Ramakrishna Channeled

By Rasa Von Werder, March 11th, 2022


Chapter 1    Part 7    Channeling Ramakrishna  3-11-22


From Wikipedia:

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa;  18 February 1836 – 16 August 1886), born Gadadhar Chattopadhyaya, was an Indian Hindu mystic and religious leader. Ramakrishna approached his religious life through the path of devotion to the Goddess Kali, and by observance of various elements from TantraVaishnav Bhakti, and Advaita Vedanta, as well as proficiency {Rasa word edited from dalliances} in Christianity and Islam. After earnest practice of various religious traditions, he held that the world’s religions represented “so many paths to reach one and the same goal”. His followers came to regard him as an avatara, or divine incarnation, as did some of the prominent Hindu scholars of his day.


“I have practised all religions – Hinduism, Islam, Christianity – and I have also followed the paths of the different Hindu sects. I have found that it is the same God toward whom all are directing their steps, though along different paths. You must try all beliefs and traverse all the different ways once. Wherever I look, I see men quarrelling in the name of religion – Hindus, Mohammedans, Brahmos, Vaishnavas, and the rest. But they never reflect that He who is called Krishna is also called Siva, and bears the name of the Primal Energy, Jesus, and Allah as well – the same Rama with a thousand names. A lake has several Ghats. At one, the Hindus take water in pitchers and call it ‘ Jal ‘ ; at another the Mussalmans take water in leather bags and call it ‘ pani ‘. At a third the Christians call it ‘ water ‘. Can we imagine that it is not ‘ Jal ‘ , but only ‘ pani ‘ or ‘ water ‘? How ridiculous! The substance is One under different names, and everyone is seeking the same substance; only climate, temperament, and name create differences. Let each man follow his own path. If he sincerely and ardently wishes to know God, peace be unto him! He will surely realize Him.” 

Ramakrishna, who experienced spiritual ecstasies from a young age, started his spiritual journey as a priest at the Dakshineshwar Kali Temple. Soon his mystical temperament gained him a widespread acknowledgement amongst the general public as a Guru, attracting to him various religious teachers, social leaders, Bengali elites, and common people alike; he eventually taught his disciples, who later formed the monastic Ramakrishna Order. After his death, his chief disciple Swami Vivekananda popularized his ideas, and founded the Ramakrishna Math, which provides spiritual training for monastics and householder devotees, and the Ramakrishna Mission, to provide charitysocial work and education. (end Wikipedia with one word edited by Rasa)

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          Sri Ramakrishna has been my guru since about 1995 – He’s not my only Hindu/Yoga guru. I started with Paramahamsa Yogananda {so popular in the West}, read the Bhagavad-Gita at age 29, got deep into Baba Muktananda & his guru, Nityananda, besides studying many Yoga books I can’t even recall. With Muktananda & Nityananda I went all the way into MYSTICAL MARRIAGE with each of them. Muktananda gave me HIS SANDALS but in the form of high-heeled red/white & blue ones to honor my country! And Nityananda gave me a SOLID SILVER DRESS {mystically} with which we got ‘married’ {united} & lifted 250 Souls out of Purgatory for celebration! I was close to Ramana Maharshi, who led me into Nonduality in Feb, 2007.

          I’ve not done an official ‘guru sadhana’ with Ramakrishna but perhaps that will come later. A sadhana is when you study, concentrate, pray to the Enlightened being of your choice, they appear to you in Light, {Muktananda was coruscating violet light every evening as I prayed to him} visions, dreams, & when you succeed in your devotion they give you Gifts {spiritual} & even Mystical Marriage if/when you open all your heart to him/her.

          Recently I boned up on Who Ramakrishna is, what he did & I see that he is a man for my times, while I now pursue a Sisterhood where all of us can be different faiths but follow a Mother God. Ramakrishna is the only religious leader I know of who not only tolerated & accepted the validity of various religions but actually imbibed & became proficient in many of them – an astounding feat to be all that he was & then to become a Muslim & a Christian. You have to study him to understand & believe this – I did. Long ago there were only books which I purchased many of – but now it’s easy with the internet & You Tube videos. I recently reviewed some of his biographical movies & documentaries & was once again amazed.

          Being he was on my mind I began to channel him or read his mind, & the answers he gave were most consoling & healing for my troubled mind. His intelligence is off the chart – his insight & common sense.

          A thing that was bugging me to no end was the time when God told me, in 2008 to quit my celibacy, “go out & have fun,” – “stop suffering” – “if you don’t do this you will be OUTSIDE THE WILL OF GOD.”

          I resisted at first, but when She said I’d be outside the will of God if I disobeyed that was final. I fear God more than death; I knew I had to obey. Why, I didn’t know. But I obeyed, as usual with all the power & zeal within my body. I did the best I could to ‘have fun’ although I told God I no longer knew how – & She said, ‘You will learn.’ I did not understand then nor is it completely clear to me now, the meaning of all this.

          I might add that embarking on this unexpected phase changed my ministry & guru-hood. One disciple – my holiest one – in Scotland, could not abide this new lifestyle, our relationship ended. His name was Kun Kin, his visions about me are on my website, ‘Woman, Thou Art God.’ I used to appear in bilocation to him again & again, he tried to touch me but I would disappear. Finally one night he crawled to me & finally touched the hem of my dress {I was sitting I imagine like Whistler’s Mother, in a long dress} before I vanished.

          If & when at rare occasions I speak of this to people – they exclaim,

          “God would not tell you to do this!”

          Because of course sex is dirty, sinful, & everything bad in their minds – certainly God would not send anyone there although ‘He’ created sex – it’s a paradox - & CERTAINLY no religious, holy, sacred or sanctified person would be sent to go into the world & HAVE SEX & ENJOY IT!

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          On my part, these were my objections or questions. First, I struggle to become celibate because all the saints were. I think about it for years, try to stop having sex a few months, then for a year, then swing back. It isn’t easy. I find no one else interested in this quest. It’s a journey you will take ALONE.

          So finally one day it’s time. The Holy Virgin appears to me & asks me not to have sex with men any more. Figuring this is forever, I hesitate – even though I wanted it. I’m discomforted. But after 5 days of thought my inner voice says if I don’t take this vow I’ll always know I’m a coward so I do.

          The first two years are rough, I wish I could get out of it but I can’t. After that it eases up. After 10 years I’m FREE. Free of what? – The discomforting nagging sex drive. Then God appears to me in spirit & says do I want to quit the view, it’s done its work. I say no because I’m AT PEACE, do I want to have a sex drive nagging my bones again?

          Ten more years goes by & the idea of sex withdraws completely from my zeitgeist. Here comes God again, do I want to quit? No, God, I’m happy where I am.

          Fine, ten more years. God again, do I want to quit? No God I don’t want to quit. Why would I? Go back to the world of unrequited desires? Have my heart filled with lust & go about seeking sex? Why would I want such turmoil invading me when I am AT PEACE? My life is FINE without sex in fact, many great things happened that never would have had I kept up with it.

          But then God elaborates & tells me what I said above. Then I have no way out, this is the Will of God & therefore my will. Where do I start?

          Alright, let’s ask Ramakrishna, the world expert on spirituality. I have channeled & asked others but still was confused. Let’s see if his genius will put a light at the end of the tunnel. So to all I have said, what is your answer, Sri Ramakrishna? Why was it the WILL OF GOD that I stop suffering, go out to have fun & sex, bars & alcohol, getting drunk, reveling & carousing, acting crazy like all the others, feeling lust, anger when thwarted, pain when rejected, jealousy when females take my men away, feelings of revenge when insulted & hurt – why did God throw me into the lion’s den, for what reason & what good did it do me or others? What about sin? – All those human, animal feelings. Did I sin? What mission is this? I know ‘black & beautiful’ from the Song of Songs, God sends me out there into the fields & I get ‘black from the sun’ {I commit faults} but I’m still beautiful because I did it for God. What do you make of all this?

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          RK (Ramakrishna for short): You obeyed the Will of God, how could you be wrong? Now you want me to interpret or understand what God wanted of you.

          First of all, you are a Goddess in the spiritual meaning of the word, the highest meaning. Not just that your body is beautiful but your Soul is. You are not of the flesh or the world, not for a long time – you left that spirit behind years ago. Therefore, the first question, is, were you committing sins when you felt those feelings mentioned. The answer is no. Yes, you felt ‘lust’ but that went with the territory of the mission. The other feelings toward your neighbor were temptations. You did not dwell upon them, entertain them or put any of them into action. You felt them quickly & temporarily, you let them go in your heart you forgave those who hurt you. Temptations are not sins unless you entertain them, nourish them & act upon them. So that’s settled.

          Next, your peace of mind. Why would the Almighty want you to leave behind your contemplation, peacefulness, the cave, the cloister, the monastery, the hermitage, the isolation, & go back into a world full of dangers? And dangers they were. You not only had sex but you were assaulted physically, punched in the stomach & in the face 3 times – once knocked unconscious for a second. Many things happened that could have ended in serious injury, but they didn’t – because God protected you – God was with you.

          Yes you started to drink, on & off, got drunk a few times. So did the disciples, so do most people, religious or not. Don’t take it so seriously.

         Next, what good came out of all this? You became a Cougar. What did this mean? You EMPOWERED WOMEN. You took away the STIGMA FROM SEX. It was what you always spoke of – if somehow we could take the stigma off sex & make it Sacred again, it would take so much power off Patriarchy, because they keep women enslaved by making sex evil, taking away their sexual freedom. You did a chapter on this with St. Martin Luther King Jr., where he said when women break away from Patriarchy by having sex with anyone they want, whenever, however they want, it would be the end of Patriarchy – because men do everything to gain & control women. Once that’s lost, Patriarchy is lost. Nothing to fight for, no more wars. So women’s sexual freedom is a BIG THING TO FIGHT FOR.

          Stop being afraid you did wrong, just rejoice you obeyed God no matter what this society thinks. People are SUPPOSED TO think it’s scandal for old women to be with young men, it’s par for the course, let the attention arise & the objections fly, give them the answer of God. It’s like you Stripping for God. You got attention, you gave your message. It was a good thing – that women in the adult trade are not lowlifes, they can be of God, you made your point, you edified people, you changed things.

          Yes, Cougars are still scandal & they’re in the news reality type TV shows & everyone is baffled & curious what makes them tick. But most of them do NOT understand the issues of ‘old woman – young man’, why it’s important – but you do. As a woman educated in the ideas of Patriarchy vs. Matriarchy, & how they’ve held down women – including old women is an important issue. You explained those issues in two books. None of these other Cougars could do this, they had sex with men & did TV shows, but has any of them tackled the issues or given illuminating answers concerning how women have been disempowered & now they’re taking their freedom back? No they haven’t, you were needed to do that. And no, you’ve not yet been on TV interview shows for it, but you will. You can’t do it all at once, now you’re writing it down, later you will be in the media.

          Part of what you’re doing through your life is as a religious, spiritual woman who is pro-sex, your making sex SACRED again. You’re taking the SOIL OUT OF SEX, cleaning it up, where Patriarchs threw it to the mud you bring out sex the way the pond lily is rooted in the mud but pops out on top beautiful & fragrant. You liberate people from seeing sex as a naughty, sinful, secret, forbidden activity into the Light of day where it belongs – let everyone rejoice we have sex & it’s for love, it can be Sacred, all of us came into the world through it.

          ME: So far, so good Ramakrishna. But why me? Why not a lady in the adult trade besides me, say a Sex Therapist {prostitute} or Pornography lady? Wouldn’t they be appropriate? And they would not have to give up 30 years of celibacy to go out there to preach this, I did. Why do I have to give up my peace, enter the fray, do something that was half fun, half painful – & God told me to stop suffering. So how am I not suffering when I faced all the dangers of going to bars every weekend for 11 years & being the victim of prejudice for my age & all the other mine-field factors of dating?

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          RK: Where do I begin? First of all, God needed a TEACHER, an intellectual, one who contemplates. But that person could not be a bookish, at the desk, Armchair General, that person needed to be out there LIVING THE LIFE. Now how many women are there in the adult trade, who can be teachers, professors, gurus, building their own Church & proclaiming the Word of God?

          I can’t think of any but you. And besides being a professor type, this woman preferably is also a WOMAN OF GOD so that’s a BIG BILL TO PAY, some qualities all I one woman that are hard to find.

          And so, you got chosen.

          ME: I also took thousands of photos of models. I feel now that these will illustrate my activities, that is to say, me being a Cougar, they being young hotties, even though they were not the actual guys I dated – some of them were but not most of them, & so, they serve to illustrate my activities as symbols. What do you think of the value of these photos, is it high?


          RK: That was one of the best things you did, without knowing it. You didn’t plan ahead of time to illustrate your Cougar escapades with these photos, but they will suffice, & they will lend great credibility to your stories. How many of these Cougars have all these photos? – None – only you. So this is of great value.

          ME: On another note. You & Ramana Maharshi are famous for your trance states. It makes me wonder, have I missed anything? My trance states have been few & far between. Have I fallen down on the job? You do of course have a far different spiritual culture than us Christians & you guys got famous for trances & greatly acclaimed. In our ball game only Maria Woodworth Etter was famous for trances, no one else I know of, & that was a while ago. Have I been remiss in not going into trances the way you guys did?

          RK: Haha, how funny. If you were in trances the way we were, how could you have done your work? How could you have Stripped for God & given sermons, how could you have been the Progenitor of female body building, how could you have done all the interviews & TV? All the things you did you were equipped to do. Each Avatar, each Saint of God has different qualities & Gifts that God chooses for them to do their work. You had to be beautiful; you had to have a beautiful body & face. That’s a credential few ministers & gurus had to have, but it was important for you. That’s why your mother hated you – one reason – you were beautiful, she was not. Everything that you are has been used for ministry – your body, your mind & heart. We all had what we had to do what we had to do. Now let’s end for now, you must get this posted.

          ME: Thank you Sri Ramakrishna, we may speak again. Your help has been terrific.

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