What I’m working on IN MY MIND right now is the woman issue – I can see William & yourself, even though you are experts in many things, need my female brain to round out the equation. It is this:
A long, long time ago – hundreds of thousands of years, maybe even millions – the human being was one female. But this female was NOT what we see today. She was a complete being, male & female in one body & she represented both masculine & feminine, the powers & abilities of both. This is the female women will evolve into by the time of 100k years from now when human males go extinct, she will re-ingest or reanimate the masculine qualities back into herself, such as she once had. And of course Dr. Bryan Sykes explains how women will reproduce without men – his theory of the 23 chromosomes from one egg into another creates a whole new human, not an exact replica of the Mother, which is not as stable – but a combination of two women.
There are other factors, such as parthenogenesis which obviously women had ages ago. The woman we see today is one who GAVE UP her masculine attributes, SACRIFICED THEM by creating half her children – over millennia – unable to reproduce but able to do more work, obey, & give her ‘romantic’ or emotional support. This idea worked well until the ‘other gender’ became so masculine that he coveted the Mother-woman role, turned away from her, thereafter refused to obey, in fact, wanted to dominate her. I will write more on this to round it out.
Need a name for this theory, it is the ‘One woman- Mother’ theory but needs a good name.
Hi Rasa
I know we differ in this. You seem to be saying that MotherGod has decided that the men are an experiment that didn’t work out and has given up continuing with it. Whereas I’m saying we can still have men providing they are obedient to women.
I think a world of only women would create a world of love, harmony and Oneness. Now this sounds really wonderful but I think the problem with this is that all individuality will disappear. I think MotherGod did create men for a reason and that is to bring individuality to our world. The problem was that the unintended consequence of individuality is separation, loneliness, fear, hatred, conflict, violence and chaos. So women have to be able to control men so they don’t destroy themselves.
So it does seem to me the only way men can be saved is to find a method where men are once again totally obedient to women. If we can achieve this, then perhaps MotherGod may see that the experiment is working after all and allow it to continue.
From Pete Jackson:
William, I would argue that I think individuality to one degree or another would still remain in a world of only Women. Even if Women were not originally individualistic before men were created, they have certainly learned to be so since then, particularly in recent decades. I would say that both extremes of hyper-individualism and hyper-collectivism are bad and to be avoided, and Women are better than men at finding a middle path between the two extremes.
Have a nice day,
Hi Pete
From William:
I think the ideal situation would be for all of us to be individuals and different from each other, but live in a loving world where our differences doesn’t lead to conflict, violence and war. That won’t happen in a world dominated by men who are more likely to attack and fight others who are different from them, than a world dominated by women.
I think that a world of only women or a world dominated and controlled by women will be far more loving and harmonious than what we have now. I think the problem with a women only world is that it could become too harmonious and individuality may disappear. But the problem with a world of women and men, is that even if women completely dominate men, some men will plot and scheme to gain power and may bring back another patriarchal age.
So I see problems with both futures, though both will be better than our present patriarchal age.
From Rasa, Friends:
My opinion, what I said, is based on all the studies, factoring in all we know about human genetics plus the fact that human men are going extinct. No one is talking about male extinction but me, like no one is talking about Matriarchy but myself & a few friends.
The women we are evolving into, as I said, will contain both the masculine & feminine attributes – they will not be like the passive women we know of today. They will be both ‘passive’ & ‘aggressive’ when needs be. And so, from my POV, your theory is wrong as you assume women will be the women we know today – who have sacrificed their masculine traits when they created another gender which was supposed to be a ‘helpmate.’ This woman will no longer exist.
I am only repeating what Dr. Bryan Sykes said, that human males are a genetic experiment that didn’t work, & nature is removing them. He underscores their extreme violence / brutality as to why they are not needed on this planet, in particular, the criminal murderous type of behavior that is not even motivated by necessity.
And your theory about men being the ‘individualistic’ part of humanity – I don’t get that at all. Are women all made from cookie cutters? How are men more ‘individualistic’ than women?
Indeed, women are ‘loving.’ But there is another side to love. That which stands in the way of it. A woman can kill when a malicious intruder starts breaking into her home. The new woman will be one who will not hesitate to kill when she or loved ones are threatened with bodily harm. Most women are too afraid to defend themselves with lethal force – but in future they will no longer be, they will be like men, except, they will still have the heart & brain of a woman – which is more judicious, logical than that of most men.
Male & female brains are vastly different as all types of studies have shown, one of which are the brain scans of Dr. Daniel Amen. I have spoke much of what he discovered, he is seen on the Dr. Oz show talking about it – on You tube.
That is one of the main reasons men cannot rule the world, because they are not judicious in their violence, it is not thought out, it is violence of emotion or conquest, imperialism, rather than violence to protect oneself. It is violence of selfishness, serving the flesh. When women become violence it will have no such dimension, they will be violent to survive & self protection, but they will take care of business like that, in the future, when they re-ingest the masculine into themselves. We are talking about a woman vastly different than women as we know them!
And the men who evolved into being what they are today? Actually human males are becoming more ‘feminine,’ their sperm counts have fallen drastically – & it seems to me they are desperate to hold their place as leaders of society. The devils within them know they & human men have a short time left on earth. They want to do as much harm as possible before they exit – like killers I have seen on crime shows who wanted to go out with a ‘spree’ or some extreme mark of murder before they died. Women are coming up so fast – even though they are substandard in their leadership roles – but it’s a beginning – & the demonic men know ‘the gig is up.’ After all, all the leaders of society know about male extinction, they just aren’t talking about it.
Rasa…..Rasa continues:
We seem to be in an almost-impossible situation where what we stand for WILL NOT EVEN BE DISCUSSED. And yet there are many writers, like Naomi Wolf, in her book I’m looking at now ‘The Beauty Myth’ explain in detail the atrocities Patriarchy is doing to women, & this book was accepted by all of society – so it is against male rule & pro women BUT NEVER SAYS SO, never mentions Matriarchy or Patriarchy being at war.
What are those who approve this book thinking? That a man in a white horse is going to change things? I think that’s the assumption: point out all the wrongs this society – men – Patriarchy are doing. But DO NOT say it’s Patriarchy, DO NOT SAY the alternative is Matriarchy. Just don’t say it.
The biggest delusion that is being pushed forward by the dissidents, conspiracy experts, & pro-women voices is MEN HAVE BEEN BAD BOYS but soon GOOD MEN & WOMEN, WORKING IN EQUALITY, WILL RISE TO THE TOP & MAKE THINGS RIGHT.
This as we have explained, William, you have especially underscored how men don’t accept equality, they must either submit or dominate, & it has to be one or the other. And we totally agree. There cannot be any ‘equality’ with men & women, women must dominate, period.
And that is the subject our society, including dissidents, Mike Adams, David Icke, Noam Chomsky, Alex Jones & all those who fight against this evil Patriarchy – WILL NOT EVEN TALK ABOUT!
They are all waiting for the man on the white horse with the goody-two shoes obedient political female at their side! Is that it?
To Steve
For me it isn’t about money. My books don’t sell. Some day they will but not for a long time. But nevertheless, I am still writing them & publishing for the future.
If you write only for money, not the cause, you might as well work for Patriarchy. Write what they want, the way they want it. Give in to them, they will not give in to you.
If you write ONLY FOR MONEY you are selling out the cause.
Do you think William wrote for money with all his books? Yes he has a sideline writing what people want for money under Fred Findlay. But the stuff he believes in he does it because it is the truth, not to make money – so do I – so does Pete.
Did the evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke & John write for money? Did Mary Magdalene write her gospel for money? Did St. Gertrude the Great, St. Catherine of Sienna, St. John of the Cross, St. Teresa of Avila & other writer Saints write FOR MONEY?
We write for TRUTH to serve Mother God. Business is one thing. Business for the world, & business for God are two different things. Jesus wrecked the tables of the money changers shouting,
“Do not turn my Father’s house into a den of thieves!”
If you are for the cause you will do whatever it takes, with or without the lure of money, to serve Mother God & Matriarchy.
You have to TRUST MOTHER GOD for money & security, not worry about it each day.
“Put first the kingdom of God & everything shall be added unto you.”
“Thou shalt not put strange Gods before me.”
“God is a jealous God.”
Why do I have money? Because I put God first. And God took care of me. I gave God my celibacy which I thought would be for always – due to that God gave me financial security, eventually. It took years, I struggled, but finally God gave me enough money to be stable & also do her work without groveling & being a slave to Patriarchy.
Heed my words – they are serious.
Years ago you wrote me about your financial distress. And your eye trouble, if you recall. Then something happened. God blessed you & you obtained a fortunate inheritance. What did you do with this money? Suddenly, you had a younger woman after you. You seemed to disappear, none of us heard from you for a long time. Then you reappeared. The money I guess is gone & with it the young woman. God blessed you, but did you use the money for her work?
How sincere & devoted are you? William, Pete & I are totally devoted to the cause.
Rasa …..Rasa continues:
Who & what males became is a subject of evolution, women choosing the most ‘masculine’ males. But this ‘masculinity’ backfired against women as these type men eventually refused to be their helpmate & became their worst enemy. That is according to the legend, one third of men – where Lucifer turned into Satan & a third of the angels followed.
But I think this ‘masculinity’ came to a peak & is now receding because men aren’t the way they were even in my own generation I recall males being more manly than they are now – some people say a lot of men are now ‘metrosexuals’ which is a sort of in-between male to female – this might be when their y chromosome began to deteriorate – I don’t know when that happened, Dr. Sykes doesn’t tell us at least not that I saw in his book.
And so their lording over women is over. Mother God has stepped in, it’s a matter of time before Matriarchy happens – it’s our job to help women take over, I believe.
From William Bond,
I have also found this in feminist books Rasa. I used to read feminist books that will be a diatribe on everything wrong with men and patriarchy but at the end they would tamely say, “all we want is equality with men.” When to me, it was obvious that if men and patriarchy was so bad, why would women want equality with men?
You also bring up one thing that I have also wondered, David Icke and other conspiracy theorists don’t seem to mind what they say. They will make all sorts of outrageous claims but all will steer away from the matriarchal conspiracy and I also wonder why.
To be fair to Steve, if any of us were able to write a book about matriarchy that did make a lot of money then it would be a best-seller and be read by a lot of people and therefore would greatly promote the cause of matriarchy.
So I do get the sense that we are being censored. Which although is awful, it does mean that the patriarchal ruling elite do think the case for matriarchy is a big threat to their power. I think the argument that if women ruled the world, then all of us, both men and women, would be better off is a powerful argument for matriarchy and the ruling elite doesn’t want this message to get out to the general public.
William…..again from William:
I mostly read feminist books back in the 1970s and 80s Rasa. I cannot remember all the names I know the first feminist books I read was “The Feminine Mystique” by Betty Friedan. Then I read “The Female Eunuch” by Germaine Greer. Those two books had the biggest effect on me, other feminist books I later read were more or less saying the same thing as these two and so I can’t remember now what they said or who they were.
I don’t really know why matriarchy is not discussed in mainstream media. It might be men’s ego, of not wanting to admit they do a terrible job in ruling the world. It is of interest that David Icke blames alien reptiles for everything that is wrong with our world and I think many men look for scapegoats like this, rather than blame themselves. I know in Islamic countries they have the cheek to blame women for the problems of the world.
I can understand why some men don’t like matriarchy but you would imagine women would like it. But when I first came on the internet and talked about it, my biggest critics were feminist women. I got some criticism from men but not as much as from feminist women. Many men assume that feminism and matriarchy are the same thing and don’t believe women when they say they only want equality and assume they want more than this.
William…….William continues:
Hi Rasa
The only reason I can think of why feminists reject matriarchy is that they don’t believe it is possible for women to rule the world. They just think that equality with men is all that they can achieve. The irony of this, is that most men don’t see feminism as being any different to matriarchy. They don’t believe feminists when they say, “we only want equality”, they assume they want more than this.
Feminists are probably intimated by men’s physical size, strength and violence. And you can understand why, recently Germaine Greer was asked by her publisher to allow her books to be translated and published in Arabic. She opposed this, as she feared that women caught reading her books in Islamic countries could be executed. So it could be they fear of male violence if they were to try to rule the planet.
My argument against this, is that you cannot appease men, most men know this. The women that suffered most male violence are in countries where men dominate women completely. Women who work together and stand up against men, are the women who suffer far less from male violence.
Perhaps also many women don’t see the submissive side of men. Pamela didn’t have any problems with matriarchy because she was a school teacher and had to learn how to keep teenage boys under control. I also think that any women who have had any experience with femdom can see that matriarchy is possible, because they know it is possible for men to be submissive to women.
From Rasa:
William, you said “recently Germaine Greer was asked by her publisher to allow her books to be translated and published in Arabic. She opposed this, as she feared that women caught reading her books in Islamic countries could be executed. So it could be they fear of male violence if they were to try to rule the planet.”
I think Germaine Greer is wrong. These books should be available to women in Arabic. Not all of them are under the thumbs of men, some live in households with just women & maybe boys, not men. If they want to take a chance reading these books in private, it is their decision, not the decision of Ms Greer – free will. It’s like saying,
“Don’t preach Christianity to those in Arab countries, they could be martyred for it.”
Let them make their own decision.
Apparently this book by Ms Greer is a big deal. I never read it, will have to take a look.
As far as ‘feminists’ – I have said it before & will again, they were a ‘first step’ & indeed, when they say they want no more than equality they are trying to fool people. In their hearts, women are mothers & they tend to see others as children, in the way Jesus describes, the virtuous way of looking at others. Naturally there are exceptions, there are terrible mothers & wonderful fathers – Jesus is an example of great Father, Buddha, all the saints, St Martin Luther King Jr – these are all great men. Such men are few & far between, there are not many women saints either, but their general nature is head & shoulders above most men.
William, as far as what other people say & do, & society not wanting to even put ‘Matriarchy’ discussions on the table – we must move on in spite of all this, as we set an example, a way, we are Lighthouses to others. Jesus came into a corrupt world but that is exactly why He came – to save sinners. So we also must save sinners. People are ignorant, foolish, weak, malicious, brainwashed – there is much wrong with many people. So we must keep ourselves straight, keep listening to God, see what God says to us, & show others the way. Don’t let’s be discouraged.
PS I agree there are submissive men, & there will be many more as women rise up. Right now they’re still fighting back, even good guys, but soon, when they see it is impossible to control the world & women any more, they will hold up the white flag of surrender.
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