the Gordian Knot Untied

By Rasa Von Werder, March 22nd, 2022

Chapter 2   Part 7


New Religion Promotion 3-20-22   {The Gordian Knot Untied}


From William Bond:

Read your latest article Rasa and what came to my mind is that you have been for most of your life an entertainer and you have had experience with preaching with your, “I strip for God” shows. I agree a TV interview would be a big boost to publicizing a new Matriarchal religion but perhaps you need to be doing something, at present, for them to want to interview you. 


Perhaps your, “I strip for God” shows, didn’t go anywhere because you were then still promoting the Christian religion. But this might change if you were now preaching about a religion that promotes sexual freedom, a female God and matriarchy.


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Rasa says:

                     William, I was not CAPABLE of preaching Matriarchy, the new religion, sexual freedom, etc. at that time.

What was I doing? I was expressing my love for God & humanity when I preached, that is all. I was trying to SAVE SOULS – save them from sin, from misery, from confusion. The principles I preached were those I understood, as espoused by Jesus Christ, & that was what I knew. I could not represent what I did not {yet} know.

What you are speaking is the analys the day after the game, lol. That’s where I am TODAY. Like they say, one needs DISTANCE to understand some things, now I am beginning to see the Light of WHO I WAS & WHAT I REPRESENT / REPRESENTED.

          And what was & is that?

          What we both just said – How our New Religion is different from ANY OTHER. Think about it. What Patriarchal religion espouses SEXUAL FREEDOM for women – women can have sex with anyone they wish & they can have as many ‘husbands’ as they want & they can have young men when they are old?

Consider – Christianity? Islam? Judaism? Hinduism? The 4 main Patriarchal religions are FANATICALLY OPPOSED to women’s sexual freedom – {in fact I saw a study which explained that religious fundamentalism is measured BY THE OPPRESSION OF WOMEN – the more repressive to them they are – the more ‘fundamental’ they are – that is what they are about.} Then there’s the sects, like say Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Amish, Hutterites – the list goes on, all against women’s sexual freedom. In fact, the significant ideal or agenda of Patriarchal religions is to ROB WOMEN OF THEIR HUMAN RIGHTS including the right to choose their sexual behavior & the right to leadership in family & society.

And so, the counter religion to Patriarchal religion is one in which women have the RIGHT TO DO ANYTHING THEY WANT & decide their own moral behavior which includes sex with anyone they want without interference from men.


William’s statement, Mother God, I need your help to answer it. He said,

your, “I strip for God” shows, didn’t go anywhere because you were then still promoting the Christian religion. But this might change if you were now preaching about a religion that promotes sexual freedom, a female God and matriarchy”

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Mother God, the words ‘didn’t get anywhere’ I also need answered like what does he mean? Does he mean it was a flop or does he mean it did not ESTABLISH A NEW RELIGION OF SEXUAL FREEDOM & MATRIARCHY. Because I got international publicity for ‘Stripping for God,’ appeared on front pages from Canada to New York to California – got on about 150 TV spots, the News & talk shows, not to mention local publicity in magazines & radio. It was a whirlwind of publicity, so much so that Johnny Carson did a skit about ‘the preacher Kellie who appears during ratings week & gets more publicity than the emerging African Nations.” So where is William saying it was supposed to get, that it didn’t get to?


MG {Mother God}: William didn’t mean you got no publicity, he means you did not get a new religion established. Here’s the deal:

The New Religion had to GESTATE. One cannot do all things at once, that is to say a seed has to fall to the ground, the weather has to turn warm, the sun & rain have to hit the ground. The seed must burst open, send out roots, then shoots, appear above & grow into whatever it’s supposed to be.

ME: And so, when I began Stripping for God, giving sermons, would you call that a SEED? Explain the synopsis or evolution of this, why could I not from the very beginning, begin preaching sexual freedom, Matriarchy & a female God? Why did I preach Christianity?


MG: You weren’t READY, in your mind, to preach these tenets, you did not understand them fully – you had to learn & grow in your theology, in the study of Patriarchy vs. Matriarchy, the entire question. This started a LONG TIME AGO – it was 1973 – you were 28 years old. You gave your first speech at the behest of your then-guru, Rev. Judy Swaggart. It was to promote HER & the One World Light Church which she started – You WERE the Church, besides her, no one else was active, all her other disciples were deadbeats. You were the only one with zeal & obedience to the Kingdom of God, whatever way God presented herself.

Your HEART was & always has been in the right place, as you said; you were on a mission to save souls. Your mission had not yet changed into Mother God, Matriarchy, sexual freedom & Female Empowerment.


What you are looking at NOW is the Oak Tree that took root long ago & grew to 100’ tall. It has been nearly 50 years since you gave that first sermon!


ME: Yes, compared to what I know now what I understand & believe is VASTLY DIFFERENT than then. Even going back to the onset of ‘Woman Thou Art God,’ the website that proved Matriarchy is the answer – my mind has evolved. I see & understand things now I had no clue about. Mother God, please explain the evolution that had to take place in my head.


MG: When you emerged onto the scene you were simply a God-loving, zealous promoter of God, you were not on a mission to ‘destroy’ or forfeit Patriarchy. Your mind was on the teachings of Jesus Christ & everything you learned from him & what you had to do to fulfill his image & mission. You did believe in women’s rights & practiced them the best you could – both religiously & secular means – you had body building, dominating men, -women’s rights to be equal in the military.

Only in your old age did all these factors fall into place & you saw the entire forest with the mountain peaks, ranges, the valleys, the rivers flowing through it – the whole picture. – Prior to that you saw pieces of the puzzle. You saw this & that but not all of it at once. Now you see it all, it becomes clear what the New Religion has to be, & you wrote it. {Idea: Let the sisterhood make a chart of this & a puzzle pieces set – all that I mentioned myself & women doing.}

The fact is, the idea that women had to step away from men & create their own Zeitgeist is the New Religion, & that’s it in a nutshell. You NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE YOU WROTE IT in 2020. It never occurred to you the way it suddenly did, that women had to step away from men & start their own religion FROM SCRATCH so to speak – write their own scriptures.


ME: I do recall in 2020 you had to push me kicking & screaming to write this all down because I honestly didn’t know what to write. It was like I will sit down & start typing, & whatever comes to mind I will write. I did not even see the whole picture then, like what the religion should consist of. I just knew we had to leave men – that was it – And then what? Obviously it’s a work in progress where women who start these sisterhoods will have to sit down & devise what they want to do, how to worship, how to think & feel re Mother God & what She wants. The answers are not all there yet, but we do know She wants our FREEDOM!

I think that for the next few years of this end of my life I have to write down everything I can think of for women. That’s a POINT OF DEPARTURE. Then someone starts a sisterhood, & another, & another, & each convent can amend or revise things as they go along – what devotions they want, rituals, activities, rules, areas of study, etc. That’s the way culture, religions & societies evolve.

Each day while I think of this more ideas come to mind – like I want a ‘girl scout’ type of club – camping, bushcraft, survival skills, building our own shelters.

I want to have classes for a variety of subjects & skills. We will cover dance, art, photography, music, gardening / agriculture, botany, {medicinal herbs & substances found in nature including our own back yards – my property has DOZENS}, study groups & fun groups for recreation & sports including body building & marital arts. We should also encourage practical skills like the things handymen or skillful males do – carpentry – basics of vehicle maintenance, basics of house maintenance, etc.

All our sisters must learn the DOCTRINE as taught by me – there are books & hundreds of articles now which I will add to. Why do we espouse Matriarchy? What is wrong with Patriarchy, how did it evolve, how did males become the way they are? What do we do about it? {By ‘we’ I mean the sisterhood.}

As far as religion there should be the whole gamut of practices I know & understand from Christianity & Yoga – Guided meditation & self hypnosis {all the Yogis use it} – from Christianity the Power of Prayer including Pentecost – drawing to us the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.


There must also be social interaction & therefore there must be safe & effective means to meet people. To that effect we might have a get-together of us with the public say once a month, in the context of a party or dance.

There might be a screening facility where men who want to meet us apply. They have to sign up, give their name & address, where they work & references. These will be checked. The reason for this is SAFETY.         We don’t want any Ted Bundy’s or John Wayne Gaceys invading our group, or even someone much less than that who might turn out to be users / abusers.

We want to avoid those that have any record of violence, child abuse, criminal record, psychopaths, those who ‘lie, cheat & steal,’ con artists & the like. We will have courses / lessons I how to recognize such people, avoid & remove them from our lives.

{There will be courses & discussions on how females should maintain safety. For instance, do not help a man if he has his arm in a sling & wants your help to put his bike into his van. That’s how Ted Bundy used to work. Do not ever, for any reason, go into the premises of an unknown man or even woman *as men sometimes use women for decoys – Myra Hindley* – his car, his van, his house, his office, his barn – anything. The first thing they want to do if they want to rape or kill you is get you alone. That’s the first rule. And never ever leave your child with any man for any reason whatsoever – that is an absolute & this includes its Dad or your bf.}

One reason we have to know who the man is, in detail is say he for any reason wants to stalk a sister – bother her incessantly – & she doesn’t want him. It could lead to serious danger. We have to know who he is, where he lives, to stop it, either report him to the police or his job or both. Get a restraining order if needed, then he can be arrested if he approaches her or comes to the convent threatening us.

A sister might get pregnant, but she doesn’t want to marry or be with the man who got her so. She can stay in the convent & raise the child with us, we are family. It’s important that on the birth certificate she put ‘Father unknown’ because if a name is stated he could have rights over the child, he could even restrict her movements as far as travel, he could demand visitation rights, & the right to be ALONE with the child where he could abuse it. Child abuse is RAMPANT & rejected men often rape & injure {‘the burning bed’} or kill children to get even with the Mother. Men are extremely dangerous to women & children – the sisterhood must all be frankly & brutally aware of that by seeing the statistics & case histories. Watching ‘Forensic Files’ has taught me a lot. We will have courses on that.


There will be no restrictions or rules regarding sex – but the details of say, a sister wants to have sex with someone – where she goes for privacy I have not figured out. It seems to me males should not enter our convent. It could compromise the safety of other sisters – once they have ‘cased the joint’ they might figure out how to get in & attempt a break in. For that we will take precautions including guard dogs – I mean BIG guard dogs like Mastiffs & loyal, intelligent ones like German Shepherds. But on the other hand, for a female to go to the premises of a male could be dangerous also, even a motel.

This needs further thought & what comes to my mind now is no sister should go alone with a male anywhere. Maybe we could have a VAN where if a female goes to a motel with a male, another sister could sleep in the van outside the motel until the one with the date is ready to leave –to make sure the man doesn’t harm her. {Check if there’s a window on the other side of the room where he could force her out of it & make an escape to imprison or harm her. Or harm her then climb out the window to escape. His vehicle should be right next to our van in case of any hanky-panky.} Of course, nothing is a guarantee of 100% safety with men – but there are precautions one can take to maximize safety.


Another thing I just thought of today is that any sister who wants to practice being a vegetarian or vegan will get special awards. We could have a party every 6 months for them who kept this diet – With a dinner of all vegetarian, accolades given, then some sort of show.

As an honor one possibility could be that such women will have the privilege of breakfast in bed. She orders what she wants the night before a sister brings it to her, or requests her meal by cell phone. If she prefers to get up & eat with the sisters anyway, coffee could be brought to her as a wake up just for the honor. We will cite how many animals a sister saves by being vegetarian / vegan.

The ‘breakfast in bed’ could be an honor for other good works as well, say, doing something special for the community beyond the call of duty, including some sort of sacrifice. There is also another perk for a sister honored in a big way – she decides what the dinner menu is for one night – their favorite meal. {Mine would be homemade raviolis with cheese &/ or potatoes.}

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As far as entertainment, all our sisters will have the opportunity to learn show business skills, be it acting, dancing, musical instruments, recitation & the like. We could hold presentations for Holidays, maybe 3-4 times a year, the public could or could not be invited – depending on what it is – some shows that are ‘personal to the order’ could be for private only. If anyone is talented they could write a play for us that heralds Female Empowerment, women heroes.

We will not practice veganism or vegetarianism in the Order but be appreciative of those who do – we’ll state how they’re saving animal’s lives. – Understand how factory farms work – with Cows they take the calves away from the mothers at birth – starve them to death for veal or immediate slaughter – & take the mother cow’s milk. The cow suffers incredible grief, the calf torture & its life taken. This is the way it is, but doesn’t have to be – the Patriarchs devised it. {Some of our Orders might want to have animals, like cows for milk, butter, yogurt & cheese. They do not have to be abused. The Mom can keep her calf, part of the milk is taken but enough is left for the calf. I’ve seen this method used by families all over the world.}

Some might want to have chickens for eggs, but they will not be what the Hutterites do, who keep ‘battery’ chickens. They sustain their Order from this it seems, the birds are severely abused. They are kept in a basement where they never see the ground or sunlight. They go into a cage where they lay their egg, confined to it until the egg rolls out. They are harvested aggressively, they sell thousands of chickens. I saw a movie where the Hutterite women were on their hands & knees washing the floors & said they loved the community.

The Order is completely self sufficient & controls the members, some to their detriment. Not all of them love having their human rights taken away, including the right to choose which gender they prefer, the right to go into vocations not endorsed by the Community, the right to dress as they like, listen to music which they prefer & do whatever pleases them that is not partial to the community. They are turned into hypnotized zombies – except a percentage of them long for escape. This is difficult since they are brought up to be dependent on the order & are not given exposure & skills to deal outside.

One gay guy wanted to be who he was so he had to escape, which he did without obstacle as his older sister had already gone – he joined her.

These orders are bizarre; they are restrictive with males as well as females, taking away simple rights, like going to town without permission. Grown men, funny as it is, must report to their elders each time they want to leave the premises – where they’re going, what they will do – it must be necessary trips, no lolly gaggin’ or monkey time allowed. I did not see any females asking for permission to go out for any reason {the movie on them shows an office full of men asking permission, the elders do or do not grant it – saw only men} – maybe they aren’t allowed as the elders fear once out of sight they’ll get snapped up by an outside man. Perhaps the women aren’t taught to learn to drive or get licenses! These are ordinary rights that are taken away, most notably from women, when male rules are established.

This is not to even mention cults of men that lead to murder & suicide – that is discussion for another article. {End Part 1}

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