Matriarchy vs Feminism

By Rasa Von Werder, June 2nd, 2022

Are Matriarchy & Feminism different?

See end for article   

How Will Matriarchy be Built? 


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PS I agree there are submissive men, & there will be many more as women rise up. Right now they’re still fighting back, even good guys, but soon, when they see it is impossible to control the world & women any more, they will hold up the white flag of surrender.        Rasa …….


From Pete Jackson:

                I think the phrase everyone here is looking for to accurately describe much of feminism is “motte-and-bailey doctrine”.  I really think there are actually a lot of closet matriarchists out there to one degree or another, including within the broader feminist movement as far back as the 1960s even (Ashley Montagu was a major influence on Betty Friedan, for example), who really have Matriarchy in mind as an endgame but who hide behind “we just want equality!” as the more socially acceptable position to retreat to as an escape hatch whenever they are pressed too hard.  It is of course a cowardly tactic (and actually a logical fallacy as well) that can notoriously backfire, as they end up discrediting and sabotaging their own cause in the process, but still widely used nonetheless.  Of course, some feminists really do want the train to stop at Equality Street as it were, and they effectively provide cover for the closet matriarchists.


Slowly but surely, albeit at glacial pace, it is becoming somewhat more socially acceptable for Women to say out loud that they support Matriarchy to one degree or another.  The young actress Shailene Woodley (from the Divergent series) is one recent example I can think of.


From William Bond:                Hi Everyone


Perhaps the issue about why Matriarchy is not acceptable is that most women don’t think it is possible. After all how do women organize themselves to take over the world? Women are unlikely to come out in the street and start a violent revolution. Or form a great Amazon army and conquer the world. If they are going to do it, then I suppose women think they would have to do it through more stealthy means. 


What you say about the “motte-and-bailey doctrine”, Pete, suggests that feminist have a hidden agenda. To gain equality and once they have achieved that, to move on from there and take power. So they don’t like people like us talking about matriarchy as we are revealing their secret goal. 


But I do wonder if we want get people interested in matriarchy we have to lay out a game plan of how it is possible. It cannot be achieved through violence, women have to use democracy. Which means either forming a matriarchal political party or women taking control of existing politician parties. Which female politicians are slowly doing, there are now more female leaders of countries and political parties than there ever was. 


So the question is, are we sabotaging feminist’s secret agenda by talking about matriarchy? I don’t think so because, if you read anything from anti-feminist males, you find they don’t buy this equality stuff and assume that feminist women want to rule the world. Where there does seem to be a problem is that feminists claim that men and women are the same. Whereas we are saying we need women to rule the world because they are more loving and caring people. While feminists say that women need to be as ruthless and uncaring as men because they are told by men that women’s loving nature is a weakness. Femdom say the same thing, they like the idea of women ruling the world but want women to be cruel and sadistic. 


So it seems matriarchy, feminism and femdom all want the same thing but have different ideas on how to achieve this and why they want women to rule the world. Hopefully we can be allies and not enemies. But this is not unusual, the Suffragettes were also divided about how to achieve votes for women. Some women claim they needed to be nice to men and persuade powerful men to let women have the vote. While others became more militant and began to smash up property, get arrested and then and go on hunger strike. 


There is another way women can gain power and that is to start a matriarchal religion. It seems that this was how patriarchy got going. Patriarchal religions like Judaism and Islam are a strong driving force for patriarchal rule. I personally think a matriarchal religion might be our best option.     William   ………………………………

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From BardofEly:

William, it seems to me that the main way that men use to stay at the top and in charge of the world is by accumulating fantastic wealth. All the most wealthy people are men. These men pay to get whatever they want done, and promoted to the public via the media. You can see this easily with Bill Gates. Their money allows them to control the media. Some of them like Rupert Murdoch do directly as media owners, and others like Gates fund media organisations. Politics is paid for too. Many of these men make their wealth via their businesses, e.g. Musk, Bezos, Gates, Branson.


From William Bond:

I agree Steve, money rules the world, the more wealthy you are the more powerful you become. Yes, if more women became billionaires, if would help a lot. I don’t know why we don’t see female billionaires. Perhaps its a confidence thing, if we started to have a few female billionaires they would become role models for other women. At one time we didn’t have female doctors, scientists, lawyers, engineers or politicians. But a few brave women managed to get into these professions and now it is commonplace to have professional women. So it might happen with successful female businesswomen.     William


From Steve Andrews—BardofEly:

William, I think Madonna sets a great example with her great wealth of what a woman can achieve today. I see she has $1.2 billion. There are other wealthy women like her but they all have a lot less than Musk, Bezos, Gates, Branson, etc. I think we need a lot more women to get up in the ranks of the billionaires. As it is, it is all the male extreme top earners that run the show. They are all businessmen. We need more top businesswomen. …..  


From Rasa Von Werder:

                The things you friends said about feminists are all wise words.  They are a bunch of phony fakes & part of it they are full of shyt concerning other women like adult trade workers.  And they are in denial about wanting to rule the world.  They are mostly brainwashed cowards – like most women.  They want all sorts of things – rulng the world – wealth – revenge – & they believe by using men they will get all that so they’re afraid to let go of men & their Patriarchy.  Their brains & hearts are twisted.  They need to put God first & everything will be added unto them – that’s what I did.  I grasped at nothing, I trusted, loved God, I gave God my all & God took care of me – sometimes through men, other times my own efforts.  But I did not give into Patriarchy or lie to myself or others, I served God, trusted God.  But they don’t do that, most of them, they have FORKED TONGUES.  But in spite of all that we must forge ahead like Buddha, Jesus & all the saints did – save sinners.


        Women like Madonna – what has she done to liberate women?  Women HAVE MONEY but they WASTE IT on the THINGS OF THE WORLD, not Mother God, Matriarchy & Female Empowerment.  This is spoken of in ‘The Beauty Myth’ how women are conned out of BILLIONS that could be used to help women – spending it instead of FASHION, COSMETICS, services to look YOUNGER, MORE BEAUTIFUL – all WASTED MONEY.  They are stupid, mindless, creepy, self absorbed, selfish, egomaniacal cowards.  Creating kingdoms for themselves on earth, which will be driven away like dust.  They should look to eternity & to the future of our planet.     Rasa


I asked Pete to explain the Motte & Bailey syndrome as regards feminism & got this:…………………………..


From Pete Jackson: In a nutshell, the “motte-and-bailey” doctrine regarding at least some feminists is that, as closet matriarchists who are loath to show their hand, they simultaneously espouse two inherently contradictory but related positions: 


1)  The Motte (very easy to defend, the cover, but not their true position):  “We just want equality!” “Feminism is the radical notion that Women are people.”


2)  The Bailey (harder to defend, but where they secretly really prefer to be):  in a word, Matriarchy, to one degree or another.  That is, Women should rule the family and world.


(NOTE:  For some self-proclaimed feminists, it is actually patriarchy with the genders simply reversed that they really want as a goal, or perhaps even some flavor of totalitarianism, rather than true Matriarchy, but either way they have trouble openly defending it.)


When pressed hard enough, often not even very hard at all, they quickly retreat from the Bailey back to the Motte, pretending that mere equality with men was their real endgame all along.


Best wishes and have a good night,     Pete………………………………


Rasa says: I have personal feelings re feminists as I was a member of NOW & tried to run for an office there, with 20 women from my group ‘Prostitutes & Feminists’ there to vote for me. Their reaction? On some pretense, CALLED OFF THE ELECTION.


I then tried to persuade them to have a GROUP representing women’s rights in the adult trade & they REFUSED. I then quit NOW. They also had an unsafe, elevator not working properly, large office space in a building in Manhattan. It was a FIRETRAP & that for me, was an additional incentive to disappear……………………………


From BardofEly:

I thought I would search to see who the top women billionaires are and found this list:



I also found this and there are far more countries without a single female billionaire than the number of countries that have one or more.


I think this is the main reason men run the world and have all the power. They have most of the money.



William Bond says:

Also women only own 1% of the world’s wealth. 

Women Hold Just One Percent Of The World’s Wealth: World Bank



BardofEly says:   William, with this alarmingly low percentage it is hardly surprising the world is in such a mess and that there is so much suffering and inequality. 



Rasa says: Mother God was speaking to me a lot during the night & I will write it down. 5-27-22



How Will Matriarchy be Built? From Guru Rasa Von Werder


        How will our Matriarchy be built? The conversation has turned to MONEY. We need WOMEN BILLIONAIRES! Look at Xxx & the lists of other women – she has half a billion? And what has she done for Matriarchy – Female Empowerment? Has she written or commissioned any book with good ideas? Has she set up a doctrine for women, a Sisterhood, a Temple for Mother God – financed great women authors/activists working for female empowerment? Nothing of the sort. So what is her money bringing of value to end the Patriarchy & begin Matriarchy? Nothing. She is keeping the money in the status quo, just one more money bags who cannot, will not, change the world.

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        Since the beginning of history there have been rich & powerful people, those who plundered nations & stole their riches. Alexander the Great, Attila the Hun, Julius Caesar, the Pharaohs, Genghis Kahn, etc., all had nearly unlimited funds for a while & they built what? More Patriarchal evil.


        But these are men, so of course, they created Patriarchy, we speak of women, who can build Matriarchy. But I ask you, which of these billionaire women – & there have been powerful, rich women in history including today – has done anything big to change the world into a female-led loving society?


        Of course the ‘women’s movement’ was built by great women using whatever means they had – Emmeline Pankhurt was the activist in the first wave, then others, then the second wave of Betty Friedan,- they started our movement. This work came from IDEAS – they researched, thought about things, & presented ideas that were honest & truthful why this misogyny should end & women should be liberated from the injustice of Patriarchy. They did not seek wealth but justice, indeed, many these women were solvent because of their husbands – both Ms Pankhurst & Elizabeth Stanton were married to attorneys / socially elite men. They & many other activists of both waves were not downtrodden, they were upper middle class, even elites, who had time & money for education, writing, public speaking & all the things that empower activism. Money helped – it was a TOOL. These women did not seek money in & of itself – they sought something of a HIGHER MEANING – righteousness in our world. Yes, women’s rights are not just for women! Women’s rights are for all people to live loving & happy lives!


        The friends William & Steve are posting about wealth for women as if having money will open the door to Matriarchy. But this is putting the cart before the horse. Yes, there is a horse & a cart – the horse being the Power of Matriarchy, that which makes the cart roll, the cart being Matriarchy – women ruling our world.


        Now let’s get down to brass tacks.


        Take a look at history at those who changed the world, those who made it worth while, beautiful & good. Have any of these persons been in great seats of power & wealth? The spoken of billionaires?


        Two of my favorite leaders who did change the world were Buddha & Jesus Christ. Buddha gave up his seat of Power & Kingdom to become a monk, & after reaching Enlightenment, changed the world through IDEAS & a Godlike Spirit. He DID NOT retain the earthly power / dominance his billionaire status would bring – he forfeited it! He practiced asceticism until it hurt, not luxury & privilege. He did not TAKE OVER by money & force of arms – he suggested & implanted IDEAS in the heads of people!


He explained the mystery of SUFFERING & how we could leave it behind! And how would that be? – he preached that suffering comes from DESIRE for the earthly things – the things that are of this world; people, status, ambitions, earthly love – & when we give that up, become detached from it, we are FREE & our suffering ends. What are we supposed to want? Desire the goodness of eternal life, see everyone as equal, no class distinctions, everyone loves their neighbor, no sacrifice of animals – love for all created beings, not just your own people. Buddhists pray daily for all created beings & that includes animals.


        Jesus never had any earthly power, he was always downtrodden & poor, persecuted & misunderstood, only a few brave souls stood by him to the end. But he transformed the world. His message was the same as Buddha’s told in a different culture.


        The changes in the world still stand because of these doctrines – they are the SALT OF THE EARTH making it PALATABLE, meaningful & these scriptures after thousands of years are Lighthouses in a dark & evil Patriarchy, still calling us to Truth.


        Evil exists, goodness exists, side by side. Now why have not these women who achieved great wealth changed the world? Because they sought wealth, lol. They were not seeking Enlightenment or Oneness with God. Even Jesus, as much of a spiritual genius as he was, went up to the mountain to find his ‘Enlightenment’ {the way Buddha did} & then descended to be Anointed by St. John the Baptist. It was not physical, human means that made him the King of Kings, it was the Almighty Supernatural Power that touched him & made him a healer & Savior of others.


        The women on this Forbes 500 or whatever list are humans who inherited or made money in business. They sought business, they were not seeking Enlightenment or Oneness with God. They were not seeking PURPOSE, they sought material goods. They sought wealth for its own sake, they did not put God first, & money as a tool to help others– they sought the world for personal gain. And what does the world give? A temporary Kingdom at best. Satan said to Jesus & says to us,

        “I will give you all the Kingdoms of the world & their glory if you will bow down & worship me.”

        Those who seek wealth or the things of the world first are not seeking this as a TOOL – they seek it for its own sake, which does not change anything. But God declared,

        “Put first the Kingdom of God & everything shall be added unto you.”

        That is EXACTLY what women must do to achieve Matriarchy. It is what I have done.

        When a woman puts Truth – God – Love – as her first priority she becomes One with God, she hears her Voice. That ‘still, small voice,’ will guide her, direct her.

       And the Power of God will lead her on her way, consciously & unconsciously, to what is best for her – personal matters & matters of Mission.


        This woman / women will impart to others what Buddha & Jesus imparted – the Holy Spirit. It is bequeathed on those who ask, who desire God. It is not given to those who sold their soul to the devil, who close the door on God. It is given to those who desire God, believe, & open their hearts. This is called ‘baptism,’ initiation, or being ‘born again.’ Anyone can baptize or invite the Holy Spirit to transmit Itself to another person – it is Supernatural but answers our call. It responds to the will – to someone’s decision.


        It is not with human might, or money alone, or physical resources, or ingenuity, or cleverness, or rhetoric, or speeches, or politics, by which we will usher in Matriarchy – it will be done, is being gone, by the Power & Might of God.


        It should be brought about to us by the women who, like David, can slay Goliath. These women have already acted – some we know of that are famous, others are unknown but did background work, but also Anointed.


        And so, how will women bring forth Matriarchy? {To this I must add, women are the leaders, but good men are at their side. Emmeline Pankhurst’s husband provided the financial support & was also committed to women’s rights. Some of the other husbands/friends were like that.} – By submitting to God, listening to her, praying to her, believing in her, trusting, hoping in her, loving her, being devoted & obedient to her. It is Mother God who brings forth Matriarchy, we are the obedient servants.


        Think how did St. Martin Luther King Jr. succeeded in his quest? By FAITH, by preaching Truth, by encouraging his people. They all gathered, every night, around SelmaAlabama, in Churches & they prayed & sang together.


        No woman, no human, like Elon Musk, will take over the world with money. It will be done by the Spirit of God. This Spirit will work in ways we don’t understand, we cannot anticipate what God will do or not do. We might ask,

        “Well, what is God doing? Why doesn’t She stop all this war, torture, unjust laws, slavery & atrocities?”

        She is, She has acted. By rendering human males extinct, patriarchy CANNOT go on. It cannot exist without men. It is men who caused Patriarchy, it cannot live without them. When men are no more, there will be no more wars, terrorism & unjustified violence. When men obeyed women the world was at peace, nature was revered, life was sacred. When men took over – you know the rest.


        And so in conclusion, let me say again, it will be the Might of God that puts an end to Patriarchy – by her way alone, & all we must do is cooperate. Don’t try to figure it out, She is working, She alone knows how it will be done. We must just stay close to her, obey, & do as we are told.


        I might just add that Jesus did not seek wealth – it was the last thing He asked for. But he did get financial support, especially from women. Mary Magdalene was the daughter of a Roman Prince & a Jewish mother. She with her brother Lazarus owned the city of Magdala. She was one of the wealthy women of her time & contributed to Jesus’ ministry. Anne Catherine Emmerich speaks of how she gave Jesus the money to bail out many political prisoners.

        Joanna Chuza was also wealthy – her husband was the Steward of King Herod, she was one of the Holy Women & contributed to Jesus.

        “Mary, called Magdalene, and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s household manager, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their means.”


Did Jesus worry about money & say he had to have a good job? He took care of God’s business’ – & God took care of his. Jesus trusted God.

In my life, I also trusted God. It was a hard life, but God took care of me, She provided. She not only secured me after years of poverty, but she enriched me so I could build her Church. I put it on the internet, as you know, “The University of Mother God Church.”


This is what I did with the money given me, because God is first. I did not seek nor do I have luxury. To me, knowing my bills will be paid is luxury. But the women we’ve spoken about in this series of letters – the multi millionaires & billionaires – what have they done to move to Matriarchy? Nothing. Money is wasted in their hands.


I did not need ‘money’ to become the foundress of female body building. I did not need ‘money’ to ‘Strip for God.’ I did not need money to preach in front of the White House, where Mary ended Communism & the Cold War. Many other things I will speak of elsewhere, I did on Mission, I did not need ‘money’ to do them. Any human who is One with God does not need ‘money’ to do her work. Most of the Saints were poor – they trusted in God to provide for their Mission – God provided.


So, friends, do not speak to me about ‘when women have money they will build Matriarchy.’ When they have God they will build Matriarchy – God will give them the courage they need, the way She gave little David the Power to slay Goliath. Money is a tool. When women receive the Grace of God, they will get the money or whatever resources are needed to take over the family & the world.

And one last thing. They asked Jesus when is his Second Coming? He said,

“When you don’t know the difference between summers & winters.”

That’s Global Warming – which is upon us. The Second Coming of Jesus is Matriarchy. It is biophilia, the civilization of Love.         Rasa Von Werder


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