By Rasa Von Werder, August 26th, 2022
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8-25-22     NICK BESTOWS WEDDING DRESS ON ME – Party in Purgatory – Souls Ascend

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Wow! Yesterday Nick ascended into Heaven, today he marries me!


We were united by God mystically – ‘what God has joined together, let no man put asunder’ – April 21, 2019. I DID NOT KNOW there would be anything more than that, but here it is.

I’m standing in front of an open closet – the one upstairs where I keep the male model’s clothes. It has no door.


          *** {THE CLOSET: This is the closet where you still have the male model’s clothes. You were the GIVER with the models. You bought all their clothes & also paid them, which includes Nick. But now it’s your turn to RECEIVE, so the tables or closets are turned.} ***


As I stand there I see something as if from the past – a sight of a wedding veil, hovering in the air, small, the regular see-through kind, with a cap or top, then flowing net, it’s small as if far away in my mind, pure white.

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Then I’m thinking about a new veil or maybe DRESS, not sure which. And I think I am POOR & can’t afford it.

But a man appears to my left front & presents me with a long flowing – is it a veil or dress? Could be either or both. It’s like he tosses it in front of me, it hovers in the air, he seems JOYFUL in doing this. It’s not see through, soft & cream color, & the top of it begins with a lamp shape, as if the shape of the top of it covers a traditional lamp, like a BELL, cascading over it, downward, quite long so whatever it is, it might flow below the feet – looks to be at least 6 feet, it has a soft finish like waves on the side – also large scallops but I can’t place where they are, just know they’re there.

I see this is a GIFT from this man because like I said, I’m poor, & he was SO HAPPY to give it.

And next, lo & behold, I’m eating a vanilla cake with pure white frosting, I can taste it, obviously a wedding cake.


*** {WOW! Nick has officially CHOSEN YOU FOR HIS BRIDE! The lamp/bell has two meaning, Bell meaning WEDDING BELL & LAMP meaning LIGHT.

Light is extremely important in spiritual terms. There is nothing physical per se, it’s all energy, & the higher energies are Lights, so Nick is giving you a Light which means wedding or “United as man & wife’ Light. And Mystical Marriage means he isn’t giving you one of his Gifts – the way saints would – he’s giving you HIMSELF, where beyond that, there’s nothing bigger or better.

Now God joined you together as you said, from above.

What is interesting here is Nick was dependent on you in Purgatory, he wasn’t capable of giving you anything – he even needed you to grant Light to his lady friend & child, & you did.

But now, he IS capable of giving you something, & here it is! It isn’t a small thing or a gift; it is Himself, beyond which there is nothing bigger or better. He’s doing this by his CHOICE, he could do something else, but it’s his decision, his will you be married. This is so gratifying.

ME to Mother God: Please explain why I am POOR, & the meaning of the dress further.

MG: Your poverty is not financial; it’s the lack of love. When Nick was living, he wasn’t capable of giving True Love. He was needy & DESPERATE for YOUR LOVE & you gave him it. Then he died & in Purgatory, again, he was dependent on you not only for his own need but to help others he cared about on earth. You granted it.

But once he ascended, he had spiritual Power. This is what he did with it. He proved he loves you – wow.

The cream is a good color of love, it’s a superlative, like ‘the cream of the crop,’ ‘the cream at the top,’ representing the best of something, the cream is the RICHEST part of the milk {along with butter}, it is also SWEET. This is a wonderful symbol because LOVE IS SWEET. When you whip cream it makes a wonderful dessert topping.

The dress is soft – soft like LOVE. Love is not HARD. It flows, love flows softly like a gentle breeze or stream. And it is long, meaning it’s long lasting, it covers a lot, it isn’t short lived or temporary.

The scallops could be a symbol of FISH or SEA CREATURE – scallops are one of your favorite sea foods. Fish represent Christianity, Christianity is LOVE. Again, this might reiterate Love.} ***

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The Scouts – Celebration


I’m on my property deep in the wilderness but it has dirt roads through it, remote but beautiful. Daughter & I are sitting at a table enjoying a meal, a picnic.


*** {WILDERNESS, BEAUTIFUL WITH SCOUTS, DAUGHTER & ME: I sense this is myself {Higher Self, God Self} & my flesh saying the Holy Mass. This dream shows two parts – first in the woods or wilderness, you at a table which is the altar, then afterwards you’ll see a party – where Souls are CELEBRATING something.} ***


Before us is a road as if it comes from the river, it has well-worn grass like in rows, it’s not just dirt, & there we see a whole lot of Boy Scouts convening, having some sort of a good time. To the right of these cub scouts are older scouts, separated by a criss-cross black wire fence. The fence isn’t obvious but it’s there & past that fence, I’m not sure if that’s my property or a neighbor’s.


*** {THE ROAD FROM THE RIVER, WELL WORN: The RIVER is a symbol of GRACE, many spiritual songs like ‘Shall we gather at the river.’ Purgatorial Souls are Holy Souls – they are forgiven their sins, this is God’s Waiting Room. Here they are cleansed of the result of sins as well as attachments to the earth.

And so, this road is well worn, as many Souls have been brought to you by Angels & Saints to minister to. And these being ‘cub scouts’ are those quite ready to ascend, as they seem innocent, pure in heart or clean. There are others not quite ready to ascend, older ones to the right of that black wire fence. The black wire sounds like the Will of God {metal is God’s Will, black is depression, but it isn’t solid, you can see right through it, they aren’t in a low Purgatory, just not quite ready yet} is not finished with them yet, they are not on YOUR PROPERTY yet but the neighbor’s. Those on YOUR PROPERTY implies they are in your domain or spiritual office & will ascend imminently.} ***



My daughter & I greet the scouts – I don’t dare tell them it’s my property {they don’t know, they were lead here} as it might intimidate them or make them uncomfortable; they might think they need permission – I just want them to feel free & happy. I joke with them & say,

“Can I be one of you scouts?”

Some sweet little tyke says no, we have to be all boys,”

He’s so innocent he thought I was serious. And I say,

“I used to be a girl scout.”

I am really happy in this dream.

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*** {MY PROPERTY, DON’T WANT TO TELL THEM: This shows my LOVE for these Souls. I want them to be free & happy; don’t want them to be uncomfortable. My asking if I can be a scout, then saying I used to be one, is saying I’ve already done my Purgatory.

Us sitting at the table when they arriving is sitting at the altar/table saying the Holy Mass, which brought these Scouts / Souls to me by the Grace of God – the River of Grace} ***


Then it changes & daughter & I are in B’klyn, at the apt. The scouts disappeared from the wilderness; I will see them shortly here.

Something about the key – it’s made of a strong white cardboard {much larger size than regular keys} for me to get in the front door – I make a note that I must get some keys copied in metal, as this paper thing will eventually fall apart.

Daughter is in the apt with me, wants to go out. Usually I’m strict & don’t let her do all she wants, but now, I let go of the short leash & say,

“Oh, go on!”

She just wanted to have a good time some place.


Now I see the scouts, they have come to the city for a Grand Party. There’s a contingency of females as well as males – a lot of them. I’d say there are 50 males, 50 females.

I peek into their party. I see one female wearing a silver tiara, she might be mulatto.

These are the same scouts as in the wilderness. All this is supervised; they are led by adults & brought here by them.

As I look in I know I’m not one of them, but I feel happy for them. As I stand at their entrance, they stare at me thoughtfully, like who am I?

As I stand in front of my building door, one young male breaks from the party & approaches me. The feeling is he thinks he might know me or else wants my autograph, but then gets shy & goes back to the group.


*** {THE PARTY: This is a CELEBRATION. Of what? {Often I saw parties when a soul went up – not always. Sometimes they would approach me gleefully & thank me, as I ministered for years to some souls – example Frank Sinatra. How beautiful he was when he thanked me. He appeared as a teenage boy in a white t shirt, threw stardust all over my yard from the upper where we stood to the lower yard, which sinks like 15’ below, & gave me the most loving long hug}…… Could be several things like so:


*** Nick’s ascension into Heaven

*** Nick choosing me for his wife

*** One or more other souls are ascending today.

It could be the female in the TIARA but it’s probably ALL OF THEM because on SPECIAL OCCASIONS God permits MULTIPLE SOULS to ascend. Example – Last St. Martin Luther King Jr. Day I was saying the Mass regularly & St. Martin got a large number of Souls up at once – maybe 50 Souls. This could be like that.


The female with the Tiara would show she is SPECIAL. Great Souls get SPECIAL AWARDS seen as jewels, they made great sacrifices & endured great hardships. They can be bedecked with jewels. I have no idea who this female is or what she did but I know she’s decorated. She was taller too, a symbol of Spiritual Height. St. Joan of Arc is 6’ tall.

The sweet male who comes toward me from the crowd might think he knows me or heard of me, but after getting close he retreats, as he’s shy. This might be my Spiritual Stature intimidates him. I know this, the higher one is in Heaven, the more privileges they have. For example, someone lower than me in stature or brilliance cannot approach me or communicate with me without permission, the onus is on the soul that has the greater Light.

It’s been an incredible day, I was thanking God all night.  


8-26-22      Is That All?  Lol – Means he is mine & mine alone


I can recall only 2 quick dreams, first & last, forgot all in between.

The first Nick & I had just finished making love.  I don’t see the act.  I see his head like hovering in the air, I feel the sexiness or appeal oozing out of him.  It’s like we made love over the hill or mound, the other side, now we are here talking.  And he says,

“Is that all?”

And I say,

“I’m satisfied.”

And I FEEL total satisfaction although I can’t recall the sex act at all.

I sensed he wanted some sort of orgy, like 3 women, lol.  But that is not to be I think.

This dream might be the answer to my question, now that Nick married me, we’re on the ‘other side’ or dimension – Will he have me only or will he be able to marry others?

Will he be able to have sex with me on the other side?  What about other women?

So this might answer the question:  You Rasa, have him & he has you & you alone.  Your sufferings are over.

In life he was selfish & unfaithful, he called the shots, he did what he wanted.

He put his drug partner as his significant other on Face book & elsewhere.  He had you as his back street woman – no one knew of of you.  And when he saw you, to diminish his fake wife he would always tell you about another female he was ‘talking to’ {fucking} besides her.  And to you he said,

‘Don’t mess up my DEAL with her’ {the fake wife.}  So he fooled everyone, he hurt all of you.

But now, you have won.

All the things God said to you have come full circle, God did not lie. 

This is God’s world – She calls the shots.  And She – God – has chosen / designated you as his legitimate wife, the way King Solomon designated one woman who was willing to SACRIFICE as the righteous MOTHER of the baby in dispute.

Since you were the one who LOVED HIM THE MOST now he is dead, he does not have the power he did on earth, he is under the jurisdiction & Power of the Almighty.

So he is by his words, answering your prayer,

“Is that all?”

And the answer is,

“Yes, this is it.  You have Rasa & her alone.  She’s your wife, you can only have sex with her, case closed, lol.”

Then many dreams I forgot & the last, a male & female on roller skates were holding hands & zooming about, having fun, in a place like a Town Square.


*** {COUPLE ON ROLLER SCATES:  This has to be you & Nick in Heaven, together, having fun.  The roller skates signify freedom, innocence like children playing, the Town Square is openness, no more secret, back door wife.} *** 

 PS   Two days after this, they scheduled a ROLLER SKATING PARTY in memory of Nick, at a local park, which 54 people attended.   I knew nothing of that when I dreamed this, but here, it shows Nick & I skating together in a public place.  So I don’t physically have to go anywhere – his funeral or memorial services.  They are on the earth plane, Nick & I are on the spiritual plane living & communicating.  He appears nightly in my dreams.



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