By Rasa Von Werder, August 21st, 2021


The SPIRIT of Matriarchy vs Patriarchy 8-21-21



          It comes to my attention in forming this new ‘Order’ {which tentatively I am calling ‘Rasa Wins’ & the followers are ‘Rasa Winners} that we must define who are friends are & who are not.


          The friends are to be trusted, to be relied on. The non-friends, the indifferent, &/or the wicked who turn out to be enemies, should be avoided.


          The worst thing one can do is accept an enemy into the fold, like say the convent, because they have access to our privacy, computers, personal information, & when they turn on us, they can do damage.

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          So it behooves me to define, as a point of departure, the SPIRIT of a friend of Mother God, vs the SPIRIT of someone who MIGHT BE against her. I might add that not all who disapprove us are against God – some could be religiously brainwashed & programmed to believe a certain way, & think our way is wrong, so they oppose or denounce us, thinking they are doing right. These people out of ignorance could hurt us, they would be confused, & must be forgiven. Their hearts might be with God, but their minds lack understanding. But there are those whose HEARTS are not right with God & who would sell us out because they want to destroy – & THEIR REASONS ARE MANY. Some are jealous, some want money or rewards for hurting us {Judas} – some are just hell-bent & evil, & their evil could be for many demonic & human reasons like selfishness, rewards, egomania, revenge, etc. There are legions of demons, numerous human desires that hurt their own souls & those of others.


          In my work for Matriarchy, in which William Bond is a spiritual partner – we have both been attacked by women. Yes, it hurts the most when someone you are trying to help bites the hand that feeds them. You don’t expect that. And it hurts even more when someone you have been working hard to help turns on you demonically. This has happened to both William & myself.


          Many females, usually young, have appeared on the shores of Matriarchal Empowerment. They assume that because they have a VAGINA it gives them the right to claim all the privileges of a GODDESS. But Goddesses most of them ain’t. Jesus did not change the world with his PENIS & you will not change it with your crotch. Having a vaga-jay does not anoint you to the Highest Heavens of Feminine Divine, you are but a body inhabited by spirit or energy. It is your CHOICE how you handle the potential/spirit/energy within you. You can ignore it, use it for good or evil. You can become a lowlife or a High Hera, you can help or hurt. Your body determines nothing except basic animal instincts; that is its legacy.


          And so, when I was on social media {can’t be in it right now, it’s draining, I am writing the Encyclopedia of my life} I was INUNDATED with attention, many of them young whippin’ snappin’ females declaring this & that, claiming some sort of propriety, why they were special, why they were important – it went on & on. And at some point, if things didn’t go their way, they denounced me, they denounced William or they tried to turn me against him or him against me {will never happen} thinking they would gain some sort of power that way.

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Sure, you get a good couple working positively, feeding off each other mentally, spiritually, gaining ground as a partnership, you turn them against each other & that breaks the power of ‘two is stronger than one,’ & things two can do together are easier than working alone. So what they are planning is a POWER PLAY. They begin by trying to break into the Tower of the Anointed, destabilize them, then they IMAGINE {oh, what folly} that they can take over. These girls can’t take over a dung heap if it was handed to them.


I have had women help me in the past – none of them is helping at the present. It was a rare thing when a young genius female, Freya Derrickson, followed my path & beyond & did & is doing wondrous things for Female Supremacy. She’s on sabbatical right now but I trust her return. She was the only one who stayed the course & heard the Voice of Mother God. The rest came & went their way, like Jesus had hundreds of disciples, but only 12 stayed. {Most of them disappeared when He said in order to belong to him they would have to drink his body & blood…they were baffled, did not get the meaning, did not take time to investigate, so apparently they were surface followers, not in their hearts, so they needed to leave.} And in conclusion to that, Freyja Derrickson has been my one & only true female disciple or friend.


Why do I have two men helping me right now, no one else? They are William Bond & Ajax the Great. There were NUMEROUS men on face book – probably 100 over the years, who declared themselves to be my followers or disciples, they all went their way. I have tried to stay in touch with some of them, they ignore me. They were not committed for the long run. Most of them were damn annoying, they wanted that pound of flesh – time & attention – incessantly. They would talk, talk, talk, how devoted they were, & I would have to talk to them, so for every hour of attention they gave my work I had to give one hour of attention to them. It got tedious. I would rather just work & let them leave me alone to do it.


We cannot accept all women, nor can we reject all men, although in general, we are preaching & practicing ‘safe space for women,’ & our Church will promote the gimmick, if you will, which will fascinate the press: ‘No men allowed.’ Convents are all safe space for women, except for those who must appear to do some work, like fix the furnace, deliver goods, repair the building, work on landscaping, etc. All convents, monasteries have men appear & disappear when their work is done – you don’t have tea or breakfast or supper with them, you don’t go to bed with them – {not in the convent anyway. I am debating how we grant ‘sexual freedom’ to our nuns – they should have it – but we will now allow male friends on the premises – nor in the services & meetings of our Chapel/Church.}


OK if we rejected all men, we would reject Buddha, Jesus, Gandhi, all the saints, William Bond & Ajax the Great – but we don’t. They contain the SPIRIT OF MATRIARCHY – which is True Love – the Love which is God.

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And there are women who kill – they blow away their husbands for money, poison people, they beat a child to death. These are not Matriarchs. There are subtle variations of these types behavior – some will kill with words, beat up with gossip, & squeal or lie to get the Saints into trouble.


A Matriarch – a person who has the Spirit of God, works for the common good cares about people. They have compassion, mercy, which is True Love. An ungodly person works for their flesh, or even serves the demonic, they are cold-hearted, cruel or deadly. They are dead souls inside, not candidates for Heaven, they are dangerous.


We had a female among us I came to call ‘Betty Poop.’ I felt she’d be a great asset to our community because she had intelligence, a good education & talent. I groomed her for Matriarchy for a full year, wasting my time. She seemed to cooperate, she did things with us, wrote articles, she defended me once when I got attacked. We had a foursome – William, Tom, Betty & me. I thought we were going places. I said let’s make an official pact, like the Four Musketeers – all for one, one for all. The two men agreed – she said nothing.


Next thing I know she’s asking me what do I think about Tom, is he a good person? I said yes, he’s the best. And then, he sort of ghosted me because she monopolized him, talking to him every day– incessantly – his wife said their lives weren’t normal any more, with him e mailing her all day.


Her intent was to steal him from me – he was a valuable disciple who served me – & steal him she did. He was weak, so he fell for it. It’s happened before.


A good disciple of mine got seduced by a female who was jealous of me. These transactions all happened by e mails, but the attention brainwashes the male to think he is getting something valuable. This other guy let this out-of-country woman beguile him; she got him to renounce his allegiance to me officially, as his Guru. He was dumb enough to do it. I had a dream that night that his house was empty, the Grace of God had left him, & if he died right then & there he’d be lost. I called him to warn him about it & asked what had he done? And he told me the story. And so he repented & installed me back into his heart, & the Grace came back.


And so this woman Betty Poop was not a team player, she was not on board. The shit hit the fan when she demanded something of William he would not give – taking over one of his face book group. She had no right to ask it of him. She then denounced him, I defended him, then she turned on me.

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Her assaults were so sinister, so insidious, they were scary. The woman was smart as a whip. She wrote a letter to one bar in my town where I hung out – believe it or not, they blocked me – & she’s living in another state. She found out the name of the bar from a post.


She then got me blocked from some of the groups where I posted – have no idea what she said, but for some strange reason, they did as she asked.


But the worst thing she did was get my You Tube site taken down with 400 videos & 4 million plus views. She got her friends to help, mostly Tom I suppose – he betrayed me just for her attention. They wrote every day complaining, reporting, about God knows what, & one day, my site was gone. All my videos were gone forever, a year’s work, because I was foolish enough to delete them off my computer – I was an amateur. I felt they were slowing down my computer, in the absence of my webman, I just deleted them & it was good bye one year of valuable work.


She then wrote on the media that I was not the right leader for Matriarchy, she was, she named the reasons, all bullshit. Then she put Tom to work. She wrote up some sort of course on Matriarchy & put it for sale on a site. Tom got her credit card capability – a thing not easy to get. But not one person bought the course. She was charging like $250 for it – why would anyone buy it?


Then she produced or I should say Tom produced for her, a video on Matriarchy that she put on You Tube. It got a couple hundred views while mine were getting thousands; one video got 450k in one year.


What she was trying to do was find position & money out of Matriarchy & Mother God– a thing I have never tried to go, which is similar to the Televangelists – male & female – who used Jesus, his gospel & his Story, for personal aggrandizement. She & such people are phonies, they are focused on flesh, they are not serving God, they use God to serve them.


My friend said to me ‘But I like so & so – I’ve learned a lot from her & she helped me {a televangelist}.’ Yes, they are good speakers, preachers, salespeople. Con artists are good at what they do, they even speak the truth. Because a preacher speaks the truth about Jesus, does not mean they are like Jesus. Talk is cheap. They are saying the words so they get the money. They live in multi-million dollar mansions & compounds; they live like Sultans or business moguls. They do not do what Jesus did, they just capitalize on his sufferings. They do not go out & preach in the dirty streets to dirty people, they are safe on the TV. They do not walk for miles, they have public transportation, & the worst of them have jet planes & even – believe it or not – fleets of jet planes. They do not suffer like Jesus, they use Jesus life for prosperity, personal gain.

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This is what Betty hoped for on her tiny scale, but it all failed. Why? Because she & other women who were jealous of me, did not have an Anointing. Yes, they had talent, sometimes looks, many had youth & its energy. But they did not have commitment, devotion & virtue. They did not have Zeal for the Monarchy of Mother God & obedience to her. They obeyed their flesh the way a pervert obeys his penis. They thought they could gain all the Kingdoms of the world but they lost their souls.


Alright, so there are men who are Sacred – they hear the Voice of Mother God & obey her – not many, but there are some here & there, they cannot be rejected.


Then there are women who want nothing but to sit on a throne & rule those around them, & be feted & praised & fawned over. They are to be rejected. They cannot be a part of this. Some of these characters come on sneaky – people wear a mask. So you have to know them for a while for the mask to come off. In some instances, this could take years. Look at the couples, married for years, then the man wants to kill the wife, or vice versa, for money. The recent known case is Chris Watts. He seemed on the surface like a perfect guy & father – good front. But then he met a sexy young woman he wanted & he murdered his wife & two tiny children. There are women who do the same to men. It isn’t all gross violence, a lot is done on a more normal scale, but each one tries to get the best of the other, they are not of love, they are hate personified.


And so, we test the Spirit – there has to be discernment. And boy, does one need the help of the Holy Spirit to get by the masks! The devil comes disguised as an Angel of Light!


Final word, there are men who are of Mother God, Matriarchy, who are Saints in her Monarchy. There are women who are wolves in sheep’s clothing, who do not obey Mother God but want to be obeyed & want God to serve their flesh. They live for the world, even though they say they are Matriarchs, Goddesses, because they have vaginas. It is not the body that makes one a person of God or Matriarchy, it is the Spirit. Test the Spirits.

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