There is something I do wonder Rasa, and that is, are women frightened of men? I agree many women secretly think they are superior to men but women won’t challenge the status quo and is it because of fear? Men are obviously bigger stronger and more violent than women and so do women think that if they challenge men’s power, men will turn on them. This might be why feminist say meekly, “we only want equality”.
So I do wonder if it is women’s fear of men, is the barrier of women coming together to take power. If that is the case how do we reassure women that it is possible for women to take power away from patriarchal men and rule the world?
Hi William,
That’s a great question & I think you know the answer, but it needs to be said.
Women are afraid of more than violence. They fear OSTRACISM, which in cults like the Amish & Hutterites is called SHUNNING.
Patriarchy has RULES, & when we women break them, we are deprived of things men & Patriarchy can give us – deprived of help, services, a good place in society, a good mate or good friends – all the things a commonwealth offers.
When we break the rules we are shunned by women as well as men – because women who side with us get treated like us, get shamed or criticized or ridiculed. People turn their backs on us, ignore us, refuse to invite us to parties, dinners or events, when we are ‘outside the patriarchy’ or we are marginalized, ‘outsiders.’
A great example of this in nature is a little fawn {deer} is being chased by a lion. A big herd of Wildebeasts is near, she runs to them to seek shelter. But the Wildebeasts don’t want the lion in their midst, they push the little fawn out & sacrifice her.
This is what happens when we women ‘raise our heads’ against Patriarchs. They are the Lion who wants to devour us when we break the rules – destroy us. And so other women don’t wants this Lion of Wrath to come after them. And so the traitor women like those we spoke about lately, repudiate those women who seek Matriarchy, women dominating the family & the world. They kow tow to the Patriarchs to make points & keep their own privileges & safety.
I am one of those women who are treated badly by society. My profession is a mark against me. But being single is another bad mark. When we were girls we had great sisterhood. By the time college is over or college age – women are supposed to pair up, then they are friends only with other couples. {Men however can be friends with men like men’s clubs or men’s activities, but for women this is a no-no. It does happen but not as much. The husbands have fits when women want ‘girls night out.’} The single women become outcasts unless they form groups like lesbians. This is because a single woman will EMPOWER the married woman & this is not allowed. So I am no longer invited to dinners, parties or events by my neighbors or people I know, because I am single. When my husband Richard was with me, people were much friendlier.
Single men, however, are welcomed everywhere, because they empower the man. This is permitted.
Loss of societies services is no joke – survival or an easier life can depend on it. Being alone, without friends, can make life much harder. Friends help. You know how people in the old days did ‘barn raising’ or gathered to rebuild a house when it burned down? This happens only to those who are valid members of this society, not to those who are hated or marginalized or outcasts. Outcasts don’t get any favors.
One more factor. Women are competitive to each other & would rather hurt a sister than help her. This is so wrong for Sisterhood. It’s the ‘slave mentality.’ They are slaves of patriarchy, so they must seek what it gives & in order to get ahead, they will walk on the injured body of their sister. They will hurt the sister who has what she wants, they will lie, cheat & steal to get what she has – the way women steal men from another when that man has money. I have seen that sickening policy. The way out of this is being noble, charitable, self sacrificing, but few people are like that.
Those are the basics. …………….. Rasa
Also, it’s a matter of economic survival. Survival is the first need, so it’s easier to play along with them than buck the system.
It’s rough going to get a thing started. I believe my Sisterhood will work because I will leave them the funds to get it started – even keep it going forever as I will not allow them to use up the principle of what I leave – only the earnings {that’s my plan}. I will encourage them to be frugal as well as self-sufficient like in homesteads, farms & also earn money themselves in various ways, even being in the regular society {but they will always home a home, a Sisterhood to return to if anything goes wrong like getting fired}. If they have economic security from a Sisterhood, & they are not dependent on men financially, they might accept that & the ideas we purport.
No one wants to be homeless or live in the kind of poverty that is hurtful.
I mentioned that in the old days maybe even now in country areas – neighbors would get together for ‘barn raising’ or rebuilding a burned down house. It factors into a single woman’s life like this {my life}. Recently there was a snowstorm that caused great damage, many trees & huge branches falling on houses, cars & yards – much devastation.
I ran into a man who had a room in his house caved in from a tree & within one week it’s been rebuilt. How? He told me he had all kinds of friends like construction workers, electricians & handymen. They all got together.
Meanwhile, the huge branches that fell in my driveway & yard, crashed the back window in my car, have been sitting in my driveway & behind it for 2 weeks. I have no friends to call for help. Yes I do have one handyman & will await his coming to clean this up.
I sit here in this house with NO FRIENDS to call upon in emergencies because I am outside the grace of patriarchy, marginalized, ostracized, a single woman who was in the adult trade – persona non grata.
When I need help I must look at the paper & that is where the highest priced services are, as well as the con men & thieves. I have been conned & even physically robbed by such people. So I am at their mercy. But those who have friends get a break. ….. Rasa
from Steve Andrews:
Yes, William, I am well aware how insane the way patriarchal religions, as well as cults, control followers. The really sad thing is that control relies on fear and belief. Humans will easily believe the most insane nonsense and without any evidence, unlike other species. It is what makes us different from the great apes. They will not understand or believe any madness humans share. It has to do with our belief in symbols too. Symbols can be given good or bad meanings to humans but to other animals they are meaningless. The meaning of a human symbol depends on the culture using it. Money works this way. It is a symbol of value, a value that has been decided on and that others within the culture using it believe in.
From William Bond:
I personally know people who have been ostracized Steve. Years ago I was friends with a Jewish woman. She married a Christian and because of this, her family did a ritual and morn her as if she had died. This was because none of them were allowed to contact her again, so she had ‘died’ to them. In my wife’s family she had a aunt who had a child when she wasn’t married and her parents wouldn’t have anything to do with her, because she had ‘shamed’ them.
In Islamic countries it gets even worse where they have an ‘honour’ system. Where a man can be ‘dishonoured’ if he wife, mother or sister, breaks the rules. So the only way he can regain his ‘honour’ is to kill his female relation. So some men are forced by this system to kill their wives, sisters and even mothers. This demonstrates how insane patriarchy can become. …..William
From what you say Rasa, it seems patriarchy has been successful in undermining the sisterhood. So that women are forced to look to men for help and support rather than other women. This is why feminism cannot work because men are by nature far more competitive than women and compete against each other for wealth and power and have no interest in equality. Unfortunately men also compete against women for wealth and power.
This is the weakness of feminism, if women only want equality between women and men, women have to compete against men for wealth and power as individuals. Whereas, if we see it as a straight fight between men and women for wealth and power, then it makes more sense for women to form a sisterhood to achieve this. It might be why the feminist slogan, “the sisterhood is powerful” hasn’t worked out as feminism restricts it. For the sisterhood to be powerful, women have to forget all ideals about equality and use it just to gain wealth and power for themselves and win the battle of the sexes. ….. William
From Rasa to William & Friends:
This is a KEY pivotal issue & you said it straight out: “ it seems patriarchy has been successful in undermining the sisterhood. So that women are forced to look to men for help and support rather than other women.”
This is what happens to women. No woman will help her because it is FORBIDDEN. It’s not written down, but it’s an ABNORMAL thing for women to ‘care’ about other women. How can I explain it? I will need the help of Mother God. But this is SO IMPORTANT that we MUST explain it in our Matriarchy thesis – Why we are having trouble getting it going – what Patriarchy does to BLOCK it.
OK I took a break & Mother God said this:
“They want to keep women IN POVERTY.”
Understand poverty in the broadest sense, the OPPOSITE of PROSPERITY. Then what is prosperity? The great teacher Catherine Ponder said this, that prosperity is on all levels, not only financial. There is spiritual, emotional, mental, physical & financial prosperity.
I understand how I was kept poor by my family, through abuse – have documented in detail how I was kept working but with no thanks, allowance or privileges. I was a slave. Was I 3/5 of a person as the African slaves were declared?
{Article one, section two of the Constitution of the United States declared that any person who was not free would be counted as three-fifths of a free individual for the purposes of determining congressional representation. The “Three-Fifths Clause” thus increased the political power of slaveholding states.}
How was this done? Of course it was ‘abuse’ but what forms did it take?
If Mom & her accomplices said it in words, it would have been,
“You have no value”
“You are tainted”
“You don’t deserve love”
“Your job is to work”
“You aren’t allowed pleasure”
“You’re not to have comfort”
“No recognition for you”
“You’re {God forbid} not to be praised!”
“Since you have no value, you deserve no recompense in any way for your labor. You are to work without reward or recognition or thanks” {This helped me later to do my missionary work such as female body building, as I got no rewards, no money or thanks, & later, repudiation, so I was prepared. A person not used to this would fold up, give up & go away.}
“There is nothing to redeem you, no matter what you do, we are not pleased. It is impossible for you to ‘work your way up’ to our favor, you are doomed. If you accomplish great things, these will be repudiated, shrugged off & dismissed.”
Note: the spirit of my Mother lives on in some members of my family. And it is exactly what I said. And this is how I compare such abuse to Patriarchy, declaring women second class, undeserving, no matter what they do – they are still second class! To enforce this position men take effort. They ERASE the good works & accomplishments of women, when poor women dare raise their heads & do remarkable things. Since men WRITE THE HISTORY, give the awards {Nobel Peace Prize} they give the kudos to THEMSELVES, it’s almost impossible for a woman to get recognition – because recognition is given in magazines owned by men, in book publishing companies owned by men, in Universities owned & operated by men, & various other venues owned or controlled by men.
Then there’s ‘Man Made Language’ explained by Dale Spender. They write the words & definitions, they own the dictionaries & Encyclopedias! And so, the words pertaining to women are put-down words.
John Lennon said ‘Woman are the Niggers of this world.’ If you are black – until recently – you were doomed. You were ‘untouchable’ in caste. No matter what you did, you were still black & many despised you, looked down on you, discriminated against you, & paid you less for your labor. People did injury to you with impunity. You had less RIGHTS in a court of law, were judged & condemned more quickly & easily than whites.
(I might add here that women are also discriminated against by the political Patriarchal judicial justice system.)
I also need to address how the writings of William Bond & myself DIFFER from the Academics. We are GRASS ROOTS, they look upon non-academics or those in alternative lifestyles or DIFFERENT cultures as subjects or guinea pigs TO BE STUDIED. They see “us” as SEPARATE from themselves, they being above, looking down at us – our voice is not as important as theirs, we have no right to tell our story as we don’t have their ‘mental capacity’ or understanding & who we are, what we are, why we do what we do must be explained BY THEM, NOT BY US! They EXPLAIN US to the ‘rest of the world’ & the world must believe them, they don’t want to hear us speak!
words for grass-roots, laboring class, middle-class, ordinary people, proletariat, rank-and-file, the masses, wage-earners, working-class, working people, middle America, common people.)
But let me get to the point of why women don’t help women – why there’s no SISTERHOOD.
When sisters bend down to fallen sisters to lend a helping hand, this is frowned upon by Patriarchs because to alleviate the POVERTY of a woman is to EMPOWER her or make her less vulnerable for men to exploit.
As already explained, the purpose of Patriarchy is the DISEMPOWERMENT of women or to KEEP them in POVERTY {remember poverty in the broad sense of the word, not only financial!} To give comfort, praise, to magnify a woman gives her COURAGE & inspiration! Gives her the Power to be independent – strong – Men don’t want that.
And so female heroes – Heras – were in short supply prior to the women’s movement.
William, Pete, there is much work to be done. Building a new house might be easier then rebuilding an old one. This old house of patriarchy is so deeply flawed, to attend to all its flaws will take many lifetimes. { Steve is working on some of that – what they’ve done to ecology – a whole ‘nother subject – just part of their destruction. There is also the animal rights movement on top of that. To undo its damage, great sacrifice.}
That is why in the New Religion for women I tell them to WALK AWAY from the old house, disregard them, their ideas, agenda, rules, laws & culture, & just begin from the beginning – our own hearts & minds, upon which is written all we need to know. What starting points we need we can get from the past, we don’t need males at the helm. It’s time to BUILD OUR OWN HOUSE.
Nevertheless, those who are repairing the damage men have done are legit. It needs to be done like factory farming has to end – specie-ism is a sin, filthy nuclear reactors & weapons have to be dismantled – Governments will be rebuilt.
None of this can or will happen until WOMEN ARE EMPOWERED. Until women support one another, men will rule. Until women respect themselves, men will rule. The women have to somehow, somewhere, some day, break this spell men have got them under & rise up to Mother God, look at her, see her, rely on her Power, trust her judgment, believe in her & know she is with us, inside us, guiding the way. Women must forget the world’s allure, as Satan said to Jesus,
“I will give you all the kingdoms of the world & their glory if you will bow down & worship me.”
When we fear the world & covet its rewards or glories, we take our eyes off God – Who is the Creator, enabler & One we must love. We believe in & love Satan if we believe the world will give us what we want.
The world is a TEMPORARY solution; it’s here today, gone tomorrow. Take our minds off the world & look to all that God embodies – Truth, Justice, & Love. The basic principles never change – Love they neighbor as thyself & Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This is the opposite of Patriarchy, who says do to them before they do to you. There is no other way to liberty & happiness on our planet except matriarchy. And matriarchy cannot happen by the will of men, it has to be women. And indeed, men can help, but this help is given as helpmates, not ‘equals’ or ‘dominators.’
That’s it in a nutshell, women must help other women, respect & love them, for Matriarchy to occur. Otherwise what we have here is a continuation of NUTS-HELL.
Friends, I’m not done with this. I will add a part called ‘Personal Experiences’ of where I reached out to women in my area & how the men reacted. Three were married couples, 3 were friends. There were FIREWORKS when I influenced them toward empowerment. I was unable to stay friends with any of them as the husbands / bf’s went wild. One said I’d no longer be welcome if I talked that way – the others told their wives to end our friendships. And one just wanted to talk to my husband & have his wife & me as an audience, when we started our own conversation he cut it short by interjecting. That is another subject I must cover – how men interfere when women try to talk to each other in public. They think it’s their sacred right to butt in. They have done this to me a hundred times.
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