Helping Souls

By Rasa Von Werder, September 28th, 2022

Helping Souls from Purgatory & One on Earth – Dream 

9-28-22 Get rid of people invading my house but one remains!

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          The dream begins with a MOVE for me for the better.

          I’m WORKING in a room that is in B’klyn, but it is also Mario’s room at the old farm house. It’s in black & white, cold, dreary.


          *** {MARIO’S ROOM: This ALWAYS portends SEPARATION, a serious kind. There is no relationship, a breakup, an ending. It was my heartbreak when I found Dad would be with us no more but the new man Marius was there – but then Marius also disappeared. It’s cold & dreary. This might be about the DEATH OF NICK.} ***


          But I am given or shown a house that is beautiful, comfortable, large, cozy, many rooms. This house gives me a great deal of pleasure when I inhabit it. I was given this LONG AGO, it pops up seldom in my dreams & this house has, in the middle of the second floor, a room that is NOT USED. When I see this house I see an EMPTY room sometimes off to the side – almost like a sacred/secret room – but this one’s in the middle. It has pink hues.

So I bring my work to this middle room & it’s SO MUCH NICER.



“In my Father’s house are many mansions,”

& also

“I go to prepare a place for you.”

It’s a place of consciousness, Heaven being symbolized by MANSION rather than an ordinary house, hut or wilderness. A mansion represents LUXURY – having all you want, so it would be pleasurable states such as fulfillment & happiness. A regular house such as some people have in Heaven, or an apt, is a lower state of consciousness, not the extreme joy of Great Saints. A hut would be very low, even a place in Purgatory. A WILDERNESS is a God-forsaken place where one is LOST & NOT INTIMATE with God. I have been in a wilderness after gaining the Divine Interior Stigmata, as well as when I was in love with Nick & my mind veered off God, I was hypnotized or addicted to Nick, & it was painful.

This house or something like it I have seen many times, it fulfills me greatly. This appears here to herald or announce that this person, who needs my help, which is WORK for me, gives me satisfaction – “It is better to give than to receive.” I am not to help EVERYONE just as I cannot assist all Souls in Purgatory – just those that are GIVEN ME by God. By the same token, this is intimating this Soul on earth is given me by God, as it fulfills a good state of mind & heart. It is saying ‘go for it – help him.’ In other words, the Will of God sanctions this} ***


Then I’m BEHIND the house enjoying life. I am about to enter the house from the back door, noticing it has terrific security. On top of the regular door, it has a wood door that is about 5” thick, solid, which no one could break through, then the regular door, painted green. So I begin entering the door when I hear NOISES inside the house & who on earth could this be?

I have allowed NO ONE access to my house!

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*** {ACCESS TO MY HOUSE, NO ONE IS ALLOWED: My consciousness now permits no ATTACHMENTS, that is to say no focus or strong attention to any person. I need to be isolated, alone with God to do my work – like a hermit or anchorite. To have even ONE human invade or my becoming attached to them destroys my consciousness! It is the state of SPIRITUAL POVERTY. This ‘poverty’ actually gives the greatest LUXURY of spirituality! I want to be happy, joyful, not cluttered with ‘baggage’ the way the ‘rich man’ was who could not get through the gate called ‘eye of the needle.’

My security is usually perfect, but what happened here, who are these people in my consciousness?} ***


But when I enter the living room, there is an old man – about say 60, & 2 ancient ladies with him who look 90. Here they are sitting pretty as you please in the middle of my living room. I notice it’s furnished nicely in a kind of old but new furniture, lots of light colors, pictures on the walls, lots of light & windows, white or cream colored rugs.

This man is someone I met briefly, just an acquaintance, & I ask him what is going on?


*** {OLD MAN WITH 2 ANCIENT LADIES IN MY LIVING ROOM: This is a SAINT – Don’t know who – he’s brought me 2 SOULS IN PURGATORY! The celestials have access to my consciousness as I am a sworn minister to Purgatory. They are allowed to enter my mind at any time to bring me Souls – I have never refused one. It says this is a Saint I am not real close to like one of my ‘regulars’.

The ladies shown as ancient seem to be symbols of those who are so old they die. Half their hair is gone & they are not CONSCIOUS OF ME as they don’t HEAR ME. The SAINT is the go between, they are communicating with him. This saint could also be someone I got out of Purgatory before. It happens once in a while – Souls I helped before now use my ‘office’ to get those they know or love out of Purgatory, it’s collaboration between me & them.} ***


He somehow explains obtusely that these are needy women from some place like Sweden – displaced persons who came to this country but had no place to live.


*** {DISPLACED PERSONS: Souls in Purgatory who have arrived, by the Grace of God, into my consciousness – My Heavenly world, seeking refuge, comfort & help! They have lost their ‘homeland’ which is Heaven} ***


   It seems somehow, along with these 2 women is a CROWD of the same kind of persons – I see them somehow here but not here – later they will appear physically.

When the old man agrees to take these old ladies out of my house, the crowd mentioned appears – mostly females. They are well dressed about 30 to 50 of them, & they are like CELEBRATING & even TAKING PICTURES of all of them! I am behind the people & seem ‘short’ & not wanting to be in the picture, I slink away to the right.

In the middle of this crowd one lady stands out, in a dress like the one I had on in yesterday’s dream, similar, like darkish with floral or specks in all colors. She has on a hat & accessories – they are all well dressed & happy!


This SURPRISED ME as here I EVICTED these people so why are they happy at this departure? They are KINFOLK & have PLACES for those leaving. Not sure where the old man sits but in the next scene he’s explaining the last lady – who is left.


*** {CROWD OF HAPPY PEOPLE – WELL DRESSED – LADY IN SPECKED DRESS WITH ACCESSORIES – CELEBRATING AT THIS EXIT, HAVE PLACES FOR THEM! What amazing symbols! These are people IN HEAVEN somehow related to or connected with these ancient ladies, who are now EXITING PURGATORY & so of course, they are happy. This is the welcoming party. The lady in the fancy getup seems to be pivotal.  Good clothes are the LIGHTS & RADIANCE of Heaven, sometimes special MEDALS OR honors for work on earth {jewels, accessories, decorations}.

I consider myself no more than a bystander – the lady mentioned plus the saint are the ones who did this, my office was used for a station on earth but I take no credit, so I leave the scene as a ‘small’ or not important player.} ***


After this exit there is one more lady who is left behind. She’s in a previous room. She has ‘collapsed’ or lied down on her right side onto a spread out turquoise towel. My rug is white, she’s in the middle of the floor.

The old man tells me,

“They had no place for her.”

I was perplexed, what now?


*** {ONE LEFT BEHIND – NO PLACE FOR HER: This is sooooooooo interesting. Yesterday I made a meal for a teenage boy who’s stopped by a couple times asking me for work. I’ve been hesitant to employ him as he comes from a severely troubled family & I don’t want any fallout from that.

But God is telling me in this dream that it’s like helping Souls in Purgatory. They are helpless, in great need. I help, they ascend into Heaven where there is A PLACE FOR THEM.

But this person is ON EARTH & so, where will he go? There is no refuge or safe harbor for him except me.

And God is telling me my consciousness will improve – She gives me the ‘wonderful house’, so this will help me as well as him, it is destined. In other words, the beginning of the dream shows me in a place of emptiness or separation at Nick’s death. Then I am given this luxury house & a person collapses init. I have the means, spiritually, to help & should do it.

He collapsing on my white rug is his collapse upon my good will & heart. The towel is ‘throw in the towel’ when you can’t take any more. The blue is sorrow, the green within the color scheme is ‘alive on earth.’ He is desperate, has collapsed & God is saying to me not to hesitate but help.

Another Soul in Purgatory – but this one on earth.

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