the convent anyway. I am debating how we grant ‘sexual freedom’ to our nuns – they should have it – but we will now allow male friends on the premises – nor in the services & meetings of our Chapel/Church.}


OK if we rejected all men, we would reject Buddha, Jesus, Gandhi, all the saints, William Bond & Ajax the Great – but we don’t. They contain the SPIRIT OF MATRIARCHY – which is True Love – the Love which is God.

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And there are women who kill – they blow away their husbands for money, poison people, they beat a child to death. These are not Matriarchs. There are subtle variations of these types behavior – some will kill with words, beat up with gossip, & squeal or lie to get the Saints into trouble.


A Matriarch – a person who has the Spirit of God, works for the common good cares about people. They have compassion, mercy, which is True Love. An ungodly person works for their flesh, or even serves the demonic, they are cold-hearted, cruel or deadly. They are dead souls inside, not candidates for Heaven, they are dangerous.


We had a female among us I came to call ‘Betty Poop.’ I felt she’d be a great asset to our community because she had intelligence, a good education & talent. I groomed her for Matriarchy for a full year, wasting my time. She seemed to cooperate, she did things with us, wrote articles, she defended me once when I got attacked. We had a foursome – William, Tom, Betty & me. I thought we were going places. I said let’s make an official pact, like the Four Musketeers – all for one, one for all. The two men agreed – she said nothing.


Next thing I know she’s asking me what do I think about Tom, is he a good person? I said yes, he’s the best. And then, he sort of ghosted me because she monopolized him, talking to him every day– incessantly – his wife said their lives weren’t normal any more, with him e mailing her all day.


Her intent was to steal him from me – he was a valuable disciple who served me – & steal him she did. He was weak, so he fell for it. It’s happened before.


A good disciple of mine got seduced by a female who was jealous of me. These transactions all happened by e mails, but the attention brainwashes the male to think he is getting something valuable. This other guy let this out-of-country woman beguile him; she got him to renounce his allegiance to me officially, as his Guru. He was dumb enough to do it. I had a dream that night that his house was empty, the Grace of God had left him, & if he died right then & there he’d be lost. I called him to warn him about it & asked what had he done? And he told me the story. And so he repented & installed me back into his heart, & the Grace came back.


And so this woman Betty Poop was not a team player, she was not on board. The shit hit the fan when she demanded something of William he would not give – taking over one of his face book group. She had no right to ask it of him. She then denounced him, I defended him, then she turned on me.

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Her assaults were so sinister, so insidious, they were scary. The woman was smart as a whip. She wrote a letter to one bar in my town where I hung out – believe it or not, they blocked me – & she’s living in another state. She found out the name of the bar from a post.


She then got me blocked from some of the groups where I posted – have no idea what she said, but for some strange reason, they did as she asked.


But the worst thing she did was get my You Tube site taken down with 400 videos & 4 million plus views. She got her friends to help, mostly Tom I suppose – he betrayed me just for her attention. They wrote every day complaining, reporting, about God knows what, & one day, my site was gone. All my videos were gone forever, a year’s work, because I was foolish enough to delete them off my computer – I was an amateur. I felt they were slowing down my computer, in the absence of my webman, I just deleted them & it was good bye one year of valuable work.


She then wrote on the media that I was not the right leader for Matriarchy, she was, she named the reasons, all bullshit. Then she put Tom to work. She wrote up some sort of course on Matriarchy & put it for sale on a site. Tom got her credit card capability – a thing not easy to get. But not one person bought the course. She was charging like $250 for it – why would anyone buy it?


Then she produced or I should say Tom produced for her, a video on Matriarchy that she put on You Tube. It got a couple hundred views while mine were getting thousands; one video got 450k in one year.


What she was trying to do was find position & money out of Matriarchy & Mother God– a thing I have never tried to go, which is similar to the Televangelists – male & female – who used Jesus, his gospel & his Story, for personal aggrandizement. She & such people are phonies, they are focused on flesh, they are not serving God, they use God to serve them.


My friend said to me ‘But I like so & so – I’ve learned a lot from her & she helped me {a televangelist}.’ Yes, they are good speakers, preachers, salespeople. Con artists are good at what they do, they even speak the truth. Because a preacher speaks the truth about Jesus, does not mean they are like Jesus. Talk is cheap. They are saying the words so they get the money. They live in multi-million dollar mansions & compounds; they live like Sultans or business moguls. They do not do what Jesus did, they just capitalize on his sufferings. They do not go out & preach in the dirty streets to dirty people, they are safe on the TV. They do not walk for miles, they have public transportation, & the worst of them have jet planes & even – believe it or not – fleets of jet planes. They do not suffer like Jesus, they use Jesus life for prosperity, personal gain.

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This is what Betty hoped for on her tiny scale, but it all failed. Why? Because she & other women who were jealous of me, did not have an Anointing. Yes, they had talent, sometimes looks, many had youth & its energy. But they did not have commitment, devotion & virtue. They did not have Zeal for the Monarchy of Mother God & obedience to her. They obeyed their flesh the way a pervert obeys his penis. They thought they could gain all the Kingdoms of the world but they lost their souls.


Alright, so there are men who are Sacred – they hear the Voice of Mother God & obey her – not many, but there are some here & there, they cannot be rejected.


Then there are women who want nothing but to sit on a throne & rule those around them, & be feted & praised & fawned over. They are to be rejected. They cannot be a part of this. Some of these characters come on sneaky – people wear a mask. So you have to know them for a while for the mask to come off. In some instances, this could take years. Look at the couples, married for years, then the man wants to kill the wife, or vice versa, for money. The recent known case is Chris Watts. He seemed on the surface like a perfect guy & father – good front. But then he met a sexy young woman he wanted & he murdered his wife & two tiny children. There are women who do the same to men. It isn’t all gross violence, a lot is done on a more normal scale, but each one tries to get the best of the other, they are not of love, they are hate personified.


And so, we test the Spirit – there has to be discernment. And boy, does one need the help of the Holy Spirit to get by the masks! The devil comes disguised as an Angel of Light!


Final word, there are men who are of Mother God, Matriarchy, who are Saints in her Monarchy. There are women who are wolves in sheep’s clothing, who do not obey Mother God but want to be obeyed & want God to serve their flesh. They live for the world, even though they say they are Matriarchs, Goddesses, because they have vaginas. It is not the body that makes one a person of God or Matriarchy, it is the Spirit. Test the Spirits.

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College of God & Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized


Ajax the Great is a young genius – his research is on point, his insights brilliant, his writing witty, great, sometimes funny – See below for THREE articles.  To see the illustrative studies, please go here, & see Ajax’s other articles:




Ajax the Great insights on con-vid


Who Are The Real Superspreaders?


DISCLAIMER:  The following article references third-party sources and is intended for general information only, and is NOT intended to provide medical advice or otherwise diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, including (but not limited to) COVID-19.  Consult a qualified physician before beginning any sort of treatment or prophylactic regimen and/or if you know or suspect that you currently have COVID-19.  Anyone who takes or does anything mentioned (or alluded to) in this or any other TSAP article does so entirely at their own risk and liability.  The TSAP thus makes absolutely no warranties, express or implied, and is not liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages resulting from any act or omission on the part of the reader(s) or others. Caveat lector.

See also our previous articles herehereand here as well.  Also, special thanks to Bill Sardi, Dr. Gareth “Gruff” Davies, Dr. Dmitry Kats, Dr. Mikko Panunio, and Swiss Policy Research, et al. whose research this article draws upon and cites in the links throughout.

“You’re the superspreader!” “No, YOU’RE the superspreader!”  Alas, this is what passes for discourse these days, when people are literally now debating who are the biggest superspreaders of the COVID:  the vaccinated or the unvaccinated.  Technically, both can be, since the vaccines are “leaky”, and there are documented examples of both, but it is not clear who is more likely to be.

(Correction:  The CDC’s now-leaked unpublished data, that they are using to push masks once again, is a lot more nuanced than they miscommunicated, and apparently involves a vaccine in India that is not available in the USA, and also a study of a rather unrepresentative sample in Provincetown, Cape Cod.  Thus, while vaccinated people can indeed still spread the virus, they are still signifcantly less likely to do so than if they were not vaccinated, even if only because they are somewhat less likely to become infected in the first place.  And truly asymptomatic transmission, while possible, is not the primary way it spreads.)

Either way, this completely misses the point though.  The vaccines were never designed to prevent all transmission or all infections, just to make the disease less bad if one happens to contract it while vaccinated.  You know, kinda like the flu shot.  That alone is enough to largely defang the virus and reduce it to a mere nuisance like seasonal flu and the common cold, provided enough vulnerable people get vaccinated (which they all either a) already have, or b) they chose not to get it).  For the young and healthy, not so much.  And thus any benefit to the community that results from less transmission of the virus would simply be a bonus, as vaccines are primarily for self-protection.  And now that we are seeing that these vaccines may be just as “leaky” as flu vaccines (funny how no one seems to care about the latter), the whole specious argument for vaccine mandates or passports “to protect others” becomes as threadbare and useless as the most poorly constructed cloth mask.

Now, a nasal vaccine might actually produce “sterilizing” immunity enough to prevent virtually all transmission.  That is because of the mucosal antibodies and other immunological “dark matter” that they would generate at the usual point of entry and exit for the virus, the lining of the nose and throat.  But injections are unlikely to do that, only producing antibodies and T-cells largely in the bloodstream instead.  And while important, it is incomplete since it leaves the nose and throat wide open for a time before enough of an immune response is mounted to knock the virus out quickly.

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But there are no nasal vaccines available currently, except of course the low-tech one, which is…natural exposure to the wild virus.  And the large chunk of the population that has already had the virus and recovered has a very low reinfection rate, much lower than the breakthrough infection rate for vaccinated people.  Yes, even for Delta.  Thus, we already know who the superspreaders are almost certainly NOT:  people who have already had the virus, whether vaccinated or not.  Natural immunity for the win!

So having established who the superspreaders are NOT, do we then know who they actually ARE?  Well, a study of influenza from 2008 provides some excellent clues.  It postulates that Vitamin D not only explains the seasonality of influenza, but also who is most likely to be what we would now call a superspreader, where one person infects dozens of others.  And most curiously, that is postulated to occur in a tiny number of people even in the absence of symptoms!  That is, Vitamin D deficiency can make one much more likely to spread it, and thus it not only endangers the deficient, but also those around them as well, in a sort of “second-hand malnutrition”. This is very likely true for COVID, and also very likely true with other nutrients as well, particularly Vitamin C, thiamine, niacin, zinc, lysine, and selenium.  A deficiency in the latter can even make one a “variant factory”, since selenium stops viruses from mutating.  Fortunately, we can very easily solve this problem even without appealing to (strong) altruism, since the benefits to the individual are at least as great as that to those around them.  Good nutrition and supplementation is a win-win-win for all.

Especially since, for the individual, it is painfully obvious now with COVID:  not enough D and you die.


Vitamin D also seems to be good at fighting that other pandemic that is raging even more these days:  substance abuse, especially opioid addiction.  Vitamin D deficiency apparently leads to exaggerated cravings for opioids and probably other substances as well.  And the same can apparently be said for Niacin as well, as AA founder Bill W. had discovered it as a potential treatment for alcoholism.  With America drowning in the bottom of a bottle thanks in no small part to the long-term after-effects of lockdown, such a rediscovery cannot come soon enough!

And of course, Niacin works wonders for COVID, as Dr. Dmitry Kats had discovered.

So what are we waiting for?

UPDATE:  See also herehere, and here for some good articles from The Daily Sceptic about the nuances of herd immunity.  And yes, it is very nuanced indeed.




If Masks Really Worked…

Once again, the witty Professor hits another homerun right out of the park here: 

That basically explains the TSAP’s evolving position over time.  Originally we were pro-mask since we honestly believed they worked based on some spurious observations in a few East Asian and Eastern European countries, plus a few sketchy studies, and thus they seemed like a safe pathway out of lockdown.  But as time went on, the evidence just kept on mounting against them.  And the past 18 months pretty much answers that question–if they worked, not only would it be so obvious to everyone that no one would have to be forced to wear them, but COVID would have been gone within a few weeks of (near) universal masking as the R value would thus drop well below one and even close to zero, and we would not still be having this debate to this day.

Are you old enough to remember when face masks were initially discouraged by nearly all of the experts as well as “experts”, including Dr. Fauci himself?  And then, seemingly out of the blue, the idea caught on that masks not only work, but work so well that if 80% (or is that 90%, or 95%, or 99%?) or whatever % of the population were to wear them, COVID would be practically wiped out, or at the very least 100,000+ lives would be saved?  Right?  And the logical implication being:  the sooner everyone would wear them for just a few weeks, the sooner no one would ever have to wear them again, because COVID would be gone!

diana-and-callisto-gaetano-gandolfi discover-ideas-about-saint-tattoo-michael-painting-raphael display_image (c) The Fitzwilliam Museum; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation download (1)

Well, that didn’t really pan out, did it?  Look, you can cherry-pick the data all you want, but it’s pretty self-evident that masks made no practical or statistical difference overall in terms of COVID case, hospitalization, or death rates, even with the strictest mandates and/or very high compliance above 90% or 95%.  While no one can completely rule out modest benefits perhaps in very selected instances, the macro-level data supporting universal masking simply isn’t there.  Clearly, after 18 months, if a “signal” still cannot be boosted even with great effort, is was most likely just noise all along.

And all that applies a fortiori to children as well, as we have noted previously.  There is even less evidence in favor, and even stronger arguments against forcing kids to wear them, especially at this juncture.  

Thus, we are re-learning the hard way the painful lessons our ancestors learned in 1918.  There was clearly a reason they stopped wearing masks in 1919, after all.  And no, it wasn’t “selfishness” or “anti-science” sentiment, but a rather a good strong dose of reality that turned even their greatest enthusiasts against them in droves.  They simply didn’t work.

And now with some “experts” wanting to bring back mask mandates yet again at this stage (!), despite the obvious fact that they would even LESS effective still against the MORE contagious Delta variant, beware.  The following Tweet sums it why that is a very bad idea in both theory and practice:

Mask mandates are in fact the THIN end of a very long and thick wedge of coercion.  Slopes are indeed much, much slipperier than they appear.





COVID Is Endemic. “Zero COVID” Is A Pipe Dream. Lockdowns And NPIs Are


The following Tweet really wins the internet:

Pretty much sums it up.  The virus can be defanged and reduced to a nuisance, and indeed it largely has already thanks to herd immunity and attenuation, but it will never be eliminated.  It will continue to ebb and flow to one degree or another indefinitely.  Even smallpox took over 200 years to eradicate after the vaccine.  And it’s time we accept that fact and deal with endemic COVID like we do seasonal flu and the common cold.  That is, learn to live with the virus just like all other endemic viruses.  We know now that lockdowns, masks, social distancing, and stuff like that really make no difference to the course of the virus in the long run, and they come with their own set of problems, ultimately doing more harm than good.  And that applies a fortiori to endemic COVID.

That’s right, these restrictions are all pain and no gain.  And there is a name for doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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We know how to treat this disease now.  We know what to use for prophylaxis as well.  We know that the virus, while bad, was never the apocalyptic Big One that some had predicted.  We know who the risk groups are, and we have already vaccinated them (plus a good chunk of the general population as well) to a greater extent and faster than we have for any other disease in history.  So anyone who says we still somehow can’t go 100% back to normal yesterday because reasons is a LIAR with a hidden or not-so-hidden agenda.  And we thus must completely disregard their bluster.  Yesterday is not soon enough!

And this one as well, to which we would also add “and early treatment and prophylaxis for all who want it”:


UPDATE 2:  See also here and here for some good articles from The Daily Sceptic about the nuances of herd immunity.  And yes, it is very nuanced indeed.



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