By Rasa Von Werder, December 5th, 2020




12-3-20-Release Souls in Purgatory with my Hip Pain Donation


Amazing dream. I was so tired I did not write it the day I had it, but analyzed it before falling asleep. I thought it might be a ‘silly sex dream’ but upon inspection it’s the most valuable revelation, so here it is.

I was in the middle of work on a project when my old web man, Nick K, takes me somewhere on a break. I was afraid to leave work, but I did it.


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He takes me through an empty part of the city, lots of space around this building, which is unusual, it’s color & texture on the outside remind me of the Statue of Liberty.

“The Statue of Liberty is made of copper. Why is the Statue green? The Statue’s copper has naturally oxidized to form its familiar “patina” green coating.”

The building is alone, by itself, not big. It has NO WINDOWS & the door is right on the edge of the building, on its corner & is the same look as the building. Nick opens the door, it has a curved shape handle, like maybe 5-6″ long {this is vague} – it’s unusual.

*(BUILDING: This is Purgatory. Whenever I’ve visited Purgatory, even outside, the place was CLOSED IN.
Even if the vision was outside, you would look up, & the sky was closed in somehow, it was never all the way up forever.
This depicts how Purgatory is a LIMITATION.

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Nick has been DEAD about five years. He’s taking me to HIS PLACE IN PURGATORY – which is familiar to him but strange to me.

This being like the STATUE OF LIBERTY symbolizes liberty or RELEASE.)*

I feel where Nick is taking me is a special place he knows – where I have never been, & upon entering it I know it’s a MOVIE THEATER.

*(MOVIE THEATER: “Theater of Justice” is the name of the book I published on Purgatory.)*

We go in – I no longer see Nick, am just sitting in the audience waiting for the movie. It’s dim.

Then someone – reminds me of a shaman or Indian Chief – he seems to be wearing a high hat with mantle on his head, maybe red/black striped, maybe feathers, he has a serious/happy look on his face – he’s a DIGNITARY here, calls me. He’s saying I am a SPECIAL GUEST, come here, into this enclosure, sit with us here.

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*(DIGNITARY / CHIEF, with a headdress: This person is a celestial, possibly the GUARDIAN ANGEL of the person that will be released. I have a part in this, he calls me to the SPECIAL AREA for VIP’s.

His headdress calls to mind two things, the red/black stripes would be suffering, the feathers would be freedom. I prayed a day or so ago that the pain I have in my hips – which prevents me from walking much – be given as a grace to Souls in Purgatory. All that I suffer goes to them in the ‘heroic act’ since I was 9 years old, but to remind God/myself apparently invigorates the act.)*

The enclosure is a space in the theater seats which has a low solid fence around it, but 3-4′ tall at the most, it’s square & holds in seats for maybe 15 people.

As I climb in somehow I’m looking down at myself, & this Chief is also looking at me & he approves, as my outfit signifies WHO I AM.

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I’m wearing my white leather short jacket, with a foot long fringe around the shoulders {of leather}, a white low cut top, & my favorite white/silver tights/pants. I recall seeing my legs from the knees down, fearing whether my ankles were swollen – but they weren’t. My legs are bare as the pants only cover the knees. The Chief believes, as the outfit symbolizes, I am a CELEBRITY who deserves to be in this VIP section. It is to the wall on the right.

*(THE OUTFIT, WHITE: White & silver is ‘the pure in heart shall see God. The jacket evokes ‘American Indian’ with fringe – they wore lots of fringe. This is ‘good luck’ – A Indians bade good luck. My pants with the silver, white & silver is purity & permanence.

Because I pay special attention to my LEGS is saying ‘this message concerns your legs – the way you donated the grace of the pain thereof.

When we suffer for Souls we PAY SOME OF THE COST OF THEIR SINS – thereby we can get them released. the Guardian Angel appreciates my prayer & invites me into the ‘sanctum sanctorum’ of Purgatory – INTIMACY thereof, spiritual love.)*

Then two things happen. One, a movie unfolds, but strangely, I AM IN IT! I did not expect this. A beautiful young actor materializes in front of me from neck up & I must approach him & we must KISS in an intimate way, & as we kiss, I am influenced to put all my FEELINGS into it, like the movie is being made right now, & I must TRANSMIT something emotional to the actor to make the scene good.

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The actor is young, handsome, his eyes are closed, he has the smoothest tawny skin & on his right cheek facing me, is one single mark, like a round pox mark – an old scar – that’s the only flaw on his face. So I do what I’m supposed to do.

*(ACTOR: This is the person who, by my prayer & KISS I am GOING TO RELEASE! He is one fault from ascending – depicted as the pox mark. Apparently my kiss is the transmission of this grace to him, which removes that remaining ‘scar’.
His beauty is SPIRITUAL BEAUTY as, if this is Nick, he has been cleansed for five years. The soul’s radiance increases as the remnants of sins & faults are removed – it becomes, in other words, like clear glass by which they can see God, or more accurately, they become God. We are all God in the soul, our souls are always perfect, but our human self is the VEIL which obscures the soul / God from us.)*

At the same time, the man to my right – who I don’t know, takes my right hand to hold it. They are so welcome & friendly to me here! For a moment I had to withdraw my hand to do something, then I go put it back & I see his right dungaree pocket open, & I slip my hand into it & notice his penis is under it. I don’t want to be too intimate / offensive so I remove my hand & put it back into his hand.

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*(MAN I DON’T KNOW GIVES ME HAND: This is a soul I don’t know who apparently is in a similar place with Nick & I am to help him also – in other words, give him a hand. It’s not about sex – he has an ‘open pocket’ or open attitude to receive my spiritual love – & I transmit it to him. This might not be total ascension, maybe some improvement, I’m not sure. But to hold the hand of a soul in Purgatory is a great thing, it could be ascension, it would be great if it was. The only thing is I don’t see a BIG CELEBRATION, party, fireworks, etc., which sometimes happens but not always, when a soul ascends. It varies greatly. Sometimes it’s very simple & quiet like this. I feel elated to assist these Souls!)*


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