I Strip for God Meaning

By Rasa Von Werder, July 20th, 2022

Chapter 5 from William Bond   7-19-22


Hi Rasa this is the article I have  written about, “I strip for God”.     William {Bond}


Rasa Von Werder once was a stripper under the stage name Kellie Everts, and in a strip-club she gave a religious sermon as part of her act. She called the act, “I strip for God”  so what are we to think of this? Was it just a clever publicity stunt? Or just a joke? But Rasa Von Werder is a deeply religious and spiritual person so her sermons in this strip-club would reflect her strong spiritual beliefs and were not just comedy sermons. 


She said what she preached in her sermons, was: “Love thy neighbor as thyself, do unto others as you would have others do unto you.  Love God with your whole heart, soul & mind.  Put God first, above all things.  Think of your eternal life, the world & everything in it is temporary.  Meditate on the eternal life. I also preached on the sufferings of Jesus & how this is an example for our own, to imitate him & have our sufferings bring great fruit.” 


She also said that, “Stripping for God was an outgrowth of my love of God & wanting to do Her bidding.  Wanting to save souls.  Jesus said, “If you love me, feed my sheep,” – I fed His sheep.”

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Many Christians might see this as being very scandalous, after all, many see a strip-club as a den of vice and so what was she doing preaching a sermon there? But this wasn’t much different to the behaviour and teachings of Jesus Christ, where in the Bible it is claimed he ate with tax collectors, prostitutes, and other sinners. Jesus once addressed the Pharisees with a sharp remark: ” I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you ” (Matthew 21 verse 31). Rasa Von Werder wasn’t a prostitute although as a stripper she would have met many of them and once defended them on a TV show. 


***Rasa says: The TV Show was “People are Talking” with Richard Bey in NYC. I was a member of a group of ‘Feminists & Prostitutes.’ There were all kinds of women in it: Ministers, authors {Kate Millet}, feminists, a lady Judge, porno ladies, strippers & genuine prostitutes.

We discussed allthe issues – it was interesting, The moderator had written a book which was really good – on how the system keeps women prostituting by fining them, thereby they have to keep working to pay the fines, while the police, judges & court make money off them.

After a couple months of weekly meetings I declared we should now go to the media & represent prostitutes & fight for their rights & respectability. They all shot me down – not a one of them wanted to work on this. So I did it ALONE. I got on this radio agent thingy & gave my spiel where he represented me to a dozen radio shows, saying I was a good interview, & I did them. Got a lot of flak but women also called in defending the business. It was worthwhile.

Then the People are talking Show wanted to do a bit on prostitutes. They got pro & cons. The cons were evident. The pro lady spoke through a screen, where you could only see her shadow. They wanted a real prostitute in the open – I knew one & recommended her. But she chickened out. I told them I would do the part, impersonating a prostitute. They were going to pay this real one 1k to appear, I didn’t care whether they paid me or not, so I didn’t demand the money. I only cared about helping women in their plight.

But they said to me,

“You must be a real prostitute to do the show, it can’t be impersonation.”

So I said, “OK, put me down as a real prostitute, but I’ll wear a different wig & sunglasses.”

Of course everyone knew who I was – I’d done this show a dozen times. My voice & body, the way I spoke, it was obvious. My catch word was,

“Prostitutes are PEOPLE. And I explained that in Patriarchy, we women are prostituted in hundreds of way, don’t pick on the sex therapists, they are only one version of it. Married women get paid for sex. This one married woman objected, so I said,

“Stop having sex with your husband & se if he continue giving you money.”

She looked chastened. She knew I was right. And I think the producers should have given me the 1k – They used me. I should have demanded it. Because I put myself on the line for them – they were desperate. But like I said, I really wanted to help the women.***

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So as a Christian woman Rasa Von Werder was following the teachings of Jesus in her “I strip for God” act. But there is more to Rasa Von Werder than this, she is also interested in matriarchy and wants to create a matriarchal religion which she talked about in her web-site, “Woman Thou Art God”. So how does her “I strip for God” act relate to matriarchy?


What is consistent with most patriarchal religions is that they fear sexual women. So we find the most extreme patriarchal religion, which is Islam, cut off the clitorises of women so they cannot enjoy sex and makes them cover-up their bodies and faces from being seen by men. So why would patriarchy go to these extreme? It suggests they fear women’s sexuality.


***Rasa says: Don’t forget the Africans do this also, possibly not all, but some. There was a female African going from tribe to tribe with education. She had a plastic dummy of a vagina & explained what was being done, that it was wrong. At times she had to run for her life. They got crazy women to grab these girls – for a pittance, two of them hold her down, while they removed her clitoris with razor blades. Sometimes the women got infections & died. Yes, heinous. Patriarchy is insane. Circumcision is also serious mutilation & child abuse. It cuts off thousands of nerve endings that would later give the male pleasure.***


The reason might be to do with the power relationship between men and women. It is obvious that men can easy gain power over women through violence and intimidation because men are bigger and stronger than women. But women can gain power over men through love and sex. Nearly all men want a relationship with loving, sexual women and because men want this so much, a clever women can use this need and desire to gain power over men. But even if a loving women doesn’t do this, men who appreciate living with loving women will show it, by doing every thing that can for them. So because of this, patriarchy does it’s best to sabotage the power women have over men. 


Unfortunately, men who follow patriarchal customs can lose out of having a loving relationship, because patriarchal customs encourage men to treat women so badly, that many women became angry with men and this suppresses their loving instincts. As the result, many men end up getting married to women who do not show any love towards them and don’t want sex. So patriarchal customs benefit neither men nor women. 


All young men strongly desire women who will have sex with them. But patriarchal customs tell them that women who do this are sluts and whores and should be treated with contempt. Men following this custom don’t realise this works against their best interests, because women know about these customs and it strongly discourages many women wanting sex with men. Resulting in a lot of men having to go to prostitutes to find women who will have sex with them. In the past it encouraged men to get married to women who remained a virgin and generally had a negative attitude about sex.


***Rasa says: When I was teen, you couldn’t win no matter what you did. They had you as whore or slut if you did it, if you did not, you couldn’t get a boyfriend. This Patriarchy has everything wrong & backward because it’s the female that’s supposed to rule the family & the world, so all our customs & rules are upside down. Patriarchy is all lies, no truth to it, it’s all wrong in all ways.*** 

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The irony of this, is that patriarchal religion praise women who don’t have sex. Like nuns, who are supposed to never have sex with any man. Yet people who have had nun teachers at school, report horrendous stories of how cruel these nuns were to the children they teach. While prostitutes who are condemned by patriarchal religions as being ‘sinners’, there are many reports of them having hearts of gold. Obviously, not all nuns are cruel women and not all prostitutes have hearts of gold but it shows that being denied of sex doesn’t make women more loving and caring, or women using sex to earn a living, doesn’t always make them less loving people.


          ***Rasa says: As a 5 year old, I was put into a CatholicSchool, thank God, for only a short time. The nuns were cold & mean. But when I went to Catechism, contemplative nuns in long robes taught us & I adored them, obeyed every word they said. Later in life, when I was fighting for women to be ordained, I met nuns. I also had my daughter in a Catholic Private School. Then I met nuns in my area, who judged me & refused to be friends because of my being in the adult trade. Some of these women seemed confused & troubled. Maybe they were sexually abused as children & sought to get away from men. But of these women, the lesbians seemed to be happy – they are in their element, living with women, what’s to be sad?***


Women tend to see sex in terms of giving and receiving love and try to teach men to see it in the same way. But men are taught by patriarchal customs to see sex in terms of dominance and submission or even sadism and masochism. So men use to be told in Christian countries and still in Islamic countries that a man wasn’t a ‘real’ man if he couldn’t dominate his wife using violence and intimidation. 


The result is that when women view pornography on the Internet many are shocked to find it is more about dominance and submission or even sadomasochism than about love. And even when women in these porn films do demonstrate loving behaviour, it is still viewed through the framing of submission and masochism.  So patriarchal religions and societies do there best to separate sex, love and religion from each other. So what would happen if sex, love and religion were combined with each other? It seems that this did happen in the past. 


***Rasa says: About pornography: The men who run these movies are subhuman, I’ve met them, although I never made a porno movie. I ran my own business for ten years with X rated videos, but they were not porn, they were female domination. As I said, the type of men who create these videos, whom I met, are less sensitive than animals, & they represent what sex is in their own minds – subhuman. The movies they make are gross, ugly & disgusting. Women want romance, which is a combination of love & sex. Just ordinary sex is the same as the average animal or insect does, it is not inviting or beautiful.***


In India today western tourists are shocked to discover in some Hindu temples the walls of the temples are covered in pornographic carvings. It seems that before Christianity the priestesses of Goddess temples where condemned by patriarchal priests for being ‘temple prostitutes’. This was because the priestesses use to openly have sex with the men who come to these temples. There are also reports that in ancient pagan temples, sex was part of their rituals. 


But the way the priestesses of these Goddess temples viewed sex was probably a lot different to the way patriarchal priests saw it. All life comes to our world within the bodies of females. So the priestesses in Goddess temples would celebrate all aspects of this, like menstruation, the sexual act, pregnancy, child-birth and breast-feeding. The patriarchal priests had a different view on all this. Menstruation was seen by them as being ‘unclean’, they condemn sex as being ‘dirty’. In some cultures pregnant women were shut away, even child-birth was seen as sinful and babies had to be baptised to, “clean them of the sin of being born of a woman”. While even to-day breast-feeding is still seen as shameful and women are encouraged not to do it in public. 

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          ***Rasa says: In those days sex was Sacred, women ran the game, they made it so. When women were degreaded, sex became ugly, perverted & dirty. That’s with men running the show, that’s what they do with sex – they make it ugly.***


So love would be the strongest theme in any Goddess religion governed by priestesses. Patriarchal religions sometimes talk about love, but that’s all they do. Many of the actions and teachings and customs of patriarchal religions are not very loving, as they condemn, punish and even kill people who don’t agree with them.


          ***Rasa says: Everything males take over, including religion, becomes corrupt, because men are not supposed to rule. All their institutions become twisted, perverted, upside down, delusional & exploitative. Their religions are filled with corruption.*** 


The teaching of Jesus was very loving and he claimed that God is a loving Father God, but this concept never caught on and many Christians prefer the judgmental and punitive God of the Old Testament. We find that in the pantheon of gods and goddesses in many pagan religions love is always represented by a goddess. So if god is the god of love then it make a lot of sense that She is a Goddess. And this is what we find on Rasa Von Werder’s web-site when she calls God, MotherGod.


          ***Rasa says: Look at the hate their religions preach, hate of homosexuals, hate of sex therapy workers, hate of women who have sex when they want to. They hate women, the bottom line. And yet women are fooled into joining these religions & let these haters control their minds & bodies. It’s sick. The Catholic Church not permitting condoms is sick – women can get AIDS, other diseases, & of course, unwanted pregnancies. Then they are condemned for abortions. Let’s end Patriarchy & make the world straight again.*** 


Mystics talk about the Oneness of God and that we are all One. We don’t find this in any male god because the masculine is all about competition and aggression. True Oneness only comes through love, which is feminine and so for this reason the true nature of God is feminine. Once we realise this, then it is a lot easier to communicate with Her and to receive Her help and guidance. 

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The point is that if we want to live in a more loving and caring world then we need more loving and caring people in all positions of power, we don’t get this when while men rule our world. This is because in the patriarchal system the worst types of people seem to end up in positions of power. It is the same in religions where we find the leaders of nearly all religions are not spiritual people and just use religion to gain wealth and power. 


It is true that not all women are loving people and there are many loving men in our world. But overall women have powerful maternal and nurturing instincts and it is these instincts that make women on the whole, more loving people than men. So we all would be better off if we were able to vote for matriarchal political parties and were able to join goddess religions that worship female deities and have a female priesthood.


***Rasa says: The worship of Mother God & female priests is coming. Jesus himself ordained me, & I say the Holy Mass. I want to encourage all women in the Grace of God to become priestesses & say the Holy Mass for the departed, it is ENORMOUS help to them. I have gotten thousands out of Purgatory this way.

          Good work William, thanks for this great article.*** {End Chapter 5}


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