College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Future Life & Success

More Ideas for Our Sisterhood – Drama – Beauty Contests


Predicting Future of Life Story &

Personal Issues

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Today in my head as I sat by the babbling brook right by my house I saw scenes of plays we can produce for our Community which will be educational & simple for small children to understand but also beneficial for adults. I saw a scene of a young female with a cape, sailing into a room from above, appearing as SUPER HEROINE like Wonder Woman, & she cries out,


          She continues, gesturing with her arms into the air or putting them on her hips,

“I am the SUBSTANCE & the POWER of God!”


Her cape is brilliant & we sew it so it flares out to the sides, gold & silver on the back, inside could be like flowing water, with a tongue of a flame on her chest & She describes how She appears to the human race – water, fire & wind.

As the people standing by are in awe & even scared, She describes her Powers, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit including Miracles & Healings. She is joyfully aggressive in her speech. When she first appears, the other actors fall down, to show being ‘Slain in the Spirit.”

She describes how She IMPREGNATED Holy Mary so that Jesus could be born without male DNA– that women can conceive without a man’s help because the EGG is a REPRODUCTIVE CELL but sperm is not. She explains Holy Mary is an Incarnation of God, & her bringing him into the world, without the help of man made him inviolate, an Incarnation of God as well.


The other actors will ask questions & the Holy Spirit Heroine will answer, illuminating our doctrine. The questioners will be in awe & sincere.

The devil could appear as Pharisees & Patriarchs & the Holy Spirit will tell them off with exorcism & they run like Hell, filled with great fear at the Presence of God.

Acting out scenes like this will be beneficial to our cause & Sisterhood on many levels.

There could be all kinds of dialogue between the actors & HOLY SPIRIT HEROINE which would illuminate our doctrine.



Beauty, Learning, Talent Contests:


I can also see us holding BEAUTY CONTESTS so the sisters & ‘Third Order’ Members {like third order members in the CC where they are Franciscans or Dominicans, but they don’t live within the convent—they can be married or live with their family.}


In these beauty contests they can wear anything they want – from bikinis to ball gowns. There will be points on costume & personality. One of the important features will be the questions on OUR DOCTRINE. So they would be scored on beauty of face & figure as well as knowledge of our Religion. The one who gets the highest points in all areas wins the contest & becomes ‘Miss Matriarchy 2022’. However, there will be other trophies & the one with the best knowledge of our Doctrine could be called ‘Most Intelligent’ or ‘Miss Brilliant’ or ‘Miss Wisdom.’ And of course we could give a ‘Prettiest Face’ & ‘Best Body’ trophies. We could also have a trophy for the best ‘Miss Senior Matriarchy’ for contestants over 60.


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Why is this contest a good idea? Several reasons. One is, they follow in my footsteps, – If I am the founder of our Order, anything I did is legit for them to do, they honor me this way. Nothing I did was wrong; it took me to be the Leader I was.

Second, we invite the press & get publicity for our Cause.

We also make VIDEOS of these activities as well as the plays I mentioned, & other educational forums, & put these on the internet to get millions exposed to our beliefs.

It would also galvanize the Sisters to put effort into several areas –grooming, being fit, & honing their knowledge, performance, speaking skills & talents. It would be exercise for converting others from Patriarchy to Matriarchy. The average John & Jane Doe don’t even know what Matriarchy is or why Patriarchy is wrong.



More Ideas for our Matriarchal Order / Convent


          Re the beauty contest: I forgot to mention the talent competition. For talent they can sing, dance, recite a script, do martial arts moves, acrobatics, even a body building demonstration {can do 100 pushups in a row & do a dead lift with 100 lbs 15 times or whatever she can do. Last but not least – her best talent is cooking. She can bake a cake & it will be presented – the judges can try a piece.


More on Conversation, Dos & Don’ts


*Be SLOW to contradict people, especially an elder & don’t contradict the Hostess, moderator or one of the senior ranking Sisters.


I recently had a female call me who wanted to VENT. I let her go on as it’s a common thing; people want to unload their frustrations & anxieties. She’s heard my doctrine before – for years – & agrees with it & repeated it to me like a parrot – having forgotten that it was I who told it to her in the first place. Everything bad about Patriarchy she re-iterated.

But as I went on ‘preaching’ this or that against Patriarchy, she contradicted me with the ‘I know women that are bad, too’. OK, she did this once, as I continued, she did it twice, then three times. By the time I answered her claims, my mind & emotions were worn out. Being contradicted is annoying & sometimes infuriating. It can be a CHALLENGE & the person contradicted has to DEFEND THEMSELVES or explain themselves, which is sometimes work, & can be STRESSFUL.

Now if you’re a teacher in a classroom setting you are supposed to contradict students when they say something wrong. But if you are a junior member or just a regular John or Jane Doe sitting at our table contradicting people strongly & persistently is WRONG.

Of course, if someone says some against our Doctrine or Religion, correct them in a diplomatic way. Stay calm, just explain why they are wrong. And you can do this outside our walls as well you are representing us.

I have a lady ‘friend’ who never allows me to make a statement about subjects I am well versed in without contradicting me. She feels she knows more than I about EVERYTHING. She cannot stand the idea that I could know more. She has to be the leader, the boss, of every conversation. Her pride & ego are fueling this. It’s so annoying that I told her speaking to her is a mine field I no longer enjoy visiting.

Even in a regular setting where it’s two or more people conversing contradicting others is grating. Try to find common ground. Not saying you cannot give your opinion.

I was standing in the grocery line getting my food the other day & started talking about chickens & if I was perfect I wouldn’t eat them – I love them – I’d be a vegetarian. I described the cruel lives of ‘battery chickens.’

To my chagrin she popped up with,

“Chickens don’t have feelings – they don’t care.”

Startled, I immediately countered with,

“All beings care about their life.”

Yes, I contradicted her. Sometimes you have to. But be judicious when & where & with whom. Sometimes you should just be quiet.

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          On another note, we will not discuss men’s Patriarchy politics in our Order at table or anywhere, that is the Democrats vs Republicans or whatever parties in whatever countries are having elections. Both sides are doing propaganda, we don’t know what the truth is, & they are all puppets ruled by the Shadow govt. The alternative candidates who represent an honest agenda haven’t got a chance. People get brainwashed by propaganda then get all excited & emotional about it & end up yelling & screaming at each other. We should have no discussions or arguments about items such as these; speak of the big picture – that women should rule the family & the world, not men. And most of the women high up are part of the evil world – they are not Matriarchs, we call them ‘dicks in skirts’ so what’s the point?   It would be nice to have women elected in high offices, but right now we don’t expect much from them, until women are at least 50% of the ruling governments, they cannot push a ‘female’ agenda. We should support women in elections hoping that eventually they will offer up maternal policies – which mean love & fairness – no unjust wars or laws, no exploitation.


Don’t Vent at the Table


          There’s a time & place for venting & stating one’s frustrations, anxieties, things one is pissed about, & all other woes. Don’t do it here when people are having a pleasant meal, do it with your best friend or in a therapy session. To go on about negative things would bring everyone’s mood down.

          In the beginning, we will ask everyone to bring a list of pleasant or interesting things they might discuss like movies, documentaries, TV shows one has seen – books one likes. Make a list of your favorite all-time movies, explain why. Or things you’ve seen that are educational, informative or entertaining. Don’t start any ARGUMENTS. Talk about animals but not AD TEDIUM – as your pets latest antics could be BORING to a lot of people. In a setting like ours it’s best to give SOUND BYTES on things, & if someone wants to hear more, they’ll ask – but if no one responds, drop it. It will be WORK-EFFORT to learn to converse without stepping on toes, arguing, venting, complaining, moaning & groaning, contradicting & insulting & boring people – but TRY.


Clothing or Uniforms of the Sisters


I like the idea of the tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe on the back of a tunic the Sisters wear. They could have two tunics. One for summer is made of cotton & could be put over summer clothes, could be tied on the sides or just a loose garment. The second could be WARM for winter, some type of thick padding or fake fur lined material, on the back the picture of Our Lady. The color a dull beige.

          The front could have a picture of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It would be also OK to have any image of Mother God as our insignia, the images of Mary are the most widely portrayed. If someone can make a painting of ‘Mother God’ this is acceptable also. The pic of the heart in front, again, there are many of Mary’s imagined heart.

          How these images would be put upon cloth is unknown to me. I have a tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe, there’s a way to put images on cloth so this has to be looked into. If we can find a place that sells images of Our Lady of Guadalupe or other images of Our Lady on cloth, we can buy many of these & sew them onto our tunics.

          It would not be required to wear these uniforms every day every time one steps out of the convent, the way regular nuns do. But when attending Temple it would be appropriate, & at certain times – to be determined by each convent. Sometimes you want to be official sometimes you want to ‘blend into’ society. It isn’t always convenient to ‘stand out’ in the crowd.



Chapter 6   ‘Remarkable Woman’

Dream explains great success for my life story 3-26-22


          There’s a woman here who is remarkable, & I seem to be representing her, myself being an actress.

          At one point I am FLYING over the audience, wearing a beautiful medium light blue chiffon type dress to the knees & the bodice gathered, scooped, with a cummerbund at the waist of the same material. It’s more beautiful than the dress I had at the 8th grade graduation which my Mom stole, it’s slightly darker, the material is finer, more crinkly, & it has no stiff crinoline underneath, it just flows, is very wide, & as I fly over the audience & close to them, & I’m saying loudly, happily,


          “I have SUPERNATURAL POWER”

          “I have GOD’S POWER”

          And I repeat these ideas again & again as I fly back & forth over them.

          Finally I land & the woman I represent is standing next to me. She has on a beautiful red dress made of some kind of material that has a texture which is not jewels or gems or bright sequins, but the closest I can think of is not bright but textured sequins, thousands of them, tiny, all over the entire dress, which goes below the feet & trails down on the floor – a real ball gown. The dress clings to her & is a true red.


          The strange thing here is I’m an actress who did the performance, representing her but she is the person I guess you could say, the living breathing person who actually did these things – they were remarkable – & she is going to be paid tons of money. And I ask her,


          “What are you going to do with all this money?”


          And she says,

          “I AM EXHAUSTED.”

          That’s all there is to it.



MEANING: This is about my God Self & human self, the dream explains that I was empowered by my God Self, but the flesh DID THE WORK & the human self gets exhausted. The God Self is part of the Infinite Energy Source, it does not get tired or in any way hurt or perturbed. It is the same as God in Heaven.


          The human self is wearing red, which is the color of BLOOD & saying SACRIFICE, fresh pain. The material is made of thousands of tiny sequins or something like that – these would be the experiences of your human life, the painful ones, numbering into thousands & the gown trails below your feet, saying what a long life & a long list of painful experiences. You are tired from the effort & the pain.

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          For some reason God wants you to know you will be rewarded on earth, not only in Heaven – You did the work, you will get the money. God is rhetorically asking you this, as She knows you intend to use it to build the convent & Church. Maybe She’s encouraging you to keep going & finish the work because you need a boost.


          Where She is flying over the audience is the audience for your life story. She is explaining how She is the Power & She gave you the grace, but you’re the one who suffered & you will be rewarded. You don’t say anything about the money, why? Because you maybe don’t have any particular human use for it you want to use it for the work of God, which is what you’ve been thinking about constantly.


          Why is the God Self wearing a dress that looks like your 8th grade graduation? {The dress Mom stole & gave it to another girl at her work} Probably to show you how God will pay you back for all that was taken – stolen from you in what people did, especially Mom. It’s like the God Self is wearing your dress, like you GAVE GOD A GIFT, the gift of what you lost & sacrificed & God is so pleased She’s wearing the gift! The jewels we ‘give God’ are our pains, sufferings & sacrifices & God turns them into precious stones & beautiful jewelry & crowns. In this case your dress of pain adorns the good God who is FLYING over the audience to show you,

          “It’s your LIFE STORY, an audience is looking at your story & you will get a lot of money. Your pain will turn to PROFIT – it bears fruit!

          The details: The dress looking kind of different than the real life one, explain the differences, what they mean.

          MG: In the Heavenly realm, your sacrifices & pains are made more beautiful, on earth you’re wearing the gown of pain & what you feel is exhaustion, but in Heaven, your True Self has no pain but only joy & She is flying, nothing of the earth limits her or holds her down.


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Earlier dreamed this:

          I have a large dark-skinned full-bodied male in front of me, a few inches taller than me, quite handsome, & I’m saying something flirtatious to him. He’s standing so his left side is to me.

          And across from him facing me is another similar-looking male like a brother but not as handsome, he has a thin mustache. To offset my flirting with the first guy I gently touch the chin of this second guy in a flirtatious manner. It was to show something – like I’m not obsessed with the first guy I’m just a flirtatious female something like that.

          Not sure what this means.

          They were both pleased by my attentions but I did not want to give away I was interested in the first ‘brother.’



          MEANING:   This shows two brothers & I recently mentioned in an article that I took out my lover’s brother to dinner three times.

          The dream presents one fact – that I don’t want lover Bob to think I’m still obsessed with him – I’m not. Yes, I do love him but I don’t want him to think I’ll chase him again or bend the knee to his demands. And so this other guy or brother, I use to make him think I just happen to be flirtatious & am like that with many guys.

          The fact that he looks very healthy might be that I recently saw hmi in despair, in my dreams & sent a letter to make sure he wouldn’t crack up from grief of losing me And so, this shows he’s been restored to mental/emotional health.


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College of God & Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Second Part Gordian Knot

The Gordian Knot, Second Part  


This article is Chapter 2 of I Strip for God Part 7



Alright, Mother God, back to where we were. Jesus came to earth to teach certain things – we all know what they are, no need to repeat. But now I have appeared & what is my message? What have I exemplified?

Jesus did not in his lifetime build all that was to happen in his religion. He wrote the doctrine, indeed. Christianity was illegal to the point of death, they were thrown to the lions & made sport of at the Coliseum. They hid in the Catacombs.


Jesus did not build a Church. The earliest archeologically identified Christian church is a house church (domus ecclesiae), the Dura-Europos church, founded between 233 and 256. In the second half of the 3rd century AD, the first purpose-built halls for Christian worship (aula ecclesiae) began to be constructed.

Christianity was illegal in Rome until 313 AD, the Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which accepted Christianity: 10 years later, it had become the official religion of the Roman Empire.


But then what did Jesus do that had to be done? Why was his mission so successful, what was done that only He could do? Why did no one else do what He did? After all, there were saints & Prophets before him why didn’t they start a New Religion? All the Prophets were filled with the Holy Ghost, as were the Saints, but what was different about Jesus?


Now to come to me, what is different about me & why can I start a New Religion? What do I represent? What have I lived? OK, the world is filled with women who have done what I did – show business, body building, dominant women & Cougars. What is different about me & why do I alone bring forth this New Religion? Why didn’t another woman claim ‘Woman, Thou Art God’ & suggest we break away from Patriarchs? I ask Mother God.


MG: In a word, Anointing. You were sent. As you said, there’ve been millions of women who did all that you did & do, millions, & yet none of them started a New Religion. Why didn’t Betty Freidan write ‘Woman Thou Art God’ instead of ‘The Feminine Mystique?’ It was not her place, her place was where she was, she was a prophet, but you are Messianic in your fight for women’s rights. You broke the knot that no one could unhinge. {Me: this gives me the shudders}

Gordian knotknot that gave its name to a proverbial term for a problem solvable only by bold action. In 333 BC, Alexander the Great, on his march through Anatolia, reached Gordium, the capital of Phrygia. There he was shown the chariot of the ancient founder of the city, Gordius, with its yoke lashed to the pole by means of an intricate knot with its end hidden. According to tradition, this knot was to be untied only by the future conqueror of Asia. In the popular account, probably invented as appropriate to an impetuous warrior, Alexander sliced through the knot with his sword, but, in earlier versions, he found the ends either by cutting into the knot or by drawing out the pole. The phrase “cutting the Gordian knot” has thus come to denote a bold solution to a complicated problem.

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ME: I’m not sure what this means, Mother God. People don’t see me that way, I never thought of myself that way. I don’t exactly understand.


MG: The KNOT is the STRANGLEHOLD men have against women in holding them in the bondage of SEXUALITY. A few years ago you wrote in an article – about an insight you had, that whoever could figure out how to bring spirituality & sexuality together & break the Madonna-whore complex that men put on women would BREAK PATRIARCHY. Well, you did it. You broke Patriarchy by being the Lady Who Strips for God & Dances to Save Men’s Souls.


ME: I am flabbergasted. So my work then is basically finished? I mean, it’s done? The rest is icing on the cake?


MG: When you ventured out to save souls, you untied the knot of Patriarchy. It proved a woman in the ‘sex trade’ was of God, sent by God, empowered by God. Therefore, she was not a whore, therefore, God works through her. You could not have done what you did unless you were Anointed – no other woman has ever done that & none have come forward to follow in your footsteps. You were sent by God & Anointed by her.


ME: Alright then, it seems to me the results of this work – my life – this Anointing – will take hundreds of years to take hold, will it not? There isn’t much else I can do except sit here & write books. I’m not seeing this clearly, how Matriarchy will be built.


MG: Just you wait. In your lifetime the movie will come out, then you’ll see more action. You untied the knot – it hasn’t been promoted as much as it will be – like let’s face it, in Jesus time the world was not converted to Christianity – it took hundreds of years to really get started – the first Church being built 300 years later. And how long was it before Christianity was practiced all over the world?

“The Roman Empire officially adopted Christianity in AD 380.  During the Early Middle Ages, most of Europe underwent Christianization, a process essentially complete with the Baltic Christianization in the 15th century.”

And so, Jesus religion took over 1k years to take over most of Europe.

ME: Thank you Mother God, I can’t think about this any more today, my head is pounding. The Gorgian knot thingy overwhelmed me.    ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

From William Bond:

 Just a few comments on the Gordian Knot Untied. 

I think any Matriarchal religion or society would make the welfare and protection of children their highest priority and the protection of women their second priority. I think it is a given that if we have a true matriarchal society it will be a far more caring than any patriarchal society. 

In part two you are more or less saying, “Roman wasn’t built in a day”. I personally would like to see some evidence of a Matriarchal society or religion in my own lifetime, but realistically, that will probably not happen. 

Yes it is interesting that patriarchy does do it’s best to discourage or control the sex-trade and you do have to wonder why.  It is known that in ancient Goddess temples there were sexual rituals and patriarchal priests did claim Goddess priestesses were ‘temple prostitutes’.  They also had orgies in these Goddess Temples and the word orgy is an Ancient Greek word meaning “secret worship”. 

So there is something about sexual women that patriarchy fears. They even fear female nudity, we see that today in Islamic countries women are have to cover up completely. It is of interest that Naomi Wolf recently said that masks on children because of Covid is damaging to their social and communication development. So are masks about trying to restrict women communicating, with each other? 

It might be the bonobo ape effect where females bond in a strong sisterhood through sex. Or it could be that sexual women can use their sexual attraction to gain power over men. We know in patriarchal societies of the past that prostitutes have gained great wealth and power. So sex could be a weakness in men that sexual women can exploit. 



 from Rasa:     William, an idea.  For our SECRET RITE, haha, we could have us FOR SISTERS ONLY, Stripping for God, where each sister {who wants to & who is qualified} does a striptease to complete nudity, which would symbolize TOTAL NAKEDNESS TO GOD, open heart, giving God all, baring our soul, vulnerability, trust, etc, all the things that complete nakedness would exemplify.

Then we could let the media know we have secret rites but won’t tell them what they are but maybe just maybePASS THE HINT that there is nudity involved.  Everyone LOVES A MYSTERY -when a thing is UNDERSTOOD people say ok, & move on.  This would forever make them WANT TO SEE OUR SECRET RITUALS!  Except they can’t.  They might PLOT how they could secretly invade or at least get someone with a camera in there to take a look.  It would be some sort of controversy.

I might add that many Orders or cults have secret rituals which when started, no one can enter – our own American Indians, once a ritual started, not even a Chief could enter, it would ruin the vibes or Grace within it.  So there you have it!


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College of God & Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Gordian Knot Untied Part 2

Gordian Knot Untied Part 2 

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Alright, Mother God, back to where we were. Jesus came to earth to teach certain things – we all know what they are, no need to repeat. But now I have appeared & what is my message? What have I exemplified?

Jesus did not in his lifetime build all that was to happen in his religion. He wrote the doctrine, indeed. Christianity was illegal to the point of death, they were thrown to the lions & made sport of at the Coliseum. They hid in the Catacombs.


Jesus did not build a Church. The earliest archeologically identified Christian church is a house church (domus ecclesiae), the Dura-Europos church, founded between 233 and 256. In the second half of the 3rd century AD, the first purpose-built halls for Christian worship (aula ecclesiae) began to be constructed.

Christianity was illegal in Rome until 313 AD, the Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which accepted Christianity: 10 years later, it had become the official religion of the Roman Empire.

x0-8 x2-11 x7-3 x8-2 x10-2 x10-3 x11-3 x12-3 x12-4 

But then what did Jesus do that had to be done? Why was his mission so successful, what was done that only He could do? Why did no one else do what He did? After all, there were saints & Prophets before him why didn’t they start a New Religion? All the Prophets were filled with the Holy Ghost, as were the Saints, but what was different about Jesus?


Now to come to me, what is different about me & why can I start a New Religion? What do I represent? What have I lived? OK, the world is filled with women who have done what I did – show business, body building, dominant women & Cougars. What is different about me & why do I alone bring forth this New Religion? Why didn’t another woman claim ‘Woman, Thou Art God’ & suggest we break away from Patriarchs? I ask Mother God.


MG: In a word, Anointing. You were sent. As you said, there’ve been millions of women who did all that you did & do, millions, & yet none of them started a New Religion. Why didn’t Betty Freidan write ‘Woman Thou Art God’ instead of ‘The Feminine Mystique?’ It was not her place, her place was where she was, she was a prophet, but you are Messianic in your fight for women’s rights. You broke the knot that no one could unhinge. {Me: this gives me the shudders}

Gordian knotknot that gave its name to a proverbial term for a problem solvable only by bold action. In 333 BC, Alexander the Great, on his march through Anatolia, reached Gordium, the capital of Phrygia. There he was shown the chariot of the ancient founder of the city, Gordius, with its yoke lashed to the pole by means of an intricate knot with its end hidden. According to tradition, this knot was to be untied only by the future conqueror of Asia. In the popular account, probably invented as appropriate to an impetuous warrior, Alexander sliced through the knot with his sword, but, in earlier versions, he found the ends either by cutting into the knot or by drawing out the pole. The phrase “cutting the Gordian knot” has thus come to denote a bold solution to a complicated problem.


ME: I’m not sure what this means, Mother God. People don’t see me that way, I never thought of myself that way. I don’t exactly understand.


MG: The KNOT is the STRANGLEHOLD men have against women in holding them in the bondage of SEXUALITY. A few years ago you wrote in an article – about an insight you had, that whoever could figure out how to bring spirituality & sexuality together & break the Madonna-whore complex that men put on women would BREAK PATRIARCHY. Well, you did it. You broke Patriarchy by being the Lady Who Strips for God & Dances to Save Men’s Souls.


ME: I am flabbergasted. So my work then is basically finished? I mean, it’s done? The rest is icing on the cake?


MG: When you ventured out to save souls, you untied the knot of Patriarchy. It proved a woman in the ‘sex trade’ was of God, sent by God, empowered by God. Therefore, she was not a whore, therefore, God works through her. You could not have done what you did unless you were Anointed – no other woman has ever done that & none have come forward to follow in your footsteps. You were sent by God & Anointed by her.

 York-Harbor-oil-canvas-Maine-Martin-Johnson-1877 yaroslav-radeckiy-hercules-fight-with-the-nemean-lion xword-image-16.png.pagespeed.ic.nVAhCDJaBA xword-image-10.png.pagespeed.ic.Xq2dbT2IuV xou212548_v1 The Walk to Death (oil on panel) Eastnor Castle x41 (1) x39-2 X39

ME: Alright then, it seems to me the results of this work – my life – this Anointing – will take hundreds of years to take hold, will it not? There isn’t much else I can do except sit here & write books. I’m not seeing this clearly, how Matriarchy will be built.


MG: Just you wait. In your lifetime the movie will come out, then you’ll see more action. You untied the knot – it hasn’t been promoted as much as it will be – like let’s face it, in Jesus time the world was not converted to Christianity – it took hundreds of years to really get started – the first Church being built 300 years later. And how long was it before Christianity was practiced all over the world?

“The Roman Empire officially adopted Christianity in AD 380.  During the Early Middle Ages, most of Europe underwent Christianization, a process essentially complete with the Baltic Christianization in the 15th century.”

And so, Jesus religion took over 1k years to take over most of Europe.

ME: Thank you Mother God, I can’t think about this any more today, my head is pounding. The Gorgian knot thingy overwhelmed me.


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College of God & Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

the Gordian Knot Untied

Chapter 2   Part 7


New Religion Promotion 3-20-22   {The Gordian Knot Untied}


From William Bond:

Read your latest article Rasa and what came to my mind is that you have been for most of your life an entertainer and you have had experience with preaching with your, “I strip for God” shows. I agree a TV interview would be a big boost to publicizing a new Matriarchal religion but perhaps you need to be doing something, at present, for them to want to interview you. 


Perhaps your, “I strip for God” shows, didn’t go anywhere because you were then still promoting the Christian religion. But this might change if you were now preaching about a religion that promotes sexual freedom, a female God and matriarchy.


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Rasa says:

                     William, I was not CAPABLE of preaching Matriarchy, the new religion, sexual freedom, etc. at that time.

What was I doing? I was expressing my love for God & humanity when I preached, that is all. I was trying to SAVE SOULS – save them from sin, from misery, from confusion. The principles I preached were those I understood, as espoused by Jesus Christ, & that was what I knew. I could not represent what I did not {yet} know.

What you are speaking is the analys the day after the game, lol. That’s where I am TODAY. Like they say, one needs DISTANCE to understand some things, now I am beginning to see the Light of WHO I WAS & WHAT I REPRESENT / REPRESENTED.

          And what was & is that?

          What we both just said – How our New Religion is different from ANY OTHER. Think about it. What Patriarchal religion espouses SEXUAL FREEDOM for women – women can have sex with anyone they wish & they can have as many ‘husbands’ as they want & they can have young men when they are old?

Consider – Christianity? Islam? Judaism? Hinduism? The 4 main Patriarchal religions are FANATICALLY OPPOSED to women’s sexual freedom – {in fact I saw a study which explained that religious fundamentalism is measured BY THE OPPRESSION OF WOMEN – the more repressive to them they are – the more ‘fundamental’ they are – that is what they are about.} Then there’s the sects, like say Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Amish, Hutterites – the list goes on, all against women’s sexual freedom. In fact, the significant ideal or agenda of Patriarchal religions is to ROB WOMEN OF THEIR HUMAN RIGHTS including the right to choose their sexual behavior & the right to leadership in family & society.

And so, the counter religion to Patriarchal religion is one in which women have the RIGHT TO DO ANYTHING THEY WANT & decide their own moral behavior which includes sex with anyone they want without interference from men.


William’s statement, Mother God, I need your help to answer it. He said,

your, “I strip for God” shows, didn’t go anywhere because you were then still promoting the Christian religion. But this might change if you were now preaching about a religion that promotes sexual freedom, a female God and matriarchy”

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Mother God, the words ‘didn’t get anywhere’ I also need answered like what does he mean? Does he mean it was a flop or does he mean it did not ESTABLISH A NEW RELIGION OF SEXUAL FREEDOM & MATRIARCHY. Because I got international publicity for ‘Stripping for God,’ appeared on front pages from Canada to New York to California – got on about 150 TV spots, the News & talk shows, not to mention local publicity in magazines & radio. It was a whirlwind of publicity, so much so that Johnny Carson did a skit about ‘the preacher Kellie who appears during ratings week & gets more publicity than the emerging African Nations.” So where is William saying it was supposed to get, that it didn’t get to?


MG {Mother God}: William didn’t mean you got no publicity, he means you did not get a new religion established. Here’s the deal:

The New Religion had to GESTATE. One cannot do all things at once, that is to say a seed has to fall to the ground, the weather has to turn warm, the sun & rain have to hit the ground. The seed must burst open, send out roots, then shoots, appear above & grow into whatever it’s supposed to be.

ME: And so, when I began Stripping for God, giving sermons, would you call that a SEED? Explain the synopsis or evolution of this, why could I not from the very beginning, begin preaching sexual freedom, Matriarchy & a female God? Why did I preach Christianity?


MG: You weren’t READY, in your mind, to preach these tenets, you did not understand them fully – you had to learn & grow in your theology, in the study of Patriarchy vs. Matriarchy, the entire question. This started a LONG TIME AGO – it was 1973 – you were 28 years old. You gave your first speech at the behest of your then-guru, Rev. Judy Swaggart. It was to promote HER & the One World Light Church which she started – You WERE the Church, besides her, no one else was active, all her other disciples were deadbeats. You were the only one with zeal & obedience to the Kingdom of God, whatever way God presented herself.

Your HEART was & always has been in the right place, as you said; you were on a mission to save souls. Your mission had not yet changed into Mother God, Matriarchy, sexual freedom & Female Empowerment.


What you are looking at NOW is the Oak Tree that took root long ago & grew to 100’ tall. It has been nearly 50 years since you gave that first sermon!


ME: Yes, compared to what I know now what I understand & believe is VASTLY DIFFERENT than then. Even going back to the onset of ‘Woman Thou Art God,’ the website that proved Matriarchy is the answer – my mind has evolved. I see & understand things now I had no clue about. Mother God, please explain the evolution that had to take place in my head.


MG: When you emerged onto the scene you were simply a God-loving, zealous promoter of God, you were not on a mission to ‘destroy’ or forfeit Patriarchy. Your mind was on the teachings of Jesus Christ & everything you learned from him & what you had to do to fulfill his image & mission. You did believe in women’s rights & practiced them the best you could – both religiously & secular means – you had body building, dominating men, -women’s rights to be equal in the military.

Only in your old age did all these factors fall into place & you saw the entire forest with the mountain peaks, ranges, the valleys, the rivers flowing through it – the whole picture. – Prior to that you saw pieces of the puzzle. You saw this & that but not all of it at once. Now you see it all, it becomes clear what the New Religion has to be, & you wrote it. {Idea: Let the sisterhood make a chart of this & a puzzle pieces set – all that I mentioned myself & women doing.}

The fact is, the idea that women had to step away from men & create their own Zeitgeist is the New Religion, & that’s it in a nutshell. You NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE YOU WROTE IT in 2020. It never occurred to you the way it suddenly did, that women had to step away from men & start their own religion FROM SCRATCH so to speak – write their own scriptures.


ME: I do recall in 2020 you had to push me kicking & screaming to write this all down because I honestly didn’t know what to write. It was like I will sit down & start typing, & whatever comes to mind I will write. I did not even see the whole picture then, like what the religion should consist of. I just knew we had to leave men – that was it – And then what? Obviously it’s a work in progress where women who start these sisterhoods will have to sit down & devise what they want to do, how to worship, how to think & feel re Mother God & what She wants. The answers are not all there yet, but we do know She wants our FREEDOM!

I think that for the next few years of this end of my life I have to write down everything I can think of for women. That’s a POINT OF DEPARTURE. Then someone starts a sisterhood, & another, & another, & each convent can amend or revise things as they go along – what devotions they want, rituals, activities, rules, areas of study, etc. That’s the way culture, religions & societies evolve.

Each day while I think of this more ideas come to mind – like I want a ‘girl scout’ type of club – camping, bushcraft, survival skills, building our own shelters.

I want to have classes for a variety of subjects & skills. We will cover dance, art, photography, music, gardening / agriculture, botany, {medicinal herbs & substances found in nature including our own back yards – my property has DOZENS}, study groups & fun groups for recreation & sports including body building & marital arts. We should also encourage practical skills like the things handymen or skillful males do – carpentry – basics of vehicle maintenance, basics of house maintenance, etc.

All our sisters must learn the DOCTRINE as taught by me – there are books & hundreds of articles now which I will add to. Why do we espouse Matriarchy? What is wrong with Patriarchy, how did it evolve, how did males become the way they are? What do we do about it? {By ‘we’ I mean the sisterhood.}

As far as religion there should be the whole gamut of practices I know & understand from Christianity & Yoga – Guided meditation & self hypnosis {all the Yogis use it} – from Christianity the Power of Prayer including Pentecost – drawing to us the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.


There must also be social interaction & therefore there must be safe & effective means to meet people. To that effect we might have a get-together of us with the public say once a month, in the context of a party or dance.

There might be a screening facility where men who want to meet us apply. They have to sign up, give their name & address, where they work & references. These will be checked. The reason for this is SAFETY.         We don’t want any Ted Bundy’s or John Wayne Gaceys invading our group, or even someone much less than that who might turn out to be users / abusers.

We want to avoid those that have any record of violence, child abuse, criminal record, psychopaths, those who ‘lie, cheat & steal,’ con artists & the like. We will have courses / lessons I how to recognize such people, avoid & remove them from our lives.

{There will be courses & discussions on how females should maintain safety. For instance, do not help a man if he has his arm in a sling & wants your help to put his bike into his van. That’s how Ted Bundy used to work. Do not ever, for any reason, go into the premises of an unknown man or even woman *as men sometimes use women for decoys – Myra Hindley* – his car, his van, his house, his office, his barn – anything. The first thing they want to do if they want to rape or kill you is get you alone. That’s the first rule. And never ever leave your child with any man for any reason whatsoever – that is an absolute & this includes its Dad or your bf.}

One reason we have to know who the man is, in detail is say he for any reason wants to stalk a sister – bother her incessantly – & she doesn’t want him. It could lead to serious danger. We have to know who he is, where he lives, to stop it, either report him to the police or his job or both. Get a restraining order if needed, then he can be arrested if he approaches her or comes to the convent threatening us.

A sister might get pregnant, but she doesn’t want to marry or be with the man who got her so. She can stay in the convent & raise the child with us, we are family. It’s important that on the birth certificate she put ‘Father unknown’ because if a name is stated he could have rights over the child, he could even restrict her movements as far as travel, he could demand visitation rights, & the right to be ALONE with the child where he could abuse it. Child abuse is RAMPANT & rejected men often rape & injure {‘the burning bed’} or kill children to get even with the Mother. Men are extremely dangerous to women & children – the sisterhood must all be frankly & brutally aware of that by seeing the statistics & case histories. Watching ‘Forensic Files’ has taught me a lot. We will have courses on that.


There will be no restrictions or rules regarding sex – but the details of say, a sister wants to have sex with someone – where she goes for privacy I have not figured out. It seems to me males should not enter our convent. It could compromise the safety of other sisters – once they have ‘cased the joint’ they might figure out how to get in & attempt a break in. For that we will take precautions including guard dogs – I mean BIG guard dogs like Mastiffs & loyal, intelligent ones like German Shepherds. But on the other hand, for a female to go to the premises of a male could be dangerous also, even a motel.

This needs further thought & what comes to my mind now is no sister should go alone with a male anywhere. Maybe we could have a VAN where if a female goes to a motel with a male, another sister could sleep in the van outside the motel until the one with the date is ready to leave –to make sure the man doesn’t harm her. {Check if there’s a window on the other side of the room where he could force her out of it & make an escape to imprison or harm her. Or harm her then climb out the window to escape. His vehicle should be right next to our van in case of any hanky-panky.} Of course, nothing is a guarantee of 100% safety with men – but there are precautions one can take to maximize safety.


Another thing I just thought of today is that any sister who wants to practice being a vegetarian or vegan will get special awards. We could have a party every 6 months for them who kept this diet – With a dinner of all vegetarian, accolades given, then some sort of show.

As an honor one possibility could be that such women will have the privilege of breakfast in bed. She orders what she wants the night before a sister brings it to her, or requests her meal by cell phone. If she prefers to get up & eat with the sisters anyway, coffee could be brought to her as a wake up just for the honor. We will cite how many animals a sister saves by being vegetarian / vegan.

The ‘breakfast in bed’ could be an honor for other good works as well, say, doing something special for the community beyond the call of duty, including some sort of sacrifice. There is also another perk for a sister honored in a big way – she decides what the dinner menu is for one night – their favorite meal. {Mine would be homemade raviolis with cheese &/ or potatoes.}

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As far as entertainment, all our sisters will have the opportunity to learn show business skills, be it acting, dancing, musical instruments, recitation & the like. We could hold presentations for Holidays, maybe 3-4 times a year, the public could or could not be invited – depending on what it is – some shows that are ‘personal to the order’ could be for private only. If anyone is talented they could write a play for us that heralds Female Empowerment, women heroes.

We will not practice veganism or vegetarianism in the Order but be appreciative of those who do – we’ll state how they’re saving animal’s lives. – Understand how factory farms work – with Cows they take the calves away from the mothers at birth – starve them to death for veal or immediate slaughter – & take the mother cow’s milk. The cow suffers incredible grief, the calf torture & its life taken. This is the way it is, but doesn’t have to be – the Patriarchs devised it. {Some of our Orders might want to have animals, like cows for milk, butter, yogurt & cheese. They do not have to be abused. The Mom can keep her calf, part of the milk is taken but enough is left for the calf. I’ve seen this method used by families all over the world.}

Some might want to have chickens for eggs, but they will not be what the Hutterites do, who keep ‘battery’ chickens. They sustain their Order from this it seems, the birds are severely abused. They are kept in a basement where they never see the ground or sunlight. They go into a cage where they lay their egg, confined to it until the egg rolls out. They are harvested aggressively, they sell thousands of chickens. I saw a movie where the Hutterite women were on their hands & knees washing the floors & said they loved the community.

The Order is completely self sufficient & controls the members, some to their detriment. Not all of them love having their human rights taken away, including the right to choose which gender they prefer, the right to go into vocations not endorsed by the Community, the right to dress as they like, listen to music which they prefer & do whatever pleases them that is not partial to the community. They are turned into hypnotized zombies – except a percentage of them long for escape. This is difficult since they are brought up to be dependent on the order & are not given exposure & skills to deal outside.

One gay guy wanted to be who he was so he had to escape, which he did without obstacle as his older sister had already gone – he joined her.

These orders are bizarre; they are restrictive with males as well as females, taking away simple rights, like going to town without permission. Grown men, funny as it is, must report to their elders each time they want to leave the premises – where they’re going, what they will do – it must be necessary trips, no lolly gaggin’ or monkey time allowed. I did not see any females asking for permission to go out for any reason {the movie on them shows an office full of men asking permission, the elders do or do not grant it – saw only men} – maybe they aren’t allowed as the elders fear once out of sight they’ll get snapped up by an outside man. Perhaps the women aren’t taught to learn to drive or get licenses! These are ordinary rights that are taken away, most notably from women, when male rules are established.

This is not to even mention cults of men that lead to murder & suicide – that is discussion for another article. {End Part 1}

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College of God & Love, College of the Gender War, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

TV Interview 4 New Religion

3-19-22—Religious GATHERING 4 the New Religion

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 Dream predicts the New Religion will start with a TV Show Interview


          This is a meaningful dream. First I had visions of God’s light in the form of fluffy blue & white clouds, that were so thick they were not even translucent, but they were like foam. I sensed I was looking inside my brain or head. This went on & on.

          Then 2 other scenes – not sure which came first. Maybe THIS: I saw & understood more clearly than usual {been thinking of this for days} how our NEW RELIGION is different & what it really SAYS. I felt myself preaching & speaking the tenets of the new religion. One was it was FREEDOM. Freedom from what, well, to be honest, freedom from men. I might add that MEN need freedom from the tyranny of men as well.

          After that, it was freedom from the sex rules & taboos. Except for sex crimes like rape, abuse & exploitation, a person’s sex life is their own business & has nothing to do with authorities or religion. If it’s moral or immoral is between the individual & God. Leave people alone.


          That’s it in a nutshell but then I got really dramatic & saw myself speaking in a Church building, which I built here next to my property, & I’m saying, {I will embroider the sermon a bit now}


          “We are not putting the Cross up here. Why? Because we’ve had enough of the Cross. We don’t need any more of this. The men have crucified us again & again, millions of times. They have forced us to breed & martyred our children over & over. How many billions of times have we to go through this again? Martyrdom is a symbol of Christianity – which we women don’t need. We’ve lived it. No, martyrdom is not our religion – we need FREEDOM. This religion we transfer back TO MEN. It is they who should be martyred, sacrificed, it’s their turn. Again, it’s the Will of God – as a gender they are going extinct.”


          I saw the IDEAS clearly in my head, how I phrase them will take practice, but this is the basics coming to my brain, more clearly / concisely than ever. The thing is, I’ve always been a Christian, I know the religion like the ‘palm of my hand’ – I believe in it, I practice it. I am not against Jesus – He & his Holy Mother both LIVE IN ME alive & well. I am not turning my back on them, forfeiting or denying them. I am simply stepping forward to explain where we have to GO NOW & this is it. We’ve already, as A GENDER, done all that Jesus asked us to do. I have done it personally, individually in receiving His Divine Stigmata. But this is not what we are seeking. Indeed each individual woman has not passed the steps taught by Jesus’ example – but in general AS A GENDER WE HAVE.   Men have not – they have been our persecutors, torturers & crucifiers.

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          Then this was a vivid scene. There’s a department store which in this dream is WOOLWORTH’S – the old ‘Five & Dime’ store now defunct. It’s alive & working & it is night. The store will close in a couple hours. But inside there are many tables – a long, long room, maybe 100’ – {how wide I’m not sure but wide enough} filled with tables everywhere & people at each table, male & female & there are lamps on most tables – bright but soft, so everything is well lighted & the store is still open.


          *** (WOOLWORTH’S 5 & DIME – LONG – MANY TABLES WITH BRIGHT / SOFT LIGHTS STILL OPEN, MALES & FEMALES @ EACH TABLE – WILL CLOSE IN A COUPLE HOURS: First, Woolworth’s jumps out at me because it’s SHEEP & sheep are OUR FOLLOWERS, our audience / believers. This dream is about the people who believe & gather for OUR NEW RELIGION. {‘My sheep hear my Voice’, ‘If you love me, feed my sheep’ words of Jesus.}

          LAMPS / LIGHTS represent Lights of Truth – like ‘I see the Light’ – Seeing is believing. And so, people at these tables see the Truth of the new religion from different POV like one might see the idea of sexual freedom, because they’ve been persecuted for being gay or being in the adult trade, other tables could be those who’ve been beaten down by poverty & all the various precepts of Patriarchal tyranny, the people who see how wrong it is are at different tables.

          The men being present is they are FED UP with Patriarchy & willing to bend the knee to a rulership of women & be our helpmates.) ***


          I am surprised to be here with this gathering, surprised that the owners of the store have let me use it to gather people, surprised they are cooperating & surprised people have appeared – the long room is filled.

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          *** (STORE – ROOM USED, SURPRISES ME THAT THEY ALLOWED US TO USE THIS ROOM: This would be a venue possibly TV show/s, that will allow me to speak on the New Religion – our BEGINNING.) ***


          The people are the average John & Jane Doe. How many men came surprises me. I am amazed at how it all came together, without my doing anything, straining myself or promoting. They’re just here as if they appeared by magic.

          Understandably, the manager of the store, a nice blonde lady with glasses is asking me how we can do this when the store is a commercial venture here to sell things, & we are gathered to hear a new religious message. I told her I was concerned about that also & not sure how it works. We needed a venue, we have no building yet, so we were dependent on someone donating a place & this seems to be it but how it happened & how it works, I don’t know, just grateful for it.


          *** (MGR LADY WITH GLASSES:   This could be the Hostess of a TV show who will INTERVIEW me. A TV show is a business set up to SELL PRODUCTS through advertising, so if they interview me I am on their commercial venue. When would this be? When I’ve settled down from publishing to begin promoting.) ***

          A man is in front of me, wearing a cotton shirt with soft yellow/brown checks. He’s average build, middle aged, light hair – slightly heavier but not fat, just average. He’s pointing something out to me about the wiring / electrical system – to be careful of this or that, not to make the wires misfire by doing the wrong thing. I guess he’s an electrician or technician. I assure him I will not do the wrong thing & at the same time am amazed at how men have shown up & are helping – like this man for example – there’s maybe one man to almost every 3 women, so if there are 30 women here there’s 8-10 men. And the men, like this electrician, are doing things they’re good at that there aren’t too many females doing – like being electricians for instance.


          *** (ELECTRICIAN / TECHNICIAN: This sounds like a man on the media – maybe cameraman, technician, is advising me what to do or not do.  The fact that there are more women than men here is a hint it’s DAYTIME TV which is a women’s audience. More men at work than women even these days – or out gallivanting, lol. After all, it’s still primarily women who take care of the kids!f) ***


          Before I begin to speak there’s some interference. In front of me there’s a small child, maybe 1.5 yrs old, toying with something on the floor & it’s making a clic-clic sound, The store manager points this out to me & I alert the older female, one of 2 kids he’s with – she’s in a seat further up – to take this child to another room. Looking at her, I tell her she’s just a child herself & next time she comes she should bring her grandparents or some adult over them.


          *** (CHILF CLIC CLICKING: Sounds more & more like an audience of different people, different tables, children, men, women, etc, all watching TV or in the proximity of it. Indeed, this tells me that’s how God is going to start the trend for our New Religion.) ***


          Then there’s a man talking in a loud voice. I tell him ‘QUIET’ again & again but he won’t stop as if he hasn’t heard me. He’s in a corner by a table with other people pontificating about his problems. He’s standing, someone I authority is sitting & he has some kind of problem. I have authority here but he doesn’t respond so I decide to just start talking while we can hear him.


*** (MAN KEEPS TALKING, I KEEP TALKING: This could be another guest on the show speaking his piece.) ***

          I begin to speak & amaze myself as when I speak I see how impressive this all is – how these people came together by magic. I say how grateful I am for this gathering. Then I say to them,

          “I shall begin with THEOLOGY. Do you all know what Theology means? It’s the question of Who or What God is.”

          And that’s all I can remember.


          *** (THEOLOGY, I BEGIN WITH WHO OR WHAT GOD IS: Now there’s a good question. We are bringing into question the basic things, Who & What is God? Most people don’t go that far or deep, just accept whatever the official narrative is they are taught & don’t take it apart. Now we do that.) *** 


3-18-22 Fete at Aunties


          This usually means trouble but I don’t feel trouble here. Auntie is the feminine equivalent of ‘Cry Uncle’ which is when you suffer as in wrestling, can’t take any more & cry ‘Uncle.’ It’s my own vocabulary, might not be yours.

          I’m visiting my Aunt. Prior to that I was deprived of pleasure, fun, satisfaction. But now I see she has worked hard, cleaned the house, made a big meal & I’m invited, so are several others.


          *** (MYSELF & SEVERAL OTHERS INVITED: Means this celebration will be shared by others, not a secret thing between Beloved & myself {for a change thank God.}) ***


          There’s something to do with my Rolex watch. I put it down & with it was a list of several men, the last of which I’m going to have sex with. Yes, I’ve been celibate & it’s time to break the fast, but I’m KEEPING IT SECRET.

          So when someone picks up my watch off a table or couch & looks at the list I’m not happy. And then, the LAST PERSON I want to inform of what I’m going to do – my sister, also sees the list & asks me what it is.


          *** (LAST PERSON I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THIS, MY SISTER: She’s usually my PRAGMATIC SELF & so this might be the DOUBTING THOMAS who believes nothing until it’s proven or she sees it happen. So I don’t want to hear any doubts about my marriage to Bob, not even think themf.

          List attached to Rolex watch – two people look at it but they don’t know what it’s about when I finally don’t leave it out there, put it into my pocket. This has to do with TIME. The invisible list says ‘two men first’ which might mean ‘two months go by, then the third month’, you will see your Lover, or have your reunion or ‘marriage.’) ***

          At that point I pick up the watch which has this list attached, but somehow not on paper, like hovering in the air, & put it in my pocket without allowing her to see I’m concealing it. I’m wearing my beautiful brown suede feminine flared jacket – I only wear it on SPECIAL OCCASSIONS. It hangs down gracefully getting wide on the bottom, falling in folds – only a female could wear this.

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          *** (SUEDE LEATHER ONLY A FEMALE COULD WEAR: And I’m hiding this revelation FROM MYSELF {fleshly self} so to speak. I’m being FEMININE about it, not aggressively shouting it from the rooftops as I usually do with things, but putting it inside the jacket pocket which means femininity which means passiveness. Keep it INSIDE MYSELF & only tell one trusted man seen in the next part.

          Why is it a Rolex watch & not any other kind? Probably because the Rolex you have is SILVER – the silver comes up a lot as the permanent relationship.) ***


          I then walk over to a man outside by the door who’s my confidante & I TRUST HIM. I say to him,

          “This list – I have not had any type of sex for 2.5 months {which in the dream is a LONG time, the truth is I have not had sex since mid 2019, last time I did it with Beloved} & I’m going to see two of those guys & then the last one on the list, I’m going to make love with him.”

          This will be a SPECIAL TREAT according to this dream.


          *** (2.5 MONTHS once again makes the same prediction – prior to this you saw the ‘2 men first – then the 3rd I’ll make love with.’ This definitely sounds like two months go by, then in the middle of the third your relationship begins. This would be JUNE 2nd – “22.

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          I look around through this house & go to the rest room. In it I see Aunt has really worked hard – I am IMPRESSED. In the TINY bathroom there’s a white towel hanging on the rack & a white rug on the floor, both of which are not knobby but satiny like plastic texture – she cleaned everything & replaced it & put sparkling amenities. I think HOW HARD she worked & appreciate it. All for me?

          We’re going to have a party – a feast – hosted by her.


          *** (AUNTIE CLEANS HOUSE – PREPARES A FEAST – WHITE TOWEL & RUG NOT KNOBBY BUT SATINY: Blatant symbols of a MARRIAGE FEAST. White & SATIN are both wedding symbols. Many gowns are traditionally satin. And the FEAST is the CELEBRATION.

          I was puzzled by the Auntie symbol. But could be this: Punishment/pain turns into SUCCESS, celebration, I have OVERCOME my Cross – the Cross of waiting for him to be ready for a relationship.         


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          Earlier was an ominous dream about the devil taking away my trip to the altar.

          I pull up to a restaurant to take something ‘out.’ I leave my white Corvette outside parked in a spot that reminds me where I always park at one of the dollar stores.

          In the passenger side is sitting Putz NutOn who ALWAYS represents SATAN. I left him there as I went to shop. The key was in the car.

          But when I went into the restaurant/store I spent along time. Instead of say 15-20 minutes I spent 2 or 3 times as long as I needed to just hanging around, not sure what I was doing but sitting around, maybe talking.

          And when I come outside the parking lot has snow here & there & my vehicle is gone. The evil Putz got tired of waiting, got into the driver seat & took off.

          MEANING:   I know this is THE DEVIL making my Beloved feel frustration / impatience at my not being with him so long & leaves the premises – not wanting or BELIEVING in our relationship any more. But after that follows the good dream, so go figure. It’s a TEMPTATION that was dispelled.

        Second interpretation: it could have been a FEAR of mine that after such a long wait he would tire of waiting & disappear.


14937304_747869718687650_512580686240540767_n 14956640_1722976188022421_1596861994806796621_n Pietro Finelli ( Italian, 1770- 1812,) The Leonardo da Vinci Staircase TILL DEATH DO US PART xxx CROW XXX GOWNS GALORE XXX MARRIED XXX X MAS CHEER ZEPHYR DANCING WITH FLORA.

College of God & Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Lover Nervous Breakdown

3-15-22 Lover Nervous Breakdown


          I’m with an old bf named Kahell & he’s sitting at the boudoir/table with mirror of my apt in B’klyn. I’ve been near him now for a while & each time I call his attention he turns to me but while he was turned away he had a fierce angry look on his face – when he turns to me it gets mild.


          *** (KAHELL EXTREME ANGER: This was a guy who lived in his ego & delusions of grandeur. He was nothing but a drug dealer – addict – & jail bird, I were relieved to finally get rid of him. What a lesson I learned! Mother God, I need your Light – why is he Kahell?

          MG: This is how he feels in ego in his flesh not in his Soul. His DELUSIONS HAVE BEEN SMASHED. He, Bob, {yes, it’s Bob the Lover again} has also lived in delusions about himself, you & the two of you. It’s over – delusions smashed leads to DESPAIR – loss of hope.

          This is one of the symptoms of GRIEF, grief is sorrow over loss – he’s angry at what he’s lost, part of which is YOU & all the good you brought or could have.

The boudoir /table with MIRROR, in B’klyn: He is LOOKING IN THE MIRROR at himself, his life, & it’s not a pretty sight – the reality is bad. He’s in front of the mirror, but looking left, at the PAST {what has left} & he equates the mistakes of the past with what he is, where he is now. So the past & the mirror are what he sees & is angry about) ***


          This time I just tap him with one finger on his right shoulder, he turns again the same way, extreme anger from the left, when his face turns to me it’s soft but eyes full of tears & close to DESPAIR, like he’s going to have or is already having a NERVOUS BREAKDOWN. 

Note:  the men in these images are my models, not the lover I’m dreaming about

IMG_2639-ZX-!!!!! IMG_4458-11111111111 IMG_4917-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMG_6243-!!!! IMG_6335-!!!! IMG_6496-#### 

          *** (TAP WITH ONE FINGER ON HIS SHOULDER: In my vocabulary, the right shoulder houses the secret wound of Jesus which is not spoken of, here the wood of the Cross bore into his flesh down to the bone. And so, this wound of Bob’s – losing you – his grief over you – is his SECRET. He is so sensitive to this loss that your ONE FINGER on his shoulder gets a reaction.) ***


         I am REALLY CONCERNED as I feel he’s CRACKING UP.

          I speak to him GENTLY & say,

          “Would you like to go see your Mother? She might give you some COMFORT.”

At that thought he sort of looks forward WITH HEAD DOWN like for some reason he can’t do it – don’t know why he can’t.


*** (WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE YOUR MOTHER? HE’S GOT HIS HEAD DOWN FORWARD, LIKE FOR SOME REASON HE CAN’T: Mother is the one who gives him Mother Love – which is what he’s always needed, unconditional True Love. That only comes from you, so you ARE HIS MOTHER. Yes, all women have some maternal love that they give to children, but you are the one sent him by God to be that person. He is PRIMARILY GRIEVING OVER YOU – other things like his music, could not take your place, nothing could – he’s been with numerous other women but had no feelings for them.

His SHAME – knowing he’s been in the wrong – & LACK OF CONFIDENCE stop him from calling you. He’s AFRAID you’ll REJECT HIM that you’re done with him, you’ve found another man. He can’t face the thought of your rejection.) ***


MEANING: {Mother God speaking} Mother is YOU. He’s close to despair, as this says, & at the end when you suggest seeing you he has GIVEN UP HOPE mostly.

ME: What is his problem? He has my numbers, why doesn’t he just call?

MG: He does not have the CONFIDENCE. When you were chasing him it was so easy, he did not have to do a thing, just access you whenever it pleased him. He didn’t have to worry, put any effort into it, treat you any way he wanted, & you always there, loving him & acting like he was doing you a favor.

All that ended 2 years ago & it took a while for him to settle in his mind that you would not pursue him again, he could not access you easily, he’d have to do something about it.

As the months & then 2.5 years went by he repented, but he DID NOT DO THE RIGHT THING & repentance is one step, but dong something to repair / remedy one’s past actions HE FAILED TO DO.

ME: But I’m worried he’ll crack up. Can there be permanent damage to his mind if something doesn’t give soon? Jesus appeared a few days ago, took love from me & gave it to him – now this. What should I do? Shall I write him?

MG: At this point it might be best to write him again & give him your #s in case he lost them.

ME: In the dream when he’s looking to the left & then turns to me, he’s very angry. As soon as he faces me he gets mild. What is he angry about?

MG: He’s angry at LIFE. He’s angry for what happened in the past, the way things worked out, his disappointments & failures. Mostly he’s angry AT HIMSELF.

ME: Why is he angry at himself?

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MG: He knows he did wrong. He wronged you. He took you for granted, mistreated you, hurt you, & he wanted to hurt you. He was taking out his frustrations & anxieties that he had about life in general, specifically his parents, & he poured out these negative feelings on the one who loved him unconditionally – you – the way men do a lot, the way people do, ‘you always hurt the one you love.’

He hurt you because YOU WERE SAFE. You never hurt him except pretending to be with guys when 90% of the time you weren’t even with them. That was all you did – nothing else. But he on purpose hurt you again, again & again to take out his angst & frustrations on you as I said.

You did so much loving things for him, in particular photographing him & creating a book – which he not only did not appreciate, but HE STOPPED SPEAKING TO YOU FOR 9 MONTHS BECAUSE OF THE PICTURES – because his FRIENDS MADE FUN OF HIM – lowlife drug addict, delinquent friends he tossed you aside for.

Then he did the UNFORGIVEABLE. He put Ruthie as his WIFE on social media, for the world to see, while eventually making up with you but just to use you to milk the love out of you & keeping you secret. You got no respect, consideration or public acknowledgement. You went along with this for 3 years when finally GOD PUT A STOP TO IT by circumstances & GOD helped you get over him so you’d stop chasing him & the ball was on his side of the park to hit. But he didn’t hit it, just did a lot of things to invite / urge you to start chasing him again, but you were stronger than him this time. He’d never been strong in the first place, except in ignorance & mule-like stubbornness in wrong doing.

          He is angry re HIS CAREER – not going anywhere. He’s compromised himself with fags to try to get some place – nothing doing & never will. This makes him ANGRY. His rapper friends get dozens of likes, even hundreds, but his songs get 5 likes at the most sometimes NONE.    He can’t understand why. The reason is because PEOPLE DON’T LIKE HIM. Why do they not like him? Because he doesn’t show love, he’s not dependable or charming & doesn’t reciprocate, like for example, doesn’t return calls or letters. The way he treated you he in general treats others – though NOT AS BADLY, but it’s bad enough so they don’t put LIKES on his music, whereas the other guys respond to people when they write or call, they act normal – he doesn’t. He’s NOT NORMAL, he NEEDS HELP. And no one CAN or WILL help him sincerely EXCEPT YOU. Your love has been UNCONDITINAL & he took ADVANTAGE OF IT.

To make matters short, he hates the fact that HE’S GOT NOWHERE WITH HIS MUSIC – not even a pleasant HOBBY where people approve of him. He’s got no audience, except for a couple of die-hard losers.

You attempted to help him. You would have used the fame of a modeling career to segue into bigger things – like music, TV, even movies – but he’s so PROUD he felt he could do it BY HIMSELF, that he KNEW MORE ABOUT THE BUSINESS THAN YOU DID – forgetting you already achieved fame & fortune by doing it right. He PROVED HIMSELF WRONG, that he COULD NOT SUCCEED & now he’s reaping the rewards of failure – a feeling of SHAME & humble pie.

About success – in 2020 you were AUDITIONED for a REALITY TV SHOW where they wanted YOU & YOUR YOUNG LOVER but you knew HE WOULD NOT COOPERATE & told them so. You asked them if you could SUBSTITUTE one of your models who’d do it for money – after all, it could have been a model you had an affair with, but they said no, it had to be the guy you were having a serious affair with – he was the only one. They would have paid each of you thousands of dollars a week – but you had tried to do things like that with him before & he ignored you.

ME: OK so he’s angry re his career, what else is he angry for?

MG: You of course, he lost you, he lost you for the way he used you – to drain your love energy once a month through sex & keep you pining away the rest of the time. He lost his racket. He did not lose you in True Love, but he’s not done what he should do to receive it.

ME: Anything else?

MG: His initial wound, he’s angry about what he won’t own up to – his parents. His Dad abused him, his Mom allowed it, but he won’t admit it any more.

He felt becoming a famous rap artist would justify him, the way you justified yourself against your family by being a star – except for him, it didn’t work. You know why it didn’t work, because he was a fool, & now he KNOWS HE WAS A FOOL & who does he hate the most? – HIMSELF.

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You know well why it didn’t work. When God gave him the GRACE, through you, to help him become SOME BODY he forfeited you & it, thinking he knew better than you, he would not humble himself to receive your help, although he did & continues to humble himself with a fag to get his music done. But it ain’t workin’. And now he knows it. How many years have passed? About 12 years of trying & NOTHING. And you told him it wouldn’t work except as a hobby, but it isn’t even a good hobby as he gets no likes, no approval, no audience.

ME: OK explain his mental state & what danger is in it, like losing his mind & ending up in the psyche ward? Or taking too much drugs & OD’ing? What about his drugs? He’s always drowned his pain in drugs & booze aren’t they working for him any more?

MG: They’re not working like they used to, he needs more & more & he hasn’t got the money to pay for all he wants. So he’s left with lots of pain, it’s deep.

What will happen? I don’t know. Maybe the letter you write will help him call you & make amends. If he ignores it it might be months before he does anything, even years. We shall see, just surrender it all to God.

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College of God & Love, College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Ramakrishna Channeled


Chapter 1    Part 7    Channeling Ramakrishna  3-11-22


From Wikipedia:

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa;  18 February 1836 – 16 August 1886), born Gadadhar Chattopadhyaya, was an Indian Hindu mystic and religious leader. Ramakrishna approached his religious life through the path of devotion to the Goddess Kali, and by observance of various elements from TantraVaishnav Bhakti, and Advaita Vedanta, as well as proficiency {Rasa word edited from dalliances} in Christianity and Islam. After earnest practice of various religious traditions, he held that the world’s religions represented “so many paths to reach one and the same goal”. His followers came to regard him as an avatara, or divine incarnation, as did some of the prominent Hindu scholars of his day.


“I have practised all religions – Hinduism, Islam, Christianity – and I have also followed the paths of the different Hindu sects. I have found that it is the same God toward whom all are directing their steps, though along different paths. You must try all beliefs and traverse all the different ways once. Wherever I look, I see men quarrelling in the name of religion – Hindus, Mohammedans, Brahmos, Vaishnavas, and the rest. But they never reflect that He who is called Krishna is also called Siva, and bears the name of the Primal Energy, Jesus, and Allah as well – the same Rama with a thousand names. A lake has several Ghats. At one, the Hindus take water in pitchers and call it ‘ Jal ‘ ; at another the Mussalmans take water in leather bags and call it ‘ pani ‘. At a third the Christians call it ‘ water ‘. Can we imagine that it is not ‘ Jal ‘ , but only ‘ pani ‘ or ‘ water ‘? How ridiculous! The substance is One under different names, and everyone is seeking the same substance; only climate, temperament, and name create differences. Let each man follow his own path. If he sincerely and ardently wishes to know God, peace be unto him! He will surely realize Him.” 

Ramakrishna, who experienced spiritual ecstasies from a young age, started his spiritual journey as a priest at the Dakshineshwar Kali Temple. Soon his mystical temperament gained him a widespread acknowledgement amongst the general public as a Guru, attracting to him various religious teachers, social leaders, Bengali elites, and common people alike; he eventually taught his disciples, who later formed the monastic Ramakrishna Order. After his death, his chief disciple Swami Vivekananda popularized his ideas, and founded the Ramakrishna Math, which provides spiritual training for monastics and householder devotees, and the Ramakrishna Mission, to provide charitysocial work and education. (end Wikipedia with one word edited by Rasa)

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          Sri Ramakrishna has been my guru since about 1995 – He’s not my only Hindu/Yoga guru. I started with Paramahamsa Yogananda {so popular in the West}, read the Bhagavad-Gita at age 29, got deep into Baba Muktananda & his guru, Nityananda, besides studying many Yoga books I can’t even recall. With Muktananda & Nityananda I went all the way into MYSTICAL MARRIAGE with each of them. Muktananda gave me HIS SANDALS but in the form of high-heeled red/white & blue ones to honor my country! And Nityananda gave me a SOLID SILVER DRESS {mystically} with which we got ‘married’ {united} & lifted 250 Souls out of Purgatory for celebration! I was close to Ramana Maharshi, who led me into Nonduality in Feb, 2007.

          I’ve not done an official ‘guru sadhana’ with Ramakrishna but perhaps that will come later. A sadhana is when you study, concentrate, pray to the Enlightened being of your choice, they appear to you in Light, {Muktananda was coruscating violet light every evening as I prayed to him} visions, dreams, & when you succeed in your devotion they give you Gifts {spiritual} & even Mystical Marriage if/when you open all your heart to him/her.

          Recently I boned up on Who Ramakrishna is, what he did & I see that he is a man for my times, while I now pursue a Sisterhood where all of us can be different faiths but follow a Mother God. Ramakrishna is the only religious leader I know of who not only tolerated & accepted the validity of various religions but actually imbibed & became proficient in many of them – an astounding feat to be all that he was & then to become a Muslim & a Christian. You have to study him to understand & believe this – I did. Long ago there were only books which I purchased many of – but now it’s easy with the internet & You Tube videos. I recently reviewed some of his biographical movies & documentaries & was once again amazed.

          Being he was on my mind I began to channel him or read his mind, & the answers he gave were most consoling & healing for my troubled mind. His intelligence is off the chart – his insight & common sense.

          A thing that was bugging me to no end was the time when God told me, in 2008 to quit my celibacy, “go out & have fun,” – “stop suffering” – “if you don’t do this you will be OUTSIDE THE WILL OF GOD.”

          I resisted at first, but when She said I’d be outside the will of God if I disobeyed that was final. I fear God more than death; I knew I had to obey. Why, I didn’t know. But I obeyed, as usual with all the power & zeal within my body. I did the best I could to ‘have fun’ although I told God I no longer knew how – & She said, ‘You will learn.’ I did not understand then nor is it completely clear to me now, the meaning of all this.

          I might add that embarking on this unexpected phase changed my ministry & guru-hood. One disciple – my holiest one – in Scotland, could not abide this new lifestyle, our relationship ended. His name was Kun Kin, his visions about me are on my website, ‘Woman, Thou Art God.’ I used to appear in bilocation to him again & again, he tried to touch me but I would disappear. Finally one night he crawled to me & finally touched the hem of my dress {I was sitting I imagine like Whistler’s Mother, in a long dress} before I vanished.

          If & when at rare occasions I speak of this to people – they exclaim,

          “God would not tell you to do this!”

          Because of course sex is dirty, sinful, & everything bad in their minds – certainly God would not send anyone there although ‘He’ created sex – it’s a paradox - & CERTAINLY no religious, holy, sacred or sanctified person would be sent to go into the world & HAVE SEX & ENJOY IT!

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          On my part, these were my objections or questions. First, I struggle to become celibate because all the saints were. I think about it for years, try to stop having sex a few months, then for a year, then swing back. It isn’t easy. I find no one else interested in this quest. It’s a journey you will take ALONE.

          So finally one day it’s time. The Holy Virgin appears to me & asks me not to have sex with men any more. Figuring this is forever, I hesitate – even though I wanted it. I’m discomforted. But after 5 days of thought my inner voice says if I don’t take this vow I’ll always know I’m a coward so I do.

          The first two years are rough, I wish I could get out of it but I can’t. After that it eases up. After 10 years I’m FREE. Free of what? – The discomforting nagging sex drive. Then God appears to me in spirit & says do I want to quit the view, it’s done its work. I say no because I’m AT PEACE, do I want to have a sex drive nagging my bones again?

          Ten more years goes by & the idea of sex withdraws completely from my zeitgeist. Here comes God again, do I want to quit? No, God, I’m happy where I am.

          Fine, ten more years. God again, do I want to quit? No God I don’t want to quit. Why would I? Go back to the world of unrequited desires? Have my heart filled with lust & go about seeking sex? Why would I want such turmoil invading me when I am AT PEACE? My life is FINE without sex in fact, many great things happened that never would have had I kept up with it.

          But then God elaborates & tells me what I said above. Then I have no way out, this is the Will of God & therefore my will. Where do I start?

          Alright, let’s ask Ramakrishna, the world expert on spirituality. I have channeled & asked others but still was confused. Let’s see if his genius will put a light at the end of the tunnel. So to all I have said, what is your answer, Sri Ramakrishna? Why was it the WILL OF GOD that I stop suffering, go out to have fun & sex, bars & alcohol, getting drunk, reveling & carousing, acting crazy like all the others, feeling lust, anger when thwarted, pain when rejected, jealousy when females take my men away, feelings of revenge when insulted & hurt – why did God throw me into the lion’s den, for what reason & what good did it do me or others? What about sin? – All those human, animal feelings. Did I sin? What mission is this? I know ‘black & beautiful’ from the Song of Songs, God sends me out there into the fields & I get ‘black from the sun’ {I commit faults} but I’m still beautiful because I did it for God. What do you make of all this?

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          RK (Ramakrishna for short): You obeyed the Will of God, how could you be wrong? Now you want me to interpret or understand what God wanted of you.

          First of all, you are a Goddess in the spiritual meaning of the word, the highest meaning. Not just that your body is beautiful but your Soul is. You are not of the flesh or the world, not for a long time – you left that spirit behind years ago. Therefore, the first question, is, were you committing sins when you felt those feelings mentioned. The answer is no. Yes, you felt ‘lust’ but that went with the territory of the mission. The other feelings toward your neighbor were temptations. You did not dwell upon them, entertain them or put any of them into action. You felt them quickly & temporarily, you let them go in your heart you forgave those who hurt you. Temptations are not sins unless you entertain them, nourish them & act upon them. So that’s settled.

          Next, your peace of mind. Why would the Almighty want you to leave behind your contemplation, peacefulness, the cave, the cloister, the monastery, the hermitage, the isolation, & go back into a world full of dangers? And dangers they were. You not only had sex but you were assaulted physically, punched in the stomach & in the face 3 times – once knocked unconscious for a second. Many things happened that could have ended in serious injury, but they didn’t – because God protected you – God was with you.

          Yes you started to drink, on & off, got drunk a few times. So did the disciples, so do most people, religious or not. Don’t take it so seriously.

         Next, what good came out of all this? You became a Cougar. What did this mean? You EMPOWERED WOMEN. You took away the STIGMA FROM SEX. It was what you always spoke of – if somehow we could take the stigma off sex & make it Sacred again, it would take so much power off Patriarchy, because they keep women enslaved by making sex evil, taking away their sexual freedom. You did a chapter on this with St. Martin Luther King Jr., where he said when women break away from Patriarchy by having sex with anyone they want, whenever, however they want, it would be the end of Patriarchy – because men do everything to gain & control women. Once that’s lost, Patriarchy is lost. Nothing to fight for, no more wars. So women’s sexual freedom is a BIG THING TO FIGHT FOR.

          Stop being afraid you did wrong, just rejoice you obeyed God no matter what this society thinks. People are SUPPOSED TO think it’s scandal for old women to be with young men, it’s par for the course, let the attention arise & the objections fly, give them the answer of God. It’s like you Stripping for God. You got attention, you gave your message. It was a good thing – that women in the adult trade are not lowlifes, they can be of God, you made your point, you edified people, you changed things.

          Yes, Cougars are still scandal & they’re in the news reality type TV shows & everyone is baffled & curious what makes them tick. But most of them do NOT understand the issues of ‘old woman – young man’, why it’s important – but you do. As a woman educated in the ideas of Patriarchy vs. Matriarchy, & how they’ve held down women – including old women is an important issue. You explained those issues in two books. None of these other Cougars could do this, they had sex with men & did TV shows, but has any of them tackled the issues or given illuminating answers concerning how women have been disempowered & now they’re taking their freedom back? No they haven’t, you were needed to do that. And no, you’ve not yet been on TV interview shows for it, but you will. You can’t do it all at once, now you’re writing it down, later you will be in the media.

          Part of what you’re doing through your life is as a religious, spiritual woman who is pro-sex, your making sex SACRED again. You’re taking the SOIL OUT OF SEX, cleaning it up, where Patriarchs threw it to the mud you bring out sex the way the pond lily is rooted in the mud but pops out on top beautiful & fragrant. You liberate people from seeing sex as a naughty, sinful, secret, forbidden activity into the Light of day where it belongs – let everyone rejoice we have sex & it’s for love, it can be Sacred, all of us came into the world through it.

          ME: So far, so good Ramakrishna. But why me? Why not a lady in the adult trade besides me, say a Sex Therapist {prostitute} or Pornography lady? Wouldn’t they be appropriate? And they would not have to give up 30 years of celibacy to go out there to preach this, I did. Why do I have to give up my peace, enter the fray, do something that was half fun, half painful – & God told me to stop suffering. So how am I not suffering when I faced all the dangers of going to bars every weekend for 11 years & being the victim of prejudice for my age & all the other mine-field factors of dating?

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          RK: Where do I begin? First of all, God needed a TEACHER, an intellectual, one who contemplates. But that person could not be a bookish, at the desk, Armchair General, that person needed to be out there LIVING THE LIFE. Now how many women are there in the adult trade, who can be teachers, professors, gurus, building their own Church & proclaiming the Word of God?

          I can’t think of any but you. And besides being a professor type, this woman preferably is also a WOMAN OF GOD so that’s a BIG BILL TO PAY, some qualities all I one woman that are hard to find.

          And so, you got chosen.

          ME: I also took thousands of photos of models. I feel now that these will illustrate my activities, that is to say, me being a Cougar, they being young hotties, even though they were not the actual guys I dated – some of them were but not most of them, & so, they serve to illustrate my activities as symbols. What do you think of the value of these photos, is it high?


          RK: That was one of the best things you did, without knowing it. You didn’t plan ahead of time to illustrate your Cougar escapades with these photos, but they will suffice, & they will lend great credibility to your stories. How many of these Cougars have all these photos? – None – only you. So this is of great value.

          ME: On another note. You & Ramana Maharshi are famous for your trance states. It makes me wonder, have I missed anything? My trance states have been few & far between. Have I fallen down on the job? You do of course have a far different spiritual culture than us Christians & you guys got famous for trances & greatly acclaimed. In our ball game only Maria Woodworth Etter was famous for trances, no one else I know of, & that was a while ago. Have I been remiss in not going into trances the way you guys did?

          RK: Haha, how funny. If you were in trances the way we were, how could you have done your work? How could you have Stripped for God & given sermons, how could you have been the Progenitor of female body building, how could you have done all the interviews & TV? All the things you did you were equipped to do. Each Avatar, each Saint of God has different qualities & Gifts that God chooses for them to do their work. You had to be beautiful; you had to have a beautiful body & face. That’s a credential few ministers & gurus had to have, but it was important for you. That’s why your mother hated you – one reason – you were beautiful, she was not. Everything that you are has been used for ministry – your body, your mind & heart. We all had what we had to do what we had to do. Now let’s end for now, you must get this posted.

          ME: Thank you Sri Ramakrishna, we may speak again. Your help has been terrific.

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College of God & Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Success with Lover

3-9-22-Dad plays jokes on me 


Dream explains union with Beloved is coming up SOON

but we aren’t sure

how soon?  3 months?  3 years?

  And he loves me as much as I love him 


The males in these pics are my models, not someone I dreamed about


         Dad sets a small, square blonde wooden table, laden with many items, maybe even a small bouquet of flowers, a white tablecloth set vertically across so that 2 corners are bare.

            It seems like for him & brother there are only goblets of water but I have a bowl that has several items. Maybe pirogues, something light green like a cooked celery stalk, maybe part of a skinned boiled potato. The table seats 4, Dad is to my right, bro across from me.


            *** (WOODEN TABLE but TOPPED WITH MANY ITEMS OF FOOD INCLUDING FLOWERS: Wood is suffering (the Cross) but food is the opposite, flowers are love. So this shows FULFILLMENT – out of the cross, my sufferings for lover as perhaps his own have resulted in fruitfulness & love. We are now to enjoy the BLESSINGS.

            Pirogues are like blintzes – one of my fave foods – possibly the fave if I had to pick one food I’d have to eat daily for the rest of my life, this could be it. So the nourishment / pleasure / satisfaction is GREAT.

            Table being blonde: Blonde is close to white, so several items here are white – the tablecloth, the flowers I imagine white with pink, the handle of the fork, pirogues are also nearly white – white is good, in this case MARRIAGE or UNION.

            Why is the tablecloth diagonal rather than covering the entire table? TWO, not one corner being exposed, might signify the process of this relationship being able to work, he had to suffer as well as yourself (he has had extra sufferings, the loss of you the last over 2 years, his fake wife also had a bad accident & can’t work & support them – everyone expects him to step up to the plate which to him emotionally is a burden – so he’s lost me & now her, as her purpose was to work & get more drugs for them) So the 2 corners exposes 2 suffered, not you alone.

            Why is the table small, not large? This is a good sign also, that you & bro – who is Bob the lover – are ALONE. The fake wife Ruthie, the seat is empty & Dad is the facilitator, he will depart. So it shows you & Bob, just you. It’s about you as a couple – 2 is a couple, 3 is a crowd.

Why at first he & bro only have water? This is to confirm that your Lover with gain as much joy, satisfaction as you. At first you weren’t sure, but it’s equal – he loves you as much as you love him.

The celery stalk on my plate – not his – sounds like his DICK because it’s a STALK, stalks are STIFF, but this is cooked which means READY – the piece of something that looks like boiled potato – Potato usually mean, haha ‘meat & potatoes’, so it might be saying you will get the ‘meat & potatoes’ – his dick his body, companionship, the BASICS.) ***


Note:  Below me age 66.  Check out the PERFECT LEGS!  I was working them hard in the gym – of course they are perfect to begin with lol – This is my apt where I’d meet my lover Bob spoken of in my dreams

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            I don’t like my fork, I think my utensils, a knife & fork, were copped from an airplane & when I examine the fork closely it further confirms it. On the white porcelain handle it says ‘warning’ & I feel the rest of the tiny writing will say property of the airline, don’t remove it. The prongs of the fork are what I don’t like, only 3 with not much space in between.


            *** (THE FORK AS EXPLAINED: Need help on this, Mother God.

           MG:   An airplane is FLIGHT in this case, jet plane, so FAST FLIGHT. It hints that this will happen soon.

            The 3 prongs, close together? Could be 3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years. Close together might be saying ‘will go by fast.’ Three months from now seems like a possibility, that would be June. Three YEARS from now would be 2025. Maybe it’s the time element YOU DON’T LIKE – it’s too long, if 3 years it’s a LONG TIME!

            What is the warning sign? Mother God, help.

            MG: The warning is a prediction – like a secret sign, be warned, this is coming at you sooner than you think! It’s nothing bad. It’s just that it’s SECRET like if a person steals silverware from an airline, this is a secret, they’re going to do it on the sly. So maybe it’s closer to 3 months than years.

Why is the fork small? No particular reason except to show you it’s from an airline to make the point.) ***


            Then when the dinner begins I see Dad has indeed provided himself & bro a meal – Dad has his small bowl with maybe 2 pirogues & bro has probably 2 or 3.


            As we begin to eat I notice cottage cheese – which I love – & am going to take a spoon & ladle some of that for me.

            *** (COTTAGE CHEESE: Is a derivative of milk, milk is a strong symbol of LOVE – the ‘milk of human kindness,’ the food every mother gives her newborn to protect it not only with food but immune system components. This implies a BEGINNING of your love, your new meaningful relationship – instead of him just using you as the backstreet woman for sex, while his ‘wife’ was on a pedestal for social media.) ***


            There’s something about this that makes me feel Dad is playing tricks or being facetious.


            *** (TRICKS, FACETIOUS: You felt like that at the start when Dad gave himself & Bob only water. Water is important, it’s life, but you were not sure if Bob would really love you, that is, get NOURISHMENT / SATISFACTION from you being together or if he would be just USING YOU for support. That doubt is cleared up here, that he would enjoy the pirogues as much as you are. Pirogues BTW, pictured here, contain cheese, which is also from milk, so it’s LOVE. You’re all enjoying the love – even Dad from Heaven, he’s happy for you, he’s appearing to facilitate your life to make up for not helping you enough on earth.) *** 

Kellie Everts—Rasa Von Werder You tube:

Rasa Von Werder-William Blog:

Embodiment of God website, current articles:

Rasa Von Werder publications on Lulu Press:  (put ‘newest to oldest’)

Rasa Von Werder – Kellie Everts on Amazon Books


Me downtown whooping it up – with my Granddaughter….I went downtown the next day by myself, she refused to go again, am not sure why. 



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College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized


William Bond answers questions re Old Woman – Young Man – Same

questions answered by Ajax the Great  -  Two of the smartest men in the

world tackle the hard questions of old woman – young man


Part 2, Dream of Rasa re her Lover leaving his fake wife as she can no longer

afford him


First, William Bond:    1 Why is it a taboo for the older woman-younger man, but the idea of older man-younger woman is not only tolerated but accepted as normal.  Certainly ten years older man is considered equal to ten years younger female.

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It is all about wealth and power, dominance and submission. It is no secret that men have been ruling the world for all of recorded history. Up until the 20th century women were dependant on men for money. Either by money from their fathers, marrying a man or becoming a prostitute. This is why many women would be marrying men older than themselves, as they would probably be earning more money than younger men. 


There also were laws up to the 20th century that a husband owns any money a woman has, when he marries her. So a wealthy women dare not marry a man who is less wealthy than herself as he might take her fortune away from her.  In the 20th century this changed when women were allowed to own their own wealth and we see gigolos appear. 


We have later found later on that wealthy women like Princess Margaret and Cher have had younger lovers. So it is all about money, it is a lot easier for rich women to have younger men than poorer women. As many poorer women, even in the 21st century, are looking for rich husbands. But like I have said before. many relationships between older women and younger men are kept secret. 


But it is not all about wealth. Patriarchy expects men to be the dominant sex and take the initiative there relationships with women. While women are expected to be submissive and passive. But not all men and women are like this. There are many men who are introvert and are too shy to speak to women and have a submissive nature. While there are many extravert women who have a dominant nature. 


There are some older women who know this and take advantage of shy and submissive young men. So if they see a introvert young man they like, they move in, take the initiative in speaking to him and then take the dominant position in their relationship. Many of these men because they are too shy to talk to women would be virgins, so the older woman can teach them to have sex in the way she wants.  


2      What is the Patriarchal society afraid of in the older woman?  Why are they denigrated as far as sex objects ‘put out to pasture’ & told to mind the business of gardening, knitting, cooking & taking care of grandchildren, but to have fun & relate with younger men romantically is non acceptable?  Why are they made to do ‘harmless’ or non-political non-leadership work like just mentioned, but being in positions of Leadership or influence is not encouraged?  They are not seen as ‘wise elders’ but accused of spreading ‘old wife’s tales.’




The foundation of patriarchy is to undermine female power. This is why in the past women were not allowed to be educated and kept out of any job that gave them any power, wealth or status. Up until the 20th century it would be impossible to have a female scientist, doctor, lawyer or any academic. Now, this is slowly changing and we find there are female ‘experts’ and so we do now have ‘wise women’ but still not as many as ‘wise men’. But this is slowly changing. 


3      Why do older women ‘give up’ & stay alone when they could be out in bars & clubs, drinking, dancing, laughing, talking with males, especially younger males – the way Rasa Von Werder has been doing?  Why are they so afraid of being out there?



I would imagine it is lack of confidence. Breaking down barriers is difficult for women. The first female doctors, scientists, engineers and politicians all had to be tough women as they had to put up with abuse from men. This is even true of women going to bars and clubs on their own, as they fear how men will treat them. So any women who breaks down barriers and invades male spaces will always have to be strong, confident women. But women like this then makes it easier for other women to follow in their footsteps. 


4  What happens when old women stop being afraid, go out there, put themselves out for sex, date young males openly, live with them?  How will this influence society?



 The more older women and younger men openly have relationships the more acceptable it becomes. An example of this is the gay community. Up until the 1960s is was illegal for men to have sex with each other. But even after homosexuality became legal it was still socially unacceptable. So it took many brave homosexual men and women to ‘come out’ and put up with social censor for homosexuality to become socially acceptable. So it now possible for two men or two women to marry each other. 


The subject of older women and younger men are written about in books and shown on film but they always show it in a negative way, like in the film “The Graduate” staring Dustin Hoffman and Anne Bancroft. Although one story by Somerset Maugham called, “Gigolo and Gigolette” in the 1940s had a happy ending for the wealthy woman and her gigolo. Although the song “Gigolo and Gigolette” put a negative spin on this type of relationship. 


REMARKS from RASA VON WERDER: When I went out as a woman of 63 to the clubs & bars, dancing, drinking, seeking young men, I was assaulted by the negative view of society to this. The first year I was asked almost each time I went out HOW OLD ARE YOU? Like my age was an AFFRONT & an INSULT to the community – I was old, therefore an anomaly – old women are not supposed to seek bar-hoping, drinking, laughing & having fun, & certainly NOT supposed to be dancing with & having sex with college age men!

          And so, by doing what I did, I set an example for other old women & I did not see hardly any during the 11 years I was there, but the fame or infamy of my activities will remain with the thousands who saw me, they will speak of it, & it will encourage other old women to do likewise. It empowers women. I survived, I took the gaff, so they can do it. (end Rasa Part)



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Questions Older woman – younger man


1  Why is it a taboo for the older woman-younger man, but the idea of older man-younger woman is not only tolerated but accepted to be normal.  Certainly ten years older man is considered equal to ten years younger female.



William notes that it is all about wealth and power, dominance and submission, and he is correct overall.  I would also like to add that there are many levels and layers to this as well, and it is highly nuanced and intersectional.  There is a lot to unpack here.


For example, one of the biggest stumbling blocks to an older Woman / younger man relationship comes not only from men, but from many Women themselves who are still brainwashed by the patriarchy to one degree or another.  Some of the greatest opposition in fact comes from the mothers of the young men.  There are probably a number of reasons what, and Freud would probably have quite a field day with that.  Yet notably in actual Matriarchal societies, we don’t seem to see this kind of opposition at all.


(We also see this same dynamic with slut-shaming as well, with Women being the biggest enforcers of this despite it having originated with men and the patriarchy.  And it is to Women’s own detriment in both cases.)


Some Women, including even some self-proclaimed Radical Feminists, may also vehemently oppose such relationships as well, as the young men still benefit from male privilege from living under patriarchy, while seeking to enjoy the benefits of the nascent and vestigial Matriarchy at the same time.  They may think it unfairly puts the cart before the horse.  A lot of it is really envy/jealousy more than anything else though, and THEY are the ones really putting the cart before the horse since opposing such relationships actually hinders the transition to Matriarchy.


There is also a lot of “reaction formation” from Women who secretly want to date younger men but are afraid to, and thus take on the exact opposite belief since their true belief causes them great anxiety.  The same could be said about the younger men themselves.


Women can really be their own worst enemy sometimes, alas.  And that is basically because they were socialized from birth by the patriarchy to be such.  Throw in the fact that we still live in a rather erotophobic culture to one degree or another, and that makes it even worse still.


Then there is also the famous “half your age plus seven” rule, which exists for a number of reasons.  But historically it has been enforced by society far more stringently when the Women is older compared to the reverse.  Men certainly mature significantly slower than Women do, so that could be part of it.  But patriarchy clearly puts men in positions of power despite their relative immaturity, so such a take is highly hypocritical at best.


RASA SAYS:   The feminists, I was once officially a member of NOW – are way behind on some issues as Ajax states here. They are from the professional class & this class fails to see how we have had to degrade ourselves as maids, servants poorly-paid serfs including the adult trade – & they want us to quit ‘degrading’ ourselves & be like them – work in offices & such. But we in the lower trades aren’t qualified or don’t want such jobs, sometimes adult work pays better. The other ‘untouchable’, demeaning jobs are taken by the poorest of the poor as they can’t land the big salaries. So radical feminist, take a Class 101 on REALITY. (end Rasa part)


2   What is the Patriarchal society afraid of in the older woman?  Why are they denigrated as far as sex objects ‘put out to pasture’ & told to mind the business of gardening, knitting, cooking & taking care of grandchildren, but to have fun & relate with younger men romantically is non acceptable?  Why are they made to do ‘harmless’ or non-political non-leadership work like just mentioned, but being in positions of Leadership or influence is not encouraged?  They are not seen as ‘wise elders’ but accused of spreading ‘old wife’s tales.’


My Answer

As William said, the foundation of patriarchy is to undermine female power.  By any means necessary, in fact, as the patriarchy is deathly afraid of female power, as that will ultimately be the patriarchy’s undoing.   And older Women have the greatest potential for power, especially to influence the younger generation.

 3   Why do older women ‘give up’ & stay alone when they could be out in bars & clubs, drinking, dancing, laughing, talking with males, especially younger males – the way Rasa Von Werder has been doing?  Why are they so afraid of being out there?


My Answer

Basically what William said.  Almost no one wants to be the proverbial “guinea pig”, as few are brave enough to go first when it is still perceived to be relatively socially unacceptable.  They want to see what happens when a critical mass of others go first.


RASA SAYS: And so, I was chosen by God to take the ‘hard knocks,’ be the guinea pig & when I’ve done so, the Grace of God enabled me & protected me. It’s like David & Goliath. David was chosen, Anointed, only he could slay Goliath because God gave him the capacity to do so. He was Anointed by Prophet Samuel to be King. The Anointing is what does it. Most people don’t have it, so they must wait for the ‘special ones’ to open the way. (end Rasa part)


4   What happens when old women stop being afraid, go out there, put themselves out for sex, date young males openly, live with them?  How will this influence society?


My Answer

What William said, in a nutshell, the more Women do this, the more socially acceptable it will become.  It is a classic example of the Overton window shifting in that direction.  And the more Women do this, the more influence they can exert over the next generation of men, in a self-perpetuating virtuous cycle towards Matriarchy, God willing.

DREAM of Rasa Von Werder   3-5-22-Good Husband has had it with his old


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We are in a dwelling of two floors & there seem to be two couples. Does it remind me of my apt in Hollywood?

Downstairs there’s a woman in a bed who seems to be unable to get about – has to stay in bed. She’s a mean, miserable person. She has a dog tied to a chain nearby.


*** (MEAN WOMAN IN BED WITH DOG CHAINED INSIDE: This is, without a doubt, Ruthie, the fake wife of my Beloved. She had a bad accident that will time to recover from, she might never return to her former work, as it’s physically challenging (& pays well).

She knows the future looks grim for her & her relationship with my Beloved – so she’s miserable – she has or had him tied by a chain to her in the house. (It doesn’t explain, but I’ve known for a long time this has to do with DRUGS. The chain is drugs.

Soon she knows she’ll be broke – it would be a time for him to step up to the plate, except he isn’t going to. She now sees him with different eyes, the eyes of a woman in need, who cannot afford a gigolo. The man must now become a bread winner, a role he’s never fulfilled, so it’s good bye toy boy.)) ***


This doesn’t make sense as they’re in the house, maybe I ask her about it. I see her looking lean, a long, hard face, straight brown hair, brown eyes. There’s a strong color ‘rust’ or reddish brown emanating from her hair, eyebrows & eyes. There’s another man around who I don’t see much about. (He reminds me of a character I saw yesterday in a Ramakrishna movie bio, named Tota Puri, who taught RK ‘Nonduality.’ He had curly grey hair, long mustache & beard, almost naked – a mystical monk. This is VAGUE. He hovers around to the front of the apt while she’s toward the back. I don’t see them having contact.)


*** (LEAN, RUSTY LOOK, MONK WHO TAUGHT NONDUALITY {lol}: Lean means lean times – those would be times of poverty. She’s broke & getting broker. RUSTY, RED/BROWN, HAIR & EYES…There are two interpretations for this, one rusty is something old that has not been taken care of, it has gotten weathered rather than polished. This is her work status & relation to my Beloved. The affair has gotten OLD & she can no longer take care of him & keep it polished or in working order.

Second, the red within the brown shows suffering so obviously she’s suffering from this situation, miserable, & taking it out on him. Like why, why, why don’t you become a faithful, generous, compassionate man to me? Because – the dream does not explain – she basically employed him to be her partner & now she can’t pay him so he’s going to quit. Lol.

The VAGUE MONK is rather humorous as it is far fetched but totally true. This is an entity that teaches her NONDUALITY which is ONE not TWO, this is a hard lesson of ‘my girl, you will be alone.’) ***


Then there’s my good husband, Richard. He’s near me but also being bossed around by this mean woman. I think she’s his fake wife or been his wife but this is not of the heart, his love is for me.

She tells him to do things & every word she says to him is CRITICISM & meanness, finding fault with him at every turn.

Richard is with me doing this & that, & at one moment he’s eating curly lettuce, in some sort of close contact with me, just lettuce. She says something to him & he, exasperated says,

“That’s it – I’m done.”

He’s finished with her, it was the last straw. She was criticizing him for eating but it was only lettuce – I see it, fresh & green. He’s really happy & satisfied being close to me, he wants to be on the upper floor with me & leave her behind.


*** (EATING LETTUCE: Fresh, green lettuce is SUCCESS or PROSPERITY. Green leaves always mean that when they are dried out or burned up, as in a cigarette or ashes it means the end or failure. And so, Beloved is enjoying SUCCESS with ME, not with her. It’s in his MIND because we have no contact but the stage is set for him to leave her & be mine.

LETTUCE also means MONEY, sometimes cabbage means money. She no longer has any, I have lots. He knows that.

My husband Richard: This is when Beloved sets his mind toward me as POSITIVE – ‘I love her, want to be with her.’ This shows his mental state & disposition is good now.

The fact that this apt sits in Hollywood is when I was with a demonic man. It means this entire situation was demonic – her taking him away from me with drugs. But he wants to get away from her & be in a ‘higher place’ with me – she held him down & enabled him to stay addicted – I release him from this need & hopefully he’ll go into rehab & quit the drugs.) ***


Also dreamed about a SCHOOL I wanted to get to but it’s gotten so vague, have no details, just struggling to go there.

Oh yes, when I was in the ‘yard’ of the school a female is walking to my left & greets me. I ask her do I know her & she says no, but she knows me, & she was expecting me to be here. She’s wearing blue, seems mystical, like of the spiritual realm.

I was going through a lot in this school, struggling to get there.


*** (SCHOOL, FEMALE EXPECTED ME: This sounds like Purgatory & apparently one female, who I never knew, expected me & here I am. It suggests my struggles have been of benefit to Souls in Purgatory. This makes me extremely happy.

School means lessons we learn, revelations, insights we attain.) ***

Kellie Everts—Rasa Von Werder You tube:

Rasa Von Werder-William Blog:

Embodiment of God website, current articles:

Rasa Von Werder publications on Lulu Press:  (put ‘newest to oldest’)

Rasa Von Werder – Kellie Everts on Amazon Books


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College of Matriarchal Love, Core Tenets, Uncategorized

Lover Will Succumb to Me

Three Dreams Explain:  Lover is out there looking for a NEW WIFE.  His

present Sugar Momma is now disabled & might not ever fill the bill again. 

 One night he tries a new filly & temporarily trashes you in his mind.  But next

day this doesn’t work.  He threw you to the curb by his actions but now he

sees the Light – You were the perfect woman.  Back to you.   


3-1-22-3 dreams re Lover-Aunties House first -

Note – the pictues in this article are NOT THE LOVER – they are professional models 


          Something mysterious going on at Aunt / Uncles house – this usually means travail or punishment.

          We’ve been getting ready for something – a journey an event, not sure what. My Aunt seems concerned & is helping me.

          There’s also a young man here who I’m uncertain about down the road. He’s attentive, seems to care as much as I do about the event, but in the end, he’s shaky – but it does work out alright.

          We are arranging, organizing, working. Then it’s time to leave. For some reason my Aunt goes first, I’m to follow. Then the young man goes.

          I recall scrambling, trying to get everything arranged before I exit. I run to the back bedroom to get my keys from my purse – that I will not leave without, all the keys to everything.

          Then I run to the living room which is also a kitchen of sorts, it has a stove with a black iron top that reminds me of the old fashioned iron/wood stove in our Freehold kitchen, yet this seems to also be automatic like a modern stove (a black one). I must make sure the fire is off, that the house is not in danger of fire, so I check.


          *** (BLACK STOVE I CHECK MAKE SURE IT’S OFF: Stove represents heart, the heart burning with love or passion. Since it’s black, which means funeral or end in this case, it might mean you want to make sure his relationship / love for Ruthie is over, the fire is out, it will not ‘burn down the house’ or destroy what you are embarking on – him & you.

          The KEYS are things that open doors of opportunity – keys to happiness keys to success keys to freedom. You want your prosperity, you want your keys or abilities.) ***

          The whole time I’m scared they’re going to LEAVE ME BEHIND, ESPECIALLY after the young man leaves I think,

          “This is it. Maybe they abandoned me; maybe it was all a lie.”

          I am wearing two different shoes; the right shoe is white canvas cloth covered to the bottom of the ankle, plain, no decorations or lacing, the left shoe is a sandal.


          *** (RIGHT SHOE WHITE CANVAS COVERS FOOT: The right is usually what’s coming; the left is what’s left behind. This says what’s coming is marriage or union with the lover I’m so uncertain about. He was so skittish & weird in the past, it’s hard for me to trust in him or his love. The being COVERED is ‘I got you covered.’

The left shoe being a sandal is there was no proper relationship, you were not ‘covered’ but ‘exposed’ which would mean vulnerable.) ***


          Just as I was most worried, I see the Aunt, who is the Mother of the boy (young male) is at the back bedroom window which is up to the ceiling – she has opened it from outside & is calling me to come – to hurry.


          *** (MY AUNT, MOTHER OF THE BOY: This is his God Self, the Chief within him, who has been the ‘Aunt’ which means hurtful to you, so much in the past. Of course it wasn’t that part of him that hurt you, but this is just a symbol to make a point. Now his God Self is calling you to hurry up, get organized. She has opened the window of opportunity.

          ME: What am I supposed to do, Mother God?

          MG: Do nothing. Wait for him. This shows his disposition & eagerness, don’t worry about him, let him come to you.) ***


          Then the young man re-appears & he is nervous about this trip & he says to me,

          “You go first,”

like he’s afraid of something, afraid of facing people going with me.

I was not abandoned.


*** (YOU GO FIRST: Mother God, explain this.

MG: Like you said, he is afraid, always was, and still is. Your union is imminent but he’s nervous. It’s typical of males one might say, to get cold feet before commitment, as they fear being ‘hemmed in’ – ‘Don’t fence me in.’


*** (AFRAID THEY WOULD LEAVE ME BEHIND: You feared this union might not happen but this is yet another dream that says it will.) ***



Earlier, 2 dreams Feb 26, 2022


This dream was 3 days ago. I try to return to my place in B’klyn but not only is the building being demolished but the entire street, every building is being torn down & so is every building on the street in front & behind it.

Someone is replacing the buildings with new ones – everything I owned has been confiscated &probably destroyed. I see new buildings coming into being – they are luxurious but sinister made with doorways & windows of milky blue glass with designs that gives me a feeling ‘this is not good.’ It’s like giving up something real for something fake of the world.


*** (Your lover had a tryst with someone of this world – you’re reading his mind. It isn’t REAL in that there’s no love or spirituality in it. In his mind temporarily his love for you has been destroyed & replaced by this fake affair. The milky glass with designs is something planned or a design on this world, some sort of scheme, like if I stay with her I will have more money for drugs to – hell with Rasa I will do this…

His mind is unsteady & he flies from this idea to that, he’s immature, unstable, torn by animal plans & desires. In his heart he loves you, this is a temptation.) ***

The dream was so frustrating & painful I did not write it down but the next day this situation was corrected in this dream:


Feb. 27, 2022


          I am back in B’klyn occupying my usual apt & look out the window. My landlord has brought back my furniture he formerly confiscated. A large wall shelf with many compartments is standing in the middle of the sidewalk in front of my building.

Wow, what am I going to do? I have refurnished my place properly; there might not be any room. I can’t just leave it there. I see a blanket folded up from long ago, it was yellow, with large fringe about 4” apart, each fringe; I gave it away as a gift to a poor retarded boy many years ago. One like that is on a shelf to the lower right but it’s green, not yellow. Other things are there, mine, but no longer needed. The shelf itself was yellow right now it is not distinct.

There’s a feeling of reconciliation & comfort, of things lost but restored.


*** (Lover has changed his mind, he’s already back. The folded blanket is telling. It means MONEY. The long-ago ‘retarded’ boy is him. He isn’t ‘officially’ retarded, just his behavior was stupid – he acted like a retard. But now he REMEMBERS your wealth.

The LARGE FRINGE is fringe benefits, large but far apart. You did him favors from time to time – not daily but ‘far apart.’ You treated him & his buddies to breakfast a few times – how many females do that? You produced a book on him – no one else ever has or ever will do that for him – that was, besides skill, a lot of MONEY. You drove expensive cars. Many females he balls don’t even have a car, if they do, it’s used. If it’s new, they got a loan they’re paying off. That means HARDSHIP – a monthly loan is due – they are under pressure for money. Most females are seeking males to AT LEAST contribute. He’s seeking to be a GIGOLO & he has the qualifications, not saying he’s wrong. Females who accept gigolos are not easy to find. He hit a home run with Ruthie, but that’s over with.

He didn’t know how much money you had, but you were obviously secure, & so now he’s LOOKING FOR SECURITY & trying out women who look like they might fit the bill, but then the next day after balling, facts appear & this or that babe doesn’t fit the bill. Maybe they’re working but will they help him or want him to share his money? That is not what he seeks; he’s always received, not given financially.

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As so many dreams said before, you are the one he will seek financial security from – the dream doesn’t say why but you know he will have less now that Ruthie is disabled. While she was working he sought women for sex appeal / cuteness, but now that’s changed – money is #1. The reconciliation is IN HIS MIND.

And now this has become serious – Ruthie must be replaced. And so, he REMEMBERS YOU. You were PERFECT. You loved him, you were rich, (he loved you also & still does.) Why not you? He had the perfect woman but he forfeited you by bad treatment. He finally, after all these years sees the Light. Like God said to you the day you met ‘This is your husband but it will be a SLOW BOAT TO CHINA’.

The SHELF with the COMPARTMENTS is a symbol of what you ‘brought to the table’ or to him – what you had, what you gave him. Various compartments are various qualities & the green blanket catches your eye at this time because that is the DECIDING FACTOR. Blanket means COMFORT – a ‘comforter.’ Covered with a blanket of green is ‘I got you covered’ money wise. Love doesn’t pay the bills. Some have love, but it doesn’t work as neither has enough money for the bills.

It stands in the MIDDLE OF THE STREET because it was so PUBLICLY OBVIOUS when he had you but he didn’t see it – now HE DOES. Life has changed & now he sees the VALUE of your money – before he was living at home, working part time, later full time, but he wasn’t insecure or needy. Now he came to an age where he has to stand on his own two feet, that is, away from Mom & Pop. If he’s a Gigolo he’s selling himself, but he gives value for money received, so he’s working. That’s what he wants & needs, God gave him the sex appeal, body & qualities to sell it, so go for it. I made money from my beauty by marrying a rich man – he eventually supplied me, secured me. So who am I to judge? No I did not pursue him for his money, I made my own first. He waited 16 years for my hand in marriage, I earned what I got.) ***


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