4-3-21 Important multiple dreams
Where do I begin? There’s a quick but striking scene. The far gate from my side door kitchen – about 30′ from me, has suddenly opened & through it a car that looks ancient but brand new, shiny black, square in shape & smaller than your average car, pulls in. It has an amazing ornament right on top, middle of its roof – like the German war helmets, silver. The car seems to be PRESENTING ITSELF LIKE A STAR, announcing, ‘HERE I AM’, & seems RADIANT.
It drives half way & stops, like in between the space from the gate to my kitchen porch, facing me. The ornament is not spiked, as in the real helmets, it’s oval, engraved with something, & comes to a point but not a spike on top. It STARTLED me in that it was totally unexpected.
*(MEANING: I sense this is about uploading all my chapters for ‘I Strip for God Part 3′ into a manuscript, & started more editing yesterday. Therefore it represents MY BOOK, THE BIOGRAPHY, Part 3 of I Strip for God.
The shape & STYLE of the car is similar to the most ancient of cars, the Model T Ford. But it is as if BRAND NEW from the MANUFACTURER, as if made of shiny black ENAMEL, it’s RADIANT & seems JOYFUL in its appearance. I shall ask Mother God why is it a Model T? Why is it black? Why the ornament on top that reminds me of a war helmet?
MOTHER GOD: The Model T is your long ago life, from the earliest times, & the symbols of black & the war helmet decoration are saying ‘This was my BATTLE in life, where I fought unto death. I was KILLED {black is funeral here, psychological death} but I ROSE FROM THE DEAD {eternal ornament on top – the car is not dull or decayed or deteriorated, it is LIKE NEW, like your LIVING LIFE. You are LIKE NEW, a NEW PERSON, RADIANT & JOYFUL.}
You have just given a good account of what you went through & survived, & became a success, a great story. The dream is telling you your life is WELL DONE & the ACCOUNT OF IT IS ALSO.)*
ME: Why does it suddenly appear from the back gate, not from the street, the rail road track road, but the back gate?
MOTHER GOD: It has something to do with PRIVACY. This is the privacy fence, 8′ tall, & this is the gate at the end of it. You have taken your PRIVATE MEMOIRS & made a book out of it, & it’s good.
The SUDENNESS of it is God was fueling your mind as you wrote the chapters, it was not hard or tedious, it JUST APPEARED in a sense, when something has gone quickly & smoothly.
The ROOF of the car, being like a HELMET with the decoration is saying, ‘I WENT THROUGH A GREAT WAR & I WAS VICTORIOUS.’ Your chapters are the BATTLES – battle with Mom & family, battle with the Putz NutOn, battle with Rev. Swaggart & two death curses, battle with your first husband who strangled you twice, & many anecdotes are the BATTLES.)*
Another quick scene. A rounded bridge in the middle of the country, {where you have to drive up, soft ascension, plateau on top {but seems round}, then down again the other side.} I see green trees all around, perhaps beyond the bridge golden fields, & on top of it a sign, round, which gives the letters 69 – Which gives the name of the bridge, ‘bridge 69.’
*(BRIDGE 69: A bridge is an OPPORTUNITY or VENUE to get over an impediment – like a chasm, a river, a lake, etc. A bridge makes it easier to get from one place to another, it’s an ENABLER. 69 represents PERFECTION. It’s akin to the triangle or square. Sixty nine in SEX is where ONE SERVICES THE OTHER AT THE SAME TIME, so it is like ‘one hand washes the other’ or one act serves both sides or both purposes.
Dreams in a row often represent the SAME SUBJECT. By that it hints to me this is also ABOUT THE BOOK, that it will be a PERFECT BRIDGE or will SEGUEY INTO SOMETHING I WANT TO GET TO – to wit, the MOVIE OF MY LIFE.
The SIGN giving the number has a GREEN BORDER – green is LIFE, PROSPERITY, ABUNDANCE. This ROUND SIGN also looks like the PORCELAIN SIGN outside my front door, which someone had made for me, saying ‘Our Lady’s House.’ It’s also framed with green. So indeed, this is about THE STORY OF MY LIFE.
The GREEN TREES are life, abundance, the ‘Trees of Life’, & the golden fields on the other side of the bridge are the WHEAT which is READY TO BE HARVESTED – in other words, a CROP, REWARD, FRUITFULNESS awaiting me.)*
There is some sort of gathering with rather distinguished people. We are all in a room. Then someone invites us to dinner & all go in, including me. I am given a sort of omelets, which has greens in it, like fresh chives or pieces of chopped green pepper. It’s OK but not remarkable.
Around the table all the distinguished people are eating. Across from me is an important man, & I see he has a real treat, it’s what is called ‘poor boy’ sandwich but laden with goodies, like I saw on TV yesterday on ‘Diners, Dives & Drive ins.’
On the TV show this sandwich/bun had two meats, one a home-made sausage & two, some kind of beef brisquet, had two kinds of sauces & some kind of vegetable chopped thingy – the host felt it was amazing. So I think the other guests are getting food that is better than mine. I felt I was an inferior guest in the eyes of the world, but at least, I was invited. I was happy for them.
*(IMPORTANT GUESTS, DINNER ETC: This sounds like prayers I made yesterday for Souls in Purgatory – yes, they are important.
The HINT was the POOR BOY SANDWICH – they are called ‘Poor Souls in Purgatory’ & this is saying there was one SPECIAL MALE SOUL that benefitted from my prayer.
I also receive a blessing, not remarkable, but OK, after all, I am not as important {or needy} as the Poor souls – haha. FOOD in dreams is often NOURISHMENT FOR THE SOUL, metaphysical food.)*
I’m in Mario’s room & there’s a man close to me who’s waiting for an important message/call from a lady. I am making the tiny bed against the wall, putting two small blankets on it, one is medium soft fake fur, blue, underneath something neutral.
As I do this from the left corner comes the call he’s been waiting for. It’s on an old-fashioned land line with a spiral cord, neutral beige plastic, I pick it up, it’s the lady, & I hand it over to the guy who is by the exit door. I imagine this pleases him, he was waiting for something, I was glad to help.
*(MARIUS ROOM: ALWAYS means ‘separation.’ It’s a personal vocabulary, the man my Mom left Dad with, broke up our family, I lost my Father whom I loved so much, eventually, Marius also was gone. It’s separation, maybe heartbreak.
There’s a friend of mine waiting here, a man, who WANTS to get a call from a SPECIAL WOMAN. (Sense-image material is yesterday I saw a pic of the Queen of England making her own phone call on a spiral phone, this could be saying this lady is as important to him as a Queen. The Queen is OLD, like me.} And the fact that it’s an OLD FASHIONED LAND LINE FROM ‘LONG AGO’ is a lady who has not contacted him for a long time.
I sense this is my ex-lover Robert waiting for me to contact him, hoping for it. My God Self is the dreamer, my flesh is I guess the caller, & somehow she {I} calls him. It could be an article on my site he’s reading or a dream or some sort of psychic call as I’ve done nothing.
The fact that he’s by the EXIT DOOR is he wants to EXIT or END our separation.
Me putting the blue fur blanket on the SINGLE BED is his sorrow about being on a SINGLE BED, not one for TWO – him & me. Somehow I’ve reached him, don’t know how. My God Self helped, could be my God Self contacted him.)*
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