By Rasa Von Werder, February 7th, 2021


2-6-21 Healing-Preventing Cancer




I did this research for a friend 2-19-18. Sadly, {like most people}, she did not take it seriously. She is also still using the microwave. She said “I can’t live without my popcorn”. Her husband had serious cancer & after struggling & suffering for 5 1/2 years, with her being the caregiver as well as working fulltime, he passed.

I meditated on why he got ill. He got the cancer on his back. I noticed that at their sandwich shop, the microwave is behind where the workers stand, putting together the food. I said how long did he work there? She said EIGHT YEARS. I told her then, that’s how he got hit – he stood for eight years with his back to the microwave. She didn’t believe me. I asked her if they used a microwave at home & she said yes, but it was higher than the shop. {meaning what, I thought? If it’s by your head you think that makes you immune?}



Then suddenly, she got lung cancer in both lungs – never smoked, did not get second hand smoke. She fainted when they told her, as she had just buried her husband. I went to her house. The microwave was directly at the level of the lungs. I pointed this out to her. She denied microwaves cause cancer – but they are radioactivity. Why do you think x-ray technicians wear thick aprons? Why do they need such strong protection? It has been proven that radioactivity is a carcinogen & given enough, it kills. Anything heated or cooked inside it changes it’s molecular structure, it isn’t food as we know it any more. Never, ever eat anything cooked, heated or warmed in a microwave. When you go into a restaurant ask them if they use the microwave for anything, including defrosting. Tell them you want nothing that has been in a microwave. Usually they are honest – I always ask.

Here’s my list of do’s & don’t to protect from & heal cancer:

STOP: using mineral oil in anything – It is carcinogen …Use coconut oil, olive oil, or any natural oils.

STOP: using food from cans that contain BPA {only special companies make non-BPA canned goods, like “Amy’s Soups”}

STOP: Using microwave for anything. Radiation kills


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The highest ACIDIC foods are the most alkalizing to the body such as:


Grate frozen lemon, skin & all – to include on many foods, kills cancer. Contains a chemical – ADRIAMYCIN – a chemical used in chemotherapy, but IT TARGETS ONLY THE CANCER CELLS.

DO juicing & eating of raw foods – Juice carrots, beets, turnips, rutabagas, parsnips, ginger, all good roots. Eat apples & all fruits & berries.

GARLIC & ONIONS are great, put raw sliced on sandwiches, eggs, pasta, soup, etc.

HERBS, FOODS, VITAMINS that work against cancer:

cranberries, black raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, garlic kills tumors!, red clover, turmeric {curry}, BEETS, green tea, melons, cucumbers, papaya, tomatoes, dark chocolate, honey okra, pomegranate

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eggs, kale, yogurt, almonds, salmon, avocado, parsley, spinach, asparagus…..Use coconut oil for lotion, cooking, baking & brushing teeth….us organic butter….green veggie juice


The first step in healing according to Dr. Richard Schulze, herbalist, is to cleanse the colon. Enemas, laxatives, no matter how many you have to take. Some people lost 10-20-30 pounds this way. Cascara Sagrada is a great laxative.

Massages boosts circulation. Your blood carries the nutrients you need. The massage also moves the LYMPH system. Lymph CLEANSES the body – it’s the SEWAR SYSTEM of the body.

CASTOR OIL HEALS TUMORS {Also poke root, chaparral & red clover work against cancer}

Make a POULTICE & put on the spot needed every night. This is a cloth containing the oil or whatever other herb or root mentioned. Fasten the poultice in some way so it stays lodged all night. If it’s breast or lungs, cover with a bra or a very long cloth you wind around. Wherever you have a tumor, put it there, including head tumor, put a turban with the poultice underneath, or a form-fitting hat.

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In your shower, turn on the hottest water you can stand for like 15 seconds, then the coldest, back & forth, ending with coldest, SEVEN times. Shower should take about 15 minutes.

Hot & cold bathing increases healing by ONE HUNDRED TIMES!

If it’s winter & you can go outside unseen or just with a towel or bathing suit, you can take the hottest bath you can stand, then go OUTSIDE & be there a few minutes. Back to the tub. Do this a few times.

They do this in Northern countries in the outdoor sauna, see it on videos. They get totally hot, then go out & roll in the snow or run around or just stand – they aren’t even cold. There doesn’t have to be snow, just cold, but in Sweden & Norway & Russia they always have snow.

Dr. Schulze does ‘hot & cold sheet therapy’ but it is so extreme & complicated, I don’t do it. He says that this is so effective, garbage comes out through the pores {?}. I do the hot & cold bath these days, it bothers me the least. Get so hot you can’t take it, go stand on the porch, back & forth. What’s my address? Haha.

Get all the herbs at:
4350 Fish Hatchery Rd.
Grants Pass, Oregon 97527



 Dr. Schulze sells his preparations from Marina del Rey, California

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