Success with Lover

By Rasa Von Werder, March 9th, 2022

3-9-22-Dad plays jokes on me 


Dream explains union with Beloved is coming up SOON

but we aren’t sure

how soon?  3 months?  3 years?

  And he loves me as much as I love him 


The males in these pics are my models, not someone I dreamed about


         Dad sets a small, square blonde wooden table, laden with many items, maybe even a small bouquet of flowers, a white tablecloth set vertically across so that 2 corners are bare.

            It seems like for him & brother there are only goblets of water but I have a bowl that has several items. Maybe pirogues, something light green like a cooked celery stalk, maybe part of a skinned boiled potato. The table seats 4, Dad is to my right, bro across from me.


            *** (WOODEN TABLE but TOPPED WITH MANY ITEMS OF FOOD INCLUDING FLOWERS: Wood is suffering (the Cross) but food is the opposite, flowers are love. So this shows FULFILLMENT – out of the cross, my sufferings for lover as perhaps his own have resulted in fruitfulness & love. We are now to enjoy the BLESSINGS.

            Pirogues are like blintzes – one of my fave foods – possibly the fave if I had to pick one food I’d have to eat daily for the rest of my life, this could be it. So the nourishment / pleasure / satisfaction is GREAT.

            Table being blonde: Blonde is close to white, so several items here are white – the tablecloth, the flowers I imagine white with pink, the handle of the fork, pirogues are also nearly white – white is good, in this case MARRIAGE or UNION.

            Why is the tablecloth diagonal rather than covering the entire table? TWO, not one corner being exposed, might signify the process of this relationship being able to work, he had to suffer as well as yourself (he has had extra sufferings, the loss of you the last over 2 years, his fake wife also had a bad accident & can’t work & support them – everyone expects him to step up to the plate which to him emotionally is a burden – so he’s lost me & now her, as her purpose was to work & get more drugs for them) So the 2 corners exposes 2 suffered, not you alone.

            Why is the table small, not large? This is a good sign also, that you & bro – who is Bob the lover – are ALONE. The fake wife Ruthie, the seat is empty & Dad is the facilitator, he will depart. So it shows you & Bob, just you. It’s about you as a couple – 2 is a couple, 3 is a crowd.

Why at first he & bro only have water? This is to confirm that your Lover with gain as much joy, satisfaction as you. At first you weren’t sure, but it’s equal – he loves you as much as you love him.

The celery stalk on my plate – not his – sounds like his DICK because it’s a STALK, stalks are STIFF, but this is cooked which means READY – the piece of something that looks like boiled potato – Potato usually mean, haha ‘meat & potatoes’, so it might be saying you will get the ‘meat & potatoes’ – his dick his body, companionship, the BASICS.) ***


Note:  Below me age 66.  Check out the PERFECT LEGS!  I was working them hard in the gym – of course they are perfect to begin with lol – This is my apt where I’d meet my lover Bob spoken of in my dreams

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            I don’t like my fork, I think my utensils, a knife & fork, were copped from an airplane & when I examine the fork closely it further confirms it. On the white porcelain handle it says ‘warning’ & I feel the rest of the tiny writing will say property of the airline, don’t remove it. The prongs of the fork are what I don’t like, only 3 with not much space in between.


            *** (THE FORK AS EXPLAINED: Need help on this, Mother God.

           MG:   An airplane is FLIGHT in this case, jet plane, so FAST FLIGHT. It hints that this will happen soon.

            The 3 prongs, close together? Could be 3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years. Close together might be saying ‘will go by fast.’ Three months from now seems like a possibility, that would be June. Three YEARS from now would be 2025. Maybe it’s the time element YOU DON’T LIKE – it’s too long, if 3 years it’s a LONG TIME!

            What is the warning sign? Mother God, help.

            MG: The warning is a prediction – like a secret sign, be warned, this is coming at you sooner than you think! It’s nothing bad. It’s just that it’s SECRET like if a person steals silverware from an airline, this is a secret, they’re going to do it on the sly. So maybe it’s closer to 3 months than years.

Why is the fork small? No particular reason except to show you it’s from an airline to make the point.) ***


            Then when the dinner begins I see Dad has indeed provided himself & bro a meal – Dad has his small bowl with maybe 2 pirogues & bro has probably 2 or 3.


            As we begin to eat I notice cottage cheese – which I love – & am going to take a spoon & ladle some of that for me.

            *** (COTTAGE CHEESE: Is a derivative of milk, milk is a strong symbol of LOVE – the ‘milk of human kindness,’ the food every mother gives her newborn to protect it not only with food but immune system components. This implies a BEGINNING of your love, your new meaningful relationship – instead of him just using you as the backstreet woman for sex, while his ‘wife’ was on a pedestal for social media.) ***


            There’s something about this that makes me feel Dad is playing tricks or being facetious.


            *** (TRICKS, FACETIOUS: You felt like that at the start when Dad gave himself & Bob only water. Water is important, it’s life, but you were not sure if Bob would really love you, that is, get NOURISHMENT / SATISFACTION from you being together or if he would be just USING YOU for support. That doubt is cleared up here, that he would enjoy the pirogues as much as you are. Pirogues BTW, pictured here, contain cheese, which is also from milk, so it’s LOVE. You’re all enjoying the love – even Dad from Heaven, he’s happy for you, he’s appearing to facilitate your life to make up for not helping you enough on earth.) *** 

Kellie Everts—Rasa Von Werder You tube:

Rasa Von Werder-William Blog:

Embodiment of God website, current articles:

Rasa Von Werder publications on Lulu Press:  (put ‘newest to oldest’)

Rasa Von Werder – Kellie Everts on Amazon Books


Me downtown whooping it up – with my Granddaughter….I went downtown the next day by myself, she refused to go again, am not sure why. 



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