Women Must Rule the World

By Rasa Von Werder, April 27th, 2022

Why Women can do a Better Job in Ruling the World, Than Men


If man is so clever and intelligent, why is he incapable of solving fundamental problems like crime, war, injustice, poverty and suffering?

We are so negative about ourselves. Religion teaches us, “we are born in sin”, the scientific ‘Selfish Gene’ theory claims we are all basically selfish. Capitalists tell us that “greed is good”, because man can only be motivated by greed. We are also told that ideals like love and compassion are unrealistic and impracticable in our cruel world.

These beliefs encourage us to fear and hate each other. As we blame, condemn, punish and try to control others in a futile attempt to impose order in our chaotic world. Yet we know human beings are also capable of love and compassion, as well as intelligent and rational behaviour. So why are we not using our great intelligence to create a caring and loving world?

Men cannot claim that the problems of the world are unsolvable because men have the intelligence and problem solving skills to put people into space, invent computers and produce all the wonders of modern technology. So why are not men, who rule our world, using his great intelligence and vast resources to overcome the suffering of our world?

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The problem is that men’s basic instinctive drives, motivate him to compete and fight, bringing about a world of violence, warfare and injustice. Men are emotionally incapable of creating a caring and compassionate world. This is why we need women to rule our world instead.

This Blog explains how and why we have created our insane world of suffering and how we can choose to create a loving and caring planet.

This blog is available as a printed book at. -

Who is William Bond?  4-27-22


          From Rasa Von Werder


When I first got on the Internet in 2004, William Bond was already there, preaching a subject that interested me greatly –Matriarchy.

          By 2005 I had galvanized my work onto a site called “Woman, Thou Art God” which contained all my basic beliefs as well as some galleries portraying myself & other women as “Goddesses.”  I did not include my ‘show business’ name Kellie Everts as this was a new beginning – I had quit dancing & was now embarked on another role, Guru Rasa Von Werder, a spiritual leader & teacher.

          As I searched the web for material on Female Empowerment, female superiority, matriarchy, there was scant little information.  Whatever was there I collected & put onto my site.  I wrote articles.  I thought about the female situation a lot, were women really superior?  Ashley Montague said so in 1953, but he was dead.

          William Bond was alive & kicking.  He did not believe in Female Superiority per se {nor in other things I believed in like good & evil, global warming, male extinction or the devil} but what we agreed on was the glue that would bind us together, at least in my part – he wasn’t as sure about me.

          From then on, as I read the teachings of William Bond, I knew he was sent by the Almighty, that he was Gifted of the Holy Spirit & Anointed, & that we had to have ‘Divine Relationship.’

          After a few years I convinced him of the same.  At first when he saw there was a great conflict from other women toward me he said he had to ‘stick with the majority.’  But I knew most of them were phonies & fakes – not chosen by Her Majesty – & time proved me right – they all fell away when their egos were not gratified.


          William Bond has a way of saying the ‘obvious’ which everyone can believe if they weren’t hypnotized.  He says it & suddenly, the Emperor HAS NO CLOTHES!  And we all know it’s the Truth, AFTER he says it – but no one was saying it!

          Like ‘Men do a terrible job of running the world, their instinct doesn’t permit them to be loving & caring, they have not a Maternal instinct as do women – they are made to have conflicts & wars”  {words approximate.}

          Of course!  We knew it all the time but we were lost in the maze of Patriarch reasons / excuses & LIES about why the world is the way it is, always has been, always will be.

          Patriarchy is a TRAP of taking our minds off the TRUTH  & convincing us if only the Democrats or Republicans win or vice versa – all will be solved.  It’s the wrong party, the wrong man in charge, when the right MAN comes along all will be straightened out.  Right, & I will SELL YOU A BRIDGE.

          William says straight out there is NO RIGHT MAN, it has to be WOMEN {collectively, not ‘dicks in skirts”}.  Just look at the basic instincts & you’ll know the answer – as simple as that.

          And because of William Bond I had a touchstone of who to hang onto who knew the Truth & I would work with him, look at him as my Lighthouse on earth, encourage one another & push each other on in a cruel & twisted world.  {End Rasa Part}


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