William Addresses Matriarchy

By Rasa Von Werder, May 4th, 2022
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William Addresses Matriarchy  – Rasa Von Werder replies

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from William:

        It has been said that, “power is never given away, if you want power you have to take it.” For this reason patriarchal men are not ready to give up their power. Women have to find ways to take power away from patriarchal men. It is very difficult for women to battle for wealth and power alone in a patriarchal world. It would be a lot easier if women could band together in a powerful sisterhood and support each other. 


The power of sisterhood was demonstrated in Britain during the 1980s with the Greenham Common peace camps. At the time the USA military wanted to set up bases in Britain to fire their cruise missiles. Many people in Britain were opposed to this and protested outside the Greenham Common airfield where the cruise missiles were due to be launched. It soon emerged that the majority of these protestors were women. So when the protestors wanted to set up a peace camp outside of Greenham Common it was decided that only women could be part of this peace camp. 


These women kept on protesting outside of Greenham Common airfield until the end of the cold war. They broke through the security fence around the air-base many times and fought with the police.  So they did demonstrate that women could work together and form a powerful sisterhood.  Yet after the end of the Cold War women have never got together to form another sisterhood. 


The reason might be that, as you point out Rasa, is that women are generally poor. I did read somewhere that women only own 1% of the world’s wealth. So in spite of equal pay laws women are still paid less than men even for the same work. So it is hard for women to help each other, if women don’t have a lot in which to share with other women. 


Another point is that it is easy to motivate women to help animals or children but not for themselves. You don’t have women coming together to form a sisterhood to help themselves to become wealthy or gain political power, they are more motivated in helping others. 


So this is the irony of the whole situation. Women would make better leaders of the world because the majority of them, are more caring people than men. But because of their unselfish nature they are less likely to work to gain wealth and power for themselves than what men will do. So we end up being ruled by selfish and uncaring people because truly caring people are not ambitious enough to gain personal wealth and power for themselves. 


So women need to know they would be better rulers of the world because they are more caring people than men. And so if they truly want to make our world a better place they have to work together to gain wealth and power and then they will have the power really help those in need. 




Hi William,

            Remember, it isn’t only poor in money. They are demoralized, beaten down & broken down, intimidated, made to feel unworthy, made to feel weak.

            Women’s belief system has the change. ‘As a woman thinketh, so is she.’

            I don’t think the accumulation of wealth is the answer. When women gain something else they will gain wealth. What they need is faith in themselves along with faith in Mother God. This has been eroded in their psyche. They were made to feel second class.

            All the evils done to women have gotten under their skin. They have to climb out of this skin & reach for the skies. They have to have FAITH, trust & confidence in God, that God is on their side, & Go wants them to rule the family & the world. This is what we must convince them of – that it is the Will of God that females dominate our society.

            When they had the Montgomery Bus Strike the black people met in Churches every night & sang & prayed together. This gave them FAITH, this gave them STRENGTH against the enemy – the white people who forced them into subjection. They needed God – women need God.

            Money does not bring the kind of salvation women need. Their earning capacity is already increasing, & many old women, who are widows, are left multi millions by their husbands. But what do they do with the money? Nothing for the cause of Sisterhood, nothing for Matriarchy. They waste it – put it back into the Patriarchy & status quo.

            I take a look at myself. I was poor most of my life, but I did the work of God. I had the Love of God & She gave me the Anointing, the Power to fight my battles. Look at David & Goliath. The Israelites were facing the Philistines. Suppose you offered any person who could stand up to Goliath a million dollars to defeat him – would you have found such a man? No. It was David, the little shepherd boy his brothers laughed at.

            But he was ANOINTED. You are Anointed, so am I. It was the Anointing of God that made me fight for all that I did, that brought me to this day – same with you. The Anointing made you write all you wrote. These are words of the Holy Spirit.

            Back to money. It was for the love of God I sought celibacy. And when I gained it, took the vow, eventually I found Richard Von Werder. He secured me for life, left me the money to build my Church. God gave him to me because of my celibacy. It’s a miracle you could find a man that would accept you with the tag of ‘no sex,’ but he did, because he saw me as a Mother. That’s how God worked it – Rasa gives me her celibacy – I give her security. No one would believe it, but it’s true.

            Why did I preach? As some sort of gimmick for my act? People accused me of such. But it was no gimmick. It was for love of God. I got no extra pay for it, in fact, most owners didn’t want me to preach. The audience didn’t want me to preach. Only God & I wanted me to preach. Yes it got me famous, but I never got wealthy from dancing, I never made more than 40k a year on it, it was not about money.

            Why did I walk up & down the street for 2.5 months with a bullhorn preaching with all the evils around me? For a gimmick? What gimmick? What advantage or reward? And then I spent one month every day calling out to God, one hour a day, against all the predators – to smash them – & to save all the victims. Some months later the “Crisis” of the Catholic Church broke out into the open – against predators. I asked God how this was possible. God said to me,’

“Don’t you remember your prayers?”

And why have I said thousands of hours of prayers to help others, & given out hundreds of religious books, & said hundreds of Masses for Souls in Purgatory, & did a hundred proxy baptisms to help others? Were these all gimmicks? If so, for what reason?

And why have I done all this Matriarchal work, written all these articles & books & got them published? Some gimmick? For money? I make no money on my websites, no money on books – no money for any spiritual work I do – nothing. I live off the money God gave me which is enough & I live frugally & plainly – no luxuries. I’m saving my money for the Sisterhood. I knew I should be modest with it as some cause would come about, & this is it. Some people ridiculed me for not spending my money but it’s for God’s work.

Without my being centered on God, money would mean nothing. Just as many women who have it don’t usually spend it for Female Empowerment or Matriarchy. Look at the women we know, for a while on Face Book & the Yahoo groups. How many of them really did anything for Matriarchy? How many helped you with your Sacred Work?

Somehow I gave the wrong impression in my letter, speaking about how patriarchs want to keep women in poverty. You did not read it carefully or else I did not write it right.

Right now I am trying to say is I gave myself to God & Her work – & She gave me the money to support me, keep going, & do the work. I know many women who put their mind on money & some of them got it, but when they did, they did not use it for God or Matriarchy.

“Put first the Kingdom of God, & all shall be added unto you.”

And so what women need is to put Mother God first. Put their eyes on her, what She wants to do. Give themselves to her, She will give them the Anointing, & with the Anointing, they can win the fight against patriarchy.

That’s what they did in the Civil Right movement. They gathered in Churches. St. Martin Luther King Jr. was a man of God & he mobilized people spiritually. A lesser man could not have done it. He lifted the spirits of black people, whose spirits have been mowed down – they felt powerless, hopeless, worthless. He made them feel proud of themselves, stand tall. Then James Brown came out with a song, “Say it Loud, I’m Black & I’m Proud,” & they started the slogan, “Black is Beautiful.”

That’s what I did for females. I gave them female body building. Here they now ‘stand tall’ as muscular as the men – as freaky as them. Drugs are bad & that’s what did it, but they proved men got that way by drugs, & they can do it too, it’s just chemicals. So being muscular ‘like a man’ is now no big deal!

I also gave them Female Domination. I presented it on several national TV shows, it became ‘mainstream’. Not sure how much influence I had there, maybe some.

One TV show & several big radio shows I spoke for Prostitutes, they are people, not things. I helped lift them up.

Then ‘Stripping for God.’ I lifted every adult trade worker by this, proving we are in the Grace of God or can be. We can save souls, we can minister. We are not lowlife sluts, we are Creations of God.

So, like St. Martin lifted the blacks, I lifted the women. I know my work isn’t finished yet but that’s what I did so far.

As far as money, the money will come, when we have turned to Mother God – She will provide. But money alone? Without God? Satan can keep it.

One last thing – your work. Is it for money? No, you want to do it. And Pete – all the help he’s given us – why did he create the matriarchy site when I asked him to? Why does he share all my articles? Why has he fixed pages for us? Money? No, he BELIEVES. Women MUST BELIEVE …..   Rasa


One More Thing – to Reiterate


             It is established in Buddhism that one must have SELF CONFIDENCE as well as faith in God to reach the goal of Enlightenment.  Tenzin Palmo,  an Englishwoman who became an Enlightened Being within the discipline of Buddhism {she spent 12 years in a cave in the high Himalayas alone} said that her ‘root Guru’ told her that she was lacking confidence & she must buoy this up.

In the movie about the present Dalai Lama {living in India}, “Kundun”, it shows him, as a teenager, being taught his lessons.  And it is stated that one must have confidence in oneself that they can succeed.


This is what has been eroded in women, as I have attempted to say, how they have been impoverished or deprived of prosperity. They have lost confidence in themselves & therefore other women.

I have been throughout my life disturbed by wherever I went, when there was mixed company, the women & men always deferred to the male present – under any circumstances, like the male, no matter how young, small, uneducated, unready, unskilled, just because he is a man – the man must lead.

This is demonstrated in a sickening way in the famous movie/play ‘A Raisin in the Sun.’ A ridiculous man throws away the fortune the family gained from the insurance of a man’s death. But the Mother of the family still gives the moron-son the right to choose what the family does next – he’s got no brains but does have a penis & that’s enough.

Women have been taught to look down upon themselves. Constant abuse does that – its demoralization. Only God can help them, & a strong will – they need both.

The belief in oneself goes like this: If you have no confidence, you have no courage that goes with it. St. Teresa of Avila said the most important virtue in the beginning is COURAGE.

The rock star Madonna, who became the #1 touring entertainer in the world, said the hardest thing she ever did was in the beginning, when with $35 in her pocket & nothing & no one helping, she began her effort to be


I did the same when I left Brooklyn with 50 cents in my pocket, to drive to Hollywood with a photographer I didn’t know – I gave that 50 cents to a bum & then had nothing. The photographer dumped me on the street in Venice, CA, then I was alone with $60 to my name. Four years later he saw me in Playboy as a star, they gave him my address, he visited me in a house in Beverly Hills with a Lincoln Continental in the driveway. He was perplexed as how it happened. It was confidence / courage together with hard work. I did not sell myself – no man gave me anything – I entertained.

In all of life, you must believe you have the capacity to reach God – your greatest good – that you are a creation that is WORTHY of God. If you are so beaten down you feel you’re worthless, then you will believe you deserve nothing. This is where we start with women. We must convince them they are NOT WORTHLESS but WORTHY, they have value.

How is this done? I began the verbal teaching section of my mission with the cyber ‘University of Mother God Church’ & the website, ‘Woman, Thou Art God.’

Woman Thou Art God told women they are not mere mortals, they are Divine. As a Divinity you are above the dust, you are not temporary but immortal, you are an Infinite Being. All this is true, we are all Infinite. We all come from an Infinite Source of Energy, we appear temporarily in solid form, then we return to Infinity {those in Hell do not see Infinity because they have of their own volition encased themselves in a shell of misery}.

But women were so beaten down they saw themselves as mortals, second to men. They had been browbeaten, demoralized, victimized & villainized {slut shamed} for thousands of years, they felt helpless to the system called patriarchy.

To fight back meant more persecution – few could take the risk. There was personal safety, then children to protect {all fell on the woman}, a roof over one’s head; food had to be put on the table. How can you fight an ideology when all this is at stake? All can be taken away from you if you stand out as a rebel to society, if your head is above the rest it’s easy for them to chop it off.

Women were kept busy doing what they do best – taking care of people. They nurtured men & children, they did most of the volunteer / charity work while men took all the front-line positions, the seats of fame & fortune, everything that was praised & valued – while women remained peasants & serfs, never to be heard from. The rare women who ventured into the man’s world – their efforts & accomplishments were ignored, erased, or appropriated by men. They were robbed. There was no HER story – only his – men wrote the books.

Men, in their dictionaries & academia, declared who we were, what we were like & what we had to do. At that time (up until the modern era women were deprived of education), only men could be doctors

*** When did medical schools allow women?

Two laws in the U.S. lifted restrictions for women in the medical field – Title IX of the Higher Education Act Amendments of 1972 and the Public Health Service Act of 1975, banning discrimination on grounds of gender. ***

*** Princeton and Yale began admitting women in 1969, with Brown University following in 1971 and Dartmouth in 1972 ***


after killing off millions of doctor-women in the Inquisition! Therefore doctors declared if we were sane or insane, fit or psychotic, neurotic or good to go.

We were told by ‘those in authority’ – yes, they PUT THEMSELVES IN AUTHORITY OVER US – legitimate, legal, official authority– who we were, what we were, what was moral or immoral for us, righteous & wicked behavior, what we do or don’t do – & not so strangely, all their rules & laws applied to US more so than them, MOSTLY us {whoever heard of human males following the 10 Commandments?} – we had to obey, act right, do right in order to be decent citizens of society.

This systematic beating down of women accomplished their purpose – we were down on the ground & they walked all over us.

Now the question is how do we re-moralize women, & it would be as difficult as facing a child, but 7 years old, who has been beaten by both his parents, put down, treated badly, & now we must tell the tyke,

“You are worthwhile, you are valuable, believe in yourself, trust in your ability to succeed, find God & all the good that God may bring.”

In my quest for knowledge, sanity & happiness, I had the Catechism. When things went wrong, I remembered the Cross & also Holy Mary who stood by the side of Jesus through it all, & then the Saints. Each Saint embodied another Christ, another Mary. What were their lives like?

I studied their lives & could see that with the imitation of these Great Souls, I could achieve what they achieved – my Salvation was the Saints, who when knocked down to the ground, tortured, brutalized or deprived, living in poverty yet rising above it all – here were the Lighthouses for my Salvation.

And so, I imitated them & worked to inculcate their virtues such as humility, fortitude, patience, bearing pain without hate or revenge & so on. And of course, believing, trusting, hoping & loving God, believing in all good, that God loved me no matter what people did, that I had Guardian Angels, that Saints would reach down to me from Heaven & so forth. And that’s what saved me.

I think we’re on the right track. Teach women they are valuable, that God loves them, they are not second rate. Teach them to follow saints & great Heroes from the past & today – NOT the patriarchs.

Show the women the evil Patriarchs & their agenda have done – War – exploitation, cruelty, injustice – all evil; they came to steal, kill & destroy.

Teach them to turn their back on patriarchy & embrace a Sisterhood, no matter how hard it is.

Yes, the journey of a thousand steps begins with one. I plan to start, while still alive, a Temple to Mother God. It doesn’t have to be fancy, a simple structure will do – nothing ostentatious or luxurious, just a place to meet, greet, pray, sing & dance for Mother God – hear sermons about her. This Temple is off limits to men – we preach Female Separation here, a new beginning for women.

With this Temple I hope to attract Sisters, then these Sisters & I – If I’m still alive – start a Convent of women who are against patriarchy, but not against all men.

This is something that needs to be done, I can see it clearly. Why has no one done it? – Certainly not in the Western world. Yes there are some new women-only, now women-dominant communities in Africa, there are some Matriarchal Communities here & there, {Mosuos of China stand out} Mexico has one town where only women can do commerce, etc. But I must add – none of these sports a religion for women only, where women stand apart as Spiritual Leaders – where women meet exclusively in safe space to worship & explore a Mother God in our own image & likeness – as we are in hers.

But I have seen nothing in the Western world, for Western women, to set apart a spiritual community of women with their own religion & scriptures.

To sum up, women must find confidence in themselves & Faith in a God who loves them, empowers them, takes care of them. They must no longer look to patriarchy for support – they have to forfeit patriarchy & get their eyes on Mother God. If they establish a relationship with God this way, God will provide the answers, the ways & means. She is a jealous God & wants no Gods before her, & if we put her first, She will provide.     Rasa

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