Hillbillies Kill Their Parents

By Rasa Von Werder, October 8th, 2022


Chapter 10   Hillbillies who Kill Their Parents & other winners out here

written 10-7-22


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        Let me start with this beauty. I get a letter from a man that is basically a marriage proposal with a deal. He says his wife took off to go live with another woman & took half their money, leaving him with 400k. Now he’s looking for a serious relationship that will lead to the altar. And oh yes, gold diggers take note: He has a BAD HEART.


        What does this man look like? Who is he? How did he get my address? This is Post Office mail.

        I find out from a spy he works for the city as an accountant, is a sex maniac addicted to porn & his wife left him because of it. My guess is she did NOT join a lesbian partnership as he intimated, she just wanted to leave & had a lady friend she could share companionship & expenses with. I’ve had several men tell me that sob story as if the woman turned gay & I don’t believe it – they just wanted to get away & another door was open.

I speak to him by phone – I am extremely polite because he might come in handy & does. He’s got connections & I wanted a copy of a film about Female Empowerment PBS. I ask him if he can get it for me, he does, – sends it to me immediately & I’m pleased. So we are now friends.

Well, his letter worked with another female. He proudly brings her over my house – They got married!

First – how he looks. He’s a ‘little old man’ about 5’5” if that, almost bald, 65 & the most average guy I’ve ever seen. But he’s incredibly nice.

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The female he scored is above his level. He’s maybe a 3 but she’s about a 5 or 6. She’s 45 at most.

That’s why he wanted to show me, he succeeded.

Oh yes, a crucial point. He tells me about the women who answered his letter, describes the ones he turned down. But this on was a winner because he’s watching a porn movie. She sees him & says,

“We don’t need that – we already know what to do.”

They visit, bringing me a book on how to save money on taxes, I made them dinner, it was Christmas. As we chat I tell them I am short of women friends & could Candy & I hobnob, go out to eat together maybe once every 2 weeks? It’s a go, that’s how I get to know her.

We go shopping at a good store for clothes – her idea. She shows me that she’s hard to fit as her bottom is 16 while her top is 12. She’s not fat, just out of proportion.

First week goes fine. Second week good also. Third week an eye opener. One week I pay, next she pays, after the 3rd week we ‘broke up’ so I got screwed, lol.

She tells me about her young years. The guys didn’t like her that much. But she found the key how to get just about any date she wanted – sex. She makes herself available & becomes POPULAR. I am just a little startled by her admitting this, but it goes with my theory that it’s the ugly girls who do all the sex while the beautiful girls do less. This was confirmed to me by men. We’ll get into that later.

So we talk about our past & she tells me about her parents. Her Dad always said,

“We are not going to suffer. Once we get really sick, we’re going to commit hari kari {double suicide.} She said he said that for years.

And so, they do get sick – they both have cancer. She tells me her Dad had a loaded rifle upstairs, they now slept downstairs. She says,

“I knew he couldn’t get up the stairs to get that gun.”

So what happened? I ask. She says,

“I brought the rifle down for him……And he killed Mom, then himself.”

I am so taken aback I remain silent.

We continue talking & what broke us up is this.

I realized too late she had a complex about her looks, that men didn’t want her, & I admitted that I was popular with the guys. Her face fell. I knew it might be the end for us, & it was. She never called me again & didn’t answer my call.

Oh yes one more thing. I told her I don’t know how she could stand having sex with this new husband – he was so repulsive. And she says,

“I won’t have him for long.”


The Rotty Breeders

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        Soon after I moved to the country I had my heart set on a Rotty {Rottweiler} – the bigger the better. I found a breeder nearby, went there to find my pet.

        The old lady owner showed me a litter – which one did I want? I chose the biggest one.

        I called him “Guard of the Mystical Heart,” – GaGee Boy for short. He treed two people around here, lol, & a third was spooked out & cried, but somehow we managed. He grew to maybe 120 & he was quite the dominant male when I got any other dog – was always the boss. He intimidated the stray German Shepherd that was dropped off on the street in front of my house – but he also loved him.

This Shepherd was the best dog I ever had, but he suffered greatly under the previous owner {have no idea who it was}. Ever heard of a ‘whipped dog?’ You could tell he’d been abused as he cowered & cried when hurt, had little confidence, & twice, when I took off in the car with a couple of my little dogs, he chased us for MILES! He was afraid I was abandoning him! I was on the side of this woods on a hill with the small ones, & I see him on the road smelling here & there – we were 5 miles from home!

And to prove Gagee Boy loved his friend I gave food to Fruitcake {the Shepherd} in the front of the house while Gagee was to the back. The local Coon Hound came by – he was always greedy for food, & took over Fruitcake’s bowl apparently. I was in the house upstairs. Fruitcake was n fighter but he CRIED bitterly.

So Gagee boy hears him, comes around the house & sees what the Coon has done, & Fruitcake cowering. I heard a commotion such as never before in my life, it’s scary, I’m too afraid to go out until it stops, then I go out & the Coon is gone. My neighbor after tells me Gagee gave her dog 70 STITCHES!


I visit the old lady breeder several times, just to kibbitz & talk about dogs. I see something that perturbed me to no end. People would leave their dogs with her when going on vacation. She took care of them alright.

There was this poodle, I went with her. He was STILL IN HIS CARRYING CASE! She didn’t even give him a KENNEL or yard, or any place to move around – he’d been in the case for DAYS– I don’t know if she ever let him out. But now she had to clean the case & feed him, so she let him out, & he BIT her. She took her fist & beat him brutally – he wasn’t too big, maybe 20 lbs at most & she was able to overpower him, & she shoved him back in the case.

She showed me her Rotty – the biggest one on record, he must have been 300 lbs. She treated him OK. She told me,

“My son was gong to kill me once – but my dog stopped him.”

“They say he’s retarded {her son} but he’s not – he knows how to repair a radio.”

The son was weird indeed. He would ride around on the riding mower just for FUN. Back & forth, up & down the road. And on his sweater he had hundreds of safety pins. Some kind of diaper fetish?

This son yelled at me once when his Mom wasn’t there – I stopped by to look at the dogs through the wire fence. He was so nasty, I took off fast, not sure if he was crazed or what.

The old lady had gone blind – or almost so. I called to offer my sorrow & see if she needed help.

Then one day someone tells me,

“You know those Rottweiller breeders? The son killed his Mom with a baseball bat. He hit her from the back. He’s in jail on suicide watch.

Years later a handyman told me it was because she was going to leave the property to someone else.


When I thought of how she treated that poor poodle & maybe other dogs, I thought this could be karma.

They told me all the dogs were confiscated, & they were sick & beaten down. They were given away for free, the people who had them said they were troubled & some had intestinal problems. It took months to get them normal.

So this is the kind of people out here who look down on the Hollywood crowd & city people. We are all perverts & weirdoes – they’re the good guys……riiight. {to be continued}

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