William Bond–Female Spiritual Power

By Rasa Von Werder, May 4th, 2022

How Women Can Dominate the World Through Spiritual Power 

    William Bond


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There was a time at the dawn of recorded history when people worshiped the Great Mother. This was a golden age of peace and harmony where women rule the world and men worshiped women as goddesses. But later when people no longer worshiped the Great Mother and worshiped male gods then female power declined and we now live in a world of conflict, wars, poverty and widespread suffering.

So now in our patriarchal world men clearly more powerful than women. Physically, men are on average bigger and stronger than women and mentally more competitive and aggressive than women. This means that in our materialistic world men have all the advantages.

Clearly women will always find it difficult to compete against men for power in our patriarchal world.  Some women are able to teach themselves to be assertive and competitive and be successful in dog-eat-dog world of patriarchal politics and business.  While other women can take advantage of men’s submissive and masochistic desires and dominate men in the Femdom world. But there is another way women can gain power without having to learn how to be assertive or find passive or masochistic men and that is through spiritual power.

Although men have all the advantages in the materialistic world, women have the advantage in the spiritual world. Unfortunately, women are not using this power, because in our patriarchal world with its patriarchal religions this information is not given to women. We all have been taught to worship male gods and women do not know the unlimited power of the ancient Great Mother.

Mystics tell us that God is the ONE, the All-That-There-is, One mind and One Spirit. This means that God cannot be masculine because the masculine is all about aggression, competition, conflict and individualism, all of which brings about separation and therefore cannot create Oneness.  So in no-way a male god can be One mind, One Spirit. This is why the nature of God has to be feminine. Because the nature of the female is about nurturing and maternal love and it is through unconditional and universal love that we can all become ONE in love and harmony.

Therefore because God is the ONE, She is All-powerful, omnipotent and omnipresent. She then becomes the most powerful force in the universe. So when a women is in communication with the ONE she can become in tune with this unlimited power.

Unfortunately, in patriarchal religions women are not taught this. They are instead taught that God is male and so when a spiritual woman attempts to pray to God or meditate, she finds it difficult to contact God because she is praying to a false male god. It is a bit like trying to tune into a radio station but are given the wrong tuning frequency. For this reason we find that only a small number of mystics are able to communicate with God within patriarchal religions.

Patriarchy teaches us that not only God is male he is also judgmental and punitive. For this reason Christian in the past called themselves, “God-fearing people” as they feared god’s wrath and punishment. It is true that Jesus taught that God is a loving Father God but somehow this concept never caught on.  Probably because in a patriarchal world we are taught that love is a weakness. So if we think of a all-powerful masculine god we assume he must have masculine power which is aggression, force and violence.

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This is why a true god of love can only be female. We find this in the past in Pre-Christian times love is always represented by a Goddess, like Aphrodite, Venus, Freya and Radha. Unfortunately these goddesses were part of a patriarchal pantheon which always had a creator male God. So people could not find the total Oneness of God through prayers to these goddesses if a male god was the creator.

At the dawn of recorded history we do find ancient Great Mother who gave birth to the world. So in this deity we can find true Oneness because not only is she female, she was the creator of our universe. This means ancient people could see her as the Creator Mother whom like a mortal mother give us, her children, unconditional love.

So if that is true, why would people move away from such a wonderful, uplifting religion like this? It seems that the holy women of the Great Mother made a fatal mistake of allowing male priests into this religion.

According to Robert Graves, male priests where allowed in the priesthood if they were female in their behavior. So these priests wore women’s clothing, had false breasts and even castrated themselves. Probably at first, they only had male priests who were genuinely very feminine in the way they were. But this left the door open for deceitful ambitious men who would see this as an opportunity to gain power for themselves by becoming priests.

So this type of priests would pretend to be feminine but inside will be competitive males and set about competing with the holy women for power. They claimed that it was unfair that they only worshiped a female deity and not a male one as well. Holy women in an effort to be fair gave into this and so the Great Mother had a son. Over time this son became either the lover or brother of the Great Mother and they became joint creators of the world.

Once a male god was introduced he undermined the whole concept of Oneness. In is easy to tune into a sense of Oneness through the unconditional love of Great Mother. But a lot more difficult if a aggressive and competitive male is introduced into people’s prayers and meditations. So people began to lose their connection to the Oneness of the Great Mother in these changing religions.

So as women began to lose their connection to unlimited power of the Great Mother they found themselves at the mercy of men. Over time, male priests began to take control of religions creating powerful male gods and pushing the priestesses into second place. Finally goddesses and priestesses were push out of religions completely and we only had male gods with male priests like we see in Christianity, Islam and Buddhism.  

In more recent times things are changing and female power is beginning to rise again. In the last two hundred years the power that patriarchal religions have over people has been undermined by science and atheism. This is giving women the opportunity to try and recreate the ancient religion of the Great Mother. Unfortunately, knowledge of the theology of the Great Mother has been destroyed but it can be rediscovered through meditation and communication with the Great Mother.

What is difficult for people used to the teachings of patriarchal religions is the idea that the Great Mother loves us all unconditionally and She will give us everything we want and desire. Which people find hard to believe as many of us are not getting what we want or desire. But that is mostly because we now worship false male gods or don’t believe in religion at all.

Unfortunately, because we are given the gift of freewill and because we are brainwashed by patriarchal teachings and attitudes most of us wrongly use our freewill to prevent ourselves getting what we want.
 We are taught by patriarchal teachings that we have to work hard to get what we want or to be ‘good’ for God to give us what we desire.

In spite of the false teachings of patriarchal religions many spiritual people have somehow managed to find a tenuous connection to the Great Mother and been worshiped like gods. Some have created religions through this like Buddha and Mohammad or religious sects some of which ended badly. Well known examples would be Jim Jones which ended up with the massacre at Jonestown. Or David Koresh which led to the Waco siege and more to mass killings. Then finally, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh who at one time had a large international following but ended up in prison.

In the past these gurus or god-men have blamed their failings on the Devil but nowadays they tend to blame the ego which has become a modern day scapegoat. Patriarchal religions haven’t delivered a better life for us all and many people feel that God has abandoned them. This is summed up in the words of a Bee Gee song called “Wind of Change”.

Don’t you understand what I’m sayin’,
we need a god down there.
A man to lead us children,
take us from the valley of fear.

Make the lights shine down on us,
show us the road to go.
Help us survive, make us arrive,
teach us what we need to know.

What we don’t realize is that God hasn’t forsaken us, it is we who abandoned God, when we choose to worship false male gods. The whole history of patriarchal religions tell us that men, even with the best intentions, cannot teach us the unlimited wisdom of the Great Mother. Only women can do this providing her teachings hasn’t been contaminated too much by the teachings of patriarchal religions.  

The competitive and aggressive nature of men prevent them from tuning into the unlimited wisdom of the One mind, One spirit. Only women through their maternal love can do this and find the Great Mother within themselves.

This then brings up the question and that is if the Great Mother is all-powerful why did she allow this to happen? After all if God was male we would expect him to actively interfere in our world and the fact that God does not do this, shows us that God is Female. She is totally feminine and so gives us all, her children, unconditional love. So no matter how badly these power-hungry men behaved she still loves them. She has given us all the gift of freewill and so will never actively interfere with the freewill of anyone.

Instead of bowing down and worshiping spiritual minded men we all would be better off if we worshiped spiritual minded women who have contacted the Great Mother through prayer and meditation.

For centuries women have been successful mediums or channels even though their teachings have been contaminated by patriarchal thought. Much of it has been dismissed by patriarchal critics as pollyannaish platitudes as they seem unrealistic optimistic. And example of this is Mary Baker Eddy the founder of Christian Science who believed we don’t need doctors as we could all heal ourselves in the same way as Jesus healed people in the Bible.

The difficultly with Christian Science is that in the 19th century when it started, it had to compromise too much with patriarchal beliefs within Christianity. Mary Baker Eddy push things as far as she dare, by claiming that God was both male and female. These compromises made it difficult for her followers to communicate with the Oneness of the Great Mother and perform miracles.

We have similar teachings in, “A Course In Miracles” channeled by Dr Helen Schueman these are teachings again come from the feminine One and as they were channeled in the 20th century there was less need to compromise with any patriarchal spiritual teachings. Though the true nature of God is not discussed in these teachings.

The best example of Goddess teachings come from the medium Esther Hicks. Unfortunately, although her teachings comes from the ancient Great Mother, her husband claimed they come from Abraham an Old Testament prophet.

This confusion came from a misunderstanding. Her husband Jerry Hicks asked her, while she was channeling, who was speaking through his wife.  She answered they come from the beginning of all religions. Jerry Hicks assumed this must be Abraham because he was the founder of the patriarchal religion of Judaism from which came Christianity and Islam. What he didn’t know was that there were other religions before Judaism and that the foundation of all religions was the ancient religion of the Great Mother.

So he claimed his wife was channeling Abraham even though her teachings was very different to the teaching of Abraham we find in the Bible. But the name stuck, which was a pity as the name does put off anyone interested in Goddess spiritual teachings.

To sum up. Men have all the advantages in a materialistic world because of they are, on average, larger, stronger and more aggressive than women. But women are far more powerful spiritually because the ONE is feminine in nature and therefore women find it much easier to access spiritual power then men.

In the patriarchal age men lost their connection to the unlimited power of the Great Mother because they were tricked into worshiping male gods. Which allowed men to take over and rule the world. So women can regain their power when they stop worshiping male gods and find the ONE the Great Mother, within themselves. 

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