Mugging & Arrest

By Rasa Von Werder, July 29th, 2022


Chapter 9   Get Arrested, Cleveland, OhioNov 6, 1978

written 7-29-22

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          It was a little theater – No more than 200 people, whereas some places in Canada held 2,000 {like the Metro Theater in Toronto.} A few memories.


          One, I spoke before each show about God. One black dancer was so impressed with my speech she decided to do likewise, & gave a little talk about how her back hurt! Lol. She wanted me to like her & showed me a series of images of herself as a ‘gangster.’ I thought they were whimsical.   


          Another strong memory is a black man, tall, handsome & well built, saw me outside. People were milling about. He pulled out a hand written letter I had sent him while he was in prison! It must have been 5 pages long! I had no memory of it, but indeed, I know I did answer many prisoners, feeling sorry for them. I was grateful to myself for caring – it made a huge impression on him.


          We had a wonderful lady – black – her name was Brandy. She was the finest helper I’d ever had in any venue. One thing, she made a press conference with drinks & food. It was a huge success.

          She also went with me to a TV show – can’t recall if I arranged it or she. One of the guests was that boxing entrepreneur Don King. He said,

          “Hello Brandy!”

          to her & she was amazed, as they had never met! I was so happy for her to get recognition as the owner of the theater was a crud – he had a problem, they told me, with fat women. He kept hiring them to dance, lol.

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          The host of the TV show thought I was a fake, especially when I told him I donated to the Church for Souls in Purgatory. He said he’d sent 2 reps from his show to go with me when I made the donation, & if I did, he’d report it on his next day’s news. What an idiot. OK, but he did not tell them how much. I gave 1k for Masses.


The Mugging


          I almost lost that money the day before. I carried it in my purse because I was afraid to leave it in the hotel – they had no safe. I usually took my purse onto the stage, as it was not safe in the dressing room, naturally, not where the audience could see it but I could. So I was walking from my hotel to the club when right in front of the club a short black man is walking next to me & we both look at the signs & pictures outside.


          Before I tell you the next move, let me explain.


          No dancer had ever hit all 3 news in Cleveland. I hit two of them – but there was one that was serious news & didn’t touch anything they considered ‘fluff’ – so they did not interview me.

          So I prayed fervently that God, no matter what it takes, let them interview me.

          OK so myself & this young black guy are standing on the street, & I have my purse on a long strap hanging off my shoulder. Suddenly he grabs my purse so hard that down I go, & I jump back up & chase him.

          At the same time a pickup truck is going by with a middle aged man, & he gives chase.

          Just as he nears the guy a cop car comes from the opposite direction, & they both have the culprit nailed against a tall chain link fence – game over.

          They take him in, lock him up, my money is saved. I recall praying hard as he ran off with it,

          “God don’t let him get the money for the Souls!”


          The next morning I finally awake for my show. As I


pick up the phone the operator breathlessly says,

          “Kellie, there’s the channel X news waiting for you downstairs but I told them I could not awaken you as you had a ‘do not disturb’ order.”

          Wow! God had answered my prayer! It had to be this way because this was ‘hard news’ – a mugging of the star of the theater. So they came.

          But at the same time, God arranged it so the money for the Souls was not lost.

          Here’s how salvation came.

          I spoke to the pickup truck driver.

          He said,

          “When I saw that guy grab your purse & you went down, I thought of my daughters. That’s why I couldn’t let him get away with it, & just as I had him against the wall – a cop car came from the opposite direction.”

          I thanked him again & again, felt we were friends.

          At the police station, they told me about the guy. He was young & had just got out of jail; in his ‘defense’ he said he grabbed my purse because ‘she was just a whore.’ In other words, in our society its open season on women in the adult trade – you can rob’m, hurt’m, kill’m – it’s OK because they deal with sex. It happened to a sister in NYC, Johnny Pons girl friend, Lily Marlene. Yes, she was selling her time.

          She was in a car with a young Jewish guy & he stabbed her like 19 times, around her middle. When she danced – & she was a star – you could see terrible scars.

          He got away with it because his rabbi & others came to his defense & said he was a ‘good Jewish boy’ & she was ‘just a whore.’

          She became an alcoholic – Johnny Pons asked me to look after her & I did take her out one night – Holy Cow, she drank about $75 worth {I was just surviving money wise, I worked one week a month at the most – not because I didn’t want to but there weren’t enough venues}, he should have subsidized me. Her identity as a human had been stripped away, soon after she killed herself.

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The Arrest


It was the first time I’d ever been arrested & I was scared. Yes, got on the news again, lol. What for? Nudity.

There was a black adult trade worker being booked at the table next to me. I pitied her & said,

“They always pick on the poorest people.”

She looked at me & said,

“I ain’t poor.”

The officer understood I was on her side, he said,

“She’s trying to help you,”

And the female said something like she didn’t ‘need no help’ or whatever – I guess she was trying to keep her dignity.

The case went before the judge in my absence – it was dismissed. It was just publicity for the authorities as someone was running for office. The same thing happened in Toronto – there was an election going on & they wanted publicity. It’s Patriarchy. It’s like them saying, ‘We keep the town clean.’

Did you see ‘Elmer Gantry’? This creep went through all the ‘houses’ having members arrested, with press & cops in tow. When he got to one where there was a female he’d been fukking he got snagged. She framed him, had someone take pictures of her in his lap later on – he got on the front page. Elmer Gantry is a deplorable movie which took the great faith healer Aimee Semple McPherson, turned her life around, took this lowlife guy she was involved with{she had t pay off a female for big bucks} – turned him into the star & made her look like a fool: Patriarchy. Whatever we do, we’re the bad guys, they’re the good guys, we can never win, they succeed no matter what they do & we better keep our mouths shut.  

{End Chapter 9}

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