WOMAN THOU ART GOD – The New Religion Which Teaches Women to Worship the God Within
8-23-19-PART VI
Today I was trimming the weeds & brush around my creek, in a particular place close to a tunnel under the road. My voice within kept urging me to get a move on, I couldn’t understand why. When I spent too long in one place, it kept telling me
“stop lolly gaggin’ here, move ahead”
until I got irritated & said,
“Quiet! I’m going.”
It kept buggin’ me, suddenly I understood.
I had just broke through a thick maze of weeds & there in front of me, completely hidden, was a little pond. Small but cute, like eight feet long, five feet wide, just a foot deep, but I HAD NEVER SEEN IT & it’s right on my property. It was a PLEASURE to discover. I was then inspired & there wasn’t much to finish the job, I quickly trimmed (with a hedger) the remaining obstacles.
My mind went to thinking,
“This is an alternative place to meditate, I wonder if it’ll be suitable,”
As right now I spend most of my time in one special place, meditating each morning for months.
Mother God then spoke to me,
“I wanted you to hurry up & get to this pond to make a point. There are treasures within us that we never get to – they are totally hidden to us because of the impediments – the brush & weeds in our minds. These are the people, things, events, always cropping up – normal things, not sins, but because we are distracted by these things, we don’t meditate, pray & spend enough time alone to find PRICELESS TREASURES.
I was amazed because this pond was there for years, formed by the increase in rain water, but I had NO IDEA it was there as all around it was vegetation.
This coincides with Jesus telling the story of the rich man & his party. He prepared a great feast & invited his friends, but all begged off.
One was training a new ox, another had a wedding, all had excuses.
The rich man had no one for his table. Pretty pissed off, he told the servants to find those begging along the streets & living under bridges, the poor & unfortunate, they would surely appreciate his feast.
This story talks about people leading NORMAL LIVES, not sinning, & yet, because of non-sinful actions, they would miss the GLORIES OF HEAVEN. How could that be?
Because you have to DO SOMETHING to gain the ‘Kingdom of Heaven.’ You have to ATTEND TO GOD not people & things; you have to PAY ATTENTION to the spiritual life, infinity. You cannot immerse your mind in physical things, be distracted by them, consumed by them, because you will MISS THE GLORIES OF HEAVEN.
Understand that you do NOT have to be a murderer, thief or criminal to go to Hell, all you have to do is FAIL TO BE BORN AGAIN, you were born in physical but not in spirit, that means you are spiritually dead & the dead cannot enter Heaven.
There’s a story from Germany called ‘Cry of a Lost Soul.’
Two girls, Clara & Tesla, knew each other starting with Holy Communion. Clara took the Catechism seriously, as well as the Sacraments, Tesla was told by her Dad that,
“Nothing here matters except your white dress.”
She did nothing outwardly wrong, she just didn’t take religion seriously. She joined a spiritual sorority because it was fun, then she stopped going to Church.
Eventually she got married. They were well off & became more so when an aunt died & left them money. She furnished her house beautifully. They never had children so there were no responsibilities, they just enjoyed life.
One day Tesla was being driven past a Church & heard the call of grace one last time. Jesus called to her saying,
“Why don’t you come in & receive Me?”
She said NO!
A short time later, they were driving & she saw a bright light & a searing pain took over her.
Suddenly she appeared before God—It was UNBEARABLE. Her brightness, her Majesty, Her all-consuming perfection frightened her, she saw God as a JUST JUDGE, not a friend.
Finding this Presence too much to bear, she begged God to be sent as far away as possible, & the next moment, she was hurled into Hell.
Clara had heard about the accident & was praying for Tesla, when she appeared to her, telling her God sent her to tell her not to waste her time. She said,
“I am in a place where we hate everyone. We hate ourselves, we hate you, I don’t want to tell you anything but God made me do this – None of us here can be helped. If we could, we would pull you into Hell also.”
And then she explained to Clara her life, which was a rejection of God & Her Love – She had lived for the flesh.
This is all you have to do to lose Heaven & gain Hell – Live for people, things, the world, the flesh. You don’t have to be a devil worshiper, rob, steal or kill, just ignore God & you’re lost.
Don’t ignore God, woman, She is inside you. Stay alone when you can, do not dissipate yourself, waste your energy, your time, your precious life, take a look inside where the treasures are & where you receive more. The more you try, the more will be given.
I had a vision not so long ago. I saw a big road, thousands of people walking on it, men & women, sort of oblivious to anything, just walking. Suddenly iron bars came down from Heaven & surrounded them. Then fire came from below & began to burn & consume them. They rattled the bars, screaming to get out of there – it was horrific, but NOTHING COULD BE DONE.
I felt terrible pain & fear on seeing this vision. It was THE BROAD HIGHWAY TO HELL.
What is the broad highway to Hell?
Matthew 7:13-14 (KJV)“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, & broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, & many there be which go in thereat. Because strait is the gate & narrow is the way, which leadeth into life, & few there be that find it.”
This is saying something similar to “dead bodies float downstream”, it takes the living to fight against the current. This is not about being a demonic person, it’s simply following fashion, fads, the crowd, the status quo, which is, today, PATRIARCHY. In Matriarchy, this saying of Jesus would not apply, because Matriarchy is a LOVING SOCIETY, the same that Jesus espouses, He was a Matriarch. Following Matriarchy would not be the broad highway to Hell, because even if you do as everyone does, you would be practicing Love.
(Which reminds me, when they asked Jesus when he was coming back, he said ‘when you can’t tell the winters from the summers. Right now it is August 23, 2019, in upstate NY & tonight it will be 48. Jesus second coming is Matriarchy – the Culture of Life/Love – we are on the cusp of Matriarchy.)
Now, in this religion, I caution women NOT TO FOLLOW PATRIARCHY, the Culture of Death, Necrophilia. It truly is THE BROAD HIGHWAY TO HELL. Do not breed for them if you can get out of it, I went over that before. Do not allow them TO DRAIN YOUR LIFE, STEAL YOUR GOD-IDENTITY, POLLUTE YOU WITH THEIR IDEAS & LIES, SADDLE YOU WITH THEIR AGENDA, RAILROAD YOU INTO DOING WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO DO & TAKE YOU ON A ROAD YOU DON’T WANT TO GO.
Woman, Thou Art God: Follow your own road. Keep your precious energy for yourself. You MUST SAVE YOURSELF before you can SAVE THE WORLD.
Understand this: It will take time for you to hear your own voice, the still, small voice inside. It may take a year or years. It will take time for you to feel the real you, the God you, the Presence of Mother God. Do not expect these phenomenons to happen overnight because you have made a commitment. We are talking about Sainthood – through this you will become a saint – this is not automatic or easy, it’s more difficult than getting a PhD.
Not saying that you cannot follow one of the religions popular in the world today – You can, but being aware at all times that the God they speak of is inside you, & you follow this God in your own way, your conscience is your guide, not their conscience.
I followed the God of Christianity, but I discovered my way & found the God inside. You can follow the God of Allah, but not their culture (the bad in it, the pedophilia, the woman hatred, the honor killings); you can follow the God of the Judism, but know She is inside you. Just throw away the misogyny & the things you don’t like or believe in, make your own way – it’s your life, your body, your soul, you answer to no man. Religion is made for the woman, not woman for religion.
You can also follow Wicca or the Paganos, the nature, agriculture religions, they are older than ‘his-tory.’ They are not evil, they are One with Mother Nature God, yes, that Great Mother Nature who is making men extinct.
Woman, Thou Art God, go forth, & find yourself. Go forth into that Eternity Inside You.
To be continued
Finished 8-24-19 Rasa Von Werder