College of God & Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Kim Novak Why the Privilege?

Kim Novak interviews comments 9-20-22


Rasa asks Mother God: How will my life story be different in its telling than Kim’s? Her

interviews annoy me. Why does she assume she deserves adulation?

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Comment on a interview on You tube:

Spoiled brat – felt unappreciated? Give me a break. You were & are ADORED. But it’s never enough, is it? Why do you deserve so much love? All you did was be beautiful & talented & EVERYONE LOVES YOU. Look at the comments. 99% of them are GROVELING AT YOUR FEET. And you want more? Robert Osborne asks you were you happy when you were the no 1 star in the world, adulated, & you stammer & stutter on & on & finally say YOU WANTED T BE APPRECIATED. Why? For what? What lives or souls did you save? What did you actually do that benefitted humanity or propelled the state of women forward? or the state of men? I can’t understand why stars like this DESERVE SO MUCH LOVE?! It’s the misplaced worship of beauty, fame, fortune & status – misplaced. Love those who NEED IT THE MOST – those who SUFFER – those who are DEPRIVED, downtrodden, stepped on, the poorest of the poor, the exploited, the misunderstood, the abused – those who have little or nothing in the eyes of society. But to ADORE / LOVE those that have EVERYTHING – WHY?


Comment on a interview on You tube:

The 2014 Academy Awards: Sheesh! Not your face, THE OUTFIT! It seems black & blue is an omen here. The outfit is UGLY. See you wearing black & super dark colors all the time – funeral color. No, wear white & beautiful stuff like you did when you were young. I’m studying all the shots & I think what you’re trying to hide is the middle, gaining weight. But you’re dong a BAD JOB. You need a fashion consultant or something. Wearing a white chemise would be better; you’d look like the old ‘good humor’ trucks.

A beautiful gorgeous GOWN is called upon here, everyone else is well dressed, why you like this? I recall Kate Smith was big & she wore dresses that looked good. Many opera stars are big but they look good in nice gowns. You aren’t fooling anyone! It becomes obvious you’re hiding something!

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Comment on a interview on You tube:

She was more in beauty than as a painter, lol. Beauty was the main thing. You were so beautiful then, what happened to your HAIR now? For crap sake that straight goofy hairdo & purple hat don’t become you. You should have brought back that GREY SUIT from VERTIGO, it would have looked better than the geeky clothes you’re wearing – the clothes now are HIDING YOU & I don’t think you’re fat, but they look like they’re HIDING something. Poor thing, it hurts to instead of enhancing your reputation ruining it. And HOOOO did her makeup? An OWL? She’s LOST TOUCH WITH GOOD GROOMING.


Comment on a interview on You tube:

Be honest, Kim, it’s the best policy – re YOUR FACE. OK, it was a ‘skin doc’ that gave you bad injections into your cheeks. That’s his fault. You act as if that’s the only things that was done to your face. It’s obvious your entire face was done over, as you don’t have the slightest mark of old age – no jowls or wrinkles, which happens to EVERYONE. It’s OK to do that, but don’t act like you did not do it & all that is wrong is the cheeks. Sheesh, be HONEST. I know some things are no one’s business, but getting faces done is what all stars HAVE TO DO – no big deal to admit.


Comment on a interview on You tube:

tell the truth about the famous men you starred with & were they really creepy or gracious? How many of them did you have sex or affairs with, which ones tried that you refused? Which were really gentlemen & which were losers? How about Harry Cohen for starts? Don’t tell me that nothing happened beyond you making him some chocolate fudge & him now knowing how to react. Most of these big shots would be all over the young, virginal actresses who were naïve, vulnerable & innocent as far as street smarts. Tell us the truth – I DID. In my books “I Strip for God” Parts 1 through 8 I tell the truth about the celebrities I was involved with or met like Arnold, Tom Selleck, Mickey Hargitay, James Brown, Otis Redding, Marvin Gaye, Joe Tex, O.C. Smith, Richard Pryor , Dr. Robert Atkins & many more. I tell it like it was being a Cougar with male models, dozens of them, who turned out to be mostly PROSTITUTES, in fact, gay for pay guys. Your Dad, you mentioned some place he was ‘mentally ill’ – what kind of illness? Did he abuse you? How? You loved & hated him. Hated for WHAT? You can tell the truth about these guys as they are all DEAD & can’t sue you. Dean Martin, Jimmy Stewart, Frederick March, all the stars – don’t tell me they didn’t try to shag you & did you let them or not? Were they truly nice or definitely nasty? You act like you just telling us the surface things is such a BIG DEAL – It IS NOT. We can already see what we see in your movies & images, we want to know what was BEHIND it. Obviously your beauty carried you. And acting SEDUCTIVE even with the UGLIEST of men, ugh. Like the car scene where that big-time actor peeps in your window & asks if your car is flooded, you look at him like you’re HUNGRY. My God, that is not NORMAL. Most women seeing a stranger peeping in their window when they can’t start their car would be AFRAID, terrorized in fact, look down rather than into his eyes seductively. Acting like you want to have sex with all your grandpas is an art you had down perfectly. I couldn’t do it, lol. I mean, give me a break. Speak the truth, not all this.

2gvkdk-front-shortedge-384 gkv6nz-front-shortedge-384 kim-novak-vertigo-4 kim-novak-then-and-now-1 Actress Kim Novak 

Comment on a interview on You tube:

There is a contradiction here. First, she said she was treated with great respect when she started. Then she said she was used to bad treatment because of her dysfunctional family – her father had mental illness, so being under Harry Cohen was something she was used to. So which is it? Were you treated well or poorly? And also, the way she describes the co stars – of course they were great to her, as she was a star, they had to be. Let’s ask the janitor how nice they were, or some unknown trying to get help, or a bum on the street. And they spoke of all her co stars but I notice in the scene ‘Middle of the Night’ she is with Frederick March. He was one of the greatest actors of all time, but why doesn’t Robert ask about him? Or why doesn’t she offer something? He was in ‘Jekyll & Hyde’ – to me, amazing portrayal. And also the one, can’t think of the name, where he kind of ‘gives’ his career to this unknown actress, he goes downhill, she becomes a star. Later it was played by James Mason & again later by Kris Kristofferson with Barbra Streisand. Oh yes, “A Star is Born” He was an alcoholic who in the end commits suicide & Frederick March was terrific in this, but they say not one word. Also the movie about people coming home from the war, with that poor boy with no hands, what was the name? Can’t think of it but Betty Davis said it was the greatest movie of all time. I was saddened that they ignored his presence. Oh yes ‘The Best Years of Our Lives’ – He also did many other great movies like ‘Anna Karenina’……PS I tried to watch this movie on You Tube but it wasn’t available, darn.


Channeling Mother God on how my life story books will be different from the interviews of Kim


Me: It’s obvious I don’t like Kim’s interviews & I don’t know what she’s complaining about. How will my life story books be different from her telling her life in the interviews I reviewed?


          MG {Mother God}: the difference is straight from the shoulder, no holds barred vs ‘Me, I’m a great star, any crumbs I give the world they should relish. I am so important, the star of ‘Vertigo’ that all that I say are Pearls of Wisdom from a Goddess of Hollywood.’

          You aren’t about that. You dug deep into the nitty gritty, the dirt, the pain. Her ‘alligator’ tears welled up at times – your pain was so great you eventually got over it & there is no more. You rose above it, she didn’t.

          She still needs therapy for her past. You don’t. If you still needed therapy you could not have written it. A person can’t think straight when in pain. So God gave you the Grace to forget the pain – & move on with explaining what happened & even with a SENSE OF HUMOR like the way you explain your Mom. It’s tongue in cheek, some of it, it’s entertaining the way you gave your relatives all kinds of Titles like Rigoletto, Don Quixote & Sancho Panza, Mommy Fearest, Mephistopheles, etc. There’s entertainment here, with Kim, it’s not particularly entertaining as she still takes it all so seriously, she doesn’t see God’s sense of humor in life, just relaxing & getting a laugh out of it all.

          The way you explain the male models as prostitutes is a hoot. It’s the truth that nobody else would say. But you explain it & people will believe.

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ME:   Anything else that is different? I mean, Kim is not controversial. The people are at her feet because of her past glory, the beauty & talent. She did nothing controversial, she stood for nothing unusual. She keeps speaking of the bad knocks of Hollywood – it made her rich, it made her famous, it made her loved. Why is she complaining? Because Harry Cohn tried to change her name? Like BIG DEAL. Harry called her a Polack, she’s Check. But so what? That’s the way all those guys acted at the time, but they gave great benefits t their actors, they made great movies, so they were cruel at time – goes with the territory. She does admit she did appreciate what he did.

It just seems t me she’s not grateful for what she got out of life, she’s spoiled, I mean, think of those who have suffered, & here she is, on a pedestal!

          I remember seeing Jane Powell on a show. The audience adored her, kept praising her. But when I went on TV I was attacked. They just take it all in like they deserve it. They deserve love, I deserve hate. Why?

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MG: Lol. They don’t STAND FOR ANYTHING. Just as you said, beauty, talent & youth. There is nothing to get upset about or argue on, they represent no stand, no conflict, no controversy. You came to earth as a fighter, to fight the wrongs. You represent plenty of things, you are mega controversial. Everyone can find something to attack you for, including things you never did, don’t want to do & never will do, but they attack you for it.

          Being in the adult trade is something to attack. Being an activist for women’s rights is something to attack. Standing up for Prostitutes makes you a target. All these things & more make you a victim of this society. Other people, who are nonentities, sit there quietly by their home curb & dwell on paying the bills. It’s their greatest challenge. They don’t go out into the world & fight dragons – they can’t. It’s not in them.

          So you accept your fate, be happy. It’ll never change. Notoriety is your middle name. Even when your movie/s of your life get out there, it won’t be a piece of cake. There will be adulation & rage. All the same controversies will well up & people will say outrageous things. So live with it, it’s your lot, goes with the territory.

          Just think of the prophets, Saints & Jesus. All of them got it. Recall when Jesus describes how the Prophets were treated. So there it is. There’s the spoiled brats, the royalty, the mega stars who are rich because of show business, then there’s the prophets who usually aren’t rich & they get persecuted.

          For some strange reason Royals think they’re chosen by God for adulation & wealth, but in the eyes of God, how high up are they? That is the question.


          ME: OK Mother God, I get it. Thanks a lot!

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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Evil Patriachs vs Good Matriarchs

Matriarchy vs Patriarchy Discussion 9-18-22

Evils of Patriarchy—Good of Matriarchy

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From Pete Jackson:


Indeed, Rasa, the way you say it is a much more accurate take on what is going on these days.  It is Satan’s system of patriarchy and necrotechnocracy that is the root cause of it all, and that evil system is now finally collapsing (first gradually, then suddenly, in Hemingway fashion as it were) to ultimately pave the way for Matriarchy and Mother God.  


Women have the power to create Paradise on Earth, but of course they can also create hell on Earth as well.  They can go either way depending on who is in charge, and more importantly how and which whom their own energy frequencies are aligned. 

Men, on the other hand, can ONLY seem to create hell despite numerous attempts over millennia to create Paradise or Utopia of some sort.  And it’s not for lack of trying.  Capitalism, communism, Marxism, socialism, fascism, feudalism, technocracy, all major political parties  history, and practically every religion that has a name, were all utterly failed attempts at such.  Immanentizing the eschaton is clearly NOT men’s forte at all, it seems, as they seem to have the reverse Midas touch (everything they touch turns to crap).  At best, they create an illusion of paradise which ultimately and inevitably devolves to hell.


What did Gandhi say about Western Civilization?  “I think it would be a great idea”.  LOL         Pete Jackson



On another thread – re the now hysteria re trans women, that men believe they should be treated the same as are women, like letting them share saunas with them, etc.


From Rasa: William is right, it’s all about attacking, discrediting & disempowering women.  They have gone nuts since it’s been proven that women are superior to men due to having two X chromosomes, & that men are going extinct.  This is their lame way of fighting back.  But lame is also evil & cruel.  The demons do nasty little things to gum up our lives & horrific big things.  Like attacking the pc’s & ability to make a purchase at Lulu for me, & giving deadly fake vaccine shots to others, the little & the big.  And many HUGE things to do with laws, military, culture policies, etc.  They are out to steal, kill, destroy & murder.  They are demonic.  Our weapons are our virtues.  Put on the whole armor of God.  There is no other way to fight Satan.  The physical like they kill us, we kill them, is not the way.  The way is IDEAS. On that we are well armored, us three. What you guys revealed here is a start on the issue.  What you are saying gives me a beginning to which I can respond.  Yes it infuriates me.  Yes I’m beginning to catch on due to you two, I knew nothing of it until now.  My greatest weapon is Obedience.  I hear Her Voice.  I do what She tells me to – that is all.  She knows what to do, I don’t – not as a human in my flesh, I am just clay in Her hands.  Of course I must study, then pray, then obey.  I will get to this later.   Rasa


From William Bond: Hi Everyone


My book, “Why Men Are The Submissive Sex” is now on Amazon. 


I am thinking about writing a new book. I think the reason why many women reject Matriarchy is because they think it is impossible for women to rule our world. So writing a book about how it could be possible might interest women. Although it will have to be a spiritual book as I think it will only be possible though women communicating once again with MotherGod.    William


WHY MEN ARE THE SUBMISSIVE SEX: A Study of Male Stereotypes and Female Authority Figures


Did try to look at the female wood cutter video but it said ‘video unavailable’. But some time ago I did see a similar film about female lumberjacks in Britain during WW2. Also, I can remember what my mother and some aunts said. My mother was a air-raid warden and did this throughout all the bombing of London. One of my aunts worked in a factory during the war and she surprised herself at being able to do skilled machine work while another became a bus driver during the war. 


I get the impression women are frightened of men and for good reason, man are bigger, stronger and more violent than women.  Also many men will undermine women’s confidence in themselves. I see this in my wife her first husband undermined her confidence in herself all the time. Her children tell me they can see a big difference in their mother since she got involved with me, as she is now more confident in herself. 

I think feminism has helped women a lot but patriarchy has taken control of it and has placed strict limit on it.      william


From Rasa: Yes William, our mission is not an easy one but we must push on & have faith & confidence in our work.


The thing is there was a war.  Women lost the war. And now they are POW’s.  They have been BRAINWASHED into believing that things should be the way they are.  And we must un-brainwash them.


We’re doing a good job.     Rasa



From Pete Jackson: Very well-said, both of you.

For the 7000 year long gender war (which they call “patriarchy” to make it sound nicer), men have indeed won just about every single battle thus far.  Kinda like how the Americans won almost every single battle in Vietnam.  But in both cases, it’s also irrelevant.  In the long run, Women will win the war, God willing.


But you are correct in that the classic POW mentality is all too real indeed, and we must un-brainwash them from it.


Best wishes and have a good night,    Pete


From William Bond: Hi Everyone

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I think we have to be careful in assuming that patriarchy v Matriarchy is just about men v women. Many women are defenders of patriarchy while men men promote Matriarchy. Also men suffer under patriarchy as well as women. 


All patriarchy gives us is “blood, sweat and tears”. Slavery and serfdom as well as a huge gap between rich and poor is normal for all patriarchal societies as well as senseless wars, genocide and torture. The majority of men do not benefit from patriarchy it is only the 1% of wealthy individuals that gain from it. 


The power of patriarchy comes from men’s submissive nature in obeying those in authority. The power of any despotic ruler comes from an army of young men who will obey his orders without question. Men obedience to orders is so extreme that soldiers will come out of trenches to die in machine gun fire because they have been ordered to do so. I believe that men were once totally obedient to women but somehow a group of devious alpha men wrestles this power away from women and got men to obey them instead of women. 


For this reason we need to sell Matriarchy to both women and men and explain how both sexes will benefit from it and question patriarchal brainwashing.    William


to William, 

            You are totally right.  It isn’t just men vs women, it’s the SPIRIT OF LOVE that a minority of men DEFEATED by the SPIRIT OF HATE.  They hate other men as well as women, it is Satan against God.  It is Lucifer, in Heaven, a man still in the state of Grace, turning against Mother God & saying

    “I will not serve!”

    And then St. Michael the Archangel, who could be a female as easily as a male, smited him, sent him down into Hell or OUTSIDE the STATE OF GRACE. And the myth says that ONE THIRD of the angels followed him – which to me means ONE THIRD OF MEN followed the demonic Patriarchal leader/s.  That leaves two thirds of men outside the demonic, still in the Grace of God, the unfortunate ones that are manipulated by the tyrants. 

    When you & I were posting a lot of public media, William, occasionally a female would attack you just because you’re a man, thinking they were above you because they were female.  And here you are the Prophet of Matriarchy who heralded its beginning on the internet.  They should have shown you deference & respect instead of criticism.  Of course I blasted them & then they turned against me – these women were of the demonic spirit.  “It is the spirit that quickens, not the flesh.”

    And once again, when the shallow ‘friendships” of Face book & such have faded away, who remains to serve Matriarchy with us?  Not a woman, although I reached out to them & some were on the list – it was Pete!  And he’s been loyal for years, he has the Spirit of Mother God.

    So yes, thank you for bringing out that important distinction, William, because if we condemn all men we go against Buddha, Jesus & all the great male saints & victims of Patriarchy, the True Friends of Mother God & the world of love these men portrayed.  It is dangerous to just say ‘men & women’ & what you said needs to be recalled often in our work.         Rasa


From William: I agree Rasa, we also need to think about Matriarchy as the spirit of love.  If we look at patriarchal history we find rulers who care little for the people they rule and at times they seem to hate them. The world would be a far better place if we had rulers who cared and loved the people they rule.

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The only way we can have loving rulers is to be ruled by loving, maternal and nurturing women. So we can vote into power women like this and not vote for selfish people who only want power for themselves.  William


Rasa: Yes if people like Buddha or Jesus ruled the world we’d be Golden. But such people can’t rise to the top when Patriarchs rule, as Patriarchs are CRIMINALS who will do anything to injure & kill those of God. Look at the Pharisees in Jesus’ time – they gave him the biggest heartaches, they were truly evil. These are Patriarchs & their way of ‘killing’ by the letter of the law.


And so, we are left with the idea that women must, somehow, some way, some day, take over the family & the world. My solution is the long term one which I think God is implementing anyway, as I speak. Women have to regain, reanimate the ‘masculine’ within themselves, which they sacrificed long ago when they created offspring called ‘men’ – which became more & more masculine over the millennia & turned into the ‘Gorillas’ we know today. They have overstepped & gone over the top as far as aggression & lack of compassion. And as males are bit by bit phased out now over millennia, women must also regain what they sacrificed at one time. They thought by creating macho men their lives would be easier. This offspring could do the hard work, the dirty work, the killing & protecting. That worked for a while, maybe 100k years or so. But then they came to a point when some men became ‘Lucifer’ & said ‘I will not serve’ & in the myth, wanted to be worshipped as was Mother God. Isn’t that what we have now?


This is not a quick political solution, this will take thousands of years. However, if we abide by these IDEAS now we can see the writing on the wall. Indeed, partially through God getting me to instigate female body building as well as results of the whole feminist movement, women are doing just what I said. But there’s still a long way to go & we must be informed, animated, inspired & strengthened by the IDEAS here presented.   Rasa


Re newsfeeds ‘The Daily Sceptic’, ‘Common Dreams’ & ‘AlterNet’


From Rasa: I checked all 3 of the news feeds you gave me Pete.  I subscribed to Common Dreams only. {I think I did, gave them my e mail} I liked one article they did on the conspiracy against women, where centers are seducing women into thinking they will get them an abortion when first they are lying to them & are against abortion, & now, even looking to get women arrested seeking abortions.  It seems there’s now a 10k bounty on this & might rise to 100k!  Unbelievable!


I checked the material on the others & there’s too much MAINSTREAM CONTENT like Tweedle de dee & Tweedle de dum……….I don’t want my mind focused on the ‘this is what he said today, then he answered this, then she said, then he said.”……this is a WASTE OF TIME for me just as the mainstream media is a waste of time.  One can get centered on the minutiae, looking at the trees, & lose sight of the forest, which would then put me in the same place as the average Jane Doe.


Although Brighteon is EXTREME & most of the things they explain might not come true or won’t affect me, they suit me well.  I will also re-subscribe to Sons of Liberty, although they are fanatics on uncovering every police crime there is as well as they are an extreme ‘Christian’ {Christian as understood by men} & therefore partially anti-woman place, but yet, they suit me better than mainstream.


Although the extremes might be too extreme, they do not rivet me onto the tiny little minutiae arguments going on here in our society.  I need the big picture or where the big applies to the little going on.  Like the transgender thingy is one small thing, but it portrays the BIG hysteria men have against women, they want to be EQUAL to women – the gender that can REPRODUCE – the gender that is NOT going extinct – & so this focuses in with the big picture.     Rasa

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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

to Bey or not to Bey?

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to Bey or not to Bey?

          Anna Bey is the greatest expert on becoming the woman who snags the elite. She knows it all – seriously – from cosmetics to surgery, to clothing, purses, deportment, culture, education, manners, status – you name it. She has hundreds of movies explaining the subject, including her mistakes on the way.

Check this version for pics on Anna.  Right now I cannot put pics from the computer onto my site here, I can only use what’s in my archives……

Chapter 12   To Bey or not to Bey   8-8-22


Anna is now 36, pushing into the time when these eligible men will no longer consider you prime real estate – by 40 these guys retire us {she seems to say} into obscurity & old age. Not sure if she has a solution to that. I’ve seen about two dozen of her tutorials, she has more answers than I’m aware of.


But yesterday she took the cake. I watched two of her presentations – for me it’s like watching a cobra, I want to look away but I can’t. She preaches the OPPOSITE of all that I represent, & yet, I am ON HER SIDE as she HAS A POINT. My attitude is woman, stand on your own two feet – stop looking at penises. Woman, the New Religion is WALK AWAY from men – create your own world, become the man & woman you want to be – re-animate the masculine traits you once sacrificed, be the strong, heroic, brave & bold person as well as the soft, caring, maternal, compassionate creature that you are. Be all things you once were millennia ago when you were the Great Mother & we worshipped woman as God & God as woman – women reproduced through parthenogenesis. It’s along way to go back there, but human men are going extinct, we’ll have no choice sooner or later.


Last night I saw two of her videos – one was on the mistakes she’s made, & two, on staying away from male losers. When done with this she penetrated my mind to the point I can’t dismiss, it captured me. Previous to this I could watch & walk away. Of humor to me are the purses. She showed us all the purses from designers – I didn’t know then some of these cost thousands of dollars! She explained which are chic, which are not & why. I paid attention, went to the dollar store that looked to me like quality & bought it for twelve bucks, lol.


Then there was the clothing. She explained what was chic, what not. OK, I agree. But her line of duds would not get any hardons from men I know. When I dress like that I get no whistles, no men approach me, it’s like dressing nun style & you get as many offers as nuns. Men as I know them go for sex & unless something sexy catches them, they ignore you – I mean ALL men wherever I go. Of course I’m not talking millionaire yacht clubs or Palm Beach country clubs, I’m talking average venues. I have not tried to infiltrate the elite wherever they hide, but I have had marriage proposals from the rich & famous – all based on my looks, body & youth. They wanted sex so they wanted to marry me, that’s all I know.


Back to Anna. So now, she’s talking of her mistakes. First, it’s the eyelashes, she had them glued on permanently, so long that people were gossiping. She shows an image – yes, they were extreme, yes, it did not do her good. Then the hair color – dark. No, it was not her best look, no she did not look elegant, not right for her. But what really got me was the teeth. She took out a loan – must have been like 50k or more – to have every tooth in her mouth capped. She got a deal where they could do it in 7 days instead of the usual say 3 weeks or more? And then, they started falling out. Yiikes. They had to redo every tooth, which mean drilling them down again – I’ve had some done – then recapping. Finally it was over, she sports the lustrous perfect set she has now, they are beautiful – but what she went through I could imagine tears flowing down her eyes, not to mention her mouth was sensitive from all the stress for a year – couldn’t eat hot or cold, couldn’t open her mouth in cold air, etc – An ordeal. Thank God the condition normalized.

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Now I was thinking of all the other procedures Anna had gone through, so many it boggles the mind, I can’t even remember them all. I mean like enhancing her cheeks, reducing her chin was it?, puffing up her lips, hair extensions galore, tattooing her eyebrows, cosmetics going into hundreds of thousands & think of the stress. All this TO SNAG A RICH MAN! How HATEFUL men are who expect all this from a woman!


Then there’s the ‘trashy Reality TV show.’ Wow, was that eye opening. It seems that prior to hers, a Princess of Sweden – I had seen her with the Prince – {the handsomest Prince that ever lived – walking down the aisle – people only stared at him, not her! I heard she’d been part of a Reality Show – I thought it was a survivalist show – but Anna shows clips,

in one, she’s on her stomach, her top is off, a man is behind her massaging her thighs!}.

          Five years later, this is one of Anna’s MISTAKES – being on this national Swedish ‘trashy’ show. She explains how the members are manipulated to do outrageous things – she kissed a girl as well as guys – she got fall down drunk, which producers appreciated, etc. And for three weeks of degrading shenanigans she only made 300 bucks! She repeats again & again how don’t do anything like this friends, it isn’t worth it.


          I analyze in my mind how the Princess looked & how Anna looked within this show. The princess looked so young she could have passed for 18. And wow, was she cute! She looked like some sort of dessert – or a cute baby animal like a hedgehog or otter or baby raccoon, the kind you want to hold in your hands & cuddle. I could see why the Prince would want her.


          Not so for poor dear Anna. This is a while back – But Anna looked middle aged. Her hair is dark, heavy makeup including dark red cheeks like a Tibetan or those who live in Siberia. I found the cheeks positively annoying. She looks amazingly, like 40 years old except for the ACNE, lol! What is going on? I can see why cutie got the Prince, but Anna made a mistake. The mistake was her GROOMING.


          Today, Anna has transformed into an Angel. She says MAKEUP makes you look OLDER! Her face looks completely natural, no makeup – only the telltale puffy lips say ‘altered’. You don’t see all the surgeries or tattoos, attached lashes, fake hair, everything looks real. She’s a Dresden doll, a statue of a Goddess, carved by an artist greater than Rodin or Michelangelo, she’s made by a supernatural power, – No paint, just surgery! And she could pass for 20!


          Now the next video. It’s the cheap men, those that are unreliable, who want you to pay half, don’t keep their promises, who – ok, so Anna got it the same as the rest of us –who make promises but don’t even give us Arpege – they just wanted to get laid. Anna is passionate, yet as usual, articulate, & you have to hand it to her, English is her third language! She’s Swedish, knows Italian & is a whiz at English & delivers her knowledge in the most pristine, luxurious settings, designer clothes & perfect poise. They say ‘one of a kind’ – She is it.


          As Anna speaks, she delivers WHY men should pay. This I had to hear. I have my own version, Anna’s isn’t far off – we’re sisters under the skin.

          We have more EXPENSES! When you think of the half million or so Anna spent to transform herself, you chuckle, but OK, indeed, what about the small scale of poor to middle class women? She has a point, what does a poor woman have to pay?

          A poor woman has basically to take care of CHILDREN. She’s got rent, food, clothing, diapers, etc, a myriad of expenses she has to struggle to get either from welfare or her own poor earnings. We’re saying many women are ABANDONED. Men had their fun, their teaspoon of sperm is delivered, the woman is left holding the bag & the bills. What do they care? They reproduced, they did their duty. {Like the world needed more of them?}

          And the middle-class woman, such as myself, raised a child alone. I paid everything – he had died & left me penniless on purpose by canceling his life insurance. {My first husband, I was 19}

          My choice was not welfare but work. I was a dancer. I paid a baby sitter. The baby sitter is not cheap, one of the biggest expenses. I lived MODESTLY, day to day, week to week, although I made decent money – it wasn’t enough to be COMFORTABLE; Constant worry re making ends meet.

          But Anna is in another orbit. She hob knobs only with millionaires & teaches us to do so. Of course, you expect these toffs to pay for it all. But they don’t, apparently. You mean, Anna, some rich guys expect us to pay half? Outrageous! I imagine being out with Dr. Robert Atkins for dinner, he asks me to pay half? {He did not} Or Arnold, or Tom Selleck? What a joke! Of course they wouldn’t. And I suspect – if any of them does, he’s only PRETENDING to be rich & actually looking for what he can get out of a woman. Yes, I met some of those lowlifes – they’re out there.

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          The next question, which is the right path? To Bey or not to Bey? To turn yourself into the Goddess of beauty, charm & poise as is Anna, no matter what the cost? Or to follow the way of Guru Rasa, which says basically, stand alone like the rhinoceros, throw his Volkswagen out of the way with your horn, trot off & form a Sisterhood. Use your money for that – help other women toward independence.


          After all, isn’t Anna’s way one of continued dependence on men? I saw the poor girl on an English TV show sweating in her Dior suit while a team interrogated her. The woman was nice but the man accused her of going backward from feminism to Gold Digger. Anna was nervous – who wouldn’t be? She was too gracious to vent on men & say the thieves stole it all from us & now we must bend the knee, which we do, & they are selfish, egotistical, vain pieces of scum. She handled herself diplomatically.


          However, the question stands, do we do what we have to do to win millionaires or do we just accept our lot, whatever it is, & not bow to men? For one thing, if & when we snag the super rich, what do we do with all that money? It’s beyond security, this is LUXURY. Is all this necessary? What do we say at the end of this life when we can’t take it with us? What do we tell Peter at the Pearly Gates? “I got it all – I snagged a man with 50 mil, now what do I get?”        


Although I am supportive & sympathetic to Anna, I will just explain my POV re her. I follow her teachings because I am curious what is the correct way of behavior according to elites – manners, deportment, dress, do’s & don’ts – all of that, for me, could be of use. I mean if & when I hob nob with these people I don’t want to come off as a Cretan, I want to blend in with class. {Say if I need to go to the rest room during a fancy dinner, how do I excuse myself? I am certainly not going to say I HAVE TO GO TO THE REST ROOM! Lol}

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And if I was young, I might pay attention to snagging a winner rather than a loser – if I had a choice {some women don’t.} This is the short term – the here & now.

But my vocation or mission is toward the LONG TERM. I already accomplished my goals of youth – I succeeded on all fronts, had every type of success; material, physical & spiritual.

My work is to prepare women for the soon to distant future. Human men are going extinct, women have to prepare to take over the world. This is a big project; it takes a big Anointing & vision to explain. I am explaining it. For that, I must stay close to Mother God & hear her voice, see her Vison.

To that effect, whatever moneys I receive for my life story are going to the Sisterhood, where I hope to prepare young women not to snag rich men, but to become fully independent, confident & powerful within themselves. Don’t let men weaken you by thinking you need them – you need only God at your side. You need faith, hope, trust & confidence in God & realize She is inside you. God & you are One. Men are helpmates, but they cannot tell us what to do, how to think, how to act.


That is what I see as the purpose of my money. Unfortunately, most of the women who do get big money don’t spend it on that – they ratchet up their lifestyle & live for themselves, & world, not sisterhood & the future. And so, all that big money is wasted.

To Bey or not to Bey? That is the question up to you.

{End Chapter 12}

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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Matriarchy & its Issues

Antagonism Against Matriarchy – Also re Why War is Wrong, It’s Only for Making Money! – & Also re Anti-Feminists, Anti Female

Empowerment Fake Women

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We start with William Bond:   Hi Everyone


From what I have read South East Asia is the last place on the planet where we had matriarchies. India was one a matriarchal country but was invaded by the Muslims. Southern India held out until India was taken over by the British who undermined matriarchal rule in India. Indonesia was also matriarchy but Muslim Arab traders began promote the Islamic religion in Indonesia and turned most of Indonesia into a patriarchal country. 


Japan and Taiwan were also matriarchal, but both countries were invaded by patriarchal Chinese settlers or immigrants who took over both of these countries. The original inhabitants of Japan and Taiwan were very tall people and some have survived in Taiwan and in Northern Japan. The Philippines were again matriarchal but were conquered by the Spanish. Magellan the first European to sail to the Philippines was killed by a tribe, whom the Spanish claimed were giants. 


Indo-China is also reported to have been matriarchal but was changed to patriarchy by influence from China which repetitively failed to conquer the Indo-Chinese countries. 


The last Matriarchal hold-outs still exist in South-East Asia. Like The Mosuo of China, The Khasi and The Garo people of North East India,  The Kerala state of Southern India. The Minangkabau of Sumatra in Indonesia, The Ryukyu islands of Japan and The The Nagovisi tribe of South Bougainville island of New Guinea     William


Hi Pete

I have wondered why the whole concept of Matriarchy has been suppressed for a long time. I saw this in the book “The First Sex” by Elizabeth Gould Davis back in the 1970s. Feminists criticized the book because she dare mention matriarchy. Then later Marija Gimbutas was heavily criticized for the same reason. 


I think the reason why Matriarchy is criticized and suppressed is because patriarchy fears it. It should be obvious that men do a terrible job in ruling our world, but they get away with it, because as they will tell you, there is no alternative. But there is and that is Matriarchy. 


Patriarchy used to fear feminism but have now found ways to manage it. They tell female politicians they have to act and behave like men if they want power and female politicians go along with this. So this can be used as an argument against Matriarchy as patriarchy can say, “women are just as bad as men”. 


Women are told the lie that love and compassionate are a weakness. But that is not true, because the people desperately want to be ruled by compassionate and caring rulers. Which will never happen under patriarchal rule. Only nurturing women can provide this type of leadership. So if the people are given the choice of a loving Matriarchal government or a uncaring and corrupt patriarchal government they will always choose Matriarchy. So patriarchy has to make sure the people are never given that choice.      William


Rasa says: To even DISCUSS Matriarchy makes people think about it.  Patriarchs don’t want anyone to even THINK ABOUT IT.  If people thought about it many of them would wonder if it’s a good alternative, many would want to see it tried.  So remove the subject from the table is what they want to do – Matriarchy never existed, they want us to believe, it does not exist & it cannot be.


They are SCARED TO DEATH of women.   Rasa



Pete Jackson:    Indeed, that is very true, Rasa and William.  Them denying the existence of Matriarchy also functions as a form of gaslighting as well, to deliberately mess with Women’s heads.  Worse, sometimes they even deny that patriarchy ever existed either, even worse gaslighting.

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From Rasa:   Thanks Pete.  What does Gaslighting mean?  Like Charles Boyer in ‘Gaslight’ making Ingrid Bergman think she’s crazy?


I think I’ll name one of my Matriarchal books ‘What Men are Afraid of”


Men are afraid of women getting together for sisterhood


Men are afraid of women’s INDEPENDANCE


Men are afraid of women thinking logically for themselves – not listening to them or obeying their precepts


Men are afraid of women LEAVING them


Men are afraid of women’s FAITH, CONFIDENCE, VIRTUES, believing in their own God their own way rather than being told who & what God is, what God wants, how to believe, how to behave


Men are afraid of women having meetings, talking to each other, getting together:  Sisterhood.  In sisterhood there is power.


So all of the above is discouraged in Patriarchy.


What they want is:


Women’s obedience


Women’s FEAR of them


Women’s confusion as to history & facts


Women not to know or understand their real agenda, how evil it is


Women to be weak, passive & not fight back


Women to surrender the mgmt of their children to them although they do not have the best interests of kids at heart


Women to serve them like Steppford wives / slaves


Women to be loyal & faithful like a dog


Women to adore, admire them, & build them up


Women to do what they the men want, not to interfere, just stand out of the way & do background work


Women to keep SILENT re issues such as Patriarchy, Matriarchy, why it is – the gender war – the history of it or anything of it


Pete: I’d like you to explain re war. I know it is to MAKE MONEY in general. In the ancient days it was easy to explain. They attacked other peoples to get everything they had, their land, their resources, animals, women – anything of value. Then they turned the inhabitants into work slaves & breeding slaves.


But the way Gen. Smedley explains it, it’s like corporations making money every time we make war with someone.


Could you give us more insights on that? To the average person – like myself – who knows little of politics, how does this corporations making money in war work? I know vaguely but would like to get your insights. For instance, I know, say one company produces airplanes, they make money. The chemical companies produced Agent Orange, they sprayed the jungles of Vietnam, giving everyone cancer, they made money. All that is purchased to run an army, the producers make money.


Do you have some better, more insightful & precise way of explaining it?               Rasa


From Pete Jackson:

Gaslighting in today’s lingo is indeed derived from the film of the same name.  Broadly defined, it is when someone makes someone else question or doubt their own reality, make someone think they are going crazy, or otherwise invalidate their experience.  


As for war, what Maj. Gen Smedley Butler said was bang on the money, and not much has really changed since he wrote that in 1935.  At least not changed for the better.  Since then, the cancer of the mercenary-industrial complex (what I like to call the military-industrial complex) has only metastasized many times larger since then, failing to heed President Eisenhower’s famous warning as he was leaving office.  It has become even more big business, as so much of the military’s functions have been outsourced to private defense contractors (i.e. mercenaries) like KBR, Halliburton, Blackwater, Dyncorp/CSC, Raytheon, etc.  And that’s to say nothing of the weapons manufacturers who quite literally make a KILLING on all of this.

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And yet, it still hasn’t unambiguously won a single hot war since WWII, except for Grenada.  Korea was a stalemate, Vietnam was a loss in the end, Afghanistan was a loss in the end, and Iraq, including the first Gulf War, had ambiguous results at best.  All wars since WWII except Grenada were thus varying degrees of stalemate, loss, or temporary Pyrrhic victory at best.  And the Cold War, which we won, was of course by definition not a hot war (though it clearly gave rise to several hot proxy wars all the same).


Lots of corporations directly and indirectly make money from this war racket.     Best of luck,  Pete


Rasa: Excellent rendition. Thanks Pete


William Bond says:   I think the idea that men have no interest in older women is a myth. Yes, there are many men who prefer younger women and that seems to be acceptable. But for some reason it is unacceptable for men to desire older women even though many men have these desires.   William


Rasa says: We went through this William many times.  The Patriarchy doesn’t want young men to be INFLUENCED by older or experienced, authoritative {to some degree} women.  They want to put OLD WOMEN OUT TO PASTURE, not give them any platform to influence the youth, as then, it will be their agenda, not men’s.  Old women do not want to send young men into war to kill & be killed, for example.


From Ajax the Great:

Viva La….Counterrevolution? Why “Reactionary Feminism” Is An Anachronistic Oxymoron That Will NOT Help Women

Some on the interwebs are recently claiming that a “sexual counterrevolution” is afoot, one that is ostensibly led by Women on both sides of the Atlantic (USA and UK) who are fed up with the sexual revolution as it were.  From Mary Harrington (who apparently coined the term, as well as the term “reactionary feminism” with which she herself identifies) to Louise Perry to Christine Emba to Katherine Dee to Evie Magazine to a few others, including some men as well, there does appear to be a trend back towards sex-negativity, or at least against the perceived excesses of sexual liberation.

The sexual revolution, like the industrial revolution, was a mixed bag overall.  Contrary to what some believe, it was neither an unalloyed good nor an unmitigated evil.  But overall, it was on balance a good thing I think.  Yes, even for Women too.  If anything, it is still unfinished to this day.  It is not a simple case of “men won and Women lost”, just like the industrial revolution was not merely a simple case of “bourgeoisie (capitalist class) won and proletariat (working class) lost”.  Sexual liberation does NOT need to be a zero-sum game at all.  Only the male-defined sexuality of patriarchy is truly a zero-sum game, which has existed long before the sexual revolution.  Female-defined sexuality is not.


Rasa says: I am asking Mother God to help me with this, as I am somewhat out of my depth, but I rely on Mother God’s help to understand it all. And so, Mother God, why are these women against the ‘sexual revolution?’ I think this revolution happened with women rising up, gaining some empowerment. So why are these women against it?


Mother God: These women are SABOTEURS or traitors to the cause, the way during Hitler’s time, traitor Jews turned in other Jews. They hope to gain some applause & benefits from patriarchs for turning against other women, propping up Patriarchy. They don’t care about human beings & their plight, they only care about themselves & their immediate life, & making some sort of fanfare for themselves – gaining approval & notoriety from the systems that is in power.


Ajax continues:   As for the idea that there should be some sort of counterrevolution, as author Louise Perry advocates in The Case Against The Sexual Revolution, well, some good rebuttals from many different angles can be found herehere, and here.  Even Christine Emba’s new book, Rethinking Sex: A Provocation (the thesis of which is neither  new nor particularly provocative) can be criticized herehere, and here as well.  These rebuttals for both, all written by Women, are far, far better than anything I could ever write.  And while these two authors occasionally make some decent points here and there, they are both quite heavy on problems and light on solutions.  Emba’s solutions are far too vague and anodyne, while Perry’s are far too retro (if not extremely non-starters as well), to even be considered solutions.  


But truly the only real solution is the one that these authors don’t seem to consider:  MATRIARCHY.  It’s like they are afraid to even utter the word, or something.  Not surprising, of course, given how utterly infantilizing and agency-denying some of their arguments are to Women in general.


It is true what they say that mere consent should be the floor, not the ceiling, of sexual ethics.  No argument from me there.  Even most sex-positive feminists would agree as well.  What Emba in particular calls “radical empathy” is also crucial, as well as respect, honesty, and basic human decency/dignity, of course.  But beyond that, their arguments really start to coast into confusion if not utter incoherence overall.  And the relatively short shrift they give to non-heterosexual folks (both Women and men), who they barely even acknowledge at all, also does the reader a serious disservice as well.


Rasa with Mother God says: Yes, it’s a Patriarchal thing to beat up on people for sex, for their sexual choice if it’s different, for their sexual behavior between consenting adults. So they are simply betraying the empowerment of women & endorsing Patriarchy.


But back to Mary Harrington.  Her brand of “reactionary feminism” takes it a step further and apparently wants to roll back not only the sexual revolution, but also the industrial revolution as well, and possibly even the Enlightenment too.  The 1950s is apparently not traditional enough for her, as she quite literally seems to prefer….the 1450s.  (Riddle me this:  If that time period was so great, then why all the peasant revolts, in which revolutionary Women, eventually persecuted as “witches”, played an outsized role?)  She is really quite the anti-modernist, it seems, and the title of her upcoming book, Feminism Against Progress, kinda says it all.  She comes dangerously close to sounding just like the Neoreactionary movement at times.  Oh, and she also denies that patriarchy ever even existed either.  Thus, her vague “solutions” would essentially preclude the only real solution of Matriarchy as well.  And yet she calls herself a feminist, go figure!


Rasa with Mother God says: This woman is gaslighting {you taught me this term Ajax!} She doesn’t MAKE SENSE so she is in sync with Patriarchs, who also don’t ‘make sense’ unless you know they are trying to enslave women.

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Ajax continues: (To be fair, Harrington is not the first person to ever criticize the notion of “progress” either.  Christopher Ryan, co-author of Sex at Dawn, also wrote a sort-of sequel, Civilized to Death:  The Price of Progress, in which he also criticizes the unquestioned notion of progress, albeit from a different and clearly sex-positive angle, and with VERY different solutions compared to the reactionaries.  I triple-dog dare Harrington to debate him, lol.  But much like Lynn Saxon, author of an unconvincing rebuttal titled Sex at Dusk, she would probably just resort to cad-shaming and other ad hominem attacks.)


Rasa with Mother God says: We, the ‘Three Musketeers of Matriarchy’ – know & agree that the sex issue is CRUCIAL to female empowerment & Matriarchy. When women gain sexual freedom, they gain everything, because 99% or so of the male domination principle is to control women’s sexual behavior. Once that is freed up, game over for men. So of course these evil women would rant on the issue of sex, going backward instead of forward. This would hurt the cause of women & humanity; it would be against God, as God wants female empowerment & Matriarchy. Why would She be rendering human males EXTINCT?


Ajax continues: Oh, and finally, one of her most ridiculous articles ever is literally titled, “Middle Aged Women Don’t Want Sex”, and presumably that applies to Crones as well.  Somehow that sounds a bit like projection perhaps?  And besides, the legendary Guru Rasa Von Werder has clearly and famously debunked this utterly specious notion to be not only inaccurate, but almost a full 180 degrees wrong as well.


Rasa with Mother God says: All women want sex, young & old. It’s time to recognize that old women appreciate sex as much as anyone else does & they should have the right to use their bodies for pleasure. That is an important principle.


Ajax continues:   Thus, so-called reactionary feminism occupies that awkward space between where extreme sex-negative radical feminism and extreme sex-negative anti-feminism meet per Horseshoe Theory.  Much like how the far left and far right become dangerously close to each other as well.  It is essentially the worst of both extreme worlds, and its pied pipers should really be avoided like the plague and not discussed further.  Except insofar as sunlight is the best disinfectant, of course.



UPDATE:  Oh, and about those revolutionary Women of the 15th century, eventually persecuted as “witches”, did you know that many of them believed in and practiced communal living and even (gasp) free love?  You know, the same things that are absolutely anathema to those self-proclaimed “reactionary feminists” discussed above?  According to the actual feminist Sylvia Federici, they apparently did.  So far from being the granddaughters of the “witches” they couldn’t burn, today’s reactionaries are more like the granddaughters, or at least ideological descendants, of the sellout Women who collaborated with the witch-hunters and threw their sisters under the bus.  That is true not just for these reactionaries, but also for all slut-shamers, SWERFs, forced-birthers, victim-blamers, and rape apologists as well–all of which being just a very short walk away from one another.


Rasa with Mother God says: Sexual liberty for women is crucial. We need to work on this issue strongly – we are. But hope to leave behind a legacy where the sisters & good brothers behind us, continue to work on it.


More from Ajax the Great, after I said a couple remarks:


Thank you, Rasa. Very well-said overall.  These “reactionary feminist” women that I referred to, are not even really academics or pundits, they are one-trick-pony ideological hacks at best.  They are actually worse than the academics IMHO.  And they are clearly NOT of God, no matter how much they may pretend to be.  They are probably the most dangerous one of all, as their agenda (if it gains traction) would literally set Women back decades if not centuries, and sabotage any hope of Matriarchy occurring in the near future.


Rasa with Mother God says: They are dangerous if anyone believes their agenda & lies – but fortunately intelligent people will know they are nuts. We have made some progress & going backward, saying it’s right to go backward, is not going to fool too many people these days.


Ajax continues: To be fair, I am willing to give one of them, Christine Emba, the benefit of the doubt as merely being a bit confused about things given her background, and her heart may very well be in the right place overall even if she ends up being incorrect in many ways.  I may not agree with a lot of what she says, of course, but she does not seem to be cut from quite the same cloth as the rest of the ones I mentioned, and she is otherwise at least somewhat progressive.  As for the rest of them?   They can all go take a long walk off a short pier.


Mary Harrington is the worst, and Louise Perry is almost as bad.  Anti-feminist wolves in sheep’s clothing, basically.  Snakes in the grass, the lot of them.  They are worse than even the demonic Phyllis Schlafly, since with the latter at least you knew where you stood with her.

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And Lynn Saxon? While I don’t know much about her, years ago she was the one whose only two books she ever wrote were to “debunk” and cast aspersions on Christopher Ryan’s “Sex at Dawn”, and later to cast bonobos and bonobo research in a bad light in “The Naked Bonobo”.  She is apparently nothing but a professional troll with an axe to grind against anything even remotely resembling sexual liberation, though I am not sure about how she identifies politically.  She literally wrote nothing else, ever.  That really says something.  Reminds me of Derek Freeman making it his life’s mission to discredit Margaret Mead’s “Coming of Age in Samoa”, also (not coincidentally) about indigenous sexual freedom.


Rasa with Mother God says: Anyone with two brain cells will not take her seriously, given she only wrote those kind of books, lol.


Rasa continues: This article speaks of things I know little about. I don’t know these women & have not read their books. But I know these TYPES of women & don’t want to WASTE MY TIME & ENERGY studying them, because they are saying such NEGATIVES – I just want to stay away from them cluttering my mind. However, since you read them & DEBUNKED them I’m very grateful & I’ll try as best I can, to interject my remarks within your great insights, then I will post it on my site & later a Matriarchal book.


I do have a copy of Sex at Dawn, agree with it totally, think it’s a really important book affirming our position.  That I do know.  In fact, Dr. Dale Glaebach years ago called me on the phone to tell me about this book, how great it was, urged me to read it, so that’s why I’m aware of it.  It confirms & affirms our position on sexuality, bonobos, & all of that.429077 333243 245821-699x450-magical-cat-names 242005-1600x1060-cat-on-the-couch images (8) images (12) unlikelyfriends-friendship images (13) images (21) images (20)

College of God & Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Rhode Island & Binghamton

 Chapter 10   West Warwick, Rhode Island, Jan. 8, 1979   UPI Binghamton, NY Jan 29, 1979

Written 7-31-22


First a reporter from UPI called me. This was unusual as I usually called them. We hit numerous papers coast to coast including front pages. I got people sending me copies from places like Guam.

The young reporter took his own image & I wish I had worn a brighter costume, it was black with a big white flower in my hair & I held a fan, so it was like a flamenco dancer.

The townspeople are usually curious about the star that appears in a local venue. This was right in town, they {I passed a barber shop on the way} saw me walk to the nearby Church across the street, where I attended daily Mass & stayed for prayers which took 45 minutes – my usual routine, I had a hardbound book called ‘Enchiridion of Indulgences.’

The fact that I had this habit put me in good stead with the locals; they looked at me like a saint. A man who worked in the theater – was he a janitor? – prayed about me. He asked God to tell him if I was legit. That night he was awakened by a lady standing next to his bed who told him I was. He explained this to the press. His vision was portrayed in the article

“He said he saw an Angel.”

I minded my own business, did my work & prayed.

Prayers became more fervent when I was told Mom had lung cancer & was given 6 months to live. I pled God,

“Don’t let her go to Hell, I’ll pay for her sins.

I have enumerated her sins against me & others in other volumes. This begs the question, why don’t I just forget the bad stuff, concentrate on the good?

The answer is, it’s an integral part of my life. You cannot know just the good that happened to a person & leave it there, you must know both sides.

The bad as well as the good determine one’s character & virtues. If you react to bad with hate, revenge & bitterness, you’ve failed the test. If you react with forgiveness & love, you’ve won.

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Had I reacted badly to the cruelty people put on me my life would be a failure, & I’d have to live again to purify my soul. But I don’t intend to live again. I came here in the first place to help humanity, & if I fell down now, it would not befit an avatar.

I lived the week in West Warwick in a place of bliss – which is how I usually feel when I do my business & don’t get involved with people. The highlight was when a man took me to a petting zoo, I got to pet goats. He said,

“So that’s what brings you to life.”

The owner of the theater saw me silent except when the press was there, & funny, he also said,

“So that’s when you come to life.”

Apparently, I’m not like other women they knew. What were other women like? The ones I met incessantly talked about their ex husbands or boyfriends, life revolved around men {how bad they were of course}. In fact, now that I’d been celibate for 6 months I tried not to think about them at all.

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          Jan 29, 1979, Binghamton NY


          This was, without a doubt, one of he most wretched jobs I’d ever had to contrast with the previous one; from Heaven to Hell. Everything was bad.

The owner was a mean, angry, cranky crook – Pat Lebous. His relative was the Chief of Police, the name is big in this area, but Pat was no biggie. I negotiated myself so as usual, without an agent, you haven’t got a chance. I asked for $5 at the door but he insisted, again & again, the local people wouldn’t pay it. I think I got a flat rate for 1.5k a week for 2 weeks when it should have been at least 3k. I had hit the international news over & over, the place was packed.

Then when I got there he charged $7 at the door because of MY publicity. I called the press – not he. I called the local TV show & got on it – not he. He gave me no press conference, nothing. The business was my doing, but he got the money. And how did he cheat the other performers? There was a black MC & a black co-star. The co-star he paid – I kid you not – $150 a week. When she told me – I don’t know what he paid the MC – I gave them each $100 from my money. The poor female was trying to live off tips & private shows.

There was no food. I mean we were stranded in the middle of a rural area & to take a cab, as usual, in these type places, by the time you took taxis back & forth to eat – you’d spend a fortune & even I could not afford it. {Mind you, I only averaged 10 jobs a year when I was lucky!} The poor MC told me he was starving. I took a cab to a grocery store & I bought us some things like sardines & boxes of dry cereals. That’s what we lived off.

His manager did take me one time to drum up business – I took flyers to many places including the Police Dept where his cousin was Chief. The Chief came & brought his wife & others – I think he appreciated me, they seemed happy during the visit. And they told me he’d not talked to his cousin Pat for years – this broke the ice & they made up.

With the business standing room only I felt it was time to re-negotiate. In the office {where I dressed btw} I told Pat that I was not staying the second week because he’d cheated me. He went crazy, began to shout & throw furniture around!

Frightened, I ran out, went to my motel across the street. The next morning I called the police & asked them to have someone go with me back to the place to get my costumes & stuff. They were reluctant, but I begged, & finally, one nice highway officer came, & I got my stuff, with Pat Lebous acting meek & mild.

Then he sent his wife to my room – she had to be a saint because anyone who put up with this man was. She pleaded over & over he’d never bother me again – wouldn’t come near me, she’d even be there herself every night, even though she was weak from a recent operation. It was all about money – they did not want to lose the big bucks I generated. Nothing was spoken of about paying me more. I felt sorry for the lady & because of her I worked the second week, & true to her word, he didn’t come near me & she was there each night.


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The Nuns


The second week I decided to visit these nuns, who were friends of my then best friend, Dr. Ewert Cousins from Fordham & Columbia Universities. He said when I preached in Binghamton, pay them a visit. {I never told him I was a stripper, only a preacher, & when he found out after 5 years, our relationship ended. His voice shook when he asked me if I was a stripper, I knew we were doomed so I never called again.} During our friendship we had lunch a few times & spoke every Sunday for a long prayer session – even when I was in Hawaii for 3 months in 1984, I’d call him on a pay phone that took plenty clangy change! I mean $20 worth!

Well, I went to see these nuns & they were gracious, sister Mack {not her real name} had taken her Dad’s name for her investiture. Unfortunately, I had no wheels & asked a dancer to take me – she also dragged another dancer along who looked like a hooker, with red opera hose & a slinky dress. I didn’t want them to break my secret, so I said cool it!

We chatted with the nuns over an hour, it was great.

What was not great is ten years later, this area – where I said out loud I would NEVER live – I ended up moving not 10 miles from the nuns! I had forgot them & people told me there were nuns nearby who made their own wine.

I then contacted them & visited, but I was snubbed. Alas, they had found out I was a stripper, & although they loved me initially, wanted nothing to do with me. So much for charity & God’s love.

I had even applied, when I met them, to join their order – & they turned me down!

God comforted me saying I would not have been happy as a nun. Yes, I understand now, being a nun is not for me, I had other fish to fry. I could maintain my religious life by myself, as quasi hermit, I could be celibate by myself, I needed to become a Cougar later in life. None of this would have happened had I been a nun. No, I was totally different from other women, a life like mine had never been lived & I had to live it no matter how eccentric I seemed. {End Chapter 10}


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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Mugging & Arrest


Chapter 9   Get Arrested, Cleveland, OhioNov 6, 1978

written 7-29-22

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          It was a little theater – No more than 200 people, whereas some places in Canada held 2,000 {like the Metro Theater in Toronto.} A few memories.


          One, I spoke before each show about God. One black dancer was so impressed with my speech she decided to do likewise, & gave a little talk about how her back hurt! Lol. She wanted me to like her & showed me a series of images of herself as a ‘gangster.’ I thought they were whimsical.   


          Another strong memory is a black man, tall, handsome & well built, saw me outside. People were milling about. He pulled out a hand written letter I had sent him while he was in prison! It must have been 5 pages long! I had no memory of it, but indeed, I know I did answer many prisoners, feeling sorry for them. I was grateful to myself for caring – it made a huge impression on him.


          We had a wonderful lady – black – her name was Brandy. She was the finest helper I’d ever had in any venue. One thing, she made a press conference with drinks & food. It was a huge success.

          She also went with me to a TV show – can’t recall if I arranged it or she. One of the guests was that boxing entrepreneur Don King. He said,

          “Hello Brandy!”

          to her & she was amazed, as they had never met! I was so happy for her to get recognition as the owner of the theater was a crud – he had a problem, they told me, with fat women. He kept hiring them to dance, lol.

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          The host of the TV show thought I was a fake, especially when I told him I donated to the Church for Souls in Purgatory. He said he’d sent 2 reps from his show to go with me when I made the donation, & if I did, he’d report it on his next day’s news. What an idiot. OK, but he did not tell them how much. I gave 1k for Masses.


The Mugging


          I almost lost that money the day before. I carried it in my purse because I was afraid to leave it in the hotel – they had no safe. I usually took my purse onto the stage, as it was not safe in the dressing room, naturally, not where the audience could see it but I could. So I was walking from my hotel to the club when right in front of the club a short black man is walking next to me & we both look at the signs & pictures outside.


          Before I tell you the next move, let me explain.


          No dancer had ever hit all 3 news in Cleveland. I hit two of them – but there was one that was serious news & didn’t touch anything they considered ‘fluff’ – so they did not interview me.

          So I prayed fervently that God, no matter what it takes, let them interview me.

          OK so myself & this young black guy are standing on the street, & I have my purse on a long strap hanging off my shoulder. Suddenly he grabs my purse so hard that down I go, & I jump back up & chase him.

          At the same time a pickup truck is going by with a middle aged man, & he gives chase.

          Just as he nears the guy a cop car comes from the opposite direction, & they both have the culprit nailed against a tall chain link fence – game over.

          They take him in, lock him up, my money is saved. I recall praying hard as he ran off with it,

          “God don’t let him get the money for the Souls!”


          The next morning I finally awake for my show. As I


pick up the phone the operator breathlessly says,

          “Kellie, there’s the channel X news waiting for you downstairs but I told them I could not awaken you as you had a ‘do not disturb’ order.”

          Wow! God had answered my prayer! It had to be this way because this was ‘hard news’ – a mugging of the star of the theater. So they came.

          But at the same time, God arranged it so the money for the Souls was not lost.

          Here’s how salvation came.

          I spoke to the pickup truck driver.

          He said,

          “When I saw that guy grab your purse & you went down, I thought of my daughters. That’s why I couldn’t let him get away with it, & just as I had him against the wall – a cop car came from the opposite direction.”

          I thanked him again & again, felt we were friends.

          At the police station, they told me about the guy. He was young & had just got out of jail; in his ‘defense’ he said he grabbed my purse because ‘she was just a whore.’ In other words, in our society its open season on women in the adult trade – you can rob’m, hurt’m, kill’m – it’s OK because they deal with sex. It happened to a sister in NYC, Johnny Pons girl friend, Lily Marlene. Yes, she was selling her time.

          She was in a car with a young Jewish guy & he stabbed her like 19 times, around her middle. When she danced – & she was a star – you could see terrible scars.

          He got away with it because his rabbi & others came to his defense & said he was a ‘good Jewish boy’ & she was ‘just a whore.’

          She became an alcoholic – Johnny Pons asked me to look after her & I did take her out one night – Holy Cow, she drank about $75 worth {I was just surviving money wise, I worked one week a month at the most – not because I didn’t want to but there weren’t enough venues}, he should have subsidized me. Her identity as a human had been stripped away, soon after she killed herself.

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The Arrest


It was the first time I’d ever been arrested & I was scared. Yes, got on the news again, lol. What for? Nudity.

There was a black adult trade worker being booked at the table next to me. I pitied her & said,

“They always pick on the poorest people.”

She looked at me & said,

“I ain’t poor.”

The officer understood I was on her side, he said,

“She’s trying to help you,”

And the female said something like she didn’t ‘need no help’ or whatever – I guess she was trying to keep her dignity.

The case went before the judge in my absence – it was dismissed. It was just publicity for the authorities as someone was running for office. The same thing happened in Toronto – there was an election going on & they wanted publicity. It’s Patriarchy. It’s like them saying, ‘We keep the town clean.’

Did you see ‘Elmer Gantry’? This creep went through all the ‘houses’ having members arrested, with press & cops in tow. When he got to one where there was a female he’d been fukking he got snagged. She framed him, had someone take pictures of her in his lap later on – he got on the front page. Elmer Gantry is a deplorable movie which took the great faith healer Aimee Semple McPherson, turned her life around, took this lowlife guy she was involved with{she had t pay off a female for big bucks} – turned him into the star & made her look like a fool: Patriarchy. Whatever we do, we’re the bad guys, they’re the good guys, we can never win, they succeed no matter what they do & we better keep our mouths shut.  

{End Chapter 9}

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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Damned Male Agenda

Damned Male Agenda 7-28-22

Letters between Rasa, William Bond & Pete Jackson

Opening letter from Rasa:

Run from the Hills 7-27-22

The ‘Hill People’ of Laos


     Another example of a sicker than sick PATRIARCHAL – MALE RUN – Society. It enrages me. Somehow the bulk of the work falls on the shoulders of the women. They work from sunup ’till they drop from exhaustion. The main female featured here looks 10-20 years older than she is – is 60 but could pass for 80 – for the serial pregnancies – 15 – & the non-stop drudgery work. He – the male leader – is a SHAMAN which is similar to a Priest-faith healer. But he has to MURDER an innocent little baby chick to produce a cure for a fever? They boy, it says, was cured, but he took an “anti-fever” pill. What is that? Aspirin? OK so a needless torture of the baby chick – I couldn’t watch. I think he set it’s fluffy-ness on fire from a candle. He could not affect a cure using hypnosis or mind over matter, or herbs like a real FEMALE SHAMAN or faith healer would do – or a non-murderous psychologically effective ritual? {Yes he did that as part of it, – the paper doll – that was OK.}


Then a young person from a nearby village dies – they show the funeral. To commemorate this person’s death they take an innocent Water Buffalo, tie him to a tree, take a sharp spear & stab him to death with it. Then cut off his head, climb on top the roof & make loud noises to prove they have done something good. Only a man would think of this. Then the entire village gets drunk – women included. That part doesn’t other me.

Then the twins business. They have decided that only animals have more than one baby, people that have twins are possessed by an evil spirit. They are BANISHED, their HOUSE & PROPERTY ARE DESTROYED, & they MUST MURDER THEIR BABIES! If they do this they can come back to the village but they are shunned for a full year. Why don’t these people take their babies & somehow by the Grace of God go to that far-away town where the youngest son lives? I know it’s a trek but better than killing two babies! It’s a 6 hour trek. Where there’s a will there’s a way. Trust in God that when you get there God will find a way to survive.

The clincher is when this Chief-Shaman, who is 72 but could pass for 52 because he has the ‘life of Riley’ recites how great he is & he has to have the biggest funeral there ever was – dozens of COWS have to be SACRIFICED for him! He did this, he did that, proving he is the GREATEST man in the province. Hope your funeral comes as soon as possible but spare the Cows. I would take his corpse & hang it upside down, let the kids play target practice on him, like they did with Mussolini.


From You Tube:


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The Akha tribe in Laos: Between tradition and modernity | DW Documentary


The Akha in Laos live almost untouched by modern civilization. They still adhere to their archaic customs. But they are on the verge of upheaval. Cut off from the rest of the world, without a paved road, the village of Peryensang Mai has remained almost untouched by modern civilization to this day. Its inhabitants are from the Akha tribe, and they seem to live in a different time: Their language isn’t even written down; their everyday life is defined by the laws and rituals handed down from their ancestors such as animal sacrifices to ward off bad luck. This adherence to customs that are often quite brutal endows the Akha’s lives with stability and direction. The women of the village have a particularly busy life. Because the Akha are largely self-sufficient, their tasks range from agriculture to housework and making traditional clothing. This documentary tells the story of the Laovan family. Mother Yeapheun has always had to work hard to support her large family. Her husband is the village elder and ensures the Akha observe the strict laws and commandments. The couple and their eldest children cannot imagine life beyond the mountaintop, so the family is pinning its hopes on youngest son Kienglom, who has been going to school in a nearby town since he was eleven years old. Like many mountain tribes in Laos, the Akha are facing a difficult choice: between a move down into the valley, which would mean they would have electricity, running water and better medical care – but also abandoning their ancient rituals. The film takes the viewer on an emotional journey of discovery to a tribe torn between tradition and modernity and facing the need to reinvent itself in today’s world.



          Rasa says: They don’t tell you the truth like I did – about it being Patriarchy, etc. They see it from an old-time vs modern point of view; I see it as Patriarchy vs Matriarchy. Why is that? Because Patriarchs are writing our history, making all the observations, so of course, they never reveal their own sins. Even women in Patriarchy, brainwashed, are following the narrative men present. So the society is never fixed – It remains as it is, the male fukked-up agenda, the women following. If we wish to truly change the world for the better we need to see through Mother God’s prism, the way She would see it. And Buddha & Jesus were both Matriarchal – No animal sacrifices. Sacrifice your sins, bad thoughts, feelings and actions. Sacrifice your hate & prejudice, not animals.


          And another thing: Check those children’s bodies after the men have ‘baby sat’ them while all you women were at work. Can you imagine what goes on? And who are they accountable to for abuse? Is there police? Will the women handle it? No, the women are slaves, they do what they are told; they cannot protect the children & have no remedy when it happens. Same with all those Patriarchal cults like here we have Amish, Mennonites, Hutterites. Who handles the abuse? NO ONE. That is the purpose of Patriarchy: exploit the women & children, do what we want, they are our workers, breeders & toys


Pete Jackson says re overpopulation:   In fact, as Igor Chudov reports later, in ultra-jabbed Germany, not only births, but even abortions are down too.  That means that even accidental pregnancies are down as well as purposeful ones, so it’s not simply due to people choosing to delay or avoid procreation.  Really makes you wonder!

Rasa on overpopulation–birth control–abortion

The lack of abortions tell it all. People didn’t stop having sex, & unwanted pregnancies happen all that time. That means something caused people to become infertile.

          For me, Patriarchy is going to Hell in a hand basket. It is inevitable that many things will go wrong, all the time. It is expected that the Patriarchs & their sock puppet females will lead the world into devastation again & again – the only question is how?        

The fact that many people believed in these monsters shows me they have not been paying attention to alternative media. They are ignorant of what is going on behind the scenes, as the mainstream media is controlled by those that do wrong.

          Now about the population. Patriarchy – men – not women, have caused overpopulation.

          It behooved Patriarchs to have more & more people in their tribes so they could have bigger armies. Other reasons, it is men who are loathe to practice birth control. Not women. Men many times load their sperm into women & take off – leave her holding the bag. I just saw a documentary in Africa where a dirt poor woman had 6 children in 10 years. She could not afford even the first, & went to live with her Grandma. The moderator asked her why she had so many children – they can’t even feed them! They take turns taking spoonfuls, each one gets only so many. And the woman said,

“Ask the men.”


Each man had abandoned her. They want to fukk but not provide. Maybe they are poor themselves, no doubt, but try masturbating instead of sexing. But they don’t care, they fukk & take off, worse than animals, as many animal males tend their harems – even male fish protect eggs fertilized eggs.

Alright, Dr. Bryan Sykes says the same thing – that the Patriarchs cause overpopulation; serial pregnancies. And so why don’t they remedy this in natural ways, by stop intimidating women into sex, lying to them, pretending they care. Have sex with other men or your hand.

And now those in charge want to reduce overpopulation by MURDER. Typical male logic. There is no end to this & there never will be until the final solution of Mother God comes closer – the extinction of men. Maybe in a few thousand years their numbers will diminish to a point where we can control the rabid dogs. And I apologize to the dogs.     Rasa

Pete Jackson says:   And recently I was reading about how there are still overpopulation deniers, most notably XXXXX. He actually has the GALL to say that people aren’t having enough kids! Seriously. Or at least not enough to colonize Mars, one of his biggest ambitions. (Facepalm) I do like other things about him, and think he is a genius overall, but he has a MAJOR, MAJOR blind spot in that regard, much like the late Stephen Hawking (with an IQ nearly 200) denying the existence of God. XXX really has his head in an anatomically impossible position, lol.

In Western (i.e. rich) countries, and even some not-so-rich countries, birthrates have been plummeting for a while now, because Women are FED UP. And that is a GOOD thing on balance, not something to fear. The two best, and ethical, ways to solve overpopulation is 1) Female Empowerment, and 2) poverty reduction, and the rest will follow. And make birth control free and readily available as well. No coercion or murder needed.


And yes, the root cause of overpopulation is indeed MEN. They are the ones who force, coerce, deceive, manipulate, and brainwash Women into having so many kids that they otherwise would not have had. Then they either ditch them, or if they do provide at all, there are always strings attached to whatever they provide. How very phallocentric of them.

One thing that came to mind is penetrocentrism in particular. FWIW, I recently saw a study from 30 years ago that found that, contrary to popular opinion, 50% of Women actually prefer non-penetrative sex instead of penetrative sex, while 30% have no strong preference either way, and only 20% of Women actually prefer to be penetrated. There are thus many ways for a man to pleasure a Woman, or even enjoy mutual pleasure, that literally do not involve any risk of pregnancy whatsoever. But in contrast to what 80% of Women want, the particular sex act that MEN demand the very most of all, that is, PIV intercourse, just so happens to be the one that has the very worst risk-reward ratio for Women, especially when so many men refuse to wear condoms, usually for purely hedonistic reasons.


Also, about the Akha people of Laos, you are indeed correct that it is not tradition vs. modernity, but patriarchy vs Matriarchy that is the real question here.


From William Bond:     Hi Everyone


The way I see this is to go back to basics. Males have a strong competitive and aggressive instincts. While women have a strong maternal and nurturing instincts. This is because females need a strong maternal instinct to want to give birth and love and care for the children she gives birth to. Males on the other hand have a strong competitive and aggressive instinct to fight and compete against other men for the chance to impregnate females. 


To quote Abraham Maslow, “If the only tool you have is hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail”. So if you have men ruling a country and there is a dispute with another country the obvious solution for aggressive men, is war and even genocide.  But if we have women ruling countries then in any dispute with other countries then women will first want to talk it over and find a solution that way. 


If we go back to the stone-age they they had hunter/gather tribes. Women collected the majority of food by gathering plants, men on the other hand preferred to find food by killing animals. Anthropologists studying stone-age tribes that have survived up until modern times found that the majority of food was gathered by women, hunting was a unreliable way of obtaining food and in some places it was more of a sport for men than a real help to the tribe. 


Another thing that anthropologist discovered was that women nearly did everything. They not only gathered most of the food, they carried water, they built the huts and looked after the children. The only thing men did apart from hunting was to fight other tribes in tribal wars. I read a report of one Anthropologists studying Amazon tribes and she found that many had the insane custom that boys couldn’t become men until they killed another men in another tribe. This custom insured that there was perpetual war between the tribes. 


Modern man still has the same attitude except we now fight wars with more deadly weapons and we are in danger of destroying ourselves with nuclear weapons. War is also the reason why we have overpopulation. A tribe or country becomes more powerful if it has a bigger army of young men in which to fight wars. 


This was shown in Ancient Greece. In the warring states of Ancient Greece the most powerful was the Spartans. The Spartan boys were taught to be warrior from early childhood and they became a formidable army on the battlefield, but they had one weakness. Spartan women were held in high regard in Spartan society and were free to have as many children she wanted. Because of this the population of Sparta didn’t grow and even declined as warriors who died were not being replaced.


 They customs of other Greek states was completely different. Women didn’t have control over how many children they had. They couldn’t refuse their husbands sex, they couldn’t use birth-control and rape was never punished. As the result the population of Sparta declined, while the population of other Greek states grew and Spartan warriors found themselves fighting battles where they were heavily outnumbered and their power and influence declined until they were finally conquered by Rome. 


The same thing happened to Russia in modern times. The Soviet army did more to destroy the German army in WW2 than any other army. This was because they greatly outnumbered the German army and once they got themselves organized, were able to crush the Germans. But since WW2 the Russian population has been in decline. This is because the Communists did away with the custom of the Russian Orthodox Church which were similar to Roman Catholic customs about banning birth control. 


Russia Communists recognized this problem and tried to make it easier for women to give birth through state health care. They even gave medals to women who had many children. But the population still declined and this may be one of the reasons why Putin restored the Russian Orthodox Church after the fall of Communism in Russia. 


The Muslims also have similar customs about not allowing women to use birth control and tuning a blind eye to rape. They claim they will be able to conquer the whole of Europe through immigration and that Muslims populations in Europe will grow bigger while Native Europeans will decline and so Muslims will in time become the majority and take over. 


While men rule the world they will always be at war and inflict pain and suffering to our world. They only solution is for women to rule our world if we are to live in a world of peace and harmony.  William


From Pete Jackson:

Very well-said, both of you.


William, to your last letter I would also like to add that more recently, even for Muslims birthrates have also been dropping as well.  It is taking a while but is nonetheless happening for them as well.  Again, Women are FED UP.


There was a book a few years ago called “How Civilizations Die (And Why Islam Is Dying Too)”, who painted falling birthrates as a bad thing.  But truly it is not civilizations that die, it is patriarchy that is dying.

From William Bond:     Agreed Pete, Muslim women exposed to Western ideas do get fed up and question what they have been taught. The same is true of Italy which is strongly Roman Catholic the birthrate is falling because women are now better educated and question the Church’s teachings. 


The point is that patriarchy only want large populations so they will have larger armies of young men to use as ‘cannon fodder’, in which to fight wars.   William


From Rasa Von Werder:
Good intelligent remarks both of you, & I will add some. 


Dr. Bryan Sykes said the following:  Not only does it compromise the child’s immune system when the woman stops breast feeding it prior to age SIX – to have another child – but the child suffers intense psychological trauma by being weaned.  We wean children as early as possible as men force us to have the next child.  Children need psychological / emotional support as well as physical – to give them security, a sense of ‘all is right’ & the quality of LOVE.  When a mother weans a child too soon it feels REJECTION.  Biology helps women take care of children to the max as her SEX DRIVE DIMINISHES for the years a baby is a toddler – until it can walk & keep up with the tribe.  Dr. James Prescott also explains that babies SUFFER ATTACHMENT DISORDER from lack of closeness / bonding with the Mother in the formative years.  This disorder leads to a number of maladies such as anxiety, depression, sexual disorders, homicide, suicide & substance abuse later in life.

He notably says that children need PHYSICAL CLOSENESS to the Mom including SKIN to SKIN contact for prolonged periods of time in order to FEEL WELL & mature properly. Rocking is also crucial – I have seen all sorts of devices used for rocking in primitive societies including Tibet & Siberia. Rocking is similar to when a child is in the womb, the mother moves about, & when a Mom carries the child in a case or papoose, obviously it rocks as the woman walks – this is necessary for brain & nervous system development.


The Patriarchs don’t even THINK of that. When male doctors took over the management of children, God help the kids in orphanages. There docs told the nurses not to touch the children except when feeding or diaper changing. All the children DIED. I saw studies on You tube from the 50’s where orphan children were LEFT ALONE most of the time & they just stared vacantly like ghosts. We need STIMULATION, CONTACT & COMMUNICATION with a caregiver in order to grow up healthy.


These factors are not attended to in a Patriarchal society. The idea is quantity, not quality of life, which we agree, is for men to have bigger armies. They don’t care if the soldiers are dysfunctional – as long as they obey orders – in fact, Kay Griggs, the whistleblower who was informed by her Col husband, says they want them to be so so they will be better killers.

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Our society is pandemic with attachment disorder as none of us fully gets the nurturing we need from a maternal, loving Mother & society. Mothers are DISABLED from having full charge & management of their children.


Back to what William said, men have one agenda, women the opposite. Men want to KILL while women want to GIVE LIFE & LOVE. It’s necrophilia vs biophilia.     Rasa



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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

I Strip for God Meaning

Chapter 5 from William Bond   7-19-22


Hi Rasa this is the article I have  written about, “I strip for God”.     William {Bond}


Rasa Von Werder once was a stripper under the stage name Kellie Everts, and in a strip-club she gave a religious sermon as part of her act. She called the act, “I strip for God”  so what are we to think of this? Was it just a clever publicity stunt? Or just a joke? But Rasa Von Werder is a deeply religious and spiritual person so her sermons in this strip-club would reflect her strong spiritual beliefs and were not just comedy sermons. 


She said what she preached in her sermons, was: “Love thy neighbor as thyself, do unto others as you would have others do unto you.  Love God with your whole heart, soul & mind.  Put God first, above all things.  Think of your eternal life, the world & everything in it is temporary.  Meditate on the eternal life. I also preached on the sufferings of Jesus & how this is an example for our own, to imitate him & have our sufferings bring great fruit.” 


She also said that, “Stripping for God was an outgrowth of my love of God & wanting to do Her bidding.  Wanting to save souls.  Jesus said, “If you love me, feed my sheep,” – I fed His sheep.”

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Many Christians might see this as being very scandalous, after all, many see a strip-club as a den of vice and so what was she doing preaching a sermon there? But this wasn’t much different to the behaviour and teachings of Jesus Christ, where in the Bible it is claimed he ate with tax collectors, prostitutes, and other sinners. Jesus once addressed the Pharisees with a sharp remark: ” I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you ” (Matthew 21 verse 31). Rasa Von Werder wasn’t a prostitute although as a stripper she would have met many of them and once defended them on a TV show. 


***Rasa says: The TV Show was “People are Talking” with Richard Bey in NYC. I was a member of a group of ‘Feminists & Prostitutes.’ There were all kinds of women in it: Ministers, authors {Kate Millet}, feminists, a lady Judge, porno ladies, strippers & genuine prostitutes.

We discussed allthe issues – it was interesting, The moderator had written a book which was really good – on how the system keeps women prostituting by fining them, thereby they have to keep working to pay the fines, while the police, judges & court make money off them.

After a couple months of weekly meetings I declared we should now go to the media & represent prostitutes & fight for their rights & respectability. They all shot me down – not a one of them wanted to work on this. So I did it ALONE. I got on this radio agent thingy & gave my spiel where he represented me to a dozen radio shows, saying I was a good interview, & I did them. Got a lot of flak but women also called in defending the business. It was worthwhile.

Then the People are talking Show wanted to do a bit on prostitutes. They got pro & cons. The cons were evident. The pro lady spoke through a screen, where you could only see her shadow. They wanted a real prostitute in the open – I knew one & recommended her. But she chickened out. I told them I would do the part, impersonating a prostitute. They were going to pay this real one 1k to appear, I didn’t care whether they paid me or not, so I didn’t demand the money. I only cared about helping women in their plight.

But they said to me,

“You must be a real prostitute to do the show, it can’t be impersonation.”

So I said, “OK, put me down as a real prostitute, but I’ll wear a different wig & sunglasses.”

Of course everyone knew who I was – I’d done this show a dozen times. My voice & body, the way I spoke, it was obvious. My catch word was,

“Prostitutes are PEOPLE. And I explained that in Patriarchy, we women are prostituted in hundreds of way, don’t pick on the sex therapists, they are only one version of it. Married women get paid for sex. This one married woman objected, so I said,

“Stop having sex with your husband & se if he continue giving you money.”

She looked chastened. She knew I was right. And I think the producers should have given me the 1k – They used me. I should have demanded it. Because I put myself on the line for them – they were desperate. But like I said, I really wanted to help the women.***

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So as a Christian woman Rasa Von Werder was following the teachings of Jesus in her “I strip for God” act. But there is more to Rasa Von Werder than this, she is also interested in matriarchy and wants to create a matriarchal religion which she talked about in her web-site, “Woman Thou Art God”. So how does her “I strip for God” act relate to matriarchy?


What is consistent with most patriarchal religions is that they fear sexual women. So we find the most extreme patriarchal religion, which is Islam, cut off the clitorises of women so they cannot enjoy sex and makes them cover-up their bodies and faces from being seen by men. So why would patriarchy go to these extreme? It suggests they fear women’s sexuality.


***Rasa says: Don’t forget the Africans do this also, possibly not all, but some. There was a female African going from tribe to tribe with education. She had a plastic dummy of a vagina & explained what was being done, that it was wrong. At times she had to run for her life. They got crazy women to grab these girls – for a pittance, two of them hold her down, while they removed her clitoris with razor blades. Sometimes the women got infections & died. Yes, heinous. Patriarchy is insane. Circumcision is also serious mutilation & child abuse. It cuts off thousands of nerve endings that would later give the male pleasure.***


The reason might be to do with the power relationship between men and women. It is obvious that men can easy gain power over women through violence and intimidation because men are bigger and stronger than women. But women can gain power over men through love and sex. Nearly all men want a relationship with loving, sexual women and because men want this so much, a clever women can use this need and desire to gain power over men. But even if a loving women doesn’t do this, men who appreciate living with loving women will show it, by doing every thing that can for them. So because of this, patriarchy does it’s best to sabotage the power women have over men. 


Unfortunately, men who follow patriarchal customs can lose out of having a loving relationship, because patriarchal customs encourage men to treat women so badly, that many women became angry with men and this suppresses their loving instincts. As the result, many men end up getting married to women who do not show any love towards them and don’t want sex. So patriarchal customs benefit neither men nor women. 


All young men strongly desire women who will have sex with them. But patriarchal customs tell them that women who do this are sluts and whores and should be treated with contempt. Men following this custom don’t realise this works against their best interests, because women know about these customs and it strongly discourages many women wanting sex with men. Resulting in a lot of men having to go to prostitutes to find women who will have sex with them. In the past it encouraged men to get married to women who remained a virgin and generally had a negative attitude about sex.


***Rasa says: When I was teen, you couldn’t win no matter what you did. They had you as whore or slut if you did it, if you did not, you couldn’t get a boyfriend. This Patriarchy has everything wrong & backward because it’s the female that’s supposed to rule the family & the world, so all our customs & rules are upside down. Patriarchy is all lies, no truth to it, it’s all wrong in all ways.*** 

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The irony of this, is that patriarchal religion praise women who don’t have sex. Like nuns, who are supposed to never have sex with any man. Yet people who have had nun teachers at school, report horrendous stories of how cruel these nuns were to the children they teach. While prostitutes who are condemned by patriarchal religions as being ‘sinners’, there are many reports of them having hearts of gold. Obviously, not all nuns are cruel women and not all prostitutes have hearts of gold but it shows that being denied of sex doesn’t make women more loving and caring, or women using sex to earn a living, doesn’t always make them less loving people.


          ***Rasa says: As a 5 year old, I was put into a CatholicSchool, thank God, for only a short time. The nuns were cold & mean. But when I went to Catechism, contemplative nuns in long robes taught us & I adored them, obeyed every word they said. Later in life, when I was fighting for women to be ordained, I met nuns. I also had my daughter in a Catholic Private School. Then I met nuns in my area, who judged me & refused to be friends because of my being in the adult trade. Some of these women seemed confused & troubled. Maybe they were sexually abused as children & sought to get away from men. But of these women, the lesbians seemed to be happy – they are in their element, living with women, what’s to be sad?***


Women tend to see sex in terms of giving and receiving love and try to teach men to see it in the same way. But men are taught by patriarchal customs to see sex in terms of dominance and submission or even sadism and masochism. So men use to be told in Christian countries and still in Islamic countries that a man wasn’t a ‘real’ man if he couldn’t dominate his wife using violence and intimidation. 


The result is that when women view pornography on the Internet many are shocked to find it is more about dominance and submission or even sadomasochism than about love. And even when women in these porn films do demonstrate loving behaviour, it is still viewed through the framing of submission and masochism.  So patriarchal religions and societies do there best to separate sex, love and religion from each other. So what would happen if sex, love and religion were combined with each other? It seems that this did happen in the past. 


***Rasa says: About pornography: The men who run these movies are subhuman, I’ve met them, although I never made a porno movie. I ran my own business for ten years with X rated videos, but they were not porn, they were female domination. As I said, the type of men who create these videos, whom I met, are less sensitive than animals, & they represent what sex is in their own minds – subhuman. The movies they make are gross, ugly & disgusting. Women want romance, which is a combination of love & sex. Just ordinary sex is the same as the average animal or insect does, it is not inviting or beautiful.***


In India today western tourists are shocked to discover in some Hindu temples the walls of the temples are covered in pornographic carvings. It seems that before Christianity the priestesses of Goddess temples where condemned by patriarchal priests for being ‘temple prostitutes’. This was because the priestesses use to openly have sex with the men who come to these temples. There are also reports that in ancient pagan temples, sex was part of their rituals. 


But the way the priestesses of these Goddess temples viewed sex was probably a lot different to the way patriarchal priests saw it. All life comes to our world within the bodies of females. So the priestesses in Goddess temples would celebrate all aspects of this, like menstruation, the sexual act, pregnancy, child-birth and breast-feeding. The patriarchal priests had a different view on all this. Menstruation was seen by them as being ‘unclean’, they condemn sex as being ‘dirty’. In some cultures pregnant women were shut away, even child-birth was seen as sinful and babies had to be baptised to, “clean them of the sin of being born of a woman”. While even to-day breast-feeding is still seen as shameful and women are encouraged not to do it in public. 

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          ***Rasa says: In those days sex was Sacred, women ran the game, they made it so. When women were degreaded, sex became ugly, perverted & dirty. That’s with men running the show, that’s what they do with sex – they make it ugly.***


So love would be the strongest theme in any Goddess religion governed by priestesses. Patriarchal religions sometimes talk about love, but that’s all they do. Many of the actions and teachings and customs of patriarchal religions are not very loving, as they condemn, punish and even kill people who don’t agree with them.


          ***Rasa says: Everything males take over, including religion, becomes corrupt, because men are not supposed to rule. All their institutions become twisted, perverted, upside down, delusional & exploitative. Their religions are filled with corruption.*** 


The teaching of Jesus was very loving and he claimed that God is a loving Father God, but this concept never caught on and many Christians prefer the judgmental and punitive God of the Old Testament. We find that in the pantheon of gods and goddesses in many pagan religions love is always represented by a goddess. So if god is the god of love then it make a lot of sense that She is a Goddess. And this is what we find on Rasa Von Werder’s web-site when she calls God, MotherGod.


          ***Rasa says: Look at the hate their religions preach, hate of homosexuals, hate of sex therapy workers, hate of women who have sex when they want to. They hate women, the bottom line. And yet women are fooled into joining these religions & let these haters control their minds & bodies. It’s sick. The Catholic Church not permitting condoms is sick – women can get AIDS, other diseases, & of course, unwanted pregnancies. Then they are condemned for abortions. Let’s end Patriarchy & make the world straight again.*** 


Mystics talk about the Oneness of God and that we are all One. We don’t find this in any male god because the masculine is all about competition and aggression. True Oneness only comes through love, which is feminine and so for this reason the true nature of God is feminine. Once we realise this, then it is a lot easier to communicate with Her and to receive Her help and guidance. 

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The point is that if we want to live in a more loving and caring world then we need more loving and caring people in all positions of power, we don’t get this when while men rule our world. This is because in the patriarchal system the worst types of people seem to end up in positions of power. It is the same in religions where we find the leaders of nearly all religions are not spiritual people and just use religion to gain wealth and power. 


It is true that not all women are loving people and there are many loving men in our world. But overall women have powerful maternal and nurturing instincts and it is these instincts that make women on the whole, more loving people than men. So we all would be better off if we were able to vote for matriarchal political parties and were able to join goddess religions that worship female deities and have a female priesthood.


***Rasa says: The worship of Mother God & female priests is coming. Jesus himself ordained me, & I say the Holy Mass. I want to encourage all women in the Grace of God to become priestesses & say the Holy Mass for the departed, it is ENORMOUS help to them. I have gotten thousands out of Purgatory this way.

          Good work William, thanks for this great article.*** {End Chapter 5}


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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized


Randy Roach wrote:


To:‘Rasa Von Werder’

Mon, Jul 11 at 9:20 AM


My chapters end basically through the late 1980s

The “they” I am referring to are those you were railing about yourself years  ago who do not take you seriously in terms of bodybuilding and have pretty much ignored your  presence in the sport. 

I write a little on Wayne’s and Karen’s marriage in other chapters I still wish to publish.  Those are the ones I was referring to as to which chapters I should finish first based on following Volume III, Book1

Betty was nothing more than cheesecake for Joe.  By the time the Weiders began acknowledging   female bodybuilding  she was already into her 40s.    From what I can recall, it did not appear as though she ever lifted a weight albeit she probably did to some degree.  Later with the acceptance of female bb Betty was portrayed as an older woman who lifted weights for health benefits. 

BTW, did you ever read the Weider’s book “Brother’s in Iron”? What a cartoon.

More from Randy Roach:

Also, if  Charles Gaines can not be reached for whatever reasons I will give you something you can print  such as for an example:

In his pending book on female bodybuilding, Randy Roach has written that Charles Gaines told him he attended the 1974 Mr. Olympia and witnessed me posing up against Arnold and being forced off the stage.  He told Randy he was amazed that I would pull such a stunt.

 Rasa answers:

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OK the statement from Charles Gaines sounds slightly twisted, but I am grateful for it anyway.  Thank you. It sounds like I was competing with Arnold.  This is not true.  It was the end of the show where all the champions posed, it was all finished except the bravos for the winners.  I had won two trophies in Miss Americana – 2nd place & BEST BODY. { I usually won best body in the WBBG & IFBB contests.  Frequently the winners were politically chosen, so I got second place even though – these were body contests mostly – I had the best body & they admitted it.}


I was not posing ‘up against’ Arnold.  He was on the edge of the stage, I simply got up for two reasons.  One, I was one of the champions, albeit a woman.  I deserve to pose with the champions.  In this way I made a statement for the women:  We are champions also.  We are not second rate or insignificant.


I was not forced off the stage ambiguously by anyone except Arnold, who wanted no images with him & I together, for one thing.  I did not think it out ahead of time & should have posed on the other side of him, lol.  The statement sounds like someone from the authorities of the show forced me off the stage for pulling a ‘stunt’ – like what I did was inappropriate.


OK, I did something no other woman had done.  Yes, I am ballsy, but that’s what it took for women to achieve equality with men.  I did it for all women.  And Arnold, not a gentleman, treated me like a male competitor.  No decent man would have done what he did.  He is NOT decent.


I am the kind of woman who broke down the iron doors for women – I kicked it open for them, they kicked me in the ass.  The women followed power, which they wanted a piece of.  I helped them get it.  But they did not acknowledge the one who broke the door down, they followed the Weider narrative which was only those who bent the knee to them – be it physically, economically, emotionally, politically, got recognition.  For example, Doris B.  She kow towed to both Weider & Lurie, she was a mealy mouth double agent.  Lurie gave her a magazine of her own!  She FAILED, the magazine did not sell because she was not capable of running it.  Why did he not give me the magazine?  It could have been successful.  Because look at my success rate.  Now in the Weider rendition of the history of female body building, they praise Doris but ignore me, they speak of her early publication which was just a provincial news piece, probably a circulation of 100 if that.  I had from 1975 to 1979 reached untold millions for female body building.  So she was ‘one of them’.  She even betrayed her friend Rachel McLish.  Somebody started some nonsense about Rachel wearing a padded bra bikini, & she dutifully checked & said yes, the material was kind of thick or words to that effect. If she was her friend she should have said, ‘That’s ridiculous, who cares if her bra is padded?  Don’t look at her bra, look at her body.’  But instead she cooperated with them.  This is shown right in the move, ‘Pumping Iron, the Women.’  I was disgusted & felt pity for Rachel – to be humiliated like that.


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If you get to speak with Charles Gaines again ask him the following:

    “Who forced Kellie off the stage, & how?  She says Arnold de facto pushed her off by getting closer & closer to her to the edge until she had to jump off” 

    “What do you mean by she pulled a stunt?  Was this not the spot where all the champions posed, at the end of the show?  Wasn’t she one of the champions?”

    “She said she was simply posing as a champion, not against Arnold or anyone.  She did it for the women to have equal rights.”


This is when female body building went into decline:

American Media, Inc., Agrees to Acquire Weider Publications,

   NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Nov. 27, 2002–American Media, Inc. Evercore Partners and Weider Health and Fitness announced today that they have reached an agreement for AMI and Evercore to acquire Weider Publications, Inc. and its related properties for aggregate consideration of $350 million.            Randy says it started to decline prior to that & Rasa says:  On second thought, when looking at the dates, yes, it was already in decline, this was the nail in the coffin. 

From Randy Roach, {from his future book on female body building}

Rasa, this is a quote from you that precedes What Charles said.: 

…Seeing Arnold on the far right of the platform, I decided it was perfect. I wanted to get up next to him and pose. I had to summon my courage, because this wasn’t your usual routine.  The other women never thought of doing such a thing.  I jumped up and began posing beside Arnold.  He was totally absorbed and didn’t acknowledge me at all, but his vibes were definitely cold.  Arnold began posing against me like one of his fellow competitors as they jostle for best position to the judges.  He would hit a pose and I would follow.   He was very good at this and he kept inching me closer and closer to the edge of the stage until I had to jump from the stage rather than be knocked off.”  

This is what surprised Charles that you would go over and pose against him until he forced you to jump from the stage.  Charles said nothing wrong nor was he nasty or critical of you.  No one saw anything like that in 1974 so it was a bit of a shock to him.

            Rasa says:  About female bb ending – Yes, as I looked at the dates, you are right.  How do you place the end of female bb?  I put it with Kim, after that a downhill deal.  Then the bitter end.  But they deserved it {the women} because, IMO, they repudiated me & parroted the Weider narrative.  {You don’t know what I went through when I returned to speak on body building forums & groups in 2006.  I was ATTACKED by women from all angles – the women who were respected in the field.  My insider was ‘George Legeros,’ a photographer.  He gave me scoops on what had gone on those many years I no longer participated.  He said many things, like Weider dealing against the law in employment, not allowing his professionals to compete elsewhere – that breaks the law.  To be his professional if you entered someone else’s contest you lost your pro card.

My version of what transpired on the stage with the champs?  My memory has a slightly more edited version because  I’m more aware of my intentions.  Even my own observation might be skewed, then.  I can understand then how it looked, if I imitated anything Arnold did.  I wish I had some images.  There had to have been images taken.


However, the images taken would all have been by WEIDER PEOPLE.  How do I know?  I gave free tickets to DENIE, who was taking shots for Muscle Training Illustrated of Dan Lurie.  He was approached by the Weider people & told he was not allowed to take pictures.  In a huff, he & his wife walked out.  Wrong move.  I was pissed.  He should have stayed & taken the pictures on the sly. Therefore, any pics taken most of them – perhaps not all – would have been by Weiders & they were ordered NOT to disseminate anything with Arnold & me, especially those which might put him in a bad light – pushing a woman off stage.

There were probably amateurs taking shots, but I don’t have access to that.  After my movie comes out they will come out of the woodwork.

When I was dancing / preaching in Toronto a journalist movie – maker was there many days.  Each day he shot from a different angle, obviously planning a future movie.  This will some day come out – when my name is in lights again.

To add to what I said about tyrants, once they’re dead the truth comes out, all the bad stuff.  When people are no longer afraid of Weider & Arnold, more & more negative things will surface.  Their reputations will go downhill.  Weider will be a laughing stock.  Arnold, you will see all his flaws as never before.  But my story will be exonerated.  People will look at the facts with logical spectacles & the dates don’t lie.  And then they’ll know I was pushed out of their version of history because I cuckolded Arnold.  It will be a comedy.  It was all about that, years of revenge.  Arnold is like the Godfather.  If you wronged him 30 years prior he’ll come & get you.  He never forgets, he has to destroy who opposed him.  Yes, I studied his life & read some of his books & many articles.  Yes, I fought back & no, I will not fold up like Mike & Ray Mentzer.

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BTW the reason Mike M couldn’t take it he was an atheist.  Without God where does one get their strength?  Nowhere.  Who & what is God?  God is all good – Our greatest good.  Faith, hope, trust & confidence in God bring those Blessings to us.  Without these aspirations, we have nothing to hold onto.  We even become the devil’s playground.  And so Mike & Ray went downhill not for physical reasons but mental/emotional/spiritual ones.  They believed in evil – that they were washed up.  Then they had nothing to live for, so they died.  Mike & Ray, all they had were Weider magazines.  That’s all there was.  They were cut off after challenging Arnold.  Their only aspiration in life was to be stars & this was through the Weider magazines.  So when that ended, they ended.

I was depressed after they repudiated me, ignored me.  I felt left out, I demoralized.  How ungrateful could the world be?  Then I remembered, the world isn’t fair.  My mother wasn’t fair. She forced me to carry on after hating me to death.  The Holy Virgin replaced her in my mind.  Jesus & his Cross sustained me.   I died with him & rose again.

Same thing with the body building situation.  Against all odds, suddenly, Dan Lurie comes back with Doug Going running the show.  I plead my case.  I write up the entire history, dates, times, facts, only the facts.  I present it to them & the world.  They have a reunion where they give awards, & I get the award called ‘Progenitor’ – the foundress of modern competitive female body building.  I won, but I had to fight for it.  No one can take it away.  They tried – George Legeros, my insider, turned against me.  Why?  He found out I was against Patriarchy, pro Matriarchy, & he wanted to dominate women, so he turned against me.  He tried to persuade Dan to rescind the award, luckily Doug Going talked Dan into staying firm.  Case closed, end of story, I am exonerated.  But it took faith, work, & confidence in God.

Weider & Arnold were not on God’s side.  Revenge, so the saints say, is a grave sin.  Even when they crucified Jesus neither He nor his Holy Mother took revenge – it is a heinous sin that separates the wrong doers from loving souls.  Revenge drags us down into a Hellish place.  That’s where these guys were & are.  But I must add, although Jesus & Mary did not take revenge, the Almighty did.  King Herod died of a horrible disease where his intestines filled with worms & were crawling out.  The High Priest Ciaphas went insane.  Pontius Pilate’s wife left him & joined the Holy Women.  The dead left their graves & walked the streets, the curtain {like 2 floors high} of the temple ripped from the top down – a phenomenon.  Things happened when the time was ripe. Karma is powerful, nothing can stop karma.

I predict that the cuckolding of Arnold by me will become known & will be a joke like the ‘No wire hangers’ cliché.  Franco caught us in the act back stage, then Arnold interrupted Franco & me in their room.  All the world’s a stage & this is entertainment.  When it comes down to it – movies & such, is what is ironic, funny, bizarre, crazy works.  Bland stuff like everyday life doesn’t.  They will become characters in my life as all my abusers are.  I will make money off them, lol.  What a joke. Why did I take it so seriously?

Who is Randy Roach & What has He Done?


He’s the author of “Muscle, Smoke & Mirrors,” in 3 volumes, the definitive, accurate, detailed encyclopedia on male body building.

His work is a miracle accomplishment, never before done or will be surpassed – because the account is perfect & cannot be improved.  In reading it, I was absolutely amazed & blown away by what he did, & on top of that, Randy Roach is blind!

He interviewed hundreds of people from all angles of the Game & found out secrets that most of us, even those in the field, had no inkling of.

All I can say is bravo, congratulations, God speed; you have done a monument of truth in a genre that lived on lies.  You took off the masks, the facades, the pretensions of some of the members of the Sport, especially its leaders.  You told it like it is – a big change from the stories others perpetrated – It’s the truth, the truth, & nothing but the truth, Amen.


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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Female Body Building

Discussion on Female Body Building

From Randy Roach


July 8 2022


We had discussed this years back Rasa.  A collaboration between you and I would be the worse case for both of us.  Look what they have done to you already.  They would just pull me down with you.  Your best bet is for me to remain as I have, that is totally independent.  Having an independent source giving you a place in History is the best thing you can have.  Remember, we did not agree on all things.  I place you where I truly believe you fit into the full context of women and weights and competition through the 20th century.  I stay to that theme of women and weights and avoid much of anyone’s personal beliefs.

I have been listening through my chapters to see if or what I want to do with this material.  Regardless, it will take some time as I have other drafted material regarding the battle between DeMilia and Weider that may or may not need to come first.  I have to look to see which best follows on the heels of Volume III, Book1.

Regardless,   It was Charles Gaines who saw you have to leap from the stage.


I did not see your letter until just now – how did I miss it?  Have no idea.

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    The letter does not quite make sense to me, not sure how to answer.  


    How can ‘they’ pull you down?  What can ‘they’ mess with?  You are not included in anything the Weider people create or write, if that is ‘them.’  You are not acknowledged in any way by them now.  So HOW can they destroy your work, hurt you, remove credit from your work?  It baffles me so enlighten me.  


    The Weider organization is small potatoes now.  They seem to have headquarters in Spain.  Few people are interested or fascinated by them or their activities, male or female contests, because they & their doings are not promoted in any major magazines, TV that I know of – anywhere.  Their movie, ‘Bigger’ was a flop.  How do I know?  because it’s being shown for free on You tube, I saw it.  It is kind of HILARIOUS.  Unless people are in love with the late Weiders or afraid of the shell that is left of their organization, they will either yawn or laugh.  I laughed.  It was hilarious & I was going to write my review or parody but something said it was NOT worth the trouble.  I have bigger fish to fry – writing my entire life story, am into Part 8 now, which will be done within 2 months, then after that Part 9.  There will be a movie or a series of movies like ‘Rocky.’


      I need a collaboration of the FACTS – nothing else.  There are some facts I’ve not been able to verify by witnesses.  These are the facts I need underscored.  

    I need someone to say  ‘Yes, I saw Arnold maneuver Kellie off the stage in 1974″ & I need someone to collaborate, “Yes, Weider {or Arnold} told us to put Kellie last place in Miss Olympia” & I need a witness to the fact that they were aware Weider or Arnold told them to photo shop me out of every picture of the Miss Olympia.


    Your point of us remaining independent of one another is well taken – I do get it.  But then again there’s free speech.  People can draw their own opinions whether or not we are independent of each other.  If we collaborated, how does that invalidate our work?  We can work together without being unduly influenced by each other, can we not?  You can still state your opinion & I mine. We can disagree, can we not?  You can say in a collaboration, ‘Kellie & I disagree on this – I see it this way.’ But if you aren’t keen on doing this, I take it as it’s not meant to be.


    One witness to the shenanigans of Arnold is Tom Minichiello of the Mid City gym.  I don’t know if he’s still alive, but he wrote a book about Arnold disguised as a fictitious character, & it’s not flattering.  He was an employee of Weider for a while, he got me into the first Weider contest in 1972, I applied through him & his gym.  It was downstairs from the Roxy Theater where I worked, I saw a sign for the contest in the window & walked in.

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    Later when the premier of ‘Pumping Iron’ came out in NYC – they had Carol Baker walk up on the stage – not me, lol.  I called Tom & asked why wasn’t I invited & he said, “Arnold didn’t want you there.”


    He also told me Arnold didn’t want any pictures of him & me together, so there was one group shot from 1972 with all of us winners, Arnold there, me by the side – & Arnold stands the tallest on top & Tom cut his head off for the image, lol.  But there were images in magazines where his head is NOT cut off, so I have both.


    Aren’t you taking them too seriously?  My place in body building has been acknowledged & accepted by the general public & media in spite of Arnold & the Weider org.  Yesterday I looked on the internet & there are many places that pair me with Arnold – although I never lied about him, told only the truth, we had one incident back stage, sex wise. {But that moment in time brought me years of resentment from Arnold.}  People are hungry for gossip & many sites pair me with him, as one of his flames.  This does me a great deal of good because of his fame.  So he has helped me in spite of himself.


    Then you also say we discussed this years ago.  I don’t remember what you said.  Quoting you:    

    You said:  Remember, we did not agree on all things.  I place you where I truly believe you fit into the full context of women and weights and competition through the 20th century.  I stay to that theme of women and weights and avoid much of anyone’s personal beliefs.


   I answer:  What did we not agree on?  Where do you place me in the full context of women & weights & competition through the 20th century?


    OK so you don’t want any sort of collaboration.  That is fine.  But I would like you to answer these questions, or send me what you wrote about me, then I will understand.  Can you do that?


    Thanks for the info on the two guys.  We shall see what God wants in all this.

    Thanks for the discussions.


    Things will change when my life story is produced for the movies.  People will think twice about many things & these guys ‘pulling me down’ will no longer work against me, it will be fodder / drama for a movie, lol.  Just like my Mom abusing me & getting other members of the family to do so – it makes my early life more interesting.  I can laugh at it now.  “Mommy Fearest” is the title for Mom.

    Remember ‘Mommy Dearest’ & the star screaming at her daughter re wire hangers?  It’s a cliche.  Had it not been for this abuse the daughter would not have gotten the fame & fortune she made from the movie.


    Arnold & Weider will be placed also as characters, {already have been in my writing} who were revengeful toward me for cuckolding Arnold, & their revenge, when you get past the hurt, is comical.  Grown men pulling down a woman, denying her recognition because she preferred another guy to Arnold – damn immature.  The public will say “What assholes.”


    Although I must say, Rick Wayne wrote an article which he put in the Weider magazine, a whole page praising me being the originator for the concept of female body building – how that got past the censors I don’t know.  Dave Robson reminded me of it, I must get a copy, maybe he can sent it to me.


    Onward & upward.  We both have work to do.  You must train your clients & think about finishing your book.  I must do what I do.


       Oh yes, Bigger opens with this joke:


    Ben Weider is sitting alone in a synagogue in front of his brother’s coffin with a runty reporter behind him & one of the things he says in honor of his brother is,


    “He was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.”


    I laughed out loud because I know a lady who produces art that looks like grafitti, who became rich by marrying a rich man – & her art is shyt & so is she {I have reasons} & she was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.


    It’s like this – I looked it up – who can nominate someone:


Can anyone be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize?

The list of those who can submit nominations is long, including members of national governments; officials with international peace organizations; university professors of history, social sciences, law, philosophy, theology and religion; and former recipients.


          So this lowlife lady has friends in high places, maybe a professor. I have friends also who are professors, maybe I should ask one of them to nominate me? Haha, it would be more logical than Ben Weider – after all, I preached in front of the White House which eventually ended the Cold War. I explained this on my Kellie Everts site. And I preach against war in many of my books. Here is the criteria:


          What are the qualifications to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize?

The prize should go to the person “who has done the most or best to advance fellowship among nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies, and the establishment and promotion of peace congresses“, according to the will of Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, who founded the awards.


What in lisper’s paradise did Ben Weider do to eliminate war?


“Bigger” ends with the following: Zoom in slowly to a great mansion, we are told Joe Weider built a billion dollar Enterprize, & as we enter this palace, we see the Gods of bodybuilding on the walls – huge pictures of men like Mike Katz & Arnold, framed in gold, & I get the feeling with many of these men, these are the guys Joe Weider conned & exploited, made money off, & here they are enshrined, like ghosts in his house. It’s a Church of being in love with body builders & the male body, here we worship them.


And then you think of the truth. Joe Weider had thousands of people taking illegal drugs to get this way, they built themselves up by wrong doing with the law & with their health. Many fell by the wayside of ailments due to drugs, many died young, some are living with the ill effects of these drugs. All to snatch the prizes Joe Weider gave out, most got nothing but wasted their time, money, playing russian Roulette with their bodies to achieve results, but Joe Weider got richer all the while.


Weider made money through false advertising. The most sinister product of his organization was that he gave the impression that his supplements, products, produced these men. They did not, he knew it, but that’s how he made money. He stole the money. And all the while, to the very end, he hypocritically claimed he was AGAINST illegal drugs!


The women followed in the men’s footsteps & I heard one man say his girlfriend tried to compete – was told she better ‘take something’ or she wouldn’t have a chance. She made it elsewhere, on a TV show called ‘Gladiators’ if I recall rightly.


In other words, this body building empire of Joe Weider was built on false advertising & illegal drugs – case closed. And they want to pull me down? Not a chance. I have everything on

my side. God is Truth.


          Rasa {Kellie Everts}


Randy says they ‘wouldn’t take him seriously if we collaborated.

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Rasa says: OK they would not take you seriously.  Who is THEY?


Do you mean the world?  Or the tiny audience the shrunken Weider world still has?  Or those who imagine wrathful Arnold would get’m?


Personally, I disagree but OK, you do your thing, which is really perfect, I do mine.  We can remain friends, collaborate in the way of conversation, sharing knowledge & facts.  We can keep different opinions, that is OK by me.  I have learned so much from you it is amazing, the research you have done.


Because of your work I’m now investigating how does one get nominated for the Pulitzer Prize?  When I get done writing my life story, which should be the end of this year, will you consider doing what it takes to get nominated for this prize?  Because one must submit their work.  It can be PDF files, each story must be an individual file.  I have done a small bit of research & when the time comes, will do more.  You can look into it yourself see if its worth anything to you.  So thanks for everything. 


One more thing – Your encyclopedia should be on Wikipedia.  If a book is worthy, it can get put on there.  All one can do is try.  But yours truly deserves a spot.  All living people get someone to put their stories on Wikipedia – I don’t think any of the living person’s stories are random, it’s all you know someone who knows how to do it, they do it for you.  The historical figures, like say George Washington, are put on by history Professors.  But living people is totally different.  


Who is Randy Roach & What has He Done?


He’s the author of “Muscle, Smoke & Mirrors,” in 3 volumes, the definitive, accurate, detailed encyclopedia on male body building.

His work is a miracle accomplishment, never before done or will be surpassed – because the account is perfect & cannot be improved.  In reading it, I was absolutely amazed & blown away by what he did, & on top of that, Randy Roach is blind!

He interviewed hundreds of people from all angles of the Game & found out secrets that most of us, even those in the field, had no inkling of.

All I can say is bravo, congratulations, God speed; you have done a monument of truth in a genre that lived on lies.  You took off the masks, the facades, the pretensions of some of the members of the Sport, especially its leaders.  You told it like it is – a big change from the stories others perpetrated – It’s the truth, the truth, & nothing but the truth, Amen.


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