Success 4 Book & Marriage

By Rasa Von Werder, April 25th, 2021

ME 19 (2)

New Book will Please Women Greatly But Not Men as it’s Female Power


I take notice when Dad appears as that is always re MARRIAGE. In my vocabulary, he’s the one that will give me away to the bridegroom, so when he’s in the dream, it’s about that.

There is some to-do about a mysterious institutional building, like a huge museum, somewhat scary & elegant, something special but I can’t explain it.

*(LARGE INSTITUTIONAL BUILDING: Might be referring to the ‘INSTITUTION OF MARRIAGE’ & could be LIKE A MUSEUM as marriage, as we know it, is ancient, old fashioned, mostly belongs in a museum – few women are given genuine marriages or real relationships.)*

I was around looking at this building & entered it. I thought it was completely empty, but later, after I somehow get an apt here, I discover other women – not many – just a few – entering or leaving their apt’s, but the rest of this huge building is empty. I would say it has 100 rooms.

*(A FEW WOMEN GOT APT’S BUT MOST OF THE 100 ROOMS ARE EMPTY: Very few ladies have genuine relationships as I am given {spiritual marriages, where you become one.}

I also at some point went to an old residence of mine, completely walled in, yard & dwelling, opened the door & saw the beautiful grey Persian cat with her thick, fluffy tail. I was frightened that I had left her there by mistake, & did she have food & water? Apparently yes, because I see her slinking about a little, & there is green all around as this is a yard, but it’s all enclosd where you can’t get out, or in unless you have the key. But she’s safe.

*(ENCLOSED, CAN’T GET OUT, I LEFT HER THERE, BUT SHE HAD NOURISHMENT & IS SAFE: Sense image material is this beautiful cat who’s not been here a while, she visits for food, this is saying her owners have not let her out – but the real symbol is my sexuality or vagina has been alone, ‘ENCLOSED’ is a spiritual term of being ‘walled in’ or voluntarily living in total seclusion.
My God Self or Higher Self who has caused this, but my lower self has been nourished & safe. I portray my flesh as ‘beautiful’ – haha.)*

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Then I’m inside some sort of dwelling similar to my house. I find plastic see-through square bowls, they were underneath some wooden thing, the porch there built last year – I take out several & tell someone these will be great to put planters into {they hold water.}

*(TALKING TO SOMEONE ABOUT PLANTS, MAKING PLANS FOR PLANTS & SEE-THROUGH HOLDERS: The person I’m talking to is Dad, identified below, & he’s standing on the side of this hill there as described. PLANTS are PLANS or PROJECTS, things we PLANT we hope WILL GROW. I must be talking about the PREPARING FOR PHYSICAL MARRIAGE.)*

My Dad is wearing glasses & light blue clothes, seems to be higher up on the left, standing, at the side of the hill. I say to him maybe we could go out, I would love to eat something COLD {like ice cream.} For some reason he doesn’t seem to want to go out. Oh yes, I forgot, I told him I wanted him to see my new apt & meet my new boyfriend, then we’d go out to eat – maybe. Maybe they’d sit together at the table with me, & yet, I somehow think that might be awkward. This new bf reminds me of David C, an actor I used to be friends with, he’s wearing light blue also & has a mustache. I picture him at the door of my new place, facing outward. Is he waiting for me or greeting me?

*(BOTH DAD & NEW BF WEAR LIGHT BLUE: This might be A BIT OF SADNESS re the DELAY in the physical marriage of Lover Bob & myself.
Why is Dad on the hill, {embankment} like higher up? Could mean suffering, as hills are usually Golgotha to me. He wishes this marriage would come about sooner.
And BOB is shown STANDING AT THE DOOR as if WAITING FOR ME, which means he hopes & expects, still, for ME TO COME TO HIM.
His PERSONA as David C, the actor, mustache & all, is he has made himself a new image on social media, where he has a mustache. This says he’s ACTING, FRONTING or PRETENDING to be alright, going on about his business, not making any revealing posts, but in spite of all that, he’s WAITING FOR ME.)*

I go to the building to the apt. I have a key & put it into the lock. The place has red oriental rugs, it’s beautiful & comfortable. It’s extremely unusual to be granted such a place, but I am given it, not sure why, but it’s a special privilege.

*(SPECIAL PLACE I AM GIVEN: This special place is the SPIRITUAL MARRIAGE & FUTURE PHYSICAL RELATIONSHIP with Bob. It says I AM GIVEN by a privilege of God, it’s a GIFT. One more confirmation & prophecy. He’s had affairs & sex with hundreds of females, but I’m the only one GIVEN the True Relationship by God)*

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4-23-21 Dancing – Pleasing women more than men

First, I was taken by a sinister man, Putz Nut On, who represents the devil, to a large extended club, the identity of which I don’t find out right away. I seem to be walking behind him to his right, & he’s made of glass, like transparent, then he disappears.
*(PUTZ NUT ON: Is Satan. Here he’s taking me into a SITUATION with devious, dastardly consequences, where I’m seen as a sex object & men think they can rape me. But God will protect me.
This shows me that those incidents of intended rape were OBVIOUSLY ORCHESTRATED BY SATAN. These situations were like TRAPS, as in them, this says I didn’t know what I was getting into, or the ‘IDENTITY’ of this club – what I was ENTERING, but now it’s OBVIOUS because the devil is TRANSPARENT, MADE OF GLASS {meaning you can see through him or his intentions})*

All through this club there’s dancing, women dancing. At some point I’m in a room where young females take turns performing for this owner of the club who sits in the corner of the room like a Pasha. After a while, I say to him,

“May I dance?”

He says yes, so now I’m standing in front of all the females gathered before me & tell them,
“My left hip is dislocated my right leg hurts a lot, but I’m going to dance anyway. {Meaning, take into account I’m damaged, give me a handicap for that.}

I begin & do the leg in the air curve across, which I feel is good but not good enough. I then try to do a sort of standing in one place somersault but don’t quite make it, a minute later I try again & it works, it’s a spectacular step. I’m surprised I succeeded, then I dance a bit more.

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*(DANCE STEP AT FIRST DOESN’T WORK, SECOND TIME IT DOES: I sense this is my last book on my life published, I Strip for God Part 2, did not quite make it. But the one I’m finished with now, Part 3, has succeeded, & I’m pleased. It makes the grade, its a spectacular performance.
MY BAD LEGS: I sense that the message here is God permitted, allowed me to have this problem, where I can’t walk much or exercise in the aerobic fashion, in order to make me SIT DOWN & KNOW that when one door closes, another opens. I despair of my old activities, but put all of myself into this new activity of WRITING – I can’t do many things I used to, so I’m not tempted or diverted by them, I enjoy sitting so the pain stops, which is where I have to be right now.)*

The women are in love with me, but I see a small ‘pecking branch’ like where birds roost, to the right, with about 4-5 men sitting, complaining, not liking the dance.

*(MEN NOT LIKING THE DANCE, WOMEN LIKING IT: This book will appeal to the women more than men. I go hard on the men in life who mistreated me. But the women identify with my pains perhaps.)*

But the women adored me, & I then hold my breasts up & bounce them, & each one takes turns drinking from my breasts, left & right. One female is about to, but changes her mind. They’re all young.

*(DRINKING FROM MY BREASTS: Receiving my love, milk is nourishment or love. One woman is cited as rejecting this love when at first she was going to receive it. Could be someone affected by the book.)*

In another scene, not sure how it relates, after performing at the club mentioned, I am standing at the doorway of a bedroom in my B’klyn apt – no door – when men who came from the club have arrived, about 6 of them, all wearing strange clothes, like no long pants, dark tunics, {which remind me of playing cards, with their borders & designs in the middle} one is turned looking to the left window, others are turned this way & that.

They are planning something evil to me & somehow, they think they’re entitled. They will all – every one of them – force sex onto me.

*(THE MEN RAPISTS I WAS SAVED FROM. I mention several men in the book, who the angels saved me from. Some were just perverts trying to force it on me, like Andre DeDienes, others would have actually raped me by force. My uncle planned to abuse me but didn’t, etc. There are quite a few cases mentioned, making men look bad of course- that’s why they’re complaining.
The TUNICS LIKE PLAYING CARDS I sense are ‘Trump cards’ or these men were TRUMPED – dark here is DEPRESSION, or in other words, they are depressed because they were prevented from rape. To trump someone is to defeat, outsmart, surpass them, which explains why the men ‘sitting on the roost’ are not happy with my disclosures, as it makes the women seem superior- the women like to see female strength but the men don’t.)*

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I cry out in a loud voice to God,
“Almighty God – come to my rescue”
several times, & then I call on the Holy Virgin Mary, & then I run down the 6 flights of stairs, faster than the man behind me because somehow I SLIDE, not run down each floor, & I escape. That was a close call.

My faith in God got me out all all these potential rapes – God & her angels & Holy Mary caused my escape. I need to ask Mother God, what is the symbol of SLIDING down the stairs rather than running?
MOTHER GOD: It’s the Supernatural Power given, the intervention of God.)*

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