Screaming into Hell

By Rasa Von Werder, April 7th, 2022

Screaming her way into Hell – Story of a friend of mine  {See Part 2}


4-6-22 Trouble with Bob  {channel Ben Franklyn at end}


          Something is really, really wrong with Bob {my ex-lover & Spiritually United Husband} but so far I don’t know what.

          Some dreams at first I can’s recall, to do with people. There are some good times, some conflicts, get togethers & such. I vaguely recall screaming into the face of a female one time who’d done me wrong – but not even sure this was this night or some other.

          That ends & I’m standing in this room & in front of me there’s an entrance, it’s like the bottom of the stairs at the old farm house & from this spot I see a woman enter that looks like so: Middle aged, dressed like a nurse, not thin or fat but in between, white dress with blue trim & matching ‘nurse’ hat, her hair sticks out in large curls, is medium brown, medium length.

          She’s carrying in her hands – this is vague – something like textured pink candles, long & squared off, 8” or so long, long wicks, she holds a bunch {5 or 6} of them by the wicks. The texture is within their wax, like white or very light grey – this is by no means easy to see so vague I’m not sure what it is, just saying what it looks most like.

          I KNOW she’s the Mother of Bob – Either just know or she tells me she is & I say,

          “I’m HONORED.”

          *** (BOB’S MOTHER, DRESSED LIKE A NURSE: This is Bob’s GOD SELF or the God-Mother within him. There is no one in our life more important than this, God within us is higher than our Guardian Angels, it’s our TRUE SELF – the body is only an Instrument or Machine so to speak, which operates from & serves this Person if we are right with God.

          The fact that she’s dressed like a nurse means it has to do with his health. It’s probably physical health, but it might be mental, emotional or spiritual health. What are the hints?

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          The squared off 8” pink textured with white CANDLES with long wicks – 5 or 6 of them means what?

          Mother God, I seek help. I know you know but I’m trying to read your mind & that is also a challenge. Let me consider what candles mean.

          CANDLE: A light – when the candle is lit. A light in the darkness. If it’s pitch dark & you light but one candle, the dark is gone. A candle or light shows the way, like a beam or LIGHTHOUSE. Shows you which way to go, where not to go. A lighthouse shows ships the shore is there.

          Candle goes with PRAYER. In many Catholic Churches they have spots where you light candles for certain causes or people, you give a donation, hoping God shows mercy on your petition. So that represents hope in answered prayer.

          A candle sometimes shows a lapse of time. Like a 24-hour candle, when it goes to the bottom, you know 24 hours are up.

          Pink textured with white: Pink can mean ‘in the pink’ or feeling good, good times. It can also mean the vagina or to do with sex with a female.

          Textured with white, like bits of white wax melted right inside the pink wax. White represents goodness, purity of heart & marriage.

          Squared off, 8” candles – Square sometimes means perfection – ‘a perfect square.’ If the candle means time, the 8” is a longer rather than shorter time.

          Long wicks she’s holding in her hands: These candles are NOT LIT but the long wicks she holds are also a symbol of longer rather than shorter. The fact they are NOT LIT, that she can hold them in her hand, seems to say it’s not yet time for something as the candle or lighthouse or beam are NOT showing us the way but are still dormant – 5 or 6 of them could be 5 or 6 years – 8” also denotes long stretches of time might pass before these candles are lit & something is brought to light.

          His Mom or God Self also arriving at the bottom of the stairs of the old farmhouse, what is that? Staircase is staircase to Heaven or a Higher Place, she might be arriving to reveal something, the way the Angel Gabriel announced to Holy Mary She was with child.

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         Let me look at the total count of symbols, see if they add up to anything: Important message, permanent change for him, a way not yet lit or ready, has to do with marriage & sex, a lapse of a long time, maybe 5 or 6 years. Is all of this saying there’s still 5 or 6 years before our marriage?

Or has he gotten a fatal illness like AIDS & will die in 5 or 6 years? He caught it through sex – the pink candles? AIDS would change him permanently, he’d have to live with it every day, it doesn’t go away, he would be living with symptoms & doc apts constantly, yes, it would change him permanently.) ***

          I also know her arrival here is a great FOREBODING of something to do with Bob, could be bad.

          She enters the room saying she has something to tell me. I ask, frightened,

          “IS HE DEAD?”

          Because his Mother, in all these years has NEVER visited me to say anything about Bob, this is SERIOUS.

          She says something like that he isn’t dead, but something has happened that will change him permanently, like he has to do something with his body every day to adjust to it, like some sort of occurrence & for the life of me & can’t understand, did he have an accident or get sick or some kind of malady hit him?

          She DOES NOT explain so I am going to try to guess the possibilities & check his social media to see if anything comes up…….Nothing on his media so I’ll check daily.

          I will channel Benjamin Franklyn as I saw a documentary on him yesterday & realized what a great man he was – been talking to him. Ben Franklyn, can you give me any idea what this means? What is being announced & what has happened to Bob?


          BEN: Did you suffer more than me, less than me or the same amount? It seems you went through a lot, Hell & back – And did for this country more than you are given credit for, according to this documentary.


          BEN: I suffered the same as you within my capacity. I was not as spiritual as you, but of a very good, fine nature. I cared about people, about our country. Our new country was to me the same as your mission is to you. I put all of myself into, every fiber of my being.

          ME: Did your son’s betrayal of you & our country hurt you more than anything on earth?

          BEN: Definitely, beyond measure. It was the greatest pain I had ever experienced.

          ME: What do you think of my life?

          BEN: Amazing, what you accomplished. And you did not even know you were accomplishing great things when you did them.

          ME: How do you see my life story, all my books, & a movie or any media on my life occurring?

          BEN: There will be great fanfare when your story is published all over the world & your life in media, movies, in all languages. You will be famous & make tons of money.

          ME: I don’t have long to live. Will I see the Temple, Sisterhood, convent & New Religion begin? Any of it?

          BEN: You will see the beginnings as soon as you publish all the books & thoughts on it. It will begin in your lifetime. You will start to get reactions. Before you die, you will meet the right people to get it started. It will happen, you will see, you will be happy.

          ME: Can you make out what is the message of this dream? The God Mother of Bob coming to me with this bunch of candles, wearing a nurse uniform. I don’t get what it means, does he have a malady or is this saying I have 5, 6 more years to wait for our marriage or what?

          BEN: Meditate & pray on this the rest of the night, I will help you to understand. Right now it’s too difficult. Work on other things, it’ll come to you.

          ME: Thanks Ben Franklyn. Over & out for now.



Chapter 8   Screaming Her Way into Hell   written 4-6-22

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          I have a lady friend of mine, 35 yrs old, who I have not spoken to for a couple years until about a week ago. I stopped talking to her because I had a vision of her descending into Hell. I asked God if this was definite & could she be saved? And God said she would not change. And so because I cannot cohabit with someone who covets Hell I stopped communicating with her.


          Something made me call her again. Then she called me back days later, moaning & groaning as usual about her fate, the people she knows – all bad. Her parents bad, her friends bad, her now ex bf bad. When I scratched the surface I saw many of these persons were doing her favors.


          She also brags about all the great things she’s doing – none of which ever pans out. They’re all pipe dreams & fantasies. Basically, all she has ever done is sell grass. And every person she knows, some of whom she recommended me for jobs, are drug users.

Why did I stay friends for years? I was derailed by her beauty & gift of gab. She looks like a model, talks like a used car salesman & was the rare woman who liked my company. I treated her to dinner many times.

          I once believed her stories. She was managing people, theaters, artists, running this gallery here, managing a botanical garden there. Everything was temporary, all was here, then gone.

          Then she lived with various people although her Dad gave her place to live in a building he owns. I visited her there – in theory she pays him but never does. I noticed his name is on her phone. And her Mom owns some kind of store, which she, Rosanna, says she manages or was going to or whatever.

          She also manages she says, 30 bona fide artists – musicians, dancers & actors. She’s been saying this for years – most of them are gay & unemployed, lol.

          You have to begin to suspect someone who has the ‘story of the month club’ but after years, nothing has come out of any of it. The office her friend is ‘building’ for her? For what, I ask, why? – for all those artists she represents, all the big shots & investors coming to see her, she must have an office.

          She supposedly has jobs but looking for this guy or that to front her money, none of which is paid back. She says she lives with a ‘billionaire’ in NYC. I said his digs must be luxurious. She says no, he doesn’t live according to his means, & he lets her stay there because she MANAGES THE PLACE when he travels all over the world.

          Her ex bf also tried to get away from her. I finally figured it out. She’s been with him for 10 years. He went here or there, moved to get away. But she went wherever he went even when he said it’s over. What was the game? Silly me finally saw it. She gave him free grass to keep him & he still sees her for it. She pretends she went on all those trips to where he moved on business – NOT to see him, lol.

          But this is not what I was going to tell you – it’s a prelude. This is the story of someone going to Hell, choosing it, how & why it happens. She’s a case history, a prism of the Hell-bent mind set – explaining a place where you should not go.

          So she calls me & the same ole’ begins. Moaning louder & louder how her friends have betrayed her, turned against her, injured her. I listen until it reaches a fever pitch. What can I do?

          I tell her all I can do is pray. Let us call on God together.

          I begin to pray, I call on God. I praise God & tell her the woes of Rosanna. I tell Rosanna now is the time to call on God’s Power; will you accept Her & bring Her into your Heart, where She can live & dwell & dispel all your problems?


          “How can I surrender myself to a being I don’t even know? Who is God, what is God? Why should I give myself to Him when I don’t even know who He is?”

          ME: None of us knows who God is. But we don’t have to understand God – She is beyond human understanding. Imagine us understanding the being that created the Infinite Universe? It’s beyond our capacity. But we don’t have to understand Her, only accept Her, open our mind & heart, let her into our Beings, allow her to take over. She created us, She loves us, She is our only hope. Rosanna, I cannot help you, I have no Power. But Almighty God can & will. But you have to open the door to Her.

          ROSANNA: Screams & screams more about her woes, the friends who betray her, bad mouth her, turn against her.

          “Why is this God making me suffer? If He is good, then why is He making me suffer? If He was good He would stop my suffering, but He isn’t. Why should I believe in Him when he allows suffering?”

          ME: We all suffer – this is the valley of tears, all people suffer, many ways worse than you. It’s a trial; this is a place of learning, where our Love is tested. We live thousands of times until we learn. We must forgive all our enemies & not hate them, that way we pass the test.

          ROSANNA: “I’m supposed to forgive these enemies that hate me? Why?”

          ME: To release yourself from them. If you hate or take revenge you remain attached & your pain continues. When you forgive you let them go & your pain will also go. Jesus, on the Cross, did not hate His persecutors. He said,

          “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

          ROSANNA: Screams “But they know what they are doing! Why doesn’t God just stop them!”

          ME: We can’t stop our suffering on earth except by forgiveness & accepting what is. And people are ignorant, they have their own problems, they are emotionally, mentally & spiritually sick. We live in an evil world, run by men. This world does not practice love, people are injured by it. And when they are, they take it out on other people. They hurt you because someone hurt them. You have to receive God to heal yourself. If you live in this world & rely on the love of people you will never be happy. Only God can make us happy. People are flawed.

          If you can’t take what people dish out, then stay alone, isolated which is what I am doing right now. I live for God & my work, once again. I’m celibate. I’ve not seen my lover or anyone in 3 years. And as long as people leave me alone, I’m happy. I do my work, I write, think about my mission. People can’t hurt me if I don’t seek their love.

          ROSANNA: “I can’t be alone like that I need people. I have to have people.”

          ME: People of the world will always hurt you, sooner or later. Look, how many of your friends live for God & have True Love? All your friends are drug addicts. They need help. And so, they will hurt you. You either have to stay away from them or forgive them.

          She screams some more on the evil people out there & why are they so evil, why does she suffer so much until she bursts out,

          ROSANNA: “I want to kill myself or someone else, I can’t stand it any more! Why doesn’t God stop my pain? If there is a God & He is good, tell Him to stop my pain!”

          She screams again & again she’s going to kill herself or someone else if this doesn’t stop.

          ME: It sounds like you’ve hit rock bottom, but what can I do? How can I help you? The only way I know for success is to receive God, pray & ask God for help. God has all the Power, God created us & loves us. Unless you receive God into your heart there is no hope. You will continue suffering.

          You’re closing the door to God, who is your only hope. God is the only being who can help you. God knows all, sees all, can do all things. Why don’t you invite this Infinite Being to come into your life, help you? You are in Hell if you live for the world & the flesh – there is no happiness in temporary things. You need Eternal Life. You need God I know of no way out of misery & the road to happiness is to have Faith, Hope, Trust, Confidence & the Love of God.

          ROSANNA: “I CANNOT GIVE MSELF TO A Being who makes me suffer like this – I don’t know who He is or What he is.”

          And she rants & raves again how evil people are & repeats her woes many times.

          ME: I cannot help you, only God can. But if you don’t receive Her, there is no hope. You have created your own Hell, you have placed yourself into it. Without letting God into your Being, which they call ‘born again’ you will stay in this place called Hell.

          I then excuse myself & politely– we’ve been at this for an hour. I see the revelation given me two years ago before my eyes – Story of a Lost Soul.   {End Chapter 8}


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