I agree with what you are trying to achieve but there are a few things I want to say about it. Yes sisterhood is needed but the problem is that a strong sisterhood can be defeated by an army of violent men. So if we want women to rule our world we have to find ways to overcome masculine power.
Patriarchy v Matriarchy is not the same as men v women. I have pointed out before that men can be very submissive. We not only find this in the femdom scene but also in the military and in slavery. It is easy for the military to brainwash men to fight in wars and sacrifice their lives doing this. And it is men’s submissive nature that allows a few patriarchal rulers to rule society. For instance the power of a dictator depends on an army of young men who will give him total obedience and arrest and murder anyone who resists the power of the dictator.
So the paradox is that men seem to rule the world not because they are the dominant sex but because they are naturally submissive and will obey whatever patriarchal leaders tell them to do. So the true battle is between women and a small patriarchal ruling elite. Ordinary men are just the soldiers of the patriarchy and do as they are told.
The point is that if we were to have a Matriarchal world women have to take away the power that the ruling elite have over men and become the rulers of men themselves. The ruling elite control men through propaganda and brainwashing. They indoctrinate men to believe they must be ‘macho’ and that they are the natural dominant sex. And at the same time they also indoctrinate women to believe they are the natural submissive sex.
So it is basically a war of mind-control where patriarchy brainwashes people into believing that men should rule the world. But as in all patriarchal societies it is only and handful of men who rule most men do as they are told.
This means that if women are to rule our world then women have to find ways of controlling men. I agree sisterhood is very important for this, because if women do not help and support each other they won’t accomplish anything. But women have to accept that men do have a submissive nature and will obey those they believe are in authority over them. Because whomever the majority of men obey, are the rulers of the world. William
Rasa answers: OK, I understand. Whoever exerts authority, the men will obey. So will the women.
I am doing what I believe has to be done. I am helping women believe in themselves & other women. I will assist them to hold their head up high, to walk like a Godess, to think like a Godess & act like a Godess. Remember how the Black Muslims trained their men to hold their heads up high with white men & women. I noticed they were cold hearted to me, like when I asked one for subway directions, he ignored me & took his sweet time. He was showing that he was not ‘Mr Nice Guy’, not eager to please, he was trying to ‘stand tall’ & not want to help – this made him feel stronger.
I will do my best to indoctrinate women to feel God’s Power, to show God’s Power, not to be underlings of men, not to act dependent to men – do all the things the opposite of what patriarchy has taught them. Don’t laugh at their jokes, don’t act submissive or weak. Act strong. You are not dependent on them, they are dependent on you. This is just the beginning, I will write more on it.
From William, he continues his first letter – Hi Rasa:
I have been thinking more about your sisterhood project and this morning I got another idea about it. Recently I saw a documentary film by Cara Delevingne, called “Planet Sex”. She makes the point that men nearly always achieve orgasm when they have sex but officially 60% of women don’t (Cara Delevingne believes that the true number is a lot less than that). Apparently Cara Delevingne is bi-sexual
and she claims she ends up having more sex with women because sex with women is a lot better as she can always achieve an orgasm with another woman.
She then goes into recent German scientific research where they discovered that when people masturbate or have sex to orgasm the brain is flooded with good feeling chemicals called Endocannabinoids which are very similar to Cannabis. Now, this is interesting as the one example of sisterhood working is the Bononbo ape who has be called the “make love not war” ape.
Sex is very important to the Bonobo’s social structure where females bond through sex and use it to defuse male aggression. Now, what is interesting about patriarchy is that it is anti-sexual. Even today masturbation is still discouraged, and for most of it’s history homosexuality was also discourage and even criminalized. This makes sense because if it is easier for women to achieve sexual satisfaction through lesbian sex, so women like bonobos can use sex to bond with each other and create a powerful sisterhood.
Another point is that if sex floods the brain with good feeling chemicals then this might be why sex is a way to defuse male aggression. Men only become violent and aggressive when they are upset, but if they have sex then they are going to feel better about everything and not want to go and hurt someone else. This then is probably why patriarchy doesn’t like sex because if they have frequent sex with women or even other men, then they are less likely to became aggressive and violent.
The only problem with this, is that by discouraging men to have sex patriarchy has made men more aggressive and can use these aggressive men to fight wars to conquer other more peaceful countries. But perhaps modern warfare might be a solution to this, as war is increasingly fought with technology and the side that has the better technology is more likely to win which means countries may not need aggressive sex-starved men to fight wars any more. William
Rasa responds to this previous letter:
Sex is a huge issue because it means so much in our lives, it is probably 2nd or 3rd in importance for survival, we cannot live without love, & sex is part of physical closeness, which means love.
In the tests made of Harlow’s monkeys, as explained by Dr. Prescott, when a baby monkey had a choice between food or holding a fake surrogate Mom – an object covered with fur – it chose the object. To cling to the Mother figure was even more important than physical food. How does this relate to sex? Sex & love are similar. ‘Sex’ begins by closeness to care giver. Without it, people become sexually dysfunctional or inept.
We cannot live without love, we have to get it somewhere. Love is nourishment.
Sex is that – it is nourishment. It feeds the body, the hormones, as you explain here. Feel good hormones make life livable, without them, people become suicidal.
As far as the patriarchal attitude toward sex being negative there are 2 factors or more. One is they made sex repressive to control women – double standard proves it. Men have few morals re sex, they don’t give a shyt what the codes are. Women are punished for having sex. And second, whatever is prohibited you can sell – so sex & drugs are ‘illegal’, you make money on them. If sex was a free-for-all they could not make money selling it.
And it’s important to remember. When sex for women becomes free, when women do whatever they wish re sex, men will lose ALL THERE POWER. There will be nothing to fight for. They will have to obey women.
Our Sisterhood is just ONE SEED. But it needs to be a perfect seed, a good, healthy one. Jesus ministered a mere 3 years in Israel. His life there was a PERFECT SEED, & see how it grew.
And nothing about it was easy, neither his life nor the aftermath. My life has been pretty hard & maybe the beginning of our Order will be, but that doesn’t mean it will be defeated. Let us create the perfect seed & it will be watered by our human efforts & God’s Grace. Rasa
From Rasa:
Very good train of thought William. You have your meditation cap on.
I will respond soon.
I think Pete will be able to respond to these new ideas you’ve presented also.
I am up & about now & eager to move forward.
We will have an Anthem,
America the Beautiful (O Beautiful for Spacious Skies)
Song by Michael W. Smith
… O beautiful for spacious skies For amber waves of grain For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain!
… America! America! God shed His grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea
to ‘The Sisterhood, the Sisterhood, God shed Her Grace on thee -
& beyond that I need my web man, who I’ll give $100 to, to help write the lyrics. He’s an expert. The lyrics are copyrighted but I don’t think you can copyright MELODIES
Another song we used to sing in Girl Scouts, words changed to the tune of ‘Let me call you sweetheart’
“Let me call you SISTER I’m a MATRIARCH too
Let me hear you whisper all the MATER RULES
And your heart SO PURE
Let me call you SISTER I’m a MATRIARCH too”
As Scouts we said,
Let me call you sister I’m a Girl Scout too. Let me hear you whisper All the Scout Laws through. Keep your Girl Scout Promise, In your heart so true, Let me call you sister, I’m a Girl Scout too.
We must SING TOGETHER to life our hearts & minds to Mother God & respect for other women Rasa
From Pete Jackson:
Very well-said as usual, William. Dr. James W. Prescott made a similar observation if I remember correctly, but I think you articulated it even better IMHO. The bonobos have the right idea overall. Prescott notes that the pleasure circuits of the brain are almost entirely mutually exclusive with the violence and pain circuits in the brain, and the patriarchy knows that all too well. Of course, patriarchy has attempted to hack that as well by deliberately mixing sex with violence to get both men and Women to associate one with the other. That is where we get various perversions and depravities like rape, sexual assault, violent/coercive sadomasochism, choking, and “rough sex”, and the male-dominated porn that blatantly glorifies these things. But the patriarchy does not want integrative pleasure, only neurodissociative pleasure at best while sacralizing pain and violence. Eros is bad, while Thanatos is good, according to their twisted logic. Pain is a virtue, and pleasure is a vice. No wonder people who grow up steeped in that evil system are so overwhelmingly messed up!
This logic also carries over to psychoactive drugs as well. Patriarchy has historically preferred ones that paradoxically promote aggression while also keeping their users stupefied, quiescent, and dependent enough for the powers that be to control them (alcohol, various hard drugs, amphetamines, Ritalin, SSRIs, etc.), all while trying to stamp out any substances that discourage aggression and/or promote thinking for oneself (cannabis, psychedelics, etc.). And patriarchy has preferred concentrated or synthetic drugs rather than natural botanical drugs.
As the late great Buckminster Fuller said, “either war is obsolete, or man is”. Most wars today are imperialistic wars of conquest, and with today’s technology (both a blessing and a curse at the same time) we need far less “cannon fodder” than in the past to get the same results.
The film “Planet Sex” by Cara Delevigne I have not seen, but I will check it out. What first came to my mind was a book that I recently heard about but still have yet to read: The Pleasure Gap by Katherine Rowland.
OK Pete, I am keeping these letters for further discussion & here is one I just wrote to an amazing female – she has a popular site on You tube called ‘Girl in the Woods’.
If I can get her interested in our Sisterhood it would be a plus. I will reach out to all likely candidates for participation. Just like I used to for my work, in the past – & when you reach out to EVERYONE you are bound to get SOMEONE. She all her life has been active in the rugged outdoor life, even participated in one tough survivalist TV show – Brooke Whipple. My letter:
Hi there Beautiful Great Women, aka ‘Girl in the Woods’
I have studied your biographical video & have lots of respect for you. Thanks for keeping me informed.
I have been kept busy writing my auto-biography & just published the NINTH volume, ten coming up.
Am beginning to write all the precepts for a new SISTERHOOD that will be part of our NEW RELIGION FOR WOMEN. It is a college, ashram, convent, domicile, lifestyle, POV,
Order with our own Temple to Mother God {where males are not admitted except on special days by invite.}
It is Female Empowerment. One idea where you ‘fit in’ is we will have Mother God Scouts. We will learn all we can & practice OUTDOOR LIFE & even survival, like Girl Scouts, & maybe include some Wicca celebrations along with it but not exclusively. This needs to be thought out, what things we do but camping, campfires, fishing, swimming, hiking, collecting herbs & mushrooms & learning all about outdoor foraging – all that you do is on the agenda. One of the important precepts here is female COMARADERIE as I experienced in Girl Scouts – {one of the happiest times of my life.}
Men are not excluded completely even though our focus is on women – We will have shindigs every 2 weeks, dances, where we meet candidates for friends & lovers - the females are totally liberated sex wise. The men are, however, screened for security reasons. They must have clean backgrounds & straight up characters.
I have published a book for our New Religion – it’s a START, called ‘Woman Thou Art God’ & have a website by that name which has been active since 2004, used to get a million views a year.
Here is the link to my books, there are around 30, published on Lulu & dozens of Internet venues:
The members of our religion are called MATRIARCHS.
Signing off for now, wishing you God speed & Mother God luck with all your new endeavors.
Rasa Von Werder
From Rasa: My continued thoughts, some of which I got yesterday but had no time to write them down.
Beware of VAMPIRES
You‘ve heard the term ‘psychic vampire?’ – There’s also Narcissist & ego maniac. It needs to be addressed, because as an Order which will now reach out into local & international humanity, we will be confronted by ALL TYPES & one of the types we must AVOID & CANNOT have within our midst, neither up close nor anywhere in our association at all is the VAMPIRE. So what is a vampire & how do we recognize one?
A vampire is one who is PERMANENTLY sunk down in the flesh. The flesh includes ego – & let us make a distinction here between people being TEMPORARILY sunk down & permanently so, where they cannot leave the flesh no matter what the conditions, their brain works in a sort of ‘loop’ where even when the outside status improves, or even if they presumably TRY to think some other way, they end up at the same ballpark or home plate – MYSELF, my body, my needs, my flesh. Mind you – these people CANNOT CHANGE like the devil CANNOT repent. They might be mentally ill or psychotic. What causes this I will not even try to understand because I can’t & I am not a psychiatrist or psychologist who is paid to look into such matters.
I can explain WHAT IT IS, not WHY it is & advise to stay away as far away as possible from these people, not to even think, consider or pray for them as doing so brings them closer to us; they invade our minds like a disease that travels through walls & skulls – I will give examples.
But first, let me explain a few pointers. One, we are or most of us, riveted in the flesh as infants or small kids – We cannot be contemplatives or mind wizards when we’re little. Some might have tendencies, like Jesus age 12 taught the rabbis in the Temple – but they aren’t yet fully developed.
It’s a sign of immaturity to be focused in the flesh – St. Paul said ‘When I was a child, I spake as a child’ & then he grew up & spoke as an adult. This frame of mind is simple, natural immaturity & we mustn’t be hard on the young.
But hopefully we grow out of this, we gain compassion, empathy, caring for others as we do ourselves. But some people don’t grow up, they remain infantile their whole life until the day they die – they cannot think of anything but themselves.
Now mind you, there is TEMPORARY focus in the flesh. When we are TRAUMATIZED or SICK or suffer BEREAVEMENT or any kind of ANXIETY or SORROW we can, for a time, sink down into our lower nature. But we get over it & spring back into our MIND, HIGHER NATURE, contemplation & clear thought.
For examples. I was in contemplation until God told me to go back in the world & have FUN. I DID SO & sunk down into my flesh as I was involved with people with my body & emotions, & it is impossible to stay contemplative while carousing with people & having sex. I notice my mental work suffered. I had been writing hundreds of articles on my blog prior to this & suddenly – boom – nearly NOTHING for years, until I quit going out. It was partially involvement, partially physical exhaustion as if you go to bars Friday & Saturday, involvement of talking, maybe having sex, drinking, you will not recover until the end of Sunday, you might have a few days of clarity, then the murk once again. St. Thomas famously said lust causes blindness of the mind. I am a strong mind, so I was not completely wiped out. For the average person who has no mental abilities they go from plateau to pit, I went from mountain to valley, not the total pit. But when I broke all my ties with ‘downtown’ & ‘lover’ this happened: My emotions stopped dwelling in the physical flesh, my own & that of others. I was released like a balloon to ascend back into Higher Self, the Self of God, the Higher Mind. I regained my peace, serenity, composure & was able to see again not the trees, but the whole forest. My VISION came back; it wasn’t impaired any more. It took more than a year to readjust.
Then there are distractions of days or weeks, even months. Recently I had a couple traumas. One, a female & an accomplice started writing me letters pretending to be my long-lost granddaughter. This upset me so much it was eleven days unable to think or write – that being solved, I returned to work.
And when I had trouble a week ago publishing my last book – not my fault but the system – for a few days I had anxiety that disabled my mind. But that was also temporary.
Like I said, if outside forces tweak us the wrong way, if our emotions are punched out or called upon strongly, we can get focused away from a higher place, only thinking about the trouble. But this will pass; we must excuse & forgive when someone is temporarily troubled & not condemn or reject them for this.
I am NOT talking about youth-immaturity or temporary states, I am talking about people whose character is vampirish & who cannot, will not change. It’s like thieves. People are BORN thieves, they never change. If you see someone is a thief, just know it’s inborn-inbred, & don’t expect them to change their mind & go straight.
OK so let me get to my recent experiences with VAMPIRES.
I know two such females nearby. To show how dangerous & pervasive they are – I have not been friends with either one of them for MANY YEARS. But recently both came to my attention.
One of them, as I checked her social media daily – because I had to – I felt SICK of mind & heart. The feeling stayed in me like a stomach ache. I wasn’t talking to her, just read her media, & the VIBRATION affected me. This is, like I said, like a DISEASE that goes through walls & skulls. I noticed her DELUSIONS & now saw them coming ‘home’ to roost, a living breating TWISTED mind set. To see her psychosis so tangible was a Hellish sight. I felt FEAR like a legion of demons was reaching me.
The other female I have not spoke with for 25 years but she came to my attention. She apparently saw I had written my life – she was always imitating me in the most extreme way – & decided to write hers.
And so I went to see what she had to say through the ‘Look inside’ feature & as I continued to read I felt SICK. ‘Delusions of grandeur’ is a mental illness. And as I read, I got her vibes, they haunted me the rest of the day & night. I had to quit & forget her to cut off the dis-ease reaching me. And I note just now, it also gave me a sense of FEAR, like I was being affected by that LEGION of demons. I didn’t fear the person, in both cases, I feared the demonic reaching me.
This is a lesson that when we meet these VAMPIRES they must not only be prevented from living with us, they cannot be Third Order or affiliated in any way where we have to THINK about them. It has to be a TOTAL SEPARATION, the same as with the demonic – because this IS demonic.
No, we cannot be FRIENDS with EVERYONE. We must be selective, careful, judicious to who we associate with. The great exorcist Bob Larson teaches a course that I took. He explains that when we associate with people as lovers, friends or business partners we receive all that is in them, including their DEMONS! Take notice of that!
Just a couple snippets & we are done. My lady friend took in foster children to make extra cash. She got this girl who was a total sex maniac, haha, but that was not the main problem. She said the girl would ask her questions from morning to night until she was totally drained. People can, in the guise of being nice, or doing the right thing, can call on your energies so much they drain you of them, it’s vampirism disguised as being good. I had a cleaning lady like that. The minute she walked in she couldn’t just look around & see what had to be done, she kept asking me with every tiny chore, ‘What do you want me to do now?’ I couldn’t get anything done as she was talking to me constantly, I couldn’t write, I couldn’t pray.
That was my problem on the internet with ‘slaves’ or ‘disciples.’ They would do things for me & demand my attention constantly. I was better off with them NOT doing me any ‘favors!’ Then they’d play games like let me see other women they were talking to, trying to make me jealous. It was a total waste of time, attention & energy.
And that brings me to some of the questions William raised, about the needs of men, sexual & otherwise, & when they don’t get these met, they get violent, aggressive & dangerous. I will address those issues inside his letters.
It is VERY IMPORTANT as we build the sisterhood, to beware of VAMPIRES. And be vigilant when they appear in the guise of being good. Anyone that demands INORDINATE amounts of attention is wrong. We are not raising babies or running a lunatic asylum. The closer they are to us, the more mature & together they must be. If they need serious growing up but have potential, put them further away & let them grow. No more questions, lol.
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