College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Matriarchy vs Feminism

Are Matriarchy & Feminism different?

See end for article   

How Will Matriarchy be Built? 


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PS I agree there are submissive men, & there will be many more as women rise up. Right now they’re still fighting back, even good guys, but soon, when they see it is impossible to control the world & women any more, they will hold up the white flag of surrender.        Rasa …….


From Pete Jackson:

                I think the phrase everyone here is looking for to accurately describe much of feminism is “motte-and-bailey doctrine”.  I really think there are actually a lot of closet matriarchists out there to one degree or another, including within the broader feminist movement as far back as the 1960s even (Ashley Montagu was a major influence on Betty Friedan, for example), who really have Matriarchy in mind as an endgame but who hide behind “we just want equality!” as the more socially acceptable position to retreat to as an escape hatch whenever they are pressed too hard.  It is of course a cowardly tactic (and actually a logical fallacy as well) that can notoriously backfire, as they end up discrediting and sabotaging their own cause in the process, but still widely used nonetheless.  Of course, some feminists really do want the train to stop at Equality Street as it were, and they effectively provide cover for the closet matriarchists.


Slowly but surely, albeit at glacial pace, it is becoming somewhat more socially acceptable for Women to say out loud that they support Matriarchy to one degree or another.  The young actress Shailene Woodley (from the Divergent series) is one recent example I can think of.


From William Bond:                Hi Everyone


Perhaps the issue about why Matriarchy is not acceptable is that most women don’t think it is possible. After all how do women organize themselves to take over the world? Women are unlikely to come out in the street and start a violent revolution. Or form a great Amazon army and conquer the world. If they are going to do it, then I suppose women think they would have to do it through more stealthy means. 


What you say about the “motte-and-bailey doctrine”, Pete, suggests that feminist have a hidden agenda. To gain equality and once they have achieved that, to move on from there and take power. So they don’t like people like us talking about matriarchy as we are revealing their secret goal. 


But I do wonder if we want get people interested in matriarchy we have to lay out a game plan of how it is possible. It cannot be achieved through violence, women have to use democracy. Which means either forming a matriarchal political party or women taking control of existing politician parties. Which female politicians are slowly doing, there are now more female leaders of countries and political parties than there ever was. 


So the question is, are we sabotaging feminist’s secret agenda by talking about matriarchy? I don’t think so because, if you read anything from anti-feminist males, you find they don’t buy this equality stuff and assume that feminist women want to rule the world. Where there does seem to be a problem is that feminists claim that men and women are the same. Whereas we are saying we need women to rule the world because they are more loving and caring people. While feminists say that women need to be as ruthless and uncaring as men because they are told by men that women’s loving nature is a weakness. Femdom say the same thing, they like the idea of women ruling the world but want women to be cruel and sadistic. 


So it seems matriarchy, feminism and femdom all want the same thing but have different ideas on how to achieve this and why they want women to rule the world. Hopefully we can be allies and not enemies. But this is not unusual, the Suffragettes were also divided about how to achieve votes for women. Some women claim they needed to be nice to men and persuade powerful men to let women have the vote. While others became more militant and began to smash up property, get arrested and then and go on hunger strike. 


There is another way women can gain power and that is to start a matriarchal religion. It seems that this was how patriarchy got going. Patriarchal religions like Judaism and Islam are a strong driving force for patriarchal rule. I personally think a matriarchal religion might be our best option.     William   ………………………………

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From BardofEly:

William, it seems to me that the main way that men use to stay at the top and in charge of the world is by accumulating fantastic wealth. All the most wealthy people are men. These men pay to get whatever they want done, and promoted to the public via the media. You can see this easily with Bill Gates. Their money allows them to control the media. Some of them like Rupert Murdoch do directly as media owners, and others like Gates fund media organisations. Politics is paid for too. Many of these men make their wealth via their businesses, e.g. Musk, Bezos, Gates, Branson.


From William Bond:

I agree Steve, money rules the world, the more wealthy you are the more powerful you become. Yes, if more women became billionaires, if would help a lot. I don’t know why we don’t see female billionaires. Perhaps its a confidence thing, if we started to have a few female billionaires they would become role models for other women. At one time we didn’t have female doctors, scientists, lawyers, engineers or politicians. But a few brave women managed to get into these professions and now it is commonplace to have professional women. So it might happen with successful female businesswomen.     William


From Steve Andrews—BardofEly:

William, I think Madonna sets a great example with her great wealth of what a woman can achieve today. I see she has $1.2 billion. There are other wealthy women like her but they all have a lot less than Musk, Bezos, Gates, Branson, etc. I think we need a lot more women to get up in the ranks of the billionaires. As it is, it is all the male extreme top earners that run the show. They are all businessmen. We need more top businesswomen. …..  


From Rasa Von Werder:

                The things you friends said about feminists are all wise words.  They are a bunch of phony fakes & part of it they are full of shyt concerning other women like adult trade workers.  And they are in denial about wanting to rule the world.  They are mostly brainwashed cowards – like most women.  They want all sorts of things – rulng the world – wealth – revenge – & they believe by using men they will get all that so they’re afraid to let go of men & their Patriarchy.  Their brains & hearts are twisted.  They need to put God first & everything will be added unto them – that’s what I did.  I grasped at nothing, I trusted, loved God, I gave God my all & God took care of me – sometimes through men, other times my own efforts.  But I did not give into Patriarchy or lie to myself or others, I served God, trusted God.  But they don’t do that, most of them, they have FORKED TONGUES.  But in spite of all that we must forge ahead like Buddha, Jesus & all the saints did – save sinners.


        Women like Madonna – what has she done to liberate women?  Women HAVE MONEY but they WASTE IT on the THINGS OF THE WORLD, not Mother God, Matriarchy & Female Empowerment.  This is spoken of in ‘The Beauty Myth’ how women are conned out of BILLIONS that could be used to help women – spending it instead of FASHION, COSMETICS, services to look YOUNGER, MORE BEAUTIFUL – all WASTED MONEY.  They are stupid, mindless, creepy, self absorbed, selfish, egomaniacal cowards.  Creating kingdoms for themselves on earth, which will be driven away like dust.  They should look to eternity & to the future of our planet.     Rasa


I asked Pete to explain the Motte & Bailey syndrome as regards feminism & got this:…………………………..


From Pete Jackson: In a nutshell, the “motte-and-bailey” doctrine regarding at least some feminists is that, as closet matriarchists who are loath to show their hand, they simultaneously espouse two inherently contradictory but related positions: 


1)  The Motte (very easy to defend, the cover, but not their true position):  “We just want equality!” “Feminism is the radical notion that Women are people.”


2)  The Bailey (harder to defend, but where they secretly really prefer to be):  in a word, Matriarchy, to one degree or another.  That is, Women should rule the family and world.


(NOTE:  For some self-proclaimed feminists, it is actually patriarchy with the genders simply reversed that they really want as a goal, or perhaps even some flavor of totalitarianism, rather than true Matriarchy, but either way they have trouble openly defending it.)


When pressed hard enough, often not even very hard at all, they quickly retreat from the Bailey back to the Motte, pretending that mere equality with men was their real endgame all along.


Best wishes and have a good night,     Pete………………………………


Rasa says: I have personal feelings re feminists as I was a member of NOW & tried to run for an office there, with 20 women from my group ‘Prostitutes & Feminists’ there to vote for me. Their reaction? On some pretense, CALLED OFF THE ELECTION.


I then tried to persuade them to have a GROUP representing women’s rights in the adult trade & they REFUSED. I then quit NOW. They also had an unsafe, elevator not working properly, large office space in a building in Manhattan. It was a FIRETRAP & that for me, was an additional incentive to disappear……………………………


From BardofEly:

I thought I would search to see who the top women billionaires are and found this list:



I also found this and there are far more countries without a single female billionaire than the number of countries that have one or more.


I think this is the main reason men run the world and have all the power. They have most of the money.



William Bond says:

Also women only own 1% of the world’s wealth. 

Women Hold Just One Percent Of The World’s Wealth: World Bank



BardofEly says:   William, with this alarmingly low percentage it is hardly surprising the world is in such a mess and that there is so much suffering and inequality. 



Rasa says: Mother God was speaking to me a lot during the night & I will write it down. 5-27-22



How Will Matriarchy be Built? From Guru Rasa Von Werder


        How will our Matriarchy be built? The conversation has turned to MONEY. We need WOMEN BILLIONAIRES! Look at Xxx & the lists of other women – she has half a billion? And what has she done for Matriarchy – Female Empowerment? Has she written or commissioned any book with good ideas? Has she set up a doctrine for women, a Sisterhood, a Temple for Mother God – financed great women authors/activists working for female empowerment? Nothing of the sort. So what is her money bringing of value to end the Patriarchy & begin Matriarchy? Nothing. She is keeping the money in the status quo, just one more money bags who cannot, will not, change the world.

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        Since the beginning of history there have been rich & powerful people, those who plundered nations & stole their riches. Alexander the Great, Attila the Hun, Julius Caesar, the Pharaohs, Genghis Kahn, etc., all had nearly unlimited funds for a while & they built what? More Patriarchal evil.


        But these are men, so of course, they created Patriarchy, we speak of women, who can build Matriarchy. But I ask you, which of these billionaire women – & there have been powerful, rich women in history including today – has done anything big to change the world into a female-led loving society?


        Of course the ‘women’s movement’ was built by great women using whatever means they had – Emmeline Pankhurt was the activist in the first wave, then others, then the second wave of Betty Friedan,- they started our movement. This work came from IDEAS – they researched, thought about things, & presented ideas that were honest & truthful why this misogyny should end & women should be liberated from the injustice of Patriarchy. They did not seek wealth but justice, indeed, many these women were solvent because of their husbands – both Ms Pankhurst & Elizabeth Stanton were married to attorneys / socially elite men. They & many other activists of both waves were not downtrodden, they were upper middle class, even elites, who had time & money for education, writing, public speaking & all the things that empower activism. Money helped – it was a TOOL. These women did not seek money in & of itself – they sought something of a HIGHER MEANING – righteousness in our world. Yes, women’s rights are not just for women! Women’s rights are for all people to live loving & happy lives!


        The friends William & Steve are posting about wealth for women as if having money will open the door to Matriarchy. But this is putting the cart before the horse. Yes, there is a horse & a cart – the horse being the Power of Matriarchy, that which makes the cart roll, the cart being Matriarchy – women ruling our world.


        Now let’s get down to brass tacks.


        Take a look at history at those who changed the world, those who made it worth while, beautiful & good. Have any of these persons been in great seats of power & wealth? The spoken of billionaires?


        Two of my favorite leaders who did change the world were Buddha & Jesus Christ. Buddha gave up his seat of Power & Kingdom to become a monk, & after reaching Enlightenment, changed the world through IDEAS & a Godlike Spirit. He DID NOT retain the earthly power / dominance his billionaire status would bring – he forfeited it! He practiced asceticism until it hurt, not luxury & privilege. He did not TAKE OVER by money & force of arms – he suggested & implanted IDEAS in the heads of people!


He explained the mystery of SUFFERING & how we could leave it behind! And how would that be? – he preached that suffering comes from DESIRE for the earthly things – the things that are of this world; people, status, ambitions, earthly love – & when we give that up, become detached from it, we are FREE & our suffering ends. What are we supposed to want? Desire the goodness of eternal life, see everyone as equal, no class distinctions, everyone loves their neighbor, no sacrifice of animals – love for all created beings, not just your own people. Buddhists pray daily for all created beings & that includes animals.


        Jesus never had any earthly power, he was always downtrodden & poor, persecuted & misunderstood, only a few brave souls stood by him to the end. But he transformed the world. His message was the same as Buddha’s told in a different culture.


        The changes in the world still stand because of these doctrines – they are the SALT OF THE EARTH making it PALATABLE, meaningful & these scriptures after thousands of years are Lighthouses in a dark & evil Patriarchy, still calling us to Truth.


        Evil exists, goodness exists, side by side. Now why have not these women who achieved great wealth changed the world? Because they sought wealth, lol. They were not seeking Enlightenment or Oneness with God. Even Jesus, as much of a spiritual genius as he was, went up to the mountain to find his ‘Enlightenment’ {the way Buddha did} & then descended to be Anointed by St. John the Baptist. It was not physical, human means that made him the King of Kings, it was the Almighty Supernatural Power that touched him & made him a healer & Savior of others.


        The women on this Forbes 500 or whatever list are humans who inherited or made money in business. They sought business, they were not seeking Enlightenment or Oneness with God. They were not seeking PURPOSE, they sought material goods. They sought wealth for its own sake, they did not put God first, & money as a tool to help others– they sought the world for personal gain. And what does the world give? A temporary Kingdom at best. Satan said to Jesus & says to us,

        “I will give you all the Kingdoms of the world & their glory if you will bow down & worship me.”

        Those who seek wealth or the things of the world first are not seeking this as a TOOL – they seek it for its own sake, which does not change anything. But God declared,

        “Put first the Kingdom of God & everything shall be added unto you.”

        That is EXACTLY what women must do to achieve Matriarchy. It is what I have done.

        When a woman puts Truth – God – Love – as her first priority she becomes One with God, she hears her Voice. That ‘still, small voice,’ will guide her, direct her.

       And the Power of God will lead her on her way, consciously & unconsciously, to what is best for her – personal matters & matters of Mission.


        This woman / women will impart to others what Buddha & Jesus imparted – the Holy Spirit. It is bequeathed on those who ask, who desire God. It is not given to those who sold their soul to the devil, who close the door on God. It is given to those who desire God, believe, & open their hearts. This is called ‘baptism,’ initiation, or being ‘born again.’ Anyone can baptize or invite the Holy Spirit to transmit Itself to another person – it is Supernatural but answers our call. It responds to the will – to someone’s decision.


        It is not with human might, or money alone, or physical resources, or ingenuity, or cleverness, or rhetoric, or speeches, or politics, by which we will usher in Matriarchy – it will be done, is being gone, by the Power & Might of God.


        It should be brought about to us by the women who, like David, can slay Goliath. These women have already acted – some we know of that are famous, others are unknown but did background work, but also Anointed.


        And so, how will women bring forth Matriarchy? {To this I must add, women are the leaders, but good men are at their side. Emmeline Pankhurst’s husband provided the financial support & was also committed to women’s rights. Some of the other husbands/friends were like that.} – By submitting to God, listening to her, praying to her, believing in her, trusting, hoping in her, loving her, being devoted & obedient to her. It is Mother God who brings forth Matriarchy, we are the obedient servants.


        Think how did St. Martin Luther King Jr. succeeded in his quest? By FAITH, by preaching Truth, by encouraging his people. They all gathered, every night, around SelmaAlabama, in Churches & they prayed & sang together.


        No woman, no human, like Elon Musk, will take over the world with money. It will be done by the Spirit of God. This Spirit will work in ways we don’t understand, we cannot anticipate what God will do or not do. We might ask,

        “Well, what is God doing? Why doesn’t She stop all this war, torture, unjust laws, slavery & atrocities?”

        She is, She has acted. By rendering human males extinct, patriarchy CANNOT go on. It cannot exist without men. It is men who caused Patriarchy, it cannot live without them. When men are no more, there will be no more wars, terrorism & unjustified violence. When men obeyed women the world was at peace, nature was revered, life was sacred. When men took over – you know the rest.


        And so in conclusion, let me say again, it will be the Might of God that puts an end to Patriarchy – by her way alone, & all we must do is cooperate. Don’t try to figure it out, She is working, She alone knows how it will be done. We must just stay close to her, obey, & do as we are told.


        I might just add that Jesus did not seek wealth – it was the last thing He asked for. But he did get financial support, especially from women. Mary Magdalene was the daughter of a Roman Prince & a Jewish mother. She with her brother Lazarus owned the city of Magdala. She was one of the wealthy women of her time & contributed to Jesus’ ministry. Anne Catherine Emmerich speaks of how she gave Jesus the money to bail out many political prisoners.

        Joanna Chuza was also wealthy – her husband was the Steward of King Herod, she was one of the Holy Women & contributed to Jesus.

        “Mary, called Magdalene, and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s household manager, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their means.”


Did Jesus worry about money & say he had to have a good job? He took care of God’s business’ – & God took care of his. Jesus trusted God.

In my life, I also trusted God. It was a hard life, but God took care of me, She provided. She not only secured me after years of poverty, but she enriched me so I could build her Church. I put it on the internet, as you know, “The University of Mother God Church.”


This is what I did with the money given me, because God is first. I did not seek nor do I have luxury. To me, knowing my bills will be paid is luxury. But the women we’ve spoken about in this series of letters – the multi millionaires & billionaires – what have they done to move to Matriarchy? Nothing. Money is wasted in their hands.


I did not need ‘money’ to become the foundress of female body building. I did not need ‘money’ to ‘Strip for God.’ I did not need money to preach in front of the White House, where Mary ended Communism & the Cold War. Many other things I will speak of elsewhere, I did on Mission, I did not need ‘money’ to do them. Any human who is One with God does not need ‘money’ to do her work. Most of the Saints were poor – they trusted in God to provide for their Mission – God provided.


So, friends, do not speak to me about ‘when women have money they will build Matriarchy.’ When they have God they will build Matriarchy – God will give them the courage they need, the way She gave little David the Power to slay Goliath. Money is a tool. When women receive the Grace of God, they will get the money or whatever resources are needed to take over the family & the world.

And one last thing. They asked Jesus when is his Second Coming? He said,

“When you don’t know the difference between summers & winters.”

That’s Global Warming – which is upon us. The Second Coming of Jesus is Matriarchy. It is biophilia, the civilization of Love.         Rasa Von Werder


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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Why is Matriarchy Not Discussed?

Why is Matriarchy Not Discussed in Our Society?


 5-20-22   Rasa Von Werder – William Bond & Friends


  from Rasa:

What I’m working on IN MY MIND right now is the woman issue – I can see William & yourself, even though you are experts in many things, need my female brain to round out the equation. It is this:

A long, long time ago – hundreds of thousands of years, maybe even millions – the human being was one female. But this female was NOT what we see today. She was a complete being, male & female in one body & she represented both masculine & feminine, the powers & abilities of both. This is the female women will evolve into by the time of 100k years from now when human males go extinct, she will re-ingest or reanimate the masculine qualities back into herself, such as she once had. And of course Dr. Bryan Sykes explains how women will reproduce without men – his theory of the 23 chromosomes from one egg into another creates a whole new human, not an exact replica of the Mother, which is not as stable – but a combination of two women.

There are other factors, such as parthenogenesis which obviously women had ages ago. The woman we see today is one who GAVE UP her masculine attributes, SACRIFICED THEM by creating half her children – over millennia – unable to reproduce but able to do more work, obey, & give her ‘romantic’ or emotional support. This idea worked well until the ‘other gender’ became so masculine that he coveted the Mother-woman role, turned away from her, thereafter refused to obey, in fact, wanted to dominate her. I will write more on this to round it out.

Need a name for this theory, it is the ‘One woman- Mother’ theory but needs a good name.


Hi Rasa

 I know we differ in this. You seem to be saying that MotherGod has decided that the men are an experiment that didn’t work out and has given up continuing with it. Whereas I’m saying we can still have men providing they are obedient to women. 

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I think a world of only women would create a world of love, harmony and Oneness. Now this sounds really wonderful but I think the problem with this is that all individuality will disappear. I think MotherGod did create men for a reason and that is to bring individuality to our world. The problem was that the unintended consequence of individuality is separation, loneliness, fear, hatred, conflict, violence and chaos. So women have to be able to control men so they don’t destroy themselves. 


So it does seem to me the only way men can be saved is to find a method where men are once again totally obedient to women. If we can achieve this, then perhaps MotherGod may see that the experiment is working after all and allow it to continue. 




From Pete Jackson:

William, I would argue that I think individuality to one degree or another would still remain in a world of only Women. Even if Women were not originally individualistic before men were created, they have certainly learned to be so since then, particularly in recent decades.  I would say that both extremes of hyper-individualism and hyper-collectivism are bad and to be avoided, and Women are better than men at finding a middle path between the two extremes.


Have a nice day,



Hi Pete


From William:

I think the ideal situation would be for all of us to be individuals and different from each other, but live in a loving world where our differences doesn’t lead to conflict, violence and war. That won’t happen in a world dominated by men who are more likely to attack and fight others who are different from them, than a world dominated by women. 


I think that a world of only women or a world dominated and controlled by women will be far more loving and harmonious than what we have now.  I think the problem with a women only world is that it could become too harmonious and individuality may disappear. But the problem with a world of women and men, is that even if women completely dominate men, some men will plot and scheme to gain power and may bring back another patriarchal age. 


So I see problems with both futures, though both will be better than our present patriarchal age. 



From Rasa, Friends:

                My opinion, what I said, is based on all the studies, factoring in all we know about human genetics plus the fact that human men are going extinct.  No one is talking about male extinction but me, like no one is talking about Matriarchy but myself & a few friends.


    The women we are evolving into, as I said, will contain both the masculine & feminine attributes – they will not be like the passive women we know of today.  They will be both ‘passive’ & ‘aggressive’ when needs be.  And so, from my POV, your theory is wrong as you assume women will be the women we know today – who have sacrificed their masculine traits when they created another gender which was supposed to be a ‘helpmate.’  This woman will no longer exist.


    I am only repeating what Dr. Bryan Sykes said, that human males are a genetic experiment that didn’t work, & nature is removing them.  He underscores their extreme violence / brutality as to why they are not needed on this planet, in particular, the criminal murderous type of behavior that is not even motivated by necessity.


    And your theory about men being the ‘individualistic’ part of humanity – I don’t get that at all.  Are women all made from cookie cutters?  How are men more ‘individualistic’ than women?


    Indeed, women are ‘loving.’  But there is another side to love.  That which stands in the way of it.  A woman can kill when a malicious intruder starts breaking into her home.  The new woman will be one who will not hesitate to kill when she or loved ones are threatened with bodily harm.  Most women are too afraid to defend themselves with lethal force – but in future they will no longer be, they will be like men, except, they will still have the heart & brain of a woman – which is more judicious, logical than that of most men.


    Male & female brains are vastly different as all types of studies have shown, one of which are the brain scans of Dr. Daniel Amen.  I have spoke much of what he discovered, he is seen on the Dr. Oz show talking about it – on You tube.


    That is one of the main reasons men cannot rule the world, because they are not judicious in their violence, it is not thought out, it is violence of emotion or conquest, imperialism, rather than violence to protect oneself.  It is violence of selfishness, serving the flesh.  When women become violence it will have no such dimension, they will be violent to survive & self protection, but they will take care of business like that, in the future, when they re-ingest the masculine into themselves.  We are talking about a woman vastly different than women as we know them!


    And the men who evolved into being what they are today?  Actually human males are becoming more ‘feminine,’ their sperm counts have fallen drastically – & it seems to me they are desperate to hold their place as leaders of society.  The devils within them know they & human men have a short time left on earth.  They want to do as much harm as possible before they exit – like killers I have seen on crime shows who wanted to go out with a ‘spree’ or some extreme mark of murder before they died.  Women are coming up so fast – even though they are substandard in their leadership roles – but it’s a beginning – & the demonic men know ‘the gig is up.’  After all, all the leaders of society know about male extinction, they just aren’t talking about it.

            Rasa…..Rasa continues:

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We seem to be in an almost-impossible situation where what we stand for WILL NOT EVEN BE DISCUSSED.  And yet there are many writers, like Naomi Wolf, in her book I’m looking at now ‘The Beauty Myth’ explain in detail the atrocities Patriarchy is doing to women, & this book was accepted by all of society – so it is against male rule & pro women BUT NEVER SAYS SO, never mentions Matriarchy or Patriarchy being at war.


What are those who approve this book thinking?  That a man in a white horse is going to change things?  I think that’s the assumption:  point out all the wrongs this society – men – Patriarchy are doing.  But DO NOT say it’s Patriarchy, DO NOT SAY the alternative is Matriarchy.  Just don’t say it.


The biggest delusion that is being pushed forward by the dissidents, conspiracy experts, & pro-women voices is MEN HAVE BEEN BAD BOYS but soon GOOD MEN & WOMEN, WORKING IN EQUALITY, WILL RISE TO THE TOP & MAKE THINGS RIGHT.


This as we have explained, William, you have especially underscored how men don’t accept equality, they must either submit or dominate, & it has to be one or the other.  And we totally agree.  There cannot be any ‘equality’ with men & women, women must dominate, period.


And that is the subject our society, including dissidents, Mike Adams, David Icke, Noam Chomsky, Alex Jones & all those who fight against this evil Patriarchy – WILL NOT EVEN TALK ABOUT! 


They are all waiting for the man on the white horse with the goody-two shoes obedient political female at their side!  Is that it?



To Steve 

                For me it isn’t about money.  My books don’t sell.  Some day they will but not for a long time.  But nevertheless, I am still writing them & publishing for the future.

        If you write only for money, not the cause, you might as well work for Patriarchy.  Write what they want, the way they want it.  Give in to them, they will not give in to you.

        If you write ONLY FOR MONEY you are selling out the cause.


        Do you think William wrote for money with all his books?  Yes he has a sideline writing what people want for money under Fred Findlay.  But the stuff he believes in he does it because it is the truth, not to make money – so do I – so does Pete.

        Did the evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke & John write for money?  Did Mary Magdalene write her gospel for money?  Did St. Gertrude the Great, St. Catherine of Sienna, St.  John of the Cross, St. Teresa of Avila  & other writer Saints write FOR MONEY?

        We write for TRUTH to serve Mother God.  Business is one thing.  Business for the world, & business for God are two different things.  Jesus wrecked the tables of the money changers  shouting,

        “Do not turn my Father’s house into a den of thieves!”


        If you are for the cause you will do whatever it takes, with or without the lure of money, to serve Mother God & Matriarchy.

        You have to TRUST MOTHER GOD for money & security, not worry about it each day.

        “Put first the kingdom of God & everything shall be added unto you.”

         “Thou shalt not put strange Gods before me.”

           “God is a jealous God.”


    Why do I have money?  Because I put God first.  And God took care of me.  I gave God my celibacy which I thought would be for always – due to that God gave me financial security, eventually.  It took years, I struggled, but finally God gave me enough money to be stable & also do her work without groveling & being a slave to Patriarchy. 


    Heed my words – they are serious.  


    Years ago you wrote me about your financial distress.  And your eye trouble, if you recall.  Then something happened.  God blessed you & you obtained a fortunate inheritance.  What did you do with this money?  Suddenly, you had a younger woman after you.  You seemed to disappear, none of us heard from you for a long time.  Then you reappeared.  The money I guess is gone & with it the young woman.  God blessed you, but did you use the money for her work?

        How sincere & devoted are you?  William, Pete & I are totally devoted to the cause.

        Rasa …..Rasa continues:



            Who & what males became is a subject of evolution, women choosing the most ‘masculine’ males.  But this ‘masculinity’ backfired against women as these type men eventually refused to be their helpmate & became their worst enemy.  That is according to the legend, one third of men – where Lucifer turned into Satan & a third of the angels followed.


But I think this ‘masculinity’ came to a peak & is now receding because men aren’t the way they were  even in my own generation I recall males being more manly than they are now – some people say a lot of men are now ‘metrosexuals’ which is a sort of in-between male to female – this might be when their y chromosome began to deteriorate – I don’t know when that happened, Dr. Sykes doesn’t tell us at least not that I saw in his book.


And so their lording over women is over.  Mother God has stepped in, it’s a matter of time before Matriarchy happens – it’s our job to help women take over, I believe.



From William Bond,


I have also found this in feminist books Rasa. I used to read feminist books that will be a diatribe on everything wrong with men and patriarchy but at the end they would tamely say, “all we want is equality with men.” When to me, it was obvious that if men and patriarchy was so bad, why would women want equality with men? 


You also bring up one thing that I have also wondered, David Icke and other conspiracy theorists don’t seem to mind what they say. They will make all sorts of outrageous claims but all will steer away from the matriarchal conspiracy and I also wonder why. 


To be fair to Steve, if any of us were able to write a book about matriarchy that did make a lot of money then it would be a best-seller and be read by a lot of people and therefore would greatly promote the cause of matriarchy. 


So I do get the sense that we are being censored. Which although is awful, it does mean that the patriarchal ruling elite do think the case for matriarchy is a big threat to their power. I think the argument that if women ruled the world, then all of us, both men and women, would be better off is a powerful argument for matriarchy and the ruling elite doesn’t want this message to get out to the general public. 


William…..again from William:


I mostly read feminist books back in the 1970s and 80s Rasa. I cannot remember all the names I know the first feminist books I read was “The Feminine Mystique” by Betty Friedan. Then I read “The Female Eunuch” by Germaine Greer. Those two books had the biggest effect on me, other feminist books I later read were more or less saying the same thing as these two and so I can’t remember now what they said or who they were. 


I don’t really know why matriarchy is not discussed in mainstream media. It might be men’s ego, of not wanting to admit they do a terrible job in ruling the world. It is of interest that David Icke blames alien reptiles for everything that is wrong with our world and I think many men look for scapegoats like this, rather than blame themselves. I know in Islamic countries they have the cheek to blame women for the problems of the world. 


I can understand why some men don’t like matriarchy but you would imagine women would like it. But when I first came on the internet and talked about it, my biggest critics were feminist women. I got some criticism from men but not as much as from feminist women. Many men assume that feminism and matriarchy are the same thing and don’t believe women when they say they only want equality and assume they want more than this. 

William…….William continues:


Hi Rasa


The only reason I can think of why feminists reject matriarchy is that they don’t believe it is possible for women to rule the world. They just think that equality with men is all that they can achieve.  The irony of this, is that most men don’t see feminism as being any different to matriarchy. They don’t believe feminists when they say, “we only want equality”, they assume they want more than this. 


Feminists are probably intimated by men’s physical size, strength and violence. And you can understand why, recently Germaine Greer was asked by her publisher to allow her books to be translated and published in Arabic. She opposed this, as she feared that women caught reading her books in Islamic countries could be executed. So it could be they fear of male violence if they were to try to rule the planet. 


My argument against this, is that you cannot appease men, most men know this. The women that suffered most male violence are in countries where men dominate women completely. Women who work together and stand up against men, are the women who suffer far less from male violence. 


Perhaps also many women don’t see the submissive side of men. Pamela didn’t have any problems with matriarchy because she was a school teacher and had to learn how to keep teenage boys under control. I also think that any women who have had any experience with femdom can see that matriarchy is possible, because they know it is possible for men to be submissive to women.


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            From Rasa:

                        William, you said “recently Germaine Greer was asked by her publisher to allow her books to be translated and published in Arabic. She opposed this, as she feared that women caught reading her books in Islamic countries could be executed. So it could be they fear of male violence if they were to try to rule the planet.”


            I think Germaine Greer is wrong. These books should be available to women in Arabic. Not all of them are under the thumbs of men, some live in households with just women & maybe boys, not men. If they want to take a chance reading these books in private, it is their decision, not the decision of Ms Greer – free will. It’s like saying,

            “Don’t preach Christianity to those in Arab countries, they could be martyred for it.”

            Let them make their own decision.


            Apparently this book by Ms Greer is a big deal. I never read it, will have to take a look. 

            As far as ‘feminists’ – I have said it before & will again, they were a ‘first step’ & indeed, when they say they want no more than equality they are trying to fool people. In their hearts, women are mothers & they tend to see others as children, in the way Jesus describes, the virtuous way of looking at others. Naturally there are exceptions, there are terrible mothers & wonderful fathers – Jesus is an example of great Father, Buddha, all the saints, St Martin Luther King Jr – these are all great men. Such men are few & far between, there are not many women saints either, but their general nature is head & shoulders above most men.


            William, as far as what other people say & do, & society not wanting to even put ‘Matriarchy’ discussions on the table – we must move on in spite of all this, as we set an example, a way, we are Lighthouses to others. Jesus came into a corrupt world but that is exactly why He came – to save sinners. So we also must save sinners. People are ignorant, foolish, weak, malicious, brainwashed – there is much wrong with many people. So we must keep ourselves straight, keep listening to God, see what God says to us, & show others the way. Don’t let’s be discouraged.

            PS I agree there are submissive men, & there will be many more as women rise up. Right now they’re still fighting back, even good guys, but soon, when they see it is impossible to control the world & women any more, they will hold up the white flag of surrender.




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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Men are the Submissive Sex

Why Men Are The Submissive Sex.



William Bond

  with Comments by Rasa Von Werder


We have been told for thousands of years, that men are the natural dominant sex and Women are naturally submissive.  And this is confirmed by the fact that men dominate every government in the world.  Even today, we still have only a minority of female politicians and a very small minority of female leaders of countries.  The same is also true in business, law and religion, Women, are in the minority anywhere, wherever there is power, wealth and status.


          {Rasa says: Yes but they don’t tell you WHY: Women were subdued through violence, intimidation & unjust laws. The Romans subdued the Greeks, which were a superior culture, through war, the Greeks became their servants. Doesn,’t mean the Greeks were NATURALLY SUBMISSIVE to them}  


If we look back in recorded history the situation is even worse.  Very few Women have ever achieved power.  We can think of a few Women like Cleopatra, Elizabeth 1 and Catherine the Great but the vast majority of rulers have been men.  And if we go back before recorded history we are told that men were even more dominant.  The caveman, we are told, was an aggressive brute who dominated cavewoman through extreme violence.  So the picture we are given, is that man, always has and always will, dominate Women. 


          {Rasa says: We are told, but they weren’t.} 


It is true that Feminism claims that men and Women are equal and the same, but this claim doesn’t square with the facts.  There has never been a time in recorded history where men and Women have been equal, and Feminism can only point to a few stone-age tribes where this might have happened.  So with all this overwhelming evident that seems to prove that man is the dominant sex, how is it possible to claim that man is the natural submissive sex?  The reason is, is that man’s natural submissiveness is the reason why alpha men rule our world.


          {Rasa says: If armies rebelled against their Generals, where would the armies be? They have to obey or else get jailed. They have even obeyed in history, against logic & better judgment, entering into death. But if they don’t obey they are court marshaled, in time of war, they are considered traitors & shot. So what choice do they have? And women, when they disobey the rules of Patriarchs, are ostracized, marginalized & forced to be unwelcome members of society. When men rule, others have no CHOICE, if they disobey, the suffer consequences.}

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Throughout most of history there have always been powerful warlords, kings and emperors whom gained power through violence and warfare.  The origins of all countries and empires have been through warlords who have conquered other people and ruled over them.  Much is written about successful generals like Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Julius Caesar, Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan and Napoleon, but not a lot is written about the ordinary soldier who fought for these successful generals.  


Whenever the military talks about attributes of being a successful soldier, what is put at the top of the list, is always discipline.  A successful general has to know that whenever he gives an order, he has to have instant and unquestioning obedience.  Successful generals have to be able to use their men like pawns on a chessboard, and will willing sacrifice the lives of thousands of them, to gain a tactical or strategic advantage.  


An example of this was in the Zulu wars between the Zulus and the British in the 19th century.  Chief Shaka, to demonstrate to a visiting dignitary, how his men were so obedient, ordered a troop to march over a cliff to their deaths.  Then the Zulus won the first battle with the British, in the Battle of Isandlwana.  It was only the discipline of the Zulu warriors that made this possible.  Although they were only armed with spears, they continued to attack British troops armed with modern rifles, until they finally overwhelmed them.  The Zulus finally lost the war when they simply ran out of men.


          {Rasa says: Wars of aggression *not defense*, by their nature are dishonorable & immoral. They go to take what another has – their territory, riches & resources, including in many cases, their women. These type of wars are NOT OF GOD. And wars, being a basis of Patriarchy, show that at its foundation, Patriarchy is unethical, immoral & sinful. It is DEMONIC.}


In the 20th century, with the invention of the machine gun, war has become even more deadly.  In the First World War it is claimed that the ordinary soldiers were, “lions lead by donkeys”.  This was because all the generals in the conflict didn’t know how to fight a war with modern weapons like machine guns, modern artillery and poison gas and so millions of lives were sacrificed needlessly, for very little gain.  Yet, in spite of this, the ordinary solder still obeyed orders to come out of the trenches and face near certain death, in the face of enemy machine gun fire.  In the Second World War the Japanese took things even further by ordering their airmen to crash their planes into enemy ships in Kamikaze attacks.  In more recent times many guerrilla groups like the Tamil Tiger in Sri Lanka and many Islamic terrorist groups use suicide bombers.


          {Rasa says: the Kamikazees were told if they returned, their lives wouldn’t mean anything. They would be a disgrace to their country & families – they would be ostracized or maybe even shot as traitors. It’s not like the VOLUNTEERED to do as they did.

And of course the suicide bombers are told when they die Allah will give them 72 virgins in Heaven. One bomber put a metal plate around his penis so it would be intact when he got there. These people are driven insane.} 


This means that if you can train a man to risk his life or even commit suicide when ordered to do so, suggests that men are very submissive.  Yes, it is true that Women suicide bombers have also been used, but Women suicide bombers haven’t been so successful.  In the Palestinian conflict there are a large numbers of Women in Israel jails whom were sent out to be suicide bombers, but couldn’t go through with it.  Unlike men, Women have the sense, to see the stupidity of what they are being pressurized into doing.


It is men’s complete obedience to authority that has paradoxically makes him the dominant sex.  The Feminists once had a slogan that, “the sisterhood is powerful”, unfortunately this hasn’t been the case.  Women have totally failed to create a powerful sisterhood.  It can be also said that men haven’t produced a powerful brotherhood either, but they have done the next best thing.  Men’s total obedience to authority allows alpha men to gain great power, by being able to mobilize large numbers of men, to do as they are told.

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          {Rasa says: But there is a brotherhood, even the demons in Hell have one – so I am told by Saints. They are all evil, but they agree on strategy to destroy the human race. Men are also bribed to believe that when they push women around they will gain great benefits – & of course they do – temporarily. “The kingdoms of the world & their glory” are gained through demonic means but “What profit a man if he gain the whole world but loses his soul for what will he exchange for his soul?”}


A despotic dictator has great power over the people because he has an army of young men, whom if ordered to beat up, murder, rape or even torture any member of the public, will obey without question.  This means that the average man is not either very dominant or bossy but very submissive, because it is men’s very submissive behaviour in obeying those in authority, that keeps the whole patriarchal society going.


          {Rasa says: Stalin was fantasizing about creating men who would not think or feel, just obey. Human men have in many cases, already become that. They could not do the atrocities that they do – especially in war – if they had any feelings or logic.} 


The problem is that if you ask any man, “are you submissive?” he will deny it completely.  This is because men all over the world have been trained to think of themselves as dominant.  Or at least dominant as far as Women are concerned.  And the men who would most likely to strongly deny their submissive behaviour, would be soldiers.  After all soldiers do have a very strong machismo image, and to suggest they are submissive, would be like suggesting that they are wimps.  And if you pointed out that soldiers would always obey orders without question, he would claim it is discipline, and not submissiveness.


          {Rasa says: Lol. We go through that as Mistresses of female ‘domination’. They give us a script how to make them obey, how to hurt & torture them, how to force them to do things they don’t want to do. They get off on the fantasy, but I am here to tell you, when reality sets in they cringe, cry, beg us to stop, they even shed tears if we do anything that hurts. Their ‘machismo’ is not how much they can take – its’ how little they care about others, & sadly, this happens with the ones who are weaker, smaller & vulnerable – those they can beat up on. There are cases so horrible I can hardly repeat them. One young male obtained dogs to his a motel room, & tortured them for days. He bought a little Chihuahua which he told the owner was for his ailing Mom. To control him he cut off his legs, then tortured him some more. Luckily he was caught & given a harsh sentence. But most men who torture the vulnerable including babies & children are never caught or punished.}


Yet whether a person is disciplined or submissive, the result is exactly the same, both types of people, do as they are told.  The only difference is perception.  So although macho soldiers are not a sort of people we normally associate with submissive behaviour, the reality is, is that their extreme obedience to authority, where they will risk their lives or even commit suicide, when ordered to do so, does make them very, very submissive.


          {Rasa says: It does begin with ECONOMIC SLAVERY where most men who have money would not voluntarily sign up to have their rights taken away, & if he disobeys, the brig or get shot. Men who have no jobs, nowhere to go to get support, are the ones who sign up. And who creates poverty? Patriarchs. It’s all part of their system.

The same goes for women. Most women would not marry the men they do unless they desired support. Had women not been impoverished by unjust laws, many would live their lives free of undesirable men. They would either live single & happy, go out with whom they want, or marry a different type of guy – even a poor guy – who appeals to them. But they marry old, ugly, mean, exploitative guys because of their money.}


The same is also true in the civilian world.  Feminists have already observed how the whole patriarchal society is a hierarchical system.  Most men like to claim that they only obey their boss at work, because he pays the wages.  Yet, even though men may moan and complain about their bosses, or the politicians, or anyone else in authority over him, men on the whole, do as they are told.  And this instinctive obedience by men is the foundation of patriarchy, if men didn’t instinctively obey those he considered to be in authority over him, then the whole patriarchal system would collapse. 


This then is the basis of political power.  Because men do instinctively obey those in authority, then political power comes from being perceived by the population, as the alpha male.  If we look at the patriarchal society as a whole, then men look up to and even sometimes hero worship those in he perceives as being above him in the pecking order, and will ruthlessly exploit those he perceives as being below him.  In all patriarchal countries nearly all the wealth and power of a country are in the hands of a few alpha men and the rest are poor and powerless. 


This is true for even a modern Western country like the USA, the top 1 % of the population owned 34% of the country’s wealth. Also, the top 20% of the population owned 85% of the wealth of the country.  Leaving only 15% of the wealth for the bottom 80% of people.  In poorer third world countries these figures would be even worse, where there is an enormous gap between rich and poor.  Yet in spite of the fact this causes great resentment in men all over the world, revolutions do not happen very often and as we have seen throughout history, revolution doesn’t solve the problem either.  The new rulers end up behaving as badly, or even worse, than the leaders they have replaced.


          {Rasa says: Revolutions don’t work because so far, all of them were run by men or even, I am told, fishwives started the French Revolution but as soon as it took hold, wasn’t it Robespierre who ruled?

          “The three main leaders of the French Revolution for the rebels were Georges-Jacques Danton, Jean-Paul Marat, and Maximilien Robespierre. The first, Georges-Jacques Danton was very involved in different powerful groups in France.”

          My point is, every institution, Religion, Church, Government, which is run by men – every venue run by men anytime, any place, becomes corrupt. Why? Their natural instinct when ruled by other men – instead of being obedient to women – runs AMUCK. Their instinct is one of selfishness, not the self-lessness maternal instinct.}


To make society function smoothly, we are all taught obedience from a very early age.  Children are expected to be obedient to their parents and then later to their teachers at school.  The paradox is that as boys learn to play macho games in sport, the more he is taught to become obedient.  All team sports need the players to do exactly what their coach tells them, to become a winning team.  This is also true of individual sports as well, where most sports coaches act like sergeant majors on a parade ground.


          {Rasa says: I joined the ‘adult sports’ at our local high school – the basketball, which I love. The men would not pass me the ball, they would not make me the ‘team leader.’ One time I did push to get voted leader, & we won the game. But they resented me, a woman leading, so they ousted me, & with a male at the helm we lost. But they would not admit I was the better leader.}


So boys from an early age are given two contrary messages.  The first message is that men have to be very strong and macho and be willing to ‘stand up for themselves’.  Yet at the same time they are taught to obey those in authority without question.  No wonder teenage boys when they grow old enough to think for themselves, become very confused.  As clearly both messages are in contradiction to each other, and so it encourages schizophrenic type of behaviour. 


So obedience and passivity is part of the human condition, but how boys and girls react to this is very different.  Scientific studies done on children show a distinct difference in how boys and girls react when given a project to do.  For boys they first have to elect a leader, who tells the rest of them what to do, but if they cannot do this, then nothing gets done, as they continue to argue among themselves.  This is not true for girls, who are far better communicators and can discuss among themselves what needs to be done, with far less conflict and so can work together without a leader.


          {Rasa says: My brother & I, he being 3 years older, played a dozen sports together & I won more than he did. But when he got to be 14 & developed testosterone, he beat me up badly out of resentment. This is the ‘natural’ instinctive reaction of a male – they can’t stand being humiliated, they lash out. Not as strong of an instinct for women. Most women’s murders happen when they reject a man, tell him they’re leaving. Rejection is humiliation.}



We can see this throughout the patriarchal society where leadership is all-important.  In business, under good leadership a company can thrive, but under bad leadership a company will quickly go broke.  


The same is true for political leaders a bad leader can destroy a country as we see in the case of Robert Mugabe the leader of Zimbabwe, he is a terrible leader, but the people are still helpless in the face of this power and seem to be unable to replace him.  It is very true in war.  For instance Napoleon won every battle he ever fought in, until the battle of Waterloo, where he lost to another general that also had an unbeaten record.  The French army has never been so successful before Napoleon or after him.  It was his leadership that made all the difference.  In these situations the common soldier feels totally powerless, because he is totally reliant on the leadership of the army whether they will be successful. 


Another instance of the common man’s feeling of helplessness is the1929 Wall St crash that caused a worldwide Depression, the common people had no say in the decisions that caused the crash, but it was they who suffered the consequences.  During the cold war the USSR and USA had thousands of nuclear weapons aimed at each just waiting for someone to ‘press the button’, that would wipe out humanity.  The general public were very frightened of this situation, but were helpless to stop it going on.  The cold war only ended with the economic collapse of the USSR, who couldn’t keep up with the USA in producing more advanced weapons.  It didn’t end with both sides seeing the stupidity of what they were doing.


          {Rasa says: The Cold War was ended by the prayers of the people, in obedience to Our Lady of Fatima, who said ‘Pray the Rosary for the Conversion of Russia or nations will be annihilated.’ It was me who gave the speech in front of the White house on June 16, 1978. I explain my case of the events following this on my site: }


What is very clear, is that to be able to work together collectively, men need to have a leader.  Unfortunately if the leader happens to be an idiot, then the whole group is in trouble.  In the past there have been cases of kings who have become insane like Ivan the Terrible of Russia, yet in spite of his insanity he was still allowed to rule.  It seems men will still faithfully obey their leader even though they know he is mad.


Therefore political power comes from being in control over the majority of passive men.  About five thousand years ago alpha men learn to control men through violence, a small group of violent men were able to dominate a far larger group of less violent men.  Today they would be seen as a gang of organized criminals, or bandits.  These bandits then recruited more men from the general population to be part of their gang and so the leader became a warlord who used his power to conquer other areas around him.  In time these warlords became kings, pharaohs or emperors, where they ruled whole countries or empires and to ensure that the people respect them, they set themselves up as gods.


          {Rasa says: Patriarchy is the lunatics running the asylum.} 


Back in the Neolithic times archaeologists have discovered a lot of evidence to suggest that Women ruled these early civilizations, but the trouble is that many people find this hard to believe. After all, throughout history we have been used to brutal alpha males who have ruled countries by force and violence.  The problem is that what archaeologists have discovered is that warfare was unknown back in the first Neolithic civilizations.  When they excavated ancient cities like Catal Höyük in Turkey and Caral in Peru, or the Neolithic civilizations of Malta, Crete, Eastern Europe, Japan, China and the IndusValley civilization in Pakistan, they couldn’t find any weapons of war. Not only that, they couldn’t find any skeletons showing any signs of violence, nor could they find any carved images of war and violence and any fortification protecting the towns and cities.  Whereas the evidence of war and violence was overwhelming in later Bronze and Iron age excavations.  With thousands of weapons of war being discovered, skeletons in graves showing signs of damage by swords, axes, spears and clubs, with very strong fortifications around all towns and cities, and carvings on walls of wars, acts of violence and torture. 


So how was it that all over the world civilisations could live in peace and harmony for thousands of years, but then suddenly these peaceful civilizations were swept away and replaced by extremely violent empires?  The theory put forward by the archaeologist Marija Gimbutas, was that warlike patriarchal tribes from the North conquered these peaceful Matriarchal civilisations.  Now, this makes sense of how some of these Neolithic civilisations were destroyed but it doesn’t explain where these patriarchal tribes came from, and why they suddenly turn to war and violence.  


          {Rasa says: My interview with a lady who did work similar to Marija Gimbutas in recent times. I saw her on PBS, contacted her & we spoke by phone for 2.5 hours – I typed it all out. She goes into the Amazons & beginning of Patriarchy – Dr. Jeannine David Kimball: }


To explain this, some people have pointed out that the Sahara desert was once a wetter and greener place 6,000 years ago, and then is slowly began to dry up.  So it was suggested that the people living there faced years of starvation and it was this starvation that turn these people into warlike monsters that went out and conquered the world. 


I personally think this is a terrible idea.  First of all, the Sahara didn’t become desert overnight.  Yes, things would be tough if the rains didn’t come for a few years and many people would starve to death.  But this is not unusual, and situations like this have happened all over the world, throughout history.  In this situation with the fertile lands turning to desert, the people will start to move out of the area.  After all it has taken thousands of years for the Sahara region to become desert it is today.  The process is still going on today, as the Sahara desert is still moving south.  So it means that the people living there had time to adapt or move. 


Also, I am not sure that starvation does turn people into monsters.  Yes, starvation does stress out the whole community but in modern times charity workers that go into famine areas find the biggest problem, are people becoming lethargic.  Many of them lose all hope and sit down to die, just waiting and hoping things with change for the better.  Yes, some people will fight for life but not necessary will fight other people.  Human beings do have brains and they are more likely to use them to find alternative sources of food.  After all, humans are ingenious enough to even find food or water in a desert, as we can see with the present inhabitants of the SaharaDesert and with the Australian Aboriginal.  It is true patriarchal societies tribes in times of famine do fight each other and steal each other’s food, but I don’t think Matriarchal tribes would do this and would be more likely to help each other out of a difficult situation.  


Why Matriarchy was overthrown is open to speculation but in my opinion this may have came about because of Women’s complacency.  Because men are so passive, Women may have taken their obedience for granted and perhaps tried to give men equality.  As the result they were no longer telling men what to do.  This created a power vacuum, where men looked around for someone, anyone, to tell them what to do, and alpha men then took over the dominance of men and filled this power vacuum.


          {Rasa says: In my opinion, males became the way they are over evolution of thousands of years. When women chose men that were more & more ‘masculine’ over many years, they became more ‘zombie-flike’ – without compassion or caring, like machines. And these machines, then, no longer caring or having any soft feelings, turned on their masters – the women, & formed their own brotherhood of foul play. This I believe is portrayed in the ‘Lucifer to Satan’ myth, where he turned against God & said ‘I will not obey!} 


The concept of a power vacuum comes from patriarchal politics, where if there isn’t a strong leader ruling a country, then this creates a power vacuum and someone like a warlord ends up taking over.  This has happened in recent time in Somalia, with the collapse of its government in 1991, no other political group has been powerful enough to take power.  This has resulted is that the country is being controlled by competing warlords. 


A power vacuum only comes about because men are so submissive they need someone to tell them what to do.  So if no one is doing this, then it is open to anyone to adopt the alpha role and take power.  Because men are so submissive and were so obedient to Women, many Women got the idea that men were not a threat to them.  And because Women in general are fair-minded, some of them began to feel it was unfair that men were second-class citizens, and decided to give men equality. 


There is some archaeological evidence for this.  Towards the end of the Neolithic age were previously archaeologists had found only images of Goddesses, then suddenly there appeared Goddesses with sons.  They at first were infant sons but then it seems the sons grew up and become the Goddess’s brother or lover.  So these images suggested strongly that men and Women are equal. This might sound very sensible and reasonable, but men didn’t know what to do with their newfound freedom and were still looking around for someone to tell them what to do, and this created a power vacuum.


          {Rasa says: Which came first, the cart or the horse, the chicken or the egg? I think over thousands of years males became less & less empathetic until they thought they were ‘as great’ as women & said, ‘I will not serve’ as in the Lucifer to Satan myth, & there, sent to their own Hell of Patriarchy, where Satan & his men/demons have been trying to drag the rest of humanity ever since.}


If Women were not telling men what to do, then men looked within their own sex for a leader, so these alpha men filled the power vacuum left by Women.  Yet even then Women may not have done anything about this, they didn’t see the danger signs and let things progress.  They at first may have found it convenient that instead of telling a lot of men individually what to do, they just tell the alpha male what to do and he would organize everything for them.  And so it wasn’t a problem while these alpha males were still subordinate to Women.  It only became a problem when the alpha males decided they wanted to rule Women in the same way they were ruling other men. 


What many Women don’t understand about men is that equality is an alien concept to the masculine mind. If we look at male animals like stags, bulls or lions the males fight each other for dominance and the strongest male gets to mate with all the females.  There is no concept of equality, you are either a winner or loser, and the winner takes it all and the loser gets nothing. We can see the same in competitive sports which men really like, there has to be a winner or loser.  The same is true in war, with each side fighting to win, and it is also true of the patriarchal society, which is organized as a hierarchical structure.  Even when men set out with the purpose of creating an equal society like with communism and socialism they completely failed. 


          {Rasa: I like this theory. Equality works with children, like you don’t give more to one child than another of food or work or freedom, you try to make it equal according to their needs. Like a little tyke can carry a small bucket of water to the barn while a teen carries a big bucket, but each carries a bucket according to their strength & each gets the same amount of food to what their stomach can hold. But between men & women I agree, the woman is the Mother & therefore, she rules. A woman’s brain is so vastly different than a man’s, she is born to rule, he isn’t. He can’t even think straight.}


So if men were not allowed to be subordinate to Women, because Women were claiming that man and Women were equal, then because the masculine mind didn’t understand equality, the only other option men had, was to dominate Women.  And they learnt they could do this through violence. After all, men being bigger and stronger than Women, always had the advantage in violent situations.  The problem alpha men had, was that normal men didn’t want to do this, so they had started a propaganda campaign to convince men that Women were inferior to them.  So by becoming convinced, through clever propaganda that Women were after all inferior to themselves, men no longer had any qualms about using violence against Women.  Starting a worldwide revolution where men have been dominating Women through violence ever since.


          {Dr. Daniel Amen did 70k scans on the brains of men & women & he said, on the Dr. Oz show that men think with their primitive {back} brain & can only think with one side of their brain at a time. Their frontal lobes are asleep while the back part – the primitive – part of the brain is active. And they have few connections with the corpus collasum network. So we are talking primitive vs. civilized brain – the women’s brains were awake both front & back with many connections. So now this BEAST dominates women & children?}


Once one Matriarchal community become patriarchal, then these new patriarchal men started conquering neighbouring Matriarchal tribes and civilizations.  The world didn’t become patriarchal overnight it is estimated that the first patriarchal tribe came into being about 6,000 years ago, but the last major country to become patriarchal was Japan, at about 300 BC.  Some areas of Matriarchy have clung on into fairly recent historic times.  Like the Basque people of Northern Spain and Southern France, the Czech people in modern day Czech Republic, the Berbers of the Sahara desert, the Gypsies and the Keralal people of India.  Some of Matriarchal communities have survived into modern times, like the The Minangkabau people in Western Sumatra, the Mosou people of China and the Hopi Indians of North America. 


Therefore men have a choice of being ruled by alpha men or by Women.  I am aware that Feminists who prefer sexual equality reject this concept but they have to accept that men are very different to Women.  Feminism makes no sense to men, because it is about sexual equality, all they want to know is where they stand in the pecking order.  So if they are told that Women are inferior to him he will exploit and abuse Women, and if he is told that Women are superior him he will obey Women and expect her to exploit him.


          {Rasa says: The feminists were a BEGINNING, only asking for equality under the law, a first step. They did not yet ask for Matriarchy, as that’s too far ahead. But after feminism, comes female empowerment, female superiority & Matriarchy. We wanted it in the first place, but we had to start with equality under the law. Women did not tell men what they wanted I their hearts, what they knew was right – dominance over them. If they did, they would have been taken for lunatics. Even equality was met with violence. Betty Freidan got a black eye from her husband before her first sit-in at the bar of the Plaza, NYC.}


This is what happened at the beginning of the patriarchal age.  Men were told they are equal to Women, but this made no sense to men.  So in the minds of men, if Women were no longer superior to them, then they had to be inferior.  Once men accepted this idea, then it made patriarchy possible, but in modern times, if men were told that this was wrong and Women are superior to men after all, then Matriarchy becomes possible once again. 


For this reason, in every patriarchal society, alpha men have seen Women as a threat to their power.  Even today in Islam they have the ‘honour’ system, where Women are beaten up or killed if they are ‘disrespectful’ or disobedient to men.  Social pressure has forced men to kill their wives, sisters and even mothers.  If Women were the natural submissive sex then there would be no reason for men to use extreme violence against Women to keep them submissive.  Women would simply do as they were told without violence and intimidation.  The fact that, Islamic society has to encourage men to beat up and even kill Women to make them obedient, suggests that Women are not naturally submissive.


          {Rasa says: Humans are most violent to those they FEAR & men FEAR WOMEN THE MOST. Example, I feed black bears in my friend’s cottage in PA. They are not violent but powerful, & men fear them. So once bears come around, tHey want to stop them, even kill them. But I found they are wonderfully tame if you treat them with kindness – they just want to EAT. Yes they can kill us, but they don’t want to. But men want to KILL THEM because they FEAR THEM.}} 


It is like in slavery, the only reason why slaves where whipped, beaten and killed were because slaves resented being forced to work for no money.  So if violence is used to force anyone to obey, it means they are being forced to go against their natural behaviour.


          {Rasa says: Good point. You don’t have to force something to do what they want to do.}


What is less known is that they had a similar though not so extreme system in Western countries.  Up until the 20th century a husband was considered to be ‘unmanly’ if he couldn’t dominate his wife.  So men were encouraged to ‘control’ their wives through violence.  Also Women were denied education and not allowed to have any job or career that gave them power, wealth or status.   So the very fact that the patriarchal society has to actively oppress Women to ‘keep them under control’ means that submissiveness is not Women’s natural behaviour.


          {Rasa says: They controlled us through unjust laws, like in marriage a woman’s property becomes the man’s, the property of a dead man goes to the eldest son, not the wife, women not allowed Higher Education with men, women denied jobs. Women being denied jobs is a biggie. Then they forced us to be dependent on them, a totally unnatural situation.} 


Patriarchal propaganda likes to claim that man was always the dominant sex, and claims that in prehistoric times men were violent brutes who dominated Women even more then they did in historic times.  Yet, there is no proof of this whatsoever.  Scientists know nothing of the social structure of pre-historic people, but that doesn’t stop them speculating about it and then presenting these speculations to the public as scientific fact.


          {Rasa says: Wishful thinking got written into history books. Men are the heroes, then why are 98% of American prisoners men?} 


There is a lot of evidence from the large amount of Goddess statues discovered in prehistoric excavation that humans once held Women in very high esteem.  But this fact is not told to the general public.  What holds Women back from regaining power and dominance over men once more is patriarchal brainwashing that tells men and Women that men are the ‘natural’ dominant sex.  So that even today in the West, men still think they have to dominate their wives or they are not a ‘real’ man.  While many Women suppress their normal dominance over men, because they think it is ‘unnatural’ for Women to be bossy. 


          {Rasa says: I explain in my books, ‘Old Woman – Young Man, Why They Belong Together’ how men are ridiculed & humiliated to act certain ways to women, like NOT being attracted to older women. But in reality they are attracted to old women, especially when they are young. And they want the security of the woman with experience & knowledge over them.}


The fact is, that the average man would be far better off living in a Matriarchy than the present patriarchal system. Simply because patriarchy doesn’t benefit the average man, it only benefits the very small minority of alpha men, who ruthlessly exploit the general population and do stupid things like start wars with other countries.  The average man would be far better off in a Matriarchy where the female rulers would care about the people they rule and wouldn’t be interested in fighting wars to settle disputes between countries. 


So it means that we all, (both men and Women) need to see patriarchal propaganda for what it is, just propaganda.  It is vitally important that we question the way patriarchy brainwashes our children to act against their natural instincts, so men can accept their submissive behaviour without feeling ‘unmanly’, while Women can likewise accept that it is natural for them to dominate men. 


Academic Feminists, like Cynthia Eller, have been taken in completely by patriarchal propaganda, so they believe that if women were to demand Matriarchy or even a Goddess worshipping religion, men will react against them with violence.  Yet, if we look around the world, what we find is the opposite.  The greatest degree of violence against Women is in extreme patriarchal countries where Women have no legal rights whatsoever.  In Western countries where Women, legally at least have equal rights, is where there is far less violence against Women.  Men do not beat up Women who they think are above them in the pecking order, they only beat up Women who they see as below them. 


Men only beat up, rape and murder Women because they have been brainwashed into believing that Women are inferior to them and they have to inflict violence onto Women to retain their place in the pecking order.  It would certainly help to get rid of the ‘role models’ boys and men see on films or in video games of extremely violent ‘heroes’ and ‘villains’.  These films and video games give out, the not so subtle message, that, “you can solve all problems through violence” and that, “a ‘real’ man is a violent man”.


          {Rasa says: There is a website called ‘killology’ created by a wise man,


Director, Killology Research Group      

KILLOLOGY, (n): The scholarly study of the destructive act, just as sexology is the scholarly study of the procreative act. In particular, killology focuses on the reactions of healthy people in killing circumstances (such as police and military in combat) and the factors that enable and restrain killing in these situations.} 


This means that both Women and men are victims of patriarchal brainwashing, and the sooner we can get rid of it and stop it being fed to our children, the better off we all will be.


{Rasa says: Brainwashing is what? A sort of HYPNOSIS where people believe a thing because they are told – true or not. They start this in the womb. And it isn’t easy – the TRUTH is within us by instinct, by logic & common sense, so they have to inculcate it on us day & night, on & on. Men have to work hard at holding down both men & women & keep them from their natural instincts.}

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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

William on Female Power

Can Female Power Save the Planet –

answered by William Bond

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Anyone who studies history will notice a familiar pattern, countries will try to solve disputes between them through warfare and sometimes even genocide.  Another common theme is that in all countries there is a large gap between rich and poor. Where most of the wealth of any country is in the hands of a small ruling elite while the majority of people are poor and powerless. 

This is so commonplace that people have accepted it as normal but many famous people have spoken out against wars, like Mahatma Gandhi, Oscar Wilde, John Lennon, Martin Luther King, Jr., Aldous Huxley, Leo Tolstoy, William Penn, Dalai Lama and Albert Einstein. 

But we don’t need to be as intelligent as Einstein to work out that warfare is a terrible idea. Modern warfare is even worse than in the past because more civilians die in modern wars than soldiers die on the battlefield. This is because in recent wars towns and cities are bombed from aircraft, killing women, children and old people. There is also the threat of nuclear weapons and the possible annihilation of civilisation. Yet in spite of this we still continue to have as many wars as we did centuries ago. 

There is also the problem of a vast gap between rich and poor where a small ruling elite has all the wealth and power and the common people are poor and powerless. Yet even when the people have had a revolution and the ruling elite were killed, like we see in the French and Russian revolutions. The new revolutionary governments have proven not to be any better than those they replaced, as the gap between rich and poor has continued as before. 

So why are problems like warfare and social justice insolvable?  The common explanation is found in Darwin’s theory of evolution which is summed up in the phrase, “the survival of the fittest”.  This comes from the observation of rutting males who fight each other to breed with females and so only the biggest, strongest and most aggressive males are able to do this. So the theory of evolution is only seen from the masculine point of view.

Darwin’s evolutionary theory was later turned into something called Social Darwinism which neatly explained why we always have wars and genocide and why there is such a wide gap between rich and poor. It seems that we have wars because like rutting males it is ‘natural’ for male rulers to fight each other for more wealth, power and territory. The same is true for class inequality, according to this theory, wealthy people are simply ‘fitter’ than poor people as they are cleverer and more capable and this is why they have more wealth and power.

{Rasa says: There’s another obscenity afoot. On Trinity Broadcasting, the Protestant venue, many of its preachers claim that ‘God wants us to have prosperity’ & to add insult to injury they say that those who gain the move money are favored by God, those who haven’t got it were not so. This is grossly wrong – this is supposed to be a Christian Network – Jesus came to earth to teach poverty, sacrifice & love for others, not greed, wealth, mney changing schemes & the like. He did not hobnob with the rich, he ate with the poor & fraternized by those who were outcasts in society. }

To quote Wikipedia on Social Darwinism.-

“Many such views stress competition between individuals in laissez-faire capitalism, while others, emphasizing struggle between national or racial groups, support authoritarianism, conservativism, right-wing politics, eugenics, racism, sexism, homophobia, imperialism and/or fascism.”

Social Darwinism got itself a bad name through it’s promotion of eugenics. Where its proponents called for disabled children to be aborted, killed or sterilised so they wouldn’t pass on their defective genes to the next generation. This concept was adopted by Nazi Germany who used these ideas not only justify war, but also the Holocaust to eliminate Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and anyone else the Nazi’s didn’t like. After the defeat of the Nazis in Second World War, very few people wanted to be associated with these ideas. 

But Darwinism still continue to change into more extreme ideas like the Killer Ape Hypothesis, which claimed that man evolve from ape to human by becoming a hunter and killer. Again this is used to justify war, violence and social inequality. 

Another idea like this is the, Selfish Gene Theory, which claims that genes, selfishly only care for their own survival and it is these selfish genes that will survive and reproduce. So according to this theory it is selfish genes that dictate the direction of evolution. So this is why we have warfare and social injustice because we are all selfish and only care about ourselves.  Although Richard Dawkins who invented the, Selfish Gene Theory, has never talked about eugenics he created a controversy when he publicly claimed that it was “immoral” for mothers to bring Down’s Syndrome children into the world.

All these theories are invented by men and because of this, they leave out the female point of view. Anyone who studies female animals find that they are not driven by aggression or selfishness. Most females have a powerful desire to give birth and then care for their young until they are big enough to look after themselves. The ability of mothers to be able to do this, means she is the most important entity in the evolution of any species. This is because the role of males in reproduction is generally very brief and can be over in a minute. But life is created within the bodies of females and for human females this can take nine months. 

Females have to be very fit and healthy to be able to allow an infant to grow inside their bodies. Then she has to give birth, protect and suckle the infant(s) and and look after them until they grow to be adults. Some male animals like birds do play a role is feeding and caring for their young. But many male animals go off and leave the female to fend for herself. Some species like bears and tigers the male will even attack and eat the cubs, if the female is unable to fight them off. Some mother bears and tigers end up being killed by the males when doing this. 

Mothers are totally selfless in caring for her young and put their needs before her own. We find in human females, women will not only care for their own young but care for the young of other mothers. They will also care for the sick and elderly.  Richard Dawkins in his book “The Selfish Gene”, realised that caring mother was undermining this theory that we are all selfish and so changed the name of caring mothers to that of ‘bearers’. As he knew the caring aspect of women will undermine his theory.

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{Rasa says: I despised Richard Dawkins, & here is proof he deserved it. Such a book is truly evil & for him to call women ‘bearers’ instead of Mothers goes back to the ancient Greek play ‘Oedipus’ where the author said the woman is not the mother of the child, but only an oven the child is baked in, in so many words. It was only the man’s part that counted. And of course, science has proven this to be absurd, as men cannot even reproduce, scientists say the are ‘parasites’ on the body of a woman & can only give her their DNA to reproduce.}

There have been many cases where animal females in the wild will care for the young of other mothers and even the young of other species. This is true of cuckoos who take advantage of maternal instincts of other female birds to trick them into unwittingly raising cuckoos chicks. This is also documented in many cases of feral children. These are children who have been abandoned and left in the wild and have been brought up by female animals who have found them. In most cases it is wolves or dogs but there are cases of feral children being brought up by monkeys, bears, sheep, cattle and in one case, even ostriches.

{Rasa says: I would like to see where I can witness this. Is any of it on You tube?} 

As Evolutionists tell us, men have a powerful competitive and aggressive instincts and this is why we have wars, genocide and social injustice. Women on the other hand have a powerful maternal and nurturing instinct. So therefore if we want to eliminate wars and social injustice then the solution is obvious, we have to allow women to rule the world. 

The argument against this is that there have been many cases where female leaders of countries have gone to war. This is true, but in most cases she is the lone female leader in a all male patriarchal government and is forced to defend her country against an aggressive patriarchal government. There has never been a case of an all female matriarchal government fighting another matriarchal government.- Though it has to be admitted knowledge of matriarchal governments have been suppressed in patriarchal history books, so we don’t have any knowledge of this. 

As feminists discovered in the 20th century when they tried to get their male children to play with dolls and their female children to play with toy, cars, planes and guns it didn’t work. Women don’t have the same interest in war, guns and violence as men do. So matriarchal governments are far more likely to talk over any dispute with other matriarchal governments. 

The same is also true about the gap between rich and poor. As mentioned before, women care a lot about children and therefore a matriarchal government wouldn’t want the children of the country they rule to live in poverty and ignorance. So they will do their best to lift all children out of poverty and in so doing will also help the children’s parents, as well as making sure all children have the best education. So any matriarchal government will care far more about the people they rule, than any patriarchal governments. 

Women ruling the world can save us form nuclear warfare. Even though it is obvious that making nuclear weapons and using them to threaten other countries is a really bad idea – Patriarchal countries continue to do this and are unable to find a peaceful solution. This is because of men’s aggressive and competitive instincts. But if women did rule the world then they would see the stupidity of nuclear weapons and work together to disarm. 

Another argument against women ruling world is that if we assume women are less aggressive and competitive than men, then it is less likely that women will ever get into a position where they can rule the world. This is true when men take control of countries either through a violent revolution or by conquest. A matriarchal government is possible in democratic countries so a matriarchal political party can be voted into power.

The advantage of a matriarchal political party, as opposed to feminism, is that it can tell voters why women would be better rulers than men – Putting forward all the arguments explained in this article. And if a matriarchal government does get into power, to stay in power it has to do the things it claims it is and demonstrate that they are caring rulers. So matriarchy is the means of getting caring people into positions of power. 

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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

William Bond–Female Spiritual Power

How Women Can Dominate the World Through Spiritual Power 

    William Bond


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There was a time at the dawn of recorded history when people worshiped the Great Mother. This was a golden age of peace and harmony where women rule the world and men worshiped women as goddesses. But later when people no longer worshiped the Great Mother and worshiped male gods then female power declined and we now live in a world of conflict, wars, poverty and widespread suffering.

So now in our patriarchal world men clearly more powerful than women. Physically, men are on average bigger and stronger than women and mentally more competitive and aggressive than women. This means that in our materialistic world men have all the advantages.

Clearly women will always find it difficult to compete against men for power in our patriarchal world.  Some women are able to teach themselves to be assertive and competitive and be successful in dog-eat-dog world of patriarchal politics and business.  While other women can take advantage of men’s submissive and masochistic desires and dominate men in the Femdom world. But there is another way women can gain power without having to learn how to be assertive or find passive or masochistic men and that is through spiritual power.

Although men have all the advantages in the materialistic world, women have the advantage in the spiritual world. Unfortunately, women are not using this power, because in our patriarchal world with its patriarchal religions this information is not given to women. We all have been taught to worship male gods and women do not know the unlimited power of the ancient Great Mother.

Mystics tell us that God is the ONE, the All-That-There-is, One mind and One Spirit. This means that God cannot be masculine because the masculine is all about aggression, competition, conflict and individualism, all of which brings about separation and therefore cannot create Oneness.  So in no-way a male god can be One mind, One Spirit. This is why the nature of God has to be feminine. Because the nature of the female is about nurturing and maternal love and it is through unconditional and universal love that we can all become ONE in love and harmony.

Therefore because God is the ONE, She is All-powerful, omnipotent and omnipresent. She then becomes the most powerful force in the universe. So when a women is in communication with the ONE she can become in tune with this unlimited power.

Unfortunately, in patriarchal religions women are not taught this. They are instead taught that God is male and so when a spiritual woman attempts to pray to God or meditate, she finds it difficult to contact God because she is praying to a false male god. It is a bit like trying to tune into a radio station but are given the wrong tuning frequency. For this reason we find that only a small number of mystics are able to communicate with God within patriarchal religions.

Patriarchy teaches us that not only God is male he is also judgmental and punitive. For this reason Christian in the past called themselves, “God-fearing people” as they feared god’s wrath and punishment. It is true that Jesus taught that God is a loving Father God but somehow this concept never caught on.  Probably because in a patriarchal world we are taught that love is a weakness. So if we think of a all-powerful masculine god we assume he must have masculine power which is aggression, force and violence.

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This is why a true god of love can only be female. We find this in the past in Pre-Christian times love is always represented by a Goddess, like Aphrodite, Venus, Freya and Radha. Unfortunately these goddesses were part of a patriarchal pantheon which always had a creator male God. So people could not find the total Oneness of God through prayers to these goddesses if a male god was the creator.

At the dawn of recorded history we do find ancient Great Mother who gave birth to the world. So in this deity we can find true Oneness because not only is she female, she was the creator of our universe. This means ancient people could see her as the Creator Mother whom like a mortal mother give us, her children, unconditional love.

So if that is true, why would people move away from such a wonderful, uplifting religion like this? It seems that the holy women of the Great Mother made a fatal mistake of allowing male priests into this religion.

According to Robert Graves, male priests where allowed in the priesthood if they were female in their behavior. So these priests wore women’s clothing, had false breasts and even castrated themselves. Probably at first, they only had male priests who were genuinely very feminine in the way they were. But this left the door open for deceitful ambitious men who would see this as an opportunity to gain power for themselves by becoming priests.

So this type of priests would pretend to be feminine but inside will be competitive males and set about competing with the holy women for power. They claimed that it was unfair that they only worshiped a female deity and not a male one as well. Holy women in an effort to be fair gave into this and so the Great Mother had a son. Over time this son became either the lover or brother of the Great Mother and they became joint creators of the world.

Once a male god was introduced he undermined the whole concept of Oneness. In is easy to tune into a sense of Oneness through the unconditional love of Great Mother. But a lot more difficult if a aggressive and competitive male is introduced into people’s prayers and meditations. So people began to lose their connection to the Oneness of the Great Mother in these changing religions.

So as women began to lose their connection to unlimited power of the Great Mother they found themselves at the mercy of men. Over time, male priests began to take control of religions creating powerful male gods and pushing the priestesses into second place. Finally goddesses and priestesses were push out of religions completely and we only had male gods with male priests like we see in Christianity, Islam and Buddhism.  

In more recent times things are changing and female power is beginning to rise again. In the last two hundred years the power that patriarchal religions have over people has been undermined by science and atheism. This is giving women the opportunity to try and recreate the ancient religion of the Great Mother. Unfortunately, knowledge of the theology of the Great Mother has been destroyed but it can be rediscovered through meditation and communication with the Great Mother.

What is difficult for people used to the teachings of patriarchal religions is the idea that the Great Mother loves us all unconditionally and She will give us everything we want and desire. Which people find hard to believe as many of us are not getting what we want or desire. But that is mostly because we now worship false male gods or don’t believe in religion at all.

Unfortunately, because we are given the gift of freewill and because we are brainwashed by patriarchal teachings and attitudes most of us wrongly use our freewill to prevent ourselves getting what we want.
 We are taught by patriarchal teachings that we have to work hard to get what we want or to be ‘good’ for God to give us what we desire.

In spite of the false teachings of patriarchal religions many spiritual people have somehow managed to find a tenuous connection to the Great Mother and been worshiped like gods. Some have created religions through this like Buddha and Mohammad or religious sects some of which ended badly. Well known examples would be Jim Jones which ended up with the massacre at Jonestown. Or David Koresh which led to the Waco siege and more to mass killings. Then finally, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh who at one time had a large international following but ended up in prison.

In the past these gurus or god-men have blamed their failings on the Devil but nowadays they tend to blame the ego which has become a modern day scapegoat. Patriarchal religions haven’t delivered a better life for us all and many people feel that God has abandoned them. This is summed up in the words of a Bee Gee song called “Wind of Change”.

Don’t you understand what I’m sayin’,
we need a god down there.
A man to lead us children,
take us from the valley of fear.

Make the lights shine down on us,
show us the road to go.
Help us survive, make us arrive,
teach us what we need to know.

What we don’t realize is that God hasn’t forsaken us, it is we who abandoned God, when we choose to worship false male gods. The whole history of patriarchal religions tell us that men, even with the best intentions, cannot teach us the unlimited wisdom of the Great Mother. Only women can do this providing her teachings hasn’t been contaminated too much by the teachings of patriarchal religions.  

The competitive and aggressive nature of men prevent them from tuning into the unlimited wisdom of the One mind, One spirit. Only women through their maternal love can do this and find the Great Mother within themselves.

This then brings up the question and that is if the Great Mother is all-powerful why did she allow this to happen? After all if God was male we would expect him to actively interfere in our world and the fact that God does not do this, shows us that God is Female. She is totally feminine and so gives us all, her children, unconditional love. So no matter how badly these power-hungry men behaved she still loves them. She has given us all the gift of freewill and so will never actively interfere with the freewill of anyone.

Instead of bowing down and worshiping spiritual minded men we all would be better off if we worshiped spiritual minded women who have contacted the Great Mother through prayer and meditation.

For centuries women have been successful mediums or channels even though their teachings have been contaminated by patriarchal thought. Much of it has been dismissed by patriarchal critics as pollyannaish platitudes as they seem unrealistic optimistic. And example of this is Mary Baker Eddy the founder of Christian Science who believed we don’t need doctors as we could all heal ourselves in the same way as Jesus healed people in the Bible.

The difficultly with Christian Science is that in the 19th century when it started, it had to compromise too much with patriarchal beliefs within Christianity. Mary Baker Eddy push things as far as she dare, by claiming that God was both male and female. These compromises made it difficult for her followers to communicate with the Oneness of the Great Mother and perform miracles.

We have similar teachings in, “A Course In Miracles” channeled by Dr Helen Schueman these are teachings again come from the feminine One and as they were channeled in the 20th century there was less need to compromise with any patriarchal spiritual teachings. Though the true nature of God is not discussed in these teachings.

The best example of Goddess teachings come from the medium Esther Hicks. Unfortunately, although her teachings comes from the ancient Great Mother, her husband claimed they come from Abraham an Old Testament prophet.

This confusion came from a misunderstanding. Her husband Jerry Hicks asked her, while she was channeling, who was speaking through his wife.  She answered they come from the beginning of all religions. Jerry Hicks assumed this must be Abraham because he was the founder of the patriarchal religion of Judaism from which came Christianity and Islam. What he didn’t know was that there were other religions before Judaism and that the foundation of all religions was the ancient religion of the Great Mother.

So he claimed his wife was channeling Abraham even though her teachings was very different to the teaching of Abraham we find in the Bible. But the name stuck, which was a pity as the name does put off anyone interested in Goddess spiritual teachings.

To sum up. Men have all the advantages in a materialistic world because of they are, on average, larger, stronger and more aggressive than women. But women are far more powerful spiritually because the ONE is feminine in nature and therefore women find it much easier to access spiritual power then men.

In the patriarchal age men lost their connection to the unlimited power of the Great Mother because they were tricked into worshiping male gods. Which allowed men to take over and rule the world. So women can regain their power when they stop worshiping male gods and find the ONE the Great Mother, within themselves. 

College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

William Addresses Matriarchy

William Addresses Matriarchy  – Rasa Von Werder replies

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from William:

        It has been said that, “power is never given away, if you want power you have to take it.” For this reason patriarchal men are not ready to give up their power. Women have to find ways to take power away from patriarchal men. It is very difficult for women to battle for wealth and power alone in a patriarchal world. It would be a lot easier if women could band together in a powerful sisterhood and support each other. 


The power of sisterhood was demonstrated in Britain during the 1980s with the Greenham Common peace camps. At the time the USA military wanted to set up bases in Britain to fire their cruise missiles. Many people in Britain were opposed to this and protested outside the Greenham Common airfield where the cruise missiles were due to be launched. It soon emerged that the majority of these protestors were women. So when the protestors wanted to set up a peace camp outside of Greenham Common it was decided that only women could be part of this peace camp. 


These women kept on protesting outside of Greenham Common airfield until the end of the cold war. They broke through the security fence around the air-base many times and fought with the police.  So they did demonstrate that women could work together and form a powerful sisterhood.  Yet after the end of the Cold War women have never got together to form another sisterhood. 


The reason might be that, as you point out Rasa, is that women are generally poor. I did read somewhere that women only own 1% of the world’s wealth. So in spite of equal pay laws women are still paid less than men even for the same work. So it is hard for women to help each other, if women don’t have a lot in which to share with other women. 


Another point is that it is easy to motivate women to help animals or children but not for themselves. You don’t have women coming together to form a sisterhood to help themselves to become wealthy or gain political power, they are more motivated in helping others. 


So this is the irony of the whole situation. Women would make better leaders of the world because the majority of them, are more caring people than men. But because of their unselfish nature they are less likely to work to gain wealth and power for themselves than what men will do. So we end up being ruled by selfish and uncaring people because truly caring people are not ambitious enough to gain personal wealth and power for themselves. 


So women need to know they would be better rulers of the world because they are more caring people than men. And so if they truly want to make our world a better place they have to work together to gain wealth and power and then they will have the power really help those in need. 




Hi William,

            Remember, it isn’t only poor in money. They are demoralized, beaten down & broken down, intimidated, made to feel unworthy, made to feel weak.

            Women’s belief system has the change. ‘As a woman thinketh, so is she.’

            I don’t think the accumulation of wealth is the answer. When women gain something else they will gain wealth. What they need is faith in themselves along with faith in Mother God. This has been eroded in their psyche. They were made to feel second class.

            All the evils done to women have gotten under their skin. They have to climb out of this skin & reach for the skies. They have to have FAITH, trust & confidence in God, that God is on their side, & Go wants them to rule the family & the world. This is what we must convince them of – that it is the Will of God that females dominate our society.

            When they had the Montgomery Bus Strike the black people met in Churches every night & sang & prayed together. This gave them FAITH, this gave them STRENGTH against the enemy – the white people who forced them into subjection. They needed God – women need God.

            Money does not bring the kind of salvation women need. Their earning capacity is already increasing, & many old women, who are widows, are left multi millions by their husbands. But what do they do with the money? Nothing for the cause of Sisterhood, nothing for Matriarchy. They waste it – put it back into the Patriarchy & status quo.

            I take a look at myself. I was poor most of my life, but I did the work of God. I had the Love of God & She gave me the Anointing, the Power to fight my battles. Look at David & Goliath. The Israelites were facing the Philistines. Suppose you offered any person who could stand up to Goliath a million dollars to defeat him – would you have found such a man? No. It was David, the little shepherd boy his brothers laughed at.

            But he was ANOINTED. You are Anointed, so am I. It was the Anointing of God that made me fight for all that I did, that brought me to this day – same with you. The Anointing made you write all you wrote. These are words of the Holy Spirit.

            Back to money. It was for the love of God I sought celibacy. And when I gained it, took the vow, eventually I found Richard Von Werder. He secured me for life, left me the money to build my Church. God gave him to me because of my celibacy. It’s a miracle you could find a man that would accept you with the tag of ‘no sex,’ but he did, because he saw me as a Mother. That’s how God worked it – Rasa gives me her celibacy – I give her security. No one would believe it, but it’s true.

            Why did I preach? As some sort of gimmick for my act? People accused me of such. But it was no gimmick. It was for love of God. I got no extra pay for it, in fact, most owners didn’t want me to preach. The audience didn’t want me to preach. Only God & I wanted me to preach. Yes it got me famous, but I never got wealthy from dancing, I never made more than 40k a year on it, it was not about money.

            Why did I walk up & down the street for 2.5 months with a bullhorn preaching with all the evils around me? For a gimmick? What gimmick? What advantage or reward? And then I spent one month every day calling out to God, one hour a day, against all the predators – to smash them – & to save all the victims. Some months later the “Crisis” of the Catholic Church broke out into the open – against predators. I asked God how this was possible. God said to me,’

“Don’t you remember your prayers?”

And why have I said thousands of hours of prayers to help others, & given out hundreds of religious books, & said hundreds of Masses for Souls in Purgatory, & did a hundred proxy baptisms to help others? Were these all gimmicks? If so, for what reason?

And why have I done all this Matriarchal work, written all these articles & books & got them published? Some gimmick? For money? I make no money on my websites, no money on books – no money for any spiritual work I do – nothing. I live off the money God gave me which is enough & I live frugally & plainly – no luxuries. I’m saving my money for the Sisterhood. I knew I should be modest with it as some cause would come about, & this is it. Some people ridiculed me for not spending my money but it’s for God’s work.

Without my being centered on God, money would mean nothing. Just as many women who have it don’t usually spend it for Female Empowerment or Matriarchy. Look at the women we know, for a while on Face Book & the Yahoo groups. How many of them really did anything for Matriarchy? How many helped you with your Sacred Work?

Somehow I gave the wrong impression in my letter, speaking about how patriarchs want to keep women in poverty. You did not read it carefully or else I did not write it right.

Right now I am trying to say is I gave myself to God & Her work – & She gave me the money to support me, keep going, & do the work. I know many women who put their mind on money & some of them got it, but when they did, they did not use it for God or Matriarchy.

“Put first the Kingdom of God, & all shall be added unto you.”

And so what women need is to put Mother God first. Put their eyes on her, what She wants to do. Give themselves to her, She will give them the Anointing, & with the Anointing, they can win the fight against patriarchy.

That’s what they did in the Civil Right movement. They gathered in Churches. St. Martin Luther King Jr. was a man of God & he mobilized people spiritually. A lesser man could not have done it. He lifted the spirits of black people, whose spirits have been mowed down – they felt powerless, hopeless, worthless. He made them feel proud of themselves, stand tall. Then James Brown came out with a song, “Say it Loud, I’m Black & I’m Proud,” & they started the slogan, “Black is Beautiful.”

That’s what I did for females. I gave them female body building. Here they now ‘stand tall’ as muscular as the men – as freaky as them. Drugs are bad & that’s what did it, but they proved men got that way by drugs, & they can do it too, it’s just chemicals. So being muscular ‘like a man’ is now no big deal!

I also gave them Female Domination. I presented it on several national TV shows, it became ‘mainstream’. Not sure how much influence I had there, maybe some.

One TV show & several big radio shows I spoke for Prostitutes, they are people, not things. I helped lift them up.

Then ‘Stripping for God.’ I lifted every adult trade worker by this, proving we are in the Grace of God or can be. We can save souls, we can minister. We are not lowlife sluts, we are Creations of God.

So, like St. Martin lifted the blacks, I lifted the women. I know my work isn’t finished yet but that’s what I did so far.

As far as money, the money will come, when we have turned to Mother God – She will provide. But money alone? Without God? Satan can keep it.

One last thing – your work. Is it for money? No, you want to do it. And Pete – all the help he’s given us – why did he create the matriarchy site when I asked him to? Why does he share all my articles? Why has he fixed pages for us? Money? No, he BELIEVES. Women MUST BELIEVE …..   Rasa


One More Thing – to Reiterate


             It is established in Buddhism that one must have SELF CONFIDENCE as well as faith in God to reach the goal of Enlightenment.  Tenzin Palmo,  an Englishwoman who became an Enlightened Being within the discipline of Buddhism {she spent 12 years in a cave in the high Himalayas alone} said that her ‘root Guru’ told her that she was lacking confidence & she must buoy this up.

In the movie about the present Dalai Lama {living in India}, “Kundun”, it shows him, as a teenager, being taught his lessons.  And it is stated that one must have confidence in oneself that they can succeed.


This is what has been eroded in women, as I have attempted to say, how they have been impoverished or deprived of prosperity. They have lost confidence in themselves & therefore other women.

I have been throughout my life disturbed by wherever I went, when there was mixed company, the women & men always deferred to the male present – under any circumstances, like the male, no matter how young, small, uneducated, unready, unskilled, just because he is a man – the man must lead.

This is demonstrated in a sickening way in the famous movie/play ‘A Raisin in the Sun.’ A ridiculous man throws away the fortune the family gained from the insurance of a man’s death. But the Mother of the family still gives the moron-son the right to choose what the family does next – he’s got no brains but does have a penis & that’s enough.

Women have been taught to look down upon themselves. Constant abuse does that – its demoralization. Only God can help them, & a strong will – they need both.

The belief in oneself goes like this: If you have no confidence, you have no courage that goes with it. St. Teresa of Avila said the most important virtue in the beginning is COURAGE.

The rock star Madonna, who became the #1 touring entertainer in the world, said the hardest thing she ever did was in the beginning, when with $35 in her pocket & nothing & no one helping, she began her effort to be


I did the same when I left Brooklyn with 50 cents in my pocket, to drive to Hollywood with a photographer I didn’t know – I gave that 50 cents to a bum & then had nothing. The photographer dumped me on the street in Venice, CA, then I was alone with $60 to my name. Four years later he saw me in Playboy as a star, they gave him my address, he visited me in a house in Beverly Hills with a Lincoln Continental in the driveway. He was perplexed as how it happened. It was confidence / courage together with hard work. I did not sell myself – no man gave me anything – I entertained.

In all of life, you must believe you have the capacity to reach God – your greatest good – that you are a creation that is WORTHY of God. If you are so beaten down you feel you’re worthless, then you will believe you deserve nothing. This is where we start with women. We must convince them they are NOT WORTHLESS but WORTHY, they have value.

How is this done? I began the verbal teaching section of my mission with the cyber ‘University of Mother God Church’ & the website, ‘Woman, Thou Art God.’

Woman Thou Art God told women they are not mere mortals, they are Divine. As a Divinity you are above the dust, you are not temporary but immortal, you are an Infinite Being. All this is true, we are all Infinite. We all come from an Infinite Source of Energy, we appear temporarily in solid form, then we return to Infinity {those in Hell do not see Infinity because they have of their own volition encased themselves in a shell of misery}.

But women were so beaten down they saw themselves as mortals, second to men. They had been browbeaten, demoralized, victimized & villainized {slut shamed} for thousands of years, they felt helpless to the system called patriarchy.

To fight back meant more persecution – few could take the risk. There was personal safety, then children to protect {all fell on the woman}, a roof over one’s head; food had to be put on the table. How can you fight an ideology when all this is at stake? All can be taken away from you if you stand out as a rebel to society, if your head is above the rest it’s easy for them to chop it off.

Women were kept busy doing what they do best – taking care of people. They nurtured men & children, they did most of the volunteer / charity work while men took all the front-line positions, the seats of fame & fortune, everything that was praised & valued – while women remained peasants & serfs, never to be heard from. The rare women who ventured into the man’s world – their efforts & accomplishments were ignored, erased, or appropriated by men. They were robbed. There was no HER story – only his – men wrote the books.

Men, in their dictionaries & academia, declared who we were, what we were like & what we had to do. At that time (up until the modern era women were deprived of education), only men could be doctors

*** When did medical schools allow women?

Two laws in the U.S. lifted restrictions for women in the medical field – Title IX of the Higher Education Act Amendments of 1972 and the Public Health Service Act of 1975, banning discrimination on grounds of gender. ***

*** Princeton and Yale began admitting women in 1969, with Brown University following in 1971 and Dartmouth in 1972 ***


after killing off millions of doctor-women in the Inquisition! Therefore doctors declared if we were sane or insane, fit or psychotic, neurotic or good to go.

We were told by ‘those in authority’ – yes, they PUT THEMSELVES IN AUTHORITY OVER US – legitimate, legal, official authority– who we were, what we were, what was moral or immoral for us, righteous & wicked behavior, what we do or don’t do – & not so strangely, all their rules & laws applied to US more so than them, MOSTLY us {whoever heard of human males following the 10 Commandments?} – we had to obey, act right, do right in order to be decent citizens of society.

This systematic beating down of women accomplished their purpose – we were down on the ground & they walked all over us.

Now the question is how do we re-moralize women, & it would be as difficult as facing a child, but 7 years old, who has been beaten by both his parents, put down, treated badly, & now we must tell the tyke,

“You are worthwhile, you are valuable, believe in yourself, trust in your ability to succeed, find God & all the good that God may bring.”

In my quest for knowledge, sanity & happiness, I had the Catechism. When things went wrong, I remembered the Cross & also Holy Mary who stood by the side of Jesus through it all, & then the Saints. Each Saint embodied another Christ, another Mary. What were their lives like?

I studied their lives & could see that with the imitation of these Great Souls, I could achieve what they achieved – my Salvation was the Saints, who when knocked down to the ground, tortured, brutalized or deprived, living in poverty yet rising above it all – here were the Lighthouses for my Salvation.

And so, I imitated them & worked to inculcate their virtues such as humility, fortitude, patience, bearing pain without hate or revenge & so on. And of course, believing, trusting, hoping & loving God, believing in all good, that God loved me no matter what people did, that I had Guardian Angels, that Saints would reach down to me from Heaven & so forth. And that’s what saved me.

I think we’re on the right track. Teach women they are valuable, that God loves them, they are not second rate. Teach them to follow saints & great Heroes from the past & today – NOT the patriarchs.

Show the women the evil Patriarchs & their agenda have done – War – exploitation, cruelty, injustice – all evil; they came to steal, kill & destroy.

Teach them to turn their back on patriarchy & embrace a Sisterhood, no matter how hard it is.

Yes, the journey of a thousand steps begins with one. I plan to start, while still alive, a Temple to Mother God. It doesn’t have to be fancy, a simple structure will do – nothing ostentatious or luxurious, just a place to meet, greet, pray, sing & dance for Mother God – hear sermons about her. This Temple is off limits to men – we preach Female Separation here, a new beginning for women.

With this Temple I hope to attract Sisters, then these Sisters & I – If I’m still alive – start a Convent of women who are against patriarchy, but not against all men.

This is something that needs to be done, I can see it clearly. Why has no one done it? – Certainly not in the Western world. Yes there are some new women-only, now women-dominant communities in Africa, there are some Matriarchal Communities here & there, {Mosuos of China stand out} Mexico has one town where only women can do commerce, etc. But I must add – none of these sports a religion for women only, where women stand apart as Spiritual Leaders – where women meet exclusively in safe space to worship & explore a Mother God in our own image & likeness – as we are in hers.

But I have seen nothing in the Western world, for Western women, to set apart a spiritual community of women with their own religion & scriptures.

To sum up, women must find confidence in themselves & Faith in a God who loves them, empowers them, takes care of them. They must no longer look to patriarchy for support – they have to forfeit patriarchy & get their eyes on Mother God. If they establish a relationship with God this way, God will provide the answers, the ways & means. She is a jealous God & wants no Gods before her, & if we put her first, She will provide.     Rasa

College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

William Bond Issues of Matriarchy

 William Bond Discusses Matriarchy

with Rasa Von Werder & Friends


From William:

There is something I do wonder Rasa, and that is, are women frightened of men? I agree many women secretly think they are superior to men but women won’t challenge the status quo and is it because of fear? Men are obviously bigger stronger and more violent than women and so do women think that if they challenge men’s power, men will turn on them. This might be why feminist say meekly, “we only want equality”. 

So I do wonder if it is women’s fear of men, is the barrier of women coming together to take power. If that is the case how do we reassure women that it is possible for women to take power away from patriarchal men and rule the world? 


Hi William,

That’s a great question & I think you know the answer, but it needs to be said.


Women are afraid of more than violence.  They fear OSTRACISM, which in cults like the Amish & Hutterites is called SHUNNING.


Patriarchy has RULES, & when we women break them, we are deprived of things men & Patriarchy can give us – deprived of help, services, a good place in society, a good mate or good friends – all the things a commonwealth offers.


When we break the rules we are shunned by women as well as men – because women who side with us get treated like us, get shamed or criticized or ridiculed.  People turn their backs on us, ignore us, refuse to invite us to parties, dinners or events, when we are ‘outside the patriarchy’ or we are marginalized, ‘outsiders.’


A great example of this in nature is a little fawn {deer} is being chased by a lion.  A big herd of Wildebeasts is near, she runs to them to seek shelter.  But the Wildebeasts don’t want the lion in their midst, they push the little fawn out & sacrifice her.


This is what happens when we women ‘raise our heads’ against Patriarchs.  They are the Lion who wants to devour us when we break the rules – destroy us.  And so other women don’t wants this Lion of Wrath to come after them.  And so the traitor women like those we spoke about lately, repudiate those women who seek Matriarchy, women dominating the family & the world.  They kow tow to the Patriarchs to make points & keep their own privileges & safety.

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I am one of those women who are treated badly by society.  My profession is a mark against me.  But being single is another bad mark.  When we were girls we had great sisterhood.  By the time college is over or college age – women are supposed to pair up, then they are friends only with other couples.  {Men however can be friends with men like men’s clubs or men’s activities, but for women this is a no-no.  It does happen but not as much.  The husbands have fits when women want ‘girls night out.’}  The single women become outcasts unless they form groups like lesbians.  This is because a single woman will EMPOWER the married woman & this is not allowed.  So I am no longer invited to dinners, parties or events by my neighbors or people I know, because I am single.  When my husband Richard was with me, people were much friendlier.


Single men, however, are welcomed everywhere, because they empower the man.  This is permitted.


Loss of societies services is no joke – survival or an easier life can depend on it.  Being alone, without friends, can make life much harder.  Friends help.  You know how people in the old days did ‘barn raising’ or gathered to rebuild a house when it burned down?  This happens only to those who are valid members of this society, not to those who are hated or marginalized or outcasts.  Outcasts don’t get any favors.


One more factor.  Women are competitive to each other & would rather hurt a sister than help her.  This is so wrong for Sisterhood.  It’s the ‘slave mentality.’  They are slaves of patriarchy, so they must seek what it gives & in order to get ahead, they will walk on the injured body of their sister.  They will hurt the sister who has what she wants, they will lie, cheat & steal to get what she has – the way women steal men from another when that man has  money.  I have seen that sickening policy.  The way out of this is being noble, charitable, self sacrificing, but few people are like that.


Those are the basics.    ……………..   Rasa




Also, it’s a matter of economic survival.  Survival is the first need, so it’s easier to play along with them than buck the system.


It’s rough going to get a thing started.  I believe my Sisterhood will work because I will leave them the funds to get it started – even keep it going forever as I will not allow them to use up the principle of what I leave – only the earnings {that’s my plan}.  I will encourage them to be frugal as well as self-sufficient like in homesteads, farms & also earn money themselves in various ways, even being in the regular society {but they will always home a home, a Sisterhood to return to if anything goes wrong like getting fired}.  If they have economic security from a Sisterhood, & they are not dependent on men financially, they might accept that & the ideas we purport.


No one wants to be homeless or live in the kind of poverty that is hurtful.


I mentioned that in the old days maybe even now in country areas – neighbors would get together for ‘barn raising’ or rebuilding a burned down house.  It factors into a single woman’s life like this {my life}.  Recently there was a snowstorm that caused great damage, many trees & huge branches falling on houses, cars & yards – much devastation.


I ran into a man who had a room in his house caved in from a tree & within one week it’s been rebuilt.  How?  He told me he had all kinds of friends like construction workers, electricians & handymen.  They all got together.


Meanwhile, the huge branches that fell in my driveway & yard, crashed the back window in my car, have been sitting in my driveway & behind it for 2 weeks.  I have no friends to call for help.  Yes I do have one handyman & will await his coming to clean this up.


I sit here in this house with NO FRIENDS to call upon in emergencies because I am outside the grace of patriarchy, marginalized, ostracized, a single woman who was in the adult trade – persona non grata.


When I need help I must look at the paper & that is where the highest priced services are, as well as the con men & thieves.  I have been conned & even physically robbed by such people.  So I am at their mercy.  But those who have friends get a break. ….. Rasa



from Steve Andrews:

Yes, William, I am well aware how insane the way patriarchal religions, as well as cults, control followers. The really sad thing is that control relies on fear and belief. Humans will easily believe the most insane nonsense and without any evidence, unlike other species. It is what makes us different from the great apes. They will not understand or believe any madness humans share. It has to do with our belief in symbols too. Symbols can be given good or bad meanings to humans but to other animals they are meaningless. The meaning of a human symbol depends on the culture using it. Money works this way. It is a symbol of value, a value that has been decided on and that others within the culture using it believe in.



From William Bond:

I personally know people who have been ostracized Steve. Years ago I was friends with a Jewish woman. She married a Christian and because of this, her family did a ritual and morn her as if she had died. This was because none of them were allowed to contact her again, so she had ‘died’ to them. In my wife’s family she had a aunt who had a child when she wasn’t married and her parents wouldn’t have anything to do with her, because she had ‘shamed’ them. 


In Islamic countries it gets even worse where they have an ‘honour’ system. Where a man can be ‘dishonoured’ if he wife, mother or sister, breaks the rules. So the only way he can regain his ‘honour’ is to kill his female relation. So some men are forced by this system to kill their wives, sisters and even mothers. This demonstrates how insane patriarchy can become. …..William

………………………………………………………………………….> wrote:

From what you say Rasa, it seems patriarchy has been successful in undermining the sisterhood. So that women are forced to look to men for help and support rather than other women. This is why feminism cannot work because men are by nature far more competitive than women and compete against each other for wealth and power and have no interest in equality.  Unfortunately men also compete against women for wealth and power.


This is the weakness of feminism, if women only want equality between women and men, women have to compete against men for wealth and power as individuals. Whereas, if we see it as a straight fight between men and women for wealth and power, then it makes more sense for women to form a sisterhood to achieve this. It might be why the feminist slogan, “the sisterhood is powerful” hasn’t worked out as feminism restricts it. For the sisterhood to be powerful, women have to forget all ideals about equality and use it just to gain wealth and power for themselves and win the battle of the sexes. …..  William



From Rasa to William & Friends:

        This is a KEY pivotal issue & you said it straight out: “ it seems patriarchy has been successful in undermining the sisterhood. So that women are forced to look to men for help and support rather than other women.”

        This is what happens to women. No woman will help her because it is FORBIDDEN. It’s not written down, but it’s an ABNORMAL thing for women to ‘care’ about other women. How can I explain it? I will need the help of Mother God. But this is SO IMPORTANT that we MUST explain it in our Matriarchy thesis – Why we are having trouble getting it going – what Patriarchy does to BLOCK it.

        OK I took a break & Mother God said this:


        “They want to keep women IN POVERTY.”


        Understand poverty in the broadest sense, the OPPOSITE of PROSPERITY. Then what is prosperity? The great teacher Catherine Ponder said this, that prosperity is on all levels, not only financial. There is spiritual, emotional, mental, physical & financial prosperity.

       I understand how I was kept poor by my family, through abuse – have documented in detail how I was kept working but with no thanks, allowance or privileges. I was a slave. Was I 3/5 of a person as the African slaves were declared?

{Article one, section two of the Constitution of the United States declared that any person who was not free would be counted as three-fifths of a free individual for the purposes of determining congressional representation. The “Three-Fifths Clause” thus increased the political power of slaveholding states.}

How was this done? Of course it was ‘abuse’ but what forms did it take?

        If Mom & her accomplices said it in words, it would have been,

        “You have no value”

        “You are tainted”

        “You don’t deserve love”

        “Your job is to work”

        “You aren’t allowed pleasure”

        “You’re not to have comfort”

        “No recognition for you”

        “You’re {God forbid} not to be praised!”

        “Since you have no value, you deserve no recompense in any way for your labor. You are to work without reward or recognition or thanks” {This helped me later to do my missionary work such as female body building, as I got no rewards, no money or thanks, & later, repudiation, so I was prepared. A person not used to this would fold up, give up & go away.}

        “There is nothing to redeem you, no matter what you do, we are not pleased. It is impossible for you to ‘work your way up’ to our favor, you are doomed. If you accomplish great things, these will be repudiated, shrugged off & dismissed.”

Note: the spirit of my Mother lives on in some members of my family. And it is exactly what I said. And this is how I compare such abuse to Patriarchy, declaring women second class, undeserving, no matter what they do – they are still second class! To enforce this position men take effort. They ERASE the good works & accomplishments of women, when poor women dare raise their heads & do remarkable things. Since men WRITE THE HISTORY, give the awards {Nobel Peace Prize} they give the kudos to THEMSELVES, it’s almost impossible for a woman to get recognition – because recognition is given in magazines owned by men, in book publishing companies owned by men, in Universities owned & operated by men, & various other venues owned or controlled by men.

Then there’s ‘Man Made Language’ explained by Dale Spender. They write the words & definitions, they own the dictionaries & Encyclopedias! And so, the words pertaining to women are put-down words.

John Lennon said ‘Woman are the Niggers of this world.’ If you are black – until recently – you were doomed. You were ‘untouchable’ in caste. No matter what you did, you were still black & many despised you, looked down on you, discriminated against you, & paid you less for your labor. People did injury to you with impunity. You had less RIGHTS in a court of law, were judged & condemned more quickly & easily than whites.


(I might add here that women are also discriminated against by the political Patriarchal judicial justice system.)


I also need to address how the writings of William Bond & myself DIFFER from the Academics. We are GRASS ROOTS, they look upon non-academics or those in alternative lifestyles or DIFFERENT cultures as subjects or guinea pigs TO BE STUDIED. They see “us” as SEPARATE from themselves, they being above, looking down at us – our voice is not as important as theirs, we have no right to tell our story as we don’t have their ‘mental capacity’ or understanding & who we are, what we are, why we do what we do must be explained BY THEM, NOT BY US! They EXPLAIN US to the ‘rest of the world’ & the world must believe them, they don’t want to hear us speak!

words for grass-roots, laboring class, middle-class, ordinary people, proletariat, rank-and-file, the masses, wage-earners, working-class, working people, middle America, common people.)


But let me get to the point of why women don’t help women – why there’s no SISTERHOOD.

When sisters bend down to fallen sisters to lend a helping hand, this is frowned upon by Patriarchs because to alleviate the POVERTY of a woman is to EMPOWER her or make her less vulnerable for men to exploit.

As already explained, the purpose of Patriarchy is the DISEMPOWERMENT of women or to KEEP them in POVERTY {remember poverty in the broad sense of the word, not only financial!} To give comfort, praise, to magnify a woman gives her COURAGE & inspiration! Gives her the Power to be independent – strong – Men don’t want that.

And so female heroes – Heras – were in short supply prior to the women’s movement.


William, Pete, there is much work to be done. Building a new house might be easier then rebuilding an old one. This old house of patriarchy is so deeply flawed, to attend to all its flaws will take many lifetimes. { Steve is working on some of that – what they’ve done to ecology – a whole ‘nother subject – just part of their destruction. There is also the animal rights movement on top of that. To undo its damage, great sacrifice.}

That is why in the New Religion for women I tell them to WALK AWAY from the old house, disregard them, their ideas, agenda, rules, laws & culture, & just begin from the beginning – our own hearts & minds, upon which is written all we need to know. What starting points we need we can get from the past, we don’t need males at the helm. It’s time to BUILD OUR OWN HOUSE.


Nevertheless, those who are repairing the damage men have done are legit. It needs to be done like factory farming has to end – specie-ism is a sin, filthy nuclear reactors & weapons have to be dismantled – Governments will be rebuilt.


None of this can or will happen until WOMEN ARE EMPOWERED. Until women support one another, men will rule. Until women respect themselves, men will rule. The women have to somehow, somewhere, some day, break this spell men have got them under & rise up to Mother God, look at her, see her, rely on her Power, trust her judgment, believe in her & know she is with us, inside us, guiding the way. Women must forget the world’s allure, as Satan said to Jesus,

“I will give you all the kingdoms of the world & their glory if you will bow down & worship me.”

When we fear the world & covet its rewards or glories, we take our eyes off God – Who is the Creator, enabler & One we must love. We believe in & love Satan if we believe the world will give us what we want.

The world is a TEMPORARY solution; it’s here today, gone tomorrow. Take our minds off the world & look to all that God embodies – Truth, Justice, & Love. The basic principles never change – Love they neighbor as thyself & Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This is the opposite of Patriarchy, who says do to them before they do to you. There is no other way to liberty & happiness on our planet except matriarchy. And matriarchy cannot happen by the will of men, it has to be women. And indeed, men can help, but this help is given as helpmates, not ‘equals’ or ‘dominators.’

That’s it in a nutshell, women must help other women, respect & love them, for Matriarchy to occur. Otherwise what we have here is a continuation of NUTS-HELL.


        Friends, I’m not done with this. I will add a part called ‘Personal Experiences’ of where I reached out to women in my area & how the men reacted. Three were married couples, 3 were friends. There were FIREWORKS when I influenced them toward empowerment. I was unable to stay friends with any of them as the husbands / bf’s went wild. One said I’d no longer be welcome if I talked that way – the others told their wives to end our friendships. And one just wanted to talk to my husband & have his wife & me as an audience, when we started our own conversation he cut it short by interjecting. That is another subject I must cover – how men interfere when women try to talk to each other in public. They think it’s their sacred right to butt in. They have done this to me a hundred times.

College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

4 Movies & NY Law Journal on Rasa

4-23-22 Rasa Life Story Movie Prediction

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Lawsuit against Morton Downey Jr. front page New York Law Journal


          I’m at a movie theater with a female to my right. We’ve been watching this movie in color, & it’s about Bruce Springsteen. After a while I exclaim,

          “This is the FOURTH TIME he’s doing this song!”


          *** (BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN has been chosen to symbolize me, lol. Why? Because he toured coast to coast for many years, an entertainer. But one more quirky similarity I just recalled. Freehold, N.J. He is from around there, & I lived near there for 7 years of my young life! We just put in Wikipedia ‘on a farm near Freehold, NJ!

          But the BIG REVELATION here is FOURTH TIME!           I’ve been praying to God many times – will this be one movie or a series? Because I channeled a dozen souls, all of them keep repeating “You will make big money from this.” I sense REALLY BIG but they don’t tell me how much. I keep asking, will there be one movie or a series? And nobody so far has answered, but this dream does.) ***


          I see a lot of color on the screen, like saturated shades of dull red, brown dark colors, the images & colors blend together, like no separation. He’s on stage with his men, someone playing drums, this & that instruments, all on stage. But like, my God, the same song four times!


          *** (DARK COLORS, RED, BROWN: These colors represent suffering. This has been my life, lots of pain.) ***

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          My lady friend & I both know, somehow, that Bruce is in the house, to the right of us, back a ways, sitting against the wall. Since he’s the subject of this movie plus he’s a celebrity, there’s reason to want to meet him.

          I tell my friend, let’s go speak to him, but she is reluctant, so I tell her,

          “I’m going, even if you don’t.

          So I head in his direction. By way of a joke, I say,

          “It’s a crazed fan”

as I approach.

          He’s sitting, surprisingly, all alone with just one female in the seat behind him – who is affiliated with him. No one is mobbing him, maybe he’s incognito, somehow disguised or didn’t tell anyone he’d be here so all the seats to his right & left & in front are empty.

          The female behind him is young, pleasingly plump, & for some reason, as I approach, she takes a layer of her clothing, white, pulls it up partially covering her face. It’s like saying “Oh my God” or “Wow.”


          *** (WHY IS HE ALONE? Except for one female behind him etc: The behavior of the female is tricky, but I discern this is a hint that the person approaching is God, & there’s a saying that God is so imposing / overwhelming that people might cover their faces at her approach – the Light of God is so Bright it frightens people. {I have heard in writings that when a bad sinner faces God at the immediate judgment the sight of her is so frightening that they ask to be removed & sent to Hell – Because God to them is not a friend, but a judge. They stand condemned. Of course one who is filthy with sin, even thought they are saved, might also want to get to Purgatory fast & get cleaned up.}

          This then tells us that the dreamer is my God Self, while Bruce is my flesh & there is something amazing in this that God kneels to my flesh. It shows incredible intimacy with God – that we are One.

          Why is he ALONE? This might be a hint that there is no one like him, as ‘birds of a feather stick together’ & if one has no birds of like feather, no one sticks to them. But this might give the hint why the movie is being made – individuality – there is no one else like this.

          Who then however is affiliated with Bruce – me? The only human I can think of that’s been behind me all my life is Our Holy Mother – & this is strange that she should be startled by my God Self, but it’s just a symbol.

          Calling myself, the God Self of Rasa, a ‘crazed fan’ as a joke means what?

          I think it’s an analogy that I have been ‘a crazed fan’ of God & now God is my ‘crazed fan.’ It’s a reflection of each other. There is no difference, so to speak, when one enters Nonduality.

          And in this kneeling, God shows to me that She acts toward me the way I have acted toward her – we are the same.) ***

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          OK so now I KNEEL right in front of Bruce like putting my head into his lap & quickly assure him,

          “You KNOW ME, we spent FOUR HOURS speaking to each other one time.”

          And so he is assured it’s not just some random stranger or someone out to do him harm.

          My kneeling there, we are extremely close & affectionate, like if you had a pet in your lap.


          *** (FOUR HOURS TOGETHER! Again the number 4 is saying there will be FOUR MOVIES.

And again, these are but symbols, not to all be taken literally. “I Strip for God” & God acknowledges me the same way.) ***



publication:    Aha, the New York Law Journal re my lawsuit against Morton Downey Jr – front page!


The New York Law Journal Friday Sept. 22, 1989  Front Page


TV Station Faces Libel Trial Over Downey Show


by Alan Kohn


                        After the judge completed his analysis of libel law, public and private figures, and New Jersey’s law on assault and battery, one fact remained:  WWOR-TV must defend itself against a suit by Kellie Everts, a self-proclaimed “stripper for God.”

    Ms. Everts has sued Morton Downey Jr. and numerous persons associated with his former television show and WWOR-TV Channel 9 over her treatment when she appeared as a guest along with another stripper, a belly dancer and some male strippers on a program that was videotaped Oct. 26, 1988, and telecast Nov. 4.

    In his decision in Everts v. Downey in Kings Count, Supreme Court, IA 17, Justice Elliott Golden, after viewing a videotape of the telecast, noted that at the conclusion of the program, Mr. Downey had loosed a “barrage of invectives” against the plaintiff, among which were “slut” and “pig.”

    Among the names he called her during the program was a fat bitch”.  During the “entire program,” Justice Golden stated, Mr.  Downey “singled out plaintiff for his vituperation and abuse, apparently for plaintiff’s claim that she was a “stripper for God.” 

Mr. Downey’s remarks plus allegations of assault and battery, are the basis of Ms. Everts’s suit. The record did not show, the justice stated, whether anyone other than WWOR-TV had been served, so that he was only dealing with the television station’s motion to dismiss, which he denied.

          In his analysis, the justice, after examining case law, stated the decisions led to a “powerful syllogism. A defamation is actionable only if it is false. Opinions cannot be false. Therefore, opinions can never be actionable, even if defamatory.”

          Mr. Downey’s “defamatory language,” the justice continued, could be divided into “separate segments: the statements and charges he uttered during the entire show and the “barrage” at the conclusion.

          Thus, calling Ms. Everts a “fat bitch” during the program, the judge ruled, fell into the category of statements described as “mere opprobriums which are tolerated on the theory that it will be understood to amount to nothing more than vulgar name-calling.”


DJI_0076-2 OIP (7) SWI-Fishing-Aceh-Attractions-Banyak-Islands-017-1Circumstances Weighed


          Mr. Downey’s charge that the plaintiff “must be on drugs or is diseased,” Justice Goldin found, “must be considered in view of the circumstances in which those statements were made. In each instance, the remark was predicated by Downey’s alluding to plaintiff’s assertion that she had a vision from the “Blessed Mother” that she should no longer engage in sexual activity.

          “These statements come under the general principle that statements of underlying fact provide the context in which an opinion maybe be understood to be an opinion.”

          A “more serious question” was presented with respect to “defamatory statements” directed at Ms. Everts at the program’s end, particularly when during the entire program Downey singled out plaintiff for his vituperation and abuse, apparently for plaintiff’s claim that she was a “stripper for God”, the justice found.

          After finding Ms. Everts was a public figure the justice stated this did not preclude her from recovering for the “libelous conduct of Downey” but declared she must prove malice. A finding that WWOR-TV “SHOULD HAVE HAD SOME SERIOUS DOUBT AS TO THE TRUTH OF Downey’s statements may circumstantially be made,” Justice Golden found.

          “Thus, the records shows that there was about a nine-day period between the original live show, which was videotaped, and the telecast – ample time for defendant to have reviewed this tape. This factor becomes relevant when considered in light of defendant’s concession that Downey was known for his loud, combative and provocative style.”


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          As a matter of fact, a review of the tape shows that Downey’s performance was more than just loud, combative and provocative but in certain segments of the program, outright salacious…Downey directed his venomous and oft-time degrading language at plaintiff, although another stripper and a belly dancer were co-guests on the program.

          “All of this should have alerted defendant to the concrete possibility of damaging defamatory statements for which it could be held liable. Suffice it to say there are circumstances here for a jury to ponder and weight to determine if, or to what extent, the defendant showed actual malice in the presentation of this program, in addition to the other issues herein.”

          One of the other issues, Justice Golden stated, was WWOR-TV’s claim that even if the statements at issue were found to be defamatory statements of fact, the complaint still should be dismissed for failure to plead special damages.

          The justice rejected the claim, holding the defamatory meaning was “apparent from the statements themselves. They are statements that held plaintiff up to public contempt, ridicule, aversion and disgrace.

          “Extrinsic facts are unnecessary to explain their defamatory meaning necessary in libel per quod and therefore, there is no need to plaintiff to allege special damages.”

          Ms. Everts was represented by Jack B. Solerwitz, Mineola, L.I. WWOR-TV’s lawyers were Laurence Greenwald and William A. Rome, of Stroock & Stroock & Lavan.


          The decision of the judge not to dismiss this case is long – appears on pg 25, 3rd column, & goes on for many pages, citing the assault and battery {he knocked Kellie Everts down into her chair} and other defamations uttered by Morton Downey Jr. – It is probably about 10 pages typed.

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College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Male Models aka Gigolos

Male & Female Models   4-9-22


         Above & below in the red dress is how I looked during the filming of these guys

Over the years I photographed many male & female models. This started in the mid 80’s, when I began to interview other performers & took photos – in the Times Square, NY area. Then I started my business, ‘World Video Marketing’ in 1987 & eventually produced many images & videos, which were featured in magazines like ‘Hustler Erotic Video’ & ‘Gent,’ & underground publications.

I changed gears in 2012, long after I quit the business, when I turned my attention exclusively to male models – just for fun – I never sold a single one – didn’t try. This hobby was part of obedience to God who told me to quit celibacy, go out & ‘have fun” or I would be “outside the Will of God.”


          I have anecdotes about males & females; many stayed in my house as I’m in the middle of a wilderness – & that’s where trouble starts.

          You see people at work, you don’t really know them. They arrive, do their thing – you usually have surface conversations – how are you? Fine. No problems are shared, no stories told, how can you make observations when people are on guard & putting on the ‘I am a good boy or girl’ act? They never take off their shoes or clothes or remove the ladies & gentlemen masks. You never see them under the same roof for a week end – that’s when the horse of another color comes out, good or bad.

          So here’s how it goes: Most of the persons who stayed with me for days or even a week, I have bad anecdotes from. Why is that? I don’t know, human nature I guess. The models & actors who arrived, worked, & left at the end of the day I have little or nothing bad to say about – because the opportunity for shyt didn’t occur.

          Now you have really strangers under the same roof with you & things come out that were not expected. For one thing, you & most models are at cross purposes, the classic employer, employee conflict. The models want as much money as they can get & do as little as possible. The employer wants as much work as she can get but not over pay. You both want the opposite.

          I don’t know how other photographers work, but I was a bit of a ‘slave driver.’ Because I worked so hard, I expected a lot. We would work – those who stayed more than one day – starting say 10 or 11 AM, for several hours. I always fed them or let them feed themselves from my food. Some of them cooked.


          Around 2 or 3 I’d ask the model to rest – go to the guest room, take a nap, rest 2 hours. I wanted them to look & feel fresh. Many of them would sleep while I worked. The producer, myself has to do everything. I made the sets, uploaded the images, if working outdoors I sometimes had to get equipment like ladders, reflectors, trim vegetation, lop branches from trees, clean up a background. Usually these people did not help – mostly because they didn’t know what to do.

          The male & female experience of course was way different. With the females my mind was on their beauty & making money from the videos. I had to coach them how to act – as we were dominant Goddesses – most of the ladies didn’t know how to act dominant. The ones I got local, none of them knew one iota how to act, wrestle, fight, or dominate men. They kept laughing, giggling, as it was so weird & embarrassing to them. It took a while to show them again & again how to be dominant, how to stand, tell off a guy, stop smiling & laughing, be neutral & tell him what to do. Or else be cruel & nasty. This is not normal behavior for women.

          Myself, by now I was so good at dominating – having started way different. As a child I was Shirley Temple or ‘Pollyanna’, as a young adult I was Debbie Reynolds as ‘Tammy.’ Then in show biz my personality was Marilyn Monroe, & wow, did I have to make a transition! But make it I did & one time, when demonstrating to a female how to dominate a guy wrestling he was so startled he said,

          “Wow, I never want to see you drunk!” 

          Some of my female model/porn stars had been abused as children, & so, they had PTSD. Now, as I said, if a person comes to work some place & leaves at the end of the day, you don’t see any symptoms. Put them under your roof & things happen.

          This beautiful female, dark haired & shapely had been abused as a 6 year old by her Mom’s boyfriends. She said her Mom ran ‘The boyfriend of the month club.’ When she complained to Mom, Mom got the guy, woke her up out of a sound sleep, & asked the guy did he abuse little Francine? Of course the creep said no & then Francine was super frightened.

          I did not put 2 + 2 together at the time, why she only dated much younger guys – she was 35 all her bf’s were like under 25. I didn’t have time to figure out the psychology of the models or the fetish men I supplied. My special ed teacher friend Ruth told me,

          “These people need a psychiatrist.”

          I answered,

          “I’m not here to figure out psychology, I’m just a movie producer.”

          Later I figured she felt safer with young guys because she was abused by older ones. But at the time, I was too busy to think this out.

          Anyway this female had two things going on that were bad. One, every single day she would have a fit & I had to shut down work for 2-3 hours. She would go off on the slightest thing – anything –at her young bf. He looked at her the wrong way, or didn’t show respect or this or that. She would rant, rave, vent, on & on. No work could be done.


          The other bad thing is she did a lot of sex but never used condoms – I saw her half a dozen times & each time she had either just had an abortion or was going to have one. This will work on a woman’s mind & I think it drove her crazy. Her only complaint was not ‘Why don’t I use condoms?’ but ‘These evil guys, they aren’t paying for the abortions, what scum they are.’

          The last time I saw her she went insane on me. All I said was,

          “Don’t you think you’d have better luck if you dated older men?”

          She started to scream so bad, so loud, I didn’t know what to do. It didn’t stop. I called a male friend of mine to try to calm her – it didn’t help. He said he’d never heard anything like it.

          It went on & on for hours. I told her to pack her things & I’d take her to the bus. Good bye forever. The entire ride she was still ranting, I said not a word.


          Same deal with another female – something was wrong with her Mom & they put her into foster care. There she was forced to give blow jobs to the Dad & other men. She eventually got on substances – booze & any drug she could get – on binges. When she was sober she was an angel but once the drink started if something ticked her off – she would drink whiskey right out of the bottle & fall flat on her face at the table. All work was stopped, I hid the bottle. She went crazy.

          I learned my lesson. If a substance abuser goes on a kick, let them go. You can’t take their drug away. Let them do what they want to do, say good bye & good luck.

          Later – weeks later – I spoke to her live in bf. He told me I should have called him to pick her up – she went on binges like that sporadically. When he’d try to drag her home, she’d be on the street screaming,

          “He’s trying to rape me – help! Help!”

          But I didn’t know all that then – this was the first time I dealt with a drug addict & had no clue what to do.

          She demanded her pay – I owed her $900 – I gave it to her.

          I called my neighbor to take her to the bus {I would give her $30}, a nice lady, she arrived, Tessie cursed her out – she would HITCH HIKE to the NEAREST BAR!

          Cursing & screaming she took her duds & ran into the road & disappeared. I called her bf in NY to see if she arrived – weeks went by. I made out a ‘missing persons’ report with the police.

          Finally, 3 weeks later – I was praying to speak to the bf – he never called me to let me know she had arrived – I knew he wouldn’t – let me just worry myself sick. But I prayed to catch him in so I could find out what was what, & I got him. He told me this:

          When she left me she hitch hiked to a bar & got drunker & drunker. She then went to a motel where she had a fight with the manager & threw money into his face. The guy called the cops, she cursed them out, they arrested her.

          When she got out she went to another bar, then another & another – got raped by a truck driver, as she was hitch hiking all over the place. She used up half her money on booze, the other half got stolen. She finally limped back to NYC, another binge concluded.

          But she didn’t turn into an angel right away.

          Next thing I know. The FBI is investigating me. She tells them I FORCED her to do illegal porno movies & it made her go crazy. The FBI shut down my mailing address in B’klyn – where I got my orders – luckily I had moved from there so it did not affect me.

          But I was scared shitless & the stress of it made me sick. What if they shut down my business? I’d be PENNILESS – I had no means of support but this! I began to have anxiety attacks, sick to my stomach daily – went to many doctors but they could not figure it out. I finally went to the Mayo Clinic & they said it was a hiatal hernia & indigestion.

          Then the FBI thought they would fool me & pretend to be distributors & asked me for samples of my videos {under a false name & address but I knew}. I sent them about a dozen. It was then they found out I was doing NOTHING ILLEGAL & dropped the case.

          But this did NOT happen except by the Grace of God & I called upon the Lord like so: 

These young gal pics are 1965, I was 20 – just starting out in Hollywood CA…Having done modeling, dancing, show biz young, I knew what I was doing – my career was a success.  But punk boys thought I was ‘back in the day’ & my expertise didn’t apply to them – they knew more than I & would make it their own way.  None of them succeeded & it’s been 5 years since I stopped messing with male models – enough time to prove themselves.  Only one guy did listen to me – Kenneth Guidroz.  I never met him but over a few times we spent 8 hours on the phone, mostly me explaining how things work.  He made it to the top – became a poster boy for Ralph Lauren, his ‘Red’ perfume line.  Of course, this was a smart guy, he did righteous things on his own as well as listening to me.  His rapt attention to me proved he was willing to learn.  One of the quips about youth is how it’s ‘wasted’ on the young.  You feel like ripping your hair out when they insist on their ignorance & walk down the wrong road to nothingness. 

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          Along with my then 5 dogs I climbed the highest mountain near me – it’s named after Our Bl. Virgin – it took me 1.5 hours to reach the top. There I stopped on this field that a hunter brush hogged every year {means he plowed all the bushes & weeds down}, looked at the sky & began to pray in a loud voice. My dogs all stopped in their tracks & made no move, no sound as I prayed. They knew something was happening.

          I then, for 15 minutes, called on every maligned, mistreated victim of the law who ever lived, all political prisoners, all those who were framed, all those who were persecuted for the wrong reasons, all victims unfairly judged. I must have named 30 types of victims & I asked every last one of them – millions of them – to come to my rescue & get me out of this predicament & danger of losing all that I had {my business, house, bank account, everything.}

          It was days later I had a dream & saw an FBI man go into the office of his Chief & tell him he saw my videos & nothing was illegal, & the Chief said,

          “Then we’ll drop this unless there are any more complaints.”

          And the day after that, my sickness went away. It was one year of agony. Oh the revengefulness of people! And I did nothing to this girl except take the whiskey bottle away!

          There’s other anecdotes but I shall skip the girls now & turn to a guy to get my mind elsewhere. Not that there’s hope for the weary, it’s another dreadful case.


The Male Porno Star – Raul


That was the name he gave himself, although I don’t think he worked for any major outfit, not to my knowledge. Anyone who owns a camera can call himself a ‘porno star’ & he made hundreds of those.

Anyway, as explained elsewhere, in 2012 I got onto this model site on the internet – not knowing the ropes, not knowing half the guys were gay & made a living doing sex with men. And 40% of the other half were ‘gay for pay.’

When I was there there were no other women out of thousands of members, actively seeking male models & paying them. There were some women on board but you either worked for them for free or had to pay them. It’s amazing how valuable a vagina makes a person – A vagina & an ego.

So, like everyone else, I’m looking for the best looking guys with the biggest dicks. I’m trying to figure out how to handle this, & like all new ventures, it’s challenging & querulous. You learn by your mistakes. Here’s what I learned:

All the men who look for male models are gay, & 99% of them say ‘work for trade,’ which means for images. {The clickers make the same offer to women – it gets complicated. Many women take them up & then when the guys wants sex & they say no – no pictures. It happened to one model twice in a row.}

What I didn’t know is the big secret. They would work ‘for trade’ but get PAID FOR SEX.

And me, completely confused or should I say ignorant, offered money straight out & figured, like God said, I’m supposed to have fun, so if any of the guys wants to have sex they can ask me & I might do it. What could be simpler? Plenty.

What happened is we’re working, I might flirt a tiny bit or give a guy a kiss on the cheek, & he says,

“I have to get paid for that.”

Naturally, as a good looking woman {I have pics to prove how I looked—see my nude age 65 images}} I don’t expect guys to say that, so I’m hurt & figure I just got rejected. I can still recall the time a model said that to me, the pain I felt for a long time.

In retrospect I give myself this advice. I shall never go back there again, but some of you might. If you get in that position & want sex, give them the extra money. Make up some bullshyt like ‘I didn’t realize how good you were from the pics on the site – you’ll get more than I offered.” It’s only money, if you have it, spend it – don’t let your feelings get in the way.

Indeed my original intent was to HAVE FUN. But I’m also artistic & along the way learned photo shop & spent hundreds of hours perfecting the images. The creation of art was equally vital to copping sex.

And naturally, each case was different. One model wanted sex so much that I only got half my quota done. I learned my lesson on that. The see saw goes like: Lots of sex, less work. Lots of work, less sex. Which did I want? The sex has long been forgotten – only one time the guy was great in bed, the rest were not. But the pictures will live forever.

Like I said, some of the guys were gay or bi or gay for pay. Each case was different – be a wise girl & don’t get insulted or hurt, just do the work, if they want sex & you do – go for it. If you want sex, they want money increase their salary. If they want sex, you don’t? Not sure on that. That did happen a couple times; I procrastinated or just begged off. In fact one top model {a super handsome muscular Greek, looked like a statue} in the field was willing to drive 200 miles to have sex with me. He didn’t want to take pictures, just the sex! I can’t recall why I said no, maybe I was nervous. What if he was disappointed?

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But I said all this to get to one story. I can’t give all the anecdotes in one day, let me just get to one whacko boy with an 11” dick – the porno star.

OK this guy looks wise was not perfect. But his dick was the biggest I had ever seen, & I had seen some big ones. He was for a model, attractive, but his skin was badly pock marked & had all kinds of scars – it ruined his beauty. I said to myself,

“I know how to get around a person’s faults. I’ll have him turn his face away or to the side, or have his upper body in a low light & feature his dick for most of the shots.” I just had to capture that dick!

His body I might add was also great.

So he shows up & we start to shoot. When it came to the ‘erotic’ shots, which means hardon, I got to suck on it. He didn’t mind & didn’t razz me about money or anything I figured, things will go well with him. Famous last words.

This first day he had brought grass with him & on the breaks was puffing away, so he was mellow. Maybe he had ecstasy or some other drug – I forget their names – they make you relax. He had asked me if he could bring his grass I said I’d rather he did not, but he brought it anyway, pretending it was there by mistake.

That night we started to have a ‘good time’ but his dick was so big we couldn’t get it in, no matter how much Vaseline I used, lol. I said to him my vagina seems to be ‘seized up’ like it won’t get loose maybe if he said sweet things, acted more romantic, it might help.

But he said,

“I can’t do that. I’m a porn star. My wife knows I’m a porn star & I have to fuck. That’s my job. But I can’t be romantic.”

So that ended that. I could suck on it for the pictures, but not get any romance out of this machine.

Here is something good that came out of using this guy. Up to this time I didn’t know how to use a feature of photo shop that corrects many mistakes. I forget what it’s called, but you can take a piece of flesh where it’s perfect, & clone it onto the spots that are imperfect, & you can make the face have no flaw whatsoever. I think that’s what it’s called – the CLONE TOOL. You can remove scars, acne, tattoos, dark under the eyes, moles – anything can be fixed & it’s not hard. I was now able to make his face beautiful.

Now I knew how to fix not only his face, but backgrounds. You can take a piece of anything & multiply it again & again, & clear out or fix or change the entire background. That came in handy many times, so he did me a favor by being flawed & forcing me to fix it.

OK the next day rolls around. I’m getting ready to take him to my apt/studio in town for different backgrounds. Can’t recall why we did nothing outside – maybe it was chilly or raining. I almost always took pics outside as I have exquisite backgrounds.

So now here’s the rub – he’s run out of grass or whatever made him mellow. And he gets a phone call from his wife & she might be pregnant, & last time she was pregnant she almost died or some shyt. So now he’s in a foul mood – I gave him his first day’s pay & he starts talking about more money.

I tell him we made a deal & that’s it – then he says he made no deal, he doesn’t know who was using his site. Sure – bullshyt.

His tone of voice gets more & more menacing & now he says the magic words,

“I have a temper.”

Now this guy is Latin & I know they use knives to stab people, & he’s like 25 years old, I’m a 65 year old woman in the wilderness with him. You think I feel safe now?

So I go upstairs & call the police. He knows something’s up, while I have them on the phone he comes up & stands near me by some excuse. I go quiet. The cop says is he there? I say yes. He says they’ll be over shortly.

And within about 20 mins two imposing officers arrive. We’ve met before – it’s a small town. They ask Raul what’s going on? He says,

“I’m a porn star & I told her I have to have more money.”

They say,

“We don’t care about that. We’re just here to insure this lady stays safe. Get your things & we’ll take you to the bus station.”

And so they did. The station was closed so he had to wait outside until morning. Served him right. Lucky for him it wasn’t winter, but it was like 50 degrees that night – he had a jacket.

He never even saw the pictures & how beautiful I made him. Half of them were in the classy GQ clothes I provided. No other photographer did him as much justice as I, made him look great. But most of these guys don’t appreciate anything, to be honest, just money, drugs & porn-style sex. They don’t have hearts.

So my warning to you if you become a lady photographer is get ready for the sort of mishaps I had – there were dozens more I shall explain. It might not be a smooth ride.   {End Chapter 10}


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College of Matriarchal Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Joe Tex, Jackie Wilson & Richard Pryor


330px-Richard_Pryor_1969 375px-Joe_Tex images (24)Chapter 9   Joe Tex   Jackie Wilson   Richard Pryor   4-7-22


            Thinking about these guys is so dreary,  I procrastinated writing this. If they weren’t famous I wouldn’t.  How can I get through these men as fast as possible? I’m typing a mile a minute, lol. 


            Joe Tex. I met him, like several other stars, at a place called ‘Mambo Maxie’s’ – a club I stumbled upon on my way from one of the go-go jobs 1967. I used to check in there often while going to & fro my job – it was always entertaining even the ones not famous. There I saw Etta James, Little Richard & this clown Joe Tex.


            ‘Mambo Maxie’ was a stout Jewish guy who always stood in front collecting a buck from each entrant. Sometimes he didn’t charge me. Don’t know his background, but it must have been in show biz, he seemed ‘the old carny’ type. He reminded me, personality wise, of Elvis’ manager Col. Parker – a fast talker.  It wasn’t a big place so how could he afford these stars? Probably gave them a bunch of bullshyt about how much money they’d make ‘at the door’ or by percentage or whatever – the way con artists sometimes fooled me into thinking I’d make bread at the door – which you never do when they give you that offer {except once I did for 3 months & made a fortune, but I got over on this wise-guy Lebanese man & made him sign a contract where I checked the cash register every day}.


            So I stumble into the club one day & Joe Tex is performing. I’m seating next to a lovely black lady, thin, elegant & we converse {I never saw another white person in the club, Mambo Maxie & I were the only two.}

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            Joe Tex has a great band, he’s a good performer, we’re impressed. We both decide to go meet him.

            The minute we’re backstage together Joe goes crazy for my breasts. He orders the photo man to take pics of him kissing my chest – dozens of them. They are ridiculous poses, I don’t know how I consented, probably because I was overwhelmed at the moment by his fame & the performance & all that.

            He never took one look at the attractive black lady – only babbled on & on about ‘your titties.’ {Yes, I was wearing a low-cut top, custom made, of a brocade velvet material, it was beautiful – Various colors of brown & light grey & brown custom-made bell-bottoms to match.}

            The black lady, Rhonda, shakes her head & says

            “He’s SIMPLE”,

            meaning Simple Simon, known for his stupidity.

            After 15 minutes of this ordeal, the photo man has processed a dozen stupid, embarrassing photos & Joe Tex disappears, not paying for a single one. I pay the guy, take them into the bathroom, tear them into hundreds of pieces & flush them down the toilet.

            Who he was:


“He went on to have four million-selling hits, “Hold What You’ve Got” (1965), “Skinny Legs and All” (1967), “I Gotcha” (1972), and “Ain’t Gonna Bump No More (With No Big Fat Woman)” (1977).”


            From Wikipedia:


Joe Tex was born Joseph Arrington, Jr. in Rogers, Texas, in Bell County to Joseph Arrington and Cherie Sue (Jackson) Arrington.

In early August, 1982, Tex was found at the bottom of a swimming pool at his home in Navasota, after which he was revived in hospital and sent home. Just a few days later, on August 13, 1982, five days after his 47th birthday, he died at GrimesMemorialHospital in Navasota, following a heart attack.



Next Creep: Jackie Wilson, from Wikipedia:

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            Jack Leroy Wilson Jr. (June 9, 1934 – January 21, 1984) was an American soul and rock and roll singer and performer. Wilson was a prominent figure in the transition of rhythm and blues into soul. He was considered a master showman and one of the most dynamic singers and performers in pop, R&B, and rock and roll history, earning the nickname “Mr. Excitement”.


Lonely Teardrops“, which peaked at No. 7 on the pop charts, ranked No. 1 on the R&B charts in the U.S., and established Wilson as an R&B superstar known for his extraordinary, operatic multi-octave vocal range. Wilson’s “Lonely Teardrops” sold over one million copies.

Due to Wilson’s fervor when performing, with his dynamic dance moves, impassioned singing and fashion sense, he was nicknamed “Mr. Excitement”. His stagecraft in his live shows inspired James BrownTeddy PendergrassMichael Jackson and Elvis Presley, as well as a host of other artists that followed. Presley was so impressed with Wilson that he made it a point to meet him.

Wilson’s powerful, electrifying live performances rarely failed to bring audiences to a state of frenzy. His live performances consisted of knee-drops, splits, spins, back-flips, one-footed across-the-floor slides, removing his tie and jacket and throwing them off the stage, basic boxing steps like advance and retreat shuffling, and one of his favorite routines, getting some of the less attractive women in the audience to come up to the stage and kiss him. Wilson often said “if I get the ugliest girl in the audience to come up and kiss me, they’ll all think they can have me and keep coming back and buying my records.”

Wilson scored hits as he entered the 1960s with the No. 15 “Doggin’ Around”, the No. 4 pop ballad “Night“, another million-seller, and “Baby Workout“, another Top 10 hit (No. 5)

On September 29, 1975, Wilson was one of the featured acts in Dick Clark‘s Good Ol’ Rock and Roll Revue, hosted by the Latin Casino in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. He was in the middle of singing “Lonely Teardrops” when he suffered a massive heart attack. On the words “My heart is crying” he collapsed on stage; audience members applauded as they initially thought it was part of the act. Clark sensed something was wrong, then ordered the musicians to stop the music. Cornell Gunter of the Coasters, who was backstage, noticed Wilson was not breathing. Gunter was able to resuscitate him and Wilson was then rushed to a nearby hospital.

Medical personnel worked to stabilize Wilson’s vital signs, but the lack of oxygen to his brain caused him to slip into a coma. He briefly recovered in early 1976, and was even able to take a few wobbly steps, but slipped back into a semi-comatose state.

Wilson died on January 21, 1984, at the age of 49 from complications of pneumonia. He was initially buried in an unmarked grave at WestlawnCemetery near Detroit. {Rasa says, later someone raised the bread to put him into a Mausoleum – WTF happened to all his money?

‘Nat Tarnopol had taken advantage of Wilson’s naïveté, mismanaging his money since becoming his manager. Tarnopol also had power of attorney over Wilson’s finances.’ This man was later found guilty of fraud & robbing Jackie Wilson of big money but by this time Wilson was in a coma….Rasa says – too bad the FAMILY didn’t sue this creep Tarnopol.}

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Personal Life:

            Wilson had a reputation for being short-tempered and promiscuous. In her autobiography, Patti LaBelle accused Wilson of sexually assaulting her backstage at a Brooklyn theater in the early 1960s.

On February 15, 1961, in Manhattan, Wilson was shot and seriously wounded by a woman named Juanita Jones. However, Jones was one of his girlfriends, and she shot him in a jealous rage after he returned to his Manhattan apartment with another woman, fashion model Harlean Harris, an ex-girlfriend of Sam Cooke. Wilson’s management supposedly concocted the story about her being a zealous fan to protect Wilson’s reputation. They claimed that Jones was an obsessed fan who had threatened to shoot herself, and that Wilson’s intervention resulted in his being shot. Wilson was shot in the stomach; the bullet resulted in the loss of a kidney, and lodged too close to his spine to be removed.

In March 1967, Wilson and his drummer, Jimmy Smith, were arrested in South Carolina on “morals charges”; the two were entertaining two 24-year-old white women in their motel room.


My Account: 

I go to Vegas with my lady friend Marleena & her boyfriend {she was with me when I met O.C. Smith & also Otis Redding}, we go see Jackie’s show. We sit in the front row. He’s dynamic, great, all that they say he is.

Then, to my surprise, his valet comes over to our table after the show & says Jackie would like to meet me, could I go back stage? He was very polite, I went.

OK so it’s assumed we’re going to spend the night together. We go to the slot machines & he hands me a dollar. I put it in & out pops $56. Because he gave me the dollar, I offer it back to him & he takes it – every last bit. $56 in 1966 is $490 today! Wow – he was NOT a gentleman, he just took nearly $500 from me. The least he could have done, if he was short on money, was keep half & give me half, but no, he had to have every penny.

We walk into a lounge where the band sees him & strikes up “Baby Workout”. Can’t recall what happens there but next, we’re in his large hotel room sitting in bed.

We have done nothing – yet. The phone rings. It’s his WIFE! He didn’t tell me he had a wife, I am mortified! Someone must have called her – she’s probably in another state – & told her he went off with a woman, so she calls. He assures her HE’S ALL ALONE. She says she might just come over – he tells her be his guest. Of course, she doesn’t take a plane to Vegas to check it out.

After that I tell him I don’t feel like doing sex. First he robs me, then he doesn’t take me to dinner – now this – the final straw. He says that’s fine – he DOESN’T CARE. Bullcrap, but good work, I don’t have to put out. He did not appeal to me sex wise. Had he been a decent fellow I would have done it, but he wasn’t.

OK the last time I saw him is so ironic. He was on the stage on the floor, in some obscure club in Watts –I’m the only white person there. It’s his antic of asking women to come up & kiss him, so after a few other girls do it, I go up also – actually not up as the stage is level with the audience – & the bastard just stares at me & says no, he won’t kiss me. It has nothing to do with anything but this: black men, when black women are around, – are scared shitless to show attention to a whitey. It’s all it was. He would suffer their wrath if he kissed me.

The exact same thing happened to me with Muhammad Ali. I was at a show with major stars & he was one of them. A bunch of people stood around him to say hi after the show. I was last in line, began to talk to him. And there, from the surroundings, black women began to razz him,

“Ali, Ali,”

which meant,

“You’re not supposed to get chummy with white women,”

and he walked away.

But as we all know it’s the opposite when black women aren’t around. James Brown once told me,

“When I said bring a girl friend I meant bring a WHITE GIRL.”

And he lied to my black best friend – Ginger. He told her he usually didn’t date white women, but I was different. The truth is every time he was in town he dated only white women – one I saw was a hostess from a restaurant. He offered $3,500 for sex with a movie star –beautiful blonde Diane McBain. {She starred in Spinout with Elvis, 1966 } That hurt me as it made it seem he valued her way more than me. Diane did not even take him up on it. {His valet told me about it.}



Creepy Richard Pryor

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Might as well tell the story of the next creep while I’m on a roll.

I met a few famous people at this club I visited – Maverick’s Flats in LA – quite a place.

One night Richard Pryor, the comedian, is there. I don’t know if he did a show or not but he was off by a wall surrounded by people. I sat there & listened to his repartee & at the close of the night he asked me out. Yes, I was flirting with him but so were a dozen other females {all black.}

At that time I had a lovely house rented at 1860 Heather Ct, Beverly Hills, off Heather Rd off Coldwater Canyon Drive. I was driving my white Corvette & he a new Caddy – so he followed me.

We got into bed, I told him let’s skip the sex for now, I’m tired. He snoozed off without complaint.

In the morning I was going to make him a sumptuous breakfast, & had he been nice to me, I might have done sex.

So I get up, go to the kitchen & start putzing around, & there, I see out the window, he’s gone off without saying goodbye, got into his car & just took off. No class.

Strangely, & to his benefit, years later, he appears to me as a client in Purgatory & I help him ascend into Heaven! Can’t recall the details & dates – it’s all written down somewhere, but where?

Richard Pryor explained on Wikipedia


Richard Franklin Lennox Thomas Pryor Sr. (December 1, 1940 – December 10, 2005) was an American stand-up comedian and actor. He reached a broad audience with his trenchant observations and storytelling style and is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential stand-up comedians of all time. Pryor won a Primetime Emmy Award and five Grammy Awards. He received the first Kennedy Center Mark Twain Prize for American Humor in 1998. He won the Writers Guild of America Award in 1974. He was listed at number one on Comedy Central‘s list of all-time greatest stand-up comedians. In 2017, Rolling Stone ranked him first on its list of the 50 best stand-up comics of all time.  


           He grew up in a brothel {Rasa says: adult entertainment/therapy center} run by his grandmother, Marie Carter, where his alcoholic mother, Gertrude L. (née Thomas), was a prostitute. {Rasa says: Let’s call it without insult, adult trade worker or sex therapist} His father, LeRoy “Buck Carter” Pryor (June 7, 1915 – September 27, 1968), was a former boxer, hustler and pimp. After Gertrude abandoned him when he was 10, Pryor was raised primarily by Marie, a tall, violent woman who would beat him for any of his eccentricities. Pryor was one of four children raised in his grandmother’s brothel {Rasa says: Adult entertainment/therapy venue}. He was sexually abused at age seven,and expelled from school at the age of 14. 

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            Rasa remarks re this opening description of Richard Pryor’s life: When they use the words ‘brothel’ – he grew up in a brothel, the writer predicts an assumption from the reader. Ditto ‘prostitute’ – his Mom was one, same thing. I take some pointers from the milestone setter Dale Spender with her thesis ‘Man Made Language.’ She explained how males control/create language & how words describing women have become degraded as women are degraded, for instance, the word ‘Mistress’ once meant ‘Mistress of the house’ & over the years it fell down to a second woman kept by a man. Or today it’s a paid dominant – neither ideas is flattering.

{Then the men who write the dictionaries describe the sexuality of males as ‘virile’ – ‘red blooded’, while women who like sex are called ‘nymphomaniacs’ or if they don’t like sex they are ‘frigid’ – nothing in between. No robust, red blooded, healthy women described. Women who like sex are MANIACS, lol.}

I take issue with these words being used here as the writer ASSUMES the reader will think,

“That explains it. Grew up in a brothel, Mom a prostitute – that’s why he was crazy.”

The thoughts that go with ‘brothel’ & ‘prostitute’ are part of the man-made language which has us believing sexual behavior for women is PROHIBITED & if they engage in sex except where sanctioned they are wicked, evil beings. No such assumption goes to the man – he can frequent adult trade women & remain exempt from the stigma. He’s expected to be ‘virile’ & ‘red blooded.’ And so it’s obvious this double standard is imposed by Patriarchs, not by women or God – we’re at the mercy of their bias, mind control & tyranny.

I insist, first for myself then others, these terms / ideas be rethought. Women in the adult trade are entertainers & therapists & should be given respect as such. They are not wicked evil doers for dancing or posing naked, nor are they immoral because they offer their services on the street or elsewhere {often to the worst of men, the least desirable & sometimes dangerous.}{Think how awful the world would be if no woman did sex for money – increase the numbers of sick & dangerous men when their needs are unmet. Adult therapists should be given MEDALS not malevolence. I have watched men take food out of their child’s mouth so they could use the money for sex.}

And so, remove the notion of ‘bordello’ or ‘prostitute Mother’ caused Pryor to go crazy. There’s violence from a female caregiver, his Dad being a ‘hustler – pimp’, he was sexual abused starting age 7, his Mom abandoned him age 10, *being an alcoholic she might have done him a favor*. Look to these factors for his PTSD. {end Rasa statements}

Pryor served in the U.S. Army from 1958 to 1960, but spent virtually the entire stint in an army prison. According to a 1999 profile about Pryor in The New Yorker, Pryor was incarcerated for an incident that occurred while he was stationed in West Germany. Angered that a white soldier was overly amused at the racially charged scenes of Douglas Sirk‘s film Imitation of Life, Pryor and several other black soldiers beat and stabbed him, although not fatally.

In 2004, Pryor was voted number one on Comedy Central‘s list of the 100 Greatest Stand-ups of All Time. In a 2005 British poll to find “The Comedian’s Comedian,” Pryor was voted the 10th-greatest comedy act ever by fellow comedians and comedy insiders. {End Wikipedia}

Rasa says: My last remarks on him are like so. He was a miserable wretch who needed psychological therapy for his PTSD, instead, like many who become drug addicted, he medicated himself. When I met him he was on a talking streak which was no doubt fueled by Cocaine. By the time morning rolled around, he left without saying good bye because he was a zombie without drugs. Most addicts are zombies when sober – they’re lifeless. I can’t imagine living with him, it would be Hell. People can be talented while still sick. With his brand of comedy, he vented his tortures, perhaps this was his therapy, & could be why he was so good.    {End Chapter 9}


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