By Rasa Von Werder, February 3rd, 2022

TOO BAD FOR MARVIN   Part 3 Chapter 9 – written 2-3-22

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I said the Holy Mass for Marvin last evening, hoping strongly for his improvement – seeking for a spark of spiritual life – but had this dream:


          I am hanging out with an old black boyfriend, one of the first I dated & related to as a Cougar – it must have been 2008 or “09. He was evil {not for what he did but who he was INSIDE}, a former drug pusher who was familiar with jail for that as well as being with an underage girl a while – the Mom of the girl apparently turned him in, he spent a year locked up. Of course I didn’t know this when we first hooked up, people don’t have resumes written on their torso stating their bad traits, in the beginning they put up a front.


          So I’m with this guy & he’s acting just like the one mentioned, whom I’ll call KaSuck. KaSuck is always looking to con somebody out of something. So now he finds out about my friend, a lawyer, who has a trust fund that pays him good money. Somehow he gets hold of paperwork to the trust fund & takes it to the banker who releases it.

          The banker is innocent, doesn’t know the scheme, thinks KaSuck is legit, & runs it through a machine – a small one on the counter against the wall – The machine gives him the name / identity of the recipient to validate it, then doles out the money {come to think of it somewhat like an ATM with credit cards, except these cards are bigger}

          But too bad for the thief, the money won’t come out because his identity cannot be verified, the ‘cards’ the fund is on are wet. KaSuck gives some excuse how he got them wet – smiling – he always has a lie for everything.


          We then leave & there were many scenes that are forgotten, perhaps this will do to illustrate our point.


          MEANING: Wow, Marvin Gaye could not receive the Grace of the Holy Mass.

          There are two possibilities. One, he is in Hell. ‘Abandon Hope, All Ye Who Enter Here’ says Dante’s Divine Comedy. Once a person is confirmed for Hell – a reprobate – there is nothing you can do for them. I have been friendly with several people like this, theyappeared to me in dreams & visions. One of them I was praying for & told God I would make sacrifices for him – as he was doing me favors – & he appeared & said to me

          “Rasa, don’t try to help me, I’m going to Hell. I don’t care about anything except this material world, I don’t care where I go – don’t waste your time.”

          He did me a favor which is not typical of the Hell bent; God must have constrained him to do it.

          A couple other people I was friendly with I stopped because God showed me they were lost & would stay there – they did not want to change.

          It’s a matter of free will. Our life state is based on our will & decisions. God wants us to love out of our own will – we cannot be forced or pushed, because then it isn’t free & is not true love. So if we reject love / God this is permitted – our choice & God will not force a change.


          And so, these people cannot receive grace as they have rejected it by their own decision. You cannot help them, you waste your time praying or sacrificing for them – the Grace of your good deeds would go to someone else perhaps, by the mercy of God. But if you are sensitive to the other world like I am, God speaks to you & explains the situation so your efforts are spent elsewhere.

          The principle of the Holy Mass not working for Marvin can be said this way ‘Dead people can’t eat,’ & Marvin is spiritually dead. Dead people also cannot enter Heaven. Their souls have no Light, they are in darkness. They have bodies & seem alive, but when the body dies the soul, which is unborn, unignited, no spark of life, sinks down into places called Hell, & they live for eternity it is said, in states of misery devoid of Love.

          I must add – it can be hard to tell who these people are. Many reprobates have pleasing personalities, do good deeds, they are even Popes & Pastors, & unless the Holy Spirit shows you, you don’t know what’s inside them.

          And on the other spectrum, some terrible people are actually good inside; they are sick, confused, bewildered & damaged & seem evil & crazy, but they are saved because deep inside they are good. Trust only the Holy Spirit to tell you the inside of a person.


          Now, there is another possibility. It is that although he is in a Hellish state, it’s Purgatory, but he simply isn’t READY for the Holy Mass to be attributed to him.

          Let me explain. You can only receive as much Grace as your karma will permit.

          My husband, Richard Von Werder – a good man – died, & I proceeded to do the Gregorian Masses for him – which is 30 Masses in a row. Then I stopped. {St. Gregory the Great was Pope 540-604 AD, & he decreed this was appropriate for people that passed.}

          When I finished the series I had a dream in which Rich appeared, asking God to have me say more Masses. But God said to him, in so many words, that his karma did not permit any more.

          To show you how good Rich was, at my request, he left 8k worth of Masses for Souls in Purgatory including his family, 2k of it for himself– obviously a great act of charity. And yet, his karma did not permit me to say more than 30 Masses – which I cannot explain.


          And so, the alleviation of pain is determined by God with the karma of the person in mind. In other words, we can only do so much & no more. We cannot take a person in the lowest state of Purgatory & catapult them into Heaven instantly, there is a ‘price’ to pay – which is really not punishment but cleansing, & this cannot all be wiped out faster than karma permits.


          Dear Rich was only in Purgatory about 8 months, which is proof of his goodness. Let me give examples. My Mom was in about 24 years {she was bad} My Dad, 2 years, 9 months {he was good} – my religious mentor, Rev Judy Swaggart, 2 yrs 11 months – Anna Nicole Smith 64 days – a record at that time! Errol Flynn 23 years {not good but better than Mom}- {The celebrities I helped are in my book ‘Theater of Justice – Celebrity Souls Appear’.} Elvis Presley was 5 years, Frank Sinatra, 4 years, Dean Marin, 8 years, Rudolph Nureyev, 9 years, George C. Scott, 4 years, Timothy McVeigh {Oklahoma City FBI headquarters bombing!} ONE YEAR! My first husband was the worst – 55 years, pure evil.


          Now Marvin Gaye has been in 37 years. If he can get out & when, I don’t yet know.


          I like to imagine he is not READY for the Holy Mass, but at some point, he will be & then I can help. I will forget him for the time being & if & when God tells me to act, I will. Meanwhile I continue doing Masses for all the Souls in general as well as daily prayers, & whoever God chooses, they apply to.

          This ministry to Purgatory is SUPERNATURAL. One cannot willy nilly just reach anyone they please – there are untold trillions in that space, reaching them takes some kind of Power. Knowing which ones to help & sending them Grace is SUPERNATURAL. You get this ministry by caring & working at it, which of course, I have.


One more note: The dream portrays an evil con man trying to get something that is not his – stealing. And so, for a person to receive a boon which is not owned them is like stealing. Here, he tries, but the one administering the money / GRACE {an angel, Saint, or Jesus Christ himself} will not release him it. He is not identified or designated to receive this Grace. He desires it – that gives me hope it’s Purgatory, not Hell – because in Hell they DO NOT DESIRE GRACE.


One more question to Mother God. Why is it symbolized that my lawyer friend has this trust fund? What meaning is that?


MG: That has something to do with ‘the law’ or legally he cannot get this Grace, all about karma. Karma is order & justice, you reap what you sow, you cannot get what you don’t deserve you will not be punished outside of justice – there is order to everything in God’s world. The money is value, benefits or blessings.   {End Chapter 9}







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