Movie Success–End Fake Wife

By Rasa Von Werder, April 5th, 2022
Kellie Everts

Predictions – Movie Success – End of Fake Wife


3-30-22 Tom Selleck-Movie-MoneyKellie Everts


          There’s this little group of rag-tag friends I have that could never get anywhere although they tried & tried – just locals. Some are small people in stature, some very young, male & female. There’s something about them that’s ‘whimsical’ – like you feel sorry for them, as they try & try to get somewhere but they don’t – they don’t ‘have a clue.’


          *** (RAG-TAG FRIENDS, COULDN’T GET ANYWHERE, SUDDENLY THEY’RE IN A MOVIE! These are the people in my life, who I talk about in the books ‘I Strip for God.’ Most of them were LOSERS & CLOWNS, great CHARACTERS for a movie! This says this is their chance for fame – to be spoken of by me & appear in a movie as characters!) ***


          One day I am driving with a friend up this mall – cars are allowed in this sort of side street-mall place. When in front of us we must STOP DEAD IN OUR TRACKS because there’s a SERIOUS FIGHT GOING ON RIGHT IN FRONT OF US, bad violence, someone assaulting sometime on a doorstep to the right. The lights are SOFT PASTELS, similar to my vehicle. We aren’t sure what to do as some body could have a gun & even shoot us. I get the feeling my car is beautiful & svelte, like a luxury convertible sports car – feminine – in a soft metallic color, salmon/pink with silver on the sides – the ornaments on the side are sort of like ‘fish’ shaped but not exactly, like ovals smaller in front, larger in back, like they are ‘swimming’.

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          *** (I ARRIVE AT THIS INDOOR PLACE LIKE A MALL & SEE A GREAT COMMOTION: I arrive at the MOVIE SET where they’re filming my life story. My VEHICLE is my BODY. It’s luxurious, beautiful, feminine, & I give the appearance of ‘fish’ because I am SPIRITUAL. Fish represent Christianity. This is the ‘I” in “I Strip for God.” I am ‘beautiful,’ ‘luxurious,’ ‘feminine’ & spiritual.) ***  


          But then I realize its A MOVIE. I get out of the car & I see a camera to the left & my RAG TAG PEOPLE GOT LUCKY         . They were hired, as a group, to be in this top class movie! They’re all in costumes, completely covered, like robes that reminds me of ‘The Wizard of Oz’ where everyone is a character – different types. First, they were ordinary & dull in life, but now, dressed up like this, colorful.

          Because these are my friends I get over to the middle of the ‘area’ like stage center, & bow & make funny noises & wave my hands in the air like to upstage everyone – just for fun. The rag tag group all protest & tell me no, no! – They think I’m going to wreck their movie!


          *** (I MAKE FUNNY SIGNS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STAGE IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA – because these people are all my friends, & they cry no, no, thinking I’ll wreck their movie!

                     But the feeling is, as soon as I’m here, I’m privileged. Yes they were chosen, they are part of it, but I’m higher than their parts – just the feeling I had in the dream. This displays how SELFISH these people were in real life, most of them USED ME & here, symbolically, they are saying ‘Don’t steal my thunder’ – this is their only chance, as characters in My life, for FAME – LOL.) ***


          Then out comes the Producer – Tom Selleck himself, handsome like in his prime, wearing a light blue shirt. He pops out right toward me, to stop my antics & realizes WHO I AM. He mellows instantly & says to me,

          “Did you get the money I sent you?”

          I say no, imagining a white envelope with lots of cash.

          He knows me, he adores me – I am IMPORTANT to him & everyone around including the rag tag group – I’m ONE UP on all of them as they are just players but I am more than that – the Beloved of the MAIN MAN!


          *** (TOM SELLECK IS GOD of the ‘I Strip for God.’ This explains so much. God has produced my life story; God is going to PAY me for my life story. I know this is God because when I received the Grace of the Divine Stigmata one night I had a vision that was so vivid. I saw tom Selleck standing by a fireplace mantle & he was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. This was God at the other end of my sacrifice. I had given up all of myself – martyrdom – for God & He or It revealed Him/Herself to me this way – as PURE LOVE. I gave God all the love I had, God gave me back all the Love I can hold. This kind of love is totally different than doing things for reward or gain, its True Love, which seeks no rewards or conditions. 

 Below:  Marilyn Monroe at the same age I was starting out – 19 yrs old – before Hollywood grooming, pics with perfect lights, perfect makeup, etc.  To prove how beauty appears, it’s constructed by the skill of art.

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          And so, what I gave to God by preaching – the love the sacrifice, the pain – & all the hard publicity I did – this will all be rewarded by God through Her Karma. She is PAYING ME for ‘Stripping for God.’ – which hasn’t arrived yet, but this says it will.) ***


          He then sits by the side of the wall, I’m in his lap & playing with his curly hair. He’s hairy. His head is a soft Afro, medium brown, his arms have long hair. I tell him ‘I’m into hair!’

          I ask him what was the money for? And flirtatiously add,

“I hope it was for sex.”

He says something like rambunctious stuff or shenanigans or fooling around – some word meaning ANTICS. He says it as a joke to agree with me re the sex.


*** (ANTICS or SHENANIGANS: God is saying, “I’m paying you for stripping for me,” lol, like everyone sees this in a joking or whimsical manner.) ***


          We watch the rag tags & they are PITIFUL but they are the luckiest blokes on earth to have gotten this movie! Some now have on Geshema crowns & I exclaim,

          “Here come the Buddhists!”


          Tom & I are so cozy & everyone knows I am his Beloved. Then there’s this LITTLE GUY who’s kneeling to the left at the feet of Tom, worshiping him. I say to him,

          “Oh, bended knee?”

          And he says yes. I mean Tom is BIG – a Producer & a Star.


          *** (TOM PRODUCER & STAR: Whoever produces this movie it is the hand & Spirit of God that does it, & myself being IN HIS LAP shows the greatest INTIMACY. Playing wit ‘his hair’ & the hair on his arms represents his Spirit & the strength of his love. Hair on the head is thoughts, arms are the Strength of Love, so hair growing on them is a symbol of fecundity or fruitfulness, growth. It’s his Love, Power & generosity that I’m experiencing, & everyone sees it & knows it.

          Who is the little man kneeling by Tom’s feet? It could be the person on earth who gets this project going, in obedience to God – inspired to do it.) ***


          Earlier were just struggles & frustrations but this is great fulfillment.

          Then it’s time to quit & all the rag tag group is leaving into the street & I ask them where they’re going but they don’t seem to know, just going, the end of the day.

          The costumes were also like ‘Alice in Wonderland’ where characters were like cards, big cards in front & back with many colors, framed in bright colors like advertisements.

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          *** (CHARACTERS ALSO LIKE ‘ALICE IN WONDERLAND’ – Yes these are weirdoes, strange people in my life but they are interesting – like the evil Queen that keeps ranting ‘Off with her head,’ – that would be Mommy Fearest. Alice in Wonderland was someone tripping on dope {Mia Farrow starred in a movie called ‘Alice’ giving that scenario}, & my life was sometimes like that, & these are the persons. They did their bit on stage & rode off into the sunset. They never ‘got anywhere’ like being rich or famous or accomplished just did their quaint part I my life & disappeared – the early part of my life. Of course as an adult I did meet & date some really famous, accomplished men like Otis Redding & James Brown, Tom Selleck & a few others.) ***



3-28-22 Predictions Personal Lives


Will begin with later scenes then jump back.


          Before falling asleep asked God to show me the future of my Lover, his fake wife Ruthie & myself. The main one I’m uncertain of is Ruthie & I think the person pictured here is her.

          I see a female who is kind of now ‘isolated’ or has LEFT SOCIETY & I can’t understand why, but she has – Like she has become a LONER.

          She’s attractive but by her own choice, different. She’s out driving somewhere. I vaguely see my old Caddy, the Deville, which is to me like a boat – I hated it for driving, I like small cars.

          She’s going on a regular road or highway but stops to the right, gets out & for the SECOND TIME is getting a haircut from a tall young male. Her hair is light brown & straight, & she wants it cut a certain way, which is difficult, complicated, he has to cut it bit by bit & she’s razzing him about each bit – he’s getting annoyed & frustrated. She then ‘disappears’ & I look & she’s walked about 20’ away from him, she’s strange. She seems like a ‘tomboy’.


          *** (ME: Mother God, I need help on this. I tend to feel emotional about it so that might block my analysis. What is this?

          MG: This is Ruthie, DOMINATING lover Bob. She’s ‘bossy’ or ‘bitchy’ as you know right from the beginning & right now you will see it’s gotten under his skin – The ‘second time’ for the haircut? What is a haircut or ‘trim?’

          Hair represents thoughts, feelings, the mental state. White hair would be consumed with worry, grey hair in between, stressed out. Black hair could be depressing thoughts.

Giving someone a ‘trim’ or ‘fixing’ their hair would be fixing their thoughts, which would mean fixing their STATE OF MIND. Here she is expecting much out of him to settle her mind or give her peace. It’s beyond what he can comply with.

          And because of this, she distances herself away from him. But she’s still within reach & sight, on the same side of the road.) ***

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          He goes to a bunch of ‘his people’ like associates or friends, sort of higher up in the air or on a hill & says about her,

          “She asks questions like a Scotsman”

          & I don’t know what that means, except the questions are bad, maybe meant to trip you up or frustrate you, not good questions. This guy is a professional hair dresser & he or someone like him cut her hair earlier.


          *** (QUESTIONS LIKE A SCOTSMAN: The hairdo this girl has reminds me of one of the ladies on ‘Beverly Hills Housewives.’ It’s straight, shortish hair that is cut with points – it’s cute, light brow. The idea of a woman from Beverly Hills sounds like one who has a lot, wants a lot. She wants a lot from the lover Bob & he is not giving it – he can’t. ‘The second time’ is probably once they had such a big fight they temporarily broke up, this is the second time.

As far as ‘Scotsman’ they wear KILTS. Maybe this refers to emasculating Bob, diminishing him. Another meaning could be ‘Scotch plaid’ which is crosses, checks like ‘Scotch Tape’ – this would be crucifying statements, as crosses are the Cross of Our Lord.) ***


          Now I see her WALKING AWAY from him & the Deville & she’s wearing a concealing outfit, a smock or chemise which is a couple sizes too big for her. She might be a 12, but the smock is 16. It’s a puffy type material, charcoal grey, almost black, with tiny white flowers all over it, & over the top of that she has some kind of medium brown tunic or overcoat that is completely open so you can see all of the dress. She’s walking away from him toward town, to my left & later I see there’s a FAIR going on – half the city is closed down to traffic so they can conduct this fair which contains all sorts of things for celebration & good times – she’s walking toward it.


*** (WALKING AWAY FROM HIM TOWARD THE CITY HAVING A FAIR, HER OUTFIT: This departure isn’t on the same side of the street – {which seems temporary.} This looks more serious as she crosses the street into the city which is having a fair & celebratory, fun style thingy. Crossing the street is extremely telling, it’s like ‘crossing the Rubicon’ which means                                          Caesar passes point of no return into Italy

which means IRREVERSIBLE. I saw one soul I was saying Masses for suddenly, quickly, running across the street in front of me– which meant entering into Heaven, leaving Purgatory, an irreversible transition.

Is this CROSSING OVER a sign of DEATH?

HER OUTFIT: Charcoal grey/almost black is SOMETHING BURNED UP or finished. Burning or burned up is finished – charcoal is something TWICE BURNED so it is a definite end.

The tiny white flowers all over it? Might be saying ‘yes, it’s over, but flowers grow out of the ashes, it’s a resurrection, a change for the better – new life? Or does it mean SHE IS DEAD, pushing up daisies? The dress being LOOSE is it like a SHROUD?

This is a definite ending, either their relationship or that with her death. )***

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          As I see her walk away from me {& him} her outfit is completely different. She has on form fitting stretch pants in a mustard color. Her legs I’m trying to ascertain if she’s overweight or not. Probably not, just her legs are bigger than average – not fat or thin, the legs have a decent shape to them. Can’t recall what top but her leggings I can see all the way to the waist.


          *** (LEGS BIGGER THAN AVERAGE: This gave it away that it’s Ruthie, as her legs are by nature disproportionately bigger than the rest of her body, even when she was thin. But symbolically it could show strength, the legs look strong. It took strength perhaps to walk away from Bob forever, or else it shows mystical strength, that she is going to a good place in Eternity.

          The mustard-color tights resembles gold & yellow. This might be showing either fear or love. Could be fearful of what’s ‘on the other side.’ ‘Tired of living, scared of dying.’) ***         


          Then I’m in that black car. I was parked overnight & am now exiting the driveway to the main St. & a big fat woman {wearing black} is walking toward where I come out & was in slight danger of my hitting her. She’s upset about this because apparently overnight this area got closed to traffic; she didn’t expect a car & could have gotten hit. I am perplexed as I was not aware of this traffic rule going on – I want to get out of this no-drive zone & I head to the right up the street looking for a way out – luckily no cop sees me as I’m breaking a rule.


          *** (FAT WOMAN IN BLACK, IS STARTLED I AM HERE COMING OUT OF MY EXIT & COULD HAVE HIT HER: Is this Ruthie? If this is THE OTHER SIDE or PURGATORY then I’m not supposed t be here, as I’M STILL ALIVE.

          The VEHICLE is my body. If I’m still alive it’s unauthorized for me to be here. I could be here for the VISION & UNDERSTANDING – the dream is answer to prayer showing me where Ruthie will be fairly soon {not I old age, we’ll all be there. So I just sort of ‘appear’ or ‘get caught’ on the other side & want to get out of here or the cops/angels will tell me I’m breaking the rules}) ***


         It becomes NIGHT & also seems like rain, the streets are wet. I do get to a street that is filled with traffic – all the ones that had to detour ended up here I guess but where I want to enter the street shows one way arrows, so I go further into a parking lot which has an exit & am going to go right into the main St.


          *** (TRYING TO FIND THE ROAD BACK TO EARTH, lol. Not my time to be here.) ***


          Then I think about the ‘fair area.’ It’s fun but one has to park a few blocks away in the traffic zone, then you have to walk some blocks, then you have to walk through the ‘fun’ area. But my legs hurt – it’s not likely I can pull this off. Oh well. No ‘fair’ for me.


          *** (NO FAIR FOR ME: It’s not my time to ‘go to the fair’ or Eternity – this explains how one must walk but cannot take their vehicle – which is the BODY. So although Ruthie came here, I can’t. Obviously she’s alive now but this is a prediction.) ***



NEXT DAY dreamed this – 3-31-22


          Asked for confirmation & further clarity on is this about Ruthie’s death?

          OK we’re in a vehicle. Ruthie is driving. I had seen here earlier & she was OK & a full head of brown hair, thick & to the shoulders in a nice hairdo.

          Now I’m in her vehicle, she’s driving & Bob is on her right.

          As I sit I’m aware I’m much higher than them, like a foot or more, in my seat, towering over them, bending slightly forward. The car is beige inside & out, a smooth vanilla, a beautiful luxury car & feels like floating.

          We were going one way but now there’s this red post to the left by a nice building – she goes over to it & begins to turn around completely. At first I was afraid she wouldn’t drive properly but she drives well, & soon, she’s got us turned around & is going the OPPOSITE WAY, from where we originally came.

          As I look at her head I at first thought she had shaved her head bald – but then I see only the bottom is shaved, the top is still there, like a male ‘undercut,’ but it’s completely grey – half of it is white. And Bob’s hair is EXACTLY like hers. They are talking – they don’t even see I’m there.


*** MEANING: I must turn to Mother God, I can’t figure this out.

          MG: She is the driver means she’s calling the shots, she’s in charge of their relationship. The vehicle is the relationship, which worked so far, but now they’re both sick with anxiety – the hair shaved & half white is extreme worry or stress.

          They thought they were going to get somewhere –– that place would be happiness / stability, as there is a lovely building here – it’s made of large beige bricks. The vehicle & building bricks are the same color – their relationship was going well, they thought they were going to be happy, but something has happened to STOP THEM. The red post says ‘stop’ – a post of PAIN.

          POST means MESSAGE like a message on the internet. A post along the road could tell you which direction you should go – this way this town, the other way another town. So a POST here is indicating,

          “No, you’re not going to have happiness, go back.”

          The message is they can’t be happy together any more.

          The car being a LUXURY car, driving smoothly like the Rolls Royces I’ve been in – indicates this relationship was a LUXURY – one she can’t afford any more. She isn’t working due to her injuries – I’ve said many times he was using her for the drug connection – not sure how the deal worked but it was so he could afford more or get more drugs, & she knew this & encouraged his dependence on drugs. No more drugs, no more relationship.



Earlier dreamed this:

          I have a large dark-skinned full-bodied male in front of me, a few inches taller than me, quite handsome, & I’m saying something flirtatious to him. He’s standing so his left side is to me.

          And across from him facing me is another similar-looking male like a brother but not as handsome, he has a thin mustache. To offset my flirting with the first guy I gently touch the chin of this second guy in a flirtatious manner. It was to show something – like I’m not obsessed with the first guy I’m just a flirtatious female something like that.

          Not sure what this means.

          They were both pleased by my attentions but I did not want to give away I was interested in the first ‘brother.’


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          *** MEANING:   This shows two brothers & I recently mentioned in an article that I took out my lover’s brother to dinner three times.

          The dream presents one fact – that I don’t want lover Bob to think I’m still obsessed with him – I’m not. Yes, I do love him but I don’t want him to think I’ll chase him again or bend the knee to his demands. And so this other guy or brother, I use to make him think I just happen to be flirtatious & am like that with many guys.

          The fact that he looks very healthy might be that I recently saw him in despair, in my dreams & sent a letter to make sure he wouldn’t crack up from grief of losing me And so, this shows he’s been restored to mental/emotional health.  

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