Young Blonde Male Ascends

By Rasa Von Werder, January 11th, 2022

1-11-22       Young Male Blonde Delivered! I am taken to the abodes of many souls that were delivered!


Mysterious dream I suspect is about Purgatory & at least one soul being delivered, & maybe a retrospect about a whole neighborhood of souls that were taken into Heaven by my Masses – which I either did not record the dreams {I was busy} or else I did not realize dreams were showing me they had been delivered.


This responds to my frustration that the last over two months I have not had any knowledge of souls being delivered, although I’ve said Mass every day for two months & ten days. Usually, in the past, there were 5-10 or more souls delivered every month through the Masses.


I go to a place where there are two young male roommates, a blonde & a brunette. They both seem to be early 20s.

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*** {Roommates in Purgatory means they had something in common, like knowing each other or having a similar lifestyle. I have had this happen before – Rojer, a gay guy who died of AIDS, appeared at the same time as Rudolf Nureyev, the famous ballet dancer who also died of AIDS. Then there was Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin, buddies from show business, appeared at the same time. It does not mean their duration of cleansing will be the same, however.

Being blonde or brunette might not mean anything in particular, just a way of telling them apart. Or maybe in life their hair was like that. Being young males could mean they were.} ***  

I enter their premises, which seems to be a nice apartment, later I see it’s really large. They show me around room to room. After a while I see a balcony & ask them about it, & we go there. It’s not deep, it extends a few feet off the building, but it’s quite long – maybe 10 or more feet. There seems to be a pink hue here & the banister is very plain.


*** {Their premises is the state of Purgatory they are experiencing. From the description it is not a place of great suffering, it’s an intermediate place where one is not far from being delivered.

The balcony could be a vantage point or vision on why the brunette is not yet ready for deliverance. The pink hue might be females.} ***

To my surprise the brunette dons some sort of Halloween outfit, with maybe a top hat like Abe Lincoln wore, & a short black cape which only covers the shoulders – the look is like playing a character. This male then sees what might be a staircase & he starts to go on it but slips, & falls all the way down to the ground, but isn’t hurt – the stairs became a grey slide somehow. And below him I see a couple dozen people dressed just like him with those little black capes, male & female, I see they are ordinary looking & at least one female is overweight & much of her bare body is exposed in spite of the costume.

I see this as some sort of an organization, like fellowship & I tell the young man something like,

“Oh, you & your friends are alike, all wearing the same outfits, & you keep each other company, so life is not as isolated or lonely.”

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*** {This outfit & grey slide give me the reason he isn’t ready for deliverance yet. He is attached to people – he’s in the company of other males & females all of whom are attached to each other & sex, afraid to be alone & lonely. The black top hat & cape are the clothes of a ‘dandy’ or one who like to go out partying – at least, so they dressed in the old days.

The grey slide shows that the mind, when desiring these things, slides down quickly away from spiritual liberty. When one dies & still has these or any other kind of attachments they stay in Purgatory until these are cleansed.} ***


I then attend to the young blonde, who is handsome.


*** {Who is handsome: This denotes spiritual beauty. He’s ready to be delivered, almost there. The more we are cleansed, the more beautiful we become – our souls are pure God, which is total beauty. The result of sin blocks this beauty, like dark clouds on glass, but once removed, you see God.} ***


We just visit for a while & I’m hoping he’d want to make love to me, but he doesn’t do anything. He’s cheerful, though; he just doesn’t say or do much. I keep wondering if I should make a move, but somehow, I don’t think I should unless he shows some interest. We were both sitting on a mat on the inside, near the balcony.


So I say to him, which is dropping a hint,

“Well, I guess I better be going, as you are probably busy. Myself, I have nothing to do & life is kind of alone & lonely…..well, I better go.”

Usually, if a male has you alone & is planning to make a move, when you say you’re leaving, he will proceed, not wanting to lose the chance.

We immediately appear in his bedroom, which is revealing. First, the room is so huge & has no furniture or anything in it except this strange, small mattress which we both appear on. The mattress is narrower on one side, wider on the other, not big, just enough for two people to sit on. It’s shape is like that of a guitar or violin body & on it are medium stripes encircling it in dark colors like dull black, brown, medium brown, maybe dull maroon.


When we sort of ‘landed’ here he was next to me on his back, which is a submissive posture, & I had been thinking the whole time how much I wanted to kiss him, should I?

But before that happens I look at the room, & the floor is maybe 20-25’ across, & 30’ long, & is littered with stuff that I can’t describe. It’s like twigs & leaves or dried out pine needles, but not that nice as it doesn’t seem organic, some kind of litter. The floor is wood.

I say to him,

“I see you’ve not had a woman’s touch round here & I could turn this place into a paradise.

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*** {The trick I pulled on him, that I was leaving, worked. When I said I was leaving I was encouraging him to submit himself to my spiritual love – & he did.

In the next moment we are transported to his bedroom, on his mattress & he’s on his back, which shows he’s ready. I then see the state of his soul, the litter or what needs to be removed. His mattress shows stripes of various sufferings – all these dark hues like black, brown & maroon, show suffering. His sufferings have led him to surrender to God. When I speak of paradise, momentarily he will be transported there. The kiss & the making love represent the Sacred Kiss & the deliverance from this world to Heaven.} ***


Now there seems to be a change into another scene we are in – everything becomes lighter {in his apt it was not bright} & we are outside in a bright place & I vaguely see around us, tropical plants. Then our faces are close to each other & I am wearing thick red lipstick & I am kissing him! Yes I did worry about smearing this lipstick onto him & maybe he did to, but somehow, it doesn’t matter.

I should add – I didn’t explain before – when I wanted to kiss him it was only a preliminary to making love. I felt we should make love for some reason. But I was seeking his willingness to do so, did not want to be forceful.

I believe this kiss tells me my ‘mission’ was accomplished. His face looks bright & beautiful as I kiss him.


*** {We are now in another place. As soon as I spoke of paradise I am kissing him & this scene says I have transmitted to him the Grace he needed for Ascension.

Thick bright red lipstick I’m worried about smearing, maybe he is too: Hard to understand. All I can think of it’s not normal or natural – it’s Supernatural & here it is not a normal kiss or love making, it’s Supernatural Anointing Power.

An important factor was that he had to be submissive to this – had to want it. The brunette was not ready to submit – he was still holding on to human attachments, but the blonde was.} ***


Now things change. I leave this apt, go out into the street. As I look back to it is night & the building looks dark, although it’s attractive. I walk away a bit & then want to go back, but can’t find it.


*** {Can’t find it: In a sense, it isn’t there. The ‘address’ of a soul in Purgatory changes as their spiritual state does. Once they ascend, they don’t live there any more, the state is not there. I might add here, it isn’t easy to access souls in Purgatory, it has to be an Anointing, which is won through love. You have to really love them a lot to contact them. I worked at having contact with the through constant prayer.} ***


Instead, I decide to explore the city since I’m here anyway. As I walk I am astonished by the beauty of the buildings, all next to one another – they are houses in a city. Many of the houses have walls right up to the sidewalks. Everything is white – walls are white, the houses are white, only the vegetation is green & the frames of windows & doors are something dark so you can see them. The houses have railings, maybe silver. Each house has flowers, flowering vines, all the houses are right next to each other, no space in between, & so well kept & beautiful I think,

“This looks like everyone here is wealthy. And this is amazing since our world has so much poverty, yet to have places like this one must have wealth – so many wealthy people!’

There is one flower that is here a lot that strikes my attention. I see it in front of the white walls on the left. Each house that has these kind of white stucco walls they also have these super-tall flowers on thick stalks, with huge mostly pink blossoms on top, like a combination of tulip & lily, but wider, each blossom being about 6” across & just as tall. They’re pink with white stripes. I see these flowers again & again, they are especially decorative walls & I think,

“Wow, this neighborhood wants to be really beautiful. They could have left those white walls plain, it wasn’t necessary to plant these flowers. And yet they planted them there as extra special beauty.”

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*** {Beautiful, wealthy neighborhood: Is Heaven. This answers my prayer of why aren’t the souls appearing to me as a result of the Masses I’ve said every day for a while? This shows me they have Ascended – look how beautiful are their dwellings!

The white is the purity; everything being light & bright is the dazzling Light they are in. The flowers & greens are symbols of love - & the tall pink & white bulb-style plants against the walls, which are a special additions – represent the celibacy many of these souls went through or their detachment from sex, which is a special added grace for some of the souls.

The wealth is spiritual prosperity or abundance, the area is neat, clean & perfect, which is Heaven.

I might add that the reason they appear next to each other, no space hardly in between, is the Masses were day after day & God is saying to me that the souls were lifted day after day. I just wasn’t aware of it then.} ***


I keep walking & this neighborhood goes on for what seems like miles. Finally the city has ended. As I pass through the last beautiful street I see wide open spaces, & way before me, someone is excavating ground & building a huge building with many compartments – it’s like raw clay, very wide, I see the compartments inside of clay which will be worked on. Other things are going on. This is the end of my quest & I move away from here, going back. I actually don’t want to be here. There’s also some kind of SLIDE here like an escalator but much taller, faster, more dangerous, going way way down – I was viewing this area from the air like a drone – & I don’t want to get caught walking & go down that slide.


*** {This other area is not Heaven, it’s the normal world, & I don’t want to get caught on that slide which gets attached to things of the earth – I want to get away from this area pronto.} ***


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