Woman Thou Art God IX – Installment Nine
The New Religion – 9-6-19-
How Women are DEMORALIZED Within Patriarchy
Woman, Thou Art God! That means that no one can tell you your worth, your value, measurement, your greatness or littleness, whether or not you are righteous, whether you are straight with the moral law, if you are a sinner or Saint—No one can evaluate you because YOU STAND ALONE with your ‘maker’ as ONE, you & God are not separate, so how can anyone tell you WHO YOU ARE, how you are, what you are? They can’t, & so, listen to NO VOICE BUT YOUR OWN.
Now, this is how people are ROBBED of their identity, their self worth & their image—throughout ages ‘others’ have been devalued or destroyed to make a way for those who destroy them.
Demoralization happens when one person or group wishes to DEGRADE or DESTROY another person/group.) Sometimes the word ‘demonized’ is used, or else, a person or group are ‘scapegoated’—when scapegoated, they are made as if RESPONSIBLE for the sins of others, when DEMONIZED only bad is spoken of them, (whether it exists or not,) they are made out to be like demons.
Noam Chomsky (dissident, Professor at MIT Univ.) brought my mind to this when he explained, politically, how Communists were once demonized by us (& of course we were by them. We were dramatized as
haha, how true—of the Patriarchs of course.)
Communists, we said had no human rights, no freedom of religion, no freedom to gather, no freedom of the press, no freedom to own private property. Their lifestyle was terrible, bad cars (no gas gage!), sometimes lack of food in the stores, certainly lack of some amenities & luxuries, media & entertainment totally under government control. (But we never mentioned how much the government provided to the people ‘without charge’ including education & medical.)
My family escaped from Stalin, I have relatives there we used to communicate with, but can’t explain how much of the previously stated is true, I believe some of it was, some exaggerated. (The amenities sure is right. My cousin said there was no kotex or tampax available because ‘men don’t have their periods. They had no well-made bras, just ‘bags’ that hang there.) One thing that was refuted to me by a Russian born lady: I was told Stalin ordered killed all the soldiers who returned from the Second World War – as traitors – she said that was a lie.
My Grandma was Mongolian (Cossack, Russian)
My country, Lithuania, was possessed by Russia for a time, from World War II until 1991 (my speech in front of the White house, June 1978, on Our Lady of Fatima, ended the Cold War & saw the fall of Communism as She predicted.) Naturally, my family hated Communists & I believed every evil on them, but Noam Chomsky said part of it was PROPOGANDA because of the COLD WAR, we were at an ARMS RACE with Russia & even threat of war between us—they were to blame for every ill you could think of—scapegoated & demonized. As soon as Communism fell NO MORE PROPAGANDA– haha – now the media emphasized the EVILS OF THE COUNTRIES where we had PUPPET LEADERS (who turned against us by HELPING their people instead of HOLDING THEM IN TYRANNY I’m told.)
And then, the MUSLIM countries we were about to, or were attacking (about oil) were demonized. Suddenly, things our country never cared about or preached against were brought to the front pages– they became the new Communists, – as Noam Chomsky explained. Our scapegoat is always those we are politically ‘at war’ with or at ‘cross purposes’ with.
Now we heard about their PEDOPHILIA as a TRADITIONAL CUSTOM, their HONOR KILLINGS, women having NO HUMAN RIGHTS under Sharia Laws or Theocracies—these items WERE NOT SUBJECTS OF MAJOR PUBLIC DISCLOSURE until our wars started.
In other words, highlighting the evils of someone else justifies us & makes it easier to bring them down – these evils being true or untrue, they are stated. Then we are more free to act, such as bombing the countries (filled with innocent people, destroying their oil fields or taking their oil & other resources, all justified BECAUSE THEY ARE NO GOOD–even though those being bombed had nothing to do with the policies or the atrocities or the sins, these were done by a few, but all of them get battered.)
Next case: Black people in America. They are brought in slavery from Africa to serve in our Southern Fields. They have NO HUMAN RIGHTS. A slave owner buys them, works them, can KILL THEM if he wishes, can do anything he can do TO AN ANIMAL (before we had any ASPCA’s.) (Including not often talked about yet, slave owners using black people for SEXUAL PERVERSION, not just sex, but perversion & pedophilia. They did this with IMPUNITY.)
How do they justify this? They declare that black people are NOT HUMAN, ONLY 2/3rds human under the law! They say that blacks are not as intelligent as whites – but they make EDUCATION FOR THEM ILLEGAL! (Mind you, in the 1800’s in England EDUCATION FOR SERVANTS WAS ILLEGAL! If you were taught to read or write & could sign your own name, you were acting AGAINST THE LAW!)
And so, denigrating black people worked for slave owners because they could then WORK THEM TO DEATH, feed them poorly, deny good housing, food, recreation, education, entertainment & comforts, use them for sex & perversion, etc.
Slaves were not legally free until after the 1860’s – which is fairly recent – & the fallout from the DEMORALIZATION still goes on today! It exists in the form of black people not liking themselves, not respecting & trusting ONE ANOTHER! Here is one example:
I have a black lady friend who studied massage therapy & started her own clinic, but she could not get it going because the blacks in her neighborhood would not go to a clinic OWNED & RUN BY A BLACK PERSON. She had to get a WHITE DOCTOR as a ‘titular head’ of the clinic (he had nothing to do with it but his name) & then the blacks came. (She was then highly successful.)
I asked her, why did the blacks not go to her clinic when she advertised herself the owner? She said they just don’t trust or respect blacks. I was shocked. This has something to do with SELF HATE. It’s the same when WOMEN REFUSE TO FOLLOW FEMALE LEADERS.
I have seen this AGAIN & AGAIN, where you have a group of people, male & female, mostly female. You have a vote as who will lead the group, & ALL THE FEMALES VOTE FOR A GUY! This is SELF HATE. It means they do not respect themselves, therefore they think small of their own sisters. But automatically, they think big of a male – not even knowing anything about him, just that he has a penis,
“If he has a penis, he must be better than me, I better vote for him. I can’t trust a sister to stand over me.”
Demoralization/propaganda applies to all persons/peoples the aggressive ones wish to dominate/ exploit or destroy–say the Indians. They were called ‘savages.’ Who savaged who? It was we who started, of course, after we savaged them, they did it to us, that’s how war goes, each side thereafter blaming the other for atrocities. Both are responsible, the main one naturally being the one who started it.
So many peoples were demoralized (& still are), before & after being deposed, run off, robbed, exploited like say Eskimos & Inuits, Aborigines, Hawaiians, all those who live off the land that people with TECHNOLOGY could overrun, are depicted as UNCIVILIZED, UNCLEAN, UNCHRISTIAN, PAGAN-UN-SPIRITUAL, IMMORAL, etc., the list goes on.
But those who injure them – the white men with guns, are seen as EXPLORERS, CONQUISTADORS IN THE NAME OF GOD! PIONEERS & HEROES! They are actually THIEVES & DEMONS on their way to find innocent, defenseless people to use up & throw aside. They are warmongers, thieves & murderers, they come to steal, kill & destroy. THEY ARE PATRIARCHS.
I think I have made my point. Now let’s get to the women – us – see what they have done to us & what the fallout is. I am concerned here with a lot more than ‘HISTORY,’ I want to show up what we do today which proves WE ARE DEMORALIZED, thoughts & feelings AGAINST OURSELVES & SISTERS ARE STILL HERE!
At times, women are their own WORST ENEMIES, believing the lies because they are brainwashed, acting against their own selves & other women because, sadly they have INTERNALIZED the lies said about them, they have been UNABLE TO MAINTAIN THEIR OWN TRUE IDENTITY—who they are, with dignity & self respect, that they are creations of God, endowed with the right to life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness, autonomous, able to make their own decisions, following their own conscience, thoughts, feelings & agenda with an attitude of doing right, able to conceive their own cosmology, lifestyle, pursuits, ideology & idealism.
There’s another word for demoralized: ABUSED. An abused person is devalued, beaten, whipped, rights taken away, thwarted, spit upon, stonewalled, laughed at, ridiculed & humiliated, etc. You get the point. I was one of the abused by way of Mommy Dearest – I speak of this much on You Tube, my early life. (But mind you, this applies across the board to all kinds of situations of people against people.)
What I want to reveal here is how my reaction & behavior applies to how women in general (& other people as I said) react to their abuse by Patriarchy.
My Mom decided to earmark me for abuse because I refused to go with her program – I was required to hate my Dad because she did. I really loved Father, he was a kind, tender, compassionate person compared to Mom – I recall Mom beating me over the head with her fist at age five when I could not finish my home fries. (Grandma intervened.) This was her normal self, before I was targeted for SPECIAL ATTENTION.
It was at age ten they thought I was asleep in the living room (cold night, no heat upstairs, I was allowed this privilege) when Mom sat down my siblings in the kitchen. She was unaware I could hear every word.
Background before I explain this kitchen conversation:
Mom had just for the umpteenth time cuckolded Dad & the man in question had been living with us for a couple years – paying room & board. Mom had ways of controlling Dad, he was a genius intellectually & a flop with her. He allowed Mom to have affairs with several men; I suppose thinking he could keep her that way. This one was the last & the worst – it ended them.
Dad got the loan for all of us, including the new man, to move to a farm in New Jersey. He stayed in Brooklyn for a while, supposedly joining us later. I’m not sure how serious that intention was, but that’s what I was told & lived for.
And so, when Mom told me I was to HATE DAD, call him the devil when he visited, avoid him, run from him, show no love, I absolutely refused & did the OPPOSITE. I showered him with love, affection & respect & pleaded to be able to sleep with him on the living room pull-out sofa.
My behavior earned me the hate of my Mom, hate that was so deep I became the object of it until the day I ran away from her & even Dad (at 15 I went to stay with him) – while I was with him she still reached me – & departed to find my way in California.
But about the abuse–That night, with Mom & siblings in the kitchen, a pact was made. She told them she needed THEIR HELP to control me, that I was wicked, everything bad. That I defied her, refused to obey, thought I was better than anyone in the family, etc. It was INSANE because every word was a lie. The other kids swore they would HELP MOM & basically if you put it straight, this is what was said,
Mom: “Kids, I am putting a sign on Rasa that says, ‘get me.’ You now have open season on her. I’m going to take away every right & privilege she has as a family member, she will now be the Omega dog, to be dominated, demoted, demoralized by every one of us. Smite her, treat her badly – anything you do to her that’s cruel will not be punished by me, but you will be loved more for doing it. Do I have your agreement?
Kids: “Yes, yes, absolutely. We will be rotten to her & expect our rewards. You will love us more.”
One of the worst things done to me is I was given no money for anything – & when I would get jobs, & she found out, she’d call the place & have me fired. (The money I saved while working until fired was used for what I needed, basic things like clothing.)
A child needs things, from school supplies to clothing, to DENTIST WORK but I was deprived of all this with nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, where was Dad? He was no help.
After a couple years of hate from her – & oh, I forgot, the propaganda she put on me hit not only family, including my Aunt, but friends of the family, all of whom were briefed that I was ‘no good.’ (How could I be ‘no good’ starting at age ten, especially when I obeyed Mom in all things legitimate, only in HATING DAD was I disobedient.)
OK, onward, I hate repeating how I was abused, it stinks, it feels bad, it’s depressing. The fallout was I began to question & ask my friends at school,
“What’s wrong with me?”
Assuming, there was something wrong with me or else they would not have treated me so badly. I had not yet figured it out.
This feeling, sensation, followed me FOR YEARS, way into adulthood. I am still an OVERACHIEVER, covering my tracks a hundred times to make good, doing way more than I should at times, worrying I’ll be abused again, I suppose. Still trying to say,
“You can’t hurt me, I’ve done too much good,” ha-ha.
I suffered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder even into my sixties! Suddenly fear would come over me in my house & I’d check all the doors & windows to make sure they were locked & closed, a strange unknown fear I discerned was the PTSD.
One of the sad things in my life was that I didn’t think I DESERVED ANYTHING. That’s demoralization. I thought I was unworthy, because they abused me, made me feel that way. Would they stop abusing me if I did something worthy? Nothing I did would make them stop, they were OUT FOR BLOOD. And into my adulthood I had not the facility to ASK FOR THINGS from men, friends or jobs – for many years. I struggled on that, eventually fixed myself.
That is the effect women have from PATRIARCHY ABUSING THEM.
They (in general) tend to have a LOW SELF ESTEEM, so they favor males in a group to be leaders.
They get less raises than do men, at work, because THEY DON’T ASK FOR THEM as much as do men!
They PUT UP WITH MORE SHIT from men than men do from women! They end up being USED!
They SACRIFICE more for men than men do for them. They don’t DEMAND as much from men as they give them, they get EXPLOITED.
They jump through too many hoops on the dating scene. They go way out of their way to look beautiful while groups of males just stand on the street saying ‘give me a blow job.
They don’t fight back hard enough when males treat them badly.
They are DEPRIVED OF RECOGNITION for the good they do & they do not FIGHT HARD ENOUGH FOR IT. (It was almost as difficult for me to get the award as the Progenitor of Female Body Building as it was to make it happen. I had to prove myself, which took months of documentation that I put on a website. When I was done, they read it & gave me the award. People budded in & tried to make the organization take it back from me. Then when I had my fans put it on Wikipedia, enemies kept taking it down. It’s extremely hard for a woman to get honest recognition in a Patriarchy.)
Basically, women are USED TO GETTING EXPLOITED, abused, deprived, disrespected & so on. They MUST start fighting back on a personal level, grass roots level & international level. They have to fight for themselves as well as their sisters.
An extremely important issue is that WOMEN MUST RESPECT OTHER WOMEN, not treat them as competitors or enemies. They must give credit where credit is due, they have to honor & hold up other women – not tear them down as too many sisters are. We are here to fight against the enemy – Patriarchs – not each other. If we fight each other, THEY HAVE WON.
Woman, Thou Art God, act like a Goddess. A Goddess does not hate Her sisters, She honors them as She honors Herself.