William Bond on Matriarchy

By Rasa Von Werder, May 4th, 2022

What is Matriarchy?  William Bond

& Rasa Von Werder with Friends

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Just one other thing, it seems to me that their definition {a certain site} of matriarchy is really feminism this is what  the Merriam Webster dictionary says about this. 


Definition of feminism

: belief in and advocacy of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes expressed especially through organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests.


So all we have to do is point out that feminism is not the same as matriarchy and use dictionaries to prove this point. 




One thing I’ll like to add to this, if you look up the world matriarchy in dictionaries online. They all say things like. -


Definitions of Matriarchy ( noun) A society, system, or group in which women dominate men and have the power and authority. ( noun) A group or family where the mother or oldest female is the head of the family with descent typically traced through the female line.


https://sociologydictionary.org › matriarchy


So if there is any dispute in this then all Pete has to do is reference a few dictionaries. 


Just one other thing, it seems to me that their definition of matriarchy is really feminism this is what  the Merriam Webster dictionary says about this. 


Definition of feminism

: belief in and advocacy of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes expressed especially through organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests.


So all we have to do is point out that feminism is not the same as matriarchy and use dictionaries to prove this point. 




Hi  Everyone


I think people like Heide Xxx are trying to make matriarchy ‘respectable’ to academic audiences by claiming matriarchy is all about sexual equality. So it seems patriarchy can talk about using force and violence to dominate and control women and other men but women are not allowed to do the same. 


There is the same issue in Feminism which again promotes sexual equality. But not all Feminist agree as lesbian Feminists like Mary Daly call themselves Radical Feminists because they are not interested in equality with men as they see men as the enemy and think of it as a straight fight between men and women for power.  Radical Feminism also has a Wikipedia page. 


So I suppose we can call ourselves ‘Radical Matriarchy’ or perhaps ‘Uncompromising Matriarchy’. Making it clear we see matriarchy as women ruling countries or the world and not trying to be equal with men. There is also Gynarchy and there is even a unfinished Wikipedia page on this. 


This argument over what exactly is Matriarchy is nothing new. I first heard about matriarchy from the book, “The First Sex” by Elizabeth Gould Davis. She was then criticized by the likes of Riane Eisler, in her book, “The Chalice and the Blade” who claimed that Matriarchy is all about equality. Both of these books were published in the 1970s. 


I agree we can bring the Goddess in it, if we are talking about starting a Goddess religion.




Hi Everyone


I have mediated on this Rasa, as you suggested and this is what I’ve got. Everyone accepts that patriarchy mean male rule so therefore matriarchy is female rule. But if we talk about equality between men and women then there is a word for this, and that is egalitarianism. Therefore matriarchy and egalitarianism are not the same thing. 


I also have looked up the word archy, like you see in both patriarchy and matriarchy and the word archy is a ancient Greek word meaning rule or government. For this reason patriarchy means, rule by patriarchs, while matriarchy means, rule by matriarchs. That is why a government of only men is called patriarchy and therefore a government of only women will be a matriarchy. 


But if people still want to dispute this then Rasa you have your own word and that is WomanthouArtGod. That is a word you made up yourself and therefore you have the right to define it as you like. The idea that God is a woman is a very powerful concept and can be used as a powerful tool in empowering women. 




The way I would see Heide is that she wants to write about matriarchy but make it respectable and get the approval of the academic world. Which is hard to do because she is wanting a patriarchal institution to approve of what she says about matriarchy! Which means she is trying to obtain the approval of the enemies of matriarchy. She is very aware that many women who write about matriarchy like Marija Gimbutas has been savagely criticized by the academic world and doesn’t want to suffer the same fate. So she will always side with patriarchy and try to water down matriarchy so it won’t be seen as a threat to patriarchy. In other words she is an appeaser and is jealous of you, Rasa, because you are free to say whatever you like and do not have to answer to patriarchal men. It is a shame because we are all on the same side and we all want to promote matriarchy but she is trying to persuade patriarchal men that matriarchy is a good idea. 



Hi Pete


Thanks again for what you have manage to achieve for both myself and Rasa. Is WordPress on the Wikipedia blacklist? Some time ago I made a alternative mermaid blog on WordPress when I feared that Google might delete my blogs. 





You’re very welcome, William.  I just checked now, and while it is a good blog IMHO, I found out that unfortunately any URL with the wordpress.com domain is also blacklisted, as are pretty much all other blog sites like Blogger.  It wasn’t always like this, as back in 2010 or so I remember it was still OK (but strongly discouraged) to cite blogged sources, but now they are all automatically blacklisted and rejected by the Wikipedia algorithm.  Just like LULU is blacklisted (but Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, and Goodreads.com are apparently fine).


It is done automatically by domain. Note that EOG is fine because it the URL does not end in any of the blacklisted domains like wordpress.com or blogger.com.


So unfortunately, William, every single one of your own sites is currently blacklisted.  That is why I cited EOG as well as Goodreads, Amazon, and Google Books, in order to cite your work in a roundabout way.


Best wishes and have a nice day,………………   Pete



From Rasa,

Well, my EOG is on WORD PRESS.  Before my genius webman, Nick Kushner, left me for CA & an untimely death {he was about 30}  I asked him to give me a site I could manage – as I’m an amateur – {he had done all my uploading prior to that & he worked 5 days a week for nearly 3 years.} That resulted in EOG.  It does not have the art & polish as my other 2 sites because Word Press doesn’t have that sort of capacity, at least that I can handle.  Maybe it does but I haven’t even tried to do anything unusual – I just thank God I can get articles up with nice scenery & images.


OK so maybe William can change the name of his Word Press site so it doesn’t end up as that shyt?


 I have noticed that we have all worked individually in the past, each beating his own drum mostly.  Just bits of camaraderie. (We helped each other a little, here & there, the big change was when Pete started sharing my articles every time.  And of course I put his articles on my site & blog – then he became an owner of our blog by the grace of William, then Vallah.  And of course, William had created that blog for me in the first place & for one solid year was posting all my stuff, like 95 articles in one year!)


  But now we have joined together as a team or a strong force & look how much more we accomplished.  Yes Pete is the key here but I am cooperating with him & helping.  Steve is beginning to help – he has done so in the past by putting William & myself on his pages several times.


In the Bible I like the story of the old man who is going to die soon & he has instructions to leave his 3 sons – on the mgt. of their property.  He takes a large bundle of sticks & asks each one individually to break them in two.  They try & they can’t.  Then he splits the sticks into 3 bundles & again asks each one to break them – & this time they can do it.  You know the moral here.


We can do more together than individually.  Cooperation, caring about each other’s work, pushing it forward, will be the most rewarding for our cause.  Symbiosis in nature. 


And we have made such great progress, I think it’s important now to listen to Mother God, keep praying, & when energy is there, keep working.  That’s what I hope to do.


First, we need to put William on the map – He is our original Guiding Light or Lighthouse – the Prophet of Matriarchy – the one who made me say ‘Bingo!  This is it!  I never knew that all his work would be disregarded or ‘blocked’ by those who can verify & magnify him.  There is a great threat that both he & I will be ERASED as the perusal of Wikipedia shows me how easily this is done.  All they do is set themselves up, as for instance, the ‘Matriarchy’ site & exclude us.  Then they set up the ‘female body building site’ & exclude me.  {People clic it to see the history or progression of a thing, since we aren’t there, they don’t know we had anything to do with it}  Simply by having VOICE they become the ‘winners,’ we the ‘losers,’ as they have done to WOMEN IN HISTORY. 


 We all know that males have systematically excluded the accomplishments of women throughout the ages – Freyja Derrickson dug up much of that & made memes out of it like ‘I discovered radium but you will never know it because I didn’t have a penis.’


What they’ve been doing to us for years is steal our ideas, our intellectual wealth, appropriate it for themselves, do what we taught them, & reap the benefits.  {OK, it’s not all of them – some.  There is a movement toward female ascendency going on with or without us.}


Now back to the drawing board.  You asked, Pete, for links to regular sites that you can place on the Wikipedia for William.  He’s never worked on that it seems.  Steve has apparently, as I see he got a couple reviews of his book & much other activity.  You have to REACH OUT to get reviews or articles by people.  All my work – 95 to 99% of it – which you see listed there on my sites – was myself writing letters & making phone calls.  It was my second profession.  I danced & preached, yes, & 50% of my time & effort went into contacting media.  And ditto for body building.  These were ALMOST FULL TIME JOBS, LET’S SAY half of the time jobs.


Almost every TV show there, I made the call.  Almost every article there, I made the call or wrote letters – including to Europe.  You see all those foreign-language articles – I sent them packages with who I was & chromes of me.  It cost plenty money postage wise but I did it.  I went to ‘Hotalings,’ a foreign, international magazine stand in NYC, & would buy dozens of foreign publications & contact them.


When I was at the Playboy Club I did not wait for some mysterious man with pad & pencil to interview me.  First I did a radio show & praised Playboy.  I took a copy of the radio show with the tape of me talking about Playboy – went up to the manager’s office – Sheldon Wax – no appointment – I took a risk he’d say he was busy, but he saw me.  As quirky as it seems, I played that tape, lol.  Like Playboy needed my radio show – what it did was it opened his heart & mind to me.  He said they’d already done a couple things on me in Playboy, it wasn’t customary for them to do that many things on one person.  But I talked him into it, & they did a decent story on me for ‘Stripping for God’ & later, had me in their various forums & ‘Sex in the News,’ etc.  {Later poor Sheldon died, with his wife, in a TWA crash.  I bought 10 Holy Masses for them, even though they were Jewish & not supposed to get Masses.} 


Third example & I will quit.  The YAHOO groups when they were popular.  I joined 350 groups.  It took me TWO YEARS to screen those I could post on.  That being done, I spent NINE HOURS every Saturday posting on all those that I had articles for.  This went on for a couple years.  Then I got a new employee, Pete, from Texas.  He set up a SPEEDY SPAM system for me & then I could do in 1.5 hours what I did in 9.  In 1.5 hours, I posted my articles on about 300 yahoo groups every week!  Which meant 300k people reached with articles!  I gained a reputation as you can guess.


I’m just giving you a SAMPLE of what I did to get the media, there is so much more, but let’s let it rest.  What I’m saying is we have to be AGGRESSIVE if we want OUR MESSAGE out there to help SAVE THE WORLD.  Matriarchy is the answer – we all know it.  How do we get it into the minds of people, men & women?  Only one way – MEDIA.  How do we get media?  By CONTACTING THEM.


So there you have it, what’s on my mind today.  somebody – me I guess – has to contact dozens, even hundreds of sites, & ask them to consider William’s articles & books for review or analysis or comment.  Simple as that.  When they do it, Pete can link it to Wiki.


Who do we contact?  right now, I’m not sure.  I guess POLITICAL SCIENCE sites, anthropology sites, sites that deal with the Gender Issues, or ANY SITES that might give the subject some voice.  It will be experimental – I have not started.  That is my plan. 



Rasa to Friends:

I noticed on the ‘Matriarchy’ page the mention of Camille Paglia.  Have not heard her name for years.  At the beginning of the women’s movement she distinguished herself by pooh-poohing some of the basic complaints of women.  In other words, she made her mark by appeasing men, working against women.  And there she is, on Heidi’s page!


This proves further that Heidi is not a Matriarch.  What a phony.  She made sure all those equality-egalitarians are there & now Camille Paglia.  I will study the site more, I only glanced at it.  Like she deserves to be there, but I don’t?



Good evening, Rasa. Indeed, Camille Paglia certainly does not deserve to be on that site at all.  She and other pseudo-feminists like her are textbook examples of “dicks in skirts” who luuurrrve to butt in and attempt to invalidate Women’s concerns.  Heide Hoodoo is indeed a phony, and certainly not of God at all, as your channeling of her confirms.  Fortunately, she and/or her sockpuppet seems to be backing down for now, or at least has been awfully quiet since a day or two ago.  She must really be gnashing her teeth in frustration right now, lol.  So far, no further reversions or deletions on her part since then to any articles, and we seem to be winning now, God willing. ………………   Best wishes,   Pete



Hi Everyone

I think we do need to define exactly what Matriarchy is and say clearly feminism is not matriarchy. The women’s movement have been taken over by left-wing politics because feminism is about sexual equality but matriarchy is not about equality. If we are talking about matriarchal governments then you have to discriminate against men. (In much the same way patriarchal governments discriminate against women). For this reason matriarchal politics will be more right-wing than left wing. 


This not not unusual in the women’s movement. The British Suffragettes led by Emmeline Pankhurst looked to left wing parties the Liberals and Labour for support. The Liberals actively blocked the Suffragettes while Labour promised to help, but in the end did nothing to help the Suffragettes. This is one of the reasons Emmeline Pankhurst when women did get the vote, became a Conservative MP. Another reason was that wealthy women, who were probably Conservative, financed the Suffragettes. 


Another point is that when Pamela and I wrote, “Gospel of the Goddess” the only people who supported us was the Femdom people. This makes sense because Femdom people also want women to rule the world. The problem is that femdom sexual fantasies are all about women being cruel to men. Whereas the argument for matriarchy is that we all would be better off if women ruled the world because women are far more loving and caring people than men. 


So we have to make it clear that matriarchy is neither feminism or femdom. 


From Pete:

Indeed, that is true, William.  Defining and listing what Matriarchy is NOT (feminism, femdom, or patriarchy with the genders reversed) is just as important as defined what it is.  There is of course some overlap with feminism in that many self-proclaimed feminists have (overtly or covertly) had Matriarchy in mind to one degree or another as an ultimate endgame or logical conclusion.  But it is clearly not the same thing as feminism per se.  Feminism is ostensibly about equality, and is thus at most a steppingstone or gateway to Matriarchy.


That is not to say that Matriarchy is inegalitarian overall.  In terms of class, race, and other demographic categories, Matriarchy is far more egalitarian than patriarchy could ever hope to be.  It is not a pyramid, more like a circle.  


But in terms of gender?  Matriarchy is very clearly an express train that does NOT stop at Equality Street.  That does not mean that men will be oppressed,  but men will clearly be excluded from positions of power……………………..   Pete



From William:

Agreed Pete. Even though matriarchy will discriminate against men, because to have a true matriarchal government you have to have only women in positions of power. The reason for matriarchy is that most women are more caring people than most men. So a matriarchal government will treat men a lot better than how patriarchal governments have treated women or even other men. 


This is also the only way matriarchy can get into power and retain it. It is unlikely we will have a Amazon army go out and conquer the world through force and violence in the way some patriarchal empires have tried to do. The only way a matriarchal government can get into power is through democratic means. So people will vote for caring women as they will see them as being better to rule them than patriarchal minded men. Also, matriarchy if they are to retain their power have to prove to people they are caring rulers, to keep the support of the people. ……………….. William




 And every word you guys said is absolutely true & ultimately of the GREATEST VALUE.          Re feminism:  My opinion is that the original women who tackled this were seeking EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW, not necessarily equality in ALL WAYS – just the law.  In their secret heart of hearts, allwomen believe they are SUPERIOR TO MEN.  But of course they don’t say it, it is deep inside.  And why do they think this?  Instinct & observation.  What they feel inside as Mothers, what they observe men doing from the day they can crawl.


    These PRINCIPLES of which you speak, that we must explain what Matriarchy is & WHAT IT IS NOT are CRUCIAL.  Shall we do a page for Wikipedia called maybe MATRIARCHY 101?  Because we can’t rewrite what is there – the ones who made it will keep it that way, it needs a new page.

    My idea is that we should give no room for antagonists or naysayers or anti-Matriarchy people – those who are against women, against women rulership or dominance.  These would be the equality-egalitarian types, all of them.  She has plenty on that site – just leave them out.

    From the past just speak of those who were / are 100% for Matriarchy – Marija Gimbutas, Merlin Stone, all the people that wrote in favor of it, even some men {I have a book in my library called “The Redundant Male” by 2 Men – Never read it yet, lol} – skip the rest.

    Of course that includes William & myself.  And we should go into some details what our books teach.  My Cougar books – Old Woman – Young Man – should be included, ditto again all William’s books on the subject.


    And something NO ONE references that is key to the subject of Matriarchy -The extinction of men.  We must give space to “Adam’s Curse – A Future Without Men” by Dr. Bryan Sykes – world’s leading geneticist.  {I’ve spoken to him by e mail}  His theories are seconded by another top geneticist – Steve Jones – with his book “The Descent of Men” – I have spoke to him by e mail also…….Another great book, pro-Matriarchal – believes we are more like Bonobos than Chimps & many other theories that agree with ours – “Sex at Dawn” by Christopher Ryan & Cacilda Jetha – New York times Bestseller! I have the book right here.  Of course Heidi Hoodoo mentions none of these.


    But with the extinction of men, is it not appropriate to prepare for Matriarchy?


    Oh yes, femdom.  We ask the question, is Matriarchy femdom?  Then William & I explain what ‘femdom’ is within our Patriarchal culture – he’s done it a thousand times, I’ve LIVED IT.  What males want to do is control women in the femdom experience “topping from the bottom”  They used to give me SCRIPTS, I produced them for money. {THE MORE VIOENCE, CRUELTY & DEGRADATION IN THE SCRIPTS, THE BETTER THEY SOLD.}  During sessions they explain what they want, the mistress does it, he pays her.  It’s a form of sex therapy like regular sex.

    That is NOT, of course, what true ‘femdom’ is.  True femdom is my good husband Richard Von Werder, who helped me in all ways & provided for me upon his death.  William is that way with his wife.  She doesn’t believe in the ‘femdom’ scene but William helped her & served her from day One.  These men are HELPMATES.


        One last thing: How will Matriarchy come about? William, you mentioned democracy, not violence. Democracy is rule of the majority. How do they rule? By vote. How do they vote? By what they know or believe. How do they know or believe? By seeing, hearing, observing, through EDUCATION. That’s where WE COME IN – that’s what Almighty God Anointed us for. Jesus was Anointed to TEACH. He taught through his works, example & words. We in our writings are teachers of the TRUTH. The people don’t automatically know it, in particular, they have been LED ASTRAY by the Patriarchs who ERASED the Herstory of Matriarchy & the accomplishments of women – {now they want to do the same to us!} Our teachings will SHOW THE WAY for people to BELIEVE in Matriarchy, then they will ACT in favorable ways toward it – There’s a million things they can do to bring it about, if they believe, they will do them. Resisting lies is a beginning. Getting active in government is a beginning – many such things.

    The floor is yours guys…………………….Rasa


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