Soul Lifting Saving Bonanza

By Rasa Von Werder, December 10th, 2023
Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing circa 1786 by William Blake 1757-1827

12-9-2023    Got 5 Souls Up – Helping MANY others!

Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing circa 1786 by William Blake 1757-1827

Soul Lifting Saving Bonanza



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I am with my male partner & we’re going to an extended, comprehensive restaurant. There are 2 doors to go through with a large space in between, & we’re walking as if we weren’t together – randomly just appearing at the same time, he several feet from me & he has never walked into a place with me properly. I feel it’s time for him to do the right thing & I say,

“The man is supposed to take the woman into the restaurant.”

And so, he takes my hand, he to the right & says,

“I was trying to hide my tattoo.”

He’s wearing a cotton short-sleeved slightly wrinkled shirt which the sleeves end just past the shoulder, & on his left arm just above the elbow is a tattoo medium blue color – don’t know of what.

It doesn’t make sense, as holding my hand doesn’t change anything, but this is a dream, all symbols.

*{ME: Mother God, OK, I’m certain this is Nick as this is exactly how he treated me. What does it mean, “it’s time to do the right thing?” He’s dead now so how does it make sense?

MG: It is often after death that we learn what we did wrong. Our bodies blind us; the things of the world lead us astray. He was indeed blinded & confused by the world, afraid of it, afraid of people’s opinions, & so he almost never acknowledged you in pubic {out of one time he did acknowledge you as his girl friend or that he loved you, there were ten times he did things to deny that.}. The things he did to you to hide the fact that he loved you were extreme & extremely hurtful.

Now human life is gone. People cannot criticize him, peers cannot ridicule him. He can acknowledge you without fear, so do it, you are saying, & he does.

You are suggesting he do the right thing, but also demanding it because without this UNION of hearts & souls – HE cannot enter into the PORTAL of helping Souls Ascend from Purgatory. It would be IMPOSSIBLE for Nick to reach Souls in Purgatory BY HIMSELF as that is not the protocol – he has to work with a living person to do so –most ascended souls must do it that way {the Holy Virgin doesn’t need this requirement, neither does Jesus.}

ME: The other symbols: Two doors with a hallway between, a foyer. His light blue cotton shirt with short sleeves, his TATTOO in particular, which he was trying to HIDE.

MG: Tattoos are famous for saying ‘Mom’ or some girl they love. He is trying to hide the fact that you are his woman & that you are old enough to be his Mother – he did see you as Mom & loved you for it.

The two doors, with foyer: It’s not easy to get into this PORTAL. It’s another world, & you are of two worlds. He has to go through one door to join with you. There’s a SPACE where you meet, this is the point where he TAKES YOUR HAND because he must have it, or he can’t pass the second door! – the door into Purgatory.

His shirt? Light blue is the color of the sky, of Heaven. His tattoo is NO LONGER COVERED, lol. He cannot, nor does he want to hide the fact that he loves you.}*


When we get in it gets complicated.

This is some sort of emporium that includes female domination along with the food. They have waitresses for food & servers who do domination for a price. I imagine they have private rooms for this.

Somehow, as I’m sitting at this counter – just a small part of this large place, a female dominator sits to the left of me, past the corner of the bar, {she’s about 8’ away from me to the left} & is writing down my ‘order’ for ‘breast domination.’

I am kind of confused by the whole thing. There are a number of folks sitting to my right {about 10’} in regular seats, close together, a row of them, all dressed in white except for one man, Ernest Borgnine, who’s dressed in dark colors.

This ‘domination server’ to my left is writing on a pad, what my requests are. I say out loud {you can hear her or I can, but everyone, especially the row to my right, can hear me},

“Breast domination, what do I want? Well, what I am doing is I work for a magazine. I will write an article about the session for them & they will pay me.”

Ernest Borgnine is the only one who reacts – he CHUCKLES.

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At this, the server disappears because my statement somehow nullifies the request. I see our session as some sort of food dish, now on a shelf in the middle behind the counter. It has 2 parts, one on top seems like pink shredded coconut, the bottom some sort of ice cream, but only half of what was there remains & it’s kind of ‘wilted.’ I pick it up, examine it & take it somewhere.

*{ME: This was tricky but I think I got it. It concerns my forfeit of recognition as the origin of female body building – they {Arnold/Weider} wrote me out of it. This recently came to my attention via Lisa Lyon’s Ascension.}Let’s take the symbols one step at a time. First, this ‘server’ is taking my ‘order’ for ‘breast domination.’

Breasts represent LOVE. A session is something you do – usually paid – to give PLEASURE or satisfaction to a person. Sex therapy, domination therapy are both emotional nourishment. By me being recognized as the Foundress, this would satisfy my emotions, but it’s based on the lower self, the ego or human need for love. So the server, within this portal or restaurant that serves souls, is taking my order of what do I want concerning recognition, so that I can feel love?

My answer NULLIFIES the session because I repudiated my need for universal recognition & specifically said, in my act of the will,

“I do this for the Souls in Purgatory. I give up my desire for this recognition on their behalf.

The symbol here of I will write an article & the magazine will pay me is that what I write is enough. I have & will continue to state the facts, seeking nothing else from anyone, that is all the ‘payment’ or compensation I need. Once the server hears that, she GOES AWAY.

Ernest Borgnine chuckles. This is interesting. I compare it to Marty which won 4 Academy Awards for 1955 – the message within it. Let Mother God explain.

MG: OK, Marty was an average guy, maybe ‘ugly’ to some. He liked a plain girl, his friends made fun of her, calling her ‘a dog.’ They were both lonely & she sat expecting, hoping he’d call, he sat alone with no one because his friends made fun of her. Finally he cries to his Mom who was praising him, “Mom, I’m ugly!’ And goes & calls the girl. {I’m recalling this from memory of many years ago.} The question is, why should an ugly guy pass over a plain girl? Why does he deserve or wait for a beautiful one? He should not. Take what he can get. How does this appy to your repudiation of fame for the origin?

It’s about STATUS & reality. PRIDE makes every man, no matter how he looks, desire a BEAUTIFUL woman. Somehow his inner qualities should make him a 10 when he’s really a 5, but a woman has to be a 10 by appearance, her insides don’t matter, at least, not to the world. So because of pride & a sense of ‘I DESERVE THIS a man demands beauty.

And so, in your PRIDE you wish for respect, recognition, kudos or admiration, for rightfully being the one who brought forth, concocted the idea of females lifting weights, & you did it through the media.. But it was taken away from you by the powers that be – the Arnold/Weider body building industry.

This hurts your PRIDE, it’s not fair, & it deprives you of the kudos – love – admiration you would get if you were honored. So what you have given up is your pride & your need for love from the public – as the server is ready to give you the love – you say, you don’t need it, & that ends the planned session.

Marty is a Soul in Purgatory. He chuckles by recognition of what you did is what Marty did,

“I don’t deserve the love of a beautiful woman; I’m going for this plain girl.”

So you also take what you can get – which is just stating your case, as you have, & leave it at that.

This row of people is also symbolic. The ones all dressed in white might be ready to ascend soon. This one isn’t, he’s still partially dark, which is also like saying,

“I’m not so great I deserve heaven yet.”

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And later when you look at the food or nourishment representative of the ‘session’ or getting this love, it’s like shredded pink coconut on top, bottom some sort of ice cream, now half gone & wilted,& you take it somewhere.

This food is a DESSERT, it’s not something one needs, it’s extra or luxury food. And you rethink how important is this recognition? You did what you did for the sake of female empowerment, & it was accomplished. Through this body building scheme women got freed up to develop their muscles, to be fit, more muscular, more athletic & aggressive. That’s what you did it for & it happened. The body building world never mentions that because they have no idea why God made you do it & they just don’t understand it’s result. They don’t see the forest for the trees – you do. Women’s image was changed, the way they look at themselves was changed, you succeeded, you don’t NEED all this recognition & pubic avowal “She’s the one.”

And here it is – portrayed within this RESTAURANT which is a portal you & Nick entered/presented to help Souls. Here is your sacrifice, it worked, it gave Grace to Poor Souls! You will see the great results in the Souls, all that is happening with them here!

My mate or husband I now see looking different & wearing different clothes. He’s tall, very thin {before he wasn’t this tall or thin}, wearing a darkish hat, strong eyebrows {hair is dark} a dark winter open coat under which might be white, & he is CARRYING sort of plain dark bowls filled with large amounts of delicious food, most notably FRENCH FRIES with cherries on top {wtf?} which I love, & I’m thinking,

“So what if that server cancelled our ‘breast domination’ session. Now hubby & I will be ALONE, much more relaxed, cozy, just the 2 of us, & we can ENJOY all this wonderful food he’s collected! Had she been with us it would have invaded our privacy.”

*{ME: This is very telling also. Look at all the spiritual food Nick gained FOR US! With cherries on top is like ‘icing on the cake,’ yes, it’s French Fries, a favorite for many of us & the cherries represent extra added Graces or Joys.

Us being alone, without that recognition or love I could have gained – is being alone with God, in God’s Kingdom, where true happiness lies. The interference of THE WORLD would have disturbed this inner peace, this interior intimacy & spiritual joy. ‘The Kingdoms of the world & THEIR GLORY applies here. Recognition is GLORY which as explained, was forfeited, but something greater was gained!}*

Then I pass back into a room where people are ‘dining’ only they aren’t dining, they are making BEDS to sleep in – all women, many of them old, over 60. They tell me all the spots are taken – I already knew that, I was just looking. There are two rows of beds with a 5’walk between, right up to each other, two beds next to each other in each space. One I notice is at the end, one lady with white hair looks to be about 70 is fixing her bed, white sheets, light blue cover, & the lady next to her is fixing hers—these beds are joined, no space between, like my twin beds that make on King sized bed. The feeling is,

“Full service restaurant, full house, fully occupied, this place is in demand, a success”

So they provide not only food & domination, but sleeping quarters!

*{SLEEPING QUARTERS, BEDS: Lol. In this portal or within this Grace, we have given a good number of souls REST as in ‘Rest in Peace.’ Notice they are all women, many old, old because most people die when they’re old, these are all dead. This happened right after your renunciation so perhaps it extended to these gals also.}*

So I leave this area & I see 5 black girls {souls not race} dancing about, carrying on. They all have on the same type slinky dresses, made of soft material with a honeycomb design pattern, – colored gold. The dresses are form fitting, slightly different with each one, one I notice her hemline goes partly to the calf, front a bit higher, it isn’t even. As they dance about they also complain about the servers & I agree, I was not pleased with mine either.

*{WITHOUT A DOUBT, THESE ARE SOULS THAT HAVE ASCENDED! I DID SAY 4 Masses yesterday, did not wiggle out of the second two, & here we see magnificent results.

The GOLD, the dancing & reference to honeycomb proves it. Gold is their wedding gowns, honeycomb is not only where they keep their sweet honey, but they also house larvae which are fed & then emerge. They are souls that got fed & emerged from darkness into Heaven. And they are DANCING WITH JOY!}*

I then go to a room I think hubby is in, but I see in the dim light {this room is like a large closet} reclining on a chaise lounge a dark black man. I can hardly see him as his skin is so dark & the room is dark, but when I do I’m slightly startled & excuse myself & back out.

I surmised that this man was a PIMP waiting for those 5 females.

*{ME: Mother God, what is this pimp doing in our portal? Can a demon be here hoping to snatch those 5 females into Hell? He being in a room so small it’s a closet, & it’s dark, is that it’s a hidden thing or secret.

MG: It’s only a symbol, but this is also indicative of how souls close themselves in away from God, they shut themselves up, that is a Hell. God does not make people go to Hell, they do it to themselves, & this is an example.

This says that these 5 females could have been snatched into Hell, but they weren’t. The Grace of God saved them.


Then I’m outside working hard with a man but enjoying it. Its harvest time & we are over a field of straw with a white substance all over it. We must somehow harvest this & put it somewhere, not sure where.

When we get done – it took hours – I ask my mate,

“Didn’t you do some wheat harvesting for farmer X last year, & do you have to do it again? I’ll help.”

Farmer X also has a field of wheat that must be cut down & stored. Not sure if we go there.

Then I see my mate is doing something like rolling a machine or something over the ground & he comes to a corner where he stumbles onto a bump.

I uncover it & see things I put there, a very old hand spade, the oldest I have, & an off-white rock. I say I put them there & hope he isn’t inconvenienced by it.


Matthew 9:37-38 New Living Translation (NLT)
He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”

*{MG: You & Nick are in the fields now, harvesting or bringing souls to God, besides going to Purgatory. Doesn’t give details.

The last scene – an old hand spade & an off-white rock you left, Nick stumbles onto it while working. To be analyzed later.}*



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