WOMAN THOU ART GOD-a New Religion That
Teaches Women to Worship the God Within
8-16-19-Installment IV- Finished 8-17-19
Woman, thou art God: It behooves you to have a
Realm on Earth.
As a woman of God, the God within, you will not be welcomed by Patriarchy. You have already STEPPED OUTSIDE OF IT.
It took me YEARS to figure out that paradigm. Then I got it.
Single women, upon entering a meeting with a male/female couple, empower the female (unless she’s a witch looking to steal the guy), while single men empower the male. Get it? Female is NOT TO BE EMPOWERED BUT MALE IS. This is accepted in normal social intercourse – an unwritten law – but it’s become UNCONSCIOUS, unstated, so folks no longer know why single females are not invited.
Single Women Ostracized in Patriarchy
This is a DILEMMA you will HAVE TO FACE if you decide NOT TO MARRY OR HAVE A STEADY MATE or LIVE IN. You will face OSTRACISM (as women do) & that is one of the most difficult situations to bear – many people die from the torture of this. Ostracism is one reason (not the only one) that women marry. (It used to be, before typewriters, let’s say, that MARRIAGE WAS THE ONLY EMPLOYMENT FOR WOMEN-now the majority of women have JOBS other than marriage, they are much freer.) Still, for women who are ‘loose’ or ‘free’ from men, who are not hooked up or attached, these women are shunned.
You are not an official part of Patriarchy unless one of them OWNS YOU – If single, independent, they MARGINALIZE you
This alienation (as I said, a painful state) encourages women to get with a guy, then they are seen as ‘normal,’ ‘natural,’ ‘one of us.’ At twenty five or thirty at most, if you’re not married, you’re suspected of being gay, unwanted or weird. (Consider how in high school & college, females BOND. They have really close friends, sororities, sisterhood. But this is TOLERATED only until the females bond with male mates, & then, the ones who remain single are looked upon as OUTSIDERS. As I said, it is an unspoken agreement within Patriarchy that women must pair off with men, if they don’t, they are ‘left behind’ or ‘marginalized.’ What is Patriarchy saaying to us? YOU MUST BE OWNED BY A MAN–if you are not then YOU ARE NOT PART OF OUR SOCIETY.)
And so, women are AFRAID to be single! (Don’t you like men? Don’t you want children?) There is PRESSURE on them that if they want to be ACCEPTED, approved, applauded, given the A-OK label, they MUST BEHAVE like other women. Therefore, many marriages are FORCED through PUBLIC ACCEPTANCE PRESSURE.
Acceptance, a form of ‘love,’ is extremely important. Those who are not accepted feel unwanted, rejected, AS IF SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THEM; they might begin to QUESTION THEMSELVES like the abused– ‘what is wrong with me?’ & not know the answer. They might tend to LOSE THEIR CONFIDENCE or even HATE THEMSELVES – think LITTLE of themselves!
This of course happens to all peoples who are ‘marginalized,’—immigrants from foreign countries are pushed aside, have trouble getting work—this happened to Chinese, Irish & Jews (in America–immigrant nationalities in foreign countries to be sure). The ones already entrenched felt privileged, these new folks would take their women & jobs, they’re called MINORITIES & they were & are PREJUDICED AGAINST, persecuted. The new people therefore banded together into COMMUNITIES where they comforted, supported one another in a common bond. With ‘their own kind’ they knew ‘there’s nothing wrong with me personally, I’m with others just like me & there’s nothing wrong with them, they’re being unfair to us.’ That’s how they survived.
I was an immigrant myself, arriving at five at Ellis Island with family, immediately joining a Lithuanian Community. (My Aunt & Uncle with Grandma had jobs secured in posh Waccabuc, N.Y.-this was my parents, myself & siblings.) My Dad had a job with a Lithuanian deli, we joined a Lithuanian Church where Dad organized a school, Mom produced plays in the Church auditorium—we enjoyed a Lithuanian society where you didn’t have to learn English until you went outside of it, of course, I went to school & had to learn.
During the time we were surrounded by peers it was a shelter, a cocoon, a PROTECTED SPACE where we KNEW OUR CULTURE, AGENDA & CONCERNS. Like any group, we had certain approved customs & cherished ideas, we had a protocol of manners & behavior.
When this community was left & we lived in an American culture – all bets were off, we learned a new style of life, culture, manners, behavior, even thought. We had to learn & ADJUST.
“great war leaders”, and continues in media where violent men are glorified. Children are taught to worship violent, selfish men. If would be better if they were taught to appreciate and respect maternal and loving women and see them as the best people to rule our world. It is people’s ignorance of matriarchy and why women should be ruling our world that keeps patriarchy going and prevents us living in a caring and loving world
Now before going any further let me make the point, that we woman are not adjusting to our NATIVE, primordial, natural feminine world; when we are born we are slowly but surely indoctrinated into a FOREIGN CULTURE such as we knew not thousands of years ago. Within our genetics a move toward Mother God – not father – still remains, an instinct for LEADERSHIP, decision making, GREAT CONFIDENCE, & other qualities which cause us to automatically lead our family, community, culture, religion & government – the entire world. We were IT – there was no questioning our authority for untold eons, since humanity began, & then of course we were usurped. There was a war – the myth is Lucifer, against God – the myth means men against Mother God & women, wanting to be like them, wanting their prerogatives, privileges, power, all the rights women had that were not questioned.
The myth purports one being as bright as the stars, Lucifer, Bearer of Light, who felt he was so great, he did not have to serve! He said he was beautiful, he deserved Love, Obedience, Allegiance, all the things God had!
One third of the angels followed Lucifer into Hell -This means one third of men followed Satan, one third are DEMONIC
But he wasn’t beautiful too long, since he SINNED against God in MORTAL SIN (death to the spirit) the Almighty took away his grace (Love) & he turned into the greatest monster who ever lived: Satan, & this Satan is PATRIARCHY.
We now live under its thralldom for Satan instituted his kingdom on earth – He is the ‘Prince of this world,’ he rules the world with ‘one third of the angels went with him’—which includes a percentage of females who betrayed Our Holy Mother.
This kingdom is not to last long – in Yoga it’s called ‘Kali Yuga,’ an evil empire that appears & disappears pretty fast. And speaking of Yoga, the Hindus also have a myth from eons ago where the male Gods could not subdue the demon Maharashtri – they had to call on a female God, Durga, who slayed him. But upon dissolution, his BLOOD falling to the ground, each drop became more demons. Durga then turned herself into KALI, a monstrous Godess who lapped up all the blood, end of Maharashtri.
Maharashtri is Patriarchy, who the male God’s (human men) could not subdue/remove. He calls on the Feminine Divine, Mother God, She appears as Durga, the avenger. (This represents God working through women.) Through the beauty She gives herself she seduces, then kills the demon, but he cannot be stopped as he multiplies himself. (Men keep being born, perpetuating the Patriarchy.) Mother God then decides to call in men, bearing down on their Y chromosome, the gene through which they were created, & decrees the EXTINCTION OF MEN, thereby ENDING PATRIARCHY.
The Durga & Lucifer myths are ancient, people knew in their primordial selves what was going on & they explained it in symbolic terms. What floors me is the myth of Durga predicts male extinction eons ago, which was only explained recently in a book by Dr. Bryan Sykes– “Adams’s Curse – A World Without Men”—2004.
Now to get back to my point.
The woman is faced with a dilemma, resist being a part of the Patriarchal norm, be ostracized, alone, shunned by society. I suggested that she do so, if she can, live alone if necessary or with female roommates (or males who leave her alone), not lust for the higher financial & social status a ‘rich man’ (or any man with a job & strings) could give her – resist being therefore, ‘owned’ by a Patriarch, producing children for Patriarchy, partaking of Patriarchal society, being consumed, drained, eaten up by Patriarchy & produce kids that are sucked into that demonic void.
I purport that in doing so, the woman loses HERSELF, that is to say, her identity & her God-Self, for she needs time & energy to pursue this, after first giving her heart to Mother God. I said before, she needs time to be alone, to study, meditate, time to find what is called Enlightenment or Self Realization, time, energy & FOCUS (put first the Queen’s World of Mother God & all things shall be added unto you, Mother God is a jealous God, put no Strange Gods before Her!) That Power/Presence of Mother God is deep within a woman, but the world takes her away from the pursuit. The world—(of Patriarchy, not Matriarchy)—DRAINS her mentally, emotionally, spiritually & physically. This is EXACTLY what happens in a male dominated Patriarchal marriage & family. When, oh when, does a woman have time for HERSELF? What I propose would take HOURS A DAY, not fifteen minutes, a half hour or even one hour, several hours a day at the very least!
There are two basic issues now to be addressed. One, is how does the anti-Patriarchal woman survive the ostracism?
And second, for she who cannot turn her back on all things manly, but chooses to have a boyfriend or mate, or has or will have a husband and family, but yet wants to follow the path of being a Matriarch & finding Herself – how does she manage it? How does she behave & talk with her boyfriend or husband? And if she has boy children, what does she say to them or teach them about God?
In the area of surviving ostracism there has to be SISTERHOOD. Men have umpteen avenues of ‘escape’ from women – men’s clubs, men’s sports where when watching you don’t exist, men doing ‘boys night out or men-type recreation, but refusing the same privilege to women or woman can’t do it for watching kids, men’s jobs especially in the past, they could stay away from home & hide activities other than work (usually being with other women, or men.)
As a woman ‘slave’ or ‘prisoner’ in a man’s Patriarchy, if you’re married, & especially have children, you will rip your hair out trying to get away. It will be one of the hardest things you’ve ever done.
When at the age of seventeen I got hooked up with my first husband – an evil man – (twice as old as me) – he didn’t want me to go to college or learn to drive. He also tricked me into getting pregnant, not following the birth control we had employed, I quit college because he got cancer, I had a sick man & baby on my hands before long. I did learn to drive, thank God.
I was stuck, saddled, fettered & grounded until he died. At first, when we were together, I didn’t see his plan, but after a while I saw it was IMPRISONMENT, limit my rights, my behavior, education, my entire life.
When we met, I just needed a loan of about 500 bucks which he refused to give – they want to own you. I could have worked as a waitress & supported myself with that small loan, had my own apartment, found my own way, but of course, he finagled to have me live with him then insisted on marriage, got me pregnant on the sly.
Taking care of him with cancer & the baby was all-consuming. When he died it emptied our bank account, I had 5 bucks left to my name. His last legacy to me was cancel the life insurance a fellow teacher encouraged him to get – this would have given child & me some security until I got to work, but no, that was too good to be true. Out of an act of utter malice before he died he called the company & cancelled it.
That’s how I became a dancer & for the rest of my life, I supported myself. No man ever again got me into his clutches, I worked all my life & eventually had good security. My second husband helped a lot, but while he lived, he did not support me, I was either a dancer or later changed that into a mail-order business. I was the first person in my family (of my siblings) to buy my own house, & this with my own money.
My second husband did not interfere with my life, I did as I wanted, (we never lived together) but at that time, I was unable to do the work of Mother God, because I was the recipient of the Interior Divine Stigmata & for eighteen years, this put me into the ‘Dark Night of the Soul.’ That meant I could not commune with God in any way, shape or form, a high price to pay for the Divine Grace. I’m not sorry about it, just explaining, you can read my book on the subject, ‘On the Attainment of the Divine Stigmata’ available on Lulu Press. (Of course, in God’s economy time & life are never wasted. This was the period of life I earned money, which was then & later used in my religious work. I was in show business, producing videos & behaving in a way that would have been ‘against the grain’ had I remained in the ‘interior, contemplative’ state.)
In FUTURE, there isn’t much of that now, women MUST GET TOGETHER & have gatherings. Before they even build any kind of temple, there must be a constituency, women who believe, & there must be lots of them.
In these gatherings women must talk & PRAY TOGETHER. These prayer meetings are of utmost importance, because we are FIGHTING AN ENEMY & there are many of them, & it pays if we are many, & in order to beat this enemy we must put on ‘The whole armor of God.’
We must have Spiritual Powers & virtues to defeat the demons who enslaved us, & we must have guidance from above & we need the camaraderie, companionship, support both moral & physical, of our sister prisoners.
The best example I can give of how prayer helps is consider the Civil Rights Movement in the U.S. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr was the leader.
In Selma, Alabama there was a bus strike by the blacks, started by Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat to a white & sit in the back. As she sat motionless, police were called, she was arrested & right quick the strike was on.
All the blacks boycotted the buses, thereby cutting their revenue by half. They found other ways of getting to & from work & other errands.
OK, but what sustained them? They were going through intense hardships, even risking their lives, as the strike expanded to the ‘Civil Rights Movement’ all over the South, with lunch counter sit ins, entrance into white schools, challenging the voting system & the like. Lives were threatened, lives were lost, how did they endure?
It was through FELLOWSHIP & PRAYER. These people – every night without fail – gathered in Churches, prayed together & sang together,
Women must do the same thing. We don’t have Churches yet, & it’s just as well as they will burn them, break our windows & shoot us going in & out.
I suggest we start meeting in secret places, just as did the Christians during persecution. The Christians met in caves – we don’t have any, so we meet in houses or places women own – such as restaurants – beauty parlors – stores – etc., not in the front rooms, but with doors closed, back rooms or curtains drawn, not to draw attention.
I say this because a study of the things men did to women when they resisted Patriarchy warns me, that even one man knowing where the women meet presents a threat. A guy can put it into his head he must prevent ‘his woman’ from finding freedom, & they are violent, & so, one man knowing where we meet presents a threat to the entire congregation.
Why are men so reactive? As long as you obey or cooperate they are somnambulant & don’t do a thing. They’ll watch their sports hours on end, ignoring you. They stay secure in the knowledge they own you forever. Many men don’t even want their wives to work, if they can afford that, for fear of their independence especially they might meet another man.
If you belong to a female congregation of Mother God, you have to play it down. You have to present it to your live-in man or husband in a non-threatening way. You are joined to a group for DISCUSSION ON THINGS RELEVANT TO WOMEN: Health, taking care of children, ways to get bargains in stores, & PRAYING FOR GOOD HEALTH, PROSPERITY & PROTECTION for oneself, family, & friends.
Let him know that these women cooperate & are willing to help during times of sickness, tragedy, loss of life, family troubles, losses, injuries – any kinds of bad luck – they will be there for us, they will have our backs.
(These are things we can certainly do, but it’s not our purpose. Our purpose is devotion to Mother God, prayer to Her for our Enlightenment & freedom, dismantling of Patriarchy & emergence of Matriarchy, & a real Intimate, Powerful relationship with Her & reception of all Her gifts, graces & miracles.)
He might ask for the address & you can never, ever give that to him – as that compromises safe space. Indeed, he will get ever more suspicious without that info – here we come to the nidus of why it’s not a good idea to be involved with a man if you want to pursue perfect freedom from them – they don’t want you to be free.
Your man will say what if an emergency comes up, esp if you have children? The child thing will make it more difficult. You will have to tell him that you will call him a few times from where you are to see if everything is alright.
How they are: I once had a female model who told her boyfriend my address, where we would be taking pictures. They were just ordinary pictures, but he put it into his mind that we would be doing pics with other men – it was hysteria. Why she gave him the address, I have no idea.
Sure enough, he showed up. I did not answer the door as I knew he’d make trouble. He banged on the door harder & harder, went to every window shouting for her to come out. We went to an inner room, put all the lights out & just sat there until he left, which was a long time.
Every female model who had a boyfriend, or man pursuing her, once she told him she was modeling, did all that he could to prevent it. I lost two of my best models that way, they could not stand the thought of the beautiful girl being photographed & then admired by other men – & her independence regarding money also scares him.
We must face the fact of vile male behavior when we seek independence.
It brings to mind a husband in a Latin country – he was a doctor, it was in a documentary. His beautiful young wife wanted to go to college – he forbid her, she did it anyway. He went to the school, as she was leaving the campus he shot her dead. NOTHING WAS DONE TO HIM at the time of the documentary, I imagine if it even went to court he got a slap on the wrist or some meaningless ‘punishment.’ Males are often allowed to kill us with impunity – it turns out to be our fault instead of theirs. So you must be careful because PATRIARCHS ARE INSANE & the law is on their side, even in America.
Now we come to what happens in repressive countries especially Muslim ones who have theocracy, Sharia law & ‘honor killings?’
It’s almost impossible for women there to do anything independent. Nothing is impossible, but almost. The best I can say is spend as much time as you can in prayer, meditation, & time for yourself. Channel Mother God, call on her day & night to find a way. If you can, escape, if you can’t, pray for a miracle. Miracles do happen.
I know how hard it was for me here in America, where we’re supposed to be ‘free’ so I can hardly imagine what happens in third world countries, in Orthodox religions, in cults & sects where men control. You have to escape those environments if & when you can, whatever way you can. And your greatest weapon is prayer.
Next question is what do you teach your boy-child about religion? Teach him the same thing you believe yourself, that God is within him, alive & well. He can reach the God within him through the usual spiritual methods, devotion, prayer, good works, avoidance of sin. There’s no problem practicing the Patriarchal religions as long as one leaves behind the bad & retains the good.
There is also the religion of Wicca, I once belonged to a coven, we met in the woods, there were as many men as women. We did lovely rituals guided by a ‘God & Goddess, mostly the Goddess. Wicca is complex, it takes study & practice. It has holidays, rituals, prayers, spells, just like any other religion. It is not evil, that’s all propaganda of Patriarchs when they wanted to kill off women, & kill them they did. Between the 1200’s to the 1700’s they tortured, burned to death & otherwise killed about nine million women; it was the Women’s Holocaust.